March 23, 2012
Volume 36, number 12
Joint training maintains proficiency by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The 37th Airlift Squadron completed a weeklong airdrop training exercise with a 10-bundle container delivery system drop at a drop zone near Grafenwöhr, Germany, March 16. Ten-bundle container delivery systems were dropped in order to support a field-training exercise for the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team from Vicenza, Italy. It also gave pilots and loadmasters an opportunity to practice this particular airdrop. “We went to Grafenwöhr for a mass CDS drop, which we don’t get to do very often,” said Capt. Marci Walton, 37th AS C-130J instructor pilot. “The Army was doing some training that we were able to use as an opportunity to practice doing these drops. We had one of our guys on the ground to help call winds and make sure that we were good to drop the CDS.” The 37th AS resupplied the Soldiers on the ground with 10 pallets of consumables, giving them what they needed to carry out their training. “The 173rd ABCT has been out here See AIRDROP, Page 6
Photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Willis
Lt. Col. Joshua Olson, 37th Airlift Squadron commander, and Capt. Marci Walton, 37th Airlift Squadron instructor pilot, go through the pre-flight checklist in the flight deck of a C-130J March 16 on Ramstein. The 37th AS completed a weeklong airdrop training exercise with a 10-bundle container delivery system at a drop zone near Grafenwöhr, Germany.
21 countries gather for annual flight surgeon conference
TIP OF THE WEEK Daylight saving time It’s daylight saving time! Don’t forget to reset your clocks at 2 a.m. Sunday.
he annual Flight Surgeon Conference took place on Ramstein March 12 through 16 with the theme “Aircrew Performance Enhancement and Sustainment Preliminary Program.” More than 200 participants gathered
from 21 countries to countries 16 years “The conference venue breaks down share their thoughts ago. It grew to its barriers to communication and allows and latest research current size with repensuring those who immediate clarification and feedback on the resentatives from as fly are healthy and remote as Iraq and as various topics discussed.” going above and far as Singapore. beyond to improve and optimize flight The theme changes every year crew performance. but it remains focused on supporting The Flight Surgeon Conference the aviation mission and personnel. started out as a small group of flight“The conference venue breaks medicine experts from NATO partner down barriers to communication and
by Airman 1st Class Kendra Alba 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Keep your feet, knees together, Page 7
Homburg hosts ceramics market, Page 22
allows immediate clarification and feedback on the various topics discussed,” said Col. Jay C. Neubauer, U.S. Air Forces in Europe command surgeon. “It also fosters a rekindling of networks among old partner nations and creates new ties with emerging partners to establish mutually beneficial links for ongoing diaSee CONFERENCE, Page 2
As of March 22