July 11, 2014
Volume 38, number 27
CSAF visit focuses on people, pride, respect by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko and Airman Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III returned to Ramstein Air Base Tuesday and Wednesday to speak with Airmen, listen to their stories of service, update them on pressing issues facing the Air Force, and thank them for their service. The chief of staff got a first-hand look at the base and the Airmen from the 86th Airlift Wing, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing, 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing and 693rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group who make the mission happen in Europe to support three geographic combatant commands and worldwide operations. The visit also included his wife, Betty, who visited with Airmen responsible for taking care of Ramstein Airmen and their families. During an all-call Tuesday, Welsh See CSAF, Page 2
Photo by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III speaks during an all call Tuesday on Ramstein. Welsh and his wife, Betty, visited to interact with Airmen and discuss the state of the Air Force as well as gain a better understanding of Team Ramstein’s responsibilities.
Best Army food in Europe; Baumholder’s DFAC burns competition by Elizabeth Behring U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Public Affairs The Hard Rock Diner dining facility on Baumholder’s Smith Barracks was named the best in Europe for the second year in a row, as well as runner-up at the Department of the Army level for fiscal year 2014.
The Phillip A. Connelly Award recognizes the Army dining facilities that provide the best quality food service and preparation. Nearly 200 DFACs competed in FY14. “This is our Super Bowl, the evaluation that marks food service excellence,” said Sgt. 1st Class Michael Graves, DFAC manager. “It demonstrates how we go above
and beyond to make sure our customers have the best service possible … by taking basic food service plans and enhancing them.” Some improvements include 10 salad dressing choices vice the Armyrequired four; freshly-cut vegetables; romaine, iceberg and spinach in the salad mixture; several choices of homemade croutons; and sliced lemon
and lime for beverages – and that’s just the daily mix. “We like to kick it up a notch,” Graves said, adding that other menu options have included stuffed mushroom appetizers, stewed tomatoes and homemade spinach lasagna. Though not every menu item is completely fresh, Graves and his team carve out time each week at the
DFAC Council to carefully select the menu, researching how they can continue to offer healthy and delicious, fresh meals while following a strict budget. “I know what’s expensive and what’s cost-effective. (For example), we’ll buy a whole chicken and cut it up instead of buying it pre-done. See DFAC, Page 5
It’s vacation time. Get enough sleep before a trip. Check vehicle fluid levels, headlights, brakes, warning signals, belts, hoses, and tire pressure and condition.
Tip of the Week
The hands of EOD, Page 11
Ramstein celebrates Fourth of July, Pages 20 & 21
‘Oldest city in Germany’ entices travelers, Page 26
Page 2
Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Courage is born of encouragement COMMENTARY
by Master Sgt. Etienne Tousignant 86th Force Support Squadron career assistance adviser
here was a point in my life when I didn’t see a future, but I found comfort through different base agencies. Adapting to our military lifestyle is not just difficult for our significant others and children, but also for those of us who joined. As a career assistance adviser, I’ve had the distinct privilege of learning from thousands of people over the last 18 months, from men and women around the world, enlisted, officer and civilian alike. If there is one thing I have come to understand, it is that I am not alone. Each of us has faced the fears, pain, heartache and lack of
motivation to move forward from where we are, but there is one thing we all share: encouragement from each other. Allow me to share a few stories on how we make a significant difference, oftentimes without even realizing how effortlessly we have propelled someone in our lives onto a path where they will find courage, happiness and purpose. A number of years ago a young man joined the ranks of my flight. When he walked through the door his lack of confidence was evident by how he carried himself — poor posture and minimal eye contact. He faced challenges at unit physical training — challenges that were exacerbated by his nutritional choices — and he was unsure of himself in social settings. This manifested mentally through depres-
cSaF, from Page 1
focused on people, pride and respect. The general opened his remarks with a heartfelt thank you to Team Ramstein Airmen. “I’m here really just for one reason and that’s to say thank you,” Welsh said. “Thanks for everything you do, how well you do it and the incredible way you represent our nation and Air Force.” Welsh expressed how every Airman, regardless of rank, plays a crucial role in accomplishing the Air Force mission. “Every Airman is critically important to what we do, and you deserve to be treated that way,” he said. “I don’t care how long you serve, or if you’re standing up here as the chief master sergeant of the Air Force or chief of staff of the Air Force, you deserve the same amount of respect. You can do anything you want; you just have to be willing to work for it.” The general went on to say how important it is to have pride in what Airmen do every day, because it is pride that breeds success. “I really believe that if you recruit the best people on Earth — which I think we do — and if you make them proud of who they are and what they do and who they stand beside, then you get performance you can’t get any other way,” Welsh said. “I think
The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,
sion, which impacted his motivation to grow professionally. However, nearly two years later his confidence shot up. He scored an “excellent” on his fitness test and has accumulated many friendships. In turn he has grown exponentially as a professional, all thanks to the men and women who helped him along the way. Not every Airman is faced with as many obstacles in their first few years. One Airman had a strong foundation and began his career cycling throughout Germany and Alaska, all year-round. He was so fiscally astute that he bought his first car with cash, but still continued to cycle and saved the car for adventures with friends. Professionally he did well, too, but admits his supervisors played a significant role in shaping his
that’s the key to success for our Air Force.” The all-call included a question and answer session with the general fielding questions from Airmen about what was on their minds, but also included the general asking for everyone’s help in focusing on some of his concerns as the senior military leader of an organization with 690,000 total force Airmen serving around the world. As an example, Welsh challenged everyone to improve communication within the ranks to ensure the right information is getting to those who need it. “We’re looking for ideas on how we can communicate better,” he said. “If you have ideas, I’m willing to listen to any suggestions.” Welsh said there are Airmen getting frustrated about things before having all the facts. “Rumors spread easily,” he said, using force management as a good example. “The leaders who should’ve been getting answers and information for their Airmen and passing along the facts weren’t doing it. “We will fail if that’s how we communicate,” Welsh continued. “I expect better from you. I expect better from me. We have to work this one together.” Wrapping up his remarks, the chief of staff pressed the point that every Airman should feel important and love what they do for the Air Force. Welsh said camaraderie and diversity within the ranks are what makes
including insert or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material.
behavior on and off duty. Their encouragement shaped him into what we know today: retired 86th Airlift Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. James A. Morris. However, these successes are not only among the enlisted. Another Airman began his career in the dining facility. After three months on active duty, he found his priorities were misguided much to the frustration of leadership. This Airman was an incredible worker, but his off duty antics and failure to take several warnings seriously resulted in disciplinary action that landed him in correctional custody. During his stay, a senior noncommissioned officer had a heart-toheart with him, emphasizing how See encouragement, next page
the Air Force more a family than an organization. “We haven’t quite got to the point where everybody understands that diversity is a strength for our Air Force,” he said. “If everybody that wears our uniform or comes to work as a civilian Airman doesn’t feel fully empowered to contribute everything they can to the mission, we lose. “If they don’t feel they have a voice in your organizations, we lose. There are people in this audience thinking, ‘I don’t have a voice. No one cares what I have to say,’ and that’s wrong,” the general added. “That’s not the Air Force I want to be part of, because I know we are so much better than that.” The chief of staff concluded by reminding Airmen to never forget why they wear the uniform and serve. “I’ve known most of you for about an hour now, but I’d die for you. I’m just naive enough to believe you’d do the same for me. That is what’s cool about wearing this uniform — calling yourself an Airman, being in a profession of arms, serving your country and doing something that really matters to the nation,” the general said. “Don’t forget why we wear the uniform. It’s about knowing when it gets really ugly and the clouds all blow past that the guy or gal next to you is still going to be there. That’s what this is all about. It’s that pride thing — that’s why we serve. That’s why I’m so proud to stand beside you.”
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July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
encouragement, from Page 2 valued he was by his co-workers and leadership. As a result of this significant life-altering event, coupled with heavy doses of mentorship, he was able to reach his full potential by becoming an officer and a commander on Ramstein. There is one common thread in each story, and that is encouragement. Sometimes those of us who have already stepped up, need to step in and make our intentions known. A great way to reach someone is by inviting them to experience new hobbies and show them the local area. This type of encouragement could help build the confidence necessary to display the courage it takes to be an Airman on and off duty. I have a challenge for everyone in our community. Have the courage to learn more about the people on your path and encourage them to share in healthy activities from cycling, camping or any number of volunteer opportunities. I throw out this challenge, because this is the encouragement my supervisors, friends and family provided me. This is how I found the courage to be who I am today, and through them I found my path.
Page 3
SVC offers sexual assault assistance to family members by Airman Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
eginning in late June, the special victims’ counsel started offering services to children, dependents and family members who are victims of sexual assault cases. Implemented in January 2013, the special victims’ counsel is still fairly new and allows victims to have a lawyer. In the past, adults could only be represented, but now they cover a broader spectrum, enabling children and dependents to have this assistance. “Children who are victims of a sexual crime will now have a special victims’ counsel available to them,” said Capt. Kelly Adams, Air Force Legal Operations Agency special victims’ counsel. “The child is the client, and as long as it is running through the military justice system, the office of special investigations has jurisdiction and ultimately a military service branch could prosecute. They have an entitlement to a special victims’ counsel if they elect to have one.” Child and dependent sexual assault victims now have the option to have a special victims’ counsel representing them so long as the accused is a military member. “As investigations come up, the victim or their family will be notified by the office of special investigations and family advocacy of their entitlement to elect a special victims’ counsel,” Adams said. “We’ve found that more and more people are electing to have one, because they’re seeing the benefits of having their own lawyer represent their voice throughout the process.”
Every victim is different as well as their needs. The special victims’ counsel tailors their assistance to each individual case, and they are specially trained to handle cases involving children. “There is no cookie cutter answer to everything, but we’re here to help as much as we can,” Adams said. “Ultimately the child is the client, not the parent. It’s meeting the child’s legal needs, not anyone else’s. We work with the child as long as they are able to articulate what they want.” The sexual assault response coordinator and special victims’ counsel work together to ensure victims are getting the care they need and are getting help through recovery. “The sexual assault response coordinator and special victims’ counsel work closely together on cases — adult victim cases,” said Carmen Schott, 86th Airlift Wing sexual assault response coordinator. “We have a very strong partnership. There are many different resources, but we are a team. We come together to represent the voice of the victims and to improve safety in the military when it comes to sexual assault.” To ask questions about the special victims’ counsel program and request a special victims’ counsel, call 06371405-4782 or 478-4782. To contact the sexual assault response coordinator on the main line, call 480-7272, the sexual assault response coordinator hotline at 06371-47-7272 or the sexual assault prevention and response on-call at 0172-821-4871. To contact family advocacy for child and dependent cases, call 06371-46-2370 or 479-2370.
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Page 4
Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Reported Larcenies JUNE 25
» Ramstein-Miesenbach: One U.S. Army Europe registration.
7:30 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported on Sembach Kaserne. 3:30 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Weilerbach.
Vogelweh Family Housing. 1:30 a.m.: Larceny of government property was reported on Vogelweh. 3:34 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported on Ramstein.
8:30 p.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 9:26 p.m.: Damage to government property was reported in Kaiserslautern. 2:40 a.m.: Drunken driving resulting in a major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Otterbach. 4:30 p.m.: Provoking speeches and gestures was reported at the Ramstein East Gate.
7:40 a.m.: Breaking and entering was reported in Bruchmühlbach-Miesau. 11:38 p.m.: An assault was reported on Ramstein.
11:51 a.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern. 12:40 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Bann. 1:23 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Mannheim.
12 a.m.: A major traffic accident was reported on
» Vogelweh: One black Dell laptop.
» Landstuhl: One saddle bag and one extreme weather suit. » Waldfischbach: Two U.S. Army Europe license plates.
8 p.m.: A simple assault was reported in Rodenbach. 8 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Frankfurt. 1:06 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 3:38 p.m.: A minor traffic accident was reported in Ramstein-Miesenbach. 4:26 p.m.: Larceny of government property was reported in Waldfischbach. 6:51 p.m.: Damage to private property and breaking and entering were reported in RamsteinMiesenbach.
2:38 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 4:14 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. 1:32 a.m.: Damage to private property and breaking and entering were reported in Landstuhl.
3:10 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Landstuhl.
Refresher course
The 786th Civil Engineer Squadron will hold a facility manager refresher course at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Thursday at the Hercules Theater. This is a mandatory annual refresher course. Not attending this training could potentially affect facility managers’ ability to report trouble calls or use the 786th CES U-fix it store. For details, call Airman 1st Class Joshua Sing at 489-7703.
Take Note
» Bruchmühlbach-Miesau: €500 and $50.
5:34 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Landstuhl. 6:05 p.m.: Communicating a threat was reported in Landstuhl.
6:11 p.m.: A minor traffic accident was reported in Siegelbach. 9:09 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported.
10:30 a.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Ramstein-Miesenbach. 1:15 p.m.: Failure to control a pet was reported in Weilerbach. 4:15 p.m.: Animal cruelty was reported in Mackenbach.
4:28 a.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Kaiserslautern.
to everyone and will feature more than 70 exhibitors. For a list of exhibiting companies, contact Kate Ratcliffe at Ratcliffe@ncsi.com or 001-443-561-2410.
Estate claims
The 435th Contingency Response Group will host a change of command ceremony at 10 a.m. July 18 in Bldg. 2248 on Ramstein. During the ceremony, Col Mark W. Visconi will relinquish command of the 435th CRG to Lt. Col. Steven G. Edwards. A reception will follow.
• Anyone having claims or obligations against the estate of Sgt. Percy L. Bell, 181st Signal Company, should contact the summary court officer, Capt. Bridgett L. Scott, at 0611-705-7797. • Anyone having claims or obligations against the estate of Sgt. Timmie D. Hollar, 5th Battalion 7th Air Defense Artillery, Rhine Ordnance Barracks, should contact the summary court officer, 1st Lt. Jean P. Tomte, at 0176-847-82656.
Tech expo
New law
Change of command
The annual Ramstein Summer Technology Exposition, sponsored by U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa/A6 and hosted by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Kaiserslautern Chapter 158, will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 22 and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 23 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. This event is open
Effective July 1, German traffic law requires one yellow or orange reflective vest in every car, truck or bus on German roads. A €15 fine will apply for violations. The vests must comply with German Standard DIN EN 471 or European Standard EN ISO 20471:2013. The vests must be worn in case of an accident or vehicle break-down to increase visibility of the people exiting the
vehicle. It is highly recommended (although not required) to have one vest available for every vehicle occupant. Once out of the vehicle, immediately place the reflective warning triangle as required, get off the road as far as possible (behind guard rails if present) and wait there for help to arrive.
Cycle for STEM
KMC Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Chapter 158 will host Cycle for Sciene, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Aug. 16 to 18. Cyclists will ride 230 kilometers from Bonn to Ramstein on the Rhine Cycle Route. Registration fee is $100 and includes two nights camping, two breakfasts, two lunches, and water and snacks along the ride. Riders will be responsible for transportation to Bonn Aug. 16 and providing necessary camping gear. Support teams are available to transport gear. Each rider will need to raise a minimum of $250 in sponsorship. For details, call Master Sgt. Todd Weingeroff at 480-3435 or Master Sgt. Paul Vinson at 478-3737, email cycleforstem@kmcafcea.org, or visit www,afcea.org/events/cycleforstem/14/ index.asp.
» Kinsbach: Coppe laptops. » Landstuhl: Tw APRIL 28
industrial counter coo mander, one industrial industrial salad dispe trial drink mixer, one washer, one industria plate, one industrial fl trial fryer, one industri » Ramstein: Copp APRIL 22
Vehicle Readiness Squad sure the snow equipmen ABOVE: Snow equipmen
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
Page 5
Photo by Elizabeth Behring
Pvt. Kirsten Hazel, culinary food specialist, hands a bowl of spaghetti to Pfc. Terrance Gaddy, also a culinary food specialist, during lunch at the Hard Rock Diner dining facility on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. The Hard Rock Diner recently won runner-up at the Department of the Armylevel Phillip A. Connelly Awards and Best in Europe for fiscal year 2014.
dfac, from Page 1
It’s about smart shopping, but I don’t know everything. It’s a team effort,” Graves said. Some small and less pricey changes include offering turkey, spinach and bell peppers for omelets at breakfast and using ground turkey in lieu of beef in various dishes. “We definitely go above, and typically exceed, the standards. We owe it to the customers, who are mostly barracks Soldiers, to make the dining facility their first option. They deserve the best, and they shouldn’t have to choose to go to the commissary or elsewhere for meals, because we serve too much salt or they’re watching what they eat,” Graves said. To that end, the team takes feedback from its customers — who often also include civilian employees, family members and local nationals with base access — very seriously. “I read the comment cards at least every other day, and most of them are positive, especially about the (chicken) wings and the Soldiers’ professionalism, but certain things just don’t fit our customer base or budget,” Graves said. One suggestion was to incorporate infused water (cool water mixed with fresh fruit, vegetables or herbs) into the regular line-up of soda, “bug juice” and water at the beverage counter. The first attempt of infused cucumber and mint water was a big hit for Sgt. Adam Jarema, who recently arrived from Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The Bay Area, Michigan, native approached Graves to thank him in person for following his suggestion, and so quickly. “It’s great the DFAC Council took a little bit of time and read the comment cards. This is just one more thing this DFAC brings to make it that much better. They took a suggestion and went with it,” said Jarema, senior nodal systems operator/maintainer with the 504th Brigade Signal Company. And as far as the service goes, the Soldiers don’t do the same job day-to-day. For instance, one will showcase a cake he or she made from scratch, and then stand by to cut individual slices for hungry patrons. Other troops, many of whom are brand-new to the military, help serve from the pasta bar or from behind the main line. This gives them experience working in different areas of the DFAC. “I like to run this dining facility like it’s a restaurant,” Graves said. “This is just like a sport. You put people together in the right places and motivate them to do the right thing. “I’m not a good baker, but I know what right looks like and how you get there,” he added. “But if you have someone who is (a good baker) and you allow them to bake cakes, they stay in their comfort zone,” The Hard Rock Diner is open 365 days a year, including holidays.
Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
Putting the colors to sleep Lt. Col. Richard Mench, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Band commander, conducts the band during the sounding of retreat on Ramstein Air Base. The USAFE-AFAFRICA Band and the 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron both took part in retiring the American and German national flags for the day.
Garrison hosts first-ever change of command Story and photo by Elizabeth Behring U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Public Affairs Friends, family, service members, civilians and retirees converged on Daenner Kaserne’s NCO Field to honor outgoing commander Col. Bryan D. DeCoster and welcome Col. G. Shawn Wells during the first-ever U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz change of command ceremony June 25. DeCoster became the commander of U.S. Army Garrison Baden-Württemberg, headquartered on Patton Barracks in Heidelberg, July 7, 2011. He took command of USAG RheinlandPfalz when it activated with its headquarters in Kaiserslautern on Oct. 1, 2013. Wells, a native of Connecticut, most recently served as the former special assistant to the commanding general, Joint Force HeadquartersNational Capital Region, U.S. Army Military District of Washington. “Today is not just about any one person. It’s about honoring this great organization known as USAG Rheinland-Pfalz. I look forward to working with everyone in this great community as the team of USAG Rheinland-Pfalz continues to transform and provide a level of worldclass customer service,” Wells said during his speech. Wells also gave a special thank you to his wife Shelly and daughter Katie, as well as to his parents, who flew from Iceland for the occasion. Installation Management Command-Europe Region Director Kathleen Marin acknowledged DeCoster’s myriad accomplishments while serving in the unique position as the garrison commander of the largest U.S. Army presence outside the United States and as the senior officer responsible for the closure of another.
Col. Bryan D. DeCoster (left), outgoing U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz commander; Kathleen Marin, Installation Management Command-Europe region director; and Col. G. Shawn Wells, USAG Rheinland-Pfalz commander, march onto NCO Field during the garrison’s change of command ceremony June 25 on Daenner Kaserne.
“…You led one of the most historic chapters in our European transformation to date, flawlessly transferring more than 4,000 personnel, 26 sites and securing more than $36 million in cost avoidance. This transfer included two major commands and a NATO three-star headquarters,” Marin added. DeCoster thanked Marin for the opportunity to command again, but added he was not solely responsible for the success of the closure and subsequent ongoing restructuring. “I will not pretend that the credit is mine to take. Aristotle once said, ‘Greatness does not consist in receiving honors, but in deserving them.’ I can tell you without hesitation that those deserving the honors were the members of my garrison staff, like the people standing on the parade field today,” DeCoster said. DeCoster, wife Cathy and two younger children will head to the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where DeCoster will be an instructor.
Page 6
Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
521st AMOW welcomes new commander Along the lines of developing Airmen, what would you recommend to your Airmen for them to be successful? I would say to any Airman to be persistent and dedicated. Follow the core values, but don’t give up on your goals and dreams. Do your best in what you’re doing right now, and good things will come to you.
by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing welcomed its new commander, Col. Nancy Bozzer, June 18. As the wing’s commander, Bozzer expedites maximum war-fighting and humanitarian effects for America through rapid and precise global air mobility in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Bozzer recently sat down with Ramstein public affairs to talk about her transition from a group commander to a wing commander, her command priorities and what helped shape her as an airman and leader.
What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment is my family. My husband Jim and son Dillon have always been supportive through all the demands of the military. I am also very proud of my Air Force family. Through the Air Force I have friends scattered across the world and at any point What does it mean to you to transition in time they are always there whether it Photo by 2nd Lt. Henry Lancaster is a quick visit or my family needs help. from a group command to now being the Col. Nancy Bozzer, 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing commander, is recognized by You just can’t get that same bond in the 521st AMOW commander? I was the flying group commander for Maj. Gen. Frederick “Rick” Martin (left), U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, civilian sector. A perfect example was my the KC-135 Stratotanker in the 100th Col. Randall Reed (right) and members of the wing during the 521st AMOW change of recent change of command. Due to famcommand June 18 on Ramstein. Operations Group at (Royal Air Force) ily commitments, my husband and son Mildenhall, United Kingdom. During my time there expeditionary force. We in the 521st AMOW are couldn’t be there. Two of my dear friends, despite we focused more so on the operational aspect of the essentially enablers. Even though we are consid- their own chaos in their lives while trying to PCS, mission, whereas now, as the wing commander, I ered home station assets, we have the flexibility took the time to be there. It’s having those strong have to focus more on the big strategic picture. This to change our wing footprint to flex with mission bonds with my family and friends that have helped is a very diverse wing that is dispersed throughout requirements. It is imperative that we continue to push me forward. three continents, six time zones and 5,000 miles, have an expeditionary mindset, so we can react like whereas when you’re a group commander your a “quick reaction force” in order to accomplish the Originally wanting to be a lawyer, what led you people are right there. Though I have only been mission. to the Air Force and what keeps you here? here for a few weeks, I am very excited to take on My third command priority is family. I’m not I was working as a waitress to pay for college, the challenge. talking about only taking care of your spouse or and I hit a lot of roadblocks on my way to becomchild but also your parents, siblings or even friends. ing a lawyer. Thankfully, while at Michigan State What are your command priorities that you Family can be anyone you are close to, and the chief University, the ROTC detachment commander, Col. would like to communicate to your Airmen? and I want the Airmen to feel like they are part of John Rogers, suggested I join the Air Force. With My first command priority is how we accomplish the 521st AMOW family as well as their host wing. no military history in my immediate family, I went the mission, which will be through flexibility, tenacity, We want the Airmen to be proud to wear the Air ahead and gave it a shot. I fell in love with the Air velocity and upholding our motto “Depend on Us.” Mobility Command patch. Force immediately and knew this is what I wanted Flexibility is the key to air power, so no matter to do. The adventure has been great, and now 23 the circumstance, we will be available to accomWhat goals do you want to achieve while you years later it still feels like I joined just yesterday. plish what is asked of us. Tenacity is the desire and are here? commitment to ensure the mission is completed, so I want to reshape and prepare for emerging and Is there anything else you would like to add? like the Airman’s Creed, “We will not falter, we will existing missions. As things change in the world, we Airmen in general are amazing. Just watching not fail.” We take on that same kind of motto we need to change along with it. I also want to develop them go out and do the mission is what makes me want to instill in our Airmen. Then velocity, our job and grow our Airmen, from enlisted, officers to our want to get up every morning and come to work. is to move equipment and people safely to where civilian counterparts. We need to make sure we are The energy and pride they exude is extraordinary. the mission is. So how fast we get from point A to creating good citizens for our nation, as well as That’s what has made the last 23 years wonderful. point B is very important, especially when the wing good ambassadors for where we live. My third goal And I very much look forward to working with is spread over 5,000 miles. is to build upon the partnerships we have with the them during the next two years as their commander, My second command priority is remaining an host nations, sister services and allied nations. fellow Airman and fellow citizen.
Civil Engineers Corner
Road work Roadway work is scheduled on Kisling Drive from Monday to Aug. 15. Road closures will be between Maxwell Avenue (Burger King) and NATO Circle (Mitchell Avenue). Kisling Drive will close to vehicular traffic during this time, and traffic will be detoured around the construction site via Jefferson Avenue to the north or Harmon Avenue to the south or Maxwell Avenue. The reconstruc-
tion is needed to improve roadway safety and ride quality and to reduce wear and tear on vehicles. Phase I: Monday to July 27 — Kisling Drive between Lincoln Boulevard Circle and Bldg. 310, road closed; access to Bldgs. 100s, 200s and 300s from the east via NATO Circle, no drive through traffic on Kisling between NATO Circle and Lincoln Circle. Phase II: July 28 to Aug. 6 — Kisling Drive between NATO Circle
and Bldg. 310, road closed; access to Bldgs. 100s, 200s and 300s from the west via Lincoln Boulevard Circle, no drive through traffic on Kisling between NATO Circle and Lincoln Circle. Phase III: Aug. 7 to Aug. 15 — Kisling Drive between Maxwell Avenue (traffic light) and Lincoln Circle will be closed; detour via Maxwell Avenue east or west and Lincoln north or south. Access to the commissary is available via detour
from Maxwell to Lincoln to New York Avenue. Traffic delays can be expected during this time frame, and alternative routes should be taken to avoid delays. Drivers should exercise extreme caution due to proximity of heavy construction traffic. For everyone’s safety, obey the traffic laws and regulations. Watch for more updates in the KA. For details, call Garry Jaggers at 480-9475.
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
Page 7
Knight’s Brigade breathes new life into BMTA by Sgt. Daniel L. Wyatt 16th Sustainment Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs On a blustery morning in the middle of an isolated German field full of trees and tall grass, Soldiers hoped to witness an event that hadn’t been seen in over eight years. A Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules aircraft cruised toward a drop zone before it began employing a low velocity aerial delivery system, commonly referred to as LVADS, carrying a payload. This type of operation is usually conducted in Grafenwöhr, Germany, but Soldiers from the 16th Sustainment Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, proved the potential for the Baumholder Military
Photo by Staff Sgt. April Tessmer
A UH-60 “Black Hawk” helicopter hovers above a disabled Humvee as Soldiers from the 16th Sustainment Brigade secure the vehicle for transport to the Baumholder Military Training Area. The resupply and recovery exercise used the local German training area for strategic and operational training for the first time in more than eight years.
Training Area, or BMTA, for largescale operations June 18. “The drop zone here is a more realistic area and has real-world hazards when compared to the one in Grafenwöhr, which is flat,” said 1st Lt. Christopher D. Carlstedt, executive officer of 240th Maintenance Company, 16th Sustainment Brigade. “This training operation utilized a vacant German training area, which opens the door to future partnership training and the mutual exchange of ideas with our German counterparts.” The airdrop was developed during World War II out of necessity to find an easier way to resupply Soldiers faster. A low-velocity airdrop is used for small and larger items such as vehicles. It was designed to slow down the load as much as possible to ensure it impacts the ground with the least amount of force. “In a non-airborne unit, the task of conducting air-delivery missions is one of great significance,” said Chief Warrant Officer Brian Martin, senior airdrop technician for the 16th SB. “This training exercise showed that we’re capable of performing these types of missions and solidifies the necessity for our placement here. The BMTA has proven to be a viable training resource and assists the 16th SB missions as we work toward a more operational focus. “By utilizing the BMTA instead of the Bunker drop zone in Grafenwöhr, which is the DZ that we’ve historically always used, we reduce the costs involved in missions located out of Grafenwöhr and increase the amount of available resources here in Baumholder,” Martin continued. The mission was executed in four phases. The first phase required personnel from the 18th Combat Service Support Battalion to rig, de-rig and conduct drop zone recovery tasks
Photo by Staff Sgt. April Tessmer
A C-130J Hercules from the 37th Airlift Squadron completes a low-velocity air delivery system training mission June 18 over the Kirsten Drop Zone at the Baumholder Military Training Area. The joint training exercise demonstrated the ability to perform resupply and recovery operations in a foreign environment.
at the 5th Quartermaster Company rigging facility at Rhine Ordnance Barracks in Kaiserslautern. The second phase consisted of a joint aerial delivery operation combined expertise from Soldiers and Airmen from the 5th QM, the 37th Airlift Squadron and 86th Airlift Wing. The mission required one C-130J aircraft to resupply water and fuel to the 18th CSSB ground forces at the BMTA Kirsten DZ. The third phase of the exercise required 18th CSSB Soldiers to recover 10 A-22 cargo bags, each configured with four 55-gallon water drums, in less than 30 minutes after the airdrop. Immediately following the recovery, the Soldiers executed sling load operations at the DZ. The exercise concluded with the final phase of recovering all airdropped equipment and parachutes from the DZ. In peacekeeping operations or humanitarian aid situations, food and
Photo by Sgt. Daniel Wyatt
An Airman with the 37th Airlift Squadron observes an air-dropped cargo pallet from the back of a C-130J
medical supplies are often air-dropped using the LVADS technology. Such exercises increase the 16th SB’s operational readiness for times of crisis and combat. “This operational training exercise proves that we can increase our mission,” Martin said. “It’s one more lesson learned to promote the use of this available training area and employ more diverse and expansive exercises here in Baumholder.”
903rd CCBn. welcomes new commander Col. William Bailey (right), 409th Contracting Support Brigade commander, passes the colors to Lt. Col. Daryl (Gwen) Devera-Waden, 903rd Contingency Contracting Battalion incoming commander, during a change of command ceremony June 20 in Kaiserslautern. Devera-Waden took command from Lt. Col. Lynda Royse, who relinquished command of the the 903rd CCBn. after three years of continuous leadership. Royse’s next assignment will be at the Pentagon where she will be working as part of the joint staff. Courtesy photo
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
7th CSC Soldiers support Western Accord 14 by Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta 7th Civil Support Command Public Affairs THIES, Senegal — Soldiers from the 7th Civil Support Command’s 1172nd Movement Control Team provided logistical and movement control support to the U.S. Army Africa-led Western Accord 14, a combined joint military partnership command post and field training peace operation exercise, June 16 to 30 in Thies and the capital city of Dakar, Senegal. The seven person team provided transportation and retro-grade/redeployment expertise for all participating personnel and equipment flowing in and out of the country before, during and after the exercise. They also coordinated any last minute operational and transportation requirements. The 1172nd MCT “is an additional most valuable player,” said U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Moore Jr., exercise director and deputy commanding general, U.S. Army Africa. The 1172nd MCT helped move approximately 120 units of equipment and more than 500 service members and civilians, including more than 350 U.S. Army Soldiers, Marines and participants from 16 other participating nations, including Burkina Faso, Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Senegal, who are also part of the Economic Community of West African States, or ECOWAS. “We received all of Western Accord 14’s military exercise personnel and equipment,” said Staff Sgt. Christopher Staley, transportation management supervisor, 1172nd MCT, 7th CSC. “We’re scheduling and coordinating the necessary assets to return the necessary equipment and personnel to their respective home stations.” The 1172nd MCT, which is a 7th CSC Army
Reserve unit based in Grafenwöhr, Germany, had two primary missions: to move personnel and cargo to and from the port city of Dakar to the exercise site’s life support area on a Senegalese military base in the town of Thies. “My role is to facilitate the movement of the unit’s personnel and equipment in and out of country,” said Spc. Robert Alcauter from the 1172nd MCT, 7th CSC. Alcauter is also a former field artillery Soldier who is retraining after WA 14 to become a movement specialist. “We have to import certain equipment and personnel so the exercise can continue and be successful.” As the exercise wound down, the wash rack, sterile yard/marshaling area and inspection stations were set-up on the airfield next to the LSA. Once redeployment operations started, a flurry of activity began. A crane moved large, metal shipping containers while Soldiers, Civilians and Marines cleaned and washed equipment as U.S. Customs officials floated in and out observing, offering comments and inspecting cargo. “I’ve worked with many movement control teams in the past, and this one, the 1172nd MCT and their (noncommissioned officer in charge), Staff Sgt. Staley, are one of the best I’ve worked with thus far in my 12 years of customs experience,” said Alfonso Whitaker, customs inspector, U.S. Forces Customs. “Where everyone is lost, they bring a little order.” During this time coordination, prioritization and placement of military shipment labels on equipment were provided by three 1172nd MCT Soldiers between the U.S. Customs inspectors, the Soldiers cleaning and prepping their vehicles, and the local contractors with large flat-bed tractor trailer trucks waiting to transport the various military items to the port.
“We also prepare their paperwork to alleviate any issues with customs to leave a foreign nation and enter the U.S.,” Alcauter said. Anything that has to do with chemical based equipment, such as oil, gasoline, cleaners, solvent, white out or ammunition blank rounds, must clear certain local port authority guidelines and criteria before the gear can leave and be shipped back to the U.S., Alcauter added. “For example, the Colorado National Guard has their (tactical) water purification unit and equipment here,” said Staff Sgt. David Johnson, movement supervisor, 1172nd MCT, 7th CSC. “We are shipping their containers back to the U.S. A tactical water purification system has a lot of items that require detailed procedures and documentation. For example compressed gases, lithium batteries and fuel all need proper documents and packing considerations to clear U.S. customs.” While all of the cargo inspections, coordination and loading was going on, the remaining four 1172nd MCT Soldiers were busy moving, tracking, synchronizing and unloading the exercise participants and their personal items as they began their journeys to the civilian or military side of Dakar’s Leopold Sedar Senghor International Airport and then onward to their respective countries. “They (the 1172nd MCT) have really been the backbone in getting everything moved from Dakar, from our port of entry, from the airports, from our commercial flights, as well as our charter flights bringing in our Soldiers and moving them a very long distance under very difficult conditions out to the training location in Thies,” Moore said. “They have provided seamless movement of all of our assets and our Soldiers.”
Army Medicine in Europe reaching out to German partners by Ed Drohan Europe Regional Medical Command Public Affairs KOBLENZ, Germany — Partnership was the word of the day as members of Army Medicine in Europe met with their counterparts from the Bundeswehr Medical Service at the latter’s headquarters June 26. Representatives from Europe Regional Medical Command, U.S. Army Europe Office of the Command Surgeon, and the 21st Theater Support Command’s 30th Medical Brigade traveled to Rhein Kaserne in Koblenz to discuss partnership opportunities with their counterparts in the German military — or Bundeswehr — medical system. Bundeswehr participants represented the Medical Service Headquarters, the Regional Medical Care Command and the Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz.
While there have been some partnership opportunities in the past, the meeting was set up to discuss how the U.S. Army and German military medical systems could enhance and extend those opportunities in other areas. “I know there have been partnerships in the past — some at (Landstuhl Regional Medical Center) and field exercises,” said ERMC Chief of Staff Col. Scott Ehnes. “I’m glad that we can reach out and reengage. I think this is a great first step. There are many opportunities for us to collaborate.” Col. (Dr.) Rolf von Uslar, chief of the Bundeswehr Medical Service Headquarters (BwMSHQ) Concept Development, Research and International Cooperation Branch, said the Bundeswehr surgeon general has always been in favor of strong U.S.-German relationships. As part of his briefing on the makeup of
the German military medical service, he explained that they had hosted a medical exercise in 2013 that included medical assets from 11 countries, including the United States. “Operation Vigorous Warrior 2013 was an 11-nation multinational medical task force,” von Uslar said. The task force was designed to see if they could work together in field conditions. “The bottom line result — yes, we can,” von Uslar said. “It was very encouraging, and we intend to continue the exercise every two years, hosted by different countries.” He also said there was an existing formal partnership between the Bundeswehr Central Hospital Koblenz and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. “Now we hope to figure out how to get this cooperation even more lively than it has already been in the last few years,” von Uslar said.
Briefings on the makeup of Army Medicine in Europe included suggestions for partnering, such as staff and medical exchange programs, veterinary medicine engagements, medical logistics and maintenance operations, participation in the Army Expert Field Medical Badge competition, and training using Army medical simulation centers such as the Viper Pit at Baumholder. In the end, both sides decided it was best to gather more information on collaboration opportunities and come together again to discuss them in more detail. “I suggest we come back with ideas in two to three weeks,” von Uslar said. “We should know who the respective commanders are and who our respective counterparts are.” Ehnes agreed that it is a great first step. “Now it’s time for that important second step,” he said.
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
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Introducing Local Restaurants Hotel-Restaurant Anna
Robert and Larisa Van Meter have owned Hotel-Restaurant Anna for one and half years now. For the past six years, Robert has been the liaison officer for the Wounded Warriors at Landstuhl Hospital and now works for HHC 457 CA BM, 7th CSC Kaiserslautern. After 9/11 Robert secured a job with the 7th CSC to utilize his expertise in shipping. Lisa was director of California Restaurant in St. Petersburg for 7 years, frequented by V.I.P guests, business people and diplomats, and is a graduate of RPM Restaurant Management located in St. Petersburg. They are PCS experts and their hotel restaurant offers Wi-Fi, air conditioning, television, microwaves, refrigerators and hair dryers in all rooms. Special military rates are available; single rooms are €55 and doubles €75. They offer special hickory smoked Argentinian steaks and homemade burgers with homemade bread and a host of other delicious food. Visit Hotel-Restaurant Anna soon!
Steinwenderstr. 33 • 66877 Ramstein • 06371 - 96100
Brauhaus am Markt/Café am Markt
At the historic Stiftsplatz in the old pedestrian area is the only local restaurant that brews its own beer. The Brauhaus and Café am Markt are great places to get a feel for Germany and all that it offers. Enjoy a wonderful day or night in the beautiful outdoor setting with tables with umbrellas and shading trees. At the Brauhaus you can enjoy a cigar and brandy after your meal. If you prefer a non-smoking restaurant, reserve your table at the Café am Markt, offering a varied menu ranging from turkey, schnitzel, rumpsteaks, delicious salads and typical German food like Leberknödel, Saumagen and Grillhaxe. The Brauhaus’ and Café am Markt’s friendly staff is happy to serve you. Starting on Wednesday, June 11 from 9-11 p.m. and every 2nd Wednesday of the month we will be having live acoustic lounge dinner music with Klyive’s Acoustic Lounge Dinner group.
www.brauhausammarkt-kl.de Stiftsplatz 2-3 • 67655 Kaiserslautern • 0631-61944
Italian Ice Cream Parlor Dolomiti is one of the most pleasant places to relax during the summer. The parlor is open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day and offers many different flavors of ice cream and other summer treats. Whether you are in the mood for a soothing cup of coffee or one of their ice cream treats, Dolomiti is certainly a good choice during those summer days or evenings. Dolomiti’s traditionally homemade ice cream is made fresh everyday with no preservatives. During the summer you can enjoy up to 40 flavors of ice cream that are 90% gluten free. The sorbet is made with the finest fruits and is lactose free (also suitable for allergy sufferers) and no synthetic dyes are used. Enjoy your ice cream, inside or on their beautiful outdoor terrace. Dolomiti has been serving Americans for 23 years. Kaiserstr. 28 • 66849 Landstuhl This advertisement service is proudly brought to you by
publisher of your KA
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
USAG Rheinland-pfalz
Family and MWR Happenings Child, Youth and School Services
BOSS (Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers) Community Yard Sale July 12, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Do you have stuff that you would like to sell for a little bit of extra money? Come and sell it at the BOSS Community Yard Sale at Soldier Park on Smith Barracks. Tables may be rented for $10 each through the Warrior Zone, 485-7339 or 06783-6-7339.
2nd Annual BOSS Fishing Tournament August 2-3 Held at the Saar River and Hambachtal Resort Lake. Fee: $75. Includes: fishing permits, transportation and camping. Fishing equipment and camping gear may be rented from Outdoor Recreation. No fishing license required. Open to all single or unaccompanied Soldiers and their guests, ages 18 and older. The deadline to register is July 31. To sign up, contact BOSS, 485-6228 or 06783-6-6228.
Warrior Zone Call of Duty: Ghosts Tournament July 12, 7 p.m. Calling all gamers! Participate in a fun XBOX tournament at the Warrior Zone! There is no registration required, just show up on the night of the tournament ready to play. Admission is free and there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Tournament rules are available at the Warrior Zone, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8106, 485-7339 or 06783-6-7339.
Strikers Bowling Center 10-for-10 Special July 1 - September 30 This card gives you 10 games of bowling for $10. Contact Strikers Bowling Center, Smith Bks., Bldg. 8105, 485-6569 or 06783-6-6569.
Weekly discounts or giveaways on our Facebook page! BaumholderFMWR
Theater Camp July 28 - August 8 This fun-filled two-week camp at Hilltop Theater will teach children all about the art of drama. From stage production, to make-up, to public speaking, this is an excellent opportunity to explore the world of the dramatic. Ages 6-12, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Ages 13-18, 1-4 p.m. A performance will be held on August 8. Cost: $50. For more information, contact Parent Central Services or SKIESUnlimited, 485-7003/6969 or 06783-6-7003/6969.
Baumholder Library Shark Day July 14, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Baumholder Library is hosting Shark Day, a teen-only event, on July 14! On this day, the library will screen Discovery Channel's Shark Week videos all day in the teen area. No registration required. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Craft with Me July 17, 2:30-4:30 p.m. On the 3rd Thursday of every month, come out to Baumholder Library for 'Craft with Me!' Join our Art Instructor from Baumholder Arts and Crafts Center and make a fun craft! The activity is open to children ages 5-12 and their parents. No registration required.
Story Time Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. This is an entertaining early literacy program for young children and their parents. The program includes stories, songs, dance, and crafts. Smith Bks., Bldg. 8332, 485-1740 or 06783-6-1740.
Find out more online: baumholder.armymwr.com
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
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The hands of EOD
Photo by Brennen Lege
Airman 1st Class Tyler Hatfield, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, measures a detonation cord to be used during training.
Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
Photo by Brennen Lege
Airman 1st Class Tyler Hatfield, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, checks the current of a trigger used to detonate explosives during training June 26 on Ramstein. Ramstein EOD Airmen provide support to three wings, 26 geographically separated units and two U.S. Army brigades.
Airman 1st Class Htyler Kelley, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, places explosives during training June 26.
Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
Airman 1st Class Derrick McKiernan, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, places C-4 plastic explosives around a detonation cord during training.
Airman 1st Class Derrick McKiernan, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, ties a monkey’s fist knot out of a detonation cord during training June 26 at Ramstein.
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Ramstein Tickets & Tours
Soccer, Flag Football and Cheerleading registration available 8-26 July for kids 5-15 years old (limited space available). Sign-up online at www.RamsteinFSS.com
Youth Fall Sports Registration- NOW OPEN!
Dust off those old skates and get $2 OFF Adult Skate Night!
Friday, 11 July at Crossroads on Vogelweh from 2200-0100. For ages 18+, $10 with a skate rental, $8 if you bring your own skates. Call the Vogelweh Community Center at 0631-536-7626 for more details.
Member Call at the Officers’ Club
Join us 11 July from 1700-1900 for fun, food and drinks at the Wings Lounge inside the Ramstein Officers’ Club. Officers’ Club Members will have a chance to win $1,000. You must be in attendance to win and must be an O’Club Member. Social Hour food is free for Members; Non-Members $5.
TGIF at the Enlisted Club
Come relax after work with all new games, entertainment and prizes on 18 July! Enter for a chance to win an office party! Club Members are automatically entered to win $1,000 every week! You must be present to win. $100 cash consolation prize awarded every week!
TRAVEL & ADVENTURE Ramstein Outdoor Recreation Dahn Rock Trail Hike; 12 July Intro to Climbing; 15 July Single Airman Skydiving; 19 July
GO! Cheese & Bears in Bern; 16 July Champagne Region of France; 19 July
Summer Fun Family Bingo Night
Win BIG at Ramstein Community Center Bldg. 412! 11 July, doors open at 1730, games start at 1800. $5 per card and $1 for U-Pic-Em game.
Vet Clinic Brings Furry Friends to Libraries!
Learn about pet safety, animal care and bite prevention from the Kaiserslautern Vet Clinic. Wednesday, 16 July at the Ramstein Library and Thursday, 17 July at the Vogelweh Library from 1800-1900. FREE!
Pizza Gallerie’s Pizza of the Month
Visit the Pizza Gallerie during the entire month of July to enjoy Justin’s Spicy Pizza Special. This month’s highlighted pizza is towered with spicy sausage, bacon, onions, jalapenos and mozzarella cheese!
Discover the Benefits of Club Membership
Sign up to be a Club Member now until 31 July and get 3 months of FREE dues and a chance to WIN $100 instantly! For more information, visit www.RamsteinFSS.com or the Enlisted Club service window.
You Can’t Say That On Stage II - 2 Weekends!
Skits and Songs that most theaters are too afraid to do! 18, 19, 25 & 26 July at the Ramstein Community Center Bldg. 412. Doors open at 2030, show starts at 2100. Cost: $10, $5 for E-4 and below. Mature audiences only, under 18 with an adult.
For Jobs
For more events and information, visit us at www.RamsteinFSS.com · 06371-47-9983
Scan Me
*Federal endorsement of sponsors is not intended.
WORD Scramble Unscramble these unmanned aerial vehicles
LIEENNTS OPNMATH NAVRE EAPERR WLHLAKAOGB APMU GGEAEERYL PRETRDAO Answers: sentinel | phantom | raven | reaper | globalhawk | puma | greyeagle | predator |
panky’s off-leash tour
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
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Learn German!
No entry
Kein Zutritt
Recipe of the week: SERVINGS: 4 INGREDIENTS: 4 chicken breasts (each about 150 grams) 2 tablespoon oil Salt 2 tomatoes 125 grams mozzarella 1 tablespoon black olives without pits 8 basil leaves Black pepper
DIRECTIONS: • Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius/400 degrees Fahrenheit. • Pound the chicken filets. Brown chicken on both sides in a pan with hot oil. Put filets in a casserole dish (if desired cut in half or third). • Slice tomatoes, mozzarella and olives. Lay tomatoes, olives and basil on top of filets. • Season with salt and pepper. • Lay mozzarella on top. • Bake until the cheese is melted.
Tuscan schnitzel Recipe courtesy of USO
Capt. Spanky’s off-leash tour
Hey Ramstein! Anticipating the rain to come for the next few weekends, my human told me he planned a trip to a beach in France ahead of time. Knowing that a good traveling journalist never reports on the same location twice, I gave a howl in protest. My human laughed and clarified that we were headed to Bitche in France, which was not the same kind of beach with oceans and sand. Winding through the lush hills and forests south of Ramstein, my human explained what we were about to see. I could not help but wag my tail throughout the 57-minute drive. Overlooking the town of Bitche lies a massive fortress, The Citadelle de Bitche,
which has seen its fair share of battle. I learned that the fortress has been around since the 1600s, and after many rebuilding phases, was unconquerable between the 17th and 20th centuries. The fortress even did time during World War II as a part of France’s Maginot Line. Panting and tired from the grueling walk uphill, we arrived at the receptionist’s desk, where she gave my human headphones, which guided us through the citadel. At the top I had a great view of the surrounding countryside and I think I could even see the Rhine River! The tour took us down into the inner-workings of the citadel, full of cool, dark passages and rooms. Back up top, we
ate lunch at a cafe and sniffed around the gift shop for souvenirs. Feeling inspired by the tunnels I saw, I decided to dedicate time towards creating my own underground passages beneath the back yard when we got back to keep my bones safe!
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
FVAP helps service members exercise right to vote by Senior Airman Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
he Ramstein Voting Assistance Office hosted Armed Forces Voter Week June 30 to Monday on Ramstein. The event was part of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, which is designed to ensure Department of Defense members, their eligible family and overseas citizens are aware of their right to vote and have the tools and resources to do so from anywhere in the world. Armed Forces Voter Week was tailored to remind Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines to register to vote and be a part of the election process.
However, DOD members can always get information from their unit or installation voting assistance officers or from www.FVAP.gov. Armed Forces Voter Week allowed members of the VAO to pass out voting information at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 30 to July 3. “It is one of two special-emphasis weeks to encourage installation voting officers and unit voting officers to get out there and make a big push to get people to register to vote,” said Capt. Ross Smiedendorf, installation voting officer for the KMC. The goal of this week was to get people to register for their absentee ballots in order to get them before
October. The second special-emphasis week, which takes place Sept. 29 to Oct. 6, has the goal of turning ballots in on time. “Being overseas presents a different challenge to get an absentee ballot,” Smiedendorf said. “You can’t just walk to your local polling station at your local school or church and vote like a lot of people are accustomed to doing.” With thousands of local, state and federal positions up for election, the VAO plans to ensure that service members and their families have access to information and tools they need to vote. “This year is big, because there are midterm elections for a lot of
state senators and representatives,” Smiedendorf said. For more information, contact your unit voting assistance officer or the installation Voting Assistance Office by emailing kmcvote@us.af.mil. Smiedendorf said he highly recommends accessing www.FVAP.gov to obtain useful information before voting. “That’s where I and the unit representatives will get all of our information,” Smiedendorf said. “That’s where we are going to direct a lot of people, because it’s a really great website and is easy to use. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about voting in your state, including special elections and certain deadlines.”
7th CSC promotes first Army Reserve CW5 in Europe Jason McKenzie, 7th CSC secretary of the general staff. “This position wasn’t here as of a month ago. We fought to get this position coded here.” Debra Blankenbaker wears many Previously, the senior chief warhats for the Kaiserslautern-based 7th rant officer in Europe held the rank Civil Support Command. of CW4. Blankenbaker, a native of Blankenbaker started her military Waterloo, Iowa, serves as chief of career in 1981 as an administrathe 7th CSC’s Officer Personnel tive specialist. She completed the Branch, G1 Section. She also counwarrant officer candidate course sels Soldiers as the program manin 1994, followed by graduations ager for the command’s Sexual from the basic, advanced and senior Assault Prevention and Response courses. She joined the 7th CSC in Program. And now, following a June May 2013. 27 promotion ceremony on Daenner “I’ve served with a lot of warrant Kaserne, Blankenbaker adds another officers throughout my 35 years in job title to her signature block — Chief Warrant Officer 5 Debra Blankenbaker, senior ranking chief warrant officer for the 7th Civil the Army, and I truly believe this is command chief warrant officer 5, the Support Command, receives her new shoulder boards during a promotion ceremony June 30 on the finest warrant officer I’ve ever highest warrant officer rank in the Daenner Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. Brig. Gen. Paul Benanati (left), 7th CSC commanding general, and worked with,” Benanati said. U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve. her husband, John, were on hand to officially promote Blankenbaker from the rank of CW4 to CW5, the At the promotion ceremony, “This is an extremely rare promo- highest warrant officer rank in the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve. Blankenbaker replaced her CW4 tion. Thirty-five years in the Army, and this is the May 12, by order of the president of the United shoulder boards on her uniform with those signifyfirst one I’ve ever been a part of,” said Brig. Gen. States. She is the first chief warrant officer 5 in the ing the rank of CW5, with help from Benanati and Paul Benanati, 7th CSC commanding general, who history of the U.S. Army Reserve in Europe. The 7th her husband, John, a supply technician with the presided over the ceremony. “Not only does Debra CSC, part of the Kaiserslautern-based 21st Theater Landstuhl-based 181st Signal Company. get promoted, but the Army Reserve Command Sustainment Command, is a U.S. Army Reserve “I want to thank everyone for coming out and has agreed to upgrade this position over here (in unit with subordinate units throughout Europe. all the support the command has given me,” Europe).” “(As CW5), she governs all of the warrant offi- Blankenbaker said. “You are all a great group, and I Blankenbaker’s promotion officially took effect cers in Europe and manages their duties,” said Maj. enjoy working with all of you.” Story and photo by Brandon Beach 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
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Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
Congressional delegation meets with Ramstein Airmen Lt. Gen. Tom Jones, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa vice commander, and his wife, Debbie, welcome U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin and his congressional delegation to Ramstein July 3. The six members of Congress had lunch with Airmen from their home states during a brief stop here.
Buying, selling used cars in Germany Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule
Protestant Services
POC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG R-P Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 0631-3406-4098 Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Worship: 11 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Contemporary Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Liturgical Services: 9 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Gospel Service: 11 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743.
Catholic Services
Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Religious Education (grades K-8): 11 a.m. Sundays Confession: 11:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass: noon Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Religious Education (following Mass) Confession: 8:15-8:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confession 4-4:45 p.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Confession: 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.
Jewish Religious Services
Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7 p.m. Fridays
Islamic Services
Ramstein South Chapel Mosque (480-5753) Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For religious education and daily prayers, check the prayer schedule
Orthodox Christian
Kapaun Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Divine Liturgy: 9 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment
Youth Group Kaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869) “Plugged In” Middle School Youth Group: 2-4 p.m. Sundays Café Dinner (for students and their families): 4:15-5:15 p.m. Sundays “The Rock” High School Youth Group: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sundays More information: www.kmcyouth.com Protestant Youth of the Chapel Ramstein North Chapel "Vision" Middle School Ministry Tuesdays 3:15-5:00pm "Salvage" High School Ministry Tuesdays 7:00-8:45pm Vogelweh Chapel Teen Bible Study Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm Info: www.ramsteinpyoc.blogspot.com
Episcopal (St. Albans) 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel
Korean Service 1 p.m. Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel
Unitarian Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel
Wiccan 7 p.m. first and third Saturdays, Kapaun Annex
Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel
by Joerg Moddelmog Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center Are you thinking about buying a used car downtown, or are you about to sell your car to a fellow service member? Then you might be interested to know that in both cases, the sale/ purchase is subject to German law. Therefore, it is good to know what host nation laws say on the subject of warranties and defects. Even though verbal contracts are valid and fully enforceable in Germany, only a written agreement enables you to adequately prove the terms of the agreement and clarify each other’s obligations under it. All terms should be reduced to writing and signed by the parties, because written contracts are presumed to be correct, complete and without binding oral (side) agreements. The buyer should have the car thoroughly checked out and tested before the sale is concluded. The car should be inspected by a trustworthy, independent third party (e.g., a garage). Passing inspection is hardly enough proof that the car will remain a reliable one since it does not say anything about the real condition of the car. It just shows the car is doing fine at that one moment. A clause like “inspection guaranteed” means only that the seller has the duty — and the right — to place the car into such a condition that it passes inspection. Normal wear and tear usually does not constitute a legally relevant defect, even if it impairs the functioning of a used car, unless
The Find-It Guide App is available for iPhone, Android or BlackBerry
the buyer demanded a clear, concrete and binding representation from the seller to the contrary. Therefore, the buyer should ask the seller for specific assurances, express warranties or guarantees if a certain condition is important to him or her. It should be put down in writing. In Germany, the average total life span of a car is 10 years. After eight years, rust is a significant danger for almost every car in Germany and is, therefore, considered to be normal wear and tear. When buying a new car from a dealership, the warranty period is two years. It is reduced to one year if you buy a used car from a dealer. Only when buying from a private person can the warranty be excluded completely by terms like “as is,” “with all faults” or “Gebraucht wie besichtigt.” It is also important to verify the seller’s name on the bill of sale and to keep a copy of the power of attorney if the seller is selling on behalf of another person. Do not hesitate to ask to see the seller’s ID. Also, keep the seller’s local address and phone number on file in case you need to contact him later should a problem arise. If you encounter problems when selling/ buying a car, feel free to contact either the German attorney-adviser Matthias Voelker at the Ramstein Law Center at 489-2552 or 06371-47-2552, or German legal assistance attorneys Joerg C. Moddelmog and Holger Blug at the Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center on Kleber Kaserne at 483-8848 or 0631-411-8848. Recently moved to Germany? Use your FIND-IT GUIDE APP to find spiritual guidance! Don’t know how to get there? Use the “Route” option to get GPS directions from your present position.
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
DLA Energy commander hands over command by Terry Shawn DLA Energy Public Affairs Army Commander Col. Robert Weaver relinquished command during a change of command ceremony June 25 in Kaiserslautern. Air Force Brig. Gen. Giovanni Tuck, Defense Logistics Agency Energy commander, presided over the ceremony and presented the command’s colors to the incoming commander, Army Col. Edward English, before an assembled audience of family, friends, distinguished guests and DLA Energy Europe & Africa region co-workers. “Rob, your leadership contributed greatly to the success of DLA Energy in Europe and Africa,� Tuck said. “During your tenure as commander, you and your unit ensured all U.S. European Command and Africa Command fuel requirements were met.� Tuck said during Weaver’s command he managed a 1,700 mile long supply chain from Turkey to Iraq ensuring energy support for both U.S. and coalition partners by successfully delivering more than 160 million gallons of jet and diesel fuel to five different locations in Iraq. Weaver also established a new transit hub in
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militaryingermany.com Kaiserslautern Evangelical
Lutheran Church 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Children’s Church available
Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
Air Force Brig. Gen. Giovanni Tuck (right), Defense Logistics Agency Energy commander, accepts the command's colors from outgoing DLA Energy Europe & Africa Commander Army Col. Robert Weaver during a change of command ceremony June 25 in Kaiserslautern.
Romania reducing fuel costs by approximately $14 million a year, and supported U.S. Special Operations Command missions in AFRICOM and spearheaded a number of energy supply chain initiatives that were recognized by DLA Director Navy Vice Adm. Mark Harnitchek, he added. During his remarks, Weaver thanked numerous people for their support during his tenure. See command, Page 22
Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. www.KELC.eu Scott Morrison, Pastor
Heritage Baptist Church Don Drake, Pastor
“Welcome Home!�
4VOEBZT BU BN BN BOE QN t 8FEOFTEBZT BU QN 6km north of the A6 on the B40 in Mehlingen 1IPOF t www.heritagebaptistramstein.com
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Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
KMC leadership meets with mayors Lt. Gen. Tom Jones, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa vice commander and KMC commander, listens to a discussion during the KMC Mayors Forum July 2 in Ramstein as Maj. Gen. John O'Connor (left), 21st Theater Sustainment Command commanding general, and Brig. Gen. Patrick Mordente (second from right), 86th Airlift Wing commander, and Klaus Layes (second from left), lord mayor of Ramstein, look on. The forum brought together local mayors and U.S. military leaders from the Kaiserslautern area to discuss issues of common interest. Your community, your website. militaryingermany.com
Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm MĂźhlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16
If your prayers mean nothing to you, they will mean less to God! Landstuhl Christian Bookstore
Kaiserstr. 66 * 06371-62988 Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 9-2 (new)
Sunday Bible Class 11 a.m. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7 p.m. /DQGVWXKOHU 6WUD‰H ‡ 5DPVWHLQ 9LOODJH
Tel: 0176-85693468 or 0151-57727850 www.ramst-churchofchrist.com
KMC Assembly of God Church
Reverend Chuck Kackley Phone: 06333-9931838 Cell: 0171-6574322
Services are held at Kaiserstrasse 16 A, Einsiedlerhof WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Family Night
Event Name: Wilderness Escape Vacation Bible School Hours of Operation: August 4-8 from 9:00-12:00
Event Location: Ramstein Middle School Event Explanation: Sponsored by the Ramstein Protestant
Community Chapel. Volunteer and student registration begins June 15. Pre-registration required as there are limited spaces. Visit Ramstein VBS on facebook for more information or email us at ramsteinvbs@gmail.com.
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Have fun with the locals Seefest S f t Fri, Jul 18 – Sun, Jul 20 Ohmbach, Ohmbach See The Ohmbach lake fest is just around the corner on July 18 – 20. The Ohmbach lake is one of the biggest lakes in the Westpfalz and a great place for you to experience fantastic live music on 3 different stages, from oldies to rock and volksmusik there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Food and drinks will be offered. On both evenings the lake will be lit up by a fireworks display to close out the event. For more information visit www.seefest.de EVENTS Beach party Sat, Jul 12 Meddersheim, Winzergenossenschaft Rheingrafenberg Summer time is upon us and no better way to spend the summer than at a beach party. Come to Meddersheim on July 12 to enjoy wine and sekt cocktails as you listen to Mike DJX who will provide a mix of electro and house music. If you are looking for a chilled evening on the beach then don’t miss out. The party starts at 6 p.m. and entry fee is €5. For more info visit www.meddersheim.creativewebteam.de KulturPark Fri, July 18 – Sat, July 19 Bad Dürkheim, KulturPark Bad Dürkheim Kurpark will be transformed for KulturPark. The roman poet Publius Ovidus Naso is presenting his stories written in seven different locations. Each story will be told using different effects, such as shadow effects, dance or light. Enjoy the visual poetry with a great glass of wine from the Bad Dürkheim region. For more information see www.bad-duerkheim.com Altstadt Fest - old town fest Fri, Jul 18 – Sun, Jul 20 Saarbrücken, Old City The city of Saarbrücken is celebrating its 40th old city fest on Jul 18 – 20. This is one of the biggest city fests in southwest Germany. Various musical acts, including famous German actors, will perform
on 5 different stages. You can expect a large variety of food to get you into the German spirit and culture. There will be a fun filled program for children as well, including dancing, face painting, a circus, horse riding, inline skating and much more. For more information visit www.altstadtfest-saarbruecken.de Magnectic Sat, July 19 Völkingen, Völkinger Hütte Head to Völklingen on July 19 and enjoy one of the biggest open air electro festivals in the area. There will be a huge line-up waiting to fill your ears with great music. Enjoy the laser show and vibrant colors. You are also able to explore the old factory area which is very interesting. Ticket price is €38.40. The party starts at 4 p.m. For more information visit www.electro-magnetic.de Leinsweiler Sommer Fri, Jul 18 – Mon, Jul 21 Leinsweiler, village center The Leinsweiler summer fest on July 18 - 21 is a fest for connoisseurs. From Friday to Monday you can walk station to station and try each vintner’s wine and other specialties that they have to offer. You will be able to enjoy the outdoors, as well listening to live music. For more information visit www.leinsweiler.de Stadtmauer Fest - city wall fest Fri, Jul 18 – Mon, Jul 21 Freinsheim, city center The Stadtmauer Fest (city wall fest) will be celebrated around the historic market square in the town of Freinsheim from
July 18 – 21. Stores will be open on Sunday so see what great offers you can find. You can enjoy great company, good wine and sekt, listen to good music and enjoy culinary specialties. For more information visit www.stadt-freinsheim.de Nauwieser Viertel Fest Fri, Jul 25 – Sun, Jul 27 Saarbrücken, Nauwieserstrasse Join Saarbrücken’s Nauwieser Viertel Fest or Nauwieser quarter fest, from July 25 – 27 and enjoy the city fest with lots of live music. All throughout the city you can enjoy different programs at various times and locations. For more information see www.sztermine.de CONCERTS Tom Jones Mon, Jul 14 Luxembourg, Rockhal See Tom Jones perform on Monday, July 14 in Luxembourg’s Rockhal. The concert will feature tracks from his lastest two albums “Praise & Blame” and “Spirit in the Room.” Rod is known for his high-energy live shows, so don’t miss out. Ticket prices start at €65. The show starts at 8:30 p.m. For more information visit www.rockhal.lu The Dandy Warhols Sat, Jul 19 Luxembourg, Rockhal The bohemians are back! The Dandy Warhols are coming to Luxembourg on July 19 so purchase your ticket soon. Ticket prices start at €23. The show
More events on: www.militaryingermany.com
starts at 8:30 p.m. For more information visit www.rockhal.de SPORTS Bergrennen - car racing Sat, Jul 12 – Sun, Jul 13 Homburg, Käshofer Strasse Join Homburg’s Bergrennen (mountain racing) on July 12 – 13 on Käshofer Strasse where race car drivers will be driving through the country roads while trying to keep other competitors from winning first place. For more information visit www.homburger-bergrennen.de Soccer World Cup Final Sun, Jul 13 Kaiserslautern, Fritz-Walter Stadion Don’t miss out on the biggest sporting event of the year. Watch your host nation bring home the cup on Sunday at 21:00 on a huge screen, when they play against Argentinia. Free entry is through the stadium’s Westtribüne (west gate), doors open 2 hours before the game. Fahrradtag - bike day Sun, Jul 20 Zweibrücken, Herzogplatz What better way to spend the day than biking riding on the countryside with your family. July 20th is a bike day in Zweibrücken when you can ride various routes with stalls offering food and drinks. The bike day starts at 10 a.m. Afterwards, there will be bouncy castles for children and other types of food and drinks offered. For more information visit www.zweibruecken.de
military IN GERMANY
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
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409th CSB hosts 405th AFSB job shadow Story and photo by Rachel Clark 409th Contracting Support Brigade The 409th Contracting Support Brigade recently played host to a 405th Army Field Support Brigade job shadow program in Kaiserslautern. The 405th AFSB provided opportunities for its employees to work alongside or “shadow” employees in a different career field as part of the Army Sustainment Command’s Journey to Leadership program. As part of a 20-day developmental assignment, Miranda Lee, budget analyst with the 405th AFSB, worked alongside Stephanie VanDine, contracting officer at the 409th Theater Contracting Center, to learn more about the ins and outs of contracting.
Bullying Buster Summer Camp
“I had to find a unit within Army Materiel Command to job shadow with, and I’ve always been interested in contracting,” Lee said. “I reached out to Dana Harris, the deputy director of TCC, since they are in the local area.” Harris said the brigade was happy to show Lee how contracts are managed. “Anytime we are able to support a sister brigade, we will,” Harris said. “Pairing her with Ms. VanDine worked because she represents what a good contracting officer is.” During her time with the 409th, Lee helped with contract modifications and learned some of contracting’s peculiarities and technicalities. “Working this job has given me a much better understanding of the acquisition process. There’s a lot more to it than I could have imagined,” Lee said.
Education Notes
Bullying is a problem that many young children face. Learn self-confidence through self-defense in the Bullying Buster Summer Camp through SKIESUnlimited, July 28 to Aug. 1. Open to ages 5 to 13. The camp will be held in the Yellow Ribbon Room on Miesau Army Depot, Bldg. 1304. Cost is $195. Register by contacting Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Summer theater camps
KMC Onstage is offering summer theater classes and camps until Aug. 2. Various classes include creative dramatics, improv, intro to theater, poetry and puppetry, acting and more. For details, email nathan.d.records.naf@mail.mil, check out the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation website, or call KMC Onstage at 483-6626 or 0631411-6626.
Sports camp for kids
The sixth annual American Sports Camp, for children ages 8 to 17, will take place Aug. 4 to 8 in Frankfurt at SC 1880 Frankfurt (Feldgerichtstrasse 29, 60320 Frankfurt) and the gym in the nearby Kleyerschule. The daily program runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with experienced coaches and players from several local clubs helping the participants with the basics of American football, baseball, lacrosse and basketball. Children will learn a different sport each of the first four days, and on the fifth day they will play a game in all the sports. The camp is supported by the U.S. General Consulate in Frankfurt. For details, visit www. wardcarr.com/en_index.html or contact Ward Carr at amspcamp@aol.com.
E-Degree Plan
Stephanie VanDine (right), contracting officer at the 409th CSB’s Theater Contracting Center, and Miranda Lee, budget analyst with the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, review a site map as part of on-the-job training for a job shadow program with Army Sustainment Command.
Starting Oct. 1, all personnel requesting tuition
assistance are required to have uploaded their electronic Degree Plan into their education record in the Air Force Virtual Education Center site accessed through the Air Force Portal. Meet with your school’s academic adviser for your e-Degree Plan, and then take the time to upload your courses. For assistance, contact the education center.
Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Driver’s education
Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service counselors will start two newcomers transition groups over the summer in the Ramstein Middle School MPH building. One group is for high school students and the other for middle school students. For details, call 06371-47-3196 or email Michael. mcguire@eu.dodea.edu or shelly.green@eu.dodea. edu.
IMCOM-Europe hosts a comprehensive driver’s education program for high school students in Europe. It is made possible through a collaborative effort and contract with the German National Federation of Driving Instructors (Fahrlehrerverband). For more information and to register, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Youth sports registration
EDGE! program
Tween/teen connection
Youth sports registration for fall is now open. Sports include: tackle football, ages 9-14, $135; cheerleading, ages 5-18, $40; flag football, ages 5-14, $40; and jump rope, ages 7-18, $40. Fall sports registration runs through July 18. For more information or to register, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 4934516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop on Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810 on Wilson Barracks, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Summer Dance Classes
SKIESUnlimited is offering summer dance classes throughout the entire month of July. Try a new class, make new friends and have fun while learning a cultural art. Classes will perform at the end of the session at a local senior citizen center. Youth can enhance their dancing skills and also contribute to the community by taking part in this great opportunity. To find out about what types of dance classes are offered and to register, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the
Register for events with Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, by calling 4934516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122; or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop on Landstuhl, Bldg. 3810 on Wilson Barracks, at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943. • Youth ages 8 and older have the opportunity to go to a high ropes course in Homburg. Youth will have the opportunity to experience a fun and exciting day at Fun Forest. After a safety briefing, youth can decide which course they would like to climb. The courses are one-way courses and independent of one another. Each course takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete. Youth will have a total of three hours of climbing time. This trip will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday. Youth must be able to reach 170 centimeters, or 5 feet 7 inches. Cost is $25. • Fishing instruction will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. Aug. 7 and 14 at the Landstuhl Youth Center, Bldg. 3819. This is for students in first through 12th grade. Youth will learn fundamental fishing skills, including knot tying, casting, baiting the hook and basic German fishing laws. A fishing trip will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 15. Cost is $45.
Ramstein celebrat Page 20
Kaiserslautern American
Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
Violinist Robert Mineo plays during “The Rockin’ 4th” celebration on Ramstein.
July 11
Photo by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
Staff Sgt. Nathan Brownheim, 86th Security Forces Squadron, has his face painted.
Attendees rides, food
Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
A Dave Matthews tribute band plays during “The Rockin’ 4th” celebration July 4 on Ramstein.
Photo by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
Attendees enjoy carnival rides, games and food during “The Rockin’ 4th” celebration.
Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
A live performer sings during “The Rockin’ 4th” celebration July 4 on Ramstein.
A carnival
tes Fourth of July
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Kaiserslautern American
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Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
enjoy carnival rides during “The Rockin’ 4th” celebration July 4 on Ramstein. The celebration was held at the Ramstein Enlisted Club and offered many activities, including live music, children’s activities, carnival d specialties, a Ferris wheel, fireworks and much more.
Photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
ride spins during “The Rockin’ 4th” celebration July 4.
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Mark Your Calendar 2014 Events
» Armstrong’s Club hosts Karaoke Night from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. today in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Can you sing? Great. You can't? That's OK, too. It doesn't matter at Karaoke Night, where everyone is a star. For ages 18 and older. For details, call 0631-354-9986. » The KMC Arena will be hosting a Mario Kart 8 tournament Saturday. For more information, visit facebook.com/kmcarena. » A hunters and collectors flea market will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Jagdhaus near the road coming from Ramstein East Gate toward Einsiedlerhof (turn left near the car dealership and insurance company and drive about 650 feet into the forest). Hunting and recreation items will be offered. Food and beverages will be available. Profits will be donated to the Aid Initiative for Kids with Cancer. For details, call 06371-50221. » In celebration of the Summer Reading Program, the Rheinland-Pfalz Library is hosting informative travel workshops for adults. Refreshments will be available and families are welcome. Workshops will be hosted on the following dates and times: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, and 6 to 7 p.m. July 22. For more information, contact the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks, at 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322. » Join the Rheinland-Pfalz Library for culinary travel movie marathons in celebration of the Adult Summer Reading Program. Refreshments will be provided. Movies will be shown from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and July 19 in the library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322. » Take your little superhero to an event he or she will always remember. Join Armstrong’s Club for the Superhero Jamboree from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday. Enjoy an evening filled with adventures, including costumes, prizes, games and entertainment. Finger foods and beverages will be served. Real-life superheroes will greet and take photos with attendees. Cost is $50 per parent-child pair and $25 for each additional child. Reservations are required. Seating is limited, so reserve your spot today. Open to children ages 4 and older. The deadline to register is today. Reservations will be accepted via Webtrac or by calling 0631-354-9986. » Reconnect with the outdoors by joining Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation for a campout. The Great American Campout will take place July 26 and 27 at Pulaski Park. Bring your tents and sleeping bags and camp under the stars. Camping equipment is available to COMMAND, from Page 17
“One of the biggest thanks goes to the DLA Energy Europe & Africa workforce that accepted Admiral Harnitchek’s challenge that we are living in historic times … doing things we’ve never done before,” Weaver said. “Make some history for yourself. And that’s exactly what you did. You did things that were not done before across Europe and all over Africa. From the Arctic Circle to the
rent at Army Outdoor Recreation. Bring your own hotdogs and roast them on the outdoor grill. Tent setup begins at 7 p.m. This free event is open to all military ID cardholders and family members. Register with Army Outdoor Recreation no later than July 22 by calling 493-4117 or 06313406-4117. » The first Toddler Picnic in the Park event, hosted by the New Parent Support Program, takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Wednesday during the summer at Pulaski Park on Pulaski Barracks. Parents with toddlers are invited to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy playing and picnicking with other toddlers. Toddler-specific information will be provided, with topics ranging from summer safety to nutrition. For more information, contact the New Parent Support Program at 493-4066/4058 or 0631-34064066/4058. » The Kazabra Club hosts Country Night from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. every Saturday in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. There is a $5 cover charge. » Armstrong’s Club hosts Open Mic Night from 5 to 10 p.m. every Tuesday in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. If you think you have what it takes, bring your gear and be heard. For ages 18 and older. No sign-up required. For details, call 0631-354-9986. » The Team Ramstein Hispanic Heritage Committee is looking for highly motivated people who have great ideas or want to take on special projects. An observance will be held from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 with a presidential proclamation. This commemoration is an opportunity to increase awareness, mutual respect and understanding. Hispanic Heritage observances are designed to enhance cross-cultural and cross-gender awareness and promote harmony among all military members, their families and the civilian work force. Anybody who would like to be a part of this year’s Hispanic Heritage Committee should attend the meeting at 10 a.m. July 23 at the Ramstein Community Center, Room 1 (next to the Flying Pig restaurant). For more information, call Master Sgt. Delma Edwards at 480-5862, or Tech. Sgt. Luis Montero at 480-0977.
Support Groups
» The ABC Allergy Support Group will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Yellow Ribbon Room on Pulaski Barracks, Bldg. 2926. Do you or someone you love have food allergies? Come visit with others that share similar experiences and are also learning to adapt overseas with food allergies. Children are welcome. Register in advance
Pole of Obscurity in Africa, you were providing support and amazing me with the solutions you put in place to support the high visibility — no fail missions everyday with very little fanfare.” During the ceremony, Tuck welcomed English to his new command saying his extensive background in both transportation and the EUCOM AOR will pay big dividends during his tour as commander. “With your training, experience and
by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » Community for Autism Awareness, Understanding, Support and Education, or CAUSE, is a support group for members of the community who have an autistic family member to get information and get involved. The group meets from 6 to 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month in the media center at Vogelweh Elementary School. No registration required.
» A USA jobs workshop takes place from 10 a.m. to noon today in the computer lab in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 06313406-4203. » A class on interview techniques will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Join our employment readiness expert and learn the valuable skill sets needed to set an impression on prospective employers during a job interview. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203. » A private sector resume writing class takes place from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Looking for a job in the private sector and don’t know where to start? Take this class designed to help prepare you in your career search. Learn important information about what an employer might look for on a resume. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.
Classes & Training
» ACS Relocation Readiness offers two levels of German language classes: beginners and intermediate. In these classes, participants will gain a better understanding of the written and verbal German language. All course materials are provided to students free of charge. Classes run in 10-week semesters. Advanced registration is required as this class often fills up fast. For more information, call 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.
Baumholder Events
» The Baumholder indoor swimming pool has extended its hours of operation. Saturday swimming is now available. The new hours of operation are as follows: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and 2:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fridays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, and closed Sundays, Mondays and on all federal holidays. The pool is located in Bldg. 8897 on Wetzel Kaserne.
this great DLA Energy Europe & Africa team, you will succeed,” Tuck said. “As for the region personnel you inherit, I would bet my wings on them.” As the new DLA Europe & Africa commander, English will be responsible for 55 defense fuel support points, five major pipelines and distribution systems, 22 international agreements and provide direct support to several combatant commands. Its area of responsibility includes
more than 100 countries with more than 800 different ethnic groups speaking more than 2,000 languages. “When it comes to (DLA) Energy, it’s all done on the backs of about 78 people,” Tuck said. Over the past three years, DLA Energy Europe & Africa has managed the distribution and sale of approximately $13.5 billion worth of jet fuel, motor gas, diesel and aviation gas.
July 11, 2014
Airman & Family Readiness Center
For details or to sign up for a class, call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100. MONDAY » Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC » Pre-separation brief: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., A&FRC TUESDAY » Reintegration brief: 9 to 11 a.m., IDRC » Pre-deployment brief: 1 to 3 p.m., IDRC WEDNESDAY » Base INTRO: 7:30 to 11:45 a.m., E-Club » EFMP playgroup: 10 a.m. to noon, Ramstein Community Center THURSDAY » Single parent support group: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC » “Love After War” reintegration seminar: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., A&FRC JULY 18 » MFLC Lunch n Learn, “Parent/Child Communication”: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC
» USAFE TEEN ADVENTURE CAMP, July 21 to 25 for ages 14-18. Join us for adventure in the great outdoors in Garmisch. Enjoy hiking, rafting, camping, cookouts and more in the beautiful European wilderness. Application packages are available at the Ramstein and Vogelweh youth and teen centers and must include an essay answering the question, “What can Air Force teen centers do to reach more teens?” Spaces are limited, so pick up your application package today. Applications are due no later than Wednesday. » SIGN UP IS CURRENTLY OPEN and there are spaces available for the following classes running Monday to Aug. 8: Okinawan Karate: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays on Ramstein, ages 8 to 18; individual music lessons (piano, woodwinds, guitar, voice) on Ramstein and Vogelweh, ages 6 and up; dance classes of all types on Ramstein. To register, vist www.86FSS.com, click “Family,” then “Instructional Classes,” then “Class Registration.” » MARK YOUR CALENDARS for summer and fall registration. Get ready to join our camps, classes and clubs: Aug. 4: Fall after school clubs Aug. 11: Fall instructional classes Spaces are limited, so don’t delay. Register online at www.86fss.com, or call Ramstein Youth Programs at 06371-47-6444, or Vogelweh Youth Programs at 0631536-6504 for details. » 2014 FRANKFURT AMERICAN SPORTS CAMP FOR KIDS: The sixth annual American Sports Camp for boys and girls from the ages of 8 to 17 will take place Aug. 4 to 8 in Frankfurt at SC 1880 Frankfurt (Feldgerichtstrasse 29, 60320 Frankfurt) and the gym in the nearby Kleyerschule. The daily program runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with experienced coaches and players from several local clubs helping the participants with the basics of American football, baseball, lacrosse and basketball. The children learn a different sport each of the first four days, and on the fifth day they play a game in all the sports. The camp is supported by the U.S. General Consulate in Frankfurt. For more information, visit www.wardcarr.com/ en_index.html or contact Ward Carr at amspcamp@aol.com.
Ramstein Youth Center
SUMMER CAMPS OUTLINE (AGES 9 TO 12), MONDAY TO JULY 18 9 a.m. to noon » FEMA: Disaster Response Quest » Fast, Fit Fun: Warrior Challenge » Ace of Cakes Junior
Kaiserslautern American
» Art from Around the World » Robo Tech Basics 2 to 5 p.m. » Amazing Planet: Wind, Sun & Water » Around the World Sports » Master Chef Junior: Ingredient Challenge » Hands on Museum Art » Video Editing 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. » Super Soaking Swim Week JULY 21 TO 25 Youth Performing Arts Camp Auditions: 10 a.m. July 21; rehearsal schedules vary depending upon part assigned; performance: 1 p.m. July 26 9 a.m. to noon » Dynamic Detective: On the Case » Net Sports » Electricity » Basket Weaving » Stop Motion Animation 2 to 5 p.m. » Craft Bonanza II » Wet & Wild Water Fun » Asian Cooking » Tabletop Gaming » Digital Photography 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. » Ground Pounders Outdoor Adventures JULY 28 TO AUG. 1 9 a.m. to noon » Gadget & Invention Challenge » Soccer » Finger Food Fun » Recycled Art » Robo Tech Mayan Adventure 2 to 5 p.m. » WW II Kids Experience » Net Sports » Hispanic Cooking » Brush Strokes Painting » Game Tech: Scratch 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. » Planet Earth with Mr. Ronnie AUG. 4 TO 8 9 a.m. to noon » Fly, Fight Win: Air Force Adventures » Tennis » Wood Working II » Jewelry Making » Art from Around the World 2 to 5 p.m. » Amazing Race II » FSS Sports » European Cooking » Op Art: Modern Creativity Video Editing 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. » Time Traveler Adventures
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AUG. 11 TO 15 9 a.m. to noon » Fear Factor Resilience » Net Sports » Sewing » Lines & Shadows: Sketching 2 to 5 p.m. » Mission Impossible II » Around the World Sports » Master Chef Junior: Technique Challenge » Flight Tech 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. » Super Soaking SwimWeek AUG. 18 TO 21 (NOTE: There will NOT be any camp Aug. 22 due to a Family Day) 9 a.m. to noon » Goopy, Fizzy Science » Soccer » Patchwork Morning: Quilting » Point, Click & Shoot: Digital Photography » Digital Illustration 2 to 5 p.m. » Go Girls Go » Wet & Wild Water Fun » Pack N Go Foods for Back to School » Inking & Coloring » Digital Scrapbooking 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. » Sticks & Stones Outdoor Adventure For more information, call 06371-47-6444 or 480-6444.
Health and Wellness Center
For more information, call the Health and Wellness Center at 06371-47-4292 or 480-4292 (HAWC). TODAY » BOD POD assessments: 2 to 3 p.m. MONDAY » Healthy eating class: 10 to 11:30 a.m. TUESDAY » Dietary approaches to stop hypertension: 10 to 11 a.m. THURSDAY » BOD POD assessments: 8 to 9 a.m. » Tobacco cessation class session 1 of 2: noon to 1 p.m. JULY 18 » BOD POD assessments: 2 to 3 p.m. JULY 21 » Healthy eating class: 10 to 11:30 a.m. JULY 24 » BOD POD assessments: 8 to 10 a.m. » Tobacco cessation class session 2 of 2: noon to 1 p.m. JULY 25 » BOD POD assessments: 2 to 3 p.m. JULY 28 » Healthy eating class: 10 to 11:30 a.m. JULY 29 » Heart Smart: 10 to 11 a.m. JULY 31 » BOD POD assessments: 8 to 9 a.m. (For the full Community Corner, including Family Advocacy classes and information on the medical group, ASACS and more, visit the KA online at www.kaiserslauternamerican.com.)
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.
Performing arts
Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: • “West Side Story,” a musical by Leonard Bernstein, in German, 7:30 p.m. today, Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. • Seventh chamber concert features piano quintets by Ralph VaughanWilliams and Franz Schubert, 11 a.m. Sunday. For details, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de. Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • Summer break to Sept. 3. For more information, visit www.kammgarn.de. Volkspark, Kaiserslautern (duck pond on Entersweiler-/Donnersberger Strasse): • Kolpingkapelle Kindsbach and singer Barbara Lenhardt present “The World of Brass Music, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday. Admission is free. Beverages and snacks are available. Children can enjoy an adventure playground. Ramstein, Prometheusplatz: • Ramstein City Rock with the bands Offbeat and Revengers, 8 p.m. today. Admission is free. Lichtenberg Castle (near Kusel): • 800 years of Lichtenberg Castle celebrations with Unity Gospel Choir presenting a diverse cross-section of gospel and pop music, 7 p.m. today. Sunday, the Arbeitermusikverein Jettenbach, a brass and wind orchestra presents polkas, marches, concert music, pop songs, 11 a.m. The Musikverein Nanzdietschweiler performs 1:30 p.m.; and the Youth Wind Section Choir Langenbach presents classic music to modern rock, 4 p.m. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt: • “Strangers on a train,” a bizarre psychological thriller by Craig Warner, based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith, Sept. 12 to Nov. 1. For more information, visit www.english-theatre.org.
Nationaltheater Mannheim, am Goetheplatz: • “My Fair Lady,” a musical, in German, 7 p.m. today. • “Goldberg Variationen,” ballet by Kevin O’Day, 7 p.m. July 20. For more information, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de. Saarbrücken, Saarländisches Staatstheater, Schillerplatz 1: • “Macbeth,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, in Italian, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 2:30 p.m. July 20. • “Anastasia/Shadow,” a dance project by Kenneth MacMillan and Marguerite Delon, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 23 and 6 p.m. July 27. For more information, visit www.theater-saarbruecken.de or call 0681-3092-486.
• Kaiserslautern Gartenschau, through Oct. 31. Special events: “T-shirts, bags and tensides,” an interactive display on sustainable chemistry, to Oct. 12 in exhibition hall. Flower show, “Water,” to July 27 in flower hall. French Garden party with French music and food specialties, 6 p.m. today. Sunday: Newapostolic worship service,
Courtesy photo
Museum display The Pfalzgalerie Museum offers the special exhibition “Drehmomente,” with art by Stefan Rohrer from Stuttgart, until Sept. 7. The art objects are made of car bodies, scooters and miniature cars. Hours are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays to Sundays. For details, visit www.mpk.de.
Photo by City of Kaiserslautern
Theater, street festival in Kaiserslautern Members from the Teatr Osmego Dnia will perform during the annual street and theater festival “Alles Muss Raus!” (Get it all out!) July 18 to 20 in the center of Kaiserslautern. About 250 disabled and non-disabled artists from Germany, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Spain will meet and celebrate together. Activities will start with a revue at 7:30 p.m. July 18 in the Fruchthalle. Tickets cost €5. All other performances are free. For details, visit www.alles-muss-raus-festival.de.
11 a.m. in willow church. Tickets cost €7 for adults; €3 for children. Hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.gartenschau-kl.de. • Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden open through Oct. 31. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit www.japanischergarten.de. • Kaiserslautern, Pfalzbibliothek (Palatinate library), Bismarckstrasse 17, yard fest with second hand book shop, live music, food, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. • Weilerbach, Dorfplatz, 800th anniversary celebrations with historical weekend featuring demonstrations on old craftsmanship, agriculture and everyday life in former times, and tours of old houses, churches, Reinhard-Blauth-Museum, Saturday and Sunday. • Mackenbach, tennis court, summer fest, 5 p.m. Saturday. • Reichenbach, fairgrounds, village carnival, Saturday to Monday. • Niederkirchen (Morbach-Wörsbach), village carnival, Saturday and Sunday. • Hochspeyer (Biedenbacher pond in Lienbach valley between Frankenstein and Waldleiningen), drifting fest, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. • Kusel, Italian nights, today and Saturday. • Enkenbach, cuckoo carnival, Saturday to Tuesday. • Ellerstadt (east of Bad Dürkheim), fisher fest, today to Sunday. • Neustadt-Mussbach, wine fest, today to Sunday. • Schmitshausen (southwest of
Wallhalben), walnut tree fet, Saturday and Sunday. • Battenberg (south of Neuleiningen), wine fest, today to Sunday. • Falkenstein Castle (north of Winnweiler) guided moonlight tour in English, 8 p.m. Saturday. Participants meet in front of open-air stage, near castle’s restaurant Burgerstubb pub and walk on illuminated trails passing illuminated trees and rocks. For reservations, call 06302-60261 or email info@winnweiler-vg.de. Cost is €1.50. • Landau, Landauer Sommer, six stages with 35 bands, eating and drinking, today: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday: 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.; Sunday: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. • Speyer, brezel fest (carnival with rides, vendors), today to Tuesday. • Dannstadt Schauernheim, (southeast of Ludwigshafen), vegetable street fest, Saturday. • Traben-Trarbach/Mosel, wine fest, Saturday to Monday; fireworks display Saturday night.
Flea markets
• Kaiserslautern, Pfalz-Center (across from Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays. • Mehlingen, former Penny market (Tannenstrasse), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. • Ramstein, Autokino, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works in Kurpark), 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and July 19. • Worms, Hafenstrasse, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. • Bad Kreuznach, Pfingstwiese (Messegelände), 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 19 and 26.
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
Trier: ‘Oldest city in Germany’ still entices travelers Story and photo by Staff Sgt. R.J. Biermann 31st Fighter Wing Public Affairs
orta Nigra, the Basilica of Our Lady Cathedral and imperial baths are just a few of the must-see attractions in Trier, Germany, and they’re only a short walk from one another. The city, often called the oldest city in Germany, sits on the banks of the Moselle River. The city was once controlled by the Roman Empire, which constructed most of the remaining historical sites seen today. The city is now home to more than 105,000 people, making it the fourth largest city in Germany’s Rheinland-Pfalz state. My family and I recently visited these beautiful sites, about an hour’s drive from Ramstein. Porta Nigra, Latin for “Black Gate,” was constructed around A.D. 200 along with a 6-kilometerlong city wall. The gate received its name after small organisms blackened the once-white sandstone used to construct it. Years after Trier was seized from the Romans, the gate was planned for deconstruction in order to reuse the gate’s massive bricks for other buildings. Of course, the gate still stands today thanks to the hermit Simeon, a former Greek monk, who lived within the gate’s towers during the 11th century. After his death and in the monk’s memory, Bishop Poppo had the gate converted into a church. For just a few euro you can explore the gate on your own. If you understand German, there’s even a guided tour where an actor, dressed in a Roman officer’s garb, will take you through the gate in a dramatic fashion. The windows throughout the gate allow you to capture great photos of almost all of Trier. Entering the city center through the gate doesn’t cost a thing. Great photos of the gate can still be taken from the ground, but it certainly won’t be as
The view of the south side of Porta Nigra, Latin for “Black Gate,” in Trier, Germany, is a beautiful site to see. For just a few euro, tourists can explore the gate.
enjoyable as climbing the circular staircases into the heights of the towers on both sides of the gate. Our next stop was the “Kaiserthermen,” or the imperial baths. It’s certainly more accurate to call these “enormous pools” than “baths.” Think of an NFL-size playing field, once filled with water, separated by cold, warm and hot swimming areas. These baths were also constructed during the Roman Empire for the purpose of relaxation and recreation. During our trip, we just walked the city block around the baths. For a small fee, visitors can tour the baths or experience a live play to re-enact a his-
torical event that took place at the baths. After leaving the baths and on our way back toward the gate, we finally stopped at the Basilica of Our Lady Cathedral. For 1,700 years, the church has stood in the heart of Trier. Its architectural flare was unmatched by any other building, wall or sculpture we saw in Trier. Each pillar, stained-glass window, pew, light fixture and mural is beautifully constructed. So if you’re roaming through Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier is a great place to explore, and the most expensive thing you’re likely to pay for is parking.
Soldiers learn fitness fundamentals with trainer course Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command and other organizations around Germany received in depth physical readiness training through the Master Fitness Trainer course hosted May 29 to June 26 in the KMC. A team comprising one Army officer from the Army Training and Doctrine Command and three civilian fitness coaches from Anautics administered the course. The training typically consisted of hands-on physical training in the morning accompanied by classroom instruction in the afternoon. The course explained the entire Army Physical Readiness Training regimen down to the science of each movement, said 1st Lt. Caeson L. Daniell, MFT course team leader. “In the mornings we focus heavily on the movements and drills from PRT that people have been overlooking in the last few years, focusing on precision, progression and integration, which are the three principles of PRT,” Daniell said. “In the
Staff Sgt. Juna C. Cyriaque, personnel NCO assigned to the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s Special Troops Battalion, leads her class in performing “The Windmill” during Physical Readiness Training as a part of the Master Fitness Trainer course June 24 on Vogelweh.
afternoon they learn anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, exercise science and nutrition. It’s a pretty well rounded course.” Heavy emphasis was placed on executing each exercise within the PRT program with precise motion and timing. Throughout the course, the Soldiers learned when each exercise was neces-
sary and why. Even veterans of Army PRT were surprised to learn they had not been performing the exercises correctly. “I was a drill sergeant for two years and I thought I was doing PRT right the whole time, but I wasn’t,” said Staff Sgt. Juna C. Cyriaque, personnel NCO assigned to the 21st TSC’s Special Troops Battalion, while performing the “Side Bridge” exercise. “Doing it right is kicking my butt!” To both the trainers and trainees, the course and its material are considered extremely important. One of the trainers went on to explain why proper implementation of PRT is so crucial. “The Army has a great program in place with PRT, but it is not being utilized as is should. We want to make sure it is implemented correctly, because as a performance coach having worked with athletes at the collegiate level, we know that when you do performance training it’s all about the specificity of the training to the job we are going to do,” said Alex Z. Hoffman, MFT course instructor from Anautics. “The Army has one of the most important jobs in the world, because they provide for our safety.”
July 11, 2014
KMC 'Red Tails' win little league championship Win earned team spot in German national finals in July
n a picture-perfect Sunday, in a beautiful new facility at Clay Kaserne in Wiesbaden, the KMC Little League Baseball Majors division AllStars — the “Red Tails” — completed a two-day sweep of the Stuttgart Panthers and Wiesbaden Warriors All-Stars to capture the Little League Baseball District 1 Championship. The tournament started in thrilling fashion with a hardfought battle between Stuttgart and Wiesbaden June 20, with the Panthers finally prevailing in a breathtaking come-from-behind effort. The rest of the tournament, however, belonged to the Red Tails. Led by the superb starting pitching of ace right hander Ry Yates, KMC smothered Stuttgart’s offense. Strong defense in the outfield by Terry White, Damon Nelson and Ben Lenahan, and up the middle led by short stop Jackson Leech and second baseman Carter Woelkers — along with catcher Cody Schwope picking off the Panther’s first base runner from the game at first base — set the tone early, holding the Panthers to just 4 hits and 4 runs. The Red Tails’ bats were hot right from the start as they opened the scoring with a two-run triple from clean-up hitter Brandon Reynolds in the bottom of the first, jumping to an early three-run lead they never relinquished. A triple by center fielder Nelson and another by Reynolds capped an 11-run second inning. KMC relievers Josh Yosfan and Brett Parker combined for the final three outs, and the Red Tails won by a final of 14-3 in a four-inning mercy rule shortened game, earning a birth in the championship game. Stuttgart’s tournament came to an end in the second game June 21 as they fell to Wiesbaden in another back and forth battle that eventually ended with Wiesbaden handing Stuttgart their second — and eliminating — loss, 8-6. The morning of June 22 continued the Red Tails’ dominance as ace south-paw Andrew Smyth took the mound and put Wiesbaden on their heels from the start, striking out three of the first four batters he faced. KMC took another early 3-0 lead, but Wiesbaden fought back with a smattering of hits, scoring three runs over the next two innings. The Red Tails’ offense was just too much, though, behind the power of Reynolds’ third triple of the tournament and sparked by a two-run bomb over the centerfield fence by Yates in the third. Smyth shut down the Warriors in the top of the fourth, striking out the final two batters he faced, and the Red Tails’ bats exploded with Gabriel Falcon, Mason Pease and Ben Lenahan all coming off the bench for clutch hits in a six-run bottom of the fourth inning to earn another mercy rule shortened victory, 13-3. The Red Tails advanced in little league post season play to the German national finals against the District 2 champions from North Rhine Westphalia in a best of three series that was held July 5 to 7 on Ramstein. (Courtesy of Colin Smyth)
Kaiserslautern American
Softball championships
Come and cheer on your favorite team in the unit level softball championships. Games will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday at the KAD Sports Field near Daenner Kaserne. There will be awards for first, second and third place teams, along with individual awards for first and second place, plus MVP. There is no entrance fee for spectators. For more information, call Quinton Floyd at 493-2088 or 0631-3406-2088.
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Mountain Bike Series. To register, visit www. tvr-radsport.de. For more information, contact Army Outdoor Recreation, Bldg. 2905 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4117 or 0631-34064117.
Soccer registration
Golf tournament
KMC Top 3 will sponsor a golf tournament July 18 at Ramstein’s Woodlawn Golf Course. For details and to pre-register, email jack. haskell@us.af.mil or Jason.brandy@us.af.mil.
Registration for afternoon bambino soccer is now open. Soccer is for children ages 3 to 4. Cost is $20 for six 45-minute sessions. Soccer is offered from 4 to 4:45 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. Registration closes July 18. Register by calling Parent Central Services at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122, or the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop at 486-8943 or 06371-86-8943.
Flag football sign-ups
Gymnastics instructors needed
Now is the time to sign up for unit level flag football. Registration is open now through Aug. 6. A coaches meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Aug. 6 at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Fitness Center, Bldg. 172. Units wishing to participate should call Quinton Floyd at 493-2087 or 0631-3406-2087, or email quinton.floyd. civ@mail.mil. Season begins Aug. 19.
SKIESUnlimited needs gymnastics instructors to teach children, ages 3 and up. Sessions will include pre-level gymnastics and tumbling. For more information, contact Shay Berchtold at 486-5412 or 06371-86-5412, or jennifer.s.berchtold.naf@mail.mil.
Recreational soccer
The Ramstein Northside Fitness Center is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for registered members. For more information and to get registered, visit the fitness center's front desk. Visit http://tinyurl.com/kn76ylk for more information.
Meet new people, get in shape and play soccer from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday at the Miesau Fitness Center, Bldg. 1220. Open to U.S. ID cardholders, Department of Defense civilians and retirees, ages 16 and up. To play or for more information, contact Robert Michels at 486-8939 or 06371-868939, or robert.michels@us.army.mil.
Functional fitness classes
Disc golf at Pulaski Park
Fitness center open 24/7
Functional fitness classes are now available at the Kleber Fitness Center. Come find out what everyone is talking about and get in shape with constantly varied functional movements at high intensity. Class days and times: 5:30 to 6:15 a.m. and 6:30 to 7:15 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cost is $4 per class. Early morning classes are free for active-duty military in PT uniform. For more information, contact the Kleber Fitness Center, Bldg. 3235, at 483-7610 or 0631-411-7610.
Mountain bike race
Participate in the 2014 U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Mountain Bike Race. The 18K course in Rodenbach is sure to challenge even the muddiest of mountain bike riders, and points for completion will count in the IMCOM-E 2014
Outdoor Recreation now offers disc golf at Pulaski Park. Grab a team, pick up a Frisbee and take advantage of this interactive flying disc game that requires precision and accuracy. The brand new disc golf course at Pulaski Park is open for public use. Frisbees may be rented from Outdoor Recreation, or you may bring your own. For details, contact Outdoor Recreation, Bldg. 2905 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4117 or 0631-3406-4117.
Personal trainers available
Personal trainers are available at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Fitness Center (Bldg. 172 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks), Landstuhl Fitness Center (Bldg. 3720 on Wilson Barracks) and Kleber Fitness Center (Bldg. 3235 on Kleber Kaserne). For more information, call 493-2086 or 0631-3406-2086 or visit www. kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.
Page 28
Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
NOW SHOWING Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.
Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 10:15 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11 a.m., 4:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow 3D (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 4:45 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 3D (PG) 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 11 a.m., 4:30 p.m., 10:15 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11 a.m., 4:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow 3D (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 4:45 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 3D (PG) 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. SUNDAY Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 2 p.m., 8 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 7:30 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 3D (PG) 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m. MONDAY - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11:15 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow 3D (PG-13) 2 p.m., 8 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 3D (PG) 1:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. 2D TUESDAY - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 2 p.m., 8 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 7:30 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 (PG) 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m. WEDNESDAY - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11:15 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow 3D (PG-13) 2 p.m., 8 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 3D (PG) 1:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Deliver Us from Evil (R) 2 p.m., 8 p.m. Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8 p.m. 22 Jump Street (R) 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m. Edge of Tomorrow 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. Earth to Echo (PG) 11:15 a.m., 7:30 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 3D (PG) 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m. TODAY -
Grace Studio
Dance Body & Mind German lessons www.grace-studio.org
Weilerbacher Str. 110 67661 KL - Einsiedlerhof
Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/
Ramstein-Süd / Landstuhl
For Reservations & Informations call 06371-937037
Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 6 THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems
In Digital 3D: Transformers: Age of Extinction (PG13)- Fri 15:30, 18:30, 21:30, Sat 15:00, 18:15, 21:30, Sun 15:00, 18:15, Mon & Tue 16:00, 19:00, Wed 20:00 In Digital 3D: How to train your Dragon 2 (PG)- Fri 18:00, Sat & Sun 13:30, 18:00, Mon - Wed 18:00 22 Jump Street (R)- Fri 16:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 13:30, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 18:00, 20:15, Mon 16:00, 20:30, Tue 20:30, Wed 16:00, 20:30 Tammy (R)- Fri 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sat 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30, Sun 18:00, 20:15, Mon 18:00, 20:30, Tue 16:00, 20:30, Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30 In 2D: How to train your Dragon 2 (PG)- Fri 16:00, 20:15, Sat & Sun 15:45, 20:15, Mon & Tue 16:00, 20:30, Wed 16:00 I n 2 D : Tr a n s f o r m e r s : A g e o f Extinction (PG13)- Fri 17:00, 20:15, Sat 13:30, 16:45, 20:00, Sun 13:30, 16:30, 19:30, Mon & Tue 17:00, 20:00, Wed 16:00, 19:00 Still showing: X-Men: Days of Future Past
w w w . broadwaykino.com/kmc
Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for more information Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13) — A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves shortlived as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as
Earth's dominant species. Starring Andy Serkis and Gary Oldman. Deliver Us from Evil (R) — New York police officer Ralph Sarchie joins forces with a priest to investigate a series of disturbing and inexplicable crimes. Starring Eric Bana and Chris Coy.
ACROSS 1 Number arrays 9 Attack from the air 15 Terrier type 16 Contest venues 17 Believable 18 Distance runners 19 Blot on the landscape 20 Water source 21 Venetian painter 23 Wan 27 Composer Khachaturian 28 Each 29 Take a chair 34 Balance 35 Worms container? 36 Tree trunk 37 Rabble-rouser 40 Discomfort 42 Diligence 43 Grew sleepy 44 Ben-Hur, e.g. 48 Take umbrage at 49 Biopic about Richie Valens 54 Signal transmitter 55 Cliques 56 Pleistocene period 57 Physic 58 Cared for 59 Becoming slower, in music DOWN 1 Official staff 2 Well ventilated 3 Leaves home? 4 Bolsheviks 5 Stupid 6 Trip to the airport, say 7 Oscar-winner Burstyn 8 Behold 9 Court star Pete 10 Ancient galley 11 Kindled again 12 Regarding 13 Wells __ 14 Capital of Sweden? 20 Philosopher
Kierkegaard 22 Upholstery fabric 23 Brazilian river 24 Take down ___ 25 Actress Virna 26 Baltic native 30 Tucked in 31 Warty creature 32 Besides 33 Legal document 35 French landscape painter 38 Land area 39 Sullied 40 Left on the plate 41 Cybernetics pioner Wiener 44 “Time in a Bottle” singer 45 Macho males 46 Syrian president 47 Take flight to unite? 50 Puccini piece 51 Deportment 52 Give a little 53 “Marching ___ war” 54 Op. ___ (footnote abbr.) 55 Pres. Coolidge
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
Page 29
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APT FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com
*!Nice Apt Landstuhl Kolping Str.9 95sqm 2BR BIK stor bath fully furn ₏550+utl Avail now 01781460633 or 0160-4498569 **Mehlingen lrg apt, 120sqm 2BR, liv/dinrm, brand new BIK, 1.5baths, utilrm, part furn, lrg balc, garden, SAT/AFN, flr heating, ₏700, Call: 06303-6691 or 0176-70501800 Apt 10 min RAB 80 sqm 2br 1livrm 1bath + guest WC stor BIK balc 1 cpks avail now ₏520 + util 0170-7369018 Apt in Otterberg near Sembach, 3BR, kit, liv&dinrm, bath, storagerm, balcony, park space, 110sqm ₏800+util. Call: 063014594 Apt in Sulzbachtal, approx 85sqm, 2rms, bik, bath. ₏300 +util. 06308-7159 Apt in Ulmet, 10km to Autobahn, nice apt with recreational activities and restaurants.2 BR, BIK, 2 lrg livrm with din area, 2baths (one shower, one bathtub), storagerm, park spot, SAT TV, oil heating, smoke detector, fiberglass internet, firplace and lrg panaramic windows leading towards the terrace(insulation glazing) lrg terrace, balc, pets welcome, ₏1170+util+₏400deposit, email: WUP.Zimmermann@gmail.com or 0171-7770411 Apt Mackenbach 86sqm fully furn big liv/din big bath BIK terr garden carp. dishw dryer washer DSL TV DVD radio, etc. ₏30 per day all incl. 06374-6407 Apt new 120m² Obermohr 5km RAB 3BR L/Drm bik bath wc balc gar no pets ₏760+ut T.0637150747 (0171-8365132) Beautiful loft Apt 5 min from Sembach, furn 2BR lrg liv/din rm, BIK, bath, play rm, sml pantry off str. prkg ₏700 +util +2mo dep American owned & housing approved. Avail 1. Aug. 06302-983298 after 7pm or 0631-34064216 work Beautiful single Appartment, fully furnished, located in center of Ramstein, AFN & Internet available, all costs included ₏700, call for details: 06371 50511 or 0160 5612178 Brßcken 120sqm apartment, 2 bedroom, BIK, bathrm, livdin rm, storage space, 2 balconies, garage, no pets, avail now, ₏720 + util + deposit. 06386-5366 from 6pm Exclusive big new apt in Kreimbach-Kaulbach, 160sqm, 20min to RAB, ground flr, 4BR, 1.5baths, BIK, pets welcome. 015154607136 / 015143457009
Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, 2 storey studio, 4 bdrm, lrge livrm, bik w/ lrg dnrm, 2 baths, 2 ½ baths, balconies, attic storage, floor heat, 170 sqm, 15min from RAB. incl.util, elec. extra. No realtor fee, Rent ₏1300 incl. heating. Call 06371-50549. Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, studio, 1 bdrm, liv-dinrm, bik, bath, balc., storage, 60sqm, beautifull view, floor heat, incl. util, elec. extra 15min from RAB. No realtor fee ₏500 incl. heating. Call 0637150549. Eulenbis, Nice Apartment with garage, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, LR, DR, Built-in-Kitchen, large balcony with great view, pantry and washer/dryer area, tile floors with floor heating; NO PETS; rented by owner; ₏1045 (incl. heating) + util call 06374 993311 or 0171 3631531 Gerhardsbrunn Apt 15min to RAB 5min to hospital 110sqm 3BR walk in closet 1.5bath BIK pantry liv/din rm SAT/fast DSL part furn if needed, ideal for 1-2 persons, ₏700 + utl + 2mo dep Angie 0162-7788860 or 063751789 no pets! No Realtor! Haupstuhl, rustical Apt. 1st floor, 1bedr, big living/dining area, open firepl, 1.5 bathrm, BIK, Free parking lot, 120sqm, ₏720, 2mths deposit. Directly avail, 0170-3324501 Horbach huge apt, 15min to Vogelweh, RAB, hospital, 4BR, walkin closet, bathroom w/bigshower + whirlpool, bathroom w/shower, liv/din rm, new BIK, terr, beautiful view near forest, very quiet, sunroom, laundry w/warm water, floorheating, 171sqm, AFN connect, DSL, 1100₏ + utl, Tel. 0170-9355555 or 0152-33814203, hohmann-pia@web.de Kindsbach, apt, approx 95sqm, 2BR, 1.5bath, storagerm, BIK, liv/ dinrm, balc, ₏680+util. Tel: 01775409677 Mackenbach, 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Balcony and basement storage available Manfred Stridde 06374-3783 or 480-7300
KL-Dansenberg / 15min RAB; Nice apt, 115sqm 2BR big liv/din SAT-TV op firepl BIK pantry 1.5bath garage yard 2 terr â‚Ź780+utl av now 0177-7645226
Real Estate Center In Kaiserslautern
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KL-Dansenberg 15 min to RAB, 115sqm 2BR, big liv/din rm SATTVopen fireplace BIK pantry 1.5bath garage fence yard terracequiet area 780+utl av now 063156826or 0177-7645226
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Robert-Bosch-Str. 10 KL-Erlenbach, Am Matzenberg 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 37, compl new renov. Apt 105sqm 2BR liv/dinrm bik bath 2balc celler parking spot+carport. â‚Ź650+utl Call 06301-4148 K-Town Downtown: beautiful apt, 120sqm, 3 bed, 1.5 bath, BIK, huge living room, Av now, 700 eur+ut. 0172 6855976 mre.kmc@icloud.com
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%86,1(66 $662&,$7(6 )25 5($/ (67$7( ),1$1&( ,19(670(17 3/$11,1* <RXU 4XLFN 6WRS IRU +RXVHV DQG $SDUWPHQWV ZZZ JÂż LPPR GH
3URSHUW\ 6HDUFK +RXVH %XLOGLQJ ZH VSHDN (QJOLVK Kusel Bledesbach, 22kilometer )LQDQFHV 1RWDU\ 6HUYLFH 1R (TXLW\ QHHGHG to RAB, 17 kilometer to BaumholÂŤ IURP D VLQJOH 6RXUFH der, 120sqm, 1BR, 2living, &RQWDFW XV ( 0DLO LQIR#JÂż LPPR GH 1dinrm, loggia, 1bath, guest toilet, 0DLQ 2IÂż FH 0DFNHQEDFK 5DOI (FNOHU 7HO BIK, new fully furn. No pets. ex3URSHUWLHV DQG 1HZ +RXVHV -DQ 3IHLIIHU 7HO cept elec and trash+one month $PHULFDQ 3DUWQHU 7HUU\ .DQNHOÂż W] 7HO rent. Avail now.Call: 06333688936 Landstuhl: apartment 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, built-in-kit., living-diningrm., balcony, 600,--â&#x201A;Ź + util , www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656
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Event Name: Protestant Singles Swiss Adventure Hours of Operation: Aug. 29 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sept. 1 Event Location: Kanderstegg, Switzerland Event Explanation: The Ramstein Air Base Chapel is sponsoring a spiritual resiliency retreat for Protestant Singles - 18 to 30 year olds - in the KMC area. The cost is $120 per person which includes bus transportation to and from Kanderstegg, 3 nights lodging and two meals per day. We will be staying at the Kanderstegg International Scout Camp. Activities include hiking, sightseeing an experiencing life in the Swiss Alps. Paragliding and ropes course also available for a modest fee. Chaplain Jamie Braswell will lead us in Bible study each night. Sign up deadline is August 15th (but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t waitâ&#x20AC;Ś.only 40 slots available!). Call the Ramstein North Chapel for more information or to register.
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Page 30
Kaiserslautern American
APT FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com
Landstuhl: apartment in historical castle in the heart of downtown, 3 bedrooms, big bathroom, nice BIK, 795 euros+ut. Av now, call Melinda 0172-6855976 or kka.immobilien@icloud.com
since 1985
Kaiserstr. 137 66849 Landstuhl (06371) 172 77 or 172 78 Online order: www.heimservice-napoli.de Your community, your website.
A6 exit KL-Einsiedlerhof Weilerbacher Str. 110
* all you can eat
+ 2 for 1
° half price
Luxury double level apartment: in beautiful village of Mehlbach, Ramstein and K-Town 20 mins, 160sqm, completely newly renovated, 3 bed, 2 bath, big BIK, garage, Av. now, €940+ut. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobi lien@icloud.com Mackenbach 5min to base, 147sqm apt, 2BR, BIK, small bath, attic, sunroom, balc, yard, park place, no dogs, dead end street, €750+€250 util 01758962981
July 11, 2014 Ramstein city, lux. apt. 3BDRgarage i.basement. rent €750, Dzepezauer@aol.com, Ramstein City: apartment 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath, built-in.kit., living-diningrm., balcony, garage, 745,-- € + util, no findersfee www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656 Ramstein new renovated quiet & gated ground flr Apt. 84sqm, ground floor, 3rms, furnished kitchen, bath & garage €790+elec. Call: 0160-7464434 Ramstein: apartment 2 bedr., bath, built-in-kit., living-diningrm., balcony, garage, 565,--€ + util , no findersfee www.agra-immobili en.de 06371-57656 Rodenbach efficiency Apt ideal for singl. pers sep entr, 295€ all incl. exc electr. Full furn, At least one year contract. 06301-9797 or 0179-9552506
Mackenbach, 2BR apt, 78sqm, 1full bath, sep guest toilet, kitFOR RENT chen w/din/livrm area, garage un- All ads and pics on class-world.com der the house, utilityrm, basem, nice yard, rent w/out utilities €500. !!! Townhouse in Kusel, liv sp Call 06374-994590 or 9957115, 141sqm, fully furn, 20 min to RAB. 0176-23404388 or 06371-60351 cell 01774590400 Mackenbach, lrg apt, 135sqm, !!!! Modern row house in Quei3BR 2.5bath, open area for kit- dersbach, 182 sqm, BIK, 3 BR, 2 chen din/livrm. Garage under the bath, parking place and garage, house, utilityrm, basem, nice Housing approved, 1300 € + util, yard. Rent w/out util €900. Call 0178-1665412
!!!Duplex in Bedesbach, 4 bedroom, huge Living and Dining Aera, 1 builtinkitchen brandnew with dishwasher, 2 Bath, sep. Laundryroom, floorheat and tiles all over, roofed patio, fishpond and garden, Carport. Very quiet area! 990,00Euro rent plus Utilities. Pls call 06371 -15113 or 063839289015 *Ramstein school dist. House, 220sqm, 1200sqm property, terrace, family rm, dinrm, BIK, laundry, 2full baths, 4BR, private patio area in the back. Very quiet area, 6miles to RAB westgate, kids and pets welcomed. €1600 +util. w/option to buy. Avail now. Call Owner 06364-175436 10min Ramstein, new house, 4BDR, 2baths, garage, red.fee, rent €1775,01726823232 Dzepe zauer@aol.com, 12min to Ramstein, nice renovated house1 livingroom, 5 bedroom, 2 kitchen, 2,5 bathroom, floorhead, pets allowed. 063831307 1-fam. house for rent, 340 sqm in Fockenberg-Limbach near Ramstein 11 rooms 3,5 bathr. balc. €2490 mobil: 015221907513 or 06543-2364
1family house, center of Weilerbach, 200sqm, 5BR, lrg livrm, kitchen, dinrm, storragerm, 2baths, 2balcony, terrace, parking sp. 06374-994590 or 9957115, cell 10min Ramstein, FSH, 6BDR, €875+util. 0179-4732591 Landl01774590400 sunroom, 2garages, No Fee, ord does not speak English. Dzepe 5min Ramstein, FSH, 5BDR, Mackenbach, 4 1/2RM, BIK, new rent€1650,01726823232 renovated 109sqm apt, lrg bath, zauer@aol.com, 2baths, 2gar. rent €1050, guest WC, 2 balc, park spot, avail Private Villa, €1490, edgarkorb@ 01726823232 Dzepezauer@ web.de, now, €720+utl 06357-5912 aol.com,
July 11, 2014
HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com
246sqm house in SchoenenbergKuebelberg, Hoecherbergstr., 15min RAB, 4 ½ BR, BIK, 2 liv/ dinrm, 3baths, 2 garages, balcony, garden, great acces to Autobahn (5min) €1600 + util +dep. 06373-2195 or 0175-2838274 280sqm, 7 bedr., 3.5 bathr., builtin kitchen, 2 garages, roof terrace, avail Aug 01, €2030 + utilities, No Realtor Fee! caro6387@google mail.com / 01577 3386387 (after 5pm) 300sqm FSH Schoeneberg-Kuebelberg, Lindenstr., new renovated, 15min RAB, 5BR, BIK, lrg liv/ dinrm, charming character, w/ open firepl, wooden floor, 3baths, sunroom, studio, garage, balcony, huge garden, great access to Autobahn (5min). kids are welcome.€1600+util+dep. 06373-4498 or 0175-2838274
Kaiserslautern American Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, 1FSH, built in 2002, 5BR, 2baths, studio, fire place, garage, 258sqm liv space, yard. €1900. Avail 3 Jul. 0160-5912616 Charming Freest House, 15min to RAB/10 to Landstuhl, 4BR, 1.5bath, BIK, fireplace, walk in closets, liv/dinrm, 2balc, patio, lrg garden, nice location, basement, Av now, €1400+utl.Approved by housing. Pls call 0151/22563581 Duplex in 66919 Weselberg 10min to LRMC and A62, 130sqm 3BR 1.5baths oil heating, attic, garage, terrace w/small yard €980+util avail July 20, 01717859082 or 06363-5481 Duplex in Konken, 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom big living dining aerea, brandnew bultinkitchen, yard, carport plus offroad parking. Big yard and a huge attic for storage. Rent 997,00 plus utilities pls. call 06371 15113 or 063839289015 (callforwarding to cellphone)
Enkenbach Alsenborn Duplex Airbase 15 min: Bruchmuehl- House. 140 sqm, 4 bed, 2 bath, guest WC, garage, balcony, lrg bach, luxury 300 sqm house, 6 br, garden. €915/mo Call Brian @ firepl, gar, yard E 2400,-; Winnwei01746-510-014 ler: brand new house 320 sqm, 6 br, gar, yard E 2600,-; Weiler- FSH in Niedermohr w/garage + bach: new 4 br dx, big patio E carpk, €1515+util. 204sqm, 4BR, 1650,-; Ramstein: great brand 2baths, yard, terrace. Avail July. new 3 br, yard 1500,-; pics availa- 06371-1809527 ble, JR Realty ph 06371-71756 or jfr46@outlook.com
Are you single or a young couple?? Nice Landstuhl City House 100sqm 2BR big livrm sm BIK 2baths, €700 + util, 017662066168 Bann, freestanding, house, 235sqm, 5bedr, 4bathr, €1650+util, for rent pl. call 015120006974 Beautiful 228sqm family house in country village (Konken), situated directly off A62 between Baumholder & Landstuhl/ Ramstein. 5 BR, 2 1/2 BA plus office, bonus room & lots of storage space. Washroom accommodates 110V appliances. Large, open living/ dining area with fireplace; attached garage with mechanics pit; double carport; huge yard with paved terrace is overlooked by lovely, covered balconies. Children and pets are welcome! Call Claudia Beck 06384-514466 or 015739466692 or write an Email: marcb3ck@web.de Beautifull Home, sun-filled free Standing house in Ramsen (15 min Sembach, 25 min Mannheim, 30 min Ramstein) 3-4 BR, 1 bath, 1 guest WC, large living area, Garage, 1000sqm Yard, €1100 + 3 mth dep, 01778979122 Katzweiler, 280sqm, new duplex, garage, 4BR, €1900. Immo T. 016096096498
Raisch’s Restaurant Steinwenden
Cozy, delicious, great quality … Come and enjoy! Moorstr. 40 • 66849 Steinwenden hotelraisch.com : 06371-59060
East of Kaiserslautern: renovated 260 m² house, more than 1000 m² property, open floorplan, 3-4 bedr., 2 bathr, large livingr. Kitchen, dining, Sauna, 2 Garages large patio, balconies, floorheating, available now € 2.300,-- RE/ MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re max.de Enjoy living in this spacious, very modern and luxurious freestanding home. 291 m², 3 BR, 2.5 Baths, Liv/Din-room, Studio, Fenced yard, Double garage, Floor-Heating, Pets neg., Avail: Feb. 15, 2014. Rent: 2212 Euro + 100 Euro garage + util.NO FEE!!! For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 01601065196 or ramstein@gibill pay.com . For further listings please view our website www.gibill pay.com/realestate
House in Winnweiler renovated 5 bed rm 220sqm 2bik liv/din rm 1.75bath storage rm terrace balcony doubl garage garden nice & quiet location Tel: office 063134064790 or 0151-58150238 Landstuhl Melkerei, 3BR, bungalow, 2 baths, patio, yard, garage, €800, Immo T. 016096096498
Page 31 Freest. family house, quiet area, 325sqm liv sp, approx 250sqm yard, Julius-Küchler-Str. 42, Ktown, 5BR, 3baths, 3toiletts, BIK, firepl, studio, gallery, dressrm.luxury, floor heat, basement, terracew/garden, double garage. 1.5km to the city, 2.5km to Vogelweh, 7km to Airbase. €2530 rent. Tel 017620104661
House With Big Sunny Orchard, €1100 +util., 2 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, bik, living, dining, basement, sauna, ready to move in. 10 min to RAB east gate or Vogelweh, bus stop 300yds. klaus@kjun kermann.de or 0631351630,
Miesenbach, charming house, 7 rooms, €1.620,218sqm, mail@im mobilien-paulus.de, 0637162256
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Page 32
All ads and pics on class-world.com
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Kaiserslautern: luxury FSH, 285sqm, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, BIK, exclusive fittings, beautiful yard with swimming pool, double garage, Av. 1 Aug, 2150 eur+ut. 0172 6855976 mre.kmc@icloud.com
July 11, 2014
Profes Servic sional e at fa ir rates!
JAGGER’S AUTO SERVICE Bahnstraße 98 • 66849 Landstuhl • Tel. 06371-150 61
House, near Altenglan, 5rms, 2bathrm, lrg BIK, balc, small garden, €800, Avail 1 July, 01713349183 It is our greatest honor to help you find your new home in Germany. Call us first! A lot of wonderful apartments und houses in and around Kaiserslautern and Ramstein Air Base. Sunny Ray Immobilien - Mrs Magdalena Kästner 06374-991594 Kaiserslautern: duplex, 3 bedr., studio, 3 bath, built-in-kit., livingdingrm., garage, small yard, 1.320,-- € + util www.agra-immobi lien.de 06371-57656 Katzenbach-nice farmhouse, 7rooms, 260sqm, €1.950, mail@im mobilien-paulus.de, 0049637162256
Micha’s Autoservice August-Süßdorf Str. 12 66877 Ramstein Phone 06371/614824 www.michasautoservice.de
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Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 – 17:00 hrs Saturday according to agreement
Lovely family house with 5 bedrooms, kitchen-built-in, 1 fullbath, 0,75 bath, laundryroom, fenced yard, living-diningroom, parking-slot, Rent is 1330 € cold + Utilities, Deposit 1330 € or 06303Kollweiler FSH, 160sqm, with 015773740252 double garage, 3BR, 2baths, BIK, 4438.Landlord speaks English. liv/dinrm, laundryrm, great locati- Luxury big Freest House beton, lrg garden, €1400+util. avail ween RAB & KL & Sembach, 300sqm, 8BR, 2baths, BIK, sun15 July. 0162-7495672 Kottweiler-Schwanden, 5BR, room, terr, balc, garden, garage, dinrm, bik, furn bath w/shower, quiet area, Pets ok. No realtor fees. 1800€ +util. neg. Call Henry extra shower, terrace, approx 0172-6634425 100sqm basem, laundryrm, dbl garage w/electric doors+extra ga- Mackenbach, charming little hourage, laminate floors, yard, se, 133sqm, 3BR, nice big yard. 144sqm livsp. €1050+util. 06371- Rent w/out utilities €900, 3BR. Call 06374-994590 or 9957115, 731974 or 01606944057 cell 01774590400 Krickenbach: duplex 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., Mackenbach, nice Villa, 5Bedr., garage, patio, yard, 1.040,-€ + util 4Bathr., fenced yard, garage, no finders fee, www.agra-immobili avail.16.of July, 2.100€ +util, 06374-915430 or rmimmobilien@ten.de 06371-57656 online.de K-Town: exclusive home for Mackenbach: huge freestanding singles or couple, 220sqm, 2 bed, house with big yard, 8 bedr., 4 1/ 2 bath, BIK, huge luxury living/di2 bath, living-diningrm. with openning area, landscaped yard, pool, fire-place, built-in-kit., double gaAv mid-July, 1700 eur+ut. 0172 rage, basement, no finders 3.460,6855976 mre.kmc@icloud.com - € + util www.agra-immobilien.de Landstuhl Area: architect-desi- 06371-57656 gned new FSH only 10 mins from Mackenbach: modern home, LRMC in beautiful village in coun- 200sqm, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 batryside, 275sqm, 7 bedrooms, 4 throoms, BIK, floor heating, pabathrooms, BIK, fireplace, walk-in tio+ nice yard, garage, €1450+ut. closet, patio+ nice yard, garage, Av.15 July. Call Melinda 0172/ low-energy, €2150+ut. Av.end Ju- 6855976 or kka.immobilien@ic ly. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or loud.com kka.immobilien@icloud.com Mackenbach: nice renovated Landstuhl, 5min hospital, nice house, 4 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-dihousew. basement, 3BDR, ningrm., open-fire-place, built-inred.fee, rent €950,01726823232 kit., patio, yard, parking, 1490,-- € Dzepezauer@aol.com, + util www.agra-immobilien.de Landstuhl: unique, inside Bavari- 06371-57656 an style house, 3 br, loft, 2 bath, Med. Style House, 12min Sembig patio, great balcony, 650 sqm bach / 20min Vogelweh, 6Bdr, yard, big gar, prime location, E bik, dbl gar., 2.5baths, livrm, 320 M; JR Realty ph 06371- dinrm, firepl, loft, 3balc, upstairs laundry, floorheat., no pets, avail 71756, jfr46@outlook.com Large nice House in 66904 Aug €2300 +util, 0671-79674579 Brücken, House with 3 floors: 4-6 bedr., 2 bathr, 1 built-in-k., livingr., diningr., storager., balkony.300qm area behind the house. In front 4-6 parking-places.Bakery, Butcher, Ice-cream-shop... €1670, 0176-61306300/ christadahl61@t-online.de,
Modern 5BR House for Rent in Schonenberg 66901, €1530, 205 sq m, 2.5 ba, floor heat, 1 car garage, fenced yard, call 015152064139
Modern Duplex, 3bedr. + studio with roof-terrace, bik, 3 baths, garage, €1320+util., info@agra-immo Linden Freest House 160sqm bilien.de or 06371-57656 new renov '05 4BR office liv din Near Landstuhl house built 1988 BIK 2bath, yard+laundry renov 160sqm, 4BR, bath, guest €1150+util 06307-6906 or 0179- WC, BIK, patio, yard, balc, avail 8971102 now €650 0163-5109879
67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com
Near Landstuhl: 3 bedr, 2 bathr, living-dining, built in kitchen, util. Gardenhouse Available now € 1040,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re max.de New built luxury duplex, first occupancy, high class equipment., €2450 monthly, Gorgeous 4 bedroom, walk-in closet in master bedroom, large living room, built in kitchen ( high class equipment including large side-by-side refrigerator), 2.5 bathroom (high class equipment), huge habitable basement with large hobby room, guest room including bathroom. High efficiency house with low heating cost due to modern residential air compression heating system and excellent thermal insulation.Large yard with great view to a large green area behind the house. Walk through available by appointment. ( Call 015788093673)E-Mail:simal1@hot mail.de
Nice FSH w. In-Law-Suite in Siegelbach, 15 km to RAB, 6 km to K'Lautern, 286 m², 3 BR, 2 Baths, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, Double-Garage, Yard, Patio, Balcony, Pets allowed, Avail: Now, Rent: 1800 Euro (neg.) + 60 Euro garage + util. NO FEE! Please view our website for more listings and details.www.gibillpay.com/rea lestate For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibill pay.com Nice house in 66894 Lambsborn, big yard, 4 bdr, bik, 2 baths, pets welcome €990, finder fee 400,- + VAT, Martin Schicker 01771700206 Niedermohr, lux. FSH, 5BDR, 4walkinclosets, 2gar. rent €2100,01726823232 Dzepezauer@ aol.com,
Otterbach: fantastic split level house with dreamful view, more than 300 m², 4-5 bedr., 2 bathr, large kitchen Dining Living , floorheated marble floors, balconies patios 2 garages, large property € 2.600,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re Nice and large house near Land- max.de stuhl-Hospital ! Freestanding with 5 bedr., 3 baths, bik, double-gara- Otterberg house, 3BR, bik, lrg ge, large garden €1.700+ util., liv/dinrm, 2bath, WC, studio, galleavail. now, 06371-57656 info@ ry, terrace, yard w/shed, 191sqm. €1450+util. Avail now. 0631agra-immobilien.de 12307 or 0179-5112877 Nice Large House in Sembach, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms 3 other Queidersbach, nice 220sqm durooms 1 nice Kitchen, Garage, plex, 4BR, 2.5bath, yard, garage. Carport €1600, call 01713035942, €1420. Immo T. 016096096498
Page 33
Ramstein city, 220sqm duplex, Sembach nice house for rent, 3/ garage, 4BR, open fireplace, yard, 4bedr, liv.-dinrm, bik, 1 ½ bath, €1500. Immo T. 016096096498 big studio, storage, balcony, terRamstein, nice big Townhouse, race, garage, free 10 July. Rent: 240sqm, 5bedr., 3bathr., BiK, liv., €1350+util. Private:06301-1641, edinr., laundry, storage, patio, mail: Anspach-Olfers@t-online.de fenced yard, avail. 1.July €1750 +util, rmimmobilien@t-online.de or Sippersfeld, very nice freest family house, 240sqm, 6rms, bik, 06374-915430 2baths, 1400sqm property, suitaRamstein: freestanding 5 bedr., ble for allergy sufferers, floor heat. 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm. with double gar., Avail 1 Aug, €2080. open-fire-place, built-in-kit., gara- 0631-3111695 ge, yard, 2.400,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371- Spesbach: duplex 5 bedr., 4 57656 bath, built-in-kit., living-dingrm., Ramstein: freestanding 5 bedr., patio, yard, fenced yard, 1.840,-2½ bath, built-in-kit., living-di- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de ningrm., open fire-place, hobby- 06371-57656 room, doublegarage + onecar garage, patio, yard, 1.735,-- + util Steinwenden top house, freestandig modern, 5 bdr, 2 baths, garawww.agra-immobilien.de ge, €1650, plus finders fee Martin Rodenbach, nice duplex, Schicker 0177-1700206, pictures 183sqm, 1.5baths, 4BR, high on demand class equipped, floor heat, quiet area. €1330+util. 0177-4436643 WORLDWIDE SHIPPING AGENCY or 06374-4404
NO STRESS PCS Schwedelbach, FSH, BIK, dinrm, Ship Cars / Containers livrm, 3BR, 1.5 baths 2 garages, to or from USA garden. Granny annexe w/ bik, For FREE rate request, contact us at: 1br, livrm, 1bath. Fully furnished ktown@atlantictrust.de • Tel. 0631 - 351 70 19 possible. Avail now. €1600 obo. SPECIALIZED IN MILITARY MOVES WORLD-WIDE 0171-2194832 Sembach 5 km, 3 bedroom apptm on two floors, 150 sqm, balcony, garage free now € 950,RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re max.de Steinwenden, 1FSH, big garden, garage, 160sqm, 5 min to RAB. €1250+util. 015221615388
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Steinwenden, 5 bdr, bik, yard, pets welcome, €1500, Martin 0177-1700206, reduced fee 1000,€ plus VAT Various beautiful houses in the KMC area. Rental prices from 900 Euro - 2600 Euro. FSH, Townhouses and more. Reduced finder's fee. Please view our website for more listings and details.www.gi billpay.com/realestate For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibillpay.com Very nice fsd.house in Höheinöd, 215 sqm, 6 Bdr, 2 Bathr.big yard, 18 min to landstuhl/Rab, 1400 Euro 0176/41565635
WALSH AGENCY www.walsh-adac.com
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Page 34
Kaiserslautern American
HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com
Very nice new renovated farmouse in Heimkirchen for rent, you would be the first renter to move in. The price is 1.830 Euro. It has 5 bedrooms and a living space of 246 sqm. It is ready to move in right away. For more details please contact us at: 06385-993870 or 0171-2038270 or visit our website at www.petras-homecompa ny.de
Weilerbach: freestanding 6 bedr., 3 ½ bath, living-diningrm., studio, open-fire-place, built-inkit., yard, patio, doublegarage, 3.000,--€ + util www.agra-immobili en.de 06371-57656
Weilerbach-Erzenhausen: cosy german-style house, completely newly renovated, 125sqm, 4 bed, 2 bath, large BIK, garage, quiet village with beautiful surroundings, close to base, €910+ut. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobili en@icloud.com
Wonderful exclusive house in Mackenbach ! , Living/diningrm. with terrace-exit and open fireplace, 8 bedr., 4 baths, bik, double-garage and large garden, avail. 1. July €3460+ util. 0637157656 info@agra-immobilien.de Wonderful freestanding landhouse, 325 sqm, with sep. appartm., 8 bedr., 4 bath, 2 bik, 3 livdin.room, basement, attic, duplex garage, open-fire-place, fencing garden, floor heat, warehouse, €2.500 + util aspm-jahnke@ web.de, 0151-54858807,
HOUSES/APTS FOR SALE All ads and pics on class-world.com
20 Min to RAB on A62 to Kusel, large house with effic. Apptm. About 300 m² living sp 4-5 bedr, 3 bathr, living, kitchen patio balcony, 3 Garages extra rooms, about 3000 m² property € 279.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re max.de
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Bexbach, 25min to RAB, excl. house, 6BR, 3baths, 350sqm, 800sqm property, firepl, indoor pool, sauna. €380.000 obo. 015253699038 By Owner, Beautiful Country Landhouse, Freestanding House, 280Sqm, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 2 Living/Dining Room, BIK, Features: Fireplace, Yard, Floor Heating, Attic, Garage, Has a separate apartment with Private entrance. Beautiful view located in quite area. Dbl Grg, Patio/Balcony, AC, Screens, some Furnishings, 800 sqm prpty, Off Street parking. Has Lots of Extras, Prvt Ownr No Realator Fee, 15 min LRMC, 20 min Rams, 01726623527 Evenings after 1800., €375000, 0172-6623527 Exclusive Custom Made Wooden Block House for Sale By Owner, €249,000,145 Sqm living space, 4BDR, 2BR, custom built kitchen with pantry. Fully landscaped 880 Sqm garden with terrace and rock garden. Custom built stone fireplace. Exposed beam rafters with wooden interior and open floor plan. Huge 2-3 car garage with attic. In a quiet neighborhood 15 min from Vogelweh gate and 20 min from Ramstein. You will fall in love with this house! schifferskim@ gmail.com,
July 11, 2014 Next to Glan-Münchweiler: cosy 3 bedroom house, bathr, livingr, kitchen utilityr, Large property very privat € 139.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolf gang.wiedmann@remax.de
2005 Peugeot 206 CC Convertible, $6600, Silver w/ black leather interior. Excellent condition. Platinum trim. Hard-top convertible. 136,000 kms (84.5k miles, mostly highway). Alloy/high performance tires, steel/snow tires. Available July 15 legal372000@yahoo.com
SFH in Waldmohr approx. 1300 sqm Areal big Pool.5Rms BIK fireplace Partyrm Double garage fully built out basement. 440.000,-€ Tel. 0177/5050253
2005 Toyota Sienna minivan, $3800 (Kelley Blue Book $4000), automatic, seats 8. Ramstein-Miesenbach. Available 14 July. phone 0157-8781-3800, pjkartchner@ya hoo.com.
TLA/TDY All ads and pics on class-world.com
! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury Temp Apts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100% equipped including TV, DVD, free Internet, washer/dryer, free calls to USA. reservation / questions call: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ ramstein-tla.com / www.ramsteintla.com / www.facebook.de/ramsteintla
2005 Volvo XC90 AWD, 7 Passenger, Luggage roof rack, privacy tinted glass, silver exterior with tan leather interior. Tow package and side step rails also. Has 6 disk changer, sunroof and 18" aftermarket rims and tires. Asking $12,000 OBO njudy1284@ gmail.com
2008 Crysler 300 SRT PCK, EXC Condition, 5.7 LTR HEMI, BLK W/ Gray INTR, 20" Chrome Rims, extra set Winter tires and many more extras.34,000 miles. ONLY !!!!!1-5 Bed luxury apts & houses $16,995.Cell# 015209853062 for TLA/TDY personnel in Ram- 2008 Hyundai Veracruz Limited, stein, Mackenbach & Bruckmuehl- $18,000, 015115285555, Pwr Winbach. 2 minutes to RAB and short dows, Locks, DVD, Stateside walk to shops & restaurants. NAV, 10yr Stateside Warranty, 100% equipped, TV, AFN, English 87k miles, 7 seater, huge cargo satalite, cable high speed inter- area, trailer hitch, roof rails, new net. Free phone to USA and Euro- brakes, rotors and pads, xm/sirius pe, good library and movie selecti- 2008 Toyota Corolla Verso, on. Pets welcome. Off street secu- $10,840, Leungj@t-online.de, AC, red parking. CallJennie, 0171- 100K KM, Seats 7, Brakes & Bat2679282. Email: luxuryapts09@ya tery 1 yr old, 2nd Hand Dealer Maint, Roof Rack, Winter tires, hoo.com Very Dep, Cheap Maint, Just Ser1 TLA @ Ramstein - Lg suites, viced, Insp & reg Price Neg, Call AFN, PC, Wi-Fi, free calls;pets ok! Jim Ph 0160-5565670 Kids friendly.e-mail temp_house@ hotmail.com or Tel. 01791456657 2011 Smart Fortwo, $7500, euro spec, 50,000km (approx Beautiful TLA House, www.beauti 31,000mi), 5 SPD auto, new tires, ful-tlf.jimdo.com, 5min to RAB, heated seats, A/C, GREAT gas mi4bedr, fullyfurnished, 0176/ leage! Jaclynvaudine@gmail.com/ 39755130 015158827782
AUTOS All ads and pics on class-world.com
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
2012 VW Tiguan SE, $21,000, AWD, all season tires, very low mileage - 16k mi, SE 4Motion Trim and Equipment, great condition. Silver exterior, black interior. American spec. in Stuttgart. mcdaniel stuttgart@gmail or 015142547184
2013 BMW X5M For Sale, $80,000.00, patlee62@live.com, Delivered Sep 2012. V8 twin turbo 555 HP. Many options. Silverstone II color. Summer and winter tires with alloy wheels. Great com1993 BMW, 25i touring, German bination of power, handling and inspection until May 2015. Mid- day to day driving.
night blue. 280000km. Excellent 4 new 235/55 R17 103V NEXEN condition. €799. 0176-52948379 WinGuard Sport(103=Weight Index which is up to 875 Kilograms, 1995 BMW E34 518iA executive, V=speed up to 245 km h).Bought US-Specs, Automatic, gold exterilast year, never put on my Muor, beige velours interior, Car austang.The next winter is coming. dio JVC MP3/CD with remote conBe prepared. Tel.01781687425 trol, A/C, Cruise Control, nice condition, sun roof top, 110'tmls, 4 summer tyres on alu rims, Firestone 195/65 R15, four holes. €2800, basket@power.ms €150 obo. 0152-21641751 2003 Nissan Almera Tino - Diesel, $5000 Dependable car. Diesel All kind of spare parts.Brand new engine and standard transmissi- parts and fearlly used , €200, nills on. The AC is cold and car comes floyd@yahoo.com,
Income property in Pirmasens freest one family house, built in 2000, since then rented to Americans, 150sqm livsp, 1376sqm property, big garden, 2 garages. No finder fee. Asking price €170,000. Rate of return 6.35%. 0172- with new winter tires mounted on 6175838 or Raytro60@aol.com rims. 131,000 Kmrims. JG2NER@ aol.com or 01628 116 559 (Steve Jettenbach: very nice freestan- or Jean) ding Home, Build 2010,212 qm Living space, BIK, 6 BR/3BA, Mas- 2004 Hyunda Elantra, $2800, terbedroom with walk in closeth 115k miles, US spec, auto trans, and sep. Bathroom, storage AC, cruise control, great condition room, Double Garage, Nice Ter- and well maintained, includes race and Yard. Price 305000€ RE/ summer and winter tires and MAX Real Estate Center Kryspina wheels - 015152546825 Münchschwander 0631/41408880 2010 MercedesBenz C300, €, nillsfloyd@yahoo.com, o 0176/61265403
Available immediately, highly reliable 2006 Honda CRV EX for $7800 obo. 4-WD, automatic, 128K miles, no rust (from HI!), US spec, passed inspection. Call/text 01624261026.
BMW 320 d 015117610336, KIA Picanto, gmail.com,
Red Alfa Romeo 146 For Sale, $1,000, eagleyeball@yahoo.com,
Kaiserslautern American
Mercedes E320, '00, Automatic, 145000 km, with alloy wheels, leaAUTOS ther interior, DVDs in headrests, All ads and pics on class-world.com extra-fully loaded, & perfect mechanically!!! Super nice car! $7900 Black Convertible C5 Corvette, (or 5700 Euros) Wiesbaden, 0176$24900 NEG, 2004 C5 Corvette, 69350-983. PCS Sale!! Great Condition, Low Mileage, Many Extras.The Vehicle is stan- Metallic Grey 2012 VW Golf TDI ding at the US Military Mart in Ein- station wagon. Climate control, siedlerhof, Kaiserslautern. Come heated seats, GPS, roof rack, tincheck it out!! Or call ted glass, dealer serviced and much more. Great road car and 015164419639. only 42500 km, still under warranEuropean Specs - Excellent Con- ty! Call Bill at 0151-511-90027. dition, Manual 6-Speed, 7-Seater, Diesel Towing Power, Incredibly Opel Astra 2001, runs great, DieFuel Efficient, A/C, Heat, GPS, sel. 5 speed / manual transmissiBluetooth, Reverse Sensor, Crui- on. Just passed inspection! 390K se Control, Roof Sacks/Ski km. PCSing - must sell! Only Racks, Electric cooler, Extended $2000 (or 1500 eu). We are in Wiesbaden. sergelana@ Warranty. ussfcwo@gmx.de gmail.com Tel. 0176-693-50983. For sale is an Automatic Mercedes E200, 1999. Gorgeous blue- Prefect condition with only green color. German specs, in- 12,500 miles! Spotless black intespections passed. No problems! rior and AM/FM/CD/MP3 Stereo Good shape - inside and outside. with 6 speakers. Factory Sports It has 270,000 km. $3400 cash Package with 18" wheels, tow please. We are in Wiesbaden. ser package, and running boards. Contact jspangler2@yahoo.com gelana@gmail.com. for information and pictures. For Sale VW Beetle, 2000, Diesel 1.9 TDI silver metallic, leather Renault Megane, â&#x201A;Ź2600, 08/2004 seats, AT, AC, heated front seats, 105000 km Sport Automatic -ESP one owner, car is in great conditi- -Radio / CD -Key less Entry -Heaon, â&#x201A;Ź3500, call 015140006656 or ted Seats -A/C Lots more extras. gilbert.moody@hotmail.de, 06893e-mail, ferguvicbri@hotmail.com, 4039797, 015228615396 Ford "KA" 2004, 118000km, 5 gear shift, 5 seats, dealer maintai- TODA K20A Valve Spring Set. ned, new tyres, double airbag, Original price $400.TODA racing good on gas, approx 5 liters on parts. Never used Asking $275 100km, very economic. â&#x201A;Ź1290 Ph.017622987498 /isabell_1_98@ yahoo.com obo. 0152-21641751 Volvo XC90 R-Design, $33,000,7 Grand Dodge Caravan SE 2009 passanger 2012, 45000 mi, still Automatic, 7 seats, Entertainment under warranty, Navigation, SunCenter with Hard Drive, Navigatiroof, 20" wheels, piped leather on System, Back up Camera, seats, rear entertainment DVD Stow and Go Seats, DualSliding system, 18 speaker surround Doors, Keyless Entry, well kept by sound, luggage rack and cargo 1 owner. 89k miles.$12.490. Conprotector. 015161212558 tact: 0151-26067460 Grey Metallic 2012 VW Golf TDI, climate control, GPS, tinted glass, parking assist system, roof rack, much more, still under warranty. Great road car, with only 42,500 km or 25,000miles. Showroom condition.Call Bill @ 0151-51190027
MOTORCYCLES All ads and pics on class-world.com
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
Mercedes E 200, Model 2000 Automatic, leather, power steering, breaks, windows, doors. Cruise control, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero, fully loaded. new oil change & batterie.new winter tires. none smoking car - Garage kept- good condition - only â&#x201A;Ź 3.250 obo call 0172-676 2717
For the serious audio enthusiast: BSR EQ-3000 graphic equalizer. This is the kind! Made in the USA. *** 110 volt *** Works perfectly. Make your stereo sound the way you want it to. wiesbaden_kerl@ya hoo.com
Keyboard from ASUS, black, with number pad, brand new, neAdopt while stationed overseas! ver used before! â&#x201A;Ź5, coemser@ gmail.com, â&#x201A;Ź5, coemser@ www.adopt-abroad.com Adoptigmail.com **See pics on classon Intl & foster care, home stuworld.com dies. Hague accredited. Caseworkers in Germany. US 1-888-6873644 Keyboard from Saitek, grey, Keyboard from Saitek, grey, with number pad, great condition! â&#x201A;Ź5, coem CHILD ser@gmail.com, â&#x201A;Ź5, coemser@ CARE gmail.com, pics on classAll ads and pics on class-world.com world.com
Stearing wheel "Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback" for your PC! Love to play auto games? Wanna feel like yr r driving for real? Then dont miss this!, pics on class-world.com, â&#x201A;Ź45, coemser@ gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
The 86th Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420 or email 86FSS.FCC@ramstein.af.mil
day. Your child will have its very own indoor playground & fenced in backyard for the summer as well as weekly field trip outings.If you are in need, I am here for you Monday-Friday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri 7-5.06374-944828
ELECTRONICS 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras Model WV54GCA, $50.00, spvendor@ gmail.com Camerabag Crumpler "Messenger bag" for digital mirror reflex camera and equipment. Only used once, original price EURO 100, â&#x201A;Ź50 OBO, coemser@ gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com
Canon Legria HFR26 PAL HD Camcorder 28X zoom, It's in mint condition never dropped or scratch. I am selling because I barely use it. It has 2 SD card slots. All ads and pics on class-world.com Battery life is alright but you can LDS Young Single Adults welco- pick up a 2nd cheap $250, me all singles 18-30 for the follo- ss2day@gmail.com, wing activities: Family Home Eve- Car GPS navigation SYSTEM, ning: Mondays @1830. Institute: â&#x201A;Ź50, 06371 5608034, Wednesdays @1930. Location: Am Lanzenbusch 3, Ramstein Cell Phone HTC S1 works workd wide no contract required. , 66877. Phone: 017618300841. â&#x201A;Ź150.00, spvendor@gmail.com, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has several con- Electric guitar amp for sale; Rockgregations in the KMC. Visitors tron Rampage, ideal for practice are always welcome. Address: in your home and beyond.FantaLauterstrasse 1, Kaiserslautern. stic gain characteristics, AGX noiWards (time): Kaiserslautern se reduction, 8`` speaker with lots (0830), Ramstein 1st (1230), Ram- of volume asking $120.- call 0172 stein 2nd (1730). 35 64442
Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! â&#x201A;Ź15, coemser@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com
The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game, perfect condition, like new! â&#x201A;Ź10, coemser@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com
The Bigs2 Baseball, Wii game, Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! â&#x201A;Ź10, played once, perfect condition - li- coemser@gmail.com **See pics ke new! â&#x201A;Ź15, coemser@gmail.com on class-world.com **See pics on class-world.com Navigon Europe GPS, In Good Condition comes with car charger, and car window holder. It works for all of Europe.$60, ss2day@gmail.com,
Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! Play Academy ChildCare. I am a â&#x201A;Ź10, coemser@gmail.com, **See licensed & certified child care pro- pics on class-world.com vider.I live in Rodenbach, 10 min Vogelweh & 10 min RAB.I have years of experience & refe- SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii rences.My home is warm & co- game, like new! â&#x201A;Ź12, coemser@ zy.Warm home cooked Lunch is gmail.com **See pics on classprovided for the children every world.com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Hyundai Sonata, 2001 model, 118000km, 5 gear shift, limousine, second owner, 16V, AC, new summer tyres, new timing belt, Lookin for Sportster parts or a binew muffler, very clean, double ke which needs some work, basairbag, dealer maintained, winter ket case or sittin longer time too. tyres. â&#x201A;Ź1900 obo 0152-21641751 BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just Mercedes - Genuine Wheels (4), make me your offer what you ha18 inch (47 cm) original equip- ve and we will see. ment Mercedes rims taken from 2wheelmechanic@web.de 2000 C Class (German spec wagon). Excellent condition. 400 euros for all four. joe@apex ANNOUNCEMENTS psych.com or 017699137578. Mercedes CL 500, 2004, â&#x201A;Ź14000, in excellent condition, only one owner, meticulously cared for, fully loaded, heated leather sets, power everything, contact at katsi mac@hotmail.com or 015207034776
Upcoming Church Dedication on June 21st, 1300hrs at Kaiserstrasse 108, Landstuhl, Germany, Pastor Ward laauministry@hot mail.com,
Page 35
PC repair
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July 11, 2014
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Page 36
Kaiserslautern American
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July 11, 2014
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
Bicycle Trailer, for 2 kids, rarely used, excellent condition, suitable for all bikes, €50, for pics go to class-world.com, jenniferwilking@ hotmail.com, Candleholder: Nice candleholder, Candleholder: Nice candleholder for 4 tea lights. Perfect for your living room! €8, pics on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com Coffee Cup Wonder Woman perfect as a present for your girlfriend, mother or close friend who is the "wonder woman" in your life!Only used once!, €5, coemser@ gmail.com
*Laney GH50L all valve top guitar amplifier and 4x12 Laney speaker cabinet. Brand new, never left the living room. Amazing sound possibilities. Serious offers and details Collection of leather bound, siat 01723564442 gned by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 diffeAn adjustable full-size bassinet rent books. Authors include: Norallows you to keep baby closer man Mailer, William F. Buckley, longer. Diaper changing table with Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald wipe clean fabrics that resist Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom mess during changes. Easily con- Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inverts to a portable playard. Signa- quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or ture Graco® push-button fold ma- 0151-270-19822 kes closing your playard quick Engleby from Sebastian Faulks! and hassle-free. Airy mesh on all Great book. €2, pic on classsides for maximum ventilation. world.com, coemser@gmail.com Convenient carrying bag for noFender type Telecaster electric fuss travel and storage. New price: 129.99, selling for $95, 06374- guitar. Masterbuilt, professional in944368 or 0176-55247077 or strument. Excellent sound spectrum and tonal qualities. Must see email Doris.Koenig@gmx.de and try! Tom at 0172 35 64442 Apollo Amateur Night Tickets!, GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect conditi$15 in advance, $20 at the door. on, like new. Size small. €8, coem Ticket Sales Start 29 June! Con- ser@gmail.com tact the ticket POC's on the flyer Green suade handbag. With or oo7dizzy77@gmail.com for mothree compartments. Zipper top. re details! $20 017622987498 please leave a Art Nouveau furniture over 100 message if I do not answer. years old. A variety of items, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com grandfather clock (Harmonium), crystal glasses, Murano glasses, Meisner porcelain figurines, 200 years old, coffee and Tea set. Call: 0177-5211480
Handbag "Alexander": Brown, leather bag, hardly used, perfect condition! €8, pics on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com Handbag "clutch style": Love to go out and dont want to use a big handbag? Dont miss out on this small, black bag. Perfect for going out at night! €3, pics on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com
Baby bed and chair, adjustable. Made of light solid wood. Baby bed can be changed to toddler bed. €100 obo together but also available individually. Can be Handbag "Esprit brand": Small 0152-21641751 bad, black leather, ideal if you onBanana Republic Shirt, grey and ly need to carry few things around white. Brand new, never worn be- with you like purse, cell phone €10, pics on classfore, with original tag. Original si- etc. ze small, but is more medium, loo- world.com, coemser@gmail.com
se fit!, €8, pics on class- Handbag: Classy black leather world.com, coemser@gmail.com bag. Hardly used, perfect condition! €15, coemser@gmail.com Bible study books etc, $20, Handbag: Classy black leather isabell_1_98@yahoo.com bag. Hardly used, perfect conditiBracelet - Brown, handmade! Be- on! pics on class-world.com, €20, autiful accessory for any ocation, coemser@gmail.com
any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your Tel: 0 63 32 - 20 91 92 or best girl friends. €12, coemser@ gmail.com, pics on classCell: 01 71 - 4 93 33 69 world.com www.phil-cosmetics.de
Jäger CEE RubberCable 32A 4mm² 15m, 400V, three-phase current-cable, 5-times in use, almost new, CEE, industrial grade, made in Germany, original price 130€ – now: 80€ obo, daniel-mit Large Travel cot/playpen, tendorf@web.de, self-collector $50.00.., 063728035459, Kaiserslautern
CUSTOM FITTED SLEEP APNEA ORAL APPLIANCES Providing Dental Care for the us Military for more than 25 years; LRMC Dentist for more than 10 years
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July 11, 2014 Jacket "Stones", perfect for men to wear in fall, 100% cotton, perfect condition, size 54 (german), â&#x201A;Ź30, pics on class-world.com, coemser@gmail.com I am selling a Sunbed from Dr. Kern Modell NGR 241. The light tubes were exchanged and ran for approx. 300 hours. Also have avail 300 hours light tubes. (The new tubes run up tp 600 hours.) I am selling the sunbed for someone. The light tubes can be bought at ebay or directly from Dr. Kern. One or two tubes are possibly defect and need to be replaced. Bought for 3500 to 4000 DM. If you are interested please contact us, the sunbed is located in Kaiserslautern, Tel: 0176-55 24 70 77 06374-944368 (Doris) Jäger CEE RubberCable 32A 4mm² 25m , 400V, three-phase current-cable, 5-times in use, almost new, CEE, industrial grade, made in Germany, original price 175â&#x201A;Ź - now: 110â&#x201A;Ź obo, daniel-mit tendorf@web.de, self-collector Kaiserslautern Jeans for boys, One pair of levi's size 10. 25w, 25L. One M&S pair also size 10. Good condition. Worn a few times, $10, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com
Kaiserslautern American Sandals "Life", black, always loved to wear them. Great with classy, fancy, trendy dresses or pants. Size 8.5M, â&#x201A;Ź8, coemser@ gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com Selling two Fender Stratocaster electric guitars. Never left the house, top condition. One is a collector's item. Serious offers and details at 01723564442 Sentry Safe Fire Protection, $10, 2 keys, Its in condition its small. Its good for holding personal stuff or watches, jewelry. Selling in AAFES for $15. I am selling because I no longer need it. ss2day@ gmail.com,
T-Shirt "America", perfect condi- Belgium oak leather couch, 3 tion, like new, size small! â&#x201A;Ź5, coem seater and love seat. Thick buffaser@gmail.com lo leather. No stain, scratches and Werther International, winter spots from a pets and smoke free jacket for men, brown leather and home. We bought it for $4900, we 100% lambskin. Perfect conditi- sell it for â&#x201A;Ź 1100. Can be deliveron, size 58 (german size)! â&#x201A;Ź50 ed. 0152-21641751
Pumps "Life", black, hardly worn, great condition, size 9M! â&#x201A;Ź8, coemser@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com Sweatshirt von GAP, perfect condition, like new. Size small. â&#x201A;Ź7, coemser@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com
Kg Bed Frame w/Wall Unit, $175, silvav09@googlemail.com, Qn Bed. Brass head, foot. $200, silvav09@googlemail.com,
Shabby-chic display cabinet, solid wood, painted white, two glass OBO, coemser@gmail.com **See Black, baby grand piano, Samick doors on top and two doors with beautiful fabric detail on bottom, pics on class-world.com Digital Piano model SXPS11, â&#x201A;Ź80, for pics go to classWine Rack/Holder, holds six bott- 220V. Am selling due to PCS mo- world.com, jenniferwilking@hot les, attractive metal finish, fits per- ve. rbwalker06@yahoo.com mail.com, fectly in a small, narrow space. $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad German Sideboard and High- Sleeper Sofa, Queen size sleeper board for Sale. Oak-rustic color, sofa, must pick up at Luxemvantipro.de solid wood. Great condition! New bourg American Cemetery. â&#x201A;Ź1200 each, now selling for â&#x201A;Ź200 $50.00, cahilldd@yahoo.com or each! Call: 0176-907-96039 (00352)26361883
Inlaid Wooden End Table. Sorrento style. See photo on KA classi!!! A beautiful German white fieds web page. Contact Eric and shrank with glass vitrine and ligh- Mia at 063759949674., â&#x201A;Ź30, ted bar (â&#x201A;Ź300) and a complete set eyates9761@aol.com of Black Leather Bound 1987 Encyclopedia Brittanica (make an offer) 01704019648 All ads and pics on class-world.com
Shamballa Bracelet - Brown/Creme, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. â&#x201A;Ź15, coemser@ Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table gmail.com with 4 chairs. See photo on KA Shamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white, classifieds web page. Contact handmade, adjustable in size, fits Eric and Mia at 063759949674., almost every wrist. Beautiful ac- â&#x201A;Ź950, eyates9761@aol.com cessory for any ocation, any out- Antique Bench, Antique bench fit. Treat yourself to something ni- with cushion seat, storage space Labtop or plate table. Perfect ce or bring a smile to your best and wheels. See photo on KA when sitting on couch eating for girl friends. â&#x201A;Ź12, coemser@ classifieds web page. Contact to place labtop on. 017622987498 gmail.com Eric and Mia at 063759949674. Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, si- Shamballa Bracelet - Purple/whi- â&#x201A;Ź600, eyates9761@aol.com ze 6, never worn. For wedding/ te, handmade, adjustable in size, Antique corner desk. See photo prom/summer night out. $50; fits almost every wrist. Beautiful on KA classifieds web page. Con017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya Eric and Mia at accessory for any ocation, any tact hoo.com Pic on www.classâ&#x201A;Ź150, outfit. Treat yourself to something 063759949674., world.eu nice or bring a smile to your best eyates9761@aol.com Leather bomber jacket for boys, girl friends. â&#x201A;Ź12, coemser@ Antique French armiore with mirfake. worn once.EU size 134., gmail.com ror doors. Louis IV style. See pho$10, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com to on KA classifieds web page. Lovely white and gold Polish din- Swarovski Crystal - Attention col- Contact Eric and Mia at ner and tea service. Plus tea set lectors! All retired pieces reduced 063759949674. â&#x201A;Ź800, and six large cups . ABSOLUTE to half their value, All pieces over eyates9761@aol.com BARGAIN Euro 150.00, 40years old! Prices greatly reduced! Great gift for any special oc- Antique secretary desk. See pho063728035459 tos on KA classifieds web page. Mega Crane, with remote control. casion! Private collection!The last Contact Eric and Mia at two Retired pieces., whale, turtle. Large size all functions works 063759949674., â&#x201A;Ź120, over 50 in. tall. $20., spvendor@ Call for info: 06332-41560 bet- eyates9761@aol.com ween 2pm to 8pm. Can deliver to gmail.com, Antiques, $, 015154200818, MeRAB! New Rolex GMT Master II for satal Milk Jugs, Wagon Wheels, le, $6000, sfgringobw@msn.com. Tommy Hilfiger Jacket for men, Cast Iron Irons... and more. StarRare find and in perfect in box great condition, 100% cotton, si- ting price for smaller items 25$ condition. Serious inquiries only. ze 54, â&#x201A;Ź40, pics on class- and up. Numbers book, Vibrate color sto- world.com, coemser@gmail.com Belgium Oak Buffet - Circa 1920. ry book for children learning to Hand carved, with Brass Handles, Transformers, Multiple 220 volt count.Good condition, â&#x201A;Ź3, transformers. 4 X 300 watt for $40 Leaded Glass, and Inlaid Tiles. A isabell_1_98@yahoo.com beautiful addition to any home. Orbital Sander Bosch Exzenter- each and 1 X 75 watt for $20. Call Bill @ 0151-511-90027. Contact Eric and Mia at schleifer PEX 125 AE, â&#x201A;Ź90, excel$40, Drawer Chest, $25, silvav09@goo lent shape, inc many new sandpa- 063759949674., glemail.com, pers, dustbags, toolbox and many eyates9761@aol.com more. daniel-mittendorf@web.de, industrial grade, made in GermaU.S. & GERMAN ATTORNEYS ny, original price 190â&#x201A;Ź â&#x20AC;&#x201C; now: 90â&#x201A;Ź US & German Divorces â&#x20AC;˘ Support Issues obo, Wills and Probate â&#x20AC;˘ Employment â&#x20AC;˘ EEO â&#x20AC;˘ MSPB Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choo- FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Personal Injury â&#x20AC;˘ Contractor Issues â&#x20AC;˘ Tax se from, all dressed. Price Obo CALL 069-299-2069-0 Call: 0176-90796039 Pore Cleanser from Tchibo, â&#x201A;Ź5, coemser@gmail.com Pumps "Easy Spirit": Black, perfect condition, only used once! Size 8.5 M, â&#x201A;Ź8, coemser@ gmail.com **See pics on classworld.com
Page 37
email: maiss@up12legal.de
YOUR LAWYER IN RAMSTEIN Family Law - Traffic Law - Real Estate Law Call 06371-57000 or email lehne@lwj-anwalt.de Am Neuen Markt 7 | 66877 Ramstein
Wooden bookshelf. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. $150, eyates9761@aol.com
Rozaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fine Handmade Carpets
¡ Handmade Carpets ¡ Authentic Kilims ¡ Pashminas, large variety ¡ Silver Turkish Mirrors ¡ Evil Eye Jewelry ¡ Carpet Mouse Pads & bags ¡ Turkish Mosaic Lamps ¡ Hand painted Turkish ceramics ¡ Place Mats & Table Runners
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Landstuhler Str. 13 | 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Cell: 01 70 - 6 40 45 47 | Phone: 0 63 71 - 94 32 27 | E-Mail: rozascarpets@yahoo.com Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00-18:00 | Closed Sunday
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Can your tax services give the same Guarantee? Kaiserstr. 71 â&#x20AC;˘ 67661 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631-3554711 or 30396446 Email: hrblock.ktown1@yahoo.com
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Psychotherapy & Coaching Evaluations, reports, certifications English, EspaĂąol, Deutsch Tricare, VA & other insurances Dr. Glenn T. Koppel 06201-590068 Info@DrKoppel.de
Eva D. White, D.C.
Doctors of Chiropractic Logan College of Chiropractic St. Louis, Missouri
Patient-oriented and evidence-based chiropractic care and acupuncture therapy provided by German-American family trained in USA.
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Page 38
Kaiserslautern American
All ads and pics on class-world.com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Beautiful Objects from Various Collections, , Birgitt.Joeckel@ web.de, Where: Am Dinschelt 7, 66957 Vinningen When: 12th July / 19th July 11am-4pm What: Hummel figurines, dinner services, dolls, music boxes etc.
Simulator Instructor Pilot, Qualified applicants must have a minimum or 200 hrs PIC of C-130J aircraft. AR qualifications are desired, but not required. CAE USA Inc. offers competitive package including salary, travel, per diem, rental car and more. No language requirements and the instruction is limited to Co-Pilot, A/C Commander, and EP training only. Contact Marissa Holdorf at E: Ma rissa.Holdorf@caemilusa.com or T: 813-887-1512 F: 813-890-2969
There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian.
Beautiful Objects from Various Collections, Birgitt.Joeckel@ web.de, Mega Barn Sale this Sat. 12 July from 0900 - 1600, everything must go and is priced to sell, kids stuff, toys, bikes, women clothes, a few antiques, shoes, curtains, small appliances, 06303-4986 Otterberger Str. 16, Baalborn/Mehlingen 67678
Your German-American flea market
Are you looking for a puppy?I help you locate breeders in Germany.No payment in advance, PERSONAL personal pick up is a must!Almost All ads and pics on class-world.com every breed is possible to find.Visit www.puppyboulevard.net and contact me. puppyboulevard@ Harley friends, Lookin for friends, female/male who likes harleys, gmail.com/ 015115922078 works on them, who are into Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying Available purebred Bengal kitten. Price from 850 Euro. WhatsApp a good time together. Just email or Viber messages me and we will see when we can meet. 2wheelmechanic@web.de +4917638435731
German Shepherd puppies with papers, long hair, for sale. Vacc, chipped, wormed. Call 015227016331
Healthy Yorkshire Terrier Puppies, with Chip, dewormed and Good movement, loves dressaPapiers. Please call 06241/ ge, hacks out on her own, ridden 985657and 0177/4636457 by a novice 13 yr old, schooled by a British trainer, lots of potential for a competition horse in eventing and dressage. No vices what so ever, snaffle mouth, easy to box. ussfcwo@gmx.de
AdvantiPro is looking for a professional SALES REPRESENTATIVE in the Kaiserslautern area. Are you outgoing, familiar with the area, speak German & English, have basic computer skills, own a car and a cell phone and like to work independently? If you also have sales experience, we want to hear from you!
Send your resume to jobs@advantipro.de
July 11, 2014
All ads and pics on class-world.com
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house.
Malteser Yorkies, vaccinated, dewormed, healthy, 8 weeks old, Clock repair & antique clock saone white, one tricolor. 06383- les. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr. 5059 32, Landstuhl 06371-2637 Metal Dog Kennel, $100.00, ca hilldd@yahoo.com, 2 meters X 2 meters X 1.3 meters, galvanized metal, gate and roof, expandable, comes apart for shipping, must pick up at Luxembourg American Cemetery
Eva's cleaning service, let us clean your house, we guarantee you will be satisfied, 06371976660 German all levels, Mr. Vollmer, Ramstein, call: 063719524381, www.deutschvollmer.de Psychotherapy & Coaching Evaluations and Reports Further info, see online ad or Info@DrKoppel.de
Center Manager, Ramstein Passenger Terminal
Description/Job Summary: To provide a comforting “Home Away from Home” to traveling service members and their families at the USO within the Passenger Terminal. Position is full-time and requires alternating work shifts between 5:30 and 21:30 hrs to include weekends and holidays.
Responsibilities/Duties: • Manage all facets of the day-to-day operation of the center which provides 16 hours of daily operational support 7 days per week, 365 days a year and supports approximately 30,000 patrons every month • Provide quality and professional services and programs to customers • Operate and manage a business operation for the sale of USO tours, park tickets, and gift shop items • Generate and submit monthly operational reports within established deadlines • Manage, mentor, motivate, and develop seven employees; manage and generate employee work schedules; establish employee goals and conduct employee performance evaluations • Manage volunteers: recruit, train, mentor, reward, and retain a team of dedicated volunteers Required Qualifications: • Previous related experience to include personnel management, customer service, finance, accounting, budgeting, and event planning • Bachelor’s Degree with emphasis on business or related field is desired • Experience in a military environment and knowledge of military protocols preferred • Proficiency with MS Word, Excel, and Outlook • Strong written and verbal communication skills • Must be able to lift and carry objects weighing up to 50 pounds • Must be able to bend over, squat, sit, and stand for extended amounts of time Details: • Preference will be given to local candidates within commuting distance to the location • Relocation assistance is not provided for this position Please apply online at: http://www.uso.org/careers/ and click on “View our current Job Openings — See more at: http://militaryingermany.com/jobs#sthash.ICf8O5WF.dpuf
Rathausring 6 • 66877 Ramstein
Tel 06371 - 61 37 48 Picture frames, gifts and a photo studio all in one!
Translator / Interpreter Certified KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable rates. Call: 0631-54440 Voice lessons (experienced professional singer, BM) 06372508747 or ellen@iocanto.com Weekly - BI-weekly & PCS Cleaning Cell: 0160-91948691 InspGuaranteed E-Mail cthompson@tonline.de www.cthompson-clea ning.com
WANTED All ads and pics on class-world.com
I'm buying records, ornamental cups, costume jewellery, typewriters as well as sewing machines and fur. 0176-69483292 Lead Vocalist Wanted. Must be experienced, dedicated, disciplined & have stage presence. Weekly practices in Kindsbach. Currently playing 90s/00s covers from Blink 182 to Drowning Pool. Originals in works too. Contact sheppardre@gmail.com.
July 11, 2014
Kaiserslautern American
Page 39
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Kaiserslautern American
July 11, 2014
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