July 13, 2012
Volume 36, number 28
Fighting cancer one step at a time by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs “Ready. Set. Go! ” Those were the magic words said by the children of Tech. Sgt. Rob Murphy, 86th Communications Squa dron, to kick off the 10K run held in his honor J uly 7 on Ramstein. “Rob was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive kind of sarcoma earlier this year,” said K rissie Murphy, Murphy’s wife. “He loved to run, it was his passion.” Members from Murphy’s squa dron have risen to the occasion and stepped up to help the family. “It’s amazing to be supported by everyone while we are trying to deal with this devastating news,” K rissie said. “We try to take it day by day and having the support of the community has been a godsend.” A Ramstein Boy Scout troop came out to show their support for one of their own by handing out water to the runners. “It was really nice to have them here because I am usually doing things like this with my troop,”
Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook
Members of Team Ramstein participate in the Stand Against Sarcoma 10K run July 7 on Ramstein. Runners honored Tech. Sgt. Robert Murphy, 86th Communications Squadron, who was diagnosed with sarcoma earlier this year.
See 10K, Page 3
US, Bulgarian forces train, jump together during Thracian Spring
There is no lawn mowing allowed during quiet hours. The use of motor-powered lawn mowers or other garden equipment is only permissible from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 3 to 8 p.m. weekdays. It is not permitted on Sundays or German holidays.
PLOV DI V , B u l garia — Ramstein Airmen from the 86th Airlift Wing and 435th Air Ground Operations Wing, along with U.S. Army jumpmasters and Bulgarian armed forces, trained together for Thracian Spring 2012 here, from J une 13 through 28. The training exercise brought U.S. and Bulgarian military forces together to build on and strengthen the bonds currently shared between the two NATO allies. The U.S. and Bulgaria have been working together, teaching their respective practices in these military training exercises since 2007. “I have personally been coming to Bulgaria for four years,” said Staff Sgt. Myron Austin, 435th Security Forces Squ adron jumpmaster. “Each time
is a new experience, but the goal remains the same. We learn each other’s procedures, we jump with each other’s parachutes, and it is an all-around experience for paratroopers from both countries.” Throughout the year, Bulgarian paratroopers have very limited opportunities to practice. During Thracian Spring, they nearly double their jumps for the year with each participant jumping two to three times a day for two weeks. “Without the U.S.’s help we wouldn’t be able to reach our airborne requi rements,” said Col. Iavor Mateev, J oint Facilities Department chief for the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense. U.S. pilots from the 37th Airlift Squa dron provided airlift for the jumpers using two C-130J Super Hercules aircraft. They also used the opportunity to i i i i e di fic p c ice ei home station in Germany.
ee e i fic c e di e di fic e i than what we would be able to in Western Europe,” said Capt. J ameson Richart, Thracian Spring 2012 mission commander and pilot for the 37th AS. “We get to use the C-130J to its utmost capabilities.” ddi i i e e e dd p ping airborne personnel, the pilots are also learning a new cargo deployment method called low cost, low altitude, or LCLA. LCLA starts with aerial delivery personnel building a pallet using cost effective and biodegradable material that could be left behind if there is not enough time to retrieve it during a contingency, including the parachute that is rigged up to the cargo pallet.
by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
KMC celebrates Fourth of July, Page 8
Introducing the KMC’s newest residents, Page 17
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As of July 9