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Supplemental Tables: Safe Homes and Communities
Secondary Indicator: FOSTER CARE
When the Juvenile Court determines that a child cannot safely remain with his or her own family the Social Services Agency (SSA) identifies a placement for the child. Relative/guardian care is the primary placement considered in order to comply with state law and best practice of placing children in the least restric tive most family-like setting. If relatives are not available the next best option is a non-related extended family member (NREFM). If relatives and NREFMs are not available SSA may place the child in a county licensed foster family home (FFH) or a home pr ovided by a Foster Family Agency (FFA). FFA-certified homes are provided by non-profit agencies licensed by the state to develop and supervise specialized foster homes for the placement of children who require a higher level of care due to emotional or beh avioral problems. A child with even more significant behavioral issues may be temporarily placed in a state licensed group home or other residential setting to meet their treatment needs.
* Due to the implementation of Resource Family Approval process (February 2016), the new "Resource Family" placement type con sists of combination of placements previously identified as Foster Family Homes, Relative Homes and Non -Related Extended Family Member Homes. During this transition period, it is difficult to classify youth into these placement homes and therefore comparis ons between 2017 data and past years should not be made for youth placed in these family-like settings.
^Includes Relative, Guardian, NREFM, and RFA-Relative Homes placements
** Includes Foster Family Homes and Resource Family Agency placements.
***Includes Group Homes and STRTP placements
Note: Due to rounding percentages may not add up to 100%. Source: Orange County Social Services Agency