1-214th gets new commander
Soldier Ride
RoboWarriors camp helps to develop the next generation of engineers. See page 8.
1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, changes command, welcomes Lt. Col. Mark Kappelman. See page 5.
Soldiers of several nations gather to encourage wounded warriors in cycling event. See page 9.
erald Union H Vol. XV, No. 22
Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany
Aug. 15, 2013
Keeps getting better with time
ACS celebrates 48th birthday, local staff’s excellence USAG Wiesbaden ACS chief, speaking of her U.S. Army Garrison staff and adding that Wiesbaden Public Affairs Leary Henry and AnOffice nikka Trabucco received For nearly five de- individual recognition cades this organiza- for 2011 and 2012, retion has proven to meet spectively. “I think evSoldiers’ and families’ erybody is doing great needs, and locally its stuff.” staff has established The ACS was ofitself among the top in ficially approved as an the Army, again. Army establishment July U.S. Army Garri- 25, 1965, but it unofson Wiesbaden’s Army ficially came about in Community Service cel- 1958. It was made up ebrated its 48th birthday of volunteers who ran July 25 with food, fun, lending closets and thrift music and families, and shops, held emergency basked in the glory of fundraisers, assisted in being named 2012 ACS emergencies and proCenter of Excellence, vided training to the Category C, for the newcomers to meet the second consecutive year. needs of Soldiers and “It’s nice that all the hard work they have been families. Today, the center is doing is recognized by See Birthday on the Department of the Army,” said Jan Meert, page 3 Story and photos by Chrystal Smith
Photo by Karl Weisel
Upgraded postal system Wiesbaden postal clerk Vinson Kelley assists patron Thomas Holtman with a transaction on the new Postal Operations System Aug. 1. The new, fully automated and online system puts the Wiesbaden Postal Service Center in line with the U.S. Postal Service — the first Army unit in U.S. Army Europe to obtain the new equipment, according to Quintin Harvey, postal supervisor. Customers are asked to be patient as the staff becomes more familiar with the system which should speed service in the future, Harvey said.
Home sweet home
New program aims to inspire pride among housing residents By Chrystal Smith
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
It may not be home for good, but for thousands of Wiesbaden residents it’s certainly home for now. And because the Army family housing areas serve as places of communion, recreation and relaxation for Soldiers and families,
garrison leaders are making extra efforts to ensure its upkeep by inspiring more pride among the residents. “The housing areas draw a lot of attention from the highest ranking officers in the community on down,” said Sgt. 1st Class Russell Warren, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden housing noncommissioned officer, of the good and bad attention that recent practices by various residents of the five community housing areas have stirred up among leaders.
responUSAG Wiesbaden is respon sible for 1,767 housing units, which houses about 1,460 Soldiers plus their family members. “Stairwell” units usually house nine to 12 families in an average of 12,500 square feet per building; about 860 to 1,500 square feet per family. Given such close accommodations, a neglectful tenant’s residual bad habits can quickly encroach on the neighboring families’ living spaces. Frequent complaints and concerns from housing residents and See Housing on page 4
Karen Schaeffer, Army Community Service Relocation Readiness assistant, applies a painted design to the face of Zariah Colon-Pagan during the ACS birthday celebration July 25 in the ACS Cafeteria in Hainerberg Housing Building 7790.
Excited anxiety
Senior-to-be looks ahead to new year, ponders life after high school
pay your own bills.” Grasping that there will Special to the Herald Union be a day that comes where I Summer break is almost can no longer depend on my over and it’s time to focus on parents for everything is not my last year of high school. that easy to fully comprehend. Every event in life has its The good thing is, I’ll be pros and cons — graduating at the top of the food chain from high school and moving as a senior. But while senior out of the house is definitely year is reputed to be the best among those challenges. nine months of many people’s Pros include not doing lives, as a new kid in town, chores, not having a curfew I’ll have to see if that is inand endless freedom. deed true. Having to pay for grocerHaving to attend student ies, putting gas in one’s own orientation as an upperclasscar and not having someone man may be awkward. This hovering over to make sure I will be my third high school take care of myself are defiin four years. Obviously nite cons. adapting to a new school I’m beginning to appreciisn’t something I haven’t ate that separation from my done before. parents will bring temptaBeing lost in the hallways, tions — like spending too trying my best to make good first impressions and mak- much time on social media ing it through the first day when I should be studying. is always the most nerve- Focus is something I know I wracking part. But once that’s have to master if I want to get accomplished, it’ll be time to through four years of college successfully. enjoy my last year. I want to leave Wiesbaden I realize not every aspect High School with no regrets, of my senior year will be all and my goal is to have fun fun and games. Applying for while being fully prepared colleges, exam weeks and for my next adventure in life. preparing to leave my house When I get to college I want — possibly forever — are to be ready and excited for major milestones. everything it has to offer. I can’t even count how But for now it’s time to many times I’ve stormed up look forward to the start of to my room in the past threatmy last year of high school. ening to leave my parents’ I just hope that when it’s house. Now that it’s actually nearing the time to move on, time to walk across that big I’m not sure how anxious I stage in front of family and friends to accept my diploma am to leave. I’m starting to learn to it will be by far one of the appreciate the advice of my greatest moment of my life. (Kierra Carr, a soon-to-be parents to not always take things for granted. As they’ve senior at Wiesbaden High told me before, “The only way School, is a summer intern you will stop taking life for with the garrison Public Afgranted is when you have to fairs Office) Commentary by Kierra Carr
Ready and Resilient Addressing alcohol abuse, building stronger teams By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr. U.S. Army Europe Commander
Over the last few months I have had the opportunity to visit several units within U.S. Army Europe and speak with commanders and leaders, both military and civilian, at every level. I am continually impressed by the world-class Soldiers and civilians we have in our workforce, accomplishing a complex, strategic mission here in Europe every day. That’s why it’s especially difficult for me every morning when I review the Military Police blotter reports from across USAREUR, and whether it is an assault, sexual or otherwise, a DUI or other types of misconduct, many incidents involve alcohol. The correlation is not coincidental. Heavy drinking and overindulgence in alcohol is a challenge that we must address directly and person-
ally as leaders. I want all leaders at every level to talk to your teams about responsible use of alcohol, set conditions that encourage subordinate leader and peer support, and personally engage your Soldiers. I am certain that if we reduce overindulgence in alcohol we will reduce acts of indiscipline which run counter to our Army values and save lives. Abuse of alcohol is all too often an indicator of underlying issues that require vigilance and intervention from leaders at every level in the chain of command. Our most precious asset — our people — deserve nothing but the best care and support. At the first and earliest indicators, take action and get our teammates the resources they need to get back on track. This is a winnable fight;
Safeguard PII by not putting it on Army networks By Shunell Smith
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Human Resources
Even though Army Privacy Act Awareness Month has passed, the need to protect personally identifiable information remains. Users must continue to safeguard PII by not posting it online in Army Knowledge Online, Microsoft SharePoint or shared network drives. The office of the Army Web Risk Assessment Cell is conducting periodic reviews of folders created within AKO and searching for PII that has not been properly password protected. Numerous folders containing PII visible to anyone with AKO access are being discovered daily. Therefore, check to ensure PII folders on AKO are removed or secured to ensure compliance. And
spread the word within your organization regarding the importance of either removing the PII altogether from AKO, or creating password protected documents that are properly secured and restricted. According to Army Regulation 25-1, Information Management: Army Information Technology, official email users are required to encrypt sensitive information such as PII for transmission via email. Additionally, sensitive information transmitted in email messages must be clearly labeled to show its sensitivity. PII is information uniquely linked to a specific individual that can be used to trace identity. Such information can be a social security number, age, military rank, civilian grade, marital status, race, salary, home/office phone numbers, other demographic, biometric,
Herald Union published by The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Sabine Vogl at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post at Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Wiesbaden Army Airfield. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 337-7405; civ (0611) 705-7405; Email:; Home page:
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continue to talk to your Soldiers, civilians and families about the hazards of overindulgence in alcohol and the consequences of that behavior. Establish barracks security protocols and periodically conduct no-notice walk-throughs of common areas. Care about your Soldiers, civilians and family members at all times, including when they are off duty or off-post. Together we can combat these problems that degrade our profession and destroy lives. I hold leaders responsible for instilling the essence of our Army Values and Warrior Ethos into their Soldiers so they are not words on a card, but rather a way of life. We must be disciplined and adhere to our standards if we are to retain our public trust and represent our country honorably as ambassadors to our host nations here in Europe. Strong Soldiers. Strong Teams.
personnel, medical and/or financial information. S e t y o u r c o m p u t e r ’s operating system, web browser and security system to update automatically. Identity theft prevention information is available at the Directorate of Human Resources, Administrative Services Office in Clay Kaserne Building 1023E, second floor. Military and civilian personnel who deploy should put an “active duty alert” on their credit report. The alert requires creditors to take precautionary steps to verify people’s identities before granting credit in their name. Remember, avoid putting PII on AKO and always safeguard your and others’ information when sharing folders on an organization’s shared network drive.
Command and newspaper staff USAG Wiesbaden Commander..................Col. David H. Carstens USAG Wiesbaden Command Sergeant Major .......................................Command Sgt. Maj. Sa’eed A. Mustafa Public Affairs Officer.......................................Anemone Rueger Editor....................................................Karl Weisel (mil 337-7405) Associate Editor................................Chrystal Smith (mil 337-1400)
Aug. 15, 2013 .........................................................................
News and features News flash
Technology Expo Members of the 5th Signal Command talk to an exhibitor at a Technology Expo held in the Wiesbaden Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne July 26. More than 50 exhibitors and industry partners were on hand showcasing the latest technologies to the Wiesbaden military community.
Furlough update
It was announced in a memo by the Secretary of Defense Aug. 6 that the furlough of Department of Defense civilian employees has been reduced from 11 days (88 hours) to six days (48 hours). As a result of that announcement, many of the local services that were impacted by the action will return to normal. Beginning the week of Aug. 18, the Wiesbaden Commissary will be open on Mondays; the Post Office/Community Mail Room will begin full service operations again; and the Wiesbaden Health Clinic returns to normal operating hours. Department of Defense Education Activity indicates that there will now be no furlough days that result in closing schools for students. The first day of school, Aug 26, will remain a half day in Wiesbaden as scheduled. For specific guidance on furlough information, employees are advised to consult with their immediate supervisors.
ESWE offers night bus service
ESWE now offers a night bus service departing from downtown Wiesbaden that includes a stop at the Main Gate at Clay Kaserne. ESWE Bus N7 will pick up at the Platz der Deutschen Einheit stop (located on Schwalbacher Strasse near the Luisen Forum) at 12:30 a.m. daily and arrive at Clay Kaserne about 20 minutes later. Also, on Friday and Saturday ESWE Bus N7 offers two additional pickups at 2 and 3 a.m. Patrons can call (0611) 45022-450 for bus pick up information from Mainz-Kastel or other outlying areas. Visit for more information.
Retiree Appreciation Day
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden hosts the U.S. Army in Europe Retiree Appreciation Day Oct. 26 at the Community Activity Center in Clay Kaserne Building 1011 at 8 a.m.; doors open at 7:45 a.m. The event’s agenda includes an assembly — for opening and welcoming remarks, a guest speaker, and a USAREUR Retiree Council forum, a dental and medical roundtable session, and allotted time to participate in various service offerings from agencies located in the United States and overseas — DFAS-Cleveland, ID card processing, Veterans Affairs, Legal Services, Social Security Administration, U.S. Customs and individual private organization information. Appointments for medical and dental screenings will be made starting at 8 a.m.
Funded Legal Education opportunity
The Office of the Judge Advocate is now accepting applications for the Army’s Funded Legal Education Program. Selected officers will attend law school at the government’s expense beginning in fall 2014 while remaining on active duty. Applicants must be commissioned officers with two to six years of active federal service when school begins. Review Army Regulation 27-1, Chapter 14 to determine eligibility and application requirements. Contact the U.S. Army Europe OJA at mil 337-4700 or (0611) 705-4700 to set up an interview.
Photo by Kristopher Joseph
Birthday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1 holding true to its foundation and continues to impress Soldiers and family members with its delivery of services. Tabitha Yaffe and her family, who were celebrating with the ACS, have been patrons of the ACS’s services for eight years, and said its variety of offerings has benefited her family greatly — especially during their recent relocation to Wiesbaden. “We made good use of the ACS when we first got here,” she said. “ACS makes you feel comfortable when you arrive here.” Yaffe said she learned of the ACS years ago and has used traditional programs and services such as the lending closet and New Parent Support Program. “They were very helpful,” she said speaking of the center at her previous location, Fort Benning, Ga., and ACS in general. “It’s very much person-to-person. It (doesn’t feel like) the Army structure; it’s low hassle.” She also said that new class offerings have piqued her interest to give back to the community through its various services as a volunteer. “We are now in a position to pass on the knowl-
Children enjoy the bouncy house as parents stand by during the Army Community Service birthday celebration July 25 outside the ACS center at Hainerberg Housing Building 7790. Photo bottom: Lily Belle Hatcher shows off her hoola hooping skills during the ACS celebration. edge we’ve learned over the years,” said Yaffe, who said she and her family are considering participating in Emergency Placement Care and teaching. “We want to pay it forward.” Yaffe said the organization has been a primary resource for her family and is optimistic about it getting the support from the Army to continue to serve military families. “I hope the Army understands the importance of the program and funding isn’t cut anymore than it has to be,” she said. This year’s celebration included face painting, games, a bouncy house, crafts and free refreshments. The U.S. Army Eu-
rope Band’s Kaiser Brass offered musical entertainment, USO and Community Bank provided food, and Boy and Crew Scouts hosted games and crafts to support the event. Through the years ACS has evolved to meet the progressive needs of Army families. Its staple programs and services include Army Family Action Plan, Army Family Team Building, Army OneSource, Army Volunteer Corps, Exceptional Family Member, Family Advocacy, Financial Readiness, Information and Referral, New Parent Support, Relocation Readiness, Sexual Assault and Response, Soldier and ............................................................................ Aug. 15, 2013
Family Assistance Center, Employment Readiness, Survivor Outreach Services, Transitional Compensation and Victim Advocacy. Army Community Service is located in Hainerberg Housing Building 7790, and can be reached by phone at mil 337-5234 or civ (0611) 4080-234.
Herald Union
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News and features From the blotter
Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services
July 25 Assault: A Soldier is being charged with assault consummated by a battery. Controlled substance: A Soldier is being charged with wrongful use of a controlled substance (spice) and possession of a controlled substance (spice).
July 26 Vehicle damage: A noncommisioned officer became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging the Soldiers’ vehicle in the Hainerberg Housing area.
July 27 Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: Failed to yield the right of way.
July 28 Vandalism: The government became a victim when an unknown person damaged a canopy by removing the support poles at the Newman Village soccer field.
July 29 Abandoned vehicle: A Soldier is being charged with failure to obey order or regulation: Impounded vehicle (abandoned/derelict). Controlled substance: Three Soldiers are being charged with wrongful use of a controlled substance (marijuana). Rape: A family member is being charged with rape of an adult by force, threat, and civilian misconduct.
July 30 Assault: A Soldier is being charged with assault consummated by a battery and domestic violence. Sexual contact: A Soldier is being charged with wrongful sexual contact. Assault: A family member is being charged with assault on a child under the age of 16 and domestic violence.
Aug 2 Traffic accident: An Airman is being charged with a traffic accident: Failure to judge proper distance. Sexual contact: An NCO is being charged with wrongful sexual contact and indecent exposure.
Aug 3 Larceny: A family member is being charged with damage to government property, damage to private property, larceny of private property (less than $100) and civilian misconduct.
Aug 4 Assault: An Airman and family member became a victim when multiple unknown people attacked them with beer bottles in downtown Wiesbaden. False statement: A Soldier is being charged with failure to obey general order (violation of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Policy Letter 12 – Single Soldier Housing/Troop Billets Visitation Policy) and false official statement. Vehicle damage: An officer became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging the officer’s vehicle in the commissary parking lot.
Aug 5 Civilian misconduct: A civilian employee is being charged with bodily harm and civilian misconduct. Failure to obey regulation: An NCO is being charged with failure to re-register a vehicle and failure to obey a regulation.
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Photo by Wendy Brown
Joe Bednash tends to the flowers and plants in front of his building in Hainerberg Housing June 11, as he does most days. Housing officials say that healthy gardens like water and ask that residents, especially in Newman Village, remember to water the lawn, bushes and flowers. Flowers and bushes should be watered once a day, and grass every second or third day, either in the morning or after the sun goes down.
Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1 housing officials include neglecting to clean up pets’ fecal waste, not returning trashcans to designated storage places, smoking and storing items — often times hazardous materials such as charcoal and lighter fluid — in common areas, neglecting to clean up behind one’s self and children, leaving entrance doors open, and vandalism on sports field and playground areas. “Our highest priority is the satisfaction of the customers,” said Birgit Werkheiser-Engel, Directorate of Public Works Housing chief of facilities. “Wiesbaden is your home in Germany. You should feel at home in the housing areas.” Officials realize that many categories of families from very different environments and experiences live among each other in the housing areas, so consciousness of certain issues vary. Such things as child safety, security and public health are reasonable concerns when living so closely to neighbors. “It helps us better manage resident satisfaction when our housing residents show better consideration for their neighbors, especially in shared areas … keeping common areas clean and securing entry doors,” said Werkheiser-Engel. When a Soldier signs the pa-
perwork for quarters, he or she is to the authorized housing policies agreeing to abide by the guidelines at receipt of one’s quarters, policy that are endorsed by the garrison does not stipulate how a home commander, an O-5 or colonel. If should be decorated. it is reported that a Soldier is not “You can’t make people do acting in accordance with the poli- anything (in the way of beautifying cies, disciplinary repercussions can a home). Best thing is to inspire detrimentally impact a Soldier’s people and generate a sense of career, said Warren. pride,” said Warren. “Usually, the command sergeant If issues with housing arise, major requests to see the offending residents should first contact the Soldier and several other people in designated building coordinator, that person’s chain of command,” who will engage the housing NCO said Warren, adding “he wants to or housing officials, if necessary. know why this Soldier is ignoring Contact Customer Service for rea colonel’s policies.” pairs at mil 337-9999 or civ (0611) As the bad can creep in and 7050-9999. bring spirits down, housing officials are hoping that by kicking off a new Building of the Quarter program Oct. 1, good practices alike can infuse positive practices among residents. “You can definitely see when someone cares. Personal touches Photo by Chrystal Smith are recognized,” said Warren. “We hope to Lighter fluid left unattended in Clay Kasgenerate a new attitude, erne Housing Aug. 8. Officials advise that and infect the commu- residents not store hazardous materials and other equipment in common areas, nity in a good way.” Even though Sol- especially because of the safety hazards diers agree to adhere such things present to children and pets.
Aug. 15, 2013 .........................................................................
News and features
Special ops aviation officer commands 1-214th By Chrystal Smith
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Goodbye open skies and special missions around the globe. Hello small cubicle somewhere in the bowels of the Pentagon. That is the new scenery Lt. Col Edwin Brouse’s looked ahead to as he said farewell and relinquished command of the 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, to Lt. Col. Mark Kappelman during a change of command ceremony July 30 at the airfield on Clay Kaserne in Wiesbaden. Along with the passing of the command colors, Brouse passed the responsibility of 650 personnel, 49 aircraft — UH60s, C12s/UC35 belonging to VIP general support aviation battalions located in Belgium, Heidelberg, Grafenwöhr, Hohenfels, Landstuhl, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden — to the welldecorated and travelled aviation officer. Kappelman served in five deployments and other places around the world. “You’re the absolute right command team to take this unit to the top,” said Brouse to the incoming commander and his wife Kelly.
During Brouse’s command the unit received a number of honors. Awards and recognitions include the 2011 and 2013 Army Award for Maintenance Excellence, Culinary Warrior of the Year, Petroleum Excellence Award, Dustoff Association Rescue and Crew Chief of the Year. The unit also completed missions in austere and disparate locations around the globe. A few of note include the assumption of the Central Region Medevac mission during Operation Enduring Freedom, numerous deployments to Kuwait, a humanitarian mission to Montenegro where it provided key life support in terms of food, medical aid and rescue. The
Photo by Chrystal Smith
unit deployed with short notice to support the president of the United States in March to Israel and to Northern Ireland in June for the G8 Summit. Kappelman commanded the Special Operations Aviation Training Battalion before being selected to command the 1-214th. He returns to Germany having been assigned earlier in his career at Giebelstadt Army Airfield. “We are happy to be in Germany again and look forward to working with our friends and allies in this new setting,” Kappelman said.
Photo by Sgt. Daniel Cole
The 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, Color Guard shuffles its formation to retire the colors at the conclusion of the Change of Command ceremony July 30 at the airfield on Clay Kaserne. Photo left: Lt. Col Mark Kappelman accepts the 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, colors from Col. Vincent Torza, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade commander, to signify his assumption of command of the unit July 30. Outgoing commander, Lt. Col. Edwin Brouse, and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Gage stand by.
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0UBLISHING (OUSE s !DVERTISING 0UBLISHING (OUSE s !DVERTISING !GENCY ............................................................................ Aug. 15, 2013
Herald Union
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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden Delve deeper into German culture with Kontakt By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Want to improve your German, make new friends and delve deeper into the German culture? Then Wiesbaden’s Kontakt-Outreach Club may be just for you. “We’re looking for new American members,” said Sabine Reighard-Orf, a member of Wiesbaden’s KontaktOutreach Club. “People may not realize all of the things we are able to do,” she said, explaining that in addition to offering members a wide range of fun activities from dinings out to trips, Kontakt is equally engaged in community service projects. “We try to help in any way we can. “It’s the little things where we can help,” Reighard-Orf said. “If there is a need in the community we can always help — including translating. Especially for spouses whose husbands are deployed and may be afraid to go out,
bers were also on hand at the community’s Independence Day bash in Hainerberg Housing with coffee and cake for sale. “Join Kontakt to learn the German trends and other things about Germany. Get together with Germans and Americans to eat, talk, take trips, visit museums or a winery,” Photo Sgt. Maj. Carmen Daugherty said Reighard-Orf, listing a few of the many Members of the Wiesbaden Kontakt Outreach activities offered through Club share a laugh as they enjoy fellowship and the organization. “If you a meal during a club barbecue in a club member’s get together with the club garden July 27. members you’ll have a much different experiwe can help them feel more comfortable. We’ll go with them, show them the best ence during your time here.” The Kontakt fundraiser and spokesplaces to shop, etc.” V Corps Soldiers returning to Wies- person said she first became aware of baden from Afghanistan were greeted Kontakt after reading about it on the by members of Kontakt with flowers at Internet. “I wanted to practice my Enghomecoming events. The club’s mem- lish and I like the things that they do and
their programs.” Kontakt members were also on hand in the streets of Wiesbaden Aug. 11 for the annual Iron Man Competition – serving as volunteers to hand out water and other refreshments. Among outreach efforts of Kontakt is working with other organizations such as the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, Army Community Service, the USO and local scouts to help support community and other local events, she said. Why get involved with Kontakt? “Because you get to know Germany and Germans – it’s all about friendship,” Reighard-Orf said. “Call us, visit us on the Internet, send us an email or stop by our roundtable get-togethers (at the Frankenstube in Wiesbaden-Erbenheim) the first and third Tuesday of the month.” For more information or to get involved with the Wiesbaden club, visit, send an email to or call civ (01578) 191 9929.
Getting command praise for standout customer service U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden leaders Col. David Carstens and Command Sgt. Maj. Sa’eed Mustafa recognized 12 individuals — one Soldier and 11 civilian employees — July 31 for outstanding customer service during the months of June and July. The following people were acknowledged: Christina Cash, Wiesbaden Entertainment Center food and beverage attendant, established customer-oriented programs and menu items for the Shali
Center Java Cafe. Ivan Centola, Wiesbaden Education Center test examiner, revamped the testing office’s look and business procedures. Michael Fuhr, 405th Army Field Support Brigade assistant transportation specialist, took over management responsibilities for the transportation customer service area as a result of personnel shortages. Alexandra Glidewell, Wiesbaden Legal Center senior claims examiner, improved claims efficiency, processed
over 40 claims and decreased the processing time by seven days during the fiscal year. Vicki Harris, Wiesbaden Civilian Personnel Assistance Center human resources specialist, was lauded as a tremendous asset for civilian employees not only in Wiesbaden, but seven other military communities around Europe. Trent Jarvis, Wiesbaden Postal Service Center finance clerk, was recognized for his consistent work ethic and willingness to sacrifice to ensure
mission accomplishment. Maria M y e r s , Cash Centola Wiesbaden Resource Management analyst, was noted as excelling at receiving, analyzing and creating Harris manpower information for the entire garrison. Karen Reese, 405th Army Field Support Brigade transportation specialist, was acknowledged for having an “exceptional work ethic and dedication to service.” Spc. Leslie Tamez’s, Religious Support Operations chaplain assistant, was recognized for showing keen attention to detail in her performance of duty which enabled her organization to maintain important efficiencies.
Command picks
The following individuals were hand-selected by the garrison command leaders for observed exceptional service to the community during June and July. Lisa Crews, Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation marketing director, was selected in June for outstanding contributions in the “Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany” brandingcampaign. Jon Lacy, DFMWR sports
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programmer, provided tireless efforts to support the Combat Sports program that garnered praise from the Installation Management Command leaders during a visit in June. C o u r t n e y Wa l d e n , DFMWR Wiesbaden Entertainment Center administrative assistant, was honored in July for extensive behindthe-scenes work done in support of garrison leaders during the Independence Day celebration. Nominations are submitted monthly and evaluated by a special committee of representatives from garrison directorates and staff agencies who vote on submissions. Call mil 337-6337 for more information. See the garrison’s Flickr photostream to download photos at wpao.
Aug. 15, 2013 .........................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes ... Community notes Pancake breakfast fundraiser
Boy Scout Troop 65 will hold a pancake breakfast on Aug. 18 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Army Community Service cafeteria to raise money to help the troop purchase new camping equipment and to cover fees for different events the troop participates in around Europe. The menu will include pancakes, sausage, orange and apple juice, and coffee. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under.
AFTB instructors
Army Community Service seeks Army Family Team Building instructors. AFTB is a series of training modules that helps community members cope with and enjoy the military lifestyle. Call Earl McFarland at civ (0611) 4080-254.
Relocation tours
The Relocation Readiness Program hosts tours in the coming months including to Castle Eltz Sept. 27, shopping on the economy Oct. 18, the Frankfurt Christmas Market Dec. 3 and the Mainz Christmas Market Dec. 17. Call civ (0611) 4080-254 or stop by Army Community Service in Hainerberg Housing Building 7790 to register.
Girl Scout volunteers
The Wiesbaden Girl Scouts
seek volunteers to serve as troop leaders and co-leaders for the 2013-2014 registration year. Short-term volunteers for community events are also needed. Contact wiesbadengirlscouts@ to get involved.
Red Cross classes
Babysitter training and pediatric first aid/CPR classes will be taught Aug. 22-23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 284, Building 1023E on Clay Kaserne. Cost is $55. It’s open to adolescents ages 11-17. A standard first aid/CPR (plus infant CPR) class will be offered Aug. 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Learn how to become a dental assistant through the Red Cross Dental Assistant Program with classes starting Sept. 16. Register through Aug. 23. Call civ (0611) 705-1760 or stop by the Wiesbaden Red Cross Office to sign up.
Community Open House
The Wiesbaden military community invites everyone to stop by the Wiesbaden Fitness Center Aug. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the Community Open House. Pick up information, giveaways and enjoy various demonstrations from service providers throughout the community.
be held every third Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Library on Clay Kaserne. Girls should bring their American Girl dolls with to the social. Activities will include the reading of an American Girl book, artwork, discussion of etiquette, tea and cookies. Make reservations (as space is limited) by calling the library at civ (0611) 705-1740 or Joyce Schloesser at civ (06128) 489 202.
from 1:30-3 p.m.; Directorate of Public Works Compound 3-3:30 p.m., parking garage 4-6:15 p.m. and Clay Housing 6:30-7 p.m.
Learning English
Wiesbaden’s Relocation Readiness Program hosts an English as a Second Language (Ingles como Segundo Idioma) class Thursdays from 4:30-6 p.m. Oct. 10 to Dec. 19. To register call mil 335-5254 or civ (0611) 4080 254.
Roving ice cream truck Play in the Park A roving ice cream truck (AAFES concessionaire) with freshly made Italian ice cream now serves patrons on Clay Kaserne with stops at the Post Office loading dock from noon to 1:30 p.m., Clay Housing
The New Parent Support Program, Educational and Developmental Intervention Services, and Women, Infants, and Children invite parents with toddlers and preschoolers for some “Play in the Park”
time from 11 a.m. to noon Aug. 30 in Aukamm Housing. Activities include bubbles, parachute games, water tables and an obstacle course. Call civ (0611) 4080-330/331 for more information.
Designated parking for survivors
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden has designated parking for the surviving families of fallen Soldiers in front of Army Community Service in Hainerberg Housing. The designated parking honors their sacrifices while providing easy access to ACS where Survivor Outreach Services is located. For more information call Irma Sneed at mil 335-5254 or civ (0611) 4080-254.
Let’s play!
At the Knirps-Garten at Lilien-Carré while our parents shop.
‘American Girl’ social
An “American Girl” social for girls ages 6 and above will
Photo by Kierra Carr
Giving to save life
Wiesbaden-based Soldiers donate blood to boost the banks of the Armed Services Blood Program during the blood drive sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, facilitated by the American Red Cross July 19 at the Tony Bass Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne.
FREE certifie d child care serv ice Sat 11:00 – 18:00 (up to 2hr.)
You want to play, draw and be crafty? Come join us at the Knirps-Garten at Lilien-Carré. We are looking forward to keeping you amused! ............................................................................ Aug. 15, 2013
Herald Union
Page 7
Schools page — Partners in education School bits Back-to-school photos
Get your photos published in the Herald Union. Wiesbaden military community members are invited to submit up to three 2013 back-toschool photos to by Sept. 3 for the chance to have their photos published in the newspaper and to win prizes. Photos should be candid (not staring at the camera or posed). All back-toschool-related photos are eligible.
FAST classes
The Education Center offers Functional Academic Skills Training classes Sept. 10-30. Class times are Monday through Friday from 7:4511:45 a.m. A pre-TABE test will be held Sept. 9. FAST provides Soldiers with on-duty instruction in reading, math and language to help improve job performance, prepare for more advanced schooling and increase reenlistment options. To be eligible Soldiers must have a GT score below 110. Call mil 337-5559, email or stop by Room 120 in Building 1023E on Clay Kaserne for more information.
School orientations
Mark your calendars for next school year: Hainerberg Elementary School holds a kindergarten orientation at 10 a.m. and first- through fifthgrade orientation at 11 a.m. Aug. 22; Aukamm Elementary School holds an orientation at 11 a.m. Aug. 22; Wiesbaden High School holds a new student orientation at 1 p.m. Aug. 22; and Wiesbaden Middle School holds its new student orientation at 11:30 a.m. Aug. 23. A back-to-school barbecue for sixth- through 12th-graders will be held at noon Aug. 26 at the Teen Center in Hainerberg Housing.
STEM Camp: Developing next-generation engineers Story and photos by Chrystal Smith
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Getting up early during the summer break is a drag for some students. But the “STEMulation” offered at one Department of Defense Dependents Schools summer camp had students leaping out of bed — eager to see what the day had in store. The RoboWarriors Robotics club hosted STEM Camp Aug. 5-9 for sixth- through ninth-graders to spread the good news of engineering. The third iteration of the camp, tied into Department of Defense Education Activity’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Math initiative, was a handson workshop that hosted 70 campers and was focused on engineering. “We are reaching into the middle school to stimulate their school’s STEM program,” said Frank Pendzich, Wiesbaden High School instructor of engineering and technology. Every morning began with a teambuilding project that encouraged the students to work together to solve various problems. Pendzich said he wanted to expose the youths to the 10-step method of problem-solving in hopes of triggering creativeness. “Children are often taught to copy ideas. When you hear words and phrases like ‘I’m confused,’ ‘I don’t know what to do,’ ‘I don’t understand,’ it implies that one is in a copy mode and doesn’t really know how to tap into their creativity,” said Pendzich, adding that in industry it’s
Middle school events
Wiesbaden Middle School holds a new student orientation and cookout Aug. 23 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meet other new students, teachers and the principal.
Guiliana Weiss works on details for the design of her lighter-than-air craft at STEM Camp Aug. 7.
Quinn Davis uses a utility knife to make precise wood cutouts for his glider project during STEM Camp Aug. 7 at Wiesbaden High School. The camp was one of two held by the RoboWarriors Robotics Club to enliven youth’s interests in science, technology, engineering and math. a usual step in completing engineering ing, you get to work with material and and design processes, even in making tools you don’t usually,” said Parker. When asked to choose between successful moon landings. “So you let them flounder, and eventually they put football and STEM camp the choice pen to paper. It may not work, but at least was easy for Quinn Davis, soon-to-be they have gone through the process of 10th-grader, who said his decision even surprised his mother. problem-solving. “I like the hands-on part of this camp. “The sooner they learn it, the better they will be able to apply it in everyday It’s better than many of the academic camps I’ve been too,” he said. “It’s fun, situations and future occupations.” The club’s members filled the roles of exciting and gets everyone involved.” Future scientist Clara Kuersten, sooncamp instructors, getting an opportunity to-be seventh-grader, said she just wanted to practice their leadership skills. The opportunity gave Zachary Cas- insight into the world of engineering. “I don’t usually do stuff like this. I’m sou, soon-to-be senior, insight into his future career choices of teaching and just doing it because I wanted to know a little more,” she said. “Knowledge is engineering. “There are so many different person- never bad.” The exposure to engineering and alities at work here,” he said, explaining that the types of designs are closely science even inspired one to change her related to the various personalities of career aspirations. the campgoers. Santy Dembele, soon-to-be sixthAs the robotics club members were grader, said she no longer looks forward enjoying the chance to lead, the campers to becoming a professional athlete, were eating up the multiple opportunities now her sights are set on becoming an for problem-solving, designing, building engineer. “I can build things. I want to build robots,” she said. and testing multiple projects. Learn more about the RoboWarriors Harper Parker and Jack Love, soonto-be sixth-graders, said getting up early and Wiesbaden High School Engineering Department at http://robo.eportalwas worth it. “You get to make stuff, you’re learn-
WIN TICKETS to the Medieval Festival in Biebesheim Win one of 4 pairs of tickets for the 8th Gigantic Medieval Spectacle in Biebesheim, September 7-8, 2013. Enter before August 26th to win.
Sign up for the Military in Germany events newsletter on (right sidebar) to be entered into the contest. If you already receive the newsletter, send an email to answering the following question: How many medieval festivals have you been to in Germany? Page 8
Herald Union
Aug. 15, 2013 .........................................................................
Sports and leisure Cycling in solidarity Over 120 wounded warriors from Spain, Latvia, Georgia, Estonia, Germany, Norway and the United States participated in the third annual Soldier Ride Germany Aug. 8-10 in Bostalsee. The Soldier Ride, sponsored by the Wounded Warrior Project, was a four-day cycling opportunity for wounded Soldiers to use cycling and the bonds of service to overcome physical, mental or emotional wounds. The event concluded with a community ride, where members of the community at large were invited to participate and support the Soldiers in their journey. After the bike ride, there was a picnic reception, also sponsored by the WWP. This year more than 700 supporters from multiple U.S. Army Europe military installations throughout Europe participated. Photo by Linda Steil
Things to do ... Things to do Travel with the USO
Rhein Main Area USOs head to a Mosel River cruise Aug. 17, Frankfurt Aug. 17, Bern (Switzerland) Aug. 24 and Bad Wimpfen Aug. 24. Stop by any Wiesbaden USO office or call civ (0611) 7120-2880 for details.
Backtracking jams
The Cappuccino Casino invites music lovers in on Aug. 16, 23 and 30 to enjoy various DJs and types of music. Giveaways and snacks will be featured. Call civ (0611) 411-4444 for more information.
Back-to-School B.A.S.H.
The J4H Ministry holds a Back-to-School B.A.S.H. (Being About Serving Him) Sept. 7 at 5 p.m. at the Haus des Buergers, Am Neuen Markt 4 in Ramstein. Cost is €10 featuring games, door prizes and more.
Wine Fests
The Kostheimer Wine Grower Days will be held
Aug. 16-19.
Enjoy music, food and more.
Music in the Palmengarten
Extreme Weekend with BOSS
Frankfurt’s Palmengarten offers a series of concerts during the summer months ranging from jazz to world music. Upcoming jazz concerts include the Anke Helfrich Quartet Aug. 15 and the Ramon Valle Quartet Aug. 29. World music concerts include Kobo Town (Canada) Aug. 20. Performances on the outdoor pavilion are at 7:30 p.m. Admission is from €10 to €16. Buy tickets in advance or at the door at the Palmengarten entrance, Siesmayerstr. 63 in Frankfurt.
Outdoor Rec trips
Head to Meersburg Castle Aug. 17 or the Bad Duerkheim Wine Fest with Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation. Call civ (0611) 705-5760 for details.
Medieval Fest and Market
Frauenstein holds a Medieval Fest and Market Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. Entrance is free.
Wiesbaden’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers heads to Camp Darby, Italy, Aug. 29 to Sept. 2. Enjoy sightseeing, swimming, shopping, dancing, sports and more. Cost is $150 (BOSS members only). Sign up at the Warrior Zone on Clay Kaserne.
Sports shorts Fitness fair
The Wiesbaden Fitness Center holds the 2013 Installation Management Command Fitness Day Oct. 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost-free fair will offer information booths from local specialty vendors, a massage station, health and dental clinic booths, and fitness demonstrations. Call mil 337-5541 or civ (0611) 705-5541 for more information.
Watch NFL Football
Head to the Cappuccino Casino on Sundays from 7-10:30 p.m. to watch NFL Football.
Boot Camp
Wiesbaden Sports and Fitness invites community members to turn out for the Wiesbaden Fitness Center’s Boot Camp Sept. 2 to Oct. 18. Sign up at the front desk in the fitness center.
Recreational shooting
Head to the Wackernheim Range from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 14 to enjoy recreational shooting. Must be age 14 or above and participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Stop by Outdoor Recreation on Clay Kaserne for more information.
Wahoo swimming highlights
The Wiesbaden Wahoos hold a new swimmer tryout/assessment at the Hallenbad Kleinfeldchen (Hollerbornstr. 9) on Aug. 24. A pool party and Polish pottery bingo will be held Aug. 25 at the Waldschwimmbad Budenheim (Romerstr. 70). A swimmer registration night for new and returning swimmers will be held Aug. 27 at the ACS cafeteria from 4-7 p.m. Bring current sports physicals and checkbook for fees and swimmer for sizing suits/T-shirts. Visit or email for more information.
Bridgestone golf demonstration
Rheinblick Golf Course hosts the Bridgestone Demonstration Day Sept. 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A representative will bring an assortment of clubs to test one’s swing. There will also be opportunities to get different shafts installed, use the Bridgestone golf ball testing machine and get custom-fitted for a set of clubs. Contact the golf course at mil 537-7003 or civ (0611) 505-92713 for more information.
Free pool
Enjoy free pool every Monday at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center Lounge. Call civ (0611) 4080-190 for more information.
Rock’n’Heim Fest
The Hockenheim Race Track will be the site of an open-air concert Aug. 16-18 featuring headliners System of a Down, Tenacious D, Franz Ferdinand and Nine Inch Nails among others. For a complete lineup and tickets visit www. or local ticket outlets.
for our website and other print publications. • Must demonstrate a writing background (newspaper or magazine, travel writing, etc.) • German language skills are helpful. • Minimum number of stories per week required. • Contribute own story ideas and keep up-to-date with current events in the KMC, Baumholder, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden areas. • Must be willing to take assignments. Interested? Send your resume and copies of 2 published articles to An in-house interview is required. ............................................................................Aug. 15, 2013
Herald Union
Page 9
For your health
Regular checkups key to good men’s health James W. Cartwright U.S. Army Public Health Command
If you are a male, you have most likely seen a doctor out of necessity. But when confronted with specific questions about men’s health you may have some hesitation. In searching the wisdom of the Internet on men’s health, it turns out that men are pretty special when it comes to taking health risks. In fact, men are more likely than women to smoke and drink, make unhealthy or risky choices, and put off regular checkups or seek medical care. Overall, evidence indicates that men ought to pay more attention to their health and well-being. Because most men understand things relating to cars, an analogy may help to put things into perspective. Statements like, “Your car gets routine
checkups, so should you,” and references to “Men’s Health Tuneup Schedule” might be helpful, but the fact is many men neglect their car’s maintenance. Delaying regular tuneups of your vehicle, putting off checkups, and waiting for the oil light to come on to get the oil changed is standard behavior. Bald tires are not replaced until your wife or sister notices and obsesses about your safety. But what are the real reasons that men do not seek medical care? WebMD cited a number of possible reasons men avoid medical care. Among those reasons are “stoicism, high cost, busy schedules, challenges of getting an appointment or the embarrassing possibility of the digital rectal exam.” To the relief of many men, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force rejected the idea that the standard annual physi-
cal exam is an effective tool for improving the health of patients. They suggest that exams needed to be tailored to the age, health risks and preferences of the patient. If you are a man, you might like this, but do not be surprised if your wife likes the car analogy better. So what should men do to maintain good health? It turns out that it’s really quite simple. Most experts agree that men should: g Not smoke g Be physically active g Know your body g Eat a healthy diet g Maintain a healthy weight g Manage stress levels
Frankfurt–Paris in less than 4 hours. From 39 Euros. By high speed trains ICE or TGV.
g Sleep well g Only drink alcohol in moderation. Note that these measures also enhance mental and spiritual wellness, which is important since m e n h a v e higher suicide rates t h a n women. In addition, it is important to partner with your physician to choose a preventive healthcare program suited to your special needs. Many of the major health risks that men face, such as colon cancer or heart disease, can be prevented. They also are easier to treat when found early. To ensure your body continues to be fit and ready, eat healthfully, sleep well, be physically active and follow a preventive maintenance schedule such as: R Regular blood pressure screenings. R Cholesterol screenings for all men 35 and up, or 20 and
up if there are other risk factors. R Colorectal cancer screening age 50 and up. R Tetanus booster every 10 years for men over 50. R Flu shots every year for men over 50. R Prostate cancer screenings based on individual factors. R Diabetes screenings for adults who have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. R Monthly self exam for irregular moles with annual visit to a dermatologist for complete exam. R The American Cancer Society recommends annual cancer screenings with a testicular exam. Just as one would educate oneself when it’s time to take care of the car, the same should be done when inquiring about personal health. Learn more at Men’s Health MedlinePlus, menshealth.html National Institutes for Health provides overviews, current news and prevention/ screening information on specific conditions related to men’s health to include cancer, low testosterone, depression and more.
Reach Paris at top speed and low prices. Frankfurt –Paris 5 times a day in less than 4 hours. Sit back and relax on the ICE or TGV as you speed towards your destination at up to 320 km/h. Enjoy the service and comfort on board. First class passengers receive a light, tasty meal, served at their seat. Information and reservation in English at High speed traveling without changing also to Lyon, Avignon, Aix-en-Provence and Marseille.
Get in, relax.
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Herald Union
Aug. 15, 2013 .........................................................................
Bulletin board Movie plots
Dusty, who spends most of his days flying low, flies high among the fighter planes in the animated comedy “Planes.” Dane Cook, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Teri Hatcher, Val Kilmer and Anthony Edwards lend their voices to the characters in the “Cars” spinoff.
At the movies Aug. 15-29 Taunus Theater
Aug. 15 — The Conjuring (R) 7 p.m. Aug. 16 — Elysium (Not rated) 7 p.m. We’re the Millers (R) 9:30 p.m. Aug. 17 — Planes in 3-D (PG) 4 p.m. Elysium (Not rated) 7 p.m. Aug. 18 — Planes in 3-D (PG) 4 p.m. We’re the Millers (R) 7 p.m. Aug. 19 — Elysium (Not rated) 7 p.m. Aug. 20 — We’re the Millers (R) 7 p.m. Aug. 21 — Elysium (Not rated) 7 p.m. Aug. 22 — We’re the Millers (R) 7 p.m. Aug. 23 — Kick-Ass 2 (R) 7 p.m. Paranoia (PG-13) 9:45 p.m. Aug. 24 — Turbo in 3-D (PG) 4 p.m. Jobs (PG-13) 7 p.m. Kick-Ass 2 (R) 9:30 p.m. Aug. 25 — Planes in 3-D (PG) 4 p.m. Jobs (PG-13) 7 p.m. Aug. 26 — The Butler (PG-13) 7 p.m. Aug. 27 — Kick-Ass 2 (R) 7 p.m. Aug. 28 — Paranoia (PG-13) 7 p.m. Aug. 29 — We’re the Millers (R) 7 p.m.
AdvantiPro is looking for a distributor for the Herald Union in Wiesbaden.
Are you friendly, reliable and enjoy service to the community? If you are in good shape, able to lift bundles of newspapers and are looking for a mini-job (2 - 4 days a month) - get in touch with us! Send your resume to or fax to: 0631-30 33 55 44
Matt Damon (right) plays Max in the action/adventure drama “Elysium.” The movie is set in 2154, where he fights to bring equality to two polarized worlds.
Elysium (PG-13) — In the year 2154 two classes of people exist — the very wealthy who live on pristine man-middle space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes, a hard-line government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take one daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to their polarized worlds. Stars Matt Damon and Jodie Foster. Planes (PG) — The all-new story offers an exciting cast of characters and centers on Dusty’s high-flying dream. But Dusty’s not exactly built for racing, so he turns to a seasoned naval aviator who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dusty’s courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar. Stars the voices of Val Kilmer, Priyanka Chopra, Anthony Edwards, Teri Hatcher and Julia Louis- Dreyfus. We’re The Millers (R) — David Burke is a small-time pot dealer whose clientele includes chefs and soccer moms, but no children — after all, he has his scruples. So what could go wrong? Plenty. Preferring to keep a low profile for obvious reasons, he learns the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished when he tries to help out some local teens and winds up getting jumped by a trio of gutter punks. Stealing his stash and his cash, they leave him in major debt to his supplier, Brad. Stars Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Jason Sudeikis and Ed Helms. Kick-Ass 2 (R) — Kick-Ass, Hit Girl and Red Mist return for the follow-up to 2010’s irrelevant Kick-Ass. After KickAss’ insane bravery inspire a new wave of self-made masked crusaders, by the badass Colonel Stars and Stripes, our hero joins them on patrol. When these amateur superheroes are hunted down by Red Mist, reborn with a new name, only the blade-wielding Hit Girl can prevent their annihilation. Stars Jim Carey, Chloe Moretz and Aaron TaylorJohnson. Jobs (PG-13) — “Jobs” details the major moments and defining characters that influenced Steve Jobs on a daily basis from 1971 through 2000. Jobs plunges into the depths of his character, creating an intense dialogue-driven story that is as much a sweeping epic as it is an immensely personal portrait of Steve Jobs’ life. Stars Ashton Kutcher, Amanda Crew, Lukas Haas and James Woods. ...........................................................................Aug. 15, 2013 Herald Union
Page 11
SHARE YOUR ADVENTURES WITH THE COMMUNITY! Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Write “Destinations” in the e-mail subject line.
E-mail your photos to Page 12
Herald Union
ACROSS 1. Latvian capital 5. Catch 9. Grade-school basics 13. On 14. Arctic or Antarctic 16. Finger feature 17. Imperil 19. Sparkling wine 20. Current unit 21. Shown to be false 23. Experts 25. Shown to be false 26. Full of chutzpah 29. Hip character 31. Anecdotal knowledge 32. Dirty campaign stuff 33. Sappho’s island 36. East, in Essen 37. More rubicund 39. Application form info 40. Islands with Turks 42. Psychedelic drug 43. Squandered 44. Dame Margot of ballet 46. Infiltrators 47. Taken care of 48. Do as directed 50. Melbourne is its capital 52. University official 56. Brainchild 57. Desk 59. Delhi dress 60. Round roofs 61. Thomas Hardy heroine 62. Org. 63. Bottle part 64. Horse’s gait DOwn 1. Indian prince 2. List entry 3. Gunk 4. Conciliate 5. Junket 6. Agree silently 7. “Put ___ on it!”
8. Elegant garden feature 9. Biblical liar 10. Court game 11. Alluded to 12. Slithered 15. Resisted authority 18. It has a keystone 22. Gastric woe 24. Desert Storm missile 26. Alliance 27. Parks of civil rights fame 28. Skilled craftsmen 30. In a curious way 32. Assembled, as troops 34. S-shaped curve 35. Wields a needle 37. Sonata movement 38. “Money ___ object!” 41. Hold in check 43. Embargo 45. Microphone inventor 46. Encounter 47. Gold sovereign? 49. Vigorous 50. MasterCard alternative 51. Crowning point 53. Bank 54. Approximately 55. Balance 58. VCR button
This is the solution to the crossword puzzle from August 1! Courtesy of
Aug. 15, 2013 ............................................................................
o t e m o c l e W n e d a b s e i W
you a few o t e c u d e to intro a little better. k li ld u o , ,w iesbaden ld Union a r W e , e H r m u o h yo our new lisher of y b u w p o n d k u get to ro, pro AdvantiP sses to help you ine local bus
The little city tram & three-Lilien-train Daily Tours at the Marktplatz
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• Great for dates, family reuninions or business meetings • Parking available • 100 sqm terrace • Splendid panoramic view Hirtenstr. 121 65193 Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg
TEL: 0611-58 93 94 64
TUESDAY to SATURDAY 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. • SUN-/HOLIDAY noon –230 p.m. & 5 p.m. – 1030 p.m. Additionally open by agreement. Party room for up to 50 people
Culinary delights from the USA on a high gastronomic level, combined with top European specialties. You can look forward to enjoying superb international cuisine here featuring a variety of dishes and choice specialty beverages, as our freshly draft Andechser beer.
Hours: Mon - Sat from 5 p.m. Sun from noon Tel: 0611 - 204 49 80
precious jewelr y Bärenstraße 2 in 65183 Wiesbaden // Tel: 0611 300286 //
• Original Thai food • Bar Drunk • Cocktail Bar en • Home delivery service Monke
Open from 11:30 am – 01:00 am Mauritiusstr. 14 • 65183 Wiesbaden • Tel: 0611/16885955 ................................................................................. Aug. 15, 2013 Herald Union Page 13
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
Page 14
Herald Union
Amelia Jackson and Patrick Hale enjoy a day of bowling at Wiesbaden Entertainment Center!
Isiah makes a SPLASH!
Bernard and Lena on the Swing!
Aug. 15, 2013 ............................................................................
Youth from the teen center take a trip to Luxembourg!
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
Damatya and Pharra enjoying a day at the amusement park!
Share your new bundle of joy with the community! Send us your baby’s birth announcement. Send the Herald Union your baby’s photo (high resolution, 300 dpi, photos only please) along with his/her name; date, time and place of birth; height and weight at birth; parents’ first and last names, as well as where you’re from; the name(s) of any siblings; and where you’re stationed. Send your submission to with “birth announcement” in the subject line. ................................................................................. Aug. 15, 2013 Herald Union Page 15
Introducing Local Businesses Schloss Reinhartshausen Kempinski
is located in Eltville-Erbach, among the vineyards, 15 minutes from Wiesbaden and 35 minutes away from Frankfurt International Airport. Erbach is situated in the Rheingau Region, known for its wine and culture. Being it weddings, concerts, ball room dances, presentations, product launches, gala dinners or the legendary brunches, Schloss Reinhartshausen Kempinski has got the right room for any occasion. It is the ideal place to celebrate and party, but also to host seminars and conferences, guaranteeing a discreet working ambiance. The 16 different function rooms and salons, accommodating up to 300 people. With its 63 generous rooms and elegant suites the hotel belongs to the first class hotels in Germany. The stylish Summer Lounge offering classic cocktails, a range of specially selected drinks and delicious food such as BBQ and Seafood buffets enchanced with live music, is perfect for a relaxing evening. For more informations visit • Hotel Schloss Reinhartshausen Kempinski • Haupstraße 41, 65346 Eltville-Erbach
VITIS Sports Health & Swim Club The most beautiful Tennis Center that Wiesbaden has to offer is located in the suburb Nordenstadt at the VITIS Sports, Health & Swim Club. Centrally located in the Rhein-Main area, near the A66 and within 10 minutes driving distance from the Wiesbaden Army Airfield. With two red clay, seven all-weather-outdoor courts and eight indoor courts tennis players of all ages can enjoy a game throughout the day with any weather. Besides various sports and fitness activities, a laid back atmosphere completes the experience. After a hot game kick up your feet on the sun terrace and refresh yourself with a cool drink or jump into our 60ft indoor pool. Let the VITIS Club become your source for well-being and pamper yourself at our massage parlour. The hot stone and full body massages are guaranteed to put your body and mind at ease. Or simply spoil your taste buds in our Italian restaurant, which offers a great view of the tennis courts, savoring fresh & delicious food. VITIS Sports, Health & Swim Club • Oppelner Str. 3, 65205 Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt • Tel.. 06122-5300 •
Wambacher Mühle
Wambacher Mühle
Wambacher Mühle, a historical mill beautifully located amidst the idyllic Taunus ridge, converted into a charming country inn & hotel. The historically preserved mill is proudly managed by the third generation of the Fleschner Family. The Wambacher Mühle offers special events throughout the year in addition to its standard programs. There is always something going on at the Wambacher Mühle – and not just food! Just stop by and surprise yourself! Children are always welcome along with your four-legged friend. Expect finest quality dishes – always! They look forward to your visit. Wambacher Mühle 1, 65388 Schlangenbad • Tel 06129-1227 • 15km from Wiesbaden, direction Rüdesheim/Schwalbach • Open daily from 7 a.m. until the last guest is gone • This advertisement service is proudly brought to you by
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Herald Union
publisher of your KA
Aug. 15, 2013 ............................................................................
Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contains each of the numbers 1 through 9 once.
7 9 4 9 6 2 9 3 8 5 6 3 5 8 2 1 6 9 3 3 9 2 4 3 8 1 1 7 4 3 6 1 5 4
Find the solution to this puzzle in the next edition of the Herald Union!
Audi TDI: Getting More From Less...
Military Sales
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Audi Q7 TDI 28 Hwy/19 City
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Offer expires 8/31/13. EPA estimates only. Program and guarantees subject to terms and conditions. Vehicles shown are for illustration only and may contain optional equipment available at additional cost. (AX 8438 Herald Union)
Wiesbaden Washingtonstr. 75 65189 Wiesbaden Rickey Jackson (06 11) 72 39 78 04 Steven Galloway (06 11) 72 38 98 18
Mainz-Kastel Ludwig-Wolker-Str. 12A 55252 Mainz-Kastel Frank Johnson (0 61 34) 28 79 61 ................................................................................. Aug. 15, 2013 Herald Union Page 17
Page 18
Herald Union
Aug. 15, 2013 ............................................................................
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APTS FOR RENT Small cottage for 1 pers, close to Wiesbaden. Rent €500. T: 067234858
05 Toyota Corolla LE Gold. 4 door, automatic, 70K miles, Hist. House 110 sqm, in Massenpower windows/locks, almost heim for rent. Red. realtor fee. new tires, cruise control, 5 disc Avail. 01 Oct 13. 1200 dschuhma CD. Smoke-free. Avail 1 Aug. $9400 mikeschumacher2012@ Privileged living in Dreieichen- or 01717732702 hain, dist. to WI 30km. Quiet, high 17" 8-Bolt Rims incl. Tires. Are in class area. Red. realtor fee 2200 good condition, used to be on a 2002 Honda Civic LX Coupe. Located in Heidelberg - asking 450 USD or best offer. 015142307062 OFFICE /
1978 Sea Ray SRV200in good running condition.Ford V8 OMC motor overhauled in 2010.New battery 2012. New anchor.New propeller.Waterproof cover.Trailer. $6.700 divefreakgary@google
For rent Office Space, Sales Facilities, Medical or Dental practiceClose to Wiesbaden Air Base Please contact landlord!T.: 06127 965563T.: 06134 280461mail: 1989 Audi 80, 2.0L, Auto, SR, 162KM, 2 x 4 Tires on Alu Whls, Gar, VG Cd, Well Maint & reliable for Long Dist, Must Sell, ACT NOW! $1500,07253-6854/ Looking for a specific
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AUTOS Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
1994 BMW 320i M-Package sedan w/ sunroof Custom Interior LED lighting. AMP and Sub included. Ramstein area. For more info cplease call $3000 0170 3083253
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1992 Burgundy BMW 325i. automatic, only 180K, German specs, Good brakes, sunroof, new battery, Passed inspection 20 Mar13, all weather tires Asking 1200 01656526404
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1997 BMW 316i. Runs great and gets great gas mileage. Please call for more info. $2500 01713083253
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1999 BMW 318i with only 94,000 miles. Car is in great shape with power windows, power locks, German Nav stereo with CD. New brakes all around! $5,000 Garrett @ 015146411963 or
2004 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Quad Cab 2WD 4.7L 133,000 Miles. Seats 6. Bed Liner (Rhino) Black Cloth interior. 22' rims. Dual Exhaust. Call for more info $7,500 obo 015164512307 2004 Smart 4Two Passion; red w/ black, Germ. specs, gas, 60K mi, new tires, A/C, CD/radio. Clean! 45+ mpg! Awesome car! Getting another! €4000 Neg. dorothygoff@ or 01609918-5425 2005 Jeep Grand Chrokee 4x2 Sport V6, 3,2l, only 75000k, midnight pearl blue, good condition, new tires, power lock, power windows, and more $7800 katjarobin 2005 Toyota Corolla LE Gold. 4 door, automatic, 71K miles, power windows/locks, only 10000 miles on all weather tires, cruise control, 5 disc CD $8900 063039258906/
1999 Porsche 911 CarreraForest Green/Savannah Beige, 27300mi, always garaged, perfect condition inside and out - often mistaken for brand new! $30500 pdrisc@ya 2006 Blue VW TDI (Diesel) matic 85K miles, sunroof, A/C, 1999 Subaru Legacy B4 RSK. VW dealer maintained, one owOnly 82000 miles (133000 kms), ner. Excellent work vehicle, 45-55 2nd owner vehicle, non-smoker, MPG. Call 06307-9119118 AWD/4WD. $6500 chaison.griffin@ $$10,500 2006 Honda Accord. Only 50,000 2004 Chevy Blazer V-6,115,000 miles. Perfect condition inside miles, runs great, new calipers, and out. U.S. specs. Email with wheel hub assembly, tie rd ends, any questions or for more pictuwheels 1yr old, auto 4x4, pass in- res. $13,500 obo. trh1709@ spec. 12/2012 $5,000 016091348847 / skins4life78@ya 2007 Ford Escape Limited top condition 54k fully loaded, V6 2004 Dodge Grand Caravan, Blk 4WD Auto Leather Tinted Heated Pearl, 3.3L V6, 225,000mi, AC, Seats & Mirrors Sunroof park senPwr-adjustable pedal. Great 2nd sors, ski box included. $14,700 vehicle. Fair condition, As Is. Se- 01577-20-33308 after 1800 rious inquiries only. $2000 2007 Ford Focus Cabriolet, Elec01632877923/ tric Hard Top Convertible, 2.0 Diesel, German Spec., 108K KM. 2012 F-150 EcoBoost 4x2 SuperDealer Maintained, Recent InspecCrew Cab with max towing packation, in Great Condition. ge (10,400 pounds). 18,000 miles. $10,000.00 Or Best Offer email for pics and availability. 2008 Purple Ford Focus euro $30,000 spec manual. Cold A/C new all season tires Dependable Reliable and 30-40mpg 2yr inspection as of June $6,000 firm 0176-82071013 ; 2009 Porsche Cayman S (US); 38,000 miles; PDK, Paddle shifter, PASM, Sport Chrono Plus, new rotors/pads (Nov 12), black/black. $45,000 johnnyhedwards@ya 2010 BMW 320D Coupe M Sport Package Top Condition, Garage Car, Interior Black Dakota Leather, Business Navi, Winter tires plus additional Extras. €23000 017623901806/inahamann@
PORSCHE MILITARY SALES Hauptstr. 189 A | 70563 Stuttgart – Vaihingen |
The Porsche Boxster. When you buy one we suggest you pick it up on a Friday.
Page 20
Herald Union
2011 honda accord 4dr exv6fully equip color is silver int black automatic 24,000 miles dealer maintan. $18,000 06204919085 email ckvillanueva@ 2012 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R L2 US Spec 2967 Miles Full Akrapovic SS/Carbon fiber exhaust Email for more info/ pictures $10700 chaison.griffin@ Acura Integra GSR, Supercharged, 1997, only 86K miles, $10K in upgrades, No problems! US Spec. reduced to $8,700 obo !sel Audi allroad, 2.7l AWD, June`04, 85kmi, twin-turbo, loaded: leather, xenon, 2x4 alloy rims, bose, US model, automatic, heated seats, top condition €9900 Automatic 325i sport 1993 BMW 160k miles, alloy rims tires, green, Leather & heat seats, Alarm system, AC, power doors, windows, sunroof, tuning lights.. $2000 015117610336 Chrome Muffler - never used. Has minor sctatches from laying around. Other than that it's in perfect condition. Located in Heidelberg. $75 015142307062 / Gold, 4 door, automatic, 72K miles, power windows/locks, only 15000 miles on high end all season tires, cruise control, 5 disc CD, KBB 9100, NADA 9225 $8400 0152-2715-0009/06303925-8906/mikeschumacher2012@ I'm searching for a Dodge Ram QuadCab, 5.7L V8, 4x4, 2006 and newer! Offers please with pictures and VIN! Thank you! ssnickers@ Infiniti G37 Sport Coupe Amazing sports car, only 16,000 miles. V6/ 3.7 liter, manual 6 speed. Loaded, super clean $25000.00 OBO 06112043731 Mercedes Benz C350 Coupe 2D, 2012,15,000 miles Command System/navi, white, beige leather interior with wood trim, panorama roof, parktronic & extras! $34,500 01754931451 or ernest.d.john
Sealed Bid Auction this Auction is for a Mercedes Benz CDI 112 Cargo van. The vehicle will be sold as is. Contact Mr. Cooper at DSN: 496 4645. $2600.00 Ga 2010 Lincoln Navigator, toxido black, Chrome pakagage, rea ent system, camel leather, third row Supercharged '97 Acura Integra seating, under 32,000 miles. Gre- GSR, only 86K miles, $10K in upat condition. $35,000.00 grades, No problems. US Spec. $9,700 01709626274 The vehicle is kept in prestige 2010 Mercedes GLK 350 4-Macondition, selling to buy a new ticpremium lights, premium car. Little under 32,000 miles. 4x2 sound, factory DVD players, 7 in WD, Tuxedo black, Low mileage, screen, premium nav system, 4 below 32,000 miles $35,000.00 new all tires, rear camera $27K 017682111252/ Hankkron@ya 01709626274 2010 RAV-4, Excellent Condition, Volvo V50 T5 AWD, 21,185 miles, Gas City/Hwy 21/27 2007,129,000km(81k miles), exmpg, Automatic Warranty 3 Yr./ cel. cond., fully equip., 220HP, 6 36000 Mi. Located in Bad Rei- spd. man., Just drop me a mail chenhall, Seats 5 $15000 for more photos etc. homp898@ya €15900
Aug. 15, 2013 ............................................................................
MOTORCYCLES Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 1995 Softail custom, U.S. Spec. German papers, TÜV expired oct.2012. 12,000miles.New battery. Excellent condition. $11.900 di 2008 Harley Road Glide. One of a kind custom. Bike is in Europe on a tour and can be delivered. Email for pic's and info. $17000 bill@the
Roller Derby -Roller Girls of the Apocalypse K-Town are looking for Fresh Meat-Skaters/Refs/ NSO's. We will teach you everything! Starts 8 Sept at 14:00 $$0
Brand new crutches to fit height 5'6" to 6'4". Photo online. $20
Covering all your basic needs!
Lounge chair with 3 different pillows please call 01629-303-883 $15.00
Multi-family garage sale. Household, electonics, appliances, garELECTRONICS den items. Clothes, toys, games for all ages. 3 Aug, 8-3. EsperanAFN Satellite Receiver / Decoder tostrasse 26, K-town. $prices vary model Scientific Atlanta 9835 with a remote. $140.00 01714905428/ Piano made by Saturn. Tuned British SKY receiver for available Christmas 2012. 58" long 41.5" channels please see high22" deep all white$2000 eahuf if interested please call 01629-303883 $60.00 Roller Derby -Roller Girls of the Cisco HD High Definition Model Apocalypse K-Town are looking 9865 AFN Satellite Receiver/Deco- for Fresh Meat-Skaters/Refs/ der with remote $270.00 NSO's. We will teach you every01714905428/ thing! Starts 8 Sept at 14:00 $$0 PowerVu Satellite Receiver D9835. Unit only! No cables, no remote, no manual. $25 divefreak Rossignol 3G Skis, size 207, ker M46 bindings. With bag. Like Radio with CD player. $30.00 new, perfect condition. $70 017684658955 email spvendor@
I am a PhD student of African Diaspora history at New York University. For my dissertation research I am looking to interview black American military women (spouses as well as servicewomen, nurses and teachers) who spent time in Germany between 1945 and 1980. Please contact Felicitas at
The U.S. National Ski Patrol is recruiting for the 2013/2014 Ski Season. Locations in Ramstein, Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, Bavaria, Zurich, and Vicenza.; mikeskidog@
Sharp microwave, excellent condition.asking $20.00. if interested please call 0162-9303-883 $20.00
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Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
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Warm-hearted, great humor 34yrs single black lady with a generous touch of friendship seeks FOR SALE FURNITURE to find a happy relationship. betty The U.S. National Ski Patrol is re- 2 barstools. Very good condition cruiting for the 2013/2014 Ski with chrome stand and black synSeason. Locations in Ramstein, thetic leather seats. They come Urgently Looking for Justin!!! Met apart and are put together very Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, Bavaria, Zuhim at Burg Herzberg Festival on easily. Located in HD. $50 rich, and Vicenza. 015142307062 / July 19th Long light brown hair,; mikeskidog@ beard, intense blue eyes Born end of May 1985 in Michigan, German 80 euro clothes shelf/80 euro 4 Mother Working at USAG WiesbaTransformer 1000 watts, please drawer dresser. Price is negotia- den, no soldier Also studying psycall 01629-303-883 $30.00 ble €160 017631704524 chology and working as a coach If Bed with night stand. Price is ne- anybody knows him/ if you read this Justin Please tell him/ Id love gotiable €340 017631704524 Vintage 49'ers Starter Jacket in to hear from u!`cause u said u will excellent condition. No signs of Computer desk and chair. Price find me and now I believe in finwear. Size L divefreakgary@goo is negotiable €150 017631704524 ding u!THANK YOU so much! Da Glass table with four chairs. Price is negotiable €200 017631704524 Wanted. Singer for Heavy Metal Band. No experience needed. Sta- Nice balcony table with 3 chairs. is negotiable €80 ge presence needed. email jo Price 06221- 017631704524 PETS 6486156 Nice tv stand for only 40 euro. Price is negotiable 017631704524 Wedding dress & matching veil There have been reports of Gorgeous snow-white, sleeveless, Velux Sun Protection Blinds. Alpets being sold from breeclassy. Size 6-8-10 (36-38-40). ser most new, Paid over 300 Euros. ding facilities that are not maBlinds do not fit current window. $250 0176Two of them are 98CM and one is naged at the highest profes69350-983 in Wiesbaden 118CM. 0151644-10109 €75 sional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE Make sure you check the cre- Individual planning dentials of the people selling - Use your LQA / OHA / BAH to purchase the pet, and get proper payour home in Germany JOBS perwork showing shots and/ - Available to servicemembers, or other proof of healthy congovernment civilians and contractors Multi-talented woman currently dition. For further advice, - Financing available Germany wide working as a travel agent seeks consult your Veterinarian. with 0% down work in: Travel, Graphic Design, - Property acquisition in the areas Bus Admin. or as Translator. Exof Kaiserslautern, Mainz, Wiesbaden, perienced in all fields Pekingese male 3 months old, Stuttgart, Mannheim / Heidelberg, / Registered, chipped and shots up Spangdahlem, Bitburg 01636817956 to date. €500 01717026171 - More than 10 years experience L SA
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35yrs single black lady with a generous touch of friendship seek to Commute to WI-Clay Kaserne. I find a happy relationship. gwendoli enter the A6 at berg. I work from 0700-1600. An African man of 35years loo- Please email sharon.kraemer@ya king for a relationship/partner. Male, 60, NS/NR seeks similar, nice lady, 55+ for friendship & first steps. I like to cook and enjoy social activities. German speaker welcome.
Heavy Metal Band needs a guitar player. No experience needed. $Guitar Player for a Heavy Metal Band 0151-70603055
Single women 50+ looking for an Lazy boy recliner or similar. kitty american male, for friendship or maybe relationship 015238792688 Warm-hearted, great humor 35yrs single black lady with, a generous touch of friendship seeks to find a happy relationship. haff
Looking for someone interested in metal detecting in the Wiesbaden area. Call Frank at 061455490684. sgt.frankieboyjr@hot
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Have fun with the locals Rheinland-Pfalz Open Air Sat, Aug 17 Mainz, Große Bleiche Visit the annual Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) Open Air on August 17 in Mainz at the Große Bleiche from 2 pm to midnight. The biggest private radio station in the Southwest of Germany, RPR1, once again presents national and international musicians such as Sunrise Avenue, Tim Bendzko, Di-Reckt and many more at this great festival. Admission is free! For more info in German see
EVENTS Night Fever Party Boat Fri, Aug 16 Bingen, Hindenburganlage Brücke 6 Celebrate on the “Night Fever Party Boat” which departs in Bingen at the Hindenburganlage at Brücke (bridge) 6 at 8 pm. The local radio station SWR1 will be providing musical entertainment during the cruise on the river Rhine. Enjoy a variety of drinks and a beautiful view with a romantic setting. Tickets are €15. For more info in German see Rüdesheimer Weinfest Fri, Aug 16 – Mon, Aug 19 Rüdesheim, Marktplatz Taste the best Riesling and Spätburgunder (pinot noir) from the area of the river Rhine at the Rüdesheimer Weinfest (wine festival) at the Marktplatz from August 16 to 19. Starting on Friday at 3 pm, local wineries present their wines accompanied by live music ensuring a relaxed atmosphere. A merry-go-round is provided to entertain the small visitors. Find a list of all wineries and more info in German at Experience Frankfurt Airport Sun, Aug 18 Frankfurt, Airport Experience a day at the biggest airport
in Germany, Flughafen Frankfurt on August 18. From 10 am to 6 pm, the special Besucherterrasse (visitor’s terrace) at Terminal 2 is open and you can watch huge airplanes like the Airbus A380 arriving and departing. Every hour from 11 am to 4 pm, a 45 minute mini bus tour gives you an overview about the exciting happenings at the airport. For more info see Nerobergfest Sun, Aug 18 Wiesbaden, Neroberg Due to bad weather conditions the traditional birthday party of the mountain railway at the Neroberg was postponed from May to August 18. To celebrate its 125th anniversary a variety of programs for children and their parents is provided from noon to 6 pm. Enjoy good food and a great music by the rock band ‘So What’ throughout the day. No admission! For more info in German see Martinsthaler Weinfest Fri, Aug 23 – Sun, Aug 25 Marinsthal, Various vineyards The 85th Martinsthaler Weinfest (wine festival) takes place from August 23 to 25, starting Friday at 6 pm. Since the city will be celebrating their 650th anniversary, the festival will have some special highlights such as an exclusive light show in the middle of the vineyards. Also a children’s program, church services,
concerts and of course delicious wines and dishes will be offered. For more info in German see Wormser Backfischfest Sat, Aug 24 – Sun, Sep 1 Worms, Various locations Visit the biggest wine and folk festival at the river Rhine, the Backfischfest (fried fish festival) in Worms from August 24 to September 1. This year it is the 80th anniversary of the festival, although its tradition goes back to the year 1106 when the Fishermen’s Guild Worms was founded. Fair rides, wine tastings, parties and more are part of the program which attracts about 700.000 visitors a year. For more info in German and the detailed program see CONCERTS Riverbank World Music Open Air Sat, Aug 17 Mainz-Kastel, Reduit Youth Center The Riverbank World Music Open Air at the Reduit Youth Center in Mainz-Kastel starts at 5 pm on August 17. International musicians from Hungary, Venezuela, Jamaica and more, like Stranger Cole, present reggae, ska and soul music for 3000 visitors. Admission is free! For more info in German see
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Folklore Festival Fri, Aug 23 – Sun, Aug 25 Wiesbaden, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof (Slaughterhouse Cultural Center) Enjoy the annual Folklore Festival in Wiesbaden at the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof from August 23 to 25. Don’t be fooled by the festival’s name! Beside this year’s headliners like Sizzar or Turbostaat more than 20 bands will present their music from HipHop and Rock to Indie. At this unique location between old buildings of a slaughterhouse decorated with graffiti, you can find stands offering textiles, jewelry, food, drinks, etc. Day tickets are €10, tickets for all the entire festival are €20 and available at SPORTS Flamenco workshop Fri, Aug 23 Darmstadt, Tanzwerkstatt As part of the Flamencosommer (flamenco summer) in the Rhine/Main area, workshops are offered like the flamenco workshop for beginners on August 23 from 7 pm to 8:15 pm in the Tanzwerkstatt, Darmstadt. Tanja la Gatita shows how to dance with the beautiful flamenco dress, the Bata de cola. Participation fee is €70. For more info in German and more workshop dates see
military IN GERMANY