Fast tracking educational leaders: what works and why Annette Beard & Peter Earley
Why do we need provision for accelerated leadership?
– The needs of the system – The needs of the school – The needs of the individual 2
Question: To those people who might say this isn’t necessary or desirable, what would you say?
CHARACTERISTICS OF FAST TRACKERS/HIGH POTENTIAL Value some independence & self-responsibility High commitment/high energy A need for creativity and variety A varying interest in teamwork Seek continual improvement/strive for excellence Have strong work ethic/enjoy working hard See work as a primary source of satisfaction Have high levels of organisational commitment Believe time and energy can be stretched if managed well 4
CHARACTERISTICS OF FAST TRACKERS Integrate new information to direct future activity Adapt to new situations Develop high levels of job specific knowledge See new initiatives positively Regard problems as opportunities Take risks in their development and work Respond to feedback Have an orientation towards learning from others Learn quickly and from mistakes Are open to criticism 5
Seek opportunities for career development Value clear direction & values Need room to reflect upon & capture their learning Seek roles that allow them to be fulfilled Need challenge & regular new tasks Want to be dominant & have influence
Questions: Who should identify potential applicants and how? Methods to attract, identify & develop talent? 7
Questions: What is it that makes accelerated leadership development provision distinct from effective leadership development? How can we speed up the process?
Opportunities to build something from nothing or to fix things/turn them around
Networking within and across institutions Development/acceleration centres
Training leading to formal qualifications Temporary ‘acting’ posts Psychometric testing & 360 degree appraisal Leadership consultancy/secondments 9
ALD FEATURES & APPROACHES Formal training with developmental assignments Challenging, real projects & work-based assignments
Coaching with real experiences Role models and mentors Ongoing and systematic mentoring Serving on & facilitating committees/working groups Role rotation
Regular and constructive feedback
ALD FEATURES & APPROACHES Leadership & management courses Facilitated workshops
Reflective writing and journals Action learning sets Role play and simulations Individually-focused development opportunities Supported personal development plans
Blended/e-learning (personalisation)
Earley, P and Jones, J (2010) Accelerated Leadership Development: fast-tracking school leaders, London: Institute of Education, Bedford Way series.
Fink, D (2010) The Succession Challenge, London: Sage NCSL (2009) Identify & Grow your own leaders: a practical guide & case studies