May 25, 2012
Volume 36, number 21
Russian delegates visit for fuels engagement Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Chief Master Sgt. Howard Heisey, 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron fuels manager, gives a tour to Russian delegates for a bilateral fuels engagement May 17 on Ramstein.
ussian delegates visited the 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron fuels service center on Ramstein for a bilateral fuels engagement tour May 17. “The U.S.-Russia bilateral engagement fosters an environment of joint cooperation in the field of energy interoperability between the U.S. and the Russian Federation, as well as between NATO and the Russian Federation,” said Maj. Adam Minnich, U.S. European Command
chief of the Joint Petroleum Office. The delegates toured the Fuels Control Center, where Airmen monitor fuel levels and receipts 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure sufficient fuel levels are maintained and ready to support aircraft operations. The fuels control center operation is vital to monitoring and directing fuels operations to receive, store, issue and validate quality control and accounting for all jet and ground fuels including diesel, automotive fuel, and liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen. “The flight issues on average 130 to 140 million gallons of fuel a year,” said Chief Master
Sgt. Howard Heisey, 86th LRS fuels manager. The Russian delegates received a tour of the flightline, including the facilities were the Central European Pipeline System enters the base. They also had the opportunity to see the Type III fuels hydrant system, which provides fuel to aircraft via underground fuel outlets. The hydrant systems used on Ramstein operate on the same basic concept as a fire hydrant. The base has specialized equipment that connects the hydrant outlet to the aircraft to allow rapid refueling, Heisey said. See DELEGATES, Page 2
Service members, families attend Kindergraves memorial
TIP OF THE WEEK Drink your water: With temperatures rising, be sure to maintain hydration!
Sergeants Major and Ramstein Area Chiefs’ groups present wreaths for the Kindergraves memorial service May 19 at the Kaiserslautern main cemetery. The memorial service is held to honor the children who weren’t able to be buried in America.
ore than 50 service members and their families attended the Kindergraves memorial service May 19 in Kaiserslautern. The memorial service is held annually the week following Mother’s Day to honor the children who weren’t able to be buried in America, as well as to pay respect to their parents. Children buried here were no more than 12 months old,
and most died of various childhood diseases or birth complications. “One reason children were buried here was because the policy of the government at the time restricted the movement of the deceased back to America,” said Terence Delay, former Kindergraves chairman. “Second, families who couldn’t afford to send their child back home were offered the opportunity to have their child buried here. “Parents were members of the Department of Defense, most coming
Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Some call him ‘Bob the Bugler,’ Page 6
Ramstein hosts volleyball tournament, Page 23
As of May 22