ALH Times - Special Centennial Edition

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Special centennial edition 2013


Villa Odak

Danas dneva 5. Jula ot voriće se novi hôtel „Odak “ na Pločama. Istodobno je imao bit i svečani ot vor, ali radi c vjetnog dana u gradu i radi sutrašnje zabave „Dušana Silnog“ uprava je hôtela

odgodila svečani ot vor za čet vr tak dneva 10 ov. mj. Restauracija je sasvim moderno opskrbljena, i osim svježa piva, hladnih jela i dr., moći će se dobiti, kao i u kafani, kafe, sladoleda i slično.

Today, on 5th July, the new Hotel Odak on Ploče shall open. This event should have taken place today. However, since it is Flower Day and with tomorrow’s Dušan the Mighty festivity, the hotel management has postponed the grand

opening for Thursday, 10th July. The hotel fixtures are modern and, besides ordering freshly brewed beer, cold dishes and other items, one can also order coffee, tea, ice-cream, etc., just like in any coffeehouse.


Hotel Excelsior late 1930s

TRADICIONALNO SA STILOM OD 1913 / HONOURING GUESTS SINCE 1913 Ove godine legendarni Hotel Excelsior u Dubrovniku slavi svoj stoti rodjendan. Od svog otvorenja 1913. godine, Excelsior je postao ikona među dubrovačkim, ali i hrvatskim

luksuznim hotelima. Ova tradicionalna građevina – spoj starog i novog – uživa jedinstvenu poziciju uz more sa pogledom na otok Lokrum s jedne, te Stari Grad s druge strane.

This year, the legendary Hotel Excelsior celebrates its 100th birthday. In the century since it opened in July 1913, the Excelsior has become an iconic landmark among the five-star hotels of Dubrovnik.

This time-honoured building – a blend of old and new – is uniquely located on a cliff top, with magnificent views from every floor, of the island of Lokrum in one direction and the Old Town in the other.




IMPRESSUM Izdavač / Publisher:


Otvaranje Hotela Odak 1913 / Opening of Hotel Odak 1913


100 godina Hotela Excelsior Dubrovnik / 100 years of Hotel Excelsior Dubrovnik


Dubrovački svjeti / Dubrovnik tips

Adriatic Luxury Hotels Jadranski Luksuzni Hoteli d.d. Masarykov put 20 20 000 Dubrovnik Tel. / Phone: +385 (0)20 430 500 Fax: +385 (0)20 430 470

18 Dubrovnik 21

Dubrovačke znamenitosti / Dubrovnik sights


Novitate iz Dubrovnika i okolice 1913 / News from Dubrovnik and surroundings from 1913


Svaštice / Snippits of information - Interesting and funny world news from 1913

Glavni Urednik / Editor in Chief: ALH Sales & Marketing Team Prijevod na dubrovački / Translation to Dubrovnik language: Pave Brailo Oblikovanje i grafička priprema / Design and pre-press: 2THESign, Dubrovnik Grafička Direkcija / Graphical director: Marko Rošćić Fotografije / Photos: Nikola Šubić Marko Roščić Adriatic Luxury Hotels archive/arhiva Foto – arhiva / Photo – archive: Dubrovački arhiv



Special centennial edition 2013


Villa Odak

Danas dneva 5. Jula otvoriće se novi hôtel „Odak“ na Pločama. Istodobno je imao bit i svečani otvor, ali radi cvjetnog dana u gradu i radi sutrašnje zabave „Dušana Silnog“ uprava je hôtela odgodila svečani otvor za četvrtak

dneva 10 ov. mj. Restauracija je sasvim moderno opskrbljena, i osim svježa piva, hladnih jela i dr., moći će se dobiti, kao i u kafani, kafe, sladoleda i slično.

Today, on 5th July, the new Hotel Odak on Ploče shall open. This event should have taken place today. However, since it is Flower Day and with tomorrow’s Dušan the Mighty festivity, the hotel management has postponed the grand

opening for Thursday, 10th July. The hotel fixtures are modern and, besides ordering freshly brewed beer, cold dishes and other items, one can also order coffee, tea, ice-cream, etc., just like in any coffeehouse.

Izvori / Sources: Dubrovačke tiskovine iz 1913.g. (ustupljene iz arhive Dubrovačkog lista): Prava Crvena Hrvatska 1913, Crvena Hrvatska 1913, Narodni list 1913 Dubrovački turizam od 1857. do 2005.godine, Nikola Šubić, Dubrovnik, 2008. Lena Šutić


Oglašavanje / Advertising: Silvija Valjalo Tel: +385 (0)20 430 849 Naklada / Printing copies: 1.500

Hotel Excelsior late 1930s

TRADICIONALNO SA STILOM OD 1913 HONOURING GUESTS SINCE 1913 Ove godine legendarni Hotel Excelsior u Dubrovniku slavi svoj stoti rodjendan. Od svog otvorenja 1913. godine, Excelsior je postao ikona među dubrovačkim, ali i hrvatskim luksuznim hotelima. Ova

tradicionalna građevina – spoj starog i novog – uživa jedinstvenu poziciju uz more sa pogledom na otok Lokrum s jedne, te Stari Grad s druge strane.

This year, the legendary Hotel Excelsior celebrates its 100th birthday. In the century since it opened in July 1913, the Excelsior has become an iconic landmark among the five-star hotels of Dubrovnik. This time-honoured

building – a blend of old and new – is uniquely located on a cliff top, with magnificent views from every floor, of the island of Lokrum in one direction and the Old Town in the other.

Tisak / Print: Alfa-2 ©Adriatic Luxury Hotels





U nastavku Vam donosimo članke o prvim početcima, otvaranju i događanjima Hotela Odak. Svi članci su kronološki prikazani u svom izvornom jeziku, te preuzeti iz arhive dubrovačkih tiskovina koje su se čitale u 1913 godini. Crvena hrvatska, 15.03.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

Ovih dana pregledali smo unutrašnjost ovog novog hotela na Pločama. Ljubaznošću i susretljivošću gospođe Mine Odak obašli smo cijelu zgradu. Sve je 60 soba najbolje uređeno. Pokućstvo moderno, ukusno i fino. Rublje isto tako. U samom hotelu još nije dovršena potrebita radnja, još se namiješta pokućstvo u nekim sobama, te uređuje lijepa i prostrana kuhinja. Kroz cijelu je zgradu provedena konduktura tople i hladne vode, te centralno grijanje. Uzoran red i čistoća. Šest je kupelji najmodernije uređeno. Svaka je kupelj jedna prostrana soba sa cijevima hladne i tople vode i mora. Sobe su prozračne sa lijepim pogledima. Cijena im je od 2.50 do 16 kruna. Nekoliko ih je već unajmljeno. U prizemlju je zgrade prostrana blagavaonica. Imali smo prilike razgovarati s jednim gospodinom koji stanuje u hotelu. Nije mogao da se dosta nahvali za uzorni red, čistoću, poslužbu. Nama ovo nije ništa nova, jer nam je poznata zauzetnost i sprema gospodina Odaka i njegove gospođe. Nas kao Dubrovčane napose veseli što imamo ovaj lijepi i moderni hotel u ovakovim rukama. Prava Crvena hrvatska 15.03.1913 Objava.

Ovime se častim javiti uglednom Gragjanstvru da sam u svom novom hôtelu „Hôtel Odak“ na Pločama uredio 6 kupališta sa svim modernim komfortom. Ova kupališta stoje na raspolaganje uglednom gragjanstvu u svako doba, sa vrućom ili hladnom morskom ili slatkom vodom. Sa vleštovanjem Roberto Odak. Crvena hrvatska 05.07.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

„Hotel Odak“ na Pločama. Danas se otvara Hotel Odak na Pločama. Restauracija je sasvim moderno opskrbljena, i osim svježa piva, hladnih jela i dr., moći će se dobiti, kao i u kafani, kafe , sladoleda i slično. Tog dana trebao se Hotel svečano otvoriti, ali radi cvijetnog dana u gradu pa opet radi zabave Dušana Silnog u nedjelju, g. Odak

je odgodio svečani otvor do četvrtka. Toga dana biće svečani otvor, i te će večeri biti dvostruki koncerat: Dubrovačke Građanske Muzike i vojnog orkestra. Saznajemo, da će poduzetni g. Odak poslije svečanog otvora hotela priređivati koncerte po jedan ili dva puta na sedmicu. Tako će imati i stranci i građanstvo lijepe prilike, da uživaju koncerte na otvorenom mjestu pri čistom morskom zraku. Zbilja onako lijepi položaj pruža sve naslade; teško je ljepšeg i zamisliti. Prava Crvena hrvatska 05.07.1913 Gradska kronika.

Svečani otvor novog hôtela. Danas dneva 5. Jula otvoriće se novi hôtel „Odak“ na Pločama. Istodobno je imao bit i svečani otvor, ali radi cvjetnog dana u gradu i radi sutrašnje zabave „Dušana Silnog“ uprava je hôtela odgodila svečani otvor za četvrtak dneva 10 ov. mj. Te će večeri bit dvostruki koncerat: vojnog orhestra i gragjanske muzike, kao što i bacanje umjetnih vatara, koje je izradio i kojima će upravljati vrijedni pirotehnik g. DiCeglie Mauro. Restauracija je sasvim moderno opskrbljena, te se može osim svježeg piva, dobiti vrućih i hladnih jela, raznih vina i likera, te sladoled, kafe i slično.

Prava Crvena hrvatska 12.07.1913, Gradska kronika.

Hotel Odak na Pločama. Preksinoć (10.srpnja 1913., četvrtak, op. N.Š.) je bio svečani otvor ovog novog hotela. Bilo je silu svijeta; prostorije hotela, bašća i ona krasna vrlo prostrana terasa, uz samo more, sve dupkom puno tako da nije više bilo niti jedno slobodno mjesto. Izmjenično su svirale Dubrovačka građanska muzika i vojni garnizonski orhestar. Sav je prostor bio lijepo osvijetljen električnim žaruljama i silesijom raznoličnih balona, uz palenje umjetnih vatara. Ugodno se je zabavljalo do kasne noći. Crvena hrvatska 12.07.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

„Hotel Odak“. U četvrtak se je svečano otvorio na Pločama novi hotel g. Roberta

The following lines narrate the beginning, opening and happenings related to Hotel Odak and recorded in 1913. All articles are chronologically given and retrieved from Dubrovnik newspapers issued in 1913. Red Croatia (Croatia Rubea,lat), 15th March1913 Dubrovnik News

Today, we inspected the interior of the new hotel on Ploče. We walked through the entire building thanks to the courtesy and kindness of Mrs Mina Odak. All 60 rooms are extremely well furbished. Furnishings modern, tasteful and elegant. Linen also. Not all work is completed in the hotel, some rooms are still being furbished and a beautiful and spacious kitchen fixed up. Hot and cold water fittings have been installed throughout the hotel. Exemplary neatness and cleanliness. Six bathrooms are of most modern design. Each bathroom is a spacious room with running hot and cold as well as sea water. The rooms are ethereal with magnificent views. Accommodation price is from 2,50 to 16 Kronen. Several of them have already been reserved. A commodious dining room is located on the ground floor of the hotel. We were fortunate in speaking with a gentleman who was living at the hotel. He was at a loss of complimentary words regarding its impeccable neatness, cleanliness and service. This, however, is nothing new to us since commitment and hospitability are The Odak’s trait. We, as citizens of Dubrovnik, are especially pleased knowing this beautiful and modern hotel lies in their capable hands. Pure Red Croatia, 15th March 1913

Announcement I would like advise our esteemed citizens I have availed 6 beach areas with modern comforts at my new “Hotel Odak” on Ploče. The beach areas, with hot and cold sea and tap water, are at the disposal of our esteemed citizens at any time. With deep regards, Robert Odak Red Croatia, 5th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

“Hotel Odak” on Ploče Hotel Odak on Ploče is scheduled to open today. The hotel fixtures are modern and, besides ordering freshly brewed beer, cold dishes and other items, one can also order coffee, tea, ice-cream, etc., just like in any

coffeehouse. The grand opening of the hotel was planned for this day. However, due to Flower Day and Dušan the Mighty festivities in the city on this particular Sunday, Mr Odak postponed the grand opening until Thursday. The day shall be noted for the grand opening of Hotel Odak and in the evening two concerts will be performed by the Dubrovnik Citizens Band and Military Orchestra. We have been informed Mr Odak shall, following the grand opening of the Hotel, arrange for concerts to be held once or twice a week. Thus tourists and citizens shall have numerous opportunities in enjoying open-air concerts by the sea. This stunning location offers one all which is resplendent. Pure Red Croatia, 5th July 1913 City Chronicle

Grand opening of new hotel Today, on 5th July, the new Hotel Odak on Ploče shall open. This event should have taken place today. However, since it is Flower Day and with tomorrow’s Dušan the Mighty festivity, the hotel management has postponed the grand opening for Thursday, 10th July. There shall be two concerts performed by the Military Orchestra and the Dubrovnik Citizens Band followed by fireworks, manufactured and managed by our industrious pyrotechnician Mr Mauro DiCeglie. The restaurant is of modern design, well-stocked with freshly brewed beer, cold and hot dishes, various wines, liqueurs, ice-cream, coffee and so on. Pure Red Croatia, 12h July 1913 City Chronicle

Hotel Odak on Ploče. Two nights ago (10th July 1913, Thursday, op. N.Š), the new Hotel was ceremoniously opened. There was a large number of attendees; hotel facilities, garden as well as the beautiful and spacious terrace with sea view was full with guests. The Dubrovnik Citizens Band and the Military Orchestra performed in alternation. The area was magnificently illuminated with electric bulbs, numerous and various shaped balloons and lighting of artificial fireworks. A pleasant evening lasting far into the night.



Red Croatia, 12th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

Odaka. Pred hotelom koncertovale su dvije muzike: naša i vojnička. Terase pred hotelom lijepo rasvijetljene i nakićene balonima. Svijeta je navrvilo iz grada nevjerojatno mnogo. Držimo da će biti preko 2000 duša. Svak je došao da se nauživa lijepog, čistog morskog zraka i divnog položaja. Čeljad su neprestano dolazila. Koje prije došao bio je sretniji, jer su poslije 9 sati svi stolovi bili puni, tako da mnogo svijeta nije moglo da nađe mjesta. Palile su se i lijepe umjetne vatre. Sasvim tim, što je bila masa naroda kolikoj se nije tiko nadao, ipak je svak bio dobro poslužen. Oko 12 sati muzike su dovršile svoje koncerte, a pri polasku naša je muzika pozdravila novi hotel s „Lijepom našom“. G. Roberto Odak dokumentirao je i ovom zgodom svoju zauzetnost i hotelijersku sposobnost. Mi se od srca radujemo nad ovim novim djelom zauzetnosti g. Odaka, što će donijeti velike koristi napretku i procvatu našega grada. Novom hotelu želimo svaku sreću. Crvena hrvatska 19.07.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

Naša muzika. U četvrtak je izvršila Dubrovačka Građanska Muzika lijepi program u bašti Hotela Odak na Pločama. Koncerat je potrajao do 11 sati. Električno svijetlo. Toliko smo se puta potužili na naše električno svijetlo, te nam je tugaljivo i pisati uopće o ovome. Biležimo samo kroničarski, da je u četvrtak za vrijeme koncerta Hotel Odak i cijela bašća ostala bez svjetlosti skoro čitav sat! Napredujemo, nekada smo ostajali u tami koji minut, a sad cijele satove. Ne govorimo o tome, koliko je šteta ovime nanešena g. Odaku.

Crvena hrvatska 26.07.1913 Gradska kronika.

Hotel Odak na Pločama. – Ne znam zašto ni kako, prosulo se po gradu, da su u ovom hotelu cijene za hranu pretjerano skupe. Je li to čija zloba i mržnja i zavist ili neznanje, to je pitanje. Pošto ovakove lažne lasine nanose štete i odbijaju goste, osobito iz mjesta (koji se boje radi tobožnje skupoće), iznijet ću ovdje i dokaz, da su u onako uređenom hotelu moderno i sa svim konfortom te još pri zvuku orhestra i muzike, pri samome moru, cijene posve umjerene. U Rimljana je počimao objed „ab uovo“. I ja ću početi s jajem. Čuo sam tužbu, da je u tom hotelu bilo naplaćeno dva jaja 1.60 para!! Pretjerana laž! U ovom se hotelu prodaje jaje cijenje skoro nego na trgu: uzmimo jestvenik: u njemu stoji: juha para, juha s jajem 40 para, dakle 10 para jaje, biva cijena, koju mi svaki dan na Poljani za jaje plaćamo. Cijeli objed stoji: juha 30 para, meso goveđe sa umakom 1.20, kruh 4 pare, pivo 24 pare, dakle skupa 1.78 para! Cijenje se zaista ne može nigdje objedovati, nadasve uzevši u obzir veličinu porcija. Što se pak tiče večere, i tu su posve umjerene cijene. Ko želi uvjeriti se, neka pogleda u jestvenik, pak će se uvjeriti, da teletina, pračevina, biftek ne stoji nego 1.60 K a pipletina 2 K i to ne domaća, nego štajerska uzgojena, velika; kakove su cijene mesu i letušću u nas, svak će se uvjeriti, da su ove cijene umjerene, a opet velim i obzirom na njihovu veličinu i na način priprave. Govorilo se dapače, da su u ovom hotelu cijene skuplje nego u ostalim gradovima, gdje su kupališta, n.p. u Opatiji, Mlecima i slično. To ne stoji. Slučajno imam jestvenik „Hotel Stefanie“ iz Opacije. Konfrontirajmo ga sa Robertovim: juha 80 – 1 K, u Roberta 30 – 40 para! Opatija razne porcije od 2.50 do 8 kruna, one iste, koje su u Roberta po

“Hotel Odak”. On Thursday, Mr Robert Odak’s new hotel was ceremoniously opened. Two concerts were held in front of the hotel: by our and military orchestras. The hotel terrace is beautifully illuminated and dotted with balloons. The City’s residents arrived in multitude. We believe around 2000 souls. Each individual came to dwell on its beauty, clean sea air and exquisite location. Those who arrived early were the more fortunate since no tables were available after 9 pm. Artificial fireworks were set off. Even though no one had expected such a turnout, the service was above all expectation. Sometime around midnight, the orchestras completed their concert programmes; while, before departing, our musicians saluted the hotel with “Our Beautiful Homeland”. On this occasion, Mr Robert Odak commented on his committedness and hospitality competence. Our hearty congratulations to Mr Odak’s commitment to this new project which shall, without doubt, contribute to the prosperity and flourishment of our City. Our sincere best wishes for the new hotel. Red Croatia, 19th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

Our Musicians. On Thursday, the Dubrovnik Citizens Band performed a befitting programme in the garden of Hotel Odak on Ploče. The concert lasted until 11 pm. Electric light. We have, on many occasions, lamented on our electric light and now find it distressing to even write about this matter. Thus, we shall only comment on this as follows: namely, on Thursday, during the concert at Hotel Odak the garden was without light for a whole hour! We are progressing to the extent we were, in earlier times, left in the dark for a whole minute while now for a whole hour! Not to mention the damage Mr Odak incurred. Red Croatia, 26th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

Hotel Odak on Ploče. I do not know why or how, as is rumoured in the city, the price of food at the hotel is excessively steep. Is this someone being malicious or hateful or jealous or even ignorant? As these false rumours inflict damage and reject guests, especially from this place (afraid of so-called expensiveness), I shall disclose and submit proof of the prices at this modernly furnished and comfortable hotel, with orchestral and light music sounds emanating across the terrace, beside the sea are more than reasonable. The Romans greeted their meal with “ab uova”. I shall also begin with the egg. I have heard

complaints the hotel charges 1.60 para (Krone coin denomination) for 2 eggs!! An outrageous lie! The hotel price for an egg is nearly the same as at the market. Let’s look at the menu: there states: soup /para, soup with egg – 40 para; hence, 10 para for an egg which is the price we pay at the market for this product. A meal costs: soup – 30 para, beef with sauce – 1,20, bread – 4 pare, beer – 24 pare, subsequently, the hotel bill amounts to 1,78 para in total! You cannot eat a meal for this price anywhere, bearing in mind the size of the portion. As for an evening meal, the price is absolutely moderate. Who wishes to be convinced of this let them look at the menu, they may even be surprised the price of veal, pork, beefsteak is not over 1,60 Krone, whereas chicken costs 2 K and this is not even domestic but Styrian breed chicken – large; bearing in mind the price of meat and poultry when any one can surmise the prices are moderate and, then again, I would emphasise the price would be according to portion size and manner of preparation. It has also rumoured, the prices at this hotel are steeper than in other cities with beaches, e.g. Opatija, Venice and similar places. This does not hold water. I have, by chance, the menu of “Hotel Stephanie” in Opatija in hand. Let us compare this menu to that of Mr Robert’s: soup – 80 to 1 K, at Mr Robert’s – 30 to 40 para! In Opatija, various portions are from 2,50 to 8 K and those same portions at Mr Robert’s are 1,60 ! Opatija: most favoured cheese – portion 80 para whereas at Mr Robert’s, the most expensive cheese costs 70 para otherwise 40 para! And, more or less, is all else. This cannot be denied, since “carta canta e vilan dorme” (Paper sings, and the peasant sleeps.). (The above quotation would factually fit the meaning “spoken words fly away, written words are here to stay” given the nature of the text). We should, however, mention and commend the menus are bilingual: first, in Croatian and second, in French. And finally, I wish to emphasise this letter was not written at the suggestion of Mr Robert. In fact, he is not even aware of it. I write, primarily, to refute all rumours on excessive prices which are, God only knows why, for whose or whichever purpose. In addition, the prices of liqueurs, icecream and similar products are the same as in the City’s “Municipal Coffeehouse”. Citizen Red Croatia, 2nd August 1913 Dubrovnik News

New Postcards. Mr Robert Odak, the owner of “Hotel Odak”, received some very beautiful and tastefully designed postcards of his new hotel. Last night, we had the opportunity of viewing them and, as such,




1.60! Opatija: sir najcjenja porcija 80 para u Roberta najskuplja 70 para inače 40! I tako je sve ostalo. Ovo se ne da zanijekati, jer carta canta e vilan dorme. Treba pak i to spomenuti i pohvaliti, da su jestvenici napisani u dva jezika: i to na prvom mjestu hrvatski a na drugom francuski. Svršavam, da sam ove retke napisao bez ikakve pobude sa strane gosp. Roberta, on za ovo i ne zna. Upisao sam radi toga, da se pobiju one krive glasine o pretjeranoj skupoći, koje se proglašuju bog zna za čije i u koje svrhe. Dodaje se još, da su cijene za likere, sladoled i slično iste kao u „Općinskoj kafani“. Građanin. Crvena hrvatska 02.08.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

Nove dopisnice. G. Robertu Odak, vlasniku „Hotela Odak“, stigle su veoma lijepo i ukusno izrađene dopisne karte novog hotela. Sinoć smo imali prilike, da vidimo ove nove karte, pa možemo da ih pohvalimo. Hotel je fotografiran sa tri strane: prednje, istočne i zapadne. Koncerti. Sinoć je naša muzika izvršila u bašči Hotela Odak vrlo birani program. Ovo je bio po redu treći „Verdijev koncerat“.

Poslije smrti Roberta Odaka 22. travnja 1927. godine, daljnje rukovođenje hotelom preuzela je njegova supruga Mina Odak. 28.08.2029 – PRODAN JE na javnoj dražbi Hotel Odak. Kupilo ga je Društvo „Dubrovačka rivijera“. „Dubrovačka tribuna“ u broju 45. Od 10. prosinca 1929.godine, na trećoj strani donosi ovaj tekst: Oproštaj gđe Mine Odak Od gđe Mine Odak primili smo ovo pismo: Nakon 38 godina mog hotelijerskog rada u čarobnom Dubrovniku napuštam „Hotel Odak“ i gledajući s ponosom na moj prošli uspješni rad, ovim se putem opraštam od P.n. građanstva kao i od svih cijenjenih gostiju iz prostrane Jugoslavije, koji su u više navrata posjećivali moju radnju izrazujuć im istodobno moju najtopliju blagodarnost na blagonaklonosti i priznanju, što su ga

Večeras je pred Hotelom Odak koncerat vojničke glazbe. Prava Crvena hrvatska 01.11.1913

Zastupnik za Bosnu, Hercegovinu i Dalmaciju, glasovite njemačke tvornice automobila MILE &CIE u Gütersloh, g. Moriz Finzi iz Sarajeva, došao je jučer 31. oktobra sa automobilom iste tvornice u Dubrovnik, te je u svratištu „Odak“ odsjeo, gdje ostaje dva dana, pak se gospoda, koja se za nabavu automobila zanimaju, umoljavaju, da istoga izvole posjetiti. Gosp. Finzi pripravan je, na želju zanimatelja, poduzeti sa svakim pojedinim interesentom pokusni voz.

Dubrovački turizam od 1857. do 2005. godine, Nikola Šubić, Dubrovnik, 2008.

U kalendaru „L’Epidauritano“ za 1914. Godinu, objavljen je prvi oglas – reklama Hotela oglas na talijankskom jeziku sljedećeg sadržaja: Hotel Odak, Ragusa, nova zgrada u naselju Ploče na morskoj obali s pogledom na Lokrum, grad i brdo (Srđ), s dvroredima, vrtom i svim unutarnjim (hotelskim) udobnostima i s kupanjem u toplom moru u svako doba. Usluga besprijekorna. Cijene umjerene.

meni i mojem vrijednom i nezaboravnom suprugu blagopokojnom Robertu svedjer iskazali. O svima njima, sačuvati ću najbolju uspomenu sa željom da ih u životu bude pratiti svako milje i obilje. – Dužnost mi je također upraviti moj kolegijalni i srdačni pozdrav i svim mojim drugovima na polju hotelijerstva u slavnom Dubrovniku sa toplom preporukom da ustraju u svom teškom i mukotršnom radu k napretku, razvitku i procvatu hotelijerstva i saobražaja stranaca u ovom divnom kraju a kojem sam radu i ja, uz bok mog nezaboravnog druga Roberta, za dugi niz godina sve svoje sile posvetila bila – što mi je utjeha i najmilija nagrada u ovom času, kad se od tog rada dijelim. – Za sve vrijeme života moga, što će mi ga još providnost Božja pokloniti, pratit će ih moje tople i iskrene želje najboljeg uspjeha i nepomućenog zadovoljstva. Dubrovnik u Decembru 1929. Mina Odak

are now able to compliment the new postcards. The Hotel was photographed from the front, east and west sides. Concerts. Last night, our City band presented a very select programme in the garden of Hotel Odak. This is the third Verdi concert held. This evening, the Military Orchestra shall perform in front of Hotel Odak. Pure Red Croatia, 1st November 1913

Representative from Bosnia, Herzegovina and Dalmatia for the renowned German automobile factory MILE & CIE in Gütersloh, Mr Moriz Finzi from Sarajevo, arrived on 31st October in Dubrovnik by automobile from this factory and took accommodation at the Hotel Odak. He shall reside at the hotel two days and invites those interested in purchasing an automobile to pay him a visit. Mr Finzi is ready to avail himself on taking all interested gentleman for a test drive.

Following the demise of Robert Odak on 22nd April 1927, his wife Mina Odak took over management of the Hotel. 28th August 1929 – HOTEL ODAK SOLD at public auction. It was purchased by the “Dubrovnik Riviera” Association. The “Dubrovnik Tribune”, no.45, dated 10th December 1929, third page, prints the following announcement: Mrs Mina Odak’s Farewell Letter We received the following farewell letter from Mrs Mina Odak: After 38 years in the hospitality industry and magical Dubrovnik, I am leaving “Hotel Odak” and while looking back with pride at my past successful achievements, I say farewell to the noble people of Dubrovnik and esteemed guests from all over Yugoslavia who have, over the years, visited this Hotel and whereby I reciprocate

Tourism in Dubrovnik from 1857 to 2005 Nikola Šubić, Dubrovnik, 2008

In the calendar of “L’Epidauritano” for the year 1914, an advertisement was printed for the Hotel in Italian as follows:Hotel Odak, Ragusa, a new building in the City area of Ploče, situated by the sea with a view of the Island of Lokrum, the City and Mountain Srđ, with rows of trees, garden and hotel interior amenities as well as bathing in the warm sea all year round. Service impeccable. Prices moderate.

my gratitude, goodwill and thanks as they have to my worthy and dearly departed husband, Robert. I shall dearly treasure all your good wishes and which may also follow you all the days of your lives. It is also my duty to express my collegial and hearty wishes to my friends and co-workers in the hospitality industry in Dubrovnik, with a sincere recommendation to persevere in their difficult and arduous work towards promoting, developing and flourishment of hospitality thus enticing tourists to this wonderful region, which my dearly departed husband and I have, for many years, given our implicit devotion and which is, in this moment, a comforting consolation and dearest reward. - May all my past years and days ahead, with the grace of God, carry my blessings, warm and sincere wishes for your prosperity and happiness. In Dubrovnik, December 1929 Mina Odak

Restaurant Dubrovnik is constantly proving its reputation as being amongst Dubrovnik’s top class restaurants, serving a consistently good quality food with a distinctly modern Dalmatian twist. Situated literally minutes from the main street Stradun and just a stone throw from the popular Green market, featuring the most recognizable terrace in the Old Town, this delightful place is set in one of those secluded corners of the town’s enchanting little streets, providing the guests with just an ideal level of privacy whilst still keeping the feeling of belonging to the old urban centre. Together with exquisite service, its elegance and inspiring ambience encourages return visits since it has been reopened in 2006. The variety of their menu is fully supported by a wine list out of wich a must have is definitely White fish baked in sea salt, famous Mediterranean speciality served with cabbage and potatoes.

reservation at: 00385 98 388 816





TRADICIONALNO SA STILOM OD 1913 Ove godine legendarni Hotel Excelsior u Dubrovniku slavi svoj stoti rodjendan. Od svog otvorenja 1913. godine, Excelsior je postao ikona među dubrovačkim, ali i hrvatskim luksuznim hotelima. Ova tradicionalna građevina – spoj starog i novog – uživa jedinstvenu poziciju uz more s pogledom na otok Lokrum s jedne, te Stari Grad s druge strane.

This year, the legendary Hotel Excelsior celebrates its 100th birthday. In the century since it opened in July 1913, the Excelsior has become an iconic landmark among the five-star hotels of Dubrovnik. This timehonoured building – a blend of old and new – is uniquely located on a cliff top, with magnificent views from every floor, of the island of Lokrum in one direction and the Old Town in the other.

Hotel Excelsior - 1930-te / 1930s

Slavni gosti / Famous guests

Excelsior nije samo jedan od vodećih hotela u Dubrovniku. On je i živući zapis povijesnog i kulturološkog razvoja samoga grada, te jedan od rijetkih hotela u Hrvatskoj sa preko 100 godina povijesti vezanih uz društvene, kulturne i umjetničke prekretnice. Početkom 20. stoljeća, poznat kao „Vila Odak“, hotel Excelsior bio je središte povijesnih prekretnica, simbol aristokratske struje desetljeća. Njegova društvena uloga, u prošlosti kao i sada, čine ga ikonom grada. Niti oba svjetska rata ni hrvatski rat za nezavisnost nisu zatvorila vrata Excelsiora, ona su uvijek bila otvorena nudeći najbolju moguću uslugu toga vremena.

Možda je sudbina Excelsiora oduvijek bila određena njegovom lokacijom. Od samog početka, njegova je blizina nadaleko poznatom gradu Dubrovniku odredila da ga rado i često posjećuju istaknute ličnosti iz svijeta politike, ekonomije, turizma, novinarstva... Imućne obitelji organizirale su tako na Excelsiorovim terasama vjenčanja, krštenja, rođendane i privatne zabave. Blistave povorke slavnih, kulturne ikone, državni posjetitelji i kraljevske obitelji prošle su kroz vrata hotela Excelsior u svojoj 100-godišnjoj povijesti. U svojoj dugogodišnjoj povijesti, još od 1913.g., Hotel Excelsior ugostio je mnoge slavne ličnosti. Veličanstveni „zid slavnih“

Excelsior is not only one of the leading luxury hotels in Dubrovnik, it is also a living record of the historical and cultural development of the city itself. Few hotels in Croatia have more than a hundred years of history linked to the major intellectual, social, cultural and artistic movements of the times. A city icon known at the beginning of the 20th century as ‘Villa Odak’, the hotel has been at the centre of the tumultuous changes of history, a symbol of the aristocratic tastes of the decades. Its social role in both the past and present has made it a unique place, a living icon in the city.

Neither the two World Wars nor the hardships of the most recent Croatian War for Independence could close its doors; they were always open to offer the best possible service. Perhaps the destiny of the Excelsior was marked from the beginning by its location. From the start, the building’s proximity to the famous city walls meant that people from the world of politics, business, travel, journalism, the arts and letters frequented the hotel. It also became fashionable for wealthy families to organize gatherings for weddings, baptisms, birthdays and private parties in the hotel’s halls and terraces, and tributes and events of high social relevance were staged here.


/ 100 years



Hotel Excelsior - danas / today

izložen u blizini Abakus Piano bara prikazuje slike portreta njegovih najpoznatijih gosta: kraljica Elizabetha, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Sir Roger Moore i nedavno, legendarni filmski redatelj Francis Ford Coppola, Kevin Spacey i Morgan Freeman su samo neki od njih. Poznat po svojoj elitnoj lokaciji i besprijekornoj usluzi, Hotel Excelsior je dugo bio prvi izbor zahtjevnih putnika u Dubrovniku. Tijekom svih promjena koje je prošao u svojoj dugoj povijesti, hotel Excelsior je poznat po svojoj besprijekornoj usluzi koju jamči tradicija hotela, kao i bogata ponuda. To je atmosfera u hotelu i osobna kvaliteta dobrodošlice zbog koje se gosti uvijek vraćaju. Tijekom svoje prošlosti, Hotel Excelsior prošao je nekoliko renovacija i modernizacija koje su hotel dovele do razine renomiranog luksuznog hotela današnjice. Posljednji put obnovljene 2008, svih 158 soba i apartmana odiše stilom i luksuzom. Smješten u neposrednoj blizini stare jezgre Dubrovnika, hotel Excelsior ima zavidnu lokaciju. Kao svojevrstan hommage svojoj bogatoj prošlosti, svi apartmani hotela Excelsior ukrašeni su detaljima renomiranih

dubrovačkih umjetnika, pomno dizajniranim namještajem, kao i raznim unikatnim artefaktima. Spa sadržaji smatraju se jednim od najluksuznijih na Jadranu. Uz bogatu povijest, vrijednu reputaciju koja ga prati kao najomiljeniji hotel među mnogim poznatim glumcima i zvijezdama, nenametljivu eleganciju i mediteranski šarm, luksuzni hotel Excelsior u Dubrovniku je prerastao u instituciju. Prema lokalnoj izreci, niti jedan posjet Dubrovniku nije potpun bez kave na terasi hotela Excelsior. Posjetitelji koji žele doživjeti dio njegove bogate i prepričavane povijesti, ove godine imat će posebno zadovoljstvo biti na pravom mjestu, u pravo vrijeme, slaveći stoljeće Hotela Excelsior! Onima koji žele proživjeti prošlost i priču hotela Excelsior, pozivamo da uživaju u koktelima inspiriranima našim poznatim gostima, te da rezerviraju Centennial Celebration Package koji uključuje: luksuzni smještaj u Executive apartmanu za dvije osobe uz dnevni bogati buffet doručak, iznenađenje uz čokoladne praline, luksuzni prijevoz od i do zračne luke pri dolasku/odlasku, pristup hotelskim spa & wellness sadržajima, rani check-in/kasni check-out (ovisno o raspoloživosti).

A glittering procession of celebrities, cultural icons, state visitors and international royalty has passed through the Excelsior’s doors in its 100-year history. The glamorous Wall of Fame displayed near the Abakus piano bar showcases photo portraits of our most famous guests: Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Sir Roger Moore and, most recently, legendary film director Francis Ford Coppola, Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman, to name just a few. Known for its elite location and flawless hospitality, the Hotel Excelsior has long been the first choice for discerning travellers in Dubrovnik. Through all the changes of its long history, the Excelsior has been known for peerless service and impeccable guest relations. It’s the atmosphere of the hotel, and the personal quality of welcome, that bring so many guests back, time and again. Over the course of its history, Hotel Excelsior has undergone numerous renovations essential to adapt the building to technical innovations and greater comfort. Recently refurbished

to an exceptional standard, the Excelsior is renowned for its personal touch. Each of the 158 luxuriously appointed rooms and suites is stylish and comfortable, with spacious, modern bathrooms. Our spa facilities are considered the most luxurious on the Adriatic. As the saying goes, no visit to the city is complete without a coffee on the terrace of the Excelsior. Those who can charge the coffee to their room bill have the satisfaction of knowing that they are staying in the right place at the right time: right now. Travellers interested in re-living the hotel’s storied history can sip vintage cocktails in the Abakus bar and terrace. We invite you try our special cocktails inspired by our most famous guests, to book the Centennial Celebration package, which includes accommodation in an Executive Suite, Centennial surprise – assorted ‘Celebrity’ chocolate truffles, rich daily choice of buffet breakfast, luxury airport transfer upon arrival/departure, free access to hotel’s Wellness & Spa facilities and early check-in/late check-out (subject to availability).

HOTEL EXCELSIOR - 100 godina / 100 years



KRONOLOGIJA 1913 Dubrovački hotelijer Robert Odak otvara Hotel „Villa Odak“ na prekrasnoj lokaciji uz more s pogledom na otok Lokrum, zidine Dubrovnika i povijesnu luku. Dubrovnik hotelier Robert Odak opens the Hotel Villa Odak in a beautiful seaside location overlooking the island of Lokrum, the city walls of Dubrovnik and the historic harbour. 1914 -1918 I svjetski rat / World War I 1930 Nakon nekoliko promjena vlasništva, novi vlasnik, William D. Zindin, ponovno pokreće hotel pod novim imenom - Hotel Excelsior. After several changes of ownership, the new owner, William D. Zindin, re-launches the hotel under a new name - Hotel Excelsior. 1936 Kralj Edward VIII i njegova zaručnica Wallis Simpson borave u Hotelu Excelsior tijekom svog posjeta Dubrovniku. Počinje gradnja cijelog novog objekta. King Edward VIII and his fiancée Wallis Simpson stay in Hotel Excelsior during their visit to Dubrovnik. Construction begins on an entire new facility.

1941 Hotel se ponovno otvara sa svečanim otvorenjem 1. travnja. Hotel reopens with a grand opening ceremony on 1 April. 1941 – 1945 II svjetski rat / World War II 1944 Tijekom ratnih godina, okupatori osnivaju svoje sjedište u Hotelu Excelsior. Godine 1944, hotel je granatiran i teško oštećen od strane savezničkih snaga zrakoplovstva. During the war years, occupying forces make their headquarters in Hotel Excelsior. In 1944 the hotel is shelled and badly damaged by Allied aviation forces. 1947 Hotel Excelsior je ponovno otvoren za goste. Hotel Excelsior reopens for business. 1950-te / 1950s Mickey Rooney boravi u Hotelu Excelsior. Sir Fitzroy Maclean, diplomat, političar, povjesničar, putopisac i vojnik, često citiran kao inspiracija Iana Fleminga za legendarnog tajnog agenta James Bonda, redoviti je gost u hotelu Excelsior. Mickey Rooney stays in Hotel Excelsior. Sir Fitzroy Maclean, a diplomat, politician,

historian, traveller and soldier, often cited as the inspiration for Ian Fleming’s legendary secret agent, James Bond, is a regular guest at Hotel Excelsior. Kasne 1950-te / Late 1950s Poznati francuski filozof i nobelovac Jean Paul Sartre boravi u Hotelu Excelsior. The famous French philosopher and Nobel Prize winner Jean Paul Sartre stays at Hotel Excelsior. 1958 Ugledni hrvatski arhitekt Neven Šegvić počinje gradnju nove susjedne zgrade. Renowned Croatian architect Neven Šegvic begins construction of a new adjoining building. 1965 Otvara se novi hotel sa 329 soba. New hotel opens with 329 beds. 1960-te / 1960s Orson Welles, Jackie Kennedy i Yul Brenner borave u hotelu Excelsior. Orson Welles, Jackie Kennedy and Yul Brenner are among the guests a t Hotel Excelsior.

1969 Apollo 11 slijeće na Mjesec Apollo 11 lands on the Moon 1970-te / 1970s Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren i Carlo Ponti su među gostima u hotelu Excelsior. Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti are among the guests at Hotel Excelsior. 1972 Kraljica Elizabeta II posjetila je Dubrovnik i boravi u hotelu Excelsior. Queen Elizabeth II visits Dubrovnik and stays in Hotel Excelsior. 1975 Konoba Rustica otvara se u bivšem ljetnikovcu Sir Arthura Evansa na stjenovitom mjestu na istočnoj strani Hotela Excelsior. Ubrzo postaje jedan od najpoznatijih restorana visoke kuhinje na Mediteranu. Tavern Rustica opens in the former Arthur Evans summerhouse on a rocky perch on the eastern side of the Hotel Excelsior. It soon becomes one of the most famous finedining restaurants in the Mediterranean.

HOTEL EXCELSIOR - 100 godina / 100 years1



100 YEARS TIMELINE 1977 Danska kraljica Margaret posjećuje Dubrovnik i boravi u Hotelu Excelsior. Danish Queen Margaret visits Dubrovnik and stays in Hotel Excelsior.

1991- 1995 Hrvatski Domovinski rat za neovisnost Croatian Patriotic War for Independence

1980 Britanska premijerka Margaret Thatcher boravi u Hotelu Excelsior. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stays in Hotel Excelsior.

1990-te / 1990s Hotel postaje dom za stotine ratnih izbjeglica. The hotel becomes a home for hundreds of war refugees.

1988 Ruski premijer Mikhail Gorbačov provodi svoje ljetovanje u Dubrovniku, a boravi u hotelu Excelsior. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev spends his holidays in Dubrovnik and stays in Hotel Excelsior.

1997 Počinje potpuna obnova Hotela Excelsior. Complete renovation of the Hotel Excelsior begins.

1989 Pad Berlinskog zida / Fall of the Berlin Wall

1998 Hotel Excelsior je ponovno otvoren kao prvi hotel s pet zvjezdica u Hrvatskoj. Hotel Excelsior reopens as the first five-star hotel in Croatia.

2000 Hotel Excelsior postaje vodeći hotel pod brandom Jadranski luksuzni hoteli. Hotel Excelsior becomes a flagship hotel under the Adriatic Luxury Hotels brand. 2000-te / 2000s Japanska princeza Sayako Kuroda, princeza Caroline od Monaka, Sir Roger Moore, Woody Harrelson i Morgan Freeman borave u hotelu Excelsior. Japanese princess Sayako Kuroda, Princess Caroline of Monaco, Sir Roger Moore, Woody Harrelson, and Morgan Freeman stay in Hotel Excelsior. 2004 Lansiranje Facebooka / Launch of Facebook

2008 Konoba Rustica postaje luksuzna Villa Agave. Prvi gost je Oscarom nagrađeni glumac Kevin Spacey. Tavern Rustica becomes the luxurious Villa Agave. The first guest is Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey. 2012 Francis Ford Coppola se vraća u Dubrovnik nakon 50 godina i boravi u Hotelu Excelsior. Francis Ford Coppola returns to Dubrovnik after 50 years and stays in Hotel Excelsior.





Dubrovački svjeti

Dubrovnik Tips

Neko je jedandan reko da svaki perfeti vijađatur vazda stvara zemju đe putuje – dunkve, evo nas ođe dat vam ruke za vašu kreacijon!

Someone once said: “Every perfect traveller always creates the country where he travels” – well, we are here to help you create yours!

Donosimo van u ruke Dubrovnik kakav je ezistio prije stotinu godišta s lokalima što su perfino diventali inkunice u sjeni adoravanijeh gradskijeh mira. Oni su živi spomen povijesne i kulturne prosperitati grada, a testimonjanca su velikijeh intelektualnijeh, soćalih i umjetničkijeh movimenata tega doba. Uglavnom su ova mjesta živi zapis njihovijeh vlasnika, familja, aventura, tradicijoni, a ponajviše atracijoni staroga Dubrovnika što i daje živu.

In your hands we bring Dubrovnik as it existed 100 years ago, with places that have become icons themselves in the shade of its iconic city walls. They are a living record of the historical and cultural development of the city, witnessing the major intellectual, social and artistic movements of the times. Most of all these places are testaments of their owners, their families, their visitors, their traditions and most of all the charm of old Dubrovnik that remains living.

Café komunale

City Coffee House

Gradska kafana je već stotinu godišta omiljeno okupljalište gospara dubrovačkijeh. Isprva se zvala Općinska kafana - Café komunale otvorena je 1880. g. kad je impreditur Luko Bonda što je iznova gradio Gradsku vijećnicu i obližnji teatar ođe našo prostor i za kafanu. Otarke je sikuro proživjela zlatno brijeme oliti i dva. Rinovali su je 1934. godišta bračni par Marinović Amerikani povratnici.

City Coffee House or Gradska kavana remains Dubrovnik gentleman’s favourite gathering spot for more than 100 years. Originally called the Municipal Café, it opened in 1880s when the entrepreneur Luko Bonda, who was rebuilding the Town’s Hall and its adjoining theatre, found a room for café here as well. Since then it certainly experienced a golden age or two.

Otvorenje je bio soćali događaj par excellence i agvanto je široki publicitet. Anci je senjano da je vrata čuvo sluga što su ga zvali Riza, potomak crnijeh Afrikanaca. Kapito je u grad Ulcinj u Crnoj Gori što je tadarke bilo posve neobično. Danaske je to najboja taraca u Gradu i još vas toplo invitava pijuckat jutarnju kafu i otamo gledat bulikan čeljadi kako điravaju gori - doli po Stradunu. Svjet zavazda: Stan’te atento do pune ure kadarke grajski Zelenci, popularno zvani Baro i Maro batu i rebatu koraćima po zvonu, navjestu ure i spediškaju stotine goluba u arije.

Restored in 1934, by an American-returnee couple Marinović, its reopening was a social event par excellence receiving a wide public coverage. It is even recorded that the door was attended by a servant boy called Riza, a descendent of the black Africans brought to town Ulcinj (Montenegro), which was quite unusual for those days. Today, the prime terrace in the Old Town still warmly invites you to sip your morning coffee watching the city crowd creates the ebb and flow along the main street. Timeless Tip: Wait for the moment of full hour when City Belltower’s Jacquemarts (bell strikers), popularly known as Maro and Baro, strike their hammers announcing the time and sending hundreds of pigeons soaring in the air.

1913. Vodič od mode za spjađu na Banjama

1913 Banje Beach Style Guide

Kako se ljetne temperature isavaju, od ovega godišta, morete nać relasacijon i učinit banj na Pločama na apena otvorenoj spjađi – mjesto je to za poj viđet i činit se viđet. Kako bi osto vas eleganat na najpopularnoj dubrovačkoj spjađi, uharno je znat da se na najpopularnoj dubrovačkoj spjađi pun inspiracijoni što su ženske prvi put nastupile u plivanju na Olimpijadi pasanoga godišta (Ljetne Olimpijske igre 1912. u Štokholmu u Šveciji) Karl Jantzen po profesionu modni kreator u figurinu je đusto prezento prvi ženski funcionalni dvodjelni trikot, uski asetani šorc za donji dio i vrh s kratkijem rukavima u kolurima sa crveno oli plavim i bijelim rigama paka je divento ultima moda ovega godišta! Ovo je bio artikuo u fojima od importance 1913., ma je prečizo i danaske 2013., samo je moda doživjela kambjamenat. Spjađa na Banjama ostaje i daje najpitoreskija spjađa u Dubrovniku – kako ne bi bila kad se nahodi u prednjem dvorištu od Grada.

With summer temperatures rising, as of this year you can find some relief on newly opened swimming beach at Ploče a place to see and be seen. To remain stylish on Dubrovnik’s most popular beach it is good to know that, inspired by the debut of women's Olympic swimming last year (1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden), designer Carl Jantzen just presented the first functional two-piece swimwear - a closefitting shorts on the bottom and short sleeved top come in all colours - with red or blue & white striped being this year’s hit! This might have been a valid news article from 1913 as well as one from 2013, with fashion being the only thing that had changed. Banje Beach remains Dubrovnik’s most scenic beach – how could it not being in the Old Town’s front yard.

Svjet zavazda: Vrle đeneracijoni đece dubrovačke odrastale su na Banjama uz picigin, skakanje s mrkijenta, sa stijena i jahanja na valovima što in je bila omiljena užanca. Mi van to sikuro priporučamo, ma kako bi se uklopili neka van raskjaramo regule - picigin je sport što se igra u plićaku a sastoji se od tega da igrači ne puštaju da in mala boća takne vodu - mora se bit u moru do kojena - a sve drugo je za amatere! Skakanje š jednog od tri Strompulina bijo je ezam od korađa - s taraca s visinskom diferencom vaja uhitit dugački abriv, skakat i škampat za ne tresnut fondo đe je plitko more. Spećali divertimenat bijo je kadarke se isavala plima a puho šilok, pa se moglo jašit, šikat po valovima i puštat da vas more dopoteže na kraj.

Timeless Tip: Many generations of Dubrovnik’s kids grew up on Banje, having picigin, cliff-jumping and wave riding as a favourite pastime. We certainly recommend them, but to blend inn let us explain the rules – picigin is a sport played in shallow water consisting of players keeping a small ball from touching the water – you should be in the water till knee-height – everything else is for amateurs! Jumping from one of the three "Strompulin" was the test of bravery – three different height terraces from which you needed a long take off to avoid landing in the shallow waters. An extra special delight was having the high tide and strong Jugo wind when you could jump into waves and let the water drag you ashore.



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Dubrovački barbijeri

Barbieri di Ragusa

Početak dvadestog stoljeća senjan je kako ‘zlatno doba’ brijačnica. Poj tamo solito jedanput na setemanu svaki je muški činijo vas arajdan brez obzira na dubinu špaga.

The beginning of the 20th century marks the “golden age'' of barbershops. Visiting one was a weekly routine that every man, regardless of the depth of his pocket, did with a smile.

Čim biste montali priko praga brijačnice unutrima bi vas vaskoliko ispunio taki ambjenat, skoro bi paralo da ste u sebe doma, ma deboto kako da ste u ovijem malijem prostorima s vašom familjom. Dobro znani vonjici i profumi domaćijeh sapluna te diverse vodice kako mošak za kose i facu, uja i talko za prahanje po zatioku i odispod brade ukihali su se u svaku komesturu mobilje od drva. Izakako ste se komodno apođali i provali prvo prskanje toplom vodom po faci,relasacijon van je bila zagarantiškana. Brijačnice su bile vrelo informacijoni, judi su vodili diskoras o pulitici i tu su se kambjavale glavne grajske ćakule a užgali bi se kad se dibatilo o sportu. Bila je to tradicijon, mjesto za druženje, nešto što su sinovi s ćaćom činjeli skupa da se napute k ženskama - zabranjene nepisane regule. Ovo nijesu bila mjesta za depilacijoni, šišanje makinom, stavjanje pramenova oliti da van dižu mrtvu kožu s face. Samo za se ostrić i za diskoras. Svjet zavazda: Ovo nije bila romantika storija i pasanijem brijemenima. Jes, da je bilo brijemena kad su barbijeri i crevjari mogli sastavit nogometne ekipe, a danaske se jedva more sastavit četvericu da zaigraju partiju karata, ma vas i danaske još čeka neko ozračje u Gradu na indiricu Ulica od Puča 41. đe su gospar Čikato š njegovom balicom redovitjeh aventura sretni vam činit znat što se sve u Gradu događa. Sikuri smo da će rijet kako su i sinjorine i gospođe dobrodošle!

As soon as you would step into the shop, you would have been fully absorbed in a homey, almost family atmosphere of these small spaces. Well-known fragrances of home-made soaps, after-shave, various hair and face tonics, oils and neck powders were rooted in every crevice of the wooden furniture. Comfortably settled, at the first splash of warm water on your face, relaxation was guaranteed. Barbershops were a source of information; people discussed politics, traded city’s largest gossips, engaged in heated debates about sports. It was a tradition, something that fathers and sons did together, a place to socialize, to connect, with womenforbidden unwritten rule. This was no place for depilation, epilation, highlights or facials. Only good haircut and good conversation. Timeless Tip: This was not a romantic story of times gone by. Yes, there were times when Dubrovnik barbers and shoemakers could form their own football teams while today you can hardly get the four of them together to play a game of cards, but same atmosphere still awaits you at Od Puča 41 Street in the Old Town where Mr. Čikato and his team of permanent ‘regulars are happy to inform you of everything that is going on in Town. We’re sure they would say ladies are welcome!



Otkad je sagrađena 1836., domaća su je čeljad zvala 'Kafana Birimiša' ubrzo je diventala jedan od najpopularnijih lokala u Gradu. Bijo je to skok u modernitet što merita heksametre na latinskom, kad je pjesnik Luko Didak Sorgo piso prijateju Matu Lujovu Zamanja: "Kad nuhodiš doma nać’ ćeš novu kafanu s fontanom nasred poljane na Brsaljama đe moreš dobit đelatu i čitat foje s leturina; inkontrat rastrošno imparadane gospođe i sinjorine, a ferali visu s grana stabala i sve svijetlu kako sunce. Kašnije su je prezvali Kafana Arčiduka Federica “ma je podjednako čejad iz Grada i forestijeri još zovu “Birimiša” i kaživaju da šedu ispred Birimiše”.

Since it was built in 1836, locally called 'Coffee bar Birimiša' quickly became one of the most popular places in the city. It was a leap into modernity, worthy of the Latin hexameter, and a poet Luko Didak Sorgo wrote to his friend Mato Lujov Zamanja: "When you get home, you will find a new cafe, where you can get ice cream and read the newspaper, with the fountain in the middle of Brsalje square; and find lavishly dressed ladies and girls, the lanterns hanging from tree that light up the scenery like the sun. Later renamed Archduke Federico Coffeehouse "but citizens and foreigners alike still call it "The BIRIMIŠA" and said to sit in front BIRIMIŠA"...

Lokal je ubrzo divento prava pravcata nećesitat, spećalo ljeti. Drugi lokali što su se po gradu duplavali bili su svaki od pulitičke oliti društvene importance. Birimišina kafana je vazda bila na distanci i kozmopolita kako i njezina lokacijon; prostranost, freška arija i more, invitavala je svakoga - bez diference... Jutarnji gosti su bili pretežito stariji gospari što su vodili samački život, a takijeh je ondarke bilo puno. Našli su u ‘‘Birimiši’’ sve ono što in je falilo u sebe doma: prijateljsku dobrodošlicu, atencijon, kumpaniju i frešku ariju…Kafani, kako đusto i njezinin gostima nije premalo ić inkorente s modom; pozdravljala je mušterije s istijem pletenijem stočićima, a vajalo je imat opas da se š njima ne izgubi ekvilibrijo, peču istoga čovjeka zamendavo je tavolin od biljara, isti su impjegati, kamarjeri i pastićeri posluživali, ista lemunata i ista ričeta za đelatu od čokolate. Govorilo se kako bi Dubrovnik ječo i žešće se odupro nego ondarke kadarke su Frančezi ugušili republiku, da Bože sakloni zatvoru ovu kafanu… Svjet zavazda: Sikuro vaja provat tortu od čokolate i mjendela što je činu po antikoj ričeti staroj više od stotinu godišta – ma ona se sekreto čuva.

The place quickly became a real necessity in town, especially in the summer. Other bars, which grew about half the number of times, each had their political or social significance; Birimišina was always impersonal and cosmopolitan as its beautiful location; wide space, fresh air and sea, inviting everyone, without distinction ... Morning guests were mostly older gentlemen, who led a life of solitude, and these then were many. They found in BIRIMIŠA everything they lacked at home: friendly welcome, the attention, the company and fresh air ... Coffee place, just as its visitors, did not care to follow the trends of the time; it greeted its guests always with the same splintery chairs, who had to be careful not to lose their balance on them, the same giant patched up billiard table, the same staff, same lemonade and chocolate ice cream recipe. It was said that, if the café, God forbid, had closed, Dubrovnik would have moaned and resisted more angrily than when the French chocked the Republic. Timeless tip: Make sure to try chocolate and walnut cake made by secretly guarded, century-old recipe.




Buffet Škola

Buffet Škola

Klobuci Ronchi

Ako vam neđe sa Straduna vonj freško pečenoga kruha traversa put to je vjerojatno iz Antuninske ulice i bufeta ‘Škola’ čija vlasnica nastavlja dugu tradicijon i služi sengviće od pršuta i sira s domaćijem kruhom. Radi tega bi skulari iz dubrovačkijeh skula nerijetko dolazili na marendu oli štogod brcnut u po jutra i kišali toli dugo da je to mjesto za njih diventalo isto kako da su i doma – brez suspeta, skula života.

If the smell of freshly baked bread crosses your way somewhere on the Stradun it is probably from Antuninska street and Buffet Škola (school), whose current owner carries on a long tradition of serving prosciutto and cheese sandwiches on homemade breads. For this reason students from Dubrovnik’s schools would often come here for marenda, or the mid-morning snack, lingering for so long that the place became like the second home to them – the school of life, no doubt.

Je li klobuk raspojasani modni dodatak oli potreba? Kad se udubi u njegovu povijest brzo nam diventa kjaro da je bijo i jedno i drugo. Pokrivala za glavu za ženske počela su se duperat u ranom Srednjem vijeku kad je Crkva donijela dekret da ženske vajaju pokrit kose. Do našega ponešto modernog vremena ili ranog Edvardijanskog doba (1901-1907) klobuk je divento činit partu od importance jerbo je bilo u modi da ženska figura sliči na slovo S. Stavjo se na podignute kose, a nosio se slobodno obješen preko face. Ova zakrivjena forma nastavjala se bustinom zategnutim oko struka a finivo je s dugijem skutima s kudom.

Svjet: Nedajte da vas diskorađa skromni jestvenik, to je jestvenik brižno izabranih sapura!

Tip: Don’t be discouraged by the modest menu; it is a menu of carefully chosen tastes!

Ronchi Hats

Poslije 1908. figura je diventala vitkija. Nasuprema, klobuk je divento znatno veći. Sve do 1911. kad su klobuci diventali najveći i nerijetko rubom obuhitili preko širine od ramena. Da se ove velike kreacijoni zapnu, fermaju za glavu velike igle za klobuke ponekad dugačke i osamnes inča zabadale su se kroz kose o glavu. Svaki muški što se provo neželjeno atrapavat brzo je otkrio da je igla bila ono što je slaba žena vajala imat za obranit se. Ajme! Gospođe dubrovačke nisu nigdar zaostajale za modom – za to se pobrinula familja Ronchi u ulici Lučarici kala crkve Sv Vlaha. Marina Grabovac vodi butigu od klobuka, kapelina i kapa i nastavlja tradicijon od svoga prapranona. Tvornicu klobuka Ronchi utemeljio je 1858. Eupilio Ronchi, talijanski vlastelin koji je arivo iz Milana u Dubrovnik. Stavio je titulu plemića s bande i vodio butigu prenoseći znanje na đeneracijoni familje a poso mu je preživio tri rata i pet diversih vladavina.

KAMEJE Antike đoje za sva vremena

CAMEOS Jewellery all timers

Kameje su dragulji, tvrda poludraga kamenja oliti školjke izrezbareni u reljefu. Stavjaju se na orečine, pontapete i pendine i odvazda su klasične stvari u škatuli za đoje u familjama od brijemena starijeh Helena.

CAMEOS are gems, hard stones, or shells that are carved in relief. Applied on earrings, brooches, or pendants, they are timeless classics of family jewelry box since the Hellenic times.

Rinašimenat iznova rađa kameje i ovo umjeteonstvo, a dubrovački su draguljari brzo sustigli situacijon. Izakako se stoljećima posvetili ovu artu vjeri klasična umjetnička miso nać će inspiracijon u antici . Ahat, oniks, sardoniks i neke školjke služile su ko fundamenat za ovu vrstu vještine dok su diverse sorte školjaka služile ko glavni komad za producijon kameja u kolurima. Najvrijednije su one s najvećim kontrastom kolura. Na primjer Cassis madagascariensis (kako zovu školjku sardoniks što ima bijeli disenj na skuro kafe poleđini; Cypraecassis rufa (školjka karneol), izlaže langvide i skurije tonove crveno- kafenijeh kolura. Kako artižanu diriga sama forma, on mora iskoristit nepravilnosti ovega načina izražavanja da fine artikuo, nigdar se neće omasovit proizvodnja kameja iz školjki ergo nigdar dvije ne mogu bit iste. One su uistinu uniki i prekrasni ornamenat – prava pravcata minijaturna remek djela.

The Renaissance fostered a rebirth of cameo artistry with Dubrovnik jewellers quickly picking up. After centuries of dedicating the arts to the religion - the inspiration is the ancient classical idea of art. Agate, onyx, sardonyx, and certain conchs served as a base for this kind of work while different types of shells served as a centrepiece to produce different coloured cameos. The most valuable ones are those with the greatest colour contrast. For example, Cassis madagascariensis (commonly known as sardonyx shell) has a white design on a dark-brown background; Cypraecassis rufa (carnelian shell) exhibits lighter and darker shades of reddish-brown.

Svjet: vizitajte radnju i nać ćete izvrsni izbor kameja i njihove braće od koraja kod Clara Stones( vidi pađinu 2.).

Because the craftsman is guided by and has to exploit the irregularities of his medium to produce the finished article, it will never be possible to mechanize the production of shell cameos and no two will ever be identical. They are indeed unique and delightful ornaments - true masterpieces in miniature. Tip: visit the workshop and find an excellent selection of cameos, and well as its coral siblings at Clara Stones (see page 2)

Moda od klobuka se mijenjala godištunima. Familja se spominje imensoga posla na prijelazu stoljeća do 1918. i nanovo šesetih godišta kad su počinjali arivavat furesti u grad. I danaske gospođa Grabovac dupera kalupe što hi je donio njezin pra-pranono i vodi butigu on - line. Svjet zavazda: Gospođe, nosite li klobuke po Stradunu nećete ostat neoservane! Gospari, imajte opas ako imaju iglu!

Is a hat a frivolous accessory or a necessity? When looking into its history, it quickly becomes apparent that it has been both. Headwear for women began in the earliest times during the Middle Ages when the church decreed that their hair must be covered. To our somewhat modern age, or early Edwardian period (1901-1907) the hat was an essential element, as it was fashionable for a lady’s silhouette to resemble an S-shape. It was worn on top of piled up hair and positioned to cantilever over the face. This curvaceous form was carried through the bodice that was pouched over the waist and ended in a trained skirt. After 1908 the silhouette became more slender. Conversely the hat became increasingly larger. By 1911 hats were at their largest, often with the brim extending beyond the breadth of the wearer’s shoulders. To secure these huge creations to the head, hat pins – sometimes as long as 18 inches – were skewered through the hair and hat - Any man who attempted an unwanted advance soon discovered that a hatpin was all a frail woman needed to defend herself. Ouch! Dubrovnik ladies were never behind fashion – family Ronchi made sure of that. In Lučarica street near St. Blaise’s Church, Marina Grabovac still runs a boutique featuring hats and caps carrying the business tradition that started with her great-great-grandfather. The RONCHI hat factory was established in 1858 by Euphilius Ronchi, Italian aristocrat who came to Dubrovnik from Milan. Putting his nobility title aside he ran the shop, eventually passing over the knowledge through the family for generations, and having the business survive three wars and five different governments. Hat wearing fashion certainly changed over the years. Family records some of the largest volumes of work at the turn of the century through 1918, and then again in the 60’s with tourists starting to flow in town. Today Mrs.Grabovac still runs the shop using the moulds that her great-great-grandfather used as along with having an online store. Timeless Tip: Ladies - Wearing a hat on Stradun, you won’t get unnoticed! Gentleman – beware if there is a pin!





Spičarija (farmačija) u Franjevačkom samostanu Male braće (OFM)

The pharmacy of the Franciscan Monastery of the Friars Minor

Spičarija u Franjevačkom samostanu Male braće (OFM) jedna je od komponenata svakoga libra -vodiča oli ture što se ne smije izostavit. Kako ne bi bila kad je utemeljena 1317. skupa sa samostanom, a jedna je od najstarijih u ovom dijelu svijeta (po nekijem treća je po starosti, a samo je pretiču one u Bagdadu i Padovi). Ako se mjeri samo po njezinu kontinuitetu funcijona, morebit da je najstarija na kontinentu. Ispočetka je služila samo za u samostanske svrhe, a kako su se potrebe u gradu proširivale tako su ovu spičariju pomagali i građani š njihovijem prilozima. Mirisala je po metvici i kadulji i po drugijem ljekovitijem pjantama koje su franjevci duperali kad su spravjali napitke. Njihova biblioteka sadrži popriličan broj farmaceutskih priručnika i dobro čuvanijeh sekretijeh ričeta i posve obične ljekarije. Među rukopisima ima dosta formula za eliksire što su imali za svrhu produžit mlados, ričete za dobru memoriju, a i one koji su po njihovu mišjenju mogli salvat i mir u matrimoniju što hoće rijet u kući!

The pharmacy of the Franciscan Monastery of the Friars Minor in Dubrovnik is one of the inevitable components of every guide book or tour. How could it not be, when founded in 1317 along with the monastery it is one of the oldest in this part of the world (according to some, it is the third oldest surpassed in age only by the ones in Baghdad and Padua). If measured solely by the continuous work, it is perhaps the oldest on the continent. In the beginning it was used only for the purposes of the monastery, but as the needs of the city expanded, so has the pharmacy aided with the contributions of its citizens. It smelled of mint and sage and many other medicinal plants which the Franciscans used in preparing potions. Their library holds quite a few pharmaceutical manuals with well-kept secret recipes and quite ordinary remedies. Among the manuscripts there are many formulas referring to elixirs that aimed to prolong youth, recipes for a good memory, but also those which, in their opinion, could preserve peace in marriage!

Svjet zavazda: Manje je poznato da farmačija još prodava domaće hladno presane saplune i kreme spravjene od freškijeh sastojaka ko što je maslinovo ulje, palmino uje, uje od mjendela, mlijeko od koza, dešpik, rusmarin, med, lemun i zdobjene mjendele. Neki proizvodi zovu se: Aqua Rosae, Aqua Rosmarini, Aqua Lavandulae, Gold krema (vosak i i uje od mjendela), krema od ruža te ružino uje, krema od rusmarina, hidratantna krema s mjendelima, krema protiv bora (kokosovo maslo i uje od bergamota), Balzam za usne (vosak i vanilija) a spravjeni su po ričetama prestapoko starijem i po dvjesta godišta.

Timeless Tip: It is less familiar that, prepared under 200 year old recipes, the pharmacy still sells home-made, cold-pressed soaps and creams prepared of natural ingredients like olive oil, palm oil, almond oil, goat's milk, lavender, rosemary, honey, lemon and crushed almonds. Some of the products are Aqua Rosae, Aqua Rosmarini, Aqua Lavandulae, Gold Cream (wax and almond oil), cream of roses and rose oil, Rosemary Cream, Moisturizing cream with Almond, Wrinkle Proof cream (cocoa butter and bergamot oil), Lip Balm (wax and vanilla).

"Više to nije san"

"Non è più un sogno"

"Više to nije san" bio je moto kad je izišo ultimi Fiat klasiko. Bijo je to pravi pravcati auto za pravo pravcato vrijeme. Johnny Weissmüller je 1932. u roli od Tarzana vas žarijo i palijo na ekranima, svijet je balo rumbu, a Italija je po ulicama imala 188,000 auta. U ovom razdobju, stalno impjegani radnik zarađivo je 450 lira na mjesec, a litra benzine koštala je 2 lire, kilo kruha 13 lira samo je jedan od četiri Talijana mogo priuštit taki lus kakav je bijo imat auto.

"Non è più un sogno" was the tagline when this ultimate Fiat classic came out. It was the right car for the right time. In 1932 Johnny Weissmüller, as Tarzan, was flickering on the screens, the world danced rumba, and Italy had 188,000 cars on the streets. During this period, a regular worker earned 450 liras a month, a litre of petrol was 2 liras, a kilo of bread 13 liras - only one in four Italians could afford the luxury of an automobile.

Fiatov auto prizentan na Milanskom salonu bijo je taki da od njemu niko ništa nije ni zno, niko nije ni snijevo da ga ima, a mnogi su trebali auto što je mogo sparenjat, da nije odviše kostoz i odviše velik, ma sofićento prostran za intjeru familju. - Balilla 508. izišo je u tri iedicijoni: komodni Saloon, i dva kabrioleta; Torpedo što je bio eleganat i sportivo Spider (Pauk).

The car Fiat presented in Milano salon was a car that no one knew anything about, no one dreamed of having, and many needed: economic, not too expensive, not too big, but spacious enough for the whole family the 508 Balilla. It came out in three editions: comfortable Saloon, and two cabriolets; elegant Torpedo and sporty Spider.

Taki jedan našo je đitu i do Dubrovnika žižanto crveni Torpedo. Nije teško indovinat se zašto je kabriolet – vožnjom po dubrovačkijem panoramskim rutama okle je pucala pogled, s ničijem više nego samo neometanijem vistama i vjetrom u kosama, bijo i osto , ljetni godimenat što hodi soto braco kako lemunata s ledom.

One such found its way to Dubrovnik - the custom bright red Torpedo. It is not hard to guess why a cabriolet one – driving through Dubrovnik’s scenic routes, with nothing but unobstructed views and the wind in your hair was, and remains, a summer delight that goes hand in hand like lemonade and ice.

Svjet zavazda: Drage buduće nevjeste, na dan vašega vjenčanja uđite na ekstra spećali način u Grad – Balilla vas čeka!

Timeless Tip: Dear brides to be, on your wedding day make an extra special entrance to Dubrovnik Old Town – Balilla awaits!







Dubrovnik - tezoro Sredozemnoga mora

Jeste li znali? Da je Rikard Lavjeg Srca , kralj Inglitere došo u Dubrovnik ujesen 1192. kadarke se vraćo nase iz križarske vojne i salvo se od tempeste na otoku Lokrumu. Da Dubrovačka Repuplika zgradila kanalizacijon koja je još uvijek u funcijonu. Da spičarija u Franciskana (crnjeh fratara) funcijona brez prestanka od 1317. godišta. Da je prvi kontumac na svijetu utemeljen je u Dubrovniku 1377. godišta. Putnici što su arivavali iz krajeva infetanih zaraznim bolestima separavani su pa su hi držali u kontumacu sve dok nije bilo sikuro da su se rekuperali.


Dubrovnik je više od grada. Perfeti kombinacijon prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti, kulture, baštine i naturale ljepote nudi nam uniki doživljaj i nezaboravne vakance. Ne treba se čudit da je divento jedan od velikijeh destinacijoni na Mediteranu. Na južnomu kraju duge hrvatske kostijere Dubrovnik je odvazda ko perla Mediterana, difato je jedan od velikijeh atracijoni na Mediteranu i s pravon upisan u UNESCOVU svjetsku ereditat.

spazite s vijugava puta što vas vodi s aerodroma u grad. Rari su gradovi koji se mogu pofalit lokacijom š kojon se more učinit komparacjon oli tako dobro očuvanijem srednjevjekovnijem mirima.

Uz njegovu prirodnu ljepotu i bogatu povijest dubrovačka kulturna događanja i diversi program atracijona i aktivnosti u svim stađunima činu Dubrovnik perfetom destinacijoni za điravanje, sport, kulturna događanja oli za sempliću relasacijon u lijepom okružju mediteranskom.

Ove drevne fortifikacije sagrađene su zaradi dobre razloga - osvajačima su odvazda ljepota i bogatstvo Dubrovnika bili atracijon pa čak i tako nedavno u ultimom desetljeću 20. stoljeća. Ma sadarke miri dubrovački nijesu prepuni soldata neg turista i izvođača teatra na dvoru. Pola milijuna judi vizitaju Grad svakega godišta da dožive fašinatne mu povjesne atracijoni. Dubrovnik je sam po sebi živući muzej, tezoro baroka i renesanse i srednjevjekovnijeh crkava i palaca.

Tijekom mnogijeh stoljeća Dubrovnik je bijo idipendenta repuplika, denjozi kulturni centar i mediteranska trgovačka sila od importance. Paka više nije politički indipedenat on i daje ostaje središte kulture i turizma - grad muzeja i galerija, poznat je po Ljetnjem igrama koje se održavaju svakega godišta a to je internacijonala proslava izuzetne mužike i teatra. K tomu još dodajte zavodnički čar blagog mediteranskog podneblja i obalnog krajolika neuporedive kostijere imate moćni magnet za internacijonali turizam. Omađijanost počinje s panoramom Grada Dubrovnika u mirima što prvo

Čejadi u Dubrovniku je Grad na imensu diku. Oni ćutu lijepu obalu, more kolura zmeralda i safijera što se lućida i razbija o seke u mnogijem zalivima i valama i o stijene s bujnim suptropskim raslinjem. A ćutu i toplo južno podneblje s više od 250 sunčanijeh dana na godište, Dubrovnik se banja perfino i po zimi kad stabla od naranača i lemuna stažumavaju. Srednja temperatura je 10. grada zimi i ćirka 26. grada ljeti.

Duga dubrovačka povijes i rinimani posjetioci što počinje s Rikardom Lavjeg Srca, križarskoga kraja Inglitere, za koga legenda tvrdi da je bijo ođe u dvanestom stoljeću. Libro od gosti grada inkludava okrunjene glave, državnike, sportaše, komike, umjetnike, i mužikante svijeh nacijoni. Edward VIII. s gospojom Simpson, kraljica Elizabeta II, kralj Olaf, Margaret Thatcher, Edward Kennedy, Elisabeth Taylor i Richard Burton, Michael Douglas i Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, Nick Nolte i Tom Cruise su samo neka od velikijeh imena koji su prođirali po sjajnom kamenu Straduna u Gradu. Vele famoze čeljadi ankorali su tropo luso jahte prid otokon Lokrumom, đusto prid gradom. Roman Abramović, Paul Getty, Bill Gates, Caroline od Monaca, Jordanski kralj i Sultan od Omana su među onijem koji držu do privatnosti njihovijeh plovećih palaca. Oligarsi i skromni putnici s rusacima podjednako se predaju zavodničkoj beleci Dubrovnika.

Da je Dubrovnik donio rezolucijon i aboliško ropstvo te zabranio transporat robova na dvadest sedam đenara 1416. i tako posto prva država u Europi koja je aboliškala ropstvo. Da je nahodište osnovano 1432. bilo jedno od prvih na svijetu. Kad je sagrađena Minčeta 1464. graditelji nisu imali sofićente kamenja kako bi je finuli-kogoć je arivo u Gruž oli na Ploče moro je donijet najteži kamen što je mogo nosit i tako dat vlastiti kontribucijon ovomu lavuru. Da je park u Trstenom pokraj Dubrovnika utemeljen u 15. stoljeću i najstariji je renesansni perivoj. Neki makljeni (platani) stariji su od četiri stotine godišta. Da je dubrovački 'Zakon o pomorskom osiguranju' (“Ordo super assecuratoribus”, 1568.) najstariji zakon te vrste na svijetu.

Da se Dubrovačka Trgovačka Mornarica u 16. stoljeću sastojala od 40 000 mornara i više od 180 velikijeh brodova, a bila je jedna od namoćnijih na Sredozemlju. Da Shakespearov “Mletački trgovac” i “Ukroćena goropadnica” spominju “argosy,” što hoće rijet “brod na dubrovačku.”

Da je Dubrovačka repuplika bila jedna od prvijeh država na svijetu koja je priznala indipendencu Sjedinjenjeh Američkjeh Država 1776.

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Dubrovnik - a Mediterranean Treasure Dubrovnik is more than a city. A perfect combination of past, present and future, of culture, heritage and natural beauty, it offers a unique experience and unforgettable holidays. No wonder it has become the latest must-see Mediterranean destination.

Did you know? Richard the Lionheart, King of England, came to Dubrovnik in the autumn of 1192, on his return from the crusades. He took shelter from a storm on the island of Lokrum.

In 1296 the Dubrovnik Republic built a sewage system which is still in use. At the southern tip of Croatia’s long coastline, Dubrovnik has long been known as the Pearl of the Adriatic, but it is in fact one of the great sights of the Mediterranean, rightly designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to its natural beauty and rich history, Dubrovnik’s cultural events and diverse programme of attractions and activities in all seasons, make Dubrovnik the perfect destination for sightseeing, sport, cultural events or simply relaxing in a beautiful Mediterranean setting. For many centuries Dubrovnik was an independent Republic, a proud cultural centre and an important Mediterranean trading power. Although no longer politically independent, it remains a centre of culture and tourism-- a city of museums and galleries, famous for its annual Summer Festival, an international celebration of outstanding music and theatre. Add to all this the seductive charm of a balmy Mediterranean climate and coastal scenery of incomparable beauty, and you have a powerful magnet for international tourism. The enchantment starts with the panoramic view of the Old Town of Dubrovnik, glimpsed first from the The Dubrovnik Old Town

winding road that brings you to town from the airport. Rare are the cities that can boast a comparable location, or such well preserved medieval walls. These ancient fortifications were built with good reason -- conquerors have always been attracted to Dubrovnik’s beauty and wealth, even as recently as the last decade of the 20th century. But now Dubrovnik’s walls teem not with soldiers, but tourists and open-air theatre performers. Half a million people visit the city every year, to experience its fascinating historic attractions. Dubrovnik is itself a living museum, a treasure trove of Baroque, Renaissance and medieval churches and palaces. The people of Dubrovnik are immensely proud of their city. They love their beautiful coastline, the sparkling emerald and sapphire hues of the clear sea as it crashes against the rocks of countless bays and coves, and the cliffs of lush subtropical vegetation. And they love the warm southern climate. With more than 250 days of sunshine a year, Dubrovnik sunbathes even in winter, when the orange and lemon trees are filled with fruit. The average temperature is 10°C in winter and around 26°C in summer.

Dubrovnik’s long history of renowned visitors starts with Richard the Lionheart, crusader king of England, whom legend claims visited here in the 12th century. The city’s guest book includes royalty, statesmen, athletes, actors, artists, and musicians of every nation. Edward and Mrs. Simpson, Queen Elizabeth II, King Olaf, Margaret Thatcher, Edward Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Michael Douglas and Catharine Zeta Jones, Richard Gere, Nick Nolte and Tom Cruise are just some of the great names who have walked the shining marble stones of the Old Town Stradun. Many celebrities anchor their luxury yachts just outside the Old Town, in front of the island of Lokrum. Roman Abramović, Paul Getty, Bill Gates, Caroline of Monaco, the King of Jordan and the Sultan of Oman are among those who value the privacy of their floating palaces. Oligarchs and humble backpackers alike succumb to the seductive beauty of Dubrovnik.

The pharmacy in the Franciscan monastery in Dubrovnik has been operating continuously since 1317.

The first quarantine in the world was established in Dubrovnik in 1377. Travellers arriving from areas infected with contagious disease were separated and held in the quarantine until they were proven to be healthy.

Dubrovnik passed a resolution abolishing slavery and forbidding the transport of slaves on 27 January 1416, making it the first state in Europe to abolish slavery.

The orphanage founded at the Convent of St. Claire in 1432 was one of the first in the world.

When the Minčeta Tower was built in 1464, the builders did not have enough stones to complete the building. Everyone arriving from Gruž or Ploče was required to bring with them the heaviest stone they could carry to contribute to the project.

Trsteno arboretum near Dubrovnik was founded in the 15th century and is the oldest arboretum in the world. Some of the plane trees are almost 400 years old.

The Dubrovnik maritime insurance law (“Ordo super assecuratoribus”, 1568) is the oldest such law in the world.

Dubrovnik’s navy in the 16th century consisted of 40,000 sailors and more than 180 large ships, and was one of the most powerful in the Mediterranean.

Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” and “The Taming of the Shrew” mention the term “argosy,” meaning “a boat from Dubrovnik.”

The Dubrovnik Republic was one of the first countries in the world to recognise the newly independent United States of America, in 1776.

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Dubrovačke znamenitosti Dubrovnik’s Sights GRADSKI MIRI CITY WALLS

Najslavnija znamenitost Dubrovnika su gradski miri, kamena koltrina oko grada duga 1,940m. Puno više od semplićijeh mira, najjači je i najljepši fortifikacijski sklop na Sredozemlju s kulama, bastijunima, kašćelima i fortecama. Vanjske dimenzijuni ostale su iste od četrnestog vijeka, ma su se popolako formavale za zlatnoga doba Dubrovnika – od pada Carigrada 1453. do velike trešnje 1667. Paseđata po mirima je manjifiki introducijon za điravanje po gradu.

Dubrovnik’s most celebrated landmark is its city walls, a 1,940m stone curtain surrounding the old city. Much more than a simple wall, the strongest and most beautiful city fortification complex on the Mediterranean includes towers, bastions, castles and fortresses. The outer dimensions have remained the same since the 14th century, but the structures themselves took shape gradually during the golden age of Dubrovnik - from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the great earthquake of 1667. Walking the ramparts is a magnificent introductory tour of the city.

Semplićitat bez dekoracijuna gotičkorenesansnog palaca morebit da se para odviše skromna za bogatstvo Dubrovačke repuplike, ma je bit u kompreču bijo stil onega brijemena te je ova beleca godištunima preživjela eksplozijune i trešnje. Knez dubrovački živio je u ovemu dvoru tijekom svoje vladavine od mjesec dana, separan od familje, a smio se movit iz palaca samo poradi državnijeh obligacijoni. Atrij je skladni prostor s korintskim stupovima, galerijama, lijepom baroknom skalinatom i imensom akustikom. Nerijetko služi za koncerte komorne mužike.

The unadorned simplicity of this GothicRenaissance palace may seem too modest for the affluence of the Dubrovnik Republic, but restraint was the style of those times, and this splendid building has survived explosions and earthquakes throughout the years. The Rector of Dubrovnik lived in this palace during his one-month rule, separated from his family, and was only allowed to leave the building for official business. The atrium is a harmonious space, with Corinthian columns, galleries, a beautiful Baroque staircase and outstanding acoustics. It is often used for chamber music concerts.


Iako je njezin službeni naziv Placa, vas svijet zna da glavnu ulicu, omiljenu paseđatu puka dubrovačkog i furesta u Gradu zovemo Stradun. Rinovana poslije trešnje 1667. široka je to os gracijozih i skladnijeh kuća od kamena, impresijun o sempliće dignitati. Nakon kalamitati, uništeni grad trebo je pohitat osigurat obranu i učinit život u gradu sikurim. Donke, sve su kuće na Stradunu podignute prema disenjima što hi je posiđo Senat. Sve su kuće na Stradunu prečizjeh visina, pjutosto prečizjeh pročelja i rasporeda s butigama u pjanterenu jerbo je trgovina bila prva stvar od importance za Dubrovačku Repupliku.

Although its official name is Placa, everyone knows the main street of the Old Town as Stradun, the favourite promenade of every Dubrovnik resident and visitor. Rebuilt after the earthquake of 1667, it is a broad axis of graceful and harmonious stone buildings, impressive in their simple dignity. After the disaster, the devastated city needed to secure its defence quickly and ensure that life in the city would continue. Thus all the houses along the Stradun were rebuilt according to designs approved by the Senate of the Republic. Buildings along the Stradun were all rebuilt to a uniform height, with nearly identical facades, and similar layout, with shops on the ground floor, as trade was a top priority of the Republic of Dubrovnik.

Ova crkva je simbol Dubrovnika i njegova protetura i parca. Stoji u ćentru Grada. Svakoga godišta festiža se Sv. Vlaho na 3. febrara kad se divertiška puk dubrovački i čeljad što dolazi u vizite iz intjere Europe.

This church is a symbol of the city of Dubrovnik and its protector and patron saint. It stands at the centre of the Old Town. Each year the city celebrates St. Blaise’s Day on February 3, in festivities attended by the citizens of Dubrovnik and visitors from many cities across Europe.

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Na glavnoj placi, između Sponze i crkve svetoga Vlaha stoji stup s kipom ratnika. Kip prezentava viteza Orlanda koji je navodno salvo Dubrovnik od Saraćena te bijo duboko štovan za Republike Dubrovačke. Bijela se bandijera ođe vazda uznosito vijorila.

On the main square, between the Sponza Palace and Church of St. Blaise, stands a 15th century stone column with a sculpture of a warrior. The sculpture represents the knight Roland, who allegedly saved Dubrovnik from the Saracens and was deeply revered during the Dubrovnik Republic. The white flag of the Republic was always flown proudly here.

Na stijeni od trijes sedam metara poviše mora diže se forteca sagrađena u šesnestom vijeku da štiti grad od ataka Mlečana. Na miru od fortece more se prolegat: Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro. Što će rijet Sloboda se ne prodava za sve zlato. Nerijetko se duperava ko šenarijo dok duraju Ljetne Igre, a isto tako je manjifiko palkošeniko za Hamleta Šekspirova.

Perched on a cliff 37m above the sea, this fortress was built in the 16th century to protect the city from Venetian attack. On the fortress’ walls an historic inscription can still be read: Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro. Freedom cannot be sold for gold. The fortress is often used as a performance stage during the Summer Festival, and makes a magnificent setting for Shakespeare’s Hamlet.



Svi trgovački putevi Dubrovačke Republike vode nas ovoj zgradi, jednoj od ponajljepših palaca u gradu. Sagrađena je u slogu kasne gotike i renesanse prema disenju Paskoja Miličevića , palac je uspješni kombinacijun više stilova i refleta nam bogatstva palaca što su resili Grad prije trešnje 1667. godišta. Atrij je bio živo trgovačko središte i sastajalište. U jednom krilu zgrade bila je državna kovnica utemeljena u 14. stoljeću i funcionala je u Sponzi sve do pada Republike. Danas je palac sjedište Dubrovačkog arhiva, što čuva najstariju dokumentacijun od grada i dragocjene povjesne dokumente. Svake godine na placi ispred Sponze održava se ceremonijal otvaranja Dubrovačkih Ljetnijeh Igara. S tarace prekrasnog piana nobile glumci obučeni od kneza i vlastele evokavaju spirit plemenite tradicijuni Dubrovačke Republike.

All trade routes of the Dubrovnik Republic led to this building, one of the loveliest palaces in the city. Constructed in a blend of late Gothic and Renaissance styles according to the designs of Paskoje Miličević, the palace successfully combines many styles and gives us a glimpse of the richness of the lavish palaces that stood in Dubrovnik before the 1667 earthquake. The arcaded courtyard was a lively trading centre and meeting place. One wing of the building housed the state mint, which was founded in the 14th century and operated within the Sponza Palace until the fall of the Republic. Today the palace is the seat of the Dubrovnik archive, which safeguards the city’s oldest documents and invaluable historical materials. The square in front of the Sponza Palace is the site of the opening ceremony of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival each year; from the palace’s beautiful piano nobile terrace, actors dressed in costumes of Dubrovnik’s rector and noblemen evoke the spirit and noble traditions of the Dubrovnik Republic.

Ništa jon ne more dignut dominacijon nad gradom, kalava despete svakom neprijatelju, ova lijepa forteca simbol je slobode dubrovačke. Manja pravokutna kula na istome mjestu nahodila se tu u 14. stoljeću, a monumentalnu transformanu okruglu kakvu danaske poznamo disenjali su firentinski renesansni arkitet Michelozzo Michelozzi, i hrvatski Juraj Dalmatinac pa su je finuli 1464. S vrha Minčete morete uživat u uzvišenoj panorami grada i njegove okolice.

Dominating the city, and defying all enemies, this beautiful fortress is a symbol of Dubrovnik’s freedom. A smaller rectangular tower on this site dates from the 14th century, while the monumental round tower we know today was designed by the Florentine Renaissance architect Michelozzo Michelozzi and the Croatian Juraj Dalmatinac, and was completed in 1464. From the top of Minčeta tower, you can enjoy a stunning view of the town and surrounding areas.

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U narednim retcima donosimo Vam selekciju vijesti iz Dubrovnika i okolice zabilježenih u 1913. godini. Svi članci su kronološki prikazani u svom izvornom jeziku, te preuzeti iz arhive dubrovačkih tiskovina koje su se čitale u 1913 godini. Prava Crvena hrvatska 15.03.1913

Stjepan Gradi.

Na 6 o. mj. navršila se je tristogodišnjica, kad se je porodio taj velikan, koji nadvisuje sve dubrovačke velikane, jer ako iza strašne trešnje opet se je Dubrovnik pomladio, procvao, i eto postigao onu slavu, kojom se danas diči, najviše ima zahvaliti tome velikanu, koji mimo svijeh zaista zaslužuje ime pater patriae.Njega istodobno ima zašto da hvali i slavi rodni grad, naša stolna crkva, sve svećenstvo, i svi zahvalni gragjani. Ako bi Dubrovnik imao još komu, osim Gunduliću, da podigne spomenik, prvi bi na redu bio taj veliki naučenjak, bogoslov, jurista, meatematičar, diplomat i spisatelj, a nadasve uzorni i gorljivi rodoljub. Od stare kremenjačke porodice Gradića, koja se od pamtivjeka isticala sa prvim vlasteoskim kućama, bijaše sin Miha Gradi i Marije Benešić. Djetešcem ga privriježiše stric Ivan Gradić i rogjak Inje Tudizić, Isusovac, oba ugledna radi znanja i ponašanja. Prve je nauke kod njih svršio; a kad je ponarasao pritegne ga u Rim ujac Pero Benešić, veoma ugledan na dvoru pape Urbana VIII. Svoju je naobrazbu nastavio u glasovitom rimskom kolegiju a dovršio u klimentinskom. Kao dokaz vanredne svoje sposobnosti, javno je razmrsivao prepletena pitanja iz sve svoje nauke, kako svjedoči osobito djelce, koje to navagja. Upre zatim da se usavrši u

bogoslovlju i pravničkim naucima. Zaregjen, dubrovački ga kaptol izabra Arcipretom; a do malo ga kardinal Barbarigo imenova kanonikom sv. Jere u Rimu. Znanje, vještina, okretnost, neporočnost i prirogjena mu ozbiljnost i duhovitost otvori put do velikih časti. Kongregacija ga Indexa uzme za konsultora, a meštar sv. Palaće revizorom knjiga. Papa Aleksandar VII., obožavatelj klasične naobrazbe, pozivlje ga uz glasovite učenjake u svoju palaću na duhovite i učene rasprave, gdje se isticao neprestano vanredno pribranom latinštinom, a mnogo puta latinskom pjesmom na prečac izgovorenom. To se isto dogagjalo na posjedu švedske kraljice Kristine, gdje su se sretali prvi umovi ondašnje Europe, a takogjer u raznim akademijama, gdje su se rojile prve glave vječnoga grada. U priznanju mu vrlina imenova ga papa Aleksandar kustodom glasovite Vatikanske knjižnice. Kao osobitu čast ovog povjerenja, isti ga papa odredi drugim tajnikom i bogoslovcem nećaka kardinala Flavija, kog odašalje francuskom Ljudevitu XIV., da ukloni razmirice, koje se bijahu pojavile, najviše krivicom licumjernih Galikanaca. Ugled i poštovanje, kojim su ga u Parizu susretali, na povratku mu nije pribavio stožernički klobuk, kako je sva prilika bila da će biti, a tomu bijaše uzrok kivnost nećaka papinskog, koji je bio upio da on papu ucka proti njih. U velike ga je volio i papa Inokent XI., koji ga imenova prefektom Vatikanske knjižnice. Za stalno bi se bio popeo i još više, da ga nije nemoć shrvala. U narodnoj crkvi sv. Jerka počivaju njegove slavne kosti, a poviše njih znameniti natpis slavi ga, pred svijem svijetom koji tamo zalazi. Dubrovačka vlada, e bi se barem u dijelu odužila otačbeničkom njegovom neumornom pregnuću, učini štogod je mogla i nemogla, da se primi nadbiskupije rodnog grada; javljala da mu bude prosto u tome svojstvu ostati u Rimu; ali on čedan i skroman odupre se svom snagom duše svoje; a nesebičan kako bijaše, darova Stôlnoj Crkvi znatne novčane iznose. Mili rogjeni njegov grad bijaše pusta gomila po trešnji, a veliki naš rodoljub suznih očiju vapi u Pape pomoći, šalje redovnike poklisare kod raznih vlasti, preporuča ih, sokoli ih, i njegovom neiskazivom zauzeću ima se zahvaliti, ako je Papa otposlao valjane majstore, mjernike, svakojake pripomoći da se grad iz ruševina uzdigne. Njegovo je sokolovo oko zaista na daleko progledalo, kad je vladi predložio e da bi grad iz nova podigli

The following lines are a selection of news from Dubrovnik and surroundings recorded in 1913. All articles are chronologically given and retrieved from Dubrovnik newspapers issued in 1913.

Pure Red Croatia, 15th March 1913

Stjepan Gradić (or Stefano Gradi) On the 6th of this month, ends the 300th Anniversary on the birth of this remarkable man who rises above all other important Dubrovnik citizens; because if Dubrovnik, after the Great Earthquake, was rejuvenated, blooming and attained its former glory (even today), is accredited to this very significant individual who, among all others, deserves the title of pater patriae (father of the homeland). There are many who should praise Stjepan Gradić besides his birth city, cathedral, clergy and grateful citizens. If there was any other person to whom a monument should be built, besides Ivan Gundulić, the first in line would be this great scientist, theologist, lawyer, mathematician, diplomat, writer and, above all, an exemplary and ardent patriot. From the lineage of Gradić, who for centuries were characterised as patricians, Stjepan was born to Miho Gradi and Marija Benešić. The child was taken in by his uncle Ivan Gradić and cousin Inja Tudizić, both well respected for their knowledge and mannerism. His primary schooling completed, Stjepan was then taken in by his uncle Pero Benešić in Rome who was quite prominent at the court of Pope Urban VIII. He continued his education at a renowned college in Rome thereby completing his theological studies. In evidence of his exemplary knowledge, Stjepan would publicly unravel intertwining issues arising from his subjects as recorded in various articles. He then decides to enhance his theological and law studies. Ordained, the Dubrovnik Archdiocese promotes Stjepan to archpriest and soon Cardinal Barbarigo appoints him canon of St. Jerome in Rome. Scholastics, skills, agility, integrity and intrinsic nature by an earnest and spiritual approach pave Stjepan Gradić’s path to prestigious honours. The Congregation of the Index appoint him library consulter and auditor-general to the Palace of the Holy Office. Pope Alexander VII, an admirer of classical learning, invites him together with other renowned scholars to the Vatican for witty and erudite discussions, thereby excelling in Latin and, more than once, in Latin singing of songs thought up on the spur of the moment. Such mannerism was also repeated at the court of the Swedish

Queen Kristine where great European minds gathered; also at numerous academies where brilliant minds of the Holy See exchanged ideas. In recognition of his virtues, Pope Alexander appoints Stepan Gradić custodian of the Vatican Library. And as exceptional distinction of confidence, also names him the second secretary and theologist to the nephew to Cardinal Flavio at the court of Louis XIV in France to settle disagreements arising from hypocritical Gallicans. The repute and respect encountered in Paris denied him the respective clerical headwear due to spite of the Pope’s nephew believing Stjepan was conspiring against them. Inasmuch as Pope Innocent XI liked him, he appointed Stjepan prefect of the Vatican Library. He would have attained higher titles had not his health failed. His remains lie in the national Church of St. Jerome with an inscription of his fame for all to see.

The Dubrovnik government, wishing to pay respect to the “father of the homeland”, do all they can to have Stjepan return to the archdiocese in his home town; advise him he is destined to remain in Rome; and Stjepan, the modest and selfless person he is, donates a large sum of money to him home cathedral. His beloved birth city in ruins after the great earthquake begs the Pope with tears in his eyes for help, sends clergy envoys to numerous officials, recommending them, encouraging them, promising compensation should the Pope send reputable masters, surveyors, any help at all for the city to

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u Lapadu i Gružu, a taj toli uzvisiti predlog pao je za jedan glas, kako se pogovara. Osim gragjevnog materijala i obilatih novčanih potpora, on je postigao i to, da krcati brodovi donesu svakoga živeža bijednom i gladnom narodu. Nevoljne su dumne po moru pobjegle glavom bez obzira u Jakin, i Gradi se zauzme da ih ogrle, okrijepe, sa svačim snabdiju, da im se manastijeri urede i ponovno se povrate na staro ognjište. On postigne od sv. Stolice da prihodi starih zavještaja budu upotrebljavani za nove gragje, i to je slijedilo godina i godina dok se grad ponapravio nije. On isprosi od sv. Stolice da nagovori crkvu B. D. od Loreta e bi prepustila dubrovačkoj stolnoj crkvi bogati zavještaj pok. Gondole, da se ista sagradi, uz zahvalni godišnji doprinos kaleža srebrnog, i dobaviv nacrte, davši podrobne naputke i savjete postigne da se izdigne onako krasna, kako ju danas vidimo. On se svojski založi e bi zavještaj Isusovca Marina Gondole upotrebio a da se podigne veliki Isusovački zavod, gdje bi se naša mladež odgojila i u nauci usavršila, i mnogo je iskopavanja imao dok je sve to oposlovao. Tako je ogroman materijal njegovih pisama, gdje potiče vladu na rad, kojim javlja sve što je postigao, naplatio, uredio, bilo na korist opće stvari, bilo na uhar rizničara a i privatnika, da se uprav zapanji svaki sin, koji ta pisma pretraži. A iz rima kako je svjetovao, poticao, nagovarao vladu, tako je činio i sa ostalim dubrovačkim poslanicima i konsulima koji bi svi mnogo postigli kad bi predali preporučna njegova pisma raznim velikašima i uplivnim osobama. A za dobro miloga Dubrovnika potrudio se je i do Pariza, a mnoge poteškoće uklonio u Mlecima, u Carigradu i u Madridu. Dubrovačkma mu je vlada po tisuću puta izrazila neizrečenu svoju zahvalnost. O njegovoj literarnoj radnji, koja je prilično obilata, nije zgodno da govorimo; a najbolje će to sve istociljiti zagrebačka Akademija, koja je imala njemu na slavu osobito predavanje, od uglednoga dra. Körblera, i koja će objelodaniti navlaš ovom prigodom najvažnija njegova pisma. Tamo je bila zastupana i naša Općina. Hvala iz duše Akademiji, a slava velikom Stjepanu Gradiću! Prava Crvena hrvatska 22.03.1913

Američki yacht „Aloha“ iz New-Yorka bio je ovih dana u Gružu, sa 40 putnika. Prava Crvena hrvatska 26.04.1913 Gradska kronika.

Električna uspinjačica. Nekoliko se naših sugragjana zauzelo, da bi se izgradila električna uspinjačica sa dno Posata na Pilama do Gornjeg Konala. Uložili su sve sile, da bi se ta namisao oživotvorila, što bi donijelo veoma znatne koristi svim stanovnicima Konala i vlasnicima kuća po čitavom Konalu. Tada bi se onaj naš lijepi predjel upravo preporodio, i to bi doprinjelo da se izgradi još mnogo kuća. S toga njihova zauzetnost zaslužuje svaku pohvalu i priznanje. U tu svrhu obdržaće se sutra u nedjelju 17. o . mj. na 10 sati u ustupljenoj općinskoj dvorani sastanak, na koji promicateljni odbor pozivlje svakoga, koga zanima napredak Dubrovnika. U tome će se sastanku, uz sve potrebno raspravljanje, izabrati odbor. O ovome je objelodanjen slijedeći poziv: Priroda je razasula uprav rasipnim obiljem svoje krasote na Dubrovnik i predgragja mu. I ruka je pronicavih stanovnika u staro doba okitila spomenicima umjetnosti,

gospodarskim dvorovima i dražesnim vilama be rebuilt. His keen eye was far-seeing Dubrovnik, ovog miljenika prirode; pravom suggesting to the government to rebuild dakle zovu ovaj grad najdražesnijim zrnom a new city in Lapad and Gruž, however, bisera na Jadranu. this proposal fell on only one vote. Besides Prijeka je potreba zato da nastavimo rad building materials and profuse donations, starih Dubrovčana novim pravcem i da se Stjepan managed sending ships carrying pobrinemo za razvitak naših puta isto kao i victuals to the poor and hungry citizens. naših uspinjala, jer se teško popeti do krasota The unwilling nuns escaped by sea to na našim uzvišenim mjestima a mnoge tisuće Jakin (today’s Ancona) whereby S.Gradić stranaca dolaze amo svake godine. undertakes to send all needed for them to Red je dakle na nas stanovnike Dubrovnika, return to their monasteries. He prompts da po primjeru modernih naprednih gradova the Holy See to apply former bequests i poduzetnog duha starih Dubrovčana, for building materials to rebuild the city; učinimo lako pristupačnim sve krasote pa however, this went on for many years but i one uzvišenih mjesta i da im podignemo the city was never repaired. He begs the vrijednost. Holy See to persuade the church of B.V. Ova je misao vodilica složila skup ljudi da of Loretto to release the rich bequest of pokrenu osnovanje električne uspinjačice the Gondola Family for rebuilding of the od dno Posata na Pilama do navrh Gornjeg city and which gratitude shall be shown Konala. in annual silver chalice compensation, he Kad bi se uspinjačicom olakotilo općenje obtains drawings, gave detailed instructions i promet, usporedno bi se moglo promicati i and recommendations to attain rebuilding gragjenje stanova; tako bi se uskorio napredak of the city which we admire to this day. i razvitak, jer možemo kazati, da su sada pusta S. Gradić wholeheartedly pleaded Marin ova krasna uzvišena mjesta. Gondola’s bequest be applied to building Drži se da za gradnju ove uspinjačice of a Jesuit seminary so youth could be ne bi trebalo nego oko 100.000 Kruna; educated; however, this took some time as vozarina imala bi stajati oko 5 para na glavu well. Thus, his voluminous correspondence za jedan put; to bi davalo dobitak dostatan on encouraging the government to be za uzdržavanje pruge i amortizaciju glavnice. efficacious, informing them of all achieved, Ovaj bi podhvat bio od zamašne i presudne compensated, settled for the general good, koristi za grad. either for a treasurer or private individual Zato se mole stanovnici Dubrovnika da whose sons may be amazed when this dogju na sastanak u Nedjelju 27. o. mj. u 10 correspondence is researched. And as he sahata u jutro u općinskom vijećnicu, koju je counselled, encouraged and urged the gospodin načelnik Dr. Melko Čingrija ljubazno government in Rome, so he administered to stavio na raspolaganje. Dubrovnik envoys and consuls in delivering U ovom će se sastanku raspravljati o his letters to numerous dignitaries and gradnji pomenute električne uspinjačice influential persons. And for the good of his od dno Posata na Pilama do navrh Gornjeg beloved Dubrovnik he endeavoured to reach Konala i biće izabrat naročit odbor da se bavi Paris as well, resolved hardships with Venice, osnovom gradnje i pobiranjem potpisa. Constantinople and Madrid. The Dubrovnik Nadamo se da će se stanovnici odazvati na government repeatedly expressed its infinite ovaj poziv i da će doći na sastanak svak ko se gratitude. zanima za napredak grada, jer se ovdje radi o We shall not discuss his abundant literary opžem dobru i jer ko dogje na sastanak može work on this occasion, but leave this for olakšati zadatak odboru koji bude izabrat. the Academy in Zagreb where the reputed Dr. Körbler lectured on his talent and his Promicateljni odbor. most important letters. Our municipality attended as well. Prava Crvena hrvatska 10.05.1913 Our gratitude to the Academy and glory to Stjepan Gradić! Gradska kronika. Jedna obljetnica. Sinoć dneva 9. Maja navršile su se 54 godine, da se je dogodila Pure Red Croatia, 22nd March 1913 grozna nesreća pred otokom Lokrumom: American Yacht “Aloha” from New York, kad je 9. Maja 1859. esplodavala barutana moored in Gruž with 40 passengers. u ratnom brodu „Triton-u“, i sve odletjelo u vis, poginuvši preko stotinu mornara sa Pure Red Croatia, 26th April 1913 oficirima. (O tome smo i susljedne godine City Chronicle nakon pedeset-godišnjice donijeli u podlistku, pod naslovom „Gospogja Ane Mengula“, kojoj je pok. otac uprav onaj čas katastrofe bio na „skali“ na Lokrumu, na straži prema usidrenom „Tritonu“.)

commercial structures and charming villas. Dubrovnik, thus, may consider itself a lover of nature and the city its most precious pearl of the Adriatic. It is essential to continue the work our Dubrovnik forefathers began and concern ourselves with developing our roadways and, as much, funicular since it is exerting for thousands of tourists to climb in order to see our pretty and abundant flora. It is the obligation of Dubrovnik citizens, as inspired by modern cities and entrepreneurial spirit of our forefathers, to avail these beautiful amenities accessible to others and thus increasing their value. This guiding principle was acknowledged by the gathered people who concurred the idea of building a funicular from Posat at Pile Gate to Upper Kono be initiated. By facilitating the funicular for communication and vehicles, it would also promote building of houses; thus inciting progress and development of these barren and elevated areas. We evaluate funicular construction would amount to 100.000 Kronen; the fare would be about 5 para (coin denomination of the Kronen) per person/one way thus rendering a profit for its maintenance and principal amortisation. This investment would be of momentous and crucial benefit to the city. Therefore, we beseech the citizens of Dubrovnik to attend this meeting on Sunday, the 27th of this month at 10 a.m. at the municipal hall as graciously approved by Mayor, Dr. Melko Čingrija. We shall discuss at the meeting the necessity of building an electric funicular from Posat at Pile Gate to Upper Kono and a special committee shall be appointed to deliberate on building this facility and collecting signatures. We sincerely hope our citizens shall respond and attend this meeting for the promotion of our city, since it is in the best interest of all and, as such, shall also assist the committee to be appointed at this time. Promotional Committee

Prava Crvena hrvatska 24.05.1913 Domaće vijesti.

Princess Elisabeth Windisch-Gräetz arrived yesterday in our city. The same day, she left for the island of Lokrum to visit our beautiful island and castle where her dearly departed father, Crown Prince Rudolf, always spent pleasant times.

Kneginja Elizabeta Windisch-Gräetz jučer je prispjela u naš grad. Isti dan oko 11 sati otišla je na ubavi otok Lokrum, da ponovno posjeti ono krasno naše ostrvo i lijepi dvorac, gdje je njezin blagopok. Otac kraljević Rudolfo dolazio na ugodni boravak. Knez Lichtenstein bio je ovo dana u našem gradu. Kako je poznato, veoma voli Dubrovnik, tako da je obilato pomogao „Društvo za poljepšanje Dubrovnika i okolice“, te s njegovim novcem ostvarilo se više lijepih i korisnih stvari. Je li pak pomenuto društvo došlo da ga na dolasku pozdravi, ne znamo, ali svakako to je bilo dužno da uradi. Čuje se, da nije, pa bi smo željeli malo razjašnjenja. Prava Crvena hrvatska 31.05.1913 Gradska kronika.

Sjedala na „Porporeli“. Više gragjana obraća se molbom Društvu za poljepšanje grada, e bi dlo postaviti još barem dva sjedala na „Porporeli“. Otkad se ono mjesto drži onako čisto i uredno, pravo je uživanje ondje sjedati, na onom lijepom položaju uz samo more, u hladu i mirnoći.

Electric funicular. Several of our citizens petitioned for constructing an electric funicular from Posat at Pile Gate to Upper Kono. They focused all resources for this idea to be realised and which would have significant meaning to those living at Upper Kono and scattered house owners in this area as well. Thus would this beautiful area be reborn and possibly more houses built. Therefore, their wholehearted involvement deserves commendation. For this purpose, a meeting will be held tomorrow, Sunday 17th of this month at 10 a.m. at municipal hall whereby the Organising Committee invites all interested parties for development of Dubrovnik to attend. The Agenda, among all other articles, shall select a committee. We have herewith received the following: Nature has graciously endowed Dubrovnik and its surrounding with plentiful beauties. While the hands of our discerning citizens, in prior times, decorated the city with art,

Pure Red Croatia, 15th May 1913

City Chronicle An Anniversary. Last evening, on May 9th, 54 years have passed since the terrible accident near the island of Lokrum: when on 9th May 1859 the war ship “Triton”, carrying gunpowder, exploded in all directions and over one hundred seamen and officers were killed (recorded in earlier years after the 50 anniversary in our subpaper titled “Mrs Ana Mengula” whose father was, at this particular moment, on “Skala” at Lokrum, on watch for the moored ship “Triton”. Pure Red Croatia, 24th May 1913 Dubrovnik News

Dubrovnik News Prince Lichtenstein was in our city on a visit. As it is well known, the Prince likes Dubrovnik very much and has profusely donated to the “Society for the Beautification of Dubrovnik and its Surroundings”, thus completing many beautiful projects with his donations. We are not aware the Society met with the Prince to greet him which was, in fact, their duty. We heard that they had not and so wish to hear their explanation. Pure Red Croatia, 31st May 1913 Dubrovnik News

Benches on “Porporela”. Several citizens addressed their request to the Society for Beautification of the Dubrovnik for placement of two benches on Porporela. Since this area is kept clean and tidy, it would be a pleasure to sit there and enjoy this beautiful, shaded and peaceful place by the sea.

26 A L H T I M E S



Kupalište u Pilama. Naš sugragjanin g. Šulić otvorio je općinstvu svoje poznato kupalište u „Kolorini“.

inim veli: „Rašica je pronašao nov pute umjetnosti. Želimo, da njegov snažni individualni talenat nagje i u Kanjskoj zaslužena honorara“. Ljubljanski „Dan“ piše u dva navrata, i to u br. 521 i 530. Uz ostale hvale primjećuje: „U paviljonu na lijevo najveće prostora je posvećeno g. Rašici. G. Marko Rašica, Dubrovčanin, vanredno je dobar i izvoran u dekorativnome slikanju, kao i u nacrtima za umjetničke plakate. Kao karikaturist pak daleko natkriljuje sve naše domaće umjetnike“. Radujemo se našem sugragjaninu na tako sjajnom velikom uspjehu i srdačno čestitamo! Crvena hrvatska 05.07.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

Današnji „cvijetni dan“. Ono što smo svi željeli ispunilo se je. Dubrovačke gospođe i gospođice preuzele su na se potpunu izvedbu „cvijetnog dana“. To je primjer koji nas zadivljuje. Sve se pripravilo kroz samih osam dana; tu se vijećalo, pretresalo, trčalo, pozivalo, itd. A rezultat je svega: Prava Crvena hrvatska 28.06.1913 Gradska kronika.

Opet veliki uspjeh, akad. Slikara Marka Rašice. Na umjetničkoj izložbi, koja je u Ljubljani upravo otvorena, polučio je naš vrijedni sugragjanin akad. slikar g. Marko Rašica i ovaj put ogromne uspjehe, kao i u Beču i Leipzigu, gdje je takogjer izložio nekoliko svojih novih radnja. Na toj je izložbi g. Rašica izložio 13 svojih novih dekorativnih kompozicija, te portraita i karikatura. Cjelokupna kritika slovenska i njemačka suglasno stavlja našeg Rašicu na prvo mjesto od sviju 25 izložitelja. Rašica je dobio za svoje slike zasebni salon u izložbenom paviljonu. Donosimo nekoliko redaka iz raznih kritika slovenskih i njemačkih novina, što smo radošću čitali: „Slovenec“ veoma hvali njegove karikature i kompozicije, te posebno ističe veliko dekor. djelo „Per aspera ad astra“. „Laibacher Zeitung“ u broju 135 kaže izmegju ostaloga: „Bogata ovogodišnja izložba najljepše je zastupana u lijepoj strani paviljona gdje su smještena najbolja djela cijele izložbe. Tu je ukusno aranžiran salon Marka Rašice, koji je i na lanjskoj izložbi figurisao sa vrlo dobrim uljnatim krajobrazima i marinama iz Dalmacije. Ovaj put nam se Rašica prestavlja kao grafiker i dekorativni umjetnik, čigov veliki talenat se manifesture u velikim kompozicijama („Princese i zaljubljeni zec“ itd. itd.) Izvedba linije je vanredno elegantna, a cjelokupni utisak slike vrlo preradosan. Njegova djela, osim ovih umjetničkih prednosti, zaslućuju tim srdačniji pozdrav, što u slovensku umjetnost unose ne pto ččisto novoga. Izvrsni su njegovi portreti, za koje je Rašica izumio čisto svoju, novu, sasvim interesantnu tehniku, koja u svojoj jednostavnosti uprav očarava“. „Slovenski Narod“ u br. 128 megju

Današnji dan. Čitav grad ima neobični izgled. Jutros rano muzika je obašla gradske ulice najavljujući početak svečanosti. Sva mjesna društva srpska i hrvatska izvjesiše zastave. Prodavanje je započelo točno jutros u 9 sati. Mnoštvo gospođa i gospođica zaokupljeno je prodajom cvijeća. Prodavaju se umjetne „divlje ruže“. Na uglovima ulice smješteni su paviljoni. Gospođice i gospođe obilaze gradom i nuđaju cvijeće na prodaju svakom prolazniku. Svršila škola, pa čitav grad vrvi veselim učenicima i učenicama. Svak je zakićen cvijećem, čak i tramvaji. Raspoloženje je izvrsno, neki su se okitili čitavim tucetima ruža. Prodavanje će se obustaviti na 12 ½ a nastavit će se u 5 sati. Večeras rasvjeta i koncerat uz bengale i rokete. Svršetkom koncerta završuje i današnji cvijetni dan. U dojdućem broju obavijestit ćemo o rezultatu današnje prodaje. A sad još samo ovo: Narode! Kupuj cvijeće za Tvoju „Družbu“. Kroz dugi niz godina „Družba sv. Ćirila i Metoda“ sustavno je radila, i materinjom brižljivošću čuvala je sitnu djecu Tvoju od tuđinskog gramzioca, zadajala ih vjerom domovinske ćutljivosti, pitala ih hranom – materinske riječi. I priglio si „Družbu“ Tvoju ko mezimče svoje; muževnom riječi zavjerio si se otkidati iz vlastitoga grla a dati „Družbi“ što joj treba, da se brine za dječicu Tvoju, da ih uzgaja, njeguje i čuva, dokle god ti mališavi sokolići ne dobiju u žilama svojim snage života i završe ono plemenito djelo, što no si ga Ti započeo. Danas je „Narodni Blagdan“; danas se slavi uspomena naših apostola braće Ćirila i Metoda. Oni uđoše u naš narod s našom narodnom riječi i posiljaše sjeme kulture i ljubavi među djedove naše. Danas je u Dubrovniku: Cvijetni dan. Čisti prihod namjenjen je Tvojoj „Družbi“. Narode! Kupuj cvijeće! Pomozi malenoj dječici. „Družba“ ti ih odgaja. Prometni iskaz tramwaya. Kroz mjesec Juni tramway je prevalio put od 14.859 kilometara napram 13.695 kilometara lanjske godine istog mjeseca. U Junu je preneseno 59.806. Od. 1 januara do konca juna usve je preneseno 332.575. osoba. Pošta za Italiju. Na odnosni podnesak mjesne Trgovačke Obrtničke Komore c.k. Ravnateljstvo Pošta i Brzojava u Zadru javlja, da je sada zanimanim strankama u Dubrovniku u četvrtak po podne omogućeno predavati na poštu pisma za Italiju, za koja računaju, da će im biti proslijeđena iz Gruža istu večer dubrovačkim parobrodom na pruzi GružBari, sve do sedam sati u večer.

Pile Beach. Our citizen, Mr Šulić, opened his famous “Kolorina” beach to municipal citizens. Pure Red Croatia, 28th June 1913 Dubrovnik News

Another great achievement by academic painter Marko Rašica. At Art Exhibition, just opened in Ljubljana, our diligent academic painter, Mr Marko Rašica, yielded great success just like in Vienna and Leipzig where his work was also exhibited. At this exhibition, Mr Rašica displayed 13 new decorative compositions, portraits and caricatures. All the Slovenian and German critics agree our Marko Rašica takes first place among the remaining 25 exhibiters. Rašica was appointed a separate salon in the pavilion for his paintings. We bring several critiques from Slovenian and German newspapers and which were read with joy: Newspaper “Slovenec” praises his caricatures and compositions and especially highlights his grand decorative work “Per aspera ad astra” (“Through hardships to the stars”). “Laibacher Zeitung”, no.135, writes among else: “The richness of this year’s exhibition is exhibited in the attractive side of the pavilion where the best art work has been presented. This is the tastefully arranged salon for Marko Rašica who, in last year’s exhibition, displayed his amazing oil landscapes and marinas of Dalmatia. This time, Rašica presents himself as a graphic and decorative painter whose great talent is manifested in large compositions (“the Princess and Lovesick Rabbit”, etc, etc). His strokes are exceptionally elegant and the overall impression of his paintings is quite delightful. His paintings, apart from their artistic strength, merit an even warmer hailing as they introduce a new inspiration to Slovenian art. His portraits are even more compelling whereby Rašica invented his own, new and thoroughly interesting technique which, in its simplicity, is absolutely enchanting”. “Slovenski Narod”, no.128, among else says: “Rašica has found new art paths. We sincerely hope his strong, individual talent finds his deserved royalties in Kranj”. The Ljubljana newspaper “Dan” writes more than once, namely in no. 521 and 530, among other notes of praise observes: “In the pavilion to the left quite a large area has been designated to Mr Rašica. Mr Marko Rašica of Dubrovnik descent is exceptionally superb and original in his decorative art, as well as in his drawings for artistic placards. As a caricaturist, he rises far above any of our domicile artists”. We congratulate our fellow citizen on his great success! Red Croatia, 5th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

Today’s “Flower Day”. That which we wished for has come true. Dubrovnik’s gentile ladies and gentlemen are fully engaged in making “Flower Day” a great success. Their enthusiasm is quite enchanting. All was prepared in only eight days; there were meetings, discussions, arrangements, announcements, etc. The result is: Today’s day. The City looks very different. Early this morning, music was heard in each and every street. This morning, the Band played announcing the beginning of festivities. All local societies, both Serbian and Croatian, displayed their flags. Selling of flowers began exactly at 9 o’clock. Many ladies and young girls are engaged in selling flowers. Artificial “wild roses” are also being sold. Pavilions have been placed on street corners. Young girls and ladies are touring the City, offering flowers to the passers-by. School is out, thus the City is abuzz with joyous school children. Flower ornations are everywhere, even on the tramways. Spirits are high; some have even decorated themselves with dozens of roses. Selling will close at 12,30 and continue at 3 pm.

This evening, the City will be illuminated, concerts held followed by flares and rockets. The last concert shall bring today’s Flower Day to an end. We shall inform you on sale results in our next edition. However, just one thing more: Citizens! “Buy flowers for your Brotherhood”. For some time now, the “Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Methodius” has constantly been working to the point of motherly care for protecting babies and small children from outsiders, patiently teaching them of their faith, feeding them – their mother’s words. And you have taken the “Brotherhood” under your wing; in manly words gave your oath to take from yourself and give to the “Brotherhood” that which it needs to take care of your children; to bring them up, nurture and protect them until their veins receive the strength of life and complete the noble work you have begun. Today is a “National Holiday”; today we celebrate the memory of our apostle brothers Cyril and Methodius. They came unto our people with the language of our people and sowed the seeds of culture and love of our ancestors. Today, in Dubrovnik is: Flower Day. The net proceeds go to your “Brotherhood”. Citizens! Buy flowers! Help the little children. The “Brotherhood” is raising them. Tramway’s Transport Statistics. In the month of June, the tramway travelled a distance of 14.859 kilometres against 13.695 kilometres in the same month last year. The number of transferred passengers for June is 59.806. And, from 1st January to the end of June, the number of transferred passengers counted 332.575 persons. Mail to Italy. In reference to request submitted by the local Trades and Crafts Chamber, Directorate of Postal and Telegraph Services in Zadar, for interested parties in Dubrovnik, announce they shall be able to deliver their post on Thursdays till noon for transport to Italy. Delivery shall be effected from Gruž the same evening with Dubrovnik steamship line Gruž-Bari until 7 pm. Pure Red Croatia, 5th July 1913 City Chronicle

Cathedral’s New Altar. After the earthquake in 1667 which destroyed Dubrovnik, not only were private residences repaired but so were several churches where noticeable remnants are still visible. The Cathedral was rebuilt on the old site; an imposing building from the Middle Ages was built by architect Andrea Ruffini from Urbino, baroque-styled with three vestibules and finally opened in 1713. The interior of the church is exceptionally abundant with monumental artistic design. The marble altar is in the left area, while to the right is a mosaic compilation, a masterpiece of artistic baroque architecture from the XVIII century. A large altar, mounted in the last few days, is designed by worthy stonemason Simon. Four slender, red marble columns with decorated capitals support three nave domes which rise to the cornice surrounding the church. The domes and other amenities are built with most disciplined patience out of white marble. This divine artistic work adorns the mid area where Titian’s painting is displayed. Pure Red Croatia, 5th July 1913 City Chronicle

Hail Ruins Fields. Yesterday, around 2 o’clock after midnight, it rained cats and dogs followed by hail; in the vicinity, the size of chicken eggs. Many areas sustained great damage and majority crop fields looked like wastelands. Summarised and as the farmers would say – total destruction. We received news from the Brgat area


Prava Crvena hrvatska 05.07.1913 Gradska kronika.

Novi oltar u stolnoj crkvi. Poslije velikog potresa god. 1667., koji je uništio Dubrovnik, popravilo se je ne samo privatnih kuća, nego i nekoliko crkava, na kojima se opaža slog starijeg vremena. Na istom mjestu gdje se je prije dizala stara stolna crkva, koja je bila prekrasna radnja iz početka srednjeg vijeka, bî sazidana po osnovi Andrije Ruffini iz Urbina crkva Gospina, u baroknom stilu, sa tri „lagje“, koja je bila otvorena god. 1713. Nutarnjost pomenute crkve obiluje umjetnim monumentalnim radnjama. S lijeve strane nalazi se oltar od mramora, a s desne drugi mozaično sastavljeni, pravo remek-djelo umjetnog graditeljstva XVIII. vijeka u stilu starije barokne ornamentacije. Veliki novi oltar, koji je ovih dana postavljen, izragjen je od vrijednog majstora Simon-a. Vitka četiri stupa od crvenog mramora sa uresnim kapitelima, drže trokatni vrh, koji se diže sve do velikoga vijenca što okružuje crkvu. Vrh kao i ostali djelovi izragjeni u najuzornijom strpljivošću od bijelog mramora. Sva ta divna umjetna radnja, resi onaj srednji prostor, na kojemu je postavljena ona krasna Ticijanova slika. Krupa sve u polju uništila. Jučer na 2 sata po pônoći stala je da pada kiša kô iz kabla, a za tijem sasvim krupan gràd; u okolici veći nego li kokošja jaja. Na mnogo je mjesta užasne štete, da je od svih usjeva, povrća i ost. U polju ostala prava pustoš. U jednu riječ, kako nam seljaci kažu, sve je uništeno. Javljaju nam s Brgata, da je i kod njih krupa sve uništila: Stari se ljudi ne sjećaju onako strašna nevremena. Zrna gràda kao najveće kokošje jaje;: istuklo je lozu, sve usjeve i lišće sa stabala. Brgat izgleda kao usred crne zime. Cakla na prozorima sva razbijena, a naslage krupe vide se smrznute kao zimi. Molili bi Općinu, da poduzme shodne korake, e da se ovom nevoljnom narodu pomogne. Upravo nije moguće vjerovati kako je sve uništeno, pak neka se pozvani dogju osvjedočiti o toj prežalosnoj slici, o potpunom uništenju. Eto, ode nam sav krvavi rad, trošak i nada utaman, i jao se našemu težaku ne bude li hitre dovoljne pomoći! O istoj nesreći brzojavljaju nam iz Rijeke dubrovačke, jednako javljajući. Onako strašnu krupu da ni ondje niko ne pamti. Sve je satrano, sva ljetina propala; narod satrven, plaće i kuka. Vapi za pomoć, i nek pomože ko pomoći može. Dubrovački parobrodi. „Presj. Becher“ u Mlecima iskrcava žito. – „Bosanka“ na putu iz Trsta za Brailu, krcat žitom. – „Dubac“ na putu za Rotterdam, krcat rudom. – „Gradac“ na putu iz Mletaka za Solun, krcat sijenom. – „Naprijed“ na putu iz Ravene za Dunav, prazan. – „Prazattus“ na putu iz Driophydosa za Rotterdam, krcat rudom. – „Lapad“ na putu iz Kardifa za Mletke, krcat ugljevljem. – „Istok“ na putu iz Rotterdama za Tržić, krcat ugljevlje. – „Srgj“ na putu iz Tyne za Trst, krcat ugljevljem. – „M. Immaculata“ u Boni krca rudu za Tržić. – „Daksa“, na putu iz Rotterdama za Pulu, krcat ugljevljem. – „Federiko Glavić“ u marianopoli krca žito za Weser.

saying hail has destroyed everything. The older generation do not remember such extreme weather. Hail was the size of chicken eggs; battering the grapevines, crops and tree leaves. Brgat looks like the winter season. Windows are broken and hail piles frozen as in winter. They kindly request Municipality officials to undertake respective steps to help the afflicted farmers. One cannot image the incurred damage and they invite the officials to bear witness of the calamity. There goes all our hard work, investment and hope, and it shall be a sad day for the farmers if no help arrives! This same information was hurriedly dispensed to us from Rijeka dubrovačka. Such a hail storm is not remembered by the area’s elders. Everything is crushed, summer crops ruined; the people devastated. They are crying out for help and may all do so if they can. Dubrovnik steamships. “President Becher” at Venice discharging grain. “Bosanka” departed Trieste for Braila with grain cargo. “Dubac” navigating towards Rotterdam with ore cargo. “Gradac” departed Venice for Thessaloniki with hay cargo. “Naprijed” departed Ravenna for Danube in ballast. “Prazattus” departed Driophydos for Rotterdam with ore cargo. “Lapad” departed Cardiff for Venice with coal cargo. “Istok” departed Rotterdam for Tržić with coal cargo. “Srdj” departed Tyne for Trieste with coal cargo. “M.Immaculata” at Bona loading ore cargo for Tržić. “Daksa” departed Rotterdam for Pula with coal cargo. “Federico Glavić” at

Marianopoli loading grain cargo for Weser. Pure Red Croatia, 12th July 1913 City Chronicle

Flower Day. On Saturday, the day of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, there was a good turnout on Flower Day in our City. Collection went well and above expectation. The women and young ladies who sold flowers in the City and Gruž deserve our gratitude and recognition. Their devotion for the cause brought in over two thousand Kronen to the Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Istria. Thanks to them and our citizens who so graciously bought flowers. Red Croatia, 12th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

Blessing the New Church in Brgat. They wrote: With the endeavours and devotion of our small numbered community, work on the new church is completed. This 26th day of this month, the day of St. Anne, christen name in Brgat, will be ceremoniously blessed and first Mass administered and delivered by a worthy preacher. The outdoor ceremony will possibly be better and more joyous. Dubrovnik Steamship Company purchased the former named steamship “Hungaria” from the Croatian Steamship Company and which is formidable for passengers. The steamship will be delivered already on Wednesday to replace the “Lovrjenac” line Trieste – Gruž – Bari. The steamship will be named “Srebrno” (Silver). News from Župa (Horrific Hail). On the 3rd of this month, at about 2,15 after midnight, an ominous storm with hail thrust itself upon Župa, ceasing after only 15 minutes. This horrific storm is not remembered by Župa residents and especially not in this time of the year when their products are in a delicate stage of development.

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Prava Crvena hrvatska 12.07.1913 Gradska kronika.

Crvena hrvatska 19.07.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

Cvjetni dan. U subotu, na dan ssv. Ćirila i Metoda, po prvi je put u našem gradu obavljen „cvjetni dan“. Sabiranje je uspjelo preko svakog očekivanja. Gospogjice i gospoda, koja su po gradu i Gružu prodavala cvijeće, zaslužuju svake hvale i priznanja. Njihovom požrtvovnošću sabralo se je onog dana od prodatog cvijeća preko dvije hiljade kruna, na korist Družbe ssv. Ćirila i Metoda za Istru. Evala im, kao i građanstva, koje je rado cvijeće kupovalo. Crvena hrvatska 12.07.1913 Dubrovačke vijesti.

Blagoslov nove Crkve na Brgatu. Pišu nam s Brgata: Nastojanjem i požrtvovnosti ovog malobrojnog naroda, napokon je svršena radnja ovomjesne nove crkve. Na 26 ovoga mjeseca, na dan sv. Ane, krsnog imena na Brgatu, biti će svečani blagoslov crkve, te će se u njoj po prvi put reći sv. misa, preko koje će biti prigodni govor jednog vrijednog propovjednika. I vanjska će svečanost biti što je moguće bolja i zabavnija. Dubrovačka parobrodarska plovidba kupila je bivši parobrod „Hungaria“ ug. hrvatskog parobrodarskog društva, koji je, kako je poznato vrlo podesan za putnike. Parobrod će preuzeti već u srijedu u zamjeni „Lovrjenca“ prugu Trst – Gruž - Bari. Zvat će se „Srebrno“.

Dar kneza Lichtensteina. Kako u svoje vrijeme javismo, knez Lichtenstein bio je darovao društvu za unaprijeđenje Dubrovnika i okolice 8000 kruna, za radnju puta kroz Lapad. Trebovnik za izvedbu radnje koju je mislilo izvesti naše društvo, iznosio je 22.000 K. Društvo se je obratilo vladi, da bi i ona nešto dobrinijela kako bi se taj potrebni put mogao sagraditi, ali kako obično, vlada je odbila i nije htjela ništa da pripomogne. (Jer ne bi imala otkle plaćati besposlene detektive! Op. slag.) Da se taj put ipak sagradi, knez Lichtenstein je darovao društvu za unapređenje Dubrovnika i okolice 25.000 kruna. Crvena hrvatska 19.07.1913 Domaće vijesti.

Poštanski ured u Mokošici. U srijedu na 16. srpnja 1913 otvorio je je c.k. poštanski ured u Mokošici. Ovaj će novi poštanski ured biti u svezi dnevno sredstvom pješačke pošte i prevoza lađom sa c.k. poštanskim i brzojavnim uredom u Gružu. Okružju će novog pošt. ureda pripadati sela Mokošica Sustjepan, Petrovo selo i Obuljeno, koja će biti izuzevši Mokošicu i Sustjepan, koja pripadaju mjesnoj dostavi u svezi sa poštanskim uredom u Mokošici sredstvom seoske pošte šest puta na sedmicu. Narodni List, 19.07.1913.

Iz Župe (Strašna krupa). Na 3. o. mj. u 2¼ ure po ponoći, razvila se je velika oluja nad Župom sa gradom, koji je padao za 15 minuta. Bila je to strašna oluja, kakvu ljudi ne pamte, a najgore je, što se zbila u ovo doba od godine, kada su svi poljski proizvodi nježni i u razvitku. Uništio je grad, negdje manje negdje više, sve proizvode u cijeloj Župi za pet šest dijela ploda i baš kao da je htio uništiti samo Župu došao je samo do Plata i dalje nije prošao. Šteta, što je uslijed ovog bića Župa pretrpjela, računa se na K 300.000. narod kuka i vapi pomoći, a pomoć od kuda da mu dogje? Već unaprijeda znade, da ni c.k. Vlada ni drugi faktori ne će nadoknaditi ne samo gubiš, no znade, da ni korisne pomoći ne će mu pružiti. Vlada pomaže ondi, gdje joj je po ćudi više puta, a ne ondi, gdje bi morala, o tome imamo dovoljno iskustvo. Za Župu g. 1913, uprav je fatalna godina, pa fataliste s pravom kažu, da trinaesta ne može biti dobra. Udarce, što je Župa u ovoj godini primila, taki su, da za mnogo godina neće se moći oporaviti: mobilizacija ljudi i živitna u doba najveće radnje u maju, kad kod kuće nije ostalo ni staro – osobiti dar učinjen samo ovome kraju – dizanje tovarnih životinja, koje do sada nijesu se zamijenile, niti se mogu zamijeniti, jer se nemadu od kuda ni nabaviti; pa kao da nije sve ovo dosta, eto nam i elementarnog biča, koji u ¼ sata bio je kadar uništiti krvavi težački trud od cijele godine, izveden pod žarkim suncem, zimom, kišom i vjetrima, a da pri tome je morao i gladovati. Da je težaku najteže, najbolji je dokaz to, da nitko se rado ne prihvaća motike, nego od motike ide se rado na druge radnje. U naprednijem državama težak je nešto više zaštićen raznim zakonima i institucijama, dočim amo kod nas prepušten je vlastitoj sreći!

Upiti zast. Jurja Biankinia. Narodni zastupnici Juraj Biankini i drugovi prikazaše u sjednici dne 19.lipnja 1913 zastupničke kuće carev. vijeća Bečina ministra trgovine slijedeča dva upita: Lukobran pod Orašcem. Preuzvišenosti! Orašac, u političkom kotaru dubrovačkom, sjedište je istoimene obćine, pučke škole, župničkog ureda, poštarskobrzojavnog ureda, štacija je šest puta na sedmicu parobrodarske pruge „Obalne dubrovačke plovidtbe“ itd. itd. Ali što je osobito važno, u Orašcu se liepo razvija uljarska obrtnost: pripravlja se fino maslinovo ulje. U mjestu imade više tvornica, i na paru i na benzinu, koje svake godine izrade više hiljada hektolitara toga ulja. Ta važna industrija još više bi se razvila, kada bi Orašac imao bolje pristanište za trgovačko-pomorske operacije. Otrag deset dogina dograđjen je u istinu pod Orašcem komad lukobrana, ali je sasvim malašan i nedostatan. Dug je samo 30 metara! Pošto je pak obala Orašca izložena vjetrovima na otvorenom moru, 30 metara lukobrana ne mogu da dovoljno štite ni domaće brodice, a kamo li da dadu siguran pristup trgovačkim parobrodima za dotične operacije. Po prvobinom nacrtu godine 1902. koji se još nalazi kod lučkog poglavarstva u Dubrovniku, lukobran pod Orašcem imao je biti dug 65 metara, te je u tu svrhu pučanstvo velikim žrtvama i dalo doprinos od 2000 kruna. Dogradnja lukobrana pod Orašcem, odgodjena otrag deset godina s razloga štednje, danas je od prieke nužde, ako se hoće sa strane c.k. vlade i malo poduprieti napredak uljarske industrije u ovom važnom predjelu. S toga se smatramo dužnim upitati Vašu Preuzvišenost: I. Je li Vaša Preuzvišenost voljna narediti, da se lukobran pod Orašcem dogradi po temeljnom prvobitnom nacrtu, što se nalazi kod c. k. lučkog poglavarstva u Dubrovniku i za koji je zanimano pučanstvo doprinielo

The hail destroyed, more or less, all products planted and/or sown in Župa and, as if this wasn’t enough, the storm moved across the sky to Plat and no further. The damaged incurred to Župa by this monstrosity roughly amounts to 300.000 Kronen. The locals are stunned and desperate for help. But from where shall such help emerge? The locals already know the esteemed royal government, nor others will respond to their cries for assistance. As in the past, whimsical decisions of the Government have always overridden those where help is needed most. 1913 is far the most fatal year for Župa and, as fatalists would comment, the number thirteen can never bring any good. Blows inflicted to Župa in this year will take many years to repair by: mobilising the locals during the month of May when most needed; when even there are no working donkeys – requisitioned – and never returned; nor have they surplus funds to purchase them. And if this isn’t enough, along comes this monstrosity and, in fifteen minutes, destroys our whole year’s hard work diligently carried out under the scorching sun, in winter, rain and winds, only to starve in the end. The land workers have it the hardest since no one wants to work with a spade, only the opposite. In more developed countries, the land workers are protected by various laws and institutions while here, they are left to their own ill luck! Red Croatia, 19th July 1913 Dubrovnik News

Prince Lichtenstein’s Donation. As earlier reported, the Prince of Lichtenstein donated 8000 Kronen to the Society for Promotion of Dubrovnik and its Surroundings for building a road to Lapad. The cost evaluation of the Society amounted to 22.000 Kronen. The Society turned to the government whether it would be willing to contribute the difference in order the road may be built. But, as usual, the government refused this request. (Since it wouldn’t have the resources for funding idle detectives! Op.a.) For this road to be built all the same, Prince Lichtenstein donated 25.000 Kronen to the Society for Promotion of Dubrovnik and its Surroundings. Red Croatia, 19th July 1913 City News

Post Office in Mokošica. On Wednesday, 16th July 1913, a new post office in Mokošica was opened. This new post office will deal with daily delivery of mail on foot and transfer by boat from the Post and Telegraph Office in Gruž. The villages, gravitating to the new port office, are Mokošica, Sustjepan, Petrovo Selo and Obuljeno which shall, except for Mokošica and Sustjepan, receive mail six days a week. National Newspaper, 19th July 1913

Queries set forth by Representative Jurja Biankini. The People’s representative Jurja Biankini and colleagues set forth two queries at meeting on 19th June 1913 to the Minister of Trade of the Czar’s House of Representatives Council, namely: Orašac Breakwater.

Illustrious! Orašac, in the political municipality of Dubrovnik, is the seat of this named municipality, elementary school, rectory, post and telegraph office, home

port six days a week for the steamship line “Obalna dubrovačka plovidba”, etc, etc. That which is more important, olive oil production in Orašac is developing to satisfaction. This place has several manufactures; both on steam and fuel, and deliver thousands of hectolitres of olive oil. This important industry could be developed even further should Orašac have a more effective wharf for commercial purposes. Some ten years ago, a breakwater was built in Orašac, however, it is too small and ineffective. It is only 30 metres in length. Bearing in mind, the shore in Orašac is exposed to open sea winds, a 30 metre breakwater is insufficient to protect domestic boats let alone bear safe haven for commercial steamships. Initial draft dates back to 1902 and which can still be found at the office of the Harbour Master in Dubrovnik whereby the breakwater was planned to be 65 metres and, to this purpose, the locals put aside their hard-earned money and thus managed to collect 2000 Kronen. Supplementing Orašac breakwater, postponed some ten years ago due to economic circumstances, is absolutely vital; and thus our esteemed government should be kindly inclined to support the development of our olive oil production. We feel it our duty to ask Your Excellency: 1. Would Your Excellency be inclined to order the Orašac breakwater be rebuilt pursuant to original draft held at the Harbour Master Office in Dubrovnik and towards which the interested parties collected 2000 Kronen? 2. Bearing in mind the importance of the breakwater, especially in respect to olive oil production, would Your Excellency be inclined to order the financial amount required to supplement Orašac breakwater be included in the budget for 1914 thus to be put into effect in the budget year? Red Croatia 19th July 1913 Minor Chronicle

I dreamt I was once again in the Rector’s Palace. How things have changed since they sent me to Vienna. The interior is nothing like I remember and I feel I am in someone else’s house. I managed to recognise a young government official who had just arrived from Zadar since two are not allowed. I remember him well from there, even noticed him on the Zadar seafront when I was passing by. He was walking up and down, speaking a strange language which I could not understand fully only fragments: when I return to Dubrovnik, I shan’t regale with anyone except state officials. O, small, insignificant person, an essence for compassion. So low-spirited! Wanting to be uncurbed so no one would take notice. Hope is not lost even he shall adjust. O, thickskinned! Miho National Newspaper, 23rd July 1913

New Bukovac Painting. We saw a reproduction of the beautiful new painting by Bukovac in the window of the Croatian Bookstore and which, besides the backdrop at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, is his largest work. It represents the development of Croatian culture and is designated to decorate the hall in the new University Library in Zagreb. The painting depicts the temple of glory where the Goddess Minerva dwells with her pretty muses of various skills. In the Hall of Fame, the artist gathered the most prominent individuals involved in the founding of Croatian culture such as, among many others, Lukijan of Lovran, Marulić, Drašković, Julije Klovio, P. Zrinski, Getalić, Baljivi, Gundulić, Bošković, Šenoa, Lisinski, Vraz, Preradović, Rački and so on. The painting covers an area of 11 metres in length and 4.38 in height. The figures all stand in natural size, painted in brilliant colour thus being more effective. We congratulate our famous artist on his new masterpiece.




svotu od 2000 kruna? II. Obzirom na važnost ovog lukobrana, osobito za industriju maslinovog ulja, je li Vaša Preuzvišenost voljna narediti, da se svota potrebita za dogradnju lukobrana pod Orašcem uvrsti u državni proračun godine 1914 i da se još iste godine izvede? Crvena hrvatska 19.07.1913 Mala kronika.

Snjelo mi se da san jope u kneževom dvoru. I koliko se tezijeh stvari promijenulo otkad su me prinijeli u Vijenu. Deboto je intijer persono drugi, nikoga nijesam pripozno, paralo mi se da sam u tugjon kući. Arivo sam pripoznat mladoga governatura što je arivo iz Zadra, perke u Zadru ne služu dva. Dobro ga se spominjem i od tamo. Vidio san ga na rivi u Zadru, gjusto kad san bijo od pasagja. Šeto ti se gorin dolin, govorio je tudeški, ma kako ti dobro ne razumijem, uhitio san ga eppure nešto: kad podjem u Dubrovnik neću s nikijen tratat nego samo s ofičalima od stata magjore. Povero diavolo, roba za konpatiškat. Kako je aveliškan ! Mislio je činit furore, pa ga niko ni ne obada. Nije izgubjena speranca da se neće i on aklimatizat. Jesu i boje face ! Miho. Narodni List, 23.07.1913.

Nova Bukovčeva slika. Vidjeli smo u izlogu Hrv. knjižarnice reprodukciju krasne nove Bukovčeve slike, koja je, uz poznati zastor hrv. pozorišta u Zagrebu, njegova najveća slika. Ona predstavlja razvoj hrvatske kulture, a namjenjena je za dekoraciju dvorane u novoj zgradi Sveučilišne Biblioteke u Zagrebu. Slika prikazuje hram slave, u kom stanuje božica Minerva sa svojim ubavim drugaricama, muzama raznih vještina. U hramu slave okupio je umjetnik, kao na nekom idealnom zboru, iztaknutije ličnosti koje imahu udjela u osnivanju hrvatske prosvjete, kao što su, izmedju ostalih, Lukijan od Lovrane, marulić, Drašković, Julije Klovio, P. Zrinski, Getaldić, Baljivi, Gundulić, Bošković, Šenoa, Lisinski, Vraz, Preradović, Rački itd. Slika obuhvata 11 met. u dužini naprema 4.38 u visini. Figure su u njoj sve u vrhunaravnoj veličini, izradjena u briljantnim bojama, koje su od najvećeg efekta. Slavnom umjetniku čestitamo na ovom novom remek-djelu. Prava Crvena hrvatska 26.07.1913 Gradska kronika.

Otvor državne trgovačke škole u Dubrovniku. Upraviteljstvo trgovačke škole usavršavanja javlja nam, da će se početkom nove školske godine otvoriti pripravni tečaj i prvi razred dvorazredne državne trgovačke škole u Dubrovniku. Potanje obavijesti dobivaju se kod upraviteljstva. Rok za upisivanje i uvjeti biti će javljeni na svoje vrijeme kroz novine. Toliko na znanje roditeljima. Dar kneza Lichtensteina. Vijest o daru kneza Lichtensteina, izašla u prošlom broju našega lista, i ako je s izvora kome se moralo povjerovati, nije tačna u toliko u koliko se kod vlade nije ni tražila pomoć. S kompetentna nas mjesta ovako izvješćuju: Kad je bio svršen Lichtensteinov put, g. knez opazio je da bi mogao biti bolji, te je odredio da dade Društvu za unapređenje Dubrovnik još 8000 kruna za popravke. Mjesni gosp. poglavar obratio se g. knezu molbom da se put bolje načini, i za takvu radnju da trebovnik iznosi 22.000 K. Na to je knez Lichtenstein darovao 25.000 K.

Crvena hrvatska 02.08.1913

Za promet stranaca. Ugledno društvo braće Čeha u našem gradu „Česka Beseda“ poslala je u Samostatnost jedan dopis kojim nastoji da razuvjeri Čehe o nekim predubjeđenjima, te da ih što više privuče k nama na jug. Ovaj čin poštovane uprave „Česke Besede“ zaslužuje svako priznanje i zahvalnost. Taj dopis iz Dubrovnika glasi: Potrebno je upozoriti na lažno i škodljivo raširivanje vijesti o slavenskim kupalištima u Dalmaciji specijalno u Dubrovniku. Na ovamošnju „Češku besedu“ i ostale naše zemljake stižu upiti, da li je ovdje mnogo vojništva, da li su hoteli prepunjeni časništvom itd. itd. Budući uzrokom ovih upita može biti neznanje ili također i hotimično škođenje jugoslavenskim kupalištima na korist Nijemaca, jer koji posvema potaknuti izložbom „Adrija“ u Beču i Bahrovom propagirajućom „Putem do Dalmacije“. Javlja „Česka Beseda“, da posjetiocima Dubrovnika pruža se potpuna i ničim ne smetana zgoda, upotrebiti jug. kupališta, kupanjem i stanovanjem koli u privatnim stanovima toli u hotelima, veoma dobro uređenim i razmjerno jeftinim, te da su sve slične vijesti koje se šire među českom javnošću izmišljenje i netemeljite. Ne možemo dakle drugo već preporučiti onima, koji hoće svoj dopust pametno i uspješno za svoje zdravlje upotrebiti, da bez ikakvog straha putuje na jug, gdje će biti od naših zemljaka i jugoslavenskih prijatelja srdačno primljeni i gdje će im se u svakom pogledu doći, koliko je god moguće, u susret. Svaka bojazan u stvari gori označenom nije nikako obrazložena te Vas zato možemo sa mirnom savješću mi, koji ovdje živemo pozvati na Jug. „Posjećujte sunčanu Adriju i jačajte svojim posjetom svoju slavensku braću“!. Prava Crvena hrvatska 02.08.1913 Gradska kronika.

Yacht „Cowalla“. Ovih je dana boravio u gruškoj luci egipatski yacht „Cowalla“, po zapovjedništvom kap. P. Malneplione sa 24 mornara. Pripada luci Aleksandrija. Na brodu je 5 putnika meg ju kojim i vlasnik Somala Pascia. Dogodilo se – čudo!! Mjestni gostioničar g. Leso K . kupio dva vellika mijeha vina, i poslao po dvojici bremenara, da izliju u jednu ovišu bačvu u njegovom magazinu u ulici „Prijekoga“. Po podne poslao djevojku u magazina, da donese vina. Ova se presenećena povrati nazad, da u bačvi vina nema. Trči, traži bremenare, a ovi se kunu i zaklinju, navag jaju i svjedoke, da su vino donijeli, ulili u bačvu i magazin opet dobro zaključali! Čude se, pitaju, ispituju, ali vina nema ter nema! Trgovac vinom g. B.S. pošalje slugu, da mu iz magazina na „Prijekome“ donese iz bačve bijelog vina, zvanog „grka“. Otvori magazin, dog je do bačve i stade da toči. Kad nùti čuda: bilo je vino bijelo, a sad crno, i nije bilo nego pô bačve a sad skoro prepuna! Čudi se on, čudi mu se i gospodar! Ko da to protumači? Čudo i ništa drugo nego – čudo! Evo što je na stvari: oba su magazina jednaka, slična vrata, u istoj ulici, i slučaj je htio da jedan te isti ključ otvara oba magazina! Bremenari mješte ući u prvi magazin, ušli u drugi i naravno po nalogu ulili u bačvu! Sad je trgovcu bijelo vino pokvareno, u istu bačvu „grk “ nemože više ni uliti, da ne izgubi boju i ukus, i stoga traži oštetu. Nadogiše se, i g. Leso K . kupio i bačvu i u njoj pomiještano crno i bijelo vino!

Pure Red Croatia, 26th July 1913 City Chronicle

Opening of State Trade School. The Management of the Trade School informs a preparatory course and first class of a two class State Trade School in Dubrovnik will be open beginning of school year. Detailed information will be given by the Management. Enrolment and conditions will be listed in the newspaper. May the parents be advised! Red Croatia, 26th July 1913 City Chronicle

Prince Lichtenstein’s Donation. The news of Prince Lichtenstein’s donation was brought in our earlier edition and, if our source can be trusted, Government assistance was not asked. We received information from a competent source as follows: When the Lichtenstein Road was completed, the Prince thought it could be better and so decreed the Society for the Promotion of Dubrovnik receive 8000 Kronen for renovation. The Municipal Superior petitioned the Prince for road improvement at which time submitted a cost estimate in the amount of 22.000 Kronen. To which the Prince donated 25.000 Kronen.

innkeeper there is no wine in the barrel. In frenzy, the innkeeper goes to find the wine carriers and they, in turn, promise and swear and even name witnesses they delivered the wine and transfused it into the barrel then locking the storehouse! Amazed, questioning themselves and retracing their moves can not believe the wine is not there! Wine trader, Mr B.S., sent his servant to his storehouse on Prijeko Street to fetch a barrel of white wine called “Grk”. Opening the storehouse, he approaches the barrel and opens the tap. What a surprise: the wine once white is now red! Even the barrel, once half full is now full! The servant is bewildered and so is the wine trader! How to explain this situation? A miracle and nothing else – a miracle!

Red Croatia, 2nd August 1913

Attracting Tourists. The prominent Association of Czechs in our city “Češka Beseda” sent a letter to Samostatnost (op. Independence) wishing to dissuade Czechs of possible prejudices distracting them to visit the south. This act of the esteemed management of the “Češka Beseda” deserves recognition and gratitude. This letter from Dubrovnik stipulates: It is necessary to draw your attention to false and damaging rumours on Slavic beaches in Dalmatia and especially in Dubrovnik. Our countrymen and this newspaper, “Češka Beseda” is receiving many queries whether there are many soldiers here, whether the hotels accommodate many officers, etc, etc. Being that consequences of these queries may infer ignorance and/or intentional harmfulness to Yugoslavian beaches in favour of the Germans instigated by the “Adria” Exhibition in Vienna and Bahro’s propagating “Travelling to Dalmatia”. The “Češka Beseda” informs visitors to Dubrovnik they may enjoy the south to its full and pleasurable extent. Beaches, swimming and living as much as in private and hotel accommodations and which are delightfully furnished and relatively inexpensive, whereby any information falling upon the ears of Czech citizens to the contrary is a fabrication and groundless. We cannot but only recommend to those who wish to spend their holiday wisely and pleasantly healthwise, may do so without fear of travelling south where they shall be welcomed by our local people and Yugoslavian friends and who shall be at their disposal to any reasonable extent. Any fears pertaining to above said fail argumentation and thus we, with a clear mind, extend our invitation to visit us. “Visit sunny Adria thus empowering your Slavic brothers with your visit!” Pure Red Croatia, 2nd August 1913 City Chronicle

Yacht “Cowalla”. Egyptian yacht “Cowalla” moored in Gruž harbour for several days now, under the command of Capt Malneplione and 24 crewmembers. Port of Registry Alexandria. There are five passengers aboard among which the owner Somala Pascia. Pure Red Croatia, 2nd August 1913 City Chronicle

Miracles – Happen!!! The local innkeeper, Mr Leso K., purchased two large wine animal skin vessels and sent two of his wine carriers to transfuse the contents into a large barrel in the innkeeper’s storehouse on Prijeko Street. In the afternoon, he sent a girl to the storehouse to fetch the wine. Bewildered, the girl returns to the tavern and tells the

Here’s what happened: both storehouses are identical – same doors, in the same street and, as chance would have it – the same key opens both storehouses! The wine carriers, instead of going into the first storehouse, went into the second storehouse and, as directed, transfused the wine into the barrel! Now the wine trader’s white wine is worthless and now even the “Grk” barrel is useless since the white wine loses its colour and taste and, for this, the wine trader shall claim compensation. Mr Leso K. rose to the situation, bought a barrel and mixed both white and red wine in it! Pure Red Croatia, 14th August 1913

A Large Electro-Cinema was opened this afternoon in Čingrija Street. We draw attention to the advertisement in today’s edition. Pure Red Croatia, 06th September 1913 Dubrovnik News

A 30th Anniversary. Today marks the 30th anniversary of hearing sweet Croatian words spoken at the Diet of Istria. In 1883, our renowned patriot Dr. Matko Laginja was the first person to speak in the Croatian language to which the Italians from the gallery raised a tremendous fuss. Mr Laginja paid no attention to this and continued his speech demonstrating this unlawful language choice made in Pazin. Pure Red Croatia, 13th September 1913 City Chronicle

School year at School for Training Apprentices began on 16th September at 7 o’clock in the evening, while student enrolment shall be at the administration of the Civic School on 13th, 14th and 15th September from 8 to 11 o’clock in the morning. Each student is obliged to pay an admittance fee of 2 Kronen for utensils. This school must be attended by all apprentices and journeymen, presently staying in the city, and who have not completed any similar school.




Prava Crvena hrvatska 14.08.1913

Veliki Elektro-Bioskop u „Čingrijinoj“ ulici otvara se danas poslije podne. Svraćamo pažnju na oglas u današnjem broju. Prava Crvena hrvatska 06.09.1913 Domaće vijesti.

Jedna 30-godišnjica. Ovih dana navršila se je trideset-godišnjica, da su se u istarskom saboru u jednom govoru prvi put čule slatke hrvatske riječi: god. 1883. progovorio je vrli rodoljub dr. Matko Laginja prvi put hrvatski, na što talijanaši s galerije podigoše silnu galamu. On se nije dao omesti, već i nadalje govorio, dokazujući nezakonitost ondašnjih izbora u Pazinu.

Učenici sa tri razreda gimnazije valja da naprave prijamni ispit iz njemačkoga, a oni iz gragjanskih škola iz svih predmeta što se uče u pripravnom razredu dvorazredne trgov. Škole (po naučnoj osnovi). Svaki učenik kod upisivanja valja da je praćen od roditelja ili skrbnika, da donese jedan primjerak „Nationale“ redovito popunjen, krštenicu i posljednju svjedodžbu. Osim toga valja da plati svaki 5 kr. za upisninu a 5 za učila posljednju svjedodžbu. Osim toga valja da plati svaki 5 kr. za upisninu a 5 za učila. Oni učenici, koji ne pripadaju ovoj poli monarhije, plaćaju upisnine 15 kr. a 10 za učila. Školarina za svaki semestar iznosi 20 kr. Oni koji ne pripadaju ovoj poli monarhije plaćaju dvostruku školarinu. Upisivanje u trgovačku školu usavršavanja (za trgovačke namještenike) bit će od 9. Septembra do konca mjeseca u istoj zgradi svaki dan od 12 – 1. školarina na semestar 10 kruna. Za I. razred zahtjeva se otpusna svedodžba osnovne škole i da je učenik navršio 13.u godinu. – U Dubrovniku, 3. Septembra 1913. – Upraviteljstvo.

Gradska kronika.

Školska godina u školi usavršavanja za šegrta započet će na 16. septembra na 7 ura poslije podne, a upisivanje učenika bit će u upraviteljstvru gragjanske škole dne 13, 14, i 15. septembra od 8 do 11 ura prije podne. Svaki učenik treba da plati pri upisivanju 2 K za učila. Na pohagjanje ove škole obavezani su svi šegrti i kalfe, što se nalaze u ovome gradu, a nijesu dovršili sličnu školu. Otvor muške pučke i gragjanske škole. Školska godina 1913.-14. započet će u muškoj pučkoj i gragjanskoj školi na 16. septembra. Toga dana na 9 sati u jutro bit će u crkvi sv. Roka svečana služba božja, na koju su dužni doći svi učenici. Upisivanje učenika bit će 13., 14. i 15. septembra od 8 do 11 sati u jutro u upraviteljstvu gragjanske škole. Dosadašnji učenici dosta da se prikažu sa zadnjom školskom obavijesti ili svjedodžbom. C.K. Trgovačka škola u Dubrovniku. Velikom radošću pozdravljamo ostvarenje ove toli potrebne škole u našem gradu, što se je ima godina i godina živo zagovaralo, da bi se oživotvorila, na neprocjenjivu korist našeg grada i okolice. O tome primamo ovaj proglas: Upisivanje u drćavnu dvorazrednu trgovačku pkolu sa pripravnim tečajem u Dubrovniku započet će 9. Septembra u 11 sati prije podne u kući br. 531 u ulici „Izmegju bačvara“ naprama pravoslavnoj crkvi. Radi tehničkih radnja i nabave namještaja poučavanje ne može da započne prije 1.oga Oktobra o.g., stoga upisivanje trajat će sve do konca septembra svaki dan od 11-12 sati prije podne u pomenutoj zgradi kod upraviteljstva škole. Eventualni prijamni ispiti obavit će se odmah iza upisa ili sutradan, za lakše ravnanje roditelja ili skrbnika.

Ulicu „Gradac“ napokon ponapravljaju, ali kako! Svu sovrnju nagrnuli su ispod stepenica, pak ako onako ima ostati, bolje da su ostavili kako je i bilo, jer bi se ono zvalo uzalud trošiti, pošto će s prvom kišom bit kakva je i prije „popravljanja“ bila. Dok ju se god ne pokaldrma, barem sa žalom, sve će biti uzalud. Prava Crvena hrvatska 13.09.1913 Domaće vijesti.

Hrvatska je vlada raspisala natječaj na 130 učiteljskih mjesta. U Hrvatskoj je opća oskudica učiteljskih sila, pa stoga niti na ovaj natječaj nije bilo odaziva. Ali da nijseu plate mizerne, i te kako da bi ih bilo! Gradska kronika.

Požar. U četvrtak pobjed nastao je prilično jak požar u najgornjem spratu jedne kuće u ulici „Izmegju Polača“. Sreća da se je za vremena opazilo, te pomoću osobito redara Roščića i Pedrini, braće Tolentino, P. Perić i ost., a u to hvalevrijedno dotrčaše vojnici, i vatra bje u brzo utrnuta. Štete je kako čujemo oko 3.000 kruna.Kuća je osjegurana kod društva „Assicurazioni generale“, a pokućstvo kod „Riunione Adriatica“. I ovom prigodom opazilo se je, da mjesno „vatrogasno društvo“ opstoji – na papiru. I tu kao da bi se obistinila ona – u veče trista, u jutro ništa! Da je onaj požar u noći buknuo, bio bi pretvoren u pepeo čitav niz kuća. A koliko li je bilo pisanije o „ustrojenom“ vatrogasnom društvu! Kao što smo već jednom iznijeli, od naših se radnika i nemože zahtjevati da svoje radnje napuštaju, živote pogibiji izlažu, odijela i crevlje troše, pa im se sve to ne prizna niti najmanjom oštetom, kao što nijesu niti novčića primili za sva duga dva dana i dvije noći što su u teškom radu i pogibiji bili sproveli na Lopudu, kad je onamo hrao šumu strašan požar. Prava Crvena hrvatska 20.09.1913 Iz glazbenog svijeta.

U pripravni tečaj mogu stupiti oni učenicii te su navršili 13.u godinu (ili je navršuju do konca sunčane godine) i s uspjehom polože prijamni ispit iz nastavnog jezika, računice, geometrije i geografije u opsegu znanja potpune pučke (osnovne) škole. U I. Razred primaju se učenici od 14 godina te su s dobrim uspjehom svrtšili tri odnosno četiri razreda kojega srednjeg učilišta (gimnazije ili realke), ili dva pripravna razreda nautike ili potpunu gragjansku školu.

Slavni Giaccomo Puccini odabrao je za svoj ljetni boravak Viareggio, lijepo toskansko kupalište, te se tamo bavi raznim športovima i gastronomijom, a glazbom malo. Gradska kronika.

Engleški putnici. U ponedjeljak jutro prispio je u grušku luku veliki engleški parobrod „Mantua“, od 10.885 tona čista, pod zapovjedništvom kaš. I. W. Vibert, sa 342 osobe ekipaža. Pripada luci Grinock. Na

Opening of male primary and civic secondary schools. School year 1913/1914 shall open on 16th September. Today, a service shall be held at the Church of St. Roch (or Rocco) at 9 o’clock in the morning and attendance is mandatory for all students. Student enrolment will be on the 13th, 14th 15th of September, from 8 to 11 o’clock in the morning at the administration office of the secondary school. Prior students may submit the last school information note or grade report. C.C. Trade School in Dubrovnik. We wholeheartedly congratulate the opening of this, highly required, school in our city the idea of which has been spoken of over many years and now comes to life bearing great significance for our city and its surroundings. We have received this announcement which reads: Enrolment in this state, two-year trade school with preparatory course in Dubrovnik shall open on 9th September at 11 o’clock in the morning at address 531 “Between Barrels” Street opposite the Orthodox Church. For technical reasons and purchase of furniture, the school shall begin on 1st October this year; thus enrolment is to be completed until the end of September, every day from 11-12 o’clock in the morning at the administration office of the school. Possible entrance examination shall be sat for immediately following enrolment or the next day, for easier reference of parents and school children. The preparatory course may be attended by students who have turned 13 years of age (or shall turn by the end of the year) and who have passed the entrance examination of home class subject, mathematics, geometry and geography pursuant to primary school curriculum. The I grade shall accommodate students of 14 years of age and who have completed the three or four grades of a secondary school (gymnasium or secondary schools) with good grades, or two grades of preparatory nautical school or all grades in a civic school. Students with completed three grades of gymnasium shall sit for an entrance examination of the German language while those from civic schools on all subjects as taught in preparatory class at the 2 year trade school. Every enrolling student is obliged to be accompanied by a parent or guardian and to bring with them a “Nationale” (Citizenship) document properly filled in, birth certificate and completed grade report from the last class. Also, an enrolment fee of 5 Kronen is to be paid and an additional 5 Kr for school supplies. Those students who are not from this monarchy shall pay an enrolment fee of 15 Kr and 10 Kr for school supplies. Tuition fee for each semester is 20 Kr. For those outside this monarchy shall pay a double tuition fee. For enrolment in trade school for additional training (trade employees) shall begin 9th September to the end of the month, in the same building every day from 12 until 1 o’clock. Semester school fee is 10 Kr. For I grade students, a completed primary school certificate is required as well a verification the student has turned 13 years of age. – In Dubrovnik, 3rd September 1913 – Administration Office “Gradac” Street is finally being repaired, but how! Sand has been piled up beneath the steps and, if it is to be left like that, then it would be better if nothing had been done at all as this would be called “all in vain” and since the first rain would bring this phase to the one prior “repair”. Until cobble is placed, at least with gravel, all else is useless.

Pure Red Croatia, 13th September 1913 Dubrovnik News

The Croatian government announced a bid for 130 teachers. Croatia lacks a teacher workforce and, as such, not even one submitted an application. If their salaries were not so low, the government would not be in this predicament! City Chronicle

Fire. On Thursday afternoon, quite an extreme fire was observed on the top floor of a house in the “Between Palaces” Street. It was a good thing it was seen in time and, with the help of police officers Roščić, Pedrini, Tolentino brothers, P.Perić and others, as well as with the commendable assistance of the army, the fire was quickly put out. Damages, as we hear, are in the region of approximately 3.000 Kr. The house was insured by insurance companies “Assicurazioni Generale” while the furniture by “Riunione Adriatica”. And on this occasion also, we note the local fire department only exist – on paper. This goes for the saying: “in the evening three hundred, in the morning not a one!” Had the fire started during the night, a complete row of houses would have been burnt to ashes. O, how many articles on been written on the “organised” fire department! As presented in earlier article, we can not demand our workers to abandon their shops, expose their lives to danger, wear out their clothes and shoes and, for all this, receive no remuneration, just as they never received any compensation for two days and two nights under duration while on the island of Lopud when a forest fire was ablaze. Pure Red Croatia, 20th September 1913 From the music world

The famous composer Giacomo Puccini chose Viareggio for his summer vacation, a beautiful Tuscany seaside resort where he played various sports and acquainted himself with the local gastronomy and also spent some time composing. City Chronicle

English passengers. On Monday morning, a large English steamship named “Mantua” arrived in Gruž. The steamship’s net tonnage is 10.885, under the command of Capt. I.W.Vibert with 342 crewmembers. The steamship’s port of registry is Grinock. The ship sails with 350 passengers on board from England. They sailed from Corfu and stopped off in the Bay of Kotor. Toured our city and surrounding areas, etc., and many toured Župa in Mlini, Rijeku dubrovačku by horse drawn carriages. They departed on Tuesday afternoon to visit Dalmatia, from there to Venice then on to Algeria. Pure Red Croatia, 27th September 1913 City Chronicle

Electric tramway to “St. Jacob” street. On the initiative of busy Capt. Božo Banac in order the electric tramway extend its line from Pile (behind the city) to Ploče at road crossing leading to St. Jacob, several dedicated citizens got together to agree on how preliminary works could be finished sooner and given under concession. For this purpose, a large amount of funds have been donated. The electric tramway has already contributed to improving the Ploče area where there are many new houses and palaces, Hotel Odak, headquarters of the 16th Military corps, etc., and, by introducing the tramway in this area, many others would




brodu putuje 350 što gospogja što gospode, iz Engleške. Prispjeli su iz Krfa i svratili se u Boku Kotorsku. Obašli su naš grad, predgragje i t.d., a mnogo ih je bilo otišlo u kočijama do naše Župe, u Mline, te u dubr. Rijeku. Otputovali su u utorak o podne, da razgledaju Dalmaciju; onda će u Mletke pak put Alžira. Prava Crvena hrvatska 27.09.1913 Gradska kronika.

Električni tramvaj do ceste „Sv. Jakoba“. Na poticao zauzetnog g. kap. Boža vit. Banca, da bi se opseg električnog tramvaja produžio s Pila putem iza grada, an Ploče do raskršća ceste, koja vodi u „Sv. Jakob“, sastala se ovih dana nekolicina požrtvovnih gragjana, da se prliminarne radnje što brže izvedu, uz postignuće koncesije. U tu svrhu već je sakupljena prilična svota. Električni tramvaj znatno bi doprinio unapregjenju predjela Ploča, gdje je i sada dosta novih kuća i palača, Hôtel Odak, zapovjedništvo 16. vojnog zbora i ost., a kad bi bio elektr. tramvaj tad bi se i mnogi drugi odlučili, da grade kuće po Pločama i na onom krasnom položaju predjela „Sv. Jakoba“. Dužnost je svakome gragjaninu, da u koliko može doprinese na oživotvorenje ove pohvalne i po grad vrlo korisne nemisli. Najobljim nam je dokazom, koliko se je unapredio Gruž, Lapad, i koliko je novih kuća i palača otkad je stupio u promet elektr. tramvaj, stoga svim se srcem zauzmimo, da se ostvari i gore istaknuta namisao, a na korist svega Dubrovnika. Prava Crvena hrvatska 27.09.1913 Tamo-amo po svijetu.

Veselja dan je uvijek dan vučenja za onoga, koji kupi tursku srećku te njome pogodi jednog izmegju glavnih zgoditaka po 400.000 ili 200.000 franaka. Takav će dan opet biti već 1. listopada o.g. jer svaka srećka mora dobiti, zato ju mirnom savješću preporučamo u nakup svakome, koji hoće svoju sreću pokušati sa srećkom, jer ako mu se već ne dogodi glavni ili drugi veći zgoditak, dobije u obliku najmanjeg zgoditka veći dio sa prodajom srećke, u doglednom času takogjer sav za nju izdan novac natrag. Turske srećke su dakle najmanje opasna lutrija, ujedno takogjer sigurna štediona, te nije druge srećke, koja bi se mogla u tome usporediti s njom. Mjesečni obrok za tursku srećku iznosi samo 4 krune i 75 para. Ko želi sebi nadu na zgoditke povećati, taj neka uz tursku srećku naruči još izvrsnu srećku talijanskog crvenog križa uz skupnu mjesečnu otplatu po samo 6 kruna. Narudžbe prima i obavijesti daje za „Slovensku i Hrvatsku Narodnu Stražu“ g. Valentin Urbančić, Ljubljana, i svi suradnici u pokrajinama slovenskim i hrvatskim. Naručujte samo po posredovanju „Straže“, pa nećete biti prevareni i oštećeni! Prava Crvena hrvatska 04.10.1913 Gradska kronika.

Skupoća ribe. Zašto Općina ne odredi cijenik? U ponedjeljak prodavali su prostu tunjevinu po 2 K kilo, i to sa prilošcima, što onda dolazi po K 2:40 klgr. Dapače je ribare nagovarao jedan, koji im siječe i prodava, da udare cijenu po 3 K, a onda po K 2:40. Dotičnik često običava da nagovara ribare, neka odrede znatno višu cijenu,

a radi shvatljivosti. Još je do takove smjelosti dosegao, da je ništa manje nego još otišao da će tužiti jednoga, a s toga jer je prodavao po 6 školjaka za novičić, a ne po 2 za novč. kao i on! Upozoravamo redare, da bi na dotičnika dobro im poznata, malo bolje pazili što radi i kako nagovara ribare! O tome ima i dokaza. Donekle je pak krivo i gragjanstvo, da je ovako preskupa riba, jer kad je pretjerana cijena neka niko ne kupuje, pak će ih se tim srestvom prisiliti da odregjuju razložitu cijenu. Upravo nevjerojatno: tunjevina, koja teži kao olovo, po K 2:20 kilo ! I sami stranci, koji su slučajno bili u ponedjeljak prisutni, snebivali su se na takovu pretjeran u cijenu. Zašto napokon Općina ne odredi cijenik na ribu? Kad to isto hvalevrijedno radi općina Spljetska, mislimo da može i naša ! Prava Crvena hrvatska 11.10.1913 Gradska kronika.

Ne varajmo sebe ni drugoga! Lijepa je moda da se proširi upoznavanje znamenitih spomenika, starina, krajeva, zgrada, luka, gradova, nošnja, tipova i t. d., sve u milovidnim šarenim dopisnicama. U svakom kraju ima nešto što posmatrača privuče; negdje krasota prirode, a negdje neuglagjena priroda. Svakomu bilo bi najmilije, da je kod njega što je najboljega; ali nikomu ne pada na um da svojatamo nešto, što nije njegovo. Svoje, pa kakvo bilo, svakomu je sinu domovine milo – neobično milo. Od Kleka (Neuma) pa do punte Oštre stere se dubrovački okoliš, u komu ćeš naći krasota – uz krasne krajeve, interesantne i lijepe tipove i šaroliku nošnju. Tugjinci hoće da na s poznaju, a gdjegod budu prevareni. Poznato nam je da je neki putopisac uvrstio megju Dubrovčane Arbanasa u arbanaškoj nošnji. Ko pozna Dubrovnik i okolicu, bit će se zaista začudio, a nevježe mogle su zaključit da smo dio arbanije i stvorit kapital (poput delije učenjaka Havasa) za ...... Neki je pak opazio da je vojničko kupalište u nas urešeno „sladornim trstikama“. Ali vidimo u gradu – što je najgore – kod samih Dubrovčana, jednu nesmotrenost, da je gore ne krstimo. Po mnogim prodavaonicama razglednica prodavaju se razni motivi iz Rijeke, Gruža i grada, u kojima se vidi, kako su se neki nadobudni srećkovići u bokeškoj nošnji dali dizat u razglednice. Rese ih dolame zelene, žute, bijele, dževerdo? kubure ? (svijetlo oružje), konji sa bogatom opremom, a ne fali i dama u gačama. Većina sa spicbartom a kapa nahero. Takove se slike ne mogu ni najmanje preporučit, jer ne odgovaraju istini, već je pokudno da ih naši ljudi raspačavaju, pa tugjinci nasjedaju. Mi imamo našega perja šarolikoga, pa se možemo nakititi, a u tugjoj zobnici nema zobi za našega konja. Stoga preporučama prodavaocima razglednica, da ostrane takove razglednice. Tugje poštuj a svojim se diči; a dičit se možemo barem mi Dubrovčani, jer imamo – „kao nigdje blago“.

follow and build houses on Ploče and in the beautifully situated “St. Jacob” area. It is the duty of each and every citizen to contribute, within their financial possibility, to vivify this prised and beneficial project. As proof of this is Gruž and Lapad, of the numerous houses and palaces built since the electric tramway was introduced and, thus, let us wholeheartedly undertake action so this initiative shall be approved for the benefit of Dubrovnik. Pure Red Croatia, 27th September 1913 Titbits around the World.

Lucky day is always drawing day when, for those who bought a Turkish lottery ticket, guess one out of two winning combinations amounting to 400.000 or 200.000 francs. Such a day shall come again on 1st October as every ticket is a winning ticket and so we, with a clear conscious, recommend purchasing one or more because if one does win the jackpot or second combination receives a larger portion when sold and, at the same time, collects the amount of the lottery ticket. The Turkish lottery is the most harmless lottery and a secure savings. Monthly expense for a Turkish lottery is only 4 Kr and 75 para. For those who wish to increase winning combinations in hope of hitting the lucky number, should buy such tickets from the Italian Red Cross for a monthly expense of 6 Kr. Orders are taken and notices given by Mr Valentin Urbančić of the “Slovenian and Croatian National Guard” in Ljubljana as well as representatives in Slovenian and Croatian provinces. Order only through the “Guard” then one shall not be cheated nor deceived! Pure Red Croatia, 4th October 1913 City Chronicle

Fish is expensive. Why doesn’t the local administration determine fish prices? On Monday, ordinary tuna was sold for 2 Kronen per kg and, with additions, 2.40 Kr per kg. Insofar, one of the fishermen tried to persuade the others, who trim and sell tuna, to increase the price to 3 Kr then bring it down to 2.40 Kr. This same fisherman frequently tends to persuade the others to determine a much higher price. This has reached such boundaries that this fisherman said he would sue anyone selling 6 clamshells for one coin and not two like he was! We caution the constabulary, as this particular fisherman is well known to them, to keep a close watch on how he works and how he tries to persuade others to do as he wishes! Proof exists. To some extent, citizens are to blame as well, whereby the fish being too expensive should then not be bought and thus force the fishermen in determining a reasonable

price. Unbelievable: tuna, weighing like lead, sells at 2.20 Kr per kg. Even the tourists, by chance at the market on Monday, were astounded at the price. Why doesn’t the local administration determine fish prices once and for all? If the worthy Split administration is able to do so, why can’t we! Pure Red Croatia, 11th October 1913 City Chronicle

No deluding ourselves or others! It is very fashionable to expand one’s knowledge of notable monuments, antiquities, localities, buildings, harbours, cities, folk dress, etc., replicated on colourful postcards. Every locality possesses something which catches the eye; someplace the beauty of the nature, elsewhere rugged nature. One would be enthused of his place being the best; but it never comes to mind we are usurping something which does not belong to us. A homeland, no matter the kind, is dearest to us – very dear. From Klek (Neum) to Point Oštro extend beautiful Dubrovnik surroundings where many wonders may be seen – nature, interesting and pretty varieties, colourful folk dress. Foreigners wish to know our origin, however, they are sometimes deceived. A travel writer included the Arbanasi (first settlements of Albanians in Zadar) people and their folk dress as originating from Dubrovnik. Those who are acquainted with Dubrovnik and its surroundings would be quite astonished while those with little knowledge of the area would most assuredly believe us to be part of Albania and boasting of its history.... Another travel writer noticed the army beach decorated with “sweet reed”. However, the most unbelievable observation was discovered with the local people, one would say an inadvertency – not to name it anything else! Quite a number of postcard shops sell motives of Rijeka, Gruž and the city depicting high spirited, happy-go-luckies in folk costumes from the Bay of Kotor. They are dressed in hussar jackets of green, yellow, white, miquelet lock (musket)? Kubure (pl. Ancient onetime firing hand gun)? rich horse trappings and, of course, ladies in harem trousers! Most of them with goatees and hats askew. Such postcards must, assuredly, be avoided as they do not represent a true picture of our tradition and it is very damaging our local people are distributing such items thus tourists are deceived. We have many colourful “feathers” to put in our hat and there are no oats in foreign nosebags for our horses! Hence, we recommend our vendors remove these postcards from their shops. Respect the customs of others and be proud of, at least we the citizens of Dubrovnik as we possess – “treasures in abundance!.




U narednim retcima donosimo Vam izbor zanimljivih i humorističnih događanja, novosti i otkrića iz svijeta koje su se dogodile u 1913. godini. Svi članci su kronološki prikazani u svom izvornom jeziku, te preuzeti iz arhive dubrovačkih tiskovina koje su se čitale u 1913 godini. Prava Crvena hrvatska 08.03.1913 J. Onyskiewicz: Humoreska po istini.

Ko je ukro hobotnicu?

Stari se ribar Luko probudio i danas kao obično u ranu zoru. Protare oči, protegne se dva tri puta, te put prozora, koji je uvijek otvoren (u takovom je stanju, da se ni uz najbolju volju ne bi mogao zatvoriti), pogleda na nebo, ugodno kimne glavom, pak će onako zadovoljno sam sobom kroza zube: Hm, može se! Na to se povrati u sobu, otrese pepeo, koji je od sinoć ostao u luli, te je ponovo napuni i zapali. Oblačiti mu se nije trebalo, jer je spavao onako, kako bi po danu hodio; samo malo stegne ono odijela na sebi. Pokraj postelje bijaše stara, iscrvotočena škrinja. Iz nje izvadi nekakovu pletenu bocu, očepi, nagne te s jednim junačnkim „a hà“ oduši, pak bocu pomnjivo začepi i spremi. Uzme zatim trst, koja je stala uza zid na protivnu stranu postelje, mali košić pun ribarskog alata, te na ulicu, da će na ribarnicu pa u lagju. Vrata je od kuće što najpomnjivije zatvorio, da se ne bi ko u susjedstvu probudio, te mu još po nesreći „dobru sreću“ zaželio. Osobito se bojao stare Lucije: bi li je u jutro vidio ili susrio, taj dan obično cijeli dan ne bi iz kuće izašao. Uputi se dakle niz ulicu, ali tek je malo stuba sašao, zaškripe vrata u stare Lucije (i Luku je zaškripjelo u srcu, kad je čuo) a ona se pomoli na vrata. - Dobro jutro, meštre Luko! Ideš na ribanje, hajde, dobra ti sreća, Bog s tobom! - Vrag te jutros odnio, gjavolska ženo – odgovori joj Luko, te psovajući i nadavajući vrati se doma. Doma je odmah svukao gaće, te kroza njih triput prst provukao, da odaleči nesreću od sebe. Zatim, uvijek psovajući i grdeći, sjede, te

stade misliti, bi li išao ribati ili bi ostao doma. Ali ribarski nagon nikako mu ne dade, da ostane kući, ta bijaše dan upravo najprikladniji, što moće biti za ribanje, a pri tom postni dan, pak bi se riba skupo prodala. Odluči se dakle, te pokupi vas alat, pak na more. Srećom ovoga puta nije susrio nikoga, samo što je prolazeći mimo magazin stare Lucije čuo iz nutra, gdje ga ova kune. Lagano se zaustavio, tri put pljunuo u vrata i uputio se dalje. Na ribarnici se ukrcao u svoju lagju, sjegurno stariju od njega; pri ukrcavanju sklizla mu noga, jedva se uzdržao, da nije pao u more. - Ovo je ona stara vještica, u kam se uprla, prošao joj petak preko subote! – Zamrmlja sam sobom. Napokon zaveze i uputi se put Lokruma. Ali cijelo vrijeme bijaše nekako kao smeten, težak, nije sam sebi dobro slutio. I zbilja, premda je dan bio veoma prikladan za ribanje, cijelo se jutro mučio, ribe nije uhvatio. Bio je zakučao jednu povišu, ali i tu mu pukne udica a riba pobježe. - Stara vještičino, u Pulju pod orah! – zamumlja i zamota ribarske alate, odlukom, da taj dan nije više koristi ribanja. Imao je još u moru dvije vrše, te odluči, da će poći još to pregledati. Zakuča prvu, izvadi je, gleda, u njoj samo jedna hobotnica. - Kud je vrag tebe donio! – zamrmlja ne znajući ni sam za što, te poveze se dalje, da pridigne onu drugu. Zakuča i nju, stane potezati, ali na po vode pukne konop te i vrša i zagrabnica na dno mora, a on ostade sa komad kusasta konopa u ruci. - Ej prokleta ženo, nigdje te ne bilo! – okreše te zaveze bijesan i zdvojan put luke. Kad je prispio u luku, uzme onu hobotnicu, stavi je u šešulu pak na obalu, a on ostane u lagji, da je priveže i uredi. Nakon što je lagju uredio, očistio i po krmi i provi vezao, iskrca se, te da će uzeti hobotnicu i na ribarnici prodati je, pak da što kupi, da zagrize, ta ogladnio je i ožednio vozeći cijelo jutro. Gleda, gleda i krsti se: šešula na mjestu ali nema hobotnice! Gleda bolje, traži, zaviruje, što nema, nema.

The following lines depict interesting and humorous events, news and breakthroughs in the world during 1913. These articles are listed chronologically and retrieved from Dubrovnik newspapers issued in 1913. Pure Red Croatia, 8th March 1913 J. Onyskiewicz: Spoof the truth

Who stole the octopus? Old fisherman Luko woke up at dawn as usual. Rubbed his eyes, stretched himself two to three times and them went to the window which was always open (in such condition that should he want to close it wouldn’t be able to), looks towards the sky, shakes his head comfortably and then, pleased with himself, mutters between his teeth: Hmm, I’s set! Returning to his room, taps his pipe of ashes remaining there since last night, fills it and lights up. He didn’t have to dress himself as he slept in his clothes and while walking during the day, he would just straighten his outfit. Beside his bed is an old, worm holed chest. From it he takes a braided bottle, uncorks it, tilts it and with a manly “ah” exhales, then carefully returning the cork puts the bottle back in the chest. He then takes his fishing rod placed opposite the bed, small basket full of fishing tools, then out into the street, stopover at the fish market and then into his boat. He closed his front door with extreme care so his neighbours would not wake up and, God forbid, wish him good luck! Elderly Lucija was especially frightening: should he see or meet her in the morning, he wouldn’t leave the house that whole day.

Walking down the street and having passed only a few steps, elderly Lucija’s door creaks (and Luko’s heart creaked as well) and there she appears in the doorway. - Good morning master Luko! Going fishing, go ahead and good luck, God be with you! - The devil take you this morning, you devil of a woman – replies Luko, then cursing in repetition returns home. Once home, he takes off his trousers, sticks his finger through them three times so as to turn away any misfortune which might befall him. Cursing and chiding, he sits down and takes a moment to think whether to go fishing or stay at home. But his fisherman’s urge won’t let him stay home, today is a good day to go fishing, possibly fast, but then again he could sell his fish at a good price. Deciding, he picks up his fishing tools and goes to sea. Luckily he met no one else this time except when passing by elderly Lucija’s shed whom he heard berating him. He quietly approached and spat three times at the door then continued down the road. Reaching the fish market, he stepped into his boat, older than he was; while stepping in he slipped trying hard to keep his balance and then fell into the sea. - This is the old bat’s fault, may she fall over a stone, and may her friday roll over her saturday! – He murmurs into his chin Finally rowing and making course for Lokrum. However, the entire time he seemed somewhat muddleheaded, sluggish and felt a dark shadow over him. And truth be said, even though the day was exceptional for fishing, he agonised the entire morning, catching no fish. He had hooked a large one but his hook broke and the fish swam away. - You old witch, go to Puglio under a walnut tree! – He mumbles and packs up his fishing tools deciding it would be of no use fishing anymore. He had thrown two fish traps into the sea and decides to take a look. Takes out the first trap and finds an octopus in it. - Where the devil have you come from! – mumbles Luko, not knowing why himself,




- Eto i nju je vrag odnio, neko je ukrô! Stane galamiti, da mu se vrati hobotnica, da on zna, ko je ukrao, da će ga ubit nožem i slično. To su sve slušali neki mlagji ribari i smijali se, dok mu jedan od njih ne reče: - Ukrali su je meštre Luko, zaludu je psovati, naći je ne ćeš; bit ćeš sjegurno jutros koga zla oko susrio! - Susrio sam hudobu, znao sam da će mi sve naopako danas poći, te stane pripovijedati, što mu se sve dogodilo. Kad je svršio, ovaj momak, kao da se ražalio nad njegovom nesrećom, reče mu: - Čuj me, meštre Luko, ja ću ti pravo reći, samo me nemoj izdati, ko ti je hobotnicu ukrao, ja sam vidio. Kao mahnit razviče se meštar Luko: - Ko, ko? Ubit ću ga odmah! - Ne treba ga ubiti, nego hajde i reci mu, da ti hobotnicu vrati. - A ko je? - Mato ti je ukrô i zatvorio u njegov banak. Zaustavimo se časom na Matu. To vam je tip od onih starih dubrovačkih tipova sličnih Kaznačićevu „Prdonji“, što su više iščezli. I ako nije bio porijetlom dubrovčanin, sasvim se prilagodio dubrovačkom duhu. Suh, visok, vazda vesele naravi sa nerazduživom lulom u ustima. Imao je na ribarnici svoj mali banak i potrebito orugje, te bi sjekao raznu ribu i pri tom uvijek galamio i pravio razne šale. Ovo je dakle onaj, za koga bi rečeno meštru Luku, da mu je ukrao hobotnicu i zatvorio u banak. Tražio ga, tražio, dok ga nije našao u jednoj omanjoj kavani, gdje igra karte. Kao mahnit skoči na nj: - Vrati mi hobotnicu, lupežu, inače ću te . . .. - Kakvu hobotnicu, komu govoriš? - Tebi, tebi, vrati mi je, dok ti je na vrijeme, jer ćeš je skupo platit. - Per Bacco, kakvu hobotnicu, čovječe, što si poludio?! - Da, da, opet ti govorim, vrati mi je, ok nije grgje. Ukrao si mi je ti i zatvorio u banak. - Ja?! Zatvorio hobotnicu u banak?! Ti lažeš! - Ne lažem, istina je. Vrati je, prije nego ti prisije! - Dobro! Ti kažeš, da je hobotnica u mome banku a ja kažem, da nije. Hajdemo zajedno, pak ću ja otvoriti banak: Ako hobotnica bude u banku, daj mi pljusku, a ako ne bude, dat ću je ja tebi. Jesi li sporazuman? - Pristajem, hajdemo odmah! I odoše skoro trčajući. Kad stigoše na ribarnicu, Mato klekne pred banak, izvadi ključe, te će prama meštru Luku: - A sada dobro napenji oči! Da se ne bi po čudu stvorila hobotnica! I otvori gornji dio banka. Tu bijaše samo nekoliko noža i krpa. - Jesi li vidio, a! Gdje ti je ovdje hobotnica?! I Luka se skoro uvjerio, da je nema, ali tu blizu stojeći momak namigne mu, da je u donjem dijelu banka. - Otvori i donji dio, da vidimo! - Što će ti donji dio, tu nema ništa; ali ipak ću otvoriti, da se uvjeriš. I bolje se prigne, te otvori i donji otvor. Nije još dobro vrata ni otvorio, a iznutra lazi hobotnica. - Mato se nije imao kad snaći od čuda, jer meštar Luko zgrabi kao mahnit hobotnicu, te preko obraza opari štogod je mogao jače siromaha Mata i odaleći se psovajući i kuneći. Mato je još neko vrijeme pred ormarom klečao i krstio se od čuda okle u njegovom banku hobotnica, dok je meštar Luko spješio veselo doma, da je skuha. *** Kako se našla hobotnica u siromaha Mata u banku? Dok je meštar Luko uregjivao lagju, jedan je vragoljan zgrabio hobotnicu, te uz pomoć jednog druga prevrnuo Matov banak, odbio jednu šticu od dna, uvalio unutra hobotnicu, te šticu opet zabio i položio banak, kako je i bio.

Prava Crvena hrvatska 15.03.1913 Perom i olovkom.

Jak potres u subotu je srušio američki grad Guatemala. Poginulo je silno gragjanstvo. Prava Crvena hrvatska 22.03.1913

666 umrlih milijonara u jednoj godini. Razmjerno je Francuska najbogatija zemlja na svijetu. Lani je umrlo u Francuskoj 666 milijonara. Na sami Pariz i okolinu otpada od ovih 301: od ovih su bile 3 osobe, koje ostaviše nasljednicima preko 20 milijona franaka, 3 sa preko 30 milijona, 24 sa 10 milijona, 89 sa 5 milijona franaka. Sve ostavine umrlih francuskih kapitalista u prošloj godini iznašaju 5.761,724,713 franaka, dakle 5 ¾ miljarde. Sa ovom svotom mogla bi se dvostruko platiti ratna odšteta Francuske Njemačkoj u godini 1871., koja je iznašala 3 miljarde franaka.

rows a little further to the position of the second trap. Begins drawing it out of the sea when the rope snaps and the hook and rod sink into the sea and Luko left with a small length of rope in hand. - E, damn woman, may you not be seen anywhere! - shouts Luko, starts rowing in anger and despair towards port. Arriving in port, takes the octopus, places it on shore in a bailer while he remained in his boat to tidy up and secure the boat. Having tidied up, cleaned and secured his boat from bow to stern, gets off with intention of taking the octopus to the fish market to sell and then buy something to eat since he was hungry and thirsty from being in his boat all day.

Prava Crvena hrvatska 19.04.1913

Koliko govorimo? Jednom engleškom gospodinu je palo na um ovo pitanje, pa, kako je besposlen, riješio se da za njega nagje odgovor. I našao je. Svaki prosječno čovjek, veli, izgovori u brzom razgovoru oko stotinu riječi za jedan minut, a za sat izgovori toliko, da bi to, naštampano zauzelo 29 štampanih stranica u oktavu. Ako se uzme, da svako govori dnevno tri sahata, onda bi sve, što svako od nas napriča za nedjelju dana, moglo stati jedva na 600 štampanih strana ; sve, što saopćimo svijetu za godinu dna, ne bi moglo stati na manje od 52 debele knjige. Mnogo ! Šteta samo što se za ovo ne dobija nikakav honorar. Kad je jedan prijatelj upitao ovu englešku mudru glavu, da li bi i ono, što poneke žene, a borme i ljudi, štampaju za godinu dana, moglo stati na ovako mnogo hartije, odgovorio je: „Ne bi, za njih bi trebalo 520 debelih knjiga!“ Prava Crvena hrvatska 26.04.1913 Perom i olovkom.

Iz New-Yorka se javlja da je prilikom godišnjice katastrofe „Titanika“ posvećen svjetionik, koji je podignut za uspomenu na žrtve. Svjetionik ima promjer od 12 engleških milja. Prava Crvena hrvatska 31.05.1913

Ženski brod. Ovih je dana iz Bostona krenuo na put parobrod „Hram“, koji je potpuno u ženskim rukama. Brodom zapovijeda, kormilom i strojevima upravljaju sve same žene, a i mornari, zapravo mornarice, same žene, a i mornari, zapravo mornarice, same su žene. Jedini je muškarac na brodu suprug kapetanice, koji je ujedno odlikovan čašću drugog kapetana. U vrijeme odlaska sakupilo se u bostonskoj luci mnoštvo općinstva i stručnjaka, a svi su bili iznenagjeni točnim manevrisanjem i sigurnošću, kojoj je taj brod iz živahne i prometne luke isplovio na pučinu. Prava Crvena hrvatska 07.06.1913

Žene kao redarstveni organi. Prije nekoliko dana nastupiše u Sjedinjenim državama, kako to američke novine donose, prvi put žene kao redari. One su uniformirane potpuno kao i njihovi muški drugovi, naoružane kaučukovim štapom i samokresom. Ovaj pokušaj bio je učinjen najšire u Filadelfiji, gdje već ženski redari bdiju nad javnom sigurnošću gragjana. Za sada su ženski redari namješteni na kolodvoru, gdje u svojim modrim uniformama pobugjuju veliku pozornost putnika. Njihova se zadaća sastoji u glavnom u tome, da bdiju nad djevojkama bez zaštite i da uapse osobe, na koje posumnjaju, da se bave trgovinom djevojkama. Ovi su ženski redari već uapsili jednu, koja se bavila na veliko trgovinom

Looking around and crossing himself: the bailer is where it stood earlier but no sign of the octopus! Taking a closer look all around and “what isn’t there isn’t there! There you go, the devil take you, someone has stolen my octopus. He shouts the octopus be returned to him and that if he catches the thief he will kill him. Young fishermen listening and laughing until one of them says: - You have been robbed Luko, you curse in vain, you won’t find it; some evil eye must have befallen you! - I met a wicked woman and knew nothing would go right today, relating this morning’s encounter. Finishing his story, the young fisherman took pity over his misfortune and said: - Listen Luko, I’ll tell you the truth but don’t say I told you who stole the octopus, I say the whole thing. Furious, fisherman Luko starts shouting: - Who, who? I’ll kill him on the spot! - You don’t have to kill him but go and ask him to give back your octopus. - Who is he? - Mato stole your octopus and put it in his stall. Let’s take a moment to say a few words about Mato. He is like one of those old typical Dubrovnik persons similar to Kaznačić’s “Dumbbell” who doesn’t exist anymore. And even if he was not of Dubrovnik descent, he assimilated very quickly. Thin, tall and always cheerful with a pipe in his mouth the whole time. He had a small stall in the fish market and necessary tools whereby he would slice various fish, shouting the entire time and cracking jokes. This is the person described to fisherman Luko who had stolen his octopus and hidden it in his stall. He looked for him until he found him in a nearby tavern playing cards. Angry, he pounced towards him: - Give back my octopus, you thief or I’ll.... - What octopus, who are you talking to? - I’m talking to you, give it back now while you still can or you will have the devil to pay. - Perbacco (gosh), what octopus, have you gone mad?! - Yes, yes, I’ll ask one more time; give it back so matters don’t get worse. You stole and hid it in your stall.

- Me?! Hid it in my stall?! You’re lying! - I’m not lying, it’s true. Give it back so no harm comes to you. - Very well! You say the octopus in my stall and I say it’s not. Let’s go together and I’ll open my stall. If the octopus is in the stall, you can slap me and if it isn’t, I’ll slap you. Agreed! - I accept, let‘s go at once! And off they go running. Arriving at the fish market, Mato kneels in front of his stall, takes out the key, turns to Luko and says: - Now open your eyes wide in case the octopus is here by some miracle! And he opens the upper part of the stall. There were only several knives and rags. - Are you satisfied! Do you see any octopus here?! And Luko was almost convinced but then noticed a young man close by who winked at him and shifted his eyes to the lower part of the stall. - Open the lower part of the stall; I want to have a look! - What do you want with the lower part, there’s nothing there; but I’ll open it anyway to convince you. He squats to open the lower part. He had not opened the door fully when the octopus came sliding out. - Mato was still in shock when Luko grabbed the octopus, swung his hand and slapped poor Mato as hard as he could, turned and began walking away cursing and chiding. Mato stood in front of the stall kneeling and crossing himself in awe trying to figure out where the octopus came from while Luko hurried home happy to cook it. How did the octopus get in poor Mato’s stall? While Luko was tidying up his boat, one of those young imps took the octopus and with the help of another turned the stall upside down, forcefully removed a wooden board putting the octopus inside, returned and secured the board then flipped the stall back in place. Pure Red Croatia, 15th March 1913 Pen and pencil

A strong earthquake toppled American Guatemala City on Saturday. Pure Red Croatia, 22nd March 1913

666 Deceased Millionaires in One Year. Relatively speaking, France is one of the richest countries in the world. Last year alone, 666 millionaires died in France. 301 comprise Paris and surrounding towns and villages in itself: out of this number, there were 3 persons who left their inheritors over 20 million francs, 3 over 30 million, 24 with 20 million and 89 with 5 million francs. In the past year, all probates of deceased capitalists amount to 5.761,724,713 francs, namely, 5 ¾ billion. With this amount, France could have paid double war indemnity to Germany in 1871 which then amounted to 3 billion francs.




djevojaka, a zadržavala se je najviše na kolodvorima, gdje je predusretala neupužene i neiskusne djevojke, koje su dolazile u grad da potraže službu.

Grad s mnogo imena. Carigrad se može nazvati gradom, koji ima najviše imena. U njegovim raznim imenima ogleda se promjenljiva historija njegova. Izgleda, da je prvo ime bilo „Lygos“, ime, koje se može dovesti u svezu sa latinskom riječi lux (svjetlost) i prema tome je tim imenom karakterizovan kao grad svjetlosti i sunca. Ime Lygos zamijenjeno je 650. godine prije Krista imenom Bizant. Što znači da ime Bizant, nije do danas objašnjeno. Dovodi se u svezu sa mističnim historijskim imenima, sa rijekom Busento, tumači se kao „grad riba“ ili kao grad izobilja. Nu poticalo ovo ime od čega mu drago, ostalo je ono u Zlatnom rogu preko 800 godina. Dvije stotine godina poslije Krista promijenjeno je to ime. Od tada se je zvalo Hettaolffo (grad na sedam brežuljaka), Novi Rim, Megalopoli (Veliki grad), pa Rim, Constatinopolis (Kraljev grad), dok se najposlije nije odžalo ime Constantinopolis (Konstantinov grad). Kad su Turci osvojili Carigrad, dali su mu ime Istambul ili Stambul, što znači grad. Da listina ovih imena bude potpuna, treba još spomenuti, da je Constantinopolis bio u grčkom jeziku nazivan Anthusa, što znači „Cvatući grad“.

Pas koji čita misli. Elberfeldski konji, koji znadu računati, imadu velikog rivala u psu, koji čita misli. Posjednik toga psa je neki Demetrio Anciollitti, koji ga je teškom mukom kroz mnogo godina naučio ne samo računati, nego i da čita misli. „Corriere Toscano“ pripoviijeda o raznim umijećima toga psa, koje je izvodio u San Rossore pred talijanskom kraljicom Helenom i njezinom djecom. Na jednom aparatu, koji je specijalno za toga psa načinjen, riiješava on sa najvećom sigurnošću sve četiri aritmetičke operacije. Najveće udivljenje je izazvao, kad je izračunao iz „misli“ princese Jolanthe, koliko je godina njoj i njenom bratu Umbertu zajedno. Na pitanje kraljice, koji je kućni broj na palači del Combo, odgovorio je „Ras“ – tako je ime psu – posve točno. Kraljica se je zanimala za povjest i porijeklo toga psa, što joj je njegov vlasnik potanko ispričao. „Ras“ je sin jednog psa iz Pise, koji je prije par godina svršio tragičnom smrću dospjevši pod jedna kola. Djelovanje čovječjeg srca. O radu čovječjeg srca objelodanjuje jedan engleški liječnički list raspravu, u kojoj se utvrgjuje teorija, da je srce jedna sisaljka. Normalno srce udara po njihovom računu u minutu 70 puta, u satu 4200, kroz jedan dan (24 sata) 10.800 puta. U jednoj godini udari srce ukupno 36,792.000 puta. Uzmemo li sa psalmistima, da život jednog čovjeka traje popriječno 70 godina, to srce udari za to vrijeme okruglo dvije i po milijarde udaraca. Za to vrijeme pomiče srce neko 250.000 kubičnih metara krvi (kad se zbroji volumen krvi kod svakog udarca.) Krv treba 24 sekunde da obigje cijelo ljudsko tijelo sve do najfinijih žilica. Prema tome obigje krv (cirkulacija krvi) u jednom danu 3000 puta cijelo tijelo. U godini to čini 11 i po milijona obilaženja. U 70 godina, prema duljini puta, što ga krv čini kod cirkulacije, prijegje krv put od 275.000 kilometara, t.j. više od đesterostruke duljine ekvatora! Prema ovim strašnim brojevima može čovjek promisliti, u kolikoj se mjeri troši srce i mreža žila od neprestanog kretanja i rada.

„Grand prix“ – s magarcima. Ovog mjeseca prirediti će se u Parizu utrku „Grand Prix“ s – magarcima. Cijela će priredba biti vjerna kopija konjske „Grand prix“ – utrke u Longchampu. Trčati će isti broj magaraca kao i konja, te sa istim bojama, tek će mjesto jokeya jašiti najljepše pariške glumice, koje priregjuju tu utrku u korist mirovinskog fonda pariških glumaca. Prava Crvena hrvatska 26.07.1913

Prava Crvena hrvatska 02.08.1913

Kako Japanke rone? Japansko ribarsko seoce Toshi imade jedan specijalitet, kakvog valjda na svijetu nema. To su japanske ribarice, koje s nevjerovatnom spretnošću i brzinom rone pod more i hvataju ribu i to niti mrežama, niti kakvom spravom, nego jednostavno rukama. Prije nekoliko dana izišla je u nakladi Paula Cassirera knjiga iz pera Artura Neustadta, koja opisuje Japan. U ovoj knjizi nalazi se na nekoliko stranica živi opis ovih japanskih umjetnica u ronjenju, koje je on dugo i dugo posmatrao na svom putovanju. Ribarice nose potpuno bijele i jednostavne košulje, na glavi im je bijeli šal, a na očima naočari. Prije nego što ove ribarice skoče u vodu, zvižde i onda gledaju nekoliko časova u more, dok ribu ne ugledaju; čim ribu ugledaju skaču nevjerovatnom brzinom u morske valove i za čas ponovno se pokažu nad valovima s ribom u ruci. Čini ti se, da gledaš jastrebove s plijenom u pandžama, koji su tako dugo gonili. Ove ribarice rone po nekoliko metara u vodu i ako je dan lijep, a more čisto, možeš posmatrati sve njihove kretnje. Naravno, da se u zemlji Mikadovoj o ovim ribaricama mnogo govori, pa se čak priča, kako im muževi kod kuće ne rade ništa, nego sjede kod kuće, čuvaju djecu i kuhaju, a žene im ribarenjem hljeb zaslužuju.

Pčela kao listonoša...! U Americi izmisle vazda nešto takva, što nama na „starom svijetu“ ne bi nikad palo u pamet. Usprkos tome, što je uveden brzojav bez žica, Amerikanci hoće da i na drugi način dobivaju vijesti u ratno doba. Za to će im poslužiti - pčela, jer ona brzo i sigurno nagje i iz velike udaljenosti pčelinjak. – Nu sad je nastalo pitanje, kako bi pčela mogla donašati vijesti kad je tako malena, te joj se ne bi moglo teških stvari privezati za tijelo. Ali i to se riješilo tako da se pismo u što manjem obliku fotografiše na krila, te primatelj uz jako povećajuće leće posve lako pročita vijest... Zašto se ljudi žene? Jedan engleški list upravio je na svoje pretplatnike ovo pitanje. Odgovora je stiglo vrlo mnogo. Ti su odgovori bili svakovrsni. Najinteresantniji su oni odgovori, koji odaju razočaranog, strpljivog i ujarmljenoga supruga. Evo 10 od tih odgovora: 1. Zašto sam se ženio? Jest. To se i ja pitam već punih 11 godina. 2. Oženio sam se samo zato, da se punici osvetim. Na žalost to mi nije uspjelo. 3. Oženio sam se, jer se moja žena klela, da je već petoricu odbila, koji su uzalud njenu ruku zaprosili. 4. Jer mi njezin otac reče, da je 8 godina zaručnikom biti i preko dosta.

Pure Red Croatia, 19th April 1913

How much do you talk? This question came to mind from an English gentleman and, as he is unemployed, decided to find an answer. And he found it. The average person, he claims, articulates about one hundred words in one minute and, in one hour, so many one could print 29 pages. And if you consider each person speaking three hours daily then all spoken in a week could amount to 600 printed pages; whereby, all articulated words in one year would be able to fit 52 thick books. Quite a lot! It is a pity one does not receive any royalties. When a friend asked this wise English gentleman would all articulated, by women and men, of course, printed in a year fit this amount of paper. He replied: “No, for that one would need about 520 thick books!”

“Grand Prix” with donkeys. This month, Paris is organising a Grand Prix competition with donkeys. The event will be held exactly as the Gran Prix competition with horses at Longchamp. The same number of donkeys shall race as in the horse competition with the same colours; however, jockeys shall be replaced by the most beautiful Paris actresses, racing as contribution for the actress pension fund.

Pure Red Croatia, 26th April 1913 Pen and pencil

New York informs a lighthouse was dedicated to the victims of the “Titanic” catastrophe on its anniversary. The lighthouse’s circumference is 12 English miles. Pure Red Croatia, 31st May 1913

Female ship. A few days ago, Boston steamship “Hram” (Temple) took to sail under female command. The ship is commanded and the helm and engines are managed by females, in fact, the deckhands, namely, the navy itself are also of the female gender. The only male on the ship is the captain’s husband and who has been ordained the honour of second captain. Prior departure, Boston officials and experts gathered in the harbour and all were very surprised by the precision and confidence of the personnel’s manoeuvring skills exercised in the busy and lively Boston harbour. Pure Red Croatia, 7th June 1913

Women as a constabulary force. Several days ago, the first female constabulary force was instigated in the United States of America. They are uniformed the same as their male colleagues, armed with baton and gun. This initiative was first implemented in Philadelphia where already female constables maintain the safety of its residents. For the time being, the female constables have been assigned to the bus terminal and where their blue uniforms draw the attention of passengers. Their main assignment is to safeguard unprotected girls and arrest suspicious persons dealing in human trafficking. The female constables have already caught one such person after noticing quite a few loiterers approaching inexperienced and unversed young girls who arrive in the city looking for work. The city with many names. Constantinople can be called a city with many names. The city’s numerous names depict its history. It seems its first name was “Lygos”, which can be linked to the Latin word “lux” (light) thus characterising it as the city of light and sun. “Lygos” was changed to Byzantine some 650 years B.C. This means the name “Byzantine” has not been explained to present day. It is thought it has something to do with mystical historic names such as the Busento River and interpreted as the “city of fish” or the “city of abundance”. Wherever this name came from, it remained in the Golden Horn some 800 years ago. Two hundred years A.D., this name was also changed. From then on it was called Hettaolffo (the city of seven hills), New Rome, and Megalopolis (large city), then Rome, Constantinopolis (the city of kings) which name remained. When the Turks conquered Constantinople, they named it Istanbul or Stanbul which means “city”. Inasmuch as to complete this list of names, one should mention the name Constantinopolis, in Greek, was called Anthusa meaning “Flourishing city”.

Pure Red Croatia, 26th July 1913

How do Japanese Women Dive? The Japanese fishing village Toshi prides itself with a speciality not yet known to the world. This speciality are Japanese fisherwomen who, with incredible agility and speed, dive into the sea and catch fish – not with a net nor any other equipment – but with their bare hands. Several days ago, Paul Cassirer edited a book written by Arthur Neustadt describing Japan. Several pages in this book are dedicated to these Japanese diving artists whom he studied for a long time during his journey. The fisherwomen wear white and simple shirts, white shawls on their heads and glasses. Prior their dive, they whistle and watch the sea for several hours until they catch sight of fish; as soon as they do, they dive into sea waves with amazing speed and in a split second surface above the sea waves with fish in hand. One pictures them like hawks holding their prey after having pursued their prey for some time. These fisherwomen dive several metres under the sea surface, if the day is clear and sea visibility high; one can enjoy their exquisite moves. It goes without saying, this land of Mikado speaks well of their fisherwomen and it is even said that their husbands are not employed, all they do is sit at home, take care of their children and cook while their wives earn keep by fishing. Dog which reads minds. Erbelfeld horses who perform mathematical operations are up against a rival – the dog who reads minds. The owner of this dog is Demetrio Ancelotti who, after many years and much effort, not only taught him to solve mathematical operations but also to read minds. “Corriere Toscano” writes on various skills this dog is capable of and which he performed before the Italian Queen Helen and her children in San Rossore. On a specially built apparatus, this dog was faultless in solving all four mathematical operations. The biggest attraction was when he “mind” calculated Princess Jolanthe’s and her brother Umberto’s age total. When the Queen asked what the Palace del Combo’s house number is, he – “Ras”, as was the dog’s name, responded with the correct answer. The Queen became quite interested in the dog’s ancestry and lineage whereby the owner gave a detailed account. “Ras” was the offspring of a canine from Pisa whose life ended violently after being caught under carriage wheels. How the human heart functions. Functioning of the human heart was brought to light in an English Medical Journal in a dissertation whereby the theory of this organ being a pump was presented. It was argued that a normal heart beats 70 times in a minute, 4200 times in an hour and in one day (24 hours) 10.800 times. In one year, the heart beats a total of 36.792.000 times. If we go by the psalmists that the average age of a human being is approximately 70 years then the heart beats a round figure of two and a



5. Jer mi je dodijalo njoj dragulje kupovati i u kazalište i na koncerte s njome ići. Htjedoh štediti. 6. Jer mi se činilo, da je ona jedina uzmegju hiljadu, a sad mi se često baš protivno čini. 7. Oženio sam se, jer tada nijesam imao onoga iskustva, koje sam kasnije stekao, ali potpunoma. 8. To me isto i svi moji prijatelji pitaju. 9. Spužvom preko ! Ne vucite me za jezik ! 10. Pustite me dobrostivo na miru !

Prava Crvena hrvatska 09.08.1913

Sezancijonalan izum. Iz Nürnberga javljaju o novom senzacijonalnom izumu poznatog izumitelja učitelja Wirtha, kojim se izumom može svaki vlak, na vozio najvećom brzinom, na mjestu zaustaviti pomoću električnih valova. Dostatan je tek jedan pritisak prstom da vlak stane. Po nalogu bavarskog prometnog ministra učinjen je prvi pokus na pruzi Nürnberg-Gräfenberg. Taj je stroj posve izoliran, tako da na njega ne može ništa djelovati, ni uplivisati. Zavori su radili posve dobro i sjegurno, pa je vlak za 27 sekundi zaustavljen, a moglo se je to isto postići i u još kraćem vremenu. Zanimivo je, da strani utjecaji ne uplivišu na taj stroj. Prava Crvena hrvatska 23.08.1913

Opaženi ostatci „Titanica“. Kapetan jednoga broda, koji je stigao u newyoršku luku, veli, da je na mjestu, gdje je prije godinu dana postradao „Titanic“, opazio prednji dio razbijenog broda na jednoj podmorskoj pećini, za koju se već duže vremena mislilo, da tamo postoji, i ako nije bila ubilježena ni označena ni u jednoj pomorskoj mapi. Drži se, a nije ni posve isključeno, da je baš ta pećina uzrokom katastrofe „Titanica“. Ova bi okolnost bila od velike važnosti za White Star Line s obzirom na brojne tužbe za platež odštete. Vlada je s mjesta odredila, da se stvar što točnije ispita i ustanovi mjesto gdje se podmorska pećina nalazi. Prava Crvena hrvatska 06.09.1913

Što je milijarda. Francuski list „La Croix“ opisuje ovako izgled jedna milijarde novca: Milijarda franaka u zlatu teška je 322,500 kilograma. Njen obujam iznosi 17 kubičnih metara. Kad bi se ova masa zlata rastegla u finu žicu, to bi se dobila žica mnogo dulja od opsega zemlje. Zemlja bi onda imala zlatni ekvator. Kad bi se komadi od 20 franaka poredali jedan do drugog, to bi milijarda predstavljala zlatno uže od 1050 kilometara duljine. Kad bi se ovi komadi naslagali jedan na drugi, to bi se otegli u visinu nekih 33.000 metara. Kako bi onda izgledao malešan Ajfelov toranj i najviša brda na svijetu! Da se podigne hrpa zlata u vrijednosti od jedne milijarde trebalo bi 6000 snažnih ljudi. Kolike bi dimenzije morala imati peć za talenje, kad bi se htjela rastopiti ova masa zlata? Kad bi nešto vlasniku jedne milijarde palo na pamet, da od ove mase zlata pravi statue, to mogao svoj park ukrasiti sa 22 statue u prirodnoj čovječijoj veličini. Milijarda u srebru teška je 5,000.000 kilograma a ima obujam od 477 kubičnih

metara. Kada bi se oko zemlje stavio srebren pojas, načinjen iz ove mase srebra, bio bi debeo 4 milimetra. Moglo bi se napraviti 636 ljudskih statua u prirodnoj veličini. Ako bi se htjela željeznicom prevesti milijarda zlata, trebala bi 33 vagona, a za srebro 500 vagona, koji bi zauzeli 3 kilometra tračnica. Prava Crvena hrvatska 06.09.1913

Opasnost od koprene. „Koprena je apsurdna stvar i ni jedna ju žena ne bi trebala nositi. Ona ne škodi samo očima, nego izaziva teške nervozne pojave“. Ovo je mišljenje jednog od najboljih američkih liječnika za oči, dra. J. Wilsona Boorbees, koji je čitavim nizom predavanja otvorio borbu protiv štetnosti koprene. Kad žene kažu, da je koprena dobra, zaštita za kožu protiv prašine i bacila, to one tvrde sasvim pogrešno prema mišljenju medicinskih stručnjaka. Koprena je zamazana stvar i prouzrokuje baš protivno od onoga, čemu je namijenjena. Prašina i bacili veoma se jako prilijepe na njoj, i svaki put, kad se dotakne kože, prenašaju se prašina i bacili na lice. Prema tome koprena prouzrokuje vrlo teške bolesti. Koprena priječi miran i normalan pogled oka. Naročito je slučaj, i to u pojačanoj mjeri sada, kad su u modi koprene sa crnim točkama, zvijezdama ili polumjesecima, ili kad koprena ima bilo kakve krugove i oblike. Tada na jedan dio očne mrežnjače padaju na normalan način svake svjetlosti. Djelovi mrežnjače, koji leže iza crnih površina koprene, ne primaju ni malo svjetlosti, ili je primaju vrlo malo. Na taj način jedan dio mrežnjače biva prenapregnut, a drugi dio ostaje netaknut, a to je veoma štetno. Uslijed toga, što oko nehotice fiksira linije i arabeske na kopreni, može vrlo lako nastupiti zrikavost. No svakako oči mnogo trpe od koprene, pa je od nje, zbog naprezanja očnih živaca, često jaka glavobolja. Liječnici su opazili, da od čestoga nošenja koprene nastupa nervozno stanje, slomljenost i uopće slabo osjećanje, pa strogo opominju, da se žene čuvaju ove opasnosti mode. Prava Crvena hrvatska 13.09.1913

Duhan – rakužujuće srestvo. Često se je u medicini proučavalo pitanje, je li pušenje škodljivo ili nije. Jedni su liječnici mnijenja, da je pušenje štetno, drugi opet tvrde, da uživanje duhana u manjim količinama čuva pušača od raznih zaraznih bolesti. Pušenje u ranim godinama djeluje svakako štetno na još nepotpuno izgragjeni organizam, ali odraslijem čovjeku donaša pušenje neke koristi. Na klinikama se je duhanski dim mnogostrano istraživao. Osobito je liječnike zanimalo, kako duhan djeluje na pojedine bacile raznih zaraznih bolesti. Rezultat istraživanja je bio, da se liječnici uvjeriše, da duhan ubija već u kratko vrijeme tako zvane amöbe, mikroskopske životinjice, iz kojih se razvija bacil malarije. Dostatno je, da se bacil izloži samo jednom dimu cigarete i već u kratko vrijeme umire taj opasni bacil od djelovanja nikotina, koji se u duhanu nalazi. Dim djeluje na te životinjice kao omamno srestvo isto onako, kao što recimo djeluje na čovjeka eter ili kloroform. Duhan sterilizira nadalje usta i pljuvačku, gdje se razni bacili najragje zadržavaju, a dospiju u usta kad čovjek što jede, osobito voće. Duhan draži i sluzne žlijezde u ustima i proizvagja veću količinu pljuvačke, koja je veoma potrebna pri probavi. Nekoji su ljudi mislili, da im od pušenja nastaju u ustima i grlu razne upale. To ne stoji. Uzrok je upala sasma drugi, ponajčešće prehlada. Ima li čovjek takovu upalu bilo bi dobro, da ne puši tako dugo, dok je se ne riješi. Na pariškoj je klinici jedan doktor metnuo u pljuvačku priličan broj bacila od kolere. To je onda izložio kroz pet minuta dodiru duhanskog dima. Nakon pet minuta bili su bacili kolere svi do jednoga mrtvi. Profesor Wencke dugim je istraživanjima dokazao, da su pušači u vrijeme kolere manje izvrgnuti opasnosti zaraze nego li nepušači. Svi se dakle slažu, da umjereno pušenje imade i neke dobre strane. Bilo bi zanimivo znati, kako reagira bacil sušice prema nikotinu.

half billion times in this life span. During this time, the heart moves some 250.000 cubic metres of blood (when adding the volume of blood with each beat). Counting the finest arteries as well, blood takes 24 seconds to pass through the human body. Thus, blood circulates the body 3000 times in one day. In a year, this amounts to eleven and a half million circulations. In 70 years, according to path length, circulation of the blood covers a path of 275.000 kilometres, i.e., more than ten times the circumference of the equator! This somewhat intimidating calculation brings to one’s mind to what measure the heart and its finest arteries are put under strain through consistent movement and labour. Pure Red Croatia, 2nd August 1913

The Bee as letterbearer...! In America, someone always thinks up something which, on the “Old Continent” would never come to mind. Nonetheless, even though a wireless telephone has been introduced, America wishes to receive news in a different manner during war time. For this, they need - a bee, as this is the fastest and safest way in reaching faraway bee hives. However, the question now is how can a bee bring news when it is so small and thus can not bear heavy burdens. However, this was solved so as to photograph the letter in the smallest format onto the bee’s wings and, on arrival; the recipient shall be able to easily read the letter with a strong magnifying glass....! Why do people marry? An English newspaper put forward this question to its subscribers. Answers were many and of all sorts. Most interesting were those revealing a disappointed, patient and browbeaten husband. Here are ten such answers: 1. Why did I marry? Well, I have been asking myself this question for 11 years now. 2. I got married only to spite my mother-in law. Unfortunately, I did not succeed. 3. I got married as my wife was adamant she had refused five prior suitors. 4. Because her father told me that 8 years is too long to be a fiancée. 5. Because I was fed up with buying her jewels and going to the theatre and concerts with her. I wanted to economise. 6. Because once I thought she was one in a thousand, now I’m not so sure. 7. I got married because I did not know what I was getting into, unlike now! 8. I have been asked the same question by all my friends. 9. I have nothing to say on this matter! 10. Please leave me alone! Pure Red Croatia, 9th August 1913

Sensational innovation. We received news from Nürnberg of a new sensational innovation thought up by Professor Wirth with which any train, travelling at highest speed, may be stopped by electrical waves. The train could come to a halt by just applying pressure with your finger. The Bavarian Minster of Transport issued an order the first test be initiated on route Nürnberg – Gräfenberg. This mechanical device is isolated so that nothing can affect or disrupt it. The brakes were in order and safe so the train was halted in 27 seconds and even this time could be shorter. It is interesting to note, no foreign influence intervened in respect to this mechanical device. Pure Red Croatia, 23rd August 1913

“Titanic” remains detected. A captain of a ship which arrived in New York Harbour says he believes he has detected the bow of the sunken ship “Titanic” in an underwater cave and which he, for some time now, knew to be in this position even though it had not been marked in any maritime chart. It is not excluded this cave could have been the cause of the horrific catastrophe which brought about the sinking of the “Titanic”. This event could be quite significant for the White

Star Line bearing in mind the numerous claim compensations. The government immediately issued a decree to investigate and establish the location of the underwater cave. Pure Red Croatia, 6th September 1913

How much does a billion weigh? The French newspaper, “La Croix” describes what a billion looks like: a billion francs in gold weighs 322.500 kilogram’s. Its volume comprises 17 cubic metres. If this mass of gold is stretched into a fine wire, its length would be longer than the circumference of the earth. The earth would then have a golden equator. If coins of 20 francs where placed side by side, a billion would represent a golden wire of 1050 kilometres in length. And, if these coins were stacked, they would reach a height of 33.000 metres. What would the minute Eiffel Tower look like against the highest mountain in the world! To lift and heap of gold worth a billion, it would take 6000 of the strongest persons. What would be the dimension of a melting furnace to melt this mass of gold? Should the owner of this billion call to mind this mass of gold be utilised in making statues, he would be able to decorate his park with 22 life-size images. A billion in silver weighs 5,000.000 kilograms and volume of 477 cubic metres. Should one circumference the world with a silver belt made out of this mass, it would be thick 4 millimetres. One could make 636 human sized statues. If a gold billion was to be transported by train, 33 wagons would be required and for silver 500 wagons occupying 3 kilometres of railroad track. Pure Red Croatia, 6th September 1913

Veil danger. “A veil is the most absurd thing any women can wear. It does not only affect the eyes but also incites a difficult nervous disposition”. This opinion was given by a renowned American ophthalmologist expert, Dr. J. Wilson Boorbees, who through many lectures argued the detrimental effects of a veil. When women argue a veil is helpful, protects the skin from dust and bacillus, medical experts retort their unargumented opinion. The veil is a polluted piece of net and incites exactly the opposite of what it was intended for. Dust and bacillus firmly stick to it and every time when the veil touches the skin dust and bacillus is transferred. Therefore, the veil can cause very unpleasant diseases. The veil hinders the eye from seeing clearly and normally. Especially when fashion dictates veils with polka dots, stars, half-moons, circles and other various geometric figures. In such case, partial light falls on the retina normally. Partial retina areas blocked by black accessories receive no light at all. Consequently, partial retina area a very stressed while the other untouched and this, of course, is quite damaging. Thereupon, accessory hindrance may cause squinting. Anyway, the eyes are burdened by the veil due to tension thereby inciting severe headaches. Physicians have noticed veils cause nervous behaviour, apathy and an overall weakness and thus appeal to the female gender in being more fashion conscientious. Pure Red Croatia, 20th September 1913

Tobacco - a disinfectant. Medicine has always scrutinised the question whether smoking is harmful or not. Some physicians are of the opinion that smoking is harmful while others claim smoking, in minor quantity, protects against various infectious diseases. Smoking influences body growth in child smokers but brings benefits to the older generation. Clinics have researched the effect of cigarette smoke. Physicians are more interested in discovering the effect of tobacco on specific bacilli pertaining to infection diseases. Research results indicate tobacco kills amoeba (microscopic organism) in a very short time and which causes malaria. Just one in-take of nicotine, these very dangerous bacilli is disabled. Smoke acts as




Nov lijek protiv debljine. U Parizu živi jedna glumica, koja, makar da davno već nije baš mlada, ipak je još uvijek vitka i gipka. Gonetalo se i ispitivalo, kako ona to čudo stvara, ali uzalud, to je ostalo tajnom. Sada, čini se, da je, valjda indiskrecijom sobarice poznat njezin recept za vitak stas. Evo šta je: Glumici donesu svako jutro nekoliko tabaka papira u krevet. Ona ih raskida na sitne komadiće, pak ih pospe po cijeloj sobi. I tada počinje lijek protiv pretilosti: glumica s velikom brzinom pokupi po sobi razasute ostriške papira, svaki pojedince. To traje dobra pola sata. Za cijelo to vrijeme ona je napregnuta, a rade sve joj mišice, udovi i članci njena tijela. Eto čemu se umije domisliti ženska fantazija, kada valja očuvati vitak stas. Svakako je taj lov na ostriške izvrsna jutarnja gimnastika, pak će se možda ko za tim povesti. Prava Crvena hrvatska 04.10.1913

Zgodna i pametna amerikanada. Neki uvaženi amerikanski liječnik propisao je šport za ženske uvijek star, i uvijek nov, a sa higijenskoj gledišta veoma preporučen. Taj najzadnji i najpametniji šport za ženske jest – regjenje kuće. Taj rad koristi svim mišicama tijela, a evo tomu i dokaza. Za jačanje udova i za uzdržavanje zdrave i lijepe boje lica najbolje je srestvo uspinjanje uza stube. Za razvitak hrptenjače i širenje prsnog koša najbolje je klečanje i pranje poda s oblim rukama. Pleća će najbolje ojačat – metla. Sami jedan sat prati robu zdravije nego li čitavu sedmicu igrati tenis. Kako bi pametno radile naše gospogjice, kad bi se držale ovog recepta amerikanskog specijaliste ! . . . . Pardon! U njemačkom jednom listu bavi se dr. Rosna sa uobičajenom riječcom: „pardon“. Rosna kaže megju inim: „Jedna je riječ, koja me čini strašno nervoznim. Nekada je ta riječ mogla imati na sebi nekakovi čar i dražest, kada se je rabila, ali sada? Sada ju rabi svaki mamlaz. U običnom životu važi ta riječ kao neko imunizirajuće srestvo proti posljedicama počinjenih nepristojnosti. Kada ti neko u elektičnom tramwayu gazi po nogama kao po perzijskom ćilimu, onda misli, da je jednim pardonom čitavu stvar

uredio! Ako konobar polije tvoje svijetlo odijelo sa umakom ili poprska mlijekom, onda je on odstranio – što se njega barem tiče – onu mrlju sa trostrukim pardonom. Ako prilijepi kakova kočijašina par vrućih zaušnica tebi mjesto svojem protivniku, onda je dakako spreman, da tu pošiljku sa glasnim pardonom primi natrag. Ova pardonska uljudnost poplavila je poput bujice čitavu zemlju. I najnepristojniji gostioničar počne za vrijeme kakove tučnjave u njegovoj gostioni, bacati goste iz prostorija posluživši se – pardonom. I onda još čeka, da mu se odgovori: „O molim!“. Većina ljudi rabi ovaj pardon onom razumljivošću, kojom se rabi rubčić za nos, drugima vidiš na licu veselje, da mogu ovu riječ što češće rabiti, mnogi opet sa važnim naglasom kroz nos izgovore pardonn, kao da hoće da kažu svojim drugovima: „Vidite, ja izgovaram ovu riječ bez pogrješke, jer znam francuski i jer sam u opće – naobraženi čovjek“. Prava Crvena hrvatska 11.10.1913

Senzacijonalan Izum u kinematografiji. Prof. Mnsgr. Luigi Cereborani u Münchenu izumio je aparat, koji će u filmu moći da reproducira sve glasove, ako razgovor, pjevanje i glazbu. Ovaj se aparat bazira na nekoj vrsti gramofona, tako da se može upravljati na njemu i tempo u pjevanju i sviranju. U buduće ćemo u kinematografima moći gledati i slušati – opere i operete, ako u kazalištu ! Prava Crvena hrvatska 08.11.1913

Tamo-amo po svijetu. - Najveća morska dubina izmjerena je s njemačke topnjače „Planete“ u blizini Filipinskih ostrva u Tihom oceanu: 9.780 m. - Društvo „Panamerican Association“ gradi u New-Yorku palaču, koja će nadmašiti sve dosadašnje ogromne američke zgrade. Imati će 74 kata! - Povodom kopanja temelja za nove bankovne palače „Am Hof“ u Beču naišli su na zanimive ostatke gragjevina stare rimske „Vindobonae“. Nagjeni pločnici u od betona proregjenog sa vapnom. Dakle beton nije nikakav novi izum, kako bi neki htjeli, već su ga i rimljani poznali!

an anaesthetic, just like chlor or chloroform on a human. Tobacco sterilises the mouth and saliva where the bacilli remains the longest and which are in-taken by food and especially fruit. Tobacco irritates the saliva glands in the mouth thus producing abundant saliva necessary for bowl movement. Some smokers believed smoking was the cause of mouth and throat infections. This is not so. The cause of infections is something else, namely, colds. Should one have a cold, it would be recommendable to refrain from smoking. A physician in a Paris clinic smeared cholera bacilli in saliva; then exposed the smear to tobacco smoke. After five minutes the cholera bacilli were wiped out. Professor Wencke proved to other researchers that smokers were less exposed to infectious diseases than smokers. Physicians thus agree moderate smoking has its good side. It would be interesting to know how tuberculosis bacilli react to tobacco. New cure for obesity. An actress living in Paris who, although elderly, is still thin and agile. This riddle was intriguing and even after interviewing her secret was never disclosed. It seems, however, her indiscrete maid knew her recipe for slimness. And this is: every morning the actress takes several stacks of paper to bed. Tears them up in little pieces then scatters them all over the room. And now the cure for obesity: the actress hastily picks up all the pieces in the room. This lasts a good half hour. During this time, she squats and bends thus engaging her muscles, extremities and joints. To which length does female fantasy extend for the purpose of preserving her body in a thin and agile state! Certainly this paper hunt is an excellent example of morning fitness and maybe others shall follow! Pure Red Croatia, 4th October 1913

Pretty and clever Americans. A renowned American physician prescribed sport for women, always old and always new, and from a hygienic aspect very recommendable. This least of all and most clever sport for women is – house cleaning. Housework affects all the muscles in the body and here is the proof. For strengthening limbs and attaining a healthy and beautiful face, the best recipe is climbing up and down stairs. For maintaining one’s spine and developing one’s thorax, the best method is kneeling and scrubbing floors with hand alternation. Shoulders are strengthened best with – a broom. Only one hour is required for your health while washing clothes than a whole week spent playing tennis. How clever our little ladies would be if they implemented this recipe of the American specialist!

Excuse me! In a German newspaper Dr Rosna deals with the frequently spoken work “excuse me”. Rosner says, among else; “There is a word which makes me quite nervous. Once, this word had in itself charm and gentility when used, but now? Now, any knucklehead uses it. Normally, this word used to define an immunising agent against consequences of inflicted rudeness’s. When someone steps on your toes in the electric tramway as though it were a Persian carpet and then thinks a simple “excuse me” erasing the event! If a waiter spills sauce or milk on your white suit then he clean you up with a threefold “excuse me”. If a horse drawn carriage driver slaps you across the face instead of the actual recipient, he is then quite ready to receive the same procedure in return. This “excuse me” gentility is overflowing the country like a torrent. Even the tavern keeper when a fight breaks out in his tavern and he begins throwing out his guests, politely says – “excuse me”! Then stands in the doorway waiting a response of: “O, thank you!” Most people use this expression with comprehension as putting a handkerchief to one’s nose. On other faces you detect their happiness for the frequent usage of this expression while others have a haughtytaughty pronunciation of the expression thus saying to others: “See, my pronunciation is without fault because I know French and because I am a well-educated person”. Pure Red Croatia, 11th October 1913

Sensational innovation in cinematography. Prof. Mons. Luigi Cereborani in Münich invented an apparatus which shall be able to reproduce voices, conversation, singing and music in films. This invention is based on techniques somewhat like the gramophone and can manage the singing and playing pace. In cinematography’s, we shall now be able to watch and listen - operas and operettas if in the theatre! Pure Red Croatia, 8th November 1913

Titbits around the World - The maximum sea depth sounded by the German gunboat “Planet” near the Philippine islands in the Pacific Ocean is 9.780 m. - The “Panamerican Association” is building an edifice in New York which shall surpass all other large American buildings. It shall have 74 floors! - While digging the foundations of the new “Am Hof” bank building in Vienna, they came across ancient Rome “Vindobona” building remains. The discovered cement pavements were spaced with lime. Thereby, cement is no new invention and, as some would say, even Romans new about it!

Photograph taken on Stradun - Dubrovnik’s main promenade at 04:00

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