November 2, 2012
Volume 36, number 44
Realistic exercise keeps Airmen, host nation on their toes Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
embers of Team Ramstein, along with their Army and host nation counterparts participated in a major accident response exercise Oct. 27 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. The exercise tested various units’ ability to respond to a major accident and their aptitude to work together to handle assorted challenges that may arise during a crisis response. “The main objective was to make this exercise as realistic as possible,” said Capt. Jesse K laetsch, lead inspector for this exercise. “We have some ‘ body parts’ scattered around the scene just to give the crash team a glimpse as to what they’d see if they were on a real crash site. We wanted to take this step-by-step to show participants how this kind of mishap would go, so everyone involved would have a good idea of what the real-world See EXERCISE, Page 3
Firefighters with the 886th Civil Engineer Squadron transport a “victim” during a major accident response exercise Oct. 27 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. The exercise tested various units’ ability to respond to a major accident and their aptitude to work together to handle assorted challenges that may arise during a crisis response.
18th MP Soldier makes ‘X Factor’finals by Staff Sgt. Tramel Garrett 18th MP Public Affairs, 21st TSC
Spc. Willy Hubbard, a wheeledvehicle mechanic for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade, sings on stage during an “X Factor” Germany taping. Hubbard is a top 12 finalist.
Due to Hurricane Sandy, APO customers across Europe may see a small delay (likely one to three days) in mail sent to or from the U.S.
Tip of the Week
Photo courtesy of Sebastian Schmidt, VOX
A 21st Theater Sustainment Command military police Soldier’s dream of becoming a recording artist is one step closer after makin the finals of the erman Factor” show, scheduled to air on the erman tele ision channel unday. Spc. Willy Hubbard, a wheeledvehicle mechanic for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 18th Military Police Brigade, will now rely on audience votes to determine
Halloween scares up fun in the KMC, Pages 24 and 25
Introducing the KMC’s newest residents, Page 21
his fate after enduring auditions, boot camp and the judge’s house. actor ermany is a tele i sion music talent show competition for aspiring singers drawn from public auditions. e alked onto the actor sta e ith butter ies in his stomach and wondered if he had the talent to become a star in the music industry. e as a . . oldier on a erman television show and everyone in the building was focused on him. “I was nervous, so I imagined See FINALIST, Page 13
As of Oct. 30