Aug. 2, 2012 - Herald Union

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For your health

TV stars

USAREUR Family featured on German television. See page 13.

Command swap

Sullivan takes reins from McAdoo in Baumholder. See page 8.

What do you do to stay in shape? See stories on pages 18-19.

erald Union H Vol. XIV, No. 21

Serving the communities of U.S. Army Garrisons Baumholder and Wiesbaden

Aug. 2, 2012

Teaming up for security, force protection By Karl Weisel

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

German Police officers from throughout West Hessen joined their U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Military Police counterparts to streamline force protection and security operations July 19. The host nation law enforcement personnel from Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Special Weapons and Tactics units and other agencies toured the new Shalikashvili Mission Command Center and parking garage on Clay Kaserne and local housing areas to become better familiarized with the garrison’s new and old facilities. “It’s important be-

cause we depend on each other for security,” said William Trabucco, USAG Wiesbaden’s deputy director of emergency services. “Neither one of us (U.S. military or host nation law enforcers) has enough people to do everything on our own, so it’s important to know how each other operates.” Trabucco explained that in an emergency situation, quite often both German Police and the MPs arrive simultaneously — so knowing how to work together to coordinate response actions is crucial. Ensuring the various elements of the host nation police forces become better familiar with the See Teaming up on page 4

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Say cheese for 47 years of service Patrick Cline (from left), Chap. (Maj.) Harold Cline, Carly Cline, Delaney Reeder and Erin Cline celebrate Army Community Service’s 47th birthday at a party in the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center July 25. ACS celebrated close to five decades of serving community members by inviting Soldiers and their Families to the WEC for free bowling and cake.

Preparing for school Student orientations, open houses to welcome students, parents it’s their leisure reading,” Witmer said. While the Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe publish a school supply list on their It may still be the lazy days of summer for local website, Witmer said the most important youths, but with the start of school less than items students should obtain are paper, pens a month away, students and parents are adand pencils. “You may not need everything vised to start getting ready for the big day. on the DoDDS-E recommended list. “Enjoy your last days of summer, but Parents should be aware that a variety of don’t wait until school starts to get back on special events are planned in anticipation a school schedule,” said Peter Witmer, U.S. of the start of DoDDS classes on Aug. 27. Army Garrison Wiesbaden school liaison officer. “Start getting your school supplies together Baumholder orientations and read — even recreational reading — to help Baumholder schools will hold new student orienstimulate the brain. tations on the following dates: Smith Elementary “Reading at any age for any child is going to help School Aug. 16 at 3 p.m.; Baumholder Middle High in academic performance, whether it’s Sure Start or School Aug. 23 at noon; Wetzel Elementary School high school. It’s important for the child, particularly in Aug. 23 at 2 p.m. Wetzel Elementary School hosts his or her formative years to get into the reading habit. a meet and greet Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. Smith ElemenAnything they like to read is good — particularly if See Preparing for school on page 23 By Karl Weisel

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Photo by Karl Weisel

William Trabucco, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden deputy director of emergency services, talks about law enforcement and security issues with Polizei Director Volker Pfeiffer, chief of the West Hessen Polizei.

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