5 simple and powerful anger management tips

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5 Simple and Powerful Anger Management Tips

We all get f rust rat ed by t he pressures of lif e but some people, it seems, are angry all t he t ime. So how can we manage and deal wit h ot her people’s anger wit hout get t ing int o conf lict ourselves? Anger is all around us in t he f orm of rage. Road rage, desk rage, comput er rage, air rage, t rolley rage… So what do you do when you f ind yourself in a sit uat ion which has suddenly got out of hand? Of course some people will do all t hey can t o avoid conf lict . As a result t hey may f ind t hemselves backing away f rom sit uat ions where t hey should ideally be t aking cont rol or may f ind t hat t heir own sit uat ion or neut ralit y is compromised. So what alt ernat ive st rat egies could t hey be f ollowing inst ead? T here are t hree basic ways t o resolve def use workplace anger and manage subsequent conf lict s. 1. In negotiation t he part ies will discuss t he issues t hemselves and produce a solut ion. 2. In mediation a t hird part y helps t he disput ant s discuss t he issues and produce a solut ion. 3. In arbitration, a t hird part y reviews each part y’s case and makes a decision. „Well is it wit h t he king who keeps a t ight hold on t he reins of his passion, rest rains his anger and pref ers just ice and f airness t o injust ice and t yranny”. Baha’u’llah, T ablet s of Baha’u’llah There is a fourth way of managing anger and interpersonal conflict, which is even more productive and helpful – PREVENTION. Anger and subsequent conf lict can of t en be prevent ed f rom arising in t he f irst place by t he use of good, assert ive communicat ion.

Strategies f or preventing Anger Prevent ing anger requires specialist skills and an environment t hat will enable individuals t o f eel saf e t o explore t heir concerns and be assured t hat t hey are being genuinely list ened t o. In t his respect it is not enough simply t o pay attention. People need to know that the listener is paying attention and understanding what they are saying.

Discover more on: http://dor.academy/en/5-simple-and-powerful-angermanagement-tips/

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