Crystal ball
Elvis sighting
Stakeholders brainstorm to reshape the community. See page 6.
Solemn Promise
Soldiers, civilians recommit themselves to the profession of arms. See page 3.
USAREUR Band and Chorus treat citizens to holiday musical gift. See page 8.
erald Union H Vol. XVI, No. 6
Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany
‘Tis the season:
Dec. 19, 2013
Photo by Karl Weisel
Community members join in to help launch the holiday season during the community tree lighting Dec. 6. German and American friendship concerts, present sharing with patients in local German hospitals and musical performances by local schoolchildren at area Christmas markets were all highlights of the weeks leading up to Christmas. See stories throughout this issue for coverage of many of these events.
USO brightens season Staff, joined a cast of professional athletes and entertainers for a U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden special USO Holiday Troop Visit Public Affairs Office in the Wiesbaden Fitness Center It was an expression of grati- Dec. 12. tude from across the big pond. See the full story and more Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, photos — USO Holiday Troop Visit — on page 16 chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Story and photos by Karl Weisel
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, brings a special USO Holiday Show to Wiesbaden. Photo by Karl Weisel
Commentary What do you look forward to Feedback: the most during the holidays? Staff Sgt. Thomas Bronesky U.S. Army Europe G-2 “Spending memorable moments — seeing the stars and sparkles in the eyes of my children as they live the dream of Christmas and experiencing the laughter and joy all around the house.”
Master Sgt. Keenda Batchelor 2nd Signal Brigade “I look forward most to seeing my children’s faces when they open their gifts on Christmas and celebrating my daughter’s first birthday.”
Capt. Jason Hinds U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden “I’ve been deployed for four out of the last six Christmases so this will be the first one I’m spending with my wife. I’m looking forward to starting new traditions — just bought a real tree — and really like going to the Christmas markets.”
Sgt. Edgar Morales 5th Signal Command Public Affairs Office “Being with the family and enjoying the homemade food or course.”
Orienna Fitzpatrick U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden “Good food, time off and seeing my family.”
Freedom 6 sends: USAREUR commander shares holiday wishes our teammates deployed around the world; whether it’s in the Commander of U.S. Army Europe mountains of Afghanistan, the sands of Kuwait, the valleys of Hello USAREUR team. Kosovo, or on a cold mountain Ann and I would like to top in Turkey. May they be in wish the entire United States your thoughts and prayers, as Army Europe team a joyous they will be in ours. and wonderful holiday season. Although many of us are This time of year Americans, fortunate enough to have our as well as many of our friends families here with us to enjoy and Allies around the world, the holiday season, many in our reflect on and give thanks for the communities do not. I encourfreedom and prosperity that we age you all to consider opening all enjoy. You — the Soldiers, your homes to our single Solcivilians and family members Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campdiers and those geographically of USAREUR — contribute to that freedom and prosperity on bell Jr., U.S. Army Europe separated from their loved ones commander during the holidays. a daily basis. I know that many of you will be prouder of the accomplishThis holiday season marks travel in the next few weeks, ments and professionalism of one year in command and I whether around Europe or back our force. Thank you for your could not be more thankful to stateside. I ask that you please unwavering service and dedicaserve, what I truly believe to be, be vigilant in looking out for the tion to our vital mission here in the best team in the Army. As safety of your family and your Europe. I reflect back on this past year, fellow Soldiers. I want to see As you celebrate the holidays on all of the communities, units, everyone back here to start off a with your families, friends and exercises and events I’ve had great New Year in USAREUR. loved ones, please remember the privilege to visit, I could not By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr.
Slowing down to start anew
neighbors and friends. It’s a time for sharing — for U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden gathering gifts and brightening Public Affairs Office the lives of those coping with The holiday lights are lit. illness in a local hospital, for The festive meals planned. The joining with fellow commudaughter’s packed to return nity members in church or at home from college and the other a holiday concert, for sipping one’s similarly looking forward Glűhwein at a German to some well-deserved time off Christmas market. from school. It’s also a time for Work’s starting to wind remembering those down and the seasonal best still in harm’s way, for wishes are arriving daily in the recounting tales about mail from far and wide. holidays past featuring There’s a spirit of goodwill in loved ones no longer present the air — that despite the lines at to join in the celebration, for checkout counters, traffic delays quietly rejoicing in the blessings and last minute emergencies — of another year spent living and can be glimpsed in the corners breathing on planet Earth — and of coworkers’ smiles, in the another year of undefined posgrowing excitement among the sibilities just ahead. youngest members of the family The Christmas season may and in the heartfelt hails from be the one time of year when Commentary by Karl Weisel
Herald Union published by The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Sabine Vogl at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post at Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 337-7405; civ (0611) 705-7405; Email:; Home page:
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Herald Union
the world spins a little less frantically — when people really listen to one another and strangers favor their fellows with smiles normally reserved for friends and loved ones. As the glow of the holidays crackle like shooting stars at year’s end, one’s thoughts turn to the weeks and months to come with hopeful anticipation. For whatever the new year brings, it will be unlike anything that has gone before — a chance to start anew, to explore distant worlds, to encounter unique individuals, to maybe create something lasting and to experience the world from a new perspective. May your holidays be filled with peace and joy.
Command and newspaper staff USAG Wiesbaden Commander..................Col. David H. Carstens USAG Wiesbaden Command Sergeant Major .......................................Command Sgt. Maj. Sa’eed A. Mustafa Public Affairs Officer.......................................Anemone Rueger Editor....................................................Karl Weisel (mil 337-7405) Associate Editor................................Chrystal Smith (mil 337-1400)
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
News and features News flash Nativity scenes
Many European countries have a tradition of making nativity scenes at Christmas time that Americans love to buy; however, some of the natural products used are banned from import into the United States because of the threat of agricultural pests and diseases. Shoppers should note that they can be fined $100 or more if they mail scenes that contain moss, bark, pine cones, untreated straw or other materials found to contain insects. Department of Agriculture officials said people can send nativity scenes that are produced using finished wood, plastic or commercially cleaned and lacquered straw (except rice straw). (Customs News Release)
Travel office hours
Soldiers and civilians recommit themselves to the Army Values and to helping in efforts to prevent sexual harassment and assault during the Operation Solemn Promise commemoration.
Solemn Promise
Soldiers, civilians recommit to ‘stand strong’ for the Army ment and Response Prevention) efforts, Tyce said, “Sexual harassments and U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden assaults are not consistent with good Public Affairs Office order in the Army. … We cannot allow Soldiers and civilians took time any kind of poison like sexual harassout of a busy holiday season to “stand ments and assaults. … We must stand strong for the Army profession” Dec. together.” 12. When Soldiers vow to “never leave Leaders of the 5th Signal Command, a fallen comrade behind,” they must Col. Mitchell L. Kilgo and Command also look out for fellow comrades, Sgt. Maj. Gerald Tyce, were joined wherever one may be, said Kilgo, by Maj. Gen. Richard C. Longo, U.S. saying that seeing someone inebriated Army Europe deputy commander, in and a potential victim of sexual assault discussing what it means to serve, is also a time when people must take Army Values and the responsibility Col. Mitchell L. Kilgo, a stand. “We need to be able to look of everyone to work to prevent sexual commander of the 5th to our left and right with confidence. harassment and assault during the Signal Command, talks … We can never hit pause or take a command’s Operation Solemn Promise about rebuilding trust. break. … Bystander intervention is commemoration ceremony. not optional. We don’t have a choice; it’s our duty.” “This is the third year of having Operation Solemn Part of Operation Solemn Promise’s initiative to Promise,” 5th Signal’s senior noncommissioned of- rebuild trust is identifying and eliminating sexual ficer told the hundreds of men and women present harassment and assault perpetrators, Kilgo said. “If we and many more watching via video teleconference. focus on standing strong as a team … then predators Describing how during the height of deployments some will cease to exist in our ranks.” standards fell by the wayside, Tyce said Operation USAREUR’s deputy commander underscored his Solemn Promise began as a way to encourage Sol- pride in his profession and asked all those present to diers and civilians working for the Army to recommit do all they can to help stamp out sexual harassment themselves to Army Values. and assault. “I suggest that even a Soldier or civilian “We are privileged to serve in the most respected who is drunk in a bar is just as worthy of not being profession on Earth — the profession of arms,” the left behind as a wounded Soldier on the battlefield,” 30-year veteran said, adding that competency, im- Longo said. peccable character and a commitment to excellence During the event 5th Signal Command’s comare vital ingredients of that service. “For Operation mander enlisted several young new recruits, and the Solemn Promise to continue it will depend on the audience joined in reciting a vow to do all they can commitment of every leader.” to stand strong in the SHARP effort. (Sgt. Marshall With this year’s focus on SHARP (Sexual Harass- R. Mason contributed to this report) Story and photos by Karl Weisel
The Carlson Wagonlit/Sato Travel Office will close at noon on Dec. 24 and 31. It will also be closed all day on Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1. In an emergency call civ (866) 422-9428.
Next Herald Union Jan. 16
The next issue of the Herald Union will be published on Jan. 16, 2014. The newspaper staff takes a break during the holidays for some family time and to catch up on administrative tasks.
Religious holiday events
On Dec. 24 a Children’s Mass will be held at 4 p.m. at Hainerberg Chapel, Lessons and Carols are at 5 p.m. at Clay Chapel, a Community Protestant Christmas Eve Service is at 6 p.m. at Hainerberg Chapel and a Christmas Eve Midnight Mass is at midnight at Hainerberg Chapel. A Christmas Mass will be held at 10 a.m. Dec. 25 at Hainerberg Chapel and a Gospel Service Watch Night will be held at 9 p.m. Dec. 31 at Clay Chapel.
New Mainz-Kastel Housing prefix
The military prefix telephone number for all offices in Mainz-Kastel Housing have changed from 337 to 548. The civilian conversion is (0611) 143. That means the number for the Vehicle Registration Office is now mil 548-7819/7821/7823 or civ (0611) 143-7819/7821/7823.
New off-post housing website
A new website will replace the Automated Housing Referral Network starting Jan. 1. The new Off-Post Housing website at www.imcom-europe. will provide housing listings and photos of available rental properties. The creation of the new site comes as a result of the expiration of the Department of Defense contract with AHRN on Dec. 31. (IMCOM Public Affairs)
Inclement weather updates
Be sure to tune in to AFN radio (FM98.7) starting at 6 a.m. weekdays to hear the latest road, traffic and school closure information. Community members can also call the Weather Hotline at civ (0611) 7245 or 6101, check the Garrison Wiesbaden Facebook page or click on the Weather and Road Conditions link on the garrison’s home page ( for the latest updates on delays and closures due to weather. ............................................................................ Dec. 19, 2013
Herald Union
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News and features From the blotter
Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services
Nov. 27 Assault — A family member is being charged with assault on a child under the age of 16 and civilian misconduct. Abusive sexual contact — An officer is being charged with abusive sexual contact.
Nov. 28 Traffic accident — A civilian employee is being charged with a traffic accident: Inattentive driving.
Nov. 30 Traffic accident — A civilian employee is being charged with a traffic accident: Improper backing. Larceny — A family member is being charged with larceny of Army and Air Force Exchange Service property and civilian misconduct.
Dec. 2 Provoking speech — An officer is being charged with provoking speech and gestures. Traffic accident — A civilian employee is being charged with a traffic accident: Failure to clear the rear and failure to yield the right of way. Traffic accident — A noncommissioned officer is being charged with a traffic accident resulting in damage to property and failure to report involvement.
Dec. 3 Illegal importation — An NCO is being charged with illegal importation and failure to obey a general order. Drugs — A Soldier is being charged with wrongful use/possession of a controlled substance (marijuana).
Dec. 4 Animal abuse — A Soldier and family member are being charged with failure to obey order or regulation: Violation of Command Policy Letter 15 (pet ownership), abusing an animal and civilian misconduct.
Dec. 5 Breaking and entering — A civilian employee became a victim when an unknown person broke a window to enter his or her home off base and stole various items.
Dec. 6 Traffic accident — An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: Following too closely. Traffic accident — An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: Following too closely.
Dec. 9 Traffic accident — An officer is being charged with a traffic accident: Speed too fast for road conditions. Sexual assault — An officer is being charged with sexual assault of an adult.
Dec. 10 Traffic accident — A Soldier is being charged with a traffic accident: Improper backing and failure to report involvement. Vehicle damage — An NCO became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging the Soldier’s vehicle while it was parked at Crestview Housing.
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Herald Union
Arrive alive: Whoa. Slow down. of a damBefore driving in the aged enexpected harsh weather gine block conditions, take a mo- due to exment to learn procedures p a n s i o n to keep safe. No one from not wants to break down in e n o u g h the freezing cold. Start c o o l a n t the winter season off right liquid in by ensuring your vehicle t h e e n gine. Be is in tip top shape. The following initial s u r e t o steps can save you time have an extra botand money later: a Visit your mechanic tle of coolant stored for a checkup; a Check thoroughly in the car at all times for leaks; a Install snow tires. to avoid this from hapThe rubber on the tires pening. Keep vehicles flushed of cars especially starts to degrade after several by draining the system years and also in cold and replacing the coolweather. Consistently ant. Coolant needs to be check your tire pressure refreshed periodically or and to ensure proper else a clog might occur, inflation. If you have not and then it is no longer driven your car in three effective. Be prepared for what hours, use a tire gauge to confirm the adequate tire the different types of pressure before driving weather conditions that may occur. Keep washer again. Colder temperature reservoirs filled. During the holidays also depletes battery power. The colder it gets the many will travel to differmore power it takes to ent places. Before going start your car. Get your on your adventure make charging system and belts sure to verify the road checked to know for sure conditions. And once you if your car conditions are are on the road, take care getting there. up to speed. Unknowingly, drivers Know your car Every vehicle operoverlook what is the cause
Make proper preparations for winter driving season
Photo by Chrystal Smith
ates differently, and this is especially true when it is below freezing outside. Take time to learn how your vehicle performs on icy and slippery roads. The best area to practice is in an empty parking lot. Try to avoid driving on busy highways if you are not sure if your vehicle has the sufficient resistance. Driving slowly is the key to maintaining proper control of your car on slippery roadways. Keep a good distance between you and the car ahead of you, in case you have to suddenly hit the brakes. Stock your vehicle Be prepared in case of a driving emergency. Stock your car with at
least the following equipment: a Snow shovel a Ice scraper a Jumper cables a Flashlight a Blankets a Abrasive or traction yielding materials are essential as well — bring a sack of sand or kitty litter, this will assist you if your car gets stuck in snow. Driving in traffic can be taxing, so take extra heed of the safety rules when driving in wintry conditions. Be sure to pay attention to road signs indicating areas of caution. Visit www.safecar. gov to learn more about being a safe driver during the holidays and winter months.
Legal services are for contractors too Legal assistance offers a variety of services to the military community. And while Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians and families are primary beneficiaries of a broad range of services, legal officials want to ensure that civilian contractors are entitled to some assistance as well. Civilian contractors and their family members accompanying the U.S. Armed Forces outside of the United States can receive limited legal assistance when the DoD is
contractually obligated as part of their logistical support. While the legal assistance center offers a full spectrum of services to the military community, contractors and their family members can receive services such as notarial services, legal counseling — to include review and discussion of legal correspondence and other documents — and legal document preparation — limited to powers of attorney, advance medical direc-
tives and help on retaining civilian lawyers. Contractors and their family members must provide evidence of eligibility – copy of contract — to receive legal assistance from the Wiesbaden Legal Assistance Office during the client-screening process when requesting legal services. The government-issued identification card is not sufficient to establish eligibility for legal assistance. Contact the Legal Assistance Office, Wiesbaden Legal Center, located in Clay Kaserne’s Building 1023W or call mil 337-4725 or civ (0611) 705-4725 (Courtesy of the Wiesbaden Legal Center).
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
News and features
Garrison cracks down on parking violators It was atonement time Dec. 2 for a chapel full of two-time parking offenders. One-hundred-and-seventy-nine community members were advised to report to the Clay Chapel to pick up and sign a memorandum acknowledging their violation of the garrison’s parking policy and to receive a warning that a third ticket could result in a 30-day driving ban on U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden installations. “It’s not a real big secret that this garrison has a parking problem,” said Master Sgt. Richard Jungmann, USAG Wiesbaden acting command sergeant major and Directorate of Emergency Service noncommissionedofficer-in-charge. “It’s no secret that there are a whole lot of people who work on this garrison, and there isn’t enough premium parking for everyone. “Everyone in this room has received two or more parking violations,” Jungmann added. “We’re issuing you a warning let-
ter meant as a wake-up call — one more parking violation and you can’t drive on post for 30 days.” Another violation after that within 12 months could result in loss of driving privileges for a year, he added. “The MPs don’t enjoy this,” Jungmann added. “They’re not out there to give people a hard time.” In fact, with only a limited number of Military Police patrols, having to constantly monitor for parking violations puts a strain on resources which could be better used to provide security and to respond to requests for assistance if everyone would make more of an effort to follow the parking rules, DES officials said. The ultimate goal is to ensure that short-term parking is available for those who really need it — spouses with children, clinic patients, quick stops to pick up mail and other items, and everyone requiring short-term access to facilities on Clay Kaserne. Service members and ci-
vilians who work on the installation are advised by Command Parking Policy Letter No. 11 (Reserved, Designated and General Parking) to only use longterm parking such as the 1,100-space parking garage and soon-to-be completed 500-space parking garage being built adjacent to the current facility (scheduled to open Photo by Karl Weisel in spring 2014). The new 500-space parking garage, to open in spring, takes shape A n o t h e r adjacent to the current 1,100-space facility on Clay Kaserne. 300-space parking facility, to be located closer to the Main Gate and new Information Processing Center, will be built to serve Clay Kaserne next year, officials said. Current projected completion is slated for summer of 2014. Until construction begins, facility personnel may park in the motor pool area of • STUTTGART • RHINE-MAIN • KMC Building 1004.
The Find-It Guide 2014 EDITION
By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
COUPONS page 417
page 99
page 137 ............................................................................ Dec. 19, 2013
Herald Union
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News and features
Maria Diaz (from left), Sgt. 1st Class Adam Martinez and Jon Lacy, members of the Resiliency Through Sports focus group, work on action plans during the future planning conference.
Meeting the garrison’s future needs By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Future thinkers gathered for two days of brainstorming Dec. 3-4 at the Community Activity Center on Clay Kaserne. “We’re going to spend a lot of time over the next couple of days talking about where we’re going,” said Col. David Carstens, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander. “There are a lot of people here to help us shape the strategy over the next couple of years for the garrison.” Looking back at the massive changes that have transformed the Wiesbaden military community in recent years and the challenges facing the Army as a result of fiscal restraints, sequestration and increased energy needs, Carstens said, “We’re probably not going to get more money; so we need to make what we have last.” While Wiesbaden may have reached the “high-water mark” as far as population (roughly 20,000 people) and will see a slight decrease in the years ahead, the transformation that included the construction of new housing and state-of-the-art mis-
Page 6
Stakeholders look at ways to save, improve services sion, processing and intelligence centers with the relocation of U.S. Army Europe Headquarters from Heidelberg to Wiesbaden has meant a steady increase in energy and resource requirements. Finding ways to better sustain facilities, increase recycling, reduce energy waste — all the while continuing to focus on enhancing the quality of life for those serving in the garrison — is the ultimate goal, Carstens said. “It is my hope that we all feel a direct connection … to making people truly feel that Wiesbaden is their home in Germany,” said Camille Howes, conference coordinator and a member of the garrison’s Plans, Analysis and Integration Office. “This conference is about tweaking and refining goals and action plans to help shape the future of the community,” Howes said. A direct result of last year’s planning conference saw a host of new features, programs and initiatives including a monthly housing newsletter, greatly expanded access to online host nation information and services in English via
Herald Union
the garrison’s website, increased Hainerberg Exchange, and diinvolvement and offers by local vestiture of unneeded property realtors and property owners to and facilities, leaders can reap meet military community hous- needed funds and resources that ing needs, a 50-percent increase can be better spent improving in recycling in the barracks, an the overall quality of life in the overall 29 percent increase in community, leaders said. “That paper recycling, funding for solar is why this is so important,” said panels and a major increase in the commander. professional development of mid“We’re looking at doing a level managers and supervisors. lot more partnering with our Other recent improvements host nation for everything from have included the opening of youth activities and sports for the Wellness Center, a sand- all ages to medical, dental, wich shop at the “It is my hope that social services, Clay Food Court we all feel a direct etc. to really fill and the Recyin the gaps,” said connection … to cling and Reuse Howes. Better inmaking people Center on Clay forming and contruly feel that Kaserne, major necting members renovations of Wiesbaden is their of the Wiesbaden the Community home in Germany.” military commuActivity Center, nity with host nation service continuing work to modernize providers, helping to make local Department of Defense everyone feel confident and Dependents Schools and “prob- comfortable in the quality of ably 100 others I didn’t men- care available outside of the tion,” Carstens said. military and raising awareness Through continued efforts on both sides is critical. to consolidate, such as bringing Highlights of the confera host of Army and Air Force ence included plans to develop Exchange Service operations a series of transportation opto one location in the new tions to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and conserve natural resources, increasing awareness about youth activities, beefing up off-post housing support, improving access to host nation services, elevating command emphasis on sponsorship, developing a local mentorship program and better identifying U.S. and host nation wellness resources and facilities. “We don’t want to maintain the status quo. Our aim is to refine and improve our processes to be more efficient in offering our services and better supporting our customers,” she said. Like last year’s conference, this year’s welcomed both U.S. and host nation planners including members of the Bundeswehr, Polizei, local private organizations and supported units. “We wanted to get input from as many of our stakeholders as possible,” Howes said, “so that they can help shape our future. “The thing that was most unique was that we had nine separate teams and every single one of them was directly charged to do much more host nation outreach — to become more transparent, accessible and engaged.”
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Joining the effort to save energy, resources energy and recycling experts from the garrison’s Directorate of Public Works to ensure comThere’s a green wave roll- pliance. “It seemed relatively ing over U.S. Army Garrison routine and actually went pretty Wiesbaden — one unit and smoothly. organization at a time. “I believe this is important in U.S. Army Europe’s Head- order to put funds where they’re quarters and Headquarters needed — such as in the schools, Battalion is the latest to receive for Army training, and it’s doGreen Boot certification for its ing good by our environment,” members’ efforts to conserve Suttles said. resources, recycle and cut back “The effort behind this is on wasteful energy practices. continuing to work with the “I didn’t really see how units to get them to meet the important this was until I took standard,” said Col. David the training and the inspectors Carstens, USAG Wiesbaden pointed out how many thou- commander as he recognized sands of dollars are lost each HHB USAREUR with the day through simple Green Boot certifithings,” said 2nd Lt. Earning the cation. Ryan Allen, battalion Green Boot “We’re trying to S-4. “Our biggest keep the momentum thing was specifically looking going,” said Maj. William Mcinto the amount of energy con- Glothlin, operations officer of sumed by lights. Now we make USAG Wiesbaden’s Directorsure all of the hallway lights are ate of Public Works, adding out when people leave at night.” that several other local units Installing recycle bins at are in the process of working each desk and ensuring that with the Green Boot team to company environmental of- become certified. “Our goal is to ficers took the required eight increase awareness by building hours of online training were relationships between the tenant also part of the Green Boot units and the garrison.” effort. One of the positive benefits “Basically we went through of working with the different the prep list and got the building units and organizations throughin accordance with the Green out the garrison is identifying Boot checklist,” said Spc. Eric best practices which can in turn Suttles, a member of the com- be shared throughout the command group who worked with mand. “We’re not only building By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Col. David Carstens, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander, presents Lt. Col. Aaron C. Barta, U.S. Army Europe’s Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion commander, with the Green Boot certificate for the unit’s environmental efforts. relationships, but saving money McGlothlin said. and teaching Soldiers valuable Besides helping meet the U.S. practices which can be used both Army’s Energy Policy Act of rein garrison and while deployed,” ducing consumption by 3 percent
annually, USAG Wiesbaden’s Green Boot Program is also aimed at ensuring Americans do their part to protect the environment, McGlothlin said. “We want to show our host nation neighbors that we are good stewards.” Once units and organizations earn Green Boot certification they are expected to continue monitoring their energy and recycling programs, to recertify a year later and then every two years after that, he said. The incentive is retaining the coveted Green Boot certificate while helping reduce the Army’s ecological footprint. For more information about the Green Boot program call Maj. McGlothlin at mil 337-5840 or email William.p.mcglothlin.
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Herald Union
Page 7
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Photo by Camille Howes
Sounds of the season
Photo by Karl Weisel
Members of the Hessen Landespolizei Orchestra perform a free concert Dec. 10 at the Hainerberg Chapel. Photo left: Hainerberg Elementary School students sing holiday carols at the Hochheim Christmas Market Dec. 8.
Thanking the citizens with song Kurhaus concert gift to the city Story and photos by Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
“America’s musical ambassadors in Europe” helped U.S. Army Europe thank the citizens of Wiesbaden for their ongoing friendship and hospitality during a free holiday concert in the Kurhaus Dec. 12. “We are truly honored to be able to share the gift of music tonight with you all, who do so much for us throughout the year,” said Maj. Gen. Darryl A. Williams, USAREUR’s deputy chief of staff, Operations. Describing the “long and close friendship” between the U.S. military and city of Wiesbaden, Williams said, “That has only grown stronger and deeper with the relocation of the United States Army Europe Headquarters here from Heidelberger last year. … You have opened your arms to warmly receive the Soldiers, civilians and family members of our great command, and we are incredibly thankful for that.” To a packed house, Lt. Col. Bruce P. Pulver, commander and conductor of the USAREUR Band and Chorus, led his fellow music makers through a diverse assortment of international holiday songs and instrumentals with the theme “Christmas in Germany: A Holiday Celebration.” “The concert is a beautiful indication of our GermanAmerican friendship in Wiesbaden,” said Wiesbaden’s Lord Mayor Sven Gerich, “which I personally take to heart. “I am very excited to experience this wonderful concert.” The lord mayor also wished all of the citizens of Wiesbaden — Germans and Americans — a happy and peaceful Christmas season and a healthy and successful new year. “We hope that you enjoy tonight’s performance by a very talented USAREUR Band and Chorus, our musical ambassadors here in Germany and throughout Europe,” said Williams. “It’s a small way of showing our gratitude for everything our German hosts, friends and neighbors do on a daily basis to truly make our Soldiers, civilians and family members feel, as our garrison motto states, that Wiesbaden is our ‘home in Germany.’”
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Herald Union
Members of the U.S. Army Europe Band and Chorus perform “At Christmas Time” during the Christmas in Germany concert in the Wiesbaden Kurhaus.
Lt. Col. Bruce P. Pulver leads the USAREUR Band. Photo left: Maj. Gen. Darryl A. Williams expresses thanks to the citizens of Wiesbaden for their hospitality.
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Spreading cheer, lifting spirits with giving By Chrystal Smith and Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Wiesbaden military community Soldiers and civilians helped brighten up the holidays for patients in U.S. and German hospitals in December. Members of Army Community Service and the Wiesbaden Outreach Kontakt Club gathered Soldiers and toys and made a special visit to the HorstSchmidt-Kliniken to bring some holiday cheer to young patients for St. Nikolaustag Dec. 6. For regular volunteers such as Sgt. Benjamin Ashmead, 529th Military Police Company, the visit seemed like a simple act of kindness, “but then you actually get here and you see the look on their faces and it brightens their holiday,” he said. The event, orchestrated by Wiesbaden Outreach Kontakt Club, served as an outreach effort to link the military community volunteers to one of the city’s major medical facilities as a show of friendship. “We hope to do more of these types of visits,” said Earl McFarland, ACS volunteer coordinator, adding that the Wiesbaden Outreach Kontakt Club was instrumental in connecting the community with the clinic and other host nation activities to facilitate occasions for volunteering. Wiesbaden’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers collected several bags and boxes
Photos by Karl Weisel
1st Sgt. Takisha Benitez and fellow Wiesbaden BOSS members hand out gifts to patients at the Mainz University Hospital Dec. 11. Photo below: Spc. Troy Jones hands out gifts during the BOSS visit. of new toys through a Toys for Tots drive among area units and organizations before heading to the Mainz University Hospital to raise smiles on the faces of children in the cancer ward. “This is something we do every year,” said BOSS adviser Stevan Eclavea. “We also travel to Landstuhl to visit wounded warriors recovering at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.”
Photo by Chrystal Smith
Capt. Ontario Washington, Company E, 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, commander, gives Samuel Eser a toy truck during a special toy delivery visit to the HSK Children’s Ward Dec. 6 with Army Community Service, Outreach Kontakt Club and other Soldiers.
It was hard to tell who was smiling more, the visiting U.S. Soldiers, or the parents, patients and staff at the Mainz hospital as BOSS members made their way from room to room in the children’s cancer clinic. As doors were opened, youngsters beamed to see the uniformed men and women — some wearing Santa hats — bearing toys, candy and cards. “It helps brighten the holidays and makes us feel great,” said Eclavea, after the Mainz visit — looking forward to the next visit to Landstuhl in the following days. For more information on the German-American friendship club Outreach-Kontakt, stop by the office in Hainerberg Housing at Texasstrasse 31 (open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesdays from 3:30-6:30 p.m. and every first and third Saturday of the month from 1-5 p.m.) or visit To get involved with Wiesbaden BOSS, stop by the Warrior Zone on Clay Kaserne or call civ (0611) 705-5042.
Cats as well
We pick up your pets and bring them back home. me.
• Heated & air-conditioned vehicles cles • Heidelberg - Wiesbaden Kaiserslautern - Stuttgart Rex Kennel - Helfrich • Tiergartenstrasse 47 • 69121 Heidelberg Tel. 06221-41 24 90 • ............................................................................ Dec. 19, 2013
Herald Union
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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes ... Community notes German class
Army Community Service’s Relocation Readiness program hosts German language classes Jan. 9 to Feb. 6 (from 7-8:30 p.m.) and Jan. 15 to Feb. 5 (from 7-8:30 p.m.) in the ACS conference room in Building 7790 in Hainerberg Housing. Call civ (0611) 4080-254 for details.
Recycling Center hours
The Recycling and Reuse Center on Clay Kaserne is now open from noon to 3:30 p.m. weekdays and from noon to 6 p.m. on Thursdays. All community members should be aware that they can also visit local city recycling centers to drop off glass, paper and cardboard, clothing and shoes, construction debris, CDs and DvDs, electronics, energy-saving light bulbs, green waste, wood, printer cartridges, metal, furniture and bulky items. These are located at Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt (on Borsigstrasse), WiesbadenDotzheim (Willi-Werner-Str. 11), Wiesbaden-Bierstadt (Kloppenheimer Str. 30) and the ELW Recycling Center (Deponiestr. 15). They are open Tuesdays to Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
La Leche League
The La Leche League meets every fourth Friday of the month
Photos courtesy of Dr. Thomas Gladis
Scout green thumbs
Boy Scout Shawn McNeill and fellow Scouts rake out moss and weeds at the Mainz Sand Dunes Local Training Area. The effort was aimed at protecting the endangered Silvercrack plant. (except this month — Dec. 20) ing Facility (Building 1638) on at 10 a.m. at the USO Cottage Clay Kaserne. Register by sendin Hainerberg Housing. Nursing ing name, unit, UIC and DSN to babies, mothers and mother- usarmy.badenwur.usareur.mbx. to-be are always welcome. freedom-of-information-act@ For breastfeeding information contact Carol at civ (06257) 942 869 or by email at carol. Bank/credit union closures Andrews Federal Credit Vet Clinic closings Union will close Christmas The Veterinary Clinic will Day Dec. 25 and New Year’s close at noon Dec. 31 and be Day Jan. 1. It will close at 1 closed all day Jan. 1 p.m. on Christmas Eve Dec. 24 and New Year’s Eve Dec. FOIA/PA training A Freedom of Information 31. All Community Banks will Act/Privacy Act training session be closed Dec. 24-26 and Jan. will be held for primary and alter- 1. The banks will close at noon nate FOIA/PO officers, attorneys on Dec. 31. and legal advisers March 25-27 Cupcakes for change from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The class Army Community Service’s will be held in the Digital Train- Family Advocacy Program
holds a cupcakes for change 4080-234 for details. bake-off Jan. 23 from 3:30-5 Financial readiness p.m. Call ACS at civ (0611) classes 4080-254 to register. Army Community Service Click-It or Ticket holds a checkbook management The Military Police will be class Jan 8 from 2-3:30 p.m. and out in force during the holidays First Term Soldiers training Jan. at checkpoints to make sure all 16 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call drivers are buckling up, not civ (0611) 4080-254. using cell phones while driving EFMP Family Bowling (unless hands-free devices) and The Exceptional Family never drinking and driving. Member Program hosts Family Next CIB Jan. 28 Bowling at the Wiesbaden EnThe next Community In- tertainment Center Jan. 8 from formation Briefing will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. Call civ (0611) held Jan. 28 at 9:30 a.m. in the 4080-254 for details. Community Activity Center on ‘American Girl’ social Clay Kaserne. An “American Girl” social Red Cross classes for girls ages 6 and above is The Wiesbaden Red Cross held every third Saturday of offers a Babysitting with Pediat- the month at 10 a.m. (next one ric CPR and First Aid class Jan. is Dec. 21) at the Wiesbaden 2-3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Library on Clay Kaserne. Girls civ (0611) 705-1760 or stop by should bring their American Girl dolls with to the social. the Red Cross Office in Building Activities will include the read1206 on Clay Kaserne. ing of an American Girl book,
Looking for a car
artwork, discussion of etiquette, tea and cookies. Make reservations (as space is limited) by calling the library at civ (0611) 705-1740.
Find your next car at the Auto Skills Bid Lot. Cars are located on Mississippi Strasse (by the lodge) in Hainerberg Housing. Many cars only need Dr. King observance A Dr. Martin Luther King minor repairs to pass inspection and all known faults are noted. Jr. Observance will be held Jan. 15 at noon at the Wiesbaden Call civ (0611) 705-6679. Fitness Center. Call Sgt. 1st Culture College Class Blackwood at civ (0611) New to the Wiesbaden 705-7039 for more information. area? Join the monthly Culture College to learn about helpful Transition Center Photo by Karl Weisel community resources, German briefings Visit culture, basic German, German mil/sites/services/transition. Members of the 5th Signal Command take off at the start of the Operation Solemn Prom- shopping, public transportation ise 5-K run on Clay Kaserne’s North Side Dec. 10. The run kicked off the command’s focus and more. Call Army Com- asp for a schedule of upcoming munity Service at civ (0611) transition classes. on recommitting to the Army’s Values and the profession of Soldiering.
‘Standing Strong for the Army Profession’
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Herald Union
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
Schools page — Partners in education Schoolbits Tuition assistance change
The Army’s Tuition Assistance program will change Jan. 1. The new policy will allow Soldiers to use their TA after successful completion of their first year of service after graduating from either AIT, OCS or BOLC. Soldiers are eligible for up to 16 semester hours per year, and they can use TA for a second, higher-level post bachelor’s degree after completion of 10 years of service. The second degree time in service requirement applies to movement from a bachelor’s to a master’s degree and not from an associate’s to a bachelor’s degree. Also, the 10-year requirement only applies if Army TA was used to pay for any portion of the undergraduate coursework. Soldiers will continue to receive up to $250 per semester hour, and the current policy limits of 130 semester hours for completion of a bachelor’s degree and up to 39 semester hours for a master’s degree remain in effect. Soldiers cannot use TA for a second equivalent degree. All courses must be part of an approved degree plan. For more information call the Wiesbaden Education Center at mil 337-5559 or civ (0611) 705-5559.
Child Find screening
Hainerberg Elementary School will conduct its next Child Find screening on Jan. 27. If you have concerns about your preschool child’s development make an appointment by calling civ (0611) 408-0354.
Aukamm highlights
Aukamm Elementary School holds class spelling bees for children in grades three to five on Jan. 8 and 9. A School Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Jan. 15 at 2:45 p.m. There will be no school for students during teacher work days on Jan. 10 and 24.
Focus on schools
New schools, German-American partnership highlights of Installation Advisory Committee meeting By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Principals thanked parents, students and staff for their suggestions regarding construction plans for new school buildings during the Installation Advisory Committee meeting Dec. 5. The new school buildings in Hainerberg Housing are part of ongoing transformation in the Wiesbaden military community. “I think when we’re done we’re going to have a product that we can embrace and ready to move in to for the 21st century,” said Hainerberg Elementary School Principal Penelope Miller-Smith. “All stakeholders in the school are going to have input,” added Wiesbaden Middle School Principal Dr. Susan Hargis. Local Department of Defense Dependents Schools administrators, parent advisory leaders, garrison officials and unit partners met at the Wiesbaden Middle School for the second IAC this school year to discuss issues of concern. Among the topics was a community watch program in Aukamm Housing to help safeguard children crossing streets on their way to school, host nation and school partnerships and anti-bullying efforts. Regarding a crosswalk in Aukamm Housing where residents consistently note drivers not stopping or failing to slow down, Lt. Col. Joseph Hissim, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden director of Emergency Services, said, “I’ll do my best to get the MPs out there until we have community watch in place.” Parents are asked to ensure that their children leave the house in plenty of time to walk to school
so that they are not running heedlessly across streets during their daily trips. “Parents must be aware that there’s a challenge and counsel their children to be careful,” said Col. David Carstens, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander. Peter Witmer, USAG Wiesbaden’s school liaison officer, noted the ever strengthening relationship between host nation and Wiesbaden military community schools. Two recent examples were visits by two German schools to Wiesbaden Middle School for the John. F. Kennedy in Hessen Exhibit and Wiesbaden High School’s hosting of the Leonardo Project “Jam On” concert featuring student musicians from various German and American schools. During a discussion about continuing efforts to discourage bullying such as the middle school’s recent SAVVY focus, Carl Alrecht, DoDDS Kaiserslautern District assistant superintendent, said it’s important that students are fully made aware that they will be held accountable for bullying and other misconduct. The same applies to dependent misconduct such as shoplifting, said Carstens. “One of the misconduct areas that I continue to see a spike in is shoplifting (at Army and Air Force Exchange Service facilities).” The commander pointed out that with outstanding security, shoplifting is an extremely risky choice for young people that can have serious repercussions. He asked school administrators to continue to work with AAFES officials to make students aware that “they will get caught” if they shoplift. The next Installation Advisory Committee meeting will be held in February 2014.
University of Oklahoma registration
The University of Oklahoma is now enrolling students for the spring 2014 semester. Visit www. or stop the Wiesbaden OU Office in the Education Center on Clay Kaserne to learn more about the multiple masters and doctoral degree programs offered. Call mil 337-5937, civ (0611) 705-5937 or email
UMUC registration
Registration for Spring 2014 Session 1 is going on now. Class dates are Jan. 13 to March 9, 2014. New students should take advantage of the $30 application waiver fee for the whole month of December. Registration is open until Dec. 20 for the special inter-session LIBS 150 (Introduction to Research), which is a hybrid class that meets face-to-face on Dec. 21. For more information visit the UMUC office in Room 12, Building 1023E on Clay Kaserne. Call civ (0611) 705-5917.
Wiesbaden Community Spouses Club scholarship deadline
The Wiesbaden Community Spouses Club invites high school seniors and continuing education students to apply for scholarships through Feb. 28. Download an application at ........................................................................... Dec. 19, 2013
Honoring VFW Post 27’s Teacher of the Year
James Mann, commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 27, recognizes Wiesbaden Middle School’s Donna Kimelman as the VFW Post 27 Citzenship Education Teacher of the Year. Students were also recognized in the VFW’s Patriot Pen Essay Contest. Winners were Cheyenne Morton, first place; Jessia Avila, second place; and Grace Wagner, third place. Amanda Callery earned an honorable mention. Photo courtesy of Michael Coleman
Herald Union
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Sports and leisure By Donald Seltzer Volksmarching Editor
Volksmarching notes
Take a hike:
C The calendar for volksmarching in Germany, Terminliste 2014, is available for €2.50 in the start hall at most events. It lists dates, locations, points of contact and other information. Also provided is an extensive list of permanent trails. C The Wiesbaden International Wandering Club continues to set the example for being an active club — upcoming trips include an overnight trip to the Paris volksmarch and Reims Champagne Caves Jan. 11-12, and another overnight trip to the always-popular event at Rothenburg a.d. Tauber Feb. 22-23. Visit www.wiwc-volksmarching. de for more information. C The new year brings a minor change to volksmarching — at least for events in Germany. The price for start cards without the souvenir will increase to €2. With a souvenir the price varies between €4 and €4.50, and the price for souvenirs from previous events (B-medals) is often discounted. Events in France hold the line with start cards at €1.80 without a souvenir. C Many thanks to readers Pat and Cheryl Patterson, Bob and Pat Kiebler, and Johnette Scott for providing event brochures. C Got a comment? Found something you’d like to correct? Want to change “unknown” to a useful trail description? Write me at volksmarch@gmail. com with “Feedback” in the subject line. C Look for additional event choices at www.
Weekend of Dec. 21-22
uxembourg-Limpertsberg, Luxembourg (L-1750) — A few years ago, this event was recommended by volksmarching enthusiast Kay Garsnett who especially enjoys “December volksmarches that combine St. Nick or Christmas celebrations.” This Saturday-only walk continues to do exactly that with its trails passing through the town’s Christmas market. It’s a long drive from the KMC but, if you’ve got the time and the weather is nice, should be a worthwhile trip. From the KMC,
New Year’s bashes
Both the Cappuccino Casino and Wiesbaden Entertainment Center host New Year’s Eve parties Dec. 31 starting at 8 p.m. The WEC party, costing $12.50, includes a live video DJ, champagne toast, party favors, finger foods and more. The Cappuccino Casino bash features free snacks, giveaways
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use Autobahn 6 toward Saarbrücken. At Kreuz Neunkirchen connect with A-8 toward Luxembourg and continue across the border where it becomes A13. At the Croix de Bettembourg interchange, take A3 toward Luxembourg. Just past the Croix de Gasperich, the Autobahn ends at a roundabout; take the second exit onto B3. Use N3, N50, N57, Boulevard Royal, N52, Avenue Victor Hugo, Square Edouard Andre and Rue Jean-Baptiste Fresez. Watch for IVV or FLMP directional signs leading to the start at Limpertsberg.
Start: Hall Victor Hugo at 60 Avenue Victor Hugo Saturday: 1-5 p.m. (6 and 12 km) Trail: Through the Christmas Market Award: None.
Weekend of Dec. 28-29
llendorf (56370) — Expect a pretty walk in the Naturpark Rhein-Taunus northwest of Wiesbaden on this second-to-last day of 2013. Use Autobahn 3 toward Limburg, exit at Bad Camberg (44) and follow a secondary road to Beuerbach, Ketternschwalbach and Panrod. Change roads to head toward Burgschwalbach and Zollhaus and connect with B-274 to reach the start.
Start: Dorfgemeinschaftshaus at Hauptstrasse 67 Sunday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and 10 km) and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (15 km) Trail: Fairly hilly, fields and woods Award: From previous events.
Weekend of Jan. 4-5
retzenheim/Nahe (55559) — This event is just up the road from Bad Kreuznach in the direction of Bingen. You’ll enjoy the walk as long as you watch for the trail markings; it’s easy to make a wrong turn here. From Bad Kreuznach take B-48 north to Bretzenheim. From points east take Autobahn 60 toward Bingen, continuing at its end on a two-lane road to Gensingen. Follow IVV directional signs to Langenlonsheim and Bretzenheim.
Start: FSV-Sporthalle am Sportplatz on Schlossgarten Strasse Satur-
previous events.
and DJ Stan. For those who’d prefer not being around alcohol while celebrating the new year,
USO highlights
Joint the USO for a trip to the Heidelberg Christmas Market Dec. 21; Christmas magic in Grado, Italy, Dec. 23-28; Black Forest Christmas Spectacle Dec. 27; Sea Life Aquarium and Speyer Jan. 11; Frankfurt Jan. 11 and Amsterdam Jan. 25. Stop by any area USO or call civ (0611) 4080-106 for more information.
Live at the Irish Pub
Herald Union
Wiesbaden’s Irish Pub fea-
tures Steven McGowan Dec. 19 and 26, Macy’s Mob Dec. 20, Call the Police Dec. 21, karaoke Dec. 22 and 24, Bobby Brown Dec. 23, open stage night Dec. 25, Gear Down Dec. 27 and Steven McGowan and Band Dec. 31. Visit www. for more information.
SKIES classes
Wiesbaden’s Child, Youth and School Services offers a host of Schools of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration and Skills classes ranging including violin, piano, guitar, ballet, contemporary dance, tae kwon do, swimming
day and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and 10 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (15 km) Trail: Somewhat hilly, vineyards Award: From
Weekend of Jan. 11-12
unkel an der Lahn (65594) — The walk is north of Wiesbaden and east of Limburg. Use Autobahn 3 toward Köln. Exit at Limburg-Süd (43), use B-8 through Lindenholzhausen and Niederbrechen, then pick up a secondary road to reach the start at Runkel.
Start: Stadthalle at Am Sportplatz 3 Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (6 and 11 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Sunday: 7 to 1 p.m. (6, 11 and 20 km) Trail: Hilly, woods Award: Set of two Latte Macchiato tumblers and two tealight holders.
chweppenhausen (55444) — The trails at this event are part of the IVV-Rundwanderweg Hunsrück, a year-round system of permanent trails offering participants seven routes totaling 160 kilometers. This walk is easily reached via Autobahn 61 and the Bad Kreuznach/Waldlaubersheim exit (47). Follow IVV directional signs on secondary roads through Windesheim to the start.
Start: Schlossgartenhalle Saturday and Sunday: 8 a.m. to noon (5, 10 and 20 km) Trail: Hilly trails, fields and woods Award: None.
Weekend of Jan. 25-26
eibersbach (55444) — This event is west of Bingen and adjacent to the scenic Hunsrück region. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 60 toward Bingen and 61 toward Koblenz, and exit at Stromberg (46). Follow a secondary road four to five miles in the direction of Rheinböllen then pick up the minor road to Seibersbach. From the KMC, use Autobahns 6 toward Mannheim, 63 toward Mainz, and 61 toward Koblenz. Exit at Stromberg (46) to follow a secondary road four to five miles in the direction of Rheinböllen in order ton pick up the minor road to Seibersbach. In the past, the club used small IVV directional signs; drivers will need to carefully watch for them. Start: Dorfgemeinschaftshaus on Soonwaldstrasse Saturday and Sunday: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5, 10 and 15 km) Trail: Fairly hilly, woods and local neighborhoods Award: From previous events.
Things to do ... Things to do
‘Babes in Toyland’
Wiesbaden’s Amelia Earhart Playhouse presents the popular musical “Babes in Toyland” Dec. 19-22. Show times are Thursday to Saturday at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. Cost is $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors. Call civ (0611) 8162473 for reservations.
A guide to volksmarching in the Kaiserslautern/Wiesbaden area
and driving. Call Parent Central Services at civ (0611) 705-7928 for details.
Outdoor Rec getaways
Head to the Nuernberg Christmas Market Dec. 21; Tropical Island Galaxy in the Black Forest Dec. 21-22; Greece and Italy Dec. 22 to Jan. 2; or Calella, Spain, Dec. 27 to Jan. 2 with Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation. Call civ (0611) 705-5760 for more information.
USO highlights
Join the USO for a trip to the Heidelberg Christmas Market Dec. 21 and Christmas magic in Grado, Italy; Dec. 23-28. Stop by any area USO
or call civ (0611) 4080-106 for more information.
Christmas Cabaret
The town of Ruedesheim on the Rhein River holds a Christmas Cabaret and ballroom party Dec. 21 at the Mein Bahnhof (Rheinstr. 3). Cost is €26. Visit for details.
Ski Club
Join fellow winter sports enthusiasts in tackling some of the best slopes in Europe with the Hessen International Ski Club. The club meets every other Thursday at the Paulaner Restaurant (Wilhelmstrasse 58-60) in Wiesbaden. For more information visit “Hessen International Ski Club” on Facebook or
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
Sports and leisure
Winter athletes get in gear By Kierra Carr
Olympic bowling
Wiesbaden MiddleSchooler Osin Farrell rolls one down the lane as his volunteer buddy Staff Sgt. Ricky Flynn, Headquarters, U.S. Air Forces Europe-Africa, stands in support, during the Special Olympics in Kaiserslautern Dec. 6. Photo by Linda Steil
Jingle Bell Jog
The Wiesbaden Fitness Center invites runners for a five-kilometer Jingle Bell Jog on Dec. 21 starting at 9 a.m. Call civ (0611) 705-5541 for details.
Special to the Herald Union
Rebound. Box out. Rear naked choke. We got spirit. In most gyms such phrases echo from every wall signifying the start of winter sports. Intense tryouts, sweat, blood and tears all come into play for basketball, wrestling, marksmanship and cheerleading. And now that teams are cut — it’s game time. Both the girls and boys basketball teams have impressive rosters. The wrestling team has athletes ready to take down anyone. The marksmanship team has developed precision focus. The cheerleaders are pumped up and ready to cheer on all the teams. This year’s Department of Defense Dependents Schools Division 1 field is intense. The teams will face their toughest competitors in Ramstein, Kaiserslautern and Patch High Schools. On Dec. 7 the wrestling and basketball teams faced off against Kaiserslautern. The varsity girls had a rough start, ending the first quarter with only two points on the board. But the team fought back and forced overtime, ending regular play with the score tied at 35-35. In overtime the Warriors out-rebounded the Raiders and gained a six-point lead, winning the game 45-39. “I feel as if our team will excel and take it all the way to the championships, just like last year, because our team has a lot of athletic players and the chemistry between us is phenomenal,” said Cierra Martin, girl’s varsity basketball player. It was a tough second game for boys as well. The score was tied 58-58 at the middle of the fourth quarter. The game’s intensity was at its peak as the Warriors and Raiders traded baskets down the stretch. But Kaiserslautern’s foul trouble was advantageous to the Warriors, who eked out a small lead to win the game 78-70. Captain, Kelsey Thomas, senior boy’s varsity player and a varsity player
Sports shorts
High school sports
Photo by Chrystal Smith
Wiesbaden’ Sydney Hill and Rebecca Russell push the ball on a break up the court toward the Lady Warrior basket looking to score against Baumholder in the school’s home and season opener Dec. 6. since his freshmen year said, “I am very experienced in what it will take for us to be successful in Europeans in February. The teamwork and chemistry we have instilled within the team will be a strong asset to a good season.” “All of the Division 1 teams are loaded with tough competition. Our toughest challenge to overcome is self-discipline,” said Coach David Brown. “I cannot predict what our season will look like. Preparation trumps predictions, and we are solely focused on the responsibilities we have to uphold.” Assistant Coach Robert Yalden added, “This is the most balanced team that I have ever seen with a mix of big guys and guards. ... We can run, pound it in the paint, launch from the outside, and ... very strong players coming off the bench.” Wiesbaden’s wrestling team opened its season with a match win against Ramstein, Kaiserslautern, Baumholder, AFNORTH, and Bitburg. Matthew Hall (132 pounds), Joseph Spiszer (138 pounds), Brayden Lamb (152 pounds),
Steve Brown (160 pounds) and Justin Vatcher (182 pounds) were all first in their weight classes in competition on Dec. 7. “Wrestling is an individual sport. As a freshmen, starting early is important and it gives me a chance to develop skills and become agile,” said Jaedon Schwartz,Wiesbaden wrestler who placed third Dec. 7. The marksmanship team took aim at a new season as well, and Maximilian Petrunyak, Wiesbaden rifleman, led the Warrior team with a rifle score of 253. “Rifle team is so fun. Every bit of it is hard work,” said Petrunyak. The junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders were full of school spirit as they began the winter season with a strong team which included five male cheerleaders. Back handsprings, backflips, toe touches and scorpions are all possible for these squads. “This is my second year as a cheerleader and it has its share of challenges. But when it’s time to flip in the air with a whole crowd of people watching me, I have no fears because I have confidence that I won’t slip,” said Moses Foster, cheerleader. All the winter sports teams are hopeful for great season results and looking forward to how they will do in the DoDDS-Europe championships, which will be held in Wiesbaden at the end of the winter season. (Kierra Carr, a Wiesbaden High School senior, is a student intern with the Public Affairs Office) ...........................................................................Dec. 19, 2013
Wiesbaden High School athletes are hard at competing for bragging rights in basketball, swimming, wrestling and marksmanship. Wiesbaden’s basketball teams play at home against Black Forest Academy Jan. 17 and 18, Bitburg Jan. 24, Ramstein Jan. 25 and host the European Basketball and Cheerleading Championships Feb. 19-22. Home wrestling meets are Feb. 1 (at the Tony Bass Fitness Center) and Feb. 14-15 (European Championships in the Wiesbaden Fitness Center). The Wiesbaden Wahoos host a home meet in the Budenheim Pool Jan. 5, head to Berlin for the Divisional Championships Jan. 26 and to Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Feb. 15-16 for the EFSL Swim Championships. Wiesbaden’s marksmanship team hosts a home meet Jan. 11 and the Marksmanship Finals Feb. 1.
German hunting course
Wiesbaden’s Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting program holds its next German hunting course Feb. 11 to April 19. Cost is $200. Classes meet Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m. Call civ (0611) 705-5760 for details.
Eighteen at Rheinblick
Phase II of the new greens construction project on holes 1-9 is now complete and available for play, and the new greens on holes 10-18 are also available at the Rheinblick Golf Course. Consider also using the Rheinblick club house for conferences and special events. Call Darwin Baecker at civ (0611) 5059 2713 for more information.
Personal trainer
Need a personal trainer to improve your workout routine? Cost is $45 for an individual session, $150 for five sessions or $40 for a group session. Call David Sturman at civ (0611) 705-7651 to make an appointment.
Yoga classes
Free beginner level yoga classes are held every Wednesday at noon at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. Come by or call civ (0611) 705-5541 for more information.
Herald Union
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For your health
How to stifle holiday blues Health care professionals recommend reaching out, staying engaged socially and time management to conquer seasonal depression Editor’s note: Soldiers who away from their loved ones this holiday season must be especially alert to signs of stress so they can seek help or help others in need. By Jessica Rawlings U.S. Army Public Health Command
It’s that time of year again. Festive music fills the air, fireplaces crackle and holiday cheer abounds. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?
clas Your
Not necessarily. Many people can find themselves dealing with the holiday blues and can be sad, lonely or even depressed. There are many reasons that people might find themselves struggling with the holiday blues — pressure to feel merry, reminders of lost loved ones and financial hardships are just a few. And military families can add one more reason to that list — deployment. Coping with deployments can take a toll on one’s emo-
tional well-being, and this is only increased when a loved one’s deployment spans the holidays. Here are a few tips to help beat the holiday blues: 8 Take it one day at a time — try to avoid looking at this time of year as the “holiday season,” instead try to break it down day by day, think of it as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Often, it is easier to think, “I can get through this day,” rather than thinking, “I can get through this season.” 8 Get in touch with family members by writing letters, visiting or making phone calls. 8 Try to avoid retail therapy — fight the temptation to spend extra money to make you feel better as this can lead to increased stress or depression when the credit card bills arrive.
8 G i v e yourself permission to have fun — it is normal to be sociable during the holidays, e v e n if your l o v e d one is not available to attend events with you. 8 Ask for help — you don’t need to be superman or superwoman; you do not need to wing it alone; depend on close
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Herald Union
family and friends to help you through this time. 8 Stay busy — avoiding unstructured time may help to minimize difficult feelings. Try to fill your calendar with fun events and give yourself something to look forward to. It is also important to know when “the blues” are a sign of something more. Depression is common around the holidays, and recognizing the symptoms is a key step in getting the help you might need. Symptoms of depression include lack of sleep or over sleeping, over eating or not eating at all, crying for no reason or any reason, and loss of interest in activities. If you are experiencing these symptoms for an extended period of time and are concerned that you may be depressed, contact your primary care provider or Patient Centered Medical Home for help. There are many ways to beat the holiday blues, but remember it is okay to feel what you are feeling. Forcing yourself to be happy can often make it worse. Try to incorporate some of the tips above if you find yourself feeling down during the holidays. Remember, you are not alone in your struggle to overcome the holiday blues.
Dec. 19, 2013 .........................................................................
Bulletin board Movie plots
Sylvester Stallone (left) and Robert De Niro (second from right) are former rivals coaxed out of retirement for one final grudge match in “Grudge Match.”
At the movies Dec. 19 to Jan. 2 Taunus Theater
Dec. 19 — The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 20 — Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 21 — Frozen (PG) 4 p.m. Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 22 — Frozen (PG) 4 p.m. Saving Mr. Banks (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 23 — Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 24 — The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 25 — Walking With Dinosaurs in 3D (PG) 7 p.m.
Dec. 26 — The Best Man Holiday (R) 7 p.m. Dec. 27 — Grudge Match (PG-13) 7 p.m. The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (PG13) 9:45 p.m. Dec. 28 — Walking With Dinosaurs in 3D (PG) 4 p.m. The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (PG) 7 p.m. Dec. 29 — Walking With Dinosaurs in 3D (PG) 4 p.m. American Hustle (R) 7 p.m. Dec. 30 — The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dec. 31 — American Hustle (R) 7 p.m. Jan. 1 — The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (PG-13) 7 p.m. Jan. 2 — Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas (PG-13) 7 p.m. American Hustle (R) 7 p.m.
Will Ferrell and Christina Applegate are back as crackerjack broadcasters in “The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.” Photo right: Anna Maria Horford and Tyler Perry star in the holiday comedy, “Tyler Perry’s: A Madea Christmas.”
Grudge Match (PG-13) — Retired boxers Billy The Kid McGuigan and Henry Razor Sharp, lifelong bitter rivals, are coaxed out of retirement and into the ring for one final grudge match — 50 years after their last title fight. Stars Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro and Kim Basinger. Tyler Perry’s: A Madea Christmas — Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit when she’s coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas. Stars Tyler Perry, Kathy Najimy and Tika Sumpter. Saving Mr. Banks (PG-13) — Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks star in this story based on Walt Disney’s struggle to bring the story of Mary Poppins to the silver screen. Also stars Colin Farrell and Paul Giamatti. The Anchorman2: The Legend Continues (PG) — San Diego’s top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), returns to the news desk. Also back for more are Ron’s co-anchor and wife, Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate), weather man Brick Tamland (Steve Carell), man on the street Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and sports guy Champ Kind (David Koechner) — all of whom won’t make it easy to stay classy while taking New York’s first 24-hour news channel by storm. Walking With Dinosaurs (PG) — Two brothers looking to follow in their father’s footsteps end up in a showdown with dinosaurs in the Arctic North. The Best Man Holiday (PG-13) — When college friends reunite over the Christmas holidays they discover how easy it is for long-forgotten rivalries and romances to reignite. Stars Monica Calhoun, Morris Chestnut, Taye Diggs and Melissa De Sousa. Frozen (PG) — Fearless optimist Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell) sets off on an epic journey, teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven, to find her sister Elsa (Idina Menzel) whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smag (PG13) — This sequel continues the adventures of Bilbo Baggins as he journeys with the wizard Gandalf and 13 dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield, on an epic quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain and the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. American Hustle (R) — Brilliant con man Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and his equally cunning and seductive British partner Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) are forced to work for a wild FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper) who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia that’s as dangerous as it is enchanting. Also stars Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawrence. ........................................................................... Dec. 19, 2013
Herald Union
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Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chie fellow spectators enjoy the USO performance. Phot Kelly gets up close and personal with the Wiesbaden vocal performance.
Photos by Karl Weisel
Lighting up the season A surprise visit by the Jolly Old Elf, performances by student choirs and U.S. Army Europe musicians, face painting, a drum circle, arts and crafts, letters to Santa and lots more helped launch the holiday season during the Wiesbaden military community’s tree lighting celebration Dec. 6. Photo above: Santa arrives. Photo left: Chaplain (Capt.) Daniel Korie joins the drum circle. Photos below: The Wiesbaden Library staff accepts letters to Santa and a school choir performs.
USO Holid Troop Visit Story and photos by Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
t was an expression of gratitude from across the big pond. Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, joined a cast of professional athletes and entertainers for a special USO Holiday Troop Visit in the Wiesbaden Fitness Center Dec. 12. “This is the finale of the USO holiday tour,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Bryan Battaglia, senior adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as he warmed up the Wiesbaden crowd of children and adults at the start of the show. “We do appreciate your commitment and service.” “It’s been an absolute honor to thank everyone personally for his and her service,” said co-host Alison Haislip, describing how she and fellow performers on the tour had an opportunity to gain some insight into military life from those serving in harm’s way and overseas. “I’ve learned so much while being on this tour.” Haislip was joined by Grammy-winning songwriter and performer Bridget Kelly, professional athletes Adam LaRoche and Matt Light, radio personality Nephew Tommy and Duck Dynasty’s Jep and Willie Robertson. The group entertained military audiences in several locations in Europe and also took the USO road show to Afghanistan. “It’s been an incredibly humbling experience,” said Washington Nationals
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Herald Union
player LaRoch enough for wha Describing h player in Washi encounters serv to and from fa said he now ha the enormous s members and th to their country After co-M appreciative a ence for a danc youngsters and to demonstrate h the crowd was t Kelly, anecdote and a personal upbringing of t “As a nativ profound resp and women,” s tion and coura American.” During the military’s seni to visit the Ke headquarters w Division, and Mission Comm USO show, the minutes signing out keepsakes. “They reall what they are said Dempsey. we are to repre
Dec. 19, 2013..................................................................
efs of Staff, and to right: Bridget n crowd during a
day t
he. “We cannot thank you at you all do.” how as a professional ballington, D.C., he frequently vice members on their way araway places, LaRoche as “a little better idea” of sacrifices made by service heir families in the service y. MC Nephew Tommy drew applause from the audice contest featuring local d help from a local Soldier how to survive in Chicago, treated to several songs by es from LaRoche and Light, l peek into the lives and the stars of Duck Dynasty. ve New Yorker, I have a pect for our servicemen said Kelly. “Their dedicaage make me proud to be
Gen. Dempsey talks with Maj. Gen. Richard C. Longo and other USAREUR leaders during a tour of the Keyes Building. Photo left: Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson meets local fans.
visit to Wiesbaden the ior officer had a chance eyes Building, his former while leading 1st Armored the Gen. Shalikashvili mand Center. Following the e performers spent a few g autographs and handing
ly do care deeply about doing for their country,” . “Just know how proud esent you.”
Master of ceremonies Nephew Tommy is assisted by Spc. Kristopher Dimond, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, during a routine about survival in Chicago. Dec. 19, 2013
Herald Union
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News and features Tuition assistance changes to take effect for 2014 By David Vergun WASHINGTON ― Beginning Jan. 1, there will be a cap on the number of semester hours that can be taken using Tuition Assistance, and tighter TA eligibility rules. Soldiers will be able to use TA one year after graduating from initial entry training, known as IET, said Brig. Gen. David. K. MacEwen, adjutant general of the Army, Human Resources Command, Fort Knox, Ky. Also, Soldiers can take up to 16 semester hours per fiscal year. And, he continued, TA can be used for a post-baccalaureate degree after completing 10 years of military service. If a Soldier earned a BA degree without using TA, then they do not need to wait 10 years to use TA for a post-baccalaureate degree. This policy affects all Soldiers in the active and Reserve components. Based on current participation rates, Dr. Pamela L. Raymer, director, Army Continuing Education System, forecasted the number of Soldiers impacted as follows: Those who would have used TA with less than one year’s service after IET: 4,030 active, 3,017 Army National Guard and 1,216 Army Reserve. Soldiers who would normally have taken more than 16 semester hours per year: 20,271 active, 6,206 Guard and 12,007 Reserve. Soldiers with less than 10 years’ service pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees: 1,315 active, 220 Guard and 367 Reserve. Other TA policy from 2013 will remain in effect next year, she said, including allowing Soldiers to use up to $250 per semester hour. The cap of 130 semester hours for baccalaureate degree completion and 39 semester hours for a
master’s degree remains in effect. This coursework COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW must be from the Soldier’s approved degree plan The intent is to provide TA to Soldiers “who are in GoArmyEd, a plan Soldiers develop with their in good standing, meet Army requirements and have education counselor and their home no adverse flags,” such as not meetschool, she said. ing weight standards, MacEwen Soldiers will be able to Also remaining in effect, Raymer said. This portion of the policy has use TA one year after said, is that TA cannot be used for already been implemented. a second, equivalent degree. For graduating from initial The Army did a “very compreinstance, if a Soldier has a master’s hensive review of the program,” degree, he or she can’t use TA for entry training, known he added. “We found it had gotten a second master’s degree. as IET, said Brig. Gen. a little off track from its original Soldiers still cannot use TA for intent, which was to provide for David. K. MacEwen their “first professional degree.” Soldiers a part-time, off-duty way Such degrees include Ph.D, MD to continue their education. So we and JD. The Department of Education categorizes capped it.” these degrees as “first-professional” degrees. Army The second part of it was that “we wanted young has fully-funded education programs that support Soldiers to understand the Army and ensure they’re these degree programs. in good standing” before starting TA, so the oneSoldiers who have been flagged for adverse year wait after IET will be implemented Jan. 1. action or failure of the Army physical fitness test The third part was that TA is designed “to help or weight standards will not be able to use TA, with lifelong learning. So if TA paid for a four-year she continued. degree and a Soldier wants a post-baccalaureate Soldiers may also continue using TA for non- degree, we want them to wait until they reach the degree language courses published on the Defense 10-year mark,” which MacEwen defined as the point Department’s Strategic Language List as “imme- they become “careerists.” In this way, TA could be diate investment” or “emerging” languages. TA used as a retention tool. cannot be used for “enduring languages.” To see this list of languages, see a unit education advisor. PROGRAM DATA Finally, TA is authorized for one post-secondary Soldiers achieved about a 90-percent completion certificate or diploma such as welding or computer rate of about 413,000 courses in fiscal year 2013 certification. And, TA can continue to be used using tuition assistance, Raymer said. Of the 10 for courses leading to initial teacher certification percent who failed to complete their courses, one programs. percent were due to military duties and the remainder Soldiers who are precluded from using TA or were caused by failures or withdrawals. limited by the number of semester hours they’re In fiscal year 2013, active duty Soldiers took an eligible to take can, nonetheless, use their GI Bill average of 2.71 courses, Guard Soldiers took an education benefits. average of 3.58 courses, and Reserve Soldiers took an average of 3.40 courses. The average cost per course in fiscal year 2013 was $618 for the active force, $571 for the National Guard and $572 for the Army Reserve. Raymer also noted that in fiscal year 2013, TA funded the completion of 8,525 degrees for active Soldiers, 1,359 for Guard Soldiers and 1,469 for Reserve Soldiers. MacEwen lauded the education advisers who help Soldiers formulate their degree plans because this enables them to achieve “good completion rates.” Raymer said some of the changes to TA for next year came about due to the “fiscally-constrained environment” with a focus on providing funding to meet the intent of a voluntary off-duty education program. Nevertheless, the changes reflect the Army’s effort to “maximize education support to Soldiers” with funding that’s available. MacEwen concluded that TA is one of a number of educational opportunities the Army affords with the intent of “lifelong learning, helping Soldiers transition to civilian life, and ultimately, helping them become better Soldiers. The tweaks we did to the program will serve Soldiers well.”
Off-duty military students attend a class at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla.
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Herald Union
(For more ARNEWS stories, visit mil/ARNEWS, or Facebook at ArmyNewsService)
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
FreeStyle Across
47 Actress Woodward
15 NCO
1 Seep
48 Transmission rate
18 Lucy Lawless role
5 Deities
50 Brazilian river
22 Keyed up
9 Learning method
52 Tiny flies
24 Quick trip
13 Genesis brother
56 Egyptian goddess
26 Pond dross
14 Flightless birds
57 Element discovered
27 Sommer in the movies
16 Daredevil Knievel
in 1778
28 San Juan is its capital
17 E.g.
59 Chanel of fashion
30 Not available
19 Balkan native
60 Projecting window
32 Brave leader
20 Untidy one
61 Exceptional
34 “Two Mules for
21 Ornamental garden
62 Erelong
23 Industrious insects
63 Aloha State bird
35 Cicatrix
25 Plan of action
64 Put in the hold
37 Oscar winner Davis
Sister ___”
38 Poet’s foot
26 Dividing membranes 29 Pepper
41 Song for Piaf
31 Pointer
1 Galoots
43 Fire truck equipment
32 Alexander
2 Ancient Greek coin
45 Having new life
3 Zilch
46 ___ pro quo
33 Appraise
4 Exalt
47 Fleece seeker
36 Plucked instrument
5 Bestow
49 Easy gait
37 Honest-to-goodness
6 Bit of resistance
50 Type size
39 Anatomical pouch
7 “Ed Wood” star
51 “I cannot tell ___”
This is the solution to the crossword puzzle from December 5!
40 “Moon River” lyricist
8 Obeisance
53 Buzzing pest
42 Posed for a portrait
9 Feels bitter about
54 Continental
43 Istanbul currency
10 Is intemperate
44 Euclidean proposition
11 ___ incognita
55 Diving duck
Courtesy of
46 Gulf emirate
12 Hamburg’s river
58 Hankering
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(Photos w ................................................................................. Dec. 19, 2013 Herald Union Page 19
We Wish You a Merry Christmas - In Music Soloists Charlotte Rose (left) and Jeremiah Ward (right) join members of the Wiesbaden High School band at Hochheim “Snowflake” market.
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
Photo by Peter Witmer
Page 20
Over 100 Wiesbaden Middle School musicians performed in the school last week at their annual winter concert. In this photo Letisha Henry shares a thought and a smile with another musician.
Herald Union
Photo by Peter Witmer
Aukamm Elementary school music teacher Lisa Williams (purple scarf) leads her group.
Photo by Peter Witmer
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
Photo by Peter Witmer
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
A wind ensemble from the Wiesbaden Middle School students (left to right) presented by Vanessa Wolfe, Jade Brazzle, Leah Walker, Rose Gregerson and Sofia Riley.
Photo by Peter Witmer
Hainerberg Elementary School children sing at the Christmas Market in Wiesbaden.
Photo by Peter Witmer
Aukamm Elementary School performs at the Wiesbaden Christmas Market. ................................................................................. Dec. 19, 2013 Herald Union Page 21
Have fun with the locals New Year’s Eve Party Tue, Dec 31 Wiesbaden, Kurhaus Celebrate in style at the New Year’s Eve Party at the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden starting with an aperitif at 8.30 p.m. on December 31. This exclusive location will provide a variety of restaurants offering delicious food before everybody can enjoy the huge fireworks display. Concerts and a disco will ensure the perfect start to the New Year. For tickets from €74.50 and more info contact the organizer at 0611-536200 or
EVENTS Christmas Market Now – Wed, Jan 22 Bernkastel-Kues, Old Town The festive Christmas market in the old town of Bernkastel-Kues takes place again this year, open all day. The unforgettable atmosphere of a picturesque old town full of history, stories and culture, the romantic narrow alleys and the more than 40 gorgeous decorated booths will enchant every visitor. It includes musical performances, Christmas tree decorating, Christmas carols or the always-welcome appearance of Santa Claus. For more info in German see www.
Advent Brunch Sun, Dec 22 Eltville, Schloss Reinhartshausen Give yourself the greatest gift for Christmas: time! Leave the Christmas hustle and bustle behind and enjoy a few hours of relaxation and luxury – alone, as a couple or with your family. Enjoy our Christmas Advent brunch with its opulent buffet on all four Advent Sundays. We look forward to seeing you! €54 pro Person / Children up to 12 years pay €3 per year/age. Reservations at 06123 676 0. Christmas Dinner Wed, Dec 25 – Thu, Dec 26 Wiesbaden, Nassauer Hof Take part in a festive Christmas Dinner with your family in the Restaurant Nassauer Hof on December 25 and 26. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. culinary delicacies can be enjoyed at the restaurant’s own small Christmas Market where a childcare program will be offered as well. Dinner starts at 6 p.m. with either four or five course menus on both days. For more info in German and reservations call 0611-1330 or see www.selektion-deutscher-luxushotels. com
will host a New Year’s Eve party under the motto “Welcome & Good Bye” starting at 00.30 a.m. on January 1 after the fireworks display. Wiesbaden welcomes the New Year and says good bye to the club Cubique with DJs playing black music, house and 80s. For more info see CONCERTS The Harlem Gospel Singers Mon, Dec 30 Wiesbaden, Kurhaus Enjoy the First Lady of Gospel together with The Harlem Gospel Singers at the Kurhaus Wiesbaden on December 30 from 8 p.m. With a mix of traditional and modern songs the audience will be enchanted by “The Power Of Love” tour. For more info and tickets see
€41.85 and more info see SPORTS Intl’ Horse Riding competition Thu, Dec 19 – Sun, Dec 22 Frankfurt, Festhalle The traditional International Festhallen Reitturnier (International Horse Riding Competition) will take place in the Festhalle Frankfurt from December 19 to 22. See the world’s best riders in dressage and show jumping competitions in the festively decorated hall. For more info in German and tickets from €10 see
BY awake - New Year’s Eve Party Tue, Dec 31 Frankfurt, Batschkapp Say good bye to the year 2013 with the new electronic music event series “BY awake” in the club Batschkapp in Frankfurt starting at 9 p.m. on December 31. National and international top DJs like Fritz Kalkbrenner, Chopstick&Johnjon and many more will ensure a great party and a good start in the New Year. For tickets from
Biathlon World Team Challenge Sat, Dec 28 Gelsenkirchen, Veltins Arena Enjoy the World Team Challenge in Biathlon at the Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen on December 28 from 2 p.m. About 100 truckloads of snow will fill the football stadium for the best athletes in this sport. In mixed teams the participants have to run the 1,000 meter long route seventeen times, passing 51,000 spectators. This event takes place for the 12th time offering an extensive program including an indoor fireworks display, an après-ski party and more. For more info in German see
More events on:
military IN GERMANY
Coca Cola Christmas Truck Fri, Dec 20 Idstein, Löherplatz Come to Idstein’s Löherplatz to see the famous Coca Cola Christmas truck on December 20 from 2.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. To entertain the visitors the 16.5 meter long truck brings a lot of activities for the whole family and a special photo session with Santa to Kaiserslautern. With each photo €1 will be donated to the children’s aid organization “Ein Herz für Kinder” (a heart for kids). For more info in German see
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Welcome & Good Bye Wed, Jan 1 Wiesbaden, Cubique The nightclub Cubique in Wiesbaden
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
6 2
3 8 4
1 8 9 8 5
Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contains each of the numbers 1 through 9 once.
7 3 5
5 9 4
This is the solution to the sudoku puzzle from December 5! Courtesy of
7 4 7
2 6
1 ................................................................................. Dec. 19, 2013 Herald Union Page 23
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Herald Union
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
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2011 Dethleff camper. First owner. Used one summer. Comes with full kitchen, full bath, AC in front and back. TV, satellite. Big garage. Space for 6 people to sleep. And more extras. Call 015125207361 BMW 320d Model 2005, 6spd manual, 5 doors, starblue metalic, 2 owners, non smoking car, power doors-mirrors-windowsbrakes-sunroof, CD/Radio, AC, ABS, HDH, new breakes, oil change & tires - on alloy rims. New inspection and winter tires. Very well maintained, with books, Garage kept, very good condition, only € 5.250 obo. Call 01726762717 BMW X5 xdrive48i, 2008, Fully loaded light alloy wheels, 261 KW, TV, DVD, CD, Bluetooth, glassroof, leather int. black, space grey metallic, low mileage, great condition, summer & winter tires 1 season, $43.000 obo christine
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nconian as “Fra to d e r n refer enburg othenburg, ofte h t o R s in n of R Ages. le Age rial tow Middle ge of 5. Midd ce the old Impe er the German al herita you can r u lt u c v n ry, if rg e the Experie ” and redisco Bambe you will explor ewery to brewe n ghout i m u o g le r a n h r i s t th Jeru ting trip r-Tast lected b t this -known oy Bee ecker beer-tas stroll from se j ost well the winter tha e n m E e . h t th 6 ly m bly ing in th BierSch Enjoy a leisure st a ssen is proba is perhaps dur Bavarian Alps st. On the varia is r. a e in Fue alace set again e sky behind. a B e it d e f b t e m o e u p ’s a p e B th g t te e r . to a r e n t ta in P s D b o blu Bam utiful e snow d reas forests tioned Winter euschwanstein a clear deep g and health! s ‘ it g The bea , and with goo stens. From th now covered st you are sta e i g a w y N man ldd gli htseein usuall g Lud world: whil the s me the wor g state really ive Kin ful sight in the ine peaks with r hiking with sig e north ’t worth a visit avarian welco l e th R in . n ti s 7 enchan e frozen lake varia that isn and hearty B s winte t beauti red Alp th he mos of snow cove that combine m Ba T r f to a o ale, w r th e y u r n e o s is pale ckag a cor drop t a ve it a k t c r p c o e e n a p r x b th te is e s s; whe There ou can s. avaria. inter ta berg city for centurie ryone’s taste. s and y ter in B Try a W inter wellnes n a r in e ü s w r n N e e is ngs v . h w n o th o c g Malt i ortant brewing mething for eve Emperors, Ki mmend h-Partenkir rs Resolution er you g boostin & o c s e r p o e p o a f wherev w im eH is s eps o New Ye 014. armisc ips that 8. Tast rg has been an d beer – there Footst p ten tr sort, G fullest! Make a e more fun in 2 e e to h st overe e r R t r b u e n o & m i u ure av ge nuin a the s the be ct for h N e d r g g e Here’s d o r to ff n L a e o a fe r i s li m s o e m er to sk your weis is perfe in nd Pop dark be ing & Obera 1. Edel New Year living the family, learn e days Kings a varia. This one e , r s t h r t o T e r . o e h e t h 9. Al Munic of Emp ern Ba ich ria. Start th more time wit otsteps ights in South pes in Mun ity weekend in capital of Bava d fo o n d P e e n p th d e s s n k a to ee the ac tour in ligious forget explore urg, nd a W kets a scenic ost famous re er. h the y g r u T e l o 2. Spe certainly never ount of time to r c as Mar ould be Nuremb host a th a th m r e m i d t g e e s M x i to th r r l f la g l e will st Ch ous w view o oup travellin You wil the perfect am g Mediaeva hile strolling re res with num ia’s Be ! The most fam town in Bavaria ical. gr r a r is ll u w u a a q h v ” b s m a s ic le s d n c n B a g u a a a e M ch any mir ege e bro erienc that ea e truly m re so m diaeval over R over th 10. Exp staart – there a ut the truth is you go it will b 3. Disc “Germany’s me tiny shops and er to .B r ir Where nd Würzburg ket so wherev are new Discove eets with the ts e in k r te a s r a n m a tr a a h s d lps uschw Munic l Christmas m s offer narrow afés an fu arian A xplorer Hotel Ne . Both location re the ment c v e v a a B p s e wonder ou th xplo n Alps nd E e i a n t f y s r ia s o r ju o a td r v C s 4. Get rer Hotel Ober ated in the Ba option to ski o c lo e p h lo t x E ls h e ot wit The udget h in the snow b n ig s de kend ul wee s. beautif ing mountain d surroun ................................................................................. Dec. 19, 2013 Herald Union Page 25
Page 26
Herald Union
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
Mercedes E320, 00, Automatic, 142000 km, with alloy wheels, leaAUTOS ther interior, DVDs in headrests, All ads and pics on extra-fully loaded, & perfect mechanically!!! Super nice car! $8400 Calibra V6, long distances and (or 6200 Euros) Wiesbaden, 0176garage car. 170 PS (2495 cm). 69350-983. 133.000km, no accidents, sport suspension, 17? AZEV tires, sport Tires, Kumho 225 60 R16 102 H exhaust, ABS, Traction Control, XL M + S ALL Season $350 Used Airbags, power windows, air con- for 2 months before Van had to dition, power door locks, etc. be scrapped. C: 015121481670 (0)176 / 22843089 H: 063759946688Set of 4 on Ford
Razor MX350 Dirt Rocket, 2012, New Condition Scaled-down, electric-powered dirt bike Hightorque motor 12" pneumatic knobby tires Authentic dirt bike frame geometry Retractable kickstand Speeds up to 14MPH C: 015121481670 H: 063759946688
Your community, your website!
CITY BILLARD WIESBADEN Since Si S Sin ince in 199 19 1 1997 99 9 97
ELECTRONICS All ads and pics on
5 lug 15" rims., $350.00, Ford F-150 Harley Davidson Editi- $$$ Cash Paid For Stereos$$$ on SuperCrew 4X4 Fully Loaded, Turntables, Cassette Decks, SpeaHeated and Air Conditioned kers, Amplifiers, Reel to Reel, LaSeats, AWD and 4WD, Flex-Fuel, serdisc/CD/DVD players ETC! WilRemote Start, much more. ANNOUNCEMENTS ling to discuss all. Please let me $38,765 0176 3030 5058 All ads and pics on know what you have. Call Scott 0160 9753 8888 / powersweep@ Fully Loaded F150 Harley Davidson Edition.2010 with only 24,000 I am a PhD student of African Dia- miles. Power everything, navigati- spora history at New York Univeron, remote start, bed liner, more sity. For my dissertation research 26" Panasonic HDTV, SA-BT770 I am looking to interview black 0176 3030 5058 0176 3030 5058 Wireless 3D BLU-RAY Surround American military women (spouHome Theater with iPod dock and ses as well as servicewomen, nurGold, 4 door, automatic, 72K mia wall mount for TV.***** $489 vales, power windows/locks, only ses and teachers) who spent time lue for only $315!!(35% off) ***** in Germany between 1945 and 15000 miles on high end all son tires, cruise control, 5 disc 1980. Please contact Felicitas at CD, KBB 9100, NADA 9225 Camerabag Crumpler "Messen$8400 0152-2715-0009/06303ger bag" for digital mirror reflex 925-8906/mikeschumacher2012@ camera and equipment. Only MOTORCYCLES used once, original price EURO Kumho Tires, Kumho 225 60 R16 All ads and pics on 100, â‚Ź50 OBO, pics on class102 H XLM + S ALL Season $350, Used for 2 months before Van Caution: Some Classified had to be scrapped.C: ads have become a target Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game, 015121481670 H: played once, perfect condition - lifor scams. Please be cau063759946688Set of 4 on Ford 5 tious if potential buyers offer ke new!, â‚Ź15, lug 15? rims., $350.00, you payment methods other than cash. Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii gaMercedes E 200, Model 2000 Aume, perfect condition, like new! tomatic, leather, power steering, Lookin for Sportster parts or a bi- â‚Ź10,, coembreaks, windows, doors. Cruise ke which needs some work, bas- control, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero, ket case or sittin longer time too. fully loaded. new oil change & bat- BT ULtra Classic perhaps too. terie. none smoking car - Garage Just make me your offer what you The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game, kept- good condition - only â‚Ź have and we will see. perfect condition, like new!, â‚Ź10, 3.250 obo call 0172-676 2717
Looking for Christmas markets in your area?
LITY QUA LE T S E -B TAB BLES SIONAL A Billard T LARD PROFFES CHINES L I Club Wiesbaden B MA ER • 13 2000 e.V. OOK MONEY N S •1 &3 • Participation possible ART •1D • Get your membership
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SKY television with all American sports live! Bar & snacks available / Various whiskey sorts
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Just barely not illegal. This one doesn’t exactly tiptoe up to the line. A 3.4 liter flat-six 325 hp mid-engine design with a top track speed of 175 mph. A rigid body for razor-sharp agility. And, if anyone’s asking, all quite street legal. The new Cayman S is more than just a sports car, it’s a Porsche.
PORSCHE MILITARY SALES Hauptstr. 189 A | 70563 Stuttgart – Vaihingen | ................................................................................. Dec. 19, 2013 Herald Union Page 27
Beautiful hand-made felt shoulder bag in purple with flower deELECTRONICS sign, medium size, perfect x-mas All ads and pics on present. Check out for pics, €25, jenniferwil Raven Max / Sirius Retro Synthe- sizers each 650. The Raven is a master keyboard (with Max extension). Sirius is a techno workstati- Beautiful hand-made purple/pink flower brooch, perfect on with vocoder and much more. felt Both devices are in nearly new stocking stuffer, can be pinned on condition. Including original in- jackets, scarves, bags and more. struction and operation manuals. Absolutely wow! €12, jenniferwil 0157-89138494
China Restaurant
Have a look at our menu: S1. Sesame Chicken S6. Orange Chicken S2. Fried Chicken, sweet & sour S7. General Tso’s Chicken
The right place for your next Hail & Farewell Uthmannstr. 8 · Mainz-Kostheim Ph: 06134-258 928 - Fax: 06134-258 988
All ads and pics on
The cozy pub and restaurant – the German way.
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
4 classic beers on tap. Wide selection of regional wines.
Traditional German cuisine. Where friends meet!
Alfons-Paquet-Straße 4 (between Langgasse and Wagemannstraße) · 65183 Wiesbaden · 0611-44760101
Your German-American flea market - online and in print!
h s i w e W veryone a e oliday Super eH S ason!
Page 28
Herald Union
Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bag with fox design. Discover your wild side! All bags are completely environmentally friendly made with wool, soap and water only!€25, jenniferwilking@hot
Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game, Bread Box/Tin, bought from Tchiperfect condition, like new! €20, bo, barely used. White., €7, GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect, coemser@ on, like new. Size small., €8, coem The Bigs2 Baseball, Wii game, Custom-made children's kinderperfect condition, like new!, €10, garten bag with name. Send me a Handbag "Alexander": Brown, leather bag, hardly used, perfect message if you are interested in a condition! €8, pics on classunique bag for your child. Perfect Zelda Twilight Princess, Wii ga- present. All bags are made using, me, perfect condition, like new!, wet-felting technique with sheep Handbag "Esprit brand": Small €18, wool, soap and water only! € neg, bad, black leather, ideal if you ondepending on design, jenniferwil ly need to carry few things around with you like purse, cell phone
Eating and drinking in the heart of Wiesbaden
The Good Soldier Švejk
Four alabaster Christmas plates from Studio Dante di Volteradici. Fine condition/Original boxes & Documents.Silent Night, Holy Night;Joy to the World;Hark the Herald Angels;We 3 Kings$20ea/ $ or 06209-797276
Banana Republic Shirt, grey and white. Brand new, never worn before, with original tag. Original size small, but is more medium, loose fit! €8,
etc., €10, pics on, Eco warrior shoulder bag, handmade felt, environmentally friendly Handbag: Classy black leather bag made using only wool, water bag. Hardly used, perfect conditiand soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot on!, pics on, €20, Egg cooker for 7 eggs. 220 volt, Razor MX350, 2012, Scaleddown, electric-powered dirt bike$9, High-torque motor12" pneumatic knobby tires Retractable kickFelt bag, gorgeous grey hand- stand Speeds of up to 14 made felt bag with blue design, MPHDirt Rocket maximum weight medium size, €30, jenniferwilking@ capacity:140 lbs.New Condition C:015121481670 H:06375994668
Dear Readers, We hope you enjoy this last edition of the Herald Union for 2013.
AdvantiPro, the publisher of the HU, will close its offices from Monday, 23 December through Friday, 3 January.
The first 2014 edition of the HU will be distributed on Thursday, 16 January. AdvantiPro would like to thank all of its readers for the great support we have enjoyed in 2013. We are very proud to serve the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden and the military community!
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
All ads and pics on
Red shoes/pumps, Size 41, worn once, too big., €10, isabell_1_98@ Red Wine Glasses, Big tumble red wine glasses. Set of 4. $5,
Original oil painting by Paul Morro Oil on canvas. The subject is a colorful bouquet of flowers in a FURNITURE All ads and pics on gray vase.The picture is framed with a broad, elaborate wooden frame. 85 x 95cm. Purchased 1800 Armoire from Lorraine, France - original! Solid Oak with In- 1978 now only €590, drdos331@ layers and Carvings, 2 Doors, 2 Drawers.Height: 85" Width: 60" Depth: 25"To be picked up near Ramstein (Niedermohr) for 2480 JOBS Euro OBO, private sale. Call 0172All ads and pics on 9733924.
Set of three pink vases, different shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to Antique Armoire, Nice antique Arupcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot miore. Bought 2000 for 1585 EUR in a antique shop with certifcate. To be picked up in Kaiserslautern. Small grey felt shoulder bag with Now only 850 EUR, drdos331@ mushroom design, perfect gift, €20
Cash Paid for Vinyl Records, Reel to Reel tapes, Laserdiscs, Want to get rid of your old record albums, reel to reel tapes, Laserdisc movies etc ? give me a call. Cash paid!, powersweep@ya or call Scott 0160 9753 8888
Are you my Mr. Right? Please write me to find out.I am a german woman with 40 years and 5'7".Are you 6'0" or taler, around my Age, dosn't matter if black or White as Long you'r honest, than write me with Picture.spieleinsel@
Cosmetic surgery - Free consultaion • Breast augmentation, lift and reduction • Liposuction/lipo transfer • tummy tuck surgery • body contouring after massive weight loss • male breast • botox • fillers • fat transfer (treatment of wrinkles)
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Certified American Orthodontics
Antique cabinet, restored antique cabinet. 3 doors with mirror. 140cm wide, 2m high. Solid PERSONAL wood. To be picked up in Kaisers- All ads and pics on lautern. €350, drdos331@ 35yrs single black lady with a geTommy Hilfiger Jacket for men, nerous touch of friendship seek to great condition, 100% cotton, size 54, €50, pics on class- Beautiful sideboard, cherrywood find a happy relationship. gwendoli, veneer The sideboard is in very
Werther International, winter jacket for men, brown leather and 100% lambskin. Perfect condition, size 58 (german size)! €50 OBO, pics on,
VAT-forms accepted • Free consultation
Member of German Society of Plastic and reconstructive Surgery.
Striped hand-made felt shoulder bag, large, perfect fall trend colors, perfect gift, €30, jenniferwil
good condition with normal signs T-Shirt "America", perfect condiof usage. Very decorative, beautition, like new, size small!, €8, pics ful eye-catcher for your home. on, coemser@ 97cm high, 193cm wide, 37cm ep, €350, drdos331@gmail.
Chiko busco chika, Single Latin American guy seeks a nice young lady 30-45, Spanish, European, or American, for friendship, fun, and possibly more if all goes well.. Email:
Your community, your website.
Tricare Preferrred Provider
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Nice vintage kitchenshelf or cupboard. Solid wood with rail to hang towels. 89cm wide, 60cm high, 18cm deep, €120,
Pastor Elisha Lawson
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PERSONAL All ads and pics on
English spea
Veterinary Clinic Wiesbaden
For dogs, cats, companion animals & horses Litsch · Eversf ield
a v a il a b
Schreberweg 19 · 65191 Wiesbaden · Phone 0611 - 50 20 13 mon-sat: 10 am - 1 pm · mon, wed, fri: 4 pm - 7 pm · tue, thu: 4 pm - 8 pm
Harley friends, Lookin for friends, female/male who likes harleys, works on them, who are into Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just email me and we will see when we can meet.
There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian.
Single women 50+ looking for an american male, for friendship or maybe relationship serious inquirries only 0151-11176180
PETS All ads and pics on
All ads and pics on
French, old English bulldog mixed puppy, very nice, strong, vet examined, repeatedly dewormed and vaccinated, for sale into loving hands. €425 0176-74839117
Rental House Wanted, Searching for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom unfurnished house with a kitchen in Healthy female Leopard Gecko, the Wiesbaden or Mainz area. approx 8 years old, never been Long term., €1000, fredpinnix@hot bread. Purchased at Dehner or Koelle-Zoo will cost you at least 75,00 Euro each. Leopard Geckos can live about 20 years, although N I T H E E WO ER some have lived 30-40 years if RLD Y WH AN kept healthy
In general, to donate blood you should: Weigh at least 110 pounds Be at least 17 years of age Have been feeling well for at least 3 days Be well hydrated Have eaten something prior to donating
For more info visit our website
Offering a puppy finding service for US families here in Germany, would love to help you find your puppy.Make sure you can afford a dog and its costs when PCS'ing.Puppies won't be shipped, pick up is must! ellaspuppyfin
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Herald Union
Dec. 19, 2013 ............................................................................
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