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Supplemental Tables: Safe Homes and Communities
Children and Family Services – Out-Of -Home Placements, by Age and City of Placement, April 2018 continued
Moves: Number of Placement Moves Per Day for Children in Foster Care in a 12 Month Period, 2007/08 to 2016/17
Source: Child Welfare Services Reports for California. University of California Berkeley Center for Social Services Research
Source: CWS/CMS 2016 Quarter 4 Extract. Webster, D., Armijo, M., Lee, S., Dawson, W., Magruder, J., Exel, M., Cuccaro -Alamin, S., Putnam-Hornstein, E., Wiegmann, W., Rezvani, G., Eyre, M., Sandoval, A., Yee, H., Xiong, B., Benton, C., White, J., & Cotto, H. (2017). CCWIP reports. Retrieved 5/1/2017, from University of California at Berkeley California Child Wel fare Indicators Project website. URL: <http://cssr.berkeley.edu/ucb_childwelfare>