JUL/AUG 2009 Issue

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JUL / AUG 2009

No. 11

MICHAEL JACKSON Farewell To The King of Pop



GET OUT OF DEBT 8 Steps To Freedom

THE RIGHT STEPS in Governance In Africa


A D U N A G O W. N E T



features 10

An Open Letter To President OBAMA I am prompted to address this correspondence to your Office in the believe that your attention will somewhat be focused on African issues in the course of your brief sojourn through our continent. By Yona Fares Maro

10 40 A core question today is whether Governance in Africa.

government and governance is cost effective, whether budgets are justified, whether the people should not pay more, for less. By Yona Fares Maro

20 Debt is a serious matter and needs to

Get Out of Debt: 8 Steps To Freedom


be taken at such. If you’re being buried under payments, the only real solution is to change your debt habits and start digging your way out, one step at a time. By Staff Writer

24 of Pop.

Michael Jackson: Farewell To The King Michael Jackson passed away at the age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was rehearsing for a sold-out London concert entitled “This Is IT.” By Eric Adunagow

Spotlights 36 Singer.

Special Coveriage: Anthoney Wright

Editorial 6 [ Editor’s Letter ] 8 [ Featured Contributors ] 14 [ Karibu Crosswords ] 46 [ Africa 101 - Congo ]

ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE “Reaching Africans Around The Globe” PO BOX 691728 | TULSA, OK | 74169 -1728 | U.S.A.



JUL / AUG 2009




ON THE COVER: Michael Jackson Aug. 29 1958 - Jun 25, 2009




words from Eric Adunagow | Photo copyright: ADUNAGOW Magazine



Putting Money Behind Your new Venture.

ONEY SHOULD NOT BE THE ONLY MOTIVATION when it comes to launching

yourself into a new business venture. I have to admit that none of us would like to work for free - I don’t care how much you love your job and how much satisfaction you get out of it. At the end, we all hope that the new business venture that we’re starting will bring us some financial stability to the point where we can enjoy life at its fullest. Collecting a little bit of dough while doing something that we love should be like icing on a cake - We all love it, but we don’t want to it it without the cake itself.

Therfore, when entering a new business, or re-evaluating a current ongoing one, always ask yourself the golden question: What’s the motivation behind your work? Do you do it for Money alone or do you do it for passion as well? Most of us, at a certain point of our lives have worked for someone - whether it be a Mom and Pop or a Fortune 500 company - in order to meet our daily needs. Money has been our direct compensation for our daily labor. After a couple of years into our careers, we have educated ourselves to the notion that working relates to money. We associated labor to work; the more we put into it, the more we get out of it. Not a bad concept; except it limits us to just one side of this equation. This is also the reason why many of us are afraid to start a business or quit a current position for a new one. We simply manage to live with our current situation. When more money is required, we just work harder, at the same job, same position, pulling incredible overtime and somehow filling good about it as well. Having an entrepeneurship spirit requires seeing far beyond money. When you engage yourself into a new business, you should concentrate on making sure that money is not the first - worse yet, the only one - driving force behind your new venture. The reason is simple: almost all new venture requires time and dedication, and money definitely does not come fast. It may takes months, sometimes even years, before you see the fruit of your new venture. So, what are some of the best motivation for new ventures? 1. PASSION - Do what you love and love what you do! When you get into a business doing something that you enjoy spending time on, it brings more stability and motivation. 2. PURPOSE - When you feel deeply about a specific cause, it may just be your calling. You may be the only one with the solution. People often love to critisize other’s business and processes. I’ll say, don’t just stop on criticizing. When something ticks you off to the point of losing it, go a step ahead: think of a better way. By doing so, you may just discover a new product, or a new process, and thus, a new venture. 3. INHERITANCE - Yes. This last one, many would never think of it as a motivation for a new venture. Do you come from a family that are involved for many generations in a specific field? You better stick to it. The reason is simple: if they have survived that long, it must have a great value on your family and also on the world. Best of it all, you are surrounded with a lot of expert, holding knowledges from early years. In summary, money should not be the only motivation when starting a new venture. Passion, a sense of purpose, and family skills inheritance are far worth more valuable and should be considered before thinking about how much you will be making in your new path.



JUL / AUG 2009

ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE “Reaching Africans Around The Globe” PUBLISHER: Eric ADUNAGOW EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Eric Adunagow eric@adunagow.net CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Editorial Staff Eric Adunagow Paul Usungu Yona Farro MARKETING DIRECTOR: Colombe Adunagow colombe@adunagow.net CONTACT US: editorial@adunagow.net (714) 612-2057 voice URL: http://magazine.adunagow.net http://www.adunagow.net

ADUNAGOW Magazine [ISSN 1941-7179] is published bimonthly by Eric ADUNAGOW, PO BOX 691728, Tulsa, OK 74169-1728. Telephone: 714.612.2057. Postage is paid at Tulsa, Oklahoma. U..S.. subscription rates are free to qualified subscribers. ADUNAGOW.NET and ADUNAGOW are trademarks of Eric ADUNAGOW. All contents are copyright © 2008 by ADUNAGOW Magazine. All rights are reserved. Right of reprint is granted only to non-commercial educational institutions such as high schools, colleges and universities. No other grants are given. Send address changes to ADUNAGOW Magazine, PO Box 691728, Tulsa OK 74169-1728. The opinions of our writers do not always reflect those of the publisher and while we make every effort to be as accurate as possible, we cannot and do not assume responsibility for damages due to errors or omissions. LEGAL STATEMENT: All information in this magazine is offered without guarantee as to its accuracy and applicability in all circumstances. Please consult an attorney, business advisor, accountant or other professional to discuss your individual circumstances. Use of the information in this magazine is not intended to replace professional counsel. Use of this information is at your own risk and we assume no liability for its use.




the people who help make ADUNAGOW Magazine ever ything it is

Eri c A d u n a g o w

P aul U s ungu

Yo n a Fa r e s M a r o

Eric Adunagow is the Chief Editor and founder/Publisher of ADUNAGOW Magazine. He holds an A.A.S. in Electronic Engineering Technology from Community College of Philadelphia and a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He was born in Kinshasa, Congo and now lives in Oklahoma, United States, along with his wife Colombe and two sons Nicholas and Ethan.

A graduate student of College of Aeronautic in Queens, NY, with an Aircraft Maintenance major and currently pursuing an Accounting degree at Valencia Community College in Florida, Paul Usungu has a deep passion for Africa’s rich culture and history. Paul created Karibu Crosswords, a fun learning tool, which is published in the magazine and soon in a book format. He currenlty lives in Florida, along with his wife Virginie and his two daughters Dalhia and Destiny.

Yona Fares Maro is a freelance writer and an online researcher based in Tanzania and frequently contributes to Tips and Topics related to Internet and Technology. He has published numerous articles in local and regional publications on a wide range of topics, including Business,Ict , Education, Arts, and Local events.

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w r itten by Yona Fares Maro | e - mai l us you r fe e db a ck at e d itor i a l @ a du nagow. ne t


A s y o u e mbark on your maiden visit (in your capacity as President o f t h e U n i t e d S ta te s o f A me ri ca) to Afr ica, the m ost exploited continen t o n e a r t h , I a m prompte d to a ddr ess this cor r espondence to your Offic e i n t h e b e lieve that your attention will somewhat be focused on Africa n i s s u e s in the course of your brief sojourn through our continent.

The President of United States of America White House, Washington D.C. Mr. Barack Obama Dear Mr. President, CALL FOR A MARSHALL PLAN FOR AFRICA TO CONFRONT THE MOTHER-OF-ALLSCOURGES ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT “OFFICIAL CORRUPTION�, AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL CORRUPTION CRIMES COURT As you embark on your maiden visit (in your capacity as President of the United States of America) to Africa, the most exploited continent on earth, I am prompted to address this correspondence to your Office in the believe that your attention will somewhat be focused on African issues in the course of your brief sojourn through our continent. Prime motivation to pen this correspondence emanates from the pivotal role your country has played, is playing and can play in global affairs.. I admit to being further emboldened to write this letter by the fact that whilst your opponents in your quest to secure the mandate to lead your country had embarked on presidential campaigns, you had initiated a global movement for change predicated on the pillars of justice, equity, solidarity and sustainability. I must confess to being further prompted to write you following the realization that the only mention tour made of Africa in your groundbreaking address at Cairo University, Egypt was: Around the world, we can turn dialogue into interfaith service, so bridges between peoples lead to action -- whether it is combating malaria in Africa, or providing relief after a natural disaster. I was worried this was indicative of a further continuation of the stereotyped thinking in the west of seeing Africa only in terms of its diseases! Let me at this juncture refresh your mind on the usual pattern of visits of U.S. Presidents to subSaharan African countries, a pattern that I am hoping your scheduled visit will detour from: i.) President gets inundated with dire and gory data on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, Cholera, civil wars, blood diamonds, blood oil and a litany of other woes besetting countries in the continent. ii.) Economic experts from the Bretton Woods institutions and their hangers-on will harp on the inevitability of more loans and aids as the panacea for the continents development. iii.) White House protocol officers will ensure that all ingredients (including water) which Mr. President may consume/ingest in the course of his stay in Africa is parked into Air Force 1 10


JUL / AUG 2009




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iv.) In the African country to be visited, preparations will basically be in the form of fresh coats of paints on buildings where the U.S. leader will waltz through, filling potholes on the routes the U.S. Presidential convoy will transverse and commandeering traditional dance troupes to entertain the august visitor. (I believe U.S. presidents who have visited Kenya ,Nigeria and some other African countries in the past would have fainted if they ever had an inkling as to the scandalously over exaggerated contracts for mom-essentials, such as toilet papers, miniature flags, which their brief visits allowed corrupt state officials an opportunity to milk the treasury) v.) At the end of the, at times 12 hour or maximum 24 hour visit, grand proclamations on HIV/AIDS, cholera, hunger and other scourges will be made, bilateral (or to be more apt, unilateral agreements will be signed, the content of which in most cases the African ruler signing either has no idea whatsoever or is ignorant of the implications thereof. Usually such agreements leave the African country visited more exploited and the citizenry thereof further pauperized.

strive to succinctly state these effects: i. Every dollar stolen by the ruler of an African country and his cohorts and dumped outside of the country in question, usually into a western country (Bank, Real Estate, Stocks or in any other way) directly amounts to one dollar less in the sum available in the African country in question, to alleviate poverty, provide public infrastructure and general good governance. ii. Poverty, absence of public infrastructure in core areas such as health, education, transportation, communication and so on and bad governance directly give rise to the myriad of scourges plaguing the African countries, such as HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Polio, TB and so forth. iii. The inequalities generated by corruption lead to political instability, civil strife and ultimately, wars; whilst the impunity conferred by wanton corruption facilitates an environment of lawlessness and abuse of fundamental rights.

Will your visit be different? I certainly believe and hope so. My believe is predicated on your antecedents, pronouncements on equity and your reference in your inauguration speech to stand with oppressed people wherever they might be in the world and my hope is based on the projection that the west will begin to appreciate that good governance and prosperity in African countries is not inversely proportional to the wellbeing of western societies.

In a nutshell, corruption is bad and corrupt leadership has been the bane of African countries.

The Problem:

Beneficiaries of and Losers to corruption:

The purpose of this correspondence is not to gloss over or diminish the implications on the peoples and States of Africa of the various scourges plaguing the continent, rather, I seek to draw attention to the need to frontally confront the causative scourge of all other scourges (what you may refer to as the mother of all scourges) - Corruption.

In tackling official corruption in Africa, it is important to know the major characters in the illicit and lethal practice so that from the very onset, one disabuses his thinking from the age-old clichĂŠs (such as they are Africans “ they are corrupt) which have often time served to obviate the real instigators and beneficiaries of corruption in Africa.

Corrupt and kleptomaniac rulers have been foisted and perpetuated on African countries (usually by forces outside the continent) for the past couple of decades, thus giving rise to the plethora of problems plaguing the continent, particularly countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Two prime beneficiaries of official corruption in Africa are

It has not been by coincidence that visionary leaders of African countries who tried to move their individual countries in the path of development did not last long in Office (usually overthrown in coups instigated from outside Africa) whilst rulers whose sole purpose was to further pauperize their peoples and mortgage the collective future of their countries seem able to last for seeming eternities with a strangle hold on their countries. The flourish and red-carpet receptions accorded to some of these despicable dictators when they visit western nations tend to give credence to their sources of power. Consequences of Corruption The effect or consequences of corruption on emerging economies have been well researched and documented. I will 12


JUL / AUG 2009

It is thus easily discernible how concerted international action against corruption will translate, near-instantaneously, into progress and development for African countries.

a. The corrupt government official, his immediate family and associates-in- corruption. Foreign countries invest in foisting corrupt and kleptomaniac rulers on African countries with the sole aim of reaping from the fall-out, in terms of proceeds of corruption being invested in the said foreign country.. The more resources an African country has, the greater the level of foreign interest in foisting corrupt rulers. Rulers preferred by such foreign countries are usually of low IQ and ironically have a penchant to pursue academic qualifications after departing Office, if they do so alive, and b. The recipient of looted funds in the western country “banks, real estate agents and stockbrokers and co. These are the real and ultimate beneficiaries of looted funds from Africa. These supposedly erudite professionals encourage corrupt ignorant leaders from Africa, to deposit looted funds in 58-digit secret accounts (the numbers are known only to the looter and his foreign collaborator) or purchase TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT



By Pau l Usu ngu | w w w. c ongomagazine. com

LOOKING FOR THE ANSWERS? Goto page 45 to get the answers.

http://www.wenze.com/africanadvocates.htm Contact: Carine Siltz | 919.771.0601


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properties and assets by proxies. Upon the demise of the corrupt official, neither the African country from whence the funds were looted nor the immediate families of the late corrupt official, have any idea where the loot is. The foreign collaborator(s) walks home with the looted funds intact! Two losers to corruption in Africa are: a. The people of the continent who are forced to live in subhuman conditions devoid of the basics of modern existence, a condition that is making otherwise proud, peaceloving, hardworking, vice shunning populations amenable to all manner of atrocities ranging from substance and human trafficking, religious extremism, bone-chilling war crimes and many more vices, and b. The African continent suffers, at times irreparably and irreversibly, in the areas of environmental degradation, nonsustainable exploitation of mineral and natural resources.. The African Situation: Is the situation in African countries hopeless? How can a continent blessed with abundant mineral and natural resources, peopled by vibrant, energetic and amiable populations and upon which the elements are kind (no monsoons, earthquakes, heat waves, tsunamis or snowstorms) continually serve as a drawback to global progress? Statistics available at the United Nations indicate that minus Africa, the world made tremendous progress in all facets of development (using the millennium development goals {MDGs} as a parameter). Add Africa to the equation and the global average in all indices of development falls into the negative. The Way Forward Mr. President, Sir, a three pronged approach is hereby suggested. a.

A Marshall Plan for Africa

b. Establishment of an international Corruption Crimes Court (ICCC) c. Unmasking financial safe-havens “the so called offshore banking and privacy policies of some western banks, and d.

Good governance

A.A Marshall Plan for Africa Statistics available at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime indicate that corrupt African rulers and their cronies have stolen sums in excess of U.S. $ 2 Trillion out of Africa in the past 50years. This figure is corroborated by projections from other independent sources and civil society organizations. The share size of the sum involved makes ones senses spin with indignation as to what level of progress and development the same sum if well utilized for and in Africa would have generated and wondering how such sums would have transformed African prospects and landscape. The devastation caused on Africa by decades of wanton official corruption is what we are witnessing in Africa today. 16


JUL / AUG 2009

Large-scale malnourishment affecting the human intellect and psyche, physical degradation of mankind, diseases flourish in abundance and cohabit with humans, near total absence of infrastructures, breakdown of age-old societal norms and cultures, debasement of humanity amongst others. The list is endless. More graphically, the scars of the several cavil wars fought in Africa and the millions who died as a result of preventable diseases, coupled with the several millions barely existing due to excruciating poverty and want, further crystallize the impact of corruption on Africa and the African. The enormity of the problems posed by official corruption in Africa is definitely beyond what can be left to Africans alone to tackle. Official corruption in Africa is a behemoth sin of international dimensions and thus requiring concerted international action to tackle. My call for a Marshall Plan for Corruption in Africa is borne out of the example set by the allied forces after the destruction meted out to Germany, Japan and other loser nations after World War II (WWII). In response to the devastation caused by WWII, allied countries, led by your United States, deemed it fit to commit several billion Dollars in rebuilding Germany, in the process transforming Germany into the power house of Europe and a mega player in global economy. Similar acts of magnanimity were extended to Japan and other countries devastated by WWII. It is without doubt that if Germany, Japan and countries in similar conditions had been left to pick up (by themselves) from the shambles into which they had been bombed during WWII, it would have taken these countries nearly till eternity to join the rest of humanity in development. Countries in African are at best in a similar position to what Germany was in 1945, but I believe in reality, far worse. We sure do deserve some form of Marshall Plan! Left to combat official corruption on their own, it will take African countries all of eternity and more to climb out of the vicious circle. Specifics of the Marshall Plan for Africa A. Using existing domestic statutes in western countries and relevant international treaties and conventions (which laws are presently used to confiscate proceeds from illegal transactions in illicit substances, money laundering and other nefarious activities), the bulk of proceeds of official corruption in Africa can be identified and recovered from the criminals who stashed same away in western countries. B. Proceeds from assets derived from corrupt origins in Country in Africa but recovered from Country in say Europe will be returned to country and used to fund specific predetermined development projects in. Such that properties confiscated from a Mobutu Sese Seko in France will be returned to fund specific projects in Zaire; and that from a Sani Abacha in Switzerland will likewise go to Tanzania. C. The recipient country in Africa will be required to have a TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


list of fundable projects to be funded by repatriated loot. D. Authorities of the recipient country in Africa in collaboration with authorities of the repatriating country will decide on which projects will be funded with repatriated loot.

privacy policy of the USB Group to defraud the American state of billions of dollars in taxes.

May I however remind you, Mr. President that restricting the benefits of the United States actions against just the Swiss USB Group or to U.S. citizens alone will only provide E. Reasonable administrative costs borne by repatriating loopholes to be exploited to obviate the intendments of country in the entire transaction will be deducted from the successes attained thus far. The benefits of the actions looted funds prior to repatriation. against the Swiss USB Banking group must be translated to B. International Corruption Crimes Court (ICCC) {Enforcement have global relevance for any meaningful sustainable effect. Mechanism}: International pressure, including sanctions must be applied To serve as a deterrent to budding or existing corrupt on countries that provide safe banking haven for corrupt rulers in Africa, it is proposed that either the mandate of rulers from Africa. Such pressure and sanctions must be the International Criminal Court (ICC) be interpreted or maintained until such countries retrace their positions and expanded to encapsulate corruption offences/practices, or an join the rest of civilized mankind in tackling corruption. independent International Corruption Crimes Court (ICCC) be D. Good governance and tackling corruption: established (with powers, scope and authority similar to the existing International Criminal Court) to prosecute and punish Inextricably linked to the issue of tackling corruption in corrupt rulers and their collaborators whose acts of corruption countries in the African continent is the issue of good has lead and continues to lead to massive humanitarian crisis governance. Rulers whose assent to power was via corrupt in African countries means can hardly be expected not to be corrupt; as such rulers are in reality a personification of corruption Going by what it causes, its adverse impact on societies and the implications for generations in the localities where it reigns supreme, Corruption is at the very least a crime against humanity! With more detailed scrutiny, it qualifies also as a war crime!

I believe you will resolutely let corrupt rulers who abound in the African continent know and realize that the United States will not be a sanctuary for those who have made their peoples refugees on their own home land,

C. Unmasking Financial Safe Havens- so called off-shore banking:

Is this a call for the recolonization of Africa?

For too long, the world has tolerated so called privacy policies and privacy banking laws of some banking institutions and countries. These policies and laws merely serve to provide safe havens to launder monies gotten from spurious origins (usually proceeds of corruption, drug trafficking and other illicit activities).

Save for the call for an International Corruption Crimes Court (ICCC) or the expansion of the mandate of the ICC, all other characteristics of the proposed Marshall Plan for Africa are not really distant from what currently obtains. In all African countries, there are a plethora of projects funded by developmental partners (The United Nations and its agencies, such as the World Bank, the European Union, the Commonwealth of Nations, the United States and sundry European countries).

Countries where such privacy policies and laws reign pride themselves in supposedly respecting customer confidentiality “very much like the Sicilian Mafia gangs have omerta, an unwritten unbreakable law on silence. These policies shield and provide refuge for corrupt rulers of African countries who have robbed their countries blind. These banking policies and laws (in the countries where they operate) have become the major factor fostering public sector finance corrupt practices in Africa as they provide the rulers and their cohorts with two essential elements to steal, invincibility and safe retirement. Would the world tolerate a safe haven for terrorists and persons indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court? Definitely not! I also believe that the world should not tolerate a safe haven for persons who loot public treasury anywhere in the world or whose acts of corruption has led to humanitarian crisis, conflict, dehumanization of populations and reducing peoples to lives of misery and abject poverty. I congratulate your Government on the landmark actions taken thus far against the Swiss banking giant, UBS Group, which will ultimately lead to the unmasking of citizens of your country who have hid under Swiss banking laws and the TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT



The basic difference between what is proposed and what already exists is that in place of the present Loans or Aid Monies used to fund such projects, repatriated loot will fund such developmental projects. In addition, I had factored in some measures to cover the loophole exploited by corrupt officials in Tanzania in our immediate past government which led to the re-looting of funds recovered from a previous corrupt ruler. Is this feasible? Very much so! All it requires is the political will of the western nations, of which yours, Mr. President, is an influential part of. The political will and foresight not to only treat African countries as beggarly dependent nations ruled by criminals but as potential partners in development. Also critical in attaining the intendments in the Marshall Plan JUL / AUG 2009




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monitors and observers and in express disapproval of the citizens over whom they preside. Visiting such countries, at this onset, would have negated your vow in your inaugural address to stand by oppressed people wherever they might be. When we do begin to get our acts together in Tanzania , then surely you must have to come over and have a feel of the proverbial giant in the sun. ii. Mr. President, Sir, I would like to finally point out that in writing the letter, I am not under the delusion that the contents of this letter will receive any greater understanding because it is from an African to the first African-American President. Far from it, I know that by your parentage, you are as white as you are black (no pun intended) and that by your upbringing, following from available records, you are actually more white than black. I however expect to get objective rationalization of the ideas propounded herein because I am writing to a man who has shown, thus far in his presidency of the world’s largest economy and bastion of democratic precepts, that he is willing to differ from age-old stereotypes that have tended to serve the interest of a few against the aspirations of million, a man who can thread previously inconceivable paths in his quest for truth and justice and a man who is ever willing to extend a hand of friendship where others who were before him built on inexplicable divisions. Have a nice day, Mr. President. for Africa as proposed is erasing the mindset that seem to found present day international development collaboration “ an innate fear amongst technocrats in western economies that if Africa were ever to get its acts together, the wealth of the west will diminish “ a we-are-richer- because-we- make-youpoorer mentality. If a Marshall Plan did work for Germany and much of Europe in the period after the WWII, it sure can work for Africa in the 21st century. Can you, President Barack Obama, initiate and see to the implementation of a Marshall Plan for Africa as proposed, or something akin thereto? YES YOU CAN, and should Can the rest of the world, particularly countries in Africa, support the Marshall Plan for Africa? YES WE CAN and we will! Please remain assured of my high regards and respects Yours truly, *YONA F MARO DAR ES SALAAM , TANZANIA NB: i. Some countries in Africa, particularly mine, Tanzania, have expressed indignation that you will be sidestepping them in your maiden visit to Africa. Not coming to some of them now, particularly Tanzania is a wise decision. Most governments expressing such outrage came into Office in bracingly corrupt manners witnessed by local and international election 18


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My call to all Africans This is the type of campaign that will liberate Africa, especially Tanzania. Tanzanians should saturate White House switchboard (before Obama flies out to Africa) with phone calls and bombard the place with postcards urging the President to be tougher on African corrupt politicians and leadership. We should also embolden him to speak out more forcefully like he’s doing on Iran today. Africans needs Freedom and Liberty, not just the Iranians or the Iraqi’s or the Afghans. We have in Africa, a situation where a tiny minority is holding the future of majority Hostage, Leaders with no conscience who stole their people’s dreams and disappears. Heartless souls who continue to live in the 20th Century...... Please, in any form, by any means necessary, let your voice be heard.





JUL / AUG 2009




w r itten by St af f Wr iter | e - mai l you r fe e db a ck at e d itor i a l @ a du nagow. ne t

Get Out o f D eb t 8 steps to freedom


et’s face it, whoever lives in the United States legal or illegal - would attest to the fact that the American way of life has adopted debt as the

unwanted child; no one wants it, but we can’t avoid its presence. Maybe a harsh comparison, but heck, debt itself is a harsh matter and people gets aggravated when the subject gets brought into a conversation. Today, people are carrying more debt - especially consumer debt - than ever before. It’s starting to be a heavy burden that we cannot hide. Some even jokes about it on TV, hoping that laughter would alleviate the signs of heavy fatigue that debt brings along in our lives. But debt is a serious matter and needs to be taken at such. If you’re being buried under payments, the only real solution is to change your debt habits and start digging your way out, one step at a time. So roll up your sleeves and grab that shovel. The following are some steps that anyone in debt needs to consider in order to be able to see the sun after the rainy days. They’re not easy - since there is no easy way out, unless you win the lottery or inherit from grandpa Billy that just kicked the bucket - but if applied, they guaranty you a better future.



JUL / AUG 2009

1. Face The Music If you’ve been trying to make bills vanish by throwing them away unopened, the first step is to own up to your mistakes. They will never go away if you hide them under the bed, or anywhere else. Admit that you have a problem and you need to face it and find out exactly how much in debt you are. Clear off your bed and get out all your statements (credit cards, banks, mortgages, etc...), bills and budget - basically everything you can think of that relates to your finances. The loan/credit card payments and the bills for essentials - power, heat, water - will represent your base payments. If you add up your essentials and find out that they exceed your take home income, you already know that you are in a mess that requires immediate attention.It will require a change in your lifestyle (sell the house, get a small apartment, take on a second job) or file for bankruptcy. Now you need to make a plan.



2. Start a Bailout Plan Please keep in mind, it probably took you some years to accumulate debt. Therefore, you should not expect it to disappear the very next day - at least not without the help of your late rich Grandpa Billy. With that say, let’s also add that not all debts are created equal. In making your plan, you’ll need to establish ranking among your debts and make a plan of attack. Target the high-interest debt first, non-deductible, low-interest debt next, and tax-deductible debt last. Decide and stick to this rule: Thou Shall No Longer Use a credit card. At least, keep a single credit card for emergencies and quit carrying the rest entirely. Ideally, you should try to save up an emergency fund and lock all your cards away. As you come up with your bailout plan, be prepare to stick with it for a long time so that you can see changes in your debt.

3. Get a Credit Report Yes, you should know what the banks read about you and your financials. Please keep in mind that your credit report is your fingerprint when it comes to getting a loan for anything you can think of. The lender does not need to see you in order to decide whether or not to give you the money. All they need to know is your credit report, your financial print. Therefore, The next step is to check your credit rating. You can get your credit rating the same way lenders and landlords do - from the credit bureau. Once you have the report, you can check if for accuracy. Look at your report and identify the accounts that are dragging your rating down. It only takes one or two late payments to move a consumer loan from a green rating to a red. If you have late payments on all of your credit accounts, you may find yourself in the “highrisk” category, despite diligently paying the loans down (although not on time).

4. Start The Budget Diet Control Get rid of troublesome accounts. Call the lenders and cancel unnecessary cards and pay down your overall debt on time. Use automatic payments and tighten up your budget to get your debt under control. Keep in mind that your budget control depends on your willingness to stick to it. If you let some free slip ups happen frequently, nothing will work.Your credit score will improve only over time. If your credit rating allows for it, visit the bank and try to get a larger, lower-interest loan and consolidate all your consumer debts into this loan. This will speed up the process of paying off your debt by minimizing the interest drain on your payments.

5. Pay beyond the Minimum

speed up the pay back period. If you’ve eliminated the high interest debt, double up payments on the nexthighest debt. You’ll be consistently increasing the overall rate at which your debt diminishes and getting closer to the magic number the bank is looking for before granting a consolidating loan. Once you get a consolidation loan, doubling payments will make it vanish that much faster. So, how do you get that extra money? Get a second job whenever possible. Consider starting your own sidekick job. Use your talents and trade your skills for cash (Photography, arts, crafting). Think of ways to bring more cash into the budget.

6. Own Your Debt. Getting out of debt usually means making some painful decisions. If you’re simply too far behind, it might be time for some drastic measures. The softest cuts come in the form of substitution - one-ply for two, a walk in the park for a gym membership. Harder cuts come in the form of selling whatever non-essential items you can live without and that someone on eBay or in a pawnshop will pay for - you might be surprised at what you can get for the complete box-set of your favorite TV series. The money raised from the sale will provide a lumpsum payment against your highest interest loan.

7. Seek Professional Help It’s painful to admit when we’re in trouble financially. Nevertheless, if you’re really serious getting out of debt and very fast, you need to seek help from a credit counselor.A credit counselor can provide many helpful tips and make sure that you’re on the right track with your bailout plan. Since you do not want to add extra consulting charges of getting a counselor to fix your debt problems, you may consider tapping to your existing network of friends and relatives. There is quite a chance that you may already have a counselor in your network of friends from church or work that will be willing to help you for a fraction of the regular price. Seek and Ye Shall Find.

8. Renegotiate The Terms Now it is time to meet your creditors. Go and visit the lending institutions with which you have outstanding debts. If you owe more than one bank, start with the bank that you have the best history with. Set a meeting time and bring your damage report, your new cash-based budget and a humble smile. Explain the steps you’ve already taken to avoid defaulting on your debts and ask to renegotiate the debt you have at that institution. Now that you’ve abandoned your loose credit ways and can prove it, banks will be more likely to cut you some slack. (For more on debt negotiation, see Negotiating A Debt Settlement.)

Whenever possible, double up on payments on your highest-interest debt. Although it’s not quite as efficient as consolidating, doubling up on payments can TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


JUL / AUG 2009




w r itten by Er ic Adu nagow | e - mai l us you r stor i e s at e d itor i a l @ a du nagow. ne t

On June 25, 2009 Michael Jackson, the

MICHAEL JACKSON Farewell to the King of Pop AUG U ST 29, 1958 - JUNE 25, 2009

self proclaimed “King of Pop” passed away at the age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was just coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert entitled “This Is IT.” A sudden death for the American superstar, who was born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958. He was a musical prodigy who entertained audiences nearly his entire life since his singing debut with the Jackson 5. His singing and dancing talents were exceptional and captivating, reaching a multi diversed crowds of fans all around the globe. By 1980, Michael’s inevitable solo success brought him to become more popular than his Jackson 5’s group. He started to produce records sales, with the biggest-selling album of all time, “Thriller” in 1982. He was all natural when it came down to being in front of a camera, which led him to his debut to films such as the 1978 movie “The Wiz” where he played the Scarecrow. But, people will always remember him on his music and performance



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talents, with breakthrough video clips and snappy positive business deals. Life was not always beautiful for Michael. As he grew up, the Kingo of Pop began to encounter controversies and waves of rumors. In the 1990s, his appearance began to change drastically, and his behavior grew alarmingly bizarre, making him the perfect candidate for scandals and media frenzies, despite all his numerous charitable acts. Despite it all, no one could contest to the fact that he was a phenomenon when it came to singing and dancing. He was a great writer and businessman and someone who deeply cared about the world and people, yet many times were misunderstood and used for publicities by the media and wrong people. Michael Jackson was a couple of decades ahead of everyone when it came to his talents. Yet, TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


now that he’s gone, his legacy remains in jeopardy to the hands of the media. That is the sad part of the story. Since his death, the Jackson’s family has been working hard on protecting Michael’s legacy and testimony, which is literally being written everyday has new facts come to light regarding his sudden death, supposedly related to drug overdose. Was he truly an addict? Was his death really accidental or an homocide? In the meantime, fans all across the world are just trying to comprehend the fact that he no longer lives. His death is impacting us as much as his present did. There will definitely be more about Michael Jackson in the future as his un-released songs and performances from his vault collections start to hit the market.

Despite all the good and bad, it’s the way everyone will decide to remember him. With that said, we decided to publish some facts about Michael Jackson on the next lines to give you more in depth about the King of Pop. What you take out of it as a conclusion is up to you and you alone. Michael Jackson’s passion and artistry as a singer, dancer, writer and businessman are unparalleled, and it is these prodigious talents that will ultimately prevail over the extremely negative aspects of his seriously troubled adult life. JUL / AUG 2009



eight in 1984. First solo artist to generate four top ten hits on the Billboard charts on one album with “Off the Wall.” First artist to generate seven top ten hits (USA) on one album with “Thriller.”

Through his “Heal the World” Foundation, Jackson spearheaded airlifts of food and medical supplies to war-torn Sarajevo, instituted mentoring, immunization and drug-abuse education programs and paid for a Hungarian child’s liver transplant.

Only artist in history to generate five #1 hits (USA) from one album with “Bad.”


Macaulay Culkin is godfather to his two eldest children. Married Lisa Marie Presley in La Vega, Dominican Republic, by Judge Hugo Francisco Alvarez Perez. Witnesses present were Thomas Keough and Eve Darling (Lisa Marie’s ex-brother-in-law and his wife, ex-sister-in-law). [26 May 1994] Shares with Carlos Santana and Norah Jones the record for most Grammys won in one year, with ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE

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Copied his moon walk after mime Marcel Marceau in “walk-againstthe- wind” pantomime techniques. Wrote and recorded a song called “On the Line”, produced by ‘Kenneth ‘Babyface’ Edmonds’ , for the film Get on the Bus (1996) that was not included on the soundtrack for the film. Once dated Brooke Shields. Was a Jehovah’s Witness. He does not own the right to the entire Beatles catalogue. For example, the family of the late George Harrison own songs he wrote, including “Something,” and Sony music owns 50% of the catalogue after Jackson sold it to them because he needed the money.

Second child, with Debbie Rowe, daughter Paris Michael Katherine Patricia Jackson, is born. [3 April 1998] Wife, Debbie Rowe, gave birth to a son in Beverly Hills, named Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. [13 February 1997]

album of all time, with 20 million copies sold worldwide.

With Lionel Richie, co-wrote the song “We Are the World,” and was one of its performers. His 1982 album “Thriller” is the biggest selling album of all time, with confirmed sales of over 47 million, and over an estimated 100 million copies worldwide. His 1991 album “Dangerous” is second to “Thriller” as the biggest selling album of all time, with over 20 million copies sold worldwide. His 1987 album “BAD” is third to “Thriller” as the biggest selling

Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001 (as a solo artist). Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997 (as a member of the Jackson 5). Jackson shocked his fans when he dangled his third child, infant Prince Michael II, over a balcony on the fourth floor of a Berlin, Germany hotel for all hovering fans to see. He later stated that he made “a terrible mistake.” [November 2002] Starting with Black or White TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


In 2002 had planned to produce and star in the movie “The Nightmares of Edgar Allan Poe”, about the last years of writer Edgar Allan Poe. He was to star as the famed 19th century author (who was Caucasian), and had written music for the film as well. For a charity event held at the Neverland Ranch in September 2003, for the first time ever, he invited an artist from the outside to perform there. It was Yannick Harrison, also known as Jay Kid, from Denmark that performed a number of his interpretations of Michael Jackson songs for the specially invited guests.


obtained. [25 November 2003]

Has sold over 750 million albums worldwide. Was present at the private funeral service for Maurice Gibb. He was voted the 35th Greatest Artist of all time in Rock ‘n’ Roll by Rolling Stone. His favourite “Beatles’ song is “Come Together” - his version of the song is on “History - Past, Present and Future.” (1991) (V), Jackson and his record company refer to his music videos, before or since, as “short films,” never “videos”. Has his look-alike puppet in the French show “Les guignols de l’info” (1988). Is the godfather of Michael Gibb, son of The Bee Gees front man TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


Barry Gibb. He and his lawyer, Mark Geragos, sued jet charter company XtraJet for invasion of privacy. The firm allegedly installed hidden cameras to tape the two’s confidential attorney-client conversations. A California judge has barred the firm from releasing or selling any footage it may have

Was found not guilty on ten counts of child molestation on 13 June 2005 due to lack of evidence. Ranked #11 in VH1’s list of the “100 Greatest Kid Stars” with his brothers as the Jackson 5.

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in recognition of Jackson’s contribution to the government’s campaign against drunk driving. “Beat It” was used in television advertisements.

He was (along with Tito Jackson) co-best man at Liza Minnelli’s and David Gest’s wedding.


Tatum O’Neal, was Jackson’s first girlfriend and allegedly his first real love.


His hit song “Bad” from 1987 was initially supposed to be a duet with fellow 80’s superstar Prince. Prince said in an interview that he did not wish to sing the line “Your butt is mine”. President Ronald Reagan wanted to award a special White House medal to Jackson, Bob Hope and the late John Wayne in 1984. However, future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts advised against the proposal, saying the award was too much for a pop singer. Received a Presidential Humanitarian Award from President Ronald Reagan at the White House in May 1984, ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE

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Jackson joined Chris Tucker, Tony Bennett, former president Bill Clinton and members of the Democratic National Committee at Harlem’s Apollo Theatre in New York for a concert fundraiser. Tucker co-hosted the event with actress Cicely Tyson, while Rubén Blades, k.d. lang and Bennett performed. Jackson sang a medley of songs that included “Black or White” and “Smooth Criminal”, and was joined by Jane’s Addiction guitarist and former Red Hot Chili Peppers Dave Navarro for a portion of his set (24 April 2002). Attended a memorial service for the late actor Marlon Brando in August 2004, along with Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn. Addressed the Oxford Union on the subject of child welfare and his new initiative “Heal the Kids”. (6 March 2001) Was asked to write and perform the songs for Batman (1989), but had to turn it down due to his concert commitments. In January 2000 Jackson announced he was considering retiring from the music industry, citing his weariness at publicity as a reason. In 1997, Jackson released an album of new material coupled with remixes of hit singles from

the “HIStory” album titled “Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix”. He dedicated the album to his friend Sir Elton John, who had helped him through his addiction to prescribed painkillers. It went on to sell 6 million copies worldwide, making it the biggest selling remix album of all time. His album “HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I” has sold 16 million copies worldwide since its release in 1995, making it the biggest selling multiple-disc album of all time. His 2001 album “Invincible” sold over 10 million copies worldwide. In January 1993 Jackson performed during the halftime show at Super Bowl XXVII. It drew the largest viewing audience in the history of American television. In a move named by Jackson’s advisers as “refinancing,” it was announced in April 2006 that Jackson had struck a deal with Sony and Fortress investments. In the deal Sony may be allowed to take control of half of Jackson’s 50% stake in Sony/ ATV Music Publishing (worth an estimated $1 billion) which Jackson coowns. Jackson would be left with 25% of the catalog, with the rest belonging to Sony. In exchange, Sony negotiated with a loans company on behalf of Jackson. Jackson’s $200m in loans were due in December 2005 and were secured on the catalog. Jackson failed to pay and the Bank of America sold them to Fortress investments, a company dealing in distressed loans. However, Jackson hasn’t as yet sold any TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


Despite a number of surgeons’ claims that Jackson has undergone multiple nasal surgeries as well as a forehead lift, thinned lips and cheekbone surgery, Jackson wrote in his 1988 autobiography “Moon Walk” that he only had two rhinoplastic surgeries and the surgical creation of a cleft in his chin, while attributing puberty and diet to the noticeable change in the structure of his face.

of the remainder of his stake. The possible purchase by Sony of 25% of Sony/ATV Music Publishing is a conditional option; it is assumed the singer will try to avoid having to sell part of the catalog of songs including material by other artists such as Bob Dylan and Destiny’s Child. As another part of the deal Jackson was given a new $300 million loan, and a lower interest rate on the old loan to match the original Bank of America rate. When the loan was sold to Fortress investments they increased the interest rate to 20%. TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


Winner of the Brit Award for International Male in 1989. Winner of the British Phonographic Industry Award for International Solo Artist in 1988. Winner of the British Phonographic Industry Award for International Solo Artist in 1984. Was a frequent guest at the infamous “Studio 54”


On 27 May 2006, Jackson accepted a Legend Award at MTV Japan’s VMA Awards in Tokyo. It was his first public appearance since being found not guilty in his child molestation trial almost a year earlier. The award was honoring his influence and impact in music videos over the past 25 years.

Jackson hired film director Martin Scorsese to direct the video for the “Bad” album’s title track. When the 18-minute music video debuted on television, it sparked a great deal of controversy as it was apparent that Jackson’s appearance had changed dramatically. Although Jackson’s skin color had been a medium- brown color for the entire duration of his youth, his skin had gradually become paler since 1982, and had now become a light brown color. This was now so noticeable that the entire press took out widespread coverage on it and claimed that Jackson had bleached his own skin. In 1993 Jackson claimed that his changing skin color is due to a skin disorder vitiligo whilst on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” (1986). Performed at the ball for JUL / AUG 2009



“Invincible”, was canceled. Fortress Investment Group foreclosed and took possession of Jackson’s half- interest in the Sony/ATV Music Publishing company, estimated to be worth $1 billion, as well as the entire MiJac Music Publishing company. (December 2005)

President Bill Clinton’s first inauguration on 20 January 1993. “Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection”, his third greatest hits package in less than ten years, sold 250,000 copies worldwide following its release in October 2004.


“The Essential Michael Jackson”, another greatest hits package, debuted at a surprisingly high Number 2 on the UK charts and sold 200,000 copies within five months. In the United States it only reached Number 96 and soon disappeared.


Promotional videos of his songs directed by, among others, John Landis and John Singleton have cost more than some motion pictures. Paid $1.5 million in 1999 for the Best Picture Oscar awarded to David O. Selznick for Gone with the Wind (1939).

Announced his intention to record a charity single dedicated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina entitled, “I Have This Dream”. Ciara, Snoop Dogg, R. Kelly, Keyshia Cole, James Ingram, Michael Jackson’s brother Jermaine Jackson, Shanice, the Shirley Caesar and The O’Jays all supposedly lent their voices to the charity song. At the time, Jackson’s spokesperson, Raymone K. Bain, said the list of performers included Mary J. Blige, ‘Missy ‘Misdemeanor’ Elliott’, Jay-Z, James Brown and Lenny Kravitz. All of these artists later appeared to be no longer participating. More than a year later, the Katrina Charity Single remains unreleased. (13 September 2005) He is a close friend of the former child star Mark Lester, and is godfather to his children. Is spoofed in Eminem’s music video “Just Lose It”.

Recorded an anti-war song about the US invasion of Iraq, “We’ve Had Enough”, which was included on his greatest hits package “Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection”. His greatest hits compilation “Michael Jackson: Number Ones” sold 6 million copies worldwide following its release in November 2003, peaking at Number 1 in most countries except the United States. It had been planned at the last minute after “Resurrection”, a follow-up to his 2001 album ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE

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His 2001 album “Invincible” had incredibly low sales figures. Instead of blaming this on what was, by most fans and critics, considered mediocre music, he blamed his record label and industry executives, most notably the legendary producer Tommy Mottola, whom Jackson likened to Satan and accused of racism. In October 2002 it was revealed by various international banks that Jackson was in financial debt into the tens of millions of dollars due to various unpaid loans.


$195,000, but the judge noted that she had received eight million dollars in the divorce. (6 September 2006).

Some of his favorite pastimes were water balloon fights and climbing trees. He wrote several songs sitting in his favorite tree at Neverland, which he called Giving Tree, because it was so inspiring.

Jackson was fired from Two Seas Records, with whom he had signed a recording contract in April 2006 for one album. The album had been set for a fall 2007 release. (September 2006) California state authorities ordered Jackson to close the Neverland Ranch and fined him more than $100,000 for failing to pay the staff there or maintain proper insurance. (March 2006). When Jackson performed in England in 1982, he asked to meet former actor Mark Lester. TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


“He wanted to meet someone who had a similar background, a child star,” Lester said. The result was a lifelong friendship. Presented with an “Artist of the decade” award by Elizabeth Taylor in 1989, proclaiming him “the true king of pop, rock and soul”. Ordered to pay Debbie Rowe $60,000 for legal fees in their battle for custody over of their two children. Los Angeles Judge Robert Schnider gave Jackson until 28 September to obey the order. Rowe had asked for

Is portrayed by Alex Burrall and Jason Weaver in The Jacksons: An American Dream (1992) (TV). Godfather of Nicole Richie. Besides being godfather to Michael’s first child Prince Michael Jackson I, Macaulay Culkin is also godfather to Jackson’s daughter Paris Jackson. Did not tour America after the BAD tour in 1987. Received a Special Award for a Generation at the Brit Awards in JUL / AUG 2009



Filed complaints against the Independent Television Commission and the Broadcasting Standards Commission of the UK following the documentary Living with Michael Jackson: A Tonight Special (2003) (TV). Held his first live concert in four years at Madison Square Garden, New York, in early September 2001. He was paid £10 million for two concerts.


with Yoko Ono.

Received the World Music Award for world’s best-selling album of all time, “Thriller”, at the Monte Carlo Sporting Club, on 8 May 1996.

1st May 2001: His video for “Thriller” was voted at #1 by VH1 on their countdown of the Top 100 Greatest Videos Of All Time. At #2 was “Like A Prayer” by Madonna.


Received the Diamond Award for selling more than 100 million albums at the World Music Awards in London on 15 November 2006.


Ended more than a year of speculation by buying the British music publishing company ATV Music for a reported £34 million ($50 million) in August 1985. The company owned 40,000 songs, including the Northern Songs catalog which contained all The Beatles songs up to their Apple Days. Jackson outbid Coca-Cola, EMI, CBS (who thereafter looked after the catalog for Jackson) and a very disappointed Paul McCartney, who had originally tried to buy Northern Songs for £21 million ($35 million) in 1981 and then later - again unsuccessfully - in conjunction ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE

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Won a poll of superstars to have his image on a stamp issued by the Virgin Islands in July 1985. He asked that the Virgin Islands donated all revenue (the stamps were priced between 60 cents and $1.50) to welfare and education. Disappointed his fans by singing a few lines from “We Are the World”, accompanied by a children’s choir, after he had been rumored to perform his 1982 hit “Thriller” as a triumphant comeback at the World Music Awards at Earls Court, London. Jackson left the stage to audible boos from the audience - some of his fans had paid up to £500 a ticket to see him perform. (15 November 2006).

Originally intended to begin his solo career when he turned eighteen in 1976, but financial problems forced him to remain with the Jackson Five, renaming themselves The Jacksons for legals reasons, until 1979. While Jackson has claimed 104 million sales for his 1982 album “Thriller”, the Guinness Book of World Records has put the figure at 51 million copies sold as of 2006.

A $10 million lawsuit filed by Jackson was dismissed by a US judge. The lawsuit was filed TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT




On 13 June 2003, the day after his neighbor and friend of 25 years Gregory Peck died, Jackson went to Peck’s house to help his widow plan the memorial service. Peck had once publicly praised the singer as a model parent.

against a man from New Jersey who was allegedly in possession of items and memorabilia that Jackson claims were stolen. (14 January 2006). In 1997 a survey declared Jackson the most famous person in the world, ahead of Pope John Paul II and then US President Bill Clinton. It is clear in the opinion of a number of plastic surgeons that Jackson has undergone extensive plastic surgery and it may be said that he is hardly recognizable as the same person he was as an adolescent, but the effectiveness of his cosmetic surgery has been hotly debated. He was the highest earning singer of 1988-1989, with $125 million from his worldwide “BAD” album tour. He was thwarted in his bid to buy the remains of the Victorian “Elephant Man, John Meyrick, in June 1987. The London Medical TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


College told Jackson he would not be allowed to buy it, no matter how much money he offered. Honored by CBS as the “top selling act of the Eighties” in March 1990. Jackson was seen by a record 500,000 people during his seven day stand at Wembley Stadium in July 1988. Moonwalker (1988) was certified as the all-time top selling music video in March 1989. Attended James Brown’s funeral in Augusta, Georgia. (30 December 2006). Inducted into the UK Music Hall of Fame for his outstanding contribution to British music and integral part of British music culture. [11 November 2004] He returned to live in the United States on 24 December 2006, setting up residence in Las

The music video for his song “Thriller” was with 13 minutes the longest music video ever, until this record was broken by The Streets with the video for the song “When You Wasn’t Famous”.

Jackson greeted thousands of US troops in a US army base south of Tokyo on 10 March 2007. About 3,000 troops and their family members gathered in a fitness center at Camp Zama. Jackson, after shaking hands with and thanking the troops personally for their service, spoke to the crowd gathered, saying, “Those of you in here today are some of the most special people in the world. It is because of you in here today, and others who so valiantly have given their lives to protect us, that we enjoy our freedom.” Jackson also attended a ceremony at the camp for an army member being promoted and put a pin on his uniform. At his peak, Jackson was reportedly worth around $1 Billion. Inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2002. His 1979 debut solo album “Off the Wall” has sold around 20 JUL / AUG 2009



with the family of 13-year-old Jordie Chandler for an estimated $25 million in January 1994 following allegations of sexual abuse against children. Owed an estimated $330 million in debts at the time of his death. At the time of his death Jackson was living in a rented mansion once owned by the actor Sir Sean Connery in the Holmby Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles.

million copies worldwide.


His 2001 album “Invincible” was his first full album of new material for ten years, since 1991’s “Dangerous”.


Fell out with Quincy Jones after the producer cut half the songs from his 1987 album “BAD”. In a 2006 interview with “The Daily Telegraph” newspaper, Jones admitted he had not spoken to Jackson for years. Diagnosed with lupus in 1984. Claims to have given $300 million to charity, more than any other celebrity apart from Oprah Winfrey. Longtime supporter of AIDS research. In the early 1970s while still very young and a member of the Jackson 5, appeared on “The Dating Game” (1965). Roles were reversed; Michael asked ADUNAGOW MAGAZINE

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questions and picked a date from three eligible “bachelorettes”. Is a fan of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. A special 25th anniversary edition of his 1982 album “Thriller”, entitled “Thriller 25”, sold an estimated 3 million copies worldwide. Upon his death, many fans left remembrances at the Hollywood star, located at 1541 Vine Street, awarded to a long time radio talk show host also named Michael Jackson. Upon hearing of this, the radio commentator said, “I am willingly loan it to him and, if it would bring him back, he can have it. He was a real star. Sinatra, Presley, The Beatles and Michael Jackson.”. The Jacksons were awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Recording at 1500 Vine Street in Hollywood, California. Made an out-of-court settlement

His favorite movie as a child and teenager was Oliver! (1968). Celebrities provided varied comments. Madonna and Diana Ross released statements saying they could not stop crying. Jackson’s former wife, Lisa Marie Presley, said the singer had told her he was afraid he would end up like Elvis Presley, her father. Elizabeth Taylor, a long-time friend, said she, “can’t imagine life without him.” Liza Minnelli told CBS, “When the autopsy comes, all hell’s going to break loose, so thank God we’re ­celebrating him now.” Jamie Foxx, stated: “We want to celebrate this black man. He belongs to us and we shared him with everybody else.”. U.S. President Barack Obama sent a letter of condolence to the Jackson family, and during a press conference the Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that President Obama viewed Jackson as a “spectacular performer, and a music icon”. In Congress, Representatives Diane Watson and Jesse Jackson Jr. asked members to observe a moment of silence. TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


MTV and BET began airing his music videos, and ran two news specials, until 8 p.m. EDT the following day of his death. The news of his death spread quickly online, causing websites to crash and slow down from user overload. Both TMZ and the Los Angeles Times, two websites that were the first to confirm the news, suffered outages. His death triggered an outpouring of grief. Fans gathered outside the UCLA Medical Center, his Holmby Hills home, the Apollo Theater in New York, and at Hitsville U.S.A., the old Motown headquarters in Detroit where his career began, now the Motown Museum. Streets around the hospital were blocked off, and across America people left offices and factories to watch the breaking news on television.

many Jackson albums in the 24 hours after his death as in the previous 11 years.

He had been scheduled to perform 50 sold-out concerts to over one million people at London’s O2 arena, from July 13, 2009 to March 6, 2010, which he implied during a press conference would have been the final concerts of his career.

His gold coffin seen at his memorial is a rare design called the Promethean. It cost $25,000 and is made of solid bronze but is 14-carat gold-plated with a hand-polished mirror finish and lined with velvet. It is identical to the coffin used to bury James Brown in 2006 - which may have inspired Jackson after he saw it when Brown lay in state.

Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) paramedics received a 911 call at 12:21 pm (19:21 UTC), and arrived three minutes and seventeen seconds later, at which point Jackson was reportedly not breathing. The recording of the emergency call was released by the LAFD on June 27, 2009. Paramedics are reported to have wanted to pronounce him dead at the scene, but a doctor insisted he be taken to a hospital. CPR was performed on the way to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where they arrived at 1:14 pm (20:14 UTC), and continued for an hour. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm (21:26 UTC). Following the week of his death, his album sales collectively spiked over 2000%.

An Amazon spokesperson said that the website sold out of all of his CDs, and those of the Jackson 5, within minutes of the news of his death breaking.

The Staples Center Michael Jackson memorial service non-performing VIP attendees included Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs, Larry King, Barbara Walters, Jaleel White, ‘Kimberly ‘Lil’ Kim’ Jones’ , Spike Lee, Don King, Vicki Roberts, Nicole Richie, Dionne Warwick, Kimberly Kardashian, and Kris Jenner.

His death triggered an outpouring

Music website Amazon sold as



His memorial service from the Staples Center on Tuesday, July 7th 2009 brought the Internet’s second largest day ever in terms of total traffic.


Certain personalities have questioned the extensive media coverage given to his death. American conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh criticized the media coverage as “a horrible disgrace” and lent his support to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as they fought to stem the tide of lies. “We don’t know anything yet. We don’t know yet,” Limbaugh told listeners on June 29, 2009.

of grief around the world, creating surges of Internet traffic and resulting in soaring album sales.

In the 1980s, Jackson and Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury became close friends and recorded three songs together - “Victory”, “State of Shock” (later recorded by Mick Jagger) and “There Must Be More To Life Than This”. All are demos and have never been officially released. The Elephant Man (1980) was one of his favorite movies. Spent his last days at a rented mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive in Los Angeles. The property was once owned by Sean Connery. An Andy Warhol head-andshoulders portrait of Jackson made the cover of Time magazine on March 19, 1984.

JUL / AUG 2009



Inter v ie w ing Ant hone y Wr i g ht | e - mai l us you r fe e db a ck at e d itor i a l @ a du nagow. ne t



Nam e :


Ant hone y Wr ig ht

Profe s si on : Re si d en c e :


[ Singe r ] [ L ondon , U K ]

Wud if I Cud is the next brilliant single

from Anthoney Wright.

The song pulsates with a contemporary energy, the hooks fly and draw you in and have you singing like a karaoke mantra on high octane. The song, written by Anthoney and the Absolute team (Spice Girls, Tina Turner, Al Green,) and with dynamic mixes from Ash Howes, Cahill and the Dirtykidz is the third single from the acclaimed album “ FEET ON THE GROUND”. Anthoney has just returned from shooting his new video in Los Angeles. The story sets him against a ‘James Bond’ type backdrop and is fast and literally explodes onto the screen. Anthoney’s own direction and ideas, he decided that after seeing the first black President come into power, the first black Formula 1 racing champion, a black person taking the role as highest paid actor, why not move on to the pinnacle of every man’s fantasy and play the role of the first black James Bond. Acclaimed director James Chankin says; “ It was as if he (Anthoney) was made for this. He is such a great talent, (I flew to London to see him perform at Ronnie Scotts and was blown away) so I just wanted to create something that tapped into his energy. I wanted to shoot him back in the States at our studio. We love the finished item and I am sure you will too” Anthoney has been asked to perform at the heats of the Ms Universe trials in the Bahamas in August. “It’s hard work performing so much. I mean, the travel, all those contestants, the Bahamas………………… .I’ll do whatever it takes…. Life’s tough!” Wud if I Cud From the debut album FEET ON THE GROUND For further information contact Kate Chaundy of Quite Great Publicity kate@quitegreat.co.uk - 01223 403334

“It was a

this. He



JAN / FEB 2009


Photo cou r te s y of Ant hone y Wr i g ht

Anthoney Wright has been blessed with the ability to write songs since he was just a teenager. Exposed to a wide range of music, from Marvin Gaye, Al Green and Prince, to Aretha Franklin, Aerosmith, and 10cc he had always sung for the family.

as if he (Anthoney) was made for

e is such a great talent” - James Chankin

Growing up in Nottingham with his radio DJ grandfather and his Grandmother, music has always been a mainstay in Anthoney’s life. Old Jamaican soul, calypso, ska and lovers rock sound-tracked his childhood, while his Grandparents provided the steady hand of guidance. At a young age, Anthoney was asked to follow his Aunt to London, when she was forced to flee an abusive relationship. A successful career in publishing soon followed, but Anthoney’s love of music never relented, as he began lending his voice to various dance-orientated projects (‘A Man Called Adam’, Krush, Grahame Parks, Alistair Whitehead, Public Demand). He later sang on ‘Right Here’s The Spot’ and ‘Supersonic’ on Basement Jaxx’s 2003 smash album ‘Kish Kash’. It was in 2004, when Anthoney was making the most of the glitz and glamour of metropolitan life, that, following a particularly heavy weekend, he realised his lifestyle was becoming increasingly shallow. He had a stark “there must be more to life” moment, and from then on everything changed for Anthoney Wright. Coincidentally, a friend telephoned and told him about The Monastery, a TV show that was looking for five people to spend six weeks in Worth Abbey. Less than a week later, Anthoney walked into The Monastery and his life changed forever. Now a Buddhist, Anthoney still lives in London but by a very different set of rules – those of discipline, self awareness, reflection, accountability and life appreciation have replaced a formerly hollow and unsatisfying lifestyle. A keen sportsman, enjoying running, boxing and the gym, Anthoney also spends a great deal of time supporting the Tibetan charity Rokpa.

Shortly after his time in The Monastery, Anthoney met Ian Wright, industry maestro and founder of Reverb Music. On hearing Anthoney singing at a gig, Ian immediately signed him to the publishing company and a friendship and bond that went far deeper than in normal business relationships developed. The two were bonded heavily over their joint love of, and passion for, music. Prior to his death from cancer in July ’07, Ian set out clear instructions to his family as to how they were to help Anthoney succeed. Working with Pete and Steve Lewinson (Simply Red, Amy Winehouse, Eurythmics, Corinne Bailey Rae) and the Brit nominated production team Absolute (Spice Girls, Will Young, Tina Turner), Anthoney has now finished recording his amazing debut solo album ‘Feet on the Ground’. Managed by veteran Manager John Campbell, ( Ex Bee Gee Robin Gibb, Mikey Graham, Shakespeares Sister ) Anthoney’s music is released through Palawan Productions a newly formed independent, distributed through Universal and with offices in London & Los Angeles. “The response from the Americans has been hugely encouraging” Says Campbell, “ It seems we are seen as the male response to the Brit invasion of Duffy & Amy”

Photo cou r te s y of Ant hone y Wr ig ht

The first release from the record was the soul smash ‘Reset to Zero’ which was ‘RECORD OF THE WEEK’ On R2 before going straight onto the ‘A’ list. The song was inspired by both the experiences of his Aunt and a conversation with a friend who, like Anthoney, had recently come out of a long-term relationship. It is an ode to the importance of starting again, moving onwards and upwards, an ethos that now applies to Anthoney in his burgeoning brilliant career.



“I’d love my music to have a positive effect on people, to know that someone had been touched in a constructive way. Closer to home there is a massive billboard on Tottenham Court Road, it would be amazing to have my album cover on it and take my Gran to see it.” And is there one prize that would mean the world to him? “Oh yes. A Grammy”

JUL / AUG 2009





JUL / AUG 2009



G OVER NANCE IN AFRICA w r itten by Yona Fares Maro | e -mai l us your fe e db ack at e d itor i a l @ a du nagow.net



JUL / AUG 2009


core question today is whether government and governance is cost effective, whether budgets are justified, whether the people should not pay more, for less. In other words, there is a supply-side assessment and projection of governance in relation to the people. To take into account or make money and budget look as the most important thing in government serves two purposes; first it gives the impression that money has more value than the people, and second it equates money to the key thing in government. Both are related points. We have found that all over the world, people and places are differently endowed, some have natural resources others do not, some have human resources others do not, and some have both. Some countries have highly skilled manpower TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


others do not, some live off rentier resource others live on tax, some live on consumerism others live on trade, some live on technological innovativeness, patents, and others live on tourism. Africa has remained a grossly underdeveloped third world continent. All its key so called economic and social indicators are embarrassingly in bad shape. Even if we take the political context, two decades after the democratization processes, and three decades after the Third Wave of democracy, we will find out that Africa, in spite of the initial euphoria, have disappointed the people of the continent. We still look up to the west for economic and financial guidance and assistance. Our economies are still crawling, our people still live in poverty hunger and disease, humanitarian groups and International crisis and rescue organisations are still the ones courting and bailing our people out in critical situations. HIV/AIDS and various wars have had their toll. Post-conflict reconciliation and stable governance have remained elusive. Governments keep taking a ruler-subject approach to governance and the so-called dividends of democracy that everybody so enthusiastically talk about are yet to be harvested by the people. The leaders seem trapped and unsure about what to do, they have exhausted all the slogans in their arsenal, and new ways of decolonising the minds of the people and getting them to be sheepishly followers is over. But the people are doing soul-searching about what went wrong after the struggles and resistance of the late 1980s and early 1990s? Why is it that the new crop of leaders that took over the mantle of leadership has not been able to improve the lot of the people as against those they took over power from? These are the questions that we need to answer. There are three main reasons for this. The first has to do with the way democratisation struggles in Africa were conducted. In most cases the focus was that military rulers and sit-tight one-party dictators must go. Hence in countries such as Nigeria, the campaign was antimilitary and less about democracy. The military –civilian conundrum created a situation whereby we did not care about who took over power so long he/she was a civilian. We did not reflect on the kind of democracy, the kind of transition and the kind of power relation we wanted to have in place. To be sure, some people and group raised this critical questions but majority of the people were simply tired of military rule and wanted something else. On its part, those who designed transitions and political projects that led to civil rule were concerned about how to create loopholes for their friends, colleagues, and the allies of international financial institutions of IMF and the World bank approved allies of the United States of America, to take over power. And indeed more than twothirds of those who took over power fall in this category. The second point had to do with an understanding what the people need. Many of our leaders on the continent TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


had come on the populist platform to power without really knowing what the people needed. Some of them may have experienced or seen the agony and poverty of the people, but they simply had no clue about how to remedy them. They felt that street agitation or resistance was the same as good governance, that being critical and to criticise the ancient regime was the same as providing correct and acceptable leadership. When some of these people got to power, they took more time criticising those they took over power from rather than putting new things in place. They took time to attack others rather than be constructive. In the end some of them filed their pockets with the taxpayer’s money. Such was the case in Zambia under Chiluba. The third point is that the new set of leaders began to do worse that what the erstwhile leaders who inspired the struggles of the 1980s did. They began to reverse the gains of democracy in various forms: the dividends of democracy did but come, political and social institutions were stretched to capacity, the judiciary was heated and in certain countries politicised, corruption became rife, political in-fighting due to lack of tolerance of opposing view, even within dominant/ ruling parties became common place. This led to more disappointment from the people. But what can be done? There are many things, but I will like to talk about a few examples from India and Britain. Few months ago, I wrote about the India’s example in elections, in spite of its electorates which stand at over 700 million. India has many examples from which we can learn, as a continent, only if we have the humility and comportion. India manufactures cars. It has recently put in the market, so far, the cheapest car in the world-cheap to purchase and easy to maintain. Why and how did India do this? It did it because India since 1947 realised and has always worked under the assumption that majority of its people suffers material poverty. There is the view that social policies must address the interest and needs of majority of the people. This has been a principle that most governments in Indian, including the BJP have come to accept. The second and related point is that India has always worked under the assumption that it is a Third world country and therefore an underdeveloped country. This assumption then means that India has to formulate policies and programs that do not come from the advanced countries, but that are rooted to the experiences of a typical third world country. India has never deceived itself that it is semi-third world or transiting to advanced country. Such kind of originality and honest acceptance of the social and economic location of India have made the people extremely patriotic and nationalistic and believe in the need to grow the nation. Many Indians talk about their country in that spirit. And it helps a lot, it helps to set a map, chart a path, and develop a compass. Lastly, in the related spirit of the foregoing point, India has been able to mobilise its professionals, especially computer experts, and scientists to embark on technological development including in space science and nuclear armament. India did this by taking a path many in third world JUL / AUG 2009




| e-mai l us you r fe e db a ck at e d itor i a l @ a du nagow. ne t

will refuse to take. In education, in primary and secondary schools it is mostly free and in some places university education too is free. Where there is tuition even at the post graduate level, the school fees or tuition is almost nil. I have a friend who is a lecturer at Makerere University. He did his Ph.D in India and was told that he was going to pay tuition. At the end, he discovered that his tuition was not up to US$300. And he even got scholarship to offset the tuition from Indian government. This is the secret that has led to the rise of education in India and that has resulted in many scientific innovations by Indians and India’s technological development. Indeed, in terms of technological improvement or development, it will be unfair to characterise India as a third world just as it is also difficult to so characterise China. The other example I will like to give is about Indians’ attitude or disposition to healthcare. Because majority of the people are in rural areas, there is a “community approach” to health care provisions and training of health care providers and care givers. These people normally have at least some level of education, and they are trained in ways that they are able to cater to the needs of their communities and could give referral on complex cases or things they are unable to handle. These healthcare givers do so on voluntary basis, others are paid just a token to sustain their spirit of volunteership, but basically the understanding is not that of money making. In this way, many lives have been saved in India and many people have come up for such training and empowerment to give community service.

in areas that are not available, to be flown at government expense to take care of the ill. These are laudable services and policies that need to be emulated. Our population is today endangered in Africa. Problems of HIV/AIDS, of cancer and diabetes have become so rampant or common place, because of lack of early detection, lack of awareness and lack of resources on the part of Africans to pay medical bills. For example, many people in rural Africa are not screened for cancer, there is not even ingenuity on the parts of our leaders to put in place a policy that will make it possible to launch cancer screen machines on mobile vehicles and get them to move round villages on market days, employing chiefs and town criers to get the people to come out to do cancer screening. The same thing with HIV/AIDS, there is much claim about VCCT. However, such a policy does not make meaning to the rural people, who indeed are enthusiastic to do the screening but have no access or means. Knowing one’s status is important, but denying one access is criminal. There is in the literature on AIDS in Africa that most Africans inherit wives of relations who had died of AIDS. But is this assertion correct? How many people have scientifically verified this claim? Furthermore, have such widows being screened and proven to have HIV? Africa needs to be treated with dignity and our people need to be provided with basic things that will make their status as human beings to be worth the while.

We can in Africa begin to cultivate many of our unemployed nurses and midwives, many youth who read related courses such as Biochemistry and Biological sciences, and others who read social work, anthropology and sociology. If we took a census of such people we will at least find out that we have three million of them across Nigeria. These people will bridge the health needs of not only rural areas but urban slums or ghettoes. Increasingly, many people do not attend hospitals because of prohibitive cost and inability to afford. As a result, many of them resort to self-medication or herbal treatment or both, others simply resign to faith. As a result, we have had fatalities resulting from wrong diagnosis, infections resulting from example, use of syringes, and so on. In Britain, due to the welfare system, the health care is free to all under the NHS. The implication of this is that no matter whom you are, whether rich or poor, there is general access to health care. This has worked wonders for Britain. It may be true that many have complained of the “massification” of the NHS, but the reality of health care in Britain is not such that lowers quality but one that has been riddled with bureaucracy. Britain still has some of the best medical doctors in the world, Britain still attracts high intake of Medical doctor form other parts of the world and also, as a policy, agree to medical experts 42


JUL / AUG 2009






JUL / AUG 2009



1 0 1 A C I R



Congo’s sparse population is concentrated in the southwestern portion of the country, leaving the vast areas of tropical jungle in the north virtually uninhabited. Thus, Congo is one of the most urbanized countries in Africa, with 70% of its total population living in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, or along the 332-mile railway that connects them. In southern rural areas, industrial and commercial activity suffered as a consequence of the civil wars in the late 1990s. Except in Kouilou province and Pointe Noire, commercial activity other than subsistence activity came nearly to a halt. A slow recovery began in 2000 and continued in 2008. Before the 1997 war, about 9,000 Europeans and other non-Africans lived in Congo, most of whom were French. Only a fraction of this number remains. The number of American citizens residing in Congo typically hovers around 100. Geography Area: 342,000 sq. km (132,000 sq. mi.); slightly larger than New Mexico. 46


JUL / AUG 2009

Cities: Capital--Brazzaville (pop. 800,000). Other cities--Pointe-Noire (450,000), Dolisie (150,000). Climate: Tropical. Tropical jungle in the North (country seasonally split--half lies above the Equator; half below the Equator). Terrain: Coastal plains, fertile valleys, central plateau, forested flood plains. People Nationality: Noun and adjective-Congolese (sing. and pl.). Population (July 2007 est.): 3,610,000. Annual growth rate (2007 est.): 2.639%. Ethnic groups: 15 principal Bantu groups; more than 70 subgroups. Largest groups are Bacongo, Vili, Bateke, M’Bochi, and Sangha. Also present is a small population (less than 100,000) of Pygmies, ethnically unrelated to the Bantu majority. Religions: Traditional beliefs 50%, Roman Catholic 35%, other Christian 15%, Muslim 2%. Languages: French (official), Lingala and Munukutuba (national). Health: Infant mortality rate (2007 est.)--83.26 deaths/1,000 live births. Life expectancy (2007 est.)--53.29 yrs.

Work force: About 40% of population, two-thirds of whom work in agriculture. Government Type: Republic. Independence: August 15, 1960. Constitution: New constitution adopted in nationwide referendum on January 20, 2002. Branches: Executive--president (chief of state), Council of Ministers (cabinet). Legislative--bicameral legislature made up of a Senate and a National Assembly. Judicial--Supreme Court, Court of Accounts and Budgetary Discipline, Courts of Appeal (Title VIII of the 2002 constitution), and the Constitutional Court (Title IX of the 2002 constitution). Other--Economic Council and Human Rights Commission. Administrative subdivisions: 10 departments, divided into districts, plus the capital district. Political parties: More than 100 new parties formed (but not all function) since multi-party democracy was introduced in 1990. The largest are the Pan-African Union for Social Democracy (UPADS), Congolese Labor Party (PCT), Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development (MCDDI), TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


Coalition for Democracy and Social Progress (RDPS), Coalition for Democracy and Development (RDD), Union of Democratic Forces (UFD), Union of Democratic Renewal (URD), Union for Development and Social Progress (UDPS). Following the June-October 1997 war and the 1998-99 civil conflict, many parties, including UPADS and MCDDI, were left in disarray as their leadership fled the country. By 2007, many of the leaders had returned, with the notable exception of former President Pascal Lissouba. Suffrage: Universal adult. Principal Government Officials President--Denis Sassou-Nguesso Prime Minister, Coordinator of the Action of the Cabinet and of Privatizations-Isidore Mvoumba State Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Relations with Francophone Countries--Basile Ikouebe Minister of Economy, Finance and Budget--Pacifique Issoibeka Ambassador to the United States--Serge Mombouli Ambassador to the United Nations-Pascal Gayama The Congo maintains an embassy in the United States at 4891 Colorado Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20011 (tel: 202726-5500). The Congolese Mission to the United Nations is at 14 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10021 (tel: 212-744-7840). Economy GDP (2007 est.): $7.6574 billion. Real GDP growth rate (2007 est.): -1.6%. Per capita income (2007 est.): $2,159. Inflation (2007 est.): 2.6%. Natural resources: Petroleum, wood, potash, lead, zinc, uranium, phosphates, natural gas, hydropower. Structure of production (2001): Government and services--40.3%; petroleum sector--38.9%; agriculture and forestry--10.5%; utilities and industry--6.0%; other--4.3%. Agriculture: Products--manioc, sugar, rice, corn, peanuts, vegetables, coffee, cocoa, forest products. Land--less than 2% cultivated. Trade (2006 est.): Exports--$5.996 billion (f.o.b.): petroleum (89% of export TO SUBSCRIBE VISIT


earnings), lumber, plywood, sugar, cocoa, coffee, diamonds. Exports to the U.S. (2007 est.)--$3.099 billion. Imports--$1.964 billion (f.o.b.): capital equipment, construction materials, foodstuffs. Imports from the U.S. (2007 est.)--$140 million. U.S.-CONGOLESE RELATIONS Diplomatic relations between the United States and Congo were broken during the most radical Congolese-Marxist period, 1965-77. The U.S. Embassy reopened in 1977 with the restoration of relations, which remained distant until the end of the socialist era. The late 1980s were marked by a progressive warming of Congolese relations with Western countries, including the United States. Congolese President Denis Sassou-Nguesso made a state visit to Washington in 1990, where he was received by President George H.W. Bush. With the advent of democracy in 1991, Congo’s relations with the United States improved and were cooperative. The United States has enthusiastically supported Congolese democratization efforts, contributing aid to the country’s electoral process. The Congolese Government demonstrated an active interest in deepening and broadening its relations with the United States. Transition Prime Minister Andre Milongo made an official visit to Washington in 1992, where President Bush received him at the White House.

periods of extended temporary duty from the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa. In 2003, U.S.-Congo bilateral relations were reinvigorated, and a site for construction of a new Embassy was acquired in July 2004. Diplomatic activities, operations, and programs were carried out in a temporary bank location until January 2009, when a new, fully functioning Embassy was opened. Relations between the United States and the government of President Denis Sassou-Nguesso are strong, positive, and cooperative. Principal U.S. Officials Ambassador--Alan W. Eastham Deputy Chief of Mission--Cynthia Gregg Management Officer--Vanessa Brooks Office Manager--Ina Erickson Consular Officer--Chris McHone The U.S. Embassy in Congo is located on Boulevard Maya-Maya (also called Boulevard de l’Aeroport), Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo (tel: 242-6122000; no fax capability).

Then-presidential candidate Pascal Lissouba traveled to Washington in 1992, meeting with a variety of officials, including Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman J. Cohen. After his election in August 1992, President Lissouba expressed interest in expanding U.S.-Congo links, seeking increased U.S. development aid, university exchanges, and greater U.S. investment in Congo. With the outbreak of the 1997 war, the U.S. Embassy was evacuated. The Embassy was closed, and its personnel became resident in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. In 2001 suspensions on Embassy operations were lifted, and Embassy personnel were allowed to travel to Brazzaville for

Research Sources: U.S. Department of State World Fact Book Records.

JUL / AUG 2009




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