Portfolio_Professional Work_2006-2010

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SRFDMast erPl an-1998

SRFDMast erPl an-2007

SRFDMast erPl an-2009

TheSabar mat iRi verhasal waysbeeni mpor t ant t ot heci t y .Theci t yhasbeengr owi ngar oundt he Sabar mat iRi verf orcent ur i essi ncei twasf ounded i nt he15t hcent ur ybyt her ul erAhmedShah. However ,overt heyear st her i verhasbeen negl ect edbyt heci t y .Ther i verhadl osti t ’ s i mpor t anceast heci t yhast ur nedi t ’ sbackt oi t . I n1997,t heSabar mat iRi ver f r ontDevel opment Cor por at i on( awhol l yownedsubsi di ar yoft he AhmedabadMuni ci palCor por at i on)commi ssi oned EPCt opr epar eacompr ehensi vef easi bi l i t yst udy t odevel opa9km st r et choft heci t y’ sr i ver f r ont . EPCpr ovi deddevel opmentmanagementser vi ces t oSRFDCLunt i l2002.Dur i ngt hi sper i odi t s mandat ewast odi r ectandmoni t oral lt he pr epar at or ywor k.Si ncet henHCPDPM hasbeen r esponsi bl ef ort hepr oj ect ’ sar chi t ect ur al , ur ban andst r uct ur aldesi gn.Ther i ver f r ontpr oj ecti sa compr ehensi veenvi r onment ali mpr ovement pr oj ectwhi chi nvol vesr i vert r ai ni ng,const r uct i ng r et ai ni ngwal l s,pr ovi di ngst or m wat erout f al l s, ghat sandj et t i es,r ecl ai mi ng200hect ar esofl and, pr ovi di ngi nt er cept orsewer s, cr eat i ngpar ksand gar dens,desi gni ngnewst r eet s&pr omenades wi t hbet t erst r eetl i ght i ng, pr ovi di nghousi ngf or economi cal l yweakersect i onsandi nf or mal mar ket sandconst r uct i ngut i l i t ybui l di ngs& st r uct ur es. I ’ vebeenapar toft hi spr oj ectsi ncemygr aduat i on i n2006.I ’ vewor kedwi t ht het eam whi chmade t he2007&2009SRFDmast er pl an.Overt hepast 3year sI ’ venotonl ywor kedont hemast erpl an, butal soonsever alot heraspect soft hi spr oj ect . Mywor kont hi spr oj ecti ncl udeddesi gnoft he newr et ai ni ngwal l ,desi gnofvar i ousaccesspoi nt s t ot her i ver ,pl anni ngofnewi nf r ast r uct ur e devel opmentf ort hepr oj ect .Apar tf r om desi gni ng &pl anni ngmywor kal soi ncl udedcoor di nat i ngon si t ewi t hcl i ent s&cont r act or s.Thi spr oj ecthas beenagr eatl ear ni ngexper i encef ormei nt he f i el dofUr banDesi gn,Pl anni ng&I nf r ast r uct ur e Devel opment&ihavecher i shedever y momentofi tt i l lt hi sdayandwoul dl i ke t ocont i nuei nt hi sf i el dofwor k.

Anot heri mpor t antaspectoft heSRFDpr oj ecti s t het r af f i cpl anni ngoft henewr oadst hatar et o beconst r uct edt ocat ert ot heneedsoft he pr oj ect&t heci t y .Sever alst udi esoft heexi st i ng t r af f i ccondi t i onhavebeendonei nor dert o desi gnt her oadst hatwoul dcomeuponcet he r i ver f r ontpr oj ecti sr eady . TheSRFDpr oj ecthast womaj orr oadsr unni ng Nor t hSout hf oradi st anceof1 1Km oneachbank. A30M wi der oadr unsont heEastbank&25M r oadont hewestbank.

Tr af f i cSt udyPl an

TheSRFDpr oj ectr oadshavet obel i nkedt o t heexi st i ngr oadnet wor koft heci t y . TheSRFDr oadswoul dr unf r om t he nor t hsout handwi l lbel i nkedatr egul ar . i nt er val swi t ht heexi st i ngnet wor k

TheRoadshave beendesi gnedgi vi ng pr i or i t yt ot heneedsof pedest r i ansand cycl i st s. St r eetf ur ni t ur e&l anscapi nghasal so beenconsi der edi nt hest r eetdesi gn.

Pl anofTypi cal24M Ri ghtofWayf orSRFDP

Pl anofTypi cal24M Ri ghtofWayf orSRFDP

Sect i onofTypi cal24M Ri ghtofWayf orSRFDP

Vi ewofTypi cal24M Ri ghtofWayf orSRFDP

Sat el l i t eI mageofSabar mat iRi veri ni t sor gi nalcour se

Theabovedr awi ngshowst heor gi nalcour seoft her i verwi t ht hesewageout f al l s( BLUE)t hatdumpedunt r eat edsewage di r ect l yi nt ot her i verwhi chl edt osever epol l ut i onoft her i ver .TheYel l owi st heexi st i ngsl umsl ocat edont hebanksoft he r i ver .Theessl umshaveal sobeendi r ect l yr esponsi bl ei nt hepol l ut i onoft hi sr i ver .

I nor derf ornewdevel opmentt ocomeup,ar ound180Haofl andhasbeenr ecl ai medf r om t her i ver .Thebanksoft her i ver haveal sobeenmadeuni f or mf orwat ert of l owwi t hl esserf r i ct i on.Ser vi cessuchst or m wat erdr ai ns&Tr unksewerl i nes havebeenl ai dandconnect edt ot heexi st i ngsewagenet wor ki nor dert opr eventt hesewagef r om f l owi ngdi r ect l yi nt ot he r i ver .Ther el ai medl andwi l lal sohavevar i ousot herdevel opment sal ongt hebankst hatcat ert ot heneedoft heci t y .

Oneoft hemai ngoaloft hi spr oj ecti st omaket hi sr i veropent ot hepeopl eoft heci t yandcr eat emeani ngf ulpubl i cspaces. Thi shasbeenachi vedbycr eat i ngsever alpar ks&gar densal ongt her i verbank.Ot herpubl i ci nst i t ut i onshaveal sobeen pl annedi nor dert omaket her i vermor eaccessi bl et opubl i c.

Ni ghtVi ewofKankar i aLakeaf t eri t ’ sI nugr at i oni nDecember2008

Vi ewoft hePushpakunjPl aza

Vi ewoft heToyTr ai n&Pr omenade

I ’ vebeenassoci at edwi t ht hi spr oj ectf orover 3mont hs.Myscopeofwor khasbeeni nt he schemat i cdesi gnandwor ki ngdr awi ngst ages. Apar tf r om t hewor ki ngdr awi ngsIhavegi ven exper ti nputonhowt omaket hel akea bar r i erf r eeenvi r onmentf oral l .

TheKankar i aLakehasbeenf orcent ur i est he onet hemosti mpor t antl andmar kofAhmedabad. The15t hcent ur ymanmadel akei sper f ectci r cl e andi sanengi neer i ngmar vel .Apar tf r om i t s const r uct i onf eat st hi sl akehasbeenabi g at t r act i onf ort hepeopl eofAhmedabad.Thi sl ake i soneoft hel ar gestpl aceswher epeopl eoft he ci t ycangat herar oundandspendqual i t yt i me. Howeverovert heyear s,t hi sl akehadbegunt o l oosei t squal i t yandwasnegl ect edbyt hever y peopl ewhoonceenj oyedi t sbeaut y . Thi spr oposalbyHCPDPM envi si onsa compr ehensi vel akef r ontpr eci nct ,seti nt hehear t ofAhmedabad,whi chwi l lst andoutasa memor abl eur banspace.I t spr i mar yobj ect i vei s t ocr eat eanef f i ci ent ,dur abl ei nf r ast r uct ur et hat wi l lf ost erent i r el ynewusesi naddi t i ont o suppor t i ngcur r entdayact i vi t i es.St r at egi es i ncl udecr eat i ngl ar gepedest r i anzonesal ongt he l ake' sedge,devel opi ngappr oxi mat el y6km of accessst r eet s,cr eat i ngaccesspoi nt st ot he l akef r ont ,enhanci ngr ecr eat i onalpot ent i alby i mpr ovi ngpubl i cf aci l i t i es,conser vi nghi st or i c bui l di ngsandencour agi ngover al ldevel opment ar oundi t .Thepl anemphasi zesongooddesi gn det ai l i ngf orsi dewal ks,car r i agewaysandon st r eetpar ki ng,f aci l i t i esf ort hei nf or malsect or andaccessr ampst ot hel ake' sghat s.

The main idea behind the Street Design Manual (SDM) is to bring about a standardization of roads in India. This design manual is being published in collaboration with Institute of Transportation and Design Policy (ITDP). The manual will cater mainly to all the municipal corporations of various cities who are involved in the construction of roads in a city. One of the other important objectives of this manual is to give priority to pedestrians and cyclist on the road. Informal on road activities are also considered while designing of roads. This project is currently at a schematic stage, where various road sections are being finalized. Street widths of 6, 7.5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 M are being designed. Various elements in the street are also discussed and designed such as sidewalks, cycle lanes, on road parking, storm water drain, under ground services, Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS). Various materials for the design are also a part of the manual, which would help in understanding the pro’s and cons of each material when used in street construction. I’ve been a part of the project since it began in June 2009; I’ve been involved in the design stages of the streets and also the book layout. The book due date is December 2009.

Smal lchangesi nexi st i ng desi gncanmakeabi g di f f er encet opeopl ewi t h di sabi l i t i es. Her e,asl opeaddedcanhel p i neasymovementof wheel chai ruser s,ol dpeopl e andpr egentwoment .

Exi st i ngCondi t i on

Exi st i ngCondi t i on

Apar tf r om wor ki ngonar chi t ect ur al&Ur banDesi gn pr oj ect s,I ’ veal sobeenwor ki ngwi t hsever alNGO’ s suchasUnnat i ,Handi capI nt er nat i onal& Bl i ndPeopl e’ sAssoci at i oni nt hef i el dofBar r i erFr ee Envi r onment .I ’ m at r ai ned&cer t i f i edAccessi bi l i t y audi t or .Themai nscopeofwor kasanaccessi bi l i t y audi t ori st hatofdoi nganaudi toft hebui l t envi r onmentandr at i ngi ti nt er msofaccessi bl ef or al l .Weasar chi t ect sal sogi vesi mpl epr oposal st o t hecl i entonhowt hei rpr emi sescoul dbemade bar r i erf r eef oral l .I ’ veal sot r ai nedsever al Pr oposedDesi gn ar chi t ect ur et r ai neeswhohavewor kedwi t hmei n Event hought her ei sa t heaudi t sdone. pr ovi si onf orseper at er ai l way Wehavedonesever alaudi t si nandar ound coachf ort hedi sabl ed,t he Ahmedabadovert hepastf ewyear s.Somet he exi st i ngdesi gnmakesi t i mpor t antpr oj ect sdonebyusar e, i mpossi bl ef orwheel chai ruser t oaccessi t . I ndi anI nst i t ut eofManagement( I I MA) ,Ahmedabad Her e’ sanaf f or dabl esol ut i on Guj ar atVi dyapi t h,AhmedabadCampus whi chmakesl i f eal i t t l emor e AhmedabadRai l waySt at i on,Ahmedabad si mpl i erf ort hedi sabl ed. Guj ar atVi dyapi t h,Sadr a&RankhedaCampus Pi swadaVi l l age( Rur al Accessi bi l i t y) Pr oposedDesi gn Gar giCol l ege( Del hiUni ver si t y) ,NewDel hi Advancementi nt echnol ogy& i nnovat i vedesi gncanmake Wor ki ngont hi sf i el dhasbeenaver yspeci al l i f emuchmor eeasi erf ort he exper i encef orme.Ihavel ear ntaboutt hehar dshi ps di sabl edandhel pi nat t ai nt he f acedbypeopl ewi t hdi sabi l i t i esi nt oday’ sbui l t goalofabar r i erf r ee envi r onmentandhowi nsensi t i veourappr oachi s envi r onment . t owar dsmaki ngabar r i erf r eeenvi r onmentf oral l . Ihaver eal i zedt hatasar chi t ect swehaveamor al r esponsi bi l i t yt owar dst hesoci et yandt hatweshoul d st andabovet her estandf ul f i li t .

Exi st i ngpl anofCent r alVi st a&Sachi val ayaCampus,aver ydul l&bor i ngdevel opmental lar ound

Acompr ehensi ver edevel opmentpl anoft hecent r alvi st a&Sachi val ayacampuswi l lgi vet hespacei t sduei mpor t ance

The1960’ spl anofGandhi nagarconcei vedagr andboul evar d–t heCent r al Vi st a,ast hef ocalpoi ntoft heci t yt hatwoul dr unonanor t hwest ,sout heast axi sf r om t her ai l wayst at i ont ot heSabar mat iRi ver .TheVi st awasenvi si oned asal ar gepubl i cspacef orpeopl et ovi si tandenj oy .Unf or t unat el yevenf or t y year sl at er ,t hi svi si onhasnotbeenr eal i sed.TheCent r alVi st al ackst he exper i enceofacent r alspace.I ti sspar sel ybui l twi t hnoat t r act i onsand i ncompl et er oads.Mor ei mpor t ant l yt her ei snobi ndi ngvi si onanddeci si on maki ngsyst em t oensur et hatoppor t uni t i esar enotsquander ed.Thedesi gn concepti dent i f i edt heel ement st hatwor kt oget hert ocr eat eani coni cspace: Axi s,FocalPoi nt ,Nodes,Edges,Movement ,Act i vi t i es,Meani ngand Symbol i sm.Theseel ement sar eusedt or est r uct ur eal ongwi t ht hedesi gn st r at egi escompr i si ngofst r eaml i ni ngt heexi st i ngr oadnet wor k,cr eat i ngan ext ensi vepedest r i annet wor kandi dent i f yi ngavar i et yofl andusesont he Cent r alVi st aaxi s.Acompr ehensi vel andscapest r at egycor r espondi ngt ot he l anduser angesf r omecol ogi calt oi nf or malpubl i car eas.Thedesi gnpr oposes acompr ehensi vevi si ont hatcangui det hedevel opmentoft heCent r alVi st a overt i meandmakei tat r ul ysymbol i cspace.

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