Irvine Bay Case Study

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CHOOSING A DEVELOPER WHO UNDERSTANDS PLACE IS CRITICAL The decision by Irvine URC to select Urban Splash as the developer for the project will be the most influential decision in creating a high quality economically successful new neighbourhood for people to live in. REBRANDING PLACES CAN BE A BUSINESS MODEL The selected developer for this project has been successful in numerous challenging regeneration areas, by not only making a significant change in the form of an area but also by using excellent designers to completely change the perception and hence the attractiveness and economic desirability of an area. This is a process of creating a market. PLACE BASED ECONOMIC MODELS TAKE TIME TO BE SUCCESSFUL This is viewed as a 10-year development programme, with the distinctive nature of the place established in the early years, which allows the values to increase in the later phases. The long term timescale is required to provide the financial return. Requirements for early capital receipts for land can jeopardise this model. CLEAR JUSTIFICATION ASSISTS THE APPROVAL PROCESS The quality of information and illustrations which were used in the consultation process and for the Design Statement provided a very clear explanation and justification of the design solution and this helped the understanding and support for the proposal. FLEXIBLE APPROACH TO MASTERPLAN HELPS A masterplan design which incorporates flexibility in building use and aspects such as the size of residential units provides the flexibility to respond to market conditions during development and provides adaptable accommodation for future residents, enhancing the sustainability of the community.




Clydebank re-built: Connection & Control Clyde Gateway: Integrated Urban Infrastructure PARC Craigmillar: Creating a Street Raploch: Village Square at the heart of the Community Riverside Inverclyde: ReImagining Place Assets

Irvine Bay, North Ayrshire

The Urban Regeneration Companies (URCs) are special purpose vehicles set up to deliver complex regeneration projects - attracting and coordinating public and private sector investment around a shared plan with the aim of achieving the sustainable transformation of their areas.

Architecture Policy Designing Streets PAN 59 Improving Town Centres Pan 65 Planning & Open Space PAN 881 Community Engagement PAN 83 Masterplanning

PRACTICALITIES OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Incorporation of one large scale wind turbine, ideal in this coastal location, could have provided a cost effective way of off setting CO² for the development. However, concern about noise levels, the nearby bird sanctuary and the important views of the island of Arran have ruled out this approach. A passive approach has been adopted with high levels of insulation etc proposed.


The URCs in Scotland have committed to the placemaking agenda. This is one of a series of case studies looking at URC initiatives which have been chosen to reflect a variety of projects in term of scale, type and stage. The purpose of the case studies is to share evidence from these initiatives in delivering places by design. They are presented in terms of key lessons and challenges to:-

CAR PARKING IN THE PUBLIC REALM This location attracts a large number of visitors particularly on sunny days, the majority of whom arrive by car. The design of large areas of car parking for limited intensive periods of use while retaining the quality of the public realm to the Quayside is difficult. The approach chosen has been to spread the provision along the whole street rather than locate it in defined car parks.

Showcase the achievements of the URCs Provide Scottish examples of how place making policy

has been implemented

Assist learning on what works and why

ACCOMMODATING CAR PARKING OFF STREET IS COMPLEX The form of the central street relies on controlling and limiting the car parking within the street. Accommodating the car parking within the urban block, to the rear of the properties and providing open space at first floor level requires a complex and costly solution. CHALLENGING OPEN SPACE STANDARDS This site is surrounded by dramatic areas of public open space, and hence only small areas of private open space are provided to the rear of the houses. This enables the distinctive intensity of built form to be established. Following generic standards in relation to provision of open space would have undermined this important aspect of the Place.


The learning in this case study is targeted at anyone who is involved in the planning, funding, delivery and management of places in Scotland. BEACH DRIVE SKETCH

Irvine Bay Regeneration Co 43 Ardrossan Rd Saltcoats KA21 5BS t: + 44 (0) 01294 608634 f: + 44 (0) 01294 603437 e: w: Winter 2010

The case studies focus on design issues and are based on the six qualities listed in the Scottish Government ‘Designing Places’ policy statement and subsequent planning guidance. This case study focuses on the application of high quality architectural design and place making to create a development market for a new area of the town of Irvine.


The Scottish Government has set out an ambition to achieve better places as part of the sustainable economic growth agenda. PLACES are ‘people spaces’. They are an expression of social, cultural, economic and environmental values. Quality of place can be measured in terms of design quality, stewardship and public life. “Places where people want to be”

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