During National Native American Heritage Month, we honor the history, rich cultures, and vast contributions of Native peoples. We celebrate the hundreds of Tribal Nations that are ushering in a new era in our Nation-to-Nation relationships. And we recommit to respecting Tribal sovereignty and self-determination and working in partnership with Tribal Nations to bring new prosperity and security to Native peoples.
Indigenous peoples’ history in the United States is defined by strength, survival, and a deep commitment to and pride in their heritage, right to self-governance, and ways of life. Native peoples have built and sustained powerful Tribal Nations, and the knowledge they developed still benefits us today. However, our Nation’s failed policies of the past subjected generations of Native peoples to cruelty, violence, and intimidation. The forced removal of Native peoples from their homes and ancestral homelands; attempts to assimilate entire generations; and stripping of Indigenous peoples of their identities, cultures, and traditions are some of the darkest chapters of our Nation’s history. The trauma and turmoil fundamentally altered their communities. As the first President to visit Indian Country in 10 years, I delivered a national apology for the unspeakable harms caused to Native peoples at Federal Indian Boarding Schools.
Indigenous peoples have persisted and survived — a testament to their resilience and resolve. Today, Native communities are leading the way forward and continuing to strengthen the fabric of the United States. They have long served in the United States military and currently serve in the highest levels of government — including the Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, America’s first Native American Cabinet secretary. In every field and sector, Native peoples are pushing for progress and contributing to our shared prosperity.
Since I came into office, the Federal Government has made record investments in Tribal Nations. Federal contracts with Native American-owned companies increased by over $8 billion from 2020 to 2023. My American Rescue Plan made the largest direct Federal investment in Tribal Nations ever, helping vaccinate Tribal communities during the COVID-19 pandemic and keeping the economy going. My Bipartisan Infrastructure Law made the single biggest investment in Tribal roads, bridges, water, high-speed internet, electricity, irrigation, environmental cleanup, and so much more. My Inflation Reduction Act made the biggest investment in fighting climate change ever — including funding to help Tribal communities lead in the just transition to clean energy and ease the impact
nities to help fight the behavioral health crisis and taken significant steps to improve maternal health for Native American women, who are twice as likely to die from pregnancy-related complications as white women.
of droughts, wildfires, and rising sea levels, which threaten Native lives and precious homelands. My Administration is also working to ensure that Native communities are safe and secure and have the resources they need to thrive. I signed an Executive Order that improves the Federal response to the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous peoples. When we reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act in 2022, we included historic provisions to reaffirm Tribal sovereignty and expand Tribal jurisdiction in cases where outside perpetrators harm members of their Nation. And for the first time ever, my Administration also secured advance funding for the Indian Health Service so hospitals can plan ahead, order supplies, and hire doctors. We have provided historic funding to Tribal commu-
I have always believed that we must know the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a Nation — we must acknowledge our history so that we can begin to remember and heal. That is why I became the first President to issue a formal apology for the Federal Indian Boarding School era, one of the most horrific chapters in our Nation’s history. For 150 years, the Federal Government mandated the removal of Native children from their families and Tribes — and as a result, generations of Native children had their childhoods stolen and whole Tribal cultures were erased. I am proud to formally end the silence surrounding this shameful era and I remain proud that my Administration defended the Indian Child Welfare Act in court, ensuring that our Nation respects Tribal sovereignty and protects Native children by helping Native families stay together and grow up with their languages and cultures. And we are working to support Native American families and communities as they heal from the Federal Indian Boarding School era through the Department of the Interior’s Road to Healing initiative and by supporting Native language preservation and public safety initiatives.
My Administration has also worked with Tribal Nations to preserve, protect, and steward important ancestral Tribal lands and waters. Through more than 200 co-stewardship and comanagement agreements signed under my leadership, we are working side by side with Tribes to make decisions about how to manage the lands that are most precious to them. And to date, I have protected and conserved more than 45 million acres of our Nation’s lands and waters. That includes the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, vast
offshore waters off California’s coast and the first sanctuary to be proposed by Indigenous communities. I have also established, expanded, and restored 11 national monuments, many containing sites considered sacred to Tribal Nations — from Bears Ears National Monument, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and Avi Kwa Ame National Monument to Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni-Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument, Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument, and others.
During National Native American Heritage Month, we honor the heritage and contributions of Native peoples, and we work tirelessly to build a future grounded in dignity, respect, and partnership. We remain committed to working with Native communities to write a new and better chapter in American history for Tribal Nations — one that honors the solemn promise the United States made to Tribal Nations, fulfills our Federal trust and treaty obligations, and works together to rebuild Tribal economies and institutions.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2024 as National Native American Heritage Month. I urge all Americans, as well as their elected representatives at the Federal, State, and local levels, to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities. Also, I urge all Americans to celebrate Nov. 29, as Native American Heritage Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtyfirst day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twentyfour, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-ninth.
by Jim Garamone Department of Defense News
President Joe Biden thanked veterans for their service to the nation and their fellow Americans and emphasized that the nation must keep the faith with those who stepped up to defend the United States.
Biden spoke at the Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, this morning. Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis R. McDonough, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., attended the wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the speech at the Memorial Amphitheater.
President Biden noted that this is his last Veterans Day as commander in chief. “It has been the greatest honor of my life to lead you, to serve you, care for you [and] to defend you just as you defended us,” he said in his remarks.
Biden took inspiration for his remarks from Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address delivered March 4, 1865. Biden, too, called to “bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”
Biden said supporting veterans and their families is not a partisan issue, and he noted that Congress
has easily passed legislation looking to address issues facing veterans and their families. This covers issues like addressing exposure to toxic substances. The president has worked with Congress to expand veterans’ access to health care, address veteran homelessness and support education and workforce opportunity for veterans and their families. Biden announced that under the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act, also known as the PACT Act, that the Department of Veterans
Affairs will expand the number of cancers covered to all veterans who served at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base in Uzbekistan. That base — called K2 — was polluted by jet fuel and more. The PACT Act makes it easier for effected veterans to qualify for care. “We’re committed to getting this rule in place by the end of
Veterans are an inspiration to America, the president said. “We think about all that our veterans have given to our nation, serving and sacrificing in uniform, just as they serve and sacrifice here at home — as educators, firefighters, law enforcement officers, construction workers, entre-
Biden urged the nation to follow the example of veterans in this regard. “This is the moment to come together as a nation, to keep faith in each other,” he said. “The world is dependent on each of you and all of us, to keep honoring the women and the men and the families who
ATTN: Those packing up, leaving the KMC
by Ray Caudillo
USAFE Air Postal Squadron Postal Operations Flight
Air Force and Guardians stationed in the European theater should note the recommended holiday mailing dates to ensure timely delivery of cards, letters, and packages to the United States:
» USPS Ground Advantage: Nov. 25
» First Class Mail (including greeting cards) and Priority Mail: Dec. 9
» Priority Mail Express Military Service: Dec. 16
These dates apply to mail originating in Europe and heading to U.S. destinations. Similar dates apply if you’re in the U.S. and mailing to European APO/FPO/DPO addresses.
» Correct Addressing: Ensure complete, accurate addresses. Print or type the recipient’s address parallel to the package’s longest side and ensure it’s
legible from arm’s length. Visit www.usps. com to check current address format.
» Return Address: Include your return address in the upper-left corner of the same side of the package as the recipient’s address.
Customs declaration requirements
All mail from outside the U.S. is subject to customs inspection. Ensure all customs forms are accurately completed and descriptions of items are clear to avoid delays or return to sender. Avoid vague descriptions like “electronics” or “gifts.” Be specific, such as “wooden skateboard” instead of “skateboard.”
Some prohibited items include cigarettes or loose tobacco, hand sanitizer, alcoholic beverages, vape products, perfumes containing alcohol.
For faster service, complete your customs forms online at USPS.com. Many post offices offer expedited service for customers with preprinted customs forms.
Many members wait too long to begin the household goods moving process, thereby causing additional stress and delays. The 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Personal Property Office advises movers to call them at +49-631-536-7727 three weeks before moving to begin the booking process.
Finance Customer Service
Official Photo Studio has moved
The 86th AW/PA Official Photo Studio has moved to our new permanent location. The new location is in the second-floor offices located in the back portion of the Hercules Theatre, Bldg 2101. To schedule an appointment, go to www.ramstein.af.mil. If you have any questions call DSN: 480-9199.
Finance customer service walk-ins are 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. MondayFriday, in building 2108.
Appointments can be booked through the QR code. For all other matters, please submit a ticket through the Comptroller Services Portal at https://csp.cce.af.mil/
Attention all retirees, veterans, spouses and surviving spouses. If you would like to receive emails regarding upcoming events, veterans’ affairs, entitlements, pay and benefits that are sent out by the Retiree Affairs Office, please email your contact information to 86aw.rao@ us.af.mil so that we can update our contact list. Thank you!
Your Retiree Affairs Office wants you!
It is our mission to serve our retiree community. We rely completely on volunteers to accomplish this mission. Volunteering can mean as little as one day a week for a fourhour block. The RAO is open Mon 10 a.m. to 12
p.m., Tue/Wed/Thu from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and closed for lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. We are located in Building 2118, Room 138. Please visit our website at https://www. ramstein.af.mil/Resources/Retiree-ActivitiesProgram/ for factsheets and recent RAO Newsletters on navigating being a retiree in Germany. Routine questions can be sent via email, but we ask that you make an appointment for specific subjects such as pre-death planning/surviving spouse issues and/or retiring in Germany. For appointments either call during office hours at 06371-475486, and/or send us an email to: 86aw.rao@ us.af.mil.
by Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
We are excited to announce changes to the TRICARE Plus Program at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. These changes are designed to better serve our patient population and provide consistent, quality care for our retiree and non-command sponsored, TRICARE-eligible population.
Previously, the program allowed exceptions to policy on a case-by-case basis throughout the year. We are now aligning with TRICARE’s and the Medicare/ Medicaid open enrollment seasons. Our clinical team will assess applications to identify beneficiaries whose medical history aligns with the proficiency requirements of our clinical staff.
For the heating season:
» Remember to set the room thermostat / radiator valve dial at around 13 °C (55 °F) / “1” (13 °C / 55 °F) for unoccupied spaces at your home.
» Additionally, when you clock out at work, let all the radiators around your office area clock out. Set radiators at a lower temperature, especially the ones that are in low occupancy areas, for example, kitchens, hallways, and bathrooms.
» Also remember, putting down your rolladen in the evenings not only helps keep the interior warmer, but also avoids passersby from peeking into your lit living room or other areas of your home.
by Department of Defense News
In January the Defense Department released the National Defense Industrial Strategy, a first-of-its kind roadmap detailing priorities for how the department would strengthen the defense industrial base — the collection of private sector companies of all sizes responsible for building military hardware and weapons systems.
This week, the department released the National Defense Industrial Strategy Implementation Plan, or NDIS-IP. The plan provides the details for how the goals set forth in the NDIS-IP can be achieved and mitigate risks to the department in the near, medium and long term.
“The defense industrial base serves a larger purpose than any single action or investment dollar,” said Laura Taylor-Kale, the assistant secretary of defense for industrial base policy. “Progress and acceleration happen in months and years. The implementation plan for the National Defense Industrial Strategy is a roadmap for integrating our priorities under leadership-driven initiatives. Each implementation initiative assigns primary responsibility, estimated resources, key metrics and risks.”
Within the NDIS implementation plan are six initiatives meant to incentivize the development of a modernized, resilient defense industrial ecosystem that has resilient supply chains, a ready workforce, and which leverages, as appropriate, the department’s
flexible acquisition policies and promotes economic deterrence for the United States, its allies and partners.
The six initiatives in the NDIS-IP include:
• The Indo-Pacific deterrence initiative, with a long-term focus on lines of effort related to munitions, missiles and submarine production.
• The production and supply chains initiative, with a concentration on, among
other things, onshoring defense-critical production capabilities, moving away from adversarial sources of capital, a deeper analysis of supply chain vulnerabilities, enhanced industrial cyber security and critical materials stockpiling.
• The allied and partner industrial collaboration initiative, which aims to further develop allied cooperation, with an emphasis on the AUKUS trilateral part-
nership, which comprises Australia, the United Kingdom and the United State, an expanded interest in weapons systems coproduction with partners and allies, and international industrial collaboration.
• The capabilities and infrastructure modernization initiative, which involves modernizing the nuclear industrial base, organic industrial base and DOD’s maintenance, repair and overhaul and upgrade capacity.
• The new capabilities using flexible pathways initiatives, where the department aims to, among other things, enhance the progress of the Replicator Initiative though a variety of various projects, studies and white papers; and to better deploy its current acquisition authorities.
• The intellectual property and data analysis initiative, which focuses on ensuring effective use of resources throughout a program life cycle by fully integrating intellectual property planning into acquisition and product support strategies.
“The six implementation initiatives include specific desired outcomes and provide the potential risks associated with inaction,” said Taylor-Kale. “A key focus of implementation is championing initiatives that are crosscutting and not the sole responsibility of any one military service or component within the Department of Defense.”
and Ludwig both gave insight on the day-to-day operations and unique challenges faced by the 86th AW, which gave Meltzer a greater understanding of the Wing’s priorities and mission.
86th Airlift Wing leadership gives U.S. Embassy Berlin officials a tour of the air traffic control tower at Ramstein Air Base, Nov. 1. 86th AW leadership gave insight on the day-to-day operations and unique challenges faced by the 86th AW, highlighting the wing’s priorities and mission.
gives a brief about the 86th Airlift Wing’s mission set to Alan Meltzer, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, U.S. Embassy Berlin, at Ramstein Air Base, Nov. 1. Meier explained the operations and functions of the C-130J to Meltzer which offered a pilot’s perspective on the broad mission set and unique capabilities that the aircraft provides to the 86th AW.
inside of a C-21A aircraft
was given the opportunity to tour and receive a briefing on the C-21A’s mission set and capabilities by the aircraft’s pilot. The C-21A is a distinguished visitor transport aircraft and also provides support for aeromedical evacuation missions that can transport Airmen and equipment used on AE missions.
Story and photo by Joshua Rojas Army Support Activity-Black Sea
When Martin Heinen joined Installation Management Command-Europe as a commercial sponsorship executive, he stepped into a role that had never existed before. In this newly created position, Heinen brings not only a fresh perspective but also a deep commitment to supporting U.S. Army garrisons across Europe.
A local national from Erkelenz, a suburb of Mönchengladbach, Germany’s far west, Heinen began his career in public service with the U.S. Army as a budget analyst at USAG Wiesbaden in 2015 and eventually joined the public affairs office as a community relations chief.
“I thought I’d only be there a couple of years, but then I climbed the career ladder and stayed,” said Heinen, reflecting on his nearly decade-long journey with the Army.
Through his work as a budget analyst and later in host-nation relations, he developed an understanding of both the financial and cultural intricacies that support Army operations abroad.
In his new role with IMCOMEurope’s Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare, and Recreation, Heinen’s mission is to attract sponsorships from European businesses, especially those unfamiliar with Army operations. “The income from sponsorships helps offset MWR program costs, allowing garrisons to provide better services to soldiers and their families,” said Heinen.
This unique role requires bridging cultural divides, and as a German employee, he’s wellpositioned to do just that.
The journey to IMCOM-Europe reflects Heinen’s lifelong interest in international relations.
His connection to American culture runs deep, having spent time studying abroad in the Netherlands and the U.S. while also interning with sports management organizations.
Through his experiences abroad, Heinen could put his var-
ious language skills into practice, of which he speaks five, and gain new experiences in multi-cultural societies.
It was in Germany, however, that he met his AmericanPanamanian wife, Tatyana, a volunteer with the United Service Organizations whose family was stationed in Wiesbaden.
Together, they’ve built a vibrant life that bridges their respective cultures, celebrating both German and American traditions.
Heinen’s personal commitment to cross-cultural exchange extends beyond his professional role.
An avid baseball enthusiast, he founded and continues to manage a baseball club in his hometown. “I may live hours away now, but I still manage everything remotely,” he said.
The team, the Mönchengladbach Blackcaps, is a source of pride and a testament to his dedication to fostering community — much like his role with the Army, where he builds relationships that strengthen U.S.German ties.
As a participant in IMCOMEurope’s Executive Leadership Development Program, Heinen gained invaluable insight into Army leadership. “The program
connected me with leaders from garrisons across Europe, helping me better understand the diverse communities IMCOM serves,” said Heinen.
This exposure not only shaped his approach to his work but also helped prepare him for the challenges of his new role.
Looking forward, Heinen is eager to leave his mark on IMCOMEurope by fostering partnerships that enhance MWR programs. “It’s rewarding to know that my work helps make this feel like home for American soldiers and their families,” said Heinen.
With each partnership, Heinen strengthens the bonds between the Army and its host nations, building a community that transcends borders.
by Kirk Frady Medical Readiness Command, Europe
More than 300 U.S. military medical leaders, healthcare providers and civilian medical counterparts from across Europe, Africa and the continental United States took part in the 2024 Health and Readiness Symposium held Nov. 5–8 in Garmisch.
The primary focus of the symposium was on building excellence in healthcare, innovation, and readiness among U.S. military medical forces in Europe and Africa as well as enhancing readiness through quality patient outcomes and military population health.
The host for the three-day health and readiness symposium was U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Roger Giraud, commander of Medical Readiness Command, Europe, command surgeon for U.S. Army Europe and Africa and director of Defense Health Network Europe.
“The 2024 Health and Readiness Symposium facilitates best practices, interprofessional learning and helps build military readiness,” said Giraud. “It also enhances the knowledge, skills, and practices of our DOD military health care team.”
to perform their wartime mission when called upon to do so,” added Giraud. “This event assists in improving health care across Europe and Africa by helping us address and inform our people and our military treatment facility leadership about initiatives rolling out across the military health system this year to include a new care model which will leverage virtual health capabilities to help gain capacity in primary care, behavioral health, and some specialty services. Our U.S. service members, and their families, must have access to the very best medical care That is the end state of our military health system and that is nonnegotiable.”
According to symposium planners, continuing medical education among the DOD healthcare team is vital to supporting military operations and ensuring success on the modern battlefield.
“This symposium is really an investment in our people,” Giraud added. “This symposium ensures that our medical personnel receive the continuing education and training they need to deliver the best health care that our service members and their families deserve.”
In addition to fostering closer working relations and camaraderie, the symposium also pro-
According to symposium planners, the event not only provided attendees the unique opportunity to share ideas, engage in professional dialogue and network, it also offered attendees the opportunity to obtain continuing medical education credits. Continuing medical education facilitates best practices, interprofessional learning, and military readiness. It also enhances the knowledge, skills, and practices of the military health care team.
vided attendees an opportunity to enhance their critical combat medical skills and life-saving techniques.
“As a joint medical force, we must always be focused on our wartime mission,” said Giraud. “This requires all our medical assets come together as one team. We must continue to focus on interoperable medical capabilities, not only among our joint U.S. medical forces, but we must also continue to collaborate with our allied part-
ners. The integration of medical care starts right here, where our theater-based U.S. military medical forces plan, train and execute as a single team.”
According to senior military medical officials, supporting the warfighter and their mission is a top priority for Army medical leaders across the theater and area of operation.
“Symposiums like this are vital to ensuring that our military medical team remains ready and poised
“More than 140 diverse readiness and healthcare delivery topics were covered during this health and readiness symposium,” said Giraud. “Among the topics covered were operational medicine, research, innovation disciplines, behavioral health, surgical services, and force health protection. As I mentioned earlier, symposiums like this are vital to ensuring our joint medical forces remain ready and poised to perform their wartime missions when they are called upon to do so.”
According to event planners, planning efforts are already underway for the 2025 Health and Readiness Symposium. The tentative dates are Nov. 3–7 2025.
Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Emmeline James Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs
“Hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer panic,” is how retired Col. Richard Heyman described his experience as a pilot during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
Growing up in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Heyman’s fascination with flight took hold as he watched British pilots train at Spartan Field in Miami, Oklahoma, during WWII. Driving past the airfield, he was mesmerized by aircraft performing aerial maneuvers, especially the iconic P-38 Lightning.
The decision to enlist and be a pilot became clear. “That’s the life, that’s what I want to do,” then the young Heyman thought.
Heyman’s father signed his enlistment papers on the condition that he graduate from high school first. True to his word, the day after graduation, Heyman embarked on a lifelong aviation career.
In 1943, at 19, he completed pilot training and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Forces.
“I wanted to fly, and I got my wish,” Heyman reminisced.
Mirroring his own fledging career — his first assignment was with the newly christened Eighth Army Air Force. It would be the beginning of a journey that would take him across continents and decades of service.
By 1944, the young pilot found himself in the United Kingdom at the center of WWII, tasked with escorting bombers on long-range missions into enemy territory, ensuring they reached their targets and returned safely.
“The [Nazis] didn’t take kindly to us,” he said. “We did our job. We were there to make sure those bombers made it home.”
Flying the P-38, affectionately known as the “Twin-Tailed Devil” by German pilots, Heyman was always ready for the challenge, adding that in many cases the deciding factor in a dogfight came down to who could outmaneuver the other.
“There were moments of sheer terror,” Heyman described. “But, when you’re in the
cockpit, there’s no room for fear. You focus on the mission — on getting home in one piece.
That’s what mattered.”
As the war in Europe raged on, Heyman became one of his squadron’s youngest and most experienced fighter pilots. His love for flying and his confidence in the air would serve him well in the future.
For his efforts and contributions during WWII, Heyman was honored with the 2024 Swords of Honor at the Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation “Spirit of the Battle of Britain” banquet marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day held in Washington, D.C. in October.
After WWII, Heyman briefly returned to civilian life, running a small scrap yard business and flying on weekends as part of the Air Force Reserves. However, his flying career wasn’t over.
With the onset of the Korean War in 1950, Heyman was recalled to active duty. This time, his mission would take a different tone — flying night bombing runs over North Korea in the A-26 Invader, a twin-engine light bomber.
During the Korean War, Heyman would add to his legacy by downing an enemy Po-2 biplane, also known as “Bed Check Charlie,” which harassed U.S. troops by dropping hand grenades and small bombs.
“I got a call one night asking if anyone had ammunition left,” Heyman said while describing how he tracked and shot down the elusive aircraft. “I did, so I went after him.”
Hayman reflected with respect on the pilot’s commitment while flying a canvascovered airplane at 100 miles an hour against the more advanced American forces.
“He had to be the bravest guy in the world,” he said.
When the Vietnam War escalated in the 1960s, Heyman was no longer the young fighter pilot he had been in WWII but a seasoned veteran and squadron commander, leading Airmen into battle.
“Vietnam was a different kind of war,” Heyman recalled. “We flew in formations, sometimes looking for enemy aircraft, but often just looking for targets — anything to slow them down.”
In Vietnam, Heyman flew various missions and aircraft from close air support to strategic bombing. Despite the heavy command responsibilities, Heyman flew combat missions himself, never asking his men to do anything he wouldn’t do.
“You lead by example,” he said. “If you’re in the air, you’re part of the team, no matter your rank.”
After Vietnam, Heyman retired from the Air Force in the early 1970s, serving 32 years in active duty and five years in the Reserves with a myriad of awards including a Silver Star, four Distinguished Flying Crosses and 14 Air Medals. Looking back on his career, Heyman remains humble, brushing off any talk of heroism, preferring to credit the men he flew with.
“I was lucky,” he said. “I had a job to do, and I did it. There were hundreds of guys just like me. We were all part of the same team.”
His service, however, speaks for itself. Few pilots can claim to have flown in three wars, let alone as both a fighter pilot and a squadron commander. Even fewer can say they survived them all.
“You get a certain amount of joy from doing your job well,” he admitted. “But there were a lot of scary moments too. You never forget the people you flew with or the missions you completed. It stays with you.”
As one of the last surviving veterans of WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, Heyman’s story is more than just a tale of military service. It’s a story of resilience, dedication and the unbreakable bond between a pilot and the sky.
Story and photo by Michelle Thum Public Health Command Europe
Public Health Command Europe soldier always wanted to be a physical therapist but life took a turn and she decided to join the U.S. Army while getting her master’s degree in her late twenties.
“I always had in my mind that I wanted to pursue a career helping others,” said Atlanta-native Lt. Maya Hayes. “While in high school, my brother needed physical therapy after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. After accompanying him to some of his appointments, I saw this as something I could do as a career.”
Hayes finished her Bachelor’s in Exercise Science and was en route to apply for physical therapy school but changed her perspective after working as a contractor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“I was conducting health and fitness assessments and was exposed to all of the professions of public health and its variety,” said Hayes. “I was intrigued by the impact of the field of public health and started gathering information for a Master’s in Public Health as well as pursuing the ROTC program at the Georgia University.”
“I’ve been the first female in my family to join the Army,” said Hayes. “It was something that I always was interested in and when I learned more about the ROTC program, I
decided to go back to school and join.”
Looking back at this period of her life, Hayes said it was “one of the busiest times” of her life.
“I was in ROTC, I worked and I went to school fulltime,” said Hayes. “But I knew that it would only be two years so I knew that I could do it.”
Hayes earned a Master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Environmental Health and commissioned in 2021 as a 70B Health Services Administrator.
“When I got to my first duty station in Germany, I had the opportunity to switch military occupational specialties to become an 72D Environmental Science/Engineering Officer. I was excited about the opportunity and how I could contribute to the Army’s public health and Force Health Protection mission,” said Hayes.
After a brief tour in Baumholder, Hayes moved to Landstuhl to be the Deputy Chief of Environmental Health Engineering at Public Health Command Europe.
In her role as the chief, she oversees all of the garrisons’ drinking water surveillance, monitoring and safety.
“We work closely together with the U.S. Army Installation Management CommandEurope to ensure the water provided for service members and their families on garrison installations across Europe meets the U.S. and host nation standard,” said Hayes. To minimize the risk of contamination and prevent diseases, the water systems get tested regularly.
“The environmental health technicians sample the water, examine the water system and the water samples get tested in-house by PHCE’s laboratory sciences division or analyzed by contracted labs,” said Hayes. “You can see us as the middleman, we serve as a protective element to catch any sort of contamination before it gets to the service members and their families and makes them sick.”
Hayes stays motivated because of the impact of her work but also because she shows daily gratitude for the opportunities the Army has given to her.
“If I’m having a not so good day, I put it in perspective and be grateful for what I have,” said Hayes. “I enjoy the work I do and I have the chance to branch out and grow. The Army brings together people from all over and I get to meet and build relationships with them.”
by Friederike von Eckardstein German-American Community Office
We’re here to help! The German American Community Office is a free service for everyone in our wonderful KMC that helps with all questions relating to Americans living in Germany.
Feel free to follow us on facebook/ gacokaiserslautern to keep posted on current events!
How to get in touch?
Call us at +49 631 363-3010 or email us by info@gaco-kl.de — preferably your private email, not your military email. We are available during these hours: Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri 9 a.m.–1 p.m. and Thu 2–6 p.m.
You want to come see us in person?
No problem! To give us a little head start in preparing for your inquiry we kindly ask you to get an appointment over the phone or by email. We are looking forward to welcoming you in our office in downtown Kaiserslautern!
What does GACO have to offer?
Lots and lots of useful and free advice!
Whether you need assistance to navigate through German bureaucracy, waste separation or traffic issues - the bilingual staff of GACO will help you in every way possible. There is no issue too small or too big for us.
The GACO is also an official cooperation partner of the “Welcome to RheinlandPfalz” initiative. The program is sponsored by the Rheinland-Pfalz state government to provide information in English about regional events and services in the participating villages to help you get settled quickly in your local area and enjoy everything fun that is waiting for you out there!
Beside supporting military and civilian members of the Kaiserslautern Military Community, the GACO-team provides information to high-ranking visitors from Ramstein Air Base, the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, the Kaiserslautern city and county administration as well as RheinlandPfalz state government representatives. It serves as an important linking point for the German and U.S. side. This makes the GACO the only facility of its kind world-wide. The staff has developed an extensive network of contacts within the local administration, businesses and associations.
GACO wants you to feel at home in the KMC — let us help you settle in!
Photo by Kirk Frady Medical Readiness Command, Europe
Born to a Lebanese father and a Greek/ Turkish mother, Hussein Hamdan’s childhood was spent in the vibrant neighborhoods of Beirut, Lebanon, and Izmir, Turkey. During this time, he developed a love for languages. After successfully serving twenty-plus years in the U.S. Air Force, Hamdan currently serves as a Department of the Army civilian where he works as the staff action coordinator for Army Medical Readiness Command, Europe at Sembach Kaserne.
by Gina Hutchins-Inman 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
The dark time of the year has come, days are getting shorter, and darkness sets in earlier.
According to the German Polizei, it is also prime time for burglars and thieves. Kaiserslautern and surroundings are generally considered to be relatively safe and have a low crime rate.
But, as always, there are dishonest people everywhere, so please be aware!
According to the Polizei, about 50 percent of burglaries occur between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Most burglars will readily give up if they can’t get into the house within three to five minutes and often work with simple tools such as screw drivers or wrenches.
The German Polizei has started a campaign against burglary and theft and would like to share a few important tips to ensure that you and your family remain safe and take appropriate mea-
sures to safeguard your home and belongings.
Do you know your neighbors?
Police experience has shown that observant neighbors can help in avoiding criminal offenses such as burglaries. If you don’t know your neighbors, politely greet them with a friendly “Guten Tag” on the street or invite them to a cup of coffee or hot chocolate across the fence to get to know them a bit. Just recently in Kaiserslautern, an attentive neighbor observed two suspicious characters at the house across the street, called the Polizei and the culprits were caught on scene. In addition, let your neighbors know that you are on a TDY or on vacation and ask them to keep an eye on the house during your absence.
Opportunity makes thieves
Do not even give burglars a chance. Do not deposit any keys in outdoor places, such as under the door mat, under flowerpots or in wall crevices. If possible, let down your rolladen during longer periods of absence, in particular at the
back of the house where intruders may remain undiscovered and out of sight. The same is true for items left in your car, such as laptops, cell phones, spare keys or even wallets, as these can be easily spotted in a vehicle. And, by all means, make sure to lock the car, even for short periods of absence.
Burglars always come at night?
Incorrect thinking — burglars often come during the day. They will scout around the neighborhood and wait for residents to go to school, work or out to shopping. Based on early darkness this time of the year, they are very active during dusk because they are more difficult to spot and not that many people are out on the streets.
Are your windows and your doors safely secured? Have you thought about your basement windows?
Tilted windows are basically open windows and hardly an obstacle for an intruder. Make sure to always properly close windows during your absence. Many
modern windows or balcony doors are equipped with separate locks. In addition, turn your house door key two or three times to make sure that the locks are properly anchored in the frame. It is easy to pry open a door if it only falls in place unlocked.
What to do if you spot a burglar in the act?
Retreat to a safe place, immediately dial 1-1-2 and wait for police instructions. Do not attempt to approach or stop the intruder, as this may lead to aggression, and you could endanger yourself. Try to remember as many details as possible, such as how many persons, their appearance (height, hair color, figure and complexion), which language are they speaking, whether they have a car or vehicle and possibly the plate number.
You come home and discover that someone has broken in? Immediately call police, do not touch anything, and file a police report for possible insurance matters.
Don’t give pickpockets a chance!
The holiday season is soon to begin bringing with it winter and Christmas Markets, holiday shoppers crowding stores and a few “long fingers” having their most “prosperous” season. If you plan to go to any highly frequented spots, make sure to secure your purses, wallets, cell phones and valuables.
A wallet or phone loosely placed in your back pocket is an easy target, open handbags showing content provide little to no protection against theft. If possible, carry items inside jacket or coat pockets, not visible and difficult for others to reach. You might also consider wearing your backpack in front of you, turning it into a “front pack.” In any case, be careful and don’t give pickpockets a chance!
Be vigilant, turn your home into your personal “Fort Knox,” don’t give burglars or thieves an opportunity, and help protect your neighbors as well.
Story and photos by Air Force Airman Shanel Toussaint for Department of Defense News
A little boy peers through the sea of people, vibrant shades of red and yellow flooding his view as he carefully makes his way toward the heart of the powwow. The earth feels alive beneath his feet as the ground pulses rhythmically from the vibrations of the drums and grass dancers stomping their feet in the distance. He continues to press forward, excited to get a closer look at the sacred spectacle before him.
“I remember wanting to be a part of it,” Air Force Staff Sgt. Wayne Lufkins, a flight instructor for the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, said, sharing his childhood experiences with powwows. “The regalia, outfits, the colors, feathers, the drums. I remember the imagery being so beautiful and a lot to take in.”
As a young Native American boy growing up just outside of the largest U.S. reservation, Navajo Nation Reservation in Gallup, New Mexico, his rich heritage shaped his identity by instilling a passion for music and a deeper purpose for honoring the resilience of his ancestors.
Lufkins spent a small part of his childhood as a grass dancer. Grass dancing is a well-known Dakota Sioux traditional warrior dance with participants wearing grass in their belts to look like scalps.
“My biggest draw to being a dancer was the music,” he said. “Whenever I would hear the drumbeat, I could feel it shaking the ground. It was like the music was alive and dancing around me.”
Just as his love of music shaped a large part of his identity as a young boy, the influences of his family history played a significant role in further expanding his character and values as a young man.
“The military has been intertwined with my heritage long before I was ever a thought,” Lufkins recalled.
The heritage he speaks of is Navajo from his mother’s side and Dakota Sioux from his father’s side. Dakota Sioux people are known for being warriors and semi-nomadic. Navajo people are referred to as hunter-gatherers and were banned
from speaking their native tongue by the U.S. government from the late 1800s until the 1990s.
This connection to military service is rooted in his family history. Lufkins’ grandfather served as a code talker during World War II, a role that played a crucial part in safeguarding communications during the war. Navajo Code talkers transmitted secret coded messages over the radio and telephone and participated in every major Marine Corps operation in the Pacific theater, giving the U.S. a large advantage.
Lufkins’ grandfather, George “Willie” Boyd Sr. served as a code talker in the Marine Corps and was awarded the Congressional Silver Medal in 2021. He served during the Invasion of Okinawa and was honorably discharged July 26, 1946.
“My grandfather did not disclose to us that he was a code talker until he was 72 years old. He planned to take the secret to the grave as he was sworn to secrecy,” he said of his grandfather, who passed away Dec. 5, 2017.
This legacy of courage and resilience has played a large role in Lufkins’ understanding of his own identity.
Lufkins describes his childhood growing up adjacent to the Navajo Nation Reservation as “privileged.”
“I remember some people on the reservation didn’t have power and the resources were scarce,” he recalled.
He grew up in a house just a few miles away from Navajo Nation Reservation with his mother, a retired nurse who worked there. He remembered his grandmother visiting often and most of his trips to the reservation were centered around visiting his grandmother who still lived there.
“She was always grumpy,” he reminisced with a smile. “She was usually in the kitchen making mutton stew or frybread.”
Those two dishes were fond staples of his childhood.
When an Army recruiter came to his high school, Lufkins immediately felt drawn to the military mission. In addition to honoring his grandfather’s legacy, the idea of job security and the opportunity for travel piqued his interest.
“My grandfather was a major reason I joined the military,” he said.
On July 5, 2015, Lufkin shipped
off to Air Force Basic Military Training.
“I was only 17, I felt like I should have waited,” he recalled, referencing the culture shock he experienced during basic training.
Lufkins grew up in a community space where everyone looked like him and understood the cultural context of his environment. The contrast of being the only Native American in his dorm and flight was jolting. Native Americans only make up 0.9 percent of the Air Force and Space Force population according to the active duty fact sheet current as of Sep. 30.
“I felt so out of place,” he remembers. There are currently [fewer than] 3,000 Native Americans serving active duty in the Air Force and Space Force.
He recalled feeling excited when he came across Airman 1st Class Isaiah “Dovaah” Herder, an Air Force honor guardsman who has Hopi and Navajo heritage.
“I remember telling a Native joke and I heard a chuckle from the back of the room,” Herder said in reference to his first time coming across Lufkins. “That made me feel like I had a community. It felt
like a little piece of home.”
After arriving at his first unit and realizing just how little the Native American community is represented in the military, Lufkins began to feel a larger sense of pride in his heritage. This reverence was deepened when he shared that his grandfather was a code talker, and he was offered the opportunity to tell more of his grandfather’s story.
“I realized the gravity of the role my grandfather played in WWII and his story deserved to be told,” he stated.
He now hosts annual presentations for Native American Heritage month where he talks about the Navajo Code Talkers and their influence.
Lufkins still has a strong affinity for music as he did in his childhood and hopes to finish his military career and then pivot to owning and operating a live music theater. Embracing the rhythm of both his past and future, he has learned to harmonize his passion for music with the pride of serving his country.
“I am proud to wear this uniform. I am proud of where I come from. And I am proud to be who I am,” he said.
by Michelle Thum Public Health Command Europe
As temperatures drop and sunlight becomes scarce, many individuals begin to experience the winter blues, feeling drained and fatigued. Officials from Public Health Command Europe offer strategies to combat this seasonal malaise.
If you find yourself feeling tired, unmotivated, and wanting to stay indoors as fall transitions into winter, you may be experiencing the winter blues. This phenomenon refers to a mild low mood that typically occurs during the darker months from November to March. With fewer hours of sunlight, the body receives less UVA and UVB radiation, which are crucial for both physical and mental wellbeing.
“Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine,” explained Lt. Col. Simeon Smith, a Public Health Nurse Subject Matter Expert with Public Health Command Europe. “These hormones contribute to feelings of motivation and energy during the spring and summer.”
Symptoms of winter blues include:
• Lack of drive or energy
• Disinterest in activities
• Increased need for sleep
• Desire to stay home
• Feelings of depression or melancholy
“The longer nights and shorter days disrupt our biological clock,” Smith noted. “This leads to an overproduction of melatonin and serotonin while reducing vitamin D
levels.” While winter blues and winter depression (known as Seasonal Affective Disorder) are often confused, they are distinct conditions. Winter depression presents with more severe symptoms that can significantly impair daily functioning, warranting consultation with a healthcare provider if symptoms arise.
Characteristics of winter blues:
• Low mood that typically resolves in spring
• Symptoms are milder when weather is pleasant
• Individuals can often manage symptoms with home remedies
Characteristics of winter depression (SAD):
• Persistent low mood that recurs annually
• Symptoms lasting more than two weeks at a time
• More pronounced symptoms compared to winter blues
• Individuals may experience deep fatigue, lack of joy, increased carbohydrate cravings, and require medical intervention
To combat the winter blues, Smith recommends incorporating small changes into daily routines.
“Stay active and engage with family and friends regardless of the weather. Spend more time outdoors and incorporate exercise into your day,” he advises. “It’s also wise to check your vitamin D levels and consider supplementation if necessary.”
If you have any questions, please consult your medical care provider.
Landstuhl Library Baby Brillance Storytime
Baby Brilliance Storytimes returns in September and will be held every Thursday of the month starting at 11 a.m. at the Landstuhl Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post. This is a fun storytime for ages birth to 18 months with songs, fingerplays and more. Signups are not required. Storytimes will not take place on Federal Holidays. For more information contact the Landstuhl Library at 06371-86-7322 or 486-7322.
Strikers Bowling Center Duty Bowl & Two for Tuesday
Duty Bowl for service members in uniform is only $5 per hour and per lane every day at the Strikers Bowling Center, Bldg. 8105 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. All Soldiers “duty” bowling must be in duty uniform. Two for Tuesday special will be $2 per game and $2 shoe rentals from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. every Tuesday. For more information, call the bowling center at 531-2831 or 0611-143-531-2831.
Red Pin Bowling
Red Pin Bowling happens every Friday from 4 to 10 p.m. at the Strikers Bowling Center, Bldg. 8105 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. Bowlers who make a strike while the head pin is red, will receive a free game coupon. The red pin will be randomly placed as the head pin. For more information, visit baumholder.armymwr.com.
Full Nerd Friday
The time has come for “Revenge of the Nerds” every Friday from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Baumholder Warrior Zone, Bldg. 8218 on Smith Barracks. This is a free event for 18 and older, and registration is not required. There will be a full assortment of table-top, role-playing games, board games, video games. Come one, come all in Cosplay! For more information, visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.
Friday Pool Tournament
The Landstuhl Community Club hosts a free pool tournament every Friday from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at the club, Bldg. 3780 on Landstuhl Post. Signup is at 6 p.m., with the tournament beginning at 6:30 p.m. Prizes are 1st place $50; 2nd place $25; and 3rd place $10. Contestants must be 18 years or older. For more information, call the Landstuhl Community Club at 06371 86-7244 or visit kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.
Baumholder Did you Know?
The USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Family & MWR is hosting a new program called “Baumholder Did you Know?” This exciting program is designed to help newcomers explore all the Family & MWR programs available in Baumholder, such as service centers, childcare, education, library, recreation, sports and fitness, hospitality, social and dining. Find out more at baumholder.armymwr.com.
Brooklyn & Beyond Comedy Show (+Karaoke after)
Dwayne Perkins set to headline the Brooklyn & Beyond Comedy Show Nov. 15 from 8 to 10 p.m. at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. The show will also feature Žana Fejzić and Zuva Martens. Doors open at 7 p.m., tickets are $12 at the door. Local Comedian Erin Crouch will host the show. Stay for the fun as karaoke happens after the show until 1 a.m. The Kazabra Club will be serving up your favorite drinks, and Shawingz is open until 9 p.m. for chicken wings and burgers, ensuring that your evening is as enjoyable as it is hilarious. You can take your food to the comedy show area. Cash, credit and debit cards accepted. For more information, call the Kazabra Club at 0611-143-541-9100.
Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration
U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz is hosting a Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration Dec. 5 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Rheinlander Community Club, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. The event will showcase photos with Santa, holiday themed crafts, live music performances, and hot chocolate and Glühwein. For more information, visit baumholder.armymwr.com.
Sembach Cheer Camps
Registration for Cheer Camps for ages 5 to 15 is now until Nov. 29 or until slots are full. These are new camps to be held at the Sembach Kaserne. “Joyful Jumpers” is an introduction to cheer for ages 5 to 7. The camp consists of four sessions offered on Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. during February. Cost is $25. “Sparkling Spirits” is a fun-filled cheer camp for ages 8 to 15. The camp consist of four sessions on Wednesday during January from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Cost is $35. For more information and to register, visit Parent Central Services, Bldg. 162 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, or call 541-9065/ 9066/ 9067 or 0611 143 541 9065/ 9066/ 9067.
The Sembach Community Activity Center is hosting a Thanksgiving meal Wednesday, Nov. 27, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the SCAC Restaurant, Bldg. 220 on Sembach Kaserne. Cost is $29 for adults, $18 for ages 6 to 17, free for ages 5 and younger. The cost is $86 for a family of four. Reservations can be made by calling Sembach CAC up at 541-9108/07 or 0611143 541-9108/7 until Nov. 26. Patrons can also still come without a reservation.
The Landstuhl Library is hosting an American Sign Language for Beginners sessions Dec. 7 and Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. at the library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post. Adult and young adult beginners are welcome. Those interested must register by Dec. 5. Please register by emailing landstuhllibrary@army.mil.
Landstuhl Library is hosting Fireside Storytimes Dec. 11 at 10 a.m., and Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Gazebo, near the library on Landstuhl Post. This is a unique and cozy fireside storytime, followed by hot cocoa, cookies, and a winter themed craft. For more information, call the Landstuhl Library at 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.
The Kleber Physical Fitness Center is hosting the free New Year New You Fitness Program from Jan. 6 to March 28. Registration is from Dec. 1 to Dec. 31. Open to all ID card holders. Participants must be 18 years and older. Initial Assessment/ Questionnaire for all participants is Jan. 6 from 6:30 to 8 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Kleber Physical Fitness Center, Bldg. 3235 on Kleber Kaserne. This is a 12-week self-paced program. Participants can utilize their own fitness programs or Kleber PFC can provide one. Preregistration required, limited to first 25 eligible participants. Weekly coaching calls with personal trainers/wellness coaches for accountability. Weekly weighins to track progress. Learn basic nutrition fundamentals, meal planning and Macros. Learn how to create individual workout plans to achieve fitness goals. For more information, call 483-7610 or 0631-340483-7610.
Late Night Basketball and Volleyball
Basketball and Volleyball players will have a chance to play Late Night Basketball and Volleyball from Dec. 13 to Feb. 7 at the Hall of Champions Physical Fitness Center, Bldg. 8105 on Smith Barrack. Both Basketball and Volleyball play will be from 8 to midnight. Late Night Basketball is Dec. 13, Jan. 10 and Jan. 31. Volleyball
action will be Jan. 24 and Feb. 7. Open to ID Card Holders 18 years and older. For more information, call the Hall of Champions PFC at 531-2924 or 0611-143531-2924.
Apply to be a Family Child Care Provider
Learn about becoming a Family Child Care Provider and help provide quality childcare options for the community while owning a business and building a career that travels with you. Benefits include: expedited background check clearance process; a comprehensive training program; professional development opportunities leading to increased monthly earnings; and being able to earn money by working from home and staying with your children at the same time. FCC Providers can determine the age group and hours for their home business. Flexible hours to include full-day, part day, and hourly care options. Learn more by calling Baumholder Parent Central Services at 0611-143-531-3440 or 5313440 emailing BHCYSPCS@army.mil or visit baumholder.armymwr.com
Stage Management Workshop
The Award-Winning KMC Onstage is hosting a Stage Management Workshop for ages 14 and older Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Cost is $50. To register, call the box office at 0611-143-541-9129 or by visiting Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com and clicking the WebTrac link.
Baumholder November & December Trip Schedule Available
The Baumholder Outdoor Recreation travel schedule for November & December are available under the “Calendar” section of baumholder.armymwr.com. Trips are subject to change and availability. For questions, please call the Baumholder Outdoor Recreation at 531-3401 or 0611143-531-3401.
Kaiserslautern Youth Sports Winter Season Registration
Registration for winter youth sports for the Kaiserslautern community is now until Nov. 29 or until teams are full. Sports offered are Basketball, Cheerleading and Wrestling. Age requirements vary by sports. Cost: $65 & up. Health Assessment/ Sports Physical must be on file and good through the season (March 15, 2025). For more information and to register, contact Parent Central Services,
Rhine Ordnance Barracks., Bldg.162 , 541-9065/ 9066/ 9067, or 0611 143 541 9065/ 9066/ 9067.
Kaiserslautern Start Smart
Basketball Registration
Registration for Start Smart basketball for ages 3 to 4 is now until Nov. 30 or when sessions are full. Start Smart is a parent/child interactive program lead by a Sports and Fitness Specialist. Cost is $30. Start Smart teaches children the skills they need to play organized sports in a FUN, non-competitive environment in six, 45-minute sessions. Sessions will be offered during the month of November and December. For more information or to register, call Parent Central Services, Bldg. 162 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, at 541-9065/9066/9067 or 0611-143-5419065/9066/9067 or visit kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.
6 on 6 Dodge Ball Tournament
The Hall of Champions Physical Fitness Center is hosting a free Dodgeball Tournament Dec. 7 starting at 8 a.m. at the Hall of Champions PFC, Bldg. 8105 on Smith Barracks. The tournament will be a 6 vs 6 bracketed tournament. Each team roster will be limited to seven players (six players plus one substitute). All players must be 18 years or older. Pre-registration is mandatory and must be completed by Dec. 3 at the Hall of Champions PFC. Team captains meeting is Dec. 7 at 8 a.m. The tournament will start immediately after the meeting. Tournament format will be a double elimination bracket up to 16 teams. If more than 16 teams, the bracket will be single elimination. Awards for first through third place.
Baumholder 2024 Youth Winter Sports Season Registration Registration for winter youth sports for the Baumholder community is now until Dec. 8. Sports offered are basketball, ages 5 to 15, and cheerleading, ages 5 to 15. Cost is $65. A current Health Assessment/ Sports Physical must be on file and valid until March 16 to participate. Register in person at Parent Central Services, Bldg. 8876 on Wetzel Kaserne, by calling 5313440 or 0611-143-531-3440, or by visiting webtrac.mwr.army.mil.
Baumholder 2024 Start Smart Winter Season Registration Registration for Start Smart Winter Season for the Baumholder community is now until Dec. 8. Start Smart is a Child/ Parent interactive program led by a CYS Sports & Fitness Specialist. Cost is $30. Sports being offered are basketball, ages 3 and 4, and yoga, ages 3 and 4. Register in person at Parent Central Services, Bldg. 8876 on Wetzel Kaserne, by phone at 531-3440 or 0611-143-531-3440, or visiting www. webtrac.mwr.army.mil.
A pre-Christmas creative exhibition will take place at Congress Center Ramstein. Over 70 exhibitors will offer a colorful range of creative options to visitors. Wood, jewelry, glass, a variety of textile design options, ceramics for home and garden, metal, bookbinding and many other trades will be represented. In workshops visitors can watch exhibitors at their stands, Christa Koch will offer hand-dyed yarns and demonstrate skills on the spinning wheel and a floristry workshop will also take place. The scent of cinnamon wafers and Christmas-decorated stands will swing visitors into the holiday season, and a cafeteria awaits you with coffee and homemade cakes. A richly stocked raffle will round off the offer, while the proceeds from the raffle will be donated to charity.
Immerse yourself into a fascinating world of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures! Experience realistic and fully movable dinosaur models, informative displays and exciting films about life in prehistoric times. Children can romp around on themed bouncy castles and ride moving dinosaur figures. An exciting live show for young and old with dinosaur costumes brings you up close to the prehistoric world. Perfect for families and dinosaur enthusiasts, this event combines fun and education in a unique way.
Sunday, Nov. 17 is observed as the National Day of Mourning in commemoration of members of the armed forces of all nations and civilians who died in armed conflicts. Ceremonies take place at cemeteries with U.S. Army and Air Force leaders laying wreaths.
Legendary German Christmas markets! Picture fairy lights twinkling against the night sky, the aroma of Glühwein wafting through the air, and charming wooden stalls brimming with handmade ornaments, festive treats, and unique gifts. Stay tuned for a full list of Christmas Markets in the Nov. 29 edition. If you can’t wait for the beginning of the season, these markets open early:
» Ludwigshafen Winter Market Nov. 8–Dec. 23
» Weilerbach Winter World Nov. 13–15
» Saarbrücken Nov. 20–Dec. 23
» Worms Nov. 20–Dec. 22
» Kaiserslautern Nov. 21–Dec. 23, Dec. 27–30
» Luxembourg City Nov. 22–Jan. 1, 2025
» Traben-Trarbach/Underground Nov. 22–Jan. 1, 2025 (Fri-Sun)
The Baumwipfelpfad (tree top path) at Saarschleife/Atrium in Cloef will be illuminated in white and will turn the whole surroundings into winter wonderland. Visitors can expect unforgettable evening walks filled with magic and a few surprises along the route. You may encounter small animals in the rays of light and be enchanted into a mystic atmosphere. Don’t miss out on this spectacular event until Jan 12.
The Advent season in picturesque wine town Zell starts on Nov. 30. The charming Advent market around the market
square and in the town hall cellar will open its doors at noon and invites you to stroll and shop. Exhibitors will present a diverse range of handicrafts, decorative items and lovingly handcrafted holiday gifts and the Till E. House will also welcome visitors in its festively decorated garden. Advent magic awaits you here with mulled wine, sausages and seasonal music. At 3:30 p.m. Nikolaus will visit the market with surprises for children. Georg Wenker will creative festive atmosphere with “Rocking Christmas” starting at 4:00 p.m. and the highlight of the day, a popular fairytale parade, will roll through town starting at 5:30 p.m. The beautifully illuminated groups and floats will take visitors into the magical world of fairytales.
DEC. 1–24, 10 A.M.–1 P.M., ZOO SIEGELBACH
The zoo at Siegelbach is offering a living nativity scene for young (and older) children. Come out and enjoy the stable and its inhabitants. On Dec. 6 St. Nicholas will also visit the zoo from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. with surprises for children.
Christmas Lights” includes a multitude of well-known and sometimes centuries-old German favorites, whereby the latter some develop into a new world of sound within a collage of different compositions. Well-known melodies and texts also encounter new musical discoveries and prove how versatile Christmas music, and the ensemble Calmus can be: contemplative, jubilant, witty, pompous, melancholic or simple. The concert will take you into the musical tradition of other countries, breaking not only regional but also stylistic boundaries. From Renaissance chorales, such as Johann Walter’s “Joseph, dear Joseph mine”, to complex jazz arrangements by Jamie Cullum and the eponymous pop classic “Christmas Lights” by Coldplay. Tickets at Tourist-Information, Otterberg, or www.reservix.de.
35 years ago, on September 19, 1981, the sensation was perfect. The Simon & Garfunkel reunion concert in Central Park in New York. It was intended to set an example for the preservation of the park and became one of the biggest concerts of all times with around 500,000 spectators. The Central Park Band has been bringing unforgettable songs of this evening and the feeling of that time to the stage for 25 years: Sounds Of Silence, The Boxer, Mrs. Robinson, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Scarborough Fair... Two voices that harmonize perfectly, acoustic guitars that support this soulfully, songs between folk and pop that have written music history: Mrs. Robinson, Homeward Bound, The Boxer. A magical moment - when an entire hall or marketplace joins in the chorus of “Bridge over troubled water.” Tickets at: https://tickets. kunstgriff-event.de/produkt/2024-centralparkband/
Both Dec. 25 and 26 are public holidays with all shops and offices closed. The same is true for most European countries. Many stores may also close early on Dec. 24 in preparation of Christmas Eve.
Jan. 1 is considered a public holiday with all shops and offices closed, including Germany’s neighboring countries. Some stores and/or offices may also close early on Dec. 31 in preparation of New Year’s Eve.
86 AW/HC, Unit 3210, APO AE 09094-3210
North Chapel (Bldg 1201) (DSN) 480-6148, (Civ) 06371-47-6148 South Chapel (Bldg 2403) (DSN) 480-5753, (Civ) 06371-47-5753
Vogelweh Chapel (Bldg 2063)
Please call Ramstein North Chapel K apaun Chapel/Annex (Bldg 2781/2782)
Please call Ramstein North Chapel For more information about our services, please visit us on Facebook: Facebook.com/ RamsteinChapelOfficial Or at the Ramstein Air Base website: https://www.ramstein.af.mil/About/Fact-Sheets/ Display/Article/2597677/kmc-chapels/
Buddhist (SGI)
Virtual Meetings, for more information thevoice@gmail.com
Divine Liturgy: Kapaun Chapel, 08:45 a.m., Sun Children’s Church School: Kapaun Annex, 10:45 a.m., Sun Adult Scripture Study: Kapaun Annex, 10:45 a.m., Sun Great Vespers: Kapaun Chapel, 5 p.m., 4th Sat Confessions: Available by appointment
Wiccan Facebook.com/VogelwehOpenCircleSWC Service: Kapaun Annex, 7 p.m., Sat Unitarian Universalist Facebook.com/ KaiserslauternUnitarianUniversalistFellowship Service: Kapaun Chapel, 1:30 p.m., 2nd & 4th Sun
Catholic Holy Family Catholic Community Facebook.com/RamsteinCatholicCommunity Daily Mass: North Chapel, 11:30 a.m., Tue-Thu & 1st Fri Confessions: North Chapel, by appointment only Sunday Masses: North Chapel, 9 a.m. & 1 p.m., Sun
Knights of Columbus (K of C) Meeting: North Chapel, 6 p.m., 2nd/4th Tue
Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC) (except July & Aug)
Bible Study: North Chapel, 9 a.m., Thu Catholic Religious Education (RE) (except June, July & Aug)
Kindergarten-7th Ramstein Intermediate School: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun Confirmation Class Ramstein Intermediate School: 6-7:30 p.m., Wed Life Teen: North Chapel, 6:15 p.m., Sun
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) (except July & Aug)
Meeting: South Chapel, 6 p.m., Thu
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Service is located off-base, please contact North Chapel for more info Early Morning Seminary/Scripture Study for High School aged students
Ramstein School: North Chapel, 6:30 a.m., Mon-Wed, Fri
Vogelweh School: Kapaun Chapel Annex, 6:30 a.m., Mon-Wed, Fri
Episcopal Service: Kapaun Chapel, 10:45 a.m., Sun
Jumu’ah Khutbah: South Chapel, 1 p.m., Fri
Potluck: South Chapel, 7 p.m., 1st Fri
Shabbat: South Chapel, 6 p.m., Fri Sabbath Kiddush & Lunch: 1 p.m.; request location by COB Wed*
Torah Study: 7 p.m., Sat — request location & Zoom link
Hebrew School & B’nei Mitzvah Study, Sun — request location & Zoom link
For more information contact North Chapel
Messianic Service: South Chapel, 10 a.m., Sat Protestant Contemporary North Chapel, 11 a.m., Sun Traditional: South Chapel, 9:30 a.m., Sun Seventh-day Adventist Worship service: North Chapel, 11 a.m., Sat Bible Study: North Chapel, 10 a.m., Sat
Fully furnished apt in Mehlingen, close to KL & Sembach, 85sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, pets allowed, available 1 Jan 2025, Housing Approved, €1500 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com
Kaiserslautern West Furnished appartment, washing machine, Internet Access, all Incl.utilities, 44 qm, 1 bd, 1 bth, 44 sq meters, 5 min from Kleberkaserne, 10 min from Vogelweh, 15 min from Ramsteinavailable immediately for short term leasing, Assenmacherstrasse 67659 Kaiserslautern Germany, 495 EU, phone: 6313704922, 015125621211 email: cnhs@ gmx.de
2 BR apt. close to RAB, in Schwedelbach, 111 sqm, BIK, livingroom, modern bath, Patio, large yard with BBQ-Site, available November 9th, Housing approved, €1130 +utl, Phone Tanja: +49 152 3183 9055, schehr@baumhardt.de
2bd Kaiserslautern apartment with rooftop patio, located in the heart of the city, 122sqm, built-in kitchen, guest WC, liv/ din, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed-subject to approval, available 23 March 2022, housing approved, €1350 +utl, call +49 173 3647569 ask for Lilly, email: info@german-aid.com
2bd, 2bth, Apartment, 1330sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 15 Sep. 2024, Housing Approved, €1450 +utl, call 0173 774 6849, tomkoennecke@aol.com
KAISERSLAUTERN FULLY FURNISHED LONG-TERM 2bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 100sqm, available 1. Nov. 2024, Housing Approved, €2380 +utl, WhatsApp +49172 68 55 976, MEAD REAL ESTATE mre.kmc@ icloud.com
Kaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 150sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, pets allowed, available 15 Juli 2024, Housing Approved, €1650 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-reale state.com
Kaiserslautern, 2bd, 2bth, Apartment, 154sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/ terrace, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 19 Okt. 2024, Housing Approved, €2100 +utl, call 00491715816956, bier matthias@web.de
K'TOWN EXECUTIVE APARTMENT newlybuilt in a quiet, exclusive neighbourhood of Kaiserslautern, 5 minute walk to train station. 2 bed, 2 bath, garage parking. FULLY FURNISHED!! Rent €2380, housing approved, av. 1. November. +491726855976 MEAD REAL ESTATE mre.kmc@icloud.com
– Guaranteed.
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 979sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 1 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €775 +utl, call 0637151351, constanzesturm65@ gmail.com
3bd, 1.5bth, 220 sqm, Apartment in Landstuhl, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, private garage, cats allowed, available 6 Sep. 2024, Housing Approved, €1250 +utl, sauter603@gmail.com or WhatsApp: 01520-1969843
3bd, 1bth, Apartment, 121sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available 11 Okt. 2024, Housing Approved, €1200 +utl, call 063331304, schrammguenter@gmx.de
3bd, 2bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, no pets, available 15 Sep 2024, Housing Approved, €1650+utl, call +49 (6371) 9809003, immobilien.hv@grenzstein.de
KTown City: Spacious 2-3 bedroom/2 bathroom apt close to train station & downtown, 153sqm, BIK, balcony, laundry, no pets, available 1 Dez. 2024, Housing Approved, €1950 +utl, call 0172 6936886, in fo@prem-realestate.com
Miesenbach: Spacious 2-3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Apartment near Miesenbach Lake, close to RAB, 129sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony, laundry, pets allowed, available 21 Okt. 2024, Housing Approved, €1650 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-reale state.com
5bd, 2bth, Apartment, 155sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, pets allowed, available 26 Maerz 2024, Housing Approved, €1450 +utl, call 017622201641, michael.fickert@outlook.de
4bd, 2bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest
WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 15 Juli 2022, €525000 +utl, call +49 (0) 6371 - 94 24 444, info@immobilien-konradi.de
4bd, 3bth, House, 211sqm, BIK, guest
WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, available 21 Aug. 2024, €475000 +utl, email: bhendricks461@ gmail.com
5bd, 3bth, House, 367sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 15 Juli 2022, €849000 +utl, call +49 (0) 6371 - 94 24 444, info@im mobilien-konradi.de
6bd, 5bth, House, 275sqm, BIK, guest
WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, no pets, available 15 Juli 2022, €596000 +utl, call +49 (0) 6371 - 94 24 444, info@immobilienkonradi.de
Building under construction: 9 Apartments in Glan-Muenchweiler, from 81 sqm until 122 sqm with lift, Price from 283400 € until 438500 €. Please contact us for more informations: Kreissparkasse Kusel, phone 06381 / 911 - 0, E-Mail: immo@ ksk-kusel.de
Huetschenhausen-Spesbach, Single Family House, 4 bed, 2 bath Guest-WC, Terrace, 184 sq meters, Energy passport: Gas, Bj. 2002, 97,90 kWh/(m²a) EEK C, Bedarfsausweis. Price €384000,00. Please contact us for more informations: Kreissparkasse Kusel, phone 06381 / 911 - 0, EMail: immo@ksk-kusel.de
Mackenbach, big nice villa, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, livingroom, diningarea, built-in-kitchen, storage in attic, laundry, patio, balcony, fenced yard, duplex-garage with direct entry in house, avail. now, property size 660sqm, sales price 780.000€, -NO FINDER FEE-call or text to Ado 0172 6801258 or email on rmimmobili en@t-online.de
Oberalben, 4bd, 3bth, House, 177sqm, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Aug. 2024, €229000 +utl, call +49 (0)6381911 0, immo@ksk-kusel.de
RESERVED: Cozy single Family Home in 66919 Obernheim Kirchenarnbach for SALE, Mitchell Consulting, Kindsbacher Strasse 58, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0)6371-737 630, info@mitchellinvestment.com. Find all of our properties on FindItGuide.com!
RESERVED: Dream Property With Panoramic Views Of Wine Region, Mitchell Consulting, Kindsbacher Strasse 58, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0)6371-737 630, info@mitchell-invest ment.com. Find all of our properties on FindItGuide.com!
Spacious, single Family Home in 67722
Lohnsfeld for SALE, Mitchell Consulting, Kindsbacher Strasse 58, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0)6371-737 630, info@mitchell-investment.com. Find all of our properties on FindItGuide.com!
Ruthweiler, 3bd, 2bth, House, 161sqm, guest WC, din, balcony/terrace, pets allowed, available 1 Sep. 2024, €309000 +utl, call +49 (0)6381-911 0, immo@ksk-ku sel.de
Siegelbach: 3 x Low Energy & brand new 4-5 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom townhouses, 206sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, availableFeb-Mar 25 Housing Approved, €2750 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com
4.0bd, 2.5bth, House, 268sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Aug. 2024, Housing Approved, €1,680 +utl, call 004917643477156, email h.vatter@ gmail.com
4bd, 1.0bth, House, 125sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Juli 2024, Housing Approved, €1280 +utl, call +4917641509332, burkhardt.70@web.de
Erfenbach: Modern Duplex #32 - brand new build, 3-4 bedrooms, BIK, terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Oct. 2024, Housing Approved, €2500 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com
KL-Einsiedlerhof: 3-4 bedroom Duplex with garage and yard, 190sqm, BIK, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 20 Nov. 2024, Housing Approved, €2350 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@premrealestate.com
3 BR house close to RAB, in Schwedelbach, 141 sqm, 2 bathrooms, livingroom, built-in kitchen, office room, hobby room, attic and basement for storage, Housing approved, available Nov.
Mehlingen: Spacious Duplex - 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, Ceiling fans throughout, 3bd, 2.5bth, House, 198sqm, BIK, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Sep. 2024, Housing Approved, €2350 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-reale state.com
Siegelbach: 6 x Low Energy & brand new 2-3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom townhouses (ideal for singles or couples), 130sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available Feb-Mar 25, Housing Approved, €2300 +utl, call 0172 6936886, in fo@prem-realestate.com
Katzweiler, 5bd, 3bth, House 222sqm, BIK, liv/din, available October 2024, Housing approved, 2500€ + util, call +49 173 3647569, info@german-aid.com
Mackenbach, nice top villa, 330 sqm, 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, living-diningroom, studio in attic, storage, built-in-kitchen, floorheating, patio, fenced yard, duplex-garage. Avail now. Monthly rent 2950€ +util. Contact on email: rmimmobilien@t-onli ne.de or call Ado on +49 1726801258
Lauterecken, 4bd, 2bth, House, 165sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, unfinished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Nov. 2024, Housing Approved, €1300 +utl, call 017681241875, jo chenklein@gmx.deLauterecken, 4bd, 2bth, House, 165sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/ terrace, laundry, unfinished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Nov. 2024, Housing Approved, €1300 +utl, call 017681241875, jochenklein@gmx.deLauterecken, 4bd, 2bth, House, 165sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, unfinished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Nov. 2024, Housing Approved, €1300 +utl, call 017681241875, jochenklein@gmx.de
Eulenbis - schoenes Haus mit toller Aussichtca. 160 qm, 2 Schlafzimmer, 2 Baeder, Einbaukueche, Wohn-/Esszimmer, zusaetzliches Buerozimmer, Balkon, Carport, Haustiere nach Vereinbarungverfuegbar ab 1. Sep. 2024, 1600 € + NebenkostenChris 017695619076, ckurz1904@aol.com anrufen
1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 65sqm, BIK, liv, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 18 Okt. 2021, Housing Approved, €125 +utl, call +4915144801586, luxu rylodgingkl@yahoo.com
1BR TLA / TDY Apartment in Ramstein [ref=S3], all included + rental car, 5min from RAB, pets allowed ; ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com
1BR TLA apartment, downtown Ramstein, 5min from RAB [ref=F3], NOT FOR LONG-TERM LODGING, all included, pets allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/f3 ; in quiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)
1BR TLA Apt with AC, 5min from RAB [ref=M4B], only SHORT-TERM RENTALS, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED ; www.mytlaho me.com/m4b ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)
2.0bd, 1.0bth, Apartment, 130sqm, BIK, private garage, no pets, available 1 Dez. 2023, Housing Approved, €1300, call +49 176 72812480, wilfried@marcel-jaud.de
2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 80sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 27 Okt. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@myt lahome.com
2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 80sqm, BIK, liv/ din, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlaho me.com
2bedroom apartment, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 113 sq meters, Obere Triftstrasse KIndsbach, 0173-3464394, michaelkappa@hotmail.de
2BR 1.5BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning [ref=F2], Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING ; pet friendly ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/f2 ; +49 17624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com
2br, 2 bath, Multi-Family House in Ramstein, only 7min to RAB, 180sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, 24h home gym, pets allowed, housing approved, for more info call/WhatsApp 0173-6302904 or email teletypeman@ hotmail.com
3bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 120sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, shared garage, pets allowed, available 1 Okt. 2024, klincks.tlahome@gmail.com
3bd, 2bth, House, 163sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, private garage, no pets, available 18 Okt. 2021, Housing Approved, €222 +utl, call +4915144801586, luxurylodgingkl@ya hoo.com
Brand new 3BR 2BA Free Standing TLA / TDY House in Ramstein, 5min from RAB [ref=S51a] ; www.mytlahome.com/s51a ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com
3BR 2BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/f24 ; +49 17624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@myt lahome.com
4bd, 3bth, House, 220sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, unfinished basement, shared garage, cats allowed, available 15 Sep. 2024, Housing Approved, €1234 +utl, call +491772331902, tlatdyinn@gmail.com
5BR 2.5BA TLA / TDY House in Ramstein, 5min from RAB [ref=L30], NOT FOR LONGTERM LODGING, all included + rental car, pets allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/ l30 ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp) ; inqui ries@mytlahome.com
Aixa M. Torres-Ramirez,
former USAF American Board Certified Pediatric Dentist
Best Located TLA TLF Appartment on Einsiedlerhof 1 or 2 bedrooms, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 70 sq meters, Kaiserstrasse Kaiserslautern Germany, 59 euro or per diem rate, 01724989707, boze1@gmx.de Ask for longterm !
Landstuhl, 4bd, 2.5bth, Townhouse, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, dogs allowed, available 5 Nov. 2021, Housing Approved, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.com
Brand new TLA Appartment in best location near to all Bases full furnished!, 2 bd, 1 bth, 80 sq meters, Kindsbach, Kaiserslautern, at 49 Euro, ask us for longterm rent! 01724989707, boze1@gmx.de
Cozy, ground floor 2BR TLA / TDY Apartment, 5min from RAB [ref=W2] ; ground floor, fast internet, patio with BBQ grill, offstreet parking (carport) ; www.mytlaho me.com/w2 ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)
Enkenbach-Alsenborn, 1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 60sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 17 Okt. 2024, €12345678 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@ prem-realestate.com
Fully furnished TLA in Ramstein-Miesenbach, !AVAILABLE NOW!140sqm, 3bd, 2bth Apartment, Car parking, Free Internet, Price varies, mail kenanz261@ gmail.com or call (+49) 017670718808 to get informations
Modernized 3BR 2BA Apt, 5min from RAB, only SHORT-TERM RENTALS, ground floor, pet friendly ; www.mytlahome.com/ tla/l41a ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)
Kaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@ mytlahome.comKaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/ din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.comKaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.comKaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.com
Kaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@ mytlahome.comKaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/ din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.comKaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.comKaiserslautern, 2bd, 1.5bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 28 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.com
KTown City Center: TLA/TDY 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom unit, 80sqm, BIK, balcony, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 26 Sep. 2024, Housing Approved, €1234567 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@ prem-realestate.com
Landstuhl, 1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 76sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, no pets, available 5 Apr. 2023, call 0172 6936886, in fo@prem-realestate.com
Lovely TLA Countryhouse BremerhofKaiserslautern The Bremerhof, one of the most unique residential areas in Kaiserslautern, located in a beautiful clearing in the middle of the Palatinate Forest, but with less than a 5 minutes drive to the center of K-Town.The apartment has 2 bedrooms, a living room, 1 bathroom and a romatic garden with pool which is the perfect place for days of rest and relaxation while you settle in Germany. Call 00 49 171 313 6996 or mail: More information: www.judithkern.com info@judithkern.com
Mackenbach, 4bd, 2.5bth, TLA / TDY House, free standing, dogs allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/k10 ; inquiries@myt lahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)
Premium and newly built TLA in Landstuhl city, TLA Rate (per diem) 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 100 sq meters, Koenigstrasse 2, 66849 Landstuhl Germany, phone: 0170 2003862, mail: info@prem-realestate.com
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 80sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, pets allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/ l7 ; +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp) ; inqui ries@mytlahome.com
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 3bd, 2.5bth, Apartment, 130sqm, BIK, guest WC, din, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 9 Sep. 2022, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlaho me.com
Kaiserstrasse 171 Landstuhl, Germany 66849 Tel: +49 (0)6371 1300921
Email: dentistry4kidz@hotmail.com Website:
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 2bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/ din, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 24 Sep. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlaho me.com
Lovely TLA Countryhouse BremerhofKaiserslautern The Bremerhof, one of the most unique residential areas in Kaiserslautern, located in a beautiful clearing in the middle of the Palatinate Forest, but with less than a 5 minutes drive to the center of K-Town.The apartment has 2 bedrooms, a living room, 1 bathroom and a romatic garden with pool which is the perfect place for days of rest and relaxation while you settle in Germany. Call 00 49 171 313 6996, info@judithkern.com
Stay Eden CORAL, 10 minutes from RAB, high-end, 2 bed 1.5 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hel lo@stay-eden.com
laundry, no pets, available 6 Jan. 2023, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.com
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 3bd, 3bth, House, 220sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 14 Sep. 2024, €1234.56 +utl, call 491772331902, tlatdy inn@gmail.comRamstein-Miesenbach, 3bd, 3bth, House, 220sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 14 Sep. 2024, €1234.56 +utl, call 491772331902, tlatdyinn@gmail.com
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 4.0bd, 3bth, House, 180sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Apr. 2022, Housing Approved, €1 +utl, call +49(0)17630373059, info@tla-office.com
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 4bd, 2.0bth, Apartment, 0sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, no pets, available 21 April 2024, call 0174 243 0124, nbm4rent@hotmail.com
Ramstein-Miesenbach, 5bd, 2bth, House, 150sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, dogs allowed, available 7 Sep. 2021, Housing Approved, klincks.tlahome@ gmail.com
Rodenbach, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 85sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available 16 Juni 2024, Housing Approved, €1 +utl, call +49 156 78 212 399, info@tla-rentals.comRo denbach, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 85sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available 16 Juni 2024, Housing Approved, €1 +utl, call +49 156 78 212 399, info@tla-rentals.com
Spacious, modernized 4BR 2BA TLA / TDY Apartment, 5min from RAB [ref=L41B] ; Modernized, fast internet, spacious, kitchen island, AC, off street parking, pet friendly, downtown ; www.mytla home.com/l41b ; +49 17624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@mytlahome.com
Stay Eden AMBER, 11 minutes from RAB, high-end, 2 bed 1.5 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hel lo@stay-eden.com
TDY /TLA Rodenbach, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 85sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available, Housing approved, call +49 156 78 212 399, in fo@tla-rentals.com
Stay Eden JADE, 10 minutes from RAB, high-end, 2 bed 1 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hello@ stay-eden.com
Stay Eden JASPER, 7 minutes from RAB, high-end, 2 bed 1 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hello@ stay-eden.com
Stay Eden MOONSTONE, 14 minutes from RAB, high-end, 2 bed 1 bath, incl. balcony, 4K Smart TV. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hello@stay-eden.com
Stay Eden ONYX, 11 minutes from RAB, high-end, 1 bed 1 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hello@ stay-eden.com
Stay Eden PEARL, 10 minutes from RAB, high-end, 1 bed 1 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hello@ stay-eden.com
Stay Eden RUBY, 7 minutes from RAB, high-end, 2 bed 1 bath, incl. sauna, home gym. Text us: +49 151 701 008 14 hello@ stay-eden.com
Steinwenden, 2bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/ terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 8 Maerz 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlahome.com
TLA / TDY 5BR 3BA house, 15min from RAB (West Gate) [ref: LM8] ; brand new. walk-in closet, workspace, patio with BBQ grill, pet friendly, off-street parking lots, fenced in yard ; www.mytlahome.com/ lm8 ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (Whatsapp, Signal)
TLA / TDY Apartment in historical building, Landstuhl, pets allowed ;www.mytla home.com/k102 ; +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp) ; inquiries@mytlahome.com
TLA / TDY Apartment in historical building, Landstuhl, pets allowed ;www.mytla home.com/k204 ; +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp) ; inquiries@mytlahome.com
TLA / TDY first floor studio in downtown Landstuhl [REF: H37] Location: Landstuhl (10 min to Ramstein US Air Base) Don't hesitate to PM us or drop us your inquiry at: inquiries@mytlahome.com +49 176 2468 7550 ( cell, whatsapp, signal )
TLA / TDY modernized 3BR 1.5BA Apartment with private balcony & BBQ grill, 5min from RAB [ref: L32] ; spacious, AC, walk-in closet, workspace, balcony with BBQ grill, pet friendly, off-street parking ; www.mytlahome.com/l32 ; inquiries@myt lahome.com ; +4917624687550 (Cell, Whatsapp, Signal)
TLA brand new 4BR 2.5BA with fenced patio & yard, 9min to RAB [ref: H2H]Don't hesitate to PM us or drop us your inquiry at: inquiries@mytlahome.com +49 176 2468
7550 ( cell, whatsapp, signal )
TLA brand new 4BR 2.5BA with fenced patio & yard, 9min to RAB [ref: H2H]Don't hesitate to PM us or drop us your inquiry at: inquiries@mytlahome.com +49 176 2468
7550 ( cell, whatsapp, signal )
TLA Weilerbach: 3-4 Bedroom TLA house, per diem rates only, 2bth, Townhouse, 187sqm, BIK, liv/dinrm, garden, laundry, finished basement, pets subject to approval, available 01 Dec 2023, Housing Approved, €per diem +utl, call 0170 2003862, in fo@prem-realestate.com
TLA, TDY, 2bd, 2bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 3 Okt. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlaho me.com
TLA, TDY, 2bd, 2bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 3 Okt. 2024, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlaho me.com
TLA/TDY 2BR 1.5BA house, 5min from RAB, patio & BBQ grill [ref: B3G], www.myt lahome.com/b3g ; inquiries@mytlaho me.com ; +4917624687550 (Cell, Whatsapp, Signal)
TLA/TDY Brand new, ground floor, 3BR 2BA apartment near Landstuhl [ref=M213]mytlahome.com/m213Don't hesitate to PM us or drop your inquiry at: inquiries@mytlahome.com +49 176 2468 7550 ( cell, whatsapp, signal )
TLA/TDY Brand new, ground floor, 3BR 2BA apartment near Landstuhl [ref=M213] mytlahome.com/m213Don't hesitate to PM us or drop your inquiry at: inquiries@ mytlahome.com +49 176 2468 7550 ( cell, whatsapp, signal )
TLA/TLF/TDY Apartment in Landstuhl, 114 sqm 3bd, 1bth, BIK, pets allowed, fast internet connection, all utilities included, always staying within your TLA/TQSE allowance, call 0176 70 70 83 73, simo ne.manz@postbank.de
2010 Subaru Impreza 2.5L Premium AWD, US, Year: 2010 Make: Subaru Model: Impreza Sedan 4dr Auto 2.5i Premium Special Edition Engine: 4 Cylinder Engine Transmission: 4-Speed A/T Exterior: Newport Blue Pearl Interior: Ivory *PACKAGE Special Edition pkg -..., €6,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg - BMW & Mini Car Dealer, Louis-Pasteur-Strasse 14, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, +49 (0) 931 870981021, marketing@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2013 Ford Fusion S, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $8,899 (DE7844). The Used Car GuysRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland 4WD, US, Air Conditioning, All Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Keyless Entry, Navigation, Park Distance Control, Power Locks, Power Windows, €15,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2014 AUDI TT TFSI ROADSTER, EU, $19,999 (DE8093). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2014 Ford Fiesta Titanium, Hatchback, Front, 5-Speed Manual, $9,999 (DE8044). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2015 HONDA CR-V LX 99,000 Miles
$14,995, Hatchback, Manual, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2015 Land Rover Evoque Pure Plus Sport, US, Air Bag, Air Conditioning, All Season Tires, Automatic, Heated Seats, Multifunction for Steering Wheel, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, €14,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg - BMW & Mini Car Dealer, Louis-Pasteur-Strasse 14, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, +49 (0) 931 870981021, marketing@bavarianmo torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 Mazda 6 Touring Sedan, US, Year: 2017 Make: Mazda Model: Mazda6 Touring Auto Engine: 4 Cylinder Engine Transmission: 6-Speed A/T Exterior: Sonic Silver Metallic Interior: Black *SAFETY Back-Up Camera Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safet..., €14,995. Bavarian Motor CarsBMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admingraf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 MERCEDES-BENZ C300 4MATIC COUPE 43,000 Miles $25,995, Coupe, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2016 BMW 116d Advantage 67,000 Miles
$16,995, Hatchback, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2014 Honda CR-V EX-L, SUV, Front, 5Speed Automatic, $17,599 (DE7415). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2016 Ford Explorer PLATINUM 4WD
2014 NISSAN VERSA 59,000 miles 7,495, Sedan, Manual, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
52,000 Miles $23,995, SUV, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 Toyota Corolla, US, €17,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 Toyota RAV4 LE AWD 107,000 Miles $16,995, SUV, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara, US, Year: 2014 Make: Jeep Model: Wrangler Unlimited 4WD 4dr Sahara Engine: V6 Cylinder Engine Transmission: 5-SPEED AUTOMATIC (W5A580) -inc: Tip Start, Hill Descent Control Exterior: Granite Crystal Interior: Black *SAF..., €19,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2015 Dodge Charger SXT Rallye AWD 70,000 miles $20,995, Sedan, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2015 Ford Focus Business Stationwagon 112,000 Miles $7,995, Stationwagon, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2015 Ford Mustang V6, Coupe, Rear, 6Speed Manual, $17,499 (DE7761). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2016 Range Rover Sport SVR &- EU Spec, AWD/4WD, Gas, Automatic, $41,995 (S4957). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, in fo@ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 BMW 118i 56,000 Miles $17,995, Hatchback, Manual, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sa les@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 BMW 330i xDrive M-Sport 330i xDrive, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $22,499 (DE8170). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, 7+ Passenger, Gas, Automatic, $15,995 (S-5400). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 Ford Ranger 4x4, $29,999 (7077). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2017 Volkswagen Jetta 2.0T GLI, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 6-Speed Double Clutch, $18,499 (DE8075). The Used Car GuysRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
Jetta 1.8T SEL, US, Year: 2017 Make: Volkswagen Model: Jetta SEL Engine: 1.8L in-line 4 and variable valve timing Transmission: automatic with manual mode and floor shifter Exterior: Cardinal Red Metallic Interior: Black *SAFETY Back-Up C..., €14,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMWVilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 BMW 118i Advantage, EU, $17,999 (DE8162). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 BMW 2 Series M240i 6 Speed, Coupe, Rear, 6-Speed Manual, $28,999 (DE8094). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 BMW 320d Wagon MSport Shadow, EU, Automatic, $21,299 (DE8024). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 Ford Mustang Convertible 2D EcoBoost Premium 2.3L I4 Tu, US, €20,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 Ford Mustang GT 6 Speed Manual, Coupe, Rear, 6-Speed Manual, $29,999 (DEN8079). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 Hyundai Sonata SE 53,000 Miles $15,995, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 HYUNDAI TUCSON Select, EU, Rear, $14,999 (DE8065). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited, US, *JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA Exterior Color: Granite Crystal Metallic Clear Coat Exterior Paint Interior Color: Black Interior Color Interior: Leather-Trimmed Seats with Sahara Logo Engine: 3.6L V6 24V VVT Engine w/ ESS Tran..., €31,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - WuerzburgBMW & Mini Car Dealer, Louis-PasteurStrasse 14, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, +49 (0) 931 870981021, marketing@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2018 Subaru Legacy Sedan 4D i Limited AWD 2.5L H4, US, Year: 2018 Make: Subaru Model: Legacy 2.5i Limited Engine: 4 Cylinder Engine Transmission: CVT Transmission Exterior: Crystal Black Silica Interior: Warm Ivory *SAFETY Back-Up Camera Outboard Front Lap And Shou..., €20,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Audi A3 30TDI Hatchback 99,000 Miles $15,995, Hatchback, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Audi A3 30TFSI Sportback 42,681 miles $19,995, Hatchback, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 BMW 520d Touring, EU, $25,499 (DEN8035). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $20,995 (S-5406). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Dodge Durango GT AWD, US, Year: 2019 Make: Dodge Model: Durango GT AWD Engine: V6 Cylinder Engine Transmission: 8-SPEED AUTOMATIC Exterior: DB Black Clearcoat Interior: Black *INSTALLED OPTIONS *Black- Leather Trimmed Bucket Seats 2 Seat ..., €27,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg - BMW & Mini Car Dealer, Louis-Pasteur-Strasse 14, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, +49 (0) 931 870981021, marketing@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Ford Focus Turnier- EU Spec, EU Spec, Diesel, Automatic, $15,495 (V-0161) Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Ford Mustang EcoBoost, Coupe, Rear, 6-Speed Manual, $24,999 (DE8119). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Hyundai SONATA Limited, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $21,599 (DE8092). The Used Car GuysRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Jeep Cherokee Overland 4x4, AWD/ 4WD, Automatic, $33,520 (904688). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk 4x4, SUV, Rear, 4WD 9-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $27,999 (DE7775). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Mazda 6 Sport Wagon, EU, $22,999 (DEN8027). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Nissan Frontier SV, Pickup, Rear, 5Speed Automatic, $21,999 (DE7937). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Opel Astra ST- EU Spec, EU Spec, Diesel, Automatic, $11,995 (V-0160). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2019 Subaru Impreza 2.0i Premium 83,000 Miles $17,995, Hatchback, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 AIWAYS U5 XCITE ELECTRIC Only 819 Miles $24,995, SUV, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 BMW 430i xDrive Gran Coupe AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $29,997 (7054). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 Chevrolet Camaro LT, Coupe, Rear, 10-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $23,999 (DE8049). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT 49,000 Miles $20,995, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 DS 7 Crossback "So Chic", EU, $24,999 (DEN7791). The Used Car GuysKaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 Ford Galaxy Titanium 3rd Row, EU, Automatic, $23,999 (DEN7984). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 Ford Galaxy Titanium 3rd Rown, EU, $24,999 (DEN8067). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 Hyundai PALISADE Limited AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $35,499 (DE7938). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 Kia Niro Hybrid LX 66,000 Miles $18,995, SUV, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2020 MG ZS Luxury Electric SUV, EU, Automatic, $17,997 (DEN7395). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
Staße 105 67657 Kaiserslautern Tel. 0631/3615188
14:30 to 16:30 p.m.
2022 BMW 228i xDrive Gran Coupe M, US, €29,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMWVilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 BMW 430i Gran Coupe, US, €38,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
Sunday & Holidays 11:30 - 23:00
2021 Audi A3 Sportback Advanced, EU, transmission 7-speed - dual-clutch transmission S-tronic, $24,599 (DEN7864). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4, SUV, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $28,497 (6647). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 BMW 118i Sportline, transmission 7speed - dual-clutch transmission with Steptronic, $23,997 (DEN7837). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 BMW 218i Active Tourer Sport Line, EU, $23,999 (DEN8087). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 BMW 330i xDrive Sedan, US, €32,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMWVilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 BMW M2 Competition Coupe, Rear, Automatic, $52,074 (104325). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! Mon-Fri 11:30 - 15:00, 17:30 - 23:00
2021 Dodge Challenger GT, Coupe, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $29,999 (6548). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Ford Bronco Sport Outer Banks AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $29,999 (DE7997). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Hyundai i30 Fastback N Line, EU, Automatic, $23,999 (DEN7957). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Hyundai PALISADE Limited AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $40,997 (DE7774). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4WD, US, *JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED 4X4 Exterior Color: Velvet Red Pearl-Coat Exterior Paint Interior Color: Black Interior Color Interior: Leather-Trimmed Bucket Seats Engine: 3.6L V6 24V VVT Engine Upg I w/ ESS Transmission: 8-Speed ..., €30,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Kia Ceed Platinum Edition Plug-in Hybrid, EU, $22,999 (DEN8052). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Volkswagen Golf eTSi Mild Hybrid, EU, $21,999 (DEN8053). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4x4, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $47,974 (104329). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Lynk & Co 01 Hybrid, EU, Automatic, $24,599 (DEN7878). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Mazda 3, EU, Automatic, $23,999 (DEN7955). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Nissan Altima 2.5 SV, Sedan / Saloon, Front, Xtronic CVT, $23,899 (DE7912). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Seat Arona, EU, transmission 7speed - dual-clutch transmission DSG, $19,397 (DEN7616). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2021 Volkswagen Golf, transmission 7speed - dual-clutch, $23,399 (DEN7568). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 RobertBosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@used carguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 BMW 330i xDrive Sedan, US, *BMW 330i xDrive Sedan Black Saphire CO2 package Remote engine start 19" LA wheel double sp.793I AS em.op. Steering wheel heater Sports leather steering wheel Tire with run-flat functionality Sport automat..., €33,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admingraf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 BMW 530i xDrive MSport, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $42,999 (DE7978). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 BMW M340i xDrive w/M Sport Package, AWD/4WD, Gas, Automatic, $48,995 (S-5413). Ramstein Used CarsKaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 BMW X1 sDrive18i, Sport-Utility-Vehicle, EU, transmission 7-speed - dualclutch transmission with Steptronic, $23,999 (DEN7863). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Chrysler Pacifica Touring L, 7+ Passenger, Gas, Automatic, $26,995 (US4810). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, in fo@ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Genesis GV70 2.5T Standard, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $42,500 (DE7907). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4x4, SUV, Rear, Auto, $35,999 (DE8088). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
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2022 Jeep Wrangler Utility 4D Sahara Altitude 4WD 2.0L I4 Tu, US, JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA Exterior Color: Granite Crystal Metallic Clear-Coat Interior: Leather-Trimmed Bucket Seats Engine: 2.0L I4 DOHC DI Turbo Engine with Start Stop Transmission: 8-Speed Automatic Transmission *F..., €41,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, +49 (0) 9641 60503292, admin-graf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Kia XCeed Spirit T-GDi, EU, transmission 7-speed - dual-clutch transmission DCT, $21,997 (DEN7702). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 SR 52,000 miles $23,995, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Toyota Corolla Dynamic Hybrid, EU, $22,999 (DEN7993). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Toyota RAV4 LE, SUV, Front, 8Speed Automatic w/Sequential Shift Mode, $28,999 (DE8056). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Volkswagen Taigo, EU, transmission 7-speed - dual-clutch transmission DSG, $23,699 (DEN7707). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TDI Active, SUV, EU, $26,999 (DEN8023). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 Volkswagen Tiguan SE, SUV, Front, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $23,399 (DE8107). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2022 VW ID4 Pro S, US, Year: 2022 Make: Volkswagen Model: ID.4 PRO S Engine: Electric Motor Transmission: automatic and floor shifter Exterior: Glacier White Metallic/Black Roof Interior: Lunar Gray *INSTALLED OPTIONS *Gradient Package marketing@bavarianmotorcars.com
2023 Dacia Duster Expression, EU, Rear, $18,999 (DE7916). The Used Car GuysRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2023 Kia K5 GT-Line, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $30,995 (US-4704). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2023 Toyota Corolla Hybrid "Business", EU, Automatic, $24,999 (DEN8071). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI Autobahn, Hatchback, Front, 7-Speed Double Clutch, $36,999 (DE7845). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2023 Volkswagen Taigo R-Line, Wagon, EU, $24,999 (DEN7805). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Ford Maverick XL AWD SuperCrew, Rear, Automatic, $28,880 (440877). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Ford Maverick XL AWD SuperCrew, Rear, Automatic, $28,880 (440889). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Hyundai i10, EU, $18,997 (DEN7771). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volkswagen Atlas 2.0T SE 4MOTION, Rear, Automatic, $41,320 (460768). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volvo XC60 B5 AWD Ultimate Dark 11632100, SUV, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $55,201 (11632100). Capitol Motors - Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 351700, info@capitol motors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volvo XC90 B6 AWD Ultimate Bright 11598337, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8speed Automatic, $61,711 (11598337). Capitol Motors - Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631 351700, info@capitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2023 Volvo XC60 T8 Polestar AWD, AWD/ 4WD, Hybrid, Automatic, $54,995 (S-5401). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75 00 39 77, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Audi A3 Premium 40 TFSI quattro, Rear, Automatic, $41,590 (435135). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@mi litarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Audi Q3 S line Premium 45 TFSI quattro, Rear, Automatic, $44,145 (435263). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)63156000921, pwilliam@militarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volkswagen Golf GTI 2.0T 380 SE Manual, Front, Manual, $38,710 (437950). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@mi litarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volkswagen Jetta SE Auto, Front, Automatic, $26,950 (437734). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volkswagen Polo VI Life, Hatch, EU, $23,999 (DEN8060). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volkswagen Taos SE FWD, Front, Automatic, $30,790 (437545). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
2024 Volkswagen Taos SE FWD, Front, Automatic, $29,590 (437299). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!
to the famed beaches of Normandy to the medieval streets of Honfleur, you can find unforgettable experiences. One of the best destinations, however, is Boulogne-sur-Mer, a hilly seaside city of about 40,000 people that offers friendly (and often English-speaking) locals, incredible seafood, and Europe’s largest (and best) aquarium.
Must-See: Nausicaa, Europe’s largest aquarium
Named after the mythical princess in The Odyssey who saves Odysseus after he washes up on the shores of her island, Nausicaa (the aquarium) is one of the most entertaining family destinations in Europe.
Set in a massive, sprawling building nestled against Boulogne-sur-Mer’s largest sand beach (which makes for an amazing two-fer during the summer), Nausicaa’s so-called ‘Big Tank’ holds as much water as four Olympic-sized swimming pools. It also holds more than 24,000 living creatures, including sharks, stingrays, fish of all kinds, and a magnificently massive manta ray that looks like something magical approaching when it swims toward the two-story glass viewing wall where adults
and children alike stand in awe.
But Nausicaa is so much more than just the Big Tank. It contains a plethora of marine life – from tropical Caiman alligators and massive catfish to penguins, jellyfish, anemones, spotted grass eels (which look like someone planted a garden of water snakes) – in other displays. It also has a hyper-realistic fishing boat simulator, in which you can see and feel what’s it like to sail stormy seas on a fishing boat (not recommended for those who get seasick easily.
Families, especially, can easily a spend a day here. Advance tickets can be purchased online, and reduced rates are available for children under 12, families, and seniors.
More info at https://www.nausicaa.fr/en
Boulogne-sur-Mer’s Old Town: A walled city to end walled cities
It’s probable that many of you reading this article have been to Rothenburg ob der Tauber at least once. If you have, then you’ve likely walked along (the very excellent) wooden wall that surrounds the town.
Imagine if that wall were made from stone that was a dozen times thicker two stories taller, three times as long, and then mounted with wide tree-lined walking
paths, and without any low-lying medieval German ceiling joists to smash the heads of tall modern Americans. In short, it is an epic fortification.
The wall is just the beginning, though. Boulogne-sur-Mer’s Old Town is truly a marvel. The Notre Dame basilica is jawdroppingly beautiful. At night, it’s like something out of a dream. The basilica makes for a brilliant visit, too. Intrepid travelers can go way, way up to the cupola, where the views of the English channel are incredible. One of the best parts of the basilica, though, lies below it, in the form of a Roman crypt. One of the largest in France, this somber, labyrinthine crypt is well worth the €6 admission fee.
Wandering the Old Town is recommended. Wander into the courtyard of the Chateau Museum and marvel at the fantastically preserved castle with an honest-togoodness moat around it. The cobblestone streets are lined with restaurants, shops, and bars. Stopping for a meal is highly recommended.
Outstanding seafood
Given its location, it is no surprise that Boulogne-sur-Mer is well known as a seafood destination. But you don’t have to pony up for fancy French dining (though
you can find that, too). In fact, one of the best seafood spots in the city is right by the harbor, in the form of a daily seafood market, in which grizzled fishermen (and their families, quite often) sling the day’s catch, with the water right behind them. If you’ve got a place to cook, especially, this is the spot to try.
Worth a visit: Chez Sandrine, which is located just across the street from the daily seafood market. It offers huge amounts of fresh-caught and fresh prepared seafood at reasonable prices, and feels like a smalltown American diner. It’s open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., so if you’re feeling like fish for breakfast, get after it.
Boulogne-sur-Mer: The essentials
Because it lies so close to England (which is just across the channel, after all), you’ll have no trouble finding English speakers in Boulogne-sur-Mer (especially if you open with “Parlez-vous anglais?”). Loads of parking is available, and most parking near the Old Town is free during the off season.
By car, Boulogne-sur-Mer is just over 5 hours from Kaiserslautern and just under 7 hours from Stuttgart.
Red One (2024)
When a villain kidnaps Santa Claus from the North Pole, an E.L.F. (Extremely Large and Formidable) operative joins forces with the world’s most accomplished tracker to find him and save Christmas.
Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans, Kiernan Shipka, Lucy Liu
Director: Jake Kasdan
Venom: The Last Dance (2024)
Eddie Brock and Venom must make a devastating decision as they’re pursued by a mysterious military man.
Cast: Tom Hardy, Juno Temple, Peggy Lu
Director: Kelly Marcel
Mismatched cousins David and Benji tour Poland to honor their grandmother. Their adventure becomes complicated as old tensions resurface while exploring their family history.
Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Kieran Culkin, Jennifer Grey
Director: Jesse Eisenberg
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (2024)
The Herdmans are six siblings who have a reputation for being the worst kids in the world. However, when they take over the local church pageant during the holidays, they just might teach a shocked community the true meaning of Christmas.
Cast: Judy Greer, Pete Holmes, Molly Belle Wright
Director: Dallas Jenkins
Juror #2 (2024)
A juror for a high-profile murder trial finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma that could influence the verdict and potentially convict, or free, the accused killer.
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Francesca Eastwood, Toni Collette
Director: Clint Eastwood
SUNDAY A Real Pain (R) 1330, 1615 Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy.
(PG-13) 1315, 1845