11 jobs that no longer exist today
T hanks t o scient if ic and t echnological development s in t he last cent ury, many jobs have disappeared becoming obsolet e. T he skills and occupat ions of t hose who were pract icing t he disappeared jobs were replaced by digit al processing and aut omat ion. Ot her jobs have disappeared because t heir out come is no longer required by t he market . Gone are also opport unist ic jobs, whose necessit y appeared due t o a lack of legal norms or because people’s demand f or cert ain product s or services was more advanced t han t he t echnical possibilit ies of t he moment . T he f ollowing are 11 of t he jobs pract iced in t he last cent ury but no longer exist t oday and we expect your proposals t o include ot her prof essions in t his st at ist ic.
Discover the 11 jobs that no longer exist today on: http://dor.academy/en/11-jobs-that-no-longer-exist-today/