Application booklet application 3round

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AIESEC in Ecuador Local Committee President APPLICATION BOOKLET Third Round

Dear Applicant Welcome to this amazing journey you are starting now. AIESEC in Ecuador as entity thank you the braveness and leadership you are showing deciding to apply for Local Committee President of your LC. Is not going to be easy, but for sure is going to be one of the best experiences of your life and is going to mark you as a person and as a leader. This process want to take out the best of you as a potential LCP and showcase the skills and abilities you have to lead and represent your LC in the best way but most important to be a role model for the Ecuadorian youth in terms of action and ambition.

Please enjoy this process as much as you can and make sure of learn in every single step something not for your potential future role, but for your life and the leadership journey you are living no matter the role you perform. This team of LCPs will lead the last step of the 2015 vision, that’s why, is important you take part of this and contribute even more with the development of our organization and our members, it’s now your chance to build a new beginning and show to the network what we as a leaders and AIESEC in Ecuador as entity can do, what Ecuadorian GEN2015 is capable of. Expecting excitement and enthusiasm from you for this process. MC Gear 14-15 AIESEC in Ecuador

EB Member Profile While the members of AIESEC in Ecuador’s EBs come from diverse backgrounds and environments, several general characteristics, skills and knowledge are expected of everyone.

Intellectual and psychological Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC in Ecuador. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness but also you have to keep in mind that the most important thing is to understand why as a leader of this amazing organization in AIESEC in Ecuador you are doing what you are doing. Great leaders inspire action and lead consciously.

Society knowledge A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, self-organizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English.

AIESEC understanding A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an LCEB position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates.

Other Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance within the individuals and within the team of individuals!

Application Package The application is divided in 5 parts:

1.- Motivation Letter: (1 page max.) 2.- General and specific Questionnaire: All the questions had to be answered for all the applicants. Please fill it in English. (Maximum 12 pages.) 3.- Endorsement letters: Please attach at least 3 endorsement letters from people you have worked with. - Your former or current TLP (Not LCP) - Your former or current Teammate -Your former or current coordinators or TMP’s 4.- Team Roles Test : attach the link of results in the executive summary test link: 5.- Video: Send a link of video answering the following question: What do you expect from generation 2015 of AIESEC in Ecuador? (Maximum 4 minutes). We expect 1 ZIP file only. Late applications won`t be received, no exceptions. All documents most be send in pdf format in a .zip or .rar package with the following format: “LCP2015_application_AIESECinEcuador_LocalEntity_NameSurname” DDL: 18 th of November 23:59 GMT – 5

Late applications will be rejected not matter what, so please, make sure send your package on time. Murphy’s law is always there. The application package should contain all requirements to be approved, feel free to use any design you prefer. You must send your application to and your LCP

Nomination For any LCP candidate the nomination results will come from an evaluation of the following points by the elections subcommittee: • • • •

Applicant profile (competencies level, soft skills level, past experiences). Organizational knowledge. External environment awareness. National direction understanding.

The elections subcommittee will be composed by: 1. External (Alumnus or BoA member preferred) 2. The current LCP. 3. The MCP

About some procedures during the LCP Elections process: Regarding the communication with the LCs: the LC elections subcommittee will promote the forums and the virtual spaces (with the candidates that get nominated) to assure that all the applicants can have meetings to answer the questions and doubts from the LCs, if you want to have extra meetings with all the LCs please contact before the LC elections subcommittee. Regarding the usage of Social Media: candidates are NOT allowed to promote their applications neither video links through social media. In case it happens, candidates will be automatically out of the process. The MC will be monitoring the transparency.

The Timeline

General Profile Questionnaires Me & my experience 1. Personal Data Full Name Current Position in AIESEC

Cell Phone

Please insert your picture here ď Š

AIESEC Email Skype Date You Joined AIESEC (Mo/Yr) Age

2. Please provide details of your academic studies. University Career Actual / Expected Graduation Date Relevant Academic Courses Taken

3. Please list all relevant work experiences (inside and outside of AIESEC). Dates



Results Achieved

General Profile Questionnaires 4. Please fill the languages table selecting one of the following levels for each competence (Basic, Good, Excellent, and Native). Language




Spanish English Other:

5. Please list the National Meetings you have attended and your Role (OC, Delegate, Faci, Chair) Year




7. Rank 2 main areas in AIESEC where you have had the most experience. Briefly list your experiences and results achieved and describe how these experiences will help you accomplish your goals during your term. 8. Please name your greatest challenge that you faced during your AIESEC experience. What was the challenge, how did you overcome it and what have you learned from this?

General Profile Questionnaires Motivation and Personal Characteristics: 1. Why have you decided to apply for the Local Committee President 2015 for AIESEC in Ecuador? 2. How would other people describe your leadership style? (100 words maximum)

3. Please list 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses and answer the following questions for each. Personal Strengths

How this will make you a better LCP?

Personal Weaknesses

What are you doing to overcome these weaknesses?

General Questionnaire 1. Strategic Analysis test: a. Make a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threads) of your LC. Strengths




b. Based on the above SWOT Analysis: What are the main priorities for your LC overall? What will be the greatest challenges for your LC in the next year? What actions would you propose to overcome these challenges? How can you use your Strengths and Opportunities to overcome your Weaknesses and Threats? 2. What are 2 strategies that you would like to see implemented in your LC in order to increase the number of quality ELD experiences delivered? 3. As a Local Committee President, how would you help build a culture that is innovative, impactful and oriented towards results?

Specific Questionnaire LCP: (Please, answer at the following 6 specific questions)

1.- The national goal for 14-15 term is 550 exchanges with strong focus on OGCDP programme, what would you do as LCP to deliver that goal and encourage your LC to be aligned to our operations plan? 2.-What are your goals in terms of TMP and TLP and how you connect those with the exchange numbers are you planning to achieve for the next year for your local entity? 3. - What is the importance of having an aligned brand in the national level and how you as LCP would contribute to enhance our market positioning through the proper use of our sub brands like “Ciudadano Global” “Familias Globales” and “Talento Joven” and ensure your LC be line up to the national brand strategy? 4.- How as leader of AIESEC in your local entity is important for you the change management in your network in order to bring resilience and fast adaptability to the new trend and processes are upcoming for the organization next year? 5.- What do you think is the role of the LCP in terms of decision making process, leading the local executive board team and representing the LC in the national plenary of AIESEC in Ecuador?

6- What are the three behaviors of the GENERATION 2015 ? Which one of those define you better as a leader and why?

Best of Success in the process !!

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