Jul. 5, 2012 - Herald Union

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Having a ball during School Age Services’ summer programs — page 19

erald Union H Vol. XIV, No. 19

Serving the communities of U.S. Army Garrisons Baumholder and Wiesbaden

July 5, 2012

To the rescue

Soldiers, civilians team up to save owl fledgling By Karl Weisel U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

nice that they contacted us,” said Alex Sabais, a member of the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Public Works’ Environmental Division. “The Soldiers and members of the Fire Department provided us with lots of information.” The baby, longeared owl had apparently fallen out of its nest, said Alwin Garcia, chief of the Environmental Division. “It See Owl on page 3

It may have looked like a fluffy hood ornament, but Soldiers of the 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion recognized the stray owl fledgling lost in their motor pool. “It all happened during command maintenance,” said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Gerardo Ledesma of the 2nd MI Battalion. “Members of Company B, 2nd MI, were doing Preventive Maintenance, Checks and Services when they found the owl on the back of a tactical vehicle and reported it to Sgt. 1st Class Gerson Espinoza who contacted the EnvironmenPhoto courtesy of the tal Branch and Environmental Division the Fire Depart- A forlorn owl fledgling sits ment.” on a HMMWV bumper in a “It’s really Wiesbaden motor pool.

Photo by Chrystal Smith

Wounded warriors hit the court

Sgt. Daniel Vantrease from the Kleber Kaserne Warrior Transition Unit, shoots a layup during a WTU wheelchair basketball physical training activity June 22 at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. The event was part of the adaptive sports program in the Army aimed at giving injured Soldiers more options for exercise and recovery. See the story on page 18.

Housing: By Wendy Brown

U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office

With 326 brand-new homes in Newman Village, most of them duplexes, it is not difficult to understand why some people might want to move there from Wiesbaden’s other housing areas. Iris Boria is one of them. She was disappointed when housing

Housing chief explains how Family quarters are assigned

officials told her she could not move there unless she had a really good reason. “Seriously, I’m not asking to pay where I’m going,” she wrote on the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s Facebook page. “I just want to live in a better place.” The Housing Division’s goal is to provide quality on-post housing to service members and their Families that is commensurate with

the level of service they provide, said Don Meyer, head of the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s Housing Division. Housing is assigned based on availability and the service member’s entitlements as outlined in AR 420-1, Meyer said. Service members who are already adequately housed will not be moved simply See Housing on page 7

Keep valuables out of sight to keep them out of thieves’ hands By Robert Szostek

U.S. Army Europe Office of the Provost Marshal

U.S. forces personnel can easily become victims of car break-ins, and often they unwittingly tempt thieves, warn officials at the U.S. Army Europe Office of the Provost Marshal. Satellite navigation devices are the most popular items for crooks, but laptops, ID cards, passports, cameras, cell phones, backpacks and military clothing items are also regularly stolen from cars and vans.

“The main problem is that Soldiers and civilians leave property in plain view inside vehicles,” said Patrick MacKenzie, USAREUR OPM’s law enforcement chief. Another big problem is that some people just don’t lock their vehicles, OPM officials added. “It is not only important to lock your vehicle when unattended, but it’s also the law in many countries in Europe,” MacKenzie added. In addition, insurance companies will not cover claims for stolen items if the vehicle was found

Photo by Chrystal Smith

to be unlocked. But a locked vehicle alone is not a foolproof deterrent, he warned. If thieves

see something valuable in plain sight inside, they will gladly smash a window or cut open a canvas top to grab it. “It is best to never leave anything valuable in a car when it is unattended,” MacKenzie said. “Crooks know all the hiding places for electronic devices.” If you have to leave something in the car, the trunk is the safest place, he said. MacKenzie also cautioned about a trick criminals use that often targets women driving alone. Someone indicates there is someSee Valuables on page 4

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