Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta VASE TEST – What kind of partner do you prefer? 2014- 05- 24 16:05:05 D.O.R. Romania
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Hote l Canne s güns tig buche n! Te s t "Se hr Gut" & Tie fpre is garantie
If you have not chosen a part ner f or lif e, I challenge you t o make t his t est t hat will give you some clues about your choices regarding part ner and part nerships. If you have chosen a part ner f or lif e, it st ill deserves t o go t hrough t his t est t o f ind out somet hing about your way of t hinking. IMAGINE A VASE …
Now not e t he answers t o t he f ollowing quest ions (t ake all t he need t ime t o have det ailed and concret e answers): 1. How many f lowers does the vase have? 2. How tall is the vase together with the f lowers in it? 3. Is the vase slick and elegant? 4. Can the vase break? 5. What is the f irst thing that comes in your mind when you see the vase? 6. What is the position of the vase in the spare around it? 7. Is the vase transparent?
Now click on every f ollowing quest ion t o f ind t he int erpret at ions: Edit T his t est is shown wit h t he charact er of ent ert ainment . If cert ain element s of it s cont ent s cont rary t o t he principles, morals, religion or your f ait h, please ignore t hem and consider t hem as unint ent ional. Inspired by ht t p://ripplesof t rut
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