Kaiserslautern American - February 26, 2021

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DTC helps redeployers transition home, Page 7


Tele-mentoring program extends care beyond borders, Page 9


Airborne troops jump onto Ramstein airfield, Pages 12-13

February 26, 2021 | Volume 45, Number 8


USAG RP fire department sizzles with five awards, Page 16


Unplug in Mehlinger Heide, Page 24

Read the KA online at KaiserslauternAmerican.com

In-person classes resume for many KMC students by Tech. Sgt. Jocelyn A. Ford 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Students walk to school on Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 22. In-person classes resumed for many Department of Defense Education Activity students after a recent lockdown requiring remote learning. Photo by Master Sgt. Beatrice M. Brown


by 2nd Lt Ridge Miller 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Amidst a downward trend in local COVID-19 cases, the 86th Airlift Wing command team hosted a virtual town hall to discuss the current situation and answer questions from the community via the Ramstein Official Facebook page Feb. 18. Brig. Gen. Josh Olson, 86th AW commander, and Command Chief Master Sgt. Hope Skibitsky, sat down to bring clarity to how recently implemented German changes would

impact the base and the surrounding Kaiserslautern Military Community. Joining them for the half-hour discussion was 86th Mission Support Group commander, Col. Robert Thompson, and the 86th Medical Group Public Health Emergency Officer, Lt. Col. (Dr.) Jaime Rojas. Olson was happy to open up the discussion by informing the audience that local COVID-19 cases were trending in the right direction. “Because of that discipline and because of these numbers, we are now being able to come off of some of

these restrictions,” Olson said. Department of Defense Education Activity schools on Air Force installations in the KMC planned to return to in-person school the following Monday along with German schools in Rheinland-Pfalz. “To date, there have been no cases of COVID-19 transmission from student-to-student or teacher-to-student in any of our DoDEA schools across the KMC. Our teams and the staff have done a phenomenal job at keeping See TOWN HALL, Page 3

Graphic by: 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Virtual town hall answers community questions

Kaiserslautern American

Page 2

February 26, 2021

COMMENTARY: Leading through grief

by Lt. Col. Melissa Dombrock 76th Airlift Squadron Commander “Why am I so sad today?” a leader remarked in the middle of a meeting. We were discussing the updated pandemic restrictions, how to lead in this challenging environment and how to instill some hope. His comment reflected a common emotion; this feeling of sadness and hopelessness, despite that everything seemed fine. There is grief. It is heavy. Grief for racial injustices, grief for misunderstandings in our society and the world, grief for political churn, grief for global turmoil and conflicts, grief for the loss of “normal life” due to the pandemic, and especially grief for the acute personal losses of family members and friends felt by so many. How do we lead when we, ourselves, are grieving? What if it is challenging to remain full of hope? Even if you have not personally experienced loss, you definitely know someone who has, and you are likely grieving in other ways about bigger changes in our world over the past year.

I recently experienced significant grief. Six months into squadron command, on Dec. 3, 2020, a fellow Airman and friend took his own life. I dissolved into a puddle of tears. My emotional bucket was tipped. I felt shock, loss, sadness and anger. He and I were close because we are both probably “too caring.” He was always smiling and asking people how they really are doing. He was the heart of that team. I was mad at him because he was always lifting others up. I had so many questions. Why didn’t he reach out or why couldn’t we save him? What had I missed? I then had a thought: how many of us are going through grief with all the darkness in the world right now and NOT talking about it? In order to lead through grief, we must be able to find the emotional, mental and spiritual strength to overcome what is uncomfortable and be willing to open up. Choose to be vulnerable. Brave leaders are real about whatever they are going through, but also, they see the positive and can be hopeful. When you are personally grieving, or holding onto the burden of support for others, it is important to take time for yourself; be confident that the vulnerability of sharing your grief will make you stronger. I still feel this loss immensely. I spent the last two months attempting to process grief and translate it into action I can take as a leader; I keep thinking I must truly connect with every single Airman and in every interaction.

All of us are responsible for the culture of our organizations. Do you show up with a smile? Do you strive to find the positive? Are you fostering safe spaces for conversations? Being available, present and effectively communicating are trademarks of genuine leadership at any level. But how? In my experience, it helps to strive for authentic leadership and be willing to personally connect. One way I open up is via virtual “broadcasts.” I am able to say thank you, give kudos, address hot topics, and reiterate my support. It is certainly not perfect. Most of the time I make a mistake or realize I look goofy, but, it is me. In the absence of being able to gather in large groups, this is something that works. As leaders, we must be true to ourselves and share who we are. The day after we lost our fellow Airman to suicide, I recorded a broadcast. It was important, because the squadron needed to know that I was not okay, and I needed to remind them that I am always here for every single one of them, no matter what is going on, and no matter how dark life might seem. In the days that followed, some folks reached out to check on me and we had supportive, healing discussions, reminding me of the importance of meaningful connection. Another way to connect is “eyeball-to-eyeball” checks via individual or small-group sessions. I try to do this as much as possible, and encourage other leaders to do the same. You can stand six feet away, with a mask on, and still have an engaging

conversation, or you can create a virtual space to do the same. If you are not sure how to start, check out our U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa’s GRIT initiative (www.usafe. af.mil/GRIT). In the toolkit, there are topics outlined for each month, with commentary to help guide you. Sometimes, GRIT is what breaks the ice, allowing us to open up what we really need to talk about beneath the surface. Here are few tips for authentic and active engagement: 1. Create a safe space for conversation. Find a time, make a plan, encourage participation. If you are able to physically distance and follow current rules, then meet in person. If not, then use a platform: Zoom, MS Teams, WebEx, FaceTime, Signal video, Google teams meetup; the list goes on for virtual options. 2. Prepare yourself. Take a look at GRIT resources, do some selfreflection: are you ready to share how you are really doing and be vulnerable? How do you lift yourself up when you are sad? We are all COVID weary and grieving at some level; how are you processing it and remaining hopeful? You must personally be open in order to connect. 3. Break the ice. Open the conversation with, “I’m looking forward to hearing your story” and “I’m willing to share my experiences too.” 4. Be present and actively listen. Asking “how are you” is not

enough. Be honest and say “I can’t imagine how you’re feeling, but I’m here for you” or “I need to learn more about your perspective” or “how can I help and what can I do to support you?” We must create safe spaces to foster openness, actively listen to one another, address differences, cultivate mutual respect and express empathy for what others are going through. Every day, I strive to be courageous and authentic. I am going through grief and carrying grief intimately felt by others. Nothing can explain the impact of unexpectedly losing a beloved friend and teammate. It left me with a hole in my heart. I can only strive to patch it up by actively engaging with others. I honor his memory and carry forward that we all have a story to share, and we all need support. We must recognize our own grief and in the Airmen we lead. We cannot retreat from how we are affected by events — may they be personal, professional, political, racial, global or otherwise. We can choose to lead in a way that is true to ourselves and expressive of strength, hope and positivity, while also being very real about our own challenges, even in seasons of grief. I dedicate this commentary to the loving memory of my friend and fellow Airman, Darius McLin. May you all read this and be inspired to be there for each other in times of joy and grief…and be authentic and brave leaders in every way.

Stimulus Payments — What do they mean for your taxes? by Liz Keddell Ramstein Tax Center Volunteer The Economic Impact Payments, approved by Congress in March and December 2020, were meant to stimulate the economy, but many are wondering — how does this affect my taxes? The great news is that the EIPs are not taxable and not reported as income. However, you will need to provide the amounts received

when filing your 2020 taxes. EIP recipients should have received documents confirming payment amounts, an IRS Notice 1444 for the first payment and 1444-B for the second payment. If you did not receive these forms, verify the deposit amounts with your bank before filing your taxes. If you did not receive one or both of the EIPs, the IRS may allow any missed payments to be included in your 2020 tax return refund in

the form of the Recovery Rebate Credit. As a reminder, the EIP amounts vary by filing and dependent status, as well as income limits. Generally, for the first EIP, individuals received up to $1,200 each and $500 for each qualifying child. The second payment was up to $600 for individuals and $600 for qualifying children. Income phase outs begin at $150,000 for joint filers, $112,500 for head

of household, and $75,000 for all others. Visit IRS.gov for more information on income limits, payment amounts, and eligibility requirements. Had a baby in 2020? Congrats! Not only did you gain a new bundle of joy, but babies born by Dec. 31, 2020 may make the taxpayer eligible for the Recovery Rebate Credit. This amount can be included in your 2020 tax return refund.

For more information on EIPs go to: https://www.irs.gov/ coronavirus/economic-impactpayment-information-center. As a reminder, the Ramstein Tax Center is open and providing services virtually. To determine if you are eligible for this free service and to make an appointment call the Tax Center at DSN 480-1040 or email the office at 86AW.JA.Ramsteintaxcenter@ us.af.mil.

MASTHEAD The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including

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and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material. Deadlines: • News, feature, school articles and photos: Noon Thursday for the following week’s edition • Sports articles and photos: Noon Thursday for the following week’s edition

• Free (space available) classifieds: Noon Tuesday for that same week’s KA AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send questions, comments, article and photo submissions to: ka@advantipro.de. To place classified ads, visit FindItGuide.com. For display ads, email Ads@KaiserslauternAmerican.com or call 0631-30 33 55 36.

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Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021 BACK TO SCHOOL from Page 1 Many Department of Defense Education Activity students in the Kaiserslautern Military Community attended class in person Monday, Feb. 22. This was the first day students were welcomed back to physical classrooms after remote learning was initiated to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. “I’m really excited the kids are going back to in-person learning,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Molly Jones, 86th Comptroller Squadron budget analyst and mother of two. “They were also very excited to get out of the house and be able to interact with their friends and teachers.” Teachers, parents and students alike, see the benefit of inperson instruction versus solely remote learning, especially for elementary aged children. “They get real, meaningful, social interaction with other TOWN HALL from Page 1 our schools clean and reacting and adapting to the changing conditions,” Thompson said. Thompson described the entire operation as a team effort and thanked both school staff and parents for working together during the unique situations COVID-19 has presented. During the town hall, subject matter experts highlighted different aspects of host nation restrictions in place and thanked the community for their discipline. “Our numbers are the lowest they’ve been since August,” Dr. Rojas said, describing Ramstein cases. “Everyone has worked diligently and sacrificed family outings, gettogethers, and holidays,” Rojas continued. Kaiserslautern County’s case numbers are the lowest they’ve

people,” Jones said. “Things like body awareness and social manners can’t be effectively taught from home.” Jones and her husband are not only excited their children get to attend in-person classes once again, but also emphasized they feel safe in doing so. A COVID-19 pre-screening protocol checklist has been distributed to all parents, requesting daily completion to ensure children are healthy before heading to school. Face coverings and maintaining physical distance are also standard procedures upheld throughout DoDEA. Additionally, teachers are included in the current phase of Ramstein’s vaccine distribution. “The health and safety of our students, staff and community is our top priority,” said Steven Sanchez, DoDEA Europe East superintendent, in a letter to families and staff members dated Feb. 11. been since October 2020. Skibitsky also noted that while local numbers are trending downward, lockdown measures are currently extended through March 7. Social gatherings still remain limited, and Germany has released new classifications for international risk areas. Below are summarized answers to questions asked during the event. Does getting the COVID-19 vaccine allow you to travel and avoid quarantine or other restrictions? Currently, no. Department of Defense and German travel guidance do not allow for exceptions to the policy regarding travel. While we do know the vaccine is effective in preventing COVID-19 symptoms, the ability to prevent the spread of COVID-19 remains to be seen. Travel restrictions still remain in place to prevent possible asymptomatic spread of the virus.

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Raiden, son of Airman 1st Class Andrew Alvarado, 86th Airlift Wing public affairs journeyman, poses for a photo in front of Vogelweh Elementary School at Vogelweh Military Complex, Feb. 22. It was the first day students were welcomed back in the physical classrooms after remote learning was initiated to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Photo by Airman 1st Class Andrew Alvarado

Where should members go to get outbound pre-travel rapid testing if traveling immediately after a long weekend? Does the rapid-testing center close on holidays that take place on a weekday? Rapid COVID-19 (antigen) testing is available at our walk-in clinic at the E-club. It is open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m., even on a holiday.. What is the regulation for schoolage children (6-14 years old) mask covering in Ramstein Air Base schools? All students are required to have face coverings while attending physical instruction. DoDEA schools are not requiring medical masks at this time. We’ve seen DOD and Headquarters Air Force release policy memos recently about face coverings being required all the time on military

installations. Has there been any change to the installation’s face covering policy? Our current base policy for face coverings/medical masks does meet the intent of guidance passed down from higher headquarters. To keep it simple, if you’re sharing space, cover your face. Exceptions are made for those actively engaged in physical training. Visit RAB’s official COVID-19 webpage for more information. Can you please clarify the face covering policy for parks and playgrounds on base? If proper physical distancing cannot be maintained, everybody seven years and older should be wearing a face covering. Now that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control recently stated people who have been fully vaccinated shouldn’t

have to quarantine, will there be a consideration of easing the current quarantine requirements on base and follow the CDC’s recommendation? As guests in our host nation, we must comply with local requirements. Until those requirements change, we’ll remain in line with current German guidance regarding quarantine restrictions. Will base visitor passes be allowed again soon? We are looking at that possibility on a very regular basis. If we stay at our current low incidence rate, we can anticipate seeing base passes opening up again on March 1. The full virtual town hall video can be viewed on the Ramstein Air Base Facebook page. Visit the Ramstein COVID-19 webpage for the most up-to-date information.

Kaiserslautern American

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FEBRUARY 15 12:25 a.m.: General order violation on Kapaun AS 12 p.m.: Damage to personal property on Kapaun AS FEBRUARY 16 3:11 a.m.: Arson/damage to private property in Ramstein-Miesenbach 10:54 a.m.: Article 92/failure to obey a lawful order operating a vehicle on expired registration on Vogelweh AB 1:47 p.m.: Major vehicle collision in Kaiserslautern 4:29 p.m.: Assault in Kaiserslautern 2:37 p.m.: Seized USAREUR license plates on Kapaun AS 9:01 p.m.: Seized USAREUR license plates in Kaiserslautern FEBRUARY 17 2:12 p.m.: Larceny of private property in Landstuhl 11:53 p.m.: Driving under the influence in Landstuhl

February 26, 2021

Photo by Schmidt_Alex / Shutterstock.com

FEBRUARY 18 7:55 a.m.: Seized USAREUR license plates on Kapaun AS 1:03 p.m.: Failure to report traffic collision in Kaiserslautern 4:47 p.m.: Assault in Weilerbach 4:57 p.m.: Larceny of private property in Kollweiler 7:30 p.m.: Major traffic collision in Kaiserslautern FEBRUARY 19 8:20 a.m.: Seized USAREUR license plates on Kapaun AS 8:25 p.m.: General order violation in Hochspeyer FEBRUARY 20 6:48 a.m.: Major traffic collision/driving under the influence in Mackenbach 11:21 p.m.: Driving under the influence of a controlled substance in Kaiserslautern FEBRUARY 21 1:55 a.m.: General order violation on Kapaun AS 2:43 p.m.: Major traffic collision near Mehlingen

Editor’s note: The purpose of the weekly blotter is to deliver a chronological listing of criminal activity in the KMC. The information contained in the blotter is not indicative of crime trends or the targeting of service members or their dependents. The location and nature of the entries is dependent upon where the crime was reported and not necessarily where the crime took place.


Photo by Golubovy / Shutterstock.com

ATTN: Retirees and high-risk patients Keeping DEERS updated is extremely important, especially when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine distribution. If your contact information is incorrect, the medical group will not be able to contact you to schedule a vaccine. Please log in to milConnect https:// www.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect and ensure your personal contact information is accurate for you and your family members. Air Force official photos The 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office has a new process for scheduling official photos. Visit Ramsteinstudio.setmore.com/ services to schedule your official photo. Head and shoulders appointments are available Monday – Thursday, with appointments for full-length photos on Fridays. POV Inspections The 86th VRS Vehicle Inspection Station implemented an appointment-based system. All safety service inspections, including inspections for new vehicle registrations, inspections for registration renewals, and re-inspections for previously failed vehicles will require an appointment. A standby line will be operating to accommodate any individuals who did not make appointments on a space available basis. However, it is recommended that appointments be made. COVID-19 updates for KMC Looking for updated information regarding coronavirus and changes to base facilities? Visit www.ramstein.af.mil/COVID-19/

Ramstein COVID-19 testing Ramstein’s testing center is located at the medical clinic’s parking lot. While the parking lot is closed to thru-traffic, it is open for those presenting for testing. You do not have to exit your vehicle and walk up to the tent: just drive through the tent! Post Office parcel update The U.S. Postal Service is experiencing unprecedented volume increases and limited employee availability due to the impacts of COVID-19. Capacity challenges with airlifts and trucking for moving this historic volume of mail are leading to temporary delays. The Post Office appreciates your patience if your package is delayed. Ramstein Pharmacy Tent Ramstein’s pharmacy is closing the lobby to patient access and dispensing medications through the exterior pharmacy lobby windows (walk-up pharmacy). This enables patients to maintain proper physical distancing. Medication refills can be processed through TRICARE Online or through the automated refill line (06371-865601), and will be ready for pick-up the next duty day after 1 p.m. Pharmacy hours of operation are Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 86 AW Retiree Activities Office Closed for appointments and walk-ins. All events scheduled are cancelled until further notice. Contact us via phone DSN 480-5486/ Comm 06371-47-5486 or email to 86aw.rao@ us.af.mil or ms.tammy.thompson@gmail.com.

Where do you take your oversized items for disposal? Reuse and recycling are key to tackling the bulk waste problem. There are three bulk recycling collection points for Military Family Housing residents to use to rid themselves of oversized items: »» Ramstein Recycle Center: Bldg# 2045, north of the Southside Fitness Center DSN: 480-4191 or COM: 0162-2903316 »» Kapaun/Vogelweh Recycle Center: Bldg# 2820, across from Vehicle Registration DSN: 480-4191 or COM: 01739192184 »» Landstuhl Recycle Center: Bldg# 93701, near Barracks Bldg 3707 DSN: 486-6881 or COM: 06317-86-6881 These centers accept the majority of household items. To make sure your bulk item will be accepted, however, please contact the centers at the numbers above prior to your arrival. Thank you for helping us keep our Military Family Housing areas looking great for all who live in the KMC! If you have questions, please contact the Housing Facilities Section at DSN 489-7108 or Commercial 0631-536-7108. Photo courtesy of the Housing Office

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Page 5

Airlifter of the Week: Airman fuels fight

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Josué Ayala Pérez, 496th Air Base Squadron fuels technician, left, assists a U.S. Marine with a fuel pump at Morón Air Base, Spain, in February. Pérez has only been with the 496th ABS for two months, but has already made his mark and become a vital member of the squadron. Courtesy photos

by Senior Airman Milton Hamilton 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Leadership from the 86th Airlift Wing recognized Senior Airman Josué Ayala Pérez, 496th Air Base Squadron fuels technician, as Airlifter of the Week, for his expertise and leadership, Feb. 11. Pérez, a Puerto Rico native, has only been with the 496th ABS, Morón Air Base, Spain, for two months, but has already made his mark and become a vital member of the squadron. Pérez wanted to be stationed in Spain. Morón AB was the first choice on his dream sheet.

“I’ve become one of the main translators at my base,” Pérez said. “I speak more Spanish than English, so I help out a lot when working with the local nationals to make sure our tasks are completed properly and our objectives are clearly understood.” Not only does Pérez help bridge whatever communication gaps may arise between the 496th ABS and local nationals, he also plays key roles on multiple fronts within the squadron. The 496th ABS is one of the 86th AW’s geographically separated units. It plays a vital role in supporting the rotation of Aerospace

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Josué Ayala Pérez, 496th Air Base Squadron fuels technician, holds a commander’s coin during an Airlifter of the Week ceremony at Morón Air Base, Spain, Feb. 11. The Airlifter of the Week program recognizes Ramstein Airmen who, through hard work and dedication, make the 86th Airlift Wing the World’s Best Wing.

Expeditionary Forces deployed in the U.S. European Command and U.S. Central Command area of responsibilities. Perez and his fellow Airmen’s expertise allow U.S. Air Force and U.S. Marine Corps air assets to use Morón AB as a staging area for their operations. Among the list of his accomplishments, Pérez has coordinated two days of fuel transfers totaling 12 hours of pipeline movement from an off-base Spanish supplier. He also identified four fuel trucks in need of repairs and ensured the safe and timely receipt of 617,000 gallons of fuel. “I’m grateful for this opportunity and the responsibilities the 496th ABS have entrusted me with,” Pérez said. Pérez has shown that he’s a highly capable Airman and has the tools to accomplish whatever tasks he’s given. Along with being an expert fuel technician, he helps in every function within his unit, from cryogenics servicing, laboratory testing and account management, while navigating operations with both the U.S. Marine Corps Expeditionary Units and host nation personnel. “I look forward to continuing

to be an asset to my squadron and the U.S. Air Force,” Pérez said.

“I’m excited to see what happens next in my military career.”

Kaiserslautern American

Page 6

February 26, 2021

Brake check: 786 CES certifies barrier

Tech. Sgt. Robert Miller, 435th Construction and Training Squadron command aircraft arrest system supervisor, inspects the nylon tape of the barrier arresting kit during an annual certification test at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 9. An F-16 Fighting Falcon assigned to the 52nd Fighter Wing, Spangdahlem AB, provided the fighter aircraft support for the annual certification.

Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Emmeline James 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs An annual recertification of the barrier arresting kit was conducted by the 786th Civil Engineer Squadron and 435th Construction and Training Squadron at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 9.

An F-16 Fighting Falcon assigned to the 52nd Fighter Wing, Spangdahlem AB, provided the fighter aircraft to support the annual certification of the aircraft arresting system. The two-part system is there for an aircraft experiencing an in-flight emergency issue which prevents the pilot from safely landing. Now simply

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The BAK-14 is the support system, while the BAK-12 is the braking unit, which is attached to nylon tapes connected to the cable in which tailhookequipped aircraft catches. As the aircraft transits the runway, it pulls the tape off the reel which slowly increases the system’s hydraulic pressure. This gradual increase in hydraulic pressure is what brings the aircraft to a safe and controlled stop. “The system is capable of catching 65 million foot-pounds at about 180 knots,” said Tech. Sgt. Robert Miller, 435th CTS command AAS supervisor. “It will pay out about 1,200 feet of tape when engaged.” One foot-pound translates to the amount of kinetic energy it takes to move a one pound object one foot. “It provides safety and security to any tailhook-equipped aircraft which may need to make an emergency landing,” said Tech. Sgt. Bryce Skawski, 786th CES power production craftsman. Ramstein serves as the gateway to the world and is identified as a stopping point, or divert base, for a variety of transient aircraft. The airfield is just one rated for fighter aircraft in

Airmen with the 786th Civil Engineer Squadron inspect the aircraft arrest system cable after the annual certification test at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 9. The test ensures the stability of the AAS hydraulics when catching an aircraft in an emergency landing.

the European theater. “It (BAK-12/14) enables any mission tied to a fighter aircraft by giving them an additional area to land if another runway is unavailable,” Miller said. Certification of the BAK

system not only reinforces Ramstein’s partnerships with other bases but it also provides opportunities for personnel to become more familiar with the equipment and reset procedures.

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Page 7

DTC helps redeployers transition home

Redeployers arrive at the passenger terminal and are greeted by members of the Deployment Transition Center at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 4. The DTC is a decompression program that provides reintegration skills and decompression opportunities for redeployers returning home.

Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Kirby Turbak 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs When service members are tasked to deploy there is a plethora of training to include computer, survival and combat training, in addition to all the administrative appointments. “We dial people up to go into combat zones,” said Maj. Michelle Rodriquez, Deployment Transition Center program director. “Then we act like it's a light switch that just turns off when we send them home.” The DTC is a decompression program, Rodriquez said. Their mission is to provide reintegration skills and decompression opportunities for service members returning home. Ramstein Air Base is home to the only center of this type within the U.S. Air Force. There are only two throughout the entire Department of Defense. Many of those stopping at the DTC before heading home are coming from combat zones or other high stress deployments. The DTC offers military personnel a few days to adjust back to a familiar lifestyle, relax and tap into coping skills for handling postdeployment stress. “It was definitely eye opening,” said Master Sgt. Andrew Estacion, former DTC redeployer now cadre. “I was coming back from Afghanistan and was told I was going to the DTC last minute. I was hesitant because I was really wanting to get home but the course was awesome.” Currently after landing, redeployers spend seven days with the DTC.

During that time, they talk about their recent experiences, learn stress management skills and have time to relax in a variety of ways. The DTC facility includes rooms for games, music, art and massage, as well as their own chapel. Though it’s not a medical program, the DTC has mental health technicians, a chaplain, and members from other Air Force occupations who assist redeployers with a healthy transition home. “We talk about transitioning out of the deployment mindset,” said Estacion. “When all you think is ‘eat, sleep, go to work and the gym’ for six to 12 months in a combat zone or high stress area your behavior can change. The DTC gives you the time and tools to unwind back to your normal lifestyle.” The DTC staff currently contains six permanent party members aided by 26 members deployed to Ramstein to assist. Staff members like Estacion, sit down with returning service members and talk to them about different stressors they faced while deployed, and help them to develop coping skills. Some of the changes the DTC hopes to assist redeployers with is their comprehensive fitness and the four areas that make it up: mental, social, physical and spiritual heath. While many of those who first arrive to the DTC are ready to get

home, a vast majority have found it worth every minute. “On day one, they come in tired, they're hungry, they want go home,” said Rodriquez. “So far, 93% of the individuals who have come through here have said they are happy they did.” The DTC isn’t only helping those who are heading home, but also future deployers as well. The DTC gathers information about different stressors deployed members face and forwards that information to key decision makers. “We talk about things such as what gear, lodging and training they received, put that into an after action report and forward it to the functionals for those career fields,” said Rodriquez. “We have received a lot of feedback from their career field managers that they are utilizing that information to improve issues that have been identified.” For many redeployers the DTC reminds them they’re not alone. “I’m glad I’m back here as an instructor,” said Estacion. “The key thing in the DTC is you're here to relax, to get out of that deployed environment and just try to find yourself again, be yourself and enjoy the extra time with your peers that you deployed with and make friends here at the DTC.” Members can find out more about the DTC through the AF Connect app.

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Members of the Deployment Transition Center carry the bags of redeployers at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 9. The DTC teaches redeployers about comprehensive fitness which consists of mental, social, physical and spiritual health.

A member at the Deployment Transition Center plays the piano in the DTC music room on Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 6. The DTC has several rooms with activities to help redeployers decompress like music, art, games, a chapel and massage services.

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Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021 Graphic by Regina Burbidge

Page 8

Update on COVID vaccine, local case trends

by Col (Dr.) Ryan Mihata 86th Medical Group Commander It has been a couple of weeks since my last article, and I hope you have been well. Lots of encouraging news from my perspective as schools are back in-person this week. It is important to note that throughout the pandemic here, we have not had any cases of COVID transmission between students and teachers or between students in the school setting. Furthermore, it is important to note that the majority of our Department of Defense Education Activity school staff have been vaccinated in Phase 1B. I am confident in DODEA’s mitigation plan should we have any cases arise in the school system. Child and Youth Services staff have also been offered the vaccine. Having both of these populations vaccinated will contribute to prevention as we get back to some form of normalcy. We have made a lot of progress with regards to the vaccine.

Ramstein has administered more doses than any other base in USAFE. This week, we will continue in Phase 1B with some of our highest risk patients while also immunizing some key/ essential personnel. Of note, the vaccine line is moving from the Southside Fitness Center Annex across the street to the north where it will be located in the En-route Patient Staging Facility C-Bay (just west of the recycling center). We greatly appreciate the fitness center staff’s willingness to loan us the annex for the past two months. In terms of number of cases, both Germany as well as local cases are on the decline. On base, we have not seen numbers this low since last summer. Kaiserslautern is down to 22-24 cases per 100,000 people (county and city). The German goal is to stay under 35 cases per 100,000 people so the local community can start to reopen. Now is definitely not the time to let up, though. Please continue to maintain good precaution

measures. It seems that our highest risk has to do with travel. The majority of our recent cases have been related to travel to or from risk areas, including the United States. As a reminder, we are still in DOD’s Stop Movement, so unofficial travel should be limited to the greatest extent possible. If you are traveling on

orders to the United States, we conduct antigen testing from 7:30 to 10 a.m. each weekday at the Enlisted Club. For travel to other countries, PCR testing may be required. We do not do any testing for unofficial travel. I again want to thank the volunteers we have had working with us for the past several

weeks. As we move forward, I have asked that all of our volunteers go through the American Red Cross for documentation reasons. We will be using volunteers at multiple locations (not just the shot line) within the 86th Medical Group and plan to open up these opportunities in the near future. Stay healthy!

Photo by PopTika/Shutterstock.com

+ event calendar + movie schedule + travel articles & videos


Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Page 9

LRMC tele-mentoring program extends care beyond borders Story and photo by Marcy Sanchez Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Deploying innovative technology to provide medical education is nothing new for the U.S. Military. Office of The Surgeon General — Army Pain Management Task Force has partnered with Project ECHO, an educational program developed at the University of New Mexico, to expand access to pain specialty care. The military has been deploying this hub and spoke model for over eight years. Originally adopted by the U.S. Army, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center provides this program to others including the Air Force and Navy. “I’m proud to be part of a team that helps our military community address health care initiative through the ECHO model… to de-monopolize education that will ultimately impact the treatment of patients,” said Lester Gresham, Health System Specialist that manages the ECHO Program at LRMC. The LRMC ECHO tele-mentoring model uses a knowledge network of 20 military facilities to share best practices and science-based interventions through videoconferencing and virtual learning sessions. Weekly sessions comprised of physicians, advanced practice clinicians and health care teams from Regional Health Command Europe’s (HUB) footprint to the outlining communities (SPOKE). By supporting providers with limited access to educational programs in chronic pain management, the program aims to build supportive relationships to overcome barriers. One of LRMC’s pain specialist, Dr. Octav Constantinescu, has been moderating the program since its adoption and believes, “ECHO allows us the space to think deeply, in a multidisciplinary team, about how to best address tough chronic pain problems. It combines continuing medical education with rigorous case discussion and vital experience sharing among providers at various MTFs, enabling us to coordinate care, disseminate best practices and improve quality of care and Soldier readiness.” LRMC’s Interdisciplinary Pain Management Center is one of seven IPMC’s that serve as a regional hub and also as the tertiary level of pain care on the Army’s Stepped Care Model of Pain. Effective pain management is critical for service member readiness and acute and chronic pain are the primary reasons that service members present for medical care and become medically non-available.

A tele-mentoring session discussing “Use of Naloxone as a Harm Reduction Tool,” which is comprised of physicians, advanced practice clinicians and health care teams from across Europe and the Middle East, is shown during one of Landstuhl Regional Medical Center-hosted sessions, Jan. 7. Weekly hour to hour and a half sessions allow health care professionals to share best practices and provide input on anonymous medical cases across most of the Eastern hemisphere, reducing noncombat medevacs of service members serving overseas to LRMC, saving millions of dollars in logistics, increasing unit readiness by taking care of Soldiers where they are at and limiting time away from duty.

The stepped care model of pain starts with education and counseling by the patient’s primary care provider which is why quality pain education is important to get best practices shared with the entire medical community. “Traditional methods of pain control such as opioids and other medications for chronic pain have not been shown to improve long term function and Soldier readiness,” stated U.S. Army Lt. Col. Brian McLean, chief of the LRMC IPMC and ECHO director. “Quality pain management focusing on selfcare, functional rehabilitation and the stepped care model will help return service members to duty and avoid complications of polypharmacy.”

Another major task for ECHO is to educate the community on opioids while minimizing the impact to the military force, with the goal of decreasing possibility of addiction in a patient population which is prone to such prescriptions due to the nature of their duties. While chronic use of opioids (defined as those receiving at least 90 days of opioids in a 180-day period) peaked in 2007 in the U.S. Army, from 2012 to 2016, the rate of chronic opioid use decreased by 45 percent thanks to efforts like tele-mentoring and other applications in the Army’s pain management program. “When the opioid epidemic was emerging, we focused many topics to educate our community on; opioids, buprenorphine training, U.S. & GERMAN ATTORNEYS U.S. & GERMAN DIVORCES • SUPPORT ISSUES • EEO WILLS & PROBATE • EMPLOYMENT • PERSONAL INJURY MSPB • CONTRACTOR ISSUES • TAX ADVISORS


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behavioral management, and holistic treatment options,” said Gresham. As the only forward-stationed United States medical center, LRMC serves as the evacuation and treatment center for all injured U.S. service members and civilians, as well as members of 56 coalition forces serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, as well as Africa Command, Central Command and European Command. LRMC’s use of the platform has helped reduce noncombat medevacs of service members serving overseas to LRMC, saving millions of dollars in logistics, increasing unit readiness by taking care of Soldiers where they are at

and limiting time away from duty. At LRMC, the IPMC has increased the coordination of interdisciplinary patient-centered treatment to improve outcomes, as evidenced during a recent patient encounter where the patient was referred to LRMC’s Neurosurgery Clinic for a noncombat injury but eventually deferred to the IPMC where pain management was able to return the Soldier to duty rather than re-deploy back to CONUS. “Having patients referred to the Pain Clinic first is absolutely the right thing to do,” said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Dirks, chief of Neurosurgery at LRMC. Because certain specialty care like neurosurgery at LRMC is limited to emergent care, patients are at times sent back to where they’re stationed if their situation is nonemergent. These circumstances can be curtailed via tele-mentoring and exploiting more providers across the area of operations to availability and operations at LRMC. Additionally, the platform may afford providers to manage patient treatments at the point of injury. “This new strategy for (noncombat) medevacs is going to enable us to do a better job of generating medical readiness for our supported combatant commanders,” said Dirks. “For the patients, not only are we keeping them in the fight, but it's also like having 12 doctors working on you instead of just one, a force multiplier model that ECHO brings to the table,” said Gresham. “The whole purpose is to discuss amongst everyone. The people that are (part of tele-mentoring sessions), the physicians that are specialists, help facilitate the discussion, and help the extension of care for better health outcomes.”

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Kaiserslautern American

Page 10

February 26, 2021

USAMMC-E helps distribute COVID-19 vaccine to Soldiers throughout Europe, Africa by C.J. Lovelace U.S. Army Medical Logistics Command As the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine continues globally, the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Europe is playing a crucial role in getting vaccines to troops and beneficiaries throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. USAMMC-E, a direct reporting unit to Army Medical Logistics Command, is the theater lead agent for medical materiel, also known as the TLAMM, for a large region of the world, covering U.S. European, African and Central commands. In early January, Army teams procured specialized shipping containers and oversaw the safe transport of COVID-19 doses across the complex geographical region. USAMMC-E’s leadership role in the wider distribution operation has ensured all three combatant commands it supports receives needed doses in order to maintain their readiness in the face of the global pandemic. “This mission is unlike anything we have ever seen here at USAMMC-E,” said Brian Swiss,


USAMMC-E’s chief of staff. “We have had to learn as we go and adjust fire often to ensure the vaccine arrives quickly and safely.” Maj. Race Dulin, chief of USAMMC-E’s Pharmacy and Lab Division, said the new specialized transportation containers contain two different layers of insulation, along with another internal compartment with a top of the line “phase change” refrigerant. The containers are certified to hold temperatures of minus-25 to minus-15 degrees Celsius for about 11 days, a vast improvement over previous cold-chain containers and an important step to preserve the vaccine that requires ultra-cold storage temperatures prior to administration. “To put in perspective, each shipping container weighs 75 lbs. when empty,” Dulin said. “This was a game changer for USAMMCE’s ability to support the mission.” To date, first and second doses have been distributed to Turkey, four locations across U.S. Central Command and Portugal. Dulin said the Defense Logistics Agency has overseen distribution to as many medical treatment facilities as possible

Maj. Race Dulin inspects incoming vaccine shipments at the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Europe, which has been providing logistical support for the distribution of vaccine in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Holger Koelsch

across Europe, while USAMMC-E has been tasked with handling logistics to ensure doses go out to more difficult to reach locations. “The customs portion can be especially time consuming as


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emergency-use authorization vaccines may not be clearly defined in a host nation’s Status of Forces Agreement,” he added. “This requires USAMMC-E to work closely with commercial carriers,

the destination country’s customs office and [combatant command] representatives” to minimize the risk of transit issues that may jeopardize the doses. Qatar and Kuwait, for example, both require approval from their ministries of health before allowing each individual shipment into those countries, Dulin said. Led by Commander Col. Shane Roach, USAMMC-E worked closely with U.S. Central Command to help prepare doses for their onward distribution from the U.S. Army Medical Materiel CenterSouthwest Asia and forward logistical elements to reach individual units. Teams are reviewing coldchain packing materials, as well as procuring and shipping additional supplies. They also made a training video to show how to properly pack both the previous frozen transportation containers and the new ones, Dulin said. “Col. Roach and the rest of the command team couldn’t be more proud of the team’s efforts,” Swiss said. “Many long sleepless nights have and will continue to occur, but knowing our Soldiers on the front lines are safe from the virus makes it all worth it.”


Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Page 11

Passion for healing forges leaders of military medicine

Lee Phillips, a physical therapist at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center’s Physical Therapy Clinic, assesses a patient during an initial session at LRMC, Jan. 25. Phillips was recently selected to the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute Intermediate Executive Skills Course (JMESI-IES). The course provides education and training on leadership and management skills necessary to successfully serve in an intermediate-level leadership position within a DHA Medical Treatment Facility (MTF).

Story and photos by Marcy Sanchez Landstuhl Regional Medical Center As a college student, Lee Phillips didn’t know what life had in store for him. In his words, he was, “kind of going through college and working a little bit, trying to pay my way through and didn't really know what I wanted to do.” After witnessing his father walk again following a traumatic injury, Phillips was led toward a career as a physical therapist, so he could help others like physical therapists helped his father. “When I saw (my father’s healing) I told myself ‘this is something that I'm really interested in. I think I would like to help people like that therapist helped my father,’ and it’s something I've been doing ever since,” said Phillips, now a physical therapist at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Landstuhl. Phillips’ passion for healing drove him toward work with the Department of Defense, first as a contracted physical therapist at Fort Leonard Wood’s General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital, and later as a Defense Health Agency civilian employee in Germany.

After 20 years working in physical therapy, Phillips is equipped for increased responsibility and was recently selected for the Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute Intermediate Executive Skills Course. The course provides education and training on leadership and management skills necessary to successfully serve in an intermediate-level leadership position within a DHA Medical Treatment Facility. “(Phillips) has great initiative,” said Maj. Candi Roberts, chief of LRMC’s Physical Therapy Clinic. “He has a strong drive to make sure to always do the right thing all the time for his patients and for the team that he works for.” For Phillips, a native of Greenbrier, Arkansas, the course would open opportunities for advancement and provide an indepth understanding of the DHA mission and strategic plan, as well as help develop skills required to serve in an intermediate-level leadership position. “When he expressed interest in the course, I was really enthusiastic to see him trying to progress himself so that one day he will take over as a chief or an assistant chief at an MTF,”

said Roberts. “I know he's going to do great things in the future.” With only two years at LRMC, Phillips has already taken on increased roles, heading multiple efforts to standardize policies within his department, a position especially important during a recent on-site survey aimed to assess standards compliance.

“With (Phillips) leading the team and making sure we have everything in place, I know that we're in good hands,” said Roberts. While the new skills may advance Phillips’ career, he hopes to continue treating service members in helping them heal for years to come. “It's awesome to be able to

treat our service members,” explains Phillips. “What (we) do here, when a Soldier who is less than 100% comes in, and we try to get him back to 100%, we are helping the military with their readiness. I may not be able to go out and help someone on the front lines but I may be able to help someone stay in the fight or get back into it.” Advertisement

Page 12

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Close to home: Airborne troops jump onto Ramstein airfield

Photos by Airman 1st Class Taylor Slater 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Paratroopers jump from a C-130J Super Hercules at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 18. U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 37th AS, 86th Operations Support Squadron, 435th Contingency Response Group and U.S. Army Soldiers from the 5th Quartermaster Company worked together to make the personnel airdrop possible.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Lance Munsee, 435th Security Forces Squadron assistant jumpmaster, gives a thumbs-up that airborne troops are good to jump at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 18. The 37th Airlift Squadron provided airlift for the jumpers in support of their training. Photo by Staff Sgt. Kirby Turbak

U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 435th Contingency Response Squadron and 435th Security Forces Squadron set up a drop zone marker at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 18. Drop zone markers give paratroopers an indication of where it is safe to land.

February 26, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

Page 13

Paratroopers wait to jump from a C-130J Super Hercules at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 18. U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 37th AS, 86th Operations Support Squadron, 435th Contingency Response Group and U.S. Army Soldiers from the 5th Quartermaster Company worked together to make the personnel airdrop possible. Photo by Staff Sgt. Kirby Turbak

U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Colt Crowe, 435th Security Forces Squadron noncommissioned officer of plans and operations, uses his watch to measure wind speeds at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 19. Drop zone support personnel measure wind speeds and communicate with pilots on whether it is safe to perform cargo or personnel drops.

U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Dwight Stalter, 435th Security Forces Squadron unit trainer, packs up his parachute at Ramstein Air Base, Feb. 18. A successful personnel drop means paratroopers are able to stay current in their training, enabling them to deploy anywhere in the world.

Kaiserslautern American

Page 14

February 26, 2021

Wildlife Accident Reporting

Photo by SciePro/Shutterstock.com

by 86th Civil Engineer Squadron

Kaiserslautern Military CoMMunity Chapel sChedule

ARMY POC for Miesau, Landstuhl, and Deanner is the USAG R-P Chaplain’s Office in Bldg 3213 on Kleber Kaserne, DSN 541-2105, CIV 0611143-541-2105.

Jewish services

AIR FORCE POC for Ramstein North, Ramstein South, Vogelweh, and Kapaun is the USAF Chaplain Corps, Bldg 1201 on Ramstein, DSN 480-6148, CIV 06371-47-6148.

Messianic Jewish services

Buddhist (sGi)

Kapaun Chapel (Bldg 2781) Divine Liturgy: 9:00 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment

Catholic services

Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg 3150) Sunday Mass: 12:30 p.m. (all year round) Confession: 11:45 p.m. Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg 3773) Tue, Wed, Fri: 12 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. Confession: 8 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (Bldg 1201) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday Sunday Masses: 9 a.m., 1 p.m. & 5 p.m. Confession: RNC or by appt. 4 p.m.- 4:45 p.m. Sundays

episcopal (anglican) (st. albans) Kapaun Chapel (Bldg 2781) Service: 10:30 a.m. Sundays

islamic services

Ramstein South Chapel Mosque Area (Bldg 2403) Jummah Prayers: 1:15 p.m. Fridays Daily Prayers: 1:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

For additional questions please contact the RAB environmental office, 86 CES/CEIE at 86ces.cea@ us.af.mil

Phone numbers: • Off-base Police: 112 • On-base Police/Security Forces: 06371-47-2050

Ramstein South Chapel (Bldg 2403) Service: 10:00 a.m. Saturdays

orthodox Christian services

protestant services

Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg 3773) Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg 3150) Chapel Next Worship: Sunday 10:00 a.m. Children’s Church: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (Bldg 1201) Contemporary Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 10 a.m. Saturdays Divine Worship: 11:00 a.m. Saturdays Ramstein South Chapel (Bldg 2403) Traditional with Communion: 9:30 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (Bldg 2063) Gospel Service: 11:00 a.m. Sundays. For more info: facebook.com\vogelwehgospelservice or email rvgsfacebook@gmail.com


Kapaun Annex (Bldg 2782) Service: 7:00 p.m. Saturdays

Wisconsin evangelical lutheran synod (Wels) Ramstein South Chapel (Bldg 2403) Service: 4:00 p.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays


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Ramstein North Chapel Conference Room (Bldg 1201) Service: 10:30 a.m., 4th Saturday Service: 12:00 p.m., 3rd Thursday at LRMC Chapel For more info: ktownsgibuddhism@gmail.com

Ramstein South Chapel Jewish Shul Area (Bldg 2403) Shabbat Evening Service: 6:00 p.m. Fridays

It is not uncommon for vehicles to hit wildlife around the Kaiserslautern Military Community. The occurrence is especially high in forested areas and at dusk. You can minimize chances of collision with a wild animal by driving slowly and cautiously.

If you do hit an animal, however, you must call the police at 112. They can respond and notify the appropriate certified forestry officer. The more precise the location information that you give the police, the easier it will be for them to find the animal. Police will record the accident, which will help you claim any damage to your vehicle.

Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm Mühlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

Warning sign of possible wildife accident on a country road. The sign in German language says “wildlife accident.” Photo by Andreas Krumwiede/Shutterstock.com

Feb. 26-Mar. 5


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den, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, pets must be approved, available 16 Dec 2020, €1250 +utl, call +4915110995058, ri chard.j.taylor1@hotmail.com

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Gries freest house 15km to RAB 4 BR 2 bath 2 BIK garage yard pet €1350 +utl 0049-1631580213

Mackenbach, big nice family-villa, 290sqm, 5 bed, 3 bath, laundry, livingdining, built-in-kitchen, floor-heat, garage, fenced yard, avail 30.January 2021, monthly rent 2680€ + util. Call Ado on +49 1726801258 or email: rmimmobili en@t-online.de


1.0bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 135sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/dinrm, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 26 Nov 2019, €2200 +utl, call 00 49 171 313 6996, info@judithkern.com Kostheim, 4bd, 1.5bth, Townhouse, 150sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/dinrm, garden, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, pets allowed, available 28 Feb 2021, Housing Approved, €2400 +utl, call +49 (0) 6124 - 609 1466, sulli van@sommerimmo.de

Wiesbaden, 3bd, 3bth, House, 200sqm, BIK, liv, garden, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, cats allowed, available 1 Mar 2021, Housing Approved, €2900 +utl, call +49 (0) 6124 - 609 1466, sulli van@sommerimmo.de

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AIR OUT YOUR HOUSE By FindItGuide.com How many times has someone suggested that you “go out and get some fresh air” when you weren’t feeling great? Well there definitely is some good health advice behind that suggestion. But did you know it can also keep your house healthy...and it is required by German law? Germany’s geolocation on the European continent provides the country with an ample amount of moist humid air all year round. The climate here is even affected by the Gulf Stream as it separates with one part going

to the northeast of the U.S. and the other half going to Europe. All that extra humidity through the year means it is tougher to get things to dry out. It also means certain types of mold, especifically black mold, tend to grow very easily. It is this type of mold that can be very dangerous to your house and your health. Black mold can cause, chronic coughing and sneezing, headaches, eye irritation, nose and throat rashes and damage your metabolism. If you rent in Germany, you are obligated to air out your house or apartment every day. In some cases, your landlord

Photo by Regfer / Shutterstock.com


2BR 1.5BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatngo.com/3-bed-apartmentdowntown-ramstein, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@expatn 1bd, 1bth, TLA Apartment (only shortgo.com term, not permanent), 55sqm, BIK, garden, pets allowed, available 10 Feb 2020, €1 +utl, call +49 176 2468 7550, info@expatngo.com

2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 125sqm, BIK, liv/dinrm, garden, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 16 Jul 2020, call 00 49 171 313 6996, info@ju dithkern.com

3 BR APT Ramstein 5 min from RAB, 3 bd, 2 bth, Friedenstrasse 30 RamsteinMiesenbach Germany, please call for a price quote: +49 17624687550, info@ex patngo.com

2BR 1.5BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatngo.com/2-bed-downtownapart-garden-views, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@expatn go.com

Kaiserslautern, 1.0bd, 2.0bth, Apartment, 70sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/ dinrm, balcony/terrace, finished basement, pets allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, mi chael.uhrig@ihrsteuerberater.com

can take legal action against you if there is permanent damage to your rental. Regularly opening your windows and airing out your apartment will regulate the humidity inside and should be done two to four times daily, plus after showering, cooking, or mopping the floors. Unfortunately this rule is not just

Photo by ronstik / Shutterstock.com

3BR 2BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatngo.com/3-bed-tla-ground floor-and-terrace-2, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@expatn go.com

5BR 2.5BA TLA House with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatngo.com/5-bed-tlahouse-in-ramstein, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@expatn go.com

Kaiserslautern, 2.0bd, 1.0bth, Apartment, 100sqm, BIK, liv/dinrm, balcony/ terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, carport, pets allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, michael.uhrig@ihrsteuer berater.com

for the summer time. In fact, it is extremely important to air out your abode in the wintertime even if it is cold outside. You may have noticed households with blankets and pillows hanging out the window as well. That is someone practicing “good house hygiene.” Your sheets can also be a source

Comfortable 2 bed apartment in Ramstein with AC, 2 bd, 1 bth, 86 sq meters, Landstuhler Str. 61 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED, €?, please contact us for a price quote at info@expatn go.com or +4917624687550. Check out more 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed units on www.expatngo.com

Entirely renovated 2 bed apartment in Ramstein, 2 bd, 1 bth, 75 sq meters, Weilerbacher Str. 1, 67686 Mackenbach, Germany, call / email us for a price quote: +49 17624687550, info@ex patngo.com. Check out more 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed apartments on www.expatn go.com

Kaiserslautern, 2.0bd, 1.0bth, Apartment, 75sqm, BIK, liv/dinrm, garden, balcony/terrace, finished basement, pets allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, michael.uh rig@ihrsteuerberater.com

of mold and mildew if not aired out on a regular basis. Practicing this type of daily routine can save you money on expensive clean-up services later on when your mold concern becomes a mold problem. Another reason mold can build up is forced air systems are not used in Germany like they are in the states. Keep an eye out for the beginnings of mold problems in your dwelling. You may spot small occurrences of mold called “schimmel” behind couches resting against the wall. These areas should be dealt with immediately with a store-bought cleaner (easily found in your local grocery or hardware store) made specifically for this issue. Because air is such a vital part of keeping your house mold free, furniture is required to be placed away from the walls to avoid mold from forming. During winter months, rooms that are

Exclusive 1 bed roof apartment in downtown Ramstein (5 min from RAB), 1 bd, 1 bth, 75 sq meters, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED, €?, call / email us for a price quote: +49 17624687550 / in fo@expatngo.com. Check out more 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed units on www.expatn go.com

Fully modernized 1BR 1BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatngo.com/1bed-tla-attic-apartment, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@ex patngo.com

Kaiserslautern, 2.0bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 95sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/ dinrm, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, cats allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, michael.uhrig@ihrsteuer berater.com

north facing are usually colder and should be heated. Bathroom doors should be kept closed to the rest of the house while a window is open to allow all the moisture to escape from the house. It is important to clarify that when you are airing out your house or apartment, you don’t just crack the windows open with the wonderful German window feature that is built in. You need to embrace the outdoors! Open those babies fully and get fresh! You will be doing yourself a favor.


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Photo by javarman / Shutterstock.com


Kaiserslautern, 3.0bd, 1.5bth, Apart- More information: Judith Mobil: 00 49 ment, 110sqm, BIK, dinrm, balcony/ter- 171 313 6996 Mail: info@judith race, private garage, carport, pets allo- kern.com wed, available 31 Aug 2020, €1 +utl, call 01729664307, michael.uhrig@ihr Kaiserslautern, 2.0bd, 2.0bth, Apartsteuerberater.com ment, 70sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/ dinrm, balcony/terrace, finished basement, pets allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, mi chael.uhrig@ihrsteuerberater.com

Kindsbach, 1bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 100sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 11 Dec 2019, Kaiserslautern, 2.0bd, 2.0bth, Apart- call +49 176 2468 7550, info@expatn ment, 65sqm, BIK, guest WC, dinrm, go.com carport, pets allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, mi chael.uhrig@ihrsteuerberater.com

Kaiserslautern, 3.0bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 110sqm, pets allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, michael.uhrig@ihrsteuer berater.com

Mackenbach, 5bd, 3bth, House, 235sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv, garden, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 3 Dec 2020, Housing Approved, €1 +utl, call +49 176 313 73 451, nicolewandowsky@web.de

TLA / TLF Charming & Cozy Barn House in Ramstein, fully furnished, 3bd, 2bth, built-in kitchen & all supplies, liv/ dinrm, washer & dryer in basement, pets allowed, avail 1 Feb 21, per diem rate, no extra fees! Contact Lilly +49 173 3647569, info@german-aid.com

TDY / TLA / TLF / TQSA (NOT FOR PERMANENT HOUSING) 4 BR villa Mackenbach 5min from RAB pet friendly fully-furnished garden & BBQ, 2 bd (+ 2 guest bd), 2.5 bth, 195 sq meters, Kantstrasse 10 67686 Mackenbach TLA 3 BR Apt 5 min from Ramstein AB Germany, +49 17624687550, info@ex ground floor pet friendly, 3 bd, 2 bth, patngo.com 190 sq meters, Landstuhler Str. 41 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, +49 17624687550, info@expatn go.com

TLA / TDY / TLF Loft apartment in Kaiserslautern city, 1 bd, 1 bth, 100 sq meters, high qualitiy furnishing, walking distance to city, €125, Call: 0173 497 51 71, Email: info@ken-immobili TLA 3BR, 2bth, 120sqm Apartment, en.de, Website: ken-immobilien.de BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 11 Dec 2019, call +49 176 2468 7550, info@expatngo.com

TLA / TDY in Mackenbach, 1 Bd, 1 Bth, 60 m², Beethovenweg 18 67686 Mackenbach Deutschland, +4915732414957, georg.winter@hot mail.de

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TLA/TDY/TLF apartment in Ramstein city, 3 bd, 1 bth, 120 sq meters, 21 Landstuhler Str. 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, €160, Call: 0173 497 51 71, Email: info@ken-immobili en.de, Website: ken-immobilien.de

TLF/TLA/TDY/PCS: loft-style apt, 85sqm, BIK, livrm, 1bed, 1bathrm w/ shower, washer & dryer, garden, highspeed internet, avail now, per diem rate, no extra fees. Contact Lilly: 0173 3647569 or info@german-aid.com

Welcome to our new familiyfriendly TLA/TDY 3 bdr home in Weilerbach/ Ramstein, 3 bd, 2 bth, 120 sq meters, Isigny-Allee 67685 Weilerbach Germany, lodging rate, klincks.tlahome@ gmail.com or 0049-1795104626 www.TLA-homes.com

Welcome to our new fully furnished TLA Homes in Weilerbach / Ramstein, 5 min from East Gate Ramstein, 4 bdr, 2 bth, 140 sq meters, Isigny-Allee in 67685 Weilerbach, Germany, lodging rate, klincks.tlahome@gmail.com or 0049-179 7891495 www.tla-ho mes.com

Welcome to our new TLA / TDY Home in Weilerbach / Ramstein, 2, 3 and 4 bdr, 2 bth, Isigny-Allee 67685 Weilerbach Germany, lodging rate, klincks.tla home@gmail.com or 00491797891495 www.TLA-homes.com

Welcome to our new TLA / TDY Home in Weilerbach / Ramstein, 2 bdr, 2 bth, 100 sq meters, Isigny-Allee 67685 Weilerbach Germany, lodging rate, klincks.tlahome@gmail.com or 00491795104626 www.TLA-homes.com

Welcome to our TLA/TDY 3 bdr home in Weilerbach/ Ramstein, 3 bdr, 1.5 bth, 120 sq meters, Isigny-Allee 67685 Weilerbach Germany, lodging rate, klincks.tlahome@gmail.com or 00491795104626 www.TLA-homes.com

All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. The publisher will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Page 15

Gen. Harrigian: Building muscle memory combining forces for NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defense political to the military level. This was enabled through a scenario that explored the transition from Commanders from Allied Air peacetime to crisis, highlighting Command alongside colleagues the speed and accuracy of from NATO Maritime Command coordination across a multiand Naval Striking and Support domain environment. Specifically, Forces NATO participated in a Air-Maritime integration is a scenario-based tabletop exercise, crucial component of first line February 16-17. The focus for of defense. the exercise “The team We build our was the curhave again rent Integrated delivered an muscle memory Air and Missile outstanding Defense mis- when combining effort, the work sion and how to NATO forces and during this adapt new systabletop exerrehearsing in tems in defense cise will reap of the Alliance. these challenging benefits dur“We build ing later exerour mus- joint exercises. cises like At Sea cle memory when combining Demo and Formidable Shield,” NATO forces and rehearsing in said Brig. Gen. Andrew Hansen, these challenging joint exercis- Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, es,” said Gen. Jeffery Harrigian, Allied Air Command. “Exercises Commander, Allied Air Command. like these test our plans and pro“When we practice together, we cedures ensuring we are ready prepare our joint team to be ready to deliver a truly coordinated to integrate across all domains,” and collective defense for the he added. Alliance,” he added. During the two-day exercise, The IAMD exercise is part of a commanders focused on critical series of events throughout 2021 decision-making from the that aims to test the readiness of by Allied Air Command Public Affairs Office

Gen. Jeff Harrigian, Commander Allied Air Command (head of table) chaired the tabletop exercise. He was joined by his leadership team from Allied Air Command and senior colleagues from multi-domain Allied commands for comprehensive discussions and practical decision-making in preparation of upcoming Integrated Air and Missile Defense exercises. Photo by Sébastien Raffin.

NATO and national forces, alongside Allied Air Command’s ability to deliver this vital mission. The ability for commanders to exercise defense plans in realistic scenarios assures NATO’s capability to deliver a credible IAMD which

is essential to the Alliance’s collective defense. Ballistic Missile Defense is a standing 24/7 mission that Allied Air Command coordinates. It is an integral part of the larger IAMD mission to protect Allied

populations, territory and forces in response to increasing threats posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles. NATO IAMD is purely defensive and designed to defeat threats from outside the Euro-Atlantic area.

Kaiserslautern American

Page 16

February 26, 2021

USAG RP fire department sizzles with five awards

Raphael Dufour, USAG Rheinland-Pfalz fire dispatcher, was awarded the IMCOM-Europe Fire Service Dispatcher of the Year Award for 2020.

by Keith Pannell USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Public Affairs For a second consecutive year, the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Fire Department brought home more awards than any of its peers in Installation Management Command-Europe. The department earned five honors, including Fire Department of the Year, Large Category. The department also came away with awards for Fire Prevention Program of the Year, Civilian Fire Officer of the Year, Daniel Scherer; Fire Service Dispatcher of the Year, Raphael Dufour; and Emergency Services Provider of the Year, Thomas Heinrich.

“Our depth of talent is deep. It's unfortunate we cannot nominate more of our teammates,” said Marshall Fielder, USAG RP Fire Chief. “Their passion for service to the Army and ability to adapt to challenges is very impressive. These awards are ‘wins’ for all of us.” Heinrich has added to his personal wins, as well as to those of the garrison. “I’m amazed I won this award a second year,” Heinrich said. “A lot of other people do the same jobs I do, so I’m very happy I won again. But, I’m just doing my job.” With the pandemic, both Heinrich and Fiedler said the past year has been like no other with first responders having to protect

themselves before reaching the patient. “It’s very different,” Heinrich said. “You have to put on your own protective equipment, even for the simplest calls. You have your N95 masks, a protective suit and other protections, but the patients are very different as well. Normally, you would ask if they’re having trouble breathing or have shortness of breath. Now, the first thing you ask is if they are sick and have they possibly been in contact with someone who has COVID.” The Emergency Services Provider of the Year said one of the other major changes to EMS duties is behind the scenes. He’s had to order all of the personal COVID protective equipment for

The USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Fire Prevention Office was awarded the 2020 Fire Prevention Program of the Year by IMCOM-E.

U.S. Army Garrison Rhineland-Pfalz’s Chief Daniel Scherer, Miesau, Germany Fire Battalion Chief, was named the Civilian Fire Officer of the Year for 2020 by IMCOM-E.

first responders. There’s “a lot of overtime,” and he is trying to find medical clothes when there are none to be found. He said one of the greatest challenges the fire department had was trying to find COVID-safe equipment for performing CPR as they found themselves competing with hospitals. “This last year saw the biggest changes in my 20 years as an emergency services provider,” Heinrich said. According to Fiedler, being named the Fire Prevention Program of the Year falls in line with the work of the overall garrison Fire Protection and Prevention Service, which is one spoke of the garrison Risk Reduction Program. He said

the fire loss rate for the garrison is one of the lowest in the DOD. The fire chief chalks that success up to a coordinated effort inside a massive garrison footprint from every garrison directorate, especially Public Works and the S6 (Signals, Communication and IT) for keeping garrison fire alarms working, along with the Logistics Readiness Center for keeping the garrison’s fire trucks rolling. “These awards reflect the pride and professionalism of the men and women in the USAG RP fire service,” Fiedler said. “We’re all motivated to sustain the readiness and resilience of our warfighters and to ensure the safety and security of the people who depend on us.”

Courtesy photos

February 26, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

Page 17

Kaiserslautern American

Page 18

February 26, 2021

Properly fitted surgical masks ensure patient, provider safety by Kirk Frady Regional Health Command Europe An Army enlisted dental specialist assigned to the Vilseck Army Dental Clinic is doing her part to ensure the safety of her clinic’s staff and patients. Army Sgt. Diatou Gueye, a 68E dental specialist assigned to the Vilseck Army Dental Clinic, recently completed a fast-paced training and certification process in the proper fitting and wear of N95 masks. Her efforts will ensure all personnel assigned to the clinic are wearing protective masks correctly. “Sgt. Gueye’s training was essential to our continued daily mission requirements to serve patients and maintain safety standards,” said Maj. (Dr.) Katherine Darling Lund, officer in charge of the Vilseck Army Dental Clinic. According to Army dental leaders, patient safety and health is their number one priority. “Personal protective equipment is critical to the Vilseck Dental Clinic mission and in maintaining the highest level of safety for all clinic staff and our beneficiaries,” Darling Lund said. “A breakdown in proper PPE halts our clinic operations. Sgt. Gueye’s training was essential to our continued daily mission requirements to serve patients and maintain safety.” Gueye was the only Soldier from the Vilseck Dental Clinic to undergo

Army Sgt. Diatou Gueye (right), a 68E dental specialist assigned to the Vilseck Army Dental Clinic, recently completed a fast-paced training and certification process in the proper fitting and wear of N95 masks. Her efforts will ensure all personnel assigned to the clinic are wearing protective masks correctly. Courtesy photo

the training and receive certification, and she was one of only two Soldiers from the Bavaria Dental Activity to complete the course, so far. “The N95 mask certification training was very detail oriented,”

said Sgt. Gueye. “The installation industrial hygienist conducted the training and certification. We went through an eight-hour class that explained the functions and importance of the N95 mask; especially the importance of obtaining a medical clearance to wear the N95 mask.” Army dental clinics don’t always

receive the exact same products with each shipment and delivery, so it’s important to have someone trained on the variety of masks available. “In March 2020, the entire Vilseck Dental Clinic team was originally fitted for one type of N95 mask, but due to variations in the supply chain, a different type of mask had to

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be substituted,” said Darling Lund. “Because key clinical staff cannot perform patient care without a wellfitting, sealed mask, it created a critical situation in which twenty-four Vilseck Army Dental Clinic staff members had to be re-fitted to avoid cancelling patient appointments. Having our dental staff fitted on multiple mask styles allows for adaptability, flexibility and continuity of care for our beneficiaries.” In light of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, Army health and dental clinics are taking extra steps to ensure the safety of their patients and staff. “Throughout our clinic we maximize the use of hand sanitizer, and we have handwashing stations in every dental operatory,” Gueye added. “We also screen each individual before they enter our clinic and we ask COVID-19 screening questions and take their temperatures to make sure they do not have a fever.”


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Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

Page 19

Childhood dental milestones

by Capt. Ashleigh Denny 86th Dental Squadron Many parents, old and new alike, are familiar with proper oral hygiene instructions for adults, but how do we properly transition a child from baby teeth to adult teeth? As parents and caregivers, we can sometimes forget the fundamental key differences and needs in children’s teeth. Whether new parents or parents of adolescents, children’s dental needs are always changing. Thus, refreshing your knowledge of key dental milestones will prove beneficial in guiding a young primary dentition to a healthy functioning adult dentition, all while preventing dental and craniofacial disease and abnormalities. In infancy, dental intervention is minimal. However, it is recommended that parents begin brushing daily after the first tooth or teeth have erupted. A smear of fluoridated toothpaste used before bedtime will aid in warding off dental decay. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry also recommends the first dental visit as the first teeth erupt, or no later than the first birthday. Following the first appointment it is recommended to re-examine every six months. However, it is best to consult your pediatric dentist for frequency of appointments. Figure 1 depicts the eruption of primary, or baby teeth, as most erupt as children enter toddler age (1-3 years old). Tooth brushing should increase from one to two times a day. Toddlers tend to model parent behavior at this point in life, so this can be used as a great learning opportunity for proper oral hygiene. Approaching preschool age (3 to 6 years old), children have improved manual dexterity

Graphics by Double Brain, svtdesign/Shutterstock.com

and visual coordination. At this age, parents are still directly responsible for oral hygiene. School age children (6-12 years old) are encouraged to directly assume responsibility while

being supervised. Orthodontic evaluation and intervention should occur during this time, ideally at age 7, to rule out any craniofacial abnormalities. In adolescence (12-19 years

old), children become fully capable of taking care of their oral hygiene. At this age, most adult teeth have erupted as depicted in Figure 2. No matter the age of your

child, whether you are brushing for your child to brushing with your child; instilling these good oral hygiene habits early will yield a healthier dentition as an adult!

Kaiserslautern American

Page 20

February 26, 2021

Photo by Dimitris Leonidas / Shutterstock.com

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2018 Ford Focus Hatch SE, Sports Hatch, $16,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 MINI Hardtop 2 Door Cooper S, Hatchback, US, Front, Manual, $23,299 (S4530). The Used Car Guys Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Chevrolet Camaro 1LT RS PKG, Coupe, $29,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, $20,199. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Sigonella, SP 105 C, Belpasso, 95032 Italy, +39 095 6140067, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, $19,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Ford Focus SE, Hatchback, US, Front, 6-Speed Double Clutch (A), $15,999 (S4527). The Used Car Guys Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Volkswagen Atlas SE 4Motion AWD/7 Seats, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 8Speed Automatic with Tiptronic (A), $29,999 (S4495). The Used Car Guys Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@used carguys.net. Find all of our cars on Fin2018 Ford Focus Titanium, Hatch- dItGuide.com! back, US, Front, 6-Speed Double 2019 Chevrolet Impala LT, Sedan / SaClutch (A), $17,599 (S4479). The Used loon, $22,495. Patriot Military AutomoCar Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzen- biles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenobusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 ne, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@ 677031, contact@patriot-autos.net. usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / Saloon, $17,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Ger2018 Dodge Challenger RT V8 SCAT many, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, con Pack, Coupe, $47,599. Patriot Military tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via cars on FindItGuide.com! Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 2018 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / 0434 677031, contact@patriot-au Saloon, $16,999. Patriot Military Autotos.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt- mobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 KaiGuide.com! serstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, con tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Hyundai Tucson SEL Plus, SUV, US, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $21,299 (S4430). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars 2018 Ford Explorer XLT AWD THIRD on FindItGuide.com! ROW, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed 2018 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, Shiftable Automatic (A), $30,699 $18,995. Patriot Military Automobiles (S4343). The Used Car Guys - Kaisers- GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, lautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kai- Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 serslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631- 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. 68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt2019 BMW X3 xDrive30i (AWD) Guide.com! MSport, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 82018 Ford Fiesta SE, Hatchback, US, Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Front, Automatic, $13,999 (S4536). The Transmission (A), $41,999 (S4464). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lan- Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, zenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ram 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ram stein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our stein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Chevrolet Impala LT, Sedan / Saloon, $21,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Chrysler 300 Limited, Sedan / Saloon, $25,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, con tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Dodge Journey GT AWD V6, SUV, $22,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Escape SE 2.0Turbo, SUV, $21,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@ patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

2019 Ford Fusion SE AWD, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, $22,500 (S4255). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find 2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, US, all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! AWD/4WD, $23,499 (S4281). The Used 2019 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD, SeCar Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzen- dan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, $23,499 busch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 (S4369). The Used Car Guys - KaisersGermany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@ lautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kai- 2019 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars serslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631- Saloon, $17,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindson FindItGuide.com! 68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar bacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, US, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 Guide.com! AWD/4WD, $23,399 (S4292). The Used 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerba- 2019 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD, Se- Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! cher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 dan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, $23,299 2019 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslau (S4124). The Used Car Guys - SpangSaloon, $17,495. Patriot Military Autotern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our dahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, mobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im cars on FindItGuide.com! 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@ cars on FindItGuide.com! patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 1.9 TDI (66 kW) diesel, $23,499 (S4024). The Used Car Guys Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD, Sedan / Saloon, $24,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@ 2019 Ford Fiesta SE Sdn, Sedan / Sa- patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars loon, $15,999. Patriot Military Automo- on FindItGuide.com! biles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Ge- 2019 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD, Sewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Ger- dan / Saloon, $24,499. Patriot Military many, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on Fin- 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, dItGuide.com! 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932

2019 HYUNDAI Sonata SE, Front, Automatic, $21,340 (904135). MAS Military AutoSource - Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC), Dr Hitzelberger Strasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-214-5729, jh83006@mili tarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Hyundai Sonata SE, Sedan / Saloon, $18,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Ger90, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / many, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri of our cars on FindItGuide.com! Saloon, US, Front, Automatic, $19,699 ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on Fin(S4288). The Used Car Guys - RamdItGuide.com! stein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, Automatic, $19,199 (S4377). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. 2019 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD, SeFind all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! dan / Saloon, $23,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-MiesenSaloon, US, Front, $19,699 (S4340). bach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesen- Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! bach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. Find all 2019 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $17,999 (S3777). of our cars on FindItGuide.com! The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $19,699 (S4334). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / Saloon, $18,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Kia Soul Automatic, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $16,299 (S4428). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Nissan Sentra SV, Sedan / Saloon, $18,495. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Nissan Sentra SV, Sedan / Saloon, $17,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Mazda CX-9 Touring 2WD, SUV, $29,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of 2019 Nissan Sentra SV, Sedan / Saour cars on FindItGuide.com! loon, $17,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Nissan Sentra SV, Sedan / Saloon, $17,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, contact@patriot-autos.net. 2019 Mazda CX-9 Touring AWD, SUV, Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! $31,499. Patriot Military Automobiles 2019 Nissan Sentra SV, Sedan / SaGmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbe- loon, $16,999. Patriot Military Automopark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, biles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiser0151-1580-6354, contact@patriot-au strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germatos.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt- ny, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa Guide.com! triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Camry LE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $23,999 (S4272). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, mitch@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Mini Cooper S Countryman ALL4, SUV, $28,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-au tos.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt2019 Kia Niro Hybrid FE, Wagon, US, Guide.com! Front, $19,599 (S4129). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch- 2019 Nissan Sentra SV, Sedan / SaStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, loon, $17,999. Patriot Military Automo01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar biles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt- Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Guide.com! Germany, contact@patriot-autos.net. 2019 Kia Sedona EX, Minivan, Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! $28,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Kia Soul +, Sedan / Saloon, $16,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Toyota Camry XSE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, 8-Speed Automatic w/ Sequential Shift Mode (A), $28,299 (S4485). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 063168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Corola SE, Sedan / Saloon, $19,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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2019 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / Saloon, $18,495. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $19,299 (S4341). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Page 21

2019 Hyundai Elantra SEL, Sedan / Saloon, $17,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, con tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Kia Soul +, Sedan / Saloon, $16,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Mazda CX-5 Touring, SUV, $23,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American

Page 22

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com 2019 Toyota Corola SE, Sedan / Saloon, $19,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Corolla L, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, Automatic, $17,999 (S4289). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 063168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Toyota Corolla LE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $19,499 (S4184). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Corolla LE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $19,499 (S4182). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Corolla LE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $18,799 (S4180). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Corolla LE, Sedan / Saloon, $18,495. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Toyota Corolla SE, Sedan / Saloon, $19,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Corolla SE, Sedan / Saloon, $19,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport 4x4, Pickup, US, Rear, 6-Speed Manual (M), $35,999 (S4192). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Volkswagen Beetle 2.0T S, Hatchback, US, Front, Automatic, $19,899 (S4344). The Used Car Guys Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, kaiserslautern@used carguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Volkswagen Jetta 1.4T S, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $17,999 (S4243). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stutt gart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Volkswagen Jetta S, Sedan / Saloon, $18,495. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Sigonella, SP 105 C, Belpasso, 95032 Italy, +39 095 6140067, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Volkswagon Jetta S, Sedan / Saloon, $19,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2020 Ford Escape SE, SUV, $25,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, con tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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February 26, 2021 2020 BMW 5 Series 530i xDrive (AWD), Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/ 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/ Sport Transmission (A), $44,999 (S4515). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Volkswagen Jetta SE, Sedan / Saloon, $19,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Volkswagon Jetta S, Sedan / Saloon, $18,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Volkswagon Jetta S, Sedan / Saloon, $18,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Volkswagon Jetta S, Sedan / Saloon, $18,495. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Kia Forte LXS IVT, Sedan / Saloon, $20,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2020 Kia Optima FE, Sedan / Saloon, $20,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, 2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Sa- Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, loon, US, Front, $20,499 (S4387). The contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lan- our cars on FindItGuide.com! zenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 92 00 00, ram 2020 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, stein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our $21,995. Patriot Military Automobiles cars on FindItGuide.com! GmbH - Vicenza, 304 Via Aldo Moro, Vicenza, 36100 Italy, +39 0444 502025, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, $21,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germa2020 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, ny, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa $21,995. Patriot Military Automobiles triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on GmbH - Sigonella, SP 105 C, BelpasFindItGuide.com! so, 95032 Italy, +39 095 6140067, con 2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Sa- tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our loon, $21,999. Patriot Military Automo- cars on FindItGuide.com! biles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Ger- 2020 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, many, 0151-1580-6354, contact@patri $20,999. Patriot Military Automobiles ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on Fin- GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 GermadItGuide.com! ny, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all 2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saof our cars on FindItGuide.com! loon, $21,499. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsba- 2020 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, cher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, $20,999. Patriot Military Automobiles 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstras5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. se, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 2019 Volkswagon Passat Wolfsburg Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FinEdition, Sedan / Saloon, $20,499. PatridItGuide.com! ot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Volkswagon Passat Wolfsburg Edition, Sedan / Saloon, $19,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, contact@patri 2020 Ford Escape SE, SUV, $25,395. ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on Fin- Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, GradItGuide.com! 2020 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, fenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-15802019 Volkswagon Passat Wolfsburg $20,995. Patriot Military Automobiles 6354, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find Edition, Sedan / Saloon, $19,999. PatriGmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasall of our cars on FindItGuide.com! ot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grase, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, fenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafen+49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patri woehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on Fin6354, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find dItGuide.com! all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2020 BMW 430i Gran Coupe, Sedan / Saloon, $38,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Grafenwoehr, 30 Im Gewerbepark, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 0151-1580-6354, contact@ patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars 2020 Ford Escape SE, SUV, $25,499. on FindItGuide.com! Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH 2020 BMW 5 Series 530i xDrive Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, (AWD), Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/ Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, con 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/ tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our 2020 Kia Sorento LX, SUV, $24,999. Sport Transmission (A), $45,999 Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH cars on FindItGuide.com! (S4522). The Used Car Guys - RamRamstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein- 2020 Ford Fusion SEL, Sedan / Sastein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, loon, $22,495. Patriot Military AutomoMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, 06371 +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot92 00 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. biles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItFind all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 contact@patriot-autos.net. Guide.com! 2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Sa- Germany, loon, US, Front, Automatic, $20,799 Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2020 Kia Sorento LX, SUV, $24,999. (S4363). The Used Car Guys - Kaisers- 2020 Kia Optima FE, Sedan / Saloon, Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH lautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kai- $21,995. Patriot Military Automobiles Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631- GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, serslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, 631 892 932 90, contact@patriot-au guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindIt- contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of tos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! Guide.com! our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

2020 US Spec Land Rover Discovery Sport SE P250, Automatic, SUV, $48,620 (15537700). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 6313426-1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@torpedogruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2020 US Spec Land Rover Defender 110 S P300, Automatic, SUV, $62,257 (15517490). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 1737249006 , nick.burton@torpedo-grup pe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Kia Sorento S V6 AWD 7 Seats, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, $25,599 (S4345). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631-68031210, 2020 US Spec Land Rover Defender kaiserslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find 110 S P300 DEMO, Automatic, SUV, all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! $61,900 (15505234). Land Rover Jagu2020 Kia Sportage LX, Sports Hatch, ar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Ga$22,995. Patriot Military Automobiles rage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, KaiGmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, serslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, 3426-1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of 173-7249006 , nick.burton@torpedoour cars on FindItGuide.com! gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2020 Toyota Camry SE, Sedan / Saloon, $25,995. Patriot Military Automo- 2020 US Spec Land Rover Defender biles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiser- 110 P300, Automatic, SUV, $56,718 strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germa- (15517154). Land Rover Jaguar US Miny, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa litary New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on August-Herrmann-Strasse, KaiserslauFindItGuide.com! tern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 1737249006 , nick.burton@torpedo-grup pe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Toyota Tacoma Double Cab TRD-Off Road V6 4X4, Pick-up, $47,299. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Aviano I, 40 Via Pordenone, Aviano, 33081 Italy, +39 0434 677031, 2020 US Spec Land Rover Defender contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of 110 P300, Automatic, SUV, $56,718 our cars on FindItGuide.com! (15516993). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 1737249006 , nick.burton@torpedo-grup pe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Jaguar E-Pace SE P250 DEMO, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $48,750 (15508290). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-34261266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@ torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Land Rover Discovery Sport SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $48,620 (15537681). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-34261266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@ torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Jaguar XE S P250 DEMO, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $48,478 (15509788). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 6313426-1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@torpedo- 2020 US Spec Land Rover Discovery gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on Fin- Sport SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, dItGuide.com! SUV, $48,620 (15537674). Land Rover 2020 US Spec Land Rover Defender Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpe110 S P300, Automatic, SUV, $62,257 do Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Stras(15517422). Land Rover Jaguar US Mi- se, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, litary New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-3426August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslau- 1266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@ tern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426- torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars 1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 173- on FindItGuide.com! 7249006 , nick.burton@torpedo-grup 2020 US Spec Land Rover Discovery pe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuiSport SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, de.com! SUV, $48,620 (15537520). Land Rover 2021 Volvo XC40 T5 AWD R-Design, Jaguar US Military New Sales - TorpeSUV, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $42,173 do Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Stras(8588889). Capitol Motors - Volvo, 2 Im se, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Ger- +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-3426many, 0631 351700, info@capitolmo 1266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@ tors.com. Find all of our cars on FindIt- torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! Guide.com!

Page 23 2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Inscription, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automatic, $50,861 (8601522). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, info@ca pitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Momentum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automatic, $46,541 (8732094). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, in fo@capitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Land Rover Discovery Sport SE P250 DEMO, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $51,860 (15507792). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find 2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Inscription, all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automatic, $50,861 (8588873). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, info@ca pitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Momentum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automatic, $46,541 (8474769). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, in fo@capitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Momentum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automatic, $46,541 (8732095). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, in fo@capitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Momentum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automatic, $46,541 (8474765). Capitol Motors VOLVO, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, 06565-957315, mitch@capitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Range Rover Evoque SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $52,910 (15537719). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 6313426-1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 2021 Volvo XC60 T5 AWD Momen173-7249006 , nick.burton@torpedo- tum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Semi-automagruppe.de. Find all of our cars on Fin- tic, $46,541 (8474770). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, KaiserslaudItGuide.com! tern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, in 2020 US Spec Range Rover Evoque fo@capitolmotors.com. Find all of our SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, cars on FindItGuide.com! $52,910 (15537712). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 6313426-1310 +49 631-3426-1266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@torpedogruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Range Rover Evoque SE P250 DEMO, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $52,910 (15507727). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-HerrmannStrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-34261266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@ torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2021 US Spec Land Rover Defender 90 FIRST EDITION P400, Automatic, SUV, $62,913 (15828207 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1310 +49 631-34261266 +49 173-7249006 , nick.burton@ torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volvo XC90 T5 AWD Momentum, SUV, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $52,031 (8475846). Capitol Motors Volvo, 2 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, 0631 351700, info@ca pitolmotors.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


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Kaiserslautern American

Page 24

February 26, 2021

Unplug in Mehlinger Heide

Photos courtesy of Theresa Schweden

by MilitaryinGermany.com Who isn’t familiar with being exhausted, running on low energy and getting caught up in the rat race? You probably feel like you just need room to exhale and breathe freely again. Could there be a better place to do so than an oasis of pure nature? Nope! And here’s the perfect insider tip for you. Head outdoors to Mehlingen Heath (known in German as Mehlinger Heide) to take a break from the everyday grind and reconnect by unplugging. Mehlinger Heide (Mehlingen Heath) is one of the biggest heath areas in the South of Germany and a natural reserve of pure beauty. Visitors often take their dogs here for a long walk. You can easily spend a whole day there alone or

with the family or friends. There’s a lot to see and one of the best things about this peaceful and quiet place is that it is not overrun by tourists. The history In the past, the heath was used as a training ground for tanks of the French army with no trespassing allowed. It was not until 2001 that it was turned into a natural reserve. The most attractive time to go there is in late summer when the heath is in full bloom. You will be reminded how miraculous nature can be. Ironically enough, the heath as it exists today is not a work of nature itself but instead owed to human action. If it weren’t for men clearing the woods, the area would not be distinguishable from the woodlands around it. Another ironic fact is that, against all

expectations, it is not humans who take care of the heath, but dutiful animals that have taken over their job. Goats and sheep make sure that the natural area remains the way it is.

been rediscovered at Mehlinger Heide. A special bird that can be found here is called Ziegenmelker, which means ‘goat milker.’ If you listen carefully, you can hear its special purring song.

What’s there Countless animals and plants find their natural habitat in the “Heide.” The natural conditions give way to unique biodiversity as the landscape bears various facets of vegetation, including bushes, grass, sands, shrubbery and heather as well as trees and woods. All these different features are spacially united at Mehlingen heath. Endangered plants and animals, such as wild bees or endangered birds, have settled here. Even a plant that had been declared extinct in Palatinate, the so-called Wiesen-Leinblatt, has

Family area Mehlinger Heide is situated in the areas of Baalborn, Neunkirchen and Mehlingen. The communities involved have done a lot to turn the heath into a holiday area for the whole family. Information panels have been placed at the side of the paths, in which you can learn interesting things about plants and animals as well as the history of the heath itself. Children can also let off steam in the heart of nature at the heath’s adventure playground. You can take in breathtaking views of the heath at a location point called Feldherrenhügel.

Hike, relax and learn Do you want to hike or just go for a long, relaxing walk? Try the 3.5 kilometer circular track; just watch for the owl symbol at the side of the way. It helps you find your way and not miss anything interesting! Along the path, there’s much to discover and learn. One highlight is the ‘Green Classroom’, an open-air classroom with benches of trunks and tables of stone. Wouldn’t this just be a hilarious way of learning, surrounded by nature and with the sound of birds all around you? See you there! How to get there By car, Mehlinger Heide is approximately 20 minutes northeast of Kaiserslautern, 1 hour and 20 minutes south of Wiesbaden and 2 hours northwest of Stuttgart.

February 26, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

Page 25

Kaiserslautern American

Page 26

February 26, 2021

COMMUNITY EVENTS Photo by Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com

»»Due to host nation regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, some community events may be cancelled or postponed. Please verify the status before making plans to attend a community event. »» Crafting with Anastasia: Enjoy a monthly craft when you join Anastasia each month for another fun project! Pick up your project kit of the month by visiting the Arts & Crafts Center. Each kit comes with everything you need to complete your project as well as a link to watch the online how-to video. Pick up a few extra kits to mail out to family and friends and you all can have a virtual craft party anywhere, anytime! For more information, the Arts & Crafts Center, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8104, 5312895, 0611-1433-531-2895. »» Certified Water Safety Instructor: Are you a certified Water Safety Instructor? Do you have a passion for teaching swim lessons? If so, contact the Aquatic Center to become a contractor! Enjoy sharing your passion by helping the community acquire a valuable life skill, all while setting your own hours and making extra income. For more information, contact the Aquatics Center, Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8897, 531-2904, 0611-143-531-2904. »» Register for RecTrac today! Next time you visit an MWR facility such as the Arts & Crafts Center, Automotive Skills Center, the Fitness Center (to include the Aquatic Center), the Library, Outdoor Recreation, Spa or Warrior Zone, take a quick minute to register for RecTrac! RecTrac is not only free, but also your fast pass to access all fitness centers (currently for active duty only) and is a great way to take advantage of so many MWR services and activities in the Kaiserslautern and Baumholder communities! For more information, head over to Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com or Baumholder.armymwr.com. »» Effective Now: Fitness centers extended hours: Active duty members can now take advantage of the extended hours of operation at the Sembach, Kleber, Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Landstuhl, Hall of Champions and Mountaineer Fitness Centers with their doors now being open Mon-Fri: 5:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat & Sun: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and federal & training holidays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Please go to Kaiserslautern. armymwr.com or Baumholder. armymwr.com for more details. »» 24/7 fitness center access coming soon: Active duty members can get ready and register now for 24/7 access to both the Landstuhl and Mountaineer Fitness Centers.

To register, simply stop by the participating Fitness Centers to ensure you have a RecTrac account, review the updated rules and sign a liability waiver. For more information, contact either Landstuhl Fitness Center, Landstuhl, Bldg. 3720, 486-7172, 06371-867172 or Mountaineer Fitness Center, Smith Bks., 8220, 531-3405, 0611143-531-3405. »» SKIES virtual classes now available: Are you and your youth missing the enrichment and routine of extracurricular activities? Stay active and enhanced with SKIES Virtual Classes in gymnastics, Kuk Sool Won Korean Martial Arts and piano lessons, all from the safety and comfort of your own home. Sign-up through Webtrac or by contacting Parent Central Services in Baumholder at 531-3440, 0611143-531-3440 or in Kaiserslautern at 541-9065/9066/9067, 0611-143541-9065/9066/9067. »» No Cook Fridays in February at the Rheinlander Convention Center: Celebrate the end of the work week with a delicious cozy meal you can pick up and bring home with you! Every Friday, the Rheinlander Convention Center is offering No Cook Fridays with new meal options each week! Today: Grandma’s Kitchen. To see all menu options and to place your order through Webtrac, visit Baumholder.armymwr.com or contact Rheinlander Convention Center, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8085, 5312887, 0611-143-531-2887. »» No Cook Fridays in February at Armstrong’s Club: Take the load off yourself, family or friends after a long week with No Cook Fridays! Get your weekend started right with a delicious meal this Friday night that you didn’t have to plan, prepare, cook and clean up after. This month’s menu options of XL schnitzels served plain with fries or with your choice of mushroom cream sauce or paprika sauce and spaetzel with breadcrumbs, roast beef with cabbage and traditional German dumplings, roasted salmon with vegetable rice and lemon sauce, and vegetarian lasagna with tomato sauce. Add a salad or Bavarian cheese spaetzel with fried onions as an additional side to any dish. Meals can be picked up between 5 and 7:30 p.m. Register and pay through WebTrac or any MWR facility is required by the close of business the Thursday before. For more information go to kaiserslautern.armymwr.com or contact Armstrong’s Club, Vogelweh Housing, Bldg. 1036, 541-9115, 0611-143-541-9115.

»» Painting with Emiliee in February:

Create a new masterpiece and pick up some tips along the way when you paint your own artwork, all from the comfort of your home! This month, follow alongside Emilee online with a heart painting. Cost is $15.95 and covers supplies and materials as well as the link to the online class. For more information and registration, contact the Arts & Crafts Center, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8104, 531-2895, 0611-1433-531-2895. »» Virtual German Hunting Course with Baumholder Outdoor Recreation: Don’t believe the rumors that you cannot pursue your hobby of hunting or owning firearms in Germany! Register today for the German Hunting Course with Baumholder Outdoor Recreation starting Feb. 20. Over the eight week course you will cover all facets of hunting in Germany with material covering everything from land management, game disease, harvest plans as well as how you earn the right to hunt and own firearms in Germany with this lifelong certification. Course is open to U.S. ID cardholders ages 18 and over and will be required to pass background checks. For more information and to register, contact Baumholder Outdoor Recreation, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8167, 531-3401, 0611-143-531-3401. »» Current VAT services and locations: Take advantage of the convenience of the newest VAT office on Vogelweh Housing at Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036! Open Mon, Wed & Fri 10 a.m.-5 p.m., closed between 1-2 p.m. for lunch. All the VAT Offices located in both Baumholder and Kaiserslautern have services Mon-Fri. on an appointment only basis. UTAP services on Kleber Kaserne are by virtual appointment only. For more information to include individual facility hours of operation and contact information to make an appointment, go to Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com or Baumholder.armymwr.com »» Sembach Java Café reopening for takeout: The Sembach Java Café has reopened their doors for takeout and in honor of the occasion, will be offering specials for the month of February. Early risers can take advantage of the Early Bird Specials (6:30 - 7 a.m.): Tall coffee for $.99 or a tall cappuccino or latte for $1.99. Add a Danish to either for $2. Avoid post- lunch drowsiness with the Afternoon Special from 1-1:30 p.m. offering a grande cappuccino or latte with a cookie for $2.99. For more information, go to Kaiserslautern. armymwr.com for more details. »» UTAP services available: Service

with the Kleber and Baumholder UTAP offices is now available MonFri. Please note, no more than three customers are allowed in the Baumholder office at a time and only one at a time at the Kleber Location. UTAP in-briefs require an appointment and are limited to five customers. For more information, contact the Baumholder UTAP Office, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8661, 531-2896, 0611-143-531-2896 or the Kleber UTAP Office, Kleber Kaserne Bldg. 3245, 541-9086 / 9091, 0611-143541-9086 / 9091. »» Kaiserslautern Outdoor Recreation seasonal rentals: Don’t be caught off guard this winter! Rent all the equipment you need for your next ski and snowboard trip from Outdoor Recreation and keep it until the first weekend in May! Seasonal rental for adult skis or snowboards is $169 and for children ages 12 and under is $139. Contact Kaiserslautern Outdoor Recreation, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2905, 0631-3406-4117. »» Halftime Sports Bar now offering takeout only: The Halftime Sports Bar is open for takeout only Mon-Thu, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m., Fri, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. and 4-10 p.m., Sat, 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m., closed on Sundays. Enjoy great burgers, Reubens and classic bar food at home or at work when you take it to-go! The menu can be found at: Kaiserslautern. armymwr.com/programs/landstuhlcommunity-club. Call in your order ahead of time, or stop by! 486-6107 or 06371-86-6107. »» Order from Hideaway Bistro & Grill: Head over to Armstrong’s Club (Vogelweh Housing, Bldg. 1036) where the Hideaway Bistro & Grill is now serving a menu of American classics with delicious meals from salads to burgers, bar food classics, even pizza and tacos! Offering delivery to Vogelweh Housing during hours of operation, Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-2 p.m. & 5-10 p.m., Sat 5-10 p.m., closed Sundays. Currently all orders are for takeout or delivery. Take a look at the menu by going to Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com and calling 0157-3049-2529 to place your order. »» Shawingz for takeout and delivery: Take a break and get takeout or delivery with Shawingz! The Baumholder location is open daily, seven days a week from 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. Shawingz, located in the Kazabra Club in Kaiserslautern is open Mon-Thu from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Fri from 10 a.m.- 9 p.m., Sat from noon until 9 p.m. and Sun from noon until 8 p.m. For more information or to call in orders, Shawingz Baumholder,

Smith Bks., Bldg. 8105, 531-2833, 0611-143-531-2833. Shawingz Vogelweh, Bldg. 2057, 489-7261, 06315-36-7261. »» Baumholder Outdoor Recreation Services available: Borders might be closed and travel and outings as we know them might look different right now but Baumholder Outdoor Recreation is still offering great ways to keep busy and have fun! Rentals by phone reservation are still available for most items such as bikes (mountain and E-bikes), limited day passes for the fishing pond, fishing rod rental, as well as storage unit rentals. Be ready to roll out when trips start back up when you purchase a trip voucher for $20, $50 or $100! Retail shop is open Mon-Fri from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. by appointment only. For more information and to make your rentals and reservations, contact Baumholder Outdoor Recreation, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8167, 531-3401; 0611-143-531-3401. »» Army Community Service by appointment only or online: The Baumholder (Clinic Kaserne, Bldg. 8746) and Kaiserslautern locations (Kleber Kaserne, Bldg. 3210) are available to you. To maximize social distancing, please call in advance for an appointment. Appointments can be made at both the Kleber and Baumholder offices by calling Mon-Wed & Fri from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Thu from 8 a.m.-12 p.m., closed all holidays. For more information, please contact Kaiserslautern ACS on Kleber Kaserne at 541-9000, 0611143-541-9000 or Baumholder ACS on Clinic Kaserne at 531-2850, 0611143-531-2850. »» Libraries in Kaiserslautern and Baumholder: The USAG RP Libraries, Landstuhl, Kleber Kaserne, and Baumholder offer call-in/email book orders and pick-up service. Returned items are promptly checked in after a quarantine period. To place a book order by email for Kleber Library, email usarmy.kleber.library@mail. mil. Landstuhl email orders can be sent to usarmy.landstuhl.library@ mail.mil and Baumholder orders can be sent to usarmy.baumholder. id-europe.list.library@mail.mil. Hours of operation for each facility are as follows: Kleber Branch, Kleber Kaserne, Bldg. 3205, 483-1740, 06314-11-174, Mon-Fri from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Landstuhl Library, Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810, 486-7322, 06371-86-7322, Mon-Thu 10 a.m.5 p.m. & Fri 1-4 p.m.; Baumholder, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8332, 531-2841, 0611-143-531-2841, Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-3 p.m. All facilities are closed on all holidays.

Kaiserslautern American

February 26, 2021

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Photo by repbone / Shutterstock.com

Some of the latest series and movies available to rent or stream! Check your streaming service for availability. MOVIE | Animation, Action, Adventure

Poster by Cartoon Network

Steven Universe: The Movie (2019)

MOVIE | Adventure

Poster by Forward Thinking Film Worldwide Inc.

MOVIE | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Poster by Warner Bros. Pictures

An Elephant’s Journey (2018)

Ready Player One (2018)

Steven thinks his time defending the Earth is over, but he has to face his biggest challenge yet. Steven’s past comes back to haunt him in the form of a deranged Gem who wants to destroy the Earth. Cast: Zach Callison, Michaela Dietz, Estelle Director: Rebecca Sugar

A boy moves away to live with his aunt in Africa, where his life will change. He befriends an elephant, and the duo team up to try and take down a group of poachers. Cast: Elizabeth Hurley, Sam Ashe Arnold, Tertius Meintjes Director: Richard Boddington

James Halliday designs a virtual reality and hides the keys to his fortune in it for a worthy player to find after his death. Wade, a teenager, sets out on a quest to find the keys and the fortune. Cast: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn Director: Steven Spielberg

TV SERIES | Comedy, Crime, Drama

MINI SERIES | Drama, Mystery, Thriller

TV SERIES | Drama, Romance

Poster by NBC

Poster by Netflix

Poster by Netflix

MOVIE | Animation, Adventure

TV SERIES | Comedy

Poster by Cartoon Network

We Bare Bears: The Movie (2020)

Poster by Netflix

The Crew (2021)

When an agent from the Department of National Wildlife Control tries to ruin their fun, Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear head to Canada and embark on an exciting adventure. Cast: Eric Edelstein, Bobby Moynihan Director: Daniel Chong

The series takes place in a NASCAR garage where the crew chief butts heads with his new boss and “tech-reliant millennial” staff when his owner decided to retire and let his daughter take over the racing team. Cast: Kevin James, Jillian Mueller Creator: Jeff Lowell

TV SERIES | Comedy, Drama, Romance

TV SERIES | Crime, Drama, Mystery

Poster by Disney–ABC Domestic Television

Poster by abc Studios

Good Girls (2018)

Behind Her Eyes (2021)

Firefly Lane (2020)

Good Trouble (2019)

Harrow (2018)

Three suburban Michigan mothers, two of whom are sisters, suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back. Cast: Christina Hendricks, Retta, Mae Whitman Creator: Jenna Bans

Behind Her Eyes is the story of Louise, a single mother who has a one-night stand with a man in a bar, only to discover that he is her new boss, David. Louise’s new friend Adele also happens to be David’s wife. Cast: Simona Brown, Tom Bateman Creator: Steve Lightfoot

Tully and Kate are complete opposites, even from the very beginning, but support each other through good times and bad with an unbreakable bond that carries them from their teens to their forties. Cast: Katherine Heigl, Sarah Chalke, Ben Lawson Creator: Maggie Friedman

The anticipated spin-off of the groundbreaking family drama “The Fosters”, Good Trouble follows Callie and Mariana as they embark on the next phase of their young adult lives in Los Angeles. Cast: Maia Mitchell, Cierra Ramirez Creators: Bradley Bredeweg, Joanna Johnson, Peter Paige

Dr. Daniel Harrow, a forensic pathologist, has an unfailing empathy for the dead which helps him solve even the most bizarre of cases. Willing to bend every rule, he is determined to give victims a voice and reveal the truth behind what happened to them. Cast: Ioan Gruffudd, Darren Gilshenan Creators: Stephen M. Irwin, Leigh McGrath


For reservations & information call 06371-937037 For all movies and showtimes visit

Photo by Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

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