What are adrenal fatigue symptoms

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What are Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms? Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms can manifest in all parts of your being. From crushing exhaustion to sexual difficulties the effects surround you with a stubborn grip. The feeling is overwhelming. The ray of hope is when you work on healing one part then the others begin to recover as well. Adrenal fatigue symptoms exhibit themselves in five major areas of your life. Read on to find out what the symptoms are and how to relieve them.

1) Physically – The physical symptoms of adrenal fatigue are exhaustion not relieved by rest, food cravings, lethargy and longer recovery times for illnesses. Healing begins by strengthening our body especially the adrenal glands. Build yourself back up physically with healthy eating, vitamin and minerals supplements (especially vitamin C, B complex and fish oil), rest and relaxation, light exercise, Adrenal Fatigue Supplements and adrenal glandular supplementation. 2) Emotionally – Loss of self-esteem, depression and denial are the emotional signs of adrenal exhaustion. Building self-esteem, relieving depression and dealing with buried negative emotions can revive your positive feelings. 3) Mentally – I feel “brain dead.” That is a common complaint of adrenal fatigue sufferers. The mind is not as sharp, focus is non-existent and memory is challenged. Mental exhaustion caused by excess stress is the culprit. Many vitamins and minerals support brain function. Vitamin C, E and B-complex, calcium, folic acid and fish oil all aid in supporting brain function. Also, practicing a relaxation technique such as meditation will sharpen your mental edges.

4) Sexually – A disinterest in sex can cause tremendous tension in a relationship. The lack of sex drive is the result hormone imbalances of cortisol and Adrenal Fatigue Supplements production in Denver by the adrenals. The overall exhaustion that is felt can also burn out the sexual fires. Any steps taken to build yourself up physically will increase your sex drive. It also helps to be honest with your partner and ask for understanding and patience during the healing process. 5) Spiritually – Every symptom of adrenal fatigue can deaden your spirits. You feel out of control, overtaken and fragmented. If you were in touch with yourself spiritually, you would not have reached a point of exhaustion. Establishing a meditation, prayer or yoga routine bring you more peace, balance and courage. By taking these steps to heal your adrenal fatigue symptoms, you can become whole again. Healing one part of your being will positively affect the others. It is a journey that will give you back your life.

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