Test – is your child highly sensitive

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Test – Is your child highly sensitive ?

As a result of t he f eedback received on t he art icle “6 Signs You Could Be a Highly Sensit ive Person” we have published t he t est “Are you a Highly Sensit ive Person ?“. Wit h t he publicat ion of t hat t est we have promised t o publish a t est t hat will help you discover if your child is an ext remely sensit ive person. Here is t he promised t est .

Instructions: - Please answer each question as best as you can - Answer YES if it is true or at least moderately true of your child, or was for a substantial time in the past - Answer NO if it has not been very true of your child, or was never at all true


Startles easily? YES NO Complains about scratchy clothing, seams in socks, or labels against his/her skin? YES NO

Doesn’t usually enjoy big surprises? YES NO Learns better f rom a gentle correction than strong punishment? YES NO Seems to read your mind? YES NO Uses big words f or his/her age? YES NO Notices the slightest unusual odor? YES NO Has a clever sense of humor? YES NO Seems very intuitive? YES NO Is hard to get to sleep af ter an exciting day? YES NO Doesn’t do well with big changes? YES NO Wants to change clothes if wet or sandy? YES NO

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