ICTeam Q_1,2comparative study

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ICT-based Educational Application for Mathematics ICTeam 2013-2015

Comparative ”Q_ICTeam” study România - other partners This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Survey Report: ICT-based math teaching

This research is part of a larger study with the objective of using information technology in teaching mathematics,while stil having interactive training strategies centered on the learner.

Study results reveal the following types of issues: the frequency and nature of computer usage, the use of existing infrastructure in schools, types of mathematical software used.

1. What is your age category? RO: The research sample was comprised of a total of 73 university that were organised according to their age according on the able below.

Other countries: The research sample was comprised of a total of 164 teachers from countries that are partners with Romanian in this project. Over two thirds were teachers with the ages between 40-60 years.

2. In which age category do

your students belong too ( You can select multiple categories) The dominant age of the students from these teachers are between 10-14 years followed by 14-18 years of age :

3. How often are students taught mathematics using ICT-based methods? One third of the interviewed teachers address learning strategies that deal with Information and Communication Technology, only less than two-thirds include in their weekly or monthly ICT-based methods

Over a third of the teachers use ICT in class at least once a week, a third uses monthly ICT and a fifth uses ICT per a semester

4. What kind of ICT-based educational resources available to the school offers math class possible in a reasonable schedule ? For math classes, almost half of schools provide their teachers with computers, projectocting screens and three quarters of these students have computers and internet connection. A very weak presence in education have special programs for mathematics and interactive whiteboard and tablet PC to students are practically nonexistent.

Over a third of teachers (36%) use only classic profector and computer teachers only , and a quarter of teachers use smart / interactive boards ,computers for students and Internet connection, or educational software for matematics.

5. How often do you really use the interactive whiteboard or interactive software to teach math lessons usual ? In half of the schools interactive whiteboards are used weekly, monthly or quarterly and the other half are hardly used these interactive means .

The interactive whiteboard and software interactive software is used in over a third of schools every week, in a fifth of it is used monthly, quarterly and annualy on a quarter of all cases

6. Which type of math are ready to use to teach math at the moment? ( You can select multiple categories) GeoGebra is the best known program used approximately by half of math teachers that are prepared to integrate into the process of teaching and learning . Other software ( XyAlgebra , MAPLE , DirectMath , IXL ) are known for about a tenth of the teachers participating in the study.

GeoGebra is known for more than a half the teachers in the study , a large number of teachers know ENVISION , and a third of the teachers know the software: XyAlgebra, Maple, DirectMath, AEL, CabriGeometre, Derive , Excel, Skatchpad, Wolfram Mathematica , Matlab.

7. How often do teachers have the possibility to use educational software in math ? During math , a quarter of the teachers can use educational software , half of them can use it very often (monthly or quarterly ) and only a quarter can use it every week :

Almost half of the teachers are able to use educational software in weekly hours, a fifth monthly, a fifth quartely and more than 25 teachers have the opportunity to use annualy or monthly.

8. What kind of electronics do you recommend your schools to provide teachers and students for math class? For a better understanding of math concepts, a third of the math teachers considered necessary schools smart board and interactive mathematical software, a quarter of them ticked the need for computers and tablet PCs for students:

Teachers advise management teams in schools , to equip them with the Smart / Interactive boards in almost a quarter of schools , Interactive software in 23% Computers 21 % for all students and for all students in PC 17 % of schools

Age: I am :

I have better understood the new lesson during the classes where computers and IT were used.

I could better fulfill the tasks teacher gave me in the classes where computer and IT were


I enjoyed most the lessons in which computer and IT were used

I have learnt things to be used in real life during the lessons in which computer and IT were used

I would like all lessons have a part in which computer and IT are used

Source: • http://www.questionpr • http://www.questionpr o.com/a/listSummaryRe o.com/a/listSummaryRe port.do port.do

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