June 22, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American

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June 22, 2012

Volume 36, number 25

German surgeon general visits AF, Army members by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The German air force surgeon general (Brig. Gen.) Jörg Binneweis visited various medical assets June 13 on Ramstein. Binneweis and members of his official party visited Airmen and Soldiers at the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility, the 86th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. “I have the opportunity to talk with my American counterparts about the flight surgeon duty and the command here at Ramstein,” Binneweis said. “I wanted to learn about how the aeromedical evacuation process works for wounded warriors who come from the Middle East and how they are handled.” Having a distinguished visitor such as Binneweis gives members of Team Ramstein the opportunity to demonstrate their mission. Photo by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright

See VISIT, Page 3

German air force surgeon general (Brig. Gen.) Jörg Binneweis visits the Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron on Ramstein June 13.

21st TSC offers support to war fighters during exercise

TIP OF THE WEEK Working out, eating right, getting the proper amount of sleep and keeping a close relationship with friends and family are all ways to help build and maintain resiliency.

from fuel, ammo, communications, rations and transportation to laundry services, billeting, finance, maintenance and medical support to more than 550 service members from more than 10 different military units, including Army, Air Force and Marines. “The mission of the 21st TSC here is to provide all the logistical support to the service members who are participating in Exercise Saber Strike 2012,” said Capt. Eunice H. Sorrell,

Pfc. Matthew Curran, 23rd Ordnance Company, 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion ammunition specialist, passes a case of ammunition to a Marine during an ammunition distribution on the Camp Adazi training grounds June 15 in Latvia.

See EXERCISE, Page 3


CAMP ADAZI, Latvia — The 21st Theater Sustainment Command, based in Kaiserslautern, provided the bulk of logistical support for the U.S. Army Europe-led, multinational training exercise Saber Strike 2012, which took place here and ended today. They provided a wide variety of expert and professional logistics support needed to meet the demands of a field training

exercise with about 1,300 participating soldiers from five different partner nations. The 21st TSC deployed much of its Special Troops Battalion along with functional providers from several other subordinate units to Camp Adazi, Latvia, to run the operational element, known as the mayor cell, for Saber Strike, accomplishing that formidable task. With nearly 60 Soldiers working around-theclock in the mayor cell, the 21st TSC assisted in the exercise by providing or coordinating everything dealing with life support


Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Michael J. Taylor 21st TSC Public Affairs

Walk through ‘old world,’ taste local food Page 20

Garrison employee trains for tournament, Page 22


As of June 19


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