Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine, avgust - september 2011

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Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine avgust, september • August, September 2011


Slovenski šolski muzej Slovenian School Museum

Marjan Bizjan Istanbul

Za otroke poleti • For Children in the Summer Bled

Velika planina Ladjedelništvo • Shipbuilding Naj slovenski atleti • Slovenia’s Top Athletes

Josipina Turnograjska Etiopija • Ethiopia


Svoj 50. rojstni dan želimo praznovati z vami. Poletimo skupaj v najlepše evropske prestolnice! We wish to celebrate our 50th birthday with you. Let us fly together to beautiful European capitals.

{ Pismo } Drage potnice, cenjeni potniki!

Dear Passenger,

Veseli naju, da ste za polet v poletno nebo izbrali prav Adrio Airways. Dobrodošli na našem letalu!

We are delighted that you have chosen Adria Airways to take you across the summer skies. Welcome aboard!


We have started off the 2011 summer season bolstered by the addition of two leased Airbus A320 aircraft, with 180 and 162 seats respectively. For the next few months they will be flying in Adria livery with the tail numbers S5-AAS and S5-AAT. The first of the two new arrivals, called Sierra for short, will sport the same appearance as the other aircraft in our fleet; the other, named Tango, has a retro-style livery, with the colours and design that you would have seen 50 years ago. Adria is in fact celebrating its fiftieth birthday this year, making this a very important year for us. The global economic crisis, which is affecting all airlines, combined with the specific situation in Slovenia, has brought Adria to the point where it needs to find new avenues of development. We have already embarked on this quest within the company. At this moment the company is undergoing financial and commercial restructuring. The company’s management realises that to increase revenue we urgently need to increase passenger numbers and cabin occupancy on individual flights, while at the same time carefully controlling costs. Aware of our responsibilities towards our owners, our loyal passengers and our employees, we are drawing up measures designed to help preserve the Adria Airways brand. We believe that together with our business partners we will find a way to help Adria keep pace with the competition and remain a dependable, modern European network carrier that is recognised for its quality. What we want and expect is for Adria Airways, an airline that for the past 50 years has been synonymous with safety, punctuality and passenger-friendliness, to continue its mission for many years to come. Summer is a time when the pace of life slows down and our thoughts turn to holidays. An opportunity to relax and recharge. If you are still undecided about where to spend your time off, why not visit our website (, where you can discover the full range of our services. We are certain that you will find plenty of interesting and useful information, and booking and ticket purchase have never been easier. foto: Branko Čeak in Domen Pal


Poletno sezono 2011 smo začeli okrepljeni z dvema najetima letaloma Airbus A-320, in sicer ima eno 180, drugo pa 162 sedežev. V naslednjih mesecih bosta leteli pod našima oznakama S5-AAS in S5-AAT ter v Adrijinih barvah. Prvo letalo s skrajšanim imenom Sierra se ponaša z enakim izgledom kot ostala letala v naši floti, drugo, po imenu Tango, pa je v retro stilu, v barvah in dizajnu, kot so bila videti naša letala pred 50 leti. V letošnjem letu namreč Adria praznuje svojo petdesetletnico in to leto je za nas izredno pomembno. Gospodarska situacija v svetu, ki ne prizanaša niti ostalim letalskim prevoznikom, in specifičen položaj v Sloveniji sta pripeljala Adrio do točke, ko je potrebno najti nove poti. Teh nalog smo se v podjetju že lotili. Pravkar poteka finančno in poslovno prestrukturiranje družbe. V vodstvu družbe se zavedamo, da je za povečanje prihodkov nujno potrebno povečati število potnikov in izkoristek potniške kabine na posameznih letih, prav tako pa skrbno nadzorovati vse stroške. S polno odgovornostjo do lastnikov, naših zvestih potnikov ter do vseh zaposlenih smo v družbi pripravili ukrepe, ki bodo pripomogli k ohranitvi blagovne znamke Adria Airways. Verjamemo v ugodno rešitev in upamo, da bomo skupaj s poslovnimi partnerji našli pot, ki bo Adrii pomagala vzdržati tekmo s konkurenco in ostati zanesljiv, sodoben evropski mrežni prevoznik, prepoznaven po svoji kvaliteti. Želimo si in pričakujemo, da bo letalska družba Adria Airways, ki je bila v preteklih petdesetih letih za potnike sinonim varnosti, točnosti in prijaznosti, to svoje poslanstvo opravljala še vrsto let. Poletje je čas, ko se vsakdanji tempo upočasni in radi pomislimo na dopust. Želiva vam, da bi si v tem poletju nabrali novih moči. Če se še niste odločili, kje bi preživeli proste dni, vas vabiva, da si ogledate naše spletne strani, kjer se boste seznanili s celotno paleto naših storitev. Prepričana sva, da boste našli obilo zanimivih in koristnih informacij ter brez težav opravili rezervacijo in nakup vozovnice. Dragi potniki, hvala vam za zaupanje in prijeten let!

Thank you for choosing Adria, and have a great flight!

Robert Vuga,

Klemen Boštjančič,

Klemen Boštjančič,

Robert Vuga,

izvršni direktor

glavni izvršni direktor


Executive Director


Vsebina/Contents 32

Adrijin potnik/Adria Passenger

Marjan Bizjan Marjan Bizjan

Adrijana Šelj • Igor Škafar

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Prodajalna pudingov – ena in edina The Pudding Shop – The One and Only Arne Hodalič

Za otroke poleti

For Children in the Summer

Marjan Žiberna • Rafael Marn Janez Pukšič

Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine Revija Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine je namenjena potnikom na poletih z Adrio Airways. Adria In-flight Magazine is complimentary on Adria Airways flights.


Izdajatelj/Published: Adria Airways, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d. Adria Airways, The Airline of Slovenia Zgornji Brnik 130h, 4210 Brnik - Aerodrom Uredništvo / Editorial: Barbara Mihevc Bukovec Tel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4541 E- mail: Urednica / Edited by: Meta Krese Oglaševanje / Advertising: Alenka Dvoršak Tel. / Phone + 386 4 259 4526 E- mail: Oblikovanje in AD /Design and AD: LUKS Studio Prevod /Translated by: Amidas Lektorica/Language editing: Vera Samohod Fotoliti /Lithography: SET, d.o.o. Tisk /Printed by: Korotan – Ljubljana, d.o.o.

ISSN 1318-0789

Mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgolj mnenja avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in ne odsevajo nujno stališč Adrie Airways. Razmnoževanje brez pisnega dovoljenja je prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za nenaročeno gradivo. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed only and do not necessarily reflect the views of Adria Airways. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited. The pub­l ish­er accepts no responsibility for unsolicit­ed material. Brezplačen izvod /Your personal copy

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Slovenski šolski muzej/Slovenian School Museum

V šoli ne smem kazati jezika!

I Must Not Stick My Tongue Out at School! Taja J. Gubenšek • Žiga Koritnik

13. postava: Bodi vsak dan umit, počesan, čedno oblečen; raztrgan ne bodi nikoli! Rule Number 13: Be washed, combed and neatly dressed every day; never be scruffy! Taja J. Gubenšek • Žiga Koritnik


Blejsko jezero/Lake Bled

Življenje v podvodnih gozdovih Life in the Subaquatic Forests Tom Turk • Borut Furlan

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Velika planina

Biti pastir je svojevrsten prestiž Being a Herder Has Its Own Prestige Kaja Brezočnik • Jošt Franko

Boksar med pastirji Boxer Among the Herders

Maja Cimerman • Matej Sitar

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Ladjedelnica 2. oktober The October 2nd Shipyard Andrej Blatnik

Naj slovenski atleti Slovenia’s Top Athletes

Marjan Žiberna • Stanko Gruden/STA


Iz kulturne dediščine/Shipbuilding

Josipina Urbančič Turnograjska – prva slovenska literarna zvezdica Josipina Urbančič Turnograjska – The First Slovenian Female Literary Star Mira Delavec



Izgubljeni svet doline reke Omo The Lost World of the Omo River Valley Mare Lakovič






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Adria Airways Novosti/News Poletni vozni red


27. marca je Adria Airways prešla na poletni vozni red, ki ostaja v veljavi do 29. oktobra 2011. Adria ima 226 tedenskih letov iz Ljubljane na 28 destinacij, večinoma v Evropi: štirikrat dnevno leti v Frankfurt, trikrat dnevno v Muenchen, Zuerich in na Dunaj, dvakrat dnevno v Bruselj, Prištino in Skopje, enajst letov na teden opravi v Tirano, deset na teden v Pariz in Istanbul, devet letov v Moskvo, osem v Beograd, sedem letov na teden v Amsterdam in šest tedenskih letov v Sarajevo. Adria Airways bo opravila pet letov tedensko v Koebenhavn, London in Varšavo, tri tedensko v Barcelono, dva leta tedensko v Atene, Kijev, Manchester in Stockholm ter en polet tedensko v Dublin, Ohrid in Split. Od februarja 2004 letita Adria Airways in Montenegro Airlines med Ljubljano in Podgorico pod skupno oznako; Adria Airways leti v Podgorico trikrat tedensko, Montenegro Airlines pa mesti povezuje dvakrat na teden. Adria Airways je začela letos štirikrat tedensko leteti na novi redni progi – iz Ljubljane v Toulon na Azurni obali. Na progi Dunaj–Frankfurt opravijo trinajst letov na teden. Adria Airways je decembra 2010 vzpostavila tri redne povezave med Prištino in Nemčijo (Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Muenchen), poleti pa bo z direktnimi leti enkrat tedensko povezovala Prištino s Parizom in Koebehavnom ter dvakrat tedensko z Brusljem. V sodelovanju s člani združenja Star Alliance omogoča Adria Airways kot njihova članica zelo dobre in cenovno ugodne povezave po vsem svetu. Združenje Star Alliance opravi dnevno 21.000 letov na 1160 letališč v 181 državah. V poletni sezoni 2011 povezuje Adria Airways s čarterskimi leti, ki jih opravlja v sodelovanju s turističnimi agencijami, Ljubljano s številnimi počitniškimi destinacijami, predvsem v Sredozemlju. Iz Ljubljane bodo tedensko leteli na naslednja letališča: v Grčijo na Kreto (Heraklion in Hania), Rodos, Kos, Santorini, Karpatos, Kefalonijo, Zakintos, Skiatos, Samos, Hios, Lezbos, Lefkas/Prevezo in v Kavalo; v Španijo na Menorco in Palmo de Mallorco, v Italijo v Catanio ter na Malto in v Turčijo v Antalyo in Dalaman. Sharm el Sheikh in Hurgada v Egiptu sta edini čarterski destinaciji, kamor leti slovenski letalski prevoznik celo leto. Adria Airways bo iz Gradca letela na Kefalonijo in v Kavalo, iz Celovca v Kavalo in iz Trsta na otoka Kos in Samos.

Summer timetable On 27 March Adria shifted to its summer timetable, which will be in operation until 29 October 2011. Adria Airways operates 226 flights a week from Ljubljana to 28 destinations, mostly in Europe: four times a day to Frankfurt, three times a day to Munich, Zurich and Vienna, and twice a day to Brussels, Pristina and Skopje, and operates 11 flights a week to Tirana, ten flights a week to Paris and Istanbul, nine a week to Moscow, eight to Belgrade, seven a week to Amsterdam and six flights a week to Sarajevo. Adria will operate five flights a week to Copenhagen, London and Warsaw, three a week to Barcelona, two a week to Athens, Kiev, Manchester and Stockholm and one flight a week to Dublin, Ohrid and Split. Since February 2004 Adria Airways and Montenegro Airlines have operated code-share flights between Ljubljana and Podgorica; Adria Airways flies to Podgorica three times a week, and Montenegro Airlines links the two cities twice a week. This year Adria has also started operating a new service four times a week – from Ljubljana to Toulon on the French Côte d'Azur. The Vienna-Frankfurt service operates 13 flights a week. In December 2010 Adria Airways set up three scheduled services linking Pristina and Germany (Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich), and in the summer it will operate direct services once a week from Pristina to Paris and Copenhagen, and twice a week to Brussels. In cooperation with the other members of Star Alliance, Adria Airways can offer excellent and attractively priced connections throughout the world. As a group, Star Alliance operates 21,000 flights each day to 1,160 airports in 181 countries. In the 2011 summer season, the charter flights which Adria operates in cooperation with travel agencies will link Ljubljana with numerous holiday destinations, mainly in the Mediterranean. Weekly flights will be operated from Ljubljana to the following airports: the Greek resorts of Crete (Heraklion and Chania), Rhodes, Kos, Santorini, Carpathos, Cephalonia, Zakynthos, Skiathos, Samos, Chios, Lesbos, Lefkas/Preveza and Kavala. In Spain we fly to Menorca and Palma de Mallorca, in Italy to Catania and we also fly to Malta and the Turkish resorts of Antalya and Dalaman. The flights to Sharm el Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt are the only charter destinations served year-round by the Slovenian airline. Adria Airways will fly from Graz to Cephalonia and Kavala, from Klagenfurt to Kavala and from Trieste to the islands of Kos and Samos.

Fotografski natečaj: ADRIA 50 – Dovoljenje imate za vzlet Potek natečaja: od julija do 26. avgusta 2011 Kraj: Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana V letošnjem letu sta Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije in letalski prevoznik Adria Airways ob petdesetletnici delovanja največje slovenske letalske družbe pripravila zanimivo razstavo ADRIA 50 – Dovoljenje imate za vzlet. Razstava ponuja priložnost, da s svojo fotografijo prispevate svoj delež tudi vi. Fotografija naj se nanaša na letalsko družbo Adria Airways in na neprecenljivo izkušnjo, ki ste jo na letalu doživeli. Svoje prispevke pošljite najkasneje do petka, 26. avgusta 2011, na naslov: Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana – s pripisom: za fotografski natečaj »Adria 50 – Dovoljenje imate za vzlet«. Pravila natečaja in dodatne informacije lahko dobite na spletnih straneh ali

Photographic competition – ADRIA 50, Cleared For Take Off Competition dates: July to 26 August 2011 Where: Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana This year, to mark the 50th anniversary of Slovenia’s biggest airline, the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia and the airline Adria Airways have put together a fascinating exhibition entitled “ADRIA 50, Cleared For Take Off”. And here is an opportunity for you to play a part in the exhibition with your own photographs. The photographs should relate to the airline Adria Airways and to a wonderful experience you have had on a flight. Please send your submissions to reach us no later than Friday, 26 August 2011 to: Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia, Celovška cesta 23, 1000 Ljubljana, marked: for the photo competition “ADRIA 50, Cleared For Take Off”. For competition rules and more information visit web pages or

Aktualne ponudbe/Latest Offers V vsaki številki revije vas bomo seznanjali z najnovejšimi ugodnimi ponudbami, ki jih za vas pripravljamo skozi vse leto. / We will keep you up to date with our latest special offers in each issue of the magazine. Special offers are available throughout the year.

Ujemi ugoden polet!

Adria Airways Special Offers!

Na vseh Adrijinih rednih linijah imamo ugodne ponudbe po načelu »Kupi prej, potuj ceneje«. Da bi našo ponudbo še bolj približali vašim potrebam, imamo na voljo znižane cene potovanj tudi med tednom.

Special offers are available on all of Adria’s scheduled services on a “buy early, fly for less” basis. To make our services even more attractive, reduced fares are available for travel during the week.

Delujem ekonomično, potujem poslovno!

Work economically, travel in business!

Za nakup letalske vozovnice vsaj sedem dni pred začetkom vašega potovanja vam za ceno potovanja v ekonomskem razredu nudimo polet v poslovnem. Ponudba velja za nakup vozovnice v ekonomskem razredu po najvišji ceni. Edina omejitev je nakup vozovnice najmanj sedem dni pred odhodom; spremembe rezervacij so brezplačne.

When you buy a ticket at least seven days in advance, you can travel in business class for the price of an economy-class fare. This offer applies to economy-class tickets purchased at the highest rate. The only restriction is that you must purchase your ticket at least seven days before you travel. Changes to the reservation can be made free of charge.

Varčujem, a ne na račun kakovosti!

Savings, no change in quality!

Več o ponudbi preberite na ali pa pokličite tel. št. 080 13 00.

For more information visit or call us on 080 13 00.

Adrijine E-novice

Adria E-news

Vabimo vas, da obiščete naše spletne strani in se prijavite na Adrijine E-novice. S tem boste enkrat mesečno obveščeni o naših novostih in posebnih ponudbah. E-novice bodo za vas vir dragocenih informacij in idej pri načrtovanju potovanja ali počitnic.

Why not visit our website and subscribe to Adria’s E-news service? Once a month you will receive updates on new services and special offers – straight to your inbox! This means that E-news will be a valuable source of information and ideas when you are planning a journey or holiday.

Naj bo obveščenost vaša prednost!

Let information be to your advantage!

Pridružite se nam na Facebooku Join us on Facebook

Sledite nam na Twitterju Follow us on Twitter

© Corbis/IPAK Images


EUR 195


EUR 241


EUR 234


EUR 109

Zgoraj navedene cene so najnižje veljavne cene na Adrijinih poletih, vključujejo pa povratni prevoz in vse ostale dajatve, razen stroška rezervacije. Število ponujenih sedežev po tej ceni je omejeno. The prices given above are the lowest valid prices for Adria flights, and include return flight and all other taxes and fees, except for booking fees. There are limited seats available at this price.


{ Adria Airways }

Pisana združba letalskih prevoznikov v Ljubljani Fotografije: Borut Kranjc


priključitvijo Adrie Airways v mednarodno združenje Star Alliance se je Slovenija globalno odprla v svet.

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Članstvo v združenju je prineslo številne ugodnosti potnikom, ki tako lažje koristijo dostop do svetovnega omrežja letalskih prevoznikov, in zaposlenim, ki sodelujejo s kolegi ostalih družb v različnih delovnih skupinah.

Ljubljana je bila v maju gostiteljica enega takih srečanj. Po uspešno opravljenem delu so se udeleženci srečanja prelevili

v turiste; nekateri od njih so prvič odkrili ta košček sveta in z navdušenjem pripovedovali o svojih vtisih.

Letalske družbe, udeleženke srečanja v Ljubljani/ Airline companies, participants of the meeting in Ljubljana: Lufthansa, US Airways, Scandinavian Airlines, Copa Airlines, Taca International Airlines, Avianca, LOT Polish Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Swiss, TAM Linhas Aereas, Air Canada, Thai Airways International, Continental Airlines, TAP Portugal, South African Airlines, All Nippon Airways, Spanair, Croatia Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Adria Airways

A Gathering of Diverse W Airlines in Ljubljana

Photography: Borut Kranjc

hen Adria Airways joined the Star Alliance, the world’s largest airline alliance, Slovenia opened itself to the world in every sense. Membership of the Star Alliance has brought numerous benefits to passengers, who now enjoy easier access to a global network of airlines, and also to staff, who collaborate with their colleagues from other airlines in a variety of working groups. Ljubljana was the venue for one such meeting in May this year. After successfully completing their work, the meeting participants became tourists; some of them took advantage of the opportunity to discover this little corner of the world for the first time, and talked to us enthusiastically about their impressions.


Alen Mlekuž, Adria Airways »Adria Airways je še vedno zelo ponosna na leto 2004, ko je postala članica združenja letalskih prevoznikov Star Alliance. Postati del te rastoče mednarodne družine, je za zaposlene, ki se dnevno srečujemo z različnimi projektnimi skupinami, poseben čar. Še posebno zadovoljstvo pa je to barvitost različnih kultur gostiti v domači deželi. In prav v Sloveniji smo se tokrat neuradno srečali nekateri obstoječi člani združenja in tudi nekateri tisti, ki bodo del družine šele postali.« “Adria Airways still looks with great pride at 2004, the year it became a member of the Star Alliance. Becoming part of this growing international family has a particular charm for Adria employees, who get to encounter various project groups on a daily basis. And it is very satisfying to be able to host representatives of different cultures in one’s own country. On this occasion, we had the opportunity to meet some existing members of the Alliance, along with some who are still to become part of the family, on an informal basis in Slovenia.”

Katia Tsuzuki, Tam Linhas Aereas Doma je iz Brazilije, natančneje iz Sao Paula, in je bila prvič v Ljubljani. Mesto ji ugaja, najbolj pa ji je bilo všeč to, da je naša prestolnica varno mesto, kjer se lahko v miru sprehajaš. TAM je član združenja Star Alliance eno leto. »Da smo se pridružili, je bila dobra odločitev,« je dejala Tsuzukijeva. »Pred združitvijo je bil TAM regionalna družba, včlanitev v združenje pa pomeni za nas rast. Mnoga področja svojega dela smo morali zaradi članstva nadgraditi. Sedaj veliko letimo na mednarodnih linijah po Južni Ameriki in v Evropo, kar nas zelo veseli.« Katia Tsuzuki is from Brazil, more precisely from São Paulo, and this was her first visit to Ljubljana. She loves the city, but what she liked best is the fact that our capital is a safe city where you can walk around in peace and tranquillity. TAM has been a Star Alliance member for just over a year. “Joining the Star Alliance was a good decision,” says Katia Tsuzuki. “Before we joined, TAM was a regional airline. Joining the Alliance signifies growth for us. Membership has meant that we have had to upgrade many areas of our work. Now we operate a large number of international routes throughout South America and to Europe, which is something we are extremely happy about.”

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{ Adria Airways } Onur Alpan, Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines se je združenju Star Alliance pridružil v letu 2008. Članstvo v združenju jim je povečalo prepoznavnost, vzpostavili pa so tudi veliko število letov pod skupnimi oznakami z drugimi letalskimi prevozniki. V Turkish Airlinesu dajejo velik poudarek kvaliteti storitev in so še posebej ponosni na priznanje, ki so ga dobili v letu 2010 za najboljšega prevoznika v ekonomskem razredu. Čeprav je Ljubljana vsakodnevno povezana z Istanbulom, tako z leti Turkisha kot Adrie, je prišel O. Alpan prvič v Ljubljano na srečanje predstavnikov Star Alliancea. Pričakoval je, da je to manjše mesto, bil pa je prijetno presenečen nad njegovo lepoto in gostoljubnostjo. Sedaj, ko je odkril Ljubljano, je prepričan, da se bo še vrnil. Turkish Airlines joined the Star Alliance in 2008. Membership has increased the company’s profile and has led to the introduction of a large number of code-share flights in conjunction with other carriers. Turkish Airlines places a major emphasis on the quality of its services and the company is particularly proud of the Best Onboard Catering (Economy Class) award it won in 2010. Although Turkish Airlines and Adria operate a daily service between Ljubljana and Istanbul, this meeting of Star Alliance representatives was Onur Alpan’s first visit to Ljubljana. He expected a smaller city and was pleasantly surprised at its beauty and hospitality. Now that he has discovered Ljubljana, he is positive that he will be returning.

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Reine Khantchand, Air Canada R. Khantchand je iz Montreala v Kanadi. V Slovenijo je prišla s prijateljico in združila prijetno s koristnim in z delovnimi obveznostmi. Pred srečanjem v Ljubljani je obiskala že kraje na Obali in dejala, da je Slovenija čudovita dežela, kamor se bo še rada vrnila. Tudi Air Canada je ena od soustanoviteljic združenja, delo v skupnih delovnih telesih pa Khantchandova vidi kot še posebej zanimivo, saj gre pri tem za soočanje mnenj ljudi, ki prihajajo z različnih kulturnih področij. Reine Khantchand is from Montréal. She came to Slovenia with a friend, and combined pleasure with work obligations. Before the meeting in Ljubljana, she visited Slovenia’s coast. She says that Slovenia is a wonderful country and that she would love to come back. Air Canada is one of the founding members of the Star Alliance. Reine Khantchand sees work in joint working bodies as a particularly interesting aspect of her job, since it involves encountering the opinions of people from different cultural areas.

Peter Nielsen, SAS Scandinavian Airlines P. Nielsen je iz Koebenhavna. Povedal je, da je prišel k nam prvič in nikakor ne zadnjič. Presenečen je bil nad Slovenijo, še posebej nad Ljubljano, ki mu je v teh dneh prirasla k srcu. Občutil jo je kot varno mesto, prijetno za mlade, ki lahko najdejo ob Ljubljanici veliko kotičkov za preživljanje prostega časa, prav tako pa prijazno do starejših ljudi. Združenje Star Alliance prinaša članicam veliko koristi, predvsem pa gre za občutek pripadnosti kulturno in narodnostno pisani druščini, ki je naravnost navdušujoč. Peter Nielsen is from Copenhagen. He tells us that this was his first visit to Slovenia but that it will certainly not be the last. Slovenia surprised him, and in particular Ljubljana, which he has become very fond of over the course of these few days. His experience of it is as a safe city that is enjoyable for young people – with its many bars and cafés along the river – and at the same time an enjoyable destination for older visitors. The Star Alliance brings many benefits to its members, but above all it gives them the feeling of belonging to a culturally and ethnically diverse community, something that fills him with enthusiasm.

Laura Motelet, Continental Airlines Slovenijo je obiskala prvič. Prišla je z možem in je bila navdušena nad našim glavnim mestom. Še posebej ji je bilo všeč obrežje Ljubljanice, posejano z dobrimi restavracijami in ličnimi trgovinicami. Veliko stvari sta z možem še nameravala odkriti v Sloveniji, prav gotovo preveč za kratek obisk, in Moteletova je pritrdila ostalim, da se bo sem prav gotovo še potrebno vrniti. Gospa dela v službi s človeškimi viri (Human Resources) in je poudarila, da je posebna čast delati v tako velikem mednarodnem združenju, kot je Star Alliance, srečanja članov pa so zelo pomembna, saj so dobra motivacija za zaposlene, prinašajo pa tudi veliko ugodnosti za potnike. This was her first visit to Slovenia. She came with her husband and was enthusiastic about our capital city. She particularly liked the Ljubljanica embankment, with its mixture of good restaurants and cute boutiques. She and her husband had planned to discover many more things in Slovenia: too many, in fact, for a short visit so, as she told the other participants, she will definitely be coming back. Laura Motelet works in human resources and considers it a real honour to be involved in a major international organisation such as the Star Alliance. She believes that member meetings are extremely important because they are a good motivation for staff and also result in many advantages for passengers.

Henok Teshanger Zewide, Ethiopian Airlines V Slovenijo je prišel skupaj z ženo. V tem delu Evrope je bil prvič in je bil nad Slovenijo navdušen. Ethiopian Airlines zaenkrat še ni članica Združenja, bo pa v kratkem postala. Od članstva veliko pričakujejo, sami se bodo potrudili po svojih najboljših močeh prispevati k skupnosti, veselijo pa se tudi koristi od članstva. H. Teshanger pravi, da sam izredno uživa ob delu s predstavniki drugih letalskih družb. Henok Teshager came to Slovenia with his wife. This was his first visit to this part of Europe and he was enthusiastic about Slovenia. Ethiopian Airlines is not yet a member of the Star Alliance but is due to join shortly. The company expects a lot from membership and will try to the best of its ability to contribute to the community. It is also looking forward to the benefits of membership. Henok Teshager says that he greatly enjoys working with representatives of other airlines.

Khwanchanok Intapong, Thai Airways »Tajska letalska družba je bila soustanoviteljica združenja Star Alliance. Zveza nam prinaša veliko koristi,« je povedala Intapongova. »V njej se počutimo večji in mogočnejši. Skupaj z ostalimi članicami pripravljamo nove projekte in delimo izkušnje. Dobro sodelovanje med družbami prinaša veliko ugodnosti vsem, zaposlenim in potnikom. Največja dobrobit pa so ugodnosti na cenovnem področju.« “Thai Airways was a founder member of the Star Alliance. The Alliance brings us many benefits,” explains Khwanchanok Intapong. “In it we feel bigger and more powerful. Together with other members we prepare new projects and share experiences. Good cooperation among airlines brings many advantages to everyone: employees and passengers. The biggest benefits, however, are advantages in pricing.”

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Foto: Ž. Koritnik

{ Umetnost & kultura }


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Slovenski šolski muzej

V središču Ljubljane deluje v prostorih nekdanjih uršulinskih šol eden najstarejših slovenskih muzejev, ki ga je leta 1898 ustanovila Zveza slovenskih učiteljskih društev. Hkrati je tudi prvi specialni muzej, ki hrani, preučuje in predstavlja bogastvo večstoletne tradicije šolstva na Slovenskem. Pedagoški program, ki ga obiskovalcem vseh starosti ponuja Slovenski šolski muzej, je zelo pester in raznolik. Na ogled je stalna razstava Šolstvo na Slovenskem skozi stoletja in več občasnih razstav. Trenutno si lahko ogledate razstavo o šolski modi skozi čas: Kaj naj oblečem za v šolo, Šola – ključ za razvoj, Šolarji Angole, Malavija in Gane. Ker je največ obiska šolske mladine, so hoteli po besedah kustosinje Mateje Ribarič raziskovanje šolske zgodovine narediti še bolj zanimivo. Ob vodstvu po razstavi lahko recimo obiskovalci rešujejo učne liste. Da pa bi bilo vodstvo privlačno tudi za najmlajše, jih po razstavi vodi lutka Sovica Zofi, ki je včasih zelo pametna, včasih tudi malo zoprna in tečna, odvisno pač od dneva. Med obiskovalci je še največ zanimanja za učne ure iz različnih časovnih obdobij. Zakaj? Ker se prelevijo v učence in postanejo aktivni udeleženci učne ure, ki je odigrana po učnih načrtih izpred 100 in več let. Ker učne ure ponujajo izjemno priložnost spoznavanja in doživljanja zgodovine šolstva ob aktivnem, spontanem prepletu igre in učenja. Ker je sedeti v starih šolskih klopeh pred učiteljico oz. učiteljem s strogim glasom, ki je še oblečen po šolski modi tistega časa in z obvezno šibo v roki, svojevrstno doživetje. Ponudba učnih ur je zelo široka. Obiskovalci lahko izbirajo kar med devetimi različnimi učnimi vsebinami iz različnih zgodovinskih obdobij. »Učenci« lahko sedejo še k pouku Nedeljske šole branja, pisanja, računanja in petja iz leta 1865, Začetne šole S petjem in prsti do znanja iz leta 1880, učnih ur fizike iz leta 1900, računstva iz leta 1905 in lepopisja iz leta 1930, Vodnikove šole iz leta 1811. Pri učni uri iz leta 1926 se lahko tudi naučijo prišiti gumb prav tako, kot so se v šolah nekoč urili v ročnih delih. Vztrajni in zahtevni obiskovalci lahko svoj rokopis urijo v muzejski delavnici lepopisja.


Slovenian School Museum

In the centre of Ljubljana, housed in the premises of the former Ursuline schools, is one of the oldest museums in Slovenia, founded in 1898 by an association of teachers’ societies. At the same time it was the first specialised museum, keeping, studying and showcasing the wealth of a tradition of schooling in Slovenia going back centuries. The educational programme offered to visitors of all ages by the Slovenian School Museum is rich and diverse. The museum offers the permanent exhibition Schooling in Slovenia through the centuries as well as a number of occasional exhibitions. Currently you can see the exhibition about school fashions through time, entitled What should I wear to school? along with Education – the key to development; School children in Angola, Malawi and Ghana. Since schoolchildren account for the largest number of visitors, in the words of curator Mateja Ribarič, they wanted to make the investigation of school history even more interesting. In a guided tour of the exhibition, for instance, they can complete study sheets. And to make the guided tour attractive to the youngest children, they are taken around the exhibition by the little owl puppet Sovica Zofi, who is sometimes very wise, but sometimes also a touch troublesome and naughty, depending on the day. By far the most interesting feature for visitors is the lessons from various periods in history. Why? Because visitors become active pupils in a lesson played out to the lesson plans of 100 years ago and earlier. Because the lessons offer an extraordinary opportunity to become familiar with and experience the history of schooling in an active, spontaneous interweaving of play and learning. And because sitting on the old school bench in front of a stern-voiced teacher, who is dressed in the school fashion of the day and is holding the obligatory cane, is a unique experience. The range of lessons on offer is very wide. Visitors can choose from a full nine different lesson subjects from various periods in history. The “pupils” can also attend Sunday School lessons in reading, writing, arithmetic and singing from 1865, the Beginner’s School: through singing and fingers to knowledge from 1880, physics lessons from 1900, arithmetic from 1905 and orthography from 1930, Vodnik’s schools from 1811, and they can also learn how to sew on a button in the lesson from 1926, as was once taught in schools during handiwork classes. Persevering and demanding visitors can get handwriting coaching at the museum’s orthography workshop.

{ Art & Culture } Ljubljana, četrt Tabor, od 19. do 28. avgusta

Festival Mladi levi

Kronski dogodek leta, ki vsa Bunkerjeva prizadevanja in aktivnosti poveže v celoto in jih tudi izpostavi na zelo viden način, je festival Mladi levi. Letos bodo že štirinajstič zavzeli mesto, še posebej četrt Tabor (ploščad Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja, stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, park Tabor, Breg, Plesni Teater, železniška postaja), in s predstavami, koncerti in ostalimi dogodki prinesli v Ljubljano utrip svetovnih odrov, progresivno umetnost, obenem pa Tabor zanihali v živ in utripajoč organizem. Ekipa več kot 50 tujih umetnikov, 70 prostovoljcev in vsi someščani bodo deset dni soustvarjali novo skupnost, kjer je jezik sporazumevanja jezik umetnosti. Festival Mladi levi je sestavljen iz predstav sodobnega gledališča in plesa, koncerta na ljubljanskih ulicah, vizualnih instalacij in družabnega življenja, ki prežme vse pore mesta: letos bodo »zavzeli« kolesa, avtobusne postaje, ulice v četrti Tabor … Festival Mladi levi bo gostil umetnike iz različnih koncev sveta, od Japonske do Španije, od Afrike do Norveške … Gostili bodo priznane zvezdnike in umetnike, ki so šele na začetku svoje profesionalne poti. Prihajajo Josef Nadj, Ivana Mueller, Station House Opera, Gob Squad, Motus, ricci/forte … Dječaci bodo nabrežje ob Ljubljanici stresali s hip-hop ritmi. Ljubljana, Tabor district, 19 to 28 August

Young Lions festival

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The crowning event of the year, which ties together all the efforts and activities of Bunker into a whole, thereby presenting them in a very visible form, is the Mladi levi, Young Lions, festival. This year will be the 14th time they take over the city, and especially the Tabor area (the square of the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, the old city power station of Elektro Ljubljana, Tabor Park, Breg, the Dance Theatre and railway station), and through shows, concerts and other events they will bring to Ljubljana the pulse of world stages and progressive art, while at the same time they will transform Tabor into a living, pulsing organism, where the team, more than 50 foreign artists, 70 volunteers and all fellow residents of the city, will for ten days create a new community, where the lingua franca is the language of art. The Young Lions festival is composed of modern theatre and dance shows, a concert in the streets of Ljubljana, visual installations and socialising that permeates every pore of the city. This year we will take over bikes, bus stops, streets in the Tabor neighbourhood and more. The Young Lions festival will host artists from different corners of the world, from Japan to Spain and Africa to Norway. It will host acclaimed stars as well as artists who are just at the start of their careers. This festival will feature Josef Nadj, Ivana Mueller, Station House Opera, Gob Squad, Motus and ricci/forte, plus Dječaci, who will shake up the Ljubljanica embankment with their hip-hop rhythms.

Ljubljana, Križanke, 22., 23., 24. in 25. avgusta ob 21.00

Legendarni muzikal Hair z Broadwaya

Hair, najbolj slaven pop-rockovski muzikal vseh časov, prihaja konec avgusta na oder ljubljanskih Križank. Muzikal si je kmalu po svoji prvi izvedbi leta 1967 prisvojil kultno slavo, pesmi Let the Sunshine In, Aquarius in Hair pa so si prisvojile status zimzelenih uspešnic. Zgodba o mladih Newyorčanih, ki eksperimentirajo z ljubeznijo in drogami, zavračajo konzervativnost svojih staršev in se iščejo v spreminjajočem se svetu, je v hipu osvojila svet. Močno pacifistično sporočilo, ki povzdiguje ideje o proslavljanju ljubezni, življenja in svobode, je danes še kako aktualno. Naj živita ljubezen in mir! Ljubljana, Križanke, 22, 23, 24 and 25 August at 9 pm

Legendary musical Hair from Broadway

Hair, that most famous pop-rock musical of all times, is coming to the stage of Ljubljana’s Križanke at the end of August. Soon after its first outing in 1967, the musical acquired cult fame, with the songs Let the Sunshine In, Aquarius and Hair earning the status of timeless hits. The story of young New Yorkers, experimenting with love and drugs, rejecting the conservative ways of their parents and finding themselves in a changing world, instantly captivated the Nelisiwe Xaba - Sakhozi, foto: Suzy Bernstein

world. The strongly pacifist message, which exalts the idea of celebrating love, life and freedom, is still very topical today. Here’s to love and peace!

{ Umetnost & kultura } stopata v glavnih vlogah Brad Pitt in Sean Penn. Na sporedu bo 18. avgusta, od 25. avgusta dalje pa bo film v Kinodvoru na rednem sporedu. Predpremierno bodo na Gradu predstavljeni še 3 filmi: Deviški ples smrti je mednarodna koprodukcija, v kateri nastopa tudi Boris Cavazza, direktor fotografije pa je bil oskarjevec Vilmos Zsigmond. 10. avgusta bo sledila nova priredba literarne klasike Jane Eyre, tokrat v režiji Caryja Fukunage in z Mio Wasikowsko v glavni vlogi, naslednji dan pa bo predpremierno na sporedu film Namišljene ljubezni kanadskega čudežnega dečka Xavierja Dolana. Film pod zvezdami se bo zaključil s predpremiero ameriške komedije Huda učiteljica s Cameron Diaz in Justinom Timberlakeom v glavnih vlogah. Ljubljana, at Ljubljana Castle, until 20 August

Film under the Stars

Summer at Ljubljana Castle will be lit up at night by movie stars. In cooperation with the City of Ljubljana and the public institute Ljubljana Castle, the Kinodvor cinema has once again put together a selection of some of the most acclaimed films of the

Ljubljana, na Ljubljanskem gradu, do 20. avgusta

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Film pod zvezdami

Poleti zasijejo ponoči na Ljubljanskem gradu tudi filmske zvezde. V sodelovanju z Mestno občino Ljubljana in javnim zavodom Ljubljanski grad je Kinodvor znova pripravil izbor nekaterih najbolj odmevnih filmov kinematografske sezone, ki bodo na ogled na grajskem dvorišču pod zvezdami. Skupaj bo v 24 zaporednih večerih prikazanih 24 filmov, kar osem filmskih delikates pa bo na Ljubljanskem gradu doživelo svojevrstno premiero ali predpremiero. Film pod zvezdami bo odprla Kinodvorova uspešnica pretekle sezone, slovenski Circus Fantasticus. V Ljubljani bomo lahko premierno videli tudi akcijsko komedijo Upokojeni, oboroženi, nevarni in Beso, zadnji film srbskega režiserja Srđana Karanovića z Mikijem Manojlovićem in Ivo Kranjc v glavnih vlogah. Med predpremierami si prav gotovo zasluži največ pozornosti letošnji zmagovalec Cannesa, dobitnik zlate palme za najboljši film, Drevo življenja, v katerem na-

cinema season, and these will be screened in the castle courtyard, under the stars. In total, 24 films will be screened on 24 successive evenings, and a full eight film treats will be given their premiere or preview screening at Ljubljana Castle. Film under the Stars will be opened by Kinodvor’s big success of the past season, the Slovenian film Circus Fantasticus. Audiences will also be able to see the Ljubljana premiere of the action comedy Red (Retired, Extremely Dangerous) and Besa (Oath), the latest film by Srđan Karanović, with Miki Manojlović and Iva Krajnc in the starring roles. Among the preview screenings, no doubt the greatest excitement will be generated by this year’s winner of the Cannes Palme d'Or for best film, Tree of Life, starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn. It will be shown on 18 August, and from 25 August it will be in the regular programme at Kinodvor. Three other films will be given preview screenings at the castle: Deviški ples smrti (Maiden Danced to Death) is an international coproduction featuring Boris Cavazza, while the director of photography is Oscar-winner Vilmos Zsigmond. On 10 August it will be followed by a new adaptation of the literary classic Jane Eyre, this time directed by Cary Fukunaga and starring Mia Wasikowska, while the following day audiences can see the preview of the film Heartbeats, by Canadian wunderkind Xavier Dolan. Film under the Stars will conclude with a preview screening of the American comedy Bad Teacher, starring Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake.

Večeri pred Dnevi: Ljubljana, Volče, Krško, Vrba na Gorenjskem, Ormož, Izola, Laafeld/Potrna, Zagreb: 22. in 23. avgusta Ptuj: od 24. do 27. avgusta

Dnevi poezije in vina 2011

Dnevi poezije in vina, eden najpomembnejših evropskih pesniških festivalov, bo v zadnjem avgustovskem tednu že petnajsto leto zapored združil pesnike iz vsega sveta. Že tradicionalno se bodo pesniškim branjem pridružile tudi druge umetnosti, potekali bodo številni koncerti, filmske projekcije, ulične predstave, performansi, razstave, lutkovne predstave, bralne ulice za otroke, središče Ptuja pa se bo za en teden ovilo v umetniške instalacije. Častni gostje festivala – njihova samostojna pesniška knjiga bo pred festivalom izšla v zbirki Beletrina – bodo v letu 2011: romunska pesnica Nora Iuga, francoski pesnik Jacques Roubaud in slovenski klasik Tomaž Šalamun. Poezija vseh ostalih vabljenih pesnikov bo objavljena v večjezičnem zborniku Dnevi poezije in vina 2011. Spremljevalni program bo povezovala rdeča nit Poezija in proza, o tej, osrednji temi, pa bodo organizirali tudi okroglo mizo. Za sproščena druženja bo poskrbel tudi bogat vinski program.

{ Art & Culture } Vilenica, od 7. do 11. septembra

26. Mednarodni literarni festival


26. Mednarodni literarni festival Vilenica v organizaciji Društva slovenskih pisateljev in Kulturnega društva Vilenica se bo odvijal na predvečerih v Ljubljani, Kopru, Celju, Mariboru, italijanski Gorici, Sežani, Biljah in Trstu ter na dogodkih rednega in spremljevalnega programa v Lipici, Štanjelu, Sežani, Lokvi in jami Vilenica, kjer bo gostil več kot 30 avtorjev iz več kot 20 držav, poleg njih pa še vrsto akademikov, urednikov, založnikov in kulturnih posrednikov iz srednjeevropskih in drugih držav. Posebno mesto na festivalu imata dobitnik mednarodne literarne nagrade vilenica in slovenski avtor v središču. Ob veliki nagradi vilenica bodo v okviru štanjelske matineje podelili kristal vilenice za najboljši prispevek v zborniku, predstavljeni pa bodo tudi nagrajenci mlade vilenice, ki jo podeljuje Kulturno društvo Vilenica. V sodelovanju s Srednjeevropsko pobudo bo šestič zapored mladi avtor prejel pisateljsko štipendijo.

Strokovni program bo potekal pod geslom Beri v živo. Tematiko bosta vzela pod drobnogled okrogla miza Srednjeevropske pobude in 9. Mednarodni komparativistični kolokvij. V ospredju bo turška književnost, ki jo predstavljajo v okviru projekta Manj poznane književnosti Evrope na Vilenici. Obisk avtorjev bo pospremil izid antologije, že šeste knjige v zbirki Antologije Vilenice, z naslovom İstanbul Türküsü. V okviru letošnjega festivala in projekta sodelovanja štirih evropskih festivalov, ki ga podpira Evropska komisija, odpirajo spletno stran žive literature Read Me Live: Vilenica, 7 to 11 September

26th Vilenica International Literary Festival

The 26th Vilenica International Literary Festival, organised by the Slovene Writers' Association and the Vilenica Cultural Society, will consist of pre-opening events in Ljubljana, Koper, Celje, Maribor, Gorizia (Italy), Sežana, Bilje and Trieste (Italy), followed by the main programme and accompanying events in Lipica, Štanjel, Sežana, Lokev and Vilenica Cave. The festival will host more than 30 authors from more than 20 countries and academics, editors, publishers and cultural mediators from central Europe and elsewhere. The festival will also shine a spotlight on the winner of the 2011 Vilenica Prize and this year's "Slovene author in focus". In addition to the main Vilenica Prize, the Crystal Vilenica Award for the best contribution to the Vilenica Almanac will be presented during the Literary Matinée at Štanjel Castle. The event will also include an appearance by the winners of the Young Vilenica Award, awarded by the Vilenica Cultural Society. For the sixth year running, in conjunction with the Central European Initiative, a young author will receive a CEI writer-in-residence fellowship. The theoretical component of this year's festival goes under the slogan Read Me Live. The theme will be placed under the microscope by the CEI round table and the 9th International Colloquium on Comparative Literature. There will also be a focus on Turkish literature, as part of the "Lesser-Known Literatures of Europe at Vilenica" project. Appearances by authors will be complemented by the publication of an anthology, the sixth in the collection of Vilenica Anthologies, entitled Ýstanbul Türküsü. A live literature website called Read Me Live, part of a cooperative project involving four European festivals and supported by the European Commission, will be launched to coincide with this year's festival.

Evenings before the Days, Ljubljana, Volče, Krško, Vrba na Gorenjskem, Ormož, Izola, Laafeld/Potrna, Zagreb; 22 and 23 August Ptuj; 24 to 27 August

Days of Poetry and Wine 2011

The Days of Poetry and Wine, one of the major European poetry festivals, will now for the 15th time in succession bring together poets from all over the world in the last week of August. As is now traditional, poetry readings will be joined by other artistic pursuits, with numerous concerts, film screenings, street shows, performances, exhibitions, puppet shows and reading streets for children, and for a week the centre of Ptuj will be wrapped in an artistic installation. The honorary guests of the 2011 festival, who will be published in a special poetry anthology before the festival as part of the Beletrina collection, will be the Romanian poet Nora Iuga, French poet Jacques Roubaud and the Slovenian classicist Tomaž Šalamun. The poetry by all the other invited poets will be published in the multilingual collection Days of Poetry and Wine 2011. The core theme of the accompanying programme will be Poetry and Prose, and a round table will also be organised to address this central topic. The impressive range of wines on offer will ensure a relaxed social dimension.

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{ Umetnost & kultura } Ljubljana, Krakovski nasip, od 19. septembra do 25. oktobra

Mikael Colville Andersen: Kolesarski vsakdan danske prestolnice

Vetrne turbine so impresivna podoba sodobne Danske, toda vsakodnevno trajno gibanje kolesarjev je organski, neulovljiv, morda največji spomenik, kadar koli doslej postavljen na Danskem. V nizu podob fotografa Mikaela Colvilla Andersena, kolesarskega ambasadorja in glasnika nove urbane mobilnosti, začutimo kolesarski vsakdan danske prestolnice – Kopenhagna, mesta kolesarjev. Mikael Colvill Andersen je zadnja štiri leta s fotoaparatom dokumentiral podobe kulture urbanega kolesarjenja in – presenetljivo, bil je prvi, ki se je v zadnjih 125 letih zgodovine kolesa lotil te teme. Kolo kot integralni del življenja v Kopenhagnu je povsem demistificirano. Odnos Dancev do kolesa je takšen kot do sesalnika za prah. Vsakdo ga ima, vsakdo ga uporablja. Tu ni nikakršne »fetišizacije«. Kolo je samo učinkovita in praktična, enostavna naprava, ki nam olajša gibanje po mestnih ulicah. V nizu fotografij Mikaela Colvilla Andersena lahko začutimo vso pestrost, tudi močno družbeno povezanost meščanov Kopenhagna – živega spomenika mesta ljudi na kolesih. Ljubljana, Krakovski nasip, 19 September to 25 October

Mikael Colville-Andersen: Everyday Bicycling Life of the Danish Capital

Wind turbines are the impressive image of modern Denmark, but the everyday perpetual motion of cyclists is an organic, elusive and perhaps the biggest monument ever set up in Denmark. In a series of images created by photographer Mikael Colville-Andersen, cycling ambassador and herald of the

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new urban mobility, we feel the everyday cycling life of the Danish capital, Copenhagen, a city of cyclists. For the past four years Mikael Colville-Andersen has used his camera to document images of the culture of urban cycling, and surprisingly he is the first person in the past 125 years of bicycle history to tackle the subject. The bicycle, an integral part of life in Copenhagen, is entirely demystified. The Danes have a relationship with bicycles like they do with vacuum cleaners. Everyone has one and everyone uses one. There is no kind of “fetishisation” here. The bicycle is merely efficient and practical, a simple machine that eases our movement around the city streets. In this series of photographs by Mikael Colville-Andersen, we may sense all the diversity as well as the strong social cohesion of the citizens of Copenhagen – a living monument of a city of people on bikes.

Popartisti so navdih za svoja dela črpali iz vsakdana


Piran, palača Trevisini, do 8. oktobra

Sijajni pop

Dosedanje zanimanje za razstavo Sijajni pop je izredno. Ker so prvič v Sloveniji na enem mestu zbrana izbrana grafična dela šestih umetnikov – Roya Lichtensteina, Roberta Rauschenberga, Johna Chamberlaina, Andyja Warhola, Toma Wesselmanna in Jamesa Rosenquista –, je interes najširše javnosti razumljiv.

in izbrane »banalne« motive povzdignili v umetnost. Tragična življenja ameriških zvezdnikov, stripovske junake, tihožitja iz konzerv, skulpture iz odpadnih avtomobilskih delov, povečave ameriških vojnih letal in »prazne« slike so spremenili v ikone, ki so (p)ostale večne. Agencija Maona organizira v sodelovanju z Adriatic Slovenico in Občino Piran ob razstavi tudi likovne delavnice na temo poparta, šolo grafitov in ustvarjalne delavnice za otroke. V sklopu razstave predvajajo filme, posnete v newyorški tovarni, in povezujejo glasbenike, ki izvajajo glasbo tistega časa – Velvet Underground tTribute bBand, glasbo Louja Reeda, Niko, Boba Dylana, Rolling Stones in skupine Eskobars …

John Chamberlain, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselmann and James Rosenquist – interest among a very wide audience is understandable. Pop artists found the inspiration for their work in the mundane, and elevated selected “banal” motifs into art. The tragic lives of American stars, comic strip heroes, still lifes with soup cans, sculptures made from scrap car parts, blow-ups of US air force jets and “empty” pictures have been turned into icons that remain eternal. The Maona agency, in cooperation with Adriatic Slovenica and the Municipality of Piran, is also organising events accompanying the exhibition, comprising art workshops on the topic of pop art, a graffiti school and creative workshops for children. As part of the exhibition there will be screenings of films made in New York

Piran, Trevisini Palace, until 8 October

Shiny Pop

City’s Factory and concerts by musicians that perform the music of those times – a Velvet Underground trib-

Interest so far in the exhibition Shiny Pop has been ex-

ute band, the music of Lou Reed, Nico, Bob Dylan, the

traordinary. Since this marks for the first time that one

Rolling Stones and the group Eskobars.

place in Slovenia is hosting selected graphic works by six artists – Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg,

{ Art & Culture } Bistra pri Vrhniki, Technical Museum of Slovenia, August, September

Technical Museum of Slovenia Polhov Gradec

Post and Telecommunications Museum at Polhov Gradec

Would you like to know what kind of cars people drove in earlier times, how our grandmothers baked bread, how they wove clothing or how our ancestors caught fish? The answers to these and many other questions can be found at the Technical Museum of Slovenia. For the youngest visitors, who are interested in a little more than just looking at the collections, the museum organises a Family Sunday once a month starting at 2 pm. On Sunday, 7 August, there will be creative workshops and on Sunday, 4 September there will be workshops for making flying machines, organised by members of the Vrhnika modelling club. Once a month starting at 3 pm the museum will be hosting a Technical Sunday, with demonstrations of how old machines work, and the way tools are used and function, something that will fascinate all generations. On Sunday, 21 August, there will be demonstrations of how at one time toothpicks were made and baskets were woven, and on Sunday, 18 September, how printing was done. From 20 to 25 September there will be the Mechanical Engineering Days. Through the displayed projects, mem-

Bistra pri Vrhniki, avgust, september

Tehniški muzej Slovenije Polhov Gradec

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij

Želite vedeti, s kakšnimi avtomobili so se ljudje včasih vozili, kako so naše babice pekle kruh, s čim so tkale obleke ali kako so naši predniki lovili ribe? Odgovore na ta in še mnoga druga vprašanja boste našli v Tehniškem muzeju Slovenije. Za najmlajše obiskovalce, ki želijo več kot le ogled zbirk, organizirajo v muzeju enkrat mesečno od 14. ure dalje družinsko nedeljo. V nedeljo, 7. avgusta, bodo potekale ustvarjalne delavnice in v nedeljo, 4. septembra, delavnice izdelovanja letalnih naprav, ki jih pripravljajo člani modelarskega kluba Vrhnika. Z demonstracijami delovanja starih strojev, načinov dela ter uporabe orodij organizirajo enkrat mesečno od 15. ure dalje tehniško nedeljo, ki je zanimiva za vse generacije. V nedeljo, 21. avgusta, bodo tako prikazali, kako so včasih izdelovali zobotrebce in pletli košare, v nedeljo, 18. septembra, pa, kako so tiskali. Med 20. in 25. septembrom bodo Dnevi strojništva. Z razstavljenimi projekti želijo sodelavci Fakultete za strojništvo UL mladim na zanimiv in praktičen način približati to tehniško vedo. V nedeljo, 25. septembra, ob 17. uri ne zamudite Poizkusov Nikole Tesle, ki jih bo demonstrator prikazal na delujočih eksponatih. Če želite za svoje otroke ustvarjalne, poučne in zabavne počitnice, jih lahko prijavite na muzejske aktivne poletne počitnice. Program ponujajo otrokom od 7. do 12. leta v obliki celotedenskega paketa od 8. do 12. avgusta in od 22. do 26. avgusta. V Muzeju pošte in telekomunikacij v Polhovem Gradcu pa bodo od 2. do 5. avgusta vsak dan med 10. in 13. uro potekale tematske delavnice za predšolske in šolske otroke.

bers of the University of Ljubljana Mechanical Engineering Faculty want to open up this technical subject to a young audience in an interesting and practical way. On Sunday, 25 September, don’t miss the 5 pm event Nikola Tesla’s Experiments, which the demonstrator will present with functioning exhibits. If you want to offer your children a creative, educational and fun holiday, you can register them for the museum’s active summer holiday. The programme is run in the form of a week-long package from 8 to 12 August and from 22 to 26 August, for children aged 7 to 12. At the Post and Telecommunications Museum in Polhov Gradec, meanwhile, every day from 2 to 5 August between 10 am and 1 pm there will be thematic workshops for preschool and school children.

Foto: Arhiv Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije

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{ Umetnost & kultura / Art & Culture }

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Barcelona, MACBA Muzej vzporednih narativov Do 2. oktobra Razstava predstavlja zbirko Moderne galerije Arteast 2000+, ki je bila prva zasnovana kot zbirka, posvečena povojni avantgardi vzhodnoevropskih umetnosti, ter izbor del iz nacionalnih zbirk Moderne galerije. Poudarek je predvsem na obdobju med letoma 1956 in 1986, ki ga obravnava tudi raziskovalni projekt mreže Internacionala. Poleg več kot sto del iz zbirk Moderne galerije so predstavljeni še: dva projekta samozgodovinjenja (arhiva Zofije Kulik in Júliusa Kollerja), »fiktivne zgodovine« Alexandra Dornerja, skupine Irwin in Mladena Stilinovića. Poseben del razstave predstavljajo shematski prikazi prisotnosti del sodelujočih umetnikov v raznih zbirkah. Umetniki so posebej za to razstavo izpolnili vprašalnik o vključenosti svojih del v različne zbirke in tako posredovali bistvene podatke o ne-delovanju umetnostnega sistema v vzhodni Evropi ter o nastajanju njenega narativa. Z vsemi temi prvinami vzpostavlja razstava sozvočje med različnimi narativi. Kuratorka razstave je Zdenka Badovinac.

Dunaj, Albertina Eksplozija podob: Fotografsko društvo na Dunaju od 1861 do 1945 Do 2. oktobra Prvih 20 let po izumu fotografije, preden je tehnični medij stopil v fazo neizmerne dinamike, so zaznamovali pionirji in eksperimenti. Ustanovitev prvega fotografskega društva na Dunaju leta 1861 je bil ključni dogodek v okviru začetne profesionalizacije fotografiranja, ki je pozneje zavzelo vse sfere življenja: kot znanstveni dokaz v laboratoriju ali studijski portret, fotografska razglednica pred turistično znamenitostjo ali velikanska reprodukcija muzejskega umetniškega dela, za namene industrije, trgovine ali javne uprave – fotografija čedalje popolnejše kakovosti in v vse večjih količinah je osvojila nova področja. Razstava v muzeju Albertina predstavlja približno 260 izjemnih primerov avstrijske fotografije pred letom 1945 in s tem omogoča vpogled v obseg ter kakovost fotografij, del prvega dunajskega fotografskega društva. Eksponati s področja umetnosti, znanosti in inovativnih aplikacij komercialne fotografije na osupljiv način pripovedujejo, po katerih poteh je prišlo do današnje poplave podob.

Bruselj, Muzej Renéja Magritta Stalna zbirka Ta multidisciplinarna zbirka vsebuje več kot 200 del, med katerimi so olja na platnu, gvaši, risbe, kipi in poslikani predmeti ter oglaševalski plakati, glasbene partiture ter fotografije in filmi vintage, ki so delo samega Magritta. Muzej Renéja Magritta je svetovni referenčni center za študijo umetnika. S podporo medijskega sistema INEO so v muzeju razvili spletni raziskovalni center, ki omogoča dostop do arhivov, povezanih s slikarjevim življenjem in deli. Muzej ima svoje prostore na trgu Place Royale v samem središču Bruslja.

Barcelona, Macba Museum of Parallel Narratives Until 2 October The exhibition Museum of Parallel Narratives presents a selection of works from the Arteast 2000+ Collection of the Moderna Galerija in Ljubljana, the first-ever collection of post-war avant-garde Eastern European art, and seeks to discover what sort of art system, if any, accompanied the production and presentation in a museum context of these artworks. Museum of Parallel Narratives speaks of artists who worked on the edges of a well-ordered world and its art system, and, indeed, addresses its own position at the edge of an era that has seen an acceleration in the establishment of an art system in the space that can still be justifiably called 'Eastern Europe'. The exhibition is also connected with the principal idea behind the wide-ranging project L'Internationale, of which it forms a part. The curator is Zdenka Badovinac.

pioneers and experiments, after which the medium entered an enormously dynamic phase. The foundation of the Photographic Society in Vienna in 1861 was a crucial event within the nascent professionalisation of the production of pictures which was to pervade all spheres of life. Whether as scientific proof in a laboratory, a studio portrait, a picture postcard of a tourist attraction or a large-scale reproduction of a work of art, whether serving the purposes of industry, trade or public administration, the photograph conquered new terrain with constant advances in quality and ever increasing quantities. Presenting about 260 outstanding examples of Austrian photography dating from before 1945, the exhibition at the Albertina will shed light on both the range and quality of the pictures produced by the Photographic Society’s members. Exhibits from the fields of art and science and innovative applications of commercial photography convey a fascinating impression of the paths leading to today’s flood of images.

gouaches, drawings, sculptures and painted objects as well as advertising posters, music scores, vintage photographs and films produced by Magritte himself. The Magritte Museum is the world reference centre for the study of the artist. With the support of the INEO media system, the Magritte Museum has developed an online research centre which gives access to the archives relating to the painter's life and works. The museum is located in the Place Royale, in the very heart of Brussels.

Vienna, Albertina A World of Picture Unbound: The Photographic Society in Vienna 1861–1945 Until 2 October The first twenty years following the invention of photography were marked by

Brussels, Magritte Museum Permanent Collection This multidisciplinary collection is the richest in the world. It contains more than 200 works consisting of oils on canvas,

Kopenhagen, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Arken Olafur Eliasson Do 27. novembra Kot zadnji umetnik v seriji razstav Utopija je Olafur Eliasson (roj. 1967) postavil instalacijo Din blinde passager (Ti, slepi potnik), dolg predor, zgrajen iz vezanega lesa. Ko vstopimo v predor, naše telo takoj objame gosta megla. Vidljivost je samo 1,5 metra, ko se tipaje prebijamo skozi predor in se poskušamo orientirati po prostoru okrog sebe. Eliassonov eksponat na ta način izziva temeljni koncept obiska muzeja, da bi

Copenhagen, Arken Museum of Modern Art Olafur Eliasson Until 27 November As the final artist in the Utopia series of exhibitions Olafur Eliasson (b. 1967) has developed the installation Din blinde passager (Your Blind Passenger), a long tunnel constructed of plywood. Entering the tunnel, your body is immediately surrounded by thick fog. Visibility is just 1.5 metres, as you grope your way through the tunnel, trying to orient yourself in relation to the space around us. Consequently, Eliasson’s piece challenges the very concept of visiting a museum to look at something. Here, we first see the reverse side of the work. Then, when

kaj gledali. Tukaj prvič vidimo nasprotno stran dela, in ko vstopimo, nas delo zaobjame in fizično postanemo del njega.

Pariz, Center Pompidou Pariz–Delhi–Bombaj Do 19. septembra Center Pompidou predstavlja pomembno razstavo, ki raziskuje indijsko družbo skozi oči indijskih in francoskih umetnikov. Plod prvega takšnega francosko-indijskega sodelovanja, Pariz–Delhi–Bombaj, je namenjen spodbujanju komunikacije med obema kulturama z vzpostavljanjem novih in trajnih vezi. Projekt v obliki edinstvene primerjave perspektiv črpa iz izkušenj in pogledov različnih umetnikov: kako vidijo Indijo indijski in francoski umetniki? Več kot petdeset umetnikov prikazuje svoj pogled na globoke spremembe, ki jih je doživela indijska družba, in se osredotoča na vprašanja politike, vere, identitete, urbanega razvoja, obrtniške proizvodnje in gospodinjskega življenja. Indijski in francoski umetniki na novo osvetljujejo današnjo Indijo ter ponujajo lastno interpretacijo te kompleksne družbe. V projektu so sodelovali vodilni indijski umetnostni zgodovinarji in kuratorji ter sociologi, politični znanstveniki, filozofi in antropologi iz obeh držav, zato so umetniki lahko črpali tudi iz njihovih prispevkov.

we step inside, we are enveloped in the work and become a physical part of it.

Paris, Centre Pompidou Paris-Delhi-Bombay Until 19 September 19 The Centre Pompidou presents a major exhibition that explores Indian society through the eyes of Indian and French artists. The fruit of an unprecedented Franco-Indian collaboration, Paris-DelhiBombay is intended to promote communication between the two cultures, establishing new and lasting links. Taking the form of a unique confrontation of perspectives, the project draws on the experiences and visions of creative artists: how is India seen by Indian and French artists? More than fifty artists offer their take on the profound changes being experienced by Indian society, looking at questions of politics, belief, identity, urban development, craft production and domestic life. Indian and French artists cast new light on the India of today, offering their own interpretation of this complex society. Leading Indian and art historians and curators as well as sociologists, political scientists, philosophers and anthropologists from the two countries have worked together on this project, the artists too drawing on their input.

{ Adrijin potnik }

Marjan Bizjan Nekdaj kapitan, danes potnik Besedilo: Adrijana Šelj

Fotografije: Igor Škafar


arjan Bizjan, upokojeni kapitan inštruktor Adrie Airways, je človek izjemnega duha in vsestransko tehnično nadarjen. Vedno je težil k popolnosti Zaradi tega je vselej nekoliko ‘štrlel’ iz svoje sredine. Imel pa je tudi srečo, in kot sam rad reče, mu je na poklicni poti večkrat sekira padla v med: dosegel

je praktično vse, kar se v pilotskem poklicu da doseči. Začel je kot kopilot na letalu DC-6B, bil prvi kopilot Adrie

( 32 ) Avioprometa, potem se je prešolal za reaktivno letalo DC-9, po dveh letih je že postal kapitan. Leta 1972, ko je Adria hotela obnoviti svoje lete v Ameriko in je zato v svojo floto vključila letalo DC-8, je opravil kapitanski izpit tudi za to letalo. Dve leti kasneje je postal kapitan inštruktor, leta 1976 vodja pilotov. Funkcijo je opravljal 6 let. Potem pa so ga prepričali, da je postal vršilec dolžnosti direktorja prometa. V tovarni McDonnell Douglas v Long Beachu je prevzel skoraj vsa adrijska letala MD-80 in svojo pilotsko kariero zaključil na Airbusu A320.

Večina pilotov že od malih nog sanja o tem poklicu.

Leto 1967 je bilo prvo leto Adrijine krize. Podjetje je šlo konec leta v

Že od nekdaj sem si to želel in začel leta 1954 – pri šestnajstih – leteti kot jadralni pilot. Po dveh letih sem že letel na motornih letalih. Leta 1957 sem opravil izpit za učitelja jadralnega letenja, pet let pozneje sem že imel dovoljenje poklicnega pilota in postal učitelj športnih pilotov. Študij na Strojni fakulteti v Ljubljani sem izbral zato, ker so edino tam predavali letalstvo.

stečaj. Kaj se je zgodilo takrat?

Adria Aviopromet je v času svoje ustanovne flote letala DC-6B pridobivala svoje pilote iz JAT-a in iz vojaških vrst. Ali vojaški piloti večinoma niso imeli kvalifikacij za civilno letalstvo?

Bil sem upravnik Letalske šole v Mostah v Ljubljani. Druga grupa adrijskih pilotov je bila iz vojske, razen dveh, ki sta bila iz Letalske zveze Jugoslavije. Zato so morali ti piloti priti v Aeroklub, kjer smo zanje organizirali šolanje, da so lahko na športnih letalih opravili izpite za poklicne pilote. V tem času sem imel priložnost spoznati veliko adrijskih pilotov, vendar si takrat nisem upal niti sanjati, da bom tudi sam lahko kdaj prišel v Adrio. Kdaj se vam je potem uspelo zaposliti v Adrii Airways?

V Adrio Aviopromet sem prišel januarja 1967 in začel svojo pilotsko kariero na letalu DC-6B; zgodaj poleti sem že imel kopilotsko licenco.

Propelerska letala DC-6B, s katerimi je Adria letela na vse celine, razen v Avstralijo, niso bila več konkurenčna. Zaposleni smo se že prijavili na zavodu za zaposlovanje. Po mesecu in pol so se pokazale možnosti, da se bo Adria morda le izvlekla iz težav. Ponovno so zaposlovali, vendar si je na žalost večina v tem času že poiskala zaposlitev drugod. Pred krizo je imela Adria 30 posadk, v tem času pa je v njeno prihodnost verjelo le še 8 kapitanov in šest kopilotov. Leto 1968 smo prebrodili z nadčloveškimi napori, situacija se je proti koncu leta že izboljšala, v Adrio je prišel za direktorja letalski zanesenjak Janez Nedog. Uspel je pridobiti kredite, združili smo se z beograjskim podjetjem Interexport, kar je Adrii prineslo garancije za kredite za nakup novih letal Douglas DC-9. S tem smo si spet pridobili zaupanje svojih komitentov v tujini. Imeli smo izjemno srečo, da se je takrat začel razcvet turizma na jadranski obali. Adria je v tem času veljala za najbolj točnega letalskega prevoznika v Evropi. Naglo je povečevala število letal, nastala pa je težava, kje dobiti nove pilote. Do takrat smo izkoristili že vse potenciale iz aeroklubov in vojske. Nekaj časa smo uspeli črpati kadre iz Zrakoplovne šole v Zagrebu, vse bolj pa je dozorevala ideja, da je treba tudi v Sloveniji ustanoviti letalsko šolo.

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Bili ste tudi predsednik Temeljne izobraževalne skupnosti za letališko dejavnost in letalski promet v Ljubljani. Ali je to kaj pripomoglo k usta-

International Aero Engines IAE zbrali uporabniki tega motorja in štejem si v veliko čast, da sem bil ravno jaz poročevalec za Adrio Airways.

novitvi letalske šole?

Uspeli smo zagotoviti sredstva za ustanovitev te šole. Leta 1980 je šola začela delovati, habilitirali smo predavatelje. Tudi za to smo morali izčrpati vse razpoložljive ljudi v Sloveniji. Vodja Katedre za letalstvo na Strojni fakulteti v Ljubljani je bil profesor Dominik Gregelj, ki je imel obsežno letalsko preteklost. Predavali so še Jože Prhavc, Stane Grčar, bivša stevardesa anglistka Alenka Kukovec in drugi … Ko govoriva o usposabljanju, nekako ne morem mimo letalskih nesreč. In ko tako razmišljam, se mi zdi, da so temu botrovali preskromno usposabljanje, izredno hitra rast in diskontinuiteta, ta vrzel, ki je nastopila po stečaju, ko so številni sposobni ljudje poiskali zaposlitev drugod. Z letalsko šolo je bil doliv kadra v Adrio reguliran, ustalile so se navade, vsak pilot gre sedaj dvakrat na leto na simulator, pilote opremljamo tudi z znanji o medčloveških odnosih. Na kaj ste na svoji poklicni poti še posebej ponosni?

Adria je bila prva čarterska letalska družba v Evropi, ki je v svojo floto uvedla letalo MD-80, in ena prvih družb, ki je v svojo floto uvedla letalo Airbus A320 – to letalo je prvo na svetu poletelo z motorji V2500. Po prvem letu uporabe motorja V2500 smo se na seminarju na sedežu proizvajalca

Kakšni občutki vas prevzemajo, ko se ozrete na 50 let delovanja Adrie Airways?

Ja, čudoviti. Na vseh področjih je Adria Airways izredno napredovala. Težava je, da je slovensko tržišče specifično, saj je relativno majhno, zato je težko zaposliti letala velikih kapacitet. Letala majhnih kapacitet pa so delikatna glede rentabilnosti. Napolniti jih je sicer lažje, rentabilnost pa z njimi težko dosežeš. Velika letala je težje napolniti, a je lažje biti z njimi konkurenčen na trgu. Srž problema je, kako dobiti zadostno število letov, kjer lahko polniš tista letala, ki prevozniku omogočajo, da lahko sedeže prodaja po dovolj ugodni ceni, da je konkurenčen na tržišču. Bila so obdobja, ko je slabo kazalo, prišla so obdobja konjunkture ... Pomembno je imeti vizijo, osvojiti določena tržišča, ki so nam sedaj v Evropi na voljo, predvsem taka, ki omogočajo boljše izkoriščanje flote. Jugoslovanski trg poznamo bolje od ostalih in smo člani EU. Veliko možnosti smo že izkoristili, veliko je še odprtih poti. Malo je letalskih družb, ki imajo 50-letno zgodovino, in prav bi bilo, da bi Slovenci svojo letalsko družbo ohranili.

{ Adria Passenger }

Marjan Bizjan Once a pilot,

now a passenger Text: Adrijana Šelj

Photography: Igor Škafar

Marjan Bizjan, a retired Adria captain and flight instructor, is

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a person of extraordinary spirit and wide-ranging technical talents. He has always aimed for perfection. For this reason he has always stood out somehow from his surroundings. He has also had his share of luck, and as he likes to say

himself, he has always come up trumps in his career; in fact he has achieved just about everything you can in the pilot’s profession. He started off as a copilot on a DC-6B – in fact

he was the first copilot for what was then Adria Aviopromet – then he trained up for the jet-engined DC-9, becoming a captain just two years later. In 1972, when Adria wanted to

revive its flights to America, prompting it to include a DC-8

aircraft in its fleet, he also passed the captain’s exam for that aircraft. Two years later he became a pilot instructor, and in

1976 chief pilot. He held that position for six years. Then he

was persuaded to take the job of acting director of transport. At the McDonnell Douglas plant in Long Beach, he took

delivery of almost all of Adria’s MD-80 jets, and he ended his career as a pilot flying an Airbus A320. You probably spent long hours at the piano as a child?

I have very happy memories of that time. My first contact with the piano was when my father, an amateur musician, showed me how to play Chiquitita on the piano using both hands. I loved Abba in those days. I very quickly got the hang of coordinating my hands. I also remember my first lesson with my teacher Mateja Valič Presetnik, who at our first meeting showed me how to play the black keys with my knuckles. After I had repeated what she showed me, I said to her: ‘Can I play you something?’

I played her a children’s song using both hands. When I had finished, she looked at me and said: ‘We two are going to get along well.’ I never thought that music would not be part of my life, and practising was not difficult for me because I somehow always knew that this would be my way of life. Most pilots have wanted to fly since they were kids.

I wanted to fly from my earliest days, and in 1954, when I was 16, I started flying gliders. After two years I was already flying powered planes. In 1957 I passed the exam to be a glider flight instructor. In 1962 I already had a professional pilot’s licence and I became a sport pilot instructor. I opted to study at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Ljubljana because they were the only ones teaching aviation. At the time of its original DC-6B fleet, Adria Aviopromet recruited pilots from JAT (Yugoslav Airways) and from the military. For the most part, military pilots were not qualified for civil aviation.

I was managing the Flying School at Moste in Ljubljana. The other group of Adria pilots, apart from two that came from the Yugoslav Aviation Federation, came from the military. So those pilots had to come to our Aeroklub, where we provided them with training so they could pass the professional pilot’s exam in sport aircraft. During that time I was able to get to know a lot of Adria pilots, but I didn’t even dare dream that I might also get into Adria some day. So when did you in fact get a job with Adria Airways?

I joined Adria Aviopromet in January 1967 and started my career as a pilot in a DC-6B aircraft, and by the early summer I had a copilot’s licence. But 1967 was the first year of crisis for Adria. At the end of the year the company went bankrupt. What happened?

The DC-6B propeller aircraft, which Adria operated to all continents apart from Australia, were no longer competitive. We employees had already signed on at the Employment Service. After a month and a half it looked like there was a chance of Adria pulling itself out of the crisis. They re-hired personnel, but sadly most people had in that time found jobs elsewhere. Before the crisis Adria had 30 crews, but after it only eight captains and six copilots were still willing to believe in the airline’s future. We weathered 1968 through superhuman efforts, and towards the end of the year the situation improved. Janez Nedog, an aviation enthusiast, became managing director of Adria, and he managed to secure credit. We merged with the Belgrade company Interexport, which provided Adria with guarantees for credit to buy new Douglas DC-9 aircraft. In this way we won back the confidence of our clients abroad. We had the extraordinary good luck that tourism on the Adriatic coast was just starting to flourish. At that time Adria had the reputation of being the most punctual airline in Europe. There was a rapid increase in the number of aircraft, but this generated the problem of where to get new pilots. By that time we had already exhausted all the potential from the flying clubs and the military. For some time we managed to recruit personnel from the Zagreb Aviation School, but there was an increasingly persistent idea that Slovenia should set up a flying school of its own.

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You were also head of the Basic Training Community for Aviation and Air Transport in Ljubljana. Did that help in any way towards founding the Flying School?

We were able to secure funds to set up the school. The school started operating in 1980, and the teaching staff gained accreditation. For that, too, we had to head-hunt all the available people we could in Slovenia. Professor Dominik Gregelj, who had an extensive past in aviation, was Chair of the Aviation Department at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty. The teaching staff also comprised Jože Prhavc, Stane Grčar, former flight attendant and English-language specialist Alenka Kukovec and others. When we talk about training, somehow I can’t avoid the subject of air accidents. When I think about it, it seems that this was brought on by insufficient training, the exceptionally rapid growth and the lack of continuity, the gap that came following bankruptcy, when a lot of very capable people sought jobs elsewhere. Through the Flying School the flow of personnel into Adria was regulated, and practices became established, with every pilot going on the simulator twice a year. Pilots are also given instruction in interpersonal relations. What are you particularly proud of in your professional career?

Adria was the first charter airline in Europe to bring MD-80 aircraft into its fleet, and one of the first airlines to bring in the Airbus A320. The Adria Airways Airbus A320 was the first in the world to fly with V2500 engines. After the first year of using the V2500 engine, all the users of

that engine gathered for a seminar at the head office of the manufacturer, International Aero Engines (IAE), and I consider it a great honour that I was the person reporting from Adria Airways. If you look back on 50 years of Adria Airways, what feelings strike you?

It’s fantastic. In every way, Adria Airways has advanced enormously. The trouble is that the Slovenian market is specific, since it’s relatively small, so it’s difficult to use large-capacity aircraft. On the other hand, there’s a fine line for profitability with small-capacity aircraft. It is of course easier to fill them, but it’s hard to make a profit out of them. It’s harder to fill big planes, but they make it easier to be competitive in the market. The essential thing is how to secure an adequate number of flights, so you can fill those planes that allow the carrier to sell seats at sufficiently favourable prices to remain competitive in the market. There were times when things looked bad, but also some boom times. It’s important to have a vision, and to capture certain markets that are now available to us in Europe, especially those that enable the airline to use the fleet better. We know the Yugoslav market better than others, and we are members of the EU. We have already taken advantage of a lot of opportunities, but many still remain open to us. There are few airlines that have a 50-year history, and it is right and proper for Slovenians to keep their airline going.



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Prodajalna pudingov –

ena in edina


elo bi se zlagal, če bi zapisal, da sem takrat, pred skoraj štiridesetimi leti, ko sem stal na trgu Sultan Ahmeda v Istanbulu, razmišljal

podobno, kot so razmišljali hipiji ali pa večina mladih, ki so se v tistih famoznih »šestdesetih« brezciljno potikali med Modro džamijo in Hagio Sofijo. Turbulentni, s prav posebno energijo naelektreni flower power me je samo rahlo oplazil in v mojo glavi so se takrat vrteli popolnoma drugačni filmi. Če bi tistega daljnega leta 1973 odšel (mogoče sem tudi šel, pa se samo ne spomnim) v slavni Pudding Shop, bi zagotovo odtaval tja samo na kakšen puding, za kaj drugega pa mi ni bilo mar. A prav pudingi niso bili tisto, po čemer je ta bizarna špelunka zaslovela in je za vedno postala ikona nekega že davno preživetega časa. Besedilo in fotografije: Arne Hodalič

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{ Istanbul }


o sta leta 1957 brata Idris in Namık Çolpan odprla bistrojček z imenom Lale Restaurant, si zagotovo nista predstavljala, da bo njuna prodajalna, kjer so ponujali raznovrstne pudinge, zaslovela tako, da jo je mnogo let kasneje, leta 2003, obiskal celo predsednik Clinton med svojim uradnim obiskom Turčije. V šestdesetih, ko potovanj v Indijo še niso ovirale vojne, konflikti in vsakovrstni terorizmi, so se prav vse poti na Bližnji in Daljni vzhod stekale samo preko Istanbula. Slavna »hipijevska cesta« (Hippie Trail) je bila na široko odprta in spomnim se prijatelja Bojana, ki je bos in s sto petde-

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setimi dolarji v žepu prikorakal mimo naše bivše hiše pri Križankah, se postavil na pločnik Zoisove ceste, dvignil palec in kot za šalo odštopal vse do Kabula. Če si bil malo bolj konservativen, pa si lahko v Amsterdamu prisedel v Magic Bus in se v eni rundi zapeljal do New Delhija. To je bil v mavričnih barvah poslikan avtobus s kuhinjo in celo s svojim DJ-em, odpeljal pa si se seveda šele takrat, ko se je avtobus napolnil, saj voznega reda ni bilo … V tistih časih varnostni pasovi v avtomobilih še niso bili obvezni, vsekakor pa so bili v Magic Busu obvezni veliki jointi in seveda kasete Doorsov, Jimija Hendrixa, Led Zeppelinov, Janis Joplin, Boba Dylana pa še kakšen Ravi Shankar bi se našel. In vse te reke mladih so se zlivale skozi Istanbul in skoraj vsi so se ustavili v Pudding Shopu. Lokalček je postal zbirališče odštenkancev, glasbenikov, zakajenih umetnikov, pa tudi čisto navadnih popotnikov, ki so si želeli naprej na vzhod ali pa le domov. Stene lokala, kjer so vedno vrteli zadnje rokovske komade, so postale orjaška oglasna deska za sporočila vseh vrst: informacij o poceni prevozih in ugodnih nakupih, ljubezenskih izlivov, pa tudi novic, da se je kakšna ljubezen žalostno končala nekje na poti med Londonom in Kabulom … A tudi ti zlati časi so počasi minevali in hipijevsko sceno so začele nažirati rakaste tvorbe trdih drog in manipulacija velikih svetovnih politik. Danes je lastnik Pudding Shopa Idrisov sin Adem in lokal je spremenil v samopostrežno restavracijo z neonskim napisom nad vrati in s še kar dobro, a relativno drago turško hrano ter bliskovito postrežbo. Na stare, dobre čase spominjajo le še številni časopisni izrezki, orumenele

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fotografije na stenah in pa seveda vsem prepoznavno ime. Vse drugo je že davno preteklost in danes verjetno nihče več ne ve, kdo je bilo dekle Megan, ki se je v enem najslavnejših sporočil s Puddingove oglasne deske opravičila in prosila odpuščanja svojega fanta Malcoma za »tisto, kar se je zgodilo« v Grčiji. Pa je danes sploh važno, kaj se je zgodilo v Grčiji in kdo je bila tista Megan? Seveda ni, važno pa je, da se vsaj včasih spomnimo časov, ko so se ljubezen, glasba in mladost združile v tisto nikoli ponovljeno silo, ki ji danes nostalgično in kratko rečemo le:

»Šestdeseta!« { Istanbul }

{ Istanbul }

The Pudding Shop – The and Only


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Text and photography: Arne Hodalič


t’d be a huge lie if I were to write that back then, nearly forty years ago, as I stood in Sultan Ahmet Square in Istanbul, I was of a similar mindset as the hippies or most of the young people who, in those famous sixties, wandered aimlessly between the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia. Flower power, turbulent and charged with a one-of-a-kind energy, had only grazed me; at the time, completely different movies were playing in my head. If, in that now faraway year of 1973, I had visited (and maybe I did, but I just don’t remember) the famous Pudding Shop, I certainly would have only stopped in for a pudding, indifferent to anything else the shop had to offer. But it wasn’t pudding that put this bizarre little hole-in-the-wall on the map and made it an icon of a time that has long since passed. When brothers Idris and Namık Çolpan opened a small bistro with the name Lale Restaurant in 1957, they certainly could not have imagined that their little shop, where they sold a variety of puddings, would become so famous that, many years later, in 2003, former US President Bill Clinton would pay it a visit on his official visit to Turkey. In the sixties, before trips to India were impeded by wars, conflicts and all kinds of terrorism, all roads to the Near and Far East led to Istanbul. The legendary Hippie Trail was wide open; I remember seeing my friend Bojan walk past our old house near Križanke, barefoot and with fifty dollars in his pocket, pick a spot on the sidewalk along Zoisova Street, raise his thumb, and hitchhike all the way to Kabul as if it were no big deal. If you were a little more conservative, you could have gotten a ride with the so-called Magic Bus in Amsterdam and made it all the way to New Delhi in one go. The bus was painted in the colours of the rainbow and had a kitchen and even its own DJ. There weren’t any schedules, and it

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{ Istanbul }

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only set off once it had filled up... In those days, the law had yet to make seatbelts in cars a requirement; the “required” equipment on the Magic Bus were enormous joints and of course cassette tapes of the Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan and perhaps a little bit of Ravi Shankar. All these rivers of young people flowed through Istanbul, and almost all of them made a stop at the Pudding Shop. The little joint became a meeting place for oddballs, musicians and stonedout artists, as well as completely normal travellers looking to continue their journey east or just head home. The walls of the shop, where the newest rock songs were always playing, became a massive bulletin board for all kinds of posts: Information about cheap rides and stuff for sale at a good price, professions of love as well as bulletins announcing that a love had come to an end on the road somewhere between London and Kabul... Even this golden age slowly drew to a close, and the hippie scene began to succumb to the cancerous growths of hard drugs and manipulation by the world’s political leaders. Today, Idris’ son Adem is the owner of the Pudding Shop. He has changed it into a self-service restaurant with a neon sign over the door that offers fairly good, albeit relatively pricey, Turkish fare and lightning-fast service. The only reminder of the good old days are the numerous newspaper clippings and yellowing photographs that grace the walls, and of course the name familiar to everybody. Everything else belongs to a bygone era. Today, probably nobody knows who the author of one of the Pudding Shop bulletin board’s most well-known posts – an open letter from Megan to Malcolm in which she asked for his forgiveness and apologised for “the business down in Greece” – really was. And today, does it even matter what happened down in Greece or who this Megan was? Of course it doesn’t. What matters is that every now and then we remember those times when love, music and youth merged to become a force, the likes of

which the world hasn’t seen since, a force that today can only be known by one short, nostalgic name:

The Sixties!


Izkoristite ugodno ponudbo! Vabimo vas, da poletite z nami in obiščete ISTANBUL. Rezervirajte si enega od naslednjih datumov za odhod iz Ljubljane v Istanbul na dnevnih letih JP 682: 8. avgust, 15. avgust, 22. avgust, 27. avgust in 1. september. Povratki iz Istanbula v Ljubljano po posebni ceni na dnevnih letih JP 683 so možni v naslednjih terminih: 11. avgusta, 18. avgusta, 25. avgusta in 3. septembra. Cena povratne vozovnice z vsemi pristojbinami (razen stroška rezervacije) znaša le 165 EUR. Pohitite s prijavo, število prostih mest je omejeno.

Take advantage of this exceptional offer! Book a ticket for our daily flight from Ljubljana to Istanbul (flight number JP 682) on one of the following dates: 8 August, 15 August, 22 August, 27 August and 1 September. Return flights from Istanbul to Ljubljana (flight number JP 683) are available at a special price on the following dates: 11 August, 18 August, 25 August and 3 September. A return ticket including all taxes (excluding booking fee) costs just EUR 165. Book now, places are limited. Adria Airways leti na liniji Ljubljana–Istanbul vsak dan. Adria Airways flies between Ljubljana and Istanbul daily.

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Za otroke poleti Besedilo: Marjan Žiberna

Fotografije: Rafael Marn

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{ Za otroke poleti }


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a Svetlano Makarovič je pogosto mogoče slišati, da ne mara otrok. Kar se zdi zelo nenavadno glede na mojstrovine, ki jih je napisala prav zanje, denimo Pekarno Mišmaš in Sapramiško pa Kosovirje na leteči žlici in še marsikaj drugega. A velika umetnica, ki nikoli ni imela dlake na jeziku, je večkrat povedala, da to ne drži, da ji le zahtevajoči otroci niso pri srcu. Bojim se, da ta opis ustreza marsikomu, in nemudoma bi lahko podpisal, da so tudi moji mladiči pogostoma, če ne že kar običajno, takšni. Včasih, ko mi popušča preutrujeni živec, se čudim, kako malo je pravzaprav detomorov, in ob debatah o samomorih navadno pomislim, ali ni morda prenekateri pokojnik dvignil roke nadse zato, da se ne bi spozabil nad potomstvom, ki misli, da so na svetu roditelji le zato, da ustrežejo vsaki njegovi želji, pa naj bo še tako nemogoča. (Sam sem bil kot otrok, da ne bo pomote, čisto nasprotje tega, utelešena reklama za številno družino ...) A kot otroci imamo očitno vsak svojega angela varuha, ki nenehno plahuta nad nami in preprečuje, da se nam ne zgodi kaj hujšega. Morda je to, mimogrede, celo povsem empiričen dokaz o obstoju Boga, v zvezi s katerim sicer vladajo precejšnji dvomi in ugibanja. Včasih me ima, da bi lepo pobrali šila in kopita in se iz mesta preselili nazaj na vas. Tam sem preživel svoje otroštvo in tam bi se lahko tudi moji otroci, tako kot sem se nekoč sam, podili za metulji po travnikih, prepolnih dišečih cvetlic, med stikanjem za ptičjimi gnezdi trgali obleke po grmovju, v gozdu nabirali lačne klope, na dvorišču na lastne oči videli kokljo s piščančki, se v hlevu čudili, od kod pravzaprav pride mleko … A to je le občasen popadek, želja, za katero mi je jasno, da iz nje ne bo nič. Kakorkoli že, k preživetju, vsaj kar se naše družine tiče, prav gotovo pripomorejo nekatere stvari; če ob tej priložnosti le kratko zapojem hvalnico svojima tašči in tastu, so tu tudi različne delavnice in aktivnosti, ki se jih lahko naši otroci udeležijo. Da je teh v poletnem času zlasti v mestih organiziranih kar veliko, je več kot dobrodošlo. Z dopusti smo pač odrasli bolj

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Otrokom lahko namenite tudi odmerek .


kot ne skopo obdarjeni, pa tudi glede na poprej povedano imamo otroke še rajši, če ti ves čas ne pričakujejo, da jih bomo zabavali in animirali, si izmišljali vedno nove in nove igrice, saj jih nobena ne zabava prav dolgo. V časih, ko so naša usta prepolna visokoletečih besed o dragocenosti naših otrok, se v javnosti sicer ne spodobi tako govoriti, a tako pač je. Pustimo tokrat ob strani mestne aktivnosti in se kratko razglejmo po tistih, ki se odvijajo bolj ali manj v naravi. Za začetek morda omenimo turistične, ekološke in tem podobne podeželske kmetije, ki organizirajo različne tabore za otroke. Tu lahko mali vsaj nekoliko zaslutijo, kako zgleda življenje na kmetih; izkušnjo, ki jo imamo sami, pravzaprav po nepotrebnem podcenjujemo. Na kmetih postane mestnim otrokom morda nekoliko bolj jasno, da je treba za živali skrbeti, in to redno, da to niso nikakršni tamagočiji, drobne elektronske napravice, ki so jih imeli otroci konec minulega tisočletja polne žepe. Za tamagočija je bilo resda treba redno skrbeti, mu »dajati jesti in piti«, a kdor tega ni počel in mu je crknil, je pač pocukal za rokav starša, ki ni prenesel žalosti v otroških očeh in je zato jadrno stopil v trgovino po novega. Da s kravo, ki ni vijolične barve kot ona z reklame za čokolado, ne gre tako zlahka, lahko mestni otroci pogruntajo šele, ko imajo sami nekoliko opraviti z njo.

{ Za otroke poleti }

{ Za otroke poleti }

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Tudi v konjeniških klubih in jahalnih šolah, kjer organizirajo tečaje jahanja za otroke, jih običajno poučijo še o tem, kako za konja primerno poskrbeti. Če sodite med tiste, ki so v otroštvu z navdušenjem brali knjige o Divjem zahodu, o kavbojih in še raje o Indijancih, boste morda prišli na svoj račun tudi vi – sam sem na konjski hrbet prvič sedel šele za svojimi otroki, na povabilo učitelja jahanja, ki je videl moje neizživeto otroško zanimanje za jahalne spretnosti. Bliže naravi, prav v njenem drobovju, bodo otroci tudi ob obisku katere od podzemnih jam. Glede na prepredenost našega podzemnega sveta z njimi ne bo težav. Tu je seveda z vlakcem opremljena Postojnska jama pa Škocjanske jame, do nedavnega edina slovenska znamenitost na Unescovem seznamu svetovne dediščine, kjer organizirajo za otroke tudi različne delavnice, pa Planinska jama, kjer se po podzemnih vodah lahko odpeljete s čolnom … In še nekatere druge, večinoma manjše jame, raztresene po Sloveniji. A ne pozabite na topla oblačila – temperature v podzemlju so skozi vse leto bolj ali manj enake in praviloma ne presežejo 10 stopinj Celzija. Otrokom lahko namenite tudi odmerek adrenalina. Povsem mogoče je, da bo deloval, potem ko jih bo nekaj časa preplavljal, nadvse pomirjevalno. Ena od možnosti je denimo družinski rafting na kateri od naših rek. Obstaja pa še veliko drugih. Na primer vodna vožnja s kajakom in kanujem, primerna navadno za nekoliko večje otroke. Marsikje si lahko v »bike parkih« otroci privoščijo vožnjo z gorskim kolesom čez drn in strn. Tako kolo kot čelado si je mogoče za vožnjo čez korenine, kamenje, luknje in različne druge naravne prepreke sposoditi. Tudi obisk katerega od pustolovskih parkov, kamor delodajalci v času debelih krav radi vozijo svoje zaposlene na »team buildinge«, jim bo bržkone dobro del. Slacklining, hoja po napeti vrvi, ki je zadnja leta zelo popularna, je odlična vaja za ravnotežje. Pa tudi zabavna, in če je vrv nameščena nekoliko višje od tal, dodatno vznemirljiva. Za varnost je, tako kot tudi pri drugih dejavnostih, dobro poskrbljeno. Steber poguma, velikanska gugalnica, plezalna stena in podobne naprave, ki sodijo k poligonu, ponavadi nameščene kar visoko nad tlemi, pa so pravi izziv, ki bo verjetno potomca najprej navdal z mešanico strahu in želje premagati ga, potem ko bo opravil z njim, pa z upravičenim ponosom. Ponosa otrok na lastne sposobnosti pa ne bi smeli podcenjevati. Učinki so tako sprotni, saj je veselje imeti opravka z

mulčki, ki so sami s sabo zadovoljni, pa tudi koristni na daljši rok, kjer se, kot kaže, itak vse vrti okoli samospoštovanja. Tudi gore so okolje, na katerega ne bi smeli pozabiti. Planinske tabore, kjer se otroci naučijo marsičesa koristnega o gorah, organizirajo številna slovenska planinska društva. Streha nad glavo je na taboru šotorsko platno, čez katerega se pne, če je vse po sreči, zvezdno nebo, računalniki so daleč stran, prijateljčki, s katerimi je mogoče početi vse sorte zanimivih reči, na dosegu roke … Pa tudi punce niso prav daleč, če je že na delu testosteron, in nič drugače ni s fanti, če je tisto, kar opredeljuje zanimanje, estrogen ...

ForinChildren the

Summer Text: Marjan Žiberna


Photography: Rafael Marn

t is often said of Svetlana Makarovič that she doesn't like children. Which seems rather strange, given the masterpieces of children's literature she has created for them: Pekarna Mišmaš, Sapramiška, Kosovirja na leteči žlici and many others. But the great artist, never known to mince her words, has often insisted that this is not true, and that it is only demanding children that she is not fond of. I suspect that this description could apply to a lot of people, and would not hesitate to agree that my own children frequently, if not indeed usually, fall into this category. Sometimes, when my overstrained nerves reach breaking point, I wonder that there are so few infanticides, and when suicide is discussed I often find myself thinking that perhaps many of the deceased took their own lives to avoid raising their hands against offspring who believe that parents only exist to satisfy their every desire, no matter how impossible. (I myself, lest there be any misunderstanding, was the exact opposite of this as a child: a walking advertisement for a large family...) But as children we evidently all have our own guardian angel, constantly watching over us and making sure that nothing bad happens to us. This, by the way, could even be an entirely empirical proof of the existence of God, in connection with whom there are otherwise many doubts and conjectures.

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{ For children in the summer }

{ For Children in the Summer }

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Sometimes I think it would be nice if we could pack up our belongings and move from the city back to the village. That is where I spent my childhood, and there, like I once did myself, my own children could chase butterflies through meadows filled with sweetly scented flowers, tear their clothes on bushes as they searched for birds' nests, pick up bloodsucking ticks in the woods, see a mother hen with her chicks in the farmyard, visit the cowshed and marvel at where milk comes from... but this is merely an occasional weakness, a desire that I know will come to nothing. Be that as it may, there are certain things, at least as far as our family is concerned, that undoubtedly help us to survive. While taking this opportunity to briefly sing the praises of my in-laws, there are also various workshops and activities here that our children can take part in. The fact that a good number of these are organised in the summer months, particularly in towns and cities, is more than welcome. We grown-ups, in fact, tend to have a rather meagre allowance of holidays, while in view of what we said earlier, we prefer it if our children do not constantly expect us to entertain them and think up new games for them – one after another, because none of them keep them entertained for very long. In an age when our mouths are so often filled with lofty words about how wonderful our children are, one ought not to say things like this in public, yet this is how it is. On this occasion, let us leave aside activities in town and take a brief look at those that take place more or less in natural surroundings. To begin with we should perhaps mention farms (open farms, organic farms and other farm tourism establishments), which organise a variety of camps for children. Here, children can get at least a sense of life on a farm; an experience which is in fact needlessly undervalued by those of us fortunate enough to have had it ourselves. Farms perhaps make it slightly clearer to city children that animals need to be looked after, on a regular basis; that they are not like Tamagotchis, those little electronic devices that filled children's pockets at the end of the last millennium. It is true that Tamagotchis also needed regular care – to be "fed and watered" – but any child who failed to look after his or her Tamagotchi, with the result that it "died", could simply tug on a parent's sleeve and the parent, unable to bear the sadness in the child's eyes, would head swiftly for the nearest shop and buy a new one. Things are not quite so straightforward with cows – which are not lilac-coloured like those in adverts for chocolate – but this is something that city children can only discover once they have had some contact with them. Pony clubs and riding schools, where courses are organised for children, usually also teach children how to look after a horse. If you are one of those people who loved books about the Wild West as a child – stories of cowboys and, even better, Indians – this might be the very thing for you. In my case, it was only after my children began riding lessons that I mounted a horse for the first time in my life: at the invitation of a riding instructor who noticed my interest, unabated since childhood. Children can also get closer to nature – right into its bowels in fact – by visiting a cave. Given the enormous number of caves in Slovenia, this will not be difficult. Popular caves include Postojna Cave with its special cave train, and the Škocjan Caves, until recently Slovenia's only UNESCO World Heritage Site, where a variety of workshops are

You can also give your children a dose of .


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organised for children. Then there is Planina Cave, when you can take an underground boat trip, and a number of other, mainly smaller caves scattered throughout Slovenia. Don't forget to wrap up warm – temperatures underground are more or less constant throughout the year and generally do not exceed 10°C. You can also give your children a dose of adrenaline. It may even have a calming effect, once they have got used to it. One possibility is family rafting on one of Slovenia's many rivers, but there are plenty of others. For example kayaking and canoeing, suitable for slightly older children. Several "bike parks" offer children the chance to ride mountain bikes up hill

and down dale. Bikes and helmets are available for hire, and they can ride over tree roots, rocks, holes and various other natural obstacles. A visit to an adventure park – where companies send their staff on team-building exercises in times of plenty – will probably also do them good. Slacklining – walking on a line stretched between two points – has become very popular in recent years and is an excellent way of learning balance. It is also fun, and if the line is positioned slightly higher above the ground it becomes even more exciting. Safety, as with other activities, is a priority. The pillar of courage, the giant swing, the climbing wall and other obstacles in the adventure park, usually quite a way off the ground, are a real challenge that will initially fill your offspring with a mixture of fear and the desire to conquer them, and then, once they have done so, with a justifiable pride. We should not underestimate children's pride in their own capabilities. The effects are both immediate, since dealing with children who are pleased with themselves becomes a pleasure, and useful in the long term where, apparently, everything revolves around self-respect. The mountains are another environment that should not be overlooked. Mountaineering camps, where children learn many useful things about the mountains, are organised by numerous mountaineering clubs in Slovenia. At these camps the roof over your head is the canvas of a tent with, hopefully, a starry sky above it. Computers are far away and friends are close at hand – to share interesting adventures of all kinds. Girls are not too far away either, in cases where testosterone is already at work, and the same applies to boys where oestrogen is involved...


Slovenski šolski muzej

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V šoli ne smem kazati jezika! U

čne ure so v Slovenskem šolskem muzeju že 13 let najprepoznavnejši del pedagoških dejavnosti in so postale prava uspešnica. Dejstvo, da muzej beleži strmo rast

obiska (samo lani skoraj 18.000 obiskovalcev), je gotovo rezultat pedagoškega programa, pri katerem postanejo obiskovalci v stari učilnici aktivni udeleženci pouka in na lastni koži doživijo stroge metode poučevanja. Ideja o učni uri se je porodila ob občasni razstavi spominov na šolo v letu 1997, prva učna ura z učno temo Cesarska pesem pa je bila na sporedu leto kasneje – najprej v takrat še Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana (danes Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane) v okviru razstave Ivan Hribar … Homo sum. K projektu, pri katerem je z opremo starih učil sodeloval tudi Slovenski šolski muzej, me je (kot študentko na delu v muzeju) povabila avtorica razstave, mag. Irena Žmuc.

Besedilo: Taja J. Gubenšek

Fotografije: Žiga Koritnik

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{ Slovenski šolski muzej }


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e danes se spominjam, kako zabavna je bila poskusna učna ura v stari Turjaški palači, ko so kot učenci nastopili kar sodelavci muzeja skupaj s kolegi Slovenskega šolskega muzeja: z največjim zadovoljstvom so se prelevili v »tretovčke« in jih v nagajivosti izvrstno oponašali v prav vseh elementih, ki jih lahko zaznamo pri otrocih te starosti: klepetali so neumorno, se ščipali, vlekli za lase in tožarili, »brali«, kot da imajo res pred seboj prvič berilo za tretji razred, in kar se da »zvedavo« spraševali »gospodično učiteljico«. Zdelo se mi je zelo zabavno, saj sem jih lahko krotila s šibo, jih kaznovala s stanjem na koruzi ali pa so dobili kazensko domačo nalogo »stokrat napisati: V šoli ne smem kazati jezika!« Da bo učna ura s strogo gospodično učiteljico verjetno všeč mladim nadobudnim obiskovalcem muzeja, je bilo slutiti po splošnem navdušenju ob zvonjenju in učiteljičinem »Zbogom, otroci!« Niti predstavljali pa si nismo, da bo to ena izmed najuspešnejših muzejskih pedagoških demonstracij in bo zaradi izrednega navdušenja obiskovalcev ter velikega zanimanja javnosti prerasla v trajni projekt, ki danes živi in se vsebinsko razvija v Slovenskem šolskem muzeju že trinajsto šolsko leto. Pri prvi učni uri smo obravnavali Cesarsko pesem avtorja Janeza Gabriela Seidla iz leta 1854 (ki je trenutno ni v pedagoški ponudbi). Učenci so se jo morali v času, ko smo bili še del habsburške monarhije, naučiti na pamet in so jo še posebej slovesno peli na rojstni dan »našega presvetlega cesarja Franca Jožefa«. Učna snov je bila pripravljena po učnem načrtu izpred stotih let za takratne ljudske šole (Popotnik, 1900), strokovno gradivo o starih učnih načrtih pa je s svojimi spomini obogatil tudi gospod Ciril Merčun, nekdanji učitelj iz Kamnika. V opremi avtentične učilnice niso manjkali obvezni učni pripomočki: zemljevid habsburške monarhije, slika cesarja Franca Jožefa, »oslovska« klop, koruza v kotu, učne slike, stare klopi z odprtino za črnilnik in zarezo za pero, ›bogkov kot‹ ter do vratu zapeti kostum in speti lasje stroge gospodične učiteljice, z obvezno leskovo palico v roki. Začetek ure je naznanjalo ročno zvonjenje, gospodični učiteljici pa je veljal stoječ pozdrav učencev »v zboru«: »Bog daj, gospodična učiteljica!« Odločni učiteljičini

koraki so v razredu, kjer je vladala smrtna tišina, glasno odmevali in takoj je začela z ukazovanjem: »Pri pouku morate biti zbrani, prepovedano je klepetanje, šepetanje, oziranje nazaj, prežvekovanje! Sedite vzravnano, roke držite na hrbtu in ste čisto tiho! V šolo morate hoditi pravočasno, čisti in urejeni! Najprej bom pogledala, kako skrbite za svojo čistočo! Roke na mizo!« Sledil je pregled čistoče in kratka molitev Simona Jenka. Nikoli nisem vedela, kaj me bo čakalo v razredu. Začudenje, jeza, jok, trma, slabost, celo bruhali in polulali so se nekateri. Ko sem koga zalotila s črnimi nohti, je seveda dobil kazensko domačo nalogo: »Stokrat napiši v lepopisni pisavi: V šolo moram hoditi s čistimi ›nohtovi‹!« In če sem zalotila kakšno učenko z nakitom in lakom (!) na nohtih, sem jo oštela: »Ti nečimrnica! Za domačo nalogo napiši tristokrat: V šolo ne smem hoditi nečimrna!« Zapomnila sem si tudi učiteljico, ki je zapustila razred takoj na začetku učne ure s pripombo: »Molila pa že ne bom!« Še marsikaj zanimivega se je zgodilo v vseh teh letih in ravno zato, ker so ti drobci in pripetljaji še posebej vplivali na vzdušje v stari učilnici, smo jih začeli zapisovati. Zanimivo je bilo že v prvem šolskem letu 1998/99, ko je učna ura naših babic in dedkov ob razstavi o nepozabnem županu Ivanu Hribarju »komaj shodila«. Učenec 3. razreda neke ljubljanske osnovne šole se je po kazni – klečanju na koruzi – ves jezen in v bolečinah pritožil ter mi žugal: »Veš, moj oči je pa zaposlen na Ministrstvu za šolstvo in ti bo že dal!« V spominu mi je ostala tudi ura, ki se je je ob svoji osemdesetletnici leta 2001 udeležil akademik dr. Vasilij Melik, moj nekdanji profesor. Razlagala sem pomen besede sloga, kjer povemo slovenski in latinski pregovor o slogi: »V slogi je moč« ali »Viribus unitis« (složno = z združenimi močmi). Ob vprašanju, kaj je sloga, je hudomušno odgovoril: »Gospodična učiteljica, v Slogi je kino!« Ker je bila Cesarska pesem »naša najlepša pesem, je bila dolžnost vsakega avstrijskega državljana, da to pesem ne samo na pamet zna, pač pa da jo tudi popolnoma razume« (Popotnik, 1900), so se jo morali »za domačo nalogo naučiti« tudi vsi »učenci« naše učne ure.

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{ Slovenski šolski muzej }

{ Slovenian School Museum }

I Must Not Stick My Tongue Out at School! Text: Taja J. Gubenšek

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Photography: Žiga Koritnik


or thirteen years now, authentic school lessons have been the most distinctive element of the educational activities offered by the Slovenian School Museum and have become a real hit with visitors. The sharp growth in visitor numbers (almost 18,000 last year) is without a doubt largely due to these educational activities, in which visitors are given the chance to attend a lesson in an old-fashioned classroom and experience for themselves the strict teaching methods of the past. The idea of school lessons in the museum came about on the occasion of a temporary exhibition in 1997 on the subject of memories of school. The first lesson, "The Imperial Anthem", was included in the programme of the City Museum of Ljubljana (today the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana) as part of an exhibition called "Ivan Hribar… Homo sum". I was invited to take part in the project (as a student at the museum) by the exhibition's creator Irena Žmuc. Old classroom equipment was contributed to the project by the Slovenian School Museum. I still remember the fun we had at the trial lesson in the old Auersperg Palace, when museum staff together with colleagues from the Slovenian School Museum played the part of the pupils: with the greatest delight they transformed into "third-formers" and supplied an extremely convincing imitation of the behaviour of children of that age. They chattered non-stop, pinched each other, pulled each other's hair and told tales, "read" out loud as though they were really seeing a third-year reading book for the first time, and fell over each other in their eagerness to answer questions. It was fun for me to be able to walk around with my hazel rod, send them to kneel in the corner when they misbehaved, or get them to write out a hundred times, for example: "I must not stick my tongue out at school!" The general enthusiasm when the bell rang and the teacher dismissed the class with a "Farewell, children!" was a good indication that young visitors to the museum would probably enjoy lessons like this with a strict schoolteacher. We did not imagine, however, that this would be one of the museum's most successful educational demonstrations, and that owing to the enormous enthusiasm on the part of visitors and considerable public interest it would grow into a

permanent project that is today run by the Slovenian School Museum, where it continues to develop and is now in its thirteenth year. The subject of the first lesson was the Imperial Anthem from 1854, written by Johann Gabriel Seidl and set to music by Joseph Haydn. When Slovenia was still part of the Habsburg Empire, pupils were required to learn the anthem by heart, and to sing it with particular solemnity on the birthday of "Our most illustrious Emperor, Francis Joseph." The teaching material was prepared from an elementary school syllabus from over a century ago (Popotnik, 1900), while the technical material on old school syllabuses was enriched by the memories of Mr Ciril Merčun, a retired teacher from Kamnik. The authentic classroom naturally included all the obligatory classroom equipment: a map of the Hapsburg Empire, a portrait of Emperor Francis Joseph, a dunce's bench, corn in the corner, instructive illustrations, old-fashioned desks, each with an inkwell and a groove for a pen, a holy corner with a crucifix, and of course a strict schoolmistress with her dress buttoned up to the neck and her hair in a bun – and a hazel rod in her hand. The start of the lesson was announced by a handbell and the pupils stood up to greet the teacher in chorus: "Good morning, Miss!" The decisive footsteps of the teacher echoed loudly through the

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classroom, where a deadly silence now reigned, and she immediately began barking orders: "During lessons you will pay attention at all times. There will be no chattering, whispering, looking round or chewing! Sit up straight, hands behind your back, and absolute silence! You must come to school on time and be neat and tidy! Now I shall inspect you to see how clean you are! Hands on the table!" Then came a cleanliness check and a brief recital of Simon Jenko's Prayer. I never knew what would be waiting for me in the classroom. Surprise, anger, tears, stubbornness, feelings of faintness. Even a few who have been sick or wet themselves. If I ever caught anyone with dirty fingernails, I would automatically give them lines: "Write out one hundred times in your best handwriting: 'I must come to school with clean nails!'" And woe betide any girl wearing jewellery and – horror! – nail varnish: "Vanity! Write out three hundred times: "I must not come to school vainly attired!" I remember one teacher who left the classroom as soon as the lesson began, muttering: "I am not going to say prayers!" Many other interesting things have happened over the course of all these years, and it is precisely because these fragments and incidents have had a particular influence on the atmosphere in the old classroom that we have begun to write them down.

There were plenty of interesting moments even during the first year (1998/99), when the "School Lesson from Our Grandparents' Day", coinciding with the exhibition on the unforgettable mayor Ivan Hribar, was still finding its feet. One third-year pupil from a Ljubljana primary school, angry at being sent to kneel on the corn in the corner as a punishment for misbehaviour – and with sore knees – threatened me by saying: "My father works at the Ministry of Education, you know. Now you'll be for it!" Then there was that memorable lesson in 2001 attended by Dr Vasilij Melik, a former professor of mine, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. I was explaining the meaning of the word sloga, "unity", and the explanation involved quoting proverbs about unity in Slovene and Latin: V slogi je moč, literally "in unity, there is strength", or, in Latin, viribus unitis. When I asked the class what sloga was, Dr Melik mischievously replied: "Miss, in Sloga [unity], there is a cinema!" – Kino Sloga being the name of a well-known Ljubljana cinema. Since the Imperial Anthem was "our most beautiful song", it was "the duty of every Austrian citizen not only to know this song by heart, but also to understand it perfectly" (Popotnik, 1900), and therefore all my "pupils" were required to learn it "for homework".


Slovenski šolski muzej

13. postava:

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Bodi vsak dan umit, počesan, čedno oblečen; raztrgan ne bodi nikoli! Besedilo: Taja J. Gubenšek

Fotografije: Žiga Koritnik


uzejske demonstracije učnih ur po »metodi lastne kože« so za obiskovalce svojevrstna izkušnja,

saj si na ta način najlažje zapomnijo vsebino, ki se nekaterim še posebej usidra v srce. Različne vsebine učnih ur so se tako »prijele«, da si v muzeju danes lahko ogledate skupno devet učnih ur z različno tematiko iz zgodovine nauka v šolah ali pa se jih tudi udeležite.


riprave prve učne ure sva se z velikim veseljem lotili s kustodinjo Matejo Ribarič in za temo izbrali snov starih učnih načrtov prirodopisa – učne ure o domači mački; prvič je bila na sporedu v šolskem letu 2003/04. Pri učni uri Domača mačka (lat. Felis domestica, nem. die Hauskatze) obiskovalci s pomočjo učnih pripomočkov (nagačenih mačk, učnih slik, besedila Frana Erjavca) spoznajo mačkine telesne in značajske lastnosti, v starih slovenskih in latinskih pregovorih njene navade ter v Erjavčevem besedilu Mačka (Drugo berilo iz leta 1895) še njene druge zanimivosti in spretnosti. Kot udomačeno žival so jo sicer poznali že stari Egipčani pribl. 3000 let pr. n. št. in so jo častili kot žival, posvečeno boginji Bastet. Skrivnost mačjega doskoka in obrat v ugoden položaj sta predmet francoskih akademskih razprav leta 1894, v istem obdobju pa so angleški raziskovalci objavili študije fotografij padajočih mačk. Med vsemi zvermi so mačke »najkrvoločnejše in najopasniše, enako strahovite zaradi moči in okretnosti, kot da v svojem telesu ne bi imele kosti«. Ura vključuje tudi herbartistične učne metode (formulirane stavke, ki jih učenci po razlagi večkrat glasno ponavljajo za gospodično učiteljico, npr: Mačka je domača žival! Mačka je jako čista in snažna žival, kar naprej se umiva! Tudi v temi zelo dobro vidi! Njen sluh je tenak! Mačka lovi miši, ki jih pograbi v skoku! Mačka ima devet življenj!). Mačko kot izredno zanimivo domačo žival in nekatere njene navade vsi poznajo. V večini primerov pri izpraševanju ni zagate niti pri najmlajših skupinah obiskovalcev. Na tablice, ki jih imajo učenci (obiskovalci) v razredu na

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klopi, napišejo naslov Domača mačka v lepopisni pisavi, kjer so linije pisane »zgoraj tanko in spodaj debelo«. Za domačo nalogo se morajo naučiti slovenske pregovore o mački, med uro pa s kredo na tablico zapišejo tudi kakšnega »po latinsko«. Posebno je pohvaljen tisti, ki pozna latinsko ali nemško ime za domačo mačko. Vprašani učenci glasno berejo pregovore z učnega lista, potem pa jih »s skupnimi močmi« razložimo: Kedar ni mačke doma, so miši dobre volje. Gorje mu, pri komur se mačke in miši bratijo. Mačka se ne kupuje v žaklju … Mačke so prišle zaradi izrednih telesnih lastnosti in gibčnosti v učbenike mehanike. In kot danes navaja dr. Janez Strnad (Fizika v šoli 3, 1997, str. 95), je bila s tem razložena tudi dilema, »da ima mačka sedem (ali celo devet) življenj: mačkino gibčnost vidimo, kadar pada. Mačka vedno pade na noge. Po splošnem mnenju je padec mačke z večje višine manj nevaren … Če mačka začne padati v nerodnem položaju, v tem primeru potrebuje nekaj časa, da se spravi v položaj z nogami navzdol, v katerem prestane sunek sile ob pristanku brez večjih poškodb. Kako se sploh lahko zasuče v želeni položaj, če se vrtilna količina ohrani? Skupni navor vseh zunanjih sil na mačko je namreč ves čas padanja enak ničli, če se ne oziramo na navor

zračnega upora v morebitni nesimetrični legi« (po načelu o ekvivalentnosti in Berryjeve geometrijske faze). Takih podrobnosti pri učni uri sicer ne sprašujem, saj je za nekatere dovolj ustrahovalno, da so vprašani »pred katedrom«. Težko pričakovana je bila tudi učna ura Lepo vedenje (fr. bon ton, slov. bonton, olika), ki je bila umeščena v pedagoški program v šol. l. 2007/08. Leta 1905 je bil sprejet nov splošni Šolski red za ljudske šole v habsburški monarhiji, ki je vključeval tudi slovenske dežele. Novi »definitivni učni in šolski red« je predpisoval, da mora učiteljstvo vsake šole v društvu s šolskim zdravnikom sestaviti šolski red za učence, ki naj bi določeval, »kako se imajo učenci obnašati v šoli in zunaj nje, kdaj začenja in kdaj končuje pouk in ki bi naj dal pravec vsemu šolskemu obisku … Splošne določbe šolskega reda se morajo učencem čitati početkom šolskega leta, ako je to mogoče, posameznosti pa si pomnijo učenci med letom. Takisto se mora šolski red izročati učencem, da ga izroče starišem, v učni sobi pa mora biti vidno obešen, najbolje poleg urnika.« (iz Disciplinarnega reda c. kr. državne gimnazije na Kranjskem,

{ Slovenski šolski muzej }

{ Slovenski šolski muzej }

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potrjenega leta 1887) Vsak učenec dobi pri uri izvod Petindvajsetih šolskih postav, ki jih mora za domačo nalogo prebrati »svojim roditeljem ali njih namestnikom« in se jih naučiti na pamet ter se po njih ravnati. Učencem povzročajo največ preglavic starinski izrazi, kot so: • postavati po poti (ustavljati se), • razkriti se v razredu (odložiti pokrivalo), • sedeti na odkazanem prostoru (v svoji klopi), • ne oskruni šolskih klopi (ne poškoduj šolske imovine), • bodi pokoren svojim starišem (ubogaj starše). Največ smeha je pri 13. postavi, ki govori o osebni higieni: »Bodi vsak dan umit, počesan, čedno oblečen; raztrgan ne bodi nikoli! … NOHTOVI naj ne bodo predolgi, ne prekratki. Redno si jih striži in trebi, sam zase, ne v družbi, ne pri mizi, v gostilni in ne v šoli. Nikoli ne imej črnih robov, kožico pa odmekni in ostrizi! Nohtove je treba rezati tako, da so zaokroženi, kakor rastejo po naravi ... LASJE so lepi, ako so bujni in suhi. Mastne lase si moraš umivati vsake 3, 4 dni ali vsaj vsakih 8 dni v čimbolj vroči vodi, ki ji primešaj žlico sode. Lase si močno namili in nato izperi v mlačni vodi, ki jo (v lavorju) vsaj dvakrat zamenjaš. Nato si lase osuši, če nimaš električnega osuševalca, to naredi s pahljačo ali vročimi robci, v katere si glavo ponovno zaviješ. Suhe lase pa namaži s stepenim jajčnim rumenjakom. Po masaži si lase umij v mlačni vodi,

potem pa hladno osuši s starim pajčolanom… USEKUJ se v robec, ki ga menjaj vsak dan. Med usekovanjem se vselej nekoliko okreni ter opravi to brez trobentanja, pljuvanja in hrkanja. Grda navada nekaterih ljudi je, da vedno pogledajo na svoj sluz ali pljunek v robcu, to je strašna nespodobnost!« Učno uro bontona zaključimo seveda s formuliranimi zapovedmi, ki jih morajo učenci pomniti in jih zato glasno ponavljajo za gospodično učiteljico:

Ne zdehaj med poukom! Ne praskaj si glave! Ne vrtaj s prstom po nosu in ušesih! Ne grizi si nohtov! Ne pljuvaj po tleh! Spoštuj stariše in starejše! Živi složno z ljudmi druge vere in druge narodnosti! Bodi za danes dovolj!

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{ Slovenian School Museum } Rule Number 13:

Be washed, combed and neatly dressed every day; never be scruffy! Text: Taja J. Gubenšek

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Photography: Žiga Koritnik

chool lessons as museum-style demonstrations of the “experience it for yourself” method are the best way to ensure that visitors remember what they learn or, in some cases, fix it more solidly in their memory. The different school lessons have been such a success that if you visit the Slovenian School Museum today you can watch and take part in a total of nine lessons on different subjects from the history of teaching in our schools. With great enthusiasm, I set about preparing the first lesson together with the curator Mateja Ribarič, choosing material from old natural history syllabuses. The subject we chose was a lesson on the domestic cat, first introduced to the programme in 2003/04. In the course of a lesson on “The Domestic Cat” (Latin: Felis domestica, German: Die Hauskatze), visitors use a variety of learning aids – stuffed cats, anatomical drawings, an old school reader by Fran Erjavec – to learn about the physical characteristics of cats and discover their nature. They also repeat proverbs about cats in Slovene and Latin and find out other interesting facts from Erjavec's reading-book The Cat (Second School Reader from 1895). The cat has been domesticated since around 3000 BC, when the ancient Egyptians worshipped it as the sacred animal of the cat-goddess Bastet. The secret of the cat's ability to right itself in the air so as to land on its feet was the subject of French academic discussions in 1894, while in the same period British researchers published studies based on photographs of falling cats. Cats are the “most bloodthirsty and most dangerous” of all wild creatures, “equally terrible because of their strength and their agility, as though they had no bones in their body.” The lesson also includes Herbartian teaching methods (formulaic phrases which the pupils repeat out loud after the teacher, for example: The cat is a domestic animal! The cat is a very clean and neat animal that is always washing itself! The cat can see in the dark! The cat has

very good hearing! The cat hunts mice, which it catches by pouncing on them! The cat has nine lives!). Everyone knows that a cat is an extremely interesting domestic animal, and they usually know something about its habits. In most cases even the youngest visitors are able to answer the teacher's questions without difficulty. Taking the slates laid out on their desks, the pupils (i.e. the visitors to the museum) write out the lesson title “The Domestic Cat” in their best handwriting, with strokes that are “thin at the top and thick at the bottom”. Their homework is to learn some Slovene proverbs about cats, while during the lesson they use their chalk to write Latin expressions on their slates. Anyone who knows the Latin or German name for the domestic cat is particularly praised. Selected pupils read out the proverbs from the worksheet, and then we pool our efforts to explain them: “When the cat's away, the mice will play.” “When cat and mice agree, the farmer has no chance.” “Never buy a cat in a bag” (or a pig in a poke). And so on. Owing to their extraordinary physical characteristics and agility, cats have even found their way into mechanics textbooks. As Dr Janez Strnad notes today (Physics in Schools 3, 1997, page 95), this has helped resolve the riddle of the cat's seven (or nine) lives: we see the cat's agility when it falls. “A cat always falls on its feet. It is popularly believed that it is safer for a cat to fall from a greater height […]. If a cat starts to fall in an awkward position, it needs time to twist itself into a feet-down position, so as to endure the shock of landing without suffering serious injury. But how is it actually able to twist itself into the desired position without violating the law of conservation of angular momentum? The total turning moment of all outside forces on the cat is in fact equal to zero for the entire duration of the fall, if we ignore the effect of air resistance in the case of an asymmetric position” (according to the principle of equivalence and Berry's geometric phase). Pupils are not expected to know such details in my lessons, however. For some of them, the mere fact of coming up to the teacher's desk to answer a question is terrifying enough in itself. Another eagerly awaited lesson was the one on Manners, which was added to the programme for the 2007/08 academic year. In 1905 new general School Rules were adopted for elementary schools in the Habsburg Empire, which included the Slovene lands. The new “definitive rules for teachers and schools” required the teaching staff of every school, together with the school doctor, to draw up rules for pupils, which were to specify “how pupils shall behave in and out of school, when lessons begin and end, and who is responsible for directing school attendance [...]. The general provisions of the school rules shall be read to pupils at the start of the school year, if this is possible, and pupils shall memorise the details over the course of the year. Furthermore, a copy of the school rules must be given to pupils, for them to give to their parents, and must be visibly displayed in the classroom, preferably next to the timetable.” (From the Rules of

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Discipline of the Kaiserlich und Königlich Staatsgymnasium of the Duchy of Carniola, approved in 1887.) During our lesson, every pupil receives a copy of Twenty-Five School Rules, and their homework is to read them to “their parents or guardian”, learn them by heart, and obey them. Pupils have the most trouble with archaic expressions such as: • tarry along the way (stop), • uncover oneself in class (take off your hat), • sit in the ordained place (sit at your own desk), • refrain from desecrating the forms (do not damage school property), • show obedience to one's elders (do what your parents tell you). The biggest laugh always comes with Rule Number 13, which deals with personal hygiene: “Be washed, combed and neatly dressed every day; never be scruffy! NAILS should neither be too long, nor too short. Cut them and clean them regularly, on your own, not in company, not at table, in public or at school. They should never have black edges! Soften and pare cuticles! Nails should be cut in such a way that they are rounded, just as they grow naturally. HAIR is of pleasing appearance when it is luxuriant and dry. Greasy hair must be washed every three or four days or at least every eight days in the hottest possible water, to which a spoonful of soda is added. Soap well and then rinse in lukewarm water, changing the water (in the washbasin) at least twice. Then dry your hair. If you do not have an electric dryer, use a fan or wrap your head in warm handkerchiefs. Anoint dry hair with beaten egg yolk. After rubbing in

the yolk, wash your hair in lukewarm water and then dry it cold with an old veil. BLOW YOUR NOSE into a handkerchief, which should be changed every day. When blowing your nose, you should always turn round slightly, and do so without blowing, spitting or hawking. Some people have the nasty habit of inspecting their mucus or spit in the handkerchief. This is highly improper!” The lesson on manners naturally ends with a series of formulaic commandments which pupils are required to memorise and then repeat out loud after the teacher:

Do not yawn during class! Do not scratch your head! Do not pick your nose or ears! Do not bite your nails! Do not spit on the floor! Respect your parents and elders! Live in harmony with people of other faiths and nationalities! That will be all for today!


Blejsko jezero


v podvodnih gozdovih ( 64 )


led, nepogrešljiv zaščitni znak dežele na sončni strani Alp, je v vseh turističnih prospektih in na razglednicah ovekovečena podoba raja, kot si jo zamišlja poprečen Slovenec in kot jo vidi poprečen turist. Podoba včasih deluje kar nekako kičasto, saj

Bled premore tisoč let star grad, ki s strme skale bedi nad jezerom z idiličnim otočkom s cerkvijo na njegovem severnem koncu, nad vsem tem pa se kot kulise pnejo Julijske Alpe na eni in Karavanke na drugi strani.

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Besedilo: Tom Turk

Fotografije: Borut Furlan

{ Blejsko jezero }


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pod vesli tradicionalnih pleten, ki napolnjene s turisti v počasnem ritmu drsijo proti otoku, ali pod vitkimi tekmovalnimi čolni svetovnih veslaških šampionov in olimpijskih zmagovalcev se skriva popolnoma drug svet, ki je večini neznan in tudi nedostopen. To je svet pod jezersko gladino, skrivnostno temačno in včasih kar nekoliko strašljivo domovanje jezerskih prebivalcev. Čeprav Blejsko jezero po vzoru Loch Nessa in njegove Nessie ne premore svoje »Bledsie« ali kakšnega drugega bajeslovnega bitja, pa v njem živi kar lepo število zanimivih, a seveda precej manjših »pošasti«. Globine jezera so ta čudoviti svet; predirajo ga sončni žarki in v njem ustvarjajo svetlobne snope, ki se izgubljajo v še večje globine. Pogled od spodaj proti površini nam ponekod ob obali zastirajo cvetoči lokvanji, ki s svojimi stebli, usidranimi na muljasto dno, ustvarjajo nekakšne podvodne gozdove, kjer se skrivajo večje in manjše ribe. Te si pogosto poiščejo zavetje tudi v senci pomolov in čolnarn, kjer se najraje zadržujejo veliki somi. Njihova pegasta in marogasta telesa so včasih kakor polena zložena pod potopljenimi deskami in stebri odsluženih pristanišč. Čeprav so dobro prikriti v medli svetlobi, pa jih izdajo dolgi belkasti brki, ki štrlijo iz obrobja njihovih požrešnih gobcev. Večina življenja v Blejskem jezeru je omejena na okrog 20 m globine, globlje je kisika malo in kljub podvodni nategi, ki v jezero dovaja hladno in s kisikom bogato vodo, nekateri globlji predeli jezera občasno še vedno ostanejo brez njega. Kljub svoji lepoti se jezero očitno ne more izogniti nekaterim težavam, ki so posledica prevelike poselitve okrog njega, pa čeprav je njegovo stanje v zadnjih letih bistveno boljše kakor pred leti, ko so se vanj nenadzorovano zlivale razne odplake in povzročale prekomerno cvetenje alg in cianobakterij. Poleg že omenjenih somov živijo v jezeru tudi številne druge vrste rib. Pogosti so progasti ostriži, ki se najraje zadržujejo med potonjenim vejevjem ali podrtimi ostanki dreves. Dobro prikrite marogasto obarvane ščuke med podvodnim rastlinjem ali med pontoni prežijo na manjše ribe. Te »jezerske barakude« in prav tako požrešne ribe z račjemu kljunu podobnim gobcem so glavni jezerski plenilci, strah in trepet vseh drugih rib. Pred njimi so varni le somi in veliki smuči, nekakšni kralji jezerskega ribjega prebivalstva. Občasno jezero razkrije tudi kašne druge zaklade, čeprav ne ravno tistih, ki so v glavnem povezani z raznimi bajkami in mitologijo, značilnimi za ta del alpskega sveta. Ena glavnih nedavnih najdb podvodnih arheologov je bil več kakor 3000 let star meč, ki so ga odkrili na pobočju jezerske kotanje, nedaleč od izliva v Jezernico na Mlinem. Ležal je na površini svetlosivega peščenega melja, prekrivala pa ga je nekajcentimetrska plast peska. Potapljači so ga odkrili s pomočjo detektorja kovin. Na skoraj istem mestu so pred 35 leti našli podoben bronast meč, pa tudi sekiro iz halštatskega obdobja, zato arheologi domnevajo, da je bilo to vodno kultno mesto, kjer so bojevniki v ritualu metali v jezero svoje orožje. Očitno jezero skriva številne skrivnosti, ki bodisi naključno bodisi z načrtnim raziskovanjem prihajajo na dan in bogatijo tako našo naravno kakor tudi kulturno dediščino.

VeÄ?ina Ĺživljenja v Blejskem jezeru je omejena na okrog 20 m globine.

{ Lake Bled }

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{ Lake Bled }

Life in the Subaquatic Forests Text: Tom Turk

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Photography: Borut Furlan

led, an unmistakable natural wonder of the land on the sunny side of the Alps, has been immortalised in travel guides and postcards as the way a Slovene imagines heaven... or at least as the way the average tourist pictures it. At times, it comes off as almost kitschy, as Bled offers a thousand-year-old castle perched atop a sheer cliff that looks out over a lake with a small, idyllic island with a church on its north side; above it all, as a scenic backdrop, rise the Julian Alps on one side and the Karavanke range on the other. Yet beneath the oars of the traditional boats or pletne that, laden with tourists, beat a slow rhythm towards the island; beneath the nimble racing boats of world champion rowers and Olympic medallists, there lurks a completely different world, one that most people are unaware of and cannot fathom. This is the world that lies beneath the smooth surface of the lake, the mysteriously dark and at times somewhat frightening world of the lake’s inhabitants. Although Lake Bled cannot boast of having a counterpart to Loch Ness’ Nessie – a “Bledsie”, if you will – or some other legendary creature, it is home to a vast number of interesting, albeit considerably smaller mysterious creatures.

The depths of the lake make up this amazing world; it is pierced by the rays of the sun, which create patches of light that are lost at greater depths. Along the shores, the view from the bottom towards the surface is veiled here and there by blossoming water lilies; with stems anchored to the silty floor of the lake, they create a sort of underwater forest where fish large and small like to hide. The lake’s fish often seek shelter in the shade of piers and boathouses, which is the giant catfish’s favourite hiding place. With their spotted and speckled bodies, Lake Bled’s catfish are at times reminiscent of logs stacked away beneath the sunken planks and columns of docks that have long since fallen into disuse. Although the faint light provides good cover, the long whitish barbells protruding from the edge of their gluttonous mouths give them away. Most of the life in Lake Bled is limited to a depth of about 20 metres. There is little oxygen at greater depths, and despite underwater siphons that draw cool, oxygen-rich water into the lake, certain deeper parts are still occasionally without oxygen. For all its beauty, Lake Bled clearly has not managed to avoid certain problems that are the result of extensive settlement around the lake. In recent years its condition has improved significantly compared to the days when the dumping of various kinds of sewage went unchecked, causing the excessive blooming of algae and cyanobacteria. Besides the catfish mentioned above, a number of other types of fish live in the lake. Pumpkinseed sunfish are also common; they prefer to frequent branches that have fallen into the lake or the collapsed remains of trees. Pike, whose speckled bodies provide excellent camouflage, prey on smaller fish among the aquatic plants and pontoons. These “lake barracudas” are, as the nickname suggests, voracious fish with a mouth similar in shape to a duck’s bill. They are the lake’s main predators, striking terror into the heart of all the lake’s other fish. Only catfish and the large pike-perch, the veritable kings of the Lake’s fish population, are safe from them. The lake also reveals other treasures from time to time, although not exactly those mentioned in the tales and mythology characteristic of this part of the Alpine world. One of the main recent finds is a 3,000-year-old sword discovered by underwater archaeologists. It was found near the slopes of the lake’s basin, not far from where it flows into the Jezernica Stream at Mlino. The sword lay on the surface of lightgrey sandy scree, and was covered by a layer of sand several centimetres thick. It was discovered by divers with the help of a metal detector. Thirty-five years ago, a similar bronze sword was discovered at nearly the same location, as well as an axe from the Hallstatt period, which has led archaeologists to posit that this was once the site of an aquatic cult where warriors would ritually cast their weapons into the lake. Lake Bled still conceals a number of secrets which are slowly coming to light, either through chance discoveries or planned research. Each new discovery enriches both our natural and cultural heritage.


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Most of the life in Lake Bled is limited to a depth of about 20 metres.

Velika planina

Biti pastir ( 70 )

je svojevrsten prestiž S

o kraji na tem svetu, za katere se zdi, da nad njimi bdi nevidna roka, ki jih brani pred nenasitnim širjenjem vsega modernega v še tako skrite zaplate našega planeta. So kraji, kjer si samo čas jemlje pravico, da jih kleše in spreminja, človek pa lahko le sprejema.

Besedilo: Kaja Brezočnik

Fotografije: Jošt Franko

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{ Velika planina }

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ra je zgodnja, nekaj čez četrto, in sonce se počasi riše na obzorju. Sredi zelenih pašnikov ujameš trenutek brezčasnosti. To je Velika planina, ujeta v brezčasnost in prelepa, ko se zbuja v jutranji mir. Na poti do pastirskega selišča srečam pastirja, ki žene govedo na pašo, dvanajst glav živine in vsaka ima svoje ime. Ura je četrt čez peto, »pozni smo danes«, pravi, ko se pozdraviva. »Vas kaj ubogajo?« vprašam. »Ubogajo, ubogajo, vse razumejo.« In res, ko ena izmed krav krene malo po svoje, jo »Sivka, ne tja, tukaj gremo« takoj prepriča, da se pridruži ostalim. Tako samoumevno je, da pastir in žival hodita isto pot, razumeta iste besede. Pastirji so, tako pričajo arheološke najdbe, na Veliki planini že od nekdaj, vse tja do srednjega veka segajo viri o njihovi nastanitvi. Tudi ko so Nemci v času druge svetovne vojne požgali celotno selišče do tal, so tam ostali. Zgradili so ga znova. Vse do danes ostajajo tudi izjemno zaprta skupnost, ki nadaljuje s 500-letno tradicijo prehajanja pastirjev iz roda v rod. Iz dolinskega civiliziranega sveta pa so vendarle segle v planino nekatere spremembe. Nekoč je bilo v celotnem selišču samo eno stranišče na ‘štrbunk‘, kuhali so na odprtem ognju, danes pa so koče že opremljene s stranišči, hladilniki, štedilniki, tudi kakšen televizor se najde, pa ven-

dar to ne vpliva na način življenja, ki je še vedno skromno, a povezano z izjemno radostjo, da lahko del poletja preživijo med sončnim vzhodom in zahodom sredi tako prvinske narave. Dnevi so pestri in intenzivni. Ko vprašam, ali je kdaj dolgčas, samo zamahnejo z roko. Dan se začne zgodaj, ob sončnem vzhodu ženejo na

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gočih naprav, od računalnikov, pametnih telefonov do iPadov, s tako velikim pričakovanjem čakajo čas, ki ga bodo preživeli med travniki, ptiči, živalmi, v skromno opremljenih lesenih kočah, kjer ni vse samo igra, ampak tudi delo. Otroci pomagajo pri paši, molzejo krave in dodeljena so jim še druga dela, ki jih zmorejo opraviti. In da tam pravzaprav ničesar ne pogrešajo, me navdaja z upanjem, da morda še nismo tako izgubljeni v tem požrešnem svetu nepotrebnega preobilja. Biti pastir danes, ne pomeni več preživetja za družino, ampak se zdi skoraj kot svojevrsten prestiž. Saj, kaj pa je v tem obnorelem svetu jemanja in pehanja za ugodjem, če ne prestiž, da so v planini povezani z neizmerno ljubeznijo do narave in naravnega?! Njim je vseeno, kako se to imenuje, zanje je to način življenja od pomladi do jeseni. Leto za letom. In ko enkrat v rosnem jutru poduhaš to čudovito planoto in ko te zaobjame nazaj, preprosto veš, da si se zaljubil za zmeraj. Kot oni.

pašo, čez dan ne zmanjka majhnih popravil in urejanja okolice, pripravljanja sira in skute, druženja, hkrati pa jih poleg zgodnje rose na stopalih poživljajo otroci, vnuki in vnukinje. Tako nepredstavljivo se zdi, da otroci mest in dolin, skozi vsakdan obkroženi z izrazitim tehnološkim napredkom in že skoraj odvisni od cingljanja in žvenketanja vseh mo-

{ Velika planina }

{ Velika planina }

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Being a Herder Has Its Own Prestige Text: Kaja Brezočnik

Photography: Jošt Franko


here are places in this world where it seems that some invisible hand hovers over them, protecting them from the insatiable spread of everything modern, which is invading even the most remote corners of our planet. There are places where only time has the right to carve them and change them, while humans can merely accept it. It is early, a little after four, and the sun is slowly taking shape on the horizon. Amidst the green pastures you capture a moment of timelessness. This is Velika Planina, caught in timeless beauty as it awakens in the tranquil morning. On the trail to the herder settlement I encounter a herder driving his herd to pasture, twelve head of cattle, each with their own name. It’s quarter past five, and he says “We’re late today” as we greet each other. “So do they obey you at all?" I ask. “They obey me, yes, they understand everything.” And it’s true, when one of the cows starts moving off on her own, he says “Sivka [Grey], not there, we’re going this way” and that immediately persuades her to rejoin the rest. It seems perfectly natural that the herder and animal tread the same path and understand the same words. The herders have been on Velika Planina since the earliest times – with archaeological evidence to support this – and sources relating to

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their accommodation there go back to the Middle Ages. Even when the Germans burned the entire settlement to the ground during the Second World War, they stayed there. They rebuilt it from scratch. Even today it remains an exceptionally closed community, continuing a 500-year-old tradition of herding handed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, certain changes have made their way up to the pastures from the civilised world in the valleys. At one time the entire settlement was served by just one “long-drop” toilet, and they cooked on an open fire, while today the huts are fitted with toilets, fridges, cookers and even a television or two can be found, but this still does not influence the way of life, which remains humble but associated with extraordinary joy at being able to spend part of the summer between sunrise and sunset amidst such elemental nature. The days are varied and full. When I ask if anyone gets bored, they just brush the idea away with a wave. The day begins early, as they drive the herds to pasture at sunrise, and during the day there is no lack of little repairs and jobs to be done in the surrounding area, making cheese and cottage cheese and socialising, and at the same time, it is not just the early morning dew on their feet that gets them going, but also children and grandchildren. It seems unimaginable that children of the towns and lowlands, who are surrounded all day by distinctly technological

advancements and almost entirely dependent on the jingling and buzzing of all manner of devices, from computers and smartphones to iPads, can so eagerly await the time they get to spend in the meadows with the birds and animals, in humbly furnished wooden huts, where it’s not all just a game, but work, too. The children help with pasturing, they milk the cows and they are also given other jobs they are able to do. And the fact that they don’t seem to miss anything when they are there fills me with hope, that perhaps we are not quite so lost in this all-consuming world of unnecessary abundance. Being a herder today no longer means working for the family livelihood, but seems rather to have its own kind of prestige. After all, what is it in this crazy world of grasping and scrambling for a sense of ease, if not prestige, that up there in the pastures they are connected to an immeasurable love of nature and the natural? They couldn’t care less what it is called, for them this is the way of life from spring to autumn. Year after year. And once you smell this wonderful upland on a dewy morning, and when it takes you back into its embrace, you simply know that you have fallen in love forever. Like them.


Velika planina


med pastirji ( 76 )


kozi okno lesene bajte pada gosta tema, pomešana z zvokom kravjih zvoncev. Lega na mizo, na kateri ob kupčku časopisov leži mobilnik, na skrbno zloženo posodo pa na štedilnik na drva in na pograd, ki je do polovice zagrnjen z rdečo zaveso. Mlad moški jo z enim zamahom odgrne in brcne odejo s sebe. Obleče svojo delovno obleko in visoke gumijaste škornje, potem stopi ven na mrzel planinski zrak. Kravji zvonci zvončkljajo vse glasneje, ko stopa proti hlevu na zadnjem delu hiše.

Besedilo: Maja Cimerman

Fotografije: Matej Sitar

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{ Velika planina }

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rižge luč in osem kravjih glav se izriše na rjavi steni. Eno za drugo jih potreplja in odveže, z imenom in glasnim zategnjenim »Peeejt« pospremi pred hlev. Zunaj je temo zamenjala megla, vleče se počasi, leno čez sive hiške pastirjev. Mladenič goni svojo četico šekastih krav mimo njih, na pašnike zadaj za vasjo. Gautroža, mlada in poskočna krava, hoče kakor zmeraj hoditi prva, neprestano se bori za vodstvo v skupini in prehiteva kravo, ki nosi zvonec . »Se boš pa že še morala kaj naučiti, preden boš lahko nosila zvonec!« ji zakliče Marko smeje. Prvič je prišel na planino, ko je imel štirinajst let. Nekaj časa je bil tam z očetom, preostanek poletja pa je sam opravljal delo pastirja. Sam v temi vstajal in molzel, sam gnal na pašo, sam kuhal kosilo in legal spat. Pogumnega dečka s štajerskim narečjem so sosedje hitro vzljubili in danes je prav tako del planine kot domačini. Ko se zjutraj megla odmika modremu nebu, z vsakim pastirjem izmenja nekaj besed. »Oho, šele zdaj greš!« pravi nasmejano, ko se vrača v vas. »Jaz sem danes gnal prvi,« doda skoraj skromno, čeprav vsi vedo, da med pastirji velja največ tisti, ki ni len in goni čim bolj zgodaj zjutraj. Drugače pa je Marko podoben pastirjem, kakršni so bili nekdaj, približno toliko kot konj kravi. Star je enaindvajset let, poln moči, med letom študira v Ljubljani na Fakulteti za šport, v prostem času pa trenira boks. Nekoč so na planino pošiljali le tiste člane kmetij, ki jih v poletnih mesecih, zvrhanih

z delom na polju, niso nujno potrebovali. Tipični prebivalci planine so bili starci in otroci, prvi polni nostalgije za prelepo planino, drugi polni strahu pred samoto. Danes ob starejših članih kmetij na Veliki planini pasejo tudi »poklicni pastirji«, ki si lahko poleg bivališča in oskrbe na ‘šihtu’ zaslužijo kak dodaten evro. Največkrat so to delavci iz doline, ki so izgubili delo ali pa se upokojili. Ali pa, tako kot Marko, ljudje, ki preprosto uživajo v načinu življenja, ki ga nudi planina. Tukaj je moderni svet sicer oddaljen le za kratko vožnjo z gondolo, kljub temu pa se največkrat zdi stoletja daleč. Velika planina je srenjska planina. Lastnikom kmetij v dolini pripada pravica, da poleti tukaj zgoraj na skupnih pašnikih pasejo svojo živino. Te pravice ni mogoče kupiti drugače kot s pripadajočo kmetijo v dolini. Če je nekoč kmet lahko pripeljal na pašo toliko glav živine, kot jo je lahko pozimi prehranil na svoji kmetiji, lahko danes za dodatne glave doplača v skupno blagajno. Iz nje potem plačujejo vsa popravila in opravila, ki se tičejo skupnosti. Ohranilo pa se je opravljanje »twake«, skupinskega dela. Za vsako glavo goveda mora pastir opraviti 4 ure tlake. Prav tako kot pri ‘šihtu‘, ki je danes plačano delo, gre za vzdrževalna dela na planini. Popravljanje ograj, košnja, puljenje za govedo strupenih zeli, čiščenje pašnikov in podobno. Na poti nazaj do bajte Marko rad teče. Lani je osvojil naslov državnega amaterskega boksarskega prvaka in čas na planini izkoristi za višinske treninge. Ko doseže sive koče, upočasni korak pred večjo bajto na robu zaselka. Ta bajta se imenuje parlament in v njej se odvijajo vse skupne

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dejavnosti. Na tri leta voljeni predsednik tukaj sklicuje sestanke, kjer določi, katera dela je treba opraviti, ugotavlja, kakšne potrebe imajo njegovi »začasni krajani«, in določa naloge za vodje delovnih skupin. Še bolj pogosto pa se parlament uporablja za zabave. Za rojstne dneve in praznike se popoldne tukaj zberejo vsi pastirji, jedo in pijejo, kakor se spodobi, saj jim lahko hrano in pijačo, drugače kot nekoč, ko so vse prinesli peš v košarah,

pripeljejo prav do parlamenta. Marko je ponosen točaj na takšnih dogodkih. »Mene vedno hočejo za točaja. Verjetno zato, ker nisem Goren’c in natočim do roba,« se zareži, da se mu okrog modrih oči na mladem obrazu izrišejo smejalne gubice. Ko se dan začne nagibati k večeru, stopi Marko pred svojo bajto in se razgleda po pašnikih. Potem napne ušesa. »Mislim, da jo slišim. Vsak pastir mora poznat svoj zvonec. Vsak zveni drugače.« Še enkrat pozorno prisluhne in prikima. »Ta bo moj…« In res se čredica rjavo-belih krav kmalu postavi pred bajto in nestrpno čaka, da jih Marko spusti v hlev. Potem zakuri peč in začne peči krompir, ki ga je na tanko zrezal v pomfrit. Ko je prva ponev že skoraj zažgana, se na vratih prikaže soseda. »Kako gre pomfri? A je uspel? Uf, pa saj ga preveč pečeš!« reče, ko zagleda dim nad zoglenelimi kosi krompirja. »Za prvič bo prav dobro.« se ne da Marko in pospravi hrano do zadnjega koščka, kot se za mladega in lačnega pastirja tudi spodobi. Ne traja dolgo in na planino začne legati tema, ki odgrne zastor zvezdam in mesecu, travniki pa se obarvajo srebrno. Marko v svoji bajti prižge radio, katerega ritmi se stopijo z zvoki kravjih zvoncev. Večeri postajajo hladnejši in prehitro bo prišla jesen, z njo pa odhod s planine. Ampak na pomlad se bo Marko zagotovo spet vrnil.

{ Velika planina }

{ Velika planina }

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Among the Herders Text: Maja Cimerman

Photography: Matej Sitar


thick darkness falls through the window of the wooden house, mixed with the sound of cowbells. It falls on the table, on which a mobile phone lies next to a pile of newspapers, on the carefully stacked dishes and on the wood stove, as well as on the bunk, which is half concealed by a red curtain. In one move the young man pulls back the curtain and kicks the covers off. He puts on his work clothes and high rubber boots, then steps outside into the chill mountain air. The cowbells ring more loudly as he approaches the barn at the back of the house. He turns on the light and the shadows of eight cow heads are stencilled onto the brown wall. One by one he pats them and untethers them, then saying their name and with a loud drawn-out “Peeejt!” (“Get going!”) he leads them out of the barn. Outside the darkness has been replaced by mist, which wafts slowly and lazily over the grey huts of the herders. The young man drives his little troop of mottled cows past them, to the pastures behind the village. Gautroža, a spirited young

cow, wants (as always) to go in front, and is constantly fighting to lead the group, overtaking the cow wearing the bell. “You’ll have to learn a few more things before you get to wear the bell!” cries out Marko, laughing. He first came to the pastures when he was 14. For a time, he was there with his father, but for the rest of the summer he worked alone as a herder. Alone he got up in the dark and milked, alone he led them out to pasture, alone he cooked his meal and lay down to sleep. The neighbours quickly fell in love with this courageous lad with the Štajerska dialect, and today he is as much a part of Velika Planina as the locals. In the morning, as the mist gives way to blue skies, he exchanges a few words with each herder. “Oh yeah, only going now are you?" he says, laughing, as he returns to the village. “I led out to pasture first today,” he adds almost modestly, although everyone knows that the top herders are ones who are not lazy and who lead the cows out as early as possible in the morning. Otherwise, Marko is similar to the herder he was a few years ago, like a horse is similar to a cow. He is 21 years old, full of strength, and for most of the year he studies at the Faculty of Sports in Ljubljana; he boxes in his spare time. At one time they would send up to the pastures only those members of the farm that were not essential during the summer months, when they were overloaded with field work. Typical inhabitants of the pastures were old folk and children, the former full of nostalgia for the beautiful pastures, and the others full of fear of solitude. Nowadays, alongside the older farm members on Velika Planina there are also “professional herders”, who earn an extra euro or two in addition to food and lodging during their “shift”. Most commonly, these workers are from the lowlands, having lost their jobs or retired. Or, like Marko, they are people who simply enjoy they way of life offered by the mountains. Here the modern world is just a short cable car ride away, but still it usually seems centuries away. Velika Planina is a common pasture. Owners of farms in the valley have the right to graze their livestock up here on the common pastures

in the summer. These rights cannot be acquired in any other way than by owning one of the farms in the valley. Where once a farmer could lead up to pasture as many head of cattle as he could keep on his farm in winter, today he pays a surcharge for additional cattle into the common cash fund. This is used to pay for all repairs and jobs affecting the community. The feudal tradition of “tlaka”, or communal work, has also been preserved. For each head of cattle, the herder must perform four hours of such work. Just as with the “shift”, which is nowadays paid work, it involves maintenance work up in the pastures. Fixing fences, mowing, pulling weeds poisonous to cattle, cleaning grazing grounds and so on. On the trail back to his hut, Marko likes to run. Last year, he won the title of national amateur boxing champion, and he uses his time in the mountains to do altitude training. When he gets to the grey hut, he slows his pace down and arrives at a bigger building on the edge of the settlement. This building is called “the parliament”, and all common activities go on here. The president, elected for three years, calls meetings here, at which he decides what work needs doing, he determines the needs of his “temporary constituents” and specifies tasks for the leaders of working groups. Even more commonly, the parliament is used for parties. All the herders gather here for birthdays and holidays, and they eat and drink as befits the occasion, for their food and drink, unlike previously, when everything was brought up on foot in baskets, can now be brought directly to the parliament. Marko is a proud bartender on such occasions. “They always want me to tend the bar. Probably because I’m not some stingy type from Gorenjska and I fill the glass to the brim,” he jokes, showing laugh lines around the blue eyes on his young face. As day draws on into evening, Marko stands in front of his hut and looks out over the pastures. Then he strains his ears. “I think I hear her. Every herder needs to know his bell. Each one sounds different.” He listens closely once more, then nods. “That’ll be mine…” And indeed a little herd of brown and white cows soon stands in front of the hut, waiting impatiently for Marko to let them into the barn. Then he lights the stove and starts frying potatoes cut thin into chips. When the first pan is almost charred black, a neighbour appears at the door. “How are the chips doing? Did you manage? Hey, you’re overdoing them!” she says when she sees the smoke rising from the carbonised strips of potato. “They’ll do for a first attempt,” says Marko indifferently, gobbling up the last little bit, as befits a young man and hungry herder. This does not last long, and darkness starts to descend on the mountain, drawing back the curtain to reveal the stars and moon, as the meadows turn silver. Marko turns on the radio in his hut, and the rhythms match the sounds of the cowbells. The evenings are getting colder and all too soon it will be autumn, and with it his departure from Velika Planina. But Marko will definitely be back in the spring.


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2. oktober Besedilo in fotografije: Andrej Blatnik

»… človek si je zgradil čoln in se preživel z ribolovom, človek si je zgradil ladjo in … ‘osvojil’ svet …«


pominjam se številnih počitnic iz otroštva, ki smo jih vsaj delno, če že ne v celoti preživeli v Portorožu. Na sicer divji plaži ob starem kamni-

tem kolosu, skladišču Monfort, se je kopalo veliko domačinov in ‘vikendašev’, ki so poselili bregove za obema mogočnima skladiščema. Na koncu zaliva, na rtu, je bila ladjedelnica in sleherno poletje je bila tam privezana kakšna tovorna ladja, potrebna popravila, in od tam so cel ljubi vroč dan odmevali zvoki kladiv, varilnih aparatov, kompresorjev …, vsake toliko tudi kakšen glasen prepir, temeljito začinjen z mastnimi kletvicami.


a divja plaža je bila bolj industrijsko področje, kamor so vsake toliko z velikimi ‘šleperji’ pripeljali različno blago v skladiščenje. Ti dogodki so vso kopalno kolonijo vedno spravljali v slabo voljo, čeprav smo bili seveda mi tisti, ki tam nismo imeli kaj početi. Zaposleni se niso posebno vznemirjali, domačine so poznali, med ‘vikendaši’ pa je bilo precej takratnih pomembnežev iz politike, gospodarstva, kulture, zdravstva … in ob te se tudi ni želel nihče odločno obregniti. To je bila prijetna plaža s prijetno družbo, tam sem se naučil skakati na glavo v vodo in vse okrog mene se mi je zdelo sila imenitno. Malo starejša mladina, ki je nas otročaje prenašala, ker jim je bila to šala, je že premogla kakšen čoln – svojih staršev seveda –, in če si se lahko kdaj popeljal z njimi naokrog, je bilo to zares doživetje. Nekoč smo se z manjšim ‘gumenjakom’ zapeljali do ladjedelnice na Bernardinu. Ladja je bila z desnim bokom privezana na pomol, leva stran pa je bila z debelimi vrvmi spojena z dvema ogromnima bojama, zarjavelima prav tako kot večji del trupa tovorne ladje, večje od »našega« mogočnega skladišča. Ob boku tiste rjaste, plavajoče gore mi je postalo kaj tesno pri srcu in hitro sem ugotovil, da je bolj prijetno gledati bolj od daleč. Zanimivo pa je bilo vseeno in vsako leto smo ugibali, kakšno velikanko bodo v ladjedelnici obdelovali tisto poletje, dokler nekega poletja tam ni bilo več ladjedelnice, ampak veliko gradbišče, začel je nastajati hotelski kompleks Bernardin. Ladjedelnico so preselili v Izolo. Na Bernardinu je kraljevala že od srede 19. stoletja. Leta 1964 so jo poimenovali Ladjedelnica 2. oktober in jo deset let kasneje preselili na drug konec slovenske obale, v Izolo. Izbor ni bil posledica kakšne posebno racionalne odločitve, vsaj v celoti ne. Portorožu in Piranu je bila namenjena skoraj izključno turistična prihodnost, zato je bilo treba industrijo preseliti drugam. Koper je imel luko in tja bi spadala tudi ladjedelnica, ali bolje povedano popravljalnica ladij. To bi bil racionalen izbor, saj se je v prihodnosti pokazalo, da je imel obrat veliko dela ravno s tovornjačami, ki so v koprsko luko pripeljale raznovrsten tovor in so bile potrebne manjših ali večjih popravil, preden so nadaljevale svojo pot v kdo ve katero luko sveta. Ampak po neki logiki pravičnosti je Koper pač imel luko, Izola pa je dobila ladjedelnico. Koliko je bil volk res sit in je koza zares ostala cela, je težko reči, je pa tudi čisto vseeno, tako so rekli in storili, in stanje se je ohranjalo dobri dve desetletji in krepko čez.

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{ Ladjedelništvo }

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S tem sem izgubil vsak pristen stik z ladjedelnico. Če tisto radovedno pogledovanje čez zaliv in sanjarjenje o tem, kaj vse bi se lahko tam dogajalo, in me skoraj ni zanimalo, kaj se tam zares dogaja, sploh lahko imenujem »pristen stik«. Pot v Portorož vodi mimo Izole in ladjedelnico smo videli le še spotoma. Najbolj prepoznaven lik Ladjedelnice 2. oktober je bil ogromen plavajoči dok, na katerem se je leta in leta bohotil gromozanski napis SIEMENS. Ko so preselili obrat z Bernardina na tisto obalo rta Sv. Petra ob zalivu Viližan, so tja pripeljali tudi tisti sloviti plavajoči dok. Privlekli so ga iz takrat še Sovjetske zveze, s Črnega morja skozi Bospor, Marmorno morje, Dardanele, Egejsko, Jonsko in Jadransko morje. Opravil je dolgo pot, »služboval« desetletja, z nekaj težavami preživel neusmiljeno tramontano, pred kratkim pa je odpotoval tja, od koder je prišel. No, ne čisto tja, zagotovo pa bo preplul večji del svojega prvega popotovanja. Napotil se je v Turčijo, nekam v Marmorno morje, če se ne motim, torej se bo zelo približal koreninam. Kdo bi vedel, kolikokrat se je ta plavajoči kolos potopil in vzdignil ladijski trup, da so se ga lahko lotile spretne roke mehanikov in ga spravile nazaj v formo za plovbo! Ladje so čepele v doku cele tedne, tudi mesece. Med vsemi mogočimi ladjami, ki so v sedemdesetih in osemdesetih letih minulega stoletja priplule v koprsko luko, jih je bilo mnogo iz Sovjetske zveze. Le te so bile tudi najbolj redne gostje izolske ladjedelnice in njenega plavajočega doka. »Na teh ladjah so bili vedno tudi ljudje s plačnega seznama obveščevalne službe. KGB-jevci, ki so s komandnega mosta opazovali gnili kapitalizem onkraj Tržaškega zaliva,« je razlagal gospod Tomaž Jeločnik, direktor Ladjedelnice Izola d.d., kot se zdaj imenuje. Za takšno dejavnost je bila Izola zagotovo primernejša kot Portorož; če bi že hotel kaj videti, je bilo pač bolje usmeriti daljnogled v Trst kot pa v Savudrijo. Tako so potekale in se prepletale glavne in spremljevalne dejavnosti v tistih časih, ko je bil svet razdeljen na dva bloka in »tretji svet«, ko smo bili del

Jugoslavije, ki je imela med vsemi možnimi bloki zares edinstven položaj. Tako so uradniki sovjetske oblasti, ki so bili privilegirani v smislu, da so lahko potovali v tujino z daljnogledi, sijajnimi kopijami leice in zeissa, postavali na sovjetskih ladjah, dvignjenih na nekem sovjetskem doku, in otožno zrli tja čez, od koder je prišlo vse zlo (z originali njihovih optičnih naprav vred) in kamor so si vedno bolj želeli iti. Kmalu tem zgodbam sploh ne bo nihče več verjel, saj bodo zvenele neprimerno bolj neverjetne od tistih, ki sta si jih izmislila brata Grimm. Ta naš dok vseh dokov, ki je nastal v nekih drugih časih, je za lepi novi svet postal premajhen. Malo drugače, nove ladje so vedno večje in večje …, da lahko prepeljejo več robe po nižji ceni, da lahko tekoče zalagajo trg z dobrinami, ki jih potrošniška družba golta že v povsem nepredstavljivih količinah, ne glede na recesijo, v kateri se menda nahajamo. Teh plavajočih kolosov že lep čas ni več mogoče oskrbeti na doku, kakršnega je imela do nedavnega Ladjedelnica Izola. Z gospodom Jeločnikom sva tistega vročega majskega dne prehodila vsa prostranstva ladjedelnice. Premore dobrih 40.000 m² hal odprtih ploščadi, delavnic za to ali ono … V desetletjih, odkar se je preselila z Bernardina v Izolo, je na obali zraslo tudi nekaj marin, ena od njih v Izoli. In ta je ladjedelnici mnogo bliže, kot je bila kdajkoli Luka Koper. Verjetno bo v prihodnosti ladjedelnica še tesneje povezana z marino, kot je že sedaj. Gre za veliko število manjših, zasebnih plovil, ki terjajo nenehno oskrbo in popravila. Ladjedelnica je že postavila dvigalo, s katerim dvigajo iz vode plovila, ki jih potem popravljajo, obnavljajo in oskrbujejo na kopnem. Ravno ko sem vlekel fotografsko opremo iz prtljažnika, jo je mimo primahal prijatelj Brane Grubar, s katerim se zaradi vseh mogočih obveznosti prav težko kdaj dobim na kozarčku in pipi tobaka. In glej ga vraga, tudi on obnavlja svojo jadrnico v ladjedelnici. Tokrat nama kava ne ubeži, pokramljava o tem in onem, obudiva najino jadranje od Pule vzdolž

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italijanske obale do Otranta in čez na Krf ter izraziva pobožno željo, da bova v bližnji prihodnosti našla kaj časa za druženje. V bližnji prihodnosti bomo tudi videli, kaj vse se bo dogajalo v Ladjedelnici Izola, ki pravzaprav nikoli ni zares izdelovala ladij, pa tudi okrog nje. Vendar ima severni Jadran bogato tradicijo ladjedelništva. Stari Monfort, skladišče in divja plaža, kjer smo se v otroštvu kopali in učili skakati na glavo, kjer so dolga desetletja skladiščili različno blago, kjer se še vedno kopajo (predvidevam), je danes namenjen drugačnim dejavnostim. Del so zavzele Obalne galerije, del Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera iz Pirana in veličasten prostor se je spremenil v imenitne razstavne

prostore. Trenutno je na ogled tudi pregledna razstava o ladjedelništvu, o tistih časih, ko so mojstri izdelovali lesena plovila, davno, preden smo kot otroci gledali, ugibali, kakšna ladja bo na Bernardinu privezana to ali ono poletje. Izšla je tudi knjiga Davide Filipas – Spomini ladjedelniškega mojstra. Mojster Filipas, rojen leta 1931 na Cresu, danes pa živi v Piranu, pozna vse skrivnosti ladjedelništva in še vedno dela v svoji mali delavnici pod stopnicami ene od ozkih piranskih stanovanjskih hiš.

{ Ladjedelništvo }

{ Shipbuilding }

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“… a man makes a boat and lives from fishing, a man makes a ship and … ‘conquers’ the world …”

The October 2nd

Shipyard Text and photography: Andrej Blatnik


remember plenty of holidays from my childhood that we spent at least partly, if not entirely, in Portorož. At what was otherwise a “wild” beach by an old stone colossus, the Monfort warehouse, crowds of locals and weekenders would gather to colonise the shores behind two mighty sheds. At the end of the bay, on a promontory, there was a shipyard, and every summer there was some freighter tied up there in need of repair, and from there for all the hot, livelong day we heard the din of hammers, welding torches, compressors and more, and every so often some raucous argument, heavily spiced with succulent curses.

That beach was in more of an industrial area, where every so often great big heavy goods vehicles would bring in various loads for storage. These events would always put the entire bathing colony in a bad mood, although it was of course us who had no business being there. The workers were not especially bothered, since they knew the locals, and the weekenders included quite a few bigwigs from politics, commerce, the arts, medicine and so on, and no one wanted to offer any hard and fast rebuke to them. This was a pleasant beach in pleasant company, where I learned to dive into the water and everything around me seemed absolutely first-class. The slightly older youths, who tolerated us kiddies because it was amusing for them, had their hands on some boat – from their parents, of course – and if you ever got to ride around with them in it, it was a real experience. Once we went in a little rubber raft to the shipyard at Bernardin. The ship was tied up on its starboard side to the wharf, while on the port side it was secured with thick cables to two massive buoys, that were as rusted as the major portion of the freighter’s hull, which itself was bigger than “our” huge warehouse. Beside that rusty, floating mountain I started feeling a little anxious, and quickly realised that it was more agreeable to watch from a distance. All the same, it was fascinating, and each year we guessed what kind of giant they would be working on at the shipyard this summer, until one summer there was no longer a shipyard, but a huge building site, from which the Bernardin hotel complex was emerging.

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The shipyard was moved to Izola. It had reigned supreme at Bernardin since the middle of the 19th century. In 1964 it was named the October 2nd Shipyard, and ten years later it was moved to another part of the Slovenian coast, to Izola. The choice was not the result of any particularly rational decision, at least not entirely. Portorož and Piran had been earmarked for a future almost exclusively in tourism, so industry had to be shifted somewhere else. Koper had a port and that would have been the place for the shipyard, or more accurately the ship repair yard. That would have been the rational choice, since it became apparent that the works had a lot of business precisely with freighters that brought various cargo to the Port of Koper, and needed minor or major repairs before continuing their voyage to some other port in the world. But according to some logic of fairness, Koper had the port, so Izola got the shipyard.

Just how much running with the hare and hunting with the hounds was going on, would be hard to say, and in the end it doesn’t matter, since that is what they said and did, and this state of affairs was maintained for two decades and long after. This meant that I lost all genuine contact with the shipyard. If that curious gazing across the bay and dreaming about what might be going on there – and I was barely interested in what was really going on – could even be called “genuine contact”. The road to Portorož leads past Izola, and we now only saw the shipyard while en route. The most recognisable feature of the October 2nd Shipyard was a huge floating drydock, proudly emblazoned for years and years with an enormous sign saying SIEMENS. When the yard was moved from Bernardin to that shore at the St. Peter’s

{ Shipbuilding }

{ Shipbuilding }

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Point by Viližan Bay, they also brought along that famous floating drydock. It had been towed from what was then the Soviet Union, from the Black Sea through the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara, the Dardanelles, and the Aegean, Ionian and Adriatic seas. It had made a long voyage, “served” for decades, survived – with a few hitches – the merciless Tramontana wind, and was recently returned from where it came. Well, not exactly there, but it will certainly navigate the greater part of its original voyage. It has been sent to Turkey, somewhere in the Sea of Marmara, if I am not mistaken, so it will be very close to its roots. Who knows how many times that floating colossus was submerged and then raised a ship’s hull so it could be worked on by the skilful hands of the mechanics and returned to a seaworthy state! The ships sat in the dock for weeks and months. Of all the massive ships that sailed into Koper in the seventies and eighties, many were from the Soviet Union. And they were also the most frequent guests of the Izola shipyard and its floating drydock. “Those vessels always had people on the payroll of the intelligence service. KGB operatives, who stood on the bridge observing rotten capitalism on the other side of the Gulf of Trieste,” explained Tomaž Jeločnik, managing director of Ladjedelnica Izola d.d. (Izola Shipyard), as it is called today. For this kind of activity, Izola was certainly better suited than Portorož; if you wanted to see anything, it was indeed better to train your binoculars on Trieste than on Savudrija. This was how the main and accompanying activities unfolded and intertwined during those times when the world was divided into two blocs and a “third” world, when we were part of Yugoslavia, which among all the possible blocs did indeed hold a unique position. So the Soviet government officials, who were privileged in the sense that they could travel abroad with binoculars, splendid Leica and Zeiss copies, paced the decks of Soviet vessels hoisted on an originally Soviet dock, and gloomily gazed over to where all evil came from (along with the original versions of their optical devices) and where they increasingly longed to go. Soon no one will even believe these stories any more, since they will sound incomparably more improbable than those thought up by the Brothers Grimm. This, our dock of all docks, which was created in some other time, became too small for the brave new world. Put slightly differently, new ships are getting increasingly big, so they can carry more goods at lower prices, thereby continuously feeding the market with goods that the consumer society gobbles up in entirely unfathomable quantities, regardless of the recession in which apparently we find ourselves. For some time now, these floating colossuses could no longer be worked on in the kind of dock that the Izola shipyard had until recently. On that hot day in May, Mr. Jeločnik and I walked the entire expanse of the shipyard. It comprises more than 40,000 m² of sheds with open floors, workshops for this or that and so on. In the decades since it was moved from Bernardin to Izola, the coastline has seen the emergence of several marinas, including one in Izola, which is much closer to the shipyard than the Port of Koper ever was. In the future the shipyard will probably be even more closely tied to the marina than it is now. There are a lot of small, private craft that need constant care and repair. The shipyard has already set up a hoist to raise vessels from the water, so then they can be repaired, refurbished and maintained in dry dock.

Just as I pulled my photo equipment out of its case, my friend Brane Grubar passed with a wave. All kinds of commitments and schedules have made it really hard for us ever to get together over a drink and a pipe of tobacco. And here he is, getting his sailing boat refurbished at the shipyard. This time we manage to get a coffee in, we banter about this and that, relive our sailing trip from Pula down the Italian coast to Otranto and then across to Corfu, and express our pious desire to find

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time in the near future for some socialising. In the near future we will also see what develops at the Izola Shipyard - which has actually never truly built ships - and around it. But the northern Adriatic has a rich tradition of shipbuilding. The old Monfort, the warehouse and wild beach where I spent childhood days bathing and learning how to dive, where a variety of goods were stored for long decades, where people still swim (I imagine), is now given over to other pursuits. Part of it has been taken over by the Coastal Galleries, part by the Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum of Piran, and an expansive space has been turned into outstanding exhibition premises. Currently

there is a retrospective exhibition on shipbuilding, on the times when master craftsmen made wooden vessels, long ago, before we children looked and guessed what kind of ship would be tied up at Bernardin this or that summer. A book has also been published, entitled Davide Filipas – Spomini ladjedelniškega mojstra (Davide Filipas – Memoirs of a Master Shipbuilder). Master craftsman Filipas, born in 1931 on Cres, and now living in Piran, knows all the secrets of vessel building, and still works in his little workshop under the stairs of one of the narrow Piran apartment buildings.


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Primo탑 Kozmus

Naj slovenski atleti Besedilo: Marjan Žiberna

Fotografije: Stanko Gruden/STA


ed 27. avgustom in 4. septembrom bo v Daeguju v Južni Koreji potekalo svetovno prvenstvo v atletiki. Vsekakor velja star slovenski rek, da vsak berač svojo malho hvali (in v tem pogledu kot nekdanji atlet nič ne zaostajam), vendar drži, da je atletika poleg nogometa najbolj globalen šport. Na najve-

čjih tekmovanjih, vključno s svetovnim prvenstvom, nastopajo predstavniki tolikšnega števila držav kot v nobenem drugem športu; večina atletskih disciplin je pač takih, da se lahko z njimi ukvarjajo tudi v deželah, kjer so nekateri še vedno lačni. Zato je konkurenca v atletiki izjemna. Razveseljivo je, da je vloga skoraj žepne Slovenije bistveno večja, kot bi ji jo pripisali glede na število prebivalcev. Kako se bodo naši atleti izkazali v Koreji, ob tej priložnosti ne bomo ugibali, lahko pa se razgledamo po nekaterih največjih dosežkih iz preteklosti. V kraljici športov imamo kar nekaj imen, ki so prispevala pomemben kamenček k svetovnemu mozaiku.


e se ozremo v čas, preden jo je Slovenija ubrala po svoje, izstopajo vsaj tri imena – Celjana Stanko Lorger in Nataša Urbančič ter Ljubljančanka Draga Stamejčič. Lorger je leta 1958 na evropskem prvenstvu v Stockholmu osvojil bron v teku na 110 metrov z ovirami, kar je bilo prvo slovensko odličje na kakšnem od velikih tekmovanj, pred nedavnim preminula Urbančičeva pa je odličje enakega leska osvojila v Rimu leta 1974 na prvenstvu stare celine v metu kopja, in sicer potem, ko se je na olimpijskih igrah v Mexicu in Münchnu uvrstila na šesto oz. peto mesto. V vmesnem času je blestela vsestranska Stamejčičeva. Po petem mestu v peteroboju na olimpijskih igrah v Tokiu leta 1964 je postavila svetovni rekord v teku na 80 metrov z ovirami. To je eden od dveh svetovnih rekordov, ki smo jih »prispevali« Slovenci. Pravzaprav Slovenke – tudi drugega je dosegla atletinja, in sicer Jolanda Čeplak. Slovenska atletika je bila v okviru bivše države zelo uspešna, še zlasti uspešni so bili atleti celjskega Kladivarja (njihov član Rok Kopitar je

bil denimo na olimpijskih igrah v Moskvi leta 1980 peti v teku na 400 metrov z ovirami), a pravi razcvet je doživela v zadnjih dveh desetletjih. Leta 1990 je Postojnčan Borut Bilač osvojil bron na evropskem prvenstvu, ki je tedaj potekalo v Splitu, in sicer v skoku v daljino. Največji uspehi prve polovice 90-ih let so ostali v družini Bilačevih. Borut se je namreč leta 1992 poročil z odlično nemško skakalko Britto Vörös, in Britta Bilač je leta 1994 v Helsinkih osvojila naslov evropske prvakinje, leto zatem pa na svetovnem dvoranskem prvenstvu še srebro. Njen osebni rekord, s katerim bi še vedno mešala štrene najboljšim, znaša natančno 200 centimetrov. V tem času si je že dodobra utrla pot tudi Brigita Bukovec, tekačica na 100 metrov z ovirami. Ljubljanska atletinja, varovanka trenerja Jurija Kastelica, je ob vrsti drugih pomembnih zmag in odličij osvojila tudi srebro na olimpijsko igrah v Atlanti leta 1996. To je bilo prvo olimpijsko odličje za slovensko atletiko, ki je Brigito ustoličilo na sam

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{ Naj slovenski atleti }

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vrh uspehov naše atletike, kjer ostaja kljub kasnejšim uspehom drugih atletinj vse do danes. Leta 1999 je Slovenija dočakala tudi prvo odličje na svetovnem prvenstvu – v španski Sevilli ga je s tretjim mestom v skoku v daljino osvojil Celjan Gregor Cankar. Tako kot zakonca Bilač je Cankar treniral pod vodstvom Srdjana Djordjevića in najdlje pristal pri sijajnih 840 centimetrih. Njegova kariera bi bila lahko še veliko uspešnejša, a žal je imel sloki Celjan velike težave s prestopi, zaradi katerih je pogosto ostal brez uvrstitve. V začetku novega tisočletja je začela blesteti tudi Velenjčanka Jolanda Čeplak. Leta 2002 je ob zmagi na evropskem prvenstvu postavila še vedno veljaven svetovni dvoranski rekord v teku na 800 metrov (1:55.82). Isto leto je bila nepremagljiva tudi na evropskem prvenstvu na prostem, kasneje pa je zmagala še na številnih velikih mitingih. Vrhunec njene kariere so bile olimpijske igre v Atenah leta 2004, kjer je v epskem finišu osvojila bron. Kasneje je atletinja, ki se je zaradi prijaznejših davkov začasno preselila v Monte Carlo, v formi nihala in imela težave z dopinškimi obtožbami. Te je sicer zanikala, a nedolžnosti ni uspela dokazati. Leta 2006 je Škofjeločan Matic Osovnikar na evropskem prvenstvu v Göteborgu za Slovenijo osvojil še en bron, in sicer v teku na 100 metrov. Naslednje leto se je kot prvi belopolti šprinter po dveh desetletjih uvrstil v finale velikega tekmovanja v tej disciplini – na svetovnem prvenstvu v Osaki je osvojil sedmo mesto. Tu je postavil tudi svoj osebni rekord – 10.13. Lani jeseni se je 31-letni atlet, po izobrazbi zobozdravnik, ki ga je dotlej treniral Albert Šoba, preselil v London. Po dveh slabših sezonah se je odločil, da bo skušal nekdanjo formo doseči s trenersko pomočjo Linforda Christieja, Britanca, ki je med drugim leta 1992 osvojil v šprintu olimpijski naslov. Svetovno prvenstvo v Osaki je prineslo tudi prvo od medalj metalca kladiva Primoža Kozmusa. Atlet, ki je bil razglašen za najboljšega slovenskega športnika kar trikrat (2007/08/09), je prišel v Osako s precejšnjimi izkušnjami z velikih tekmovanj. Leta 2003 je bil na svetovnem prvenstvu peti, leto kasneje pa še šesti na olimpijskih igrah v Atenah. Zatem se je poldrugo leto otepal s težavami, povezanimi s hrbtom, in jih uspešno saniral. V Osaki je osvojil srebro kot napoved naslova olimpijskega zmagovalca in naslednje leto ga je dobil v Ptičjem gnezdu v Pekingu. Leta 2009 je v Berlinu osvojil še naslov svetovnega prvaka. Tem vzponom je sledilo nepričakovano slovo od atletike. A lani jeseni je Kozmus, ki se je medtem poročil, dobil otroka in v domači Brestanici odprl hostel, odločitev preklical. Dotedanjega dolgoletnega trenerja Vlada Keva je zamenjal z Marjanom Ogorevcem, ki je dotlej s Kozmusom sodeloval kot bioterapevt. Njune oči so uprte v leto 2012, ko v Londonu načrtuje obrambo naslova olimpijskega prvaka. Slovenija ima še vrsto odličnih atletskih dosežkov. Denimo bron Marije Šestak v troskoku na svetovnem dvoranskem prvenstvu v Valencii leta 2008, naslov evropske prvakinje v krosu, ki ga je leta 2002 osvojila Helena Javornik, pa letošnji naslov svetovnega prvaka v gorskem maratonu Mitje Kosovelja … Na obzorju pa so tudi vedno novi mladi atleti, ki se zgledujejo po uspehih tistih, ki smo jih tu kratko predstavili.

Top Slovenia’s

Athletes Text: Marjan Žiberna


Photography: Stanko Gruden/STA

he World Championships in Athletics will be held from 27 August to 4 September in the South Korean city of Daegu. Of course there is some truth in the old Slovenian saying that “every beggar praises his beggar’s bag”, or everyone blows their own trumpet (and in this regard, as a former athlete I am in on this too), but it is true that alongside football, athletics is the most global sport. The number of countries represented by athletes in the biggest competitions, including the world championships, cannot be matched by any other sport; the fact is, the majority of athletic disciplines can be pursued even in countries where some people still go hungry. So the competition in athletics is exceptional. It is encouraging that the part played by almost pocket-sized Slovenia is significantly greater than you would imagine, given its population size. At this point in time we are not going to start speculating on how Slovenia’s athletes will perform in Korea, but we can take a little look at some of their major past achievements. We do have quite a few names in the queen of sports that have contributed some important pieces to the world mosaic.

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Marija Ĺ estak

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If we take a look back at the time before Slovenia struck out on its own, at least three names stand out – Stanko Lorger and Nataša Urbančič from Celje and Draga Stamejčič from Ljubljana. In 1958, at the European Championships in Stockholm, Lorger earned a bronze medal in the 110-metre hurdles, which was the first medal for a Slovenian at any of the major competitions, Urbančič, who recently passed away, also won a silver, in javelin at the European Championships in Rome in 1974, after ranking sixth and fifth in the Olympics in Mexico City and Munich, respectively. The time between that saw magnificent performances by the all-rounder Stamejčič. After securing fifth place in the pentathlon at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, she set a world record in the 80-metre hurdles. This is one of two world records set by Slovenians. By Slovenian women, to be precise – the other record was set by the athlete Jolanda Čeplak. Slovenian athletes had been very successful within the former Yugoslavia, especially those from the Kladivar club in Celje (one of its members, Rok Kopitar, came in fifth in the 400 metres hurdles at the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow), but they truly blossomed in the previous two decades. In 1990 the Postojna native Borut Bilač won bronze at the European Championships, which were held in the Croatian city of Split, in the long jump. In fact, the biggest successes in the first half of the ‘90s were in the Bilač family. In 1992 Borut married the outstanding German high-jumper Britta Vörös, who (as Britta Bilač) won the crown of the European champion in 1994 in Helsinki, and a year later at the world indoor championships she also won silver. Her personal record, which can still cause problems for the best, stands at exactly 200 centimetres. Meanwhile Brigita Bukovec had already been blazing her own trail in the 100 metres hurdles. The Ljubljana athlete, a protégé of trainer Jurij Kastelic, crowned her series of major wins and medals by securing silver at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. This was the first Olympic medal for Slovenian athletics, and ranked Brigita as the supreme Slovenian athlete, a position she still holds today despite some later successes from other women athletes. In 1999, Slovenia finally won its first world championship medal – in the Spanish city of Seville - Gregor Cankar from Celje came third in the long jump. Like Borut and Britta Bilač, Cankar trained under Srdjan Djordjević, and his efforts landed him with a magnificent personal best jump of 840 centimetres. His career could have been even more outstanding, but sadly the slender Celje native had a lot of problems with overstepping, which disqualified out many of his jumps. The start of the new millennium also saw the rise to prominence of the Velenje athlete Jolanda Čeplak. In 2002, with a victory at the European Championships, she set what still stands as a world indoor record for the 800 metres (1:55.82). In the same year, she was unbeatable at the outdoor European Championships, and she also secured wins later at numerous major events. The pinnacle of her career came in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, where she won bronze in an epic finish. Later on, after moving for a time to Monte Carlo, where the tax burden was gentler on her, the athlete suffered inconsistent form and had problems with accusations of using performance-enhancing drugs. She denied the claims, but was unable to prove her innocence.

Foto: P. Kastelic

{ Slovenia’s Top Athletes }

In 2006, the Škofja Loka athlete Matic Osovnikar earned a bronze medal for Slovenia in the 100-metre race at the European Championships in Gothenberg. The following year he qualified for the final of a major competition in this event, coming in seventh at the World Championships in Osaka. Here he set his own personal record of 10.13. Last autumn, the 31-year-old athlete, a dentist by profession, who had previously trained under Albert Šoba, moved to London. After two indifferent seasons, he decided to try to regain his earlier form with some training help from Linford Christie, the British sprinter who won the Olympic title in 1992. The World Championships in Osaka also brought the first medal in the haul of hammer-thrower Primož Kozmus. This athlete, who has been named best Slovenian sports person three times now (2007, 2008 and 2009), came to Osaka with considerable experience from major competitions. In 2003, he came in fifth in the world championships, and a year later he secured sixth place at the Athens Olympics. Then, for a year and a half, he struggled with back-related trouble, which he managed to overcome. In Osaka he won silver, a declaration of intent to secure the Olympic title, and the following year he indeed won the title at the Bird’s Nest in Beijing. In 2009 he also won the world championship in Berlin. This rise was followed by his unexpected departure from athletics. But last autumn Kozmus, who meanwhile got married, became a father and opened a hostel in his native Brestanica, reversed that decision. He replaced his long-time trainer Vlado Kevo with Marjan Ogorevc, who had previously worked with Kozmus as his biotherapist. His eyes are focused on 2012, when he plans to defend his Olympic title at the London Games. Slovenia has recorded a range of other outstanding athletic achievements. For instance, the bronze of Marija Šestak in the triple jump at the world indoor championships in Valencia in 2008, the title of European cross-country champion secured in 2002 by Helena Javornik, and this year’s title of world mountain marathon champion won by Mitja Kosovelj. There is also a steady influx of young new athletes on the horizon, looking to emulate the successes of those mentioned briefly here.


Foto: P. Kastelic

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Mitja Kosovelj

Iz kulturne dediščine

Josipina Urbančič

Turnograjska – prva slovenska literarna zvezdica


Josipino na domu učil kaplan Janez Ka-

osipina Urbančič Turnograjska, prva

stelic, ki pa je bil kasneje premeščen

slovenska pesnica, pisateljica in

in ga je nadomestil Lovro Pintar.

skladateljica, se je rodila 9.

julija 1833 na gradu Turn pri

Učil jo je zemljepis, zgodovino,

Preddvoru. Oče Janez Nepo-

matematiko in verouk. Poleg

muk Urbančič ji je umrl, ko je

znanja ji je v srce položil tudi

bila stara osem let. Njena mati

ljubezen do maternega jezi-

Jožefina je po njegovi smrti

ka. Igranja na klavir jo je učil

prevzela celotno skrb nad go-

Alojz Globočnik. Vzljubila je

spodarstvom in vzgojo otrok.

glasbo, zato je ob obiskih so-

Josipina je bila najstarejša in je

rodnikov pogosto z veseljem ustregla njihovim željam in igrala

imela še dva brata, Janka in Fideli-

na klavir.

sa. Ker v Preddvoru še ni bilo šole, je Besedilo: Mira Delavec

Foto: arhiv NUK Ljubljana

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»Verjemi mi, dragi Lovro, da ljubim svojo domovino, da jo goreče ljubim in bi rada vse svoje moči posvetila njej.« Josipina Urbančič Turnograjska


ovro Pintar ni bil pomemben samo kot Josipinin učitelj, ampak jo je seznanil tudi z njenim kasnejšim možem Lovrom Tomanom. Spoznala sta se 24. avgusta 1850, ko je v Preddvoru obiskal svojega prijatelja Pintarja. Od leta 1850 do 1853 sta si izmenjala več kot 1066 pisem, ki obsegajo od 20 do 35 strani in sta si jih pisala vsak dan. V njih sta si izpovedovala ljubezen, si pošiljala rožice in druga znamenja izkazane ljubezni. Pisma so bogata tudi zaradi opisovanja kulturnih dogodkov, odnosov med sorodniki, srečevanja s takratnimi uglednimi možmi, načinom prehranjevanja, oblačenja itd. Josipina je v pismih na čudovit način opisovala naravo pod Storžičem, ki jo je zelo občudovala. Rada je hodila na sprehode in nato je občutke zapisovala v nekaterih svojih »povesticah«, kot je sama imenovala svoja dela. Ohranjena pisma veljajo za največjo ohranjeno korespondenco v slovenskem jeziku. Josipina in Lovro naj bi po pripovedovanjih in zapisih veljala za zelo lep in zanimiv par. Predvsem sta se zavzemala za večjo vlogo slovenskega jezika. Na Lovrovo željo se je fotografirala in slikarsko upodobila. Matevž Langus (1792–1855) jo je imel za osnovni model sv. Lucije v šentflorjanski cerkvi v Ljubljani. Zveza Josipine in Lovra se je poglabljala zlasti potem, ko je Lovro junija 1852 doktoriral in je iz Gradca prišel v Kranj ter je večkrat zahajal na Turn. Za datum poroke sta določila 24. avgust 1853, a je bila zaradi Lovrovih zahtev po višji doti prestavljena. Striček Fidelis Terpinc je dodal Josipinini doti še 6000 goldinarjev in tako se je poroka zgodila 22. 9. 1853. Josipina in Lovro sta se poročila v grajski kapeli na gradu Turn. Obred je vodil Lovro Pintar. Po poroki se je Josipina skupaj z Lovrom, svojo materjo in bratoma preselila v Gradec, kjer je imela decembra splav, nato je ponovno zanosila in konec maja rodila mrtvega otroka ter kmalu zatem, 1. junija 1854, umrla. Stara še ni bila enaindvajset let. Josipina Urbančič velja za prvo slovensko pesnico, pisateljico in skladateljico. Ustvarjala je pod psevdonimom Turnograjska, ker je bil njen dom grad Turn. Ustvarjala je od svojega sedemnajstega leta pa vse

do konca življenja. Največ del je napisala v prvih dveh letih dopisovanja, in sicer 1850. in 1851. V kratki dobi svojega življenja je bila zelo plodovita pisateljica, saj je napisala osemintrideset povestic, največ zgodovinskih. Pogosto je segala po motivih iz slovanske zgodovine, na katero je bila zelo ponosna, ali pa iz obče zgodovine (Sodba Bretislavova, Lep izgled ljubezni do sovražnika), v katerih je opisovala francosko zgodovino, boje s Turki idr. V njenih zgodovinskih povesticah (Katarina, ruska carica, Boris itd.) so imeli vodilno vlogo različni vladarji. Zelo pomembno vlogo so imele tudi ženske, ki so odhajale s svojimi možmi v vojsko in se borile za svobodo svojega naroda. Z modrostjo, karizmatičnostjo in znanjem so osvojile srce še tako odločnega poveljnika. Napisala je tudi posvetilo Francetu Prešernu, ko je obiskovala njegov grob. Na željo zaročenca Lovra Tomana je spisala tudi nekaj pesmic (ohranjene so tri: Zmiraj krasna je narava, Noč na grobu in Smereka). Josipina je bila tudi skladateljica. Njenih skladb se ni ohranilo veliko. Komponirala je klavirske skladbe in napeve s klavirjem za slovenske tekste. Josipinina prva skladba je bila napisana na Tomanovo pesem Tri rožice. Sledijo ji polka Zoridanka, klavirska skladba Spominčice in Zdravlica. Josipina Turnograjska je ustvarjala v dobi, ko se je pripovedništvo na Slovenskem šele začelo razvijati, poleg tega pa so bili do takrat ustvarjalci samo moški, zato so njena dela še toliko bolj pomembna in je bil njen preboj na slovensko literarno področje še toliko težji. V času svojega življenja je bila kot dama in kot pisateljica zelo cenjena na ruskem dvoru, velike pozornosti pa je bila deležna tudi v Bolgariji in na Slovaškem. Josipinina predanost pisanju, glasbi, ljubezni do slovenskega jezika in kulture je jasno izražena v vsakem njenem delu, pismu in številnih njenih mislih. Bila je velika zagovornica slovenske narodove biti, polna vitalizma in mladostniških želja. Bila je nekaj posebnega. Bila je Josipina, ena in edina.

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{ Iz kulturne dediščine }

Josipina Urbančič

Turnograjska – The First Slovenian Female Literary Star

Text: Mira Delavec

J ( 98 )

osipina Urbančič Turnograjska, the first Slovenian female poet, writer and composer, was born on 9 July 1833 in Turn Castle near the town of Preddvor. Her father, Janez Nepomuk Urbančič, died when she was only eight years old. After his death, her mother Jožefina took over managing the affairs of the household and raising the children. Josipina was the eldest child; she had two brothers, Janko and Fidelis. Because there were no schools in Preddvor, chaplain Janez Kastelic gave Josipina lessons at home; he was later transferred and Lovro Pintar took his place. Lovro Pintar taught her geography, history, mathematics and bible study. Besides providing her with a wealth of knowledge, he also imparted to her a love for her mother tongue. Her second teacher was Alojz Globočnik, who taught her to play the piano. She fell in love with music, and when relatives would visit, she was often delighted to grant their wishes and play the piano. It was not only as a teacher that Lovro Pintar played an important part in Josipina’s life; through him, she was introduced to her future husband, Lovro Toman. He first made Josipina’s acquaintance on 24 August 1850, when he came to Preddvor to pay a visit to his friend Lovro Pintar. Between 1850 and 1853, the two exchanged over 1,066 letters, each 20 to 35 pages long; they wrote each other every day. In their letters, they professed their love for one another and sent flowers and other tokens

of affection. Their letters also provide a wealth of descriptions of cultural events, relations between family members, meetings with men of repute of the time, food, dress, etc. Josipina’s letters contain wonderful descriptions of the natural scenery beneath the peak of Storžič, of which she was very fond. She liked to go for walks, and the feelings nature awakened in her would find their way into her povestice or “little tales”, as she herself referred to her stories. Their letters constitute the largest preserved correspondence in the Slovene language. Accounts of people who knew them and records from the time reveal that Josipina and Lovro were a very lovely, interesting couple. They especially took up the cause of securing a greater role for the Slovene language. Lovro’s behest, Josipina had herself photographed and had her picture painted. Matevž Langus (1792–1855) used her as the basic model for his depiction of Saint Lucy in Šentflorjanska Cerkev (Saint Florian’s Church) in Ljubljana. Josipina and Lovro’s relationship became more involved after Lovro received his doctorate in 1852; he moved from Graz to Kranj and would frequently visit Turn. The date of the wedding was set for 24 August 1853; however, it was postponed due to Lovro’s demand for a larger dowry. Josipina’s uncle Fidelis Terpinc added 6,000 Gulden to the dowry, and the wedding took place on 22 September 1853. Josipina and Lovro were wed in the Turn Castle chapel. The ceremony was led by Lovro Pintar. After the wedding, Josipina moved to Graz together with Lovro, her mother and her two brothers. In December of the same year she had a miscarriage; she was soon with child again, and at the end of May she gave birth to a stillborn baby. She died soon after, on 1 June 1854. She had not yet reached the age of twenty-one. Josipina Urbančič is regarded as the first Slovenian female poet, writer and composer. She wrote under the pseudonym “Turnograjska”, because her home was Turn Castle (Turnograjska is an adjective meaning “of Turn Castle”). Her creative endeavours began when she was 17 years old and continued to the end of her life. Most of her work was written in the first two years of correspondence, 1850 and 1851. During her short lifetime, she was a prolific writer, penning thirty-eight stories, most of which dealt with historical subject matter. She often drew on Slavic history – of which she was very proud – or general history for the

“Believe me, my dear Lovro, that I love my homeland, that I love it with a burning passion and would like to dedicate all of my energies to it.” Josipina Urbančič Turnograjska

motifs for her stories (for example, in her stories Sodba Bretislavova [Bretislav’s Verdict] and Lep izgled ljubezni do sovražnika [A Fine Example of Love for One’s Enemy]), in which she depicted French history, battles with the Turks, and similar subject matter. The lead part in historical stories like Katarina, ruska carica (Katarina, Russian Empress) and Boris (Boris) was played by various rulers. Women who went off to the army alongside their husbands and fought for the freedom of their nation also played an important part in her stories. With their wisdom, charismatic nature and knowledge, her heroines never failed to capture the heart of even the most hard-set commander. She also wrote a dedication to France

Prešeren on the occasion of a visit to the foremost Slovenian poet’s grave. At the request of her fiancé Lovro Toman, she wrote several short poems, of which three survive: Zmiraj krasna je narava (Ever is Nature Splendid), Noč na grobu (A Night at the Grave) and Smereka (The Pine). Josipina was also a composer. Little has survived of her compositions. She wrote compositions for the piano and versions of Slovenian texts to be sung to the accompaniment of the piano. Josipina’s first composition was written for Toman’s poem Tri rožice (Three Flowers). It was followed by a polka entitled Zoridanka, the piano composition Spominčice (Forgetme-nots) and Zdravljica (A Toast). Josipina Turnograjska was active in a period when story writing was only just beginning to develop in Slovenia, and when the only story writers were men. This makes her works even more important, but it also made her acceptance in the Slovene literary field more difficult. In her lifetime, she was held in high esteem at the Russian court as a lady and a writer, and she also enjoyed great renown in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Josipina’s personal commitment to writing and music and her love of Slovene language and culture come through clearly in each of her works and in every letter, as well as in a number of her thoughts. She was a great advocate of the Slovene nation’s existence; she was full of vitality and youthful wishes. She was something special. She was Josipina, the one and only.


Več o Josipini Urbančič Turnograjski lahko preberete v dveh znanstvenih

Slovene-language readers can learn more about Josipina Urbančič Turnograjska

monografijah dr. Mire Delavec z naslovom Nedolžnost in sila: življenje in delo

in two scholarly works by Mira Delavec: Nedolžnost in sila: Življenje in delo

Josipine Urbančič (iz leta 2004) in Moč vesti (iz leta 2009) ter v izpovednem

Josipine Urbančič (Innocence and Force: The Life and Work of Josipina Urbančič)

romanu Šepet rdeče zofe (iz leta 2011), v katerem Josipina pripoveduje

and Moč vesti (The Power of Conscience). Also available from the same author

zgodbo svojega življenja. Njuna ljubezenska zgodba velja namreč za eno

is Šepet rdeče zofe (Whispers of the Red Couch), a biographical novel in which

najlepših, kar jih imamo Slovenci.

Josipina tells her life story. It is certainly a worthwhile read, as hers is considered to be one of the most beautiful love stories that Slovenes possess.

( 99 )


Izgubljeni svet doline reke ( 100 )

Omo S

pust iz obljudenega etiopskega višavja proti jugu in spodnjemu toku reke Omo se zdi

kot nekakšno nadrealistično potovanje v nek

neresničen svet, izgubljen v času in prostoru. Ko se iz suhe akacijeve savane kot nekakšni prividi pojavijo popolnoma goli, skoraj dva metra visoki pripadniki plemena Suri ali Mursi ter sumničavo gledajo redke, nadležne prišleke, je kalašnikovka AK-47 v rokah ponosnih bojevnikov edina sled zunanjega sveta. Besedilo in fotografije: Mare Lakovič

( 101 )

{ Etiopija }

( 102 )


spodnjem toku reke Omo na tromeji med Sudanom, Etiopijo in Kenijo še vedno obstaja taka nedotaknjena divjina, ki daje zatočišče zadnjim tradicionalnim plemenskim kulturam Afrike. Poleg zanimive geološke preteklosti je Etiopija tudi zgodovinski prostor, kjer so cvetele civilizacije od starodavnega Aksuma do skrivnostne arhaične krščanske cerkve s tisočletno tradicijo državnosti, ki ji v Afriki ni primerjave. Kljub temu da v Etiopiji prevladujejo ljudstva semitskega izvora, kot so krščanski Amhari in Tigrejci, oziroma večinski, kušitsko govoreči Oromi, so se globoko na jugu v porečju reke Omo ohranile plemenske kulture, ki so se zaradi svoje izoliranosti ohranile skoraj nedotaknjene. Spodnji tok doline reke Omo je svet neznosno vroče depresije Turkana, kjer poleg surovih klimatskih pogojev pustošijo malarija, rumena mrzlica in smrtonosne muhe cece. Ta prvinska divjina je obvarovala ta brezčasni prostor in sliko Afrike, kakršna je bila v svojem prvobitnem predkolonialnem obdobju. V spodnjem toku porečja reke Omo se je ohranilo približno dvajset plemenskih, pretežno nilotskih skupin ljudstev, kot so: Hamer, Arbore, Bana, Karo, Dasanech, Bodi, Nygatom, in še prvobitnejših skupin, kot so ljudstva plemenske skupine Surma, ki združuje sorodne Surije, Mursije in Meene. Etiopske oblasti so se spodnjemu toku reke Omo zavestno izogibale in rasno ter kulturno drugačna, animistična ljudstva juga puščale v osami vse do sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, ko so ta odročni svet in prvinske plemenske kulture odkrili zahodni antropologi. Plemenske skupine porečja reke Omo je zaznamovala tudi državljanska vojna v sosednjem Sudanu, kjer že desetletja trajajo spopadi med vladnimi silami muslimanskega severa in animističnimi oziroma krščanskimi plemenskimi skupinami črnih, nilotskih skupin juga, kot so Nube, Nuerji, Šiluki, Anuaki in drugi. Ta vojna je na žalost prinesla orožje in rasni antagonizem tudi ljudstvom porečja reke Omo v Etiopiji, ki se med seboj srdito borijo za ozemlja in dostope do negotovih vodnih virov. Pred kakšnimi tremi desetletji so prišle v svet slike znamenitih razširjenih spodnjih ustnic z vstavljenimi glinenimi ploščami; te krasijo odrasle ženske Surijev in Mursijev, ki še zmeraj vztrajajo pri tradicionalnih idealih lepote. Podobne primere transformacije spodnjih ustnic najdemo samo pri nekaterih plemenih amazonskih Indijancev, ki sledijo podobnemu kultu lepote.

( 103 )

Negotova prihodnost Prihodnost ljudstev porečja reke Omo je negotova, saj se z etiopskega višavja proti Turkani že gradi megalomanska cesta, ki odpira prosto pot kapitalu in tujim, zlasti kitajskim koncesionarjem, ki hlepijo po surovinah in nedavno odkriti nafti na plemenskem ozemlju ljudstva Hamer. Plemenske skupine porečja reke Omo so z denarnim sistemom države, ki ji pripadajo, praktično prišle v stik šele pred dobrim desetletjem s prihodom turistov, ki so začeli plačevati to eksotiko in njihovo prvinsko zunanjost. Plemena še danes nimajo nobenega občutka pripadnosti državi, ki so ji bili dodeljeni, oziroma političnim mejam, ki delijo njihova plemenska območja. Naravnost groteskni so prizori, ko megalomanski delovni stroji ob prisotnosti popolnoma golih Surijev kot pošasti iz nekega drugega sveta prodirajo v pusto akacijevo savano. Prizori so podobni tistim v amazonskem pragozdu, kjer indijanska ljudstva lahko le nemo opazujejo, kako izginja deževni pragozd, ki jih je stoletja varoval pred zunanjim svetom.

V zgornjem toku reke Omo se že gradijo megalomanski jezovi, ki bodo prepolovili pretok reke Omo kot edini vodni vir skrajnega juga Etiopije. To soočenje z zunanjim svetom bo za plemenske skupine doline reke Omo nedvomno pogubno, saj se je proces razpadanja tradicionalnega življenja in plemenskih vrednot že začel. Kulture, ki so preživele stoletja plemenskih bojev, pomanjkanja in krutih klimatskih razmer, nimajo nobenih možnosti proti mednarodnemu kapitalu, hordam turistov, vladnim uradnikom, misijonarjem, alkoholu in vrednotam, ki so jim popolnoma tuje. Z izginotjem teh tradicionalnih plemenskih skupin človeštvo ne izgublja le svojih korenin in dela našega genskega zapisa oziroma odgovorov naši evoluciji, temveč tudi starodavna vedenja in lepoto neke arhaične dobe, ujete v sodobnem svetu, ki pa je obsojena na izumrtje, še preden smo jo sploh spoznali.

{ Ethiopia }

{ Ethiopia }

The Lost World of the River Valley


Text and photography: Mare LakoviÄ?

D ( 104 )

escending from the populated highlands of Ethiopia towards the south and the lower course of the Omo River feels like a surreal trip to a world that simply isn’t real, lost in time and space. When Suri and Mursi tribesmen, completely naked and nearly two-metres in height, appear out of the Acacia savannah like phantoms and cast suspicious glances at the few bothersome newcomers who venture into their world, the AK-47 assault rifles in the hands of the proud warriors are the only vestiges of the outside world.  The lower course of the Omo River on the triple border between Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya is home to an untouched wilderness that provides shelter to the last remaining traditional tribal cultures of Africa. Besides having an interesting geological past, Ethiopia is also a historical space where civilizations once flourished, from the ancient Aksum culture to a secretive archaic Christian church with a thousand-year tradition of statehood unparalleled elsewhere in Africa. Although peoples of Semitic origin like the Christian Amhara and Tigrayans and the majority Cushitic-speaking Oromo make up the majority of the population of Ethiopia, deep in the south of the country, in the Omo River region, tribal cultures have been preserved and, owing to their isolation, remain almost completely untouched.

( 105 )

{ Ethiopia }

{ Ethiopia } ogists. The tribal groups of the Omo River region were also marked by the civil war in neighbouring Sudan, where conflicts between the government forces of the Muslim north and animistic or Christian groups of black Nilotic peoples in the south such as the Nuba, Nuer, Shilluk and Anuak have been raging for decades. Sadly, the war also brought weapons and racial antagonism to the peoples of the Omo River region in Ethiopia, who are engaged in a fierce struggle for territory and access to ever-scarce sources of water. Some thirty years ago images of women with their lower lips stretched through the use of a clay lip plate made their way around the world; the lip plate is an important part of the bodily decoration of grown Suri and Mursi women who still adhere to traditional ideals of beauty. Similar examples of the transformation of the lower lip are found only among certain Amazon Indian tribes who follow a similar cult of beauty.

An uncertain future ( 106 )

The lower course of the Omo River Valley is the world of the unbearably hot Turkana depression, which, besides inhuman climatic conditions, is exposed to the ravages of malaria, yellow fever and the deadly tsetse fly. This primitive wilderness has shielded a place seemingly unaffected by the passage of time and has preserved a picture of Africa as it was in its aboriginal, pre-colonial period. In the lower course of the Omo River, about twenty tribal groups, most of them Nilotic, are still in existence:the Hamer, Arbore, Bana, Chara, Daasanach, Bodi, Nyangatom and other even more primitive groups like the Surma tribal group, which includes the neighbouring Suri, Mursi and Me’en tribes. The Ethiopian authorities consciously avoided the lower course of the Omo River and left the racially and culturally different animistic peoples of the south to themselves until the 1970s, when this distant world and its primitive tribal cultures were discovered by Western anthropol-

The future of the peoples of the Omo River region is uncertain; a massive road extending from the Ethiopian highlands in the direction of Turkana is being built. It is clearing a path for capital and foreign, in particular Chinese, investors hungry for raw materials and the oil that was recently discovered in the tribal territory of the Hamer people. It wasn’t until a little over ten years ago that the tribal groups of the Omo River region came into contact with the monetary system of the country to which they belong; it was at this time that tourists began paying for this exotic experience and the tribesmen’s primitive appearance. Still today, the tribes have no sense of belonging to the country to which they have been assigned, and are unaware of the political borders that cut across their tribal territories. Scenes of enormous construction machinery tearing into the Acacia savannah like monsters from another world as completely naked Suri tribesmen look on can only be described as grotesque. One is reminded of similar images from the Amazon rainforest, where Indian peoples can but look on in silence as the rainforest that has shielded them from the outside world for centuries disappears. In the upper course of the Omo River, giant dams that will reduce by half the flow of the Omo River, the only source of water in the far south of Ethiopia, are already under construction. This encounter with the outside world will no doubt be catastrophic for the tribal groups of the Omo River Valley, as the process of the erosion of the traditional way of life and tribal values is already underway. Cultures that have survived centuries of intertribal conflict, resource shortages and harsh climatic conditions do not stand a chance against global capital, hordes of tourists, government officials, missionaries, alcohol and the values of a culture completely foreign to their own. With the disappearance of these traditional tribal groups, mankind will not only be losing its roots and part of its genetic record, and with it vital clues in the puzzle of human evolution; it will also lose a way of life from a distant past and the beauty of an archaic age trapped in the modern world. The tribal world of the lower course of the Omo River is doomed to become extinct before we’ve even had a chance to get to know it.


SLOV EN IJA Nekaj osnovnih podatkov 2

površina (v km )

gozdovi travniki polja in vrtovi sadovnjaki vinogradi

20 273 10 124 5 593 2 471 363 216

forests grassland fields and gardens orchards vineyards

546 324 235 102 46,6

with Croatia with Austria with Italy with Hungary coastline (in km)

20273 10124 5593 2471 363 216 546 324 235 102 46.6

highest point

najvišja točka


territory area (in sq. km)

border length (in km)

dolžina meje (v km)

s Hrvaško z Avstijo z Italijo z Madžarsko obala (v km)

A few facts

2864 m


2864 m

population density

gostota naseljenosti






2 milijona


2 million



glavno mesto večja mesta: podnebje:

Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenje

alpsko, celinsko, sredozemsko


major towns: climate:

Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenje

Alpine, Continental, Mediterranean



Uradni jezik je slovenščina, na območjih z mešanim prebivalstvom pa tudi madžarščina in italijanščina. Pri stiku s tujci uporabljajo prebivalci Slovenije največkrat angleščino, nemščino, italijanščino in francoščino.

The official language is Slovene, as well as Hungarian and Italian in areas of mixed population. People who live in Slovenia most commonly use English to communicate with foreigners, then German, Italian and French.

denarna valuta: Denarna valuta je evro (EUR). Tuje valute lahko zamenjate na mejnih prehodih, v bankah, menjalnicah in hotelih.




1. in 2. januar 8. februar 8. april 27. april 1. in 2. maj 25. junij 15. avgust 31. oktober 1. november 25. december 26. december

novo leto Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik velika noč dan upora proti okupatorju (druga svetovna vojna) praznik dela dan državnosti Marijino vnebovzetje dan reformacije dan spomina na mrtve božič dan samostojnosti

The currency is the euro (EUR). Foreign currency may be exchanged at border crossings, in banks, exchange offices and hotels.

January 1 & 2 February 8 April 8 April 27 May 1 & 2 June 25 August 15 October 31 November 1 December 25 December 26

New Year’s Holiday rešeren Day, P Slovene Day of Culture Easter Sunday and Monday Day of Uprising Against the Occupation (WW2) Labour Day Pentecost Statehood Day Assumption Day Reformation Day All Saints’ Day Christmas Day Independence Day


Redni poleti / Scheduled Flights Zimski in poletni vozni red Iz/from LJUBLJANA/Brnik


Čas poleta/ Flight time (A320/CRJ)

Čarterski poleti / Charter Flights Winter and summer timetables Iz/from LJUBLJANA/Brnik


Čas poleta/ Flight time (A320/CRJ)



1.35 h





2.05 h



3.18 h



0.45 h



3.25 h



1.46 h



2.10 h



0.65 h



1.55 h



1.26 h



2.20 h



1.39 h



1.05 h



2.38 h



2.15 h



1.07 h



3.45 h



1.53 h



2.20 h



2.05 h



2.35 h

London (Gatwick)


1.56 h



1.45 h



2.11 h

Kerkira (Corfu)


1.35 h

Moscow (Sheremetyevo)


2.35 h



2.20 h



0.41 h



3.00 h



1.09 h

Lefkas (Preveza)


1.40 h

Paris (C. de Gaulle)


1.36 h

Lesbos (Mitiline)


2.10 h



1.50 h



2.00 h



1.25 h



1.55 h



0.41 h



1.56 h



1.07 h

Palma de Mallorca


2.10 h



0.50 h



2.30 h



2.35 h



2.10 h



1.14 h



2.15 h



1.40 h

Sharm el Sheikh


3.45 h



0.30 h



1.50 h



0.56 h

Thassos (Kavala)


1.45 h



1.35 h

Tel Aviv


2.57 h



1.24 h




Vienna - Frankfurt


1.10 h



2.35 h



3.05 h



2.40 h



2.50 h



2.00 h



2.40 h

2.35 h


Adria Airways has used the map of Europe exclusively as an illustration of its flight connections and without any political or other implications.

Adria Airways

{ Adria Airways }

Flota/Fleet Airbus A319 Število/Total Dolžina/Length Višina/Height Razpon kril/Wingspan Hitrost/Cruising speed Višina poleta/Max. altitude Dolet/Range Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity

2 33.84 m 11.76 m 34.10 m 900 km/h 11 700 m 6 650 km 135

Airbus A320 2 37.57 m 11.75 m 31.10 m 900 km/h 11 700 m 3 890 km 162/180

Canadair Regional Jet 900 Število/Total Dolžina/Length Višina/Height Razpon kril/Wingspan Hitrost/Cruising speed Višina poleta/Max. altitude Dolet/Range Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity

4 32.50 m 7.57 m 23.20 m 882 km/h 12 496 m 3 600 km 86

Canadair Regional Jet 200 LR Število/Total Dolžina/Length Višina/Height Razpon kril/Wingspan Hitrost/Cruising speed Višina poleta/Max. altitude Dolet/Range Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity

6 26.77 m 6.22 m 21.21 m 860 km/h 12 496 m 3 285 km 48/50

Ilustracije: Miha Žnidar

( 118 )

Število/Total Dolžina/Length Višina/Height Razpon kril/Wingspan Hitrost/Cruising speed Višina poleta/Max. altitude Dolet/Range Št. potnikov/Passenger capacity

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{ Adria Dobrodošli v letalu AdrieAirways Airways} Spoštovani potniki, vaše zadovoljstvo je naš uspeh. Da bi bilo potovanje z nami čim bolj prijetno, nam dovolite, da vas opozorimo na nekaj napotkov, ki so pomembni za vaše udobje in varnost pred poletom, med letom in po pristanku.

Pred poletom Ekonomski in poslovni razred Na večini Adrijinih prog izmenično letijo letala tipa Airbus A-319, A-320, Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-100/200LR in CRJ-900. Vozovnica za potovanje v poslovnem razredu je izdana po veljavni tarifi za poslovni razred in velja eno leto z možnostjo rezervacije, plačila in prevzema kadarkoli, omogoča pa tudi druge ugodnosti, kot so: sprememba datumov potovanja brez doplačila, večja količina brezplačne prtljage, uporaba poslovnih salonov na letališčih idr. V ekonomskem razredu potujejo potniki z vozovnicami po ekonomskih tarifah, ki so nižje in vsebujejo določene omejitve.

Nakup vozovnice prek spleta

Adria Airways tudi na mobilnih telefonih Vsem uporabnikom pametnih telefonov sporočamo, da si lahko na svojem mobilnem brskalniku nastavijo našo mobilno stran ali pa s skenerjem kod poskenirajo QR kodo. Če skenerja nimajo, si ga lahko naložijo na povezavi http://www.i-nigma. com/Downloadi-nigmaReader.html. Uporabniki iPhona pa to najdejo v iStore. Mobilna stran prinaša: spremljanje statusa letov, informacije o voznem redu, informacije o naših destinacijah in informacije o vremenu na destinacijah. Poleg tega pa na tej strani še lahko najdejo: vodič za potnike, turistični vodnik, naše kontakte ter različne povezave do sledenja prtljage, iskanja poslovnih salonov po letališčih in preverjanja milj v klubu Miles&More. Seveda pa so tu še novice in najbolj vroče cenovne ponudbe vozovnic ter “checkmytrip”, kjer lahko preverijo svoje potovanje.

Web Check-in

( 120 )

V Adrii Airways se zavedamo, da je pri potovanju pogosto dragocena vsaka minuta. Še posebej takrat, kadar nas na poti na letališče ovira gost promet. Web check-in je naša novost, s katero boste prihranili čas pri okencu za prijavo na let, saj se nanj lahko prijavite že od doma, z delovnega mesta oziroma povsod, kjer je vzpostavljena internetna povezava. Svoj planirani let lahko prijavite največ 24 ur in najmanj 60 minut pred poletom. Storitev web checkin je trenutno možna le za določene lete Adrie Airways. V prihodnjih mesecih bomo obstoječim destinacijam postopoma dodajali še nove.

Omejitve pri vnosu živil v EU

Letalsko vozovnico lahko najceneje in hitro rezervirate in kupite na Adrijinih spletnih straneh To velja le za polete na Adrijinih letih. Nakup prek interneta je zaščiten z varnostnim certifikatom. Elektronske vozovnice prejme potnik po elektronski pošti. V primeru, da potrebujete letalsko vozovnico, kjer bodo vključeni tudi drugi prevozniki, vas prosimo, da pokličete naš Klicni center za rezervacije in prodajo letalskih vozovnic na telefonski številki: 386 1 369 10 10 ali 080 13 00.

Potujte z elektronsko vozovnico Na vseh rednih poletih slovenskega letalskega prevoznika je možno leteti z elektronsko vozovnico. Potnik dobi ob nakupu potniški kupon, ki velja kot račun, in načrt poti (itinerar) v ovitku Adrie Airways. Dokument lahko prejme tudi na svoj elektronski naslov in ga natisne sam. To dokumentacijo mora imeti s seboj ves čas potovanja. Pri okencu za prijavo na let se identificira s potnim listom ali osebno izkaznico. Uslužbenec izda potniku vstopni kupon za let, s katerim ta vstopi v letalo. Elektronski način dokumentiranja prodaje zagotavlja sproten vpogled v dogajanje z vozovico, hiter prenos podatkov in manjše možnosti zlorab. Najpomembnejše pri tem pa je, da so potnikovi kuponi za let shranjeni v elektronski obliki in tako varni pred izgubo.

Potnikom svetujemo, da pred potovanjem preverijo seznam artiklov, ki jih je mogoče vnesti na območje Evropske skupnosti. Strog nadzor nad uvozom mesa, mleka, rib, lupinarjev ter njihovih izdelkov je nujen za zaščito ljudi in živali pred boleznimi, ki se lahko prenašajo s temi živili. V primeru, da carinska služba pri rutinskem pregledu osebne prtljage ugotovi prisotnost nedovoljenih živil živalskega izvora, le-ta zaseže. Informativni letak “Kaj prinesti domov?” vam je na voljo na naši spletni strani. Več informacij lahko dobite na Glavnem uradu VURS-a ali na njihovi spletni strani v poglavju Javne objave/Uvoz živil za osebno rabo.

Ročna prtljaga Zaradi vaše varnosti in udobja vas vljudno prosimo, da upoštevate mednarodna pravila, ki potniku dovoljujejo imeti pri sebi en kos ročne prtljage v velikosti 55 x 40 x 20 cm in z največjo težo osem kilogramov. Ročno prtljago namestite v za to namenjeni predal nad sedežem, težje kose pa, če je le mogoče, shranite pod sedež pred sabo. Priporočamo vam, da predal s prtljago pazljivo odpirate, saj se lahko med poletom predmeti v njem premaknejo. Na letalih CRJ oddajte večjo ročno prtljago pred letalom. Tam jo takoj po izstopu iz letala tudi prevzemite.

Varnostna pravila Evropska unija (EU) je v letu 2006 sprejela nova varnostna pravila. Ta omejujejo količino tekočin, ki jo lahko vzamete s seboj na letalo. V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate samo majhne količine tekočin, ki morajo biti shranjene v posamičnih posodah z največjo prostornino 100

{ Adria Airways } mililitrov. Te posode morate zapakirati v prozorno plastično vrečko, ki jo je mogoče znova zatesniti; prostornina vrečke posameznega potnika ne sme biti večja od enega litra. Med tekočine spadajo: voda in druge pijače; juhe in sirupi; kreme, losjoni in olja; parfumi; razpršilci; geli, vključno z geli za lase in tuširanje; posode z vsebinami pod pritiskom, vključno s peno za britje ter drugimi penami in dezodoranti; kreme, vključno z zobno kremo; mešanice tekočih in trdnih snovi; črtalo za veke in tuš za trepalnice ter katerekoli druge snovi s podobno vsebnostjo. Še vedno lahko tekočine prenašate v oddani prtljagi – nova pravila se nanašajo samo na ročno prtljago. V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate: • zdravila in nujno potrebna živila (vključno z otroško hrano), ki jih boste uporabljali med potovanjem; morda boste morali dokazati, da jih nujno potrebujete; • tekočine, kot so pijače in parfumi (kupite jih lahko bodisi v prodajalni na letališču EU, ki je za točko, na kateri pokažete svoj vstopni kupon, ali pa na letalu, ki ga upravlja prevoznik EU). Če ste tekočine kupili zapakirane v posebni zatesnjeni vrečki, te vrečke pred pregledom ne odpirajte, sicer lahko varnostno osebje na kontrolni točki njeno vsebino zaseže. (Če na letališču EU presedate na drug let, vrečke ne odpirajte pred varnostnim pregledom na transfernem letališču ali na zadnjem letališču, če presedate več kot enkrat.) Če imate kakršnekoli dvome ali vprašanja, se pred potovanjem obrnite na svojega letalskega prevoznika ali potovalno agencijo.

Počutje in zdravje Vašemu dobremu počutju sta namenjena ventil za uravnavanje dotoka zraka in lučka za branje, ki sta nameščena nad sedežem. Tam je tudi pozivni gumb, s katerim lahko po potrebi pokličete stevardeso. V letalu je na voljo priročna lekarna, opremljena s sredstvi za nudenje prve pomoči. Med poletom lahko včasih v ušesih občutite neprijeten pritisk, do katerega prihaja zaradi sprememb višine in zračnega pritiska v letalu; težavo boste zlahka odpravili s poudarjenim požiranjem sline ali z nakazanim zehanjem. Da bi se izognili težavam z ožiljem, ko gre za dolg polet, vam svetujemo, da se večkrat sprehodite po potniški kabini, med sedenjem pa delate vaje za raztezanje celega telesa.

Alkohol na letalu V letalu ni dovoljeno uživanje alkoholnih pijač, ki jih prinesete s sabo. Kabinsko osebje ne sme streči alkoholnih pijač osebam, ki kažejo znake vinjenosti, in osebam, mlajšim od 18 let. Dobronamerno vas opozarjamo, da alkohol zaradi nekoliko nižjega zračnega pritiska med poletom deluje na telo hitreje in bolj intenzivno kot na tleh.

Po pristanku ( 121 )

Med letom Napotki za varnost Z najpomembnejšimi varnostnimi napotki vas bo pred poletom seznanilo naše kabinsko osebje, poleg tega pa boste v žepu sedeža pred sabo našli navodila za postopke v sili. Ker se glede na tip letala ta navodila razlikujejo, vas prosimo, da jih pred vsakim poletom pazljivo preučite. Med vzletanjem in pristajanjem si morate pripeti varnostni pas, zaradi varnosti in udobja pa vam priporočamo, da ostanete pripeti tudi med poletom. Po pristanku počakajte na svojem sedežu, dokler se letalo popolnoma ne ustavi oziroma dokler ne ugasne znak za obvezno uporabo varnostnih pasov. Kapitan letala lahko podeli potniku, ki se v letalu neprimerno vede, takoimenovani RDEČI KARTON. Ta je namenjen vsem, ki s svojim vedenjem ovirajo delo kabinskega osebja, ne spoštujejo varnostnih pravil ali pa ogrožajo varnost in udobje sopotnikov. Napad na varnost zračnega prometa je kaznivo dejanje po 330. členu Kazenskega zakonika RS (KZ-1), ki za tovrstna dejanja predpisuje zaporno kazen.

Zamujena, izgubljena ali poškodovana prtljaga Če bi med vašim potovanjem prišlo do nepravilnega ravnanja z vašo registrirano prtljago (velja tudi za prtljago, oddano pred letalom), zadevo takoj po prihodu prijavite na letališču pri ustrezni službi (Izgubljeno/Najdeno, Lost&Found, Arrival Service). Telefonska številka + 386 (0 ) 25 94 339.

Uporaba elektronskih naprav V letalu ni dovoljeno uporabljati prenosnih telefonov (biti morajo popolnoma izključeni!), radijskih in televizijskih sprejemnikov, videoiger z daljinskim upravljanjem, računalniških tiskalnikov in drugih naprav, ki bi z elektromagnetnimi valovi lahko motile delovanje občutljivih letalskih instrumentov. Druge elektronske naprave, kot so prenosni računalniki, CD in DVD predvajalniki ter žepni kalkulatorji, je dovoljeno uporabljati le med poletom (če ne povzročajo motenj), med vzletanjem in pristajanjem pa ne. Prosimo vas, da se pred uporabo elektronskih naprav posvetujete s kabinskim osebjem in dosledno upoštevate njihove napotke.

Nevarni predmeti Po mednarodnih varnostnih predpisih potnikom v letalu ni dovoljeno imeti (ne pri sebi ne v prtljagi) orožja in drugih nevarnih predmetov, kot so: vnetljive tekočine, pločevinke s stisnjenim ali utekočinjenim plinom, lahko vnetljive snovi, vžigalice, ki niso označene kot varne, in podobno.

Center za stike s potniki V Adrijinem Centru za stike s potniki lahko dobite vse informacije o naši ponudbi in novostih, pa tudi pomoč ali nasvet. Sem lahko potniki posredujete pritožbo ali odškodninski zahtevek, veseli pa bomo tudi pohvale. Na naš center se lahko obrnete osebno, pisno, po elektronski pošti ali po telefonu na brezplačno številko 080 13 03 za klice znotraj Slovenije oziroma kot doslej na telefonsko številko +386 (0)1 369 11 33.

Najemi avtomobilov in hoteli Na Adrijini spletni strani smo pred kratkim dodali zavihka Rent-a-car in Hoteli, ki vam omogočata najugodnejše najeme vozil in rezervacije hotelskih namestitev. Zelo enostavno: obiščite in poiščite željeni zavihek. Na voljo je nekaj deset tisoč hotelskih objektov na vseh kontinentih, od tistih z eno zvezdico do prestižnih mednarodnih verig ter najemi vozil na več kot 3.400 lokacijah v 128 državah po celem svetu.

{ Adria Airways } Adria Airways Welcomes You Aboard Dear passengers, your satisfaction is our success. In order to ensure that your Adria flight is as pleasant as possible, allow us to draw your attention to certain points that are important for your comfort and safety before take-off, during the flight and after landing.

Before take-off Economy and business class The majority of Adria routes are served by the following aircraft: Airbus A319, A-320, Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-100/200LR and CRJ-900. A business-class ticket is issued according to the current business-class tariff and is valid for one year. The ticket can be booked, paid for and picked up at any time and includes other advantages such as changing the date of travel without additional charge, a larger free luggage allowance, the use of business lounges at airports, etc. Economy class is for passengers with economy-class tickets, which are cheaper and carry certain restrictions.

Online ticketing

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The cheapest and quickest way to book a flight and buy a ticket is to visit Adria's website at This only applies to flights operated by Adria. Online purchases are protected by a security certificate. Passengers receive their electronic tickets via e-mail. If you require a ticket that will also include other carriers, please contact our Call Centre for Reservations and Ticket Sales on: 386 1 369 10 10 or 080 13 00.

Travel with an electronic ticket You can travel with an electronic ticket on all Adria Airways scheduled flights. On purchasing a ticket, passengers receive a passenger coupon and itinerary in an Adria Airways cover. You can also receive the document via e-mail and print it yourself. You must keep this document with you throughout the journey. At the check-in, present your passport or identity card. The check-in personnel will issue you with your boarding pass. Electronic documentation of the ticket sale means that the ticket status can be verified at any time. It also facilitates rapid transfer of data and reduces the chance of abuse. Most importantly, there is no danger of losing the boarding pass, since it is stored in electronic form.

check-in service is a new service that lets you save time at the check-in desk: because you can check in from home or office – or anywhere with an Internet connection. You can check in as early as 24 hours and up to 60 minutes before your scheduled departure time. Web check-in is currently only available on selected Adria flights. In the coming months new destinations will gradually be added.

Restrictions on bringing food into the EU We advise passengers to check the list of articles that may be brought into the EU before travelling. Strict controls of the import of meat, milk, fish, shellfish and products derived from them is necessary to protect people and animals from the diseases that they can transmit. If customs officials discover prohibited foodstuffs of animal origin during routine luggage checks, they will be confiscated. The informative leaflet “What to bring home” is available on our website. More information is available from the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia or on its website under the section Public Announcements/Import of Foodstuffs for Personal Use.

Carry-on luggage For your safety and comfort, we ask you to observe international rules that permit passengers to have one piece of carry-on luggage of a maximum size of 55 x 40 x 20 cm and a maximum weight of 8 kg. Carry-on luggage should be placed in the overhead bins. Heavier items may be stored under the seat in front of you if possible. We recommend that you take care when opening the overhead bins as items may have moved during the flight and may fall out. If your flight is on a CRJ aircraft, larger items of carry-on luggage must be surrendered on boarding. They will be returned to you when you leave the aircraft.

Adria Airways on mobile phones To all smartphone users – we would like to inform you that you can now set our mobile site,, on your mobile browser or scan your QR code with the code scanner. If you do not have a code scanner, you can download it by clicking the following link iPhone users can find this in the iStore. The mobile site provides information on the following: flight status, timetables, destinations and weather conditions. In addition, you will also find the following: travellers guide, tourist guide, our contact details and various links to: baggage tracking, searches by airport business lounge, and frequent flyer miles in the Miles & More Club. Of course, you can also find news, the hottest ticket price bids and “checkmytrip” where you can check information on your trip.

Web Check-in At Adria we are aware that every minute is precious when you are travelling. Especially when heavy traffic holds you up on the way to the airport. The web

EU airport security rules In 2006 the European Union adopted new security rules that restrict the amount of liquids that passengers can take aboard aircraft. You are only allowed to take small quantities of liquids in your hand luggage. These liquids must be in individual containers with a maximum capacity of 100 millilitres each. These containers must be packed in one transparent re-sealable plastic bag of not more than one litre capacity per passenger. Liquids include: water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and

{ Adria Airways } oils; perfumes; sprays; gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of pressurised containers, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants; pastes, including toothpaste; liquid-solid mixtures; mascara; any other item of similar consistency. You can still: • pack liquids in bags that you check in – the new rules only affect hand luggage; • carry in your hand luggage medicines and dietary requirements, including baby foods, for use during the trip. You may be asked for proof that they are needed; • buy liquids such as drinks and perfumes in an EU airport shop when located beyond the point where you show your boarding pass or on board an aircraft operated by an EU airline. If they are sold in a special sealed bag, do not open it before you are screened – otherwise the contents may be confiscated at the checkpoint. (If you transfer at an EU airport, do not open the bag before screening at your airport of transfer, or at the last one if you transfer more than once). If you have any doubts, please ask your airline or travel agent in advance of travel.

During the flight

with remote control, computer printers and other devices emitting electromagnetic waves which could interfere with sensitive aircraft systems. Other electronic devices such as portable computers, CD and DVD players and pocket calculators may only be used during the flight (if they do not cause a disturbance). They may not be used during take-off and landing. Please check with the cabin crew before using electronic devices and be sure to follow their instructions.

Hazardous items Under international safety regulations air passengers may not transport, either on their person or in their luggage, weapons and other hazardous items such as flammable liquids, compressed or liquefied gas cylinders, highly inflammable materials, matches (except safety matches), and so on.

Comfort and health For your comfort, an adjustable air vent and a reading light are located above your seat. There is also a button which you can use to call a member of the cabin crew if necessary. The aircraft is equipped with a first aid kit. During the flight you may feel an uncomfortable pressure in your ears. This is caused by changes in altitude and the air pressure in the aircraft; swallowing or yawning will help relieve the discomfort. In order to avoid vein problems associated with long flights, we advise you to take frequent walks up and down the cabin and to do stretching exercises for the whole body while seated.

Alcohol on board Consuming alcoholic beverages that you have brought on board the aircraft yourself is not permitted. The cabin crew is not allowed to serve alcohol to passengers who show signs of intoxication or to passengers under 18 years old. Please bear in mind that because of the lower air pressure during flight, alcohol has a faster and stronger effect than on the ground.

After landing Delayed, lost and damaged luggage Safety information Our cabin crew will give you important safety information before take-off. You will find instructions for emergency procedures in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Since these procedures differ depending on the type of aircraft, we ask you to read the instructions carefully before every flight. During take-off and landing you must fasten your seatbelt. For your own safety and comfort we also recommend that you leave it fastened during the flight. After landing, wait in your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop or until the seatbelt sign is switched off. The captain can issue a passenger who acts inappropriately on the aircraft with what is called a RED CARD. The red card is intended for anyone whose behaviour obstructs the work of the cabin crew, who does not observe safety instructions or who threatens the safety and comfort of passengers. Unacceptable behaviour on board an aircraft is a violation of the law. Placing air traffic in jeopardy is a criminal offence in accordance with Article 330 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (KZ-1), carrying with it the penalty of imprisonment.

Use of electronic devices Use of the following devices is not permitted aboard the aircraft: mobile phones (they must be switched off!), radios and televisions, video games

If problems occur with your checked luggage during your journey (also applies to luggage surrendered on boarding), contact the appropriate service as soon as you arrive at the airport (Lost & Found, Arrival Service, etc.)

Passenger Relations Centre Adria's Passenger Relations Centre provides you with news and information about our services and can also offer assistance and advice. Passengers can submit complaints or compensation claims, and praise is always welcome. You can contact the centre in person, in writing, by e-mail to, and by phoning the free telephone number 080 13 03 if calling from Slovenia, +386 1 369 11 33 if calling from outside Slovenia.

Rent-a-cars and hotels We have recently added two tabs to Adria's website that enables you to book a rent-a-car or hotel accomodation throughout the world at favourable rates. Simply visit, and click on the desired tab. Choose from among tens of thousands of hotels on every continent, ranging from one-star hotels to prestigious international hotel chains. Budget Rent-a-Car Slovenia offers Adria Airways customers the best deals on car rental in more than 3,400 destinations in 128 countries!

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Adria Airways

Ostale storitve/Other services

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Prevoz tovora Blagovna služba Adrie Airways odpremi vse pošiljke hitro in kakovostno do vseh letališč po svetu. V sodelovanju z drugimi prevozniki in s pomočjo računalniško podprtega rezervacijskega sistema spremljamo vsako pošiljko od sprejema do predaje naslovniku. Naša blagovna služba in prodajna zastopništva v tujini vam bodo z veseljem pomagala odpremiti oz. dostaviti blago po najhitrejši in cenovno najugodnejši poti. ADRIA CARGO, Letališče Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana – Prevoz tovora, telefon: 04 259 43 40, faks: 04 202 30 30, e-pošta:

Cargo The Adria Airways cargo service provides fast, high-quality goods transport to every airport in the world. In conjunction with other carriers, and with the help of a computerised booking system, we monitor every item from reception to delivery. Our goods service and sales offices abroad will be happy to help you dispatch or deliver goods by the fastest and most competitively priced route.

Zaposlene v družbi Adria Tehnika odlikuje vrhunsko tehnično znanje, ki temelji na več kot 40-letnih izkušnjah vzdrževanja letal proizvajalcev McDonnel Douglas, Airbus in Bombardier. Več informacij na spletni strani

ADRIA CARGO, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport – Cargo Transport, Telephone: + 386 (04) 259 43 40, Fax: + 386 (04) 202 30 30, e-mail:

Adria Tehnika maintenance staff have superlative technical know-how deriving from more than 40 years' experience in maintaining McDonnell Douglas, Airbus and Bombardier aircraft. For more information visit

Čarterski prevozi


Adria Airways ponuja potnikom, agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim prevoznikom poleg svojih rednih linij tudi čarterske polete iz Ljubljane in z vseh drugih (predvsem evropskih) letališč. Z vstopom v Evropsko unijo ponujamo agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim prevoznikom tudi polete z vseh drugih evropskih letališč. Odlikujejo nas zlasti prilagodljivost, ažurnost, visoka kakovost in točnost poletov. E-pošta:

In addition to its scheduled services, Adria Airways offers charter flights from Ljubljana and other (mainly European) airports to passengers, agencies, companies and other carriers. Now that Slovenia is part of the European Union, we can also offer flights from all other European airports to agencies, companies and other carriers. Adria charters offer flexibility, up-to-the-minute services, high quality and punctuality. E-mail:

( 125 ) katerega postane več članov združenja uradni prevoznik dogodka. Za vse nadaljnje informacije smo dosegljivi po elektronski pošti:

Spoznajte letenje v virtualnem svetu z našimi odličnimi inštruktorji.

Official events carrier

V simulatorju letenja – v 30 minutah za samo 39 EUR (DDV je vključen v ceno) – boste spoznali osnove letenja. Za rezervacijo termina in dodatne informacije o obisku simulatorja pošljite e-mail na naslov:; GSM: +386 (0)41 604 116. Letenje je možno po plačilu vnaprej in predhodni rezervaciji termina. Več o ponudbi preberite na spletni strani

As a modern company we understand the needs of modern business, which increasingly takes place in the global arena. For this reason we are ideally positioned to work with organisers of conferences, congresses, fairs and other international events by becoming their official exclusive carrier and offering discounted fares and other advantages to participants and organisers. With a simple, efficient approach adapted to the needs of our customers, we make sure that the event runs smoothly, with participants arriving at their destination on time, safely and reliably. As a Star Alliance member we offer the Conventions Plus service for major international conferences, which effectively makes all Star Alliance members the official carrier for the event. For more information write to us at:

Flight School Learn to fly in a virtual world with our excellent instructors. In our flight simulator you can learn the basics of flying in just 30 minutes for a mere 39 euros (VAT included). To book a session and for more information about a visit to the simulator, e-mail us at the following address:; GSM: +386 (0)41 604 116. Booking essential. Payment in advance. For more information visit

Uradni prevoznik dogodkov Kot sodobna družba razumemo potrebe poslovnega vsakdanjika, ki se vse pogosteje odvija v globalnem prostoru. Zato stopamo naproti tistim, ki organizirajo konference, kongrese, sejme ali druge mednarodne dogodke, tako da postanemo njihov uradni ekskluzivni prevoznik, udeležencem ter organizatorju pa nudimo posebne ugodnosti. Preprosto, učinkovito in prilagojeno potrebam svojih uporabnikov poskrbimo za to, da poteka dogodek uspešno, udeleženci pa prispejo na cilj pravočasno, varno in zanesljivo. Kot članica združenja Star Alliance lahko za večje mednarodne kongrese zagotovimo produkt »Conventions Plus™«, v sklopu

Avio taxi - Panoramski leti Z letalom Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28R-201T s tremi sedeži za potnike lahko poletite do vseh večjih mest s športnimi letališči v Sloveniji in do bližnjih letališč sosednjih držav. Za lete se lahko naročite po telefonu: 04 23 63 460 (Adria Airways Aviotaxi) ali 041 636 420 (tel. št. pilota).

Aviotaxi – Panoramic flights Our Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28R-201T, with its three passenger seats, can fly you to all major towns with sports airfields in Slovenia and to nearby airports in neighbouring countries. To book flights, call us on: 04 23 63 460 (Adria Airways Aviotaxi) or 041 636 420 (pilot)

Adria Airways

Klubi zvestobe/Loyalty Clubs

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Partnerska kartica Diners Club-Adria

Diners Club-Adria Partner Card

Potniki s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji se lahko odločite za skupno plačilno kartico Diners Cluba in Adrie Airways. Z uporabo partnerske plačilne kartice Diners Club-Adria lahko zbirate milje in koristite nagradne vozovnice in druge ugodnosti v programu Miles & More. Vsak porabljen evro vam bo prinesel 1 miljo. Dogovor, sklenjen med Adrio in klubom Miles & More, prinaša imetnikom partnerske kartice pomembno dodatno ugodnost: milje, zbrane z nakupi s plačilno kartico Diners Club-Adria, ne zapadejo, če ste vsaj tri mesece član, opravite z njo vsak mesec vsaj en nakup in račune poravnavate v roku. Kartica pa vam odpira vrata in nudi brezplačne storitve tudi v več kot 130 letaliških salonih po vsem svetu, kjer boste lahko v miru počakali na odhod svojega letala, brezplačno prelistali časopis, se osvežili z napitki, telefonirali ali poslali faks. Informacije: telefon 080 13 45,,

Passengers with permanent residence in Slovenia can obtain the joint Diners Club and Adria Airways charge card. By using the Diners Club – Adria Airways charge card, you can collect miles and enjoy bonus tickets and other privileges in the Miles & More programme. Every euro spent will give you one mile. The agreement between Adria and Miles & More brings partner card holders an important additional benefit: miles collected through purchases using the Diners Club-Adria payment card will not lapse if you have been a member for at least three months, you use the card for at least one purchase each month and you settle your account balance on time. At the same time, the card opens the door to free services in more than 130 airport lounges around the world, where you can await your departure in tranquillity, browse through newspapers, enjoy a refreshing drink, make phone calls or send faxes. Information: Telephone: 080 13 45,,

Star Alliance Star Alliance partnerstvo

Star Alliance partnership

Adria Airways je letalski prevoznik z več kot 49-letnimi izkušnjami v čarterskem in rednem prometu. Uspešno sodeluje v evropskih integracijskih tokovih in se partnersko povezuje z drugimi letalskimi prevozniki. Decembra 2004 se je Adria kot regionalna članica pridružila največjemu globalnemu združenju letalskih prevoznikov Star Allianceu, z januarjem 2010 pa je napredovala v polnopravno članico združenja. Potnikom tako zagotavljamo vse prednosti, ki jih prinaša izboljšan dostop do svetovnega omrežja prevoznikov, združenih v Star Allianceu. V povezavi s partnerji vam omogočamo dostop do svetovne mreže poletov 27 letalskih prevoznikov, ki z več kot 21.000 leti dnevno povezujejo 1160 destinacij v 181 državah. Poleg tega so vam na voljo ugodnosti, ki jih ponujajo prevozniki člani Star Alliancea, kot so: prijava na let do končne destinacije, priznavanje statusa, vstop v letališke salone ter zbiranje in uveljavljanje točk ali milj v okviru programov za pogoste potnike. Za številne destinacije po svetu so vam na voljo potovanja po ugodnejših cenah in posebna ponudba Star Alliancea Round the World – potovanje okoli sveta. Za več informacij smo vam na voljo na naših prodajnih mestih.

Adria Airways has more than 49 years of experience in operating both charter and scheduled flights. We are successfully participating in the process of European integration and have established partnership arrangements with other air carriers. In December 2004 Adria joined the Star Alliance, the world's largest airline alliance, as a regional member and later became a full member in January 2010. Our customers now benefit from improved access to the world-wide Star Alliance network. In connection with our partners, we offer access to a global network of flights on 27 airlines, which offer more than 21,000 flights daily serving 1,160 destinations in 181 countries. Moreover, our passengers enjoy customer benefits offered by Star Alliance member carriers, such as through check-in, status recognition, lounge access, frequent-flyer accrual and redemption. Reduced-price flights are available for numerous destinations throughout the world, along with the Star Alliance Round-the-World special offer. We will be glad to provide details at any Adria sales outlet.

Dobrodošli v Miles & More Welcome to Miles & More Razlog več, da poletite z Adrio Airways

One more reason for flying Adria Airways

Adria Airways nudi svojim pogostim potnikom program Miles & More in jim s tem omogoča pestrost zbiranja in uporabljanja milj v celotni mreži poletov članic Star Alliancea. Sem spadajo tudi vse redne proge Adrie Airways.

Adria Airways is offering its frequent flyers the Miles & More programme, which makes available a variety of ways to collect and use miles on the entire flight network of Star Alliance members. All Adria Airways scheduled routes are included in this network.

Prijava v klub

Club registration

V klub se lahko prijavite s prijavnico, ki jo dobite na vseh prodajnih mestih in v letalih Adrie Airways, ali pa to storite na naslovu na naših spletnih straneh.

You can join the club by filling in the registration form available at all sales offices and on board Adria Airways aircraft, or by registering online at our website,

Zbiranje milj

Collecting miles

Milje lahko zbirate na celotni mreži poletov članic Star Alliancea. Dodatne milje lahko zbirate z bivanjem v hotelih, z najemom vozil, telefoniranjem, nakupi v določenih trgovinah in z uporabo kreditnih kartic. Člani Miles & More v Sloveniji bodo milje pridobili tudi s plačilno kartico Diners Club-Adria. Vsak nakup v vrednosti 1 EUR vam bo prinesel eno miljo. Milje, zbrane z nakupi s plačilno kartico Diners Club - Adria, ne zapadejo, če ste vsaj tri mesece član, opravite z njo vsak mesec vsaj en nakup in račune poravnavate v roku. Poleg zbiranja milj imajo člani Miles & More še dodatne ugodnosti, kot so prednost na čakalnih listah, prevoz večje količine prtljage idr. Veljavnost zbranih milj je tri leta.

You can collect miles within the entire Star Alliance network. You can also collect additional miles through hotel stays, car rental, telephone calls, purchases at selected shops and using your credit cards. Miles & More members in Slovenia also receive miles when you use the Diners Club-Adria charge card. Every euro charged earns you 1 mile. Miles collected through purchases using the Diners Club-Adria payment card will not lapse if you have been a member for at least three months, you use the card for at least one purchase each month and you settle your account balance on time. In addition to collecting miles, Miles & More members enjoy additional benefits such as priority on waiting lists, excess baggage allowance and so on. Miles are valid for three years.

Koriščenje milj Zbrane milje lahko uporabite za številne nagrade: brezplačne vozovnice na progah članic Star Alliancea, potovanje v višjem razredu, počitniška potovanja, nakup različnih artiklov.

Using miles You can use the miles you have accumulated for various benefits: free tickets on Star Alliance member routes, upgrades to business class, holiday travel and various purchases.

Članske kartice Z včlanitvijo postanete član kluba in imetnik osnovne kartice. Doseženo število zahtevanih milj, zbranih v koledarskem letu, zagotavlja višje nivoje članstva, kot so: srebrni član ali Frequent Traveller, zlati član ali Senator in HON Circle Member. Višji nivo članstva vam prinese posebne ugodnosti. Člansko kartico imejte vedno pri roki, potrebujete jo za beleženje milj, uveljavljanje ugodnosti in naročanje nagrad.

Membership cards You become a club member as soon as you join. Accumulating the required number of miles in a calendar year leads to higher levels of membership: silver member or Frequent Traveller, or gold member or Senator, or HON Circle Member. A higher level of membership offers you special benefits. Always have your membership card on hand, because you’ll need it to register miles, claim benefits and request awards.

Dobrodošli na poletih Adrie Airways, članice združenja Star Alliance! Welcome aboard Adria Airways, a Star Alliance member! Informacije o zbranih miljah, novostih v klubu, naročila nagradnih vozovnic in drugih nagrad v klicnem centru Miles & More dobite na tel. št. (0)40 747 440 ali na naslovu Navesti morate člansko številko in PIN številko. V delovnem času od 8. do 18. ure vam bodo informacije na voljo v slovenskem jeziku, kasneje v angleškem ali nemškem.

For information on miles, Club news, to order free tickets or other benefits, call the Miles & More call centre at +386 40 747 440 or visit our website at You’ll be asked for your membership number and PIN. We’ll be happy to take your calls in Slovene from 8 am to 6 pm, and service is also available in English and German outside these hours.

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Prodaja vozovnic in rezervacije Ticket Offices and Booking Klicni center: telefon 00386 (0)1 36 91 010 Brezplačna številka v Sloveniji: 080 13 00 w w w. a d r i a . s i Adria Airways Zgornji Brnik 130h 4210 Brnik - Aerodrom Tel.: +386 (0)1 36 91 010 E-mail:

Poslovalnice / Sales offices:

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LJUBLJANA Gosposvetska 6 1000 Ljubljana Klicni center: 36 91 010, 080 13 00 Tel.: +386 (0)1 23 91 910 Fax: +386 (0)1 23 21 668 E-mail: Letališče Jožeta Pučnika LJUBLJANA LJUBLJANA Jože Pučnik Airport Adria Airways Sales Office Klicni center: 36 91 010, 080 13 00 Tel.: +386 (0)4 25 94 245 Fax: +386 (0)4 23 63 461 E-mail: AMSTERDAM Adria Airways, Netherlands P.O. Box 75644 1118 ZR Schiphol Triport Tel.: +31 20 625 11 22 Fax: +32 2 753 23 37 E-mail: Airport Ticketing Desk Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Globeground Ticketing Desk Terminal 3, opposite check-in row 20 Tel.: +31 20 79 52 600 Fax: +31 20 79 52 601 E-mail: ATHENS Adria Airways, General Sales Agent K.G. KOMPAS GREECE, 572 Vouliagmenis Ave & Karaiskaki, 164 51 Athina Argiroupoli Tel.: + 30 21 09 94 7263, Fax: + 30 21 09 94 7288, E-mail: BANJALUKA Bosnia and Herzegovina SKY SRPSKA Tel.: +397 (0)51 220 330 Mobile: +387 (0)65 321 817 E-mail: office@sky BARCELONA Adria Airways, General Sales Agent Kompas Spain C/ Paris, 162-164 Entlo 2a 08036 Barcelona Tel.: + 34 93 246 67 77 Fax: +34 93 245 41 88 E-mail:

BELGRADE Adria Airways Representative Office OKI AIR INTERNATIONAL Airport “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Belgrade 59 Tel/Fax: +381 11 2286457, 2286458, 2097457 E-mail:,

KIEV General Sales Agent: AVIAREPS town office Chervonoarmijska st. 9/2 Office number 2 01004 Kiev, Ukraine Tel.: +38 044 287 07 47 Fax: +38 044 490 65 04 E-mail:

PODGORICA Adria Airways, General Sales Agent Oki Air International Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica Tel.: +382 (0) 20 201 201 Tel. & Fax: +382 (0) 20 241 154 Mobil: +382 (0)67 24 11 54 E-mail:

BRUSSELS Adria Airways Brussels Airport – Box 4 1930 Zaventem Tel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 336 Fax: +32 (0)2 75 32 337 E-mail: Adria Airways Ticket Desk Airport Zaventem / Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 337

Adria Airways Borispol International Airport Ticketing agent: Aquavita Tel.: +38 044 230 00 49, 230 00 50 Fax: +38 044 230 00 48 E-mail:

Adria Airways Ticket Office Podgorica Airport OKI AIR INTERNATIONAL Tel. & Fax: +382 (0) 20 623 232 Mobil: +382 (0)67 24 11 54 E-mail:

LONDON, MANCHESTER, DUBLIN Adria Airways - London Gatwick Airport Ticketing Agent: Skybreak North Terminal, Zone A, Ticket Desk Tel.: +44 (0) 1293 507 182 Fax: +44 (0) 1293 507 144 Reservations: Tel: +44 (0) 1293 555 707 E-mail:

PRISTINA Adria representative office – town office Pal Palucij 3, 38000 Pristina Tel.: +381 (0)38 54 34 11 Tel. & Fax: +381 (0)38 54 32 85 E-mail:

COPENHAGEN Adria Airways Representative and Information Antello AB, Tings Gatan 2 256 56 Helsingborg, SWEDEN Tel.: +46 (0)42 28 47 78 Fax: +46 (0)42 14 47 78 Mobil: +46 708 28 47 78 E-mail: Adria Airways Airport Ticket Desk Copenhagen Airport Terminal 2, Floor 2, Office 230 2770 Kastrup, Denmark Tel. & Fax: +45 (0)32 51 59 59 Mobil: +46 708 28 47 78 E-mail: FRANKFURT Adria Airways Frankfurt Airport Terminal 1, Building 201 Room 201. 4043/4044 P.O.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 (0)69 269 56 720, 269 56 721 Fax: +49 (0)69 269 56 730 E-mail: Adria Airways Airport Ticket Desk Frankfurt Airport, Terminal 1, Hall B Sales Desk 307 P.O.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49 (0)69 269 56 722 ISTANBUL Adria Airways General Sales Agent Ordu Cad No. 206/1 34470 Laleli, Istanbul Tel.: +90 (0)212 51 24 232 Fax: +90 (0)212 51 24 234, 51 25 436 E-mail:

MOSCOW Adria Airways Derbenevskaja 4 113 114 Moscow Tel.: +7 495 727 08 85 Fax: +7 495 727 08 88 E-mail: Adria Airways Sheremetyevo Airport Ticket office Bohemia 2nd floor of terminal F Ticketing +7 903 5613645, e-mail:, fax +7 495 578 8197 Supervisor on duty +7 916 267 2395, e-mail: MUNICH Prosimo, obrnite se na predstavništvo v Frankfurtu. Please contact our office in Frankfurt. PARIS Adria Airways 94 rue Saint Lazare 75009 Paris Stopnišče A, II. nadstropje Staircase A, 2nd floor Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 42 95 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 47 42 00 67 E-mail:

Ticket issue at the airport Tel.: +381 (0) 38 548 437 Fax: +381 (0) 38 548 437 Mobile: +377 44 501 241 SARAJEVO Adria Airways Representative and Information Ferhadija 23 71000 Sarajevo Tel.: +387 (0)33 23 21 25, 23 21 26 Fax: +387 (0)33 23 36 92 E-mail: Adria Airways Airport Ticket Desk Sarajevo International Airport Tel. & Fax: +387 33 464 331 E-mail: SKOPJE Adria Airways General Sales Agent AAM dooel Ulica Dame Gruev, Gradski Zid, blok 4/8 1000 Skopje Tel.: +389 (0)2 31 17 009, 32 29 975 Fax: +389 (0)2 31 65 531 E-mail: Adria Airways Airport Ticket Office Skopje Airport Tel. +389 (0)2 25 50 133 STOCKHOLM Adria Airways Representative and Information Antello AB, Tings Gatan 2 256 56 Helsingborg, Sweden Tel.: +46 (0)42 28 4778 Fax: +46 0)42 14 4778 Mobil.: +46 708 28 4778 E-mail:

TEL AVIV Adria Airways Mirus Services (1996) Ltd. General Sales Agent 8 Mendele Str. Tel Aviv 63432 Tel.: +972 (0)3 52 23 161 Fax: +972 (0)3 52 40 895 Adria Airways Ticket Desk Ben Gurion Airport Laufer Aviation Ltd. Tel.: +972 (0)3 97 74 300 Fax: +972 (0)3 97 12 022 TIRANA Adria Airways Albania Europian Trade Center Street bajram Curri No. 19 Town Office Tel.: +355 4 227 4666 Tel. & Fax: +355 4 227 2666 Mobil Off.: +355 6 94076614 Airport Tel. & Fax: +355 4 238 1911 Mobil in Rinas Apt.: +355 6 94076611 E-mail: VIENNA Reservations and purchase Adria Airways Station A-1300 Vienna Airport Tel.: +43 (1) 700 736 913 Fax: +43 (1) 700 736 914 E-mail: WARSAW Adria Airways, General Sales Agent GLOBAIR Polska Sp z o.o. Marszalkowska St. 28, office number 1U-35 Warsaw 00-576 Tel: +48 (022) 696 85 20 Fax: +48 ( 022) 696 85 24 Mobile: +48 696 49 14 77 E-mail: ZAGREB Adria Airways Praška 9 10000 Zagreb Tel.: +385 (0)1 48 10 011, 48 10 016 Fax: +385 (0)1 48 10 008 E-mail: ZÜRICH Adria Airways Loewenstrasse 54/II. 8001 Zürich Tel.: +41 (0)44 212 63 93 Fax: +41 (0)44 212 52 66 E-mail: Adria Airways Airport Ticket Office Zürich Airport Terminal B-2-521 Tel.: +41 (0)43 81 64 437

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