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Supplemental Tables: Safe Homes and Communities
Percent of Children Reaching Reunification and Guardian ship within 12 Months and Reentry Following Reunification and Guardianship, Orange County and California , 2006/07 to 2015/16
Note: Since the re-entry measure sample (below) is based on those who reach Reunification and Guardianship within 12 months, above measure is mo dified to now include exits to guardianship, not just reunification.
*Due to methodological differences the reporting periods for No Reentry Following Reunification will always be one year behind what is reported for the other measures
Source: CWS/CMS 2017 Quarter 4 Extract. Webster, D., Armijo, M., Lee, S., Dawson, W., Magruder, J., Exel, M., Cuccaro -Alamin, S., Putnam-Hornstein, E., Wiegmann, W., Rezvani, G., Eyre, M., Sandoval, A., Yee, H., Xiong, B., Benton, C., White, J., & Cotto, H. (2017). CCWIP reports. Retrieved 5/1/2018, from University of California at Berkeley California Child Welfare Indicators Proj ect website. URL: <http://cssr.berkeley.edu/ucb_childwelfare>
Secondary Indicator: ADOPTIONS
Adoption is a legal process that permanently gives parental rights and responsibilities to adoptive parents. The Social Services Agency (SSA) provides public adoption services to children who are dependents of the Juvenile Court and are receiving out-of -home foster care services. Adoption Within 12 Months (Legally Free) is a measure of foster care children who were legally free for adoption during the year who were subsequently discharged to a finalized adoption within 12 months. Adoption Within 24 Months (Exit Cohort) is a measure of foster care children who were discharged to a finalized adoption during the year who achieved adoption within 24 months.
Percent with Finalized Adoptions within 12 and 24 Months, Orange County and California, 2005/06 to 2014/15
Adoptions 12 Months of being Legally Free
Adoptions 24 month (Exit Cohort)
*This is no longer a federal measure and consequently no longer publicly available as of 2015/16.
Source: Orange County SSA Children and Family Services