July 19, 2012 - Herald Union

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... See comments and questions on page 2

erald Union H Vol. XIV, No. 20

Serving the communities of U.S. Army Garrisons Baumholder and Wiesbaden

July 19, 2012

Inside this issue Reader feedback

How would you describe your community to a newcomer? Wiesbaden’s Spc. Megan Green, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade, said, “The community here is small and tight-knit — much different from Fort Benning (where I was before Wiesbaden).” See page 2 for more reader feedback .

New Health Clinic commanders Photo by Ashton Balzer

Ride ‘em cowgirl U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Army Community Service Director Jan Meert shows fellow July Fourth revelers how it’s done during a bull riding session. Baumholder and Wiesbaden community members enjoyed a host of special events, rides, fireworks and more on Independence Day. See pages 8 and 18 for the stories.

Baumholder and Wiesbaden Health Clinics witness changes in leadership. See pages 10 and 12 for the stories.

Helping prevent crime

Law enforcers offer tips to discourage criminals By Wendy Brown

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Crime is not a big problem in the U.S. military community housing areas, but it is important to avoid complacency and to make sure items are secured. “You have to constantly ask yourself, ‘Am I a threat to my own security? Or my neighbors’ security?’” said Sgt. 1st Class Rolando DeLeon, a Military Police officer with the garrison’s Directorate of Emergency Services. That means not leaving a GPS in the windshield ― even after a

DeLeon said. Most thefts occur when items are left in plain view inside vehicles or, in the case of bicycles, outside, unsecured on the lawn, said William Trabucco, the garrison’s deputy director of emergency services. There is not a lot of crime in the housing areas, Trabucco said, and the Polizei have the same kinds of Photo by Wendy Brown problems off post in Wiesbaden. Leaving stairwell doors wide “It’s not unique to the housing aropen and unlocked is an invieas,” he said. “All the surrounding tation to thieves, MPs said. areas have the same issues.” long, exhausting trip ― and making Some residents are used to living sure that the front doors in stairSee Prevent crime on well housing are shut and locked, page 4

Dragon Boat Races

Wiesbaden military community members compete with host nation neighbors in Schiersteiner Hafenfest. See page 15.

Phantom power

U.S. Soldiers compete on German semipro football team. See page 22.

Commentary Feedback:

How would you describe your community to a newcomer?

Sidnie Miller Baumholder spouse “Baumholder is like living in a small town. You make good friends easily. Seeing everyone leave this summer is really hard. The community is really close and the people here are willing to just help out.”

Joshua Mann UMUC field representative “In a constant state of flux, there are always new people coming into the community … a new shopping center is supposed to be built, we just got a new housing area on Clay Kaserne.”

Capt. Sean Chermer 24th Brigade Support Battalion “In one word, small. But in a good way. I’ve been here for three years and feel like everyone in the agency is really willing to help out.”

Santiago Laderas Baumholder Family member “Everyone here is pretty nice. It’s kind of a laid back place. Sometimes when you move to a new place it takes some time getting used to, but in Baumholder, you just fit in.”

Brady Keeley Wiesbaden Family member “It’s very nice and friendly here.”

Ask the commander

Have a quality-of-life question or comment? Editor’s note: Have something you’d like to share with the commander — questions, comments or suggestions about quality-of-life issues? Visit the garrison’s Facebook, Twitter or Interactive Customer Evaluation pages (easy access via the garrison’s home page at www. wiesbaden.army.mil), send an email to the Public Affairs Office (usagwiesbadenpao@ eur.army.mil) or a letter to the editor (see address below).

Commissary praise

Julie R. commented: Thank you to the commissary and their awesome staff. We are new to the post. We bought a lot and when we asked to call a cab, the associate volunteered to take us back to the hotel on post. I was shocked at the generous hospitality.

Museum not appropriate

Diana P. asked: I found the Harlekin Museum on the Wiesbaden Facebook website Things To Do link. I took my children because it said “The Harlekinäum is the world’s only museum of humor, located in the Wiesbaden suburb of Erbenheim. There are more than eight rooms full of an off-beat collection of humorous ideas: dancing

no indication that it shelves, a giant walkwas not appropriate in cheese and more from the materials than 1001 objects they received and the sure to make visitors museum’s website. laugh. Guided tours They have removed through the museum that entry from the with “Clown DocThings to Do listing tors” are on offer.” I on the website. Again just wanted to say that Col. David — thanks for letting I think this museum Carstens. U.S. is not for children. Army Garrison us know and helping There are a lot of Wiesbaden others avoid a similar [****] items in this commander unsettling experience. museum and I was Going beyond totally embarrassed when I Jaclyn S. commented: I was asked by my children what would like to thank Pfc. Philthings were. I don’t know if any lips at the Radiology Clinic one checks out these places be(Wiesbaden Health Clinic) for fore putting them in the Things To Do site or if it was changed going above and beyond to help after its input but I would like me get digital copies of all my to make a suggestion. In your records, etc. to take back to the Things To Do please add that States with me. She saved me this museum is NOT for young from having to drive all the children because of the [*****] way to Heidelberg to fill out a contents there. Just an added request form and facilitated the note: I have always enjoyed pick-up from Landstuhl since the Things To Do site and this I didn’t have seven to 10 days is the first time I have ever had before my PCS flight. I have a problem. Thank you for your been very happy with all the understanding. service from the Wiesbaden Response: Thanks, Diana, Health Clinic the two years I for letting us know that the have been here. I have been able museum in Erbenheim is to use the Dental Clinic, Pharnot appropriate for younger macy, Optometry and Radiology visitors and sorry that your Clinics as a spouse of a military family was in for a shock. Our retiree. Thank you for all your Public Affairs Office staff had help, smiles and excellent care.

Military veteran historian calls editorial Mail call: staff to task on Gen. Lucius Clay article

The Herald Union’s June 21, 2012, issue will receive wide distribution in the U.S. of A. Of particular interest will be the renaming of Wiesbaden Army Airfield to Lucius D. Clay Kaserne. Years past I had the privilege of serving as his son’s assistant executive officer when (then) Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay was the deputy chief of staff (USAF) for programs and resources (1968-70). As to his father, I fear that John Provan’s

article, “Clay Kaserne named after general who started, cemented German-American friendship,” contained a few glaring errors. Clay did not organize and manage any of President Theodore Roosevelt’s projects, but rather President Franklin Delano Roosevelt projects between 1933 and 1937. Also, the captions under the two photos accompanying the article refer to Brig. Gen. Clay when he was actually a

Herald Union published by The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of the U.S. Army Garrisons Wiesbaden and Baumholder, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden and Baumholder Public Affairs Offices. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH. Circulation is 8,500 copies. For display advertising rates call Sabine Vogl at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email ads@herald-union.com; classified advertising rates call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post at www. class-world.eu. Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Wiesbaden Army Airfield. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 337-7405; civ (0611) 705-7405; Email: usagwiesbadenpao@eur.army.mil; Home page: www.wiesbaden.army.mil.

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Herald Union

four-star general at the time of the Berlin Airlift — as he was when he served as the military governor of the American Zone of Occupation and commanderin-chief of the European Command (1947-1949). Ronald MacArthur Hirst Editor’s note: Thanks, as always, Mr. Hirst, for reading the newspaper and keeping an eye out for historical accuracy. We apologize for the sloppy proofreading on our part.

Command and newspaper staff

USAG Wiesbaden Commander..................Col. David H. Carstens USAG Wiesbaden Command Sergeant Major ......................................Command Sgt. Maj. Sa’eed A. Mustafa Public Affairs Officer.......................................Anemone Rueger Editor....................................................Karl Weisel (mil 337-7405) Associate Editor................................Chrystal Smith (mil 337-1400) USAG Wiesbaden Reporter..............Wendy Brown (mil 337-5150) USAG Baumholder Reporter.....Ignacio Rubalcava (mil 485-6191)

July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

News and features News flash Tax Center closed

The Wiesbaden Tax Center is now closed for the 2011 tax season. If you require tax assistance contact the Legal Assistance Office at mil 3374725 or civ (0611) 705-4725.

Passport up to date?

Although some European borders don’t always feature passport checks, U.S. military community members are reminded that they should always carry their passports when traveling between countries. Military assignment orders are not a substitute for a passport. Police in some European countries can pull vehicles over without suspicion of wrongdoing to check for passports. Avoid possible detainment, search and illegal border crossing charges — carry your passport and keep it up to date when traveling in Europe.

Qualitative Management Program

The Department of the Army announced guidance and procedures of the Qualitative Management Program for FY 2013 which will feature review of Soldiers’ records in the ranks of sergeant first class through sergeant major for possible involuntary separation upon receipt of one of the following documents: t General officer letter/memorandum of reprimand; t Conviction by court-martial or Article 15; t Relief for cause noncommissioned officer evaluation report; t Senior rater rating of fair or poor in the overall performance or potential block of an NCOER; t Annotation of “No” in the Army Values block of an NCOER; t Academic evaluation report indicating noncommissioned officer education system course failure. Soldiers identified by Human Resource Command will be informed through their chain of command that they are subject for consideration of denial of continued service. Soldiers will be afforded sufficient time and opportunity to submit a letter of reconsideration to the president of the board. (USAREUR Public Affairs)

Technology Expo

A Technology Exposition will be held July 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. More than 60 solution providers featuring the latest in cutting edge technology will be represented. The event is free and open to all personnel.

Commissary feedback

Although the Defense Commissary Agency is not incorporated in the Interactive Customer Evaluation system, patrons can make comments and ask questions at local store’s customer service office. If the local customer service representative is unable to answer a question or help with a problem, patrons are advised to ask for the store director or manager on duty. If that too, doesn’t work during a commissary visit, head to the DeCA website, www.commissaries.com. Store contact information, a customer comment form and Frequently Asked Questions are available through the “Contact Us” page on DeCA’s website. (DeCA Public Affairs)

Learning about airfield operations Lt. Col. Ed Brouse, commander of the 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, describes the mission of aviators on Clay Kaserne to members of the Breckenheim and Kloppenheim City Councils during a visit to the airfield July 11. Photo right: Norbert Violette, airfield manager, describes flight patterns of military aircraft from and to Clay Kaserne. Photos by Karl Weisel

Defense secretary addresses ethics By Leon Panetta

U.S. Secretary of Defense

We operate in an environment where our work often requires adaptation to address new challenges. As we make these adjustments, what remains constant ― regardless of the circumstance ― is the Department of Defense commitment to the highest degree of integrity and ethical behavior. Our responsibility is to uphold the public trust. We are all familiar with the minimum requirement of this commitment: the obligation to comply with federal conflicts of interest restrictions, postGovernment employment statutes, and regulatory standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Executive Branch. These and other rules help to define what others expect of us. Yet, I know you share my belief that we expect far more from ourselves and that the public shares this expectation. The minimum requirement is not enough when it comes to defining integrity in our work. To ensure we fulfill these expectations, we must vigilantly protect and reinforce ethics as a central element of our workplace culture. Even the perception

of unethical behavior or impropriety must be avoided. Every DoD employee, civilian and military, bears a portion of the responsibility in this regard. I count on your personal engagement to shape our environment to ensure we work in an ethical culture. Such a culture is one in which honesty, accountability, mutual respect and integrity guide all actions and decisions; employees uphold core values in daily activities; leaders, managers and supervisors model the conduct they expect; and personnel with concerns seek the advice and support of an ethics counselor. It is the sum of our expectations, communications and actions. Emphasizing an ethical culture must remain a priority in the days ahead, as it is essential to sustaining the trust America places in her Armed Forces. This trust is foundational to the Department’s ability to protect our Nation. I ask that you continue to keep this as your mindset, be a visible role model of ethical behavior, hold yourself and others accountable, and ensure an ethical culture is a hallmark of the organizations you lead. I request that you distribute this memorandum widely within your organizations. Thank you for your commitment and support.

www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................ July 19, 2012

Herald Union

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News and features From the blotter

Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services

June 12 Baumholder: A Soldier is being charged with wrongful use a controlled substance after being reported by another Soldier in the barracks. Wiesbaden: A Family member is being charged with shoplifting after concealing items and attempting to leave the facility without proper payment.

June 13 Baumholder: A Soldier is being charged with spouse abuse after being involved in an altercation which turned physical, when the Soldier struck the spouse numerous times in the face. Wiesbaden: A Family member is being charged with a traffic accident after striking another vehicle.

June 14 Baumholder: An Army and Air Force Exchange Service employee is being charged with drunken driving after swerving off the road, striking a tree and having no U.S. Army Europe license. Wiesbaden: An officer is being charged with a traffic accident after striking another vehicle.

June 15 Baumholder: A noncommissioned officer is being charged with owning an unregistered vehicle after allowing the registration to expire. Wiesbaden: A Family member became a victim of larceny, after someone stole her tax documents from the passenger side of her vehicle.

June 16 Baumholder: An NCO is being charged with drunk and disorderly conduct after being belligerent and uncooperative toward the Military Police. Wiesbaden: A Soldier is being charged with shoplifting after concealing a few items and attempting to leave the facility without proper payment.

June 17 Baumholder: An officer became a victim of larceny after someone stole his GPS and child’s computer from his vehicle. Wiesbaden: An NCO became a victim of larceny after his iPhone 4 was stolen from a locker at the fitness center.

June 18 Baumholder: A Soldier is being charged with drunken driving after striking a sign and failing a breathalyzer exam conducted by the German Police. Wiesbaden: A Soldier became a victim of a larceny when someone in Crestview Housing stole his iPod from his vehicle.

June 19 Baumholder: An NCO became a victim of a larceny when someone from a moving company took a wedding photo from his Family quarters. Wiesbaden: An officer became a victim of larceny in Aukamm Housing after someone stole his bicycle.

June 20 Baumholder: A Family member is being charged with assault after being involved in an altercation which turned physical, when a Soldier was struck and scratched numerous times in the face. Wiesbaden: A Soldier became a victim of larceny at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center after someone stole his iPhone 4S from the soda machine.

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Photo by Karl Weisel

Honoring a firefighter

“You could talk for days about all of the things that Fred Weiss (center) has done for Soldiers and their Families in the Mainz, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden areas,” said Lt. Col. Mikel Russell, director of emergency services for U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden. Russell and Col. David Carstens, USAG Wiesbaden commander, were on hand July 6 at the Clay Kaserne Fire Department to present Weiss with the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service. Weiss, who started his career with the U.S. military in 1965, retired in September 2011 after more than 46 years of service.

Prevent crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Continued from page 1 in an enclosed, on-post environment where crime is even less common, DeLeon said. This causes some people to be less diligent about

locking doors and securing items than they should be, DeLeon said. Thefts and other problems do occur. For example, recently there have been problems with door-to-door solicitors entering buildings because of unlocked front doors, Trabucco said. DeLeon said one way housing residents can help prevent crime in a building is to make sure they are on good, friendly terms with their neighbors. People are more likely to look out for one another and notice if something is amiss if they know their neighbors, DeLeon said. DeLeon offered these tips as well: F Put up curtains, which will keep thieves from seeing what is inside your home. They are available at the Treasure Trove Thrift Store and the Home Décor store, both at MainzKastel Storage Station, as well as any number of stores on the economy. F Wipe off the suction-cup ring from your GPS when you remove it from your windshield. The ring can tip off a thief that a GPS might be in the vehicle. F Do not attach chains to bicycle and motorcycle tires, but to the frame. Also, make sure they are chained to something secure.

July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

News and features


Helping service members make the transition from the military to civilian life

Story and photo by Karl Weisel

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

The military offers service members various benefits while serving. One of those is helping them transition to civilian life when their time in uniform nears an end. “Service members should take a pre-separation briefing within a year before ETSing and two years before retiring,” said Maricel Stephens, a counselor with the Wiesbaden Army Career and Alumni Program. Individuals are mandated by Congress to complete a DD Form 2648 (Preseparation Counseling Checklist) aimed at helping them and counselors determine what kinds of assistance they will require as they transition from the military to civilian life. Upon completion of the briefing, checklist and workshops such as the Transition Assistance Employment Workshops, resume seminars, interviewing techniques and job fair preparation seminars, and Veterans Affairs benefits briefing, service members have a host of tools they can use to better seek employment in the civilian sector, Stephens said. “We have basically two types of resume classes,” Stephens said, explaining that these include federal jobs and private company/contractor resume seminars. One-on-one resume help is also available. “Many Soldiers have no experience with the resume and job application process having come into the military directly from high school,” she said. “Sometimes it’s very hard for them to explain how their mili-

Maricel Stephens, a counselor with Wiesbaden’s Army Career and Alumni Program, listens as service members share their transition plans during an advanced resume class. tary job translates into equivalent terms on the civilian job market. In our resume writing classes we help them put their military experience into civilian terms and highlight their skills and education.” Stephens encouraged service members to start the ACAP process as early as possible to give them time to prepare properly. She also advised commanders to keep ACAP on the radar when realizing that service members will be making the transition — whether because of being chaptered out of the military or simply because they have decided to return to civilian life. “I recommend that they attend the classes,” Stephens

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said. “They will give them the into the Army. It’s helping me tools to know what to expect figure out what I want to do.” and the confidence to start the Ward recommended taking job search process — how to all of the available courses to carry themselves and what to others preparing to go through say when being interviewed. the ACAP process. “It’s like having the weapons In the near future, Soldiers for battle,” she said, explaining will be required to take all of the that taking the time to adequate- classes and have a completed rely assess their before separa“Sometimes it’s sume skills and abilition, Stephens said. very hard for ties helps avoid “It’s provided them to explain me with tips and having too high how their mili- pointers on how or low expectatary job trans- to prepare the diftions when seeklates into equiv- ferent types of reing employment. alent terms on sumes,” said Capt. ACAP also the civilian job Phil Goetz, a fellow provides service market.” 2nd MI Battalion members with Soldier transitioning to civillinks to other service providian life. ers in the area such as the VA, Goetz likewise stressed that Education Center and others service members should take who can further assist in the advantage of the ACAP classes. move between the military and “It has helped to get the process civilian worlds. “It’s actually taught me a started. The VA briefing was relot,” said Spc. Emily Ward, ally helpful. They explained a lot who was attending an advanced of the options available. … Make resume class on her way to tran- sure you attend because you don’t sitioning from the 2nd Military know what you don’t know.” The ACAP counselor, who Intelligence Battalion back to will soon be moving on to the civilian world. “I didn’t another position with ACAP know how to write a resume. I went straight from high school in Kaiserslautern, said service

www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................ July 19, 2012

members need to also fully consider where they can realistically afford to live upon leaving the service. While a European out may be appealing to some, it can be very expensive to live overseas without a support network or high-paying job. “They have to find time to look at what kinds of jobs are available here with their qualifications,” she said. “I always believe that those who avail of the classes and services meticulously will be successful, Stephens added. ACAP is currently seeking a full-time counselor for Wiesbaden to provide transition and job assistance counseling, pre-separation briefings and job assistance seminars. Qualifications include a masters degree with a minimum of two years counseling, training or education experience. For more information about the ACAP counselor position or Wiesbaden ACAP assistance call Maricel Stephens at mil 337-5709, civ (0611) 705-5709 or email maria.stephens@ us.army.mil. For details about ACAP in Baumholder call mil 485-6330 or civ (06783) 6-6330.

Herald Union

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News and features

Photo by Karl Weisel

Members of Wiesbaden’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program encourage community members leaving Clay Kaserne July 3 to not mix drinking and driving and to use the designated driver program.

Images from around the Wiesbaden community

Photo by Chrystal Smith

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Connie Thomas, housing management assistant, stands ready to welcome all comers to one of the Newman Village display houses that are open to anyone in the community from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday through August. The display homes are Buildings 2383 and 2385. Photo center: Spiderman and friends pose for a photo at the Hainerberg Shopping Center during the opening week of “The Amazing Spiderman” at the Taunus Theater. Baumholder theatergoers can enjoy the film July 21 at the Wagon Wheel Theater (see the schedule on page 24). Photo right: Col. David Carstens (right), U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander, reaches for the basketball while encountering some heavy defense from Spc. Fred Brown during the Adaptive Sport Scramble at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne July 6.

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Photo by Wendy Brown

July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

News and features

Attorneys offer advice for separating Soldiers

Medical Evaluation Board process does not have to be confusing Courtesy of the Office of Soldiers’ Medical Evaluation Board Counsel, Europe Special to the Herald Union

Service members new to the Medical Evaluation Board and Physical Evaluation Board process are most often confused and weighed down with questions concerning their legal rights. Soldiers’ MEB Counsel and Soldiers Counsel are licensed attorneys available to provide information, advice and advocacy to Soldiers throughout the MEB-PEB process. These attorneys and paralegals receive specialized annual certification training on the In-

tegrated Disability Evaluation System and specifically how cases in U.S. Army Europe are processed under the new Overseas Continental United States Permanent Change of Station policy. SMEBC personnel are available to assist each individual Soldier from the moment he or she is initially referred for disability processing, throughout MEB processing and up to and including representation at the informal PEB levels. At the beginning, general advice and assistance is provided in developing goals, strategy and to manage expectations while attempting to achieve an appropriate outcome in the

Tips from the legal experts

Don’t try to navigate this complex process on your own. Don’t hesitate; take advantage of the free legal advice and representation available to you now. Your rights and benefits may be adversely affected if you don’t. It is important to note that the board personnel provide impartial legal advocacy to Soldiers. They do not provide legal advice to commanders, MEB nor the PEB. Additionally, they are not rated nor supervised by members of the MEB or PEB.

clients’ cases. As the Soldier progresses through the system, the personnel can provide specific advice

and representation. SPEBC personnel are available to represent the Soldier at the formal PEB hearings and with post-PEB

www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................ July 19, 2012

appeals. Office of Soldiers’ Counsel personnel currently operate in one USAREUR office (the Heidelberg office has closed). A new office will soon open at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. For now, the following contact numbers are available: Vilseck: mil 476-3358, civ (09662) 83-3358 Landstuhl: mil 590-8286, civ (06371) 9464-8286 (date to be determined). Contact the above offices for assistance. In addition, visit the following website which contains information on the MEB/ PEB process: www.jagcnet. army.mil/otjagosc.

Herald Union

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USAG Baumholder

Celebrating a cross-cultural Fourth of July Story and photos by Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs Office

Children get crafty at the Fourth of July celebration.

Cross-cultural traditions came together to make Baumholder’s Fourth of July celebration a unique and memorable day for all. It was an event where American cowboy hats and baseball caps, German Bratwurst, Turkish doner kabab sandwiches and Spanish sangria all had a place under the sun. As in previous years, the U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder invited its host nation friends to participate in the event. Additionally, garrison U.S. and German personnel received a special pass that expedited the signing in of guests onto the installation to participate in the festivities. A keg tapping ceremony involving USAG Baumholder, 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and host nation dignitaries kicked off the festivities. This activity alone exemplifies the uniqueness of Baumholder’s Fourth of July. How many Fourth of July celebrations begin with a typical German drink? A few minutes after the keg tapping, all manners and social graces flew out the window when youth, adults and VIPs took their turn at the watermelon and pie eating competitions. After the last watermelon seed was swallowed and all the cream pie was licked off the plate, everyone settled down to a less fattening but equally entertaining talent contest. Outside the tent, everyone continued to eat, drink and enjoy the rides and sunny weather. Baumholder’s Child, Youth and School Services kept the younger festgoers busy with bouncy castles, arts and crafts, and even free toy giveaways. The American Red Cross, Fire Department and even the German military were also on hand with displays and information. Capping the festivities was a spectacular fireworks display synchronized to patriotic music that brought out the oohs and aahs from everyone as they craned their necks skyward to watch the show. In all, Baumholder’s Fourth of July celebration truly reflected the meaning of the holiday and the spirit of America — a melting pot of cultures and traditions.

A carousel ride is always a great way to get around.

German Lt. Col. Otto Osbahr and Col. Sam McAdoo tap a keg.

Parents cheer on a watermelon-eating contestant.

Jumping for joy in July.

Children enjoy a train ride at Baumholder’s Fourth of July celebration.

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www.baumholder.army.mil July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

USAG Baumholder

A place in the water for young and old By Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs Office

There’s a place in the water for young and old at Baumholder’s Aquatics Facility. Swimming lessons can begin as soon as a child turns 1 year old with the parent and child aquatics class. This course involves the parent being in the water with the child who is 1 to about 3 years old. “We usually start this program with the parent in the water because the parent also needs to learn about safety in, on and around the water. What we’re doing in this program is trying to teach a readiness to learn to swim,” said Kimberly Bailes, aquatic manager. “Children don’t usually learn recognizable swimming strokes at this young of an age but they can certainly develop propulsive skills such as learning how to pull, learning how to kick and more importantly learning how to come up for air on their own and even turning over onto their back and floating,” said Bailes. The parent and child aquatics class focuses on many of these rudimentary skills, on developing personal safety skills and instilling safety with the parent. Cassie Maxfield’s 2-year-old daughter Lexi is one of the students enrolled in the parent and child aquatics program. “I

Photo by Savannah Son

Kimberly Bailes, aquatic facility manager, keeps a close watch as Barbara Rounds and her daughter Elizabeth along with Lexi Maxfield and her mother Cassie participate in a joint learning activity at the Baumholder pool. decided to sign my daughter up so that she could learn the basics of beginning to learn how to swim just for safety so that when she’s older she’ll know how

Photo by Savannah Son

Lexi Maxfield makes her way out of the pool with the help of her mother Cassie.

to swim. And I have been very pleased with the program here,” said Maxfield. Preschool aquatics classes are also offered for children ages 3 to about 5 years old. These classes do not involve the parent being in the water with the child. “Again, we’re working on swimming readiness skills. They’re becoming a lot more independent at this age. We start talking to them about alternating arms, alternating legs, simultaneous arms, simultaneous legs and we interchangeably use that with the names of some of the swimming strokes,” said Bailes. After preschool aquatics children can participate in the learn-to-swim levels one through six. “We usually start children there at about age six. It’s a pass or fail so they move from level to level based on completion requirements, expert skills assessment and performance criteria. By level three and into level four they are actually learning the names of the strokes, the coordination of the strokes, the arms, the legs, the breathing and working on refinement techniques by level four and going into level five,” said Bailes. There’s also a learn-to-swim program for adults that uses the same one through six levels of learning. “We work the levels one through six at the learnto-swim program for adults the same

way we do with the youth,” said Bailes. For the advanced swimmer the aquatics facility has lifeguard training courses throughout the year. There’s also lifeguard instructor courses and water safety instructor courses, which is the course to become a swimming instructor. “We also offer a guard start program, which is a junior lifeguarding program for those children ages 11 up to about 15 years old so they can learn about lifeguard readiness. It better prepares them for the lifeguard course when they turn age 15 so they can become a certified lifeguard and get a job somewhere,” said Bailes. Military units that have specialized water training requirements can fulfill all their training at the aquatics facility. Types of training include water survival training, shallow water egress training, vehicle rollover simulator, in water victim retrieval and transport, combat water survival testing and more. Rounding off the facility’s program is a full complement of alternative water activities such as water aerobics, aqua jogger, water exercise, circuit training, relays and more. Baumholder’s Aquatics Facility is truly oriented to meet the needs of the entire military community. To find out more about Baumholder aquatics call mil 485-7093 or civ (06783) 6-7093.

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USAG Baumholder

Health Clinic changes command Dr. (Lt. Col.) Edward H. Bailey assumed command of the Baumholder Army Health Clinic during a June 29 ceremony that also honored the service of outgoing commander, Lt. Col. Mellissa R. Stanfa-Brew. Bailey took command from Stanfa-Brew, who served as clinic commander since 2010, at Baumholder’s Rheinlander Community Club. Stanfa-Brew departs for an assignment at the U.S. Army Health Facility Planning Agency near the Pentagon. The new commander served as a combat medic before being commissioned in 1993. His most recent assignment was as the division surgeon for the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) with a deployment to Afghanistan as the command surgeon for the Regional Command-South. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal with two oak leaf clusters and the Meritorious Service Medal with one oak leaf cluster. The Baumholder Clinic is part of the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center which in turn is part of the Europe Regional Medical Command. It serves the Baumholder Military Community, which includes 12,000 Soldiers, civilians and family members. The Baumholder treatment facility provides clinical services in Primary Care, Pediatrics, Optometry, Physical Medicine (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Chiropractic, mTBI) and Behavior Medicine, (Family Advocacy, Social Work, Behavior Health). It has ancillary services in Pharmacy, Laboratory, Radiology, Soldier Medical Readiness Center, Immunizations and Medical Records.

Photo by Savannah Son

Col. Barbara R. Holcomb, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center commander, passes the unit guidon to Dr. (Lt. Col.) Edward H. Bailey during the June 29 change of command ceremony in which Bailey assumed command of the Baumholder Army Health Clinic from Lt. Col. Mellissa Stanfa-Brew.

Make money by caring for children

If you are new to Baumholder and looking for work, you can start your own home-based business by becoming a Family Child Care provider. FCC providers work from their home taking care of children in a small group environment with a maximum of six children between ages 6 weeks to 12 years. FCC providers offer full-time and part-time care, hourly, respite care, extended care in the evenings and on weekends. They offer the same program as a center, in a smaller environment, providers plan activities to enhance child knowledge, offer healthy meals and snacks and children are cared for in a smaller multi age environment. Get certification to be a Family Child Care provider for the United States military. Providers complete modules of education that can be used toward college credit. Providers can also earn a child development associate, at no cost, which qualifies them to be a lead for assistant director positions in child development centers in the U.S. military system. They can also continue to be an FCC provider in the States, earn FCC accreditation and maybe one day open their own day care. Are you interested in becoming a provider? This is a great self-employment opportunity. To find out more about how the FCC program works, call civ (06783) 6-6588.

Auto Skills Center to hold auto auction

Photo by Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava

Safety first Baumholder firefighters demonstrate rescue techniques during the U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder’s safety stand-down day June 26. The German Red Cross, Military Police, explosive ordnance disposal representatives, Baumholder Aquatics Facility staff and others participated. The annual event helps increase safety awareness in the home and on the job.

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Herald Union

The Auto Skills Center holds an auto auction at noon July 21 at the Auto Parts Yard, Building 8443 on Smith Barracks. This event is open to all valid U.S. identification cardholders. Here is how it works. Check the cars and prices you like, talk with the assistants at the Auto Parts Yard. They will brief you on the history and pre-assessment information about the vehicle. All vehicles are pre-inspected with annotations. Simply come by or call mil 485-6344 to make an appointment. In order to purchase a vehicle the buyer must be an ID cardholder and will need to register the vehicle in the USAEUR registration system. The vehicles are classified according to age, mileage and condition. If the vehicle is a new lower mileage car in good condition, it usually will go up for closed bid. If it is an older vehicle it may be offered for purchase for cash and carry. All sales are final.

www.baumholder.army.mil July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

USAG Baumholder Around the rock ... Around the rock Shock and Rock

See if you‘re strong enough for the Shock and Rock competition on the obstacle course at the Baumholder Training Area. Test your limits Aug. 16 from noon to 4 p.m. then join the celebration from 4-11 p.m. at the US Airfield with live music by HSG — pure rock. Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation will be selling food and drinks. Unit teams should have five warriors of various ages. Spectators and comrades are welcome to cheer on competitors. Register with U.S. Range Control Baumholder, John Eyskens at civ (06783) 188-2321, mil 485-6246/6723/6934 or send an email to john.s.eyskens. civ@mail.mil. Interested persons may also call 1st Lt. Roman Imschweiler at German Range Control Baumholder, civ (06783) 188-2260 or send an mail to romanimschweiler@ bundeswehr.org. Teams need to be registered by July 26 to participate.

Fitness information

Contact the Baumholder Sports Office for information about the monthly fitness schedule or to receive the schedule by email. Call mil 485-6671 or civ (06783) 6-6671to get on the list.

Personal training

Would you like to build muscular strength, improve your health and clean up your diet? The personal training with Laurie program offers a variety of packages for you to get the results that you want. Come by the Mountaineer Fitness Center to fill out an information sheet today.

Free spin

Take a free spin class Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Mountaineer Fitness Center with Brian and his spin course from 6:30-7:30 a.m. Beginners and experienced bikers will love this sweat-to-the-beat cardio workout.

Water aerobics

Photo by Ignacio “Iggy” Rublacava

Happy birthday U.S. Army

Spc. Josaphine Martin serves a slice of cake to a customer at the Heart of the Rock Dining Facility June 14 during a special meal commemorating the Army birthday. The Heart of the Rock Dining Facility is now closed and meals are being served at the Bayonet Inn.

Check out free American and foreign films as well as independent film makers and international award-winning titles by some of the greatest film directors of all time at the library. There are ongoing additions of movies in regular DVD and BluRay formats. Contact the library for more information at mil 485-1740.

Join Kimberly and her staff at the pool for water aerobics from 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Kimberly and her staff add a splash of variety to working out while giving your joints a rest from the impact of daily exercise. Please note that water aerobics classes are not swim lessons. Contact the aquatics center at mil 4857093 for more wave making programs.

Thursday before each session begins. Session 4, July 31 to Aug. 10, Tuesday through Friday Session 5, Aug. 14-24, Tuesday through Friday Call the Baumholder Aquatics Facility at mil 485-7093 for more information.

Get wired for free

Aqua Jogger

Euro Disney

Foreign films

WiFi is available at the Baumholder Library. Just bring in your laptop and find out how to get online. Contact the library for more information at mil 485-8851.

Story time in Spanish

“Esto es un programa para pequenos lectores con historias, juegos y actividades en espanol por aproximadamente 30 minutos. Vengan a leer.” Books are read in Spanish and in English. Interpretors are needed for this program. Call mil 485-1740.

Library introduction

Learn more about the library by taking a tour and finding out all about its resources. Call mil 485-8851 or 485-1740 for an appointment,

Kimberly and her staff are offering an aqua jogger program at the pool from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Fridays. This is a fun, safe and effective workout in the water. Contact the aquatics center at mil 485-7093 for more information.

Learn to swim

A learn-to-swim program is offered at the Aquatics Facility by American Red Cross certified water safety instructors. . Interested people may register at Child, Youth and School Services. The cost is $45 per person per session. There are eight lessons included in each session. Various levels and times are offered. Registration closes the

Take a trip to meet Mickey Mouse July 28, Aug. 25 or Sept. 1. The bus departs from the Wagon Wheel Theater parking lot at 3 a.m. and returns around midnight. Spend the day at Euro Disney in France. The cost is $155 per person ages 12 and older and $147 for children ages 3-11. The cost is $75 for children 2 and under. The price includes entrance into both parks. Bring euro for other expenses and a tourist passport. Sign up in advance at Outdoor Recreation.

For those who just want to go along for the ride, the cost is $75 for transportation only.


Aikido is offered at the Mountaineer Fitness Center by Sensei Moore for $50 a month. Sensei Moore offers classes for adults and children. Learn the Japanese martial art of selfdefense in a non-intimidating environment.


Striker’s is offering a 10for-10 card. Get 10 games of bowling for only $10. The offer is valid only during open bowling and cannot be used during special events or tournaments.

Shoes are not included. Call mil 485-6569 for more.

Retro bowl

Retro bowl is offered every Tuesday. The cost is 50 cents per game and 50 cents for shoe rental.

Striker’s pizza card

Buy 10 large pizzas at Striker’s and get the 11th free. The free pizza only includes one topping. Call mil 485-6569.

Kid’s clinic

The Rolling Hills Golf Course kids clinic is open to all children ages 6-17. The clinic is held from 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 4, Sept. 22 and Oct. 6. Call mil 485-7299.

Iglesia de Dios Baumholder Überm Weiher 2 (esquina Am Rauhen Biehl y Überm Weiher) 55774 Baumholder Tel. 06783-185-0980

Domingos de Adoracion: 11:00hr; y Miercoles-estudios: 19:00hr

Pastors Harry & Cristina Rodriguez, Jr. Tel: (Handy/Cell) 01577-9105550 E-mail: pastorharryrodriguez@hotmail.com

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Herald Union

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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Hughes takes charge of Health Clinic Story and photo by Karl Weisel

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Lt. Col. Tony N. Tidwell handed over the “best health clinic in U.S. Army Europe” to Lt. Col. Michael S. Hughes during a change of command ceremony at Wiesbaden’s Tony Bass Fitness Center July 12. “It’s been an honor and a distinct pleasure to lead such a great team of health care professionals,” said Tidwell, who is moving on to serve as the deputy commander for administration of the Ireland Army Community Hospital in Fort Knox, Ky, after commanding the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic for the past several years. “I’m proud of each and every one of you. “One of the first things I heard from Lt. Col. Tony Tidwell when I met the clinic staff about six weeks ago was that his clinic was, by far, the best Army health clinic — not just in Europe, but in DoD,” said Col. Barbara Holcomb, the reviewing officer at the change of command and commander of ake the Landstuhl Regional Medical the best Center. “He has reason to be proud health of his people,” Holcomb added. clinic in “This team focuses on the overall U.S. Army health of patients rather than just Europe on an illness or injury-focused appointment. Under Tony’s leaderto new ship the clinic is well on its way to heights.” receiving certification as a Patient Centered Medical Home clinic.” “Everyone here has earned respect and admiration for his and her efforts,” said Tidwell. “I say that the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic is the best in DoD because it is about positive attitude, confidence and character. It is about building trust and confidence in the community of our abilities to take care of your health care needs.”


Photo by Karl Weisel

Col. Barbara Holcomb, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center commander, hands the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic guidon to Lt. Col. Michael Hughes, incoming commander, during a change of command ceremony as outgoing clinic commander, Lt. Col. Tony Tidwell, looks on. Holcomb, who pointed out that the Wiesbaden Health Clinic continued to serve patients during a period of transition to a new patient care model and massive transformation in the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, welcomed the incoming commander. “Mike Hughes comes with a background in aviation which is ideal for this community.” “I am humbled and honored in your trust and your

confidence of my abilities to lead this organization during this time of great change,” said Hughes, who last served as the chief financial officer at the Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Fort Gordon, Ga. “I will not let you, this team or the community down.” Tidwell added that he knew his successor would “take the best health clinic in U.S. Army Europe to new heights.”

Andrews elevator

Capt. Jennifer Glover, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s Headquarters and Headquarters Company, smiles as she prepares to cut the ribbon to open Andrews Federal Credit Union’s new elevator July 11 on Clay Kaserne. With her are Jose Ruberte (from left), Wiesbaden branch manager; retired Brig. Gen. Roger Scearce, Andrews board treasurer; Ingebord Emory, mother of Andrews board of directors secretary Derald Emory; Chris McDonald, Andrews president and CEO; and Alfred Johnson, Andrews senior vice president overseas. No longer will customers have to climb 23 stairs to the credit union’s second-story offices. The credit union started in 1948 and has operated a branch in Wiesbaden since 1968. Photo by Wendy Brown

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July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Ceremony marks NCO retirements By Wendy Brown

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Three NCOs with 64-years of combined service formally said goodbye to the Army during a retirement ceremony June 29. “It was a wonderful 24 years,” said Master Sgt. Mark Owens of his time in the Army. “It’s just amazing how the time flies. It truly goes fast.” During the ceremony, Master Sgt. Renee Baldwin received the Legion of Merit and Owens and Sgt. 1st Class Elke Williams each received the Meritorious Service Award. All three also received a Certificate of Appreciation from President Barak Obama. Col. Derek Orndorff, 5th Signal Command deputy commander, spoke during the event, which the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden held at the Little Italy Restaurant and Catering Center. He praised the NCOs for making a difference during their service. “It is safe to say that our next generation of Army leaders will succeed because of your sacrifice, hard work and contribution, and finally today, you’re leading us one more time, to the place where all Soldiers dream of,” said Orndorff. “You’re finally going home.” For two of the Soldiers, Baldwin and Owens, home is and will continue to be Germany. Baldwin, who was born in Augsburg and was first stationed there in the Army,

said she plans to stay in Wiesbaden and look for a job. She worked as the 5th Signal Command Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention representative and master resiliency trainer. She also plans to finish her coursework for a bachelor’s degree in business administration through the University of Maryland University College in December, Baldwin said. “It’s been a good ride,” Baldwin said. “The Army has been Photo by Chrystal Smith a blessing to me and Master Sgt. Renee Baldwin, Master Sgt. Mark Owens and Sgt. 1st Class Elke Williams my Family. It’s been stand (at parade rest) to be honored during a community retirement ceremony June 28 a great chapter in my at the Little Italy Restaurant and Catering Center. life, but I’m looking sergeant, Owens said. Orndorff said the NCOs performed forward to continuing Williams, who was born a German the most crucial task in the entire Army my book.” Owens, whose wife Tina is Ger- citizen, joined the Army in 1992 and ― leading Soldiers. “Their careers reflect the embodiment man, spent most of his Army career in became a U.S. citizen six years later, Germany and plans to stay here and said she plans to move to Fort Hood, of leadership, and our core values, among get a job in either human resources or Texas, and join her husband, a command the myriad of other duties and missions, these NCOs performed the most crucial information technology, he said. He is sergeant major. Williams, who worked as the 5th task in the entire Army, and that is leading a native of Detroit and was stationed in Baumholder with the 170th Infantry Signal Command senior transportation Soldiers,” Orndorff said. “Mentoring and supervisor, said she plans to go to school, molding our next generation of leaders Brigade Combat Team. He particularly enjoyed helping study languages and get a part-time job. carries more honor than any other accolade I can bestow on them.” Soldiers and Family members as a first A dog is also in order, she said.

Remembering a comrade

Members of the 421st Multifunctional Medical Battalion stand by as workers prepare a memorial stone for transport from Wiesbaden to Baumholder. The stone and plaque — in memory of Capt. Erich Kem, a former commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 421st Medical Evacuation Battalion — stood outside the 421st MMB Headquarters and will accompany the unit as it moves to Baumholder this summer. Kem was one of eight Americans who died in a tunnel fire while skiing in Kaprun, Austria, in November 2000. Photo by Karl Weisel

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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Boy Scout Troop 107 heads to the Alps for adventure, outdoor fun Badge instruction by parents who by vocaThe scene at the Scout Hut in Hainer- tion or avocation have berg Housing June 23 included carloads knowledge and skills of weary scouts and scouters, unloading to share including enplenty of dirty, sweaty and rather smelly vironmental studies, personal and troop gear. Though it may astronomy, camping, sound rather unpleasant to some, it was outdoor cooking, and a sign of another successful scout sum- woodcarving/leatherwork skills. Scouting mer camp. Each June, Troop/Crew 107 conducts also encourages intelits own summer camp, heading south lectual pursuits, and to the Alps for a week of outdoor fun, one parent led a large learning, adventure and, of course, good group to work on the old scout fellowship. Having conquered Chess Merit Badge. Troop 107 is also the Swiss Alps the past few years at Kandersteg International Scout Center, unique in that it also this year the group chose Garmisch for has an active Venture its home base to explore the foothills of Crew ― co-ed group of older scouts (up the Alps, including the Zugspitze. Photo by Karen Ravensbergen "Our troop and crew are extremely to age 21) who take Members of Wiesbaden’s Boy Scout Troop 107 and Family members explore the foothills fortunate to have a core group of out- on even greater chal- of the German Alps during a summer camp in late June. The troop holds a summer camp standing, dedicated adult volunteers," lenges. "This year we annually. said Jeff Stone, Troop 107 Scoutmaster. were able to enjoy a who seek high adventure activities and er scouts to enjoy. For some, Boy Scout "Our volunteers rallied to provide a new hut-hiking expericamping is a very new experience. For fantastic week of fun and learning for ence," explained Curtis Parker, one of get along great together." the more experienced, the opportunity The Ventures were only out of camp the boys. Each year, the planning and the crew's senior advisers. "Only older, exists to earn new Merit Badges and three days and returned to camp to help preparation begins many months in well-prepared scouts can take on the try new activities such as challenging teach Merit Badge classes and supervise challenge of hut-hiking," he said. "This advance." rope courses, rock-climbing/rappelling, camp activities. "There are advantages to Indeed, the troop and crew draw on might include challenging terrain, steep swimming (often in fresh, cold glacier having a Venture Crew connected with the vast resources, skills and knowl- snow fields, and rough weather, but also water to earn the coveted "Polar Bear" edge of supportive parents for a suc- the reward of overnighting in remote the troop," explained Stone. “All the patch) and white-water rafting. cessful program. This includes Merit mountain huts. We are fortunate to have Venture Scouts hold leadership positions Swiss Alps … the Zugspitze … a great group in the troop, and the younger scouts learn who knows what challenges lie ahead of energetic, from them and look up to them. … It's an for Troop/Crew 107 scouts next year? older scouts incentive to stick with scouting, seeing If you'd like more information about what kind of exciting 6HUYLQJ WKH (QJOLVK 6SHDNLQJ Troop/Crew 107, check out the following opportunities lie ahead &RPPXQLW\ RI :LHVEDGHQ IRU online: http://wiesbaden107.mytroop. 2YHU <HDUV for them as they grow American Style us/home; http://wiesbadentroop107. e in Scouting." i W s 7 b 9 a 1 d e n 5 6 2YHU 1DWLRQV 5HSUHVHQWHG 3• Dotzheimer Str. 16 Tel. 06 11 - 50 50 208 There is still plenty blogspot.de or look for "WiesbaSPECIAL for younger, even new- denTroop107" on Facebook. (Karen 6XQGD\ 6HUYLFHV OFFER: %LEOH 6WXG\ Ravensbergen is a troop/crew Full set Acrylic Nails $35 :RUVKLS secretary and associate adviser) Fill $25 By Karen Ravensbergen Special to the Herald Union


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July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Members of the Lazy Dragons (left) congratulate their fellow competitiors during one of the dragon boat race heats.

Dragon boats:

Wiesbaden community members join their host nation neighbors in annual water sports event

Story and photos by Karl Weisel

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Wiesbaden’s dragon boat races at the Schiersteiner Hafen Fest may be one of the not-so-best-kept secrets in the area. Every year more and more people turn out to cheer on the paddlers and to enjoy the stands, rides, flea market and other attractions featured along the waterfront. This year marked the fourth time a team of Soldiers, civilians and Family members from the 66th Military Intelligence Brigade competed and the fifth time a U.S. military community team joined the dragon boat competition. “This is my second year,” said Maj. Erich De La Vega, 66th MI Brigade Public Affairs, and a member of the Lazy Dragons. “I would say I enjoyed it thoroughly. It’s always a great opportunity to be not only with my teammates, but also to explore the German culture and enjoy the festival.” With a mix of bright sunshine and heavy showers during the two days of paddling,

Members of the 66th Military Intelligence Brigade team race in the Schiersteiner Hafen (above) and smile after a heat (left).

competitors put their skills to the test in the various heats. As a “fun team,” members of the

Lazy Dragons were required to have a mix of male and female members.

“The final day it was raining and that was quite the challenge,” said De La Vega. “The first day it was sunny and a typical American summer’s day.” Despite the mixed weather, the Lazy Dragons battled their way through the various rounds claiming a couple second places, a first and ending up in about the middle of the pack out of some 20 “fun” teams for

www.wiesbaden.army.mil ...........................................................................July 19, 2012

combined times. “Because of the commitments we all have, it’s hard for everyone to make it to all of the practices,” said 1st Lt. Thomas Robertson, who along with his wife Gretchen, is a veteran dragon boat paddler. “For the amount of practices we had together, I think we did well. … I’m proud of what we accomplished as a team. “It’s a fun event,” Robertson added. “We get out, form partnerships, meet people and form friendships.” Robertson added that he would like to encourage more Americans to get involved in dragon boating. “Coach Gerd Stinner would like to get two teams together — to get more people involved. There are also German teams that welcome Americans,” he said. For more information about dragon boating, Robertson recommended people head to the Schiersteiner Hafen and ask those practicing about getting involved, email him at Thomas.w.robertson20. mil@mail.mil or call Coach Gerd Stinner at civ (0611) 62755.

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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Tarcza bids DCMA-SE, Wiesbaden adieu By Chrystal Smith

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

The authority of commander of the Defense Contract Management AgencySouthern Europe was temporarily passed from a Soldier to a civilian during a change of command ceremony July 13 at Clay Kaserne in the Little Italy Restaurant and Catering Center (formerly the Community Activity Center). Col. Kenneth Tarcza relinquished to Mark Bennington the leadership of a combined military and civilian workforce responsible for the management of over 1200 contracts — valued at nearly $5 billion — with more than 200 contractors located throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Tarcza highlighted a number of support programs and initiatives that occurred under his governance that spanned from July 2008 to July 2012. According to Tarcza, the highlights included: Support to and completion of the Air Force’s F-16 Falcon Star program; Initiation and first delivery of the G222 program for the Afghanistan National Army Air Force; Initiation of and de-

efficient,” said Rear Adm. Robert Gilbeau, DCMA commander, who credited Tarcza with the recrafting, realignment and restructuring of DCMA-Southern Europe. “He restructured our graphic footprint with an even more effective outcome than ever.” Bennington, who will temporarily command the Southern Europe branch until the arrival of Col. Rob Myles in Mark Bennington mid-September, said his major goal will livery on the Turkish be keeping things on track and moving. F-16 Peace Onyx IV “I just want to continue the momenProgram; Support to, tum Tarcza has begun, and continue completion of and delivto do the things we need to do here ery of the International in Germany,” said Bennington, who Space Station Node III; just arrived from an assignment as the Acceptance and delivexecutive director for Acquisition Manery of hundreds of milPhotos by Chrystal Smith agement at the Office of Naval Research lions of dollars worth of Col. Kenneth Tarcza passes the DCMA-Southern in Washington, D.C. ammunition and weap- Europe colors to Rear Adm. Robert Gilbeau during DCMA provides contract administraons, particularly those the change of command ceremony July 13. tion services to the Department of Defense in non-NATO calibers Acquisition Enterprise and its partners to from eastern Europe; Impressive program Airborne Low Frequency Sonar program; ensure delivery of quality products and support by our Israel office to the Mine engagement and partnering with the DoD services to the war fighter. Resistant Ambush Protected, All-Terrain international partner nations. Tarcza will go on to the Research Vehicle and to the MRAP and Vehicle “You did a great job … ensuring acDevelopment and Engineering ComMounted Mine Detection programs in countability of tax dollars being spent South Africa; support of the Navy’s … created a force that was effective and mand at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.

VBS: Children learn to ‘trust God’ through activities Story by Katrina Gluth Special to the Herald Union

“Trusting in God” was this year’s theme of summer Vacation Bible School, which took place at Hainerberg Elementary School July 9-13. The camp gave school-aged children from kindergarten to sixth grade the opportunity to learn about the Bible and Christian ethics through a variety of activities. “We had about 165 students and 75 volunteers. A great turnout this year,” said Michele Puehley, VBS coordinator. “One of the best parts about this year is the astonishing number of youth volunteers — they make up over half our total number.” The good memories of VBS lead some to volunteer.

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“I did Vacation Bible School as a child and wanted to give back to the program, so I volunteered,”said 18-year-old Megan Brown. “I enjoy answering their questions about God and want to give them guidance. I want to be an elementary school teacher so this is good practice for me.” The participants took part in activities throughout the week such as acting out Bible verses, learning songs and dances, using the imagination center and making snacks and “Jet Scream,” Sixth-graders, the Spotlight Crew, had the charge of digitally documenting everything for reflection time. “We usually have a daily verse the children learn in the beginning and its part of the

Herald Union

theme for the day. Today our play is based off of the story of Lazarus,” Mary Pollock explained as she picked up rolls of toilet paper used to mimic the wrapping of Lazarus for entombment. The children split off to different activities after snack time. These included a particularly explosive one called “Fizzies.” “Fizzies are a mixture of water and fizzie powder, poured in the little red capsules,” said Patricia Pritschow, Photo by Katrina Gluth VBS coordinator. “It takes a The children attending Vacation Bible School “stretch their few seconds for them to spirits” in preparation for the daily activities during the secexplode but they shoot up in ond day of camp at Hainerberg Elementary July 10 the air. It is very exciting.” Aftheir emotions feel explosive. control and change the channel terwards the volunteers gathered everyone around and they Some popular examples were and having to eat something they discussed examples of when when siblings take the remote didn’t want. The vacation bible school staff welcomed participants from all religious backgrounds LICENSED GM WARRANTY REPAIR in hopes of creating good memories and positive experiences. GM PROFI GmbH They also extended a special Anton Hehn Strasse 09 thanks to Hainerberg Elemen55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel tary for allowing them to use the building, which positively 0 61 34 - 616 92 impacted the management of the S U camp (Katrina Gluth, a senior ll a e v r s r We se a c n a in college is a summer hire with e and Europ the Public Affairs Office).

July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Community notes ... Community notes ACS birthday bash

Army Community Service invites community members for free bowling and cake at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center July 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in celebration of the ACS birthday.

Free teen event

The Wiesbaden USO invites all middle and high school age children in the Wiesbaden military community to the Kletterwald ropes course July 20 from 1-6:30 p.m. Entrance to the park and dinner are free. A $25 deposit is required to reserve a spot (deposit will be returned on the day of the trip). Visit the USO Centers in the Clay Kaserne Welcome Center or Hainerberg Shopping Center to sign up.

Newman open house

The Wiesbaden Housing Office invites community members to view the display houses in Newman Village on Clay Kaserne Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Look for the “Display Houses” sign.

Wackernheim detour

The road leading to the entrance of McCully Barracks and the small arms range has been temporarily closed for construction. During the construction drivers are being detoured around the back of McCully to reach the temporary gate or at the circle at the entrance to Wackernheim (when driving from Wiesbaden) to reach the small arms range.

Selling your car?

Check out the Wiesbaden resale lot located at the end of the parking lot near the fence in between the Wiesbaden Army Lodge and Wiesbaden Entertainment Center in Hainerberg Housing. For more information call civ (06134) 604 460.

Information Exchange

A Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Information Exchange will be held Aug. 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center on Clay Kaserne.

Credit union jobs

Andrews Federal Credit Union seeks individuals want-

ing to advance their careers in a financial institution. Jobs are open in Wiesbaden, Schweinfurt and Belgium. For more information visit andrewsfcu. org or call Mary Favero at civ (0611) 978 7535.

Strong Bonds

A Strong Bonds training session for married couples will be held July 23-26 at the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Garmisch. Call 1st Sgt. Jones or Chaplain (Maj.) Blay at mil 337-1610 or civ (0611) 7057280 to register.

Red Baron

Military history fans might be interested in knowing that World War I flying ace, Baron Manfred von Richthofen (better known as the Red Baron for his Fokker triplane), is buried in Wiesbaden’s Südfriedhof. Considered the top flying ace of WWI for his 80 air combat victories, von Richthofen was shot and killed in April 1918 while flying in France. His body was originally buried at a cemetery in Bertangles, France, but was eventually moved to Wiesbaden after stops at cemeteries in

France and Berlin. He is buried next to his brother Karl-Bolko and his sister Elisabeth.

wiesbaden.army.mil/sites/mwr/ boss.asp or call mil 337-5042.

Wiesbaden Dental Clinic change of Boys ages 6-10 interested command Aug. 1

Family swim day

in Scouting are invited to join Cub Scout Pack 13 for a family swim day July 28 at 11 a.m. at the Freibad Maaraue at Maaraue 27, 55246 Mainz-Kostheim. Invitation is open to current, new or potential scouts and their Families. Bring a picnic lunch, blanket and sporting equipment. Children must be accompanied by a parent. Entrance fees are €1.50/3.50. Email scoutpack13@googlemail.com.

BOSS highlights

Wiesbaden’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers invites Soldiers to go camping in Camp Darby, Italy, Aug. 30. BOSS meetings are held every first and third Wednesday of the month from 3-30-4:30 p.m. in the Warrior Zone (Building 1214) on Clay Kaserne. Visit the BOSS web page at www.

Head over to the Little Italy Restaurant and Catering Center on Clay Kaserne Aug. 1 to welcome Col. Derrick Carter and bid farewell to Col. Preston Welch. Welch will hand over the reins of the Wiesbaden Dental Clinic during a change of command ceremony at 10 a.m.

Innovo Retreat

The U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Religious Services Office features a spiritual formation event for Soldiers and their teenagers Aug. 2-3 at the Maria Laach Abbey (about an hour-and-a-half away). All costs are covered including bus transportation, lodging, meals and the curriculum. Contact Chaplain (Capt.) Andrew Shriver at Andrew.s.shriver. mil@mail.mil for details.

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Photo courtesy of Joyce Schloesser

Veterans Center birthday bash

Visitors, including Vietnam and Korea War veterans, pose for a photo during the Hanau Veteran Center’s Independence Day bash July 5. Veterans, retirees, spouses and widows are welcome to stop by the center for coffee and cake every Thursday from noon to 4 p.m. It is located in Hanau on Lamboy Strasse, by the former Francoise and Hutier Kasernes. The center is also planning trips to the Ramstein Shopping Center and Grünstadt Bakery with a stop in Wiesbaden to pick up anyone interested in joining the group. Call Joyce Schloesser at civ (06128) 489 202 for more information.

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www.wiesbaden.army.mil ...........................................................................July 19, 2012

Herald Union

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Wiesbad By Karl Weisel

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office


Photo by Katrina Gluth

Aliesia Holden (left) and Sera Uko interact with an exhibit about electricity at the Technoseum in Mannheim July 10. The girls visited the museum with Wiesbaden’s School Age Services.

School Age Services visits technical museum Mannheim Technoseum delights children By Katrina Gluth


Special to the Herald Union

xclamations and questions rang out as youths from U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s School Age Services spread across the vast floor at the Technoseum in Mannheim and began to explore. “Whoa, check this out,” said one youth. “What is that over there?” asked another. The questions only continued from there. “Am I supposed to jump on this?” asked a youth. “Can I touch this?” In almost all cases, the answer to questions about interacting with the exhibits was, “Yes, you can do that.” In fact, one of the museum’s guiding principles is that visitors learn by touching and interacting with many of the exhibits. While some exhibits only required looking, many require “doing” as well. Although the museum did not look child-friendly from the entryway’s blank white walls, children soon discovered during their July 10 visit that it was certainly child friendly. They had entered a magical world of science and learning. Some exhibits were simple, such as learning about how a magnet works or testing cat-like prowess

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by jumping off a platform. Other exhibits, such as one that challenged children to build their own future city and another that asked children to make their own laws about trash and electricity to measure how long a population would last, required much more thinking. The youths enjoyed both kinds of exhibits, however. The museum also featured many life-sized models of cars, planes and even a steam engine train. The children had wide eyes and expressed disbelief at the sight of original looms and sewing machines, which are about five times the size of those used nowadays. The employees working at the Technoseum did their best to keep up with the curiosity of the visitors and explained to them many of the models and exhibits. After a very exciting hands-on demonstration of how the engine of a steam train works, visitors boarded an original steam engine train and took a short ride into the museum yard and back. After the train ride it was time to board the bus for a much less thrilling ride back to the Clay Kaserne SAS. With the children tired out from so much exploration, it was

much quieter than the bus ride filled with songs, bad jokes and laughter on the way there. The trip was one of many SAS has taken during the summer. Children go on field trips to various museums, zoos and parks twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. SAS will be going on other trips such as to the puppet theater on July 24, Lochmuehle in Weherheim July 31, Kurpfalz Aug. 7, and Mainz Waterplay Aug. 14 to name a few. Anyone interested in signing up a child for a trip or volunteering as an aide should contact SAS, located on Clay Kaserne and in Hainerberg Housing. To find out more about the Technoseum, visit www.technoseum.de. The museum is located at Museumsstrasse 1, 68165 Mannheim, and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The museum features a family pass that costs €12 for one visit or a year-long pass for €60. It takes about an hour to drive to the museum from Wiesbaden. (Katrina Gluth, a senior in college, is a Summer Hire employee for the garrison’s Public Affairs Office)

ommunity members were overwhelming in their praise for this year’s July 4th celebration at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center in Hainerberg Housing. “Thank you for the wonderful festivities … it all turned out wonderfully,” commented Sheri Roberson Daliry on the garrison’s Facebook page. “Thank you for all you do.” “I have to say the festivities at the WEC were great,” added Alisa Combs. “Just wanted to say ― had a great day,” wrote Helene Wright. “Y’all put on a good show ― the rides, the games, the atmosphere were awesome.” Evelyn Lurhama compared it to stateside celebrations. “Thank you for a great 4th of July festivities. The fireworks were really great,” she wrote. “Thank you for bringing a piece of home to us.” With a host of rides for youths and adults, amusements for younger children such as face-painting, musical instruments to try out, dance demonstrations, live music, tourist information about sights in the area, a spectacular fireworks display and lots more, community members and guests had no shortage of attractions to help celebrate American Independence Day. “I saw a lot of people having a great time,” said Joe Harris, community special events chief. “Everything seemed to really flow. The weather played along fantastically and there was something for all age groups. … We tried to accommodate everybody.” The special events chief said organizers paid heed to comments about last year’s July 4th event ― “not enough stuff for teenagers” ― and tried to provide more activities for all ages. “I think we hit the target.” Harris praised the commitment and dedication of the volunteers, German and U.S. Military Police, Fire Department, local units, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, German tourism offices and Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation staff who “came out on their day off” to make the celebration a success. “This was a team effort.” “We gave away more than 1,800 hot dogs and 90-100 cases of soft drink products,” said Susan Pantano, operations manager with the Rhein Main Area USOs. Additionally USO

staff and volunte DVDs, Disney p candy, vouchers and trips, and pop “I thought it working with FM great,” said Panta of fun; seems like very well and the spectacular.” During the day Col. David Carst Garrison Wiesbad had the honor members of the Intelligence Batta esbaden militar outstanding athle team claimed th Cup for excellin Week competiti which included a ranging from on to flag football, race to weightlif to volleyball. “It was a grea Kevin Ringgold, baden sports and praising the effo who participated first-place winnin “They’ve got diers. They’re mo friendly and com gold said. “I’d lik to dethrone 2nd M “Sports Week year when we foc percent,” he add a blast.” Not only did Better Opportun Soldiers help kick by handing out d cards on July 3 to Clay Kaserne, but put lots of smiles at their dunk tank 4th bash. “We wanted to about the dangers driving,” said Sp Wiesbaden BOSS Knapp added t bership has been ing with memb in a wide variety service events, fu activities. Soldiers who w involved with BO attend one of the held every first or of the month from the Warrior Zone on Clay Kaserne 337-5042.

July 19, 2012 ...................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

den celebrates July 4th

eers handed out products, cotton for free classes pcorn. was fantastic – MWR was really ano. “It was a lot e everything went e fireworks were

ylong celebration tens, U.S. Army den commander, of recognizing e 2nd Military alion as the Wiry community’s etes. The 2nd MI he Commander’s ng in the Sports ion June 25-29 a host of sports ne-pitch softball a 2.5-mile relay fting, basketball

at turnout,” said U.S.A.G. Wiesd fitness director, orts of everyone ― especially the ng 2nd Mi team. some great Solotivated, helpful, mpetitive,” Ringke to see who tries MI next year. is the one week a cus on sports 100 ded. “It’s always

Photo by Karl Weisel

members of the nities for Single k off the festivities designated driver o drivers leaving t they also helped s on young faces k during the July

o raise awareness s of drinking and pc. Jayse Knapp, S president. that BOSS memn slowly increasPhoto by Wendy Brown Photo by Wendy Brown bers taking part y of community While hundreds of people enjoy the Wiesbaden Fourth of July celun trips and other ebration at Hainerberg Housing, two people duke it out on a battle station designed to resemble an American flag. Photo above left: Spc. would like to get Fred Brown, a volunteer with Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, OSS are invited to helps Anthony “AJ” Williams, 3, take a shot at BOSS volunteer Justin BOSS meetings Berg, who was in the dunk tank. Williams missed, but Brown let him third Wednesday reach up and push the dunk button anyway. Above middle, a Polizei m 3:30-4:30 p.m. at officer patrols on a Segway Human Transporter. Photo right: Jada Reid, e (Building 1214) 2, pets Betsy, who wore her star-spangled kerchief to the event. The or by calling mil event also included rides, bumper cars, games, plenty of food, information booths, music and more.

www.wiesbaden.army.mil................................................................. July 19, 2012

Photo by Wendy Brown

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Sports and leisure A celebration of hunting tradition

The Jagdverein Wiesbaden and the Wiesbaden American Hunting Community celebrated 27 hunters receiving their German hunting licenses at the Jagdverein Wiesbaden’s new clubhouse in Wiesbaden June 30. German and American hunters enjoyed a strong sense of camraderie between 1946 and 1989, but due to stationing changes, the number of American hunters dropped off, only to begin to increase again about three years ago, said Col. James Brashear at the event. “The Jagdverein Wiesbaden has willingly opened their arms to us and many of us have joined,” said Brashear. “As a result we have grown together and furthered German hunting traditions.”

Photos by Wendy Brown

Fun on the farm

Children and their parents take a horse-drawn wagon ride during the Domäne Mechtildshausen’s “Abenteuer Domäne” (Adventurous Domain) event June 23. Hundreds of children attended the children’s festival, which included puppet shows, food demonstrations, animal exhibits, a clown and much more. The Domäne Mechtildshausen is located outside Clay Kaserne’s south gate and is a working farm that includes a restaurant, bakery and market.

Things to do ... Things to do

Obstacle course

See if you’ve got what it takes to conquer the “Shock and Rock” competition on the Baumholder Training Area obstacle course Aug. 16 from noon to 4 p.m. Then stick around for the party with live music, food and drinks from 4-11 p.m. Register by calling mil 485-6246 or civ (06783) 188 2321.

Rainbow Gospel Choir

for more information.

Wine fests

Oestrich on the Rhein River holds a Market Fest July 21-22; Frauenstein celebrates a wine fest July 27-30; Taunusstein throws its wine bash Aug. 2-4; the Walluf Wine Fest is Aug. 3-5; Flörsheim-Wicker holds its wine fest Aug. 3-5 and Wiesbaden hosts one of the biggest wine festivals in the world — the Rheingauer Weinwoche — Aug. 10-19.

The Haus des Buergers in Ramstein will be the site of a concert by the Rainbow Gospel Choir and other performers July 20 at 7 p.m. Tickets are €20 Rheingau Music Fest in advance or €25 at the door. A wide assortment of conVisit tickets@j4hministry.org certs are featured all over the

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Rheingau region during the warmer months. Upcoming concerts include the Jacques Loussier Trio July 25 at the Kurhaus Wiesbaden, Aurelio and the Garifuna Soul Band July 26 at Scholoss Vollrads, the Joscho Stephan Quintet July 27 at Schloss Reinharthausen Kempinski, the Eliane Elias Quartet Aug. 1 at the Bad Homburg Kurpark, Juan de Marcos’ Afro-Cuban All Stars Aug. 3 in the Wiesbaden Kurpark, Patti Austin Aug. 4 in the Wiesbaden Kurpark and lots more. Visit www.rheingau-musik-festival.

de for the complete schedule and ticket information.

Summer in the City

Mainz features its annual Summer in the City concert series with performances by Loreena McKennitt July 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Zitadelle, Blood Sweat and Tears July 22 at 7 p.m. at the Volkspark, Chris De Burgh Aug. 24 at 8 p.m. at the Kurfürstliches Schloss, Joan Armatrading Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. at the Kurfürstliches Schloss and Runrig Sept. 1 at 7 p.m. at the Zitadelle. Visit www.frankfurter-hof-mainz.de

for ticket information on these and other concerts.

Jazz Week

The wineries of OestrichWinkel (between Wiesbaden and Rüdesheim on the Rhein River) host a 10-day festival of jazz July 19-29. Concerts start at 8 p.m. every night (noon and 6 p.m. on Sundays) with local wines and food offered for sale. Tickets are €10 at the door. Featured performers include the Mike Reinhardt Trio July 19, Lady Bass Trio July 20, Sydney Ellis and her Yes Mama Band July 24 and more. Visit www.jazzclub-rheingau.de for more information.

July 19, 2012 ......................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

Sports and leisure For your health

In light of safety

How to protect your skin from the summer sun By Katrina Gluth

Special to the Herald Union

“The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun…” Summer is upon us and so is the time to keep summer safety in mind whenever heading outside with these helpful tips. Remember that sun damages the skin in ways other than cancer; sun can cause wrinkles, blotches and spots on exposed skin as well. • Use a “broad spectrum” sunscreen that provides protection from both UVA/UVB rays. • Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating and even on cloudy days. • A good rule of thumb to follow is if your shadow seems shorter than you are ― seek shade. Another tip is to stay inside or in heavily shaded areas between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. • Always use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or more, and it should be applied to the face and other exposed skin. • Wear sleeves, hats and sunglasses. • Use extra caution around snow, sand and water because they can reflect and intensify damaging rays. • Get Vitamin D through a healthy diet or vitamin supplements. It doesn’t have to be de-

livered through the sun. As the weather gets warmer so do the chances to exercise outside. Whether you are out swimming, volksmarching, or bike riding, remember these important safety tips for working out in the sun. • Don’t forget the warm-up and cool-down parts of a workout. • Don’t overexert yourself. If you feel tired or too hot ― grab some water and take a break in the shade. • Even if it’s getting hot outside, always use safety gear such as helmets and elbow/knee pads. • Wear sunscreen and drink water. Pfc. Krista Canfield, a Wiesbaden Health Clinic medic, said that in the hotter months of the year, people tend to focus on the sun and using sunscreen, which is good, but sometimes they forget about other aspects of hot weather. For example ― ticks, Canfield said. It isn’t necessarily that ticks are more active in the summer months, but people are outside

Sports shorts Fitness classes

Get toned up and fit during one of the Wiesbaden Fitness Center’s many classes — Zumba, spin, body tone, Plyometrics, H.E.A.T. and more. Call civ (0611) 705-5541 or stop by the fitness center on Clay Kaserne for more information. Baumholder, too, features a range of fitness opportunities — personal training with Laurie, free spin, water aerobics, aikido, power yoga and more. Call mil 485-7176 or civ (06783) 6-7176 for more information.

Sports physicals

The Wiesbaden Health Clinic is accepting appointments for Child, Youth and School Services sports physicals July 26. Call civ (0611) 705-6339 or mil 337-6320 to make an appointment. Be sure to bring shot records to the visit. If your child has had a physical within the last 12 months you can drop off paperwork at the first floor primary care desk, the forms will be completed and you will be notified to pick them up with no appointment required.

Swim coach needed more often, and that can put them at risk, Canfield said. “We live in a highly populated tick area and most from this region do carry Lyme Disease,” Canfield said. “You should always be wearing proper clothing ― long pants and sleeves ― when walking through forests or fields. Though it is possible to remove a tick yourself, we advise that you don’t and instead see a doctor because if a tick is squeezed it will push deeper and harder into the skin.” So if you are heading out in the sun soon make sure you are equipped with proper clothing, sunscreen and water. (Katrina Gluth, a senior in college, is a Summer Hire employee for the garrison’s Public Affairs Office)

Golfing smart

Children participating in Start Smart Sports line up to learn about golf at Hainerberg Housing School Age Services July 10. Start Smart Sports include golf, basketball, baseball, hockey and soccer and give youth an opportunity to learn about a sport before committing to a full season of play and the expense of buying equipment. The sports are available through Youth Services Summer Camp Program and arranged by age group. Photo by Katrina Gluth

The Wiesbaden Wahoos swim team seeks an energetic, motivated and skilled head or assistant swim coach for the 2012-2013 season (August 2012 through February 2013). The Wahoos train swimmers ages 6-19 to compete against other swimmers and teams in the European Forces Swim League. Coach applicants must be 21 years or older and have at least two years of competitive swim coaching experience or equivalent as a swimming instructor, volunteer coach/instructor or swimmer. Compensation is subject to negotiation and commensurate with experience. If interested submit a letter of application and resume with references to the Wiesbaden Swimmers’ Parents Association at swimwahoos@yahoo.com. For more information on the programs visit http:// wiesbadenwahoos.com or http://swimefsl.org.

Learn to swim

American Red Cross-certified water safety instructors will teach learn-to-swim classes for youths July 31 to Aug. 10 and Aug. 14-24 at the Baumholder Aquatics Facility. Cost is $45 per session. Register at Child, Youth and School Services. Call mil 485-7093 or civ (06783) 6-7093 for details.

Golf at Rheinblick

The Rheinblick Golf Course features a Friday night scramble July 20 at 6 p.m., Blickster tournament July 21 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., after-work tournament July 25 from 5-6 p.m. and a Friday night scramble Aug. 3 at 6 p.m. Call civ (0611) 505 927 for more information.

Youth summer sports

Wiesbaden Child, Youth and School Services offers Start Smart Programs for 3-7-year-olds basketball July 24-26 and soccer July 31 to Aug. 2. CYSS Sports and Fitness also offers sports for 8-18-year-old children including a soccer camp July 23-27 and a golf camp July 30 to Aug. 3. Call civ (0611) 705-7928 for details.

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Herald Union

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Sports and leisure

‘Phanatics’ wanted Wiesbaden Phantoms offer American-style football excitement By Wendy Brown

U�S� Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Anyone who misses watching live American-style football needs to be aware of the Wiesbaden Phantoms, a local German Football League team that includes two U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Soldiers. “We would really love to have more people come out and support our team,” said Sgt. Kenneth Sharp, a Phantoms running back and tight end who works as the U.S. Army Europe Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion building coordinator and relocation operations noncommissioned officer. “It’s American football and has the same rules as in the States,” said Spc. Avery Mose, a wide receiver who works for the 24th Military Intelligence Battalion as a sigant analyst. “If you love football, you should come check us out.” The semi-professional GFL has 16 teams in its first division, and 16 teams in its second division. The Phantoms are in the first division. Each year the league holds a championship bowl called the German Bowl. Out of the 48 players on the Phantoms, Sharp and Mose are the only Americans, Phantoms head coach Sven Gloss said. It is good to have Americans on the team because they have a lot more experience with the game, Gloss said. Most German players start playing the game at the age of 16 or 17, while most Americans start at 5 or 6. “They bring a lot of experience, and they know a lot about football from high school,” Gloss said. “That’s the biggest thing.” Sharp and Mose both fit that bill. Sharp played football throughout high school at Bob Jones High School in Madison, Ala., Sharp said, and then went on to play at the University of North Alabama until he was injured. Shortly after, he joined the Army full time. Mose, from Marksville, La., played football throughout high school and committed to playing at a college, but decided to join the Army instead, Mose said. The Phantoms have been a great way to get back to playing football, he said. The Phantoms are the only team in the first division that does not pay American college players to play for them, Gloss said. The team does not bring

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over American players because the team wanted to feature local players, he said. The team plays a 15-game season, and so far is one and six, Sharp said, but several of the games have been very close. “We have high hopes that we’ll finish out the season strong,” he said. More fans at the games would certainly help, Sharp said. During a July 7 game against the Rhein-Neckar Bandits in Manheim, fans blew horns and wore Phantoms football shirts with Sgt. Kenneth Sharp, number “Phanatics” printed 38, talks with some of his teammates before a game across the back. Peter Braeuer of against the Rhein-Neckar Erbenheim, the fa- Bandits in Mannheim July 7. ther of wide reciever The Phantoms are a memRobin Braeuer, said ber of the German Football he would like to see League, which is a semi-pronot only more Amer- fessional league that holds a ican fans, but also championship bowl game evplayers. “I think a lot ery year. The league also has of people from Wi- a women’s league; the Rüsesbaden hope more selsheim Wolfpack is the closAmericans play for est team to Wiesbaden. Right, the team,” he said. Phantoms quarterback Kevin American play- Bruengel looks out over the ers have more expe- playing field in search of a rerience with football, ceiver during a game against Braeuer said, and the Rhein Neckar Bandits in the best teams in the Mannheim July 7. Photos by Wendy Brown GFL have American players. Gloss said the Uwe Weiss, a Phantoms fan from games are exciting, extremely fun to Wiesbaden, said he attends the games watch, and include cheerleaders and because he has loved American football food and drink. since he first started watching it at the Between 400 and 700 people often age of 7. “I’ve been interested in it for attend the team’s home games, Sharp a long time,” Weiss said. said, and the GFL’s website says the Sharp said he does not speak German, league’s bowl games usually attract but he learns more of the language during more than 10,000 people, and several every practice. If he does not understand something, other players translate for times have attracted more than 20,000. This year the GFL plans to hold him, he said. Mose said he also learns more Ger- German Bowl XXXIV at the Friedrichman at every practice. “It’s a good way Ludwig-Jahn Sports Park in Berlin, to get involved in the culture,” he said. according to the GFL website. Sharp said he enjoys playing on the “The American culture and the German culture both have a love for football.” team. “I love the amount of effort and

amount of drive it takes to step out on the field and go to battle,” he said. “It’s an honor to be able to represent the team. It really is.” The Phantoms’ next game is this Saturday, July 21, against the Stuttgart Scorpions at 6 p.m. at the HelmutSchön-Sportpark in Wiesbaden. Tickets are available at the game and cost €10 for adults, €6 for students and free for children under the age of 10. For more information about the Phantoms, visit www.wiesbaden-phantoms. de. For more information about the GFL, which also has a women’s league, visit www.gfl.info.

July 19, 2012 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�wiesbaden�army�mil

Schools page — Partners in education

Get educated Wiesbaden’s Education Center has many higher education offerings By Katrina Gluth

Special to the Herald Union

Whether you are a student who just graduated from high school, a Soldier wishing to continue an education or a retiree with a little extra free time, the Education Center located on Clay Kaserne has something for everyone. University of Maryland University College academic adviser Andy Midura said his door is always open and he is ready to help current and prospective students. “If you are thinking of applying to UMUC and you have attended a school or schools previously, bring me your transcripts and we can see what credits might be transferable or see what classes could be tested out of,” Midura said. “Sometimes military training can also be transferred into college credit, so bring me whatever you have and within a day or two I can look through it and get an (unofficial) report.” UMUC will also be present at the Tech Expo, which will be located at the Entertainment Center on July 20. UMUC representative Kevin Bottoms said representatives will be there to advertise the various IT degrees offered through the University of Maryland, as well as let those interested in a future in IT know that UMUC offers various certificate testing. Though there might be some drawbacks to attending an American university overseas, such as the lack of campus life and dorm parties, it does have its positive aspects. Field study trips, available through UMUC, are easier and cheaper than they would be from stateside. So sign up for some fun and educational trips to round off the summer. Berlin: Its History and Art (Aug. 11-18) Includes Reichstag, Berlin Cathedral, Museum Island Van Gogh: Life and Work (July 28 to Aug. 4) In Amsterdam, includes Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh museum, and works by Seurat, Gauguin, and Cézanne Heidelberg: Through the Ages (Aug. 4-11) Includes Heiligenberg, Heidelberg Castle, Student Prison, and the Altstadt. The UMUC’s next term, Fall

Schoolbits Baumholder student orientations

The Baumholder schools will hold new student orientations on the following dates: Smith Elementary School Aug. 16 at 3 p.m.; Baumholder Middle High School Aug. 23 at noon; Wetzel Elementary School Aug. 23 at 2 p.m. Wetzel Elementary School hosts a meet and greet Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. Smith Elementary School holds a kindergarten orientation Aug. 27 at 8:30 a.m.

Wiesbaden orientations

Wiesbaden schools hold the following student orientations: Hainerberg Elementary School kindergarten orientation Aug. 23 from 10-11 a.m.; Aukamm and Hainerberg Elementary Schools new student orientations Aug. 23 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Wiesbaden Middle School new student orientation Aug. 23 12:30-2 p.m.; Wiesbaden High School new student orientation Aug. 23 from 2-3:30 p.m. Open houses are slated for: Sept. 5 Aukamm and Hainerberg Elementary Schools from 4-5:30 p.m.; Wiesbaden Middle School Sept. 6 from 4-6 p.m. and Wiesbaden High School Sept. 13 from 5:30-7 p.m.

Sure Start

Session 1, runs from Aug. 20 to Oct.14 and includes some great upper-level courses such as Human Resource Management (HRMN 300), Business Finance (FINC 330), Advanced Business Writing (WRTG 394), and Advanced Painting (ARTT 428). UMUC is not the only school with representatives at the center. Though the University of Oklahoma only offers Master’s Degrees in Human Relations and International Relations, their classes do have an upside. “Our classes last only a week, and we fly our professors straight in from the stateside university,” said Nicole Gray, a representative for the University of Oklahoma on Clay Kaserne. The next face-to-face classes are Seminar in Group Dynamics, Research in Human Relations and Assessment in Organizations. Central Texas College also has representatives at the center. CTC representative Manuela Moortel is excited about the new classes being offered this upcoming term. “Most of our classes will start Aug. 13 and run until the first week of October,” she said. “We have only new classes for our Fall 2012 session: Automotive Computer Systems, Fundamen-

tals of Criminal Law, Hospitality Marketing and Sales, Child Guidance, Emergent Literacy for Early Childhood, and Child Growth and Development. We try to offer a broad range of classes each term so we have something for everyone.” CTC is also a place to work on computer certifications. They offer up to six different certifications to include Network+, Security+, MCP, two MCTS, and the MCITP. For those interested in signing up with CTC for an information technology major, Moortel said “students who concurrently enroll in the first two courses will entitle students to a free Apple iPod Touch.” The University of Phoenix, a for-profit school, also offers classes in Wiesbaden. The school offers Masters of Business Administration or Masters of Arts in Education programs and students may choose from a variety of degree concentrations. The Wiesbaden Education Center is located in the basement of Building 1023E. For Baumholder education details call mil 4858893. (Katrina Gluth, a senior in college, is a Summer Hire employee for the garrison’s Public Affairs Office)

Hainerberg, Smith and Wetzel Elementary Schools are now accepting Sure Start applications for school year 2012-13. Children must be 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2012, to be eligible. Stop by the schools for other eligibility requirements and an application.

Still important to register

If you haven’t registered your child for next school year, be sure to stop by your child’s school for the registration packet. It’s vital that school administrators get an accurate enrollment number in order to ensure the proper staffing. Call your local school for more information.

Scholarship winner

Congratulations to Wiesbaden High School graduate Shelby Wardle, one of the 2012 recipients of the scholarships for military children courtesy of the Defense Commissary Agency. Wardle, who is headed to Hawaii Shelby Wardle Pacific University, received a $1,500 scholarship. For more information on the scholarships for military children visit www.militaryscholar.org.

Summer Explorations

Parents and students are invited to keep learning during the summer months by visiting the Summer Explorations website, http://hdsummer. eportalnow.net. The website provides a resource where both parents and students can turn to for fresh, exciting ideas in education. (Courtesy of Wiesbaden High School)

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Herald Union

Page 23

Bulletin board Movie plots The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13) — It’s been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon hoped was the greater good. But everything will change with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Far more dangerous, however, is the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist whose ruthless plans for Gotham drive Bruce out of his self-imposed exile. Stars Christian Bale, Liam Neeson and Anne Hathaway. Marvel’s The Avengers (PG-13) — This super hero team-up of a lifetime features Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Stars Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Jr. The Amazing Spiderman (PG-13) — Yet another retelling of the Marvel Comics superhero story about an outcast youth (Peter Parker, this time played by Andrew Garfield) who gains the powers of a spider to fight crime and win the love of his high school sweetheart. Also stars Emma Stone and Dennis Leary. Savages (R) — An adaptation of Don Winslow’s novel, two friends from Laguna Beach share the same girlfriend and a thriving business growing and distributing the best quality pot on the planet. When they resist being muscled by a Mexican drug cartel, their girlfriend is kidnapped and the ransom is every cent they’ve made. They agree to pay but have an alternative plan. The Chernobyl Diaries (R) — A group of young vacationers looking to go off the beaten path hire an “extreme tour” guide. Ignoring warnings, he takes them into the city of Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, but a deserted town since the disaster more than 25 years ago. After a brief exploration of the abandoned city the group members find themselves stranded, only to discover that they are not alone. Ice Age: Continental Drift (PG) — “Ice Age’s” Manny, Diego and Sid embark on their greatest adventure after cataclysm sets an entire continent adrift. Separated from the rest of the herd, they use an iceberg as a makeshift ship, which launches them on an epic seafaring quest. Scrat’s reunion with his cursed nut catapults him to places no prehistoric squirrel has gone before.

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Herald Union

Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway get to know one another in “The Dark Knight Rises.”

At the movies July 19 to Aug. 2 Baumholder, Wagon Wheel

July 20 — Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 21 — The Amazing Spiderman (PG-13) 4 p.m. Savages (R) 7 p.m. July 22 — Think Like A Man (PG-13) 4 p.m. July 27 — The Amazing Spiderman (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 28 — Ice Age: Continental Drift (PG) 4 p.m. Savages (R) 7 p.m. July 29 — Marvel’s The Avengers (PG-13) 4 p.m.

Wiesbaden, Taunus Theater

July 19 — Think Like A Man (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 20 — Ice Age: Continental Drift (PG) 7 p.m. Marvel’s The Avengers (PG-13) 9:30 p.m. July 21 — Ice Age: Continental Drift (PG) 4 p.m. Marvel’s The Avengers (PG-13) 7 p.m. Dark Shadows (PG-13) 10 p.m.

July 22 — Ice Age: Continental Drift (PG) 4 p.m. Marvel’s The Avengers (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 23 — Ice Age: Continental Drift (PG) 7 p.m. July 24 — Marvel’s The Avengers (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 25 — What To Expect When Expecting (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 26 — What To Expect When Expecting (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 27 — The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13) 4 and 8 p.m. July 28 — The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13) 4 p.m. Battleship (PG-13) 8 p.m. July 29 — The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13) 4 and 8 p.m. July 30 — The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 31 — The Dictator (R) 7 p.m. Aug. 1 — Battleship (PG-13) 7 p.m. Aug. 2 — The Chernobyl Diaries (R) 7 p.m.

Sid the sloth (voiced by John Leguizamo) is temporarily reunited with his family in “Ice Age: Continental Drift.” Photo right: Laguna Beach friends and enterprising plant growers work to save their kidnapped girlfriend from a Mexican drug cartel in “Savages.”

July 19, 2012 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�wiesbaden�army�mil

FreeStyle ACROSS

48. Spinner’s material

15. Stupid

1. Coated with gold

50. Oil source

18. Drops from the sky

5. Hampton Court

52. German pistols

22. Blood vessels

56. Norse god of discord

24. Argument

Crossword Puzzle

attraction 9. Blind as ___

57. Contrite

26. Burnoose wearer

13. Beehive State

59. Primates

27. “Symphonie

14. Getting on

60. Actor Alain

16. Come-on

61. “Enterprise”

17. Playfully, in music 19. Holly 20. Filament 21. Dry smoked sausage

helmsman 62. Ernie’s “Sesame

34. Novelist Vidal

64. Bound

35. Pro votes

Courtesy of thinks.com

37. Light bulb units DOwn

29. Region

2. Dermatologist’s concern

38. Swirl 41. Live together without conflict 43. “The ___ Time”

3. Cowardly Lion actor

(Billy Joel hit)

33. Get-up-and-go

4. “Postcards From __”

45. Conical abode

36. Pub pint

5. Nissan competitor

46. Narcotic

37. Moisture

6. Eastern honorific

47. Incline

39. Garden cultivator

7. Plating material

49. Unaccompanied

40. Bay lynx

8. Win over

50. Exerciser’s target

42. Classifieds

9. Property recipient,

51. Toddler’s toy

43. “Tomb Raider” heroine

This is the solution to the crossword puzzle from July 5!

30. Arm bones 32. Make progress

1. Blast of wind

32. “For Me and My ___”


Street” pal

26. Put straight 31. Swift current

28. Vessel for Arctic

63. Dresden’s river

23. ”Buenos ___!” 25. Atonement

espagnole” composer

in law

53. Needle case

44. Took turns?

10. 1988 Costner film

54. Exasperate

46. Rounded tops

11. Fields

55. Mideast missile

47. Get all worked up

12. Sermon basis

58. High ball

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Become creative (From left) Didnis Harrison, Valerie Sileo, Mary Grace Buzard, and Ayesha McFadden use glue and watercolor paints to decorate their cloth.

Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Page 26

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Fun on the playground

Playing football

Keiana Moore and Dylan Orebaugh wait for their turn while caretaker Carolyn Simms and Jenna Orebraugh swing the ropes for Hayley Sansone’s double dutch moment.

Dante Stokes and Connor Raley battle for the football as Terrell Younger, Owen Machuta, and Hunter Martin are ready to play defense.

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Making pillows (From left) Ayesha McFadden, Vicotria Loya, and Dionis Harrison watch caretaker Shannon Swaby measure out fabric for a pillow while Valerie Sileo starts cutting.

Herald Union

Photo by Katrina Gluth

Play time (From left) Andrea Shubin watches Keaton Hedrick, Alberto Santaro, and Donato Clemons build with Legos.

July 19, 2012 ............................................................................ www.herald-union.com



for traveling with younger passengers

by Annie Valentine Tintle, Contributing writer Planes, trains and automobiles: If you plan to travel with children this summer, getting from here to there can be parental torture. DVD players and video games are nice but some vacations require thinking outside the electric black box. If you’re traveling by car, consider a few solutions for cranky backseat passengers (many of these methods can be used with other modes of travel as well). Family songs

The ‘Picking Bag’

Pull out a playlist of family songs. Have each member contribute a dozen of their personal favorite songs then use the opportunity to pull the ear buds out of your child’s ears and engage them in some family memories. This is also a great opportunity to introduce your kids to Neil Diamond.

Take a “Picking Bag” to reward good behavior. Stop at your local Tedi or Kik and stock up on cheap toys and treats. Age does not matter for this good behavior motivator. Whether it’s a $5 iTunes card or a Blow Pop, the mystery of the “Picking Bag” can lure even the crankiest child or teen. Fill it up depending on the length of your trip and be generous in your rewards. From seatbelts to trash duty, the “Picking Bag” will keep everybody guessing in a good way.

Spending money Give each of your children some euro change to spend at gas stations and villages along the way. When they misbehave, take a coin. For exemplary behavior, pay it back. That way, they have a monetary motivator to be kind and obedient.

Travel trivia Print off a list of age appropriate trivia questions for your brood. Whether your family is young or old, simple games like these can redirect clashing siblings and help build family unity. Pick the right treat and your children will be falling over themselves for the grand prize.

Car sick children Sometimes, winding European roads lead to carsick passengers. Remember to ask your pediatrician about Dramamine for children who get sick or have trouble sleeping in the car.

Get out of the car, onto a train If you’d like to use the trains this summer, don’t be daunted by the vast amount of tracks running through Germany. Take some time to get familiar with the German train website, www.bahn.de. It’s a nice change of pace from a cramped car. One of the easiest ways to travel as a group this summer is with the DB Bahn’s “Lander-Tickets.” For €29, this ticket allows a group of up to five people unlimited travel for a single day in the state of their choice. You can choose the day and choose the region. It is valid on all local trains. This is a great option for families wishing to focus on one area, like the Rhine River. There are cheap weekend group tickets for up to

six travelers available as well. See your local train station or visit the website for more information.

Take to the skies Sometimes the best deals are airborne. Even if you’re not heading back to the states for a summer visit, RyanAir offers cheap flights for the entire family. Flying with kids can be an anxiety riddled ride if you aren’t prepared for the bumps. Remember to stock up on treats to help with air pressure. Suckers or gum at take off and landing can help with popping in the ears. If you’re flying locally, beverages aren’t allowed through security so stock up on drinks before boarding. They are not complimentary (or cheap) but there’s nothing worse than thirsty kids or babies. If you’re concerned about noisy children bothering others in-flight or not finding seats together as a family, head to the back of the plane. The white noise will cover most of your family noises and most passengers prefer to sit toward the front anyway. However you choose to travel this summer, just remember that kids will be kids. There’s nothing better than good behavior. Taking the time to plan ahead can help everyone relax a little more and enjoy the ride.

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AUTOS All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

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1996 BMW 520i, automatic transmission, 360000KM. Runs great and has been a very dependable car. Just passed inspection today. $3000 gerald_winchester@ hotmail.com / 015116560457

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1998 Nissan Primera Station Wagon Turbo Diesel. New clutch, radiator, brakes all around, etc.. Inspection garanteed. $3500.00 Obo Excellent fuel mileage 016099861835

2003 Nissan Frontier XE Crew 4x4 Automatic 61k miles V6 AC power windows/locks bed liner new M+S tires 1 owner non-smoker inspection 12 July 2012 $10000 06363994040 / 1999 Ford Contour SD 136K Mi- brangwinj@t-online.de les 4 door Automatic 6 Cylinder Black AC Premium Stereo with 2003 Toyota 4runner SR5, black CD Player New Brakes $2000 w/grey interior, automatic, approx 015141915310 / kaitlyn.green@hot 131,000 miles, A/C, stereo, airbags, 4 wheel drive $8800 mail.com 2000 BMW 328i Touring Wagon- ria282003@yahoo.com German spec. Auto. 176.8km. ABS. Heated LTR. A/C.Cruise. Fog/Onboard Comp. PDC. SRS Airbags. Sunroof. Rails. Perfect, all records. €5495 0611-89036323 / hhjcrv@gmail.com

2001 Audi A3 Only 83000m Manual trans, leather interior, heated seats, reverse parking sensors, all power options, immaculate condition inside and out $9800 raymunzer@yahoo.com/ 1995 BMW 316i 185,000/Km; 01623750236 Great daily runner; Good overall 2001 BMW X5 3.0 Ltr AWD, condition; Auto; Power Windows; Sports Pkg Forest Green, Beige Summer/Winter Tires; Insp 2012; Leather, Loaded, One Owner, $3000 0322.1228.4107 Runs great, 235,000 miles, Must Audi A5 v6 TDI S-line 2.5 €5500 Sell. KBB $6,000/Obo 0171017671758182 4142312

Page 30

Herald Union

2004 auto Honda Accord EX, US Spec, 96K mls, leather, moon roof, powr/dual htd sts, kyls entry, XMrad, Call Brandon@ 0151-25927032. See @Ramstein Lemon Lot $8900

2005 Dodge Neon SXT w/ SRT pkg4 dr, blk ext/blk int, 2.0L I-4, 5 sp man 132hp@5600 rpm/130lb-ft @4600 rpm Less than 42K orig. miles Avail 16 June $5500 0152210-95777 / matthewbright@ 2008 Audi A4 SE. 2.0T AT 4D Seme.com dan. Excellent Condition! Special 2005 Honda CR-V. 76,000 miles. Edition includes 17" wheels, leaExcellent condition. 4 doors, auto- ther seating, premium stereo, and matic transmission, seats 5 peo- sunroof. 61k miles $18300 ple. Miles per gallon: City 20/Hwy 01709611782 / bbrfmartin@ 25. $8500 henley.jones@trade.gov gmail.com

2008 Chevy Silverado LT 4x4 Dark met. blue, shrt-bed, A/T, pwr wind/locks, tilt, cruis, AM/FM/CD/ MP3, 12v ports, tonneau cover, inbed cage. Pix avail. Must Sell $17500 01723131981 / aj@la wrencegang.com

2009 VW Golf VI Comfortline **1.8 liters with 160 PS **50000 km (31000 miles) and many options such as AC, park assist, heated seats, etc. 16900 Eur Obo €16900 0151-53296668 or mporter1670@yahoo.com

July 19, 2012 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com

Acura Integra 1995 Rare, 120k, USA spcs. Exc ride, dealer mntd, AUTOS no-smoke, AM/FM cass, moon rf, cruise. Mid-June in Wbdn. DisAll ads & pics can be viewed @ counted: blemished paint $2195 www.class-world.eu gary.dombroff@gmail.com 2010 Dodge Caliber Express with 06971402791 015112987158 all power options and upgraded Attention: BMW 320d Touring, 17 inch wheels. My loss is your Model 2004, second hand, well gain since I need to sell for a pcs maintained, non-smoking, 6-gear move 017671758182 $10000 stick shift, all leather seats, power 2010 Ford Focus SES KBB $16900, 5991 miles new all season tires, includes original summer tires husky liner floor mats and trunk mat email/call $15500 015151323942 / sha ne.pomerenke@gmail.com

2011 Ford Edge Sport, 3.7 Liter, Tuxedo Black, w/ 22" rims. Fully Loaded w/o Nav. 25,000 miles, extended warranty, $2,400 below Blue Book. $29000 0162-2549026 2011 Kia Sorento LX- 12,850 miles. White Exterior-Tan/black Interior. 5 Seater. Nothing wrong with the vehicle. $21,000 Obo. 01717534931 / sgjohnson_89@hot mail.com 4L V6 Sohc, Auto w/OD, 2WD/ 2Dr, 72K orig. miles, good cond., runs great, 2 owners, Cass/CD, AC, Pwr W/L/M, roof rack, new German Tuev till Jul 2014 $3700 rdmay99@hotmail.com, 015209217624, 489-0097 69 Trans Am, Pro-Touring. Awesome car with no expense spared. See "69 Trans Am" on Youtube. It's the first clip on the page! pontiac3800@yahoo.com 95 Mercedes Benz E420, automatic, moonroof, cruise control, all leather seats w/ memory, Amer spec, guaranteed to pass inspection, loaded - must see! $2850 015224742084 robthomas232004@yahoo.com

dorrs/windows/brakes, sunroof, stereo CD, A/C, new tires & battery & oil change. 65miles a gallon. Only â‚Ź6950 0172-676 2717 Automatic 2002 VW Passat TDI, black, chrome edition, 35-40mpg, leather $7000 whitecloudco@ya hoo.com BMW 316i, reliable car with 4drs, sunroof, radio, good condition. â‚Ź980 01578-6072009 BMW 320i, S/W, autom. A/C, gear shift, 6cyl, adj. suspension, tinted windows, nice rims, M-Package. Just call for more details. 0170-8128934 â‚Ź3000 BMW 325i sport 1993, Automatic Transmission, 6 cylinder 150 HP with Full Options (leather, ..), inspection guarantee. $3200 015117610336 BMW original Aluminum rims with Michelin tires (driven only 2000km) 225/40R18W 225/ 35R18W Run Flat Tires Contact Number: 015144524273 $1200 BMW X5, Mod. 2006, 3.0d, 217HP, AWD, perf. cond. 153000km, steptronic, leather seats, GPS, Glass roof, xenon, etc. fully equip. no accid. last BMW insp/svc 2012. $24600 0173-902591

BMW, 520I, 2002 Must Go! 5SPD/60K Orig miles! Blk met/Very nice car w/ many options; Xeon lights/rain sensor/park sensors/6 disc changer/cruise & more! $8500 0173-7948404 rwalter007@ yahoo.com Ford Mustang convert 0821300 Miles https://picasaweb.google.com/ 103224739948077495920/FordMustang Located @ US Embassy Madrid Free Delivery to Buyer $16800 Ellen.Lenny-Pessagno@ trade.gov Ford US Spec Focus S 2012 Engine - 4 Cylinder Transmission Automatic Spec - US SPEC Mileage 6,000 Color-Grey $16000 015161504210 or 015161504133 GM Navigation Disc for factory installed systems. Works in all Chevy/GMC SUV's and Trucks. Text or call 01709006266 or email sniderman24@hotmail.com $35 Great family car, color white, around 62.000 miles, 2007, one owner, GPS and the entire technology package. Call 015124147627 $21000 0151-24147627 Looking for a reliable car for work transportation. Must passed registration/ inspection. Good tires neg. Hoping to find a vehicle well maintained. $500 jason.deuster@ amedd.army.mil Mercedes C240, 2001. DE specs, dealer mntd, very clean, no-smoke, 150k. Blue w/ black leather, heated seats, sunroof, multiCD. Mid-June in Wiesbaden. $5295 gary.dombroff@gmail.com 06971402791 015112987158

S-line Audi sportback, 2.0 tdi, Winter tire set of 4 Size 195/ Black leather; Aluminium Style; 55R16 87H Used one season, in heated seats; air conditioning; call â‚Ź16500 manu very good condition. $80 0173- 017650113993 el.krick@gmx.de 7948404

Open daily from: 11.30-14.30 & 17.00-24.00 - No resting day Greek Specialities Restaurant 55743 Idar-Oberstein-Algenrodt Am Dreschplatz 2 Phone 0 67 81-4 36 02

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Obo. 2004 VW Passat TDI Gray 135K mi Runs Great Avg MPG 34 to 36; Includes sunroof, winter tires, Kenwood Navigation Rcvr. Good Condition. $8500 mark.oppel@gmail.com

2007 Kawasaki Ninja 650R Blue, 5940 miles, Zero Gravity Dark Smoke Windscreen, frame sliders, great condition Recently serviced, great ride $4100 shellsabta3@ya hoo.com

PCSing asking loan pay off amount only. 34K mi. New ceramic brakes, front tires, and floor mats. AutoTrans, AC, CD player. Incl jumper cables/saftey equip $9700 jennwinkelman@ya hoo.com, 015153078695

2010 Harley Davidson CVO Screamin Eagle Ultra Classic. Blue/Silver, 11K miles, 3-yr warranty, many extras. $29500 0171196-7769 or randyandpetra@hot mail.com

Toyota Avalon XL 0696900 Miles https://picasaweb.google.com/ 103224739948077495920/ToyotaAvalon Located at US Embassy Madrid Free Delivery to Buyer $8000 Ellen.Lenny-Pessagno@tra de.gov VW Golf 2003 TDI for sale. Its a 5 speed and has 180,000 kms on it. Works great and will save you alot of gas since its a diesel. Power everything â‚Ź5000 017671758182 VW RNS 315 Touch Screen Navigation System (North America) From 2011 Tiguan. Never used. $1000, Robert.D.Robinson.civ@ mail.mil

MOTORCYCLES All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

2011 BMW R 1200 GS "Triple Black" w/ saddle bags and tank bag. Only 3200 miles. Excellent condition. Serious inquiries only please. $12500 0175-1976784 / hugh.manbing@yahoo.com

ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Theta Theta Lambda Chapter Black & Gold Banquet Ramstein Officer's Club May 19, 2012 1800 social 1900 event starts $40 Please contact Henry A. Williams, williha@gmail.com Iglesia de Dios Baumholder, Uberm Weiher 2, 55774 Baumholder. Domingos Adoracion: 11am; Miercoles estudios: 7pm. 067831850980 New Facebook Group: Children with Diabetes Type I- Ramstein Germany. Parent run. Meet other families, start playgroups and join a support group. yunuenzimmerer@gmail.com


www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 19, 2012 Herald Union Page 31

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All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Rhein-Main International Seventh-day Adventist Church Heidelberger Str. 16, 64285 Darmstadt Church Service: Each Saturday, at 09:30 A.M

ELECTRONICS All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu


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Belkin N150 Wireless Router Good condition. Original box and setup CD. $15 bigtlw@earth link.net

Baby Einstein activity play center. In good condition, lights and sounds work. Cost $65 new. $20 0173-7948404

Car / Air DC Power DC Adapter w/USB Kensington 90W Computer Ready! Many Computer Adapters Available and Included!! Brand New and Never Used!! $50 01709611782 / bbrfmartin@ gmail.com

Beautiful dark wood, carved Bittany kitchen table and six chairs. From the 1910s. The carved statuettes represent the industry in the area built. $1100 015150486053 / blackdiamondsky@gmail.com

Camel mittens, knitted, with gold Skybox w/remote Excellent Con- buttons on the side. Handmade. dition $125 01709611782 / For him and her, good, if you don´t like gloves or if you need a bbrfmartin@gmail.com last minute gift. €13 sanjaya@li Sony 50" Bravia DVB LCD Projection TV. 220-240V Stylish beveled ve.de

shelved glass roller stand inclu- Canon F1 35mm Camera.+ Zoom 100 Watt Transformer - 110v to ded. NTSC /PAL. Excellent condi- f4/75-200 FD.1.8f 50mm FD/1.8F 200vgood condition $25 tion! Call for details. $850 jim 85mm FT/2.5 F135mm FT/35f marshall4@happer.com 0162-6103505 / info@jimkahr.com 35mm FT. Bellows, filters hoods 1000 Watt Transformer - 110v to Sony DL DVD USB/Firewire 400 etc. All Canon Quality + Hoya. 220v - good condition $60 External Drive/Burner $50 €450 0176-96776870 marshall4@happer.com 01709611782 / bbrfmartin@ Craftsman built DJH 00 gauge lo-

comotives, Fine Scale Swissmo150 Watt Transformer - 110v to gmail.com 220vgood condition $35 Techno/Dancefloor Synth. "Qua- tors, P2, 282/462 Princes. BLK5, Crab. 264T. 462Britania + Kit Built marshall4@happer.com simidi Sirius" with integrated 11 Rolling Stock. New Points etc Ch. Vocoder (also voice distorti300 Watt Transformer - 110v to on) + Synthesizer "Quasimidi Ra- €1600 0176-96776870 220vgood condition $45 ven Max" + Keyboard stand Crocheted Headpin, polished, marshall4@happer.com €1600 inserat@xbox-lan.com leaf formed with sweetwaterpearls 37" Panasonic Color TV, multiin the middle. Not worn. €5 System, Multi-Voltage. Like new. FOR SALE -- MISC sanjaya@live.de $90 Frank 0171-996-6925 Danish master oil painting.

52" Sony Bravia HD LCD 1080p Excellent Condition Dual Voltage Multi Format $900 01709611782 / bbrfmartin@gmail.com 75 Watt Transformer - 110v to 220v - good condition $20 marshall4@happer.com

All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

Brandt. Nyborg Castle and boat. About 1880's approximate. Nearest Offer Taken. Very nice picture €36000 0176-96776870 Disney Bike for girl complete with training wheels. Good condition, always kept in garage. $30 01737948404

AFN Decoder for sale w/o remoEuro 5000 + worth UK oo Gauge te. $75 01522-7565211 or model railway. Digital and sound Antique Cabinets from the "Bie- with 5 DJH fine scale hand crafmomo4_20@yahoo.com dermeier Time" 160 years old! 1 AFN Decoder Power Vu D9234 big one & 1 small one with a mir- ted loco's + Brass hand made car(Scientific Atlanta) with remote for ror. Pictures on Classified World. riages fine scale! 4yrs old €3200 $100. With the satellite $140. €2500 together. Or 1500€ for the 0176-96776870 01522-7565211 or momo4_20@ya big cabinet & 1200€ for the smal- Everything must go; assorted prihoo.com ler one w/mirrors. Call: 0176- ces / Obo; Haydnstrase 1, Kindsbach, July 13-14-15 from 110080286750 please leave message AFN Decoder w/remote, $135. 1700. Appliances, furniture, stemMust be US ID cardholder. Call Large and small appliances. Everware, bar, new mattresses, 06371Mike at: 0151-46407707 $135 ything must go. ponchic8@hot 918718 0151-46407707 mail.com For Sale: Factory Brand New Unlocked Apple iPhone 4G 32GB/ Blackberry Bold, Storm. $349, email: elect2000ltd@gmail.com

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Page 32

Herald Union

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All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Graco bike seat for child up to 3 years old. In like new condition and is same model in PX for $50. Mounts on almost any bike. $25 0173-7948404

NIP, unused "Baby Bullet". Make an entire week's worth of healthy, nutritional baby food in less than 5 minutes. Retails for $87. 110V $65 smoothsalsakat@yahoo.com

Full Dvd Mash Collection includes the reunion set of two. 35 discs in all with all the leaflets. Can not reserve was already let down Sorry. 1st come €95 017696776870

Hornby Digital 00 collection. 10 loco's, 6 Pullmans/lights. 3bachman /2/47's one with sound. Track, base boards buildings etc Best offer accepted. €1700 0176-96776870

Noble tablecloth with eyelet embroidery in white, Gr. 130/170, never used! oval. €20 sweilacher@t- S. Oliver Watch very good condition. Battery necessary! Light blue online.de round dial. Width 3 cm metal strip Original Cafe house lamp from length 14.50 cm. €15 sweilacher@ Paris 1898 - 6 lights; brazen and t-online.de copper; electric lines completely new. $2500 totomari@online.de Stunning ball gown, worn one tiPadi Scuba Diving Lessons Near me. Was 250 Euro. German size PHV Heidelberg Contact Gary 44 (~16ish.) Not as shiny as pic. aussiebeagle11@googlemail.com Adorned w/crystals. Wear w/or without straps. Incl. scarf. €120 Pro-Form Recumbent Cross Trai- smoothsalsakat@yahoo.com ner exercise bike w/digital display, elec cont, pulse & heart moUsed Movado Gold Two/hands nitor. Adj bench seat to work out Custom Watch. New strap will imand weights included! $200 0173prove. Cost $456 when New! First 7948404 Come Basis. This is a very thin Raised toilet seat safety frame. Men's Wrist Watch! + Gold Face. Seat never used. Makes getting €86 0176-96776870


Full Set of 11 Seasons of Mash DVD's + the commemorative 20 years later DVD. Good Condition. Also many VHS NTSC tapes Late 80's & 90's €66 017696776870

Russian 1878 5 kopek copper coin. Not mint but exceptional near mint condition. The Knight on the Horse in center is clearly visible. V. Attractive Coin €110 017696776870

I have some 1 and 2-day Paris Disney tickets I can sell for 10e/ 20e off. They are good between may 14th and sep 30th and we can't go any longer. eurotradert@ Gear package; or Alti mitts, cram- googlemail.com / 015114940668 pons, boots, ice axe, Arcteryx Incense Sticks with lovely lavenJacket/Bib, harness, caribiners, der, opium or vanilla scent. 20 Black Diamond Head lamp, jetboil Sticks in a hexagonal package, system & many extras $1500 non opened. 3€ each package. 0151-2595-7945 Ask me for combinations. German Handmade! Oculi Cultus sanjaya@live.de Secreti 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion Unit Insignia Wood Pic- Kelty brand carrier features uniture Inlay. Pair 37x25 cm. que 5-point adj child’s harness & auto deploy kickstand. Our son on and off the toilet easier. Great sweilacher@t-online.de €100 for knee/hip replacement or arthri- Vera Mont dress prom dress Graco Baby Stroller set $75.00 loved it as you can see in the pic, tis. $60 016092162308 in great cond $100 0173-7948404 prom dress dark green shiny. Blue Set includes; Stroller 1 hand set up & collapse feature / 3 posi- Lamps; french dishes; bar and Really cute, musical Rocking Dress embroidered with silver tion seat / carrier & car base in nutcracker bar stools; dining Bug, like new bc our daughter ne- thread, gold, velvet printed, black Size 38 $35 very good cond. 0173-7948404 / room table; chairs; china chest; ver liked it. It's really just been sit- ornaments. sweilacher@t-online.de rwalter007@yahoo.com rocking chair; brass and copper ting in the room for a few months. Portable AC unit / dehumidifier containers; lots more. $50 06371- No shipping $50 smoothsalsakat@ Massages, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures? Check out spas on www.FindItGuide.de $150 01717454996 yahoo.com 918718

FURNITURE All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

2 Ikea Besta Shelves (color-Eiche) 60cm x 40cm x 128; 3 shelves, with metal feet + 1 Inreda drawer (short shelf units on each end in photo)€70ea call: 01706234765 4 Ikea Nordmyra chairs - €18 each call: 01706234765 Antique solid brass lamp for corner. Price OBO. 0631-4150901 Cabinet Oak-rustic color. Good condition. Antique Cabinet Oakmedium color. Antique cabinet oak light color. Antique side table w/in lett solid cherry wood. Antique side table solid oak w/ brass plate. 2 Antique night stands solid oak. 2Antique amrchairs w/ oak handcarving. 1 Rocking chair velvet blue. 1Antique german rocking chair beige velvet. All massiv wood. Everything OBO. Tel.: 0631-4150901 Carved oriental solid rosewood trunk in excellent condition. Paid 650 Euro new asking $500.00. 015115952865 / lilmama_17@li ve.com

Time for NEW furniture? SELL your OLD ones by placing a free personal ad with photos on


www.herald-union.com ................................................................................. July 19, 2012 Herald Union Page 33

FURNITURE All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Computer Desk H: 29 1/2" (74.93cm) W: 47 1/4" (119.76cm) D: 23 1/2" (59.69cm) Great starter desk, disassembled. In fair condition. $20 bigtlw@earthlink.net Dresser with mirror and six drawers, dark wood, great condition $250 ria282003@yahoo.com Entertainment center with 2 drawers, dark wood, great condition $300 ria282003@yahoo.com Four piece beige Bassett furniture set. Sofa, loveseat, chair with ottoman. $800 ajoliveira2003@ya hoo.com German King. Headboard, footboard, mattress, pillowtop, king size linens, nightstands. Purchased new in 2010 for 600EUR. $270 ta ra.cohoon@gmail.com or 015140449253 Ikea Bookcases - €90 each ColorEiche, 2 double units 120cm x 40cm x 192, 8 shelves with metal feet + 1 drawer (see center section of photo) 01706234765 Ikea Pax Closet (color-Birke), 150cm x 58cm x 236 cmInside: 2 clothing bars, 2 shelves, 1 wire basket, 3 drawers, 2 shoe racks, glass/aluminum doors €200 call: 01706234765 Ikea Pax Closet Unit: Color-Birke, 100cm x 58cm x 236cm, glass/aluminum doors Inside: 1 clothing bar, 3 shelves (see left side portion on photo) €110 01706234765

Page 34

Murphy-style full size bed. Frame, mattress, hardware, 2 halogen lights. Comes apart for moving. Pick up only in France, pics on request. $800 cahilldd@ya hoo.com Old German shrank, non smoker, 3 meters long, lots of storage compartments, must go - $200. Selling cheap, 25 min from Ramstein mountaineer.randy@ gmail.com

PERSONAL All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Doctor new to Germany would like to meet an open minded woman single or married for friendship. New here... doctorjerryhere@ yahoo.com

I am a single RN lady, looking for a male 35+ for friendship. Please Old German shrank, table with email only if interested. dmugee@ chairs, couch, bedroom furniture ymail.com and other items. Everything must go. ponchic8@hotmail.com Looking For My "Angel", Single woman, 46 looking for an AmeriSmoked glass and aluminum ta- can (caucasian) my age, who can ble (purchased@XXL Mann Mobi- speak German because my Englia), 160cm x 90 cm, seats 6 per- lish is not so great. Only Singles! 0160/6737687 sons €180 01706234765

JOBS All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

New American Dental Practice in Wiesbaden is now taking applications for certified dental assistants. Please submit resumes to: Ramstein Dental Care at contact@ ramsteindental.com For questions please call our office at 06371406230 Would like to volunteer at vet (tierartzt) clinic. I have over 20 yr healthcare exp. Willing to do anything from clean cages to walk. emailmilissa@yahoo.com

Herald Union

Single woman, 46/160/55kg looking for an nice American (caucasian) my age, who can speak German because my English is bad...No games, Only Singles!!!! 0160/6737687 (Text)

PETS All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian.

No1: Here I'm sitting all alone, writing some words at home! 38 years I spend my time without 3 yo Sib husky. UTD on shots, you, walking alone under the sky passport, chipped, good with kids so blue. ...go to No2 0162& other dogs. Please email direct7753906 ly to my email not through ad. Or call for more info. $600 No2: Your age, is 38-46 should harper_0918@yahoo.com or be, if you want to call/write just 06783 901 7353 feel free. Im 5.57 german woman with blue eye's, I do like to make Bergan Pet Carrier, unused, was surprise… go to No3 0162- $35. Snap-in, removable vinyl coa7753906 ted floor for easy cleaning, snap down window, soft sided. No3: Are you between 6,0-6,88 18"Lx11.5"Wx10"H, max. 22lbs high, than lets meet and let my he- $20 smoothsalsakat@yahoo.com art fly. Let us spend time toMeet the publisher of Herald Union nion ion o and n get ge to know kn w gether, doesn’t matter which kind their team and other products: of weather! Only serious! 0162www.advantipro.de d de 7753906 www.advantipro.de

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house. Translator/Interpreter Certified. KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable rates. Call: 0631-54440

WANTED All ads & pics can be viewed @ www.class-world.eu

Am looking for a PowerVu receiver with valid subscription for afn tv ptech@gmx.co.uk Seeking Housekeeper (No Teams) 1 day per weekday for 3-4 hours each week Miesenbach 260 meter house-English speaking desired LMICHAELJ1@gmail.com Still looking for a PowerVu receiver with valid subscription for afn tv ptech@gmx.co.uk Tutors, Mentors, Coaches needed this Summer - $$$ - 0160 3156501

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