ABSTRACT The research report aims to look into the details of the various services provided in the building Ikon Connaught. The services provided in the building include: the fire protection systems, air-conditioning systems, mechanical ventilation system and the mechanical transportation system. Throughout the findings and analysis on the specific components, the functions and any information of the systems will be studied extensively in conjunction with the building to further understand the importance of the system in a building’s operation. Findings and conclusions that are made as a result of this study will be made through our understanding of these said services. Not least forth these services will be adjudged to and by the Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) requirements as well as other relevant rules and regulations stipulated by relevant authorities and organisations.
First of all, we would like to express our sincere thanks and gratification to our tutor, Mr Mohamed Rizal for guiding us throughout the entire working and study process and going out of his way to ensure that the group stays on the right track throughout the progress of the project. We would also like to extend our thanks to Mr Nazrulhisam, the manager on duty at Ikon Connaught on the day of our study trip for his willingness to help us with our assignment, providing invaluable information by the truck load and also took the extra step of guiding us around the building to explain and show all of the systems in spite of the ongoing Ramadhan festivals. Finally, we give thanks to each and every one of our very own group members whom participated flawlessly and were quick and efficient in conducting and executing their respective parts of the project with contributed to a successful completion of the project.
PAGE Figure 1.01 ikon Connaught Located beside Jalan Cerdas, Cheras Figure 2.01 The Fire Triangle Figure 2.02 Some devices involved in an AFP system Figure 2.03 Important aspects of PFP to contain fire in a building Figure 2.04 A typical HVAC system used in commercial buildings Figure 2.05 Components of a window air conditioner Figure 2.06 Packaged air conditioner diagram showing how it works Figure 2.07 Basic diagram of a split air conditioner Figure 2.08 Diagram showing central air conditioning system vents and ducts Figure 2.09 Supply ventilation air flow direction diagram Figure 2.10 Supply and extract system with re-circulation Figure 2.11 Combined ventilation air flow direction diagram Figure 2.12 Propeller fan Figure 2.13 Axial fan Figure 2.14 Structure and air flow mechanism of axial flow fans
Figure 2.15 Centrifugal fan Figure 2.16 Structure and air flow mechanism of centrifugal fans Figure 2.17 Activated Carbon filter Figure 2.18 Filtration diagram Figure 2.19 Ductworks Figure 2.20 Typical fire damper Figure 2.21 Fire damper in action (sectional view) Figure 2.22 Type of grille and diffuser Figure 2.23 A diagrammatic picture of an elevator Figure 2.24 The diagram above shows the specifications of an escalator Figure 2.25 Diagrammatic elevation and plan of a travellator Figure 2.26 Gearless Traction Passenger Lift Figure 2.27 The components of a gearless traction passenger lift’s machine Figure 3.01 Hose reel, wet riser and portable extinguisher Figure 3.02 Sprinkler system in car park Figure 3.03 Pump sets Figure 3.04 Valve Figure 3.05 Pressure switch for cut in and cut out Figure 3.06 Pump starter panel Figure 3.07 Indoor sprinkler
Figure 3.08 Hose reel system Figure 3.09 Hose reel drum Figure 3.10 Pressure switch for cut in and cut out Figure 3.11 Wet riser system Figure 3.12 Wet riser system pump Figure 3.13 Pipe to water tank on higher level Figure 3.14 Pressure switches Figure 3.15 Smoke detector Figure 3.16 Fire switch and Bomba Telephone with link toJabatan Bomba Figure 3.17 Main fire control with mimic diagram Figure 3.18 Firemen intercom master panel with intercom console Figure 3.19 Plan of fire systems Figure 3.20 Pressurized 45kg CO2 gas cylinders and CO2 control panel Figure 3.21 Discharge nozzle and smoke detector Figure 3.22 Automatic fire curtain over fresh air inlet silencer Figure 3.23 CO2 discharge nozzle and Tripping device Figure 3.24 Plan Figure 3.25 Fire extinguisher Figure 3.26 Fire escape stairs ensconced within fire rated walls Figure 3.27 Single leaf fire exit door at Ikon Connaught
Figure 3.28 Double leaf fire exit door at Ikon Connaught Figure 3.29 Door closer on a fire exit door in Ikon Connaught Figure 3.30 Smoke/Fire Curtain in the Pump Room Figure 3.31 Fire Shutter in the commercial levels Figure 3.32 Fire Shutter located next to a Fire Exit Door Figure 3.33 Smoke extraction system in Ikon Connaught’s stair core Figure 3.34 Section Drawing Figure 3.35 Fire Exit Signage at every Fire Exit door Figure 3.36 Fire Exit Signage in the stair core Figure 3.37 Figure 3.37 and 3.38 shows the Fire Escape Routes at every level Figure 3.38 Figure 3.37 and 3.38 shows the Fire Escape Routes at every level Figure 3.39 Location of all the fire escape staircases in Ikon Connaught Figure 3.40 Fire Escape Staircase at Ikon Connaught Figure 3.41 Emergency light to illuminate the staircase Figure 3.42 Section showing fire escape staircase Figure 4.01 Schematic diagram of a centralized chiller plant system. Figure 4.02 Chiller inside the plant room. Figure 4.03 Colour coded water pumps and piping system in the plant room. Figure 4.04 Cooling tower at the rooftop. Figure 4.05 Evaporation of water at the cooling tower
Figure 4.06 Schematic diagram of the evaporation process at the cooling tower. Figure 4.07 Water tank inside the plant room. Figure 4.08 Water filter for the cooling tower. Figure 4.09 Schematic diagram of a chiller water system Figure 4.10 View of a Fan Coil Unit (FCU). Figure 4.11 The split unit in the office Figure 4.12 Condenser unit Figure 4.13 Fan and compressor Figure 4.14 Expansion valve Figure 4.15 Refrigerant pipes Figure 4.16 Evaporator coil Figure 4.17 Air filter Figure 4.18 Drain pipe located below the indoor unit Figure 4.19 Indoor unit with fin closed Figure 5.01 Location of exhaust fans of staircase at rooftop Figure 5.02 Filter is installed in the exhaust fans Figure 5.03 Pressurization system in the staircase Figure 5.04 Pressurization relief dampers in the staircase Figure 5.05 Staircase pressurization schematic diagram Figure 5.06 1f staircase pressurization system using proportional damer control
Figure 5.07 Ppressurisation of lift lobby area and the staircase Figure 5.08 Lift lobby pressurization schematic diagram Figure 5.09 Smoke flow when fire occurs and smoke curtain Figure 5.10 Inlet air flow direction (natural source) Figure 5.11 Exhaust location at roof top of ikon Connaught Figure 5.12 Smoke spill schematic diagram Figure 5.13 Exhaust fans on the roof top (extract air) Figure 5.14 Exhaust fans on the roof top (supply air) Figure 5.15 Location of smoke spill fan in basement Figure 5.16 Damper at carpark (absorb the hot air in the car park) Figure 5.17 Damper at carpark (release cool air to the car park) Figure 5.18 Location of fan in basement 1 (supply system) Figure 5.19 Location of fan in basement 3 (extract system) Figure 5.20 Supply system for car park ventilation Figure 5.21 Extract system for car park ventilation Figure 5.22 Ductwork of fan in basement 1 (supply system) Figure 5.23 Ductwork of fan in basement 3 (extract system) Figure 5.24 Ductwork for basement 1 Figure 5.25 Kitchen exhaust schematic diagram Figure 5.26 Kitchen exhaust on the roof top of ikon connaught shopping mall
Figure 5.27 Ductwork of supplying air of kitchen Figure 5.28 Ductwork in toilet Figure 5.29 Ceiling grille in toilet Figure 5.30 Exhaust wall grille for each toiletsin Figure 5.31 Components diagram of mechanical ventilation Figure 5.32 Type of propeller fans Figure 5.33 Propeller fan in lift control room Figure 5.34 Axial fan in basement (with direction) Figure 5.35 Axial fan in basement Figure 5.36 Axial fan in genset room Figure 5.37 Ductwork in the water tank room Figure 5.38 Ductwork in carpark Figure 5.39 A typical fire damper Figure 5.40 Fire damper in lift lobby of ikon connaught Figure 5.41 Filter is installed in the exhaust fans Figure 5.42 Diffuser of water tank room Figure 5.43 Diffuser of exhaust system for car park Figure 6.01 Location of the passenger lifts and the bomba lifts in the floor plan Figure 6.02 The hall lantern located on top of the passenger lift Figure 6.03 The escutcheon tube located at the top lift’s frame
Figure 6.04 Indication shows where the call buttons are placed Figure 6.05 The fireman’s lift switch for the bomba’s lift Figure 6.06 The lift car door when opened to a certain floor Figure 6.07 The monitor beam Figure 6.08 The floor selection buttons in the lift Figure 6.09 Emergency indicator and buttons Figure 6.10 Perforated stainless steel openings Figure 6.11 Railings that are placed in the lift Figure 6.12 The machine room at ikon Connaught Figure 6.13 The main power switches in the machine room Figure 6.14 The secondary power switch Figure 6.15 The card access system Figure 6.16 The machine that operates on pulling Figure 6.17 The pull holder that is placed on top of the machine Figure 6.18 Location of the escalator in ikon Connaught at ground floor Figure 6.19 The operating panel button Figure 6.20 The picture above shows the escalators’ skirt brush Figure 6.21 The safety hazard signs Figure 7.01 Group picture with Mr Nazrulhisam
SUBJECT Cover Page Abstract Acknowledgement List of Figures, Plates, Illustrations Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Fire Protection System 2.2 Air-Conditioning System 2.3 Mechanical Ventilation System 2.4 Mechanical Transportation System
3.0 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 3.1 Active Fire Protection System 3.2 Passive Fire Protection System 3.3 Conclusion
4.0 AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM 4.1 Centralised Chiller Plant System 4.2 Split Unit System 4.3 Conclusion
5.0 MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM 5.1 Pressurisation System
5.2 Smoke Spilled System 5.3 Duct System 5.4 Components 5.5 Duct Work 5.6 Fire Damper 5.7 Filter 5.8 Diffuser 5.9 Conclusion
6.0 MECHANICAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 6.1 Lift System 6.2 Machine Room 6.3 Escalator 6.4 Conclusion
Figure 1.01 ikon Connaught Located beside Jalan Cerdas, Cheras Source:
ikon Connaught (lower capitalised) is located along Jalan Cerdas in Taman Connaught, Cheras. The building is the latest and newest among high commercial development in the area with a 10 storey configuration. Ikon Connaught is known with its name spelt with a lowercase ‘I’, and is a brand new as well as iconic landmark for everything leisure, entertainment, dining and business. The name ‘ikon’ consists of (i)nnovative, (k)knowledgeable, (o)pulent and (n)exus, giving it an edgy and modernistic name to stand out among the many shopping malls in the city.
2.1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Fire protection refers to the procedures and safety measures that is conducted to prevent or delay fire from becoming destructive by reducing the impact of uncontrolled fire which could ensure the safety of the people in the building. According to (Chen, 2004), fire protection system involves the implementation of " safety planning practices and drills, and includes education of fire, research, investigation, safety planning, building construction, safe operations, trainings and as well as testing of mitigating systems.
Figure 2.01 The Fire Triangle Source:
The three sides of the triangle illustrate the three elements of fire, which are heat, fuel and oxidization. In truth it is more of a tetrahedron, because there are four elements necessary to be present for a fire to occur. Oxygen must be present to weather combustion, heat to ignite fire, fuel to sustain combustion and a chemical reaction between the three elements. In the lectures of (Mohamed, 2016), he states that the concept of Fire Protection is based upon keeping these four elements separate. These three elements must combine in the right combination to occur. If any one of the elements are not present or removed, fire would be extinguished.
The 5 Classes of fire includes: Class A
Fires in ordinary combustibles: Wood, paper, cloth, trash, and plastics.
Class B
Fires in flammable liquids: Gasoline, petroleum oil and paint. Class B fires also include flammable gases such as propane and butane. Class B fires do not include fires involving cooking oils and grease.
Class C
Fires involving energized electrical equipments: Motors, transformers, and appliances.
Class D
Fires in combustible metals: Potassium, sodium, aluminum, and magnesium.
Class K
Fires in cooking oils and greases: Animal fats and vegetable fats.
Table 2.01 Classes of Fire
Different fire extinguishers should be used to put out different classes of fire. For example, according to ("Types of Fire Extinguishers – The Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association", 2016), Water and Foam fire extinguishers are exclusively to put out Class A fires. Carbon Dioxide and ordinary dry chemical fire extinguishers are for Class B and C fires, and wet chemicals are for Class K fires only. Dry powder extinguishers on the other hand are used to put out Class D fires. Other types of fire extinguishers include Halogenated or Clean Agent, Water Mist and Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical extinguishers.
The four aims of Fire Protection include:
1. To protect building occupants from fire, by providing sufficient and safe fire evacuation routes. 2. To protect building structures from getting severely damaged within a specific time through the use of construction methods, fire ratings, etc. 3. To protect building properties (furniture, equipment, etc.) from total damage. 4. To avoid fire from spreading within the building or to surrounding buildings.
There are essentially two types of fire protection systems: I.
Figure 2.02 Some devices involved in an AFP system Source:
Active fire protection(AFP) systems are systems which are able to interact with its surroundings by operating fans for smoke extraction, fire sprinkler to control fire, and also opening of a vent to allow assisted ventilation. Active systems such as water sprinkler and spray systems are widely used in the process industries for protection of storage vessels, process plant, loading installations and warehouses. These systems may be effective but is prone to interruption of water supply unless emergency water sources with backup pressure are provide. (Schroll, 2002) states that active systems are particularly useful in larger buildings where it is tougher to ventilate central spaces
through natural openings such as windows, so smoke and heat extraction systems are often used. The duty of the active fire protection system is to extinguish the fire, control the fire, improve visibility for occupants to make their exit, and provide exposure protection to prevent domino effects. For some applications foam pourers or fixed water monitors may be a more appropriate method of delivery than sprays or sprinklers. Other more specialized systems using inert gases and halogen based gases are used for flooding enclosed spaces.
Figure 2.03 Important aspects of PFP to contain fire in a building Source:
Passive fire protection is part of integral elements of structural fire protection as well as fire safety in every particular building which does not depend on any operating system of mechanism or any degree of motion. The purpose is to have a built in fire protection system that features resistance towards fire and reaction to fire improvement provisions such as rated construction that provides fire safety and does not require any operation based on ("What is Passive Fire Protection | Passive Fire Management", 2016). The concept of passive fire protection is based on the principles of:
1. Controlling likelihood of ignition 2. Containment of fire and its effect within its area-compartmentation, opening protections, fire stops, dampers, etc. 3. Conferring fire resistance to the structure and building elements for a specific time period-achieved through fireproofing materials 4. Enhancing reaction-to-fire behavior of exposed surface such as walls, ceilings, etc.
It should buy some time and slow the speed of the spreading of fire from a space to another space for an effectiveness of 2 hours to allow occupants to exit from the fire menace. This also allows emergency services to safely enter and stay in the building in their effort to fight the fire.
2.2.1 HVAC ( Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ) System Mechanical ventilation systems, which also may be known as an air conditioning system, serve many purposes towards a building and it’s users or occupants. For example, to produce enough ventilation would mean to produce volumes of air which provide sufficient breathing rates for its occupants in an otherwise stuffy and windless location (Cleveland clinic), as well as providing an equipment, for instance, a fan that drives and supplies air in and out of windows or walls, or a room ( ). A mechanical ventilation may come in various forms and sizes that serve to ventilate many different types of spaces in different climates, but, in an area of public space such as an office or many shopping malls, a HVAC ( heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ) is most widely used in a climate such as Malaysia.
Figure 2.04 A typical HVAC system used in commercial buildings Source:
The types of HVAC systems come in many different forms, sizes that serve specific purposes. Most prominently used types include window air conditioners, split air conditioners, packaged air conditioners and central air conditioning systems. Window air conditioners are mainly used in small rooms and confined areas where the output needed to ventilate the space is very little. Aiding the small output is the small size of
the whole contraption which, in a single box contains everything from the condenser to the expansion valve.
Figure 2.05 Components of a window air conditioner Source:
Packaged air conditioners are used for slightly more larger spaces, for instance if cooling of two or more simultaneous rooms is needed. This system is more flexible in terms of arrangement and system sizes, ranging from a layout of having all of the components in a single box similar to a window air conditioner, to a more complex casing where the condenser and compressor are housed, and cool air is fed through a high capacity blower.
Figure 2.06 Packaged air conditioner diagram showing how it works Source:
A split air conditioner is a variation of the window air conditioner that is used to cool and ventilate mainly small spaces as well. (Schneider, 2014) The main difference in this air conditioning system as compared to the window air conditioning system is that the split air systems provides greater flexibility in terms of the placement of the air conditioning system in the areas that is needed. An outdoor unit that houses the compressor, condenser and expansion valve is separated to in indoor unit which is the cooling fan. This versatility means that most residential and some commercial buildings have used this system in their current set ups.
Figure 2.07 Basic diagram of a split air conditioner Source:
(James, 2008) Central air conditioning systems are used to cool large buildings such as office buildings, hotels and factories. This system is widely adopted as it is more cost effective to use a large centrailised system rather than placing single separate units in each and every room or space. In this system, cool air is flowed through ducts and vents from the high capacity blower into spaces, which also serve to save energy usage (
Figure 2.08 Diagram showing central air conditioning system vents and ducts Source:
In conclusion, there are many types of mechanical or air conditioning systems that fit the need of every space and capacity. In a country and climate such as Malaysia the air conditioning system is an integral part of a building and it’s implementation would define a space of a building as well as its usage to many users.
Ventilation is a process of exchanging air. It includes both replacing air from outside or circulating air within a space. It is divided into natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation is the process of changing air in an enclosed space. The indoor air is withdrawn and replaced by fresh air continuously in a building. Fresh air is supplied by clean external source by a process of supplying and/or removing air by means of mechanical devices such as fans. There are some functions of mechanical ventilation such as to expel stale air containing water vapor, carbon dioxide, airborne chemicals and other pollutants in the building. It is also to draw in outside air to the building, which presumably contains fewer pollutants and less water vapor. Furthermore, it distributes and circulates the outside air throughout the house. The basic ventilation system has two elements which is fan and makeup air supply. Fan it to pull stale air out generally in high moisture areas such as kitchen, utility and bathrooms. By the way, makeup air supply is to deliver the outside air around the house. Exhaust fan is a good example for basic ventilation system. The negative pressure created by the exhaust fan pulls air through the house from supply points to the pickup points in a space. There is lots of importance of mechanical ventilation. First at all, it is important for preservation of oxygen content and removal of carbon dioxide. It controls the humidity in a building or space for human comfort. It also prevents the heat concentrations from machinery, lighting and people. Thus, it prevents the condensation in a building too. It provides dispersal of concentrations of bacteria in a building or space. Furthermore, it dilutes and disposes the contaminants in a building such as smoke, dust gases and body odors to provide provisions of freshness. Last but not least, it acts as an alternative to the unreliable natural systems. There is three types of mechanical ventilation system which is supply system, extract system and balance/combined system.
Supply system is about fresh air is brought in mechanically, and the hot air is extracted out naturally through the openings from the building. It creates over pressure and condition. The hot air is extracted from the building due to the lower pressure at the outside.
Figure 2.09 Supply ventilation air flow direction diagram Source:
The air supply is located in high place and the air inlet must have the possibility of regulated. It should not be located near the outlet location to prevent air from escaping being circulating the building. An air filter is connected to the inlet inside the ductwork to clean the coming air.
Figure 2.10 Supply and extract system with re-circulation Source:
A fan or ductwork is used in this system to distribute the fresh air from outside or it can be connect with the returning air duct, allowing the heating and cooling system’s fan and ducts to process the outdoor air before being distributed. The benefits of connecting to returning air duct is the outdoor air can be air-conditioned or dehumidified before it is introduced into the room. At the same time refresh the returning indoor air. This kind of ventilation is suitable for hot and mixed climates as it pressurize the house. However, it may have the potential to create moisture problem in cold climates. It is usually use for boiler plant and factories.
2.3.2 EXHAUST VENTILATION SYSTEM Extract system is different to supply system; it is about natural inlet and mechanical extract to the outside. This creates under pressured in the building. The under pressure creates a pressure difference over the ventilation openings, so air is sucked in naturally.
Figure 2.10 Exhaust ventilation air flow direction diagram
A controllable exhaust controls the ventilation capacity. Usually this system is applied in kitchen to suck out the smoke as well as toilets in residential area. Meaning to say, a suction duct is required. However, in non-residential building, this system is applied in places like basement, corridor, food court and etc. Since the extraction produces a loud noise, so baffle filters are used to lower down the sound. A fan is provided to create negative pressure on its inlet side, and this cause air inside the room to move towards the fan and the air is displaced by fresh air from outside the room, so this is passive ventilation. However, it needs a large pressure difference compare to those induced by mechanical supply system. One concern with exhaust ventilation systems is that possibilities of pollutants existence, including:
Radon and molds from a crawlspace
Dust from an attic
Fumes from an attached garage
Flue gases from a fireplace or fossil-fuel-fired water heater and furnace.
Exhaust ventilation contributes to higher operation energy and cost in heating or cooling the air because the air supply is brought in naturally with contaminants and moisture.
2.3.3 BALANCED VENTILATION SYSTEM Balanced ventilation system is also called combined ventilation system. Balanced ventilation system is a system to supply fresh air and extract stale air mechanically. The air pressure of the room is in neutral state. As the pressure created by the supply air is then depressurized by the exhaustion of air.
Figure 2.11 Combined ventilation air flow direction diagram Source:
This system is known as the most efficient way in ventilating the air as it is independence of outdoor weather despite of noisy environment and high installation cost. The combination of system requires two ducts and fans system. This system usually applied in the area where natural ventilation hardly access or hard to control such as basement and suitable for all climates. Slight pressurization of the air inside the building is achieved by using an extract fan smaller than inlet fan as to prevent
dust, draughts and noise. It can supply fresh air to the building and pick up stale air from a multiple point to ensure the pressure is balanced. Like both supply and exhaust systems, balanced ventilation system do not temper or remove moisture from the make-up air before it enters the house.
Ventilation system
Supply ventilation
Cons Relatively inexpensive
problem in cold
Allow better control
Will not temper or
Minimize pollutants
remove moisture
from outside
from outside air
Prevent back drafting
Can increase
of combustion gases
heating and cooling
from fireplaces and
Can cause moisture
and simple to install than exhaust system
May require mixing
Allow filtering of pollen
of outdoor and
and dust in outdoor air
indoor air to avoid
Allow dehumidification
drafts in cold
of air
Work well in hot and humid climate
Exhaust ventilation
Relatively inexpensive
and simple to install
Work well in cold
Can draw pollutants into living space
Not appropriate for hot and humid climates
Rely in part on random air leakage
Can increase heating and cooling cost
May require mixing if outdoor and indoor air to avoid drafts in cold weather
Balanced ventilation
Appropriate for all
Can cost more to install and operate than exhaust or supply system
Will not temper or remove moisture from incoming air
Table 2.02 Comparison of mechanical ventilation system Source:
There are some components involved in mechanical ventilation system such as fan, filters, ductwork, fire dampers and diffusers. FAN Fan is an important component for impelling air through inlet point or ducts, forming part of the distribution system. It removes hot, humid and polluted air. At the same time, it brings in outdoor air to either cool the people to achieve comfort ventilation or cool the building at night to achieve convection cooling. Furthermore, it circulates the indoor air while indoor air is cooler than outer air. There are few types of fan such as:
Propeller fan
Axial fan and
Centrifugal fan.
Figure 2.12 Propeller fan Source:
Propeller fan is commonly used without ducting and placed on wall for free air discharge. It can remove large volume of air but not allowing air to be force through long duct. It is usually found in small/medium industrial buildings, toilets and kitchens. It is low cost of installation and quiet.
Figure 2.13 Axial fan Source:
Axial fan consists of an impeller with blades of aerofoil section rotating inside a cylindrical casing. The air flows through the fans in a direction of parallel shaft. It is usually used in basement and tunnel. Below is the structure and air flow mechanism of axial flow fans.
Figure 2.14 Structure and air flow mechanism of axial flow fans Source:
Figure 2.15 Centrifugal fan Source:
Lastly, centrifugal fan has high efficiency to move large or small quantities of air over a wide range of pressure. It consists of impeller which revolves inside a casing shaped like a scroll. The direction of air moving through the inlet is 90 degrees. A base is required for this kind of fan. It is usually used in basement and rooftop. Below is the structure and air flow mechanism of centrifugal fan.
Figure 2.16 Structure and air flow mechanism of centrifugal fans Source: FILTER
Figure 2.17 Activated Carbon filter Source:
Filter is also an important component for mechanical ventilation as it sifts the external air before releasing into the room and prevents dust, smoke, bacteria, etc from entering the room. It is usually installed at the inlet grille.
Figure 2.18 Filtration diagram Source: ) DUCTWORK
Figure 2.19 Ductworks Source:
Thus, ductwork is important too as it channels outside air towards the room or the air from the room towards the outside. It is usually used in round or rectangular section. FIRE DAMPER
Figure 2.20 Typical fire damper Source:
Furthermore, fire damper is important for emergency case for mechanical ventilation. In occurrence of fire, it avoids the fire from spreading from one room to another. It is usually placed at compartment wall.
Figure 2.21 Fire damper in action (sectional view) Source:
If a fire occurs and is passing through the duct a fusible link melts and drops the accordion folded door to block the fire. GRILLE AND DIFFUSER
Figure 2.22 Type of grille and diffuser Source:
Last but not least, grille and diffuser is important for mechanical ventilation too. It is usually located at the edge of the ductwork where the air is released into the room
Vertical transportation nowadays is one of the important factors in high risers especially in today’s era. It helps to provide an accessible path from one level to another in a building. As technology involves, there are different types of vertical transportation that can be seen around us. Those vertical transportations are lifts, escalators, travellators, inclined ramps and etc.
Figure 2.23 A diagrammatic picture of an elevator Source:
Figure 2.24 The diagram above shows the specifications of an escalator Source:
Figure 2.25 Diagrammatic elevation and plan of a travellator Source:
Lifts can be categorized into several types; electric traction passenger lift, hydraulic passenger lift, climbing lift and pneumatic lift (Strakosch, George R., 1998). The electric traction passenger lift can be divided into two types which are the geared and the gearless. In our chosen building, the ikon Connaught uses the gearless electric passenger lift as their vertical transportation. It would transport passengers from the 3 levels of basements to the 8th floor.
Figure 2.26 Gearless Traction Passenger Lift Source:
Figure 2.27 The components of a gearless traction passenger lift’s machine Source:
According to George R. Strakosh (1998), an electric traction lift has a higher speed than a hydraulic lift. This thus shows that the traction lifts are more favourable in high rise buildings. A traction lift also has a smoother ride and it is also more energy efficient than a hydraulic lift. This is due to its counterweight that balances the car load, unlike a hydraulic lift system which requires the system to push the car against gravity. As Sheri Koones (2004) stated in her book ‘House about it: Dream, Design, Dwell’, the disadvantages of the electric traction lift are that of cost of installing are expensive than hydraulics lifts and that to maintain the electric traction lift is way harder than of the hydraulic ones as the motor is housed in the hoistway which is difficult to access. As for the escalator, they are usually found in multi storey buildings or high rise buildings like the lift. The only thing that varies between an escalator and a lift is that escalators are found on each floors. Although it is impossible to place escalators on every floors as the building height increases due to the big amount of user using the building. The similarities of an escalator are that of a typical basic lift which are providing an access to an upper floor and having a smooth ride.
Lift 1. Every lift forming part of the vertical access for disabled people should have an unobstructed depth in front of the lift doors of not less than 1800mm. 2. It should maintain a floor level accuracy within a tolerance of 10mm throughout the range of rated load. 3. The handrail in the lift car should not be less than 600mm long and 1000mm above the finished floor level and should be fixed adjacent to the control panel. 4. At least one lift car, adjacent to a public entrance that is accessible for disabled persons should be designed as a lift for wheelchair users, complying to all the subclauses of this clause, and should have space for a wheelchair to be turned through 1800 inside the lift.
Lift Door Installation should provide the following:
a) The lift doors should be power operated b) A clear opening of not less than 1000mm should be provided c) Sensor devices should be provided to ensure that the lift car and landing doors would not close while the opening is obstructed, subject to the nudging provisions which operate if the door is held open for more than 20s d) If the door sensors are not provided, the dwell time of an automatically closing door should not be less than 5s and the closing door speed should not exceed 0.25 m/s
Lift Controls Lift controls should comply with the following: a) Controls should be clearly indicated and easily operated in accordance with Clause 27 of MS 1184:2002. b) Call buttons should either project from or be flush with the face of the car-operating panel. The width or diameter of the buttons should not be less than 20mm. c) Floor buttons, alarm buttons or emergency telephone and door control buttons in the lift cars and lobbies should not be higher than 1400mm above finished floor level. The hearing impaired can use an alarm button and not emergency telephone. An alarm button should always be provided and preferably of a design which lights up and produce sound when pressed to reassure those trapped inside. d) All buttons should be designed such that the visually impaired can identify them by touch. Buttons which are not designed as such are best modifies by fixing embossed or Braille numbers or letters next to the lift buttons.
Lift Indicators Lift indicators should be provided in accordance with the following: a) ‘Lift coming’ indicators should be provided at each landing. b) Indicators should be provided at each lift lobby to show the position and direction of motion of the lift car. Alternatively, an audible indicator should be provided to indicate in advance the arrival of the lift car and its direction of travel. c) An indicator inside the car should signal clearly the direction of travel and the floor at which the floor at which the lift car is situated.
d) Embossed Braille number indicating each floor level should be provided beside the outside call button.
Handrails Handrails must be: a) Fixed not less than 840mm or more than 900mm from finished floor level, extended in the case of ramp or stairway by 300mm b) Fixed securely with its ends turned away or turned downwards for not less than 100mm
Lift Pit a) Pits must be fire-resistive as should be partitions between elevator pits. b) Permanent provisions must be made to prevent accumulation of water in the pit. c) Pits should be waterproofed and/or sealed. d) Drains and pumps must be complying with the plumbing code and steps should be taken to prevent water, gas and odours from entering the pit.
UBBL Clause 153: A smoke detector is to be provided at the lift lobby. The lift lobby should be large enough to accommodate traffic that move in two directions.
UBBL Clause 124: A lift shall be provided for a non-residential building which exceeds 4 storeys and above or below the main entrance. It is also essential for a building with less than 4 storeys to provide an elevator for the elderly and disabled. Minimum walking distance to the lift should not exceed 45m and the lift should be sited in the central area of a building to minimize the horizontal travel distance. 100
MALAYSIAN STANDARDS: Malaysian Standards 11M001R1 (2014): (Page 210) 38.5 Lift, escalators, moving walks and good conveyors 38.5.1 Lifts, escalators and moving walks
Lifts for passengers, passengers and goods, and goods alone should be selected, located and installed in accordance with MS 2012 – 3 and tested in accordance of BS 8496 – 1 for electric lifts and BS 8486 – 2 for hydraulic lifts when first installed.
Escalators: Escalators and moving walks should be selected and located in accordance with BS 5656 – 2, constructed and installed in accordance with MS 1918 – 1, and tested in accordance with BS 5656 – 1 when first installed. *Note: Guidance on undertaking modifications to existing lift installations is given in BS 5655 – 11 and BS 5655 – 12.
3.1 ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The fire protection installed for this project is as follows: Automatic Sprinkler System Hose Reel System Wet Riser System Fire Alarm System Fixed Gas Installation i) Carbon Dioxide System ii) FM 200 System 6. Portable Fire Extinguisher 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Figure 3.01 Hose Reel, Wet Riser and Portable Extinguisher
Figure 3.02 Sprinkler system in car park
The ‘Automatic Sprinkler’ system consists of a network of water pipes distributed throughout the building. Small discharge nozzles with liquid filled glass bulbs (sprinkler heads) are connected to the pipe work. When a fire occurs, Heat rising from the fire expands the liquid in the glass bulbs of the sprinkler head causing the glass to break and release water onto the fire. Each sprinkler activates individually when it is heated to its design temperature. The activation temperature is stamped on the sprinkler link or at the frame based. Sprinklers with temperature ratings above 65 deg. C are in colour coded. Most sprinklers discharge approximately 75-95 litre per minute (L/min), depending on the system design. Sprinkler for special applications are design up to 380 L/min.
The sprinkler itself is a reliable device and required very little maintenance. Sprinkler which has been service for 50 years need sample testing and at 10 year interval thereafter.
A “4-way breeching inlet” are installed at external ground level through which the fire department can pump water from the fire engine other or any other source of water into the sprinkler water tank or alarm valve header (as shown in as-built drawing.) This connection in used by the fire department to supplement the permanent water supply and provide a desirable auxiliary water system.
SPRINKLER SYSTEM LAYOUT The automatic sprinkler system is hydraulically designed to provide a water spray density in accordance with the LPC requirements. The sprinkler pump sets consists of three (3) pumps. One of is arrange for duty operation, second is for standby operation and third a much smaller flow rate and is known as a “Jockey Pump”.
Figure 3.03 Pump sets
The sprinkler alarm control valve is located adjourning the fire pump room. Each Alarm Valve has been labelled and indicated the area of floor serving. The pump sets pump water into main riser for this building. Every zone of the building is provided with one (1) number of butterfly valve c/w micro switch. The flow stich and butterfly valve are installed just outside the main tee off form the main distribution pipe for their respective floor and it has been marked, via a sign board for easy recognition
for maintenance purpose. The butterfly valve is installed in ‘OPEN’ position and at all time and a micro-switch is installed to monitor the butterfly valve position (OPEN or CLOSE) at the main Fire Alarm Panel. Should any of the sprinkler head comes into operation, a signal after a time lag from the affected flow switch would trigger a flow condition and this will be monitored by a main fire alarm panel. Action should be taken immediately and accordingly by the safety personnel.
Figure 3.04 Valve
The purpose of the floor butterfly valve is to temporarily shut off for ease of possible maintenance in future where only the particular concern needs to be drained. Note that in all circumstances, the isolation valve “MUST BE KEPT IN OPEN” position. Any unauthorized and unwanted closure of these valves may render the sprinkler system not operative and a total failure in case of fire. Test or drain valves are installed at a distance after each flow switch for testing of flow condition or drainage of the system. Each sprinkler pump set is connected via pipe manifolds. The duty and standby pumps are designed to operate when a sprinkler head is activated.
The “Jockey Pump� will run in the event of small leaks in the sprinkler system or a small drop in system pressure, the jockey pump will operate to increase the pressure to the correct operating pressure, this prevents the duty & standby pumps form activated.
Figure 3.05 Pressure switch for cut in and cut out
Each sprinkler pump sets is connected to a 25mm diameter pressure sensing pipe. These pressure sensing pipes are connected to pressure switches. Pump operation is dependent on the system pressure switches which are used to start (cut out) the pumps to maintain the required water pressure. Standby generator set will back-up the power supply in the event of power failure from TNB to make sure the pump sets are working during such failure.
Figure 3.06 Pump starter panel
Pump starter panel has manual and automatic modes of operation to allow testing of the pump to be carried out. Pump starter panel have externally mounted indicators for “phase indication”, “AC Fail”, “Start”, “Run”, and “AC On”. The pump starter panel is configured to provide duty, standby and jockey pump controller. This timer keeps the jockey pump running for a predetermined minimum time after each automatic start to prevent the pump form starting and stopping too frequently. The pump sets pressure setting has been labelled at respective pressure switch to indicate the cut in and cut out pressure. Precaution is taken so that the duty and standby pump sets are to be turned off MANUALLY after the pump started, great measures are also to taken whenever these pumps started automatically. The pump RUN / TRIP / AC FAILED of the pump sets are also monitored to the main fire alarm panel.
The sprinkler installation is designed to operate automatically in the event of fire. When a fire occurs, heat rising from the fire is absorbed by a silicone based liquid contained inside of the glass bulb of the nearest sprinkler head. This causes an air bubble inside the glass bubble to expand.
Figure 3.07 Indoor sprinkler
When the temperature surrounding the sprinkler risers above the rated temperature of the sprinkler head, the glass bulb breaks and ruptures the seal between the sprinkler head orifice and the system pipe work. This allows water from the sprinkler system to discharge through the sprinkler head in a predetermined pattern. In the case of the solder strut type of sprinkler, the glass bulb is replaced by a ‘strut’ made of metal with a low melting point. When the strut melts in a fire, the sprinkler releases water and extinguishes the fire. Each sprinkler head is designed to operate individually, so in the event of a fire, only the sprinkler head nearest the fire will be activated. Without the introduction of an accelerated fire, four sprinkler heads or less would normally activate in a fire.
When a sprinkler head is activated, the flow of water through the sprinkler supply pipe work will be registered by the flow switch on the local sprinkler floor control valve. The activate flow switch will send a signal to the fire alarm panel, which will then send a visual and audible signal to the fire affected area and to the fire brigade. As water flows through the sprinkler system due to the activation of a sprinkler head, the water pressure in the system falls. When this pressure falls below 90% of the standing pressure, the sprinkler jockey pump will start. If the system pressure continues to fall and falls below 80% of the standing pressure, the duty sprinkler pump will start automatically and the jockey pump will stop. In the event that the duty pump fails to start, or the system pressure falls below 70% of the standing pressure, the standby pump will start automatically. Once started, both the duty and standby sprinkler pumps must be stopped manually at the pump controller.
Figure 3.08 Hose reel system
Hose reel system consists of two (2) pumps. One is arrange for duty operation, second is for standby operation. 50mm dia. Of G.I. ‘B’ pipe are installed to supply water to the hose reel drum.
Figure 3.09 Hose Reel Drum
Each hose reel drum was equipped with 25mm diameter x 30meter rubber hose c/w Jet & Spray nozzle. A ball valve is installed before each of the hose reel drum for easy maintenance. The valve must be kept in ‘close’ position at all times. An adjustable nozzle is fitted to each hose. The nozzle can be adjusted to vary the throw and flow rate of the water supply. All the hose reel drums are mounted at designated location as shown in the as built drawing.
Figure 3.10 Pressure switch for cut in and cut out
Each hose reel pumpsets is connected to a 25mm diameter pressure sensing pipe. These sensing pipes are connected to pressure switches. The pump operation is dependent on the system pressure switches which are used to start (cut in) and stop (cut out) the pumps to maintain the required water pressure. A reserved water is stored in the tank, available to be used in any contingency of hose reel system has been used.
Pump starter panel has manual and automatic modes of operation to allow testing of the pump to be carried out. Pump starter panel have externally mounted indicators for “Phase Indication”, “AC Fail, “Start”, “Stop”, “Run” and “AC on”. The pump started panels are configured to provide duty and standyby pump control in a manner which prevents the possibility of two pumps running at the same time. The pump operation is dependent on the pressure switch used to start (cut in) and stop (cut out) the pump to maintain the required water pressure. A timer relay is also installed in each pump controller. This timer keeps the pump running for a predetermined minimum time after each automatic start to prevent the ump from starting and stopping too frequently. The pumpsets pressure setting has been labelled at the respective pressure switch to indicate the cut in and cut out pressure. The pump RUN / TRIP / AC FAIL of the pumpsets are also monitored to the main Fire Alarm panel. It is noted that under no circumstances shall the hose reel to be used for cleaning and washing. The hose reel is meant only for first aid fire fighting which is manually operated to defend against small fires. The pipeline of the hose reel system is pressurized at all times. Turn on the 25mm dia. Hose reel ball valve, pull out the hose and discharge the water from the nozzle, the pressure in the pipeline will drop. Once the pressure in the pipeline drops below the pre-set valve of the pump pressure switch, the pump will run automatically. When the hose reel is shut-off, the pressure in the pipe line will build up again and when it reaches the cut out pressure of the duty standby pump, it will stop automatically. The hose reel drum is a swing type and the hose can be pulled out in any direction.
The nozzle can provide spray and jet discharge patterns and it can be done by adjusting the nozzle head. Standby generator set will back-up the power supply in the event of power failure from TNB to make sure the pumpset are working during such failure.
Each hose reel drum was equipped with 25mm diameter x 30meter rubber hose c/w Jet & Spray nozzle. A ball valve is installed before each of the hose reel drum for easy maintenance. The valve must be kept in ‘close’ position at all times. An adjustable nozzle is fitted to each hose. The nozzle can be adjusted to vary the throw and flow rate of the water supply. All the hose reel drums are mounted at designated location as shown in the as built drawing.
It is noted that under no circumstances shall the hose reel to be used for cleaning and washing. The hose reel is meant only for first aid fire fighting which is manually operated to defend against small fires. The pipeline of the hose reel system is pressurized at all times. Turn on the 25mm dia. Hose reel gate valve, pull out the hose and discharge the water from the nozzle, the pressure in the pipeline will drop. Once the pressure in the pipeline drops below the preset value of the sprinkler/wet riser pump pressure switch, the jockey pump will run automatically. When the hose reel used is shut-off, the pressure in the pipe line will build-up again and when it reaches the cut out pressure if the duty standby pump, it will stop automatically. The hose reel drum is a swing type and the hose can be pulled out in any direction. The nozzle can provide spray and jet discharge patterns and it can be done by adjusting the nozzle head.
Figure 3.11 Wet riser system
This system is comprised of a series of manually operated landing valves located at each floor in the building. These landing valves are supplied with water storage tanks (directly feed from water main) via a pump set. Water from the storage tank is pumped to the landing valves via a series of riser mains. This system provides a readily accessible source of water in sufficient quantities and at a pressure which allows the fire brigade to efficiently fight a fire on any floor or area in the building.
Figure 3.12 Wet riser system pump
The wet riser pump sets are consisted of three (3) pumps. One of is arranged for duty operation, second is for standby operation and a third is a much smaller flow rate and is known as a Jockey Pump�
Each pump set is connected via a pipe manifolds. The duty and standby pumps are designed to operate when the landing valve has been operated.
Figure 3.13 Pipe to water tank on higher level
Figure 3.14 Pressure switches
The ‘Jockey Pump’ will run, in the event of small leaks in the pipe network or a small pressure drop in the system, the jockey pump will operate to increase the pressure to correct the operating pressure. This will prevent the duty and standby umps from being activated. Each wet riser pump set is connected to a 25mm diameter pressure sensing pipe. These pressure sensing pipes are connected to pressure switch. Pump operation is dependent on the pressure switch which are used to start (cut in) and stop (cut out) the pumps to maintain the required water pressure. Standby generator set will back-up the power supply in the event of power failure from TNB to make sure the pump sets are working during such failure. Each pump starter panel has manual and automatic modes of operation to allow testing of the pump to be carried out. Pump starter panel have externally mounted indicators for “phase indication”, “AC Fail”, “Start”, “Stop”, “Run”, and “AC On”. The pump starter panel is configured to provide duty, standby and jockey pump control in a manner which prevents the possibility of three pumps running at the same time. A timer relay is also installed at a jockey pump controller. This timer keeps the jockey pump running for a predetermined minimum time after each automatic start to prevent the pump from starting and stopping too frequently. The pump sets pressure setting has been label at the respective pressure switch to indicate the cut in and cut out pressure. The pump RUN / TRIP / AC FAILED of the pump sets are also monitored to the main Fire Alarm panel. The pump set pumping the water into the riser main known as wet riser supply” pipes. A 65mm diameter landing valve is connected to a 150mm diameter wet riser supply pipes at each floor level. Each landing valves are complete with a quick coupling adapter. Which is compatible with the fire brigades standard hose connection. These quick coupling connections a screwed directly onto the discharge outlet of the landing valve. A removable plug secured by a chain is fitted to each landing valve.
A 30 meter of 65mm diameter rubber lined canvas hose is provided at each landing valve. These hoses are stored on a hose cradle adjacent to each landing valve. Each canvas hose is complete with a diffuser nozzle. A “4-way breeching inlet� is installed at external ground level through which the fire department can pump water from the fire engine or other sources of water into the wet riser tank. This connection is used by the fire department to supplement the permanent water supply and provide a desirable auxiliary water supply.
The Fire Alarm System of fire protection system is installed throughout this building. Fire alarm system provides audible and visual alarm signals as a result of manual operation of break glass or automatic operation of protective equipment, such as heat detector or smoke detector. Audible and / or visual alarm signal devices are commonly known as alarm indicating or signalling devices.
Figure 3.15 Smoke detector
Break glass, flow switches and smoke detectors are commonly known as alarm initiating devices.
Figure 3.16 Left: Fire switch and Bomba Telephone with link to Jabatan Bomba Right: Break glass
Usually the system consists of break glass, smoke and heat detectors, audible alarm devices like alarm bells, buzzer, sirens flash light connected to a fire alarm control panel by electrical wiring, which is supervised for the continuity. The supervision is performed by passing a small current through the wiring and monitoring the current received at the control panel. If the current is not received at the control panel, a trouble signal is sounded. Fire alarm circuits can be arranged to operate under normal, open or closed (ground) conditions, depending upon the sophistication of the system. Emergency power supply would be provided to main fire alarm panel and thus would consist of batteries complete with battery charger.
Figure 3.17 Main fire control with mimic diagram for the Addressable system which locates triggered fire protection systems located in the building in efficient fashion
It is very important this system should be tested and maintenance periodically and all system inspection recorded in a log book and kept at the main fire alarm control panel. The power supply for the main fire alarm panel (MFAP) is supplied directly from the TNB supply. A set of batteries are provided in case of power supply failure to back up the system for at least 72 hours during such failure. All fire alarm detection systems have one basic purpose- to get a PERSON or SYSTEM to do something about fire. After detection, the system must transit an alarm. The alarm initiates an action to put out the fire. Without the full circle – detection, alarm, extinguishment the system is of limited value. The fire protection signalling system is able to perform significant functions to accomplish its intended purpose. First the system detects the fire rapidly, before there is significant damage. Secondly, it starts a sequence of events to intelligently evacuate occupants of the building who might be endangered by the fire. Thirdly, it transmits an alarm or signal to notify the responsible party, in this case bomba, (or an automatic) to start extinguishment.
Figure 3.18 Firemen intercom master panel with intercom console and indicators
Communication devices used to maintain communication throughout the building in an event of fire. The building also has a direct link to Jabatan Bomba, the local authorities should the need arises. 4.
FIXED GAS INSTALLATION Carbon Dioxide gas is probably the most versatile and, for many operations, the ideal extinguisher agent. It is widely use in household and commercial buildings. The gas covers the flames with a blanket of heavy gas that suffocates the fire by reducing the oxygen content of the surrounding atmosphere to a point where combustion is impossible. The gas is dry, odourless, non-corrosive, non -conductive and is heavier than air so that it flows around obstacles.
Since carbon dioxide system is electrically non-conductive, in this building it is utilized mainly for the protection of: 1. Gaseous and liquid flammable material 2. Electrical hazards
Figure 3.19 Plan of fire systems
Rooms installed with CO2 system include: 1. Switch Room 2. Gen Set Room 3. Switch Gear Room 4. Transformer Room
The CO2 system consists of detectors (smoke and heat detectors), manual pull station, wiring in conduit, control panel, discharge nozzles, pressurized 45kg CO2 gas cylinder, piping, flashing light, alarm bell and fire curtain.
Figure 3.20 Pressurized 45kg CO2 gas cylinders and CO2 control panel
Figure 3.21 Discharge nozzle and smoke detector
Figure 3.22 Automatic fire curtain over fresh air inlet silencer located in the gen set room
Figure 3.23 CO2 discharge nozzle and Tripping device which initiates the Fire Curtain
The CO2 control panel is located on the external wall just beside the main entrance door which monitors the heat detector and smoke detector activation (double knock) as well as send signal to ring the bell, activate red flashing light and indicate the CO2 gas discharge. A manual pull station has been installed just under the CO2 gas panel for manual discharge of CO2 gas in the protected room by the operator. All the volume of the room being protected must be closed at any discharging of CO2 gases. Any doors, dampers of window inside the room must be self-closing or close automatically in the event of system operation. The fixed CO2 gas system has been designed to operate automatically or manually to extinguish fire by means of detection of smoke and heat produced in the fire (double knock activation) or manual pull station operated. The detection and discharging of CO2 has are monitored at the respective Co2 control panel. Main Fire Alarm Panel(MFAP) is designed to monitor the discharge of CO2 gas from respective CO2 Control Panel. The CO2 system in Ikon Connaught is maintained periodically and all routine inspection or test is recorded in the log book and kept within a protected room or in the command control centre. A set of standby seal lead acid battery are provided in case of TNB power failure to the CO2 control panel to back up the system at least 72 hours during such failure. The CO2 panel will recharge its battery automatically once the power supplies are in order.
5.2 FM 200 SYSTEM Rooms installed with CO2 system include: 1. TNB Sub-Station
Figure 3.24 Plan
The FM200 gas system consists of detectors (smoke and heat detectors), manual pull station, wiring in conduit, control panel, discharge nozzles, pressurized FM200 gas cylinder, piping, flashing light, alarm bell and fire curtain. The FM200 control panel is located on the external wall just beside the main entrance door which monitors the heat detector and smoke detector activation (double knock) as well as send signal to ring the bell, activate red flashing light and indicate the FM200 gas discharge. A manual key switch has been installed just under the FM200 gas panel for manual discharge of FM200 gas in the protected room by the operator.
The fixed extinguishing system consists of FM200 gas which is stored in pressure cylinder are released when the smoke and heat detectors in the room fitted with FM200 gas system are activated. FM200 has extinguishes the fire by displacing the oxygen concentration to less than 15% by volume. It is safe for human beings, non-corrosive decomposition product and suitable for property protection, no effects on the environment as it only contains natural components of air.
All the volume of the room being protected must be closed at any discharging of FM200 gases. Any doors, dampers of window inside the room must be self-closing or close automatically in the event of system operation. The FM200 system extinguishes fire by reducing the concentrations of oxygen and the gaseous phase of fuel in the air to the point where the fire stops. The FM200 system has been designed to operate automatically or manually to extinguish fire by means of detection of smoke and heat produced in the fire(double knock activation) or key switch operated. The detection and discharging of FM200 are monitored at the respective FM200 control panel. Main Fire Alarm Panel(MFAP) is designed to monitor the discharge of FM200 gas from respective FM200 Control Panel. The FM200 system in Ikon Connaught is maintained periodically and all routine inspection or test is recorded in the log book and kept within a protected room or in the command control centre. A set of standby seal lead acid battery are provided in case of TNB power failure to the FM200 control panel to back up the system at least 72 hours during such failure. The FM200 panel will recharge its battery automatically once the power supplies are in order.
Portable fire extinguishers generally cover first-aid fire-fighting appliances which can be carried by hand and from which the extinguishing agent can be expelled, usually under pressure. In Ikon Connaught, they can be found at all the floors at every corner that can be reached easily.
Figure 3.25 Fire extinguisher
The two type of portable fire extinguisher agents used in Ikon Connaught is: 1. ABC multipurpose dry chemical powder fire extinguisher 2. CO2 gas fire extinguisher
It is installed to enable occupants to react as early as possible when there is an initial stage of fire. The equipment should be portable and easy to operate. The fire extinguishers include a mounting bracket, safety pin, squeeze lever, discharge nozzle and pressurized nitrogen at 150 psi to give a throw of effective range 5-7.5 meter and discharge the contents within 10-15 seconds. The fire extinguisher is labelled with operational instructions together with illustration.
According to UBBL Law 1984, Section 227: Portable Fire Extinguisher shall be provided in accordance with relevant codes of practice and shall be sited in prominent position on exit routes to be visible from all direction and similar extinguishers in a building shall be of the same method of operation.
3.2 PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Passive Fire Protection(PFP) system envelopes the design of building and infrastructure, use of fire resistance material in construction, provision of isolating fire, fire walls and doors, smoke doors, signage, markings and evacuation of building in case of fire. In Ikon Connaught, fire protection is an everyday procedure. Various methods of PFP is used such as well-planned fire escape routes, fire rated exit doors, obvious exit signs, fire compartmentation and many more.
A summary of PFP system used in Ikon Connaught is as below:
Fire Rated Wall Fire Rated Door Door Closer Smoke Curtain Fire Shutter Staircase Pressurisation System
Fire Exit Signage Fire Escape Routes Fire Escape Staircase
COMPARTMENTALISATION 3.2.1 FIRE RATED WALL A fire wall is a fire resistant barrier used to prevent the spread of fire for a prescribed time. Fire walls are built between or through buildings, electrical substation transformers. Fire walls are used to subdivide a building into separate fire areas and are constructed in accordance with the locally applicable building codes. Fire walls separates fire areas and slow down the spread of fire from one space to another in the event of an emergency. It is designed to retard the spread of fire through the building in order to give enough time for the occupants to escape.
Figure 3.26 Fire escape stairs ensconced within fire rated walls at Ikon Connaught
In Ikon Connaught the fire rated walls used are double layered brick walls that have excellent fire resistance. It can withstand the fire for up to 1.5 hours.
Uniform Building By-Law(UBBL)
Section 138(C) Any wall or floor separating part of a building from any part of the same building which is used or intended to be used mainly for a purpose failing within a different purpose group as, set out in the Fifth schedule to these by laws.
Section 148 (6) Any compartment wall or compartment floor which is required by these By-laws to have FRP of one hour or more shall be constructed wholly of non-combustible materials and apart from the ceiling, the required FRP of wall or floor shall be obtained without assistance from any incombustible materials.
The fire rated door serves as critical compartmentalization of building entrances and exits in order to prevent the spread of fire.
Figure 3.27 Single leaf fire exit door at Ikon Connaught
Figure 3.28 Double leaf fire exit door at Ikon Connaught
The fire exit door in Ikon Connaught is allocated at every emergency stairs exit. There are two different types of fire exit doors used that is the single leaf and double leaf door.
Single Leaf Door
900 x 2100 mm
Double Leaf Door
1600 x 2100 mm
The door installed are built by using solid hardwood core with an asbestos insulating board with an hour of fire resistance. The door has to be installed with a metal push
blade inside and a door closer outside. It should withstand the fire for 1.5 to 3 hours and located at emergency exits or office entrances.
Uniform Building By-Law(UBBL)
Section 162 Fire doors in compartment walls and separating walls: 1. Fire doors of the appropriate FRP shall be provided. 2. Openings in compartment walls and separating walls shall be protected by a fire door having a FRP in accordance with the requirements for that wall specified in the Ninth Schedule to these By-laws. 3. Openings in protecting structures shall be protected by fire doors having FRP of not less than half the requirement for the surrounding wall specified in the Ninth Schedule to these By-laws but in no case less than half hour. 4. Openings in partitions enclosing a protected corridor or lobby shall be protected by fire doors having FRP of half-hour. 5. Fire doors including frames shall be constructed to a specification which can be shown to meet the requirements for the relevant FRP when tested in accordance with section 3 of BS 476:1951.
It is essential to apply door closer on top of all fire exit doors so that fire does not escape through an open door in times of emergency.
Figure 3.29 Door closer on a fire exit door in Ikon Connaught
The door closers in Ikon Connaught function in helping the fire door to close back immediately or automatically after it opened it in preventing the spread of flame or smoke come inside from one space to another.
Uniform Building By-Law(UBBL)
Section 173 Exit doors: 1. All exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. 2. Exit doors shall close automatically when released and all door devices including magnetic door holders, shall release the doors upon power failure or actuation of the fire alarm.
Smoke curtain or fire curtain is made out of incombustible fabric to prevent fire and smoke from spreading.
Figure 3.30 Smoke/Fire Curtain in the Pump Room
In Ikon Connaught, the smoke curtain was installed in rooms that are more likely to catch on fire, for example, the Pump Room. Smoke and fire detectors are also installed in the room to detect and ensure the room is free from fire and smoke. During the event of a fire, the fire curtain will drop automatically to isolate the fire and smoke from spreading.
Uniform Building By-Law(UBBL)
Section 161(1) Any fire stop required by the provision of this part shall be so formed and positioned as to prevent or retard the passage of flame.
3.2.5 FIRE SHUTTER Compartmentalization in structures such as land based buildings is the fundamental basis and aim of passive fire protection systems. Fire compartment may consist of a single or multiple room to limit the spread of fire, smoke and flue gases. To separate the rooms, the usually install a system known as fire shutter. It blocks the fire during events of fire to prevent fire, smoke and gases from spreading into the interior spaces so that vehicles and people can escape to a safer place.
Figure 3.31 Fire Shutter in the commercial levels
Figure 3.32 Fire Shutter located next to a Fire Exit Door
Uniform Building By-Law(UBBL)
Section 139 Separation of fire risk areas: The following areas or uses shall be separated from the other areas of the occupancy in which they are located by fire resisting construction of elements of structure of a FRP to be determined by the local authority based on the degree of fire hazard: a) Boiler rooms and associated fuel storage areas;
b) Laundries; c) Repair shops involving hazardous processes and materials; d) Storage areas of materials in quantities deemed hazardous; e) Liquefied petroleum gas storage areas; f) Linen rooms; g) Transformer rooms and substations; h) Flammable liquid stores.
3.2.6 STAIRCASE PRESSURISATION/VENTILATION SYSTEM In case of fire emergencies, it is important to provide a safe pathway to exit. However, it is the smoke of the fire that is detrimental to the occupants. The smoke can get accumulated in the fire escape staircase routes. Thus it is important to provide a system that tackles this problem.
Figure 3.33 Smoke extraction system in Ikon Connaught’s stair core
Ikon Connaught uses a simple stairway ventilation system whereby the smoke accumulated in the stair core is extracted through the smoke ventilators. In the event that smoke is present, the ventilator is activated and extracts the smoke to the highest point in the stairs, due to the buoyancy of the hotter air. This ventilation system also doubles as a smoke pressurization system.
Figure 3.34 Section Drawing that shows the Smoke Ventilation/Pressurization System in the Fire Exit Stairway.
Uniform Building By-law (UBBL)
Section 200: Ventilation of staircase enclosures in buildings exceeding 18 meters Permanent ventilation at the top of the staircase enclosure of not less than 5% of the area of enclosure and in addition at suitable intervals in the height of the staircase a mechanically ventilated shaft to achieve not less than 20 air charges per hour to be automatically activated by a signal from the fire alarm panel.
MEANS OF ESCAPE 3.2.7 EMERGENCY EXIT SIGNAGE Fire escapes are indicated with neon green exit signs and emergency lights are installed so that the emergency exit signage is lighted even when there is no electrical supply. The emergency exit signage indicates the way to safety outdoor area or assembly point. It is a clear and effective guidance tool in helping to reduce panic and confusion during an emergency by providing a clear directional system.
Figure 3.35 Fire Exit Signage at every Fire Exit door
Figure 3.36 Fire Exit Signage in the stair core
It is an effective guidance tool in Ikon Connaught as it will help to reduce the fear as well as misperception by instructing a clear guiding system. These signs are lit day and night in case of emergencies. The letters are written in block letters sufficiently big enough to be seen and the neon green colour to attract attention when it is dark and during times of emergencies. In Malaysia, the Emergency Exit signage of 'KELUAR' means 'EXIT', it is to direct people a shortest route to a place of safety within a building which lead to the outside of building at the assembly point.
Uniform Building By-law (UBBL)
Section 172 Emergency exit signs: 1. Storey exits and access to such exits shall be marked by readily visible signs and shall not be obscured by any decorations, furnishings or other equipment. 2. A sign reading “KELUAR” with an arrow indicating the direction shall be placed in every location where the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit is not immediately apparent. 3. Every exit sign shall have the word “KELUAR” in plainly legible letters not less than 150 millimetres high with the principal strokes of the letters not less than 18 millimetres wide. The lettering shall be in red against a black background. 4. All exit signs shall be illuminated continuously during periods of occupancy. 5. Illuminated signs shall be provided with two electric lamps of not less than fifteen watts each.
3.2.8 FIRE ESCAPE ROUTES The primary danger associated with fire in its early stages is not the flame but the smoke and gases produced by the fire. In the event of a fire, the occupants of a building must be able to escape without much problem. A planned escape route should lead to a safe place. In large complexes, the route can instead lead to the protected staircase or corridor that later provides exit from the building. The means of escape is to direct a shortest route to a place of safety. The protected areas should be free of combustible materials.
Figure 3.37 and 3.38 shows the Fire Escape Routes at every level
In Ikon Connaught, utmost importance is placed on fire escape routes as it will be the first thing that occupants will refer to know where to exit from the building during an emergency situation. It will lead the occupants to the assembly point without the use of elevators. The routes and exit plans are displayed right in front of all lift lobby areas to allow easy visuals for the occupants to locate during a fire.
Figure 3.39 Location of all the fire escape staircases in Ikon Connaught
Uniform Building By-law (UBBL)
Section 165: Exits to be accessible at all times Except as permitted by By-Law 167 not less than 2 separate exits shall be provided from each storey together with such additional exits may be necessary.
Section 169 Exit route: No exit route may reduce in width along its path of travel from the storey exit to the final exit.
3.2.9 FIRE ESCAPE STAIRCASE Fire escape staircase allow the occupants of the building to escape from the building to a safer area or assembly point in the event of a fire. According to the law, the building should at least have two means of exits consisting of separate exits or doors that lead to a corridor or other space giving access to separate exits in different directions. In case of electricity cut-off, emergency lights should be installed in the stairway as well.
Figure 3.40 Fire Escape Staircase at Ikon Connaught
Figure 3.41 Emergency light to illuminate the staircase in case of an electricity cut-off
For firefighting facilities, Ikon Connaught has fire escape staircases at every level of the mall as well as in basement parking. The typical fire escape staircase for Ikon Connaught is U-shaped by providing a landing at each flight of the staircases of concrete. According to staircase requirements, it is necessary to provide landing on each flight of the staircases to ensure the users to have enough circulation space to pass down from avoiding any injuries during emergencies. According to the law, there should be no obstruction in any staircase between the topmost landing thereof and the exit discharge on the ground floor. In this situation, all the staircases should be properly lighted and ventilated according to the requirements of the Local Authority.
Figure 3.42 Section showing fire escape staircase in Ikon Connaught
Uniform Building By-law (UBBL)
Section 168 1. The required width of a staircase shall be maintained through its length including at landings. 2. Except as provided for in By-Law 194 every upper floor shall have means of access via at least two separate staircases. 3. The required width of staircase shall be clear width between walls but handrails may be permitted to encroach on this width to a maximum of 7.5 millimeters. 4. Tiles on staircases-risers maximum 180 mm and tread minimum 255 mm.
Section 178 In buildings classified as institutional or places of assembly, exits to a street or large open space, together with staircases, corridors and passages leading to such exits should be located, separated or protected as to avoid any undue danger to occupants of the place.
3.3 CONCLUSION Based on the Universal Building By-law (UBBL), it can be concluded that Ikon Connaught satisfies most of the fire protection requirements. Both active and passive systems are used conforming to the written law. Each component works in conjunction to each other to ensure the safety of its occupants which is a crucial aspect in any functioning building of any type. The proper implementation of the fire protection system from detection to notification to the suppression of fire in accordance to the law is important as it may potentially save the life of many especially in large scale buildings such as Ikon Connaught where the expected large numbers of occupancy also increases the chance of an emergency occurring. Ikon Connaught can be used as an example of a building which is carefully designed and remains within the law as a result. For active protection in Ikon Connaught, the building did not provide dry risers as the number of levels in the building does not comply to the need of dry risers according to the UBBL, hence it is not necessary to have the fire protection equipment. All other active fire protection systems are provided in the building which fulfil the requirements of UBBL. In passive ventilation, the systems are well planned out so that fire and smoke can be compartmentalized whilst occupants find the emergency exits. The management in Ikon Connaught overall provided a satisfactory fire protection system in compliance to the law.
4.1 CENTRALISED CHILLER PLANT SYSTEM (Bhatia, 2011) states that centralized systems are those which cooling is generated in a chiller at one location and distributed to an air handling unit or fan coil units located throughout the building spaces. A typical centralized chiller plant system is shown in Figure 1.0 below. It depicts the system being divided into 3 major sub-systems: 1. Chilled water system 2. Condenser water system 3. Air delivery system
Figure 4.01 Schematic diagram of a centralized chiller plant system. Source:
4.1.2 Chilled water system and its components Instead of using air to remove heat, larger multi-story building cooling systems like that of the Ikon Connaught Shopping Mall, use piped water to transfer heat. This type of system typically pairs a chiller with a cooling tower. The chiller is a machine that removes heat from the building. According to (Environmental Defence Fund, 2016) a piped water loop runs through the building, picking up heat along the way, which is circulated though the chiller to be cooled - in a continuous loop called the chilled water loop. The building has four chillers placed inside a plant room that is located on its rooftop. Figure 4.02 shows one of the four chillers located inside the plant room at Ikon.
Figure 4.02 Chiller inside the plant room. Source: Kan, 2016
Out of these four chillers, two containing 600 tons of water are used to cool the building during its operational hours. During non-operational/closing hours the two chillers containing 600 tons of water are switched off and the other two containing only 300 tons of water are made use of instead. Furthermore as shown in Figure 1.2 below,
the flow of water to and from the chiller is categorized by different coloured pipelines in the plant room. The blue pipes circulate the chilled water through the chiller’s evaporator section and to the cooling coils of the FCU’s. The green pipes are a part of the condenser water system and circulate water from its supply to the condenser in the chiller and then through the cooling tower located outside the plant room.
Figure 4.03 Colour coded water pumps and piping system in the plant room. Source: Kan, 2016
4.1.3 Condenser water system and its components (Environmental Defence Fund, 2016) further states that the heat removed by the chiller is rejected to the outside through a different piped water loop (called the condenser loop). This heat is rejected through the evaporation of water via a cooling tower which the condenser water loop runs through. The cooling tower is located outside on the rooftop next to the plant room as shown in Figure 4.04.
Figure 4.04 Cooling tower at the rooftop. Source: Kan, 2016
The water in the tower is converted to smaller droplets as it is passed over a series of louvers as shown in Figure 4.05. Air is then passed through these falling water droplets. As this process occurs, around 1% of the water evaporates per min, but the rest of the water is cooled down by 100 F and is circulated back to the chiller in a
continuous loop (International Chemtex P.R. Inc., 2013). This process is depicted in Figure 4.06.
Figure 4.05 Evaporation of water at the cooling tower Source: Kan, 2016
Fig 4.06 Schematic diagram of the evaporation process at the cooling tower. Source:
The water lost from the cooling tower during evaporation needs to be accounted for. Therefore, it is replaced back to the system by water contained within storage tanks located in the plant room as shown in Figure 4.07. Apart from replacing water lost at the cooling tower, these tanks also supply water to the 4 chillers (one tank per chiller).
Figure 4.07 Water tank inside the plant room. Source: Kan, 2016
In addition to this, the water in the cooling tower is also filtered to remove any impurities present. This water filter is located outside on the rooftop near the cooling tower as shown
Figure 4.08 Water filter for the cooling tower. Source: Kan, 2016
Figure 4.09 shows how the chiller water system (blue) works together with the condenser water system to cool down the water before it is distributed to the air delivery system for cooling the interior spaces of a building.
Figure 4.09 Schematic diagram of a chiller water system and a condenser water system. Source:
4.1.4 Air Delivery system Conditioned air is transferred to the interior spaces of Ikon via an all water system whereby the chilled water is delivered to fan coil units that are installed within the ceiling spaces of the building. The location of air intake devices has to adhere to the 3rd bylaw under section 160: Fire protection in air conditioning systems of the UBBL which states: The air intake of any air-conditioning apparatus shall be situated such that air shall not be recirculated from any space in which objectionable quantities of inflammable vapors or dust are given off and shall be so situated as to minimize the drawing in of any combustible material. The air within interior spaces of the building is then re-circulated through the unit and is cooled by the coil.
4.1.5 Fan Coil Unit (FCU) According to (Price Industries, 2011) Fan coils are a type of air handling unit designed to supply conditioned air to a room or zone. The basic components that make up a fan coil unit are a finned-tube heat exchanger, fan section and filter. The fan produces forced convection across the heat exchanger, which circulates either hot or cold water to provide conditioned air to the space. Individual zone thermostats are coupled to the fan coil’s fan speed controller and hydronic controls to maintain room temperature. Components in a Fan Coil Unit
Access Panel – Removable sheet metal section allows access to internal mechanical and electrical components.
Blower/Fan – Multi-bladed, driven rotor enclosed so that air from an inlet is compressed to a higher discharge pressure.
Coil – A heat exchanger in which liquid is circulated to provide heating or cooling to the air which passes through the heat sink fins.
Control Enclosure – Sheet metal shroud which houses the electrical connections, speed controller and transformer. The enclosure cover prevents accidental electrical shock as well as protects the contents from the environment.
Discharge Collar – Rectangular fitting attached to the unit outlet allowing for quick attachment of downstream ductwork.
Drain Pan – Pan located under the cooling coil to catch condensate formed during cooling.
Filter Rack – Tray in which a filter can be pulled out for maintenance or replacement.
Liner – Internal blanket adhered to the casing that is used to reduce the radiated and/or discharge sound levels. Materials used vary based on application and performance required.
Motor – Electrical component of an air movement device that provides work to turn the blade assembly.
(Price Industries, 2011)
Figure 4.10 View of a Fan Coil Unit (FCU). Source:
The water in the FCU is heated as hot air is absorbed from the building’s interior spaces. The heated water is then pumped back to the chiller and the cycle of cooling the water is repeated in the plant room and cooling tower.
4.2.1 Split Unit in ikon Connaught
A split unit air conditioning system is also used in the building in various locations throughout ikon Connaught. According to (Nazrulhisam, 2016) via an on-site interview conducted on the study trip, split unit systems are used in locations where cooling is necessary where it may not be reachable by the main central air conditioning unit. For example, a spit air conditioning unit is used in a room in the main office containing heavy machines and computers that require a cool room to prevent overheating and burnout.
Figure 4.11 The split unit in the office
In general, Mr Nazrulhisam also states that a split unit is used in areas where it is more logical to use them instead of a central air conditioning system due to the size of the room and output. The centralised system vents and channelling ducts are made to mainly transfer large volumes of air to cool the large areas, hence the small rooms would then require much more smaller units and outputs which the split unit fits exactly.
4.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
Though the split air conditioning unit may be beneficial and hold an advantage in many key areas, it does not come without its flaws as well. (, n.d.) states that, among the advantages that a split air conditioning unit may hold include:
1. Being small and flexible 2. Perfect for zoning, heating and cooling individual rooms 3. Easy to install 4. Significantly less energy waste and consumption 5. Flexibility in interior design options
Elaborated, this meant that the split air conditioning unit is able to be placed in much more intricate areas of a home or building with its flexible and small design. Being easy to install, it is ultimately more cost effective as well, as well as the machine being perfectly good in cooling individual rooms which was the case with the ikon Connaught building. The fact that it was stated as it being highly less energy consuming also backs Mr Nazrulhisam’s statement that was mentioned earlier. Finally, the greater flexibility gives interior designers better options when designing interior spaces which is essential in producing a good and impressionable shop or business in the future.
However, the disadvantages which were listed by the same source (, n.d) also states that the split air conditioning unit is lacked with:
1. Long term cost 2. Short-cycling 3. Appearance
Long term cost, when compared with a centralised air conditioning system, is listed as being about as much as 30% more costly when operating split units on a large scale and for a long duration of time. This would mean that it is logically not feasible in running a split unit over a centralised system in a large building such as an office block or shopping mall. Short-cycling is the occurrence of the unit not providing the proper temperate and humidity control on the room as a result of oversizing of under sizing. Hence, to avoid this a qualified technician is required to conduct the entire process of installation of the split unit, which may be in short supply as well as qualified technicians usually are busy and are generally expensive to hire. Finally, the most superficial disadvantage to each person is that this system may lack an appearance less pleasing to the eye or its surrounding, which may be most impactful in a shop or business where aesthetics matter a lot.
4.2.3 Components A split air conditioning unit contains many parts and components that help make it all work together in tandem. The main parts are split between an outdoor and indoor unit. In the outdoor unit, the most important and probably the most recognisable part of the system is the condenser
. Figure 4.12 Condenser unit
Seen and located outside and beside walls of either residential or commercial buildings, the condenser consists of a coiled copper tubing which the sizes are dictated by the size of the output of the entire unit. Essentially, the greater the output the more coil turns and rows there are. Copper is used as the rate of conduction is seen as the best among the many materials. Aluminium fins are also seen to disperse the heat efficiently.
Figure 4.13 Fan and compressor
When taken apart, inside the outdoor unit contains the fan and compressor unit, the latter which so happens to be the single most important part and function of the entire system. Essentially the compressor is tasked with compressing the refrigerant and increasing pressure before sending it over to the condenser. In almost all conventional split unit systems a hermatically sealed type of compressor is used as it is most reliable. Furthermore, the power the compressor an external power source has to be attached directly to the compressor in order for it to function at all. The cooling fan located right beside the compressor is used mainly to disperse the heat generated from the high pressure and heat and works to provide extra airflow cooling the entire system naturally. The fan is normally placed on the opposite direction to the condenser to encourage maximum airflow.
Figure 4.14 Expansion valve
The expansion valve is a copper capillary tubing with several rounds of copper coils. Usually in larger split unit systems a thermostatic expansion valve is used which is entirely operated automatically by a system. The pressure generated and the refrigerant temperature when medium leaves the condenser and enters the expansion valve, where it is most utilised where the temperature and pressure drops significantly suddenly.
Figure 4.15 Refrigerant pipes
The refrigerant pipes and tubes serve as the medium that connects the indoor and outdoor units of the split unit system. Built using copper as the best form on conductivity, the pipes are used to transfer pressure, cool and hot air and anything necessary in maintaining the functionality of a split unit system.
Figure 4.16 Evaporator coil
In an indoor wall mounted unit pictured before, the first component that is used is the evaporator coil, which is made of copper again for the reasons stated for the refrigerant pipes. The number of turns on the copper tubing will largely depend on the capacity of the air conditioning system. The cooling coil is covered in aluminium fins to ensure maximum amount of heat can be transferred efficiently.
Figure 4.17 Air filter
The air filter is a layer of filtration that is placed infront of the wall mounted indoor unit that is used to filter out any dirt or large particles that may be harmful or fatal to the entire system.
Figure 4.18 Drain pipe located below the indoor unit
The drain pipe, as its name suggests, is used to drain and flow water away from the indoor unit. How water develops inside the indoor unit is that when pressures and temperatures reach a certain point the dew point temperature is achieved and cool air in the system is condensed into water. This happens commonly hence this pipe is a very important part of the system.
Figure 4.19 Indoor unit with fin closed
Finally, the fin, or louvre, is used by the indoor unit to change the angle of the cool air that is blown out of the system to properly cool the area or room. Horizontal louvres are generally used in split units to to cover the largest amount of area cooled at a time.
Uniform Building By-law (UBBL)
Section 41: Mechanical Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (1) Where permanent mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is intended, the relevant building by-laws relating to natural ventilation, natural lighting, and heights of rooms may be waived at the discretion of the local authority. (2) Any application for the waiver of the relevant by-laws shall only be considered if in addition to the permanent air-conditioning system there is provided alternative approved means of ventilating the air-conditioned enclosure, such that within half an hour of the air-conditioning system failing, not less than the stipulated volume of fresh air specified hereinafter shall be introduced into the enclosure during the period when the air-conditioning system is not functioning. (3) The provisions of the Third Schedule to these By-Laws shall apply to buildings which are mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned. (4) Where permanent mechanical ventilation in respect of lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors is provided for and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Third Schedule to these By-Laws, the provisions of these By-Laws relating to natural ventilation and natural lighting shall not apply to such lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors.
From the above case study, it is understood that HVAC systems are of great importance to architectural design efforts:
The success or failure of thermal comfort efforts is usually directly related to the success or failure of a building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
HVAC systems often require substantial floor space and/or building volume for equipment and distribution components-this must be taken into consideration during building design.
The HVAC system is responsible for large portion of building operating costs.
(Bhatia, 2011) Therefore, the design and selection of a suitable HVAC system must combine a proper choice of engineered products efficiently providing conditioned air to the space at optimum energy while adding architectural features that complement the interior design. The HVAC system has to comply with the bylaws under section 41: Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning of the UBBL which state: (1) Where permanent mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is intended, the relevant building by-laws relating to natural ventilation, natural lighting and heights of rooms may be waived at the discretion of the local authority. (2) Any application for the waiver of the relevant by-laws shall only be considered if in addition to the permanent air conditioning system there is provided alternative approved means of ventilating the air-conditioned enclosure, such that within half-anhour of the air-conditioning system failing, not less that the stipulated volume of fresh air specified hereinafter shall be introduced into the enclosure during the period when the air conditioning system is not functioning. (3) The provisions of the Third Schedule to these By-laws shall apply to buildings, which are mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned.
In the case of The Ikon Connaught Shopping Mall - a large commercial building, a substantial amount of cooling is required for its indoor spaces. The use of a centralized
chiller plant system is highly cost effective and reduces the risk of hazards because water is used as its coolant as opposed to an artificial refrigerant. Furthermore, according to Bhatia (2011), due to the lower condensing temperatures compared to air cooled systems, water cooled chillers have higher coefficient of performance (COP). The use of Fan coil units offers many benefits as they are relatively smaller units compared to other types of AHU’s. Hence they do not take up a large portion of building volume/space; yet provide good environmental control and air movement. However, (Price Industries, 2011) states that while these units are cost effective to install, they do have increased maintenance requirements in comparison to “all-air� ducted systems and require maintenance access to the occupied space. This is because the units contain filters which require regular cleaning/changing. In addition to this, these units generate a significant amount of fan noise and their application and location needs to be considered; which is why they are installed within the ceiling spaces and provide conditioned are to the public interior spaces at Ikon. The minor usage of Split air conditioning units also provides the benefits that come with small scale cooling in terms of cost and wastage, hence in the case of ikon Connaught implementing split air units in certain areas is a very logical and practical move that adds and enhances the services equipment in the building.
IKON Connaught shopping mall complies all the three system in achieving comfort condition due to different function and location of specific space. Different in floor levels may result in use of different system. Below is the summarization of ventilation system used in IKON Connaught shopping mall.
Mechanical ventilation
Pressurized system
Smoke spill system
Ducted system
Throughout this system, IKON Connaught shopping mall has applied some of the application of ventilation system. 1. Supply ventilation system
Pressurization Staircase System
2. Exhaust ventilation system
Smoke spilled system
Kitchen exhaust system
Toilet exhaust system
3. Balanced ventilation system
Car park ventilation (ducted ventilation system)
5.1 PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM Pressurization system is sometimes required especially in high-rise and under-ground buildings. Pressurized and area with aspect to another adjacent area so that the smoke cannot enter it. Pressurization system is provided in IKON mall for lift and staircase to balance the pressure in the enclosed space. Pressurization of staircase occurred when a constant volume of fan running, pushing air through any stair door that opens, create slightly higher pressure condition compare to the function space.
Figure 5.01 Location of exhaust fans of staircase at rooftop
Figure 5.02 Filter is installed in the exhaust fans
For staircase pressurization system, all the fans are dual-speed completed with roof cowl and located at the rooftop of staircase shaft. During normal condition, the fans will run in normal speed for pressurization.
An automatic system is used to control the fans in this pressurization system, which is BAS (Building Automation System). It will overwritten by fire signal and run at higher speed during the fire mode is on so that provide a highly pressured condition to avoid the smoke from entering.
Lower pressure
Higher pressure
Figure 5.03 Pressurization system in the staircase
One fan is serving to each staircase which located at the bottom level. The fan will discharge air into the entire staircase shaft. Therefore, the staircase will be pressurized. Each staircase contains a relief damper (as shown in figure 5.03) to prevent over pressurized as well as to maintain the pressure reading at the preset valve. When the fire mode is on, the air pressurization system will protect the entire building staircase. If the pressure increases, the dampers drive towards close. If the pressure falls (due to the opening of door), then only the dampers open.
figure 5.04 Pressurization relief dampers in the staircase
UBBL- Clause 202 Pressurized system for staircase all staircase serving buildings of more than 45 meters in height where there is no adequate ventilation are required shall be provided with a staircase pressurization system designed and installed in accordance with MS1472
figure 5.05 Staircase pressurization schematic diagram
UBBL- Clause 198-202 Ventilation for staircase at each floor or landing with a minimum 1sqm opening per floor. In building less than 3storeys, staircase may not be ventilated if access via ventilated lobbies at all floors except the top most and; if buildings 18m high or less with top most with 5% of area of enclosure, Buildings higher than 18m to be mechanically ventilated at every floor or landing.
Figure 5.06 1f staircase pressurization system using proportional damer control Source :( Pg27)
5.1.2 LIFT LOBBY PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM For the loft lobby pressurization system, the fan is single speed motor only, located at the roof top. It will draw fresh air from atmosphere into the galvanized metal duct or masonry shaft and discharge into lift lobby via individual grille. The fans are normally in an off and standby mode for normal condition. Each fan is serving to one lift lobby. Each lift lobby pressurization system is equipped with a motorized by-pass damper and differential pressure sensor. This by-pass pressure sensor helps in maintaining each lobby with adjacent area at 45Pa. For the excess air, it will be relieved into the atmosphere by the motorized by-pass damper at the fan discharge. Passenger lift lobby and service lift lobby will be protected as well by the air pressurization system during the fire mode. Motorized fire dampers in the lift lobby require fire signal connection. These dampers are normally closed and will be triggered open for the floor on fire based on the sandwich basis.
Figure 5.07 Ppressurisation of lift lobby area and the staircase
ASHARE- Ventilation system controls (2) Shutoff damper controls all outdoor air intakes with motorized dampers that will automatically shut when the system or spaces served are not in use. Ventilation outdoor air or exhaust/relief dampers shall be capable of automatically shutting off during preoccupancy building warm-up, Figure 3.1.2 b: DAMPERS LOCATED AT LIFT LOBBY cool down, and setback, except when ventilation reduces energy cost or when ventilation must be supplied to meet code requirement.
Figure 5.08 Lift lobby pressurization schematic diagram
5.2 SMOKE SPILLED SYSTEM The building regulations stress on the need for the precaution of life safety system such as smoke control. A well-made smoke extracts ventilation system should be able to sustain smoke free escape circumstances at all occupied levels so as to provide a way to be able to get out of the building with the least possible risk of smoke inhalation, injury or death. When fore occurs in a building, ventilation is needed to prevent the accumulation of smoke in tripping the people from escape. Combined ventilation is used where air inlet is driven in and smoke is exhaust out from the building.
Figure 5.09 Smoke flow when fire occurs and smoke curtain source :( publications_and_circulars/fire_code_2002handbooks/_jcr_content/par/download_17/file.res/hb_v)
Inlet air supply is can give troubles with mechanical extraction when there’s fire. this is because the warmed air taken out will have a greater volume than the inlet air. As the fire grows and declines, the mismatch in volume between the extracted fire warmed air and inlet air will also change. This can result in significant pressure difference appearing across any doors on the escape route. Hence, to prevent this “push and pull” effect, replacement of fresh air shall be drawn by natural means. UBBL- Clause 249-252 Smoke and heat venting in large buildings, natural draught smoke vent, smoke vent for exit safety to be designed to prevent accumulation of smoke during evacuation and manual vents must be operable by Bomba from outside.
Turbulent mixing area Figure 5.10: Inlet air flow direction (natural source) Source:
Based on figure 5.10, the smoke, which is in stationary state, has higher pressure compare to the moving fresh air from the door. Then, moving air will attract the smoke towards itself. Thus prevent smoke accumulation and aid in smoke extraction.
figure 5.11 Exhaust location at roof top of ikon connaught
figure 5.12 Smoke spill schematic diagram
Figure 5.12 shows the location of smoke spill exhaust located at the roof top area of IKON Connaught shopping mall. There are 6 of exhaust fan for atrium smoke exhaust located at roof (as shown in figure 5.11 and 5.12). Those fan require fire signal to operates as any floor above ground is on fire.
figure 5.13 Exhaust fans on the roof top (extract air)
figure 5.14 Exhaust fans on the roof top (supply air)
Smoke spill fans will only operate during the fire alarm mode. When the fire alarm is triggered, the signal from fire alarm panel will reach to the smoke spill panel. A 20 seconds time delay allowed adequate period for the motorized dampers to close or open. Then, the smoke spill fans will run and discharged out the building.
Fresh air
Exhaust air
figure 5.15 Location of smoke spill fan in basement
The operation of smoke spill system in basement shall be individual basis. Smoke spill fans and fresh air make up fans will only operate in fire mode if particular basement is on fire. Fire signal should be sent to the fan local panel for the floor. An inverse signal should send to the other basement so that the normal operating fan will be tripped.
figure 5.16 Damper at carpark (absorb the hot air in the car park)
figure 5.17 Damper at carpark (release cool air to the car park)
5.3 DUCT SYSTEM IKON Connaught shopping mall has practiced the traditional ventilation system, which is the ducted system. Using the sheet metal ductwork in transporting the fumes or smoke extracted to the external atmosphere. It can be seen in the basement car park area, kitchen area and utility area.
5.3.1 BASEMENT CARPARK AREA For the basement car park area, ductworks are evenly distributed around the car park, both ends with mechanical ventilation extraction and the other end with mechanical supply ductwork and one also drop to lower level to provide lower level extract points. Air is constantly supplied to basement and extract out to the other end. Carbon monoxide or pollutants gas are extract from lower level of extract points. As shown in figure 5.18, supply and extract air ventilation is run by the fans located in fan rooms which located at both ends of the basement. Accommodating large ductwork can be problematic due to low headroom in most car parks and low-level ducts can be subject to damage from vehicles.
Figure 5.18 Location of fan in basement 1 (supply system)
Figure 5.19 Location of fan in basement 3 (extract system)
figure 5.20: Supply system for car park ventilation
figure 5.21 Extract system for car park ventilation
figure 5.22 Ductwork of fan in basement 1 (supply system)
figure 5.23 Ductwork of fan in basement 3 (extract system)
figure 5.24 Ductwork for basement 1
5.3.2 KITCHEN AREA Exhaust system is essential to the kitchen and restaurants as it can remove the odor and smoke. The equipment such as extractor hood, filter and exhaust fan are installed in the kitchen in order to improve the exhaust system of kitchen. There are a lot of restaurants in IKON Connaught shopping mall. Hence, the exhaust system must be installed well and is sufficient for all the restaurants and dining area in the IKON mall. Without the complete installation of exhaust system, oily atmosphere will be found obviously and form an uncomfortable atmosphere to people. This system is only applicable on food and beverage tenants as well as the supermarket kitchen. Tenant kitchen is a combination of centralized and individual duct system which means some tenants’ lots are linked to the centralized duct system where some other are provided individual kitchen exhaust and fresh air duct. Centralized kitchen fans only provided to centralized kitchen exhaust duct system but not for any kitchen fresh air system. All kitchen exhaust fans are being operated by BAS (Building Automation System) system.
All tenants are provided one set of black steel exhaust duct and GI (Galvanized Iron) fresh air ducting which is terminated with one volume control damper to adjust the
amount of air flow within the tenants which share the same centralized exhaust fan. Non-return damper is also installed at all exhaust outlets to avoid flowing back of smoke.
figure 5.25 Kitchen exhaust schematic diagram
UBBL- Clause 99 Cooking Facilities in Residential Building (2) Where a common vertical kitchen exhaust riser is provided, the riser shall be continued up to a mechanical floor or roof for discharge to the open, and shall be constructed with fire resisting material of at least 2hours rating with BS476: Part 3.
As we didn’t get the permission to go into the kitchen, we don’t have the photos of the ductworks in the kitchen.
figure 5.26 Kitchen exhaust on the roof top of ikon connaught shopping mall
figure 5.27 Ductwork of supplying air of kitchen
5.3.3 TOILET Toilet is a private space which is fully closed. Therefore, exhaust system is required to apply in toilet in order to remove the odor and form better ventilation. The equipment such as ceiling grille, wall grille and exhaust fan are installed inside the toilet to enhance the exhaust system of toilet. In IKON Connaught shopping mall, we found out that the toilet exhaust system is individual. It means, every toilet has its own exhaust system and ductworks. There is ceiling grille in both female and male toilet for exhaust system.
figure 5.28: Ductwork in toilet
figure 5.29 Ceiling grille in toilet
figure 5.30 Exhaust wall grille for each toiletsin ikon connaught shopping mall
5.4 COMPONENTS In this research, we found that IKON Connaught shopping mall has used some components for mechanical ventilation in order to provide a good thermal comfort effect for the entire building. Based on the literature review of mechanical ventilation in chapter 2, we have identified how IKON Connaught shopping mall achieves a good thermal comfort by using the components of mechanical ventilation correctly. Filter
Thermostat switch Ductwork Damper Filter figure 5.31 Components diagram of mechanical ventilation
As shown in figure 5.31, the components which has used in IKON Connaught shopping mall is thermostat switch, fan, ductwork and damper as well as filter.
5.4.1 FAN Fan is the most important component for mechanical ventilation as it is the main power for mechanical ventilation. There are three types of fan in mechanical ventilation which is propeller fan, axial fan and centrifugal fan. IKON Connaught shopping has used two types of these fan in order to enhance the thermal comfort in the building, which is propeller fan and axial fan.
5.4.2 PROPELLER FAN Propeller fan is a fan that uses airfoil shaped blade in converting rotational motion into thrust. Pressure is produced between the forward and rear surface of the blade, and fluid is accelerated behind the blade. There are three types of propeller fans which is light duty propeller fan, medium duty propeller fan and high duty propeller fan.
figure 5.32 Type of propeller fans (from left: light duty propleer fan, medium propeller fan and high duty propeller fan Source:
Propeller fans are usually located at every machinery room to remove heat produced by the machine. In IKON Connaught shopping mall, propeller fan is used for the utility room such as chiller plant room and lift control room.
figure 5.33 Propeller fan in lift control room
5.4.3 AXIAL FLOW FAN An axial fan is a type of compressor that increases the pressure of the air flowing through it. The blades of the axial fan forces air to flow parallel to the shaft about which the blade rotate. The flow is axially, linearly, and hence their name. Axial fan is used for relatively high flow rate. They are generally selected for simple extraction or cooling application with very low system resistance, such as moving air from one large space to another like factory to its outside, desk fans and condenser cooling in refrigeration. The axial fans are located at the fan rooms at basement and places of air exhaustion normally involve big machine. In IKON Connaught shopping mall, axial fans are used in basement and gen-set room.
figure 5.34 Axial fan in basement (with direction)
figure 5.35 Axial fan in basement
figure 5.36 Axial fan in genset room
5.5 DUCTWORK Ductwork is used in mechanical ventilation in delivering and removes air. This is one method of ensuring acceptable indoor air quality as well as thermal comfort. A duct system is called a duct work. The ductwork used in galvanized steel ductwork, which is the most common material used in fabricating ductwork to provide insulation purpose, fiberglass in inserted in the ductwork. IKON Connaught shopping mall has used a lot of ductworks, for car park, kitchen and also toilets as well as the water tank room.
figure 5.37 Ductwork in the water tank room
figure 5.38 Ductwork in carpark
5.6 FIRE DAMPER A fire damper can be defined as “a device installed in ducts and air transfer opening of an air distribution or smoke control system designed to close automatically upon detection of heat. It also serves to interrupt migratory airflow, resist the passage of flame, and maintain the integrity of the fire rated separation. Its primary function is to prevent the passage of flame from one side of a fire-rated separation to the other. Usually, fire dampers must be within the plane of the wall they are protecting. Fire dampers shall not be fitted in any of the supply airshaft or extract airshaft. The smoke purging system would fail, as the fire dampers when in closed position would prevent movement of air within the shaft. Fire dampers shall not be fitted in the following locations:
Openings in walls of a smoke extract shaft or return air shaft which also serves as a smoke extract shaft;
Openings in walls of a protected shaft when the openings have a kitchen exhaust duct passing through it; or
Anywhere in an air pressurizing system
figure 5.39 A typical fire damper Source:
figure 5.40 Fire damper in lift lobby of ikon connaught
5.7 FILTER Filter is needed which normally located inside the ductwork to filter the inlet air from outdoor or filter the outlet air before it goes to the atmosphere. In Jaya Shopping mall, fiberglass is chosen to filter the air because of its sound insulation function and considered as environmental friendly as compare to polyester and synthetic material.
figure 5.41 Filter is installed in the exhaust fans (fire resistance, not combustable)
5.8 DIFFUSER Diffuser is a mechanical device located at the end other duct system, controlling and managing the air velocity before entering the occupy space. Diffuser can be found in various shape, either round or rectangle or as linear slot diffusers.
figure 5.42 Diffuser of water tank room
figure 5.43 Diffuser of exhaust system for car park
Functions of diffusers are as below:
To deliver both conditioning and ventilating air
Evenly distribute the flow of air, in the desired directions
To enhance mixing of room air into the primary air being discharged
To create low-velocity air movement in the occupied portion of room
Accomplish the above while producing the minimum amount of noise
5.9 CONCLUSION Mechanical ventilation in IKON Connaught shopping mall is considered moderate and done in a traditional way. All the system is arranged in an organized way. For the ductwork system, it is neatly hidden inside the ceiling. Mechanical ventilation in car park area is very good as we didn’t feel hot in the car park; plenty of axial fans have applied in the car park to keep the temperature in the car park. However, lesser application of ductwork system is applied in the basement compared to axial fans. This is good because it will not create lower ceiling and disturb the moving of people or air in case of emergency. Fan system in IKON Connaught shopping mall is good as it uses thermostat in controlling the fan running system percentage. If the temperature is not high, the fan will run 50% or less, resulting low energy consumption. Most of the area is mechanical ventilation, resulted in little natural openings, which will be a problem when fire occurred above the ground level, (insufficient natural inlet air). Conclusion, IKON Connaught shopping mall practice good mechanical ventilation and achieved thermal comfort in human satisfy level.
6.1 LIFT SYSTEM According to the Head of Mechanical and Electrical department, Mr. Nazrulhisam, ikon Connaught currently has 5 lifts where 3 are for passenger usage and the other 2 are for emergency used. The lift used is called Schindler 5400AP with a mini machine room. It has the load capacity of 800 – 1600kg and could travel at a maximum height of 125m with a maximum stop of 39.
Figure 6.01 Location of the passenger lifts and the bomba lifts in the floor plan
- Bomba Lift
- Passenger Lift)
Figure 6.02 The hall lantern located on top of the passenger lift
The purpose of the hall lantern is to show the indication of which level the car is currently travelling to. The lanterns must be placed at places that are visible to the user’s eye at any angle within the lift lobby. This is to ensure the user acknowledge where the elevator is currently at.
Escutcheon Tube
Figure 6.03 The escutcheon tube located at the top lift’s frame
The escutcheon tube is like a keyhole that is usually located on the upper portion of the hoistway door that accepts hoistway emergency door key and permits unlocking of the hoistway door locking mechanism. These keyholes are usually located at the bottom and top floors but it may also be placed at selected floors or even at all floors.
Call Buttons
Figure 6.04 Indication shows where the call buttons are placed
The call switch is used to request for a lift. Floors that requires an access to a lifts are required to have their own respective call buttons. Once the call buttons are pressed, it will then illuminate to indicate the request for a lift have been received and the lift is on the way to the floor the passenger is at.
Fireman’s Lift Switch / Over - ride Switch
Figure 6.05 The fireman’s lift switch for the bomba’s lift
The purpose of the fireman’s lift switch is to allow the fire department to over – ride all floor calling system to return all the lift to where the switch is located. For ikon Connaught, the switches are placed at the lower ground and ground floor. So during emergency, when the switches are pressed, the lifts will return to either the lower ground or the ground floor.
Lift Car Door
Figure 6.06 The lift car door when opened to a certain floor
The lift car door is a centre opening door with an opening of 800 – 1200mm span. It has a height of 2100 – 2200mm. With the laser sensor located in between the lift car doors, it can prevent the doors from closing while a passenger is entering the lift.
Monitor Beam
Figure 6.07 The monitor beam shows that the passenger is heading down from the fourth floor
The purpose of the monitor beam is to indicate the level of where the passenger is. It is to also indicate whether the lift is heading upwards or downwards.
Floor Selection Buttons
Figure 6.08 The floor selection buttons in the lift
The floor selective buttons in the lift is used to allow the passengers to go to their desired floor level. These buttons also allow the lift to ascend and descends to the respective floors. This lift uses a D2 Braille Black buttons.
Emergency Call Button and Emergency and Overload Light Indicator
Figure 6.09 From left to right, it is the emergency light indicator, the emergency call button, and the overload light indicator
In the Schindler 5400AP, there is an emergency light indicator where it lights up during an emergency. It is usually white in colour. Placed beside it would be the emergency call button where passenger would use it to call the fire department when in emergency. The overload light indicator is to indicate that the amount of passenger in the lift has caused an exceeded limit of weight as the lift’s weight capacity is around 900 – 1600kg. Below each light indicator and buttons, there would be speakers which allows the passengers to interact with the intercom in case of emergency.
Ventilation outlets
Figure 6.10 Perforated stainless steel openings designed for the lift’s ceiling for ventilation purposes
According to MS1525, the car shall be provided with adequate ventilation (of not less than 10 air change per hour with the car doors closed) during the periods where lifts are available for use. The ventilating fans or blowers must be fastened in place and is located above the car ceiling or outside the car’s enclosure. In ikon Connaught, it can be seen that the fans are hidden by the perforated stainless steel openings.
Emergency Railings
Figure 6.11 Railings that are placed in the lift
As for the escalator, ikon Connaught uses the Schindler 9300 AE. The escalator is pre – engineered using cutting – edge technology components to provide high level of quality and reliability.
6.2 MACHINE ROOM The machine room in ikon Connaught is located at the uppermost floor where it is only accessible by the M & E department workers. The machine room is ventilated with an air – conditioner to prevent the machines from overheating. In ikon Connaught, there are two machine rooms.
Figure 6.12 The machine room at ikon Connaught
Figure 6.13 The main power switches in the machine room
The power switches in the machine room is to enable power flowing through in order to operate the lifts.
Secondary Power Switch
Figure 6.14 The secondary power switch
The purpose of a secondary power switch is to supply the electricity to the engine and control cabinet.
Card Access System
Figure 6.15 The card access system
Gearless Traction Lift’s Machine
Figure 6.16 The machine that operates on pulling the designated lift upwards and downwards
Emergency Pull Holder
Figure 6.17 The pull holder that is placed on top of the machine
The purpose of the pull holder located right at the top pf the machine is to held the motor of the lift and hold the lift in place during an emergency situation. The labelled number beside the holder represents the load it can withstand and in this situation, it can hold about 2000kg of load.
Figure 6.18 Location of the escalator in ikon Connaught at ground floor
Figure 6.19 The operating panel button
The operating panel helps to start up the escalator and to also stop it when there is any emergency. It usually relies on one or two button displayed on the truss. In ikon Connaught the operating panel can be seen with a button which illuminates green when active and red when inactive. This allows anyone to stop the escalator from operating during emergency situations.
Skirt brush
Figure 6.20 The picture above shows the escalators’ skirt brush
The function of the skirt brush that are stationary at every escalator is to reduce the static electricity from building. This is due to the moving steps that can build up static electricity. It is also functioned in a way to prevent user from stepping too close to the gear as the user’s shoelaces, shoes, dress, etc. from getting to close to the gap.
Safety hazards signs
Figure 6.21 The safety hazard signs
The purpose of the signs located at the top end and the bottom end of every escalator is to advise user from doing such action and to prevent from any emergency situations. This is as such could harm the user in any way possible.
6.4 CONCLUSION It can be seen that most of the lift specifications adhere to the Malaysian Standards, Uniform Building by – Law and the other requirements. The location of the lift is placed in an ordeal way and the requirement for the addition of bomba lifts fits the requirements of the building as the building layout is not that spacious.
Figure 7.01 Group picture with Mr Nazrulhisam
The journey to the completion of this project has been long and arduous. Many sacrifices have been made to ensure the completion of this project with flying colours. With blood, sweat and tears as well as sacrificing time on weekends we as a group have been striving and succeeding in achieving the best possible result to ensure that the project is a success. We as a group have learnt to cooperate and coordinate with one another to produce the necessary results in spite of time commitments and other factors and produced a memorable experience from this project that we could all learn from. Furthermore, we have gained priceless experiences from the exposure of this project, allowing us to improve our information and knowledge of the services and systems that run through a building. This allowed us to gain a new found appreciation of building systems and realise that a building has many different components as well as sets of rules and regulations that would only allow a building to be opened in the first place.
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