Nov 2, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American

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November 2, 2012


Volume 36, number 44

Realistic exercise keeps Airmen, host nation on their toes Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


embers of Team Ramstein, along with their Army and host nation counterparts participated in a major accident response exercise Oct. 27 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. The exercise tested various units’ ability to respond to a major accident and their aptitude to work together to handle assorted challenges that may arise during a crisis response. “The main objective was to make this exercise as realistic as possible,” said Capt. Jesse K laetsch, lead inspector for this exercise. “We have some ‘ body parts’ scattered around the scene just to give the crash team a glimpse as to what they’d see if they were on a real crash site. We wanted to take this step-by-step to show participants how this kind of mishap would go, so everyone involved would have a good idea of what the real-world See EXERCISE, Page 3

Firefighters with the 886th Civil Engineer Squadron transport a “victim” during a major accident response exercise Oct. 27 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. The exercise tested various units’ ability to respond to a major accident and their aptitude to work together to handle assorted challenges that may arise during a crisis response.

18th MP Soldier makes ‘X Factor’finals by Staff Sgt. Tramel Garrett 18th MP Public Affairs, 21st TSC

Spc. Willy Hubbard, a wheeledvehicle mechanic for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade, sings on stage during an “X Factor” Germany taping. Hubbard is a top 12 finalist.


Due to Hurricane Sandy, APO customers across Europe may see a small delay (likely one to three days) in mail sent to or from the U.S.


Tip of the Week

Photo courtesy of Sebastian Schmidt, VOX

A 21st Theater Sustainment Command military police Soldier’s dream of becoming a recording artist is one step closer after makin the finals of the erman Factor” show, scheduled to air on the erman tele ision channel unday. Spc. Willy Hubbard, a wheeledvehicle mechanic for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade, will now rely on audience votes to determine

Halloween scares up fun in the KMC, Pages 24 and 25

Introducing the KMC’s newest residents, Page 21

his fate after enduring auditions, boot camp and the judge’s house. actor ermany is a tele i sion music talent show competition for aspiring singers drawn from public auditions. e alked onto the actor sta e ith butter ies in his stomach and wondered if he had the talent to become a star in the music industry. e as a . . oldier on a erman television show and everyone in the building was focused on him. “I was nervous, so I imagined See FINALIST, Page 13


As of Oct. 30


Page 2

Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Base appearance — Pick it up! by Lt. Col. Tiffany Warnke 786th Civil Engineer Squadron commander Have you ever driven down a highway and thought to yourself, “Boy, there’s a lot of trash in this area, this must be a bad part of town where no one cares? ” Have you ever walked up to a building and seen debris in the corners of the parking lot or in the mulch beds at the entrance? Have you ever driven onto a compound and seen newspaper littering the fence line? It probably made you think, “This place should look better” or “who’s not doing their job? ” More importantly, how did it make you feel? I would expect that it made you wrinkle your nose and feel disappointed; maybe even disgusted. Many research studies show the importance a clean, organized and well-maintained work environment has on an organization’s morale and productivity. These studies

describe how workplace environments directly in uence employee motivation and subsequent performance. In today’s world, organizations are challenged to create work environments where people enjoy what they do, where they work, and are proud of it. For the military, the work environment oes beyond office furniture and interior finishes into the realm of overall base appearance. The U .S. Air Force is the most powerful Air Force in the world. Our weapon systems are uniquely sophisticated and stand generations ahead of the closest competitor. To ensure mission accomplishment, Air Force installations must resemble our high standing and subsequently must be cared for — neat, clean and organized. Orderly base appearance is a herculean task. There are nooks and crannies all over an installation. Controlling the trash and debris that makes its way into these hidden holes is overwhelming, and

frankly requires everyone’s conscious effort. Everyone can contribute and everyone can make a difference. Moreover, true success can only come when everyone works together. As a youn officer remember another military member pointing out to me how they had spotted litter (a soda can) sitting by the sidewalk. They elaborated on how they had seen it every day in the same place for fi e days in a ro . As I talked to this individual, all I kept thinking to myself was, “why didn’t he just pick it up when he first sa it? Ensuring a military installation presents itself in the most organized and professional manner is no easy task, and not one that can be done without the investment from each and every member of our community. This is your military installation. Be proud of it. Take care of it. And make it better. This starts with each of us making a direct contribution to base

appearance. How do you contribute? Well, the new 86th Airlift Wing Base Pride program is a start. In the Base Pride program every unit/ member has an area of responsibility. It’s a “divide and conquer” approach that ill definitely impro e base appearance. But, base appearance can be even simpler than that. The next time you see trash on the ground, pick it up. The next time you walk by garbage blowing in the wind, grab it. The next time you see someone litter, say to them “Hey buddy, don’t do that!” I have the upmost respect for the country and the Air Force that I serve. I’m equally proud of the installation I’m assigned to and its mission. I would expect that is the case for most folks assigned to the K MC. To show it, I challenge each of you to take pride and ownership in base appearance. Contribute and make things better — simply, pick it up! For a fall clean-up checklist, see Page 12.


SABER in action, serving the KMC by 1st Lt. Harrizon Sanchez 86th Civil Engineer Squadron


oes your unit’s building need a new bathroom, new paint, a new roof, ne carpet ener y efficient indows? Is the road full of potholes and need repa in ? Did the fire department inspect your buildin and say you need an up raded fire alarm system? Do you ever wonder who will build this stuff? The answer for more than 3,000 construction projects in the last 20 years is the Ramstein implified Ac uisition of ase En ineerin Requirements Construction Team. The 86th Civil Engineer Squadron’s SABER construction team was established 20 years ago this month.

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

Since 1992, the team has built large and small construction projects throughout the K MC, including jet fuel systems for aircraft, bullet proof steel at the shooting range, foam fire fi htin systems in the han ars ne transformers and water mains, storm water drainage, parking lots, entire buildings and small remodels, and a new chemistry classroom at the high school. The SABER program’s intent is to provide a simplified approach to expedite the fulfillment of non-complex maintenance, repair, and construction requirements. Generally, a SABER contract is awarded for a fi e year period one base year plus four option years. A single SABER contract can be valued anywhere from $1 million to $1 00 million.

including insert or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material.

The SABER contract in place here at Ramstein, which is managed by the 700th Contracting Squadron, is a multiple award construction contract valued at $27 5 million over the course of fi e years and has four contractors. Our MACC contractors can perform complex projects and have the capability to do full design and build. he 8 th CE pro rams i ht mana es the SABER program with a team of nine local national and seven enlisted project managers. This team of 16 project managers oversees more than 400 large and small projects in different phases, from inception, through a design process, award to contractors, construction and


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See SABER, Page 7

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November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 3

EXERCISE, from Page 1

procedures ere. e said this type of exercise as chosen because of the volume of air craft traffic in the area. e anted to try this type of exer cise because yin aircraft is an inher ently dangerous business as we’ve seen throu hout the past mishaps end up happenin laetsch said. “We wanted to see how members of eam amstein ould cope ith these disasters. The teams on location have done a ood ob executin their proce dure from the start. he exercise also pro ided erman and American responders the opportu nity to practice orkin to ether. “This was a simulated accident, testin ho American and erman firefi hters ould ork to ether and respond to e ents on scene said taff t. Alan Drake 88 th Ci il En ineer uadron firefi hter. n this accident there was a simulated aircraft acci dent in the i ht path of amstein Air ase. e e practiced accidents on Ramstein, but we haven’t done one off base, so it was time to see how we ould react ithout ha in all the spe ciali ed ehicles for this type of e ent. his as a oint exercise in ol in Air orce Army and erman first responders ith three different ele ments involved. his exercise as not only used to

An explosive ordinance technician examines a chaff pod during a major accident response exercise Oct. 27 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

e aluate the base on ho it operates durin a crisis it as also the first of many exercises to use a ne system of inspectors rather than e aluators. n the past . . Air orces in Europe ould send personnel to inspect the entire base, but now it’s going to be inspectors of the base inspectin their own wing, called the command ers inspection pro ram laetsch said.

t i es commanders a better perspec tive of how ready their wing is. It’s important for commanders to reali e it’s OK to make mistakes and to not be perfect because it i es e aluators an idea of here its personnel are eak and to help make them better in those areas. At the end of the day this exercise showed that members of Ramstein

continue to work well with their host nation counterparts. think the operations today pro ed that Americans and ermans ha e been orkin ell to ether for years said arl ebel 88 th Ci il En ineer uadron firefi hter. here ha e been occasions here e e respond ed to real incidents together and man a ed to take control of the situation.

KMC hosts joint tri-community AFAP conference Story and photo by Mark Heeter U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Three communities and three military branches came together in the K MC for the first tri community Armed orces Action lan confer ence Oct. 23 to 26. Delegates, volunteers and sub ect matter experts from the . . Army arrisons aiserslautern aden

Wü rttemberg and Baumholder, representin the Army Air Force and Navy, blended together for the conference, which also included team members from the Airman Family Readiness Center from the 8 th Airlift in . his is a rassroots pro ram and an opportunity for people in the community to brin up issues they see that they feel are important said ichelle homas . . Army arrison aiserslautern Army

Alexia Russey with Army Community Service in the U.S. Army Garrison BadenWürttemberg facilitates discussion on the first day of the Armed Forces Action Plan conference held Oct. 23 to 26 on Daenner Kaserne.

Community Service director. Dele ates representin a cross section of the com munity ere broken into six roups and each i en issues to prioriti e accordin to Thomas. f they can fix the issue locally that is exactly hat ill happen. hey ill talk to the local resource behind that issue and see if they can fix it added homas notin that each roup had the chance to submit three issues for con sideration to be elevated. And they do et ele ated. er the years the A A has yielded increases in life insurance benefits the hrift a in s lan for ser ice mem bers, and transferability of their benefits to their eli ible children, among many other uality of life impro ements. t literally can ha e life chan in implications said K ristin James, the A A pro ram mana er for the . . Army arrison K aiserslautern.

“In some cases, it can liter ally change someone’s life, hether that s cappin the fees for child care, so that a family has more disposable income, whether it’s giving rights to a survivor, to have access not only to their local installation but a reco ni able ID card that allows them to go to an installation where their service member was serving to visit that memorial, it’s life chan in ames said. mmediately upon open in the conference or ani ers opened the door for next year s issues in this year round process that in ol es follo in current and open issues hile taking in new ideas. ha e done A A for about seven years now. I do it because I am enthralled ith ho the process orks said Diane sla the A A olunteer super isor hose husband and daughter also participate in the pro ram. think it s ama in think what it brings to the mili

tary community is shapin the future of the Army. By the end of the confer ence the roups had select ed 7 issues for prioriti ation while the others were devel oped into disposition papers closing them for this year’s conference, James said. Once committees have had a chance to evaluate issues, they ill be posted at the ar rison homepa e.

Carpet repair & cleaning Free pick up and delivery All credit cards accepted • VAT-forms

Page 4

Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Reported Larcenies


OCT. 23 » Landstuhl: One laptop case, one laptop, one iPod with accessories, and €20 in change.

OCT. 23

8: 50 a.m.: Reckless driving was reported in Schwedelbach. 3: 52 p.m.: A failure to obey a lawful order or regulation and operating a non-registered vehicle was reported on K apaun. 3 55 p.m. A ma or traffic accident as reported in Linden after a motorist veered into oncoming traffic and collided ith another ehicle.

OCT. 24

a.m. A failure to report a traffic collision was reported in Obernheim-K irchenarnbach. 12: 53 p.m.: Destruction of government property and communicating a threat was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing. 7: 04 p.m.: Drug paraphernalia was found in Oberstaufenbach. 8: 45 p.m.: An assault was reported at the Ramstein Enlisted Club.

OCT. 25

39 a.m. A ma or traffic accident as reported in Otterberg after a motorist lost control of a vehicle. 55 a.m. A ma or traffic accident as report ed on Landstuhl after a boar ran in front of a vehicle. 2 5 p.m. A dri in under the in uence posses sion of a controlled substance and resisting apprehension was reported in K aiserslautern. 9: 05 p.m.: A drunken driving and assault were reported in Spesbach. 10: 43 p.m.: Possession of a controlled substance

was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing.

OCT. 26

Take Note

OCT. 26 » Landstuhl: $450.

11: 03 a.m.: A drunk on duty and drunken driving was reported on K apaun. 9 p.m. A ma or traffic accident as reported in K aiserslautern after a motorist struck a boar crossing the road.

OCT. 28 » Landstuhl: One drum set. OCT. 29 » Kindsbach: One TomTom GPS. » Landstuhl: One black Senseo coffee machine and two pot holders. » Vogelweh Family Housing: Construction tools, one spare tire, one tire jack, one construction helmet and one safety vest.

OCT. 27

6: 50 p.m.: Larceny of unsecured private property was reported in Landstuhl.

OCT. 28

5: 30 a.m.: A drunken driving was reported in Landstuhl after Polizei reported an intoxicated person sleeping behind the wheel of a running vehicle. 7 5 a.m. A drunken dri in ma or traffic acci dent and eein the scene as reported in Erfenbach.

OCT. 29

8 35 a.m. A ma or traffic accident as reported in Hermersberg. The accident was caused due to obstructed vision on the windshield. 9: 17 a.m.: Larceny of unsecured private property was reported on Landstuhl. 2 2 p.m. A eein the scene as reported on K leber K aserne. Damage included a scratched rear bumper. 3 5 p.m. A eein the scene as reported on K leber K aserne. Damage included tire rub marks. 8: 20 p.m.: Theft from an unsecured motor vehicle was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing.

CFC Bash

Do you want to donate to a charity through the Combined Federal Campaign but have some questions about how your money will be used? Then come to the CFC Bash and talk with representatives from some of the organizations represented by CFC from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday in Heaton Auditorium at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Representatives will include the ounded arrior ro ect nited er ice r ani ations and ed Cross. or details contact Sgt. 1st Class Arnice Mercer at 48655 7 29 or 37 8 55 7 29 or arnice. mercer@

Fall clean up

The K MC fall clean up is scheduled for 8 a.m. Monday (clean where you work) and Tuesday (clean where you live on base). A breakdown of responsibilities can be found at www.facebook. com ramsteinofficial. o see a fall clean up checklist see a e 2.

Change of hours

OCT. 24 » Kaiserslautern: One roll of tape, one vinyl helmet bag and an unknown amount of tools.

he northside southside and apaun post offices will have a change of opening hours Thursday and o . 9. n hursday they ill o to mini mum mannin for an official function from a.m. to 2 p.m. Windows will remain fully manned

9: 58 p.m.: Failure to report an accident was reported in Enkenbach-Alsenborn after a motorist struck a all and steps and dro e a ay failin to report it to the proper officials.


A civilian was terminated from work and barred from all U .S. military installations in Europe for dri in under the in uence of a controlled sub stance.

AADD STATS Oct. 26 — tially saved. Oct. 27 — tially saved.

and customers should experience no delays. On o . 9 they ill be operatin from a.m. to 1 p.m. only to participate in a wing appreciation day.

Election day

n uesday . . citi ens ill select their governmental leaders and shape democracy. For otin information call the nstallation otin ffice at 8 8 83 or send an email to ote

Donations for Pfennig Bazaar

he erman American and nternational Women’s Club K aiserslautern will collect donations for next year’s Pfennig Bazaar from 9 a.m. to noon today and Saturday at the Pfennig a aar arehouse ackstrasse to 7 57 aiserslautern. Clothes household items elec trical appliances toys and books ill be needed. urniture mattresses shoes suitcases and other bi items ill not be accepted. or details contact Martina Anctil at martina-daifc@ call 3 239 3 or isit


he ulaski A ffice ill be closed today. he leber andstuhl and iesau A offices ill remain open for their normal opera

7 olunteers

calls 3 li es poten

8 olunteers 8 calls 2 li es poten

tion hours. nstallation clearin of personnel will be temporarily suspended. Full service operations will commence on Monday. For more information isit kaiserslauternMWR. he C ousin offices ill be closed o . 2 for an American holiday. he offices ill also close at 3 a.m. o . 2 for an office function and all day Nov. 22 and 23.

Holiday mailing deadlines

Below are the 2012 recommended U .S. European Command holiday mail deadlines for postal customers assigned to the European theater of operations. These dates are for mail originating in Europe and destined for the U .S. Space Available Mail (SAM) — Nov. 26 Parcel Airlift Mail (PAL) — Dec. 3 Priority Mail — Dec. 10 First Class Letters And Cards — Dec. 10 Express Mail Military Service — Dec. 18

In-processing housing briefing

Effecti e hursday the Air orce ci ilian in processin housin briefin ill be in con unction ith the mandatory finance briefin which is scheduled for 8 a.m. every Thursday at the amstein ousin ffice ld . 2 8. Bring a copy of your PCS orders.

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 5

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Page 6

Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

CSAF shares perspective during AETC Senior Leader Conference by Staff Sgt. Clinton Atkins Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs JO I NT B ASE SAN ANT ONI ORANDOL PH, T ex as — The Air Force’s top general discussed topics such as telling the Air Force story and innovation during the Air Education and Training Command Senior Leader Conference here Oct. 18. “Telling the Air Force story is a big deal to me,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III during his speech to leaders from around the command. he one thin m finding is ... our own Airmen don’t know where we’re going; they don’t know here they fit in it. Welsh told the senior leaders to think about how they can present a conclusive message at every level. “Our Airmen really want to know where they belong,” he said. “They want to know what they do is valuable.” he Air orce has fi e priorities continuing to strengthen the nuclear enterprise innin today s fi hts developing and caring for Airmen

and their families, modernization, and recapturing acquisition excellence. f you look at those fi e priorities, and if you’re not someone who supervises or commands people, you mi ht not be able to find yourself in those priorities,” he said. “We can’t allow people to think because those are fi e thin s the ecretary and Chief said that what they’re doing isn’t important.” he eneral simplified the explanation of here Airmen fit into the mission by focusing them into the areas of innin the fi ht stren thenin the team, and shaping the future. “And I defy you to not be able to place yourself in one of those,” he said. “And that s the idea ... but you can find everyone else somewhere in there.” ith loomin fiscal austerity that could affect future readiness, Welsh said the size and scope of the Air Force mission will have to be curtailed to meet future requirements. He said it will take innovation. “If we keep the same-sized force 30 years from now, we won’t have enough money to feed it — much less

Photo by Joel Martinez

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III speaks to Air Education and Training Command leaders during the AETC Senior Leader Conference Oct. 18. In addition to being a guest speaker at the conference, Welsh visited basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph and participated in a BMT graduation as the reviewing official.

fi ht it he said. e e ot to do something different.” Welsh said whatever the future holds, he’s certain the mission cannot be accomplished without the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve. He said global strike; intel-

ligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; mobility; space and cyberspace are mission priorities that cannot be stopped. “All of those things are core to the Air Force. We have to do them and we have to do them well.”

In wake of Sandy, Airmen poised to ‘answer the call’ SCOT T AI R FORCE B ASE , I l l . — Across Travis AFB, Calif., Little Rock AFB, Ark., and the nation, mobility Airmen are assessing the Scott AFB, Ill., are also prepared to provide East damage left by Hurricane Sandy at their own Coast hurricane relief if needed. Air Force bases along the East Coast and begin“As with any contingency it’s not the plan ning the process of recovery, while also standthat counts but the value of planning. The beting ready to answer the call for support of relief ter the mobility team can proactively envision efforts from civilian authorities. any outcome, the better we can respond when In the wake of the hurricane, Airmen at the unforeseen happens,” said Maj. Gen. David affected East Coast bases are conducting damage Allvin, TACC commander. “We began workassessments and beginning the process of recoving plans in anticipation of Sandy early this ery. Damage estimates are ongoing, but early past weekend. That hard work ensured that indications were that most of the bases have not despite the storm our assets remain available at suffered si nificant dama e. ean hile plana moment’s notice to answer any call for help.” ners at AMC’s 18th Air Force at the 618th Air or mobility Airmen it is simple e are here and Space Operations Center (Tanker Airlift to answer the call when it comes, whether across Control Center) are working alongside federal the globe or here at home,” said Gen. Ray Johns, and state agencies to assess the storm’s broader Jr., AMC commander. “In this critical time we impacts and position forces to respond to any stand ready to meet the needs of our nation and call for help from civilian authorities. fellow Americans.” As Hurricane Sandy made landfall, Mobility If called on, AMC Airmen are prepared to Airmen had already o n aircraft to safe locaprovide airlift, air refueling and aeromedical tions and prepared aircraft that could not y evacuation support, just as they have for previaway for the coming storms. ous hurricanes. “By moving aircraft and crews to safety In response to Hurricanes K atrina, Rita, Ike Photo by Adrian R. Rowan we were also preserving our ability to rapidly Airman 1st Class Richard Stratton, from the 436th Civil Engineer and Gustav, mobility Airmen moved nearly respond in the storm’s aftermath,” said Col. Carl Squadron, and Senior Airman Robert Fitch, from the 436th Aerial Port 25,000 passengers, more than 3,600 patients, Rahn, a senior controller at the 618th TACC Squadron, collect sandbags from outside Bldg. 502 Tuesday at Dover Air and delivered nearly 6,500 short tons of supForce Base, Del. The sandbags were placed at entrances around the base here. plies to and from stricken areas. In the wake in preparation for Hurricane Sandy. Aircraft and crews from bases in the path of Hurricane K atrina, mobility Airmen moved of Sandy like Dover Air Force Base, Del., and AMC’s rapid-response team of air mobility special- search and rescue teams to Louisiana and stood up Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., relocat- ists at the 621st Contingency Response Wing, Joint an operation to rapidly bring in relief supplies and ed to Joint Base Charleston, S.C.; Grand Forks Base MDL, sent an element to MacDill Air Force rescue patients. AFB, N.D.; and McConnell AFB, K an. In addition, Base, Fla. Aeromedical evacuation specialists from ( Courtesy 18t h Air Force Public Af f airs)

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 7

Enroll in UTAP and save! If you are not enrolled in the U tility ax A oidance ro ram you could be missin out. his pro ram benefits Department of Defense personnel military and ci ilian ho li e in off base housin . he A is entirely oluntary for acti e duty personnel but it is mandatory for many ci ilian personnel if a ailable ith the utility supplier . he A allo s D D employees to le ally a oid payin the erman tax on certain utilities. ith A you can sa e up to 9 percent alue added tax on electricity and natural as and up to 7 percent on ater. n other ords this pro ram can sa e the . . o ernment and you hundreds of dollars in utility expenses annually. ot sure if you ualify for A ? SABER, from Page 2

all through the warranty period. n fiscal year 2 2 the 86th CES SABER team had more than 2 construction pro ects alued at more than 35 million under construction plus another 88 pro ects alued at 33 million a arded and ready to start construction. ith some acti e pro ects it is the bi est and busiest in the Air orce. ome of the 2 pro ects built by A E this year in ser ice to the C include the Community Bank annex in the o el eh Commissary. his pro ect relocated the Community Bank into a more accessible location to ser e more customers. hey also built handicapped side alk ramps on arious locations in the C to pro ide better transportation means to the disabled community. A E also built ne runnin trails to pro ide more runnin paths and keep C physically fit. oreo er they repaired the a in roof of the amstein orth Chapel makin the chapel ready for the rainy days.

top by a local A office for more information. o re ister for the proram take the follo in documents to a local A office a copy of your orders your rental contract or bill of sale utility meter numbers and readin s your utility company customer number or your first bill if already si ned up ith a utility company D card local bank account information and enrollment fee. he A enrollment fee is 77 and it co ers your entire stay at one apartment house i en you stay ith the same utility companies. Althou h A helps sa e money on your bills it is not a bill payin or financial aid pro ram. esponsibility for payin the bill to the utility company remains ith each indi idual. f you need help financially contact your

Airman amily eadiness Center or Army Community er ice. or more information about A and ho you can start sa in isit your local A office or call the amstein A office at 8 53 9 or 37 7 53 9


Ramstein ld . 2 8 Call 8 53 9 or 37 7 53 9 ours 7 3 a.m. to 3 p.m. ondays to ridays closed . . holidays Kleber Kaserne ld . 32 5 third oor Call 83 78 or 3 A 3 7873 ours 8 a.m. to 3 3 p.m.

78 ondays to

ridays closed . . holidays

Landstuhl ld . 38 Call 8 78 or 37 8 78 ours a.m. to p.m. ondays ednesdays and ridays closed . . holidays Pulaski Barracks ld . 2899 Call 93 35 or 3 3 35 ours a.m. to 3 p.m. ondays to ridays closed . . holidays Miesau A rmy D epot ld . 2 second oor Call 8 3852 or 372 8 2 3852 ours 9 to a.m. and to p.m. ondays to ridays closed . . and erman holidays

he A E team is also relentless in their pursuit to pro ide better facilities to families in C. hey built ne play rounds street li hts and the do park on o el eh perfect for doin fun family acti ities and keepin the children acti e. n addition to support our youn students a ne chemistry laboratory at the hi h school as also built. A E construction does not stop there re pa in the roads outside the amstein est ate installin bullet proof steel at the shootin ran e installin ne transformers and ater mains pro idin better storm ater draina e buildin parkin lots ne er and better traffic circles ne bathrooms in many buildin s across the installation and more. he C can expect only the best from the A E team. f you ha e any uestions or concerns or ould ust like to thank your A E team you can isit them on the first oor of ld . 5 2 on amstein or at one of their arious construction sites.

SHARE YOUR ADVENTURES Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Write “Destinations” in the e-mail subject line and E-mail your photos to

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Post office gives away $3,600 in collectable stamps, prizes Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Travis Edwards 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs he C Air orce post offices in con unction ith the . . ostal er ice celebrated ational tamp Collectin onth by offerin 3 in pri es durin the month of ctober. t s a ay for us to offer an incenti e to et the public in ol ed in a national past time that s not ell kno n by the youn er eneration said aster t. oshua eenan C Air orce ostal perations section chief. tamps no ha e e erythin from ar el super heroes and baseball cards to oin reen and the Ci il ar on them. here s a stamp for anybody he said. ou ust ha e to look. o help et the little ones more in ol ed in the desi n process C ostal er ices offered a blank stamp can as for C kinder arten first and second rade children to dra on. he artork can be seen at the apaun and amstein post offices. t s somethin for the children so hen they o into the post office ith their parents they ll say look did that said eenan a nati e of oronto hio. Col. ichael onson 8 th ission upport roup commander as on hand uesday at the amstein Elementary chool ith elly the oala to present the pri es. E eryone did a reat ob on these stamp desi ns

Ramstein Elementary School children pose with Kelly the Koala and Col. Michael Monson (left), 86th Mission Support Group commander, after receiving a prize for best stamp design Tuesday on Ramstein. Kindergarten through second grade children from the KMC schools all participated in the Stamp Collection Month contest hosted by the Air Force KMC post offices. The post offices gave away approximately $3,600 in prizes.

said onson. hank you all so much for participatin in this e ent. he pri es i en a ay ere no elty si ed stamps featurin ell kno n superheroes. e ust ant to et the ord out about the excite-

ment that can come alon ith collectin stamps said taff t. eff il reen orthside ost ffice head of finance and coordinator for the e ent. t s not e ery day that you et your art ork hun up at a public place this is somethin special for them.

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November 2, 2012

Cartoonists bring smiles to service members abroad by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


he nited er ice r ani ations offers arious entertainment tours includin actors athletes comedians and others for ser ice members throu hout the year. ost recently the brou ht members of the ational Cartoonist ociety to the C ct. 22. n addition to the ational Cartoonist ociety the also tours ith actors athletes comedians musicians amon other entertainers to pro ide ser ice members ith a reminder of home. he ational Cartoonist ociety is a roup of artists ho tour from base to base dra in cartoon style dra -

in s of ser ice members and their families. ours like these are a reat ay for celebrities and the American public to sho their appreciation for the serice members around the orld said racy hede entertainment tour producer. embers of these tours take pride in takin some time from their normal schedule to be there for those ho dedicate so much in doin hat they do. enues such as this take a lot of time to plan ith many thin s oin on behind the scenes. t takes se eral months to make these tours happen there s a lot of paper ork and lo istics behind each tour e do she said. atherin tra el information is possibly the bi est part of or ani in a tour. hese uys had recently arri ed from the . .

and they re doin their first t o e ents hours after arri in here. or one member of the cartoonist society comin here pro ides an opportunity to i e back to ser ice members like those on tours before him. as a oldier once so kno hat it s like to be in fara ay places said ruce i don caricaturist. also kno that it feels ood to ha e a little piece of home come to you. think it s important that e let the ser ice members kno that e appreciate you and the ser ice you i e to our country. or i don isitin ser ice members in hospitals is a particular fa orite. y absolute fa orite part about hat do is hen o isit troops in the hospital and make them lau h

i don said. Each cartoonist here has said that e et much more out of this experience than the troops e speak to. At the end of a tour each cartoonist takes specific thin s a ay ith them. e re touched by the stories these men and omen ha e of sacrifice lookin past difficulties in their li es and seein the future he said. e re lookin at people ho ha e surpassed and o ercome insurmountable odds if ere in their situation don t think ould ha e the same attitude. e see people ho deser e the term hero and a lot of times that may be used arbitrarily but in most cases describe the youn military member today. or more information about the and their entertainment schedule isit .uso.or .

7th CSC Soldiers train for deployment ife local pro incial council member and deputy minister of health respecti ely. e are teachin them to kno GRAFE NWÖ HR T RAI NI NG the basic customs and courtesies in ARE A, Germ any — he first Army Af hanistan. hey need to ork on eser e ci il affairs unit to deploy to pro idin solutions not ust listenin Af hanistan from a location outside the said oma Abass ho played the role nited tates completed their mobili aof deputy minister. t s interestin tion readiness exercise culminatin trainentertainin and exhaustin . m sure in e ent here ct. 27 to uesday. they re the CA oldiers learnin some oldiers from the 7th Ci il upport thin s. Command s Company D 57th Ci il he scenarios ere part of trainin on Affairs attalion 3 st CA ri ade e aluatin measures of effecti eness and took part in the nearly t o eek mobiperformance ith the underlyin theme li ation readiness exercise that consisted of transition accordin to taff t. of core ci il affairs classes then irtual Charlie ro n st rainin ri ade attle pace 2 simulator trainin prior to ACA C A . the culminatin e ent. he mobili ation readiness exercise think it s one ell said pc. ara marked a number of firsts for deployin att a Co. D team member. here is a . . Army eser e ci il affairs oldiers. lot of preppin us for hat e can expect Foreign language speakers role play as local Afghan natives as 1st Lt. Cristina Pillai, team nlike other Army eser e CA units hen e o do nran e. ho mobili e and train at ort Dix. . . leader with Company D, 457th Civil Affairs Battalion, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, 7th Civil he 7th C C oldiers trained in se er- Support Command, listens and takes notes during a pre-deployment mobilization readi- prior to deployment Co. D conducted al areas of ci il affairs operations includ- ness exercise Oct. 29. Pillai is wearing a head scarf in recognition of Afghan religious and their pre and post mobili ation trainin in nation assistance support to ci il cultural norms and expectations, which are a critical element of civil affairs missions. at their home station in rafen hr outadministration transition operations conse uence i nette scenarios ere determined by feedback side the . . Also the company s hi her head uarmana ement and synchroni ation of ci il military from the ci il affairs unit currently in theater that ters the 3 st CA de. stood up as a unit in 2 operations. the unit ill replace said t. ason Enri ue as the only ci il affairs bri ade stationed outside of Durin the mobili ation readiness exercise st rainin ri ade . . Army Ci il Affairs the . . oldiers also had the opportunity to interact ith forsycholo ical perations Command Airborne Co. D s deployment from a location outside the ei n lan ua e speakers ho spoke rdu Dari and ho mobili ed from ort Dix . . to conduct the nited tates has led to the st rainin ri ade s ashto the main nati e lan ua es of Af hanistan. trainin . first e er o erseas trainin mission. heir role as to act as local Af han illa ers in think it s reat that e ha e face to face intert s the first time e e one o erseas to coni nette scenarios that simulated the different types action ith real interpreters said t. st Class duct the trainin said t. st Class im enshall of missions tasks and challen es the company ill arry arker team leader Co. D 57th CA n. t mobile trainin team member st rn . de. face durin their combat tour. Another important ill be ood lessons learned to pass to the unit ho ACA C A . aspect of the trainin as reco ni in and under- replaces us next year. Ci il affairs main oal is to he lairsto n . . nati e added t s been standin local cultural and reli ious norms such as ork oursel es out of a ob. beyond expectations they re ery enthusiastic female oldiers earin a head scarf hen interacthree contractors one born in akistan the oth- about it best trainin e seen specific to ci il in ith the local populace. ers in Af hanistan took on the roles of illa e mid- affairs. hey e really latched on to it. Story and photo by Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta 7th CSC Public Affairs, 21st TSC

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Photo by Rick Scavetta

Winter Vehicle Safety Day Craig Chamlee, a civilian mechanic at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s Auto Skills Center, explains the importance of correct tire pressure to Capt. April Brown, a U.S. Air Force C-130 pilot from the 37th Airlift Squadron, during Winter Vehicle Safety Day Oct. 26 at Pulaski Auto Skills. The event was sponsored by Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes

Golf Retired Chief Warrant Officer 2 Mark Morton lines up his shot Oct. 24 at Woodlawn Golf Course driving range on Ramstein. The driving range is located near the Ramstein Northside Fitness Center and the hours of operation vary monthly.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook

Post office Tech. Sgt. David Lott, 86th Communications Squadron assistant post master, fills out a mailing form Oct. 24 at the new Ramstein Southside Postal Finance Annex. The new postal annex, located on the back side of the Service Credit Union in Bldg. 2410, is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes

Arts and crafts Sarah Jones, Ramstein Arts and Crafts Center engraver, enhances the detail of a license plate holder Oct. 24. The Arts and Crafts center is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the employees there offer classes ranging from pottery to ceramics and engraving throughout the year.

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Landstuhl outlying clinic in Italy earns MEDCOM award by Stefan Alford Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs The Livorno Army Health Clinic, Italy, is only the second U .S. Army Medical Command facility to receive the prestigious Army Star Strong recognition for exemplary occupational health and safety management practices following a stringent evaluation by EDC officials ct. 22 to 2 . The comprehensive on-site inspection concluded a three phase 2 3 item checklist review that began in anuary 2 and culminated ith the award of the Army Star Strong status by a team of MEDCOM and civilian safety experts from the Department of Defense’s Voluntary Protection Program Center of Excellence. “We make sure the overall program elements are in place, set policy and standards and provide some training, but really, it’s the accomplishments of the men and women of the Livorno Clinic,” said Harry Raith, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center safety manager who accompanied the MEDCOM assessment team to Livorno. LRMC oversees Livorno and eight other outlying military treatment facilities that fall under it. U nder the LRMC footprint, the Baumholder and K leber clinics,

Vicenza Health Center and Landstuhl Medical Transient Detachment have all completed the first phase and are awaiting the inspection team’s visit for validation of phase two. In the meantime, the clinics at Wiesbaden and Stuttgart will receive their stage one assessments before the end of the year, and LRMC itself is slated for its initial assessment in January. “To our clinic, this is extremely important,” said Maj. James D. Phillips, commander of the Livorno clinic. “It validates what we have been doing to keep ourselves safe and the fact that we are helping to blaze a trail to a safer working environment in the MEDCOM.” “To the community,” he continued, “I think that this is important because, at a time when so much is closing down or has (reduced) services, this shows the community that their health clinic is striving to reach for a higher level of performance.” he as created in 982 by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to recognize and partner with worksites that implement systems to manage worker safety and health that go beyond basic compliance with OSHA standards. In June, the surgeon general of the Army, Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho, made the program a requirement for MEDCOM

facilities to transform from the compliance-based Army Occupational Safety and Health program to a performance-based management system. “The Europe Regional Medical Command leadership volunteered to participate in the OSHA VPP two years before it became mandatory,” said Carol Fontanese, ERMC safety manager, explaining that the Star tron process usually takes 3 to 2 months to complete. The Illesheim Army Health Clinic, Germany, was the first EDC unit to recei e the a ard in une after only 7 months and i orno achie ed it in 22 months. “Because of the ERMC leadership commitment to safety, we are now leading the way in MEDCOM,” Fontanese said. “(As a result) beneficiaries ill experience a culture here ha ards are uickly identified and corrected, making it a much safer and healthier place to receive their medical care.” The different phases of the VPP to achieve Star Strong status include assessments focused on management, leadership and employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control, and safety and health trainin . Durin last eek s final sta e of the evaluation at Livorno to assess the staff’s understanding and knowledge of the program, all employees

were interviewed, to include military, local nationals, DOD civilians and contractors. “It’s not just a safety manager responsibility anymore — it really involves everybody,” Raith said. “This program establishes a culture where everybody sees it as their responsibility to take action where safety is concerned.” “It’s a mindset,” said Pfc. Gregory Swindell, a radiology technician at Livorno. “Too often you’ll see an organization playing host during a command team visit, where (they) will implement or exercise certain ideologies and practices that the command team wants to see. “Then, as soon as the command team leaves, everything returns to the way it was before they arrived,” he continued. “That’s the wrong answer. As a team, while preparing for this assessment, we simply continued to do the same things we had previously been doing because our culture of safety was already established. We already possessed a common mindset that prioritized safety as our mission.” Raith noted that the Livorno staff was also recognized with an ERMClevel award recently for not having aD D in the last fi e years as well as not having had an accident durin the last three fiscal years.

November 2, 2012

FINALIST, from Page 1

that everyone was my friend, and they all came to see me,” said Hubbard, a native of Richmond, Va. Hubbard’s NCOs and command has ensured that he had ample time to follow his dream. When Hubbard is not on stage, he spends his days on Sembach K aserne making sure a high tempo military police brigade is ready to deploy. “I’ve got so much support from my command. Maj. Gen. Aundre F. Piggee, the commanding general of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, called down to my unit and asked how I was doing on the show,” Hubbard said. n the first sho ot four s and the crowd gave me a standing o ation and started chantin finals. My performance really propelled me and increased my popularity,” Hubbard said. The audience’s prediction became a reality when he was named a finalist. o on unday ie ers can tune in to the li e actor show and vote for their favorite artist. t s ama in to make the finals. There is a lot of talent on this show. I expected to make it to the second round, and now I’m in the top 12. It’s surreal,” Hubbard said. “I worked really hard, and I’m really excited because this is an amazing opportunity for me.” Hubbard’s passion to sing began at an early age. Growing up, he found many ways to hone his craft ith church choirs and e en a fi e man rhythm and blues group, which sang at local bars and small shows. Whenever he needs to vent or relie e stress he finds a ay to do it through his music. “I started singing when I was 5 years old. It was always something I liked doing. Music has always been there for me. I try to put a unique twist to it. I get all of my stress out with my music,” Hubbard said. Now all this hard work has paid off. He is now building a fan base, which is a whole new experience for him. “I have a lot of new fans, and that’s even odd to me because I’m not used to having fans. I’ve taken pictures with baggers at the commissary and people at the airport. This has been a different experience and it’s really exciting,” Hubbard said. Hubbard must now give his best performance on the live show Sunday, in which viewers vote for their favorite contestant to continue to the next round.

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Take a CLEP: Save time, money toward a degree by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Receiving a college degree can be time consuming and can cost a lot of hard-earned money. There are many ways to get credit for classes and subjects that you already know, without having to sit through lecture after lecture. The college level examination program is designed for people to test on a subject and still get college credit. “Having a college degree of any type is very important,” said Chief Master t. Da id ichards 8 th Airlift Wing Public Affairs chief enlisted manager. “It shows commitment to self and dedication to your profession and the Air Force.

It gives you greater knowledge and appreciation for the things around you.” For active duty military members, CLEPing is free the first time they take the test. “If they don’t pass the CLEP and have to re-take it, they will have to pay $100 for the second test,” said Alyssa ealty 8 th Force Support Squadron test examiner. “Those who aren’t active duty have to pay for the CLEP.” Active-duty members can CLEP classes to get credits toward a Community College of the Air Force degree. “I have seen a few people get 95 percent of their CCAF through taking CLEPs,” said Wealty. “A lot of people get college credits toward their bachelor’s degree as well.” Getting a degree can

open doors for a person, set them up for success and can help them stand out from others in their career field. hen first started in the Air Force I took classes in photography because that’s what I loved to do,” said Richards. “Eventually I got two CCAFs and a bachelor’s degree. Having those things under my belt really put the icing on the cake, which provided me the option to get into these special classes I wanted to take.” Whether military, civilian or dependent, furthering your education and developing as a professional is possible without taking a full course. “I had a military member bring in his daughter ho ust finished a hi h school math class,” said Wealty. “He wanted her to take the CLEP to get the

college credit while it was still fresh in her head.” It is never too early to start taking CLEPs, Wealty said. “Whatever is offered and available, take it,” said Richards. “K eep going. Don’t just get a CCAF and stop. K eep the motivation and dedication and put it into furthering and bettering yourself and career.” To schedule a CLEP online, visit www.europe. programs/ clep and sign up for the subject, date and time. There are three sessions a ailable per day 8 a.m. 10 a.m. and 1: 30 p.m. Only a Department of Defense identification card is needed to take the test. All other supplies will be provided at the test site. Military members do not need to be in uniform to take the test.

German Polizei Corner When to use winter tires

Since Dec. 3, 2010, a German federal law has been in effect that specifically mandates the use of inter tires when conditions are icy. Winter tires have two kinds of markin s A sno ake for sno tires or “M+ S” for tires designed to work in “Matsch und Schnee” (mud and snow). All-season or all-weather tires may also have the “M+ S” marking and are acceptable for winter driving. The law also applies to motorbikes, trucks and buses, regardless of whether the driver is the owner or is renting the vehicle. Most German motorists have long known the old rule of thumb for put-

ting snow tires on the vehicle: “von O bis O,” meaning “from O to O.” It is short for “from October to Easter.” It is a recommendation that one should make the change from regular tires to snow tires in October, and leave them on until Easter. Only snow tires without spikes or studs are allowed in Germany. Tires designed for snow function better than multipurpose tires. All tires should have at least 1.6 millimeters of tread depth, but for maximum safety, tires with less than 4 millimeters should be replaced. Winter tires offer better protection than all-season models, and it’s best if all four tires match. The German

automobile club ADAC recommends using tires that carry the “three peak mountain” seal, the mark of snow tires that meets the highest standards. If the police catch you driving in winter conditions without M+ S tires, you ll ha e to pay a fine of plus a point against your license. If you are involved in an accident or you block traffic in icy conditions ithout tires the fine oes up to 8 includin a point a ainst your license. In addition, some insurance companies may deny coverage to motorists driving with summer tires on winter roads.

LRMC’s Gate 6 closed until Nov. 12 Gate 6 will be closed until Nov. 12 while parking lot repair work is underway at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Gate 6 leads to the Burger King parking lot. As a reminder, parking has been redesignated at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to ensure patients are provided the most accessible parking spaces. All parking places inside the green interior fence that immediately surrounds the main hospital complex are strictly for patients, except for Gate 1 (entrance to ER) and Gate 8. To best access parking areas within the green fence after entering the installation: Continue straight until you approach the T-intersection, turn left onto Munson Circle and

make an immediate right which will lead you into Gate 7 where you’ll find parking near the chapel on your right, and additional patient parking on your left. Turn right at the T-intersection and continue on Munson Circle about halfway around the hospital complex and take a hard left when you see the fire department and signs for the Military Transient Detachment and patient parking. This leads to Gate 3, where you’ll find patient parking on your immediate right and straight ahead. In addition to patient parking within the green interior fence, designated patient parking is also available directly across the street from the ER entrance.

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Ramstein celebrates National American Indian Heritage Month


hen we think about Native American heritage, the images of a head dress, dream catchers and other artifacts immediately come to mind. But American Indian culture is so much more than that. Native American culture is rich with history, coura e fi htin spirit and tradition. he month of November has been dedicated to the commemoration of Native American/ Indian and Alaska natives’ immeasurable contributions. In 1915, the annual Congress of the American ndian Association in ansas led by their president e erend herman Coolid e an Arapahoe appro ed a plan to commemorate American ndian Day. n December of the follo in year ed ox James, a Blackfoot Indian, rode horseback from state to state seekin appro al for a day to honor ndians. e sho ed up at the hite ouse ith si natures and support from 2 states to celebrate American ndian Day. n ay 9 e ork became the first state to observe the day. In 1990, President George H. . ush appro ed a oint resolution desi natin

November as “National American Indian Heritage onth. imilar proclamations ha e been issued since then. he accomplishments of the indi enous people to the ro th of our nation are countless and ust as impressi e are the substantial contributions they made to American military forces. heir in ol ement in the armed forces dates back to the Civil ar orld ar and orld ar . One of the most recognizable military achievements is that of the le endary a a o Code alkers. his roup of ati e American arriors took part in e ery assault the . . arines conducted in the acific from 9 2 to 9 5. hey ser ed in all Marine divisions, transmitting messages by telephone and radio in their nati e lan ua e. he use of this a a o unbreakable code played a pi otal role in saving countless lives and hastening the end of orld ar . Durin numerous military campai ns American ndians ha e ser ed honorably and exhibited their courage. n the 2 th century ei ht American ndians

have been among those soldiers to be distinguished with the highest military honor: the Medal of Honor. heir heroism of the past is echoed in today s contingencies, where many Native Americans continue to ser e proudly. ilitary members like Army pc. ori ieste a ho as the first female ati e American to die in combat hile supportin peration ra i reedom. n the Air orce 7 percent of our acti e duty forces are of American Indian and Alaskan Native decent. Airman like Master Sgt. Brent ordan 7 th Contractin uadron ho is a member of the Colville tribe, said, “Being a young ati e American boy enlistin in the Air orce the adaptation to the military lifestyles ere similar due to the deep rooted cultures both commonly shared.” Jordan, as well as many other Native American service members, continue to carry on the legacy and remind us of their courageous warrior spirit. (Courtesy of Equal Opportunity Office)

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ABOVE: From left, Staff Sgt. Pamela Parsons, Tech. Sgt. Alyssa Postel and Staff Sgt. Paul Johnson, 76th Airlift Squadron flight attendants, review a pre-flight checklist before takeoff Oct. 15 on Ramstein. BELOW: A 76th Airlift Squadron flight attendant passes equipment to waiting co-workers Oct. 15 before a flight on Ramstein. Military flight attendants work to create a relaxing and safe atmosphere for all passengers on board.

Airmen who fly friendlier skies Story and photos by Senior Airman Caitlin O’Neil-McKeown 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Traveling can be a very stressful experience, with confusing airports, long luggage checkin lines and battling through large crowds of people – it’s a wonder anyone gets off the ground. In the midst of all this chaos there are a few “quiet professionals” who stand tall, devoted to makin e ery i ht more enjoyable. The dedicated service of military i ht attendants is a job that rarely gets recognized, but for the Airmen of the 76th Airlift Squadron their knowledge and expertise is second to none. “The majority of our missions include supporting combatant commanders and congressional delegates and Department of Defense distinguished visitors

from a variety of nations,” said Staff Sgt. Pamela Parsons, 76th A i ht attendant. Durin their tra els i ht attendants help bridge and maintain relations between U .S. and foreign counterparts. In order to prepare for their day to day duties 7 th A i ht attendants must first o throu h specialized training along with the seven-week technical education. Flight attendants receive much of the same training as their aircrew members. nce they finally arri e to their duty station they also recei e aircraft specific round and egress training. “Egress is the emergency procedure used to evacuate passengers and crew from the aircraft,” said Tech. Sgt. Alyssa ostel 7 th A i ht attendant. “We are trained with the help of a C-40 simulator, which shows the exit doors and windows. We are expected to evacuate as quickly and as safely

as we can.” Besides safety, Air Force i ht attendants keep their travelers comfortable by planning and preparing high-quality meals. “When we do the initial planning we look at the itinerary ahead of time and plan the trip meals,” said Postel. “We make up a menu with options on it trying to vary the meals … so it’s not the same thing each meal. Once the passenger chooses a meal of their liking we go out and purchase all the ingredients fresh so we can start preparing.” Out of the various tasks i ht attendants ha e cooking is a group favorite, Postel said. “We all have our specialties and preferences, but for the most part everyone here likes to cook,” said Postel. “We enjoy picking up different tips and tricks from magazines and old family recipes.”

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November 2, 2012

21st TSC Soldiers conduct resiliency training with KHS Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Michael J. Taylor 21st TSC Public Affairs

In support of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s partnership with K aiserslautern High School, several of the command’s master resiliency trainers conducted master resiliency training with ninth and 12th-grade students Oct. 17 at K HS. Master resiliency training is designed to enhance a Soldier’s mettle, mind and mental thinking and focuses on the fi e dimensions of strength: emotional, social, spiritual, family and physical. These resiliency skills have proven effective in contributing to the success of teams and leaders, families, students, executives and military personnel. Skills learned include emotion awareness and regulation, impulse control, de-catastrophizing, putting it in perspective, effective communication, challenging negative beliefs, problem solving, and real-time resilience. Sgt. 1st Class Veronica Short, a MRT for the 21st TSC, said the idea to conduct MRT training is an initiative by the 21st TSC leadership. The partnership between the 21st TSC and K HS provided a good opportunity to be able to conduct the resiliency training with the students. “We were invited out to

the high school to talk to our seniors and freshmen to give them some insight on the training that their parents are going through and to provide them tools to use as they progress throughout the school year for the freshmen and then on to their adult lives for the seniors,” Short said. The training was given to the students as a way to help them deal with the adversity and challenges that they may face in their lives. It can help them think about their situations and evaluate situations with a clear head instead of over reacting or responding without thinking. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry website, suicide among young people is a serious problem. Each year in the U nited States, thousands of teenagers commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24-year-olds, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5-to-14-year-olds. Teenagers experience strong feelings of stress, confusion, self-doubt, pressure to succeed financial uncertainty and other fears while growing up. For some teenagers, divorce, the formation of a new family with step-parents and step-siblings, or moving to a new community can be very unsettling and can intensify self-doubts. For some teens, suicide may appear to

Ninth-grade students at Kaiserslautern High School raise their hands to answer questions presented by Staff Sgt. Nydea V. Brown, a master resiliency trainer for the 21st TSC, during resiliency training Oct. 17 at KHS.

be a solution to their problems and stress, according to the website. The resiliency training provided by the MRTs was intended to help students cope with some of those issues. “This training for the students, I think is much needed, because sometimes they need help understanding how to bounce back from situations and how to deal with adversity,” said Master Sgt. Gary Weir, an MRT contractin officer ith the 9th Contracting Support Brigade. During the training, the MRT’s taught the students about activating events, thoughts and consequences, thinking traps, “putting things

into perspective,” assertive communication and “hunting for the good stuff.” “The main thing that I learned, was about our thought process and the different traps that we get into when it comes to jumping to conclusions,” said Britney M. Hall, a 12th-grade student at K HS. Hall is the daughter of Staff Sgt. Rukeya Hall from the 627th Movement Control Team. “I am glad the 21st TSC MRT’s came out here because it shows that there are people that do care about the community and also care about the students,” Britney Hall said. “(The) class was pretty good, the students were very

interactive, they asked a lot of questions and they understood the material that we spoke about,” said Weir. Short said being military children gives the students at K HS a head start. She said that while giving the training, a lot of the students already knew about some of the areas that were talked about. “Hopefully this training can become an annual event. There is a resilience week that takes place in March, and we have been invited to take part in that also and so hopefully if all the feedback is good then we should be coming back again next year for the same two events, if not more,” Short said.

School Notes Veterans Day at VES

Come out and enjoy a Veterans Day Wall of Honor celebration at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Vogelweh Elementary School gymnasium, Bldg. 1032. There will be guest speakers from the Army and Air Force, patriotic music, an art display created by students, and light refreshments. Everyone is welcome!

‘Mamma Mia!’

K aiserslautern High School is presenting the wonderfully fun musical “Mamma Mia!” On a Greek island, a wedding is about to take place; save the date! The show will be performed at 7 p.m. Nov. 9, 2 and 7 p.m.

Nov. 10, and 2 p.m. Nov. 11 in the K aiserslautern High School auditorium, Bldg. 2001 on Vogelweh. Tickets cost $8 for front seating, $6 for rear seating, and $4 for children under 12. Reserve your tickets online at

News from WES

Remember to RSVP for the school’s Family Night, a PTO event for families to come eat, play bingo and win prizes. Family Night takes place at 6 p.m. Thursday. Email RSVPs to wetzelpto@ no later than Tuesday. For questions or more information, email Jessica Blum at wetzelpto@ or call the school

at 485-6416. Tickets cost $ 2 for adults and $ 1 for children. PTO members will receive one free bingo card.

CCAF records update

Community College of the Air Force students may request to have their military personnel data system record updated to re ect a CCA a arded certification. CCA a ards three certifications: Professional Manager Certification, CCAF nstructor Certification and the CCA Instructional Systems Development Certification. hese certifications do not automatically o to a mem ber’s MilPDS record; however, the base education office can manual

ly update a member’s record upon request. CCAF students must physically brin in a copy of their certificate to the education office in ld . 2 2 Room 421, to have their MilPDS record updated. For details, call 4802032.

Membership competition

Ramstein High School is entering its last week of its class membership competition. The class with the most members represented will win an ice cream party. Students and parents can still join today. Fees collected from membership are used to fund scholarships, class trips, academic clubs, drama, PE, etc.

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

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Photo by Gabriele Arseneault

Photo by Susi Gibbins

Courtesy photo

Saving energy at RMS

Vision tests at KES

Learning about the human body

Ramstein Middle School students join the 86th Civil Engineer Squadron Save Our Resources Team in the quest to save energy and water during October’s Energy Action Month. Students in sixth-grade science classes learned about energy we use daily and shared tips on ways to save.

Kaiserslautern Elementary School third-grader Darnell Dudley takes his vision test while classmates Julian Cuison and Latoria Spence watch. KES students recently had their eyes and ears checked by members of the Landstuhl Optometry Clinic.

Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School second-graders Isaiah Perez, Mikaylah Hutton, Conlan Bretzke, Ryan Tan and Elijah Chesbro, along with their teacher Patty Ahola, get an up-close look at a pig’s heart, brain, lungs and tissues while learning about the human body.

Cooking at RHS

Photo by Barbara Gonzales

Chef Julian Buckner, the new culinary arts instructor at Ramstein High School, leads students in making lasagna, which everyone got to enjoy in the end.

Photo by Susi Gibbin

Photo by Gabriele Arseneault

Courtesy photo

Rescuing pumpkins at LEMS

Fire safe at KES

Six steps to hand washing

Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School second-grader Colton Fussell shows off Nemo, which he made out of a pumpkin. Students rescued pumpkins from being carved then turned them into their favorite book characters.

Kaiserslautern Elementary School first-graders answer questions during a visit to the Vogelweh Fire Station. Students had the opportunity to sit in the firetruck, tour the station and ask questions. They were also instructed on proper fire safety rules.

Jackie Headley, a student health aide and senior at Baumholder High School, teaches Wetzel Elementary School students about proper hand-washing techniques to help keep them healthy and free of illness.


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Kaiserslautern American

November Mark Your Calendar

» KMC Onstage is hosting the Music Cafe from 7 to 10 p.m. today. Relax with fellow musicians and music lovers. Enjoy specialty drinks and snacks from the Kleber Java Cafe, located at KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Listen to local musicians and even get up a show off you musical talents. Free and fun for all ages. For details, call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626. » Children can enjoy a coloring contest with special prizes, free hot dogs and drinks at Family Bingo from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Top prize is a portable DVD player. For details, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261. » The Atlantic Academy Kaiserslautern will sponsor an election party with a manifold program, discussions, snacks, live television and music starting 6 p.m. Tuesday. Participation is free, but registration in advance is required. For more information and to register, email Dr. David Sirakov at or call 0631-366100. For more information on the event, visit » Shop until you drop at the Holiday Bazaar, featuring a variety of more than 100 European vendors selling treasures, paintings, jewelry, wine and more, from today to Sunday in the Special Events Center, Bldg. 237 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. The bazaar takes place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call 493-4184 or 0631-3406-4184, or visit » Kaiserslautern’s Better Opportunities for Single

Service members are hosting a free Thanksgiving dinner for single service members and geographical bachelors from 2 to 7 p.m. Nov. 24. Food will be served from 3 to 6 p.m. Watch the football game on big screen TVs and participate in pool tournaments. There will be prizes and free trips for winners! To attend, RSVP through your unit BOSS representative or contact the BOSS office at 493-4469 or 06313406-4469. » Kazabra Club is hosting an after-Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot Out from 8 to 11 p.m. Nov. 23 in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Don’t miss the harvest fun playing bingo. Doors open at 6 p.m. For ages 18 and up. » Kazabra Club is hosting a progressive bingo program at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, 8 p.m. Fridays, and 3 p.m. Sundays. Play progressive bingo to win a $5,000 jackpot or a 2011 Jeep Patriot! Two guaranteed $1,000 games in every session! Kazabra Club is located in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. For details, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261. » Enjoy Country Nights at the Kazabra Club from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. every Saturday. Kazabra Club is located in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. For details, call 489-7261. » Learn hot Latin dance moves from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh.


» Attention active duty, Guard/Reserve, former, or retired commissioned and warrant officers of the uniformed services: The First European Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America invites you to its annual 2012 meeting of the membership from 11:30 a.m. to

November 2, 2012 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the restaurant Barbarossahof in Eselsfürth (Kaiserslautern area). Stop by for lunch, check out membership benefits and meet the chapter members. RSVP to » The Multicultural Spouses Club is designed to bring people together from different backgrounds. And it’s always more fun with food involved, so please bring a dish that is an old family favorite and embodies your heritage. This is a great opportunity to meet friends and have a good time. The next meeting takes place at 11 a.m. Nov. 23 in Bldg. 2926 in the Yellow Ribbon Room on Pulaski Barracks. For details, call 0631-3406-4203. » The toddler playgroup of the German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern meets bimonthly. Join parents from other cultures and enjoy a coffee together while children play and hear other languages. The group will meet from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Monday and Nov. 19, and Dec. 3 and 17 at Spesbacherstrasse 51a, Ramstein. The fee for each play date is €2 to cover facility costs. For details, contact Katie Pelletier at or 063839266018, or visit the GAIWC website at » Rheinland Pfalz Quilt Guild meetings are held the third Thursday of each month. Night meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month. Visit for the meeting location. » The Rhineland Breast Cancer Coalition, a group of breast cancer survivors in the KMC, are celebrating life and supporting and encouraging other breast cancer patients and survivors in the area. This group meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at Bambus Garden, outside Pulaski Gate by Vogelweh. For details, email RBCCgroup@yahoo. com. » The Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir needs new members. If you love music and love to sing, consider visiting to see if RPIC is a good fit for you. The choir meets Tuesday evenings in Kaiserslautern-Erzhütten. New members are welcome through September. For details, visit www. (available in both German and English). There, you will find directions, performance samples, photos and contact information. » The Kaiserslautern chapter of the Sergeant Morales Club meets from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the first Monday of every month at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks DFAC (on the right side). This meeting is open to all Sergeant Morales members, Sergeant Audie Murphy members and to any NCO who would like to join.

Support Groups

Photo by Staff Sgt. Tramel Garrett

Partnership range Pfc. Zachary Vosters, a military policeman with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade, attempts to qualify as Sgt. Stefan Voss, 251st Feldjäger Battalion range safety, watches Monday at the Wackernheim Range Complex in Wackernheim, Germany. More than 40 U.S. and German soldiers participated in a joint rifle and pistol qualification.

» Community for Autism Understanding, Support and Education, also known as CAUSE, is a support group for members of the community to get great information and resources. This month’s topic is stress management, with special guest speaker Dr. Krystal White, pediatric psychologist. Join us at at 6 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Cantina Mexicana, Kaiserstrasse 117 in Einsiedlerhof. Space is limited, so RSVP by calling 0631-3406-4094/4091. » GREAT Ideas is a support group for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. This group will address coming to terms with the changes in life, answer questions, and give information and support. The next group meets at 6 p.m. Nov. 27 in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks. Call 0631-3406-4094/4091 to reserve your spot. » Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a weight loss support group that meets from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays on Pulaski Barracks in Bldg. 2919 in the first floor conference room. For details, call 0170-8007205, 06303-807708 or 483-5336, 0631-411-5336. » The Help Us Grow Securely playgroup meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the first and third Friday of the month at the Vogelweh Community Center. This playgroup is for parents and children up to 4 years old. For more information, call Army Community Service at 493-4203 or 0631-34064203.

November 2, 2012

Classes And Training

» The Ramstein Airmen & Family Readiness Center will offer a Fighting for Your Marriage class from 5 to 9 p.m. today, Nov. 9 and Nov. 16 in Bldg. 2120. A light dinner will be served. This prep class is for couples who want to make their relationship the best it can be. Most everyone wants to share their life with one special person; they want to be in a relationship where both partners want the best for the other, have fun together, and can trust and depend on the other. Join this interactive class where you can learn some things about making marriage work, and see yourself, your partner and your relationship in a whole new light. To register, call the A&FRC at 480-5900. » Join Army Community Service Financial Readiness for some extreme couponing with a military twist. Coupons and Coffee is an educational and incredibly fun class. Learn how to save hundreds of dollars in your spending plan through the use of organized couponing at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Java Cafe on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. To register or for more details, call 493-4015/4151 or 0631-3406- 4015/4151. » 123 Parenting is Magic is a three-part class that addresses the difficult task of disciplining your children with humor, keen insight and proven experience. Learn how to understand your child’s development and how that relates to correction and education at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13 and Nov. 20 in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register for this class, call ACS at 0631-3406-4203. » Discipline for Pre-Teens is a brand new class geared toward parents and caregivers of pre-teenagers, ages 10 to 12. Learn how the military environment effects the development and social skills of youth and how to communicate better with them. Also, learn proven techniques for discipline. This class meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. Enroll by calling 0631-3406- 4062/4203. » Boot Camp for Dads is a class for all dads-to-be or new fathers. Fathers, get ready for this boot camp that will prepare you to tackle one of life’s most valued

Kaiserslautern American

treasures — raising a child. Register now for this free class, which takes place at 11 a.m. Nov. 13 in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For details, call 0631-34064066/4203. » Couples Communication is a two-part series course being offered through Family Advocacy. In this class, learn the keys to better communication, effective listening and understanding taught in a fun learning atmosphere. Take the stress out of your relationship by enrolling today. Classes take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every first and second Thursday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register, call 0631-3406-4203. » Did you know that anger is directly related to symptoms associated with survival instincts? Learn about how anger is triggered, ways to monitor and associate patterns of anger with thought processes and, most importantly, how to control anger in Anger Management Class, a three-part educational learning experience. Join the ACS Anger Management Class by registering for a session, offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For details, call 493-4062 or 0631-34064062. » Stress Management class takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the first and second Tuesday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062.


» A job fair takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. There will representatives from various agencies, many hiring on the spot, so bring copies of your resume and letters of reference and dress to impress. For more information, call 0631-3406-4029/4203. » Want to learn more about finding a government job? Visit Army Community Service, Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks, at 10 a.m. Nov. 9 and 30 to learn more about finding and applying for jobs. Get the one up

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A&FRC programs The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center offers the following programs: Ramstein Spouses’ Orientation: Nov. 5, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., A&FRC *Reintegration: Nov. 6, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Bldg. 3450 Intro to German: Nov. 6, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC EFMP Adaptive Arts and Crafts: Nov. 6, 4 to 5 p.m., Arts and Crafts Center (Northside Gym) *Pre-Deployment: Nov. 6, 1 to 3 p.m., Bldg. 3450 Base Intro: Nov. 7, 7:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Bldg. 2401 What is What?: Nov. 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., A&FRC Contact the A&FRC at 480-5100 to register for the classes. * The Reintegration and Pre-deployment briefings are open to spouses. on competition with hands on instruction and assistance from our training Employment Readiness expert. For details or to make an appointment with Employment Readiness, call 0631-3406-4029. » Join Army Community Service for this new and exciting class that will help you land the job of your dreams. Learn how to prepare for an interview at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 13 in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. In this interview class, learn about the different interview styles, standard questions, negative speech characteristics, what impresses interviewers and the major dos and don’ts. This class is hands on and prepares the participants for those difficult interviews ahead. To register for this class or for more information, call 493-4029 or 0631-3406-4029. » Looking for a job and don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have a resume but want to polish it? Join Army Community Service for a resume writing class designed to prepare you in your career search. Learn important information about what an employer would look for on a resume and even practice an interview at 10 a.m. Nov. 13 in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 0631-3406-4029.

Chapel News

Photo by Spc. Iesha Howard

Trunk-or-Treat on Panzer Kaserne Maj. Amelia Waldon, a plans and operations officer with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, sits in her decorated vehicle with Nadia Patton, daughter of Spc. Jonathan Patton, a 21st Special Troops Battalion Soldier, during the 21st TSC’s first Trunk-or-Treat Tuesday on Panzer Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. More than 20 vehicles were on display to dispense goodies to the approximately 250 visitors during the three-hour event.

» Celebrate St. Martin’s Day with a lantern walk, pastries and a food drive Thursday at the Ramstein North Chapel. Bring the family. Canned goods and gently used clothes are needed to donate to the Airman’s Attic. Sign up deadline is Sunday. For more information, call 4806148. » The KMC Military Council of Catholic Women will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 15 at the Ramstein Northside Chapel Annex. The event theme is “Thankful with the saints,” and the guest speaker will be Franciscan Sister Maureen Colleary. Dinner and free child care will be provided. To RSVP and for more information, email » The Air Force KMC Chapel Communities will host their annual Christmas tree lighting ceremonies at 5 p.m. Nov. 28 at the Ramstein North Chapel and 5 p.m. Nov. 29 at the Vogelweh Chapel. The Ramstein ceremony will start with a short service, live band and choir and will be followed by the tree lighting at the USAFE circle. The Vogelweh ceremony with live band and choir will be held in front of the Vogelweh Chapel. There will be refreshments in the chapel annexes. » A Unitarian Universalist worship service and fellowship hour will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. the second and fourth Sundays from September through May at the Kapaun Chapel.

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Special cake for a special season Originating town celebrates stollen fest in December by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs For a few weeks now, grocery stores and bakeries have been offering Christmas baked goods. Customers have the choice of special Christmas cookies, gingerbread, marzipan and other items. One traditional cake for this season is the “Christstollen,” or “Dresdner Stollen.” The cake originates from Dresden in the eastern part of Germany, and its history of it dates back to 1400. Historians found the first mention of the cake, also called “Striezel,” on a Dresden hospital’s invoice, dated 1474. The cake, a pastry made of our oats and ater contained no butter or milk and was very plain tasting. Therefore, Elector Ernst of Sachsen and his brother Albrecht asked the pope to revoke the “butter ban.” The pope relented and sent a letter, known as the “butter letter,” saying if they did penance, milk and butter may be used in good conscience and with God’s blessing.

Dresden’s Christmas market, called Striezelmarkt, is also mentioned for the first time in a chronicle of 1474. After 1560, bakers from Dresden gave one or two Stollen, weighing 36 pounds, to their reigning prince for the holy fest. Eight masters and eight journeymen carried the Christstollen up to the castle. This tradition was kept for many years. To commemorate this event, a similar Stollen is baked

every year the Saturday before the second Advent at the annual Dresden Stollen Festival. In 1730, August the Strong surpassed everything ever seen. For a festivity, he asked the bakers’ guild to bake a giant Stollen of 1.8 tons for about 24,000 guests. Nowadays, the Dresdner Christstollen has reached a high standard and is made with many high quality natural products. Before World War II, the cake was sent around the world packed in tin boxes. Even though there is a basic recipe for the Dresdner Christstollen, every baker from Dresden has his own secret family recipe handed Courtesy photo down over generations. This year’s stollen fest will take place Dec. 8 in Dresden. It will begin at 10: 30 a.m. on Schlossplatz, and at 11 a.m. the huge Dresdner Stollen will be presented. Then it will be taken through the old part of Dresden in a fest parade. At 12: 15 p.m., the cake will be cut and sold with proceeds going to charity. For more information on the festival, visit www.

Avoid pollution, noise in neighborhood D

uring the cold season, vehicle owners without their own garage like to idle their engines. Motorists run their engines in order to avoid scraping ice and snow from their windshields and to warm up the interior of the vehicle. Doing this creates unnecessary pollution in the neighborhood. Idling engines not only pollutes the environment, but creates noise pollution as well. Additionally, idling is an unauthorized method of warming up vehicle engines, accordin to erman road traffic rules. And it is definitely

not just a trivial offense. Disobeying this rule can result in a hi h fine. he only motorists exempt from this rule are taxi drivers, who may need to warm up their vehicles in low temperatures. A cold engine emits twice or even three times more toxic material. Also, the higher number of revolutions is extremely loud, producing noise pollution. Motorists who prefer a pre-heated vehicle should look into getting a lowemission auxiliary heating system. ( Courtesy of the German Poliz ei)

Be a traveler, not a tourist. Write a Write an na article rticle a about bout y your our ffavorite avorite p place lace iin nE Europe urope and and share share it it with tthe with he ccommunity. ommunity.

Courtesy photo

military IN GERMANY

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

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Introducing the KMC’s newest residents

Douglas Bruce Anderson IV Born at 5:51 a.m. Sept. 26 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Douglas was 6 pounds, 0 ounces and 19.25 inches long. Proud parents are Douglas and Christina Anderson. He also joins siblings Chrislaina and Christian. The Andersons are stationed at Ramstein.

Owen Gallardo Hankee

Born at 10:28 p.m. Sept. 7 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Owen was 6 pounds, 14 ounces and 20.1 inches long. Proud parents are Brad and Angelica Hankee. The Hankee family is stationed at Ramstein.

Wyatt McRae Trimble

Ella Marie Price

Brenn Olivia Williams

Born at 12:30 a.m. Sept. 21 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Wyatt was 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 20.5 inches long. Proud parents are Capt. Michael and Lindsay Trimble from Yorktown, Va. The Trimble family is stationed at Ramstein.

Born at 5:46 p.m. Sept. 21 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Ella was 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 20 inches long. Proud parents are John Price from Athens, Ala., and Rachel Price from Taylor, Mich. The Price family is stationed at Ramstein.

Born Sept. 17 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Brenn was 6 pounds, 13 ounces and 20.1 inches long. Proud parents are Kyle and Angela Williams from Corpus Christi, Texas. The family is stationed at Ramstein.

Christian Jayden Carra

Dylan Thomas Robitschek

Aicha Sophia McDermid

Born at 3:38 a.m. Aug. 27 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Christian was 7.42 pounds and 19.5 inches long. Proud parents are Elizabeth Carra from Pennyslvania and Peter Carra from Florida. The Carra family is stationed at Ramstein.

Born at 5:34 a.m. Aug. 18 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Dylan was 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 18.5 inches long. Proud parents are Maj. Jon and Amy Robitschek.

Born at 1:29 a.m. July 20 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Aicha was 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 19.9 inches long. Proud parents are Stephen and Sihem McDermid. Aicha also joins big brother Hayder. The McDermid family is stationed at Panzer Kaserne.


Daryl A. Williams

Born at 1:41 a.m. March 3, 2012, in Landstuhl. Daryl was 9 pounds and 20.5 inches long. Proud parents are Lovietta Williams from Detroit, stationed at Ramstein, and Daryl Williams from Atlanta, Ga., stationed at Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

us your baby’s birth announcement Share your new bundle of joy with the community! Send the Kaiserslautern American your baby’s photo (high resolution, 300 dpi, photos only please) along with his/her name; date, time and place of birth; height and weight at birth; parents’ first and last names, as well as where you’re from; the name(s) of any siblings; and where you’re stationed. Send your submission to with “birth announcement” in the subject line. Birth announcements are run the first Friday of every month, when space is available.

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Send us your


Photo by Cassandra Power

Lance Power poses in front of Roman villa ruins in Brijuni National Park Sept. 21 in Pula, Croatia, during a backpacking trip with his wife, Cassandra.

Photo by Lori Van Sant

Francesca and Lucy Van Sant enjoy the view of the Faraglioni from the Gardini di Augusto (the gardens of Caesar Augustus) Oct. 6 while vacationing in Capri, Italy.

Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Make sure all photos are high resolution. Write “Destinations” in the email subject line. Email to:

Photo by Tonya Miller

Tonya MIller has Paris “at her fingertips” during a trip to the Eiffel Tower June 23.

Courtesy photo

Courtesy photo

Ellen Doll poses for a photo in Kinderdijk, Holland, Sept. 15 while on a tour with the United Service Organizations.

Robert and Andrew Bolton pose for a photo in front of the Trevi Fountain Sept. 4 in Rome, Italy, during their European tour by rail.

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ov 1 N , i r F – 2 v Fri, No EVENTS Last day for Halloween at Holiday Park Sat, Nov 3 Hassloch Today is the last day to see Holiday Park decked out for Halloween. The park will be open until 9 p.m. Ticket prices vary depending on the height of the child. Tickets start at €6 for children and €26 for adults. Very small children get in for free. Location: Holiday-Park-Strasse 1-5, 67454 Hassloch. Opening hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Soccer stadium tour Sat, Nov 10 Kaiserslautern This stadium, home to the 1. FCK soccer team, is located on a hill above the City of Kaiserslautern. Jog through the players’ tunnel onto the field and check out other VIP areas such as the press conference area. When: 10 a.m. Nov. 10. Location: Fritz-Walter-Stadium. Price: €5 for adults, reduced to €3 Contact: Tourist Information Fruchthallstraße 14, 67655 Kaiserslautern. Meeting place: Fritz-Walter-Stadion, Ottmar Walter gate (block 16) between the north and east stands. Phone: 0631-365-2316 or 365-2317 Lantern walk Sun, Nov 11 Ramstein On Nov. 11, Germans will celebrate Saint Martin. Children in Ramstein will meet at Saint Nikolaus Church at 6 p.m. and walk through the streets with handmade lanterns, sometimes acting out a part of Saint Martin’s life in a short play. The meeting point for the event is Saint Nikolaus Church in the center of Ramstein at Landstuhlerstrasse 10. The walk will take about 15 to 20 minutes. The group will then return to the church where a fire will be waiting on the grassy area and the story of Saint Martin will be told to those in attendance. Pretzels and Glühwein (mulled red wine, also plain juice for the children) will be shared. Instructions in English for making the lanterns for the event (or just as a craft) can be found online at lanterns.htm.

Ice skating Fri, Nov 16 – Sun, Feb 10 Kaiserslautern The Kaiserslautern Gartenschau will host public ice skating at the indoor rink. This is a great way to get some exercise and lighten up those rainy winter months in Germany! Skates are available to rent or you can bring your own and enjoy the ice!

Stutzenfest Sun, Nov 11 Freinsheim If you haven’t been to Freinsheim for one of the festivals or culinary hikes, you’re missing out on this great little wine town. Only 30 minutes north of Kaiserslautern off autobahn A-63, the Stutz ceremony takes place at 2 p.m. Sunday in the town square.



Professional soccer games Mon, Nov 5 & Fri, Nov 16 Kaiserslautern 1. FCK and FC Erzgebirge Aue will face off against each other on Nov. 5, and 1. FCK and Energie Cottbus will play each other on Nov. 16! Come and enjoy another fun soccer game day. Visit the to see ticket prices or to see what games are coming up.

Alice Cooper Sat, Nov 3 Frankfurt Alice Cooper will be in concert in Frankfurt on Nov. 3. Alice Cooper is a world-famous American rock singer, known for his horror-themed stage shows. Tickets are selling fast, so check out to buy yours today.

WINE AND BEER FESTS St. Martin’s Wine Festival Sat, Nov 9 – Sun, Nov 11 St. Martin (Rhein Pfalz) St. Martin’s Wine Festival takes place from Nov. 2 to 4 and 9 to 11. This will close the wine festival season in Germany’s Southern Wine Route and is only an hour’s drive from Kaiserslautern and Ramstein toward Neustadt. This festival is one of the oldest and largest wine festivals in the Palatinate area. The festival includes a 7-kilometer-long road race through the historic center of town. The blessing of the horses, St. Martin’s procession, and the lantern parade will close out the festival on Nov. 11. Location: City center in St. Martin (also referred to as Sankt Martin in German) Federweisser Festival Fri, Nov 2 – Mon, Dec 10 Cochem (Mosel) During the first two weekends of November, Cochem will hold it’s annual Federweisser Fest. (“Federweisser“ is “new” wine in the early fermenting stages) Fun and good mood are guaranteed at Cochem’s Endertplatz Square. Music, food and Federweisser will be featured. The festival will be held Nov. 2 – 4 and 9 + 10.

Mama Africa Thu, Nov 15 Otterberg Check out this great concert by Mama Africa, called Ngoon, on Nov. 15 near Ramstein and Kaiserslautern in Otterberg. The show starts at 7 p.m., and some of the proceeds go to benefit the Balthasar Children’s Hospice. Tickets cost €23 and can be purchased by calling 06301-31504 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. The office is closed on Wednesdays.) or by sending an email to Can‘t make the date? Check out other tour dates and cities online at UPCOMING EVENTS Lionel Richie Concert Sat, Nov 24 Stuttgart Sing it with us now: “Hello? Is it me your lookin’ for?” You heard it here folks. Lionel Richie will be in Stuttgart for a concert Nov. 24. Richie is an American singer-songwriter famous for songs like “Hello,” “Truly,” “You Are,” “My Love,” “Dancin’ on the ceiling,” and “All Night Long.” Tickets cost between €51 and €85. Check out for tickets and other dates and times.

Jason Mraz Sat, Nov 24 Frankfurt Jason Mraz (a well known pop artist) will be in concert in Frankfurt on Nov. 24. Tickets start at €42. Check out eventim for tickets and times at Christmas market Mon, Nov 26 – Sun, Nov 23 Kaiserslautern The Kaiserslautern Christmas Market will take place from Nov. 26 to Dec. 23 in the downtown pedestrian zone of Kaiserslautern city. Come enjoy the Christmas shopping, hot chocolate, Glühwein (a traditional Christmas drink of hot spiced wine) and treats! Chris Brown concert Mon, Nov 29 Frankfurt Chris Brown is in concert in Frankfurt to show his greatest R’n’B hits at 8 p.m. Nov. 29. Tickets start at €61. Check out eventim to buy tickets at Christmas market Sat, Dec 1 – Sun, Dec 2 Mannheim Explore Luisenpark in Mannheim for their annual Christmas Bazaar and Winter Market. Extended to two days, this popular bazaar is a real Christmas market with all sorts of decorative and delicious crafts and treats, from jams, Advent wreaths and bouquets, to cookies and socks. You’ll be surrounded by music, sweets and Glühwein. A roaring fire or a fun ride through the park will entertain even the littlest market-goer. Santa Claus will also be there! Don’t miss the live Nativity scene at the main entrance. Dec. 1, at 3 p.m.:“Los Amiguitos,” Spanish and South American carols, baking bread in the barbecue area, Blandine Bonjour and Conrad Siegel, Jorge Campo – “Let’s Swing” Christmas concert, fire show by “Danny & Friends.” Dec. 2, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.: “Michel in the soup bowl,” children’s theater Mannheimer Tuba Quartet, visit from Santa Claus at 3 p.m., the choir Fröbelschule, carriage rides through the park. Tickets: winter prices in effect. €3 for adults, €1.20 for children 6 to 15 years old, and free for children under 6.

For more to do in Germany, visit

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the K MC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing arts

Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: m eissen ssl an operetta by alph enat ky in erman 7 3 p.m. aturday ednesday o . 3 2 and 2 . Chronicle of the mmortals lood i ht a rock opera by Wolfgang Holbein with the band anden las to 9 p.m. unday. Children s chamber concert to learn about ood ind instruments a.m. unday. uddenbrooks a play in erman based on the book by homas ann 7 3 p.m. o . 9 22 and p.m. o . and 25. ilhelm ell an opera by ioacchino ossini 7 3 p.m. today and o . 23. uddenbrooks a play in erman based on the book by homas ann 7 3 p.m. aturday uesday o . 22 and p.m. o . and 25. En elslieder ballet by tefano iannetti 8 p.m. unday and o . . or details call 3 3 75 2 9 or isit Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: oun uns featurin our Demise and Don roco present ritish rock 7 3 p.m. aturday. ickets cost . he band a ul presents funk soul a hip hop pop 8 p.m. uesday. ickets cost 2. a ocalist iktoria olstoy pays homa e to erbie

Courtesy photo

Piano concert The Japanese Garden Kaiserslautern sponsors a piano concert to close out this year’s season from 7 to 9 p.m. today at Theodor-Zink-Museum, Steinstrasse 48 in Kaiserslautern. Pianist Sachiko Furuhata-Kersting presents works by Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Liszt and Robert Schumann. Tickets cost €12. For details, visit The Japanese Garden will still be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday and Nov. 10 and 11.

ancock 8 p.m. hursday. ickets cost 2 . he band Feuerschwanz presents medie al rock 8 p.m. o . 9. ickets cost 7. A hip hop ni ht ith 2 soloists and one band enetikk DC D and the 257ers 8 p.m. o . . Courtesy photo ickets cost 2 . he band o er of Medieval rock at Kammgarn Power from the states The Kammgarn Kaiserslautern presents the band Feurschwanz performing medieval rock presents soul a funk at 8 p.m. Nov. 9. Tickets cost €17. For details, visit and rock 8 p.m. o . . ickets cost 32. tion isit .en lish theatre.or . a ocalist essica all performs 8 p.m. o . 3. ickets cost 7. or more information Miscellaneous isit .kamm or call 3 3 5 2 7. aiserslautern ad asser of museum Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern: teinstrasse 8 photo display presentin sister city he fal theater rchestra presents orello uimaraes ortu al throu h eb. 2 . Cherries ith orks by obert chumann and tterber tadthalle hobby artists market ith ohannes rahms 8 p.m. o . 9. ickets cost 7 more than artists and craftsmanship demonstra to 25. tions a.m. to 5 p.m. unday. a ta e meets ra elin usicians 8 p.m. irmasens o ember market ith carni al and o . . ickets cost . endors today to unday stores open to p.m. or details stop at the aiserslautern ourist unday. ffice ruchthallstrasse isit .fruchthalle. eisenheim and east of reinsheim red de or call the office of arts at 3 3 5 . ine fest today to unday. Stadthalle Landstuhl: Erpol heim south of reinsheim artin s udi tey ho eams present elcome to market aturday and unday. the Dream actory ith hi hli hts from years t. artin south of eustadt t. artinus of film sho and musical 8 p.m. today. ickets ine fest today to unday. cost 9.5 to 28. or more information isit D rrenbach est of ad er abern Dornr schen .stadthalle leepin eauty carni al today to uesday. Haus des Bürgers, Ramstein-Miesenbach: eibr cken esthalle aarlandstrasse 9 y air ady a musical by rederick oe e model train market a.m. to p.m. unday. in erman 8 p.m. today. ickets cost 27 to 33. ianist achiko uruhata erstin presents Flea markets orks by eetho en is t and chumann 5 p.m. aiserslautern fal center across from unday. ickets cost 2. Daenner aserne aturdays. ch hol dir om immel das lau an oper aiserslautern pel parkin lot ortal 8 etta ith orks by ohann trauss ran ehar a.m. to p.m. aturday. Emmerich alman and obert tol 8 p.m. aiserslautern esseplat fair rounds irls o . . ickets cost 27 to 33. or more infor eamarket featurin clothes ba s accessories mation isit .hausdesbuer music drinks a.m. to p.m. aturday. Otterberg, Stadthalle: amstein lurstrasse 8 a.m. to p.m. today usik erein armonie presents a concert and aturday. ad D rkheim aline salt orks 9 a.m. to a ic of usic 8 p.m. today. p.m. aturday. Krickenbach, Mehrzweckhalle: ombur Am orum near athaus aturday. he ymphonic rass rchestra aiserslautern eunkirchen aar ark Center parkin ara e presents usic of eoples 8 p.m. aturday. unday. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt: Deidesheim tadthalle aturday and unday. eet Charity a musical by Cy Coleman eidelber neuer essplat irchheimer e Dorothy ields and eil imon o . to 25 aturday. eb. 7. erformances are 7 3 p.m. uesday to or details isit aturday and p.m. unday. or more informa

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

Runners brave winter weather for European championships Story and photo by Madeleine Dwoiakowski U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder public affairs


he unexpected early snowfall in Baumholder and the white rolling hills made the already challenging cross country course a bit more exciting for all participants in the Department of Defense Dependents Schools European cross country championships Oct. 27. Although some runners forfeited at the last minute, 123 females and 155 males weathered the frosty conditions at the Rolling Hills golf course in Baumholder, solely set up for the cross country event. Eighteen girls’ and 23 boys’ teams from around Europe participated. “I’ve never been to a cross-country race before, and this was an incredible experience. Over 150 runners at the starting line, wind whipping snow into participants and spectators alike, when all the runners stripped down to shorts and T-shirts in the cold Baumholder weather. I was freezing just watching them,” said Lt. Col. Mike “Sully” Sullivan, U SAG Baumholder commander. “I really liked the course ... could have done without the snow, but it certainly made everything interesting,” said Thomas Manuel, who ran for the Patch High School team. The 5-kilometer run looped the wintery scenic hills twice, as spectators kept warm by moving back

Kaiserslautern High School student Michael Lawson breaks the tape to capture the boys’ Division 1 title at the European Cross Country championships Oct. 27 in Baumholder.

and forth to watch every leg of the run to cheer for their favorite runners. Baileigh Sessions from Patch High School came in first in the irls competition at 2 2 . hile runner Michael Lawson from K aiserslautern High

2012 Intramural & Powderpuff Flag Football Standings

American League Team Win Loss 86 SFS 8 1 86 MXS 7 1 86 CS 7 2 1 CBCS 4 4 435 SFS 4 2 86 MDG 3 4 86 AMXS 3 6 721 APS 2 4 83 NOS 2 5 76 AS 1 4 86 WSA 0 8 Powderpuff League Team Win Loss 569 USFPS 4 0 721 APS 3 1 86 MDG 2 2 86 CEG 6 3 86 VRS 0 4

National League Team Win Loss 603 ACOM 7 0 21 OWS 7 2 86 CEG 1 3 86 LRS 6 3 569 USFPS 4 3 86 VRS 4 3 786 FSS 2 5 693 ISR 2 6 786 MUNS 1 6 690 NSS 0 9

Lacrosse game

Catch the fastest game on two feet and the fastest growing sport in Europe Saturday as the K aiserslautern Lumberjacks men’s teams take on the irates of Essen at 8 K aiserslautern e.V., Hermann-Lö ns-Str. 25, 7 3 aiserslautern. he first ame starts ith a face-off at 1 p.m. and the second game starts at 3. Admission is free and food/ beverages are available at the clubhouse.

NCAA Armed Forces Classic

n o . 9 eam amstein ill host the 2 2 ESPN Armed Forces Classic between NCAA powerhouses Michigan State U niversity and the U niversity of Connecticut. Coverage begins at 3 p.m. on E . ickets for the ame are free and will be distributed through K MC Army and Air Force units. These tickets are not for resale and will not be sold to the general public. Rooney’s and JR Rocker’s will remain open until 3 a.m., broadcasting live coverage of the game.

Unit level basketball

Sign-up deadline for unit level basketball is ednesday. ames be in at p.m. o . 3 at the K leber Gym, Bldg. 3235 on K leber K aserne. A coaches meetin takes place at p.m. ednesday on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Bldg. 172. This is open to all Soldiers, family members and Department of Defense civilians 18 years and older. or details call 93 2 8 or 3 3

chool took the boys field in 5 .79. “What a great opportunity to showcase our capabilities as hosts for this European-wide event,” said U SAG Bamholder Command Sgt. Maj. Augustus Wah.

2 8

or email sarah.a. olon

Turkey Trot 5K

Participate in the 2012 Turkey Trot 5K Run/ Walk, Nov. 17 starting at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Special Events Center, Bldg. 237. Walk or run to get ready for Thanksgiving! Turkeys ill be a arded to first place in each cate ory. e istration takes place from 8 3 to 9 3 a.m. a course briefin ill be held at 9 5 a.m. and the event begins at 10 a.m. Register by Nov. 15. Fun for all ID cardholders ages 18 and up. No pets allo ed. or details call 93 2 88 or 3 3 2 88.

Winter sports registration

Register your youth for CYS Services winter sports from Thursday to Dec. 3. Winter sports include indoor rock climbin for a es 7 to 5 bambino basketball for a es 3 to basketball for a es 5 to 5 cheerleadin for a es 5 to 5 and wrestling for ages 5 to 15. For more information and to register your youth, contact Parent Central er ices ld . 2898 on ulaski arracks or the One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post.

Baumholder-run calendar

o . urkey rot Dec. 7 in le ell o e istration starts at 7 3 a.m. and races be in at 9 dates sub ect to chan e . or details call 85 7 7 or 783 7 7 .

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

NOW SHOWING Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)

Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m.,8:30 p.m. SATURDAY - Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m.,8:30 p.m. SUNDAY Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. MONDAY - Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. TUESDAY - Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY - Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. Sparkle (PG-13) noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. THURSDAY - Fun Size (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8 p.m. Chasing Mavericks (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. Hit and Run (R) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m. TODAY -

Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 6THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems


In Digital 3D: Hotel Transylvania 3D (PG)- Mon - Wed 16:00

In Digital 3D: Wreck It Ralph 3D (PG)- Fri 15:45, 18:00, 20:15, Sat & Sun 13:30, 15:45, 17:45, 20:30, Mon - Wed 16:00, 18:00, 20:30 Argo (R)- Fri & Sat 22:30, Sun 20:00, Mon Wed 20:30

In 2D Hotel Transylvania(PG) - Fri 15:45, Sat & Sun 13:30, 17:00, Mon & Wed 19:00

James Bond 007: Skyfall (PG13)Fri 16:00, 17:30, 19:00, 20:30, 22:00, Sat 13:30, 15:00, 16:15, 17:45, 19:15, 20:45, 22:00, Sun 13:30, 14:45, 16:15, 17:30, 19:15, 20:15, Mon Wed 16:00, 17:15, 18:45, 20:00 Paranormal Activity 4 (R)- Fri 19:00, Sat & Sun 18:45, Tue 19:00 Taken 2 (R)- Fri & Sat 22:30

Starts Fri, NOV 16: Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 For Showtimes of Thur NOV 08 call 06371937 037 or see

Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh) TODAY Paranormal Activity (R) 7 p.m. SATURDAY - The Pirates! Band of Misfits (PG) 4 p.m. Alex Cross (PG-13) 7 p.m. SUNDAY ParaNorman (PG) 7 p.m. Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

At The Movies

Visit for details the Mavericks, off the coast of Half Moon Bay. Starring Gerard Butler and Elisabeth Shue.

Fun Size (PG-13) — A teenage girl is forced to take her brother trick-or-treating on Halloween. When he goes missing, she recruits her friends to help track him down before her mother finds out. Starring Chelsea Handler and Victoria Justice. Chasing Mavericks (PG) — “Chasing Mavericks” is based on the true adventures of big wave surfing legend Jay Moriarity and his unique friendship with veteran surfer Frosty Hesson. As a teenager, Jay takes on the massive and deadly waves, known as

Hit and Run (R) — This is the story of Charlie Bronson, a former getaway driver who busts out of the Witness Protection Program to drive his girlfriend to Los Angeles so she can land her dream job. Their road trip grows awkwardly complicated when they are chased by the feds and increasingly dangerous when Charlie’s former gang of criminals enter the fray. Starring Bradley Cooper and Kristen Bell.

Puzzle courtesy of

ACROSS 1 “___ You, Babe” 5 Conceal in the hand 9 Go after 13 Auntie on Broadway 14 Reporter’s coup 16 Blueprint 17 Seance prop 19 Frenzy 20 Bullock in Hollywood 21 Rational 23 Column crossers 25 Tread softly 26 Old paper currency 29 Less deliberate 31 Theatrical Coward 32 Music genre 33 Artificial 36 Be indisposed 37 Voice range 39 Definite article 40 Driveway surface 42 Make a selection 43 Noggin 44 Inns 46 Was given no alternative 47 Hollywood industry 48 Breslau’s river 50 Not decisive 52 Money-back deal 56 “Lucky Jim” novelist 57 Congealed 59 Acquires 60 More certain 61 Boulevard 62 Tofu source 63 Where Paris took Helen 64 Arsenal inventory DOWN 1 Little rascals 2 Festive occasion 3 Arabian sultanate 4 Plant runner 5 “Fiddlesticks!” 6 Aviation hero 7 Plenty 8 Choral composi-

tions 9 Pixies 10 Added details 11 American symbol 12 Patella’s place 15 Contrite 18 Farm yield 22 Vice President Agnew 24 Boutique 26 Catch 27 Coconut husk fiber 28 Einstein’s topic 30 Cook’s garb 32 Art of disputation 34 One of those things 35 Founder of Stoicism 37 Lop off 38 Lhasa ___ (small dog) 41 Actress Redgrave 43 “Major ___” (Shaw play) 45 Expired 46 Achilles’ weak point 47 Bit part for a star 49 “Advise and Consent” author 50 Jokers 51 Teri of “Tootsie” 53 Molecule component 54 Squad 55 Taro root 58 Earthy prefix?

Solutions to the Oct. 26 puzzle

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Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012


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November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American



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* Valid on standard list prices only and for new orders. Excludes InStore items, offers from current advertising campaigns und products by Hülsta, Rolf Benz, Musterring, Göhring, Joop, Moll, Mondo, Natuzzi, Arena, Erpo, Strässle, Jori, Machalke, Escale, JAB Anstötz, Next, Ewald Schillig brand, Witnova by Wöstmann, Vito, Puro. Also excluded are mattresses, slatted frames and carpets by the brands Esprit, Tom Tailor and Schöner Wohnen. Further exclusions are charges for special services and already reduced combination discounts. Not in combination with other price, discount or bonus offers. ** We will make a onetime reduction in German tax of 19 % (19 % German Tax = Möbel Martin list price minus 15,97 %) with the purchase of furnishings, rugs and kitchens during our above mentioned campaign („Mehrwertsteuer geschenkt“). By law we are not allowed to deduct the tax as such, therefore your receipt will still show „VAT“, which then refers to a lower amount. This lowered tax cannot be deducted again! This special offer is valid on our standard list prices and only for new orders. Excludes InStore items, offers from current advertising campaigns und products bei Hülsta, Rolf Benz, Musterring, Göhring, Joop, Moll, Mondo, Natuzzi, Arena, Erpo, Strässle, Jori, Machalke, Escale, JAB Anstötz, Next, Ewald Schillig brand, Witnova by Wöstmann, Vito, Puro. Also excluded are mattresses, slatted frames and carpets by the brands Esprit, Tom Tailor and Schöner Wohnen. Further exclusions are charges for special services and already reduced combination discounts. Not in combination with other price, discount or bonus offers.

67657 Kaiserslautern ① Europaallee 21 Tel.: 0631 8924 -0

① Branch of Möbel Martin GmbH & Co. KG Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 24, 66130 Saarbrücken

Page 34

Kaiserslautern American

KMC Assembly of God Church

Reverend Chuck Kackley Phone: 06333-9931838 Cell: 0171-6574322

Services are held at Kaiserstrasse 16 A, Einsiedlerhof WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 10 a.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m. Keeping it real, relational and relevant

August-SĂźssdorf Strasse 8 Ramstein-Miesenbach 06371- 407 808

A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

Apartment 162 m² in K'Lautern, 2 BR, BIK, 1 Bath, Liv/Din-Room, APTS FOR RENT Balcony, No pets, Rent: 1050 Euro + util., Avail: Dec. 1, 2012. For All ads & pics can be viewed @ more info please contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 2-Level Apt Ramstein-City Cen- 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, ter 3BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, 2baths, E-mail: storage & garage, 120sqm, â‚Ź900 Apt 117sqm Obermohr, 5km + util 0173-6640836 or 06371RAB, livrm, 4BR, BIK, bath, WC, 51375 balc, garage, no pets, â‚Ź750 + util, A beaut. Apt, 15min to Vogelweh Tel. 06371-50747 or RAB or hospital, 4BR, walkin Apt 148sqm 5rms kit 2baths closet, bathroom w/bigshower + 2balc garage 1park spot gas heawhirlpool, bathroom w/shower ting near A62 in Schellweiler av and WC, liv/din rm, new BIK terr now â‚Ź980+util 06381-6909 or w/very beautiful view near forest, 0160-6672516 (only German spk) very quiet, sunroom, laundry w/ or 0170-3074939 (engl spk) warm water, floorheating, livingrm, 171sqm, AFN connect, DSL, Apt. 85sqm, BIK, 1100â‚Ź+utl, Tel. 0170/93 55555 or 2Bedr. 1Bathr. garten, parking, 06333/9940788 â‚Ź1100 hohmann- 20min from Ramstein, 430â‚Ź + util. 0170 4750233


Sunday School 9:30 AM – Nursery Available Sundays: Corporate Worship 10:45 AM Weekdays: Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl, Tel: 0 63 71 - 61 81 38 (across the street from European Country Living)

Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule Protestant Services t %BFOOFS $IBQFM Saturday Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m. Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church10:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ. 0631-3406-4098, BLDG 3150 t -BOETUVIM $IBQFM Sunday Protestant Worship and Kids’ Church 11:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098 t 3BNTUFJO /PSUI $IBQFM (480-6148) Contemporary Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM (480-5753) Liturgical Services, 9 a.m. Sunday Liturgical Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Traditional Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday t 7PHFMXFI $IBQFM (489-6859) Gospel Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Protestant Education Classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner, For more information, call 480-2499 or 489-6743.

t -BOETUVIM $IBQFM Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Daily Mass noon Mon – Fri POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Islamic Services t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM .PTRVF (480-5753), Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For Religious Education and Daily Prayers check Prayer Schedule

Orthodox Christian Confession by appointment Divine Liturgy - Kapaun Chapel Sun, 9:00 a.m. For more information call: 489-2496

Youth Group

Middle School Youth Group, "Plugged-In" for Landstuhl, Kaiserslautern and Sembach meets on Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center. High School Youth Group, "The Rock" meets on Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center. Dinner for Students and their Families, "CafĂŠ" meets on Sundays from from 430 to 530 Jewish Religious Services p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center. t 3BNTUFJO 4PVUI $IBQFM 4ZOBHPHVF (480-5753), For details and other events, call Anthony Amor Shabbat Evening Service, at 0151-2411-2619 or visit Friday, 7 p.m.

Catholic Services

t 3BNTUFJO /PSUI $IBQFM (480-6148) Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Sunday Daily Mass, 11:30 a.m. Mon through Fri t 7PHFMXFI $IBQFM (489-6859) Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass, 5 p.m. Saturday t %BFOOFS $IBQFM Sunday Confessions 11:45 a.m. Sunday Mass 12:30 p.m. Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Tue – Fri POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Denominational Services Episcopal (St. Albans) ,BQBVO $IBQFM Sun, 10:30 a.m. Korean Service 4PVUI $IBQFM Sun, 1 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Service ,BQBVO $IBQFM 2nd & 4th Sun, 1.30 p.m. (Sep through May) Wiccan ,BQBVO "OOFY 1st & 3rd Sat, 7 p.m. Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4PVUI $IBQFM 2nd & 4th Sun, 4 p.m.

Baumholder International Worship Center Centro de AdoraciĂłn Internacional Baumholder Ăœberm Weiher 2 (GPS-Am Rauhen Biehl 2) 55774 Baumholder Tel. 06783-185-0980 Sunday Intl Worship: 11:00 hr Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study: 19:00 hr Pastors Harry & Cristina Rodriguez, Jr. Tel: (Handy/Cell) 01577-9105550 E-mail:

Kaiserslautern Church of Christ Mßhlstrasse 34 • 67659 Kaiserslautern Schedule of Services Sundays


Bible Classes (all ages) 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Devo. & Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Web: • E-mail: Herb Doyle 0 63 71 - 46 75 16 • John Phillis 01 60 - 6 42 79 95 “The churches of Christ salute you.â€? - Romans 16:16

November 2, 2012 Apt-nice Ramstein, 310sqm, 6BDR, 2 baths, garage rent 1300â‚Ź, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Bann 145sqm 3BR livrm dinrm BIK bath w/shower stor attic 2balc 2priv cpk â‚Ź900 +utl 06371946060 or 0162-1929405 or 016092176590 Bann, 2BR, 120sqm, Apt, floor heat, brand new BIK, â‚Ź650, Immo T. 016096096498 Bann: 2 bedrm. Apt, liv./dinrm. BIK, bath, 2 balcony, garage, 101sqm, mtl. rent 650 â‚Ź + util. Hartmann Realty Call. 06371/ 912591 Beautiful ground floor Apt 196sqm Kottweiler, 5km RAB, 34BR, BIK, liv / dinrm, 3bath, stor, basem, 2carport, â‚Ź1350 incl. heating + util + No Deposit Call 06371-52388 Cozy furn Apartment w/ bedroom loft 15 min to Ramstein. Tel 06371-60351 or 0176 234 04388 Fully furnished 1BR Apt in Bruchmuehlbach, includes all utilities. No pets, no smoking â‚Ź748 015737008770 / Furn nice quiet Apt, 100% eqp, carport, housing approved, â‚Ź660 all incl, 06308-1346 Kottweiler - Schwanden, 4BR, Apt, 1.5bath, 135sqm, liv/dinrm, BIK, built in closets, storagerm, balc, parking behind house, â‚Ź950 + util, Call: 01604497965 or 016090203562 Landstuhl! No fee! Loft - type spacious 3 bedroom apartment with terrace, garden and balcony. Real oak floors, 2 full bath, luxury built-in custom kitchen. 150 sqm, 1000â‚Ź. 2 miles to Landstuhl Hospital, 4 miles to Ramstein AB. Phone: 0173-6555736, we speak english! Landstuhl, HĂśrnchenweg 4a, 56sqm BIK no pets pls â‚Ź350 incl util + â‚Ź200 dep, 06371-62411 Landstuhl: 1BR apartment. Price â‚Ź 350 RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray 06371/ 6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 Lrg bright apt in Schwedelbach 95sqm 5min RAB big livrm 3BR 1.5bath BIK big balc covered â‚Ź650 incl heat + water + 2carpk LL doesn't speak engl 06374-6649

St. Alban's Military Community

Episcopal Services HOLY EUCHARIST Sundays 10:30

Kapaun Chapel For more information please

call 480-6148 or 06372-3163

Discover the real Jesus: don't settle for a substitute!

Landstuhl Christian Bookstore

Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988 Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 9–2 (new) 5$067(,1

&+85&+ 2) &+5,67



November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 35

Page 36

Kaiserslautern American

Miesau, very nice apartment, 10 min from Ramstein and Landstuhl APTS FOR RENT gates, 2 BR, 1 bath, nice bik with dining area, large liv/din rm, All ads & pics can be viewed @ straight walls, can hold a good amount of furniture, extra storage available, garage, patio, quiet loLuxury fully furnished apartment, cation, €780, for appointment, all utilities included, 100sqm, 2 please call 0162 4131 878 or bed, open-plan living/dining area, 06372-3211 designer BIK, high-speed internet, AFN installed, laundry, storage, Newly renov 100sqm Apt, fully av. now, 1030 Euros, call Melinda furn, balc, w/ Internet. Ideal for 0172/6855976 or melindakka@ sgl, Kindsbach. Long/short term. Call: 06371-2209 Martinshöhe, 10 min to hospital, 160sqm, 4BM apartmt, balcony, patio, 2 garages, E830, Immo T. 016096096498

Nice apt. in Kaiserslautern, 4 bedrooms, BIK, 150 m ², 900 € Rent + Util. RE/MAX Real Estate Center 0631-41408880 or 015787016817 Magdalena

Near Ramstein-Base, 92qm, 2bedr., bik, balcony, incl. heating and water. Avail 1. Jan 13. Tel: 06371/71176 or 0176-20224094.

Queidersbach, nice apt, 4-5 bedr. liv/dinrm, strg rm, 1.5 baths, balcony, bsmnt, garage, floor heating, 150 sqm, 970,00€ + util. Call 06371 / 912591 No Finders Fee



Pizza Kebaphaus

Good food even better prices

Opening hours: Sun - Thur 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri & Sat 10 a.m. - 0.00 a.m. Bahnstrasse 22-24 - 66849 Landstuhl - Tel: 0 63 71 / 80 97 75

Opening hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Sunday closed

Im Haderwald 9 67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof

cept We ac ! rs Dolla

! Love

it Taste


November 2, 2012

Queidersbach: nice 2 bm 1st ***Homes, Reichenbach. St. floor apartmt, bik, patio, yard, E 310sqm, 6BR, €2100, Lux. Heltersberg, 260sqm, 5BR, €1890, 450, Immo T. 016096096498 Ramstein, 220sqm, 4BR, €1300, Ramstein: 2 bm 90 sqm apartmt, Kollweiler, 310sqm, 6BR, €1990, bik, E 360E, Immo T. call for more, Call: Realtor Erica, 016096096498 0160-96697945, florida0001@ Rodenbach Hohlstr. 3 comfy at- tic Apt 100sqm liv-space, new 10 Min to Landstuhl hospital, freeBIK w/everything, big bathrm 2BR standing house, 197sqm., 5 1livrm, lrg hallway, cpks, 06374- bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., terrace, 992533 or 0179-8585307 yard, carport No Fee House 1.470 Schrollbach 4rms BIK liv/din rm €uro+ util Anne S. Neumann Tel: 06372bath guest WC basem terrace ga- Immobilien4you, rage 100sqm €700 + utl No pets 803641 or 0173-8317162 Call: 06383-6325 10 Min to Rab school, freestanSpesbach: 2 bedrm. apartment, ding house, 150sqm., 3 bedrms., b.i.k., basement, 2 baths., garage living-diningrm., brand new built1.110 €uro+ util Anne S. Neuin-kit., pantry, 1 bath, basement, mann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372585,-- € +util www.agra-immobili 803641 or 0173-8317162 06371/57656 125sqm Duplex, KL-Einsiedlerhof, 5min to RAB, 3BR, 1.5baths, HOUSES BIK, liv/dinrm, garage, no pets, FOR RENT €960+utl, 07127-960720 or 0174All ads & pics can be viewed @ 6372099 kornelia.lass@onlineho !!! Kottweiler!!! Very nice 5BR/ 2BA house, floor heating, garden, garage Price € 1580. Ready to move in!!! RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray 06371/ 6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 !!!360sqm Lux. small Castle, Obernheim (Landstuhl school) 7BR 4bath 2liv/din sauna 938sqm lot 2300€ +utl + dbl gar, 0157/ 74285394 housing appr !!!Miesenbach!!! Super one family home. 320qm living space 5BR/ 3BA sauna fireplace, douple garage, very nice garden. Price € 2430 RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray 06371/6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 Sonjagray@

15 Min to RAB, 280sqm. 5 bedrms., +studio, 3 baths., b.i.k., yard, garage, No Fee House 1.870 €uro + util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 1Fam House 66887 Rutsweiler 100sqm BIK bath 3BR liv/dinrm basem carport yard € 665 +util 0170-1073965 210 m², heat insulated house: 2 livingrooms, 2 dinningrooms, 6 Bedrooms, 2 kitchen, 3 bathrooms, basement. Plus garden-and barbecue area. Located in downtown; 5min to city center and shopping. Food supply around the corner. 10min to vogelweh, 20min to Ramstein. €1300; 063170184; 017692223547

3 min Landstuhl, FSH 250 sqm, 6 BDR, 3 baths, garage, rent 1740, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Airbase: 10 min: Spesbach: very nice, freest house, like new, 4 br, studio, floorh. yard, gar E 1910,- ; Waldmohr: brand new duplx, 253 sqm, 4 br, walk i. closets, gar, small yard E 2050,-; Huetschenhausen: great dplx 5 br, gar, E1890,- ; Schwedelbach: 3 br + family- r, storage, gar, yard, pets ok, E 1500,-; Wallhalben: nice freest house, 4 -5 br, gar, big yard, E 1250,-; JR Realty - reduced fee - ph: 0170-315-9692 or Available with GP Residences: Large freestanding house south of Landstuhl, 6 BR, 3 baths, bik, liv/ din rm, fireplace, storage, yard, garage, pet friendly, €1,800. Modern Vogelbach House, 4 BR, 2 baths, bik, liv/din rm, fireplace, yard, storage, carport, €1,180. New modern Reichenbach-Steegen House, 5 BR, 2.5 baths, nice bik, liv/din rm, storage, yard, €2,100. Nice Miesau House, 5 BR, 2.5 baths, great bik, liv/din rm, storage, yard, double garage, €1,550. New, modern GlanMünchweiler House, 5 BR, 2.5 baths, nice bik, liv/din rm, storage, yard, carport €1,300. Large, modern Nanzdietschweiler House, 6 BR, 3 baths, bik, liv-rm, dinrm, fire place, garage, carport, storage, yard with gardenhouse, €2,200. Largely reduced fees, call 0162-4131-878 or 06372-3211or email: Brand new freestanding house, 10 Min. to RAB, excl. equipment, 270sqm., 5 bedrms., 3 baths., b.i.k., floor-heating, garage, 2.200 €uro +util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162

15min Ramstein, FSH, 150 sqm, 250sqm Freest 1Fam. Home Rei4 BDR, 2 baths, garage rent € chenbach-Steegen, 5BR, 2BIK Brand new freestanding house, 1005 ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 3baths €1600+util 0151-17982373 Rab school, 270sqm., 5 bedrms., +dress rm., 3 baths., b.i.k., openfire-place, garage, fenced yard, The best Pizza & Salads in the KMC area 2.150 €uro + util Anne S. NeuDELIVERY TO ALL BASES AND HOSPITAL mann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372803641 or 0173-8317162

L IVE M USIC LIVE MUSIC onn Saattuurrddaay, y, Noovv 100,, 2012 on Saturday, Nov 10, 2012

SPECIAL LUNCH w. salad & bread

Spaghetti with meat sauce or Lasagne € 6.-




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Döner meat from juicy chicken thighs or veal available. e. Miesenbacher Str. 12 • 66877 Ramstein • Tel: 0 63 71 - 94 41 04 Mon-Fri: 11 am – 11 pm • Sat: 12 am – 12 pm • Sun 12 am - 10 pm

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11:00 - 15:00 17:00 - 24:00 Sat & Sun 11:00 - 24:00

Parking available

Hotel Rosenhof

Goose times in our kitchen!


Make your RESERVATION for your CHRISTMAS PARTY now! OPEN HOURS: Monday closed Tue - Sat: 11:00 05:30 Sun/ 11:00 Holidays: 05:00

Am Fleischackerloch 66849 Landstuhl (across from Kaufland)

Am Köhlwäldchen 16 66877 Ramstein Phone: 06371 80010 Fax: 06371 64641 E-Mail: More information at

Nov 2nd – Dec 1st, 2012

“Golden goose” - crispy goose thigh, goose breast, stuffed goose and much more … Special for a party of four: Crispy goose stuffed with apples and chestnuts, incl. 1ltr. Palatinate “Dornfelder” redwine only € 25,50 p.p. Thanksgiving buffet, Nov 22 at 5 p.m. only € 23,40 p.p.

Christmas at the Rosenhof:

Buffet selection for your Christmas party, delicious Advent menus, Advent lunch and much more … (please follow Mrs. Santa on We look forward to being your host!

Bruchmühlbach: new freest. 338 sqm house, big living-dinigroom w. fireplace a. open kitchen w. b.i.k., 5 bedrooms, 2,5 bathrooms, storageroom, double garage, terrace and yard €2700 06371-619033 / Hohenecken, 4BR, duplex, 2 garage, balc, €1160, Immo T. 016096096498

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Various music styles

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Mr. Wong welcomes you to our NEW RESTAURANT!

Fuchstr, 1 • 67688 Rodenbach Formerly ASIA HOUSE RAMSTEIN BLDG. 412 (Community Center)

Now re-opened officially for everyone who enjoys GOOD MR. WONG MEALS

Tel: 06374 – 9951770 Opening Hours: Mon- Sun: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. & 5 p.m. - 10.30p.m.

November 2, 2012

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

Comfortable renovated old farmhouse, Dorfstr. 16, 66424 Homburg/Altbreitenfelderhof near Waldmohr 5min, 7rms BIK liv rm din rm 2bath 2balc terrace basement yard parking. â‚Ź1100 + utl 0163-3505337 or MGBernd@ Duplex 20min to RAB, 155sqm bik din/liv rm 4BR office bath WC 3cellar rms gas & wood centr heat balcony w/BBQ garage carpk â‚Ź1000 + utl 0177-8412048 Duplex Miesau 130sqm 3BR liv/ dinrm BIK 1.5bath laundry garage terr yard no dogs pls â‚Ź950+util Call 06372-3286 or 015140453421 Duplex-Half 175 m² in Bann, 3 BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Carport, Yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1320 Euro + util., Avail: Now. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 0160-1065196 or 06371-465407, E-mail: ramstein@ Duplex-Half 184 m² in K'Lautern Einsiedlerhof, 6 BR, 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Storage, 1 Garage, Fenced in yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1330 Euro + util., Avail: Dec. 1, 2012. For more info please contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@

Kaiserslautern American For rent: Semi - detached house in Ramstein city with todays commodity combined w/ the charms of a century ago. What you get: 3 sleeping-rooms, 1,5 completely new installed bath rooms, renovated large living room and kitchen, basement w/ washing machine/ dryer, space for 2 cars in the yard. Part of the garden to be used by the tenant subject to arrangement with the landlady. â‚Ź980 or Erfenbach: Freest. spacious, 06371-51305 house, 270sqm or more, 5BR/ Freestanding house Kaiserslau3BA, fireplace, terrace, yard, 3 gatern - Erfenbach, 210 sqm, 5 berages, â‚Ź 2.350,- + util 06371/ drooms, 2.5 bath, BIK, laundry, 943311 www.GermaWild-Immobili fenced garden â‚Ź1520 6548450 Eulenbis 12min to RAB freest 240sqm house livspace 6BR open FSH 160 m², 8 km to Landstuhl, BIK w/ bar liv/dinrm 2baths, firepl, 12 km to RAB, 4 BR, 2 Bath, BIK, terr garden 2balcs dbl garage Liv/Din, Basement, Garage, Patio, electric shutters beautiful view stu- Pets allowed, Rent: 830 Euro + util., Avail: Now. For more info dio â‚Ź1820+utl 06308-209238 please contact GI Bill Pay Service Exclusive Duplex in Glan& Real Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 MĂźnchweiler. Newly renov. 0160-1065196, Email: 320sqm View 5BR 2baths liv rm or din rm BIK TV rm terrace 2balc Enjoy the great view from this Bavarian style FSH, 220 m² in Niederkirchen, 20 km to Sembach, 22 km to KL, 3-4 BR, 2 Baths, BIK, Huge Liv./Din. room area w. fire place, party room w. Bar, 1 garage, pets negotiable, rent:1650.00 EUR + 30.00 EUR garage + util., avail.: now. For more info please call GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 01601065196 or 06371-465407, Email:

Page 37 Hohenecken: 3 bm duplex, studio, 2,5 baths, garage, patio, yard, E1020, Immo T. 016096096498

House, near Altenglan, 5rms, 2bathrm, lrg BIK, balc, small garden, â‚Ź900, Avail 1 Sept, 01713349183

House 135sqm + basement, 3BR livrm dinrm, 1 3/4 baths, kitchen, garage, garden + g-house pets allowed, â‚Ź750 Tel: 0160-3068176 or 0163-1817097

Kaiserslautern 5 min to downtown, FSH, 3 BDR, 2 baths, garage, rent â‚Ź 1200, ZIAI Immobilien 06371-57888

House 270sqm Geiselberg ca. 20km RAM / 15 Vogelw. 5BR 2BIK 1 3/4 bath sauna terr dbl garage w/elec door, partyrm, garden stor, basem/laundry, pets allowed, â‚Ź1800 +util no fees Call: 0631-40624 House in Bann. 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages. See more on $1360 storkline@kabel

Kaiserslautern downtown: 210 m2: 2 livingrooms, 2 diningrooms, 6 Bedrooms, 2 kitchen, 3 bathrooms, basement, private backyard. 5min. to the next super market and restaurants. 8. min to shopping facilities. 10 min to vogelweh, 20min to Ramstein. â‚Ź1300; 063170184; 017692223547 Krickenbach: nice 3 bm duplex, 2 baths, garage, basement, patio, yard, E 1130, ImmoT. 016096096498

cellar rms. â‚Ź1740 + utl Av now FSH 250 m² in Kusel-Region, 10 Tel. 0151-11598496 or 06372- km to BHR, 25 km to RAB, 6 BR, 8031920 or 0171-9377846 3 Bath, 2 BIK, Liv/Din-Room w. fiFockenberg - Limbach (Ram- replace, Yard, Pets allowed, Rent: stein-school): freest. House, 1800 Euro + util., Avail: November 285sqm, 5BR/3BA, balcony, ter- 1, 2012. For more info please conrace, yard, carport â‚Ź 2100.- + util tact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real 06371/943315 www.GermaWild- Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@ Free standing House in Macken- bach, 180sqm, 4bdr, 2 Livrm. BIK, 2 bath, garage, garden, basem, â‚Ź 1260,- + util. Please call: 0176-25128882

Glan - MĂźnchweiler: Spacious, newly renovated Duplex, 260 sqm, 5BR/2BA, 2 balconys, terrace, yard, â‚Ź 1740.- + util 06371/ Duplex-Half 310 m² in Konken, Queidersbach, house, 4rms BIK 943311-16 www.GermaWild-Immo 25 km to RAB, 6 BR, 2.5 Bath, bath balc â‚Ź490+utl 06371-16904 BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, Garage, Yard, Pets welcome, Rent: 2300 Euro + util., Avail: Now. For more info please conFamily Ammirati tact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or Please make your 0160-1065196, E-mail: ramstein@ XMA XMAS AS PARTY RESERVATION

Restaurant Re estaurant Dino

Enjoy living in this charming art nouveau home, 220 m² in Kusel, 25 km to RAB, 15 km to BHR, 5 BR, 2.5 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Basement, Gas heating, Pets negotiable, Rent: 1600 Euro + util., Avail: Now. No finder´s fee. For more info please contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: â‚Ź1600

as earlyy as possible p ssib po ble

PARTY ROOM Lunch Parties upon reservation welcome!


HOURS: Tue – Sat 17–22 2 h; Sun 11–14 h & 17-22 h; (Monday Closed)

Brauhaus am Markt Stiftsplatz l t 2-3 2 3 ¡ Kaiserslautern K i l t • b h

Erfenbach, 5 min to Vogelweh, nice renovated house, 130 sqm, 4 BDR, 2baths, 2 garages, rent 900 â‚Ź, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 HĂśheneinĂśd, 10 min LRMC, 6BR, 260sqm house, nice view, â‚Ź1850, Immo. T. 016096096498

TUESDAYS Every Pizza â‚Ź6*


Every Schnitzel â‚Ź6.80* (incl. side dishes)

Hours: Mon closed | Tue-Fri starting 5 p.m. Sat starting 3 p.m. | Sun starting 11 a.m. Jahnstr. 26 • 67686 Mackenbach • Tel: 06374 - 3924 *Dine in only! No delivery!

ept We acc rs! l la US Do

WE OFFER THE BEST RATES! The only brewery in K-Town auskl Home brewed beer /brauh m o .c k o facebo Next to the famous Stiftskirche (12th century)

Page 38

Kaiserslautern American

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads & pics can be viewed @

Kaiserslautern, 5min to downtown, nice house, 270 sqm, 7 BDR, 3 baths, floorheat., fireplace, garage, yard, rent 1850 € ZIAI Immobilien 06371-57888 Kaiserslautern: brand new duplex, 3 bedr. plus Studio, walk-in closet, 3 bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., roof terrace, patio, yard, garage, 1320,-- + util, 06371/ 57656 Konken Selchenbacherstraße 22: freest house 240sqm, 6BR, 2.5baths country style, BIK, dbl garage €1800+utl Call: 063841629 or 0160-92341477 Landstuhl: freestanding 3 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm, built-inkit., patio, yard, garage, 950,-- + util, 06371/57656

Kottweiler: freestanding house, 4 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm., build-in-kit., patio, yard, garage, 1.250,-+ util 06371/ 57656

Miesenbach: freestanding 4-5 bed., 3 ½ bath, living-diningrm, built-in-kit., patio, yard, 2 car garage, sauna, 2.500,-- + util 06371/ 57656

Nanzdietschweiler: Freest. House, 260sqm, 3BR/2,5BA, balcony, terrace, yard, fireplace, big garage, floor-heat, € 2.200,- + util 06371/943310 www.GermaWildLinden, 140sqm free-stand new renovated house 10 min to Vogelweh, 3 bm new bik, garage, patio, Nice and quiet Duplex-Half in big yard, E 920, Immo. T Kindsbach, 115 m², 3 BR, BIK, 2 Bath, Liv-Room + Din-Area, 1 Ga016096096498 rage, No pets, Rent: 850.00 Euro Luxury big FSH, 20km to K-Town + util., Avail: Dec. 1, 2012. For mo180sqm, 4BR, 2bath, flr heating, re info please contact: GI Bill Pay BIK, terrace, balc, garden, quiet Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371area, €1300 + util, Call Henry 465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: 0172-6634425 Linden, 130sqm, 2BR, floor heat, firepl rm, winter garden, balc, patio, €850, Immo. T. 016096096498

Luxury designer villa in Kusel, 314 sqm 4br 3bath fireplace 2car garage & carport AFN swmg pool 15 min LRMC, 19 min Ram, 21 min Vog €2800 0171-4740964

Nice duplex half, 8 km to KL, school KL, 150 m², 3 BR, 2 bathr., BIK, liv./din. room area, storage, basement, attic, 2 parking lots, yard, gas heat, pets negotiable, avail. 1. Nov., rent 1100.00 EUR, for more info call G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel: 06371465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail: Nice FSH 130 m², 20 min to RAB, Access to A62 1 km, 3 BR, 1 Bath, BIK, Liv/Din-Room, DoubleCarport, Yard, Pets negotiable, Rent: 950 Euro + carport + util., Avail: Now. For more info please contact GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, Email: ramstein@gi

$ 1 = 0,80 €

Nice FSH 215 m² built in 2006 in Kottweiler, 5 BR, 2 Bath, BIK, Liv/ Din-Room + fireplace, Storage, 1 Garage, Floor-Heating, Yard, No pets, Rent: 1580 Euro + util., Avail: Nov. 1, 2012. For more info please contact: GI Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail:

High Life


November 2, 2012 No Fee House Wonderful house, RAB school, 193sqm., 3 bedrms., 2 baths., attic, laundry room, carport, in a quiet area No Fee House, 1.380 €uro + util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel. 06372803641 or 0173-8317162 Otterberg Beautiful duplex in great area w/ lux fittings 290sqm 4BR 2baths guest-WC 3balc firepl gallery designer BIK much more av 15.11 €2095 incl dbl garage Tel. 0179-5112877 Otterberg: 4 bedr., 2,5 bath, 2 car garage, € 1.250,-- + util., Kindsbach: 5 bedr., 3 bath, carport, € 1.260,-- + util., Miesau: 4 bedr., 2 bath, carport, big yard, € 1.275,-- + util., I.B.u.Immobilienservice Thomas Sourißeaux €1250 06374 995 694 Tho Ramstein 15 min, brand new FSH, 180sqm, 5 BDR, 2 baths, floorheating, rent 1500 €, ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888 Ramstein area, 5 mins to Air Base, freestanding house with big yard, garage, gas heating, 225 sqm, 4 bed, 2 bath, open living with fireplace, BIK, lots of storage, large basement, av. now, €1610+ut. Call 0172/6855976 or Ramstein: duplex, 5 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., patio, yard, carport, 1275,-- + util 06371/ 57656 Ramstein: for big familiy freest. 380 sqm house, 7 bedrooms, 2-3 kitchen w. b.i.k., 3,5 bathrooms, open fireplace, garage a. yard w. yardhouse KD-Baubetreuung €2200 06371-619033 / Reuschbach (Ramstein - school): Freest house with a nice view, 6BR/1,5BA, yard, terrace, open-fire-place, 2 car garage, like 200sqm €1.450,- + util 06371/ 943310 www.GermaWild-Immobili Schönenberg - Kübelberg 1Fam House, 160sqm, 3BR, 1 & 3/ 4bathrm, lg din rm, din rm, new BIK, storage rm, all wooden floors, firepl, balcony, cov patio, basement, laundry rm, wine cellar, 2garage, lg property. E1120 + util plus 30E / garage. Call 068264559

Schwedelbach: nice duplex, 164sqm, 3 bedr., livr, diningr, bik, studio, yard, pets are allowed, €1150.- + util. Roth Immobilien 06374-994776 or 0171-1950606 Weilerbach, cosy FSH, nice yard, 160 sqm, 3 bed, 1.5 bath, basement, garage, av. now, €1100+ut. Call 0172/6855976 or Wonderful excl. freestanding house, 270sqm., 5 bedrms., 3 baths., +sauna, b.i.k., garage, fenced yard, 2.150 €uro + util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 01738317162

HOUSES / APTS FOR SALE All ads & pics can be viewed @

!!! Erzenhausen!!! Very nice bungalow with finished basement 190 qm living space 5BR/2BA, open fire place, floor heating, garage. Nice garden. Come and see!! Price €305 000 RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray 06371/ 6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 !!! Eulenbis!!! Beautiful one family home 250 qm living space 5BR/ 2BA nice garden much more extras. Call for appointment. Price € 300 000 RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U ask for Sonja Gray 06371/ 6129262 or 0160/ 3807277 Beautiful freest. House in Offenbach Hundheim ( Kusel) (1986) 5 bedroom/ Liv / Dinroom with fire place/ BIK / 2 bathroom, guest toilet, 220 sqm liv space Garage, nice garden Price: 220000,-- RE/ MAX Real Estate Center Kaiserslautern Call Michaela 0176 105 15807 or 0631/ 4140 8880 Family House, Freestanding, in RAB school, 340sqm., livingspace, 1000 sqm., proberty, 7 bedrms., 3 baths., basement, b.i.k., terrace, garage, floor-heating, Price Only 340 000 €uro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 01738317162 Kindsbach: nice duplex with garage build 2006, 145sqm, 4bm, 2 baths, E200000, Immo T. 016096096498

For the past 18 years one of the most popular places for Americans Your home away from home! Conversation, good music, dance and fun! Richard-Wagner-Str. 1 (across from Karstadt)

Wed — Mon: 10 p.m. — 5 a.m. Fri — Sat: 10 p.m. — 8 a.m. Tuesdays closed

Tel.: 06 31 - 618 25



we accept major credit cards

New Opening Hours: Mon - Thu 17.00 - 24.00 • Fri 17.00 - 2.00 Sat 11.30 - 2.00 • Sun 11.30 - 24.00

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November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Mehlingen fst. 1Fam House w/ spacious flr-plan & best interior, 3BR & walk-in-robe, 2.5baths, liv/ dinrm, balc, terr, sauna, tannig All ads & pics can be viewed @ bed, dbl garage & much more! 425.000â‚Ź Immobilien Bähr 06303Free standing house in Niederkir- 983153 chen close to K´town and Ramstein. 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Nice home in Mehlingen. 5 minbig livingroom & kitchen, open fire Sembach, 10 min-Ktown, 15 minplace, partyroom, sauna, swim- RAB. 238sqm living, 1007sqm mingpool, 3500 qm property fenced yard. 4BR, 2.5 baths. â‚Ź320000 0176/83128350 Wood flrs, 2 living/dining rms. MBR suite 1st flr, sauna in cellar. Freestanding house, Near RAB, Kitchen, baths, balcony upgraded 200sqm., living-space, 4 bedrms., in 2006. 2 single car garages. agents. â‚Ź315000 +studio, 2 baths., basement, 2 ga- FSBO-no rages, fenced yard, special offer Only Price 150 000 â‚Źuro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: Penthouse in Homburg - down06372-803641 or 0173-8317162 town, finished in Sept 2012, 15miles to RAB, elevator, big terHerschweiler - Pettersheim. Very race, 2BR, 1.5bath, liv / dinrm, nice one Family House, 190qm li- 2storage, park spot- either inside ving space, dining and living room park garage or outside parking or with open fire place, nice BIK, both avail. â‚Ź336.000 Call: 01764BR/1,5BA, Office, big Terrace, 13650316 or 06383-7208 Balcony, Hobbyroom, Garden, Price 182 000â‚Ź RE/MAX Real Estate Center ask for Kryspina 0631/ Representative Bungalow in Reifenberg (near Landstuhl) for sale 41408880 (1980) 4 bedr/ Liv/Dining room / fiKaiserslautern: Duplex, 4 bedr., replace /2 bathroom, Sauna, BIK, 2 living rooms, 2 bath, 2 car gara- Double Garage, Liv space 168 ge in basement, Gasheat, lots of sqm, yard 1177, Price: 239000,-storage, dead end street, â‚Ź Call Michaela RE/MAX Real 240.000,-I.B.u.Immobilienser- Estate Center 0176 105 15807 or vice Thomas SouriĂ&#x;eaux 06374 0631 41 40 8880


995 694

Winnweiler - Imsbach, 1Family house with granny annexe, 315 sqm living space, Build year 1981, 2012 completely renovated, Gas heating new, 1 garage, 3 car parks, property 936 m², Price: 229000 Euro No realtor fee. Tel: 0157 89639028

TLA / TDY All ads & pics can be viewed @

! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury Temp Apts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100% equipped including TV, DVD, free Internet, washer/dryer, free calls to USA. reservation / questions call: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ / /

Page 39 ***2, 3 + 4 TLA/TDY Luxury Apts in Landstuhl, Ramstein & K-Town. All Remodeled, Furnished, 100% equipped, Cable TV, Kitchen, Washer, Dryer, Parking etc. Call 0170-4137555 or 0172-7471366

Beautiful TLF House, 5min. to RAB, 4bedr, fully furnished, 017639755130, www.beautiful-tlf.jim

126 sqm in Landstuhl new fully furn, Internet and phone, wash, dry, a home from home for relax atmosphere e-mail cornelia-60@ 0162 7048027 or 06371/ 912977

Ramstein TLA/TDY 4/5BR 2Ba house all inclusive furnished, linens, dishes/pots, wash/dryer, AFN, tel, DSL, carport 015233584979 email: tla@tla-ram / www.tla-ram

Miesau – nice apart. 180 sqm, 3 BDR, rent ₏ 1000, ZIAI Immobilien 100% equipped 1-2BR Apts, 06371 57888 Free internet, AFN, Phone to USA, off Road parking. 10min to RAM, Nice furnished Apt. 3min to RAB, Land, LRMC, Contractors also 1bedr. 1 lounge / diningrm, fully welcome. Info: 0177 1955959 or equip. New kitchen, free internet. Call us ₏50 00491638806655

1-3bed Internet, wash/dry, pet ok 3miRAB Ramstein, 5 min to base, 2 BDR 01742430124 / nbm4rent@hot apt., BIK, 100 % equipped 06371 57888

!!!! 1 2 3 4 5 Beds luxury temp apts for incoming/outgoing families & TDY. Ramstein Air Base 2 mins, short walk to restaurants & shops. Beautifully furnished, 100% equipped TV, AFN, English satalite, DSL, free telephone, USA & Europe, good library & movie selection. Pets welcome. Off street parking at all locations. Call 01712679282 or email: luxuryapts09@ yahoo, com


Kollweiler: very nice, freest houWe can help! se, 185 sqm, built 2004, 3 br, fire- TLAs in Ramstein New apt for 1 bedplace, big patio, big gar, 617 sqm room for 2 people & also for families. property, great location near Apts have: full furn Sat TV microw. woods 270.000,- E. - JR Realty phone comp w/DSL private parking pets OK wash/dryer also avail. Ph: 01703159692 or jrrealtykmc@ Call 06371-5432 or 0171-3256002

NEED TIRES? Used cars WANTED All makes and models, all specs, also damaged. We pay cash and do all customs paperwork. Aldor Automobile. Heidelberg Fair prices • Call any time


Open: Mon – Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 p.m. KL-Einsiedlerhof Im Haderwald 7(next to Car Wash & McDonald’s)

Phone: 0631-98343

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‡ 3$576 6(59,&( ‡ $& 6(59,&( ‡ %2'< :25. ‡ &219(56,21 86 72 (&( ‡ 781( 83 :H DUH ORFDWHG LQ .LQGVEDFK .DLVHUVWU

Page 40

Kaiserslautern American

TLA / TDY All ads & pics can be viewed @

Temp apt Ramstein 2 BR fully furnished TV DVD all dishes off-st. parking, 0171-4831501 or 015115383010 Temporary apt 4Star Weilerbach 86sqm 2BR dryer SAT TV €45/ night for 2pers., €10 for extra persons 0151-50879091 or 06374993143

AUTOS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

1977 Porsche 911, red with tan interior. Just passed inspection, four new tires. Call 01520-9941170 $16,500 august_carrillo@hot 1992 BMW E36 318i Sedan, 5 speed Manual, 140k miles, sport seats, Driver Airbag, Air Conditioning, Anti-Lock Brakes, German Spec, Good Condition $1500 obo 01757772586 1996 BMW 316i compact, automatic trans, 106k miles, power windows, heated seats, brown leather, german spec, trailer coupling, good condition €1800 obo 01757772586 1997 Mazda 323 4dr; very reliable; clean; 5-speed manual trans; European spec; only 91,350 kilometers; snow tires incl; Guaranteed to pass inspection! $2,200 0172-428-6684 or melis 1997 VW Passat Wgn Diesel 5sp. m-HDT8076 - 109376 km - US ID card hdrs Only - Passat PowerSealed bids to moni.johnson@ - Ends 31 Oct $Best Offer 063134064114

Car Insurance & POV Shipping s Competitive Rates s Low Monthly Payment Plan s Household Content Insurance

Call for a free quote!

1998 VW Passat Wgn Diesel 5sp. m-AS-OC20 - 187709 km - US ID card hdrs Only - Passat Power Sealed bids to moni.johnson@ - Ends 31 Oct $Best Offer 063134064114 2000 Ford Mondeo Wagon, Manual, Sunroof, Heated Seats, Summer & Winter Tires, Well Maintained - Service Record Avail, Passed Insp 30Apr2012, Spacious $2000 01733016001 2000 VW Passat Wgn Diesel 6sp. m- KLYH136 - 239596 km - USID card hdrs Only - Passat Power Sealed bids to moni.johnson@ - Ends 31 Oct $Best Offer 063134064114

November 2, 2012 2004 Saab 9-5 ARC 103K’s Manual transmission. American Specs 2.3L Turbo/ Outside Color: Silver Inside: Silver/ Leather Heated Seats/Sport Package. $5,000.00 015140445792 / lou

2007 Lexus IS 250 AWD, 55K miles, leather interior, heated/cooled seats, paddle shifters. Great mix of class and sport. Perfect car for Germany! $19,500 015146400739 or lance.quinton@ya

2005 Nissan Pathfinder SE, US Spec, Silver, 4x4, towing, pwr win/ doors, 3rd row, rear air, dual temp, running boards, roof rack, in Baumholder $12,000

2008 VW Jetta, Wolfsberg. Excellent Cond/Dealer maintained & Serviced. 44K mi, 2.0T, Auto/TripTonic, AC, Sunroof, New tires, Alloy wheels +WT $15000 OBO 061046003673/kc_justin@hot

2006 Volkswagon GTI, Gray, 5 speed, 2dr hatchback, 140.000km, 17 inch wheels, A/C, moonroof, Radio/CD, electric windows, heated seats, central locks, €7.199, Tel. 0173-3043941

2000, GM Omega 99000km.A/C, Automatic, Pwr Windows, Runs Great. Nice Shape. Winter Tyres. Pass inspection.06385/286 o. 0170-1910484. $3200

2007 Blue Metallic HHR W/ 59000miles, remote start, new timken hubs, new rotors and pads, only 4000 miles on all weather tires. Clean car. Must See! $8000 C: 015156689707 / gruebrand@ 2002 F150 Supercrew, 88,000 miles, Supercrew cab w/short bed, Runs great, 2WD Automatic, 2007 GMC Yukon SLT, 56K mi4.6L V8, Power Moonroof / win- les, excellent condition, fully loadows / locks, Bedcover $8000 ded, new tires/breaks, 4x4. Be ready for heavy snowfall this win015119407367 ter! $24,500 0151-46400739 or lan 2003 Buick Century, Silver, 160K km, good condition, automatic, US Spec, sell for $1000 lower 2007 Honda Pilot EX-L, 56,000 KBB price, pet & smoke free. miles PS, PB, AC, Pw-Seats, HeaJeff(015121810520) $2400 Jeff ted Seats, Leather AM/FM, 6 CD 015121810520 / kristinmendrofa@ Changer, Moon Roof, M&S tires Third Row sattelite ready $17,200 obo 0160-1242-862 2003 Toyota Corolla. Silver. Automatic. Cruise control. CD player. 2007 Kia Picanto with 132k, This Air conditioning. Power windows. car has been well maintained and Power locks. Power Steering. Gas I have proof of all service work, saver! $3,800 tmhornak@ from the Kia Dealership $4000 01703831947


Hauptstr. 6 • 67734 Katzweiler

Dealership 1 week 1 month


€ 130.00 € 330.00


Tel : 06301 Tel.: 06301-1355 1355 Mail: Web:

Body Repair + Paint

2008 VW Touareg, US specs, 67000 miles, dark grey metallic, loaded, VW dealer maintained, great SUV $20,900 obo 015112115406 2009 BMW 335i xdrive Coupe, Barbara Red with Beige interior, premium package, pro stereo, new winter tires and rims, low mileage, auto, all serviced $35,000 Roy at 2009 Chrysler Town & Country Van, Champagne, 67,000 Miles, flex fuel, stow-and-go seats, CD, AC, luggage rack, great touring / family car $15,500 0157-89078546 2010 Jetta SE, 14k mi, Manual Trans, mi/h, km/h, heat frnt seats, 6cd, BT / Iphone / pad compatbl, sun / moon roof, contact for more info. $18650 obo 017624988226 2010 Toyota RAV4 4wd, Good Condition, Blue, Loaded, 22,000 miles email requests for details and photos. Pick up in Bad Reichenhall. $17000 drmillsjr@ 2010 VW Golf GTI, 2 dr, 28K, 200 hp, manual 6-spd, excellent condition, lots of extras, heated seats, keyless entry, xenon lights, sunroof, bluetooth, etc. $18,700



Kaiserstr. 6, KL-Einsiedlerhof Tel. & Fax: 0631 • 57750

located on B40 across ”Nick’s Fried Chicken“

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Audi 1999, German Spec, 5speed, Royal blue, dark blue leaAUTOS ther interior, 108K miles, custom stereo w/2 12" subs and 2 amps, All ads & pics can be viewed @ in-dash dvd receiver, smok free $6450 obo 063718021494 / 2011 - BMW M3 Hardtop Conver- table, Fully loaded, 7 speed Auto Audi RS6, 450 HP twin-turbo V8, Transmission, 15K mileage. Black/ 2003 US Spec, immaculately Red leather interior. Outstanding maintained. Very fast 4 door, like condition. $59,500 rosario_vo@ya BMW M5 only all wheel drive! or 0171-703-3112 Warranty. $28,000 perlsbob@ 2011 Ford Fiesta, Silver, 12,000 miles, standard, 4dr, 3 yr Warran- BMW 316I, 1995, 186K km, Gertee, 38mpg, CD, AC, great conditi- man spec, manual, power winon, call Diana, Cell 0157- dows, sunroof. Very good on gas 89078546 $12,500 $1800

2011 Mazda 2, German spec, 9,900 MI, CD/MP3, Aux Jack, Heated Seats, Manual Transmission, Steering Wheel Mounted Audio Controls, Power Windows, Sum/Winter tires incl. $13,250 obo annie_humphreys@ya / 061985773835 2011 Shelby GT500 550 HP! Navigation! Leather! Race red! Only 2700 Miles! â‚Ź60,000.00

A3 2L TDI 170 CV. All Options!! 120000 KM â‚Ź17000 hayatum@hot Audi 100 2.3 1991, 157000km, el.Sunroof, Oil-and Oil filter new, Passed German POV Inspektion new, no Rust, looks and runs good. â‚Ź1450 06371/70600 or 016099487753

Madza 626, sport edition, alloy wheels, dark windows, CD/radio, 5 speed, good condition, year 2000, new german inspection, 82,000km, + extra winter tires, 2500â‚Ź, Call: 06371-8383958

MB 220 D, 1998, Station Wagon, great gas mileage - Diesel, white, automatic, cruise control, A/C, electric windows infront, tinted windows, rain sensor, removable trailer hitch, 245.000 km, German BMW 320 Model 2004 doors - 6 inspection good until 4/2013, acciGears, metalic, fully equipped e.g dent free, 3.300 Euro obo, Tel. full leather seats, heated seats, 0175-7503767 power doors/breakes/windows/ sunroof, ESP, ABS, AC, stereo Mobile tire service, we come to CD, garage kept, non smoking, your Home for free. We change well maintained w/ book, new tiyour wheels from the summer to res - batterie and oil change. Insp. the Winter, Mounting and balanguaranteed. Only â‚Ź 6.450 obo cing Tire and spare part sale, Tire 0172 - 676 2717 repair 06383 998627 BMW 633 CSi 1976 classic in exc cond, euro-spec, restored, rebuilt engine & man trans, pwr steering & windows, lthr int, new tires, ma- Opel Corsa, 2009, orig. 1280km, ny spare parts $7000 0171- cool & sound package, AC, â‚Ź10.500 obo Call: 0152-53699038 4740964

2012 Ford Fiesta SES, must sell due to short notice PCS and cannot ship. Great on gas, excellent cond. Call Daisy 015156664579/ 06371467641 $16K majoelliah@ Ford Escape AWD automatic 109,900 mainly highway miles 27 MPG 1st owner, well maintai2012 Hyundai Elantra, only ned. Newer windshield & tires 13,300 miles. Silver exterior and View Ramstein lemon lot space grey interior with almost all the 32 bells and whistles. $19950.00 GM Nav Disc for Europe. Works in factory Nav systems to include 4 Dunlop winter tires with rims, Tahoe, Suburban, Silverado, Sier195/65 R15,5 lugs, good conditi- ra, Avalanche Yukon, H2 and Caon â‚Ź550 obo rosario_vo@ya dillac DTS's and SRX's. $25.00 or 0171-703-3112 95' BMW 530i, passed inspection Sep 12', automatic trans, leather, cd player, sun roof, 127K miles, euro specs, great working condition! $4000 A set of Continental Winter tires with rims 5 lugs, 205/55R16H TS830, 017622987498, â‚Ź600 obo

Lexus LS 400, built 1991, â‚Ź1500. If you like to include the spare parts: â‚Ź2500. Call: 07144-9989984

Opel Omega Caravan, 1995, 5speed, silver metallic, trailer attachment, A/C, keyless entry, allow wheels, â‚Ź1520, Call 063025110 Toda K20A Valve Spring Set. Original price $400. Toda racing parts. Never used Asking $275 Ph.017622987498 / isabell_1_98@

Page 41



All ads & pics can be viewed @

All ads & pics can be viewed @

Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

Cleveland Browns fans are invited to join the Browns Backers Worldwide chapter in Kaiserslautern hosting watch parties every gameday in Otterbach Live!! AJ 0151-40417872 brownsbackersinktown@ya

07 GSXR 750, blue and black, under 9000 miles, Yoshi pipe, forced to sale, minim damage to lever (clutch) $6500.00 firm KEIMANI2@

English speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous available in the Kaiserslautern/Vogelweh Area. Our contact information is: AA Hotline-0157-36123097, 2010 Sportster 48, 2100 miles. Li- many.htm ke new, too many parts to list. Never laid down. Must go. Make me Facebook Group: Children with an offer. Email me for pics. $9000 Diabetes Type I- Ramstein Germany. Parent run. Meet other lies, start playgroups and join a 015161239488 support group. yunuenzimmerer@ Wanted! Your Motorcycle! Dead or alive, runner or non-runner, Hochspeyer American Social crashbikes, US/UK/German-spec. Club. Meet your fellow neighbors All offers welcome english+ger- from Hochspeyer & neighboring man spoken 06361-22676, keiler@ towns. Info on FB or email:







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Audi 100 model 1998, automatic, w/ CD Stereo, AC, power doors, breaks, runs great, in good condition â‚Ź 1.400 obo 0172 -676 2717 Audi A4 1,8T Chiped 212PS, 54000 km, denim blue, hand wasch only, tinted windows, S4Recaro-Seats, and many more! +491787955540

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Page 42

Kaiserslautern American

November 2, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads & pics can be viewed @

GS Movie Event! Showing the Hallmark movie original "Smart Cookies" on Oct 27 at the Hercules theater from 2-4pm. $5 for currently registered girl scouts & $12 for unregistered girls. Contact for more info Just found out your pregnant? Want to develop a relationship with one doctor for the term of your pregnancy? Considering having your baby off-base? ameri Playgroup for parents with children ages 1 month-4 years meet in Hochspeyer every Wednesday. Please contact: a.brokovich@ gmail Quit Smoking Today! Army Public Health Nursing is offering Tobacco Cessation Classes for civilian and military personnel in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Area. New group begins 1st Wednesday of every month from 11301230 for four weeks at the Kleber DFAC, Back Dining Room Bldg. 3206. Advance registration is required. To register or for more information call Army Public Health Department at DSN 486-7002/CIV 06371-86-7002 or Kleber Health Clinic at DSN: 483-6099/CIV: 06371-83-6099.

Reiki: Interested in forming a Reiki Share Group? Please contact Jerry or Lorraine @ X-mas Specials at our Tattoo shop in Im Haderwald 4, 67661 KL-Einsiedlerhof, Kaiserslautern. Bring us 2 new Customers you receive a Thank you Tattoo worth up to 200 Euros. â‚Ź50 euros and up

CHILD CARE All ads & pics can be viewed @

The 86 Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact 063714057420 or email !! Child care provider very experienced (engl spk) has openings for ages 2 -10, very flex. 7min RAB Call 0163-2943479

ELECTRONICS All ads & pics can be viewed @

25 inch KLH tv in good condition. 110V $35.00 obo 0160-1242-862

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

ELECTRONICS All ads & pics can be viewed @

Air Conditioner made by Remko, moveable, approx 3-4 years old but only used 2-3 times, great condition! Call 0152-05639147 I have 3 20" old fashioned TVs for sale. Not flat screen! 100$ each. All work perfectly. Call: 01776036101 iPhone4 white 32Gb simlock only for t-mobile / Telekom customers. With car mount and charger, bag and Cover as well as Displayfoil â‚Ź250

Chopper Bike / cruiser Specialized Fat Boy. Cherry red, 6" wide rear tire, 3" wide front, dual discs, All-American bike. Original owner, really fun. $1000 015161321501 Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or 0151-270-19822 Dog Kennel, Pet Mate Varikennel. For medium sized dog. Good condition. Only used a couple of times. email:

Older Grundig TV w/SAT receiver Electric Squire Stratocaster, like (no flat screen) works great â‚Ź80 new condition, comes with hardsfor both obo Call: 06386-6711 hell case, sunburst color, good beSony Handycam DCR DVD101 ginners or intermediate guitar Good condition with all acesso- $400.00 Rod at yeoldingo@hot ries $125.00 obo 0160-1242-862 Fall / Winter Vest, natural Siberian Fox fur, rich bright color! Prepare yourself for cold weather! $400 0176-703 -36-001 or email: Transformers, diff. sizes 06371 Free Cleveland Browns fans are 57888 invited to join the Browns Backers Worldwide chapter in KaiserslauFOR SALE -- MISC tern hosting watch parties every gameday in Otterbach Live!! AJ All ads & pics can be viewed @ 0151-40417872 brownsbackersinktown@ya Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target Green suede handbag. With for scams. Please be cau- three compartments. Zipper top. tious if potential buyers offer $20 0176-22987498 please leave you payment methods other a message if I do not answer. than cash. Sony Trinitron 25" TV, traditional (not flat screen), 7 yrs old, kept in spare office, barely used, $50, Call 0163-330-5535, Lv Msg

German Handmade! OCULI CULTUS SECRETI 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion Unit Insignia Wood Picture Inlay. Pair 37x25 cm. â‚Ź100 Holiday Lights - 2 tubs of indoor / outdoor christmas lights and extension cords 110V Enough to cover any on base / post home! Hurry $50 Jepperson; CRM Exploring the Human Element; played one time only, like new $15, 017664966777 Jugendstil furniture over 100 years old. A variety of items, grandfather clock (Harmonium), crystal glasses, Murano glasses, Meisner porcelain figurines, 200years old, coffee and Tea set. Call: 0177-5211480 Kids adidas soccer shoes, US size 1, EU 32, black & red, worn a few times. Non marking. $35. 0176-22987498, pics on classworld Kitchen table and 2 chairs, light wood, $40, 4-drawer chest $10, glass-top table and 3 chairs $40, entertainment cabinet $10, lt brn leather TV recliner $70. Call 06374-1277. Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/ prom/summer night out. $50; 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya Pic on does not do justice. Beautiful dress. Original Force Fins in good condition. Size ML in color Aquamarine. divefreakgary@google Tel. 01713610739 â‚Ź139

"Safety 1st" carseat, used for about 1 year, very good condition, from non-smoking car, accident-free!!! Car seat good between 22-65 pounds, $50 0176703 -36-001 or email: zemfirita@

Antique Recline metal bed with a brand new custom made mattress for sale, never been used just for decoration. Please call 0176965 39 677 $100, Beautiful Polish tea service still w/ authentic labels. I bought when I was in Poland. Call: 0177-6036101 Chicken rotisserie 06371 57888




01 76 • 62 19 77 28

Swarovski SC Isadora & Antonio, from the trilogy (magic of dance) 2002 & 2003, w/crystal signs & displays) will sell separately, Price 299 â‚Ź each obo Call: 01622762421 Swarovski, silver, crystal, trilogy masquerade, 1999-2001, w/crystal signs & displays, 899â‚Ź obo Call: 0162-2762421 Techno / Dancefloor Synth. "Quasimidi Sirius" with integrated 11 Ch. Vocoder (also voice distortion) + Synthesizer "Quasimidi Raven Max" + Keyboard stand â‚Ź1600 Technology in Action, 7th Edition - Unused â‚Ź15 smoothsalsakat@ya The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim for XBox 360, $10 stvvee@sbcglo XBox 360 Wireless Controller Black, $15

WIESBADEN DENTAL CARE • Implant surgery • Orthodontics • Root canals • Oral surgery • Nitrous Oxide for all procedures

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1$ = 1â‚Ź*

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Serving the U.S. military for over 12 years

*with this ad, valid till November 30, 2012

9$7 )2506



/26( <285 )$7 12:

½ &28321 )25 67 &$5(

66849 LANDSTUHL Please call for appointment

Please call for appointment

Swarovski Crystal - Attention collectors! Christmas is coming, all retired pieces reduced to half their value, All pieces over 20years old! Prices greatly reduced! Great gift for any special occasion! Private collection! Retired pieces. koala bear mother and baby, Panda mother & baby, whale, turtle. Call for info: 06332-41560 between 2pm to 9pm. Can deliver to RAB!

• Family dentistry • Bleaching • Porcelain bonding • Full ceramic crowns & onlays in 1 day • Periodontal maintenance



Stunning ball gown, worn one time. Was 250 Euro. German size 44 (~16ish.) Not as shiny as pic. Adorned w/crystals. Wear w/or without straps. Incl. scarf â‚Ź120

Services we offer:

Jade MASSAGE AG GE ‡ Relax, Ayurveda Massage ge 0160-9191 3823 3

Like new condition, 'cause kid prefer to sleep with mami, good quality, paid $119, asking only $45, no stains, and etc, 0176-703 -36-001 or email: zemfirita@ Old oil painting picture on canvas painted in 1942, Painters Ruppenthal. Size 80 x 60 cm. Old wooden frame. From an auction house estimated 380 euros! â‚Ź280 Original Force Fins in good condition. Size ML. color Green. â‚Ź149 Tel. 01713610739 Pink and white snake skin purse, not real. pics on Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Refrigerator with freezer. German, 220 volt, half size Refrigerator with one drawer freezer. Very good condition and excellent German made quality. $75.00 Santa Cruz Blur MTB, medium, 2006, original owner, Shimano XT, Hayes Hydraulic dual disc brakes, meticulously maintained. $1000 0151-61321501 Sell handmade stick pictures of a legacy. Different sizes and motives of Bavaria 12 euro per picture size from 25 cm to 53 cm. Neg â‚Ź12 Swarovski Pegasus - From the 1998 "Fabulous Creatures" Series. Retired in 1998, Asking $500. Ph. 06374/944828

Certified American Dental Hygienist and Certified Orthodontics.

*Barber Items for Sale* Oster Classic 97 clippers w/5 blades; Oster Trimmer/outliner w/2 guides 220V. $330+ retail. This a steal of a deal, 0151-6121-4381 A baby stroller, $50, highchair wood, $50, large candle stand, $20, an adult walker, (rolletor), $20, all items like new, Call: 06371-614277

Page 43


8/75$621,& 75($70(17 2) )$7 5('8&7,21 )25 +(5 $1' +,0 %2'< :5$33,1*  Â?Â? Â? Â?Â? ­Â

Page 44

Kaiserslautern American

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, Nov. 3 8 am – 4 pm

Serendipity Ar Art rt

Carol Ann Corona

01 77-603 61 01

Portraits, Original Hand-Painted Oils, Custom Made Frames

R Ramstein, i Fl Flurstr. 4 Tel. 0163-1 90 57 17


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Roza’s Fine Handmade Carpets Original Flemish Tapestries.

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Exclusive Antique Freddy’s Furniture ANTIQUES Only 4 miles from Ramstein Air Base 62


Spesbach 6

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Mon-Sat from 10:00 to 18:00 (closed Wed.)

Free delivery to Kaiserslautern, Spangdahlem, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg...

FOR SALE -- MISC All ads & pics can be viewed @

November 2, 2012 Wood frame picture. From Ashfield Arts. Made in the UK. Paid $500. see for pics.


The Swarovski Pierrot mesasures 8". This is the first edition of All ads & pics can be viewed @ "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999. Pics on 2 piece couch and chaise lounge, round chair, and ottoman for sale. Toddler clothes for boys and Only two years old. Need to sell girls. Tops $1, bottoms $2, and so I have room for new furniture. Denim $3. Located on Vogelweh $600, 01705272010 Housing. $Boy & Girl Toddler Clothes Phone# 063156001268 Bar - counter 5 m long $50, Email: kitten_pawfever@ya 06371-57888

German Sideboard and Highboard for Sale. Oak-rustic color, massiv. Great condition! New €1200 each, now selling for €250 each! Call: 0176-907-96039 Gothic style, solid wood, marsh oak, length 360cm, height 180cm, depth 55cm. Location in Zweibrücken in unused livingroom without any blemish. New price 23.500DM selling for 4.800€, Call: 06337-1315

Large Antique Dark solid wood. 3 pull out draws, 3 cabinets above and below to store goods in. 7 Bed, Queen size with almost new feet tall. Price: $2900 Serta box spring and simi firm pil- 017622987498. Documents for Sale! USA and low top matt. email: jcambr@ya pics CSA documents, coins of $200.00 ny and China, private collection, for sale piece by piece. Call bet- Bedroomset $ 250, 06371 57888 Living room set like new, $ 200, ween 4-7pm 0152-25194313 (Da- Big storage shrunk $50, 06371 6371 57888 vid Frank) 57888 Warhammer 40K players wanted for in and around Baumholder! Games held every Thursday night! Email for details. Spondored by the Imperial truth! JN19842007@

Cherry wood T.V. cabinet $50, Loveseat $50, 06371 57888 06371 57888

Complete bedroom (bed, locker, Oak Shelf with 2 boards. Great bed side table, mattress), 1 year condition! Call: 0152-05639147 old, in perfect state. €200 015152112197 Very old cabinet for sale. Henry Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bott- Dining room set oak, $100, II. €750 les, attractive metal finish, fits per- 06371 57888 fectly in a small, narrow space. Dining table w/ 2 benches, mas- Well preserved oak massiv furni$10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad siv wood - oak style, €250 0176- ture from 1890, 2Sideboards, 90796039 Grandfathers Clock, Dining table


Golden framed paintings, div. si- with chairs, several crockery setszes reasonable prices 06371 fotos on request €on request 57888

Goldschmiede Becker

Kaiserstr. 43 66862 Kindsbach Tel: 06371-2864

Kaiserstr. 23 66849 Landstuhl Tel: 06371-13556

TELEPHONE SHOP WEILERBACH HOME PHONE & INTERNET ACTIVATION FLATRATE CALLS TO THE U.S & EUROPE SMARTPHONES HOME INSTALLATION Mackenbacher Str. 31, 67685 Weilerbach, Phone 06374-992138 HOURS: MO - FRI 10:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 18:00, SAT 10:00 - 12:00

Cash and Carry Wholesale Market Shop and Save!

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Every 1st Saturday/month great discounts : 10 % on food / 15 % on non-food products. Save even more with a VAT form

Mark your calendars November 7th and 8th 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. annual food fair with 80 vendors presenting products for the coming holiday season: Don’t miss out!

For more info call our English speaking representative Rudolf Cochius,

Tel.: 0631 - 71 000-0 Im Flickerstal 11, 67657 Kaiserslautern (follow signs from Mainzer Strasse)

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Your Full Communication • Telephone/Internet DSL lines with fast activation! • Flatrate calls to USA • Support and Software in English • Cell Phones w/o contract

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Page 45

BIG G EST SALE OF TH E YEAR NOVEMBER, 09-10-11-12 Our special offers for Veteran’ s Day Weekend at MK in Belgium:

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Page 46

Kaiserslautern American



All ads & pics can be viewed @

All ads & pics can be viewed @

CRGT Inc. is Hiring! Weapon Systems Administrator – Ramstein AB Provide administration, technical support & troubleshooting for the TBMCS. Active Top Secret Clearance/SCI eligible is required. TESA position Benefits included. **Please send resume & indicate position code: KA-RAMSTEIN EOE-MFDV

A 42 year old Male is looking for a female travel partner that would like to see Germany, Europe and other places. Seeking a person with a passion to travel, who is willing to drive with me, help navigate to exciting places and fly in airplanes to vacation spots. I like sight seeing, art, history, learning languages, eating good local foods and cultures. We both can plan the travel location together. Kids are welcome if you have. I am tired of traveling alone, I hope you will join me. Ray - li

Irish male (26) only in Germany 4 weeks looking for full time (day) work. exp - admin, Insurance but good, quick learner and hard worker $can be discussed 0151 21486275 - mail

LIKE US US on Facebook Fac aceb eboo eb ook oo k & fifinnndd ou out ut LIKE

A 44 year old black male seeks the company of a respectable, honest, outgoing and sincere lady. She should be similar to me; down to earth, enjoy various activities, exercise, likes to travel, like sports, like music and enjoy life. It is okay to want to stay home sometimes and relax. It is important that she is trustworthy, communicates well and don't play games. Serious inquiries only with photo to Andrew

Is looking for a new man in her life! I'm 28/5'9/blond long hair/ brown eyes. I do have a lil one so if thats a problem dont even bother! Only serious!! Single white female

2 Love birds in a huge cage are looking for a new home. Bought it 6 months ago for over 250 Euros in. Asking for 100 Euros or please make an offer. â‚Źobo Make an offer 0176-96539677


Beagle puppies, in different colors, beautiful, Vet approved, vaccinated, dewormed, â‚Ź325, Call: 0176-74839117

Attractive 35year single black woman is seeking to find a happy relationship. annett.muller@ya

There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian.

Female, 45 years, 5'6, blonde is looking for a friendly, good looking american man, 45 or older.To get to know each other, and maybe for a relationship. Only serious contacts please! 01522-6519732

about latest abou ab bou ut th the e la ate est eevents v nt ve nts ts in in yyour ou ur ar aarea rea e face fa cebo ce book bo ok.c ok .com .c om// om Mili Mi liita tary ryin ry inGe in Germ Ge rman rm any an y MilitaryinGermany

Practice Dr. Matthias Christ MD, DDS

acial Surgery

HÜlzengraben 2, 67657 Kaiserslautern • Tel: 0631-371170 • E-Mail: • • • • • • • We speak English Openings: Mon, Tue, Thu 7.30 – 11.30 Mon, Tue, Thu 14.00 – 16.00 Wed + Fri 7.30 – 12.00

• • • • •

Oral Surgery Dental Implants Computer Implant Planning Periodontics Dental Hygienist Service Comprehensive Dental Service in General Anaesthesia Regional Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for Facial Skin Cancer Laser Treatment Laser Hair Removal Traumatology In- and Outpatient Procedures 3D X-Ray

November 2, 2012

All ads & pics can be viewed @

BUY, SELL, TRADE your stuff at


Bergan Pet Carrier, Unused, was $35. Snap-in, removable vinyl coated floor for easy cleaning, snap down window, soft sided. 18"Lx11. 5"Wx10"H, max. 22lbs $20 I got a Yorkshire Terrier which is 1,5 years "old" and am in need of a dogsitter. I am starting my new job in Ramstein on the 1.1.2013, will be working. silkeblietschau@ Kennel, Petmate Varikennel, for medium sized dog. Used only a couple of times. Good condition. $Free Patterdale Terrier Puppy: Black female born 20 Sep, ready for new home 15 Nov. UKC reg. Champ bloodlines. High energy loyal dogs, great with kids. $700.00 016098573216

WANTED All ads & pics can be viewed @ L° L° V°Z `°

220v electric blanket, any size

Have fun with the locals Want to go out and have fun? No matter if you are by yourself, with your friends or all your family, Military in Germany offers a wide variety of events in your area. Search by “location� or “type of event� and find exactly what you are looking for.

military IN GERMANY

Do you have a favorite event that is not listed yet? Let us know and we will share it with your community! A NEW website from AdvantiPro, publisher of your Kaiserslautern American newspaper & The Find-It Guide

November 2, 2012

Kaiserslautern American

Buying dictionaries all languages Home & Maintenance Service. and foreign language guides. Call PCS, regular & carpet cleaning w/ 0152-25194313 or 0160-69439449 ref., painting, repair, trash removal, bulk & yard waste 06383Irish male (26) looking for apt/ 927372 or 0172-6693714 house share/house sit in k-town/ landstul area with person/people Professional lessons in guitar, of simular age, only recently arri- bass & piano, saxophone. Cell ved in Germany 0151 21486275 - 015233696881 mail Translator/Interpreter Certified Looking 4 a certified female 4 my KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable elderly mother on an hourly basis rates. Call: 0631-54440 or as needed in Weilerbach. No work involved. More info, call af- Voice lessons (experienced proter 19oo hrs. 0163-8853574 fessional singer, BM) 06372508747 or New Challenge for Baseball / Softball Coaches!! The River Bandits Baseball and Softball Team, located in Saarbrücken (A6, 30min from KL) is looking for coaches for both teams and also players. Please contact: ste or call 0171-8634083




PROFESSIONAL SERVICES All ads & pics can be viewed @

! ! ! ! ! Bridge cleaners - cross the bridge into a cleaner world! PCS, yardwork, trash removal and a lot more! We except VAT Forms! 0173-3683830 !!PCS cleaning, weekly, exp. team over years INSP grtd 016091948-691 or cthompson@t-onli !!PCS Stress, we will take your PCS Cleaning stress off your hands Nicky 0176-87076932 Certified translations. Reasonable rates. Call 06374-4113 or 0179-531-0274. German all levels, Mr. Vollmer, Landstuhl, phone: 06371-2470,

Want to stay in Europe? Carreers in financial planning available, your choice of location. US Broker / Dealer in Heidelberg seeking sales representatives. Tel. 0 62 21 - 2 35 97

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AT LANDSTUHL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is a globally recognized employer that offers competitive pay, an excellent benefits package, advancement options and a caring work environment. The following employment opportunities exist for qualified individuals. We are recruiting for an INTERMITTENT AND PART-TIME REGISTERED NURSE (RN) POSITION in the areas of Critical Care and Med-Surg. This position does not require on-call duties. You must be a US citizen to apply and be in the local community. If interested, please email your resume to

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Page 47

Center Manager, USO Warrior Center Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Description/Job Summary: The Center Manager will manage all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the center to ensure first-class support of wounded / injured / ill service members at LRMC. Responsibilities/Duties • Provide active leadership in procurement and growth of financial and other in-kind resources necessary for center operations. • Recruit, supervise, train, develop, and recognize staff and volunteers. • Oversee the successful planning, coordination, and execution of daily morale-enhancing programs within an established budget. • Seek, develop, maintain, and improve relationships with the US military and with persons, organizations, and groups that support the center’s many programs. • Ensure that the center always remains clean, safe, welcoming, and well-maintained and that all assets are functional and up-to-date. • Prepare, review, and deliver financial, operational, and statistical reports within established deadlines. • Interact with patients and familiarize them with the center and its many offerings. Required Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree in business or related field. • 3-5 years experience in a supervisory role. Ability to effectively manage, lead, motivate, mentor, and develop employees and volunteers. • Exceptional interpersonal and customer service skills. • Demonstrated initiative/self-motivation, attention to detail, and organizational and time management skills. • Demonstrated proficiency in written and oral communications as well as knowledge of various software programs including but not limited to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. • Willingness and ability to regularly work non-standard hours (late evenings, holidays and weekends). • Must be a strong advocate of the USO’s mission to support active duty military and their families. • Public speaking experience is preferred. • Must be able to lift and carry items weighing up to 50 pounds. • Must have USAREUR driver’s license. Details: • This position is located on Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. • Preference will be given to local candidates within commuting distance. • Relocation assistance is not provided for this position. • Resume and cover letter are required for full consideration.

Please apply online at: and click on “Search USO Careers”

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