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erald Union H Vol. XIV, No. 20
Serving the communities of U.S. Army Garrisons Baumholder and Wiesbaden
July 19, 2012
Inside this issue Reader feedback
How would you describe your community to a newcomer? Wiesbaden’s Spc. Megan Green, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, said, “The community here is small and tight-knit — much different from Fort Benning (where I was before Wiesbaden).” See page 2 for more reader feedback .
New Health Clinic commanders Photo by Ashton Balzer
Ride ‘em cowgirl U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Army Community Service Director Jan Meert shows fellow July Fourth revelers how it’s done during a bull riding session. Baumholder and Wiesbaden community members enjoyed a host of special events, rides, fireworks and more on Independence Day. See pages 8 and 18 for the stories.
Baumholder and Wiesbaden Health Clinics witness changes in leadership. See pages 10 and 12 for the stories.
Helping prevent crime
Law enforcers offer tips to discourage criminals By Wendy Brown
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Crime is not a big problem in the U.S. military community housing areas, but it is important to avoid complacency and to make sure items are secured. “You have to constantly ask yourself, ‘Am I a threat to my own security? Or my neighbors’ security?’” said Sgt. 1st Class Rolando DeLeon, a Military Police officer with the garrison’s Directorate of Emergency Services. That means not leaving a GPS in the windshield ― even after a
DeLeon said. Most thefts occur when items are left in plain view inside vehicles or, in the case of bicycles, outside, unsecured on the lawn, said William Trabucco, the garrison’s deputy director of emergency services. There is not a lot of crime in the housing areas, Trabucco said, and the Polizei have the same kinds of Photo by Wendy Brown problems off post in Wiesbaden. Leaving stairwell doors wide “It’s not unique to the housing aropen and unlocked is an invieas,” he said. “All the surrounding tation to thieves, MPs said. areas have the same issues.” long, exhausting trip ― and making Some residents are used to living sure that the front doors in stairSee Prevent crime on well housing are shut and locked, page 4
Dragon Boat Races
Wiesbaden military community members compete with host nation neighbors in Schiersteiner Hafenfest. See page 15.
Phantom power
U.S. Soldiers compete on German semipro football team. See page 22.