Assistive Technologies

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FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES FabLab Kamp-Lintfort + 3D Kompetenzzentrum LECTURES

Biomechademy Fabricademy & Personal Fabrication for Care


Innovation Forum HelpCamps Accessathon


FAB14 France Assistive Technologies FAB13 Chile Hands-on Assistive Devices

FAB-ACADEMY MyOrthotics Hochschule Rhein-Waal Fakultät Kommunikation und Umwelt Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort

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FabLab Kamp-Lintfort The FabLab Kamp-Lintfort is a department of the Faculty of Communication and Environment at Rhine-Waal University and the ZDI-Zentrum Kamp-Lintfort. Covering 600 square metres, it offers a unique environment for makers and provides a wide range of professional, state-of-theart hardware, software, and tools. It serves as a drop-in centre for multidisciplinary collaboration, and the university’s broad range of technical topics is an excellent source of inspiration. Its mission is to manifest digital fabrication at all levels of education and training.

3D-Kompetenzze Centre of Excellence for 3D Manufacturing

Digital manufacturing technologies are widely considered to be a prelude to the next industrial revolution. To prepare students for the future of manufacturing and cement these technologies as integral parts of the region, three Lower Rhine universities—Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Ruhr-West University of Applied Sciences, and RWTH Aachen University—have joined together in an ambitious project based on the “FabLab”, a pioneering concept developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that is rapidly taking hold around the world.

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

Digital Fabrication is well on its way to revolutionising our world and the global economy. But what about here in the Lower Rhine region? Our “ZDIFabLab @ school” project focusses on just that, namely, making new fabrication technologies like 3D printing, 3D scanning, and laser cutting available in our region. To that end, the Faculty of Communication and Environment at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and its zdi Centre Kamp-Lintfort have adapted a globally connected concept that was originally developed by the Massachusetts Insitute of Technology (MIT): the FabLab.



The FabLabs themselves are only the first step in the project. The next step was the establishment of the 3D-Kompetenzzentrum Niederrhein, a central hub for encouraging and coordinating the initiatives and production capabilities of the individual participating FabLabs. The project aims at anchoring digital fabrication firmly in the curricula of project partner’s degree programmes, participating in the Fab Academy and integrating programmes offered by the ACADEMANY.

BIOMECHADEMY A biomechanical approach to the human body and digital fabrication for inclusive strategies Courses for M.Sc Bionic and B.Sc Science Communication

“Bionics� is an artificial word composed of biology and technology. The corresponding science is inspired by nature and translates its findings into innovative technology. This academy explores new ways to intergrate applied science in both the virtual and physical domains. Introducing the body as a case of study as well as exploring the different approaches of the human being from the mechanical to the human factors, interactive systems, assistive devices, and other related domains. PROGRAMME:

1. Software Tools (Git, CAD) 2. Principles of Biomechanics in Human & CAD Body Integration 3. 3D Scanning Modelling Splints 4. Exoskeletons & Braces: Statics & Passive Motion 5. Tracking & Kinematics: Locomotion 6. 3D Printing Active Motion 7. Sensors and Forces Introduction 8. (I/O) Assistive Devices 9. Motors and Pneumatics I 10. Soft Robotics 11. Final Project (Accessathon)

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

FABRICADEMY Personal Fabrication for Care Interdisciplinary Project

An interdisciplinary project realized in Kamp-Lintfort, which focuses on the development of new technologies applied in textiles and soft materials for the design of assistive devices. In addition, the sustainable impact and participation of the local and global community are taken into consideration. The aim of the project, in the past edition, was to support the professional career of 15 young female students in disciplines which involve digital fabrication, contributing to gender equality, and participatory research in academics. This project was supported by funds from Equal Opportunities for Women Commision of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. FINAL PROJECTS: Apus Sole: Development of a sensor, embedded in the shoe sole to help overpronation and supination. Laura Newton, Natalia-Elisabeth Thormeyer, Pia VerbĂźcheln. SOS (System of Support): An accessory, created for elderly people at home, that calls for help in case of emergency. Melissa Isabell Disimino and Gerantina Hoxha. One Step Forward: A smart insole that supports rehabilitation of people who have to walk on crutches. Sophie Akhibi. Serena: A device that assists slow and deep breathing for people experiencing anxiety. Wei-Ying Cheung. Paralysis Assistive Wearable: Wearable the reads EMG and EEG signals to assists people with paralysis who cannot move or talk to perform simple daily activities. Liane Sayuri Honda. Under My Skin: Inflatable wearable that is triggered in case of drastic emotional change in the body. Ayse Esin Durmaz.

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

HELPCAMPS & ACCESSATHON Innovation Forum HelpCamps The HelpCamps Innovation Forum, a diverse programme of specialist lectures and workshops, gave interested attendees the opportunity to meet people with like minds, get to know projects and initiatives, exchange ideas, network, and find partners for their ideas.

Accessathon Hochschule Rhein-Waal Forty-eight hours of brainstorming, prototyping, and hacking on accessibility. Learn from and work with experts on modern technology and accessibility to improve software, invent handy gadgets, or to develop concepts to make our society more inclusive. .

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

WORKSHOPS FAB14 Assistive Technologies & Soft Robotics Assistive Technologies

Assistive devices are generally made by focussing on people with disabilities. However, there are different types of barriers in which assistive devices play an important role and can help people who have an impaired physical or mental condition or who need rehabilitation. In these cases, assistive technologies (AT) can provide comfort and quality of life. This working group proposed to start collaborative work on assistive devices. Many FabLabs and makers are working with real-life scenarios to provide alternatives to help people with different types of disabilities. We need the help and expertise of medical therapists and providers and work together in developing individual solutions to which FabLabs can offer the proper tools and know-how.

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

Soft Robotics

Soft robotics is an emergent field in robots and materials that use pneumatics for control and actuation of devices simulating the smoothness and smartness that is found in living organisms. It sounds a very complex topic; therefore, we want to explore some general ideas about prototyping with inflatables. In this small workshop, we will explain the principles of the inflatables and soft robots by experimenting with form and construction. We will use 2D and 3D prototyping techniques such as a vinyl plotter, 3D printing, moulding and casting for a hands-on approach to soft robotics.

WORKSHOP FAB13 Hands-on Assistive Devices MyOrthotics 2.0 Bio-inspired structures and human interaction are infinite sources of inspiration applied in wearables, rehabilitation, prosthetics, and other assistive devices. The process of making assistive devices has, until recent years, been a long and expensive individualized process requiring detailed development and bespoke labor by physical therapists and manufacturers. We will explore the digital craftsmanship using digital manufacturing (design of patterns, 3D scanning, 3D printing, and electronics) to produce an individual DIY solution for disabilities of the hand and arm that will allow patients, therapists, and practitioners to develop this assistive device in collaborative maker spaces.

Orthosis for First Aid Orthoses for First Aid are devices designed for the immobilization of the body and limbs in case of an emergency. As a corset, this membrane is quickly armed and adjustable, providing support for the spine and the abdomen.

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

MyORTHOTICS Assistive Devices Adriana Cabrera FabAcademy 2016

Paper: MyOrthotics: Digital Manufacturing in the Development of a DIY Interactive Rehabilitation.

Case Frank Miller is 58 years old and is semi-paralysed in the left part of his body, a condition that he contracted after a brain tumor removal. He wants to recover the use of the hand in order to be independent in different daily activities. Being at home, he would like to be able to do things like hold a coffee mug, open an envelope, and use a mouse and keyboard. He lives in the most industrial region of Germany; nevertheless, there aren’t any orthoses that can help his condition. Furthermore, the treatment therapies and infrastructure for his situation imply huge costs. It is expected that he will recover a little bit of the movement in his hand in the long run.

What will it do? MyOrthotic is the solution in this case. Using digital manufacturing, it will adapt an individual case by utilising 3D scanning, electronics, and different 3D printing techniques to produce a suitable solution in an efficient process for Frank. The Modelling: The model has a semiparametric design, implementing a workflow of 3D scanning and idealy software for the a perfect fitting of the splint. The phalanges were modeled in a parametric design in order to adapt to each finger and also to ensure that this model can be adapted for different patients in the future.

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

Hochschule Rhein-Waal Friedrich-Heinrich-Allee 25 D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort Tel.: +49 2842 908 25 615 Made by: Adriana Cabrera

Research Assistant 3D-Competence Center Niederrhein at FabLab Kamp-Lintfort Industrial Design, Media Art, and Surface Design Mentor Fabricademy

FABLAB Kamp-Lintfort

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