Aug 31, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American

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August 31, 2012


Volume 36, number 35

Silver Flag trains Airmen, builds partnerships by Senior Airman Rion Ehrman 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The 435th Construction and Training Squadron hosted a weeklong Silver Flag exercise Aug. 20 to 26 on Ramstein. Silver Flag’s main goal is to train Airmen for contingency deployments and assist in building partnership capacities by training allied partners to set up a base from the ground up, dealing with the issues that arise in a deployed environment. This particular exercise featured three Azerbaijanis and two Bulgarians who attended to gain knowledge of U.S. Air Force processes during deployment operations. “The purpose of our visit was to get some knowledge (on Air Force deployment procedures),” said Maj. Ramil Hasanov, Azerbaijani deputy infantry battalion commander. “Back home we have our exercise, and we are going to exchange knowledge about what we learned here. In our country, we will have NATO examination, and we have some gaps

Photo by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux

Air Force firefighters respond to a simulated contained fire exercise during Silver Flag Aug. 23 on Ramstein. Silver Flag is a weeklong training program for Airmen from various bases to prepare for deployment.


Sponsors: gatekeepers to the community Story and photo by Helen Tesfai U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

Sept. 13 to 16 in hangars 1 & 2, giant tent

13 DAYS Hosted by the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club


Roderick Amodia, ACS’s relocation readiness program manager, began by explaining why sponsorship training is important and briefed attendees on how to care for newcomers.


Ramstein Welfare Bazaar

Pfc. Aubrey Schye, a 5th Military Police Battalion Soldier, said she was glad she had a sponsor when she arrived in the KMC in 2010. She recently underwent a mandatory Army Community Service class to become a sponsor herself.


When Pfc. Aubrey Schye, a 5th Military Police Battalion Soldier, got back from a six-mile road march, she walked right into a mandatory Army Community Service class on sponsorship responsibilities. Schye, 20, was among five attendees at the class held recently at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s Kleber Kaserne. Schye thought back to when she left the U.S. in late 2010, when no one really mentioned anything about a sponsor. She was just 18, fresh from high school, heading to her first duty station overseas. Thankfully, her sponsor reached out to her through Facebook. “You kind of think, ‘No one is going to be there,’” Schye said. “But they ended up picking me up over here when I got dropped off at the bus.”

Sponsorship training “increases awareness of command responsibilities for identifying, referring and coordinating with community agencies and programs to ensure successful integration,” Amodia said. “In a nutshell, ensure newcomers’ transitions are as smooth and stress free as possible.” Capt. Steven Rauschbach, the 5th MP’s personnel officer, said he experienced the consequences of bad sponsorship. “My first move, which was from after two years in Darmstadt to Fort Polk, was a catastrophe,” Rauschbach said. “There was no sponsor.” Despite the fact that sponsorship training is mandatory for Soldiers, attendance is low, said Michelle Thomas, the garrison’s ACS director. Advertisements are posted on American Forces Network, in the Kaiserslautern American newspaper and on Facebook. It’s also mentioned each week at

721st APS gets personnel, cargo moving, Page 9

USAFE bands perform at Barbarossa-Fest, Page 17

See SPONSOR, Page 7


As of Aug. 28


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Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

Priority One: readiness objectives have been set for Airmen at all levels to strive for: 1) Ensure individual readiness; 2) Ensure compliant and mission-ready units; and 3) Ensure effective mission integration.

by Col. Kenneth Thad Bibb Jr. 86th Airlift Wing vice commander Editor’s note: This is No. 1 of 5 articles in a series highlighting the priorities of the 86th Airlift Wing.


Baseball great Yogi Berra once said, “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there.” Where is our wing going? Do you know? Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde and wing senior leaders recently refined our wing’s priorities to better align with our mission and vision during our strategic planning process. Our wing’s mission statement challenges us to provide combat airlift and operate the Air Force’s premier installation to enable and assure strategic capabilities. And our vision remains clear: capable, credible, responsive Airmen — operationally ready — honored to serve. The wing commander named five priorities to support our mission statement and vision, the first of which is, “Maintain readiness to accomplish our mission safely and effectively anytime, anywhere.” The readiness of our Airmen and our installation is crucial to winning the

fight and shaping the future. Our nation depends on Ramstein readiness. Our location and skill sets put us at the pinnacle of today’s fight and potential conflicts and contingencies. Daily, we operate missions across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East while maintaining a key platform for a host of other EUCOM, AFRICOM, and CENTCOM missions. We have to be not only ready to build partnerships in peacetime through joint training and humanitarian operations, but also ready for short notice wartime taskings. To ensure we, as a wing, meet this priority,

Ensure individual readiness A few years ago, as a new captain, I couldn’t believe it when I heard the general on stage say, “Put yourself first.” I was astounded. Was he crazy? Had he not heard of service before self or our warrior ethos? Did he not understand our wingman concept? Courtesy graphic But then he explained he was talking about YOU — an acronym for readiness — Yourself, Others, Unit. He went on to explain that as Airmen, we are useless to the team unless we are individually ready. We can only fulfill our commitment to support our fellow Airmen if we can first carry our own weight. An Airman can only be ready to lead if his own readiness is squared away. Yes, individual readiness includes training in our core competencies, medical and physical fitness, and preparing ourselves to be resilient in the face of adversity. See PRIORITY, Page 5

Grow organizations through core group discussion by Maj. Mark Ashman 86th Maintenance Operations Squadron commander “Airmen make the mission happen.” Senior leaders have echoed this sentiment time and again to show their appreciation for what Airmen do on a daily basis. With the ever changing face of the Air Force, this sentiment has never been more important than it is today. In recent years, the Air Force has gone through trying times facing budget constraints while

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

working to meet Congressional end-strength mandates associated with the drawdown of Air Force personnel, all the while engaged in multiple operations across the globe to ensure our nation’s freedom. In light of all this, Airmen and civilians are at the core of our force and they are the ones who make the mission happen every day. As we strive to meet these mission demands, how well do we really know our co-workers, our civilians and our Airmen? In an effort to reshape this dynamic, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III,

including insert or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material.

20th chief of staff of the Air Force, launched an initiative while serving as commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe to strengthen our core. He envisioned commanders, supervisors and leaders taking time out of their day to sit down in small groups and build a sense of community, encourage honest twoway communication and empower Airmen to focus on our core values. For those who have had the opportunity to hear Welsh speak at an awards banquet, professional military education graduation


•  News, feature, school articles and photos – noon Thursday  for the following week’s edition •  Sports articles and photos – noon Thursday for the following  week’s edition •  Free  (space  available)  classifieds  –  noon Tuesday  for  that  same week’s KA AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send questions, comments, article and photo submissions to: or call AdvantiPro at 0631-3033-5547. To place a classified advertisement, call AdvantiPro GmbH at 0631-3033-5531. For a display advertisement, call 0631-3033-5536 or visit http://www.kaiserslauternamerican. com.

or squadron commander’s course, one common thread he reiterated time and again was, “Every Airmen has a story. We all need to learn their stories.” He suggested that one way to learn their stories was to set aside time each month to sit down with our Airmen, talk with them and learn their stories. To shape Welsh’s vision, the USAFE staff put together some broad topics for leaders to fall back on as they weave core concepts such as integrity, honor, service, See DISCUSSION, Page 9

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August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 3

Meet your new vice commander, vice director NAME: Col. Kenneth “Thad” Bibb Jr. POSITION: 86th Airlift Wing vice commander YEARS IN THE AIR FORCE: 21 FLYING HOURS: More than 4,500 AIRCRAFT FLOWN: C-5, C-12, T-37 and T-38 AWARDS: Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters and the Air Medal HOMETOWN: Broken Arrow, Okla. FAMILY: Wife, Shannon, and children, Meghan, Ryan and Logan What is your job as the vice commander? I’m here to execute the mission, vision and priorities of our wing composed of six groups and 29 squadrons across three bases in Germany, Spain and Belgium. What are your goal(s) while you are here? Basketball legend Michael Jordan said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Mission integration is very important for Team Ramstein. I plan to continue to collaborate with our many Air Force, joint, U.S. government, host nation and international partners here. Our legacy begins with our readiness for the fight. I will ensure our wing members are trained and equipped to meet the following objectives: 1) Ensure individual readiness; 2) Ensure compliant and mission ready units; and 3) Ensure effective mission integration. I look forward to serving with Team Ramstein and its partners.

ters, Annie, Sasha and Shea

NAME: William P. “Bill” Stewart Jr. POSITION: 86th Airlift Wing vice director YEARS WITH THE AIR FORCE: 41 FLYING HOURS: More than 5,800 AIRCRAFT FLOWN: C-130E/H/H1/H2/H3, C-130N/P, T-37, T-38 and T-41 AWARDS: Civilian Meritorious Service Award, Civilian Exceptional Service Award, Civilian Superior Service Award, Legion of Merit with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Bronze Star with one Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Meritorious Service Medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters HOMETOWN: Seaford, Del. FAMILY: Wife, Susanne, son, Bill III, and daugh-

What is your job as the vice director? I serve as the senior civilian leader to the commander on vital issues affecting the KMC. What are your goal(s) while you are here? I will help ensure we are continuing to do what is necessary by aligning the wing priorities with our unit, installation and personnel missions. Another goal I have is to present well-researched and quality products for senior leader decision making. I look forward to working with each of you and being a part of the great team here!

Hometown Holiday Greetings team to visit KMC by Tech. Sgt. Chad Thompson 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The Joint Hometown News Service will be taping 2012 holiday greetings at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. today to Sunday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday. The team will also be filming at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center outside the emergency room by the water fountain from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Service members and civilian employees from all branches of service, their family members, and Department of Defense civilians are eligible to participate in sending a greeting back home to their families. Military members recording greetings must be in SILVER FLAG, from Page 1

and we need to learn from (Airmen).” Whether it was security detail for the simulated runway and explosive ordnance operations, fire safety training or the entire setup of a bare base with needed tents, Azerbaijani and Bulgarian counterparts, along with more than 140 Airmen, gained first-hand knowledge to take back to their home stations. “The main point of this is teamwork,” Hasanov said. “What I saw is if someone doesn’t know something, someone is there to help them.” Airmen put forth their skills in a combined effort to illustrate their readiness for whatever

uniform. Family members and spouses should come with their sponsors, but if the military member is deployed or on temporary duty, his or her spouse and children may record a greeting. Here are a few guidelines and things to bring for the holiday greeting: » Contact info: Ensure you have contact information of the family members who you would like to send the greetings to. Station managers will need phone numbers of the families so they can call them and tell them when the greetings will air. » Props: Santa hats, pets, banners and Christmas attire is encouraged. » Relax and have fun: Be cheerful and in the holiday spirit. Remember, these videos will be airing to send a holiday greeting and show your families

was thrown in their path during the ever-growing demand for being ready to accomplish the mission, especially during a deployment. “We’re all ultimately going to leave with honed war fighting skills that will help us downrange or during any other conflict,” said Staff Sgt. Patrick Riele, a member of the 49th Civil Engineer Squadron from Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. The training consisted of five days in a classroom where they covered how basic contingency operations are set up in an area of responsibility, chemical warfare and mission oriented protective postures. The last two days were spent in a field training environment.

how you are doing. » When you’re giving your greetings, try not to say Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, etc. Most of these greetings will air from Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day and could quickly become obsolete if the specific holiday mentioned has come and gone when your greeting airs. » No profanity or inappropriate attire. For those who have family in more than one area, it’s possible to record several greetings. Each greeting will be about 15 to 20 seconds, which is enough time to get in the holiday wishes to those closest to you. Keep in mind, there could be long lines during the days of shooting. Try and be patient with the team; they will do everything they can to ensure everyone’s greeting gets recorded.

Carpet repair & cleaning Free pick up and delivery All credit cards accepted • VAT-forms

Page 4

Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012


AUG. 21

2:41 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Kaiserslautern. The accident was caused due to an improper lane change. 2:54 p.m.: A controlled substance was reported on Landstuhl. A cigarette pack was located containing an unknown white substance and burned aluminum tray. Chemical testing of substance was conducted and tested positive for an illegal substance.

AUG. 22

12:20 p.m.: A fleeing the scene of an accident and falsifying an official statement was reported in Schönenberg-Kübelberg. 5:12 p.m.: Child neglect and adultery was reported on Vogelweh Housing.

AUG. 24

6:52 a.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Otterbach. The accident was caused due to inattentive driving.

AUG. 25

11:50 a.m.: An assault and communicating a threat was reported in Kaiserslautern. 2:38 p.m.: Domestic abuse was reported in Nanzdietschweiler. 3:15 p.m.: A major traffic accident, possession of a controlled substance and driving under influence of a controlled substance was reported in Rohrbach. 7:20 p.m.: Damage to private property was reported on Landstuhl.

9:51 p.m.: Wreckless driving was reported on the B-270 next to the A6 exit. Investigation revealed the motorist fell asleep at the wheel.

AUG. 26

12:52 a.m.: A loud noise complaint, drunken disorderly, indecent exposure, vandalism, and provoking speeches and gestures was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing. 1:37 a.m.: An assault was reported at a bar in Kaiserslautern. 5:57 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 11:38 a.m.: Damage to private property was reported in Landstuhl. Damage reported was a flattened driver’s side front and rear tire. 4:04 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Göllheim after the motorist lost control of the vehicle.

AUG. 27

9:45 a.m.: A fleeing the scene was reported in Mackenbach. 12:53 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Ramstein. The accident was caused due to failure to yield right of way. 3:57 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern. The accident was caused due to failure to yield right of way. 10:04 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Schönenberg-Kübelberg. The accident was caused due to a local national operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

Take Note


• The Ramstein Legal Office will be closed today for an office function. No legal services will be provided. • The KMC Housing offices will be closed Monday for an American holiday. • The Ramstein in-processing line will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day. If newcomers arrive to Team Ramstein today to Monday, they must attend the RIP line starting at 7 a.m. Tuesday. For more information about in-processing, call 480-6559 or visit www. asp?id=17074.

Traffic alert

Due to a bike race, several road closures will affect traffic in and around Bann from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

Ramstein Welfare Bazaar

Volunteers are needed for this year’s 48th annual Ramstein Welfare Bazaar, which takes place from Sept. 13 to 16. Volunteers are needed in several areas, such as finance, hospitality, public drawing, business office, credit card processing, volunteer floaters and submitting baked goods. To sign up or for more information, visit

• A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice, to a technical sergeant for violation of Article 92, failure to obey. The commander imposed punishment of suspended reduction to staff sergeant and a reprimand. • A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to a technical sergeant for violation of Article 86, failure to go, and Article 107, false official statement. The commander imposed punishment of reduction to staff sergeant, 20 days extra duty and a reprimand. • A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to a staff sergeant for violation of Article 86, failure to go, and Article 107, false official statement. The commander imposed punishment of reduction to senior airman, 20 days extra duty and a reprimand. • A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to an airman first class for two violations of Article 86, failure to go. The commander imposed punishment of suspended reduction to airman, forfeiture of $86 pay for two months and seven days extra duty. • A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to an airman first class for violation of Article 86, failure to go, Article 92, failure to obey, and Article 134, drunk on duty. The commander imposed punishment of reduction to airman, suspended forfeiture of $835 pay for two months and a reprimand. • A wing commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to a second lieutenant for violation of Article 111, drunken driving. The commander imposed punishment of forfeiture of $1,414 pay for two months and a reprimand.


Aug. 24 — 19 volunteers, 15 calls, 23 lives potentially saved. Aug. 25 — 13 volunteers, 13 calls, 15 lives potentially saved.

New installation traffic code

The 86th Airlift Wing Instruction 31-201, Installation Traffic Code, has been published and is available. The instruction, which applies to all U.S. Army Europe licensed operators, has had some significant changes. Review the instruction at and search “86AWI31-201.”

Run, walk against cancer

The Cancer Society Rheinland-Pfalz will offer its sixth Run and Walk against Cancer Sunday at Schulzentrum Süd, Im Stadtwald 2, 67663 Kaiserslautern. There will be a 5 km and 10 km run. The walk/run/hike will go through the Palatinate forest on an average height profile. Upon request, the time can be taken and participants will receive a participation award. Group registrations are welcome. The three groups with the most members will receive cash prizes. The cost is €6 for adults and €3 for children. All proceeds will benefit the Counseling Center of the Cancer Society Rheinland-Pfalz with its program “Mom/Dad has Cancer,” an aid for children and teenagers in a stressful situation. After the run there will be live music, a raffle,

food and drinks, German homemade cakes, coffee and children’s activities. Showers will be available. Registrations will start at 8:30 a.m. The children’s 1 km run will begin at 9 a.m. and the 5 and 10 km run/walk at 10 a.m. For details, visit lebenslauf.

Dental assisting program

The Ramstein Dental Clinic will start the next American Red Cross Dental Assisting Volunteer Program Oct. 15. The course is full time for seven months (from 6:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily). It is open to dependent ID cardholders with a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants must attend the mass briefing at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 8 in the Ramstein Dental Clinic waiting area. Interviews will be conducted Sept. 14 to 15. Notification of selection will be announced Sept. 17. Participants must be available to in-process Oct. 1 to 13. Applicants must be dedicated, motivated and up to date on all immunizations. Further information, applications and interview slots will be given at the briefing. Volunteers are full time from start day. For details, call Master Sgt. Michael Nilles or Staff Sgt. Nichol De Veyra at 479-2210 or 06371-46-2210.

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 5

McRaven: Beware of disclosing classified information by Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON — The commander of U.S. Special Operations is expressing concern about former members of the community who he said “are using their ‘celebrity status’ to advance their personal or professional agendas,” and warned those who divulge classified information will be held accountable. Navy Adm. William McRaven raised the issue in an email sent to the entire special operations community following several recent incidents involving former special operators. The latest was the announcement that a former Navy SEAL who participated in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden will publish a first-person account of the operation without first getting the book reviewed by the Defense Department for clearance. “While as retired or former service members, they are well within their rights to advocate for certain causes or write books about their adventures, it is disappointing when these actions either try to represent the broader S.O.F. community or expose sensitive information that could threaten the lives of their fellow warriors,” McRaven wrote. At the Pentagon Friday, spokesman George Little told reporters defense officials have not read the book, but do expect to “assess it for the poten-

tial that it contains classified information.” Any possible prosecution over leaked material would be up to the Justice Department, he said. McRaven acknowledged the benefit of reading other special operators’ stories. He noted that his thesis, while attending the Naval Postgraduate School, was based on “a rigorous examination of available literature” and provided background for his own book, “The Theory of Special Operations.” “Most of these books were wonderful accounts of courage, leadership, tough decision making and martial skill, all of which benefited me as I tried to understand our past and how it could affect missions in the future,” he said in his email. McRaven also recognized the value of movies that provide insight into the lives of special operations professionals, noting that seeing John Wayne’s appearance in “The Green Berets” influenced his own decision to become a special operator. “Countless stories have been told through the medium of film that needed to be told, and I am thankful that they were,” he wrote. But he drew a distinct line between what he called “recounting a story for the purposes of education or entertainment” and “telling a story that exposes sensitive activities just to garner greater readership and personal profit.” It’s a line, he said, that must be respected

PRIORITY, from Page 2

Individual readiness is more than being able to get through the mobility line — we have to do more than meet the minimum standard. Airmen are our most valued resource. With an ever smaller force, we must seek out opportunities to develop professionally. We must maximize our limited training opportunities, making the most of every exercise and every dollar. Finally, the most important aspect of readiness may be in our attitude. Have we internalized a warrior ethos? Is our integrity unwavering? Do we emit a contagious can-do spirit that conflict requires? Only with individually ready Airmen can we build compliant and mission-ready units. Ensure compliant and mission ready units If the family is the basic unit of society, then the squadron is the basic warfighting unit of the Air Force. The squadron is where we integrate the skills of our Airmen to build effective teams, providing the building blocks for our groups and wings. Having well-trained, ready Airmen does not guarantee well-trained, ready squadrons. In the last decades many of our Airmen have deployed individually to serve with distinction in expeditionary units. This capability will remain important, but we

— even after leaving the military. “Every member of the special operations community with a security clearance signed a nondisclosure agreement that was binding during and after service in the military,” he said in his email. “If the U.S. Special Operations Command finds that an active duty, retired or former service member violated that agreement and that exposure of information was detrimental to the safety of U.S. forces, then we will pursue every option available to hold members accountable, including criminal prosecution where appropriate.” Current and former special operators have both a moral obligation and legal duty to submit their works for pre-publication security review. “We are fully prepared to work with any author who is looking to tell his story and wants a straightforward assessment of the potential security impacts of their work,” he wrote. Addressing a related issue, McRaven expressed concern over “the growing trend of using the special operations ‘brand,’ our seal, symbols and unit names, as part of any political or special interest campaign.” “Let me be completely clear on this issue: U.S.S.O.C.O.M. does not endorse any political viewpoint, opinion or special interest,” he wrote. McRaven said he strongly encourages active-duty special operators to participate in the political process, as

must also reenergize our ability to deploy and operate at the squadron-, group- and wing-level. Unit war fighting skills must be an integral part of our unit training. For compliance, USAFE is leading the Air Force in a transition from emphasis on external inspections to a culture of continuous compliance, with wing commanders empowered to inspect and certify the readiness of their units. Wing commanders will look at how their units manage resources, lead people, improve the unit and execute the mission, with the MAJCOM inspectors validating wings have the proper compliance and control measures in place. What internal controls does your unit have in place to ensure compliance? How good are our processes? As personnel changed over this summer, did anything fall through the cracks, or did you have the processes in place to ensure success? Ensure effective mission integration Basketball legend Michael Jordan said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” I have never seen a base where teamwork and mission integration are more important. We have many teammates including Air Force, joint, U.S. government, host nation, and international partners. Integrating our mission with these partners is essential to completing the second half

appropriate under ethics rules, and for retired members to do the same. “However, when a group brands itself as special operations for the purpose of pushing a specific agenda, then they have misrepresented the entire nature of S.O.F. and life in the military,” he said. “Our promise to the American people is that we, the military, are nonpartisan, apolitical and will serve the president of the United States regardless of his political party,” McRaven emphasized. “By attaching a special operation’s moniker or a unit or service name to a political agenda, those individuals have now violated the most basic of our military principles.” McRaven encouraged former special operators to “voice their concerns from the highest hilltop” when acting as private citizens. However, by claiming to represent a broader SOF constituency as they do so, “they do a disservice to all of their SOF teammates who serve quietly and respectfully in support of this great nation,” he wrote. “Our reputation with the American people is as high as it has ever been,” McRaven told the special operations community. “The sacrifices of our men and women downrange have earned us that respect. Let us not diminish that respect by using our service in special operations to benefit a few at the expense of the many.”

of our mission statement: operate the Air Force’s premier installation to enable and assure strategic capabilities. Each of these partners brings different skills, knowledge and experience to the fight. Our base is a critical warfighting platform, and we can’t afford long start up times as we execute missions in support of combatant commanders. Communication and planning are key, but only through dedicated exercises and training can we ensure integration in a constantly changing environment. As Airmen, we have a proud heritage. Those who have gone before us have, through their preparations and readiness, with valor and courage, preserved our nation for future generations. Our legacy begins with our readiness for the fight. Our full-scale ORE in September, one of 38 exercises this year, will be our next opportunity to train and test ourselves against all three objectives. As each objective is met, we know we serve our nation with our best capabilities. Furthermore, we serve each other by upholding the standards that confirm the Airmen we stand next to are capable, credible and responsive as well as operationally ready to execute the mission. Finally, we serve the mission of the 86th Airlift Wing by safeguarding our priority to maintain readiness to accomplish our mission safely and effectively anytime, anywhere. Are you ready?

Page 6

Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

RAO attempts to establish retiree council


ilitary retirees, and widows of retirees, are an integral part of every military community in Germany. The KMC is the “home town” for many of these retirees and widows. Currently, nearly all military communities have a retiree council. These councils provide the respective community commanders with a window into a constituency that supports the community with volunteers. Every installation commander knows his retiree constituency is essentially a silent minority, yet no less a responsibility than his activeduty personnel, the family members accompanying them and the civilian members of the force. The retiree council would keep its commander informed about the

overall situation. The minutes of the retiree council meetings would be submitted to the commander for information and approval. The minutes are similar to a “situation report” the commander uses to feel the retiree pulse of his command. The KMC does not have a retiree council either on the Air Force or on the Army side of the community. Based on the success stories from other communities, a local retiree council would be a big plus for both the military community and the retirees. The KMC is a mix of primarily Air Force and Army retirees with some Navy and even Department of Defense civilian retirees added. A retiree council would logically be a mix of representatives from all retired military and civilians, including at

least one widow of a military retiree. The KMC Retiree Council would be chartered and members appointed by the commander. They would meet at least quarterly. Generally, meetings would be open to the public, and council members would be able to obtain information on grass roots concerns and needs. There would always be a lively exchange of ideas and information. Many widows could attend the meetings and appreciate the opportunity to be able to stay connected. The important issues would include host nation health care, Tricare claims, casualty assistance and general administrative support (retired pay, Social Security, veterans benefits, legal, customs regulations, etc.). The retiree council within the military community is supervised by the

Retirement Services Office (Army) or the Retiree Activities Office (Air Force). These offices provide guidance and support to the retiree council president and the members of the council. Although we have never had a retiree council in the KMC, there is no better time than the present to organize. We need a core cadre of patriots that want to continue to serve to accept the challenge and organize a council that the commander will charter and support. To show your interest and willingness to have a retiree council, send an email to 86aw.rao@ with “KMC Retiree Council” in the subject line, or call the Retiree Activities Office at 480-5486 or 06371-47- 5486. (Courtesy of KMC RAO Team)

Ramstein bests Spangdahlem in 2012 Lodging Olympics by Senior Airman Katherine Holt 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


n the 2011 Lodging Olympics, Ramstein fell to Spangdahlem by 1 minute and 11 seconds. This year, Ramstein took seven of the 12 events, winning by 1 minute 35 seconds. Each team was allowed 12 personnel and a team captain charged with completing some typical daily tasks in an expedited manner, but, for some team members, the tasks were far from familiar. “For my event, I was way out of my comfort zone,” said Senior Airman Dexter Alejandro about the blood borne pathogen event. “Since I work at the front desk, I rarely get the opportunity to work with housekeeping. I have never put on the blood borne pathogen suit before today.” The other events included: bed frame assembly, cart stocking, scavenger hunt, vacuum and dusting, towel folding, hard lock assembly, toilet paper toss, blind folded pyramid

“Events like this are a morale booster for our lodging folks. It brings everyone together and shows our appreciation for what they do every day. It is nice to take a time out for some friendly competition and fun.” — Sue Schwarten, 786th Force Support Squadron KMC Lodging assistant manager

stack, beach ball relay and luggage cart race. “The intensity makes each event tough,” said Raymond Mendiola, Team Spangdahlem participant. “We do these things on a daily basis, but when you factor in the time constraints, noise and adrenaline, it makes everything more difficult.” Mediola participated in last year’s event hosted by Spangdahlem and said this year Ramstein looked different. “Ramstein came for us this year,” Mendiola said. “They had the homecourt advantage and capitalized on it. We host next year, and we will be ready.” But it wasn’t just about taking home the trophy. “It is nice to get out from behind the desk and meet the people we work with,” Alejandro said. “Even though we may not work side by side, we came together as one team today and had a great time.” Great camaraderie and a good time was the goal of KMC lodging leadership. “Events like this are a morale booster for our lodging folks,” said Sue Schwarten, 786th Force Support Squadron KMC Lodging assistant manager. “It brings everyone together and shows our appreciation for what they do every day. It is nice to take a time out for some friendly competition and fun.” The 2013 Lodging Olympics are scheduled to be held at Spangdahlem.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Tyrona Lawson

Tidarat Thomann, 786th Force Support Squadron housekeeper, places lodging amenities on a push cart during the second annual Lodging Olympics Aug. 24 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

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Moves key to garrison’s updated closure timeline by Rick Scavetta U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern HEIDELBERG, Germany — When Air Force Staff Sgt. Nick Kibbey arrived in Mannheim last November, the morning show radio announcer heard his unit, American Forces NetworkEurope, was moving to Sembach Kaserne. His wife, Shiloh, is a nurse looking for work at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. His son Royce, 5, is starting kindergarten. They are expecting a baby in March. Moving now makes sense, Kibbey said. “For me it’s just getting to where we’re going, to be settled and focused on things,” Kibbey said. “We want to do the move and try to achieve our short and long terms goals.” That’s exactly what Army leaders at U.S. Army Garrison BadenWürttemberg hope service members will consider, as a new U.S. Army Europe order directs all military personnel to depart the Heidelberg and Mannheim areas by Aug. 31, 2013. Soldiers and their families should begin planning now, said Col. Bryan DeCoster, USAGBW commander. “We want people to be proactive,” DeCoster said. “This is going to happen.” The orders mostly impact three Mannheim units. AFN headquarters and the U. S. Army Corrections Facility-Europe, both based at Coleman Barracks, will move to Sembach once buildings are made ready. The European Theater Network Operations Support Center at Mannheim’s Funari Barracks will eventually become the Information Processing Center at Wiesbaden’s Clay Kaserne. Coleman, Funari and Spinelli barracks will be work sites. Personnel will commute from either the Kaiserslautern or Wiesbaden area. Units may establish shuttles to make it easier for Soldiers. Some changes take effect immediately, DeCoster said. Soldiers and civilians on high-cost moves will no longer come to USAG-BW starting in September. Instead, they will be diverted to either Kaiserslautern or Wiesbaden. Soldiers and civilians on low-cost moves will be diverted beginning no later than January. Instead, they will be diverted to either Kaiserslautern or Wiesbaden. Single and unaccompanied personnel, considered low-cost moves, will be diverted beginning in January 2013. “The directive that everybody

will move to their gaining location, in this case either Kaiserslautern or Wiesbaden, allows the closure of Patrick Henry Village and the community shopping center earlier than anticipated under our original plan,” DeCoster said. The accelerated timeline affects roughly 230 military members, plus their families and government civilians, said Dianne Hamilton, director of USAG-BW’s transformation. The Army has closed several installations in Europe over the past decade. Experience from those closures has guided current plans, Hamilton said. “Once you get a population under 500, you have a hard time providing a level of services and support that’s commensurate to what we want for our Soldiers, civilians and family members,” Hamilton said. “It’s better to have people move to places with robust services.” In May, AFN-Europe leaders held a meeting to discuss transformation and find out who would like to move early, said Kibbey, 31, a nine-year Air Force veteran. “I’ll go ahead and move,” Kibbey said. “It makes sense for me, with a son in school and my wife looking for a job.” He’s already checked out the KMC for schools, day care and other services. The Army agreed with his plan. Kibbey’s now awaiting Air Force approval for his move, which raises some questions, he said. Communicating with the community and answering service members’ questions is key to success, DeCoster said. On Sept. 7, the garrison hosts a town hall meeting from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at PHV’s Village Pavilion. Also, community members can take part through Facebook and AFN. Also, the Herald Post newspaper will continue to provide the latest transformation updates. DeCoster is optimistic because of recent successes. Roughly 20 units in USAG-BW were already moved or inactivated this year. Now, Mannheim’s Benjamin Franklin Village — a housing area larger than PHV — is set to close. “We have not slipped off timeline at all. We remain committed to providing a high quality of life during our last year, but services will end at the latest when the garrison deactivates Sept. 30,” DeCoster said. “Through this process we’ve shown that with the right emphasis, plus leaders and the community pulling together, it can be done very effectively.”

Courtesy graphic

AGOW hosts POW/MIA events by Master Sgt. Hector Garcia 1st Communications Maintenance Squadron The 435th Air Ground Operations Wing will host Prisoner of War/ Missing in Action events Sept. 21. Ramstein members will be given the opportunity to reflect upon the life story of a prisoner of war during a luncheon as well as take time to reflect on the many POW/MIAs during a wreath laying ceremony. The events will allow participants to show their enduring support for military and civilian POW/MIAs and their families, who have endured suffering and sacrifice to protect our freedoms and our way of life. The following POW/MIA events are scheduled for Sept. 21: • 8 a.m.: POW/MIA Memorial Fun Run at the 435th Construction and Training Squadron running trail (exit Ramstein West Gate and follow the CTS signs). This free run has no pre-registration. All units, squadrons and civilians who want to run are welcome. Formation run is optional. For details, email Master Sgt. Caleb Blake at caleb.blake@ramstein. • 11:30 a.m.: POW/MIA luncheon at the Ramstein Officers’ Club, Suites one and two. Guest speaker will be retired Capt. Guy Gruters, accompanied by his wife Sandy. Gruters endured five years and three months as a POW during the Vietnam War. Menu will be Italian pasta bar. Cost is $15.20 for club members and $17.20 for non-members. For tickets, email Master Sgt. John Dizonno by Sept. 14 at john.dizonno@ • 4 p.m.: Wreath laying ceremony at the River Rats Memorial. This event will conclude the day’s activities. The River Rats Memorial is located behind the Ramstein Officers’ Club adjacent to the Berlin Wall. This is a free event open to the base. Dress is uniform of the day. SPONSOR, from Page 1

newcomers’ briefings. In March, U.S. Army Europe mandated that sponsorship training must be done in person, rather than online as in the past. Still, by mid-year, less than 600 people in Kaiserslautern had attended. “The training is available, and word about the program is out there,” Thomas said. “We’re just not getting the attendance.” The USAREUR order also says that government civilians will soon have to undergo inprocessing and attend culture college, Thomas said. “Sponsors are truly the gatekeepers to a newly arriving Soldier’s perception of their

new command and community,” Thomas said. “This initial interaction of the sponsor and Soldier will set the tone for this new Soldier’s experience while in the Kaiserslautern community or any new duty station in the world.” After the class, Spc. Nathaniel Reynolds, 23, now sees his role as a sponsor as making sure he provides things necessary to an incoming Soldier, he said. “I can take care of him, show him around and where he would go to take care of appointments — stuff like that,” Reynolds said. Sponsorship training is available each month at Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406 4203.

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Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

Summary of 2011 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report The 86th Medical Group’s Bioenvironmental Flight routinely monitors for more than 100 Engineering Flight is pleased to present drinking water parameters. The table on this Ramstein Air Base’s Annual Drinking Water page shows the Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2011, results Quality Report. for Ramstein System I. The complete report for This report, which is required by Air Force all seven systems is available at www.ramstein. instruction and mirrors the Consumer Confidence Due to the exceptional quality of our Report required by the Environmental Protection groundwater source, treatment is, for the most Agency in the continental U.S., is designed to part, unnecessary. Chlorination is accomplished inform you about the excellent water and servicbecause it provides a measurable means of es we have delivered to you over the past year. ensuring our water is properly disinfected. All Our goal is to provide you with a safe, quality of our water sources are chlorinated, except and reliable drinking water supply. We are conthe Vogelweh systems, and some of our water tinually striving to improve our services and sources are filtered. This is done to ensure the protect our vital community water resources. safest, most aesthetically pleasing product for The 786th Civil Engineer Squadron Water our consumers. Plant and Exterior Utility sections operate and In 2011, we had slightly elevated trichloroethmaintain the KMC water distribution equipment ylene levels in the CTS-II (Barrier Maintenance and systems. The 86th CES personnel work 24/7 Area) water system. This is a strictly industrial to ensure the system is pressurized and mainand administrative area with no housing facilitains sufficient chlorine residual. They conduct ties or children present. Public notifications daily operational monitoring to maintain the were made and subsequent, follow up monitorhigh quality of their final product — our drinking is still in progress. Note: Gray area indicates numerous parameters of listed groups that are ing water. In addition, steps were implemented to miniSince Nov. 1, 2007, the two Vogelweh sys- identified in the report mize potential consumption of contaminants tems, including Kapaun Air Station, are combined The FGS-G defines the parameters to be moni- at these two sites. Although the base does not hold and supplied by the City of Kaiserslautern water tored (most stringent U.S./German requirements), public meetings on its water distribution systems, provider, Technische Werke Kaiserslautern. the sampling frequency, the maximum contami- we are available to address any questions or conThe 86th MDG Bioenvironmental Engineering nant level, the notification procedures and what cerns you may have. Flight routinely monitors water quality through- processes should be initiated if non-compliance is Housing residents should contact the Housing out the systems. Each week, the Bioenvironmental detected (i.e., treatment techniques, bottled water Office at 489-6643 with any water concerns. Dorm Engineering Flight tests chlorine and pH levels issuance, etc). residents should contact their building manager. and collects water samples for bacteriological and The U.S. Army Public Health Command Public Additional questions can be directed to chemical analysis. Health Region-Europe at Landstuhl, a German and 86th MDG Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight at All routine monitoring requirements are con- U.S. certified/accredited laboratory, performs most 479-2220 or 06371-46-2220. ducted in accordance with the Final Governing of our analytical requirements. (Courtesy of 86th Medical Group Bioenrionmental Standards for Germany. The 86th MDG Bioenvironmental Engineering Engineering Flight)

86th VRS hosts biggest car show in four years Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The sixth annual 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron Booster Club Car Show was held Aug. 18 at Kapaun Air Station. More than 130 cars, trucks and motorcycles from the KMC entered the competition in support of raising funds for the 86th VRS Booster Club. About 90 volunteers from 86th VRS came to help the booster club and venders from around the local area set up tents and mobile food booths to advertise and give away prizes to patrons and volunteers. “There’s lots of food, music and cars. Last year was the biggest show we had in four years, but this year was even bigger,” said Senior Airman Nickolas Perez, 86th VRS squadron programs manager. “It’s probably one of the biggest events VRS has ever had.” Near the end of the car show, trophies were given for best American,

Japanese, European, classics, truck/ SUV, street bikes, cruiser bikes, sound, and best in category and best in show. A total of 30 trophies were given to the winners of the different categories. But the main event of the show was a silent auction for the car of Airman 1st Class Zachary Cuddeback. “After everything that happened with the Cuddeback situation, it just seemed like a great idea to get his car out here, not just to show it off but to give it for a silent auction so somebody else can enjoy it. That’s what he would have wanted,” Perez said. “He would want someone to enjoy his car.” Just two weeks after Cuddeback was killed during an attack at Frankfurt International Airport, Staff Sgt. Michael Leone, 86th VRS vehicle operator, volunteered to fully repair the Nissan 200SX, which Cuddeback had planned on repairing himself. “There was word going around the shop that they were just getting rid of the car. I found out what type of car it was and I was like, ‘No! Don’t junk

A 1977 Plymouth Fury “Dukes of Hazzard” replica cop car is parked at the sixth annual 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron Booster Club Car Show Aug. 18 on Kapaun Air Station. More than 130 cars, trucks and motorcycles from the KMC entered the competition in support of raising funds for the 86th VRS Booster Club.

that! That’s a good car,’” Leone said. “Why don’t we put some money into it and go ahead and sell it?” Leone and other members of 86th VRS pitched in and collectively spent a total of €3,500 ($4,358.66) over a span of 18 months to fully repair the car. After getting the car up and run-

ning, Leone decided to present the vehicle in a silent auction with all proceeds going toward the A1C Zachary Cuddeback Memorial Fund. With bids starting at $2,500, the 86th VRS team ended out the show with the car going to the highest bid of $4,525.

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

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DISCUSSION, from Page 2

camaraderie, excellence and courage into core-group discussions. Within the 86th Maintenance Group, and more specifically the 86th Maintenance Operations Squadron, we have taken hold and embraced Welsh’s vision. To date, we have held two coregroup sessions. The first core-group session focused on excellence, a topic all Airmen could rally around. During four individually led sessions, there was a unified consensus of what excellence is. This common topic morphed into a springboard for Airmen, within each of the groups, to open up and share personal experience, beliefs and morals associated with their upbringing, personal morals and family values. In the second core-group session, supervisors branched out and chose topics related to camaraderie, integrity, honor and service. This session proved to be very beneficial because some of the more junior Airmen were asked to lead discussions. This empowered them to research their topics, lead the group, allocate time for each member to contribute and recap those key points that were discussed. Additionally, the feedback after the core group sessions concluded was very positive and the core group leaders were praised for their leadership and courage. In the camaraderie core-group session, the Airmen felt that our squadron was a tightly knit unit, and they took this opportunity to provide suggestions to further enhance camaraderie and boost morale. In the integrity core-group session, Airmen discussed the importance of completing tasks to the best of their ability and agreed that each task should be accomplished with integrity. They also agreed that sometimes doing the right thing is not always the popular decision, but it is the right decision. In the core-group session that discussed honor, the team spent some time defining honor — discussing actions that are deemed honorable and identifying examples seen throughout their career where honor was comprised. Finally, in the core-group session that touched on service, the team clearly understood the meaning of service before self, but they struggled with coming to terms with striking a proper balance between work and family. The team concluded the session by agreeing that each member determines the proper balance for themselves. At this point in time, we are benefiting from the mission of core groups because we are building meaningful communities within the squadron and we have begun to “produce meaningful peer conversations on the values and virtues of being an Airman.” How has your organization grown, and are you benefitting from core-group discussion?

Photo by Staff Sgt. Nathan Lipscomb

Airman 1st Class Jacob Kozlowski, 721st Aerial Port Squadron Fleet Services specialist, pumps fluorine anti-smell solution into a C-5 Galaxy on Ramstein. Sewage, water and trash are some of the functions Fleet Services performs before every flight.

721st APS get personnel, cargo moving by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Editor’s note: This is the first article in a three-part series on 721st APS operations. The 721st Aerial Port Squadron has an important role in the Air Force’s mission, and there are more than 500 Airmen, U.S. civilians and host nation personnel and local national employyes spread over a variety of flights who make the mission successful. “We have a unit full of highly skilled and highly motivated aerial port professionals committed to the mission,” said Lt. Col. Melvin Maxwell, 721st APS commander. The mission of the 721st APS is to develop Airmen, provide air transportation services here at Ramstein and sustain three combatant commands. “A quarter of the Air Mobility Command missions that transit the theater come through here,” Maxwell said. “Our location and this squadron is extremely important in sustaining the downrange warfighter.” The Air Terminal Operations Center, a flight in the 721st APS, is the command and control nerve center for the entire aerial port. The ATOC is the problem solving division of the 721st APS, its personnel ensure cargo gets onto the right flight and that everything and everyone is where it needs to be on flights coming in and out of Germany. “The mission here is so huge we are always busy,” said Staff Sgt. Eric Reising, 721st APS information controller. “We are always communicating with the different units and

“We could not accomplish our mission without strong partnerships. The 721st APS and the 313th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron are our AMC partners at Ramstein, providing the aircraft maintenance and command and control capabilities necessary to execute our missions.” — Lt. Col. Melvin Maxwell, 721st APS commander checking with them to make sure everything gets where it needs to go.” Part of that mission is making sure the 721st APS Ramstein Passenger Terminal gets all the information they need to complete their mission. The passenger terminal processes space-available and duty passengers on contingency, channel and special assignment airlift missions. “The space-available program allows military members from all branches of service and some family members to fly to other military and some civilian ports at little or no cost to them,” said Senior Master Sgt. Rich Rizzo, 721st APS Squadron operations superintendent. “There were more than 298,000 people who went through the passenger terminal last year, 51,000 of them being space-available passengers.” With all the incoming aircraft there are many things that need to be done to keep those aircraft fueled, stocked and ready to go. The Fleet Services Flight provides ground servicing, including lavatory flushing and potable water, deliver expendable and non-expendable kits, meals, igloos, pillows and blankets for passenger comfort. Airmen of Fleet Services work on a variety of aircraft, each having a

different routine to them. “We work eight-hour shifts, servicing a large amount of aircraft,” said Airman 1st Class Evan Hughes, Fleet Services specialist. “We work on anything from the 37th Airlift Squadron’s C-130J (Super Hercules) aircraft to the Boeing 747 commercial aircraft that come through.” The Fleet Services Flight won its second straight Air Mobility Command Fleet Services Flight of the year award and won its third straight Air Mobility Operations Wing flight of the year, becoming the first flight to achieve both milestones. “We could not accomplish our mission without strong partnerships,” Maxwell said. “The 721st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 313th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron are our AMC partners at Ramstein, providing the aircraft maintenance and command and control capabilities necessary to execute our missions. Additionally, our 86th Airlift Wing partners who sustain our vehicles, fuel these AMC cargo aircraft and maintain our facilities and the ramp are major contributors in making the air mobility mission happen.” (Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes contributed to this article.)

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August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

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NCOA implements ropes

Courtesy photo

The Kisling NCO Academy implements the wear of shoulder ropes to recognize student leadership among their peers Aug. 6 on Kapaun Air Station. The red rope is the class leader and is the direct link between the commandant and flight leaders. The flight leaders wear the yellow ropes and are the link between the students and instructors. Black ropes are key players who execute Reveille and Retreat. The bearers of each rope have the responsibilities of a student as well as having the role of motivating and taking care of their flight.

Photo by Kilian Blümlein

Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook

Fire demonstration

Commander’s call

German fire chiefs from Kaiserslautern County watch and discuss fire demonstrations Aug. 25. The Ramstein fire station invited the chiefs and media to watch their work prior to a joint firefighter exercise taking place Oct. 27.

Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander, speaks with Airmen during a commander’s call Tuesday on Ramstein. Hyde addressed topics such as strategic plan, wing priorities, IG process transitions and the upcoming Operational Readiness Exercise Sept. 17 to 28.

Photo by Elisabeth Paqué

Photo by Airman 1st Class Kendra Alba

Transportation unit arrives at Sembach

Immersion tour

Stephen L. Marshall, deputy to the commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Cynthia E. Howard uncase the colors of the 598th Transportation Brigade (SDDC) during an Aug. 23 ceremony at Sembach Kaserne. Afterward, Col. Matthew D. Redding assumed command of the brigade, which recently moved to U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Several military and local officials attended the event. For more information on the unit, visit

Lt. Gen. Craig A. Franklin, 3rd Air Force commander, visits 435th Air Ground Operations Wing Airmen Tuesday on Ramstein. During the tour, Franklin saw firsthand the various capabilities the unit brings to the fight. The immersion marked Franklin’s first official visit to the 435th AGOW since he assumed command March 30. The 435th AGOW rapidly establishes expeditionary airfield operations and communications; integrates joint fires and weather across the full spectrum of conflict; and provides theater-wide combat support and training.

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Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

Girl Scouts turns 100!

Courtesy photo

This year, Girl Scouts turns 100. With this in mind, and in honor of World Thinking Day, Landstuhl Junior Troop 175 discussed various projects and then voted to make their annual project a time capsule. World Thinking Day allows girls to participate in activities and projects to honor sister Girl Scouts and Girl Scouting in 150 other countries where Scouting is active. The idea of doing a time capsule came from assistant leaders Heather Goodwin, who did this herself while in the Girl Scouts back in New Mexico. Troop 175 chose to leave their capsule in the Landstuhl Library because it is a safe place and would allow people to view it. For the time capsule, the girls wrote reports on various projects, including current technologies, trends and events. Each girl also wrote a letter, which will be read by a Girl Scout in 50 years when the capsule is opened. The capsule is on display under lock and key at the library. Troop 175 is led by Dee Bergman and Goodwin. The troop is made up of 10 fourth and fifth grade girls.

Photo by Minyi Qian

Photo by Susi Gibbins

Preparing for school

SES heads back to the classroom

The staff at Kaiserslautern Elementary School is welcomed back by Principal Marion Sutton Wednesday.

Sembach Elementary School’s mascot welcomes back the “Little Tigers,” staff members and parents on the opening day of a brand-new exciting school year.

School Notes KHS PTSO

Kaiserslautern High School’s PTSO is always looking for members and volunteers for the 2012-2013 school year. Contact us at khsptso. if you would like to become a member and get more involved. You can also find out what we are doing through Facebook if you look us up as KHS PTSO, and don’t forget to “like” us.

Hobo Challenge

“Quicker, Craftier, Tougher” is the Olympic theme of the Hobo Challenge Fall 2012 Camporee. Boy Scouts in the KMC may hop a train, track a possum, sleep under the stars, shoot for gold and geocache their way through Landstuhl in a fun-filled weekend Sept. 21 to 23 at the Landstuhl Local Training Area. During this educational Camporee, Webelos Scouts and Scouts through Eagle can experience the great outdoors. For many of the Scouts, the

highlight of the weekend will be the evening campfire. Those interested in joining Boy Scouting should contact

imAlone Program

Prepare your youth to be home alone by signing them up for the free CYS Services imAlone Program. Parents must attend a 1.5 hour workshop prior to youth attending the program. Youth will learn how to stay safe, handle emergency situations, activities to stay occupied, and more. The parents’ workshop takes place from 5 to 6 p.m. Sept. 10 and the youth workshop takes place from 4 to 6 p.m. Sept. 11 to 19 at the Sembach School Age Center, Bldg. 17, Room 9-10. For more information, call Parent Central Services at 493-4156 or 0631-3406-4516.

AFAS education grants

It’s almost time to apply for the Air Force Aid Society’s Gen. H.H. Arnold

Education Grant. Online applications for the 2013-2014 academic year will be available from the Society’s website,, after Nov. 1. Visit their website for details on eligibility and requirements.

Scout expo

The Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the United States of America will conduct a Scout Expo from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 8 at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center courtyard. Expo activities will include informational demonstrations on Scouting as well as interactive games and challenges. There will be an opportunity to meet the scouters and leaders and get acquainted with other boys, girls and parents. All families and youth from 6 to 21 years old will be presented. Boy Scouting Packs, Troops and Crews, as well as Girl Scout neighborhood troops of Daisies, Brownies, Cadettes, Juniors and Seniors will be

demonstrating the latest techniques in European camping, high adventure and skills.

Cheer clinic

All future cheerleaders in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to the Ramstein High School mini clinic from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 7 in the RHS great hall. At the clinic, participants will learn cheers, chants, jumps, stunts and a short dance they will perform at the RHS football game Sept. 29. Cost is $25 per participant (includes a T-shirt, picture and dinner). Pre-register by sending an email to Brooke Knight at In the message, include the participant’s name, age, grade and school, T-shirt size and phone number. You may also register the day of the clinic at 5:15 p.m. A parent/guardian must sign a release for his/her child to participate.

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Kaiserslautern American

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Gräfenstein Castle hosts medieval fest “We are looking forward to a great spectacle and hope to be able to greet many visitors from all over,” Simgen said. Gräfenstein Castle is a rock castle near the or the 14th time, Gräfenstein Castle, town of Merzalben. The upper castle is built near Merzalben, will be the stage for on a 12-meter tall oval-shaped sandstone with a medieval fest today through Sunday. a keep with seven corners and a great palace, The event, organized by the commuthree floors tall. In the lower castle, there are nity of Merzalben and the Phantasia parts of the forcer and remaining walls. In its Historica medieval group, will feature musical beginning, Gräfenstein served as an adminisentertainment, juggling, show fights, fire shows tration center for the surrounding farms and and children’s activities. villages, also providing their defense. “Many participants who joined us last year In 1220, Gräfenstein Castle was first menagreed to come again this weekend,” said orgationed in a document. nizer Angelika Simgen. Courtesy photo During the Thirty Years War, Gräfenstein In the knights’ camp, different groups will Knights present show fights during the medieval spectacle today to Sunday was burned down accidentally in 1635 when present sword fights and lansquenets (German imperial troops, who used the castle as a garrimercenaries) will perform funny plays. at Gräfenstein Castle, near Merzalben. Jugglers and fire-eaters will show off their skills makers demonstrating and selling their medieval son, were careless with fire. Since then, Gräfenstein Castle has lain in ruins. In the 20th century, the casand musical groups will perform medieval songs crafts.” on unique instruments. Children can fight against A variety of food and beverage specialties will tle was partially renovated. It is now open to visitors throughout the year. strong Vikings, listen to Absolom’s stories and be available. Merzalben is located northeast of Pirmasens. watch William’s magic skills. Fest hours will be from 5 to 10:30 p.m. today, Witches and magicians will offer miraculous 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. To get there, take B270 toward Waldfischbachitems and herbs, and fortune tellers will let visitors Sunday. Admission is €6 for adults, €2 for children, Burgalben, then left to Donsieders, Clausen and know what to expect in the future. and children shorter than a sword (1.30 meters) are Merzalben. Past Merzalben, take a right toward the castle. Visitors can walk up to the castle by foot or “To get an idea of the Middle Ages, visitors can admitted free. Today, tickets cost half price. Visitors in medieval take a shuttle bus. watch craftsmen showing off their work,” Simgen For more information, visit www.phantasiasaid. “We have blacksmiths, weavers, wood-carv- costumes only pay €3. A ticket for all three days is or ers, stone masons, potters, soap-makers and basket- €12; the two-day ticket is €10. by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


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Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

Wereth 11 to be Senior leaders stress safety over Labor Day honored at ceremony Sept. 22 by Maj. Lawanda D. Warthen Contributing writer A ceremony for 11 African-American Soldiers killed by the German SS during the Battle of the Bulge takes place at 11 a.m. Sept. 22 in Wereth, Belgium. A bus will leave from the Vogelweh Bowling Alley parking lot at 7 a.m. for those wishing to attend. RSVPs must be made by Sept. 10 via email to The cost is $30 for transportation. The 11 Soldiers were separated from their unit while evading the Germans. While looking for food and shelter, they approached the Mathius Langer house in Wereth, and the family took them in. About an hour later, a German patrol approached the house. The Americans surrendered, were taken out and were shot and dumped into a ditch where their bodies remained until mid-February. The official report noted they had been brutalized, with broken legs, bayonet wounds to the head, and fingers cut off. These 11 Soldiers from Alabama remained unknown to the world until 1994 when Herman Langer, son of Mathius, erected a small cross in the corner of the pasture where they had been murdered. On the cross were the names of the Soldiers: Curtis Adams, George Davis, Thomas J. Forte, Robert Green, Jim Leatherwood, Bradley Meagler, Nathaniel Moss, George W. Moten, William M. Pritchett, James A. Stewart and Due W. Turner. In 2001, three Belgians took on the task of creating a more prominent memorial to them, as well as to honor all African-American GIs of World War II. The dedication of the new memorial was held in May 2004. Road signs now indicate the location of the memorial, and the Belgian Tourist Bureau lists it in its “Battle of the Bulge” brochures. The Wereth Massacre documentary premiered Feb. 19, 2011, at the World War II Museum in New Orleans. It was honored with the Founders’ Choice Award at the fifth annual GI Film Festival at the U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C. To learn more about the documentary, visit http://robchild.blogspot. com/2011/05/wereth-eleven-winsfounders-choice.html. For more information, visit http://

WASHINGTON — Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy issued the following message to all Air Force personnel: As our nation pays tribute to American workers during Labor Day weekend, we thank all Airmen for their dedicated service and hard work every day of the year. While many of you enjoy a well-earned break to celebrate the last holiday of the summer season, we urge you to plan your activities with care and to make smart decisions that will keep you, your family and your friends safe. Safety is a concern for all of us. Sadly, more than 40 Airmen have died in off-duty mishaps this year, including 27 Airmen killed in motor vehicle accidents. Many of these tragic losses may have been preventable, the result of reckless behavior such as excessive speed, irresponsible alcohol use, failure to use proper safety gear or inattention. Equally alarming, our Air Force family has lost 70 Airmen to suicide this year. Our goal is to eliminate all preventable mishaps, and you can help by setting a standard of zero tolerance for reckless behavior and through aware-

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ness of subtle behavioral changes that could indicate heightened levels of stress in yourself or others. Because one lost life is too many, we urge all Airmen to look out for one another and remember that safety requires deliberate forethought. Your family, friends, and fellow Airmen depend on you. Please take time to consider safety as you enjoy Labor Day weekend, and as always, thank you for all you do for our Air Force and our nation. (Courtesy of Armed Forces News Service)

Redesigned program eases Airmen’s transition to civilian life by Joel Fortner Air Force Public Affairs Agency WASHINGTON — A redesigned program will help ease every Airman’s transition to civilian life and better apply their military experience, Air Force officials said. The program is the first major overhaul of the transition assistance program for military members in nearly 20 years. The effort began in response to a call from President Barack Obama in August 2011 to ensure all service members are “career ready” when they leave the military. Slated to begin service-wide in November, the current three-day, optional program will be expanded to five days and has been redesigned into a comprehensive, mandatory program that includes pre-separation counseling, a military-to-civilian skills review, a Veterans Affairs benefits briefing, financial planning support, job search skills building, and individual transition plan preparation.

A pilot program was held July 9 to 13 at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, which, according to officials, allowed Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs to test the initiative. According to Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, the redesigned program bolsters and standardizes the transition services that service members receive prior to retiring or separating from the military to make them employment ready. “Our goal is to provide Airmen with a comprehensive transition assistance program that prepares them for life after the military, whether that’s pursuing education, working in the public or civilian sector, or starting a business,” Donley said. Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Roy said the program is as good for the civilian sector as it is for Airmen. “Employers are looking for educated, trained, experienced people like those who are separating from the Air Force,” he said. “This pro-

Photo by Airman 1st Class Kate Thornton

gram will help smooth our Airmen’s transitions to civilian life.” Under the old program, separating Guardsmen and Reservists were often left to their own devices. Roy said another benefit of this new program is the inclusion of the Total Force. “We want to take care of all our Airmen, and this program does that,” he said. “No component of our Total Force deserves more help transitioning than another.” By October 2013, three two-day optional sessions on pursuing a technical certification, starting a business, or pursuing a higher educational degree will also be offered to Airmen. “Our Airmen have extraordinary technical expertise and world-class leadership skills that are in high demand,” Donley said. “This program will help them apply their experience to additional training, formal education, and develop successful civilian careers.” For more information, email

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 15

New BTO to help Airmen make USAFE processes more efficient, effective by Master Sgt. Brian Bahret U.S. Air Forces in Europe Public Affairs Before becoming the Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Welsh challenged the U.S. Air Forces in Europe to find more efficient and effective ways to use its resources. “Current fiscal realities require commanders to take a hard look at how to most efficiently support and execute our missions within growing budget constraints,” said Welsh in an official memo to USAFE commanders. “With these challenges before us, I’m convinced the only way to maintain a viable capability for (USAFE’s) two combatant commanders is to manage financial risks by reducing costs.” Committed to following through with his predecessor’s initiative, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander, said, “As the Department of Defense decreases its spending to meet

Congressional budget requirements, it becomes increasingly more important for every Airman to take an active role to find ways to use the resources we do have more efficiently and effectively.” In response, USAFE recently stood up a Business Transformation Office on Ramstein. The office’s mission is to enable USAFE to improve business and operational processes, maximize mission capabilities, and reduce costs. “We’re going to look at areas where USAFE’s spending a lot of money,” said Col. Scott Forest, Headquarters USAFE chief of BTO. “Those are areas that we have the potential to realize some big savings. We want to inspire Airmen to figure out how to do the process better, and then realize the savings or efficiency.” Forest said within the BTO concept, experts from Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century and other functional areas were consoli-

dated under one roof. “All the functions AFSO21 had will be inherent in BTO’s mission set,” Forest said. “We’ll still offer those services to all the wings including policy, guidance, questions to (Headquarters Air Force), and training.” However, he added, the BTO office won’t be limited solely to the AFSO21 process improvement approach; it will employ other resources as well. Forest said the nine-person BTO staff is well-versed in a variety of analytical practices and includes experts with multiple masters degrees, three Ph.Ds, and several AFSO21 black belts. “We have a lot of experience here, a lot of academic training and a lot of intellectual fire power to apply to any problem,” he said. “We also bring a cross-functional look at the problems; that yields some creative solutions.” He said identifying the processes that could use improvements and realizing potential

solutions relies heavily on the process owners. For that reason the BTO will start with a top-down approach. “Commanders know where they can potentially realize the greatest savings and the greatest impact on business processes through AFSO21 or rapid improvement events,” he said. Once they do discover efficiencies, the BTO will work to incorporate them into the corporate process, “so the changes have discipline and the changes are lasting,” Forest said. The office’s position in the command structure will help enable lasting change. “Being at a MAJCOM working for the commander, we’re halfway between the unit level and the policy setters at the top in the Pentagon,” Forest said. “If it’s not feasible for Airmen to implement it, we can reach back to that policy level and say, ‘We need to tweak policy here,’ to enable that Airman on the ‘pointy

end’ to make that change.” With one month as an active organization, the BTO staff began operations by researching two of Welsh’s high interest areas — facilities operations and sustainment, and supply and transportation, Forest said. He said one of their objectives is to determine if a project offers enough potential savings throughout the command to apply “the silver bullet against the problem set.” “We’re going to make sure we’re applying ourselves to the big rocks,” he said. “If there really isn’t any potential for us to help, then we’ll look in other areas.” Forest said the BTO doesn’t intend to make unwarranted change; they want to ensure the Air Force is maximizing the use of all of its resources. “We want anything that’s more efficient to be more effective,” he said. “We’re going to need the help of all Airmen to do that. In the end, as always, it’s Airmen who are making it happen.”

African air chiefs gather to build partnerships, strengthen region Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards AFAFRICA Public Affairs DAKAR, Senegal — Military leaders from 10 different nations across Northwest Africa and the U.S., in partnership with the African Center for Strategic Studies, gathered for the Regional Air Chiefs Conference here Tuesday through Thursday. The commander of U.S. Air Forces Africa, Gen. Philip Breedlove, was on hand at the conference to deliver the keynote speech highlighting the concept of a multinational partnership to help improve regional stability to a crowd of more than 100 attendees comprised of air chiefs, distinguished guests and media personnel. “Partnering … to enable African solutions to African problems is still our primary philosophy,” said Breedlove. “This conference is a prime example of our desire to hear and to learn from the many perspectives our African partners bring to the table.” The conference will focus on four key priorities: cross regional issues; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; regional approach to airlift; and air/ ground integration. “Together we can create a region where all citizens can live in peace. As you pursue these goals, we will be there, side by side and shoulder to shoulder,” said Lewis Lukens, the U.S. ambassador in Senegal. “In our meeting before the start of this conference, General Breedlove mentioned the NATO motto, ‘stronger together than apart,’ that

applies equally in West Africa as it does in Europe.” Also attending the conference as a panel speaker was Maj. Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, the 3rd Air Force vice commander, who talked about bringing together lasting African partnerships and the future of Northern and Western Africa. “This week (together) we will bring new ideas to the table,” Everhart said. We have a saying in English, to think outside the box; let’s do just that.” One challenge all nations in the region face is a strong presence of al-Qaida Brig. Gen. Alain Pereira, from Senegal, speaks with local Senegalese media in the Islamic Maghreb. AQIM is an after the keynote speech given by Gen. Philip Breedlove, U.S. Air Forces Africa Islamist militia that aims to overthrow commander, Tuesday in Dakar, Senegal. The conference was used to promote regional partnerships in Northern and Western Africa. governments and institute an Islamic state. They’re known to operate out of a host echoed how each nation should continue to work of African countries, including Algeria, Mali, with each other. Mauritania, Morocco, Niger and Tunisia. “Coming together is the beginning, keeping “As Airmen you are on the front lines in the together is progress and working together is sucglobal fight against these violent extremist organi- cess,” Tine said. zations,” Breedlove said. “Our common enemy is Breedlove expounded on the necessity of stickwell equipped and willing to do what is necessary to ing together. accomplish their objectives. These groups are a viral “(Violent extremist organizations) cross national threat that crosses national (African) borders. They borders and blend with the national population, takcannot be overcome by a single nation; (it) requires ing them on takes a regional approach, no country partnerships and significant cooperation.” can do this alone,” he said. “I’m excited to hear During his speech, the minister of defense for your council on how we can best confront these Senegal, the Honorable Minister Augustin Tine, challenges.”

Page 16

Kaiserslautern American

2012 August

Mark Your Calendar

» Bring your right arm, wingman or boss to this organizational-level karaoke shootout, taking place from 5 to 9 p.m. today at Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. One representative from each unit or organization selects and sings a song. The winners take home the coveted karaoke trophy and a $100 Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation gift coupon. Don’t miss this free event featuring snacks, door prizes and other surprises. For more information, call 0631-354-9986. » The Hispanic Heritage Committee is a private, non-profit organization that promotes the Hispanic culture throughout the military community. From 7 to 10 a.m. today, the committee will be having a breakfast burrito sale at Ramstein’s Northside Chapel, Bldg. 1201. All burritos come with eggs and potatoes and your choice of meat — chorizo, sausage or bacon — and complimentary homemade salsa. It’s $2 per burrito or three for $5. Pre-orders are highly encouraged. Call Zuly

Serrano at 06371-47-3012 or 480-3012, or email maryzuliana.serrano@ramstein. for details. All profits will go to our yearly banquet in support of the National Hispanic Heritage Month. » Get down to Armstrong’s Club’s House Party. Dance the night away to the hits the DJ will be spinning, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. today in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. For more information, call 0631-354-9986. » Gather the family and head to the Kazabra Club for Family Bingo from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday. All children receive free hot dogs and drinks and can take part in the coloring contest with toys for prizes and a top prize of a DVD player. Kazabra Club is located in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. For more information, call 493-7261 or 0631-536-7261. » Kazabra Club is holding Midnight Bingo from 9 p.m. to midnight Sunday in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Doors open at 7 p.m. For more information, call 489-7261 or 0631-534-7261.

August 31, 2012

Musicians needed

The Kultural Exchange “Harvest of Praise” is looking for volunteer musicians for the concert at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 in Landstuhl’s Stadthalle. Musician response deadline is Saturday. Choir workshop dates are Sept. 14 to 20. For more information, call Sandra Johnson at 06383-579606, Christopher White at 06372-8030101, or concert director Sebrina Morris at 0176-84557045. » The Deutsches Haus restaurant on Ramstein, which is run by the German Armed Forces, will offer a schnitzel buffet from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. A seafood buffet will be served at 6 p.m. Sept. 12. Cost is €25 per person. Reservations required. Call 06371-4659-3702. For details, visit www.deutscheshausramstein. de. » KMC Onstage presents the Music Cafe on Sept. 7, an opportunity to relax with fellow music lovers, grab a bite to eat at the Java Cafe, listen to local musicians, and even join in. Celebrate the first night of a new music participation program. To perform, call 483-6626 or 0631-4116626. » The Kaiserslautern Gartenschau is looking for a new queen to officially represent the park for one year. Young women 17 years and older who would like to be the representative of the Gartenschau can apply for this position. The election will take place during the Gartenschau’s traditional fall market Sept. 9. Applicants should have a strong relation to the Gartenschau and should speak German and English. The future queen will have to represent the Gartenschau during events on the grounds and outside the park, especially during the tulip month of April. For more information and registration, call 0631-71007-0 or email » Operation Rising Star will be holding a cappella screenings and sign up at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 13 at KMC Onstage. Operation Rising Star is a fun and exciting show highlighting the community’s talent. There will be cash prizes for first, second and third place in the competition, which takes place at 7 p.m. Sept. 22, as well as the opportunity to compete in San Antonio for the grand prize recording studio experience. Call 4936626 or 0631-411-6626 to schedule your screening. » KMC Onstage offers all programming for free to wounded warriors and their guests at the Fisher House. Check out the season poster for current programming and contact KMC Onstage for tickets. For Landstuhl patrons, transportation may be arranged. Contact KMC Onstage before 2 p.m. Fridays if transportation is required for weekend shows. For more information, email, visit KMC Onstage in Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne, or call 483-6626 or 0631-4116626. » Relax and enjoy a movie at Bruno’s

Pasta Bar at 7 p.m. every Tuesday while enjoying one of the great dining specials being offered throughout the month of September. Upcoming movies: Sept. 4, “Daddy Day Care”; Sept. 11, “Cheaper by the Dozen”; Sept. 18, “Sky High.” Bruno’s is located inside the Landstuhl Community Club, Bldg. 3780. For details, call 486-7244 or 0137186-7244.


» The Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir needs new members. If you love music and love to sing, consider visiting to see if RPIC is a good fit for you. The choir meets Tuesday evenings in KaiserslauternErzhütten. New members are welcome through September. For details, visit www. (available in both German and English). There, you will find directions, performance samples, photos and contact information. » Rheinland-Pfalz Quilt Guild meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. the third Thursday of every month at the Ramstein North Chapel. Night meetings are held at 6 p.m. the fourth Thursday of every month. Check the website for the night meeting location. Stitch ‘n’ Gab is held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays at the Kapaun Chapel Annex, Bldg. 2782. For details, visit www. » Join the Rheinland-Pfalz Quilt Guild Sept. 29 for a fun day of fabric shopping in Neunkirchen. We will start the morning with a guided tour of the city, which will take about two hours. At 2 p.m., the local quilt store will have a special just for our group. The shop will have a line of shelves containing all the fabric that we can purchase for €5 a meter. For more details, email Sarah Head at

Support Groups

» Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weight loss support group that meets from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays on Pulaski Barracks in Bldg. 2919 in the first floor conference room. For details, call 01708007205, 06303-807708 or 483-5336, 0631-411-5336. » The Help Us Grow Securely playgroup meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the first and third Friday of the month at the Vogelweh Community Center. This playgroup is for parents and children up to 4 years old. For more information, call Army Community Service at 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 17

USAFE bands perform at Barbarossa-Fest by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Kaiserslautern’s annual Barbarossa-Fest, called “Swinging Lautern,” started Thursday and will continue today and Saturday. The City of Kaiserslautern sponsors the event in cooperation with local stores and businesses, all members of the “Kaiser in Lautern” sales promotion agency. The festival features live performances on open-air stages at Altenhof, Schillerplatz, Stiftsplatz and in front of Stiftskirche. “We are happy to be able to celebrate the fest for the 10th time,” said Volker Stephan, “Kaiser in Lautern” chairman. “The successful fest is an inherent part of our local event calendar. It offers an international music program consisting of swing, blues, boogie, jazz, soul and salsa combined with a nice atmosphere.” “Swinging Lautern” will begin at 11 a.m. today with marching bands walking through the center of town. The U.S. Air Forces in Europe band Check Six will play from noon to 3 p.m. in front of Stiftskirche. Other bands performing in the afternoon include Boogie, Duo, The Easy Swing Big Band of Emmerich-Smola-Music School, Le Millery’s Jazz Band from France, and Terrence Ngassa & Band. At night, Volker Klimmer Swingtet, Palatina Washboard Jazzband, Tin Pan Alley’s Blues Band, Brassmachine, and Smitty & Band will entertain the

Classes And Training

» Couples Communication is a new two-part series course being offered through Family Advocacy. In this class learn the keys to better communication, effective listening and understanding taught in a fun learning atmosphere. Take the stress out of your relationship by enrolling today. Classes take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every first and second Thursday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register, call 0631-3406-4203. » Did you know that anger is directly related to symptoms associated with survival instincts? Learn about how anger is triggered, ways to monitor and associate patterns of anger with thought processes and most importantly, how to control anger in this three-part educational learning experience. Join the ACS Anger Management Class by registering for a session. Classes are offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062 to sign up or for more information. » Feeling over burdened? Are you experiencing sleeplessness, muscle pain or emotional tension? Then you may be stressed. There is a lot more to stress than what you might think. Join this informative two-part series that teaches you about different kinds of stress and healthy ways to cope. Stress Management classes are offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Tuesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062 for more information. » Interested in learning English or brushing up on your verbal skills? Then stop by ACS, Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, at 9:30 a.m. every Monday to take part in this free, enriching English as a second language class. This class covers language fundamentals and provides a friendly learning atmosphere. For more information, call

audience on different stages. On Saturday, the musical performances will start at 11 a.m. with the USAFE band Wings of Dixie playing until 1 p.m. at the stage on Altenhof, Harald & Walt performing from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of Stiftskirche, and the Swingduo Cafe Chez Nous entertaining until 2 p.m. on the Stiftsplatz stage. The Big Band of Fachhochschule, the Swinging Fundus Jazzband, and Cindy Berger & Winterstein will be in charge of the afternoon entertainment. Highlights at night will include the Swinging Fireballs performing on the Altenhof stage from 7 to 11 p.m. as well as Harald Krüger & Band taking on the stage from 8 to 11 p.m. at Schillerplatz. “Besides all these musical goodies, our event also features culinary specialties and interesting activities to include fashion shows,” said Dr. Klaus Weichel, Kaiserslautern’s lord mayor. “I invite everybody to enjoy Barbarossa-Fest and have fun.” Fashion shows will show off fall and winter clothing trends at 5 and 7 p.m. today and 1, 3 and 5 p.m. Saturday on Riesenstrasse, next to the ball fountain. Stores will provide special attractions, such as cooking demonstrations, a book market, a vehicle display, information stands, and food and wine tasting. Children can take a ride on the fairytale merrygo-round on Markstrasse and enjoy a jumping castle, balloons and face painting on Fackelstrasse. The Siegelbach Zoo will set up a petting zoo from 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Already know the basics of English but want to keep learning more? Then stop by ACS, Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, at 9:30 a.m. every Friday to take part in this free, enriching, Intermediate English as a second language class. This class expands on language fundamentals and provides a friendly learning atmosphere. For more information on this class, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Learn the “street smart” version of the basic German language during Conversational German on Monday evenings or Fridays during lunchtime. For details and to find out meeting times, stop by Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks, or call 493-4023 or 0631-3406-4023.

Chapel News

» Following are the Jewish high holiday service times at the Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue: Erev (evening) Rosh Hashanah service — 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16, potluck desserts after services. First day Rosh Hashanah service — 9:30 a.m. Sept. 17, “Taschlich” and a dairy/vegetarian potluck lunch after services. Second day Rosh Hashanah service — 9:30 a.m. Sept. 18, dairy/vegetarian potluck lunch after services. Kol Nidre (evening) service — 7 p.m. Sept. 25. Yom Kippur Day — Sept. 26. Morning service at 9:30 a.m.; afternoon (Mincha) service at 4:15 p.m.; Torah study session at 5:30 p.m.; Neilah, Maariv, Havdalah at 7 p.m. Communal “break the fast” potluck dairy/vegetarian dinner — 8 p.m. » Meetings for the Plugged-In Middle School Youth Group for Landstuhl, Kaiserslautern and Sembach take place from noon to 3 p.m. Tuesdays at the Pulaski

Courtesy photo

Marching bands entertain the audience in Kaiserslautern’s streets during the annual Barbarossa-Fest, called “Swinging Lautern,” today and Saturday.

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday on Unionstrasse. A kiddie train will offer children free rides through the city center. The train stops can be found on Marktstrasse (Pallmannstore) today, and Riesenstrasse (Erika leather store) Saturday. Just like last year, visitors will be able to buy buttons created by the sales promotion agency to show their support for “Swinging Lautern.” Buttons cost €2 and are available at the “Kaiser in Lautern” stand on Schillerplatz, in the tourist information office on Fruchthallstrasse and at all catering stands. A pocket brochure listing the entertainment program is available at the Kaiserslautern Tourist Information Office, in stores and restaurants, or at or www.

A&FRC programs The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center offers the following programs: Reintegration: Sept. 4, 9 a.m. to noon, Bldg. 3450 Resume Writing: Sept. 4, 10 to 11 a.m., A&FRC Intro to German: Sept. 4, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC Pre-Deployment: Sept. 4, 1 to 3 p.m., Bldg. 3450 Base Intro: Sept. 5, 7:30 to 12:45 p.m., Hercules Theater Pre-Separation Counseling: Sept. 6, 9 to 11 a.m., A&FRC ABCs of PCSing: Sept. 6, 9 to noon, Hercules Theater EFPM Adaptive Adventures Summer Fun-Challenge Course: Sept. 6, 4 to 5 p.m., Outdoor Recreation Call the A&FRC at 480-5100 to register for the classes. Reintegration and pre-deployment briefings are open to spouses.

Religious Youth Center. » The Rock High School Youth Group meets from 7 to 8:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Ramstein North Chapel. For details and other events, call Anthony Amor at 01512411-2619 or visit


» Interested in working for Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation? Come out to the local NAF Job Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at Armstrong’s Club. Be sure to bring the following: resume, valid passport, valid Social Security card, transcripts, DD 214, orders, and current 3434 or SF-50. Armstrong’s Club is located in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. For more information, call 0631-3406-4009.

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by Donald Seltzer Contributing writer

Kaiserslautern American

patch and certificate (marathon trails)

Großrosseln-Karlsbrunn (66352) » Readers are reminded that when — This walk is southwest of driving in France, motoristis are Saarbrücken and near the French borrequired to carry a breathalyzer kit. It der. Use autobahns A6 and A32 past is also recommended to have an interSaarbrücken and into France. Exit at national driver’s permit and passport. Merlebach (41) to use minor roads » Interested in volksmarching leading back into Germany, through but not sure how things work? Send the town of Naßweiler, and to the start Writer, Donald Seltzer an email message to volksmarch@ at Karlsbrunn. with the subject “Getting Started.” Start: Turnhalle at Zum Tiefen Graben 22 » The postal code is included in the listings for Saturday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (6, 10 and 20 km) readers using navigation devices; exit numbers are Sunday: 7 a.m. to noon (6, 10 and 20 km) being added for those without navigation. Trail: Unknown » Got a comment? Found something you’d like Award: None to correct? Want to change “unknown” to a useful trail description? Write me at volksmarch@gmail. Heidelberg-Rohrbach (69126) — Join one of Germany’s more active American volksmarchcom with the subject “Feedback.” » Readers are asked to pick up extra event ing organizations, the Heidelberg International brochures and to mail them via MPS to Donald Wandering Club, at their 38th and final event. The Seltzer, CMR 467 Box 5533, APO AE 09096. community is in the process of closing and, for » Many thanks to readers Richard and Donna the most part, moving to Wiesbaden. According Glenn, Pat and Cheryl Patterson, Tim and Luchi to the club’s president, Rob Floyd, “The 11 and Lynch, and Bob and Pat Kiebler for providing 22 km trails will meander through the forests brochures. and fields throughout the hills above Heidelberg, » Would you like to receive Take a Hike at the passing by the Ehrenfriedhof Memorial. This is same time as the editor? The complete, unedited a monument commemorating those who died in version of the monthly volksmarching feature battle in the Heidelberg area during both (world is available in its original format by sending wars) and offers a marvelous panorama of the an email to with “sub- city of Heidelberg. The 22 km trail will venture to scribe” in the subject line. You may choose from the Heidelberg castle, while the 6 km (trail) will the KA version or the Herald Union version, ... pass through the vineyards and ... be stroller which lists events around and between Wiesbaden friendly.” The start is near the former Army and Baumholder. Hospital; participants with ID cards may use its » Look for additional event choices at www. parking lots. From the KMC, use autobahns A6 toward Mannheim and Stuttgart, and A656 into Heidelberg, then follow IVV and U.S. Army signs for Campbell Barracks and the clinic. Höheinöd (66989) — This walk south of Start: Internationale Gesamtschule on BadenLandstuhl is available to wanderers from the Badener-Straße KMC. From Landstuhl, take autobahn A62 south Saturday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (6, 11 and 22 km) toward Pirmasens. Use the Parkplatz exit at kiloSunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (6, 11 and 22 km) meter 231,5 to reach the start. Trail: Family (6 km) trail is flat, other trails are Start: Sportplatz Sägmühle hilly; fields and wooded areas Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and Award: Limited supplies of glass beer mug with 10 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (17 km) farewell motif (€5) Trail: Unknown Award: None Riegelsberg (66292) — This event is north of Saarbrücken and just off of autobahn A1, making Saarbrücken-Ensheim (66131) — This walk it easily reached from the KMC. From the KMC, is east of Saarbrücken and, besides normal trail use autobahns A6, A8 and A1 toward Saarbrücken lengths, offers 42- and 50-km routes to challenge- and exit at Riegelsberg (146) to follow signs to seeking wanderers from the KMC. Use autobahn the start. A6 toward Saarbrücken and exit at SaarbrückenStart: Riegelsberghalle on Alleestraße Fechingen (4). Follow directional signs to Ensheim Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5, 10 and the start. and 20 km) Start: Sporthalle on Backfeldstraße Trails: Unknown Saturday: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5 and 10 km), 6 Award: None to 11 a.m. (21 km), 6 to 9 a.m. (42 km) and 6 to 8 a.m. (50 km) Willerwald, France (57430) — This event is Sunday: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5 and 10 km), 6 to south of Saarbrücken and easily reached from 11 a.m. (21 km) and 6 to 9 a.m. (42 km) the KMC by autobahn. From the KMC, use autoTrail: Unknown bahn A6 past Saarbrücken and into France where Award: From previous events (shorter trails) or it becomes A32. Connect with the A4 toll road

August 31, 2012

toward Strasbourg and use the Sarreguemines (42) exit. Take D661 a short distance to the start at Willerwald. Start: Salle Socioculturelle on Rue de la Croix Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (10 km) and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Trail: Unknown Award: None Wittlich-Neuerburg (54516) — East of Spangdahlem Air Base, this event should offer some scenic trails through the surrounding countryside. It’s not too far for volksmarchers from Baumholder and the KMC. From the KMC, use autobahns A6, A62 and A1 toward Trier, Koblenz and Wittlich. Exit at Wittlich-Mitte exit (125) and follow IVV signs. Start: Bürgerhalle Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (6, 10 and 15 km) Trail: Expect hilly, mostly wooded Award: None Meisenthal, France (57960) — This French volksmarching event is south of Zweibrücken and offers evening start times. From the KMC, use autobahns A6 and A8 toward Saarbrücken and Zweibrücken. Exit at Zweibrücken-Ixheim (33) to take B-424 south where it becomes D35A in France. Connect with D37 near Bitche to follow it through Lemberg and Goetzenbruck. Take a minor road to Meisenthal and the start. Start: Salle des fêtes on Place de la Poste Saturday: 3 to 8 p.m. (10 km) Trail: Unknown Award: None Miesau-Bruchmühlbach (66892) — Just west of Landstuhl, this walk is easily reached via the autobahn. Pretty trails are offered. Use the autobahn A6 exit for Bruchmühlbach-Miesau (11) and follow signs a short distance to the start hall. Start: Turn- und Festhalle at Alte Straße 3 Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5 and 10 km) and 7 a.m. to noon (18 km) Trail: Very hilly, wooded areas Award: None Saarlouis (66740) — This popular walk is interesting for its start location — the Ford Motor Company’s plant in Saarlouis. From the KMC, use autobahns A6 and A8 toward Neunkirchen and Saarlouis. Exit at Nalbach/Ford-Werke (12) and follow signs to Tor 4/Personentor and Parkplatz Ost. Start: Halle B, Kantine-Bürogebäude on HenryFord-Straße Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (6, 11 and 20 km), 7 a.m. to noon (30 km) and 7 to 9 a.m. (42 km) Trail: Unknown but shorter two trails are stroller-friendly Award: Ford F-1 pickup truck model (shorter trails) or patch and certificate (marathon). (For more events not listed here, visit www.

August 31, 2012

Send us your


Kaiserslautern American

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Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Make sure all photos are high resolution. Write “Destinations” in the email subject line. Email to: editor@

Photo by Anne Fralick

Michael, Anne, Cameron, Mason and Sydney Fralick pose for a photo July 30 during the 2012 Olympics in London, England.

Courtesy photo

Photo by Kelli Vega

Immanuel, Francisco and Sandra Olivares pose with Roman “gladiators” at the Colosseum July 14 while vacationing in Rome, Italy.

From left, Jeannie Vega, Makenna Eagle, Braeden Eagle, Joy Vega and Kayleigh Eagle pose for a photo Aug. 7 while visiting the Karlsruhe Zoo in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Photo by Dave Doll

Amy, Ava, Jordan and Ben Martin pose for a photo in Old Trafford Stadium July 31 in Manchester, United Kingdom. The Martins were there to see the U.S. women’s soccer team take on North Korea in the 2012 Olympics.

Courtesy photo

Ellen Doll poses for a photo in front of Charles Bridge July 27 in Prague, Czech Republic.

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Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing arts

Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: • Theater fest after summer break starts 2 p.m. Sept. 15. Admission is free. For details, call 0631-3675-209 or visit Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • “Prinz Pi & Band” present rock, pop and rap, 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €22. • Kammgarn meets Popakademie — students from the Mannheim Pop Academy perform: Bakushan, Zweiplus, Oakfield and Fedora, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 7. Tickets cost €16. Farid Bang presents hi hop and rap, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 8. Tickets cost €20. • The Funky P. Society feat. Isaac Roosevelt present soul, rhythm & blues, jazz and funk, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets cost €15. For details, visit www. or call 0631-365-2607. Kaiserslautern, Volkspark (corner Donnersberger- and Entersweiler Strasse): • Final summer concert with the Musikverein Mechtersheim presenting “Good entertainment with traditional and brass music,” 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 9 in the music pavilion near the duck pond. Admission is free. An adventure playground is located right next to event location. Snacks and beverages are offered. Volksbank, Fischerstrasse 49, Kaiserslautern: • Ralph Herrnkind & Friends present fusion jazz, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €5; for reservations, call 0631-365-1410 or 0631-3610-113. Stiftskirche Kaiserslautern: • “Organ meets Orchestra,” concert organ

Courtesy photo

Wurstmarkt starts Sept. 7 Bad Dűrkheim will host the world’s largest wine fest, Wurstmarkt, from Sept. 7 to 11 and Sept. 14 to 17. The event features a wine village and amusement park. For details, read next week’s KA.

player Felix Heil and Pfalztheater Orchestra perform 7:30 p.m. Monday. For advance tickets for €19.50, call the Rheinpfalz at 0631Courtesy photo 3701-6618. Nanstein Castle, Charcoal burners’ fest in Trippstadt Landstuhl: Trippstadt celebrates its annual charcoal burners’ fest combined with a smithy fest • Sickingen Highland Saturday and Sunday. Besides the traditional burning of charcoal, the event includes Festival presents demonstrations of old craftsmanship, displays, children’s activities and live music. The fest Murphys Law and AC/ officially opens at 5 p.m. Saturday near the charcoal mill. Sunday activities start at 11 a.m. DC cover band Sin City, Trippstadt is located 12 kilometers south of Kaiserslautern. 7 p.m. today. Tickets cost €7. • Drums, pipes, Irish folk and dance with Caladh • Otterberg, village carnival, Saturday through Nua, Tirnanog, Irish Bastards, 7 p.m. Saturday. Monday. Tickets cost €24. Doors to both concerts open • Miesau/Elschbach, Viking fest, Saturday and 5:30 p.m. For details, visit Sunday. • Mehlbach, Pfalzwaldhalle, village carnival, Homburg, historical market place: Saturday to Monday. • Musical Summer presents Tommy Harris & • Reichenbach-Steegen, community hall, fireFriends, 7 to 10 p.m. today. fighter fest, Sunday. • Jazz frühschoppen: The Joy of Swing from • Katzenbach, village carnival, Saturday through Dortmund perform 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Monday. Admission is free. For details, visit • Kusel, fall fair (carnival), today through Tuesday; fest parade 3 p.m. Saturday; fireworks display, 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. Miscellaneous • Pirmasens, Grenadiermarkt (carnival), today to • Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau, open through Wednesday. Oct. 31. Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets cost • Merzalben, Gräfenstein Castle, medieval fest, €7 for adults and €3 for children. Exhibitions: today through Sunda (read article on Page 13). Farmers’ life in the early 20th century; Art Forum • Kirrweiler (south of Neustadt), wineland with 15 renowned artists presenting their works; games and medieval market, today to Sunday. Visit new flower show “Orchids — Colors of Elegance,” for details. in flower hall, to Sept. 16. “Arts and Crafts” with • Edesheim (south of Edenkoben), wine fest with decoration items, glass arts, water paintings, to carnival, today through Monday. Sept. 9 in flower hall. Saturday: Pumpkin festi• Kallstadt (north of Bad Dürkheim), wine carnival with thousands of pumpkins, decoration items val, today through Monday. in store, food specialties, Saturday to Oct. 31. • Neustadt-Haardt, plum cake carnival, today Sunday: Catholic worship service, 11 a.m. in wilthrough Monday. low church. Puppet theater performance for chil• Kleinkarlbach (east of Grünstadt), wine carnidren 5 years and older, in German, 3 p.m. in event val, today to Tuesday. hall. For details, visit or call 0631-71007-0. Flea markets • Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden, Am • Kaiserslautern, Pfalzcenter (across from Abendsberg 1, open through Oct. 31. Brass ensem- Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays. ble Blech Pur and singer Evelyn Heil perform • Kaiserslautern, Messeplatz fairgrounds, Saturday. 3 p.m. Sunday. For details, visit • Kaiserslautern, Opel parking lot, Portal 4, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. • Kaiserslautern, center, “Swinging Lautern,” • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works), 10 a.m. today and Saturday (read article on Page 15). to 4 p.m. Saturday; moon light market, 3 to 9 p.m. • Mölschbach, village carnival, Saturday through Wednesday. Tuesday. • Homburg, Am Forum (near Rathaus), Saturday. • Alsenborn, village carnival, Saturday through • Eisenberg, HIT market, starts noon Sunday. Tuesday. • Trier, Messepark, Saturday and Sunday. • Hauptstuhl, village carnival, today through Tuesday. • Bernkastel-Kues/Mosel, arts and crafts, • Mittelbrunn, villge carnival, Saturday through Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday. For details, visit

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Basketball tryouts

The Ramstein Rams women’s basketball team will hold tryouts from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday at the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center. This event is open to all active-duty women assigned to Ramstein, Department of Defense civilians and family members who are at least 18 years old and out of high school. For more information, contact coach Gregory Harris at 0151-6150-9738 or gregory.harris@

Half marathon

The Ramstein Fitness Center will host a half marathon at 8 a.m. Sept. 8. Check-in will be at 7 a.m. The half marathon is open to all ID cardholders. Participants must sign up by Aug. 31. Entry fee is $35. Registration is non-refundable. For more information, email rache.miller@ramstein.

Combatives tournament

The Modern Combatives Tournament takes place at 10 a.m. Sept. 15 at the Miesau Fitness Center. Registration and weigh-in take place from 8 to 9 a.m. A coaches meeting will be held at 9 a.m. This tournament is open to all active-duty men and women. Trophies will be awarded for first and second place, as well as overall tournament champion. Free entry. If interested in competing, sign up by Sept. 13 at the Miesau Fitness Center, Bldg. 1220. For details, call 481-3797 or 06372-8423797.

Kung Fu, martial arts

Students will develop physical and mental skills while learning a 500-yearold practice called Kung Fu. Open to ages 5 to 18. For more information, call

Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Landstuhl One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810, at 4868943 or 06371-86-8943.

Bowling season starts

Letters of intent for the 2012 extramural bowling season are now being accepted. For more information, call the Ramstein Bowling Center at 4805547.

Hockey players wanted

Experienced ice hockey players are wanted to play for the Baden Bruins Army hockey team. The Bruins are coached by ex-NHLer Bob Sullivan and play in both the first and third divisions of the DPL. For details, call Ken Robinson at 0172-62-63642 or email

Fitness center open again

The Vogelweh Fitness Center will re-open its doors Monday. Hours of operation are from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, holidays and family days. The fitness center is closed Sundays.

Instructor needed

Teach self defense to teens ages 13 to 18. For details, call Shay Berchtold from Child, Youth & School Services at 486-5412 or 06371-86-5412.

Youth summer soccer

Register your children for CYS Services’ Youth Summer Soccer being taught by professional soccer coaches, for ages 3 to 15. Contact Parent Central, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516 or 0631-34044516.

Dynamic yoga

Take yoga to revitalize the body and awaken the mind and spirit. Classes take place from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays at the Landstuhl Fitness Center, Bldg. 3720. Challenging posture flow along with meditation and breathing exercises create a thorough workout and an energetic experience.

For details and prices, call 486-7172 or 06371-86-7172.


Pilates classes take place from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Fridays on Landstuhl, Bldg. 3720. For more information and prices, call 486-7172 or 0637186-7172.

Army, Air Force softball teams play for ‘bragging rights’ Garrison wins, 20-17

Photo by Helen Tesfa

Juan Green, first baseman for the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern softball team, swings high at a pitch during the KMC “Bragging Rights” championship, an Army and Air Force tournament, held Aug. 25 at Daenner Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. Four Army teams and two Air Force teams took part in the championship. The final game was between the garrison and the Army’s 21st Theater Sustainment Command. The garrison won, 20-17.

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Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

NOW SHOWING Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)

Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m., 10:15 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 11:15 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 6:45 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m. SATURDAY - Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m., 10:15 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 11:15 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 6:45 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m. SUNDAY Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. MONDAY - Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. TUESDAY - Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY - Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. THURSDAY - Premium Rush (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. Ted (R) 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Brave (PG) 11 a.m.,4:30 p.m. TODAY -

Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 6THEATRES,THX,EXandallDigitalSoundSystems

FRI AUG 31 - WED SEPT 05 In Digital 3D: Prometheus (R)- Fri 15:30, Sat & Sun 13:30, Mon 15:30 Brave (PG) - Fri 15:30, Sat & Sun 13:30, Mon 15:30, Tue & Wed 16:00 Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (PG)Fri 15:30, Sat 15:45, Sun 13:30, Mon 15:30, Tue & Wed 16:00 Magic Mike (R)- Sat & Sun 13:30 Ted (R)- Fri 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 18:30, 20:30, 22:30, Sun 18:30, 20:30, Mon 15:30, 18:00, 20:30, Tue 18:00, 20:30, Wed 18:00, 20:30 The Dark Knight Rises (PG13)- Fri 15:30, Sat & Sun 13:30, 15:30, Mon 15:30 The Expendables 2 (R)- Fri 15:30, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, Mon - Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30 Total Recall (PG13)- Fri 18:00, Sat 13:30, 18:00, Sun - Wed 18:00 For Showtimes of Thur SEPT 06 call 06371937 037 or see

Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh) The Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) 4 p.m. That’s My Boy (R) 7 p.m. SATURDAY - ParaNorman (PG) 4 p.m. The Expendables 2 (R) 7 p.m. SUNDAY Rock of Ages (PG-13) 7 p.m. TODAY -

At The Movies

Visit for details Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Dania Ramirez.

Ted (R) — John Bennett is a grown man who must deal with the cherished teddy bear who came to life as the result of a childhood wish — and has refused to leave his side ever since. Starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. Premium Rush (PG-13) — In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green (PG) — When young Timothy suddenly comes into the lives of Cindy and Jim Green, they learn that sometimes the unexpected can bring some of life’s greatest gifts. Starring Jennifer Garner and Ron Livingston.

Puzzle courtesy of

ACROSS 1 Set upon 9 Give new hands 15 Cargo quantity 16 Show clearly 17 Pregnant 18 Aquarium fishes 19 Cold War thaw 20 “___ Resartus” (Carlyle) 21 Elvis Presley film 23 “Carrie” star 27 Claret and burgundy 28 Japanese sauce 29 Moments 34 Indigo dye 35 Big bang producer 36 Prefix with space 37 Sheets and pillowcases 40 Mideast state 42 Aloha State bird 43 Staggered 44 Decisive conflict 48 Rip into 49 Chaotic 54 Ark berth 55 Asian part of Turkey 56 Illusory sight 57 Habitus 58 Hit hard 59 Bridge supports DOWN 1 Under cover? 2 Dial sound 3 Delicate use of words 4 To ___ (just so) 5 Sour note 6 Heyerdahl raft 7 Polished off 8 1950s White House monogram 9 Holds back 10 High point 11 The same 12 Become a member 13 Not ___ in the world

14 French article 20 Fragrance 22 Showed delight 23 Attempt 24 Window division 25 In the thick of 26 Summons 30 Swiss river 31 Oscar-winner Patricia 32 Beech or birch 33 Completely convinced 35 Article of faith 38 Furious 39 Brought to nought 40 Archaeological period 41 The S of SPQR 44 Airy rooms 45 Brings up 46 Bathtub murder victim 47 Eatery 50 Drop down? 51 Airline from Lod 52 Feudal address 53 Impudence 54 Band booster 55 Gallery display

Solutions to the Aug. 24 puzzle

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

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!!!!A must see apt, Weltersbach 5min RAB, 2BR, 118sqm + 14sqm laundry + spare rm= a total of 132sqm. BIK, din/livrm, bathrm, parking area, partl. furn, no pets, €650 + util. 2months deposit av now 06371-952395 or 0174-3028999 Miesau Apt, 5min to Army Depot, 10min to RAB, 3BR, BIK, liv/din rm, lrg bath w/ shower & tub, guest WC, balcony, 116sqm, laminated/tiled floor, parking spot, avail now €770 + util 015209515245 A!! 300,00 Reward! Bright & sunny 2 Bdrm Apt tiled floors, garage, BIK, big yard, Pets welcome in Weilerbach. Pls call after 16.00, 0179-6601752 or 06374-6823 Amer. owned, Beaut. 1BR apt. fully furn w/BIK, washer & dryer, AFN, WIFI. Queidersbach 10min RAB €650 incl util 0175-561-0912 Apt in Kindsbach 105sqm bik balc, priv carpark €640 + util info cell 015122313526 Apt in Otterberg near Sembach, 3BR, kit, liv & dinrm, bath, storagerm, balcony, park space, 110sqm €800 + util. Call: 063014594 Apt in Trippstadt 130 sqm floor heating, 2 bedr, 1,5 baths, din/liv area, built-in-kitchen, walk-in closet, storage, satellite dish, patio, garage + off-street parking, basem., landlady speaks Engl. ?06306-2478 lv mess we call back or

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Apt Katzweiler, 6km to Vogelweh, 120sqm 3BR Bik 1.5bath livrm €750 + util 0173-9043987 Apt Linden 14km RAB 120sqm 2BR BIK lrg livrm w/firepl dinrm bath guest WC stor garage laundry €650 +utl €80, near forest BBQ garden avail now 063077334 or 0176-93145185 Apt Ramstein, Stutzenflur 5, 105SQM, liv/din rm, 2 bedroom, BIK, 2bathroom, balcony, garage, no pets €760 (+water 2 person €30) + security deposit €1000. Avail: September 01, 2012. 5 min. from Ramstein Airbase Tel: 01738000670. €760 a.kulesov@ar Apt-nice Ramstein, 310sqm, 6BDR, 2 baths, garage rent 1300€, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Beautiful ground floor Apt 196sqm Kottweiler, 5km RAB, 34BR, BIK, liv / dinrm, 3bath, stor, basem, 2carport, €1500 incl. util (except elec) + 1mo dep. Call 06371-52388

Looking for a home?

K/S Immo Agency FULLY FURNISHED APPARTEMENT with view to the lake, 5 Min. to Vogelweh, 90 sqm, 2 bedr., 1 bath, balcony, € 1.200,00 icl. all + 1 rent finder´s fee MORE HOUSES AND APARTMENTS AVAILABLE, CALL US FOR MORE INFO Mannheimer-Str. 25, 67655 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631/3619963, Cell 0174/4166662,

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Real Estate Center In Kaiserslautern

Big nice Apt. in a quiet Area, 3Bedrm., Liv-Dinrm., Bath, G. Toilette, Pantr., BIK, Balc, AFN, DSLInternet 130sqm, small Pets ok. €450 063847067 or 0163815086 /

We will help to find you a house and offer you our full service during the complete rental or buying period.

Bruchmühlbach: Nice Apt, 145sqm, 3BR/1,5BA, newer BIK partly open to living/dining, yard € 880.- + util 06371/943314-16

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Page 26

Kaiserslautern American St. Alban's Military Community


&+85&+ 2) &+5,67

Episcopal Services HOLY EUCHARIST


Sundays 10:30

Kapaun Chapel


For more information please

call 480-6148 or 06372-3163

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m. Keeping it real, relational and relevant

August-SĂźssdorf Strasse 8 Ramstein-Miesenbach 06371- 407 808

A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

Looking for a new home? Check out


Sunday School 9:30 AM – Nursery Available Sundays: Corporate Worship 10:45 AM Weekdays: Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl, Tel: 0 63 71 - 61 81 38 (across the street from European Country Living)

APTS FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

Charming lake side villa apartment for rent on TDY/LQA/and/or long term basis. Fully furnished, one bd, living, BIK, AFN & Wifi. Located near Waldmohr which offers banks, grocery stores, bakers, etc., bi-weekly farmers market, plus 9 course Golf Course. For pix, Pls go and/or http:// Call 06373-8912300 or email ann.strawhorn@hot for more details.

August 31, 2012 Landstuhl: very spacious, nice apartment, 180sqm, 3 BR/1,5BA, garage and carport, â‚Ź 1030.- + util. / Landstuhl-Melkerei: very nice and big apartment, 160sqm, 3BR/2,5BA, fireplace, floorheating, terrace, yard, garage, â‚Ź 1090.- + util (available 1.10.12; for single or couple only) 06371/ 943315-16 www.GermaWild-Immo Large partly furnish. Studio Apt. in KL-Erfenbach; Vogelweh 5mins; Ramstein 15mins. Avail. 9/ 12. Suit. for single. â‚Ź545.- or couple â‚Ź635.- incl. util.; except elect. Call: 06301-793400

MartinshĂśhe, 10 min to hospital, 160sqm, 4BM apartmt, balcony, Cozy furn Apartment w/ be- patio, 2 garages, E830, Immo T. droom loft 15 min to Ramstein. 016096096498 Tel 06371-60351 or 0176 234 Miesenbach, 2min to RAB, 04388 85sqm, 1BR, 1 lrg liv/dinrm, BIK, First floor apt in Weilerbach, 1bath, Guest toil. parking place, 100sqm, liv/dinrm, 2BR, modern SAT, Internet, â‚Ź480 + â‚Ź120 util BIK, bathrm, guest bathrm, big +2mon dep, Call: 06371-952803 terrace, basement with washer/ or 0157-79751694 dryer hook ups, car park, for singles/couple w/out children, no pets, Avail 1 Sept, Price â‚Ź580 + util, Tel.: 06353-939282 (after 14.00)

Fully furnished 1 BR Apt in Bruchmuehlbach. 748 Eur/month includes all utilities. No pets, no smoking or 0176-23594753

Miesenbach: nice 2 bedrm. apartment, living-diningrm., built-inkit., 1 bath, garage, 625,-- â‚Ź +util 06371/ 57656 New 130sqm aptmt in Queidersbach, 2 bm, new open bik, floorheat, patio, E820, Immo T. 016096096498

Nice apartment 140 m² in GlanMuenchweiler, 3BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Storage, Rent: 900.00 Euro + util., Avail: August 15, 2012. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Kaiserslautern, Modern, desi- Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 or gner apartment, downtown K- 0160-1065196, Email: ramstein@gi town. Available now, â‚Ź900+ut. Call 0172/6855976 or Nice apartment 5 minutes to Air Base Ramstein kitchen liv rm 3 Kindsbach: 3 bedroom apart- BR 2.5 bathrms garage 120sqm ment w. 124 sqm livingspace, li- â‚Ź930 Call: 0176-78268048 or vingroom with open fireplace, di- 06849-1329 ningroom, 1,5 bathrooms, b.i.k., balcony KD Baubetreuung â‚Ź840 Nice apt. for rent in MartinshĂśhe 06371-619033 / kd- 3 Bdr. liv./ dnr. B.i.K. 1 1/2 bath, balcony, Carport, 113sqm. 720,00â‚Ź + util. Hartmann Landstuhl fully furnished Apt in 3 Realty Call. 06371/912591 Kaiserslautern, Luxury, fully furnished apartment for single person or couple. â‚Ź850 incl. all utilities. Available now. Call 0172/ 6855976 or

FH, 2BR, liv/din area, bik, 98 sqm, bath, guest WC balcony, Euro 650 / month + util available immediately 06371-13856 g.gisela@onli

Obermohr very nice Apt, 2BR, liv/ dinrm, BIK, bath, WC, terrace, park-spot, garage, â‚Ź650 + util 06371-52510

Otterbach, near K'town, Ramstein and Sembach, ideal for single pers. 142sqm Apt. 1 large BR & 2 smaller BR, 1.5bath, BIK, liv/ dinrm. and much more... â‚Ź900 Call 01716518944 email Otterberg, completely newly renovated apartment, 180 sqm, 5 bed, 2 bath, designer BIK, balcony, â‚Ź1220+ut. Call 0172/ 6855976 or Queidersbach, 3 bedr. Apt., liv.dinrm., Bik, 2.5 baths, 232 sqm., mtl. rent â‚Ź 1.700,00 + util. Call Hartmann Realty 06371/912591 Queidersbach, apt, 4 bedr. liv/ dinrm, computer. Bik, strg rm, 1.5 baths, balcony, bsmnt, garage, floor heating, 150 sqm, 970,00â‚Ź + util. Call 06371/912591 no Finders Fee!! Queidersbach, new renovated 2bm apartmt, 120sq, 21st floor, patio, E980 all incl, Immo T. 016096096498 Quiet Apt in Hohenecken, 88sqm, 2BR, livrm, 1dinrm w/ BIK, nice bath, â‚Ź400 +util + 90 heat, 0631-50116 Ramstein Apt in 3 FH, 2BR, liv/ din area, bik, 100 sqm, garage possible, bath, balcony, laundryrm in basement â‚Ź 620 + util Call 0172-6800432 Ramstein, Downtown, 2 bed, apartment for singles or couples, 110 sqm. Carport. â‚Ź820+ut., available now. Call 0172/6855976 or Ramstein: 3bm aprtment, 1,5 baths, patio, yard, no pets! E 580, ImmoT. 016096096498 Ramstein: Very big and comfortable Apt on 2 levels, 316sqm, 3BR/ 2BA, yard, terrace, balcony â‚Ź 1.500,- + util 06371/943315-16 Ramstein - City - Apartment 110sqm, Garage, big balcony, 3bedrooms, 1 office, 1/5Bath, big Living-Dining. fast Internet â‚Ź840 017622378176 Rodenb studio apt 1BR liv/dinr BIK tub & sho. balc basem 75sqm 470 +utl avail 15 Sept 0631-79459 Schrollbach 4rms BIK liv/din rm bath guest WC basem terrace garage 100sqm â‚Ź700 + utl No pets Call: 06383-6325

Kaiserslautern Church of Christ Mßhlstrasse 34 • 67659 Kaiserslautern Schedule of Services Sundays


Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Devo. & Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Web: • E-mail: Herb Doyle 0 63 71 - 46 75 16 • John Phillis 01 60 - 6 42 79 95 “The churches of Christ salute you.â€? - Romans 16:16

God made so many different kinds of people. Why would he allow only one way to serve him? Martin Buber

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

!!Trippstadt/KL 7 170m² 1360.WR 4BR, BlK, Terr, 2 BA, APTS FOR RENT 2Garage, Available now, Pets allowed RE/MAX Real Estate Center, All ads & pics can be viewed @ KL, Kerim Abane, Tel. 0631/ 4140888-0, realestatecenter-kl@re Rodenbach efficiency Apt ideal for singl. pers sep entrance 295â‚Ź !Fam House in Waldfischbach all incl. exc electr. At least one ye- built 2000 5Rms 190sqm BIk ar contract. Ph. 06301-9797 or 1.5bath, gallery, fire-pl, laundry, 0179-9552506 stor, basem cport, terr, gas heat, Siegelbach, nice 2bm aptmt, 1,5 great loc & equip 1250 +utl +dep baths, balcony, E800 all incl., Im- great 4family w/child - housing appr. avail now. 06333-77358 or mo T. 016096096498. 0171-11611818 Single Apt HĂźtschenhausen, Hauptstuhlerstr. 6, fully furn 5km 2 min Ramstein, FSH 270 sqm, 6 RAB liv/BR BIK bath w/shwr BDR, 3 baths, double garage, rent 33sqm cpk, no pets. â‚Ź350 incl. 2300, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 util +elec +â‚Ź350 dep, non smo- 57888 270sqm semi-detached-house kers 06372-3479 near Kusel 56sqm livingroom 4,5 Spacious Apt Kindsbach, located up on hill 140sqm avail Sept, BR, 2 bathroom, 2 toilet, 2 kitnon-smoker only, BIK 2BR din/ chen, big party or fitnesroom, garlivrm 2bath huge garden, Call den in complete form with toolshed and a big garage and parking 0172-3564442 or 06371-64442 in front of house, â‚Ź1400 + utl. Spesbach apt, 2BR, BIK, 1bath, 01726451128 liv/dinrm, off road parking, â‚Ź550 + 5 Min to Rab freestanding house, util, Call: 06371-15832 5 bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., garaSteinwenden, modern 3 be- ge, yard, floor-heating 1.350 â‚Źuro droom apt, nice view, 105 sqm, + util Anne S. Neumann 1.5 bath, kitchen, living-dinigrm., Immobilien4you Tel: 06372balcony, garage, call: 0160- 803641 or 0173-8317162 8560667 5 min. RAB: Duplex with big yard, Studio Apt Ramstein 2BR livrm 4 bedr., 2 bath, carport, â‚Ź 1.140,-brand new bik beautif balc partly + util., I.B.u.Immobilienservice furn no pets â‚Ź700+util 2months Thomas SouriĂ&#x;eaux $1140 06374 deposit. Call 06371-58358 or 995 694 0175-7820107 66903 Gries, Hauptstr. 87, 194 This apartment has 3 bedrooms, sqm, 6 rooms, BIK, 1,5 Bath, corone kitchen, a big bathroom, a lar- ridor, storagerm, Garage, 2 car ge living area and a dining area. It parks and big Terrace. 1200 â‚Ź + is only 10 min from Sembach, 15 util. 20 Min. to RAB. Cell: 0171/ min from Kaiserslautern and a 7949867 short driving distance to Ramstein 66904 BrĂźcken, 4BR, 150sqm, - Base. http://houseleithoefe.jim- â‚Ź1070, 66894 Bechhofen, 3BR, â‚Ź900 160sqm. Rent â‚Ź1100,- Immobilien Very nice Apt Mackenbach in a 2 storage house, 100sqm, 2BD, 1.5bathrms, big terrace on sun side. Off street parking. Please call: 0152-05639147 or 0152-03603994

Hauschild. Tel. 06373-505600

Airbase: 15 min, Waldmohr: brand new beautiful house, 5 br, 3 bath, balcony on top of house + big patio, gar E 2080,-; SchwedelWeselberg: nice 3BM 1st floor bach: 4 br, 2 bath, yard gar E apartmt, carport, E1100 all inclu- 1580,-; Hohenecken: very nice 3 br, freest house, storage, gar ded, ImmoT. 016096096498 E1200,- ; Herschberg: freest, 1 HOUSES floor- new house, 2 br open kitchen, floorh, storage, gar, yard FOR RENT E1250,- JR Realty - reduced fee All ads & pics can be viewed @ ph: 06371-71756 or 01703159692 or ! ! ! ! 250 Sqm Luxury freestndg. Beautiful Chalet Style House House, Firplace, wintergarden, 2 South of Landstuhl and KL, 4 BR, bathrooms, 4/5 bedrooms, high 2.5 baths, nice bik, liv/din rm; stoquality floors/floorheating, out- rage, double garage, nice yard, door pool, two-car-garage, quite patio, balconies, â‚Ź1,680. Nice HĂźtlocation in Schwedelbach pls. schenhausen House, 4 BR, 2.5 Call after 16.00h 0179-6601752 or baths, liv/din rm, family room, ga06374-6823 rage, storage, yard, â‚Ź1,740. Lar! ! ! 360sqm Luxury small Castle ge, cosy Elschbach House, 4 BR, Rent Obernheim-Kirchenarnbach 2.5 baths, liv/din rm, bik, family (Landstuhl school) 7BR 4bath 2liv/ room, large yard, storage, 2 garadin sauna 938sqm lot 2300â‚Ź +utl ges, â‚Ź1,650. Modern Ramstein avail Oct 0157/74285394 housing House, 4 BR, 2.5 baths, nice bik, liv/din rm, storage, patio, garage, appr â‚Ź1,150. Great Waldmohr House, 4 !! Landstuhl, FSH, 320sqm, 6 BR, 2.5 bath, bik, liv/din rm; nice BDR, 4 baths, garage, rent â‚Ź patio, great storage, double gara2100, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 ge, â‚Ź1,400. Beautiful Sembach 57888 House, 5 BR, 2 baths, bik, liv/din !!Landstuhl City, Bungalow, quiet rm, yard, garage, â‚Ź1,500. Reduarea, 10min RAB, 5min US Hosp., ced fees, call 0162-4131-878 or bik, livrm/dinrm, 2bdrm, 1,5bath, 06372-3211 guestrm, garden/terrace, car Brand new freestanding house, park, call 06371-3744 or 0176- in RAB school, 330 sqm., 7 60020851 bedrms., 3 baths., b.i.k., floor-hea15min Ramstein, FSH, 150 sqm, ting, garage 2.500 â‚Źuro +util Anne 4 BDR, 2 baths, garage rent â‚Ź S. Neumann Immobilien4you tel: 1005 ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

Beautiful freestanding house, exclusive, 4 bedr, built-in kitchen, 2 baths, 200 sqm, fireplace, garage, basement, yard, terrace, 20min to Vogelweh, 20min Ramstein, 15min Landstuhl, Avail 10. Sept. Rent 1430â‚Ź + Util Tel. 01607232065 Brand new low energy FSH 190 m², 30 km to RAB, 4 BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Garage, Yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1,650.00 EUR + util. Avail: August 15, 2012. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, 06371-465407 or 01601065196, e-mail: ramstein@gibill Breitenfelder Hof: 30 Min. West of Ramstein Very nice one family home 200qm living space 4BR/ 3BA, Sauna open fire place. Price â‚Ź 1300 RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray 06371/ 6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 BruchmĂźhlbach, Nice new house, in floor heat, 250 sqm, 5 br, 3 ½ bath, garage, patio+garden, av 15. October â‚Ź1860+ut. Call 0172/ 6855976 or BruchmĂźhlbach: Freest. House, 4BR/2BA, open-fire-place, big yard, terrace, balcony, garage â‚Ź 1.430,- + util 06371/943311-16 Comfortable renovated old farmhouse, Dorfstr. 16, 66424 Homburg/Altbreitenfelderhof near Waldmohr 5min, 7rms BIK liv rm din rm 2bath 2balc terrace basement yard parking. â‚Ź1100 + utl 0163-3505337 or MGBernd@ Dittweiler, 20 min to RAB, House 240 qm, 3floors, 3 bath, 6 bedroom, Liv/dinrm, whirlpool separate, patio, garage, big backyard. Children and pets are welcome, 1660 â‚Ź + util. No realtor. For more info please call: 0176-10012356 or 06386-5479 Duplex 20min to RAB, 155sqm bik din/liv rm 4BR office bath WC 3cellar rms gas&wood centr heat balcony w/BBQ garage carpk â‚Ź1000 + utl 0177-8412048 Duplex in Kl-Erfenbach new renovated, 180sqm, garden, garage, Call: 06301-9731 Duplex in Mehlingen, 5rm, kit, 2 baths, WC, sauna, 280 sqm + cellar 55 sqm + 2 garages, winter garden, terrace, 2 balconies, large yard â‚Ź2200 + util. 0631-47596 Duplex-Half 260 m² in Geiselberg, 20 km to K'lautern, Vogelweh school, 5 BR, 2 Bath, 2 BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Sauna, 2 Garages, Small yard, Pets allowed, Rent: 1800 Euro + util., Avail: Now. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, Email: Erfenbach, 5 min to Vogelweh, nice renovated house, 130 sqm, 4 BDR, 2baths, 2 garages, rent 900 â‚Ź, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, studio, bdrm, liv-dnrm, BIK, balc, 1.5 baths, pantry, storage, 90sqm, incl. util, extra elec, beautiful view, floor heat, 15 min from RAB, no realtor fee Rent â‚Ź650 Call: 0637150549 Hochspeyer: nice 3 bm, 160sqm free-stand. house, 2 garages, patio, by pool, E1300, Immo T. 016096096498

Page 27 Freest House Hefersweiler, Relsbergerstr. 4, 140sqm, 4BR, BIK, 1.5bath, +1shower bath, basem, cport, all windows w/insect nets, ceiling fans, yard â‚Ź910 +util 015117068198 Freestanding house, in RAB school, 270sqm., 5 bedrms., b.i.k, 3 baths., yard, dress.rm, garage, 2.300 â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 FSH 163 m² near Wolfstein, 25 km to RAB & K'L, 4 BR, 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, 1 Garage, Yard, Rent: 1,200.00 EUR incl. util. except electric. Avail: July 15, 2012. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, e-mail: ramstein@ A house is made with walls & beams. A home is made of love & dreams!

Landstuhl Christian Church

Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988 Sunday Worship 11 AM

Soul Winners

International Ministries, e.V. Pastors William & Olivia Gairy

Im Haderwald 13 | 67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof 011-49-171-385-1754 or 011-49-151-229-80403 |

Time of Services: Sunday: Prayer - 10:30 a.m. | Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday: Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Hour of Power Discipleship Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Saturday: Hour of Prayer 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Heritage Baptist Church Gary Craft, Pastor

“Welcome Home!�

4VOEBZT BU BN BN BOE QN t 8FEOFTEBZT BU QN 6km north of the A6 on the B40 in Mehlingen 1IPOF t

Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule Protestant Services t %BFOOFS $IBQFM Saturday Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church10:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ. 0631-3406-4098, BLDG 3150 t -BOETUVIM $IBQFM Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church 11:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098 t 3BNTUFJO /PSUI $IBQFM (480-6148) Contemporary Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM (480-5753) Liturgical, 9 a.m. Sunday Traditional Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday t 7PHFMXFI $IBQFM (489-6859) Gospel Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Protestant Education Classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner, For more information, call 480-2499 or 489-6743.

Jewish Religious Services t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM 4ZOBHPHVF (480-5753), Shabbat Evening Service, Friday, 7 p.m.

Catholic Services

t 3BNTUFJO /PSUI $IBQFM (480-6148) Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Sunday Daily Mass, 11:30 a.m. Mon through Fri t 7PHFMXFI $IBQFM (489-6859) Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass, 5 p.m. Saturday t %BFOOFS $IBQFM Sunday Confessions 11:45 a.m. Sunday Mass 12:30 p.m.

Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Tue – Fri POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098 t -BOETUVIM $IBQFM Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Daily Mass noon Mon – Fri POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Islamic Services t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM .PTRVF (480-5753), Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For Religious Education and Daily Prayers check Prayer Schedule

Orthodox Christian Confession by appointment Divine Liturgy - Kapaun Chapel Sun, 9:00 a.m. For more information call: 489-2496

Pulaski Youth Center Monday “Genesis� Dance Night (grades 6–12) Tuesday Musician’s Night (grades 6–12) Saturday “The Rock� (grades 9–12) Small Groups “Plugged-In� (grades 6–8) For more info call USAG K – Chaplain’s office at 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Denominational Services Episcopal (St. Albans) ,BQBVO $IBQFM Sun, 10:30 a.m. Korean Service 4PVUI $IBQFM Sun, 1 p.m. Unitarian Universalist ,BQBVO "OOFY 2nd & 4th Sun, 1.30 p.m. Wiccan /PSUI $IBQFM $POGFSFODF 3PPN 1st & 3rd Sat, 7 p.m. Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4PVUI $IBQFM 2nd & 4th Sun, 4 p.m.

Page 28

Kaiserslautern American

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

FSH in BrĂźcken (15min to RAB), 240m² compl. renewed, 4BRs, 2 bathes, fully equipped kitchen, 2 garages, living with fireplace. You want see it? call us 063719540555 or â‚Ź1750

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Fully renovated house, 300m², 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, patio, terrace, balcony, in GlanMĂźnchweiler for rent â‚Ź1950 016093020424 juergen.niklasch@ Glan-MĂźnchweiler: 5 Bedr, 3 Bathr., large livingr/dining area, 2 Kitchen, 2 open Fireplaces, Garage, great view , available Aug.17th â‚Ź 1.800,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 House 100sqm 4rms BruchmĂźhlbach Friedhof Str. 7, (ring Friedhofstr. 5 - LLs House) BIK bath garage â‚Ź485 +util 06372-4563 House Kindsbach, 160sqm, 4BR, BIK, Livrm, 2.5bath, small yard, patio & playground, garage, cpks, stor â‚Ź1140 +util 0637160764 or 0171-7121861 House Mehlingen, 98sqm, 1livrm, 1BR, 1bathrm, BIK, Big balc, storagerm, 1garage, â‚Ź750 + util, Tel. 06303-5729 House with 3Bedr., Livrm, Big Kitchen+BIK, Bath, G-Toil. 2Balc., 2 Garage, Big Yard, sml. Pets ok, DSL-Internet, AFN â‚Ź750 063847067 or 01638150865 / mi House, near Altenglan, 5rms, 2bathrm, lrg BIK, balc, small garden, â‚Ź900, Avail 1 Sept, 01713349183 Jettenbach Duplex 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lvrm, Kitchen+Bik, Pets ok, 15 min from Ramstein Avail. now â‚Ź1280 017696115127

August 31, 2012 Kaiserslautern Hohenecken, nice house, 210 sqm, 3 baths, pets ok, rent 1470 â‚Ź, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Kaiserslautern-Erlenbach row house, 4 BR, liv/dinrm, kitchen, laundry, storage, 2 bathrms, terrace, garden, avail 21 Aug, â‚Ź1040 incl garage 0178-8950274 Kaiserslautern-South: Freest. House with big yard and nice view, 250sqm, 6BR/2,5BA, terrace, garage, outside pool â‚Ź 1.880,- + util 06371/943311-16 Kindsbach: Nice, newer duplex, 175sqm, 5BR/2,5BA, balcony, terrace, little yard, â‚Ź1300.- + util 06371/943315-16 www.Germa KL-Einsiedlerhof free standing house 5bdr, 1 bi-kitchen, 1 living, 1 dining, 2 bathrooms, sauna + workout rm, newly renovated, big sunny orchard â‚Ź1100 0631351630 (Mr. Junkermann) KL-Hohenecken, attractive one family house w/ Garden and outdoor pool, 6RM., 320sqm, BIK, 3bath, fireplace, Balc, Terr., Garage, Carport, â‚Ź2000 + util, avail now. Tel. 0631/366933-0, KL-Siegelbach, low energie gas townhouse, 158 sqm, 3 bedr., 2 bath, 1liv.-din.-area, 1built in kitch., 2 storeger., laundrr., yard, 2-car parkpl. 1075,00 â‚Ź + util. call 06301-719567, 0172-6785550. Krickenbach, new 160 sqm, 4BR free-stand house, floorheat, new BIK, patio, garage, yard, â‚Ź1250, Immo T. 016096096498 Krickenbach: nice 3 bm duplex, 2 baths, garage, basement, patio, yard, E 1200, ImmoT. 016096096498 Landstuhl, big family house, living space 150sqm, + garden 440sqm, 10min to RAB, 5BR, Bik, 2bath, 1 parking place, Avail now, â‚Ź900 + util, Call: 06371-3282 or 0152-03278526

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Landstuhl: freestanding 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningm, built-inkit., patio, yard, garage, 950,-- + util, 06371/57656 Landstuhl-Atzel, very nice house, 208 m², 5 bedr, BIK, living/dining room, 2 ½ baths, garage, basement, rent: â‚Ź 2.040.-- + util, avail: 1 Oct 2012, No pets: Please call: Deitrick Real Estate 01711943717. Landstuhl-Melkerei, 5 min to AirBase very nice duplex, total 230 sqm, liv/dinrm, BIK, 4BR, 2.5baths, storage, balc, terrace, back yard. Separate apt for guests or nanny, 60 sqm, BIK, bathrm, and storage. Avail 1 Sept, â‚Ź1460 + util, Call: 0172-6158796 Lovely 2 story 4BR, country manor w/ huge private garden. Open fireplace in downstairs livrm w/ loft den, 2 bath, BIK w/ garden view, lrg one car garage w/ house access. American washer / dryer hook ups. Large attic. Private patio w/ built in Bbq / pond. Established Backyard. Perfect for herb and/or veggie garden. Last house in village. Very private / quiet. No pets. Located in small village just 5 min from Waldmohr which offers baker, banks, butcher, florists, three grocery stores, bank, Esso gas station and bi-weekly local farmers market. â‚Ź1300, Call: 06841-72151 Lovely quaint 2 story European country cottage just perfect for couple / new family. 2BR, one w/ extra adjoining room (great for a baby room, office, or dressing room!), 2bath, BIK, enclosed fireplace in den, beautiful lrg patio overlooking tree shaded garden. No pets. Perfect for herb and/or vegetable garden. Cottage is located at end of village. Very quiet / very private. Located in small village 5 min from Waldmohr which offers baker, banks, butcher, florists, three grocery stores, Esso gas station & bi-weekly local farmers market. â‚Ź1000, Call: 0684172151 Mackenbach, House for rent, 6RM, big kitchen, 2bath, 2changingrms, laundryrm, 2 carparks, 160sqm, small garden, no pets, â‚Ź980 + util, avail now Tel: 06374-991660 Mackenbach, new 6 bm, 360sqm house with 2 garages, floor-heat, sauna, â‚Ź3100, Immo T. 016096096498 Mehlingen, 240qm Duplex. 7BR, 2Bath, large Livin-Dining rm, large Family-rm, Storage-rooms, Floorheating, Yard, 2Carports. Quiet neighborhood. â‚Ź1600 01739044818 Near RAB, wonderful freestanding house in quiet area, 160sqm., 3 bedrms., +dress., 2 baths., b.i.k., dining- living- rm., 3 carports 1.050 â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162 Nice duplex in Weilerbach-Eulenbis 180sqm, 4bedr, livr. bik, 3bath, studio, woodburner, garage, terrace, basement, yard, pets allowed, â‚Ź1245 + util, Roth Immobilien, 06374-994776 or 01711950606 Queidersbach: nice 4 bm duplex, studio, garage, floor-heat, open-fire-place, patio, E 1450, Immo T. 016096096498

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

Nice Duplex, 165sqm in a quiet area, 15min RAB, 3bedr, 1bath+ extra guest WC, liv/diningr., sep.built in kitchen, wash/dryerr., storeroom, attic, 2 balcony, garage 1050â‚Ź+utl Cell 0173/4143441 Nice duplex-Half in Kusel region; 120 m², 25 km to RAB, 15 km to Baumholder, 2 BR; 1,5 Bath, BIK, Liv./, Storage, 870,00 Eur incl. util. except electr.; perfect for a single person, pets negotiable; avail now. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, Email:

Nice FSH 225 m² in Rodalben, 30 km to RAB & K'Lautern, 5 BR, 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, Garage, Yard, Pets allowed, Rent: 1660 Eur + 40 Eur garage + util., Avail: Now. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate Tel.: 06371465407 or 0160-1065196, Email: Niedermohr: 10 min to RAB, huge house with wonderful view, 7 Bed, 4 Baths, 60 sqm living and dining with open fireplace, den, garden, garage, 340 sqm living space. Available 01. Sept. â‚Ź 2.300,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Kaiserstr. 4, Landstuhl, 06371/ 6129262 or 0170 685 0060, Email No fee House, RAB school, 193sqm., 3 bedrms., 2 baths., attic, laundry room, carport 1.380 â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 Obermohr: brand new freestanding 6 bedr., 3 ½ bath, living-diningrm., open fire-place, built-inkit., patio, yard, 2 car garage, 2 carports, 2.800,-+ util 06371/ 57656 Otterberg: new renovated duplex 5 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., patio, yard, carport, 1600,-- + util 06371/57656 Queidersbach: duplex, 4 bedr., 2 bath, living-diningrm., open fireplace, built-in-kit., patio, yard, garage, 1500,-- + util www.AGRA-Im 06371/57656 Quirnbach near ramstein, really nice freest. house, 140sqm, bik, liv/dinrm, 3BR, 1,5bath, garage, firepl, garden, sauna, call 06381428190 or 01701610716, michae, â‚Ź1100 Ram.- Miesenbach, freestanding house, 200sqm., 4 bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., office, yard, garage 1.740 â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 Ramstein City, freestanding house, 4 bedrms., 3 baths., open-fireplace, yard, office garage 1.840 â‚Źuro +util Anne s. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 Ramstein: Townhouse, 4 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningm, built-inkit., basement, patio, yard, 1.150,- + util, 06371/57656

Kaiserslautern American Reichenbach: freest. House, 230sqm, 5BR/2,5BA, terrace, small yard, garage â‚Ź 1740.- + util 06371/943315-16 www.Germa

Page 29


HOUSES / APTS FOR SALE All ads & pics can be viewed @

Reichenbach-Steegen: 160 sqm, 4 bedrooms. With parking lot, fire place, terrace, and balcony. â‚Ź1155 06385-5903 or 01703678158

!!! HĂśheinĂśd!!! Comfortable one family home in quiet neighborhood. 190 qm living space 3BR, large kitchen, Garagr. Must see. Price â‚Ź 255 000 RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray Rodenbach house, 3BR, 1.5bath, 06371/6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 garden, open liv/dinrm, BIK, open fireplace, avail 15 Sept, Call: 01795457684 !!! Landstuhl-Melkerei!!! Great

Duplex 4BR/2BA, floor heating. Schwedelbach, 5min to RAB, Come and see!Price â‚Ź 255 000 new renovated house, 125sqm, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for 3BR, livrm, Call: 0172-4094177 Sonja Gray 06371/6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 Sonjagray@ Schwedelbach, nice duplex, 5min to base, 170 sqm, liv/dinrm, BIK, 3BR, 2.5baths, separate 5 km East of Kaiserslautern: Larbedrm in extra studio-apt with ge house with high class interior, bathrm, storage, balcony, terrace, large open floor plan, over 1000 garage, 350sqm property Avail 1 m² property, 2 car garage, Marble Sept, â‚Ź1330 + util, Call: 0172- bathr, large kitchen, large built in 6158796 cabinets (walk in), Sauna, all floor heated, very representative â‚Ź Sembach - Mehlingen, 280sqm, 368.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4bedrm, 2bath, BIK, sauna, 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 2garage, floor-heating, fee only, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 â‚Ź1000, â‚Ź2110 + util, Real Estate 0060, email wolfgang.wiedmann@ Metzler, 0175-9855251

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Siegelbach: nice 4 bm duplex, 2 Freestanding house, 340sqm., ligarages, patio, yard, E 1120, Im- ving-space, 1000 sqm., proberty, moT. 016096096498 7 bedrms., 3 baths., basement, b.i.k., terrace, garage, floor-heaWaldmohr, nice FSH, wonderful ting Price 340 000 â‚Źuro Anne S. yard, 270 sqm, 6 BDR, 3,5 baths, Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: rent â‚Ź 2000, ZIAI Immobilien 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162 06371 57888 Weilerbach: big row end house, 245sqm, 5BR/2,5BA, terrace, yard, carport, â‚Ź1790.- + util Schwedelbach- PĂśrrbach: brand new duplex, 262sqm, 5BR/2,5BA, terrace, yard, carport â‚Ź 1830.- + util 06371/943315-16 www.Germa

in Landstuhl

Wonderful freestanding house 10 Min to Rab, 260sqm., 5 bedrms., 2 baths., open-fireplace, floor-heating, b.i.k., yard, terrace, garage 1.911 â‚Źuro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162

Brauhaus am Markt Stiftsplatz Stift ftsplatz l t 2-3 2 3¡K Kaiserslautern i l t • w b a ha h samma kt-kl de ept We acc rs! lla US Do

All major CC

August 31, 2012

WE OFFER THE BEST RATES! The only brewery in K-Town auskl /brauh m o .c k o facebo Next to the famous Stift Stiftskirche skirche (12th century) century The best typical German food in town

Page 30

Kaiserslautern American

HOUSES / APTS FOR SALE All ads & pics can be viewed @

Your community, your website.

A paradise for children and pets, Living in the country side, 25 min to RAB, close to the A 62, historical top renovated mill, 320 sqm living space, exclusive interior, garage, barn, wine cellar, approx. 10.000 sqm park and fields, owned by an American, no finders fee, 350.000,- â‚Ź 0171/4783904, www.Immobilien-helga-stensch East of Kaiserslautern.: large Bungalow with extra apt. About 300 m² total living space, 5 bedr, living, great kitchen, 2 ½ great remodelled bathr, 2 car garage. Very quiet location â‚Ź 299.000,-RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/ 6129262 or 0170 6850060, email Kindsbach: nice duplex with garage built 2006, 145sqm, 4bm, 2 baths, E200000, ImmoT. 016096096498



August 31, 2012 Kaiserslautern 35 km, Horse/Riding Center, stables with 20 boxes, riding area and riding hall, house with 7rms, 2 BIK, 3.5baths, 227sqm, 3000sqm property, 12500 pasture, Price 750,000, Immobilien Reiser, Tel: 0631 3187764, Kl-Erfenbach, near Vogelweh, freestanding well maintained good low-energy house, 4BR, 2bath, BIK, open liv/dinrm with big ground floor windows. Several seating options/Terrace in the Garden and Garage. 325.000.-â‚Ź Immobilien Bähr 06303-983153 Krickenbach, Duplex, built 2000, 170sqm house, 392sqm land with nice view, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open dining-living room, guest toilet, loft, balcony, garage â‚Ź229000 017696205646 Kusel. Bungalow, Great view very good residential area. Could be partially furnished, more than 200 m² living space, about 700 m² property, available now â‚Ź 198.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/6129262 or 0170 685 0060 email wolfgang.wiedmann@re Kusel: 15min Ram & Baum on city end very clean FSH 350sqm, 8BR 3bath 4BIK garage 727sqm lot, No realtor! Could be used as sep apt. 0160-1841783

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Mackenbach, wonderful freestanding house 5 Min. to RAB, 200sqm., living-space, 4 bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., garage yard, Price 310 000 â‚Źuro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 Mehlingen fst. 1Fam House w/ spacious flr-plan & best interior, 3BR & walk-in-robe, 2.5baths, liv/ dinrm, balc, terr, sauna, tannig bed, dbl garage & much more! 425.000 â‚Ź Immobilien Bähr 06303983153 Queidersbach: a Dream House, Very Luxury one Family House, 370qm Living space, big Living and dining room with open fire Place, Huge BIK, 4BR/2,5BA, Storage room, Wellness room, Floor heating, fresh air system, bus System, 2 car garage with storage, very nice Yard with perfect view. And much much more. 619 000â‚Ź RE/MAX Real Estate Center ask for Kryspina 0631/41408880 Use your Housing Allowance to purchase your home - : buying in Germany is not complicated. We will inform you about all the details. We will help you - finding - financing - notarizing - moving in step by step to get your own home, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, 06371/ 6129262 or 0170 685 0060, email Wonderful freestanding house 10 Min to RAB, 300sqm., livingspace, 5 bedrms., 3 baths., b.i.k., open-fire-place, basement, 2 garages Price 360 000 â‚Źuro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

TLA / TDY All ads & pics can be viewed @

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury Temp Apts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100% equipped including TV, DVD, free Internet, washer/dryer, free calls to USA. reservation / questions call: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ / / ! ! TLA/TDY Comfortable 2BDR. Apt. in Mackenbach, 5min. to RAB, fully furnished, TV SAT, DVD, free phone, Internet, Garage; phone: 06374-1777 or 015123263824 email:

LOOKING FOR A COZY PLACE TO SPEND THE WEEK OR A MONTH? We can help! TLAs in Ramstein New apt for 1 bedroom for 2 people & also for families. Apts have: full furn Sat TV microw. phone comp w/DSL private parking pets OK wash/dryer also avail. Call 06371-5432 or 0171-3256002

All ads & pics can be viewed @ ***2, 3 + 4 TLA/TDY Luxury Apts in Landstuhl, Ramstein & K-Town. All Remodeled, Furnished, 100% equipped, Cable TV, Kitchen, Washer, Dryer, Parking etc. Call 0170-4137555 or 0172-7471366

@Ramstein-large suites for families on the move. PC, Wi-Fi, AFN, tel, washer/dryer. www.face or 00491791456657 1.5 BR attic apt 70sqm 5min to RAB totally furnished & equipped: Big liv/din rm with US TV RCV DVD Hifi BIK w/elec. stove & microwave â‚Ź580 incl all utl Call: 0170-3255470 100% equipped 1-2BR Apts, Free internet, AFN, Phone to USA, off Road parking. 10min to RAM, Land, LRMC, Contractors also welcome. Info: 0177 1955959 or 1-3BDR 14 American-owned Luxury TLAs in Vogelweh, RAB, Ktown. Free Rental Car, US Calls, Free Househunting Asst. Pets ok, VAT, VISA, MC 017631600012 2 BR Lux TLA/TDY Landstuhl, Am. sat TV, Internet, weekly clean. Comfortable home from home 0162 7048027 cornelia-60@ Ramstein TLA/TDY 4/5BR 2Ba house all inclusive furnished, linens, dishes/pots, wash/dryer, AFN, tel, DSL, carport 015233584979 email: tla@tla-ram / www.tla-ram

AUTOS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

2005 Dodge Neon SXT 50,635 miles, Power doors, Front Power windows, Rear spoiler, 4 brand new tires, etc. $Price Reduced $6000

1997 328i BMW Conv. European Specifications. Dealer serviced since 1997 w/records. Great car, have to sell fast. Price negotiable. $5000 0160-9878-6778 or email

(Red) 2010 Ford Edge SEL 37,000 miles. Automatic transmission, FWD, ABS, 6Cyl 238HP, Black interior, traction control system, Sync system. $21,000

1997 BMW 316i 117K miles 3 doors, brand new German specs runs great, 5-spd Man Trans., heated leader seats, air condition, sound system 01757772586 $2500

03 Black Chevy Trail blazer LTZ Runs great, no accidents, 115k mi., very clean, fully-loaded, custom seat covers & rims, dark tint, & towing package. $7,500

1995 2dr BMW 320i, man, pwr windows, snrf, new tires, cln eng, cln 2 tone int, pcsing, better than A-B cond. lets deal. $1600.00 017679798286 / beertendar@ 1995 VW Polo. Good condition. Great on gas. All season tires. Passed inspection January 2012. $1,700 obo 0160-430-5215 / 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4liter, 4x4, $500, needs head gasket, Call: 0170-9864874


‡ 3$576 6(59,&( ‡ $& 6(59,&( ‡ %2'< :25. ‡ &219(56,21 86 72 (&( ‡ 781( 83

1997 BMW 320i Station Wagon Automatic, sunroof. Comes with snow tires already mounted on rims. Very reliable car. 240,000km (150,000 mi) $2900 015151315428

1998 VW Golf III GT Yellow, Runs great, New cooling parts, Vehicle has power locks, mirrors, win09 Honda Fit Sport White ext Blk dows, sun/moon roof, sport susint Auto 30mpg MP3 Aux USB pension, wide 9X16 Borbet rims PW PL CC ABS Fog Lights rear $3200 01713114931 spoiler AS floor mats AS and Win2000 Ford Mondeo Wagon, Mater tires warranty 45K miles nual, Sunroof, Heated Seats, Sum$15000 0171 180 7270 / nrahter@ mer & Winter Tires, Well ned - Service Record Avail, Passed Insp 30Apr2012, Spacious 10/2010 VW Polo Comfortline $2000 "Team", New Price - $23,385, On- 01733016001 ly has 11,750 miles! Grey Met. w/ 2003 Mercedes-Benz C230 KomPerlgrey sports seats. PW, AC, pressor Sport Coupe US specs 4PA, CL, TC, CC, RNS310, Cylinder, 5-speed automatic transNav.Aux-In $$17,500 mission , 118,000 miles Premium 017630314586 / kencass@ package $7500 obo 27549 / 1994 BMW 316I-Blue. 4-door, 5spd Man Trans. Pwr windows, locks, sun roof. Good tires. New battery. runs great. pcsing price negot. $1500, 015206161605

Page 31

2003 Pontiac Grand Am GT Spec SC/T appearance pkg, 3.4L V6, New headLts, new high perf parts, incl mntd run-flat wntr tires, 2 much 2 list call / email $4500.00 0176 7979 8286 / beertendar@ 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt, US specs, manual transmission, good gas consumption, 91000 miles, air conditioning. $4900 06332 72261


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August 31, 2012


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Page 32

Kaiserslautern American

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August 31, 2012

2008 BMW 128i Coupe - 39,500 miles, Blue Exterior, Gray Leather, AUTOS 6-Speed Manual Transmission, Keyless Entry / Start, Premium All ads & pics can be viewed @ Package, Bluetooth, Heated Seats $20,500 0160-985-96734 / 2005 Jeep Liberty Renegade - 74,000 miles. Complete mainte- 2009 Toyota Minivan; 21k mi; 7nance record. No accidents. New psngr; pwr side drs/wndws/mrrs/ tires as of May. $7,500 &drvr's seat; 6-CD/AM/FM; AC; or maint on sched; no acc; 1-owner; 06374802505 price neg; avail now $21500 2005 Silver Toyota Corolla 5 speed with 73,000 miles. No accidents and new tires as of May. Very economical and fun to drive. $7,000 caldwellfamily@hot or 06374802505

2010 Chevy Camaro 2SS Coupe, 11900mi, 6.2l V8 W/SFI, 426hp, 6speed manual trans, white/orange, heated seats, 20" polished alu wheels, excellent cond. $29900 2007 BMW X3, US Specs, Auto-, 0176matic, Premium Pkg, Blk Sapphi- 39040564 re ext, Blk leather (power/heated) 2011 BMW 335D US-Spec. Auto seats, PDC, Privacy Glass and setrans, 25K miles, under warranty, veral more options $21,000.00 Cold WX package, GPS, Parking 0176-29318416 or email: kampaj@ sensors $32,000.00 obo 2007 Mustang GT w/Vortec Su2011 Ford Focus, 4 door, cruise percharger, racing suspension, control, power windows, keyless and GT500 Brake upgrade kit to entry, just over 20K miles. Looname just a few of the upgrades king to buy bigger car, email or installed. Truly unique pony! call for pics! $16,500 €24000 015111658748 or 2007 Toyota Highlander. Price Reduced! Spot 5 on Ramstein lemon lot. V6, 4WD, AM/FM/CD 23,000 miles and is an '09 model player. ECT Snow feature. green/blue color. Twin turbo engi$17,800 06371-595-4066 / ne, navigation, xenon bending lights, harmon / kardon sound amoung many other options BMW 120D 2005 120000 km very $30,000 nice. 01728337616 94 BMW 325 convertible, European Specs. Automatic Transmission! Already passed inspection. New brakes. Summer & winter tires, both with rims. Leather $4995 DSN 483-5483 / +49 631-4115483 / 95 BMW 316, Automatic Transmission, Low miles. Already passed inspection. New Summer tires, with rims. Full Leather, Park distance.. Phone: 015117610336 $3800 95' Nissan Skyline GTST. 75k miles. V6 turbo engine. New rims, summer & winter tires. New timing belt, water pump, heater core, rear rotors/pads. $8500 Obo Damon 015115610129

98' Volvo V70 Wagen, AWD, AUTO, Sunroof, 7 Passenger, New AW tires and second set of winter tires, Passed INSP 08/12, leather INT. $3000 015126087856 Audi 100 model 1998, automatic, w/ CD Stereo, AC, power doors, breaksruns great in good condition € 1.400 obo 0172 -676 2717 Automatic Kia Picanto 2005 Color Black Superb Condition - Recently Passed Inspection!!! A/C, central locking, Winter and Summer tires. $4675$ - Negotiable 015117708054 / 063748010424 / Black, 4x4, roof rack, head-rest DVD, 32k miles, 5-speed manual, great condition, and great gas mileage. Please email for additional photos. $16000 walshfamily24@ BMW 1994 520i Automatic? 4Dr, sunroof, elec windows, keyless entry, new tires & brakes, new stereo. Well maintained w/ records. Passed inspection May'12 $3000 BMW 320 Model 2004 doors - 6 Gears, metalic, fully equiped e.g full leather seats, seat heating, power doors/breakes/windows/ sunroof, ESP, ABS, AC, stereo CD, garage kept, non smoking, well maintained w/ book, new Tires - Batterie and Oil change, Insp. guaranteed only € 6.450 obo 0172 - 676 2717 BMW X5, Mod. 2006, 3.0d, 217HP, AWD, perf. cond. 153000km, steptronic, leather seats, GPS, Glass roof, xenon, etc. fully equip. no accid. last BMW insp/svc 2012. $22400 0173-9025911 Euro Spec, Automatic, Passed Inspection 23 August 2012. 165267km, 4 cylinder, Alloy Wheels, CD Player with Ipod and Aux Port $5000 obo 01711498975 / shatera3234@ya Lexus LS 400, built 1991, €1500. If you like to include the spare parts: €2500. Call: 07144-9989984 Mercedes Benz SLK 200 142,000 KM 1 Owner. mechanic Maintained german specs navigon / high class vehicle` myloss_biz@ya


August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American



All ads & pics can be viewed @

All ads & pics can be viewed @

MB 220 D, 1998, Station Wagon, great gas mileage - Diesel, white, automatic, cruise control, A/C, electric windows infront, tinted windows, rain sensor, removable trailer hitch, 245.000 km, German inspection good until 4/2013, accident free, 3.300 Euro OBO, Tel. 0175-7503767

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Presents 'All Things Tea' Saturday, 8 Sept 2012 in Kaiserslautern. Proceeds to benefit AKA Scholarship Fund and WTU. or

New Bridgestone Snow tires 255/ 60 R17 106R. Less than 350miles. Mounted w/Chevy Trailblazer rims. $500 Opel Corsa, 2009, orig. 1280km, cool & sound package, AC, €10.500 obo Call: 0152-53699038 Opel Omega Caravan, 1995, 5speed, silver metallic, trailer attachment, A/C, keyless entry, allow wheels, €1520, Call 063025110 Opel Vectra, year 1991, very good condition, 70 000 miles, new tyres, new exhaust, 5 speed, inspection guaranteed €1250 017621892246 / Toda K20A Valve Spring Set. Original price $400. Toda racing parts. Never used Asking $275 Ph.017622987498 / isabell_1_98@

MOTORCYCLES All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. Active duty, retired, veteran motorcycle riders. VietNam Vets/Legacy Vets MC Call 0157-75984414

Ausa's 5th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on September 28th at Woodlawn Golf Course. Register now and come out to have fun and win prizes! $60.00 06302-981-901 / seanwhiggins@ BSA Troop 166-Ramstein looking for new/current scouts and adults to rebuild troop. Mtg Weds 7-8:30, Bldg 1009. ian@in Cleveland Browns fans are invited to join the Browns Backers Worldwide chapter in Kaiserslautern hosting watch parties every gameday in Otterbach Live!! AJ 0151-40417872 brownsbackersinktown@ya English speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous available in the Kaiserslautern/Vogelweh Area. Our contact information is: AA Hotline-0157-36123097, many.htm Hochspeyer American Social Club. Meet your fellow neighbors from Hochspeyer & neighboring towns. Info on FB or email: Iglesia de Dios Baumholder, Uberm Weiher 2, 55774 Baumholder. Domingos Adoracion: 11am; Miercoles estudios: 7pm. 067831850980 Just found out your pregnant? Want to develop a relationship with one doctor for the term of your pregnancy? Considering having your baby off-base? ameri Reiki: Interested in forming a Reiki Share Group? Please contact Jerry or Lorraine @

Page 33

Looking for a used car?

Quit Smoking Today! Army Public Health Nursing is offering Tobacco Cessation Classes for civilian and military personnel in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Area. New group begins 1st Wednesday of every month from 11301230 for four weeks at the Kleber DFAC, Back Dining Room Bldg. 3206. Advance registration is required. To register or for more information call Army Public Health Department at DSN 486-7002/CIV 06371-86-7002 or Kleber Health Clinic at DSN: 483-6099/CIV: 06371-83-6099. The Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association European Chapter Regimental Ball The Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association European Chapter Cordially Invites you to its annual AG/HR Regimental Ball. Celebrating the 237th Anniversary of the Adjutant General's Corps, 15 September 2012, at the Armstrong Club Vogelweh, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 18:00 - 24:00. Guest Speaker: CSM Christopher D. Culbertson, The Adjutant General School Command Sergeant Major and The Adjutant General Regimental Command Sergeant Major. For more information contact Ms. Marcia Sierra-Williams, DSN 314-483-8062, Comm 049 (0) 631411-8062, Email: or Mr. John Yesis, DSN 314-496-5401, Comm 049 (0) 6302-67-5401, Email:

1 week 1 month

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Page 34

Kaiserslautern American

Jade MASSAGE AG GE ‡ Relax, Ayurveda Massage ge PHILIPP-REIS-STR. 9

OASE SPA RELAX THAI, FOOT & OIL MASSAGES Please call for appointment

66849 LANDSTUHL Please call for appointment


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August 31, 2012 Looking for U.S. families to start a German-American playgroup for kids at kindergarden age in OtterThe Rheinland-Pfalz Internatio- bach in the afternoons or on weenal Choir is getting set to begin kends. kristinekennedy5@google Autumn rehearsals, and we are seeking new members. If you love music and love to sing, consider ELECTRONICS visiting to see if RPIC is a good fit for you! We meet Tuesday eveAll ads & pics can be viewed @ nings in Erheuten, and new bers are welcome through September. Please visit our website Hitachi 26" color TV. 6 Y/O. Flatsat (available in creen. Like new. Multi-system/volboth German and English). There tage. Silver. Great picture. â‚Ź100 you will find directions, performan- 0631-4145020 / 0172-7473053 ce samples, photos, and contact I have 3 20" old fashioned TVs for information. We look forward to sale. Not flat screen! 100$ each. meeting some new members from All work perfectly. Call: 0177the Kaiserslautern area! 6036101

ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads & pics can be viewed @

The annual Kaiserslautern, College and University Information Night will be held on Thursday, October 4. More than 1500 high school students, plus parents and others attend each year. We typically have more than 100 colleges and universities plus scholarship programs on-site to provide information and answer questions about their schools and programs. We invite all college alumni to be with us. This is a good opportunity to share information about your alma mater. We hope that you can be with us this year. Please reply to: Larry_Zani@com Thank you very much for your support of the Kaiserslautern College Information Night

CHILD CARE All ads & pics can be viewed @

The 86 Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact 063714057420 or email

• Nails • Extensions • Permanent make up • Massage • Threading The chaplain's office of the US • Waxing • Facials • Body wrapping • Pedicure with Massage chair • etc.


Kaiserstrasse 16 - 67661 Einsiedlerhof/Vogelweh By appointment - Phone: 0162 - 92 757 23 VAT forms accepted | On the B40 close to Pizza Hut, behind Black Sun Tanning.

LIKE US US on Facebook Fac aceb eboo eb ook oo k & fifinnndd ou out ut LIKE ab abou about bou ut th the e la latest ate est eevents v nt ve nts ts in in yyour ou ur ar aarea rea e face fa cebo ce book bo ok.c ok .com .c om// om Mili Mi MilitaryinGermany liita tary ryin ry inGe in Germ Ge rman rm any an y

Army Garrison Kaiserslautern has a food pantry program to help military families with needs. Both canned and dry good donations are accepted for the program and may be placed in baskets in the rear of the Daenner and Landstuhl chapels and at the chaplain's office (building 2919 on Pulaski Barracks). For more information, contact SFC Licciardi at DAN

19-year old girl who can speak english offers baby-sitting jobs. Also cleaning jobs! Kaiserslautern & Ramstein area. mareike.koback@

Meet the publisher of Kaiserslautern lautern aautern rn Am American mericaan an and nd get to know their team and other th products: ther produccts: produ d de

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FOR SALE -- MISC All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Mannheimer Str. 149 ¡ 67657 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631 - 341 003 88 ¡

OPEN: Mo - Fr 10.00 - 19.00 Sa 9.00 - 17.00

Sony Trinitron 25" TV, traditional (not flat screen), 7 yrs old, kept in spare office, barely used, $50, Call 0163-330-5535, Lv Msg

Saturday - September 1

Laser Engraving Custom Framing Coins / Pins ¡ Stamps Farewell Gifts

Older Grundig TV w/SAT receiver (no flat screen) works great â‚Ź80 for both obo Call: 06386-6711

Friday - August 31



Microwave oven - large, $15, 06371 57888

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*with this ad, valid till September 30 - 2012

WIESBADEN DENTAL CARE Certified American Dental Hygienist and Certified Orthodontics.

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August 31, 2012

FOR SALE -- MISC All ads & pics can be viewed @

A/C Unit 220v less 1 year old... PCSing soon and must sell... great condition.. K-town... $200 All 11seasons / 33 DVD's + 2disc 20year reunion M*A*S*H! Collect in 66885 Altenglan between K'Town and Baumholder. Try phone more than once, €80 017696776870 Beautiful Polish tea service still w/ authentic labels. I bought when I was in Poland. Call: 0177-6036101 Calculator Texas TI-89 Titanium recommended for High School study. English / instructions. Collect 66885 Altenglan 25KM North of Ramstein AFB €50 017696776870 Canon F1 35m/m film Camera kit. F1 Body, Dented Prysm but OK function. FD. 75-200 1:4.5 Canon Zoom lens. FD50m / m1.8lens. FT1.8 / 85m / mlensbellows + more! € 380 017696776870 email later Changing/Bathing combo, goes on top of regular tub in your bathroom. Tub stores conveniently underneath changing table. Was 80 Euro, great condition! €40 Chicken rotisserie new $25, 06371 57888 Deluxe NordicTrack Treadmill. 220v. Includes heart monitor, Ipod jack, fan built in. Folds away. Bought for $1,200, $700

Kaiserslautern American Chandelier, $100, 2 brass books ends, $10, lrg sectional wrap around powder blue sofa, $750, ``Capo di Monte`` bust size, lady with hat, figurine lamp $50, 2 tall brass flamingos $40 pair, 2 brass candle sticks 90 centimeter tall $10, 81 centimeter by 32 cent, shelves with a drawer in the shape of a boat $20, beige and gray plant pot, $5, tall guilt framed, bevel glass mirror, 166 centimeter by 71 centimeter, $200, nutcracker bar stool €90, refrigerator with cabinets over and under 8 ft tall, €100, 01776036101 Coastal oil paintings Thanet Coast. Artist part of Picasso's scene in Spain 1920/30's I knew artist in Thanet in the 1950's He was also Turner fan ! €4000 each obo above 0176-96776870 can Skype views Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or 0151-270-19822 Danish realist painter signed Brandt. Oil Painting of the Fynsk Nyborg Castle approx 1890's In auction would cost a lot so will take lower price. €18000 Best offer above 0176-96776870 Can Skype view Designer Hand bag. George Gina and Lucy. Used twice. Paid 160 euros for the bag. €100 017622987498

Dual Voltage Radial Arm Saw. 12 inch blade/1.5 horsepwr. For cross-cutting, miter cutting, in/out ripping, and compound miter cutting. High quality! $400 or best offer 01636043150 kelipiec@ya Fender type Telecaster electric guitar. Masterbuilt, professional instrument. Excellent sound spectrum and tonal qualities. Must see and try! $495 Tom at 0172 35 64442 Fockenberg-Limbach Romerstrasse 20a- Sat. 8/25 Antiques, furtniture - dishes, Turkish copper, glasses, furniture, tire chains, Oct. fest mugs, decorate. Come and See maureengrosshuesch@ gmail Free Cleveland Browns fans are invited to join the Browns Backers Worldwide chapter in Kaiserslautern hosting watch parties every gameday in Otterbach Live!! AJ 0151-40417872 brownsbackersinktown@ya Green suede handbag. With three compartments. Zipper top. $20 0176-22987498 please leave a message if I do not answer. Jugendstil furniture over 100 years old. A variety of items, grandfather clock (Harmonium), crystal glasses, Murano glasses, Meisner porcelain figurines, 200years old, coffee and Tea set. Call: 0177-5211480 Kids adidas soccer shoes, US size 1, EU 32, black & red, worn a few times. Non marking. $35. 0176-22987498, pics on classworld

Page 35 Kitchen table and 2 chairs, light wood, $40, 4-drawer chest $10, glass-top table and 3 chairs $40, entertainment cabinet $10, lt brn leather TV recliner $70. Call 06374-1277.

Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/ prom/summer night out. $50; 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya Pic on does not do justice. Beautful dress.

Read your newspaper online:

Page 36

FOR SALE -- MISC All ads & pics can be viewed @

Large 5 family yard sale Tomorrow Friday the 24th at Zum Geissrech #68 Weilerbach 67685. Furniture, Sizzix, appliances, 9am3pm! Eur & Usd Accepted!! $5 Family yard sale Lose weight and improve your health without counting calories or going to the gym every day. http:// support@ Medela Pump-In-Style double breast pump that comes in convenient backpack. Closed System. Lots of extras! 110V or batteries. Online Yard Sale. Email to receive link. We have Electronics, Tools, Toys, Camping Equipment, Bicycles, Scooters and more.

Kaiserslautern American OO Model Rarilway. Digital and 4Kit Built Locos + Coaches. 2Boxed sets Hornby Orient and Simplon Venice, 3Bachman + 5HornbyDCC. + more in collection. â‚Ź 2800 or best offer above 0176-96776870 can Skyper views Padi Scuba Diving lessons Near PHV Heidelberg Contact Gary Pink and white snake skin purse, not real. pics on Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Portable bouncer comes w/canopy/moskito net to protect baby outdoors. Music, nature sounds, vibration. Barely used! $15 Safety 1st Nature Sounds Bouncette Several oil paintings by artist who gained skills with Picasso in 1920's! Spanish costal landscape with Picasso's house. I knew artist as boy in 1950's â‚Ź16000 best offer above! Spanish / coastal 0176-96776870can Skype Views


L° L° V°Z `°

August 31, 2012

Size 52-57. Multi color childrens The Swarovski Pierrot mesasubike helmet, for boys. $20 res 8". This is the first edition of 017622987498 "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999. Pics on www.classSwarovski Crystal - Attention col- lectors! All pieces over 20years old! Prices greatly reduced! Great Documents for Sale! USA and gift for any special occasion! Pri- CSA documents, coins of Germavate collection! Retired pieces. ny and China, private collection, koala bear mother and baby, Pan- for sale piece by piece. Call betda mother & baby, whale, turtle. ween 4-7pm 0152-25194313 (DaCall for info: 06332-41560 bet- vid Frank) ween 2pm to 9pm. Can deliver to RAB! Volunteer Needed to teach chess to intermediate students after Swarovski Pegasus - From the school; one or two hours per 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Se- week from 2:45-3:45 480-6023; ries. Retired in 1998, Asking $500. Ph. 06374/944828 Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottSwarovski SC Isadora & Antonio, les, attractive metal finish, fits perfrom the trilogy (magic of dance) fectly in a small, narrow space. 2002 & 2003, w/crystal signs & $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad displays) will sell separately, Price 299 â‚Ź each obo Call: 01622762421 Wood frame picture. From Ashfield Arts. Made in the UK. Paid Swarovski, silver, crystal, trilogy $500. see for pics. masquerade, 1999-2001, w/cry- stal signs & displays, 899â‚Ź obo Call: 0162-2762421 Yard Sales at Queidersbach,

8'cognac colored couch. When cushions are raised up, an adult can sleep on the couch. Great for the TV room. P/U mandatory. Pillows included $300 eahuffie@hot Antique bedroomset 06371 57888


Antique wardrobe â‚Ź300, 57888


Big storage shrunk $50, 06371 57888 Cherry wood T.V. cabinet $50, 06371 57888 Dining room set oak, $ 200, 06371 57888 Dining table w/ 2 benches, massiv wood - oak style, â‚Ź250 017690796039 German Sideboard and Highboard for Sale. Oak-rustic color, massiv. Great condition! New â‚Ź1200 each, now selling for â‚Ź250 each! Call: 0176-907-96039 Golden framed paintings, div. sizes reasonable prices 06371 57888

Large Antique Dark solid wood. 3 Laerchenstr. 3, on 1 and 2 Sep- pull out draws, 3 cabinets above Techno/Dancefloor Synth. "Quatember 2012 from 09:00 till and below to store goods in. 7 simidi Sirius" with integrated 11 feet tall. Price: $2900 17:00hrs. 0160-8146495 Ch.Vocoder (also voice distortion) 017622987498. + Synthesizer "Quasimidi Raven pics Max" + Keyboard stand â‚Ź1600 FURNITURE Living room set like new, $ 200, 6371 57888


All ads & pics can be viewed @

10.5' X 6'. Very good condition. Wool. Professionally cleaned December 2011. The multitude of colors works well with most decors. $125

Loveseat $95, 06371 57888 Murphy-style full size bed. Frame, mattress, hardware, 2 halogen lights. Comes apart for moving. Pick up only in France, pics on request. $800 cahilldd@ya

August 31, 2012

FURNITURE All ads & pics can be viewed @

Pino Brand Kitchen (Paid over 2K Euro). Sink, Stove/Oven, Fridge/ Freezer, Various kitchen Cabinets. Already apart - pick up in Mannheim. $1800 nsptrione@hot Solid Oak, original mirror. Made by master carpenter in Weilerbach, late 1800's. 4' X 5' $435 Tall Table and four chairs. White frame and table top, pastel stripe seat covers $100 / €75. Photo online or by email. girlpilot79@hot Very old cabinet for sale. Henry II. €750

JOBS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Kaiserslautern American Got Mad IT Skills? 5 or more years of hardcore Windows Enterprise administration, VoIP/SIP administration, MS Database administration, and/or hands-on system security engineering? DRS is looking for you! We have openings for a VoIP Technician, a Systems Admin, and an Information Assurance Engineer. Keep your TESA status, receive Hola/ Cola, and enjoy the many benefits of living in Stuttgart! Apply here… Disclaimer: Offers of employment are contingent on how much of a Rock Star you really are.

Just looking for some nice people to hang out with and explore the country with. Please no freaks $- Single woman, 46/160/55kg looking for an nice American (caucasian) my age, who can speak German because my English is bad... No games, Only Singles!!!! 0160/ 6737687 (Text) South-American lady, 40, brunette, seeks nice, well educated gentleman from 35 to 50 for friendship or a possible bond.

Social workers and Counselors needed in Germany Contact Rebekah at 513-984-1800 ext. 119, fax 513-984-4909 or email at

SWM, 40's, very tall, handsome, warm, intelligent, loving seeks younger woman, pretty, slender, feminine, sweet, loving.. for friendship or more. greatguy1001@hot


Warm- heated, great humor 32yrs single black lady with a generous touch of friendship seeks to find a happy relationship.

All ads & pics can be viewed @

Page 37

Attractive 35year single black woman is seeking to find a happy Woman is looking for a man 35 Busy private American Dental relationship. annett.muller@ya years or older, for friendship and Practice in Ramstein is now ta- conversation Call: 0172-6903147 king applications for certified dental assistants. Please submit resu- Female, 45 years, 5'6, blonde is mes to: Ramstein Dental Care at looking for a friendly, good For king american man, 45 or older.To ADVERTISING SPACE COULD BE YOURS! questions please call our office at get to know each other, and maybe for a relationship. Only serious If you are interested in 06371-406230 placing an advertisement in the contacts please! 01522-6519732 Kaiserslautern American contact: Your community, your website. Hi, I (40 yr.female) recently or call 0631- 303 355 36 ved here and would like to meet people with mutual interests, traProudly presented veling, hiking, movies, dining out to you by


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Page 38

Kaiserslautern American

August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Loving family w/ young boy looking for a puppy prefer a girl Mom stays home so puppy will have lots of love & attention We're seAll ads & pics can be viewed @ pet owners. Certified translations. Reasona- rious ble rates. Call 06374-4113 or 0179-531-0274. There have been reports of Clock repair & antique clock sa- New Challenge for Baseball / pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not males. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr. Softball Coaches!! The River Bandits Baseball and Softball Team, naged at the highest profes32, Landstuhl 06371-2637 located in Saarbrücken (A6, sional standards. Please Dog Training in Ramstein! Profeschoose your pet carefully. 30min from KL) is looking for coasional training in a group or also Make sure you check the creches for both teams and also privat lessons! Call: 0152dentials of the people selling players. Please contact: ste 27016331 the pet, and get proper or call perwork showing shots and/ Home & Maintenance Service. 0171-8634083 or other proof of healthy conPCS, regular & carpet cleaning w/ dition. For further advice, ref., painting, repair, trash remoWanted: Female singer for estaconsult your Veterinarian. val, bulk & yard waste 06383blished, gigging rock/pop band loAfrican grey parrot babies, very 927372 or 0172-6693714 cated in KMC area. 01727098850 tame, handraised & fed. 06363- Professional lessons in guitar, bass & piano, saxophone. Cell 4020370 015233696881 Found on Vogelweh: White and Greyish-brown kitten, several Translator/Interpreter Certified months old. I wasn't able to catch KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable him, but he was last seen in stair- rates. Call: 0631-54440 well 1152B emilyjrecchia@ WANTED


!!PCS cleaning, weekly, exp. team over years INSP grtd 016091948-691 or cthompson@t-onli


German shepherd puppies, All ads & pics can be viewed @ black-yellow, vaccinated, med, for sale in loving hands. 06304-3489897 or 0152-27016331 Buying dictionaries all languages and foreign language guides. Call Hamster cage, two levels, with 0152-25194313 or 0160-69439449 rolling ball, stone, food plate, and Doctor couple, looking for FSH an unopened bag of food. $30 in Kl area and surrounding area as 017622987498 of now. Call: 0163-1379074 My puppies are in need of a new English teacher needed to enhanforever home. These Babies are ce my English speaking skills and both home and potty trained and for translation. Please call: 0176are so lovely with kids. They have 96720310 all health papers a $370

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Installation & Service and more... Stefan: 0176 2284 1995 INSTALLATION SERVICE-SALES Sky specialist quality service since 1991 Joe: 0631 3431418 0179-3437297 10 am to 6 pm Practice Dr. Matthias Christ MD, DDS

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery • Certified in Oral Implantology and Aesthetic Facial Surgery Hölzengraben 2, 67657 Kaiserslautern • Tel: 0631-371170 • E-Mail: • • • • • • • We speak English Openings: Mon, Tue, Thu 7.30 – 11.30 Mon, Tue, Thu 14.00 – 16.00 Wed + Fri 7.30 – 12.00

• • • • •

Oral Surgery Dental Implants Computer Implant Planning Periodontics Dental Hygienist Service Comprehensive Dental Service in General Anaesthesia Regional Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for Facial Skin Cancer Laser Treatment Laser Hair Removal Traumatology In- and Outpatient Procedures 3D X-Ray

Special Offer on Job Ads!

1st ad: Regular price 2nd ad: 25% off 3rd ad: 50% off * *

All ads & pics can be viewed @

!!!!!!!!!!! FM Cleaner PCSing, cleaning reg. trash hauling, painting, yard work, junk removal, delivery transport, pick up service. Guarantee to pass Landlord & Housing authorities insp 0174-5971347

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PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ! ! ! ! ! Bridge cleaners - cross the bridge into a cleaner world! PCS, yardwork, trash removal and a lot more! We except VAT Forms! 0173-3683830

Page 39


DR. BIANCA KNOLL - PLASTIC SURGEON (YALE/USA) +++ American Standard and Care in Germany +++

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We accept VAT-forms • TRICARE preferred provider Dr. Bianca Knoll • Savignystr. 61 • 60325 Frankfurt • Fon: 069-7422-7979 Email: •

At the American Urgent Care we offer: • American health care providers • Same day walk-in appointments • Episodic, acute, and chronic care appointments • Routine gynecologic exams

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• Certified Yoga instructors private and group sessions

To contact us today:

Rehab: Tel: 06371 49 50 20 Fax: 06371 49 50 10

Urgent Care: Tel: 06371 49 50 21 Fax: 06371 49 50 11

Direct billing and Provider Participant Contracts with: • Bluecross Blue Shield • Aetna • Foreign Services Benefit Plan • Coventry • Cigna • TRICARE STANDARD

American Rehab and Urgent Care • 104 Bahnstr. • Landstuhl 66849 Health care for Americans provided by Americans

Contact us NOW! Tel: 0631 – 303 355 36 *must be consecutive weeks This offer is proudly brought to you by AdvantiPro publisher of the Kaiserslautern American


It’s the real deal at PENTAGON CAR SALES! We’ve offering lower-than-ever prices on over sixty 2012 BMW ex-Demo models. To take advantage of these unbelievable prices and pick up a once in a lifetime bargain, drop by a PCS showroom near you…TODAY! Year





Military Sales Price

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328i Sedan


Alpine White

$ 45,725

$ 41,140

$ 38,690

$ 7,035



528i Sedan


Titan Silver

$ 56,900

$ 51,175

$ 47,110

$ 9,790



135i Coupe


Alpine White

$ 44,450

$ 39,215

$ 37,215

$ 7,235



335i Sedan


Sapphire Black

$ 56,665

$ 51,180

$ 47,620

$ 9,045



328i Sedan


Sparkling Bronze

$ 51,025

$ 46,440

$ 43,670

$ 7,355



528i Sedan


Space Grey

$ 56,075

$ 50,350

$ 46,850

$ 9,225



740iL Sedan


Sapphire Black

$ 88,725

$ 78,910

$ 75,765

$ 13,000



528i Sedan


Titan Silver

$ 55,875

$ 50,150

$ 45,500

$ 10,375



328i Sedan


Imperial Blue

$ 50,525

$ 45,940

$ 43,205

$ 7,320



528i Sedan


Cashmere Silver

$ 53,925

$ 48,200

$ 44,850

$ 9,075

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PENTAGON CAR SALES Germany Ramstein Kindsbacher Str. 47 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Tel: 06371 61 39 90

Kaiserslautern Kaiserstrasse 1 67661 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631 351 90 40

Heidelberg Hebelstrasse 3 69115 Heidelberg Tel: 06221 144 90

Wiesbaden Ludwig-Wolker-Str. 14 55252 Mainz-Kastel Tel: 06134 567 80

Spangdahlem Im Kreuzgarten 1 A 54529 Spangdahlem Tel: 06565 93 69 90

Italy Aviano Via Pordenone 48D 33081 Aviano (PN) Tel: 0434 676 61-2/3/4

Naples Tel: 0434 676 61-2/3/4 Email: Naples@

Sigonella Tel: 0434 676 61-2/3/4 Email: Sig@

Vicenza Viale Della Pace 254 36100 Vicenza (VI) Tel: 0444 91 09 38

Spain Rota Plaza Del Triunfo 6 11520 Rota (Cadiz) Tel: 956 840 201

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