Mar 30, 2012

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March 30, 2012


Volume 36, number 13

Changes to milpay increase efficiency by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


he Defense Military Pay Office returned to U.S. Air Forces in Europe command

Monday. Milpay transactions include cost of living allowance, family separation allowance and more, which will now be processed by finance offices from each individual base instead of at the Central Processing Center at Ellsworth Air Force Base, North Dakota. “When these financial transactions are processed at base level it cuts out the middleman syndrome,” said 2nd Lt. Adrianna Perez, 86th Comptroller

Squadron Financial Services flight commander. “It allows for the transaction to occur by the military pay team, in most cases the following day.” The original change was made with hopes that processing these milpay requests would be streamlined. “Back in 2007, the decision was made to centralize the milpay process with all transactions being sent to Ellsworth,” said Tech. Sgt. Edward Savage noncommissioned officer in charge of the military pay team. “The impression was that the starting or stopping of allowances See MILPAY, Page 3

A Joint Tactical Air Controller qualification course instructor and two students track the position of an A-10 Warthog flying over a directed target in Baumholder, Germany, March 21. Thirteen NATO students graduated the JTACQC at Einsiedlerhof Air Station March 23.

Eyes on the JTAC


Motorcycle season has begun. Motorcyclists should turn on headlights day and night. See safety instructions in German Polizei Corner on Page 6.

See JTAC, Page 3

Photo by Airman 1st Class Caitlin O’Neil-McKeown

Commander visits GSU Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander, inspects the uniforms of Airmen from the 309th Airlift Squadron March 23 during a visit to Chièvres Air Base, Belgium. The 309th Airlift Squadron is a geographically separated unit supported by the 86th Operations Group at Ramstein. The operational flying unit provides critical logistics support to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.


A simulated Army platoon cautiously approaches a quiet urban village, their senses are heightened, no friendlies are in the area, but they know they have a target to take care of. The ground commander stops everyone at a safe distance. He hears

the enemy and tells everyone to take cover. He takes a look back at his Air Force guy carrying 25 pounds worth of radio equipment on his back. He wants to move in, but needs to first know where his air power is. “You’re holding up my mission, JTAC.” The Joint Tactical Air Controller


Story and photos by 2nd Lt. Kay M. Nissen 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Deutsches Haus celebrates grand opening, Page 13

Gartenschau opens Sunday, Page 19



As of March 28

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