Vi ewoft heCooum Ri ver .Ther i verr unst hr ought hehear toft heci t y ,wi t hsomeoft hepr i meact i ci t i esal ongi t sbanks
Vi ewoft heLangsGar denRoadsl um.Thi ssl um wast hesubj ectofmyt hesi sandwasal sohomet onear l y5000peopl e.
TheCooum Ri veri sdot t edwi t hnear l y36sl umsal ongi t sbanksoncei tent er sChennaici t yl i mi t s.Ther ear eot herl andmar ksal ongt her i ver ,t heabovephot ogr aphsar eoft he f amousNapi erBr i dgeandoft hemout hoft her i vermeet i ngt heBayofBengal .
TheCooum Ri v eri soneoft het hr ee r i v er sr unni ngt hr ought hec i t y .Li k e manyot herr i v er sar oundt hec ount r y , t heCooum Ri v eri sal s oheav i l ypol l ut ed andi sdot t edal l al ongbymedi um t o l ar ges l um s et t l ement s .Thes l umsar e al s ooneoft hemai nc ont r i but or sof pol l ut ant si nt ot her i v er .Ast hes l ums al ongt hebank soft her i v erar e enc r oac hedonGov er nmentl and,t hey ar ei l l egal andt her ef or ear enotent i t l ed t oanybas i cf ac i l i t i ess uc haswat er , s uppl yors ewagel i nes . TheCooum Ri v eror i gi nat esf r om about 60Km wes tofChennai c i t yandends wheni tmeet st heBayofBengal near Napi erBr i dgei nt hec i t y .Theav er age wi dt hoft her i v erout s i dec i t yl i mi t si s c l os et o60m,buti sr educ edbymor e t han20m asi tent er st hec i t y .Thi si s mai nl yduet ot heenc r oac hment sal ong t heent i r es t r et c h.Thenar r owi ngoft he r i v erhasl eadt oadr as t i cr educ t i oni n t hef l oodc ar r y i ngc apac i t yoft her i v er andal s os ev er es i l t i ngoft her i v erbed. Thel ongi t udi nal s l opeoft her i v eri sal s o v er ygr adual whi c hk eepst hef l owof wat eratav er ys l ows peed.The v eget at i onal l al ongt her i v eri smai nl y wi l dandi sofnopur pos e.Thequal i t yof wat eri sv er ypoorandt her ear eno pos s i bi l i t yofanyaquat i cl i f ei ni tduet o i t shi ghpol l ut i onl ev el s . TheCooum Ri v erdur i ngt hec ol oni al er aus edt obeonemai nt r ans por t at i on r out esi nt ot hei nl andar eas .Goodsf r om t hepor tus edt obel oadedi nt os mal l er f er r i es ,whi c hus edt oc ar r yt hem deep i nl andar east hr oughas er i esofwel l c onnec t edc anal sandr i v er s .Howev er duet oc ont i nuousnegl i genc eov ert he dec adest heent i r ewat ert r ans por t net wor khasc ol l aps edandt her i v eri s mai nl yus edf orc ar r y i nggar bage.
WATERFRONTDEVELOPMENTOFCOOUM RI VER-CHENNAI TheLang’ sgar dens l um i sl oc at edi nChi nt adr i petr i ghtont hebankoft he r i v erandr unsf oral engt hof1. 5Km c ov er i nganar eaof1. 75Ha.The l oc al i t yi sk nownasKomal ees war anpetduet opr es enc eoft he Komal ees war ant empl eont her oad.Thes l um f al l sundert heMy l apor e t al ukandChi nt adr i petv i l l age.Theowner s hi poft hel andi sbyt he gov er nmentandt hear eac omesundert heChennai Cor por at i on. Thes l um i sar ound12y ear sol dandhomet onear l y1 180f ami l i eswi t ha popul at i onof4724.Thet y peofdwel l i nguni tf oundt her emai nl yKut c ha t y pe( Semi Per manent ) ,ei t hermadeofmudwal l wi t ht hat c hr oofort i n r oof .Duet oi t si l l egal s t at ust hes l um doesnothav eanyac c es s est o f ac i l i t i ess uc haswat ers uppl y ,s ewage&s ani t at i onorel ec t r i c i t y .The s l umsl oc at i onr i ghtont hebank s ,t her ebyr educ i ngt her i v er ’ sf l ood c ar r y i ngc apac i t yandmak i ngt hehous esv ul ner abl et of l oodi ngdur i ngt he mons oons . Peopl eofLangsGar denSl um Wi t hapopul at i onofabov e5000peopl e,t heLang’ sgar dens l um i soneof t hel ar ges ts l umsi nt hec i t yi nt er msofpopul at i onal ongt heCooum Ri v er . Thepeopl el i v i ngt her ear eof2nd&3r dgener at i onandhav emade Chennai ast hei rhome.Themi ni mum s i z eofaf ami l yi sar ound5per s ons andc angoupt o8per s ons .Abr oadbas eds ur v eys howst hat38% oft he Theabovepi ct ur escl ear l yshowt heext r emel ypoorcondi t i onsi nwhi cht hepeopl eoft hesl um st ayi n.t hel ackofspacehasl edt o housesbei ngbui l tnextt oeachot herwi t hver yl i t t l espacef orci r cul at i on.Al sot henat ur eofconst r uct i onmeanst hatt her ear ever y popul at i oni soff ami l ys i z eof5per s ons / f ami l y ,36% off ami l ys i z ei s6 poorl i ght i ngandvent i l at i onl evel swi t hi nt hedwel l i nguni t .Theabsenceofanyut i l i t i esmeanst hatt hesewageandgar bagear e per s ons / f ami l yand26% of8per s ons / f ami l y .Duet ot hei nc r eas ei n di r ect edi nt ot heCooum Ri veri ncr easi ngi t spol l ut i onl evel . awar enes si nc hi l dc ont r ol andbr eak i ngupofj oi ntf ami l ys y s t em t hef ami l y s i z esar emuc hs mal l erc ompar edt ot heear l i erday s . Thepeopl eoft hes l um dependont het i mbert r adei ndus t r yonLang’ s gar denr oadr i ghtoppos i t et her oad.Themenwor kt her easdai l ywage l aborear ni ngany wher ebet ween150-300r upees /day .Theyar eus edas por t er st ol oadandunl oadal l t het i mbers t oc kf r om t r uc k s .Someoft he menownc y c l er i c k s hawsar eus edf ort r ans por t i ngt het i mbert oc l os e pl ac es .Thewomenf ol kwor kasdomes t i chel pf ort henear byhous i ng Theexi st i ngpl anshowst hemanneri nwhi cht hesl um hasdevel oped. Thehousesar e par t ment sSomeoft hewomenal s omak eanear ni ngbypr ov i di ngl unc h packedupi naver ysmal lar eami ni malspacebet weent hem.Ther ei sacommonpat h a ort hepeopl ewor k i ngi nt heoppos i t es i deoft her oad,s omel adi eshav e shar edbyt hehousest hatl eadst ot her i ver .Event hought heent i r eset t l ementi si l l egal , f t heyseem t obewel lor gani zedi nt hemanneri nwhi chi ti sconst r uct edandpl annedout a l s oopenedpet t ys hopsr i ghtout s i det hei rhomest omak eal i v i ng.Thes e i nal i nearf ashi on.Mostoft hehousesar emadeofThat chandaf ewoft hem i nmet al s hopsar eonl yf oundal ongt her oadandnoti nt hei ns i desoft hes l um.The sheet .Theappr oacht oeachcl ust eri sdi r ect l yf r om t heLangsGar denRoad.Ther ear e i dsi nt hes l um at t endoneoft het wos c hool si nt hear ea.Onaweek end har dl yanypubl i cut i l i t yf aci l i t i esexceptaf ewhandwat erpumpsandacoupl eofpubl i c k s toft hemenandar ef oundpl ay i ngont her oadwi t houtmuc hc onc er n t oi l et s.Thebat hi ngar easf ort hepeopl ear ei nmakeshi f twal l sont her i verbank.These mo bat hi nguni t sar eshar edbyt hepeopl eofeachcl ust erwhi chcoul dbear ound56f ami l i es. f ort hems el v esort hemot or i s t s . Ther ear eaf ewt empl esal ongt heent i r est r et chvconst r uct edont her oadandwi t hi nt he sl um whi char eonl yaf ewdecadesol dandhol dnohi st or i ci mpor t ance.Thesl um has beengr owi ngi nal i nearf ashi onovert heyear sal ongt hebanksoft her i verbycut t i ng downt hewi l dveget at i on.
WATERFRONTDEVELOPMENTOFCOOUM RI VER-CHENNAI Li k emos ts l um hous i ngpr oj ec t s ,t hi ss l um c oul dhav eal s obeenr el oc at ed t os omeot herpl ac ei nt hec i t yf arawayf r om t heex i s t i ngl oc at i on.Howev er Ic hoos enott odos oandi ns t eadc r eat eabet t erl i v i ngenv i r onmentatt he v er ys amel oc at i on.Bydoi ngs oI ’ dnotonl yi mpr ov et hel i v i ngc ondi t i ons oft hepeopl ebutal s omak es ur et hatt hepeopl edonotl os et hei rl i v el i hood andal s ot hes ur r oundi ngbus i nes ses t abl i s hment sdonotl os et hei r wor k f or c e.Thi swayt heec onomyoft henei ghbor hoodwoul dr emai n heal t hy .Anot heri mpor t antpoi ntt obec ons i der edi st hataf t err el oc at i onof s l um t oel s ewher e,t hec hanc esofanews l um c omi ngupatt hes amepl ac e ar ehi gh. Desi gnConcept
Theabovepl ansandsect i onsshowt heki ndofcl ust erdevel opmentt hat hasbeenpr oposed.Ther ear eadequat eset backsbet weent heuni t si n or derf orpr operl i ght i ngandvent i l at i onf ort hehouses.Al sopr oper uni f or m ci r cul at i onspaceshavebeencr eat edkeepi ngi nmi ndt he saf et yaspect s.
Si t eAr ea52, 293SqM Popul at i on:5582 Densi t y:0. 1Per son/SqM
Theabovepl anshowst hepr oposedmast erpl anf ort hesl um. Thehousi nguni t shavebeenspr eadoutt ot heent i r eext entof t hesi t e,wi t hpr operset backsandci r cul at i onspacesar ound t hem.Thehousi nguni t scanbeappr oachedf r om t heent i r e l engt hoft her oad.Lar gepl annedopenspacesal soactaspl ay andi nt er act i onar easf ort hei nhabi t ant s.
Asment i onedi nt hepr ev i ouss heetaboutt hephy s i c al c ondi t i onoft he s l um-bei ngc l ut t er edandpac k ed.Thi sphy s i c al c har ac t eroft hes l um di d notpr omot eas ens eofc ommuni t yl i v i ngi nt hes l um.Thepeopl el i v i ng k newt hei rnei ghbor sbutnev erwor k edt oget herasac ommuni t y .Themai n r eas onf ort hatwast hel ac kofc ommons pac ef ort hepeopl et oc ome t oget herandi nt er ac t . Oneoft hemos ti mpor t antas pec t sofhous i ngpr oj ec t st hatI ’ dl ear ntdur i ng myi nt er ns hi pi nAur ov i l l ewast hatofCommuni t y .Thi si sonec onc eptt hat I ’ dex per i enc edi ns ev er al hous i ngs et t l ement si nandar oundAur ov i l l e.The T s unami hous i ngpr oj ec tt hatI ’ dwor k edont her ewasal s obas edont he c onc eptofc ommuni t yl i v i ng.Ibel i ev et hi si soneoft hemai nbas est hat hav ebeenmi s s i ngi nt hes l umsi nt hec i t yandal s oi nt her ehabi l i t at i on hous i ng.Notonl ydot hes l um hous i ngpr oj ec t snotc at ert ot heneedof t hepeopl ewhol i v ei nt hem,butal s ot endt obr eakt hes ens eofc ommuni t y . I nt hi spr oj ec tI ’ v edes i gnedt hehous i nguni t shav ebeendes i gnedand l oc at edi namannert hatt her ei saf eel i ngofi nt er ac t i onbet weent hebui l t andopens pac es .Lar geopens pac eshav ebeendes i gnedf orpeopl et o c omet oget herandi nt er ac twi t honeanot her .Thes es pac esal s oac tas pl ayar easf ork i dst hathav epl ay i ngont her oadal l t hi swhi l e. Thi swasonl ypos s i bl ebymak i ngt hes l umsgov er t i c al .Thenewhous i ng uni t sar eG+1ormor es t r uc t ur es ,dependi ngont hei rdes i gnt y pe.Thi sway t heent i r epopul at i onoft hes l um c anl i v ei nt hes amepl ac ewi t hal otmor e c ommonopens pac es .Theov er al l dens i t yi ft heent i r es i t ei s 0. 1per s on/SqM.Pr operc i r c ul at i ons pac eshav eal s obeenc r eat ed f ort hemov ementofv ehi c l esandpedes t r i answi t hi nt hes l um.Thebank s oft her i v erhav eal s obeens t r engt henedbyr et ai ni ngwal l st hatwoul d pr ot ec tt hes l um f r om anyf l oods .
Thi shousi nguni ti sdesi gnedf orf ami l i esof6per sons.The si zeofeachuni ti s40SqM,whi chi si ncl usi veofal ar geopen f oyer( 7. 5SqM) ,Mul t i user oom ( 9. 6SqM) ,Ki t chencum bedr oom ( 6. 2SqM) ,anopenwashar eaand1t oi l etand bat hr oom.Mul t i pl er oomsar epr ovi dedi nst eadofone l ar gemul t i user oom i nor dert opr i vacyt ot heel der sdur i ng t heni ght sf r om t hechi l dr en.Si ncemostoft hepeopl esl eep ont hef l oor ,t hewi ndow si l lhasbeenbr oughtdownt o300mm abovef l oorl evel .Thi swoul dhel pi nai rci r cul at i onwhi l e sl eepi ngont hef l oor .Thi sdesi gnal sohasal ar gecommon cour t yar df oral li t si nhabi t ant sf oranyact i vi t yt ot akepl ace. Thi scour t yar dcoul dal sobesecur edi nt heni t e.
Asment i onedear l i er ,t hi spr oj ec ti sapr ot ot y pef orot hers uc hpr oj ec t swhi c h woul dbec ons t r uc t edf ort her emai ni ngs l umsi nt hec i t y .Thei deabehi nd t hi spr oj ec twast odes i gnasmanyhous i nguni tt y pesi nor dert odoapos t oc c upanc ys t udyi nor dert of i ndoutaboutt hec omf or tl ev el oft hei nhabi t ant s oft hes l um andal s ot hec hangest heyhav emadewi t hi nt heuni tt os ui t t hei rneeds .Thes ec hangesc ant henbei mpl ement edi nt henewdes i gnf or s omeot hers l um.Thedes i gnst hatar et hel eas tus erf r i endl yc oul dbe r emov edandanewpr ot ot y pec oul dr epl ac ei t . Ther ear eat ot al of8hous i nguni t s ’ t y pest hathav ebeenwor k edoutbyme. Eac huni tc at er st oadi f f er entf ami l ys i z e.Theav er agef ami l ys i z ei nt he s l um i s5per s ons/f ami l y .Howev ers omef ami l i eshav eupt o8per s ons . Thehous i nguni t sar ec at egor i z edi nt o3mai nt y pes ; Uni tf or5per s ons / f ami l y ,6per s ons / f ami l yand8per s ons / f ami l y . Di f f er entdes i gns ol ut i onshav ebeent r i edf oreac hf ami l ys i z euni t .Lar ge c ommons pac eswi t hi nt heuni thav ebeendes i gnedi nor dert oenc our age i nt er ac t i onwi t hi nt henei ghbor s ’ .
Uni tType01 Uni tType02
Thi shousi nguni ti sdesi gnedf orf ami l i esof5and6per sonsperf ami l y .Ther ear eat ot alof8housesi nt hi suni twi t h4ont hegr oundf l oorand 4ont hef i r stf l oor .Theent r yt ot hehousesi nt hegr oundf l oori st hr oughacommoncour t yar d,t heent r i est ot hehousesont hef i r stf l oorar e t hr oughi ndi vi dualst ai r sf oreachhouse.Var i ousopt i onshavebeent r i edouti ndesi gni ngt hei nt er i orl ayoutofeachhouse.Thi si sdonekeepi ng i nmi ndt hemai nconceptoft hi spr oj ect .The5per sondwel l i nguni ti sof30SqM ar ea,wi t hal ar gemul t i user oom whi chcanbepar t i t i onedi nt oa ki t chenandl i vi ngar ea.Ther ear ecommont oi l et sandbat hr oomsi nt hegr oundf l oor .The6per sondwel l i nguni ti s45SqM ar ea.Thel ayouti s ver ymucht hesameast heoneont hegr oundf l oor ,exceptt hat ,eachhousehasi t sownt oi l etandbat hr oom andal soabal cony .
Uni t03
Thi shousi nguni ti sver ysi mi l art ot hatofuni t02,butf ort hef actt hatt heent r yt ot he housesi nt hegr oundf l oori sdi r ect l yf r om t heout si dei nst eadoft hecommoncour t yar d. Thecour t yar dcanbeaccessedf r om t hebackdoorofeachhouse;t hi sgi vesi tmor e pr i vacyt oo.Ther ear eat ot alof8housesi nt hi suni tdesi gnedf or5member s/ f ami l y .Each housei s30SqM i nar eawi t hi ndi vi dualt oi l etandbat hr oom f oreach.Thehousesi nt he f i r stf l oordonothaveacour t yar dandi nst eadhaveabal cony .Thei nt er i orl ayoutofeach housecanbechangedaccor di ngt oneedsoft heoccupant .
Uni t04
Thi shousi nguni ti st hesmal l esti nsi zewi t hat ot albui l tupof156SqM.Thehousi ng uni ti sdesi gnedf or6member s/ f ami l y .Ther ear eat ot al4housesi nt hi suni t ,2ont he gr oundf l oorand2ont hef i r stf l oor .Eachhousehasani ndi vi dualt oi l etandbat har ea. Ther ei sal ar gemul t i pur poser oom ( 19SqM)wi t hbedsst ackedver t i cal l yt omakebest useoft hespace.Ther oom canal sobepar t i t i onedaccor di ngt ot heneedoft he occupant s.Thegr oundf l oorhousesar epr ovi dedwi t hal ar gef oyer( 9SqM)whi chcan beuseasanout doorcooki ngar ea.Thi si scommont r endi nmostsl um dwel l i nguni t s. Ther ei sasmal lopent oskypr ovi dedwhi chcannotbeaccessedandonl yf orl i ghtand vent i l at i on.
Uni t05
Thi suni tf or mi sani nspi r at i onf r om t he‘ Swast i ka’f or m.Thehousesi nt heuni t sar e Lshaped( 20SqM)gi vi ngi t soccupant st hef r eedom ofdi vi di ngi ti nt ot wor ooms.A cour t yar d( 16SqM)i nt hecent ercanbeaccessedbyt hepeopl el i vi ngi nt hegr oundf l oor . Af oyerconnect st het oi l etandbat har eawi t ht hel i vi ngspace.Thehousesar el ar ge enoughf or5per sons/ f ami l y .Al lhousesi nt hi suni tar edesi gnedf ort hesamenumberof peopl e.Thet ot albui l tupi s338SqM.
Apar tf r om wor k i ngont het hes i s ,I ’ v eal s owor k edons ev er al ot herl ar ges c al epr oj ec t s dur i ngmyc ol l egeday s .Someoft heot heri mpor t antpr oj ec t sar eUr banCent eri nChennai , Mul t i l ev el par k i ngi nTNagar ,Chennai andt heRev i t al i z at i onofMy l apor e( Her i t ageZone) , Chennai . I ’ v epar t i c i pat edi ns ev er al ex t r ac i r c ul arac t i v i t i esi nc ol l ege,l i k edes i gnc ompet i t i ons andal s oi nt heannual NASAhel di nSec ’ badi n2004.Ial s oenj oypl ay i ngs por t sand hav ebeenapar toft heSoc c erandbas k et bal l t eam s i nc emys c hool day s .Thi s i nt er es thasc ont i nuedev endur i ngmyc ol l egeday sdur i ngwhi c hI ’ dal s opl ay edf or t heAr c hi t ec t ur edepar t ment .
Thi swasanUr banCent eri nt hehear tofChennai .Thi smul t ist or ey bui l di nghousesamul t i pl ex,of f i cesandashoppi ngmal l .Mul t il evel ser vi ci ngwasoneoft hemai ni ssuest obesol vedal ongwi t ht he enor mouspar ki ngdemand.
WORKATHCPDPM I nmymor et hant hr eey ear si nHCPDes i gn&Pr oj ec tManagementPv tLt d,SRFDPhas beenmyc or epr oj ec t ,butapar tf r om t hatI ’ v ewor k edonaf ewar c hi t ec t ur al pr oj ec t s dur i ngmyi ni t i al day sher e.Somet hepr oj ec t sar e. Saf al Pr of i t ai r e–Amul t i s t or yof f i c ec ompl exi nAhmedabad.I ’ dwor k edont hepr oj ec t dur i ngt hec onc eptands c hemat i cs t ages . SMCSc i enc eMus eum –Thi swasapr oj ec tSc i enc eMus eum l oc at edi nSur at .Someof t hemai nat t r ac t i onsoft hi sf ac i l i t yar et hepl anet ar i um andt hel ar get heat er .I ’ dwor k edon t hewor k i ngdr awi ngsoft hi spr oj ec t . Apar tf r om ar c hi t ec t ur epr oj ec t sI ’ v eal s obeenapar toft het eam t hathasi nk edabook ed ont hedev el opments equenc eoft heSRFDpr oj ec t .I ’ dwor k edont hi sbooks i nc ei t si ni t i al s t agest i l l t heend.Thebookc anbedownl oadedf r om www. hc p. c o. i n/ downl oads TRAVELDI ARY Des i gnhasal way sbeenmypas s i ons i nc emyc ol l egeday s ,butt her ehasbeenanot her pas s i ont hat ’ sbeent her es i nc ec hi l dhood.Myl ov ef ort r av el l i nghasi nc r eas edwi t hage. Thef ac tt hatIgett oex pl or enewpl ac esex c i t esmeal otandt hi si sanex per i enc eI ’ m al way sl ook i ngf or war dt o.Ev ers i nc eI ’ v emov edt oAhmedabad3y ear sago,I ’ v et r av el l ed t oal mos tev er yc or nerofI ndi a.I ndi abei ngs uc hal ar gec ount r y ,t hepl ac est os eeov er her ear ei nnumer abl e.Iwoul dl ov et oc ont i nuet hi sadv ent ur eoft r av el l i ngwhenIgett o Eur ope.Thi si soneoppor t uni t yt hatIwoul dnev erwantt omi s s .T omet hebes twayt o gai nk nowl edgeaboutpeopl e,c ul t ur e,des i gn,pol i t i c si sonl ybyt r av el l i ngandex per i enc i ng i tal l f i r s thand.
Dwar ka Lucknow Thi swasanAnnualNASADesi gnCompet i t i on( ANDC)pr oj ectt aken upbyt hecl assondesi gni ngamul t il evelpar ki ngi nabusypar kof t heci t y .Thecompet i t i onr equi r edust odoast udyofvar i ousar eas oft heci t yont hepar ki ngcondi t i onandj ust i f yt heneedoft hepr oj ect i nt hepar t i cul arar ea.Thebui l di ngst andsi nt hemi ddl eofahugepar k. I nor dert oavoi dt hepar kssanct i t yf r om bei ngdest r oyed,af l yover goesovert hepar kandj oi nst hebui l di ngf r om t hemai nr oad. Mi ni malar eahasbeenusedupbyt hest r uct ur ewi t hi ngt hepar k.
Col ombo,Sr iLanka Banksoft heNar madaRi ver
I ’ veal somade sever alscal ed modeldur i ngmy 5year s.Thesear e phot osofmyThesi s pr oj ect .
Gal l e,Sr iLanka