Herald Union, July 2, 2015

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erald Union H Vol. XXII, No. 19

Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany

Tapping off friendship

July 2, 2015

Naturalization ceremony welcomes new Americans Story and photos by Shayna Brouker

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

On any other work day, Yasmin Farria would be sitting behind a window in this spacious room, processing paperwork for hopeful citizens one-by-one. It took a fiancé visa, a green card and years of paperwork and waiting to get to this point, but today, she is on the other side of the window, so to speak, and will become a citizen of the United States of America. Farria, a native German, employee with the Non-immigrant Visa section at the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt and a Wiesbaden spouse, was one of 12 candidates for naturalization to receive her citizenship at a ceremony June 25 in Frankfurt. See ‘Citizen’ on page 4

Photo by Jacob Corbin

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden and the City of Wiesbaden teamed up to kick off the second annual GermanAmerican Friendship Festival, held June 26 to July 4. For more information and photos, see page 16.

Sesame Street, USO team up to help kids cope with change Story and photos by Jacob Corbin

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

For military families, moving is a fact of life. For military children, that fact can be extremely tough to deal with. The USO and Sesame Street have teamed up to help make that change easier for them, through the Sesame Street/USO Experience for Militarry Families, which features two traveling

Inside ‘The Chocolate Pilot’ Longtime friend of the Chocolate Pilot reads her story. See page 5.

shows starring some of their favorite characters. “We like to think of it as a live singing and dancing thank you card that we hand deliver,” Mcsaid Nicole Mc Clendon, USO entertainment productour produc er for the show. T h e

Concert on the Lawn

See more photos of the inaugural event on page 10.

tour’s two shows are “Katie is Moving to a New Base” and “Katie’s Family Transitions to Civilian Life.” “Sesame Street knows kids, and the USO knows the military,” McClendon said. “This is a show for our military families, about our military families and we bring it to them.” Both shows star familiar Sesame Street characters, like Elmo, Cookie Monster and Grover, but also feature Katie, a military child who faces some of the same challenges kids in the See ‘Sesame’ on page 4

Pvt. 1st class Marianne Franco, a Phillippines native, walks away with her certificate of citizenship during the naturalization ceremony at the Frankfurt Consulate June 25.

5K Color Run

MWR hosts colorful fun run. See page 11.

Commentary Feedback:

If you could get America a birthday present, what would it be?

Jason Redeen “Every person needs to have an American flag.”

Spc. Julie Dillard “Happiness for all of its citizens.”

Master Sgt. Matt Shadwick “A sense of self-worth. It seems we’re backwards these days.”

Ask the commander

What a great community to live, work, and play… As our progress with a dedicated purpose continues, I would like to thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Over the last couple of weeks we have had some unforeseen construction sites pop up and cause some minor traffic delays/detours. We’ll let you know when everything is completed and back to some sense of normal. In the meantime, get out and enjoy the last few days of our German-American Fest with fireworks on the 4th of July and don’t forget to check out the Gibber Kerb in Biebrich (July 2-6). Thank you for being the greatest part of USAG Wiesbaden – Happy 4th of July! Editor’s note: Have something you’d like to share with the commander? Send an ICE comment or contact the Commander’s Hotline (click the Feedback link on the garrison home page).

Leftover equipment Staff Sgt. Jonathan Fitzgerald “Turn back time on the military to the way it used to be.”

Cpl. Nicholas Fechtmeyer “Canada.”

Patrick B. said: The civilian contractors completed the roof replacement on a building in the Crestview housing area in January 2015, but their construction equipment is still in the yard and now it is infested with rats! This situation is unhealthy and will lead to illness or even worse. Thank you. Response: First and foremost, thank you for contacting us regarding your concerns. You are correct; this should have been done earlier, and we would like to apologize. After receiving your note, the contractor was immediately sent to the site to remove all leftover construction equipment. By now, all equipment should be gone. Thank you again for contacting us and please know that your feedback is always welcome.

Judith O. said: Please bring back noon Body Pump classes on Tuesday and Thursday, and yoga at noon on Fridays. Response: The instructor that taught those classes has since PCSd and is no longer here. We have someone who has taken the morning Body Pump, though. We simply canCol. Mary Martin, U.S. not put classes on the schedule Army Garrison Wieswithout having instructors baden commander who are not only certified, but willing to work those hours. Community gardens Birgit H. said: With all We recently had seven instructhe unused green spaces in tors leave because of the PCS the housing areas, would it be season and there have been possible to consider starting no replacements for them, as a community garden, where none have moved here who interested community members hold necessary certifications. can have their own plot and Summer time is always a little grow plants of their choosing? tight, but we anticipate people If the White House can have a coming through before the garden plot and use the fresh fall. I hope this answers your vegetables in their kitchen, questions and we just ask that shouldn’t the Wiesbaden com- you be patient. munity have an opportunity as School Age Center well? This could be a low-cost Anonymous said: This avenue for garden-loving mem- institution is great...profesbers to get outside, congregate sional...love children. The staff in a place other than the PX, goes out of their way to develop bring their kids and also grow my child, their dedication is healthy, fresh, delicious food. real, and I only hope to find After an initial start-up with another place with a staff so a skilled gardener, it could dedicated. As a parent I looked easily afford some families forward to bringing my child, the opportunity to beautify the I knew they would be safe and housing area, learn to compost, excited to be there. At no time be environmental friendly etc. was I ever worried about my The opportunities for learning child. Again, I highly recomseem endless. mend parents to let their child Response: Thanks for your attend this institution. note! We are in the planning stages for developing a com- Passport thanks Alex S. said: Thank you munity gardening area in the Hainerberg Housing area. The for the excellent service in proposed location has been obtaining a replacement passidentified and as soon as we get port. From initial processing, all the details and funding in wait time and delivery, it was place, we will advise the com- an outstanding service. Your munity of a great opportunity professionalism and caring to grow their own veggies, attitude ensures our success fruits, flowers, and all things individually, as a family and that can be legally grown. as our Army as an institution.

Herald Union published by The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Jaqueline Samad at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email ads@herald-union.com; classified advertising rates call Janina Wuttke at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post at www.class-world.com. Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 548-2002; civ (0611) 143-548-2002; Email: army.wiesbadenpao@mail.mil; Home page: www.wiesbaden.army.mil.

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Herald Union

Body pump classes

Command and newspaper staff USAG Wiesbaden Commander......................Col. Mary L. Martin USAG Wiesbaden Command Sgt. Major .....................................................Command Sgt. Maj. Roy L. Rocco Public Affairs Officer............................................Anemone Rueger Editor..................................................Jacob Corbin (mil 548-2002) Assistant Editor...............................Shayna Brouker (mil 548-2003)

July 2, 2015 ........................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

News and features

IMCOM commander: Stay safe this July 4 By Lt. Gen. David Halverson Installation Management Command Commanding General

July Fourth is a great occasion in our country and a day to celebrate with patriotism. John Adams, the first vice president and second president of the United States, helped write the Declaration of Independence. He said, “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other.” Independence Day remains a national celebration just as President Adams predicted. We encourage you to celebrate in the spirit of independence and patriotism that has endured for 239 years. As Army professionals who protect our freedom, we must remain aware of the

risks present at July Fourth festivities. Outdoor activities are a source of sunburn and heat injuries. Drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks when working or playing in hot weather. Water activities are also popular during the July Fourth weekend. Wear life jackets while boating, swim only in supervised areas and obey posted signs. Pay attention to weather conditions and get out of the water at the first sign of bad weather. Alcohol doesn’t mix with boating, swimming or driving. Watch your consumption and don’t drink if you will operate any type of vehicle. Give a responsible person details on where you will be and how long you will be gone for added safety. Enjoy Independence Day as you celebrate with family and friends. Please be safe because our nation needs each one of us to support and defend this great country. Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier. Soldier for Life!

Retaliation and sexual assault Capt. Bridget Karns

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Legal Office

When a sexual assault happens to a member of a unit or office, it can lead to a variety of emotions, feelings or opinions. It is important for command and peers to understand the consequences of how they interact and respond to a victim of a sexual assault. It is especially important that there is no retaliation against a victim of sexual assault. Within the Department of Defense, retaliation encompasses both professional and social retaliation, which is a chargeable offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Professional retaliation is described by the DoD, as “taking or threatening to take an adverse personnel action or withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action, with respect to a member of the Armed Forces, because the member made a protected communication (e.g. filed a report of sexual assault).” This can also include the punishment of victims for minor “collateral misconduct,” which only came to the attention of the command because the victim came forward to report a sexual assault. Fear of punishment for collateral misconduct remains a major obstacle for service member victims to come forward with a sexual assault report.

The DoD has also recognized that retaliation can take place outside the workplace in social settings which “includes social ostracism and such acts of maltreatment committed by peers of the victim or by other persons because the member made a protected communication.” Human Rights Watch recently conducted a study into retaliation against U.S. military members who reported a sexual assault. In the survey, many of the victims felt that the aftermath and fall-out of the sexual assault, to include bullying and isolation from their peers, to damage to their careers, was worse than the assault itself. In essence, these survivors of a sexual assault were being re-victimized by the commands and peers who should be supporting them, as “everyone is told from day one that the military is your family…If you are sexually assaulted it takes on an incestuous dynamic. It is that level of betrayal. Then it goes to your command—if the command handles it badly, that’s another level of betrayal. Every time the system fails, another layer of betrayal (Retaliation against Sexual Assault Survivors in the US Military, Human Rights Watch, May 2015, 7).” This issue has not only been addressed by concerned outside agencies such as Human Rights Watch,

but also by the DoD itself. On June 19, 2014, the secretary of the Army issued Army Directive 2014-20 (Prohibition of Retaliation Against Soldiers for Reporting a Criminal Offense). The directive states that “no Soldier may retaliate against a victim, an alleged victim or another member of the Armed Forces based on that individual’s report of a criminal offense.” The provisions of this directive are punitive, meaning that if there is retaliation, that person may be punished under Article 92 of the UCMJ. Retaliation, either by peers or the command, socially or professionally, is not tolerated. Allegations of retaliation will be investigation by the appropriate Inspector General’s office and appropriate action will be taken against those violating the directive. Victims who report a sexual assault deserve the support and respect of their commands and peers, not ostracism and threats. If you have questions, please feel free to contact your nearest law center. In Wiesbaden, the Legal Assistance Office is in the Welcome Center, Bldg. 1023W on Clay Kaserne or call mil: 537-0664; or civ: (0611) 134-537-0664. The office is open Mondays through Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. On Thursdays the office is open from 1 to 4 p.m.

SOFA stamp needed before crossing border By Robert Szostek

U.S. Army Europe Customs Public Affairs

Many of us take trips to the United States and elsewhere at this time of year. But don’t leave Germany without a valid Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA stamp or card because you will need it when you come back to Germany. German immigration officials report that U.S. forces family members and civilians are showing up at Frankfurt International Airport and Ramstein Air Base terminals without proper documentation. German officials have been very lenient in the past. However, they have noticed an increase in personnel leaving and re-entering Germany without a SOFA stamp or card. “Military members stationed in Germany are required to present a military ID card, service travel orders and, if on leave, a valid leave form when leaving or entering Germany,” said Wil Respress, chief of the U.S. Army Customs Agency – Europe office at Ramstein Air Base. For family members and civilian employees, a valid passport and SOFA stamp or card are required to cross the German border. When questioned about SOFA cards, many travelers stated they were not aware that this is a mandatory requirement. However, the wording on the stamp or card makes the intent clear: “The bearer is a member of a civilian component, or dependent, of a member of a force or civilian component of the United States of America and is entitled to unrestricted entry into and exit from the Federal Republic of Germany”. “Please ensure your family members have SOFA stamps or cards to comply with German immigration requirements,” Respress added. Violators can face harsh fines and possibly even deportation, he stressed. Please contact your servicing passport office to obtain a SOFA card. Finally, travelers should inform themselves of general entry requirements of any foreign country they will be visiting well in advance of their departure to ensure they have the required type of passport and, if applicable, visa. Contact the Wiesbaden Passport Office located in Bldg. 1023N, Room 161. The office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m. for walk-ins and 1-4 p.m. for appointments and walk-ins on a space-available basis. On Thursday, it is open 9 a.m. to noon for appointments (walk-ins, space-a), 1-4 p.m. for walk-ins and 4-6 p.m. for evening appointments. To schedule an appointment, visit http://www. wiesbaden.army.mil/sites/directorates/human. asp. The office can be reached at mil 548-1606 or civ (0611) 143-548-1606.

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News and features News flash Office closures July 2

Most garrison support offices will be closed July 2 due to a garrison organizational day, except for: Child Development Centers, Child and Youth Services, the MP Desk, the Installation Access Control System Office, the Clay Kaserne Fitness Center, the Transition Center and Army Continuing Education Center. The UTAP/VAT office will close at 12:30 p.m. Army Emergency Relief (cell phone contact will be posted at the front door of the facility – Bldg. 7790 on Clay Kaserne), Emergency Placement Care, SHARP Victim Advocate and Family Advocacy Program Advocate will all be on call for life, health and safety issues. For all others, please call in advance (use the Phonebook on the Garrison Wiesbaden website at http://www. wiesbaden.army.mil/sites/local/phonebook.asp). For Department of Public Works emergencies, call the Fire Department at mil 115 or civ (0176) 1177-4471.

Fireworks safety reminder

Army in Europe Regulation 600-1, section 27 states that using or igniting fireworks or flares in places under the control of the U.S. Army is prohibited. Fireworks include toy cannons, blank cartridges, firecrackers, roman candles, skyrockets, sparklers, torpedoes and similar items capable of producing a visual or audible effect by combustion or detonation. Fireworks do not include toys using a paper cap, saluting cannons used by the military or highway warning devices. The only exception is the official fireworks show on July 4, which is being conducted by a licensed professional.

Hainerberg closures

For the duration of the German-American Friendship Fest, the Laundromat, Cappuccino Casino (except for the slot rooms which will remain open from 10 a.m. to midnight) and Wiesbaden Entertainment Center will be closed. Customers are advised to use the Clay Kaserne Laundry and Dry Cleaners/Alterations, which will remain open during the fest. The Gas Station and Shoppette (Hainerberg Express) will remain open during the fest, but will close at 6 p.m. on July 4. The Mainz-Kastel Express and gas pumps will remain open until 9 p.m. on July 4. During the fireworks on July 4, the Hainerberg Access Control Point will close from 10:30-11:30 p.m. The gate at Texas Strasse-Mississippi Strasse (near the Chapel) will temporarily open at that time.

Mississippistrasse one-way

Mississippistrasse is a one-way street for installation of heat lines until June 31. Two-way traffic will remain to the Entertainment Center from Texas Strasse (by the Chapel). Drop off parking will be available for residents of Bldg. 7799 along Mississippistrasse. Long-term parking for the residents will be in the parking lot beside Bldg. 07785 (between Texas and Mississippi).

Leash your pets

It is against Housing policy to walk pets without a leash. Each incoming Family has to sign a statement acknowledging not only receipt of the policy, but also that they understand the key points and rules in the memorandum. Please continue to report violations to the Military Police.

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Herald Union

Sesame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Continued from page 1 audience do. “My families moving to a new base, again,” Katie explains to her friends from Sesame Street. “I’m going to miss this place, I’m going to miss all of you!” “Katie’s a little nervous about moving,” McClendon said of the first show, “and during the show her friends give her a few tips and by the end of it, she knows it’s all going to be OK.” Throughout the show, and with the aid of a few times bursting Rosita, Grover, Elmo, Cookie Monster and Purple Honker sing and dance into song, Elmo, Grover, for assembled children at the Sesame Street/USO Experience for Military Cookie Monster, Purple Families held at the Clay Kaserne Fitness Center June 28. Honker and Rosita teach Grover says to Katie, and the audi- sesame, because studies showed Katie, and the kids in attendance, ence, during the show. that between 2011 and 2016 more how to make new friends, keep “Or sending me cookies,” than one million Soldiers, Sailors, in touch with old ones, and that Cookie Monster adds hopefully. Airman and Marines would leave sometimes, change can be fun. According to McClendon, Kathe service, and their families One song focuses on how to tie’s other show focuses on helping say hello, another on how easy it children deal with transitioning to alongside them. For more information on the is to call a friend you’ve moved civilian life and all the changes that tour, or to see if it will be following apart from. happen alongside with it. you to your next base, visit www. The USO added this other “Friends always find ways to keep in touch, like sending letters,” show, according to www.uso.org/ uso.org/sesame/Tour-Schedule.

Citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued from page 1

“I feel very good about becoming a U.S. citizen today,” she said. “I feel like it was time.” Pvt. 1st Class Marianne Franco, 19 and a native of Baguio City, the Philippines, has been in the Army a little over a year and was sent to Germany a little after — but can’t travel outside of Germany because she doesn’t have a U.S. passport. Her first stop upon receiving her citizenship — and passport — will be Paris to celebrate her 20th birthday, she said. “This means so much to me,” she said. “I get to travel. And whenever we say the Soldier’s Creed, I will feel even more proud now that I have the title of ‘citizen.’ It feels so good.” Farria, Franco and the other candidates, from nine different countries, gathered on the lawn at the consulate to hear from Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, León Rodríguez, himself the son of Cuban immigrants who came to America seeking freedom and opportunity. “They came to discover the wonder that is the United States,” he said of his parents. “[Democracy] must be protected by those that would undermine it. You are here because you are doing the unexpected. I urge you to continue doing the unexpected. Vote, participate civilly and volunteer in your communities.” With that, the new citizens received their certificates.

The naturalization ceremony June 25 was held at the Frankfurt Consulate. “I welcome you to your new American family,” said Karen Fitzgerald, field director at Frankfurt.

July 2, 2015 ........................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

News and features

‘Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot’

would stay.” Then one day, chocolate fell from U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden the sky as a sympathetic Air Force Public Affairs Office Lt. Gail Halvorsen decided to bend regulations and parachute candy bars The Russian Army exercised total over the city during his humanitarcontrol over city dwellers in its sector. ian missions. Children everywhere Cigarettes were exchanged for shoes rejoiced, and Mercedes begged her on the Black Market, even if they were mother to take her to the airfield so different sizes. she might be so lucky. But when Children passed by rubble and she did, a taller boy snatched it out bombed-out buildings on their way to school, and received one hot meal of her grasp. per day there, provided by American “I saw the chocolate and for me, aid. Millions starved to death after the it was important,” she said. Russians blockaded all railroad and So she penned a letter to the roads to the city. “chocolate uncle” asking him to This was the world then-sevendrop chocolates. He sent her a packyear-old Mercedes Wild grew up age filled with chocolate, gum and in: post-World War II Berlin, still lifesavers. To this day they remain practically a warzone, even though friends. the fighting had ended. But her story, Asked what advice she would now a book written by Margot Theis impart to younger generations, she Raven titled “Mercedes and the Chocosaid, “The most important thing is late Pilot,” is a story about bringing you must have good friends. You out the best of people in the worst of must step-by-step maintain relatimes, described Wiesbaden Library tionships.” Assistant Director Reginald Stewart. The book has won several Wild and her husband, Peter, Mercedes Wild shares her story with children at the Wiesbaden Library June 25. visited the Wiesbaden Library June Wild was one of the many children who received candy from the “candy bomb- awards, including the Texas Bluebonnet Runner-up in 2003, the “Liv25 to read her book to children and er,” Air Force Lt. Gail Halvorsen. ing the Dream” Award nomination adult fans alike. the “soaring grocery stores” flying day “The sound of aircraft was hope in 2004 and the Storytelling Award She described the experience of keeping four chickens that wouldn’t and night to deliver food, coal and other that [the Americans] wouldn’t forget in the Stories for Young Listeners catlay eggs, too scared by the rumble of sustenance to the starving city. us in Berlin,” said said. “We hoped they egory in 2007. Story and photos by Shayna Brouker

Administrators take a field trip

Principals and vice principals from local Department of Defense Education Activity schools balance on a board at Schloss Freudenberg June 25. The administrators were exploring the exchange of ideas between teachers from DODEA and Germany.

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News and features

Around the world in 80 rounds

The 1st Battalion, 214th Regiment Delta Co. hosted and conducted the 32nd annual international shooting competition called Monte Kali June 11-13 at the Wackernheim Range. Four U.S. teams, including two from Delta Co., one from the 66th Military Intelligence Brigade and one from U.S. Army Europe, participated in the competition. More than 2,000 Soldiers from 15 different countries participated in the competition, with a team from the German Bundeswehr taking home first place. More than 50,000 rounds were fired and zero injuries occurred. Photos by Susanne Goebel

From the blotter


GM PROFI GmbH Anton Hehn Strasse 09 55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel

0 61 34 - 616 92

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Herald Union

Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services

Traffic accident: A Soldier is being charged with a traffic accident: inattentive driving causing property damage. Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: improper backing causing propert damage.

June 18

Traffic accident: An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: improper backing causing property damage.

June 22 Assault: A Soldier is being charged with assault consummated by a battery.

July 2, 2015 ........................................................................... www.wiesbaden.army.mil

USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden

Community notes ... Community notes Army Lodge dinners

The Hainerberg Chapel hosts congregation-sponsored dinners held at the Army Lodge through Aug. 26 at 5:30 p.m. It is a free dinner to welcome guests to USAG Wiesbaden and provide information on chapel programs. Departing guests are welcome, also.

Eupsychian Management seminar

The University of Oklahoma at Wiesbaden hosts a free professional seminar, “Exploring Eupsychian Management,” presented by Dr. C. Kenneth Myers. Topics will include organizational change, behavior, motivation and trust. The seminar will take place July 7 at 2 p.m. at the Tony Bass Auditorium. Light refreshments will be provided, and continuing education credits will be offered to participants. Email apwiesbaden@ou.edu for more information.

Movie theater

The Taunus Theater construction has been delayed to replace the catwalk above the ceiling. This, along with the installment of new seats, has pushed back the scheduled completion to September. The Tony Bass Theater is still showing movies. Starting July 2, it will show movies every day of the week. Visit www.shopmyexchange.com for movie times.

Transition Assistance Program workshop

The Wiesbaden Soldier for Life program hosts a Senior Transition Assistance Program workshop July 16-17 and 22-24 designed for retiring Soldiers in ranks E7 and above, Chief Warrant Officer 2 and above and O4 and above with more than 20 years of experience. Call mil 548-1319 or civ (0611) 143-548-1319 or email acap. wiesbaden@serco-na.com for more information.

ACS offerings

Army Community Service New Parent Support Program offers Play in the Playground July 10 and 24 at Aumann Strasse Fairtale Playground on Clay Kaserne from 10-11:30 a.m. with parachute, bubbles

and more and a Navigating Your Credit class July 15 from 12:30-3 p.m. at the ACS Conference Room in Hainerberg with information on healthy debt, managing debt and learning about credit history. For more information call (0611) 143-548-920l.

Christmas in July

The Rhein-Main USO hosts “Christmas in July” July 18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside of the Wiesbaden Exchange USO with a classic car display, free cookout, activities and prizes.

Pet health certificates

Pet health certification season is here. Schedule an appointment for your pet’s health certificate within 10 days of flying. Sick call and wellness appointment availability will be reduced the month of July due to military personnel turnover and accommodation of health certificates. Contact Veterinary Services at mil 337-6283/5460700 or civ (0611) 705-6283/ (0611) 143-546-0700.

features a free summer cookout with live music July 9 from 6-9 p.m. at the Clay Kaserne Warrior Zone and free movie night Mondays at 6 p.m. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9815 or stop by the Warrior Zone for more information.

School notes

Summer office hours for all schools are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 31 is the first day of school for grades 1-5, middle school and high school, and Sept. 8 is the first day for kindergarten.

Red Cross classes

The American Red Cross offers a Standard First Aid/CPR/ AED class July 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. A New Volunteer Orientation will be held July 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Community Information Exchange

The next CIE will be held Aug. 19 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Community Activity Center (Little Italy). The community is welcome to attend or follow along on the “Garrison Wiesbaden” Facebook page. See slides at http://www.wiesbaden.army.mil/sites/news/ CIB/CIB.pdf.

Car seat checkups

The Family Advocacy Program holds car seat checkups the last Tuesday of the month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center parking lot. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9201 to register.

Looking for a car

Find your next car at the Auto Skills Bid Lot. Cars are located on Mississippi Strasse (by the lodge) in Hainerberg Housing. Many cars only need minor repairs to pass inspection and all known faults are noted. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9817 for details.

Cub Scouts welcome you

Are you a boy entering first through fifth grade interested in having fun? Cub Scouting is a fun and exciting activity for boys aimed at building character and citizenship while developing personal fitness. Email pack65wiesbaden@ googlemail.com for more information about Scouting opportunities with Pack 65.

ACS birthday luau

Army Community Service celebrates its 50th birthday with a luau July 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the ACS in Hainerberg. The community is invited to celebrate.

Thrift Shop Back to School event

The Wiesbaden Community Spouses Club’s Community Appreciation/Back to School event at the Thrift Shop is July 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be community information, food and fun for everyone. Community organizations are welcome to participate. Email wscsthriftshop@yahoo.com or visit “WCSC Thrift Shop” on Facebook.

Sponsorship training

Soldier sponsorship training is held quarterly and by request. The next training is July 16 at 1:30 at Bldg. 1023E. Contact Army Community Service at mil 548-1615 or civ (0611) 143-548-1615 or visit http://www.wiesbaden.army. mil/sites/local/sponsorship50. asp for more information.

BOSS gets busy

Wiesbaden’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers

www.wiesbaden.army.mil ............................................................................. July 2, 2015

Herald Union

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News and features Sgt. Morales, Dr. Mary E. Walker club welcome new members Story and photos by Shayna Brouker

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

Sergeant Morales. These two words impart more awe-inspired honor to an NCO than possibly any others in the Army. They automatically mean unmatched professionalism, utmost leadership and an unquestioned dedication to duty. As one member put it, “If I know a Soldier is a member of the Sgt. Morales Club, I already know he is a excellent Soldier.” 1st Sgt. Dexter Clemons with the 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, was inducted into the club at a ceremony June 22. Civilians Jessica Curtis and Joe Bednash were also honored with the Mary E. Walker award. U.S. Army Europe Command Sgt. Maj. Sheryl Lyons served as the guest speaker. “Be that NCO that Soldiers turn to for advice and counsel rather than to a Facebook page or app,” she encouraged the inductees. The Sgt. Morales Club process itself demands candidates to step outside of their comfort zone that further prepared them for leadership roles. The board asks questions that test what a leader would do in a certain situation, rather than recite memorized answers. “You have to stay focused,” said Clemons. “Every day junior Soldiers look to us for mentorship, so that one day they’ll take our place. The questions get you thinking how you would apply leadership.” Lyons also had special words for the Dr. Mary E. Walker award recipients. The award recognizes

1st Sgt. Dexter Clemons stands with his certificate of membership in the Sgt. Morales Club, shouldered by Wiesbaden Chapter President 1st Sgt. Todd Parsons and U.S. Army Europe Command Sgt. Maj. Sheryl Lyons, during a ceremony June 22. military spouses for “outstanding dedication and exemplary volunteerism” to improving the quality of life for USAREUR Soldiers and their Families. Dr. Mary Walker is the only woman in U.S. history to receive the Medal of Honor “This award is special to me,” she said, describing the role Dr. Walker played as one of the first female

doctors in 1855, a time when women were not supposed to be physicians. “She faced danger and she was imprisoned, but her dedication to her fellow human beings outweighed her difficulties. For the things you do for us, thank you. Without you, our communities would become despondent.” Joe Bednash has been on the Booster Board for the past three and a half years, which contributed $60,000 to Wiesbaden High School clubs, remodeled the Amelia Earhart Playhouse, saving over $25,000 in cost and built a habitat for the high school’s “Jake the Snake,” saving over 2,000 euros — just to name a few projects. “It’s a huge honor for me to be recognized,” he said. “I just do whatever I have to do to support my kids.” Jessica Curtis is a strong supporter of local Boy Scouts of America troops, serving in many roles, including merit badge counselor, assistant Scoutmaster, crew advisor, district trainer, troop committee chair and Rheingold district chair. She mentored more than 15 Scouts on their path to becoming Eagle Scouts. This dedication led to her selection as Barbarossa District Executive, overseeing all Boy Scouts of America units in the Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, Landstuhl, Sembach and Baumholder communities. “I think this event is the epitome of volunteer program,” said Lyon. “I’m blown away by the number of people here. It’s testament to the volunteerism present in this community, and I hope to doing more of these ceremonies in the future.”

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News and features

Inaugural Concert on the Lawn draws crowds Photos and photo illustration by Jacob Corbin

Photo top: Concertgoers listen to music by the U.S. Army Europe band at the first Concert on the Lawn June 18. The next concert will be July 9. Photo right, Charlotte Marks, daughter of Aubrey Marks, claps excitedly at the Concert on the Lawn. Photos below: Members of the U.S. Army Europe band play for the assembled crowd June 18.

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Sports and leisure Running through rainbows

Nearly 300 people braved the rain to run, jog and walk in the 5k Color Run held by Wiesbaden Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation June 27, getting doused with a rainbow of colors as they ran. See more photos at www.flickr.com/photos/ wpao/. The next FMWRhosted running event is the Wiesbaden Duathlon Sept. 19, with a 20-mile bike ride and a10-mile run. Photos by Jacob Corbin

Lady’s Run in Mannheim

Things to do ... Things to do

This one is for the ladies only. This 7KM run starts at 2 p.m. so you can sleep in. Registration is €22 with time and €20 without time and includes a t-shirt, gift bag, massage and warm-up session. There will be bands along the way as well. For more information visit www.frauenlauf-mannheim.de.

Erbenheim, behind the Town’s Museum next to the Paulusgemeinde Church, at Wandersmannstrasse 25.

Concerts on the Lawn

4th of July fireworks

The community is invited to watch fireworks at approximately 11 p.m. at the German-American Friendship Fest on Hainerberg. There will also be live music from noon until midnight. Visit www.wiesbaden.armymwr.com/europe/ wiesbaden for more information.

Craftsman’s market in Trier

More than 120 craftsmen will gather in Trier to sell their wares, ranging from basket and jewelry to candles and textiles. The booths open Saturday at 10 a.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For details visit www.trier-info.de.

Erbenheimer Wine Stand

Erbenheimer Wine Stand will be held every Friday from April 17 to Sept. 18 from 5-10 p.m., except on July 24

Photo by Joshua Leonard

German and American guests enjoy a flurry of fireworks during the 2014 4th of July celebration at Hainerberg Housing Area. and Aug. 15. The wine stand will offer wine, champagne, water and grape juice, as well as small snacks; it will be located in the center of the old center of

USAG Wiesbaden and Wiesbaden Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation host the U.S. Army Europe Band for a summer concert series, “Concerts on the Lawn,” at Kroesen Loop in the Newman Village Housing Area on Clay Kaserne. Community members should bring their own lawn chairs and/or blankets. The event is free, and there will be drinks for purchase. Feel free to bring food. July 23 is Jazz; Aug. 20 is the Dixieland Band; and Aug. 27 is the Show Band. Concerts will begin at 7 p.m.

Wine walk through Eltville

Enjoy the picturesque city of Eltville and wine with a walking tour through the Old Town. A guided tour is in English and includes three varieties of “Prädikatsweine” from Eltville wineries plus some nibbles appropriate to the wines. Contact Gunilla Remy at 06123-2227

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or eltvilleremy@freenet.de for reservations. The cost is €11 and the tour starts at 6 p.m. The dates for the walking tours are July 11, August 8 and Sept. 13.

Trips and tours

Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation offers trips to Italy and Greece MiniCruise July 2-7, Prague Overnight July 11-12, London Overnight July 17-19, Strasbourg, France July 25 and Neuschwanstein Castle Tour July 25-26. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9801 for more information.

USO travel

Join the USO for trips to Rhein Aflame July 4, Bern, Switzerland & Cheese Factory July 11, Heidelberg & Neckar River Cruise by Train July 11, Wiesbaden Magic History Walking Tour July 11, Bargain Hunters Special: Koziol Outlet & Michelstadt July 17, Luxembourg Blues & Jazz Rally July 18-19, Geisenheim Lindenfest by Train July 18, Trier by Train July 25, Rhein Falls & Zurich, Switzerland July 25 and Riesling Route July 26. Stop by any area USO or call civ (0611) 143-548-5106 for more information.

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Sports and leisure

5/7 ADA defeats LRMC at soccer finals

In this aerial photo, members of the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment take on the Landsthul Regional Medical Center team during the Installation Management Command - Europe Soccer Finals June 21 at the Newman Village soccer fields. The 5/7 ADA beat LRMC, taking home the championship to Kaiserslautern. Photos by Jacob Corbin

Photo right: A member of the LRMC team kicks the ball airborne while players from the 5/7 ADA try to stop him. Photo far right: Players from U.S. Army Europe Headquarters and Support Company and the 3-159th Attack-Reconnaissance Battalion face off for third place in the championships. Photo below: Players from LRMC and the 5/7 ADA rush to the ball in the IMCOM-E soccer championships June 21.

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News and features CAC change will aid visually impaired security officers By Terri Moon Cronk Defense Media Activity

The Defense Department’s Common Access Card is undergoing modification to make it easier for visually color-impaired security officials to identify bearers who are military, government or contractor civilians, or foreign nationals, a Defense Human Resources Activity official said recently. The changes to the cards are federally mandated, said Sam Yousef, the DHRA identification card and benefits policy program manager, in a DoD News interview June 16. Beginning in July, only new CACs will be issued with the changes -- encircled letters “W” for military and civilian employees, “G” for contractors and “B” for foreign nationals, Yousef said. The encircled letter will appear under the card’s expiration date. The letters will accompany white, green or blue bands across the cards, so security officials who cannot discern color can rely on the letter instead, Yousef said. Security officials will recognize the new format as valid DOD cards on military installations both stateside and overseas. Another change on the CAC will be varied type size to accommodate the length of employees’ names, he said. Standard type size is 10 point, but 7-point type will be used for longer names, he explained. Yousef emphasized that DOD employees with up-to-date CACs do not need to get new cards. The new format will only be issued for new and expiring cards. “The change is going to be implemented through the natural life cycle of the cards, so people don’t need to have their cards replaced for this purpose,” he said. New CAC holders and those whose cards are about to expire can update them at their Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System ID card office, Yousef said.

SecDef visits Grafenwoehr Sgt. Kenneth D. Reed

7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command Public Affairs

Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter ended his European tour with a visit to the Grafenwoehr Training Area and the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command today. “It is not a birth right that the people of America and Germany get to live the way they do now,” said Secretary Carter. “We have to continue to work hard to protect our people and that underlines the importance of the training you are doing here”. His stop in Bavaria, Germany, is the last of the countries he visited this week, including Estonia and Belgium. While here he participated in a series of meetings with European defense ministers and to participate in his first NATO Ministerial as Secretary of Defense. While in Grafenwoehr, Carter met with U.S. and Romanian Soldiers participating in U.S. Army Europe’s Exercise Combined Resolve IV. He observed a combined arms life fire training exercise which demonstrated the superior firepower capabilities possible through tactical level teamwork and successful interoperability. The training also showcased the capabilities of the Grafenwoehr Training Area and its ability to integrate a variety of weapons platforms for realistic training. The

Photo by Markus Rauchenberger

The Secretary of Defense of the United States of America, the Honorable Ashton Carter, speaks with Brig. Gen. Chris Cavoli, commanding general of the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command, during a visit to the U.S. Army’s Grafenwoehr Training Area, June 26. live fire training included the AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter, the M1A2 Abrams Tank, the M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the M109A6 Paladin SelfPropelled Howitzer, and the Romanian BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier, as well as light infantry Romanian Soldiers. This live fire exercise was the culmination of Combined Resolve IV. The Combined Resolve series of exercises was designed to train participants to function together in a multinational and integrated environment and train U.S. Army rotational forces to Europe to be more flex-

ible, agile and better able to operate alongside allies and partners. After observing training, Carter had lunch with junior officers, spoke about the mission in Europe and took questions from Soldiers living and training in the Grafenwoehr community. “You are deterring aggression, you are preparing to respond to crises, you are preparing to deal with terrorism and this is necessary for a civilized society to exist. You do it with your colleagues here in Europe because they see things the way you do, they share a lot of the same values that we

have, so they are natural allies because we stand for the same things. That is the best kind of ally you can possibly have. Secretary Carter ended his visit by individually thanking every Soldier present for their service. Photos of Carter’s visit are posted on the JMTC Flickr page at: https://www.flickr.com/ photos/7armyjmtc/ For more information about Exercise Combined Resolve IV, the Regionally Aligned Forces, or the European Activity Set, visit www.eur.army.mil/jmtc.

New IMCOM Voluntary Placement Program launches By HQ IMCOM Civilian Personnel Branch

U.S. Army Installation Management Command

The Installation Management Command’s new Voluntary Placement Program will give first consideration to internal employees wishing to move overseas or return to the continental U.S. from an overseas position.

Beginning June 30 eligible permanent IMCOM GS-09 and above (or wage grade equivalent) employees were able to apply to available positions posted on an AKO portal on a weekly basis. The goal of the program is to allow current employees an opportunity to volunteer for career-broadening assignments within the command before considering outside applicants.

At this time, the program does not include opportunities for CONUS to CONUS or OCONUS to OCONUS movement, and does not extend to nonappropriated fund (NAF) employees due to regulatory issues. Employees may apply for multiple positions, but are limited to using a single resume during any given week. In accordance with DoD Priority

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Placement Program policy, valid job offers made under the IVPP will be considered legitimate for IMCOM OCONUS employees registered in PPP. Declining an IVPP valid job offer may result in removal from PPP and may subject the employee to adverse action. OCONUS PPP registrants should submit resumes only for positions they are prepared to accept.

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For your health Prevention and early detection can improve men’s health By Lauren A. Shirey U�S� Army Public Health Command

American men are at risk for living less healthy and shorter lives than American women. According to the Men’s Health Network, this risk may be a “silent health crisis” in the United States and is also one that we can act on. There are several reasons that men may be at higher risk for sickness and death than women. For example, a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that women are 100 percent more likely to visit the doctor for annual exams and for services to support health than men. Men are also more likely than women to smoke cigarettes, to die in motor vehicle accidents and experience other preventable events. According to the Men’s Health Network, for younger men, much of the difference comes from increased risk-taking and suicide. Society also often does not promote healthy behaviors for boys and men. Men aren’t the only ones affected by these health issues and these risks. Since women generally live longer than men, they see their dads, brothers, sons, husbands and friends suffer or die early. Each June, the nation celebrates Men’s Health Month to increase awareness of preventable health issues and encourage early detection and treatment for men and boys. To reduce men’s health risks and identify and treat any health conditions or diseases early, focus on the following three areas:

Make healthy lifestyle choices

• Get quality sleep, engage in physical activity and improve nutrition. These are the focus of the Army Medicine’s

Performance Triad campaign and they are fundamental mechanisms to optimize health. • Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke. • Drink alcohol only in moderation and find a designated driver to ensure that no one drinks and drives. Army Wellness Centers, and installation resources such as athletic centers and recreational programs, can help make and continue these important changes for health. Taking care of mental and emotional health is also of key importance. Men often experience stress and suffer from depression. They are also less likely to seek help for depression than women are and are four times as likely to commit suicide as women. Depression affects overall health and well-being and shouldn’t be ignored. To help improve mental and emotional health: • Find ways to de-stress, including maximizing physical activity and sleep. • Talk to a chaplain or health care professional if there is a struggle with negative thoughts, excessive worries or hopelessness. • If there are suicidal thoughts or plans for suicide, speak to a chaplain, behavioral health professional, healthcare provider or to a member of the chain of command immediately.

Get regular health exams

• Schedule an appointment to see a health care provider for a health checkup at least once per year. • Go to the exam prepared to share personal medical history, including current or past substance use, risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases, diet and exercise habits and symptoms of

Photo courtesy of U.S. Army

Sgt. Nicholas Johnson, U.S. Forces Korea Soldier of the Year, finishes the pushup portion of the Army Physical Fitness Test during the 6th Annual Department of the Army Best Warrior Competition at Fort Lee, Va. depression. Although it may seem hard to share, it is important to communicate this information to the medical provider. • Bring up any questions or concerns about any particular health issues, signs, or symptoms with the provider during the exam.

Get screened for early detection

Early detection of many conditions or diseases can lead to early treatment and can often reduce suffering or risk of death. To ensure appropriate preventive screenings are received and to increase chances of finding any health issue early: • Know the medical history of family and share it with the health care provider. If a family member was recently diagnosed with a disease, be sure to update this information with the provider. Knowing family medical history can help the provider identify

any screenings that might be of special importance. • Keep any follow-up screening appointments that the provider recommends. Screenings like colonoscopies, blood pressure checks and blood tests are all important parts of prevention and early detection of illness and disease. Women are in a unique position to help men to overcome barriers they face in getting health care and in detecting potential health risks or diseases early. Men can be supported through positive encouragement and letting them know it is a sign of strength to prevent and address health risks or conditions. Men and women can both help boys and teenagers develop these habits early in life, which is the best course of prevention. For more information on how to make healthy lifestyle choices, obtain a health exam or seek early screening, contact your primary care provider.

Veterans Affairs asks service members, veterans to monitor health with Burn Pit Registry Type of waste burned

By the Department of Veterans Affairs

Burn pits were a common way to get rid of waste at military sites in Iraq and Afghanistan. At this time, research does not show evidence of long-term health problems from exposure to burn pits. However, the VA continues to study the health of deployed Veterans. Health effects from burn pit smoke toxins in burn pit smoke may affect the skin, eyes, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract and internal organs. Veterans who were closer to burn pit smoke or exposed for longer periods may be at greater risk. Health effects depend on a number of other factors, such as the kind of waste being burned and wind direction.

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Most of the irritation is temporary and resolves once the exposure is gone. This includes eye irritation and burning, coughing and throat irritation, breathing difficulties, and skin itching and rashes. The high level of fine dust and pollution common in Iraq and Afghanistan may pose a greater danger for respiratory illnesses than exposure to burn pits, according to a 2011 Institute of Medicine report. The type of waste products burned in burn pits include, but are not limited to: chemicals, paint, medical and human waste, metal/aluminum cans, munitions and other unexploded ordnance, petroleum and lubricant products, plastics, rubber, wood and discarded food.

Health concerns

Burning waste in open air pits can cause more pollution than controlled burning, such as in an incinerator. Health concerns? If you are concerned about your exposure to burn pits, talk to your health care provider or local VA Environmental Health Coordinator. VA health care is available to all combat Veterans for conditions possibly related to service for five years after discharge. Not enrolled in the VA health care system? Apply online. Action plan VA, in coordination with the Department of Defense, has developed a joint action plan to improve outreach, clinical care, surveillance, and research.

Action plan

Read the Feb. 4, 2013 notice in the

Federal Register to learn more about VA’s strategy and action plan. Registry Join the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to help us learn more about potential health effects. Check your eligibility and sign up through an online questionnaire. Veterans may file a claim for disability compensation for health problems they believe are related to exposure to burn pits during military service. VA decides these claims on a case-by-case basis. File a claim online. Read Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors to learn more about VA benefits. See more at: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/PUBLICHEALTH/exposures/burnpits/index.asp#sthash. O586nGLd.dpuf

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Bulletin board Minions

© 2015 - Universal Pictures / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com

Minions is produced by Illumination’s Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy, and is directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda. Brian Lynch has written the screenplay for the 3D-CG comedy adventure, and Chris Renaud serves as executive producer of the film.

At the movies July 2-July 16 Editor’s note: Renovations of the Taunus Movie Theater began Jan. 12, and until mid-July movies will be shown at Tony Bass Auditorium (Clay Kaserne Building 1043). The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Please contact your local theater for the most up-to-date schedule.

© 2015 - Warner Bros. Pictures / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com

The Gallows — Twenty years after an accident caused the death of the lead actor during a high school play, students at the same small town school resurrect the failed stage production in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy — but ultimately find out that some things are better left alone.

Tony Bass Auditorium July 2 — Terminator Genisys (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 3 — Terminator Genisys (PG-13) 4 p.m. Poltergeist (PG-13) 7 p.m. Magic Mike XXL (R) 9 p.m. July 4 — Terminator Genisys (PG-13) 4 p.m. Magic Mike XXL (R) 7 p.m. July 5 — Terminator Genisys (PG-13) 4 p.m. Magic Mike XXL (R) 7 p.m. July 6 — Poltergeist (PG-13) 4 p.m. Terminator Genisys (PG-13) 6 p.m. July 7 — Max (PG) 7 p.m. July 8 — Poltergeist (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 9 — Magic Mike XXL (R) 7 p.m. July 10 — Minions (PG) 4 p.m. Minions (PG) 7 p.m. July 11 — Minions (PG) 2 p.m. Minions (PG) 4 p.m. The Gallows (R) 7 p.m. July 12 — Minions (PG) 2 p.m. Minions (PG) 4 p.m. The Gallows (R) 7 p.m. July 13 — Poltergeist (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 14 — Terminator Genisys (PG-13) 7 p.m. July 15 — Minions (PG) 7 p.m.

Terminator Genisys

© 2015 - Paramount Pictures / Photo courtesy of Movieweb.com

When John Connor (Jason Clarke), leader of the human resistance, sends Sgt. Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke) and safeguard the future, an unexpected turn of events creates a fractured timeline. Now, Sgt. Reese finds himself in a new and unfamiliar version of the past, where he is faced with unlikely allies, including the Guardian (Arnold Schwarzenegger), dangerous new enemies, and an unexpected new mission: To reset the future…

Movie plots Minions — The story of Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment’s Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters—from T. rex to Napoleon—the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression. But one Minion named Kevin has a plan, and he—alongside teenage rebel Stuart and lovable little Bob—ventures out into the world to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. The trio embarks upon a thrilling journey that ultimately leads them to their next potential master, Scarlet Overkill (Academy Award® winner Sandra Bullock), the world’s first-ever female super-villain. They travel from frigid Antarctica to 1960s New York City, ending in mod London, where they must face their biggest challenge to date: saving all of Minionkind...from annihilation. Additionally, Minions is eaturing a soundtrack of hit music from the ’60s that still permeates our culture today. Poltergeist — Legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi (“Spiderman,” “Evil Dead”, “The Grudge”) and director Gil Kenan (“Monster House”) contemporize the classic tale about a family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces. When the terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks and hold the youngest daughter captive, the family must come together to rescue her before she disappears forever. Max — A precision-trained military dog, Max serves on the frontlines in Afghanistan alongside his handler, U.S. Marine Kyle Wincott. But when things go terribly wrong on maneuvers, Kyle is mortally wounded and Max, traumatized by the loss of his best friend, is unable to remain in service. Shipped stateside, the only human he seems willing to connect with is Kyle’s teenage brother, Justin, so Max is adopted by Kyle’s family, essentially saving his life. But Justin has issues of his own, such as living up to his father’s expectations for him; he isn’t interested in taking responsibility for his brother’s troubled dog. However, Max may be Justin’s only chance to discover what really happened to his brother that day on the front, and with the help of a tough-talking young teen, Carmen, who has a way with dogs, Justin begins to appreciate his canine companion. Justin’s growing trust in Max helps the four-legged veteran revert back to his heroic self, and as the pair race against time to unravel the mystery, they find more excitement—and danger—than they bargained for. But they each might also find an unlikely new best friend…in each other.

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Lt. Gen. Ben Hoges, Festmeister Alex Schramm, USAG Wiesbaden Command Sgt. Maj. Roy Rocco, Garrison Commander Col. Mary Martin and City Councilor Frau Gabriele Wolf raise ein prost after tapping the keg to officially kick off the fest.

‘Fest’ friends Second annual German-American Friendship Festival celebrates fun, friendship and the best of both countries Story and photos by Jacob Corbin U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

For the second year in a row, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden teamed up with the City of Wiesbaden to hold the German-American Friendship Festival. The fest, which began June 26 and runs through July 4, is being held on Hainerberg in the old PX parking lot and features rides, games, entertainment, and of course, food. “Wiesbaden residents and our neighboring communities have been welcoming us to their events with open “This really is arms,” said USAG our home in Wiesbaden Commander Col. Mary Germany.” Martin in a release prior to the event. “We work closely with our host nation counterparts on various topics, from aviation to leisure. The many cultural opportunities offered in the city and beyond are shared with our community every week. This really is our home in Germany.” It’s not just all fun and games though, as the fest is a great time for Americans and their German neighbors to get to know each other while

Page 16

Herald Union

A festgoer flips for fun at one of the many rides offered. enjoying all it has to offer, according to U.S. Army Europe Commanding General Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges. “Tonight we have the great opportunity to meet

our neighbors in Wiesbaden and the surrounding communities,” Hodges said at the opening ceremonies. “It is an honor that you [our German neighbors] are celebrating with us.” Hodges added that he hoped everyone would go home, after the fest opening, having met someone from the other nation that they had not met yet. Gabriele Wolf, city counselor and representative of the lord mayor of the City of Wiesbaden at the opening ceremony, echoed General Hodges statements on friendship. “We, the City of Wiesbaden, are happy about the great relationships we have with you,” she said. “We are happy you have organized the festival and invited us out to it. People are excited to come back.” The festival is open to everyone and runs from noon to midnight everyday through July 4. The community is invited to watch fireworks at approximately 11 p.m. at the German-American Friendship Fest on Hainerberg. There will also be live music from noon until midnight. Visit www. wiesbaden.armymwr.com/europe/wiesbaden for more information.

July 2, 2015 .............................................................. www.wiesbaden.army.mil


Keltenwelt visitors enjoy coffee and the view from a cafe in the museum overlooking a large burial mound.

Museum offers glimpse of Celtic culture Story and photos by Karl Weisel Special to the Herald Union

Top photo: Daredevils take a turn on “the Hotshot.” Photo above: Fest goers drive bumper cars on opening day, June 26. Photo right: Smoked salmon is one of the many treats offered at the fest.

Not much is known about those who lived some 2,500 years ago in Europe. While Roman historians described the Celts as head hunters and fierce warriors, modern historians have attempted to gain a more rounded depiction of those who resided throughout Europe living in farming communities, as shepherds and creating handicrafts that are still admired to this day. A visit to the Keltenwelt am Glauberg (Celtic World on the Glau Mountain) offers a glimpse into this ancient cultural heritage. Located northeast of Frankfurt, near the former U.S. military community in Büdingen, the Keltenwelt museum and surrounding open-air exhibits provide a unique way for people of all ages to explore this littleknown civilization. A giant burial mound, surrounded by intriguing trenches (possibly used by ancient priests) is set among rolling fields of bright yellow rapeseed plants. Overlooking this vast pastoral landscape is the museum which features a collection of jewelry, weapons, a complete statue of a Celtic warrior leader and exhibits detailing the language, lifestyles and other ties that united this Visitors observe a Celtic warrior leader as depicted cultural heritage in places from today’s Czech Republic in a sandstone statue unearthed in a nearby burial to northern Spain, Germany to Ireland. mound. Visitors are led through a series of displays showing how archaeologists uncovered the various artifacts and 1, 63695 Glauberg, is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday burial sites that remained uncovered in the nearby fields to Sunday. Visitors can ask for a printed guide in English for more than 2,000 years. Exhibits also describe the (free during the visit) to better understand the various rich heritage that has flowed through various cultures displays. Admission is €5 for adults, €3.50 for students until the present day – particularly in countries such as and children under age 6 enter for free. Scotland and Ireland. With a wide range of hiking and biking trails in the On the hill above the museum one is invited to stroll vicinity, consider bringing a picnic lunch to enjoy in through the ages. Various signs and the foundations of combination with a trip to the Keltenwelt. Plan on makage-old structures detail the different fortresses, castles ing a stop at the nearby walled city of Büdingen as well and villages that once stood on the Glauberg beginning to wander through the cobble-stoned streets where U.S. with the Celts 600 years before Romans took up residence cavalry Soldiers once resided. and ending in the 13th century with the last knights giving For more information visit www.keltenwelt-glauberg. way to nearby feudal leaders. de. (Karl Weisel works for the U.S. Army Garrison The Keltenwelt am Glauberg, located at am Glauberg Wiesbaden Marketing Office.)

www.wiesbaden.army.mil....................................................................July 2, 2015

Herald Union

Page 17

USAG Wiesbaden’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) The VBS Spotlight photo crew. These kids provided photo documentary for this issue.

Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost!

Matt, Alfred and Jack playing around.

Page 18

Herald Union

Over 60 chapel volunteers and over 150 participants helped bring this year’s Vacation Bible School to life.

Abbey and her crew enjoying bible story time.

All photos courtesy of the VBS Spotlight photo crew

July 2, 2015 .............................................................................. www.herald-union.com

USAG Wiesbaden’s Vacation Bible School kids enjoy the final day of their weeklong program.

Children in preschool through 6th grade attend daily from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to have fun and learn about "Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power."

Joseph and Spencer helping prepare snacks.

Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost!

USAG Wiesbaden’s Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Play time in the preschool peak room.

All photos courtesy of the VBS Spotlight photo crew

www.herald-union.com ...................................................................................July 2, 2015 Herald Union Page 19

USAG Wiesbaden’s Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older, they won't be lost!

Emily and Savannah enjoy praise and worship at VBS.

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Herald Union

Preschoolers enjoying themselves dancing.

For more information on chapel events for families and children, contact a chaplain or the director of Religious Education, Dr. Jolynda Strandburg, at Hainerberg Chapel.

Zachary getting into the groove.

All photos courtesy of the VBS Spotlight photo crew

July 2, 2015 .............................................................................. www.herald-union.com


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Apt in Landstuhl, 124sqm, 3br, bik, liv/din, 2baths, storage in basement €1150 incl. util 01622679106

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Kindsbach singles freestanding house w/ paved yard, downstairs, BIK, dinrm, office or guestrm, All ads and pics on class-world.com bathrm, utilrm, first flr, 2BR, bathrm w/shower, lrg livrm, addi1 freestanding family house, tional full build attic, newly renov, 67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn, 4 €1260+util 0151-22209677 bedrooms, 2.5 bathroom, built in kitchen, laundry, SAT-TV, fast DSL (Internet), Solar-System, CarLarge luxury freestanding home, port, nice yard and area. 5min ramstein school district. 7 beSembach, 10min Kaiserslautern, droom, 2,5 bath, liv.-dining area, 20min Ramstein. Available from bik, fireplace, floor-heating (gas), 15th of July. € 1270. call Alex fireplace, sat, balcony, terrace, 0049 172 360 22 96 double garage, yard €2,200, mbis singer@msn.com Here is Your new home! After remodeling ready to move in, cosy house with big yard, 5 bdr., living, dining, built in kitchen, 2 ba- Ramstein 10min, FSH, 230sqm, throoms, sauna, €1100+util, call 7BDR, 4walk in clos.3baths, 2gar, 0631 351630 or 01741793628 ask nice yard, rent €2145, Dzepezau for Klaus or Hilde e-mail klaus@ er@aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 kjunkermann.de


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AUTOS All ads and pics on class-world.com

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 2003 SAAB 9-5 Linear Sport Sedan, $6,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Power Seats, Alloy, Excellent Condition, New Service, Call: 0176 2273 0967, Email: info@euro peanmotors.org, Web: www.euro peanmotors.org 2005 Honda CRV, $7000. Model is the EX w/5 speed automatic transmission and 4WD. Silver exterior w/black cloth interior. 143,000 miles. 1 owner, well maintained and in very good condition. Email: kabatekj@msn.com or call Joe at 01514661020

2004 Corvette Coupe, Commemorative Ed, 27,500 miles, Exc. Cond, LeMans Blue, New Michelin Pilot Sport Run-flat Tires, New brakes and rotors, New battery, 4 sp. Auto, Comfort Access, Leather, Cruise, Power Everything, Dual Airbags, Moon Roof/Targa, HUD, Bose CD, ABS, Traction Contrl, Active Handling, Dual Climate, Sport Exhaust. Loud and fast. $24,500 obo. slutz2004@ gmail.com; tel. 0711 722 48 680

2006 VW Passat 4-Motion, fully loaded, new Michelin tires, just passed inspection, 98,000 miles, $10,200. Call 06363-994051 or send e-mail to alzafra2@ gmail.com

2007 Ford CMax $3200 91000 miles. New clutch and airconditiong. Great car for commuting and roomy for tall people while still able to fit in small parking spots. Located in Sembach. Email 2006 MINI Cooper, $8,695-, US finelinefarms@yahoo.com SPEC, Manual, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Al- 2010 Ford Escape, $13,500.00, loy Wheels, Excellent Condition, low mileage, one owner non smoVery Low Fuel Consumption, ker, call 062472429076 or Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@ 01774634644, mlplcl1@ya europeanmotors.org, Web: hoo.com www.europeanmotors.org 2006 Toyota Avalon Sedan, $14,995-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation System, Power Seats, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition 1 Owner Vehicle , Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@europeanmotors.org, Web: www.europeanmotors.or

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All ads and pics on class-world.com

2013 Subaru Forester "Limited" 4x4 Wagon, $24,795-, US SPEC, Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, Power Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Excellent Condition, Call:0176 2273 0967, Email: info@ europeanmotors.org, Web: www.europeanmotors.org

The 86th Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420 or email 86FSS.FCC@ramstein.af.mil

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ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads and pics on class-world.com

SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii game, like new!, €12, ccopon gracz@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com T-Eumex 220PC, for fast and comfortable internet communication. Isdn $15, isabell_1_98@ya hoo.com,

The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game, perfect condition, like new! €8, Daycare k-town area full or part coemser@gmail.com **See pics time, nights & weekends. Open on class-world.com for all ages for summer vacation. Call 0151-41281576 or 063288229 LE

2011 Volo XC90, $23,000, staci_ins@yahoo.com, 52,900 miles, AWD, Traction Control, 3rd row seating, new brakes and tires, all dealer maintenance, ABS, navigation, heated seats and much more. Email for details and pics.

Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! €10, copongracz@gmail.com, **See pics on class-world.com


spd, A/C, power everything, cruise, 6 disc in dash CD, leather, sun roof, tinted windows, 1 y/o summer & winter tires, all services done by Volvo dealer, robash30@hot mail.com

Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game, played once, perfect condition - like new!, €15, copongracz@ gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com

Play Academy ChildCare. I am a licensed & certified child care provider.I live in Rodenbach, 10 min Vogelweh & 10 min RAB.I have years of experience & references.My home is warm & cozy.Warm home cooked Lunch is provided for the children every day. Your child will have its very own indoor playground & fenced in backyard for the summer as well as weekly field trip outings.If you are in need, I am here for you Monday-Friday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri 7-5.06374-944828

Live Roller Derby, Get ready to watch RGA take on Barockcity in ELECTRONICS our second Bundesliga game of the season. Sunday, June 14 All ads and pics on class-world.com Doors open 0900, Game starts at 1300. Kids 10 and under are free. For Sale: ALZAFRA2@gmail.com or 06363-994051- HP60 printer General admission tickets are €5 cartridges, one twin pack and one XL color. All for $35. Bose AccouThank you St. Jude! Thank you stimass speaker set - $150 God for answering our prayers; thank you St. Jude for interceding Internet Power Line Adapter, on my behalf. I will encourage de- €70, bwginas@gmail.com votion to you always. My mom had a heart attack here & was go- Laney speakers, for more inforne. Thru CPR & prayer our Lord mation Call: 017622987498 saved her. Stearing wheel "Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback" for your PC! Love to play auto games? Wanna feel like yr r driving for reADOPTION al? Then dont miss this!, pics on All ads and pics on class-world.com class-world.com, €20, copon gracz@gmail.com **See pics on Adopt while stationed overseas! class-world.com www.adopt-abroad.com Adoption Intl & foster care, home stu- Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game, dies. Hague accredited. Casewor- perfect condition, like new! €15, **See kers in Germany. US 001-888- copongracz@gmail.com pics on class-world.com 526-4442


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Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 2 Antique Persian silk carpetsfor praying, size 1,60 x 1, 10meters, 1,35 x 0,85 meters, 1old oil painting in wide largeframe, "Stil life" 73 x 63 Wide, 1 sauerkraut large Antique Pot, 0631-4150901 / 0172-6529752 220 volt transformer. 1 X 75 watt for $20. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. Aeropostale long sleeve. Pink. On the front are pictures of peaces signs and the label name is shown. Size M. Barley worn. Good condition. For pics see www.class-world.com. €9. jani na.wuttke@gmx.de Bible study books etc, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com


Black knitted pullover. Size XS but fits also for size M. €5. See www.class-world.com for pictures. Janina.Wuttke@gmx.de Dark green Roxy Jeans. Size 30. Find pictures at www.classworld.com. €10. janina.wuttke@ gmx.de

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All ads and pics on class-world.com

GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect conditi- Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, sion, like new. Size small., €5, coem ze 6, never worn. For wedding/ ser@gmail.com prom/summer night out. $50; 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya German & English Dictionary hoo.com Pic on www.class1936, Health Book For the Home world.eu 1921, A World of Girls, Printed NewYork, 1910,0631-4150901 / Leather couch, €200, alex-bel 0172-6529752 lon@t-online.de, Adress:GeGreen wedges, size 40, never schwister-scholl-str.48 Ramsteinworn. Paid €50, asking $40. MiesenbachTel:0176/72334708

Bracelet - Brown, handmade! Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, copon gracz@gmail.com, pics on class017622987498 world.com

Handbag "Alexander": Brown, leather bag, hardly used, perfect condition! €8, pics on classworld.com, copongracz@ gmail.com

Bracelet - Gray/Black, handmade. Beautiful accessory for any occation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, copon gracz@gmail.com, pics on class- Handbag "Esprit brand": Small bad, black leather, ideal if you onworld.com ly need to carry few things around Collection of leather bound, si- with you like purse, cell phone gned by the author, 1st edition etc., €5, pics on class-world.com, books, mint cond. Over 100 diffe- copongracz@gmail.com rent books. Authors include: Nor- Handbag: Classy black leather man Mailer, William F. Buckley, bag. Hardly used, perfect conditiJoseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald on!, pics on class-world.com, Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom €15, copongracz@gmail.com Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a 0151-270-19822 bow on the back. €15. For pics Designer Hand bag. George Gina see www.class-world.com. Conand Lucy. Used twice. Beige co- tact janina.wuttke@gmx.de

Like new (great condition) 15ft oval trampoline with full cage/net $200, ph: 016095647699; lp579@ aol.com, Reichenbach-Steegan Mario & Luigi starting line Race. Mariokart Wii.from Knex, $30, original price $61.99. isabell_1_98@ yahoo.com or 017622987498 Moving Sale, charles.b.lee2.civ@mail.mil


Mug 1 Liter, 50 years, Schlacht imHürtgenwald w/ American & German Flag, 1944 - 1994 and certain documents in English language, 2 Mugs Limited Edition w/ Cert.5000 Worldwide, 1 Mug Octoberfest 1/2 liter, €, 06314150901 / 0172-6529752

Oversized Cardigan from Review. Black and white stripes. For visit www.classlor. Paid 160 euros for the bag. Knee length satin dress, size 40 pictures €50 017622987498 from Vero Moda, €20. world.com. €10. janina.wuttke@ gmx.de 017622987498 Engleby from Sebastian Faulks! Kookai dress, size 40, $30, chif- Pumps, black, hardly worn, great Great book., €2, pic on classfron material, purple, pink, and condition, size 9M!, €5, pics on world.com, coemser@gmail.com copongracz@ beige, worn once, 017622987498, class-world.com, gmail.com, pics on classsee class world for pictures. For That Special Collector a Beworld.com autiful The United States Comme- Labtop or plate table. Perfect morative Presidential Collection, when sitting on couch eating for Red shoes/pumps, Size 41, worn spvendor@gmail.com to place labtop on. 017622987498 once, too big., €10, isabell_1_98@ yahoo.com

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Storage Shed For Sale, $500, 10 feet by 7 1/2 feet outdoor storage FOR SALE shed. Only 2 years old excellent All ads and pics on class-world.com condition. Must pickup will not deliver. $500 or OBO. Please conSandals "Anne Klein": Classy tact me at email below if interess..., Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy ted. Akdippolito@yahoo.com shoes, brown leather, great to wear at work or for going out at Swissgear hiking backpack, night. Only slight signs of usage. 31x16 inches, 70 liters. Never Size 9M, €5, pics on class- used, still with tags, $45. Great for world.com, coemser@gmail.com hiking, backpacking, travel, and Shamballa Bracelet - Black/Gray, more! Located in Kaiserslautern. handmade, adjustable in size, fits Email finelinefarms@yahoo.com E

almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €12, copongracz@ gmail.com Shamballa Bracelet - Brown/Creme, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €15, copongracz@ gmail.com

Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits perfectly in a small, narrow space. $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad vantipro.de The Notebook from Nicholas Sparks - wonderful book!, €2, pic on class-world.com, copongracz@ gmail.com

FURNITURE All ads and pics on class-world.com



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The Swarovski Pierrot measures 8". This is the first edition of "Mas- Antique 100 y.o. German china querade" series. Retired in 1999. cabinet, matching dining table isabell_1_98@yahoo.com with 4 chairs. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact T-Shirt "America", perfect condi- Eric and Mia at 063759949674., tion, like new, size small! €5, co €950, eyates9761@aol.com pongracz@gmail.com ***pics on class-world.com Antique Bench, Antique bench with cushion seat, storage space Various books for sale, Hölleim and wheels. See photo on KA Hürtgen Wald (The Hell atHürtgenclassifieds web page. Contact forest, Sept. 1944 - Feb.1945, Eric and Mia at 063759949674., Schlachtfeld zwischen €600, eyates9761@aol.com Maas+RheinSept. 1444 - March 1945, w/ Orginal Signature from Author, 0631-4150901/ 0172- Antique corner desk. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Con6529752 tact Eric and Mia at €150, Various music CDs for sale, all 063759949674., from the 2000er years. Single eyates9761@aol.com

Shamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, coemser@ CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina gmail.com Aguilera etc. for €3, music sampShamballa Bracelet - Purple/whi- lers like Bravo Hits and The Dome te, handmade, adjustable in size, €4. For a picture of the selection fits almost every wrist. Beautiful see www.class-world.com. Conaccessory for any ocation, any tact janina.wuttke@gmx.de outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best Various size New Gym bags girl friends. €10, copongracz@ $10.00 each, spvendor@ gmail.com gmail.com

Antique reproduction secretary desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €120, eyates9761@aol.com Beautiful China cabinet with two adjustable glass shelfs and two draws. bwginas@gmail.com

www.herald-union.com ...................................................................................July 2, 2015 Herald Union Page 27

Tammy’s Massage & Pedicure Special: 2 x Deep Tissue Massage €49,- (instead of €70) Pedicure with french gel €25,- (instead of €36) Tammy Drescher spamassagewiesbaden@gmail.com 0157-58 244 862 Friedhofstrasse 10a • 65205 Wiesbaden www.spamassagewiesbaden.com


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Herald Union

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Have fun with the locals Castle lighting

Sat, Jul 11 Heidelberg, Heidelberg Schloss

Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event on July 11 in Heidelberg, where the castle will be lit up. You will see a spectacular fireworks show and be able to enjoy classical music concerts. For more information, visit www.schlossbeleuchtung-heidelberg.de

EVENTS Opera square festival Fri, Jul 3 Frankfurt, Opernplatz Since 1978 the opera square festival has been a tribute to one of the most beautiful places in Frankfurt. From June 25 to July 3 come enjoy this cultural festival. Live music, everything from jazz to pop, will be the main source of entertainment and diverse culinary treats will be available for your enjoyment. Visit www. opernplatzfest.com for more information. Heiner Fest Thu, Jul 2 – Mon, Jul 6 Darmstadt, city center The city of Darmstadt is having their 65th Heiner Fest where you and your family can enjoy various rides, culture, music and food amongst other highlights. There is something for everyone here. There will be around 250 stands all around the Darmstadt Schloss. For more info, visit www.darmstaedterheinerfest.de Sekt and Biedermeier fest Fri, Jul 3 – Mon, Jul 6 Eltville, Festgelände In the town of Eltville you can enjoy the Sekt and Biedermeier fest from July 3 to 6. Music is provided at different locations. Kids can ride a mechanical bull, have their faces painted, and jump in a bouncy castle. Culinary delights will be offered as well as Sekt. Monday at 10:45 p.m. there will be a display of fireworks so don’t miss out. For more information, visit www.eltville.de

Weekly market Sat, Jul 4 Mainz, Am Dom - Liebfrauenplatz The city of Mainz has a weekly market, that is open on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can purchase any fresh and regional produce that your heart desires, from cheese, vegetables, meat and so much more. During the warmer seasons you can purchase wine, asparagus, and strawberries. For more info, visit www.wochenmarkt-mainz.de

Hochheim, city center The 66th wine festival in Hochheim will take place from July 10 to 13, starting with a great music show at 8 p.m. For four days local winegrowers and restaurants present their specialties while bands perform on seven different stages in the city center. The festival ends with a huge fireworks display on Monday evening. Shops will be open on July 12 so be sure to check out what they have to offer. For more info, see www.hochheim-feiert.de

Family festival Sun, Jul 5 Frankfurt, Palmengarten Enjoy a colorful program at this year’s family festival at the Palmengarten in Frankfurt starting at 1 p.m. on July 5. You and your family can learn about botany and interesting facts about their topic ‘scents, nature and culture’ with the help of fun games and action packed tours through the park. Admission costs €7 for adults, €2 for children. Visit www.palmengarten.de

Wine tasting cruise Sun, Jul 12 Rüdesheim am Rhein Enjoy wine tasting on a whole new level during a 1.5 hour boat tour on July 12 starting from Assmannshausen Brücke 2 (bridge 2) at 4.30 p.m. or from Rüdesheim, Brücke 12 at 5.10 p.m. Tickets cost €17 and include the boat tour, the tasting of four different wines, a pretzel and a glass from Rüdesheim as a souvenir. For more information, see www.roesslerlinie.de

Schierstein harbor fest Fri, Jul 10 – Mon, Jul 13 Wiesbaden, Schiersteiner Hafen Enjoy a fest by the harbor of Schierstein from July 10 to 13. This event has been going strong for 67 years and lures water and boat fans alike. You can enjoy water sports, a large range of music, as well as all the culinary specialties offered. Don’t miss out on the dragon boat race and the fireworks. For more information, visit www.wiesbaden.de Wine festival Fri, Jul 10 – Mon, Jul 13

Wyld Stories - young Scottish cinema Wed, Jul 15 Frankfurt, Malsehn Kino Six Scottish short stories will be shown at the Malsehn cinema in Frankfurt on July 15 and 22 at 10 p.m. in their original language. From monkeys dreaming of the moon to risky tests of courage; this collection of poignant and hilarious storylines from 2008 to 2014 promises to touch your soul and leave you thinking about them long after the screen went black again. Admission costs €7 per person. Call 069 5970845 to book your ticket and visit www.malsehnkino.de for more information.

More events on: www.militaryingermany.com

CONCERTS Anastacia Thu, Jul 9 Mainz, Zitadelle See Anastacia live on July 9, 2015. The famous American singer/songwriter is going on her anticipated Resurrection Tour. Singing songs from the best selling comback album For further information and more dates, visit www.anastacia.com SPORTS Night run Sat, Jul 4 Mörfelden, Waldstadion Tired of running on a treadmill? Join other amateur runners on July 4 and discover 10 km of Mörfelden’s forest in the evening. The run starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Waldstadion. Participation is free. Go to www.online-anmeldung.eu to register online. Danone Nations Cup Sun, Jul 5 Wiesbaden, Brita-Arena Danone Nations Cup is the biggest soccer tournament in the world for children aged 10 – 12. The Danone cup is held in 32 countries and will be in Wiesbaden on 6 July. There will be 32 football games. Children can enjoy bouncy castles, see a football freestyle artist and win special prizes. The event starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 4 p.m. For more information, visit www.danonecup.de

military IN GERMANY

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All ads and pics on class-world.com

All ads and pics on class-world.com

Black music rocking chair, $25, purchased at mobel martin for Huge Charity Yard Sale, All of the €60. isabell_1_98@yahoo.com/ money goes to dog rescue.June 10-13th, 9am-3pm. Gonbacher017622987498, strasse 4 in 67728 Muenchweiler Clock, $150.00, spvendor@ (near Sembach). We have a huge selection...something for everyogmail.com ne. tteuber@hotmail.com Mantel Clock, Mantel clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour., $70.00 spvendor@gmail.com Office Desk and Chair for sale, $150, payden.forkum@yahoo.com Wooden bookshelf. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., $150, eyates9761@aol.com Beautiful Dining Room Table & 4 Chairs, $400.00, Eddie Bauer by Lane pedestal table with 4 arm chairs. Diameter is 56" or 142 cm & height is 29" or 74cm. Hate to sell, but won't need in next house. See photos. 0151 5670 3249

JOBS All ads and pics on class-world.com

Our language school is based in Wiesbaden and offers in-house Business English courses as well as children's English for ages 4 and up. We are currently looking for qualified English teachers, preferably native speakers, with prior teaching experience. Our teachers work on a free-lance basis, pay is 20,00€ per 45 mins. Please send your applications to info@ das-sprachwerk.de or use the contact function on our website at www.das-sprachwerk.de


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AdvantiPro is seeking a

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PEKO GmbH is seeking qualified personnel for permanent job positions at the European Activity Set (EAS) in Coleman Barracks, Mannheim. The positions are: (1. Heavy Track Mechanics (2. Railway Operations Officer. Minimum Required Qualifications: (1. Relevant Job experience in the advertised position. (2. German Driver´s License Class B. (3. Reasonably fluent in English (both written and speech). Interested? Please send your English Resume (CV) per Email to personal@pekogmbh.de or per post to PEKO GmbH, Am Herrschaftsweiher 9, 67071 Ludwigshafen Tel: 06237-92477-35


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* An Annual Annual Per Pe Percentage centage cen age ge Ra Rate R Rates ate a s (APRs) (A ( PR PRs) P Rs) adv Rs ad advertised dvertised dv erttised erti ed d are arre th tthe he h lowe lowest owe ow w st aavailable vailillable ablle rates; es; othe other ra other rrates attes teeess aan and nd n d terms may be available. Rates, terms and conditions may vary based bas base b ba as d on ase n creditworthiness c ditw cre ditworth dit hines iness ne s an nes and and ot other her qual qualifications lifica ification tionss and and are are su ssubject u ubjec bje bjec b bj jject to o ccha ch change. h nge. ge A g Ad Additional dditi d ona naal al re restrictions may apply. Subject to credit approval. Minimum loan aamo amou am amount mountt iiss $1000. 000. Ma M Maximum ximum lo loan oan n aamount mount pe per er 1 18 mo m mon month onth term ter errm iss $$4500; erm 4500 500 0; m ma maximum ximum ximu m lo loan n aamount m per 13 month term is $3000. Payment example: A $4500 V Vac Vaca Vacation tion L Loa Loan oan at 9 9.99% 99% 99% %A APR PR R ffor orr a ter o term erm m of of 18 18 mont months ntth nth hss w would ou ould o uld d hav h have avve a monthly paym payment meent en n o off $$270.34. Offer available 6/1/2015 through 8/31/2015.

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