Kaiserslautern American - October 6, 2023

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NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23; force integration

Unbe-leaf-able: Four

autumn colors in Germany

Forests are an essential part of Germany. Naturally, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons around. Gold, orange and red leaves are yours to see all over the country. Get out there and immerse yourself in autumn’s grandeur!

, Page 28


Activate your free KA subscription Read the KA online at KaiserslauternAmerican.com NEWS
October 6, 2023 | Volume 47, Number 40 “Paw
is the featured movie of the
Morón Air Base hosts POW/MIA Ceremony, Page 2 Ramstein AB holds storytellers event, Page 6-7 KMC honors Gold Star Mothers, Families of fallen heroes, Page 10
435th AGOW gains insight from Operation Market Garden, Page 8
Patrol: The Mighty Movie”
week, Page
Photo by Smileus/Shutterstock.com
See TOXIC TRIP, Pages 16-17
at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 23. Approximately 500
places to
The head of delegations for 18 NATO allied and partnered countries represent their nations by carrying flags prior to NATO Exercise
Toxic Trip 23
players and
countries participated in this year’s exercise, the largest chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear exercise in NATO. Photo by Senior Airman Madelyn Keech

Morón Air Base hosts POW/MIA Ceremony

U.S. Air Force 496th Air Base Squadron paid special tribute to the Prisoners of War, those missing in action, those not yet accounted for, and their families with a 24-hour vigil followed by a morning’s breakfast ceremony, on Sep. 22, Morón AB, Spain. Over 50 personnel enjoyed Friday's morning ceremony and 78 participants from the U.S. Air Force and the Spanish Air Force walked a total of 1,328 laps for the 24-hour vigil, carrying the POW/MIA flag as a promise that all brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives for the country will never be forgotten.

Kaiserslautern American Page 2 October 6, 2023 The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This COM enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material. Deadlines: News, feature, school articles and photos: Noon Thursday for the following week’s edition Sports articles and photos: Noon Thursday for the following week’s edition • Free (space available) classifieds: Noon Tuesday for that same week’s KA AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send questions, comments to: ka@advantipro.de For editorial questions and article/photo submissions, please contact the Public Affairs Office Ramstein: 86aw.pa.commandinformation@us.af.mil To place classified ads, visit FindItGuide.com. For display ads, email Ads@KaiserslauternAmerican.com or call 0631-30 33 55 36. AdvantiPro GmbH General Manager, Editor, Quality Control: Jennifer Holdsworth Display ads, Classified ads: Christine Kemfort Sales Team: Armand Derderian, Karin Flick Layout: Manuel Flaetgen Ad Design: Manuel Flaetgen, Alexander Pütz, Marina Richter Website: Aaron T. Grogg Printer: Oggersheimer Druckzentrum MASTHEAD
Photos by 65th Air Base Group Public Affairs
Kaiserslautern American Page 3 October 6, 2023 • Tax free • Paid in Euros • In the KMC • Must be valid military ID card holder • Open to age 18+ Distributor needed!!! Publishing • Media • Advertising Agency We are searching for enthusiastic individuals who can distribute the Kaiserslautern American newspapers and The Find-it Guide books at specific loations throughout the KMC each week. Please send your resume to jobs@advantipro.de


The KMC Housing Community saves energy

Energy conservation and climate change has become a constant discussion over the past few years.

So, why should you be passionate about conserving energy in your home? Well, this boils down to two fundamental reasons: To save money and to reduce the amount of damage caused to the environment.

Whether you live on-base or in our local communities, here are some easy ways to save energy costs while living in your home…

KMC Housing “Energy Conservation Tips”

» Use sunlight whenever available, switch off lights when not required and adjust heating thermostat to lower temperature when you’re not home.

» Draw your curtains at dusk to retain heat in your home, and make sure the curtains, or any furniture, are not blocking your radiators.

» Dress for the weather. When you are at home, dress in warm clothing in the winter and cooler clothing in the summer to stay comfortable.

» Turn off the lights when they are not in use.

» Set your refrigerator temperature to the manufacturer’s recommendation to avoid excessive cooling and wasting energy.

» Turn water off when shaving, washing hands, brushing teeth.

» Unplug unused electronics

» Conserve energy by not leaving electrical items on standby… prevent further wastage by not keeping laptops and mobile phones charging unnecessarily.

» Take a 5-minute shower rather than a bath – showers use a lot less hot water.

» Defrost frozen food in the fridge overnight, as this will reduce the cooking time. Keep internal doors closed to reduce draughts.

» Dripping taps, if you live on-base, call the Housing Maintenance (Comm: 06371-463-9510) for a fix! If you are off-base, talk with your Landlord.

» Winter Tip for base Town House Families…when temperatures are below freezing; ensure the outside technical room is always closed. As a reminder, the maintenance responsibility for technical rooms belongs to the Housing Maintenance Contractor, Vectrus. For repairs, call Comm Phone: 06371-463-9510.

To help with all of your housing needs, visit the KMC Housing Office on Vogelweh, Building 1001, or call 0631-536-6672/DSN 489-6672 for assistance. You can also view our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/KMCHousingOffice/

Upcoming Office Closures: The KMC Housing Office and Furnishings Management Section will be closed on Oct. 9 for Columbus Day and Oct. 11 for Housing Time (Section Specific Training/Admin Time).

ATTN: Those packing up, leaving the KMC

Many members wait too long to begin the household goods moving process, thereby causing additional stress and delays. The 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Personal Property Office advises movers to call them at +49-631-536-7727 three weeks before moving to begin the booking process.

Official Photo Studio has moved

The 86th AW/PA Official Photo Studio has moved to our new permanent location. The new location is in the second-floor offices located in the back portion of the Hercules Theatre, Bldg 2101. To schedule an

appointment, go to https://ramsteinstudio. setmore.com. If you have any questions call DSN: 480-6407/9199.

Finance Walk-In Hours/ Base in-processing

Finance customer service walk-in hours will be from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Mon, Tue, Thu, and Fri in building 2108. The finance lobby will be used for base in-processing from 1-5 p.m. with Housing, Tricare and Finance. In-processing can be done with any or all of these three agencies during that time and an appointment can be booked through https://www.signupgenius. com/go/8050d45abac2fa7f49-finance

Retiree Activities Office

Attention all retirees, veterans, spouses and surviving spouses.

If you have not been receiving emails about veterans’ affairs, entitlements, pay and benefits that are sent out by the Retiree Affairs Office, it might be because of the email address you provided. Some email addresses may not work with the U.S. Air Force servers. If you would like to begin receiving RAO emails again, please email your updated contact information to our Gmail account at ramraoteam@gmail.com and official email at 86aw.rao@us.af.mil so that we can update our contact list. Thank you!

Your Retiree Affairs Office wants you!

It is our mission to serve our retiree community — but we rely on our volunteer staff to do so. Volunteering can mean as little as one day a week for a four-hour block. The RAO is open Mon 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tues/Wed/Thurs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and closed for lunch from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. We are located in Building


2118, Room 138 next to the VAT Office. Please visit our website here: https://www.ramstein. af.mil/Contact/Retiree-Activities-Program/ for factsheets and recent RAO Newsletters on navigating being a retiree in Germany. Routine questions can be sent via email, but we ask that you make an appointment for specific subjects such as pre-death planning/surviving spouse issues and or Retiring in Germany. For appointments either call during office hours at 06371-47-5486, and/or send us an email to: 86aw.rao@us.af.mil. Any problems making contact, please email your Acting Director, retired Chief Master Sgt. Jim Barrante at: jim. barrante@gmail.com.

RAO is in need of a new volunteer director

This position is open to retirees who are interested in a dynamic opportunity to serve our KMC retiree community. Contact the RAO at 86aw/rao@us.af.mil for more information.

Kaiserslautern American Page 4 October 6, 2023
Photo courtesy of the Housing Office Photo by Golubovy / Shutterstock.com Courtesy photo On Oct. 1, 1994, the last F-16 jets departed and C-130 Hercules arrived at Ramstein. The 86th Fighter Wing was redesignated to 86th Airlift Wing, marking the beginning of its current air mobility mission. Courtesy photo

Resolute Castle 23

Soldiers from 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, work together to remove the framework after pouring concrete at the Pre-Engineered Building construction site in during Resolute Castle 23, on Presidential Range, Poland, Sep. 21. Exercise Resolute Castle is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa-led, multinational, joint exercise which marries U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard, as well as allied and partner nation engineering unit training opportunities with the completion of real-world construction projects that enhance training capabilities in various areas of Europe’s eastern member-states.

Soldiers from 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, pour concrete at the Pre-Engineered Building construction site during Resolute Castle 23, at Presidential Range, Poland, Sep. 19. Resolute Castle 2023 increases partner capacity and strengthens capabilities across NATO’s eastern member states through real world engineerrelated training and the construction of enduring facilities.

Soldiers from 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, use a M1157 10-ton dump truck to lay down aggregate during the construction of roads on Presidential Range, Poland, as part of Resolute Castle 23, Sep. 19. Resolute Castle is designed to reinforce regional partnerships and promote interoperability with host nation forces by providing improvements to existing infrastructure.

Soldiers from 902 Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade tear down the framework after pouring concrete at the PreEngineered Building construction site in support of Operation Resolute Castle at Presidential Range, Poland, Sep. 21. Resolute Castle 23 is a multi-national exercise that increases partner capacity and strengthens capabilities across NATO through real world engineer related training which enhances NATO’s ability to project combat power throughout Europe.

Kaiserslautern American Page 5 October 6, 2023 AUTUMN IS PUMPKIN SEASON! www.hitscherhof.com GPS: Lat. 49.247 693, Long. 7.527 141 Hitscherhof 66506 Maßweiler between Rieschweiler and Thaleischweiler C Dayumbus Day CELEBRATE WITH US! • Enjoy our traditional Pumpkin soup, Pumpkin Bratwurst, Pumpkin Waffles... • Every Saturday and Sunday until the end of October (with binding registration only) a special 3-course menu • Cornfield maze, straw castle and bouncy castle for kids …and an endless selection of pumpkins and pumpkin specialties from our farm store • Special Event: Monday, Oct 9 Columbus Day (1-6 p.m.) 123 456 789 * 0# Farm Shop open: Mon closed, Tue-Fri 2-6 p.m. Sat & Sun 1-6 p.m. 0 63 36 - 83 99 89
Photos by Sgt. Andrew Jo

Ramstein AB holds storytellers event; honors Suicide Prevention Month

Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Louis Ludwig, 86th Airlift Wing command chief, gives remarks at the beginning of a storytellers event at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 27. Storytellers is a yearly event where speakers from around Ramstein AB come to share stories about the hardships they have endured and how they overcame them.

Mariah Chatham, storytellers event speaker and military spouse, shares her story during a storytellers event at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 27. Storytellers is a yearly event that gives people from around Ramstein AB a platform to share their stories of hardship. Chatham hopes that by telling others about the hardship she has faced, they will feel empowered to speak up about the problems they are going through.

Five speakers stand at the end of a storytellers event as the audience applauds them at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 27. This event allowed Airmen to share stories of the different hardships in their lives and what they did to overcome the challenges they faced. This event was made available to the Airmen of Ramstein AB in order to bring awareness to mental health and to encourage them to get the help they may need.

Kaiserslautern American Page 6 October 6, 2023
Photos by Airman 1st Class Regan Spinner 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs U.S.
Kaiserslautern American Page 7 October 6, 2023 Moorstraße 11 ■ 66909 Matzenbach : 06383 / 235 or 06383 / 99 91 67 German Schnitzel at its best! … and more! Open: Wed.-Sat. 6-10 pm, Sun 11 a.m. - 10 pm Flexible opening hours for groups from 15 people. Make your reservation for weekends. Christoffels Bauernstube Weekly changing lunch menu from Mon-Fri Reserve your table now! American, Mexican and Italian Cuisines Mainzer Str. 122 67657 Kaiserslautern Phone: 0631-37 31 70 60 Mobile: 0173- 3 49 79 35 Email: info@cheesensalsa.de Web: www.cheesensalsa.de Facebook: www.facebook.com/cheesensalsa Instagram: www.instagram.com/cheesensalsakl Hours: Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-2 p.m. & 5-9:30 p.m., Sat & Sun noon-9 p.m. Ask for our PARTY ROOM! Visit www.burgschaenke-kl.de Authentic German dishes and pick up every day! See our menu on our website or Facebook Schlossstr. 1 • Kaiserslautern-Hohenecken Call 0631-351 530 to make your reservation Open every day from 12 p.m.-9 p.m.  Credit cards  Free parking  Close to Vogelweh Celebrate your farewell, anniversary or party with us! Contact us today for more information.
U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Louis Ludwig, 86th Airlift Wing command chief, left, gives remarks at the beginning of a storytellers event at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 27. Storytellers is a yearly event where speakers from around Ramstein AB come to share stories about the hardships they have endured and how they overcame them. U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Darnell Holyfield, 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron first sergeant, right, shares his story during a storytellers event at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 27. Holyfield shared the story of his career and how the different hardships he faced made him stronger. U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Matthew Thomas, 86th Security Forces Squadron logistics and readiness superintendent, listens as five speakers share their stories during a storytellers event at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 27.

Senior leaders from the 435th Air Ground Operations Wing participated in a battle staff ride to the Netherlands, Sep. 25-27.

Doctor Jeffrey McGovern, former 435 AGOW historian, led the

435th Air Ground Operations Wing gains insight from Operation Market Garden

instruction and the staff ride across the region. Participants were educated on the sites they visited and the history of Operation Market Garden.

The staff ride started with a Combat Leader Workshop where the group reviewed the commander’s intent, were provided a strategic overview, operational background

and discussed the 435 AGOW supports the “setting the theater” initiative.

“While the modern 435th no longer flies troop transports, there are several lessons to be learned from Market Garden to improve operating on the forward edge of the battlespace, air-ground cooperation, command and control,

logistics and communications,” said Col. Bartlett, 435 AGOW commander. He added that, “as the largest airborne operation of the war up to that point, Operation Market Garden offers a learning opportunity for commanders and senior leaders on adaptability and effective command and control.”

435 AGOW senior leaders

held discussions on how the lessons learned in Operation Market Garden impacted future operations, the use of close air support, communications from tactical to operational levels, the role of intelligence in planning and execution, weather forecasting aspects, the impact of weather, logistical hurdles encountered from initial planning through the operation’s climax, command and control of forces from tactical to operational levels and the history of the 435th Troop Carrier Group.

“As we explored the sites of Operation Market Garden and discussed its lessons, we gained valuable insights into the importance of information superiority and effective command and control capabilities in our modern operations,” Bartlett said.

The staff traveled to various sites of Operation Market Garden, such as drop zones and bridges, to learn more about their wing’s historical roots and to honor the Airmen of the 435th who gave their lives during the operation.

Kaiserslautern American Page 8 October 6, 2023 MON-FRI 11:00-14:00 & 16:30-22:00 SAT 12:00-22:00 HOLIDAYS 16:00-21:30 SUNDAYS CLOSED 06371-979465 LANDSTUHLER STR. 43, RAMSTEIN-MIESENBACH
435th Air Ground Operations Wing leaders pose for a group photo at a stop on their battle staff ride on Sep. 25. The staff traveled to various sites of Operation Market Garden, such as drop zones and bridges, to learn more about their wing's historical roots and to honor the Airmen of the 435th who gave their lives during the operation. Courtesy photos 435th Air Ground Operations Wing leaders learn about history during their battle staff ride on Sep. 26. 435th Air Ground Operations Wing leaders honor those who gave their lives during Operation Garden Market on Sep. 26.
Kaiserslautern American Page 9 October 6, 2023 Mon-Sun 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. Wednesday closed Landstuhler Strasse 26a 66877 Ramstein Phone 06371 - 91 88 799 Facebook.com/Ishansgourmet Buy 10 & get 20 Wings SPICY CHICKEN WINGSDelicious We accept most major credit/debit cards: VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, etc. American Style Hot WingsEverythingFresh Every Tuesday Kisling Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Graduation U.S. Air Force Airmen and an Army Soldier from Class 23-6’s “Reaper Flight” pose for a photo with Chief Master Sgt. Tyhae Willocks, commandant of the Kisling Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, during their class graduation ceremony at the Armstrong Club, Vogelweh Military Complex, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 20. Photos by Spc. Samuel Signor U.S. Air Force Airmen and an Army Soldier from Class 23-6’s “Hercules Flight” pose for a photo with Chief Master Sgt. Tyhae Willocks, commandant of the Kisling Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, during their class graduation ceremony at the Armstrong Club, Vogelweh Military Complex, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 20. U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Joshua Nichols, petroleum supply specialist (92F), assigned to the 493rd
Petroleum Support Company, 16th Sustainment Brigade, left, poses for a photo with Staff Sgt. Jose Rodriguez, petroleum supply specialist (92F), assigned to the 493rd Petroleum Support Company, 16th Sustainment Brigade, right, after the Kisling Non-Commissioned Officer Academy class 23-6 graduation ceremony at the Armstrong Club, Vogelweh Military Complex, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 20. (Left) U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Stephanie Cates, command chief of the 3rd Air Force, speaks to class 23-6 as they graduate from the Kisling NonCommissioned Officer Academy during a ceremony at the Armstrong Club, Vogelweh Military Complex, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 20. (Right) U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Tyhae Willocks, commandant of the Kisling NonCommissioned Officer Academy, speaks to class 23-6 as they graduate from the Kisling NCOA during a ceremony at the Armstrong Club, Vogelweh Military Complex, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 20.

Kaiserslautern Military Community honors Gold Star Mothers, Families of fallen heroes

The U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz paid tribute to fallen service members honoring Gold Star Mothers and Families within the community with a recognition ceremony held at Armstrong’s Club, Sep. 25.

Gold Star Mothers’ Day was first observed on the last Sunday of September in 1936. Because the loss of a loved one can affect the entire family, the U.S. Army recognizes this day as Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day. This

year, it was observed Sept. 24.

“As we gather today, we recognize that every Gold Star Mother and Family have in one way sacrificed for our beloved nation,” said Brig. Gen. Karen MondayGresham, commanding general, 7th Mission Support Command and deputy commanding general for the 21st Theater Sustainment Command. “We want you to know that your sacrifices will never be forgotten.”

Gold Star Family members are recognized for the loss of a father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, or another loved one – fallen heroes who made the ultimate

sacrifice in the name of freedom. Gold Star Spouses are recognized each year on April 5.

“Today we recognize Gold Star Mothers and Families for their strength and courage to carry forward,” said Col. Reid Furman, U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz commander.

Furman said that Gold Star Families shared a sacred bond — one that they did not ask to share, because their lives forever changed.

“We are in debt to you because you carry the legacy of your service member’s ultimate sacrifice,” he said. “Today, we honor you, and

the memory of your loved ones.”

The term “Gold Star” was coined during World War I, when Americans started displaying flags with a blue star for each family member serving in the military in homes, schools, churches, and local businesses. As service members passed away, their families would honor them by stitching a gold star over the blue one.

In 1947, Congress approved the distribution of the official Gold Star Lapel Button for family members of military personnel who died in combat operations. Twenty-six years later, in 1973, the Lapel Button for Next of Kin

of Deceased Personnel was introduced to represent armed services members who lost their lives while serving on active duty in non-combat operations or while assigned in an Army Reserve or Army National Guard unit in a drill status.

“Gold Stars do not live on a jacket or a blouse that is taken off at the end of the day,” Furman said. “Gold Stars live in our hearts, with memory of those lost. The Gold Star pin is a symbol meant to recognize your family members, your loved ones who gave their lives in service to our nation.”

“To those of you here today who have lost a loved one — my heart goes out to you,” added Furman.

The USAG Rheinland-Pfalz is dedicated to offering ongoing support to Gold Star mothers and family members of fallen service members. Programs such as the Survivor Outreach Services ensure that surviving family members can get the help they need to connect with the proper resources, assistance, and other people who share their journey.

Kaiserslautern American Page 10 October 6, 2023 Real, authentic, original, delicious Thai Food. All day operating, 11am to 10pm, also for take out Please check our menu: “alom-dee.com” 66849 Landstuhl, Bruchwiesenstr. 10. Phone: 06371-6 11 15 62
Story and photos by Linda Lambiotte U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Monica Alent sings “The Star-Spangled Banner” national anthem in honor of the Gold Star Mothers and Families’ Day recognition ceremony held at Armstrong’s Club in Kaiserslautern, Sep. 25. Col. Reid Furman, U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz commander, provided remarks during a recognition ceremony held for Gold Star Mothers and Families Day at Armstrong’s Club, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 25. “Gold Star Families shared a sacred bond — one that they did not ask to share,” said Furman. (Left) Brig. Gen. Karen Monday-Gresham, commanding general, 7th Mission Support Command, and deputy commanding general for the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, provided remarks during a recognition ceremony held for Gold Star Mothers and Families Day at Armstrong’s Club, Kaiserslautern, Sep. 25. “As we gather today, we recognize that every Gold Star Mother and Family have in one way sacrificed for our beloved Nation,” she said. “We want you to know that your sacrifices will never be forgotten.”

For the first time ever, members of the 728th Air Mobility Squadron were able to accomplish the Maintenance Supervision and Production Course in-house, saving over $220,000 in transportation costs. Twenty-one new production supervisors from the 728th AMS, a tenant unit at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, were also joined by students from their host installation partners, the 39th Maintenance Squadron, Aug. 16-21.

When Master Sgt. Roscoe Tamondong, 728th AMS lead production superintendent, first arrived at the unit, he noticed that they had been making do without certified MSPC supervisors.

“Expediters, section chiefs, NCOICs… all maintenance leaders are encouraged to attend,” said Tamondong. “The return on investment is profound as this formal education prepares them for their entire maintenance centric career.”

The MSPC is traditionally offered at the U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Operations School in New Jersey and each iteration only has a limited number of seats allocated per unit, making it both costly and difficult to send rising supervisors. To mitigate this, Tamondong decided to reach out to the schoolhouse and ask about the possibility of a mobile course.

“There was hesitation at first [to see] if we could supply the student count, and if the facilities were adequate, but we effectively answered the tasker. Upon execution, we have been able to prove that the first ever remote mobile course here at Incirlik is the ‘maneuver’”.

The MSPC is mandatory within one year of assuming “Pro Super” responsibilities. As the name suggests, the course focuses on two major areas: production and supervision. The production section consists of curriculum

on aircraft maintenance, documentation, estimated times of completion, inspections, parking plans, and statuses. The supervision section centers on training management, personnel management, and expeditionary planning.

Tech. Sgt. Bradley Vaillancourt, 728th AMS C-5 Galaxy aircraft NCO-incharge and course graduate, explained the value of the curriculum.

“It provides newly appointed maintenance leaders the fundamental knowledge of how to manage the flightline technicians when performing aircraft maintenance, managing supply logistics, updating aircraft status, and aircraft impoundment procedures.”

The seven-day course was led by instructors from the 423rd Training Squadron, who broke up the training into periods of in-classroom instruction, a teleconference with Headquarters Air Mobility Command A4 Staff, a simulated capstone and end of course test.

For the capstone, course instructors used an Aircraft Maintenance Production Simulator to create a digital flight line with multiple C-17 Globemaster III aircraft and KC-135 Stratotankers that had to meet proper maintenance and manpower require-

ments in austere conditions before being released for flight operations in the face of an incoming hurricane. This complex scenario gave participants a realistic understanding of what aircraft production management and expeditionary planning would look like in a contingency as they transition from technicians to supervisors.

“The scenario the MSPC instructors presented us was an interactive flightline that ran us through scenarios that could potentially delay aircraft departure, such as red-balls or inflight emergencies, said Vaillancourt. “It was on the production teams to try and utilize resources available to us and make effective decisions in order to minimize the delay and ensure aircraft departure.”

In addition to gaining experience in navigating complicated problem sets and getting real-time feedback from experienced production supervisors, each course graduate also earned two Community College of the Air Force credits.

“With this training, we have keyed an operational and strategic viewpoint for all the graduates — be relevant, ready and responsive,” said Tamondong. “As enroute, aircraft maintenance is our bread and butter, and this training ensures our mainte-

nance operations are effectively managed to be able to quick-turn aircraft through surge operations.”

Twenty-eight non-commissioned officers graduated the course without having to leave base and are now fully certified to perform production supervisor duties in their units. In total, over $220,000 were saved in travel costs and the precedent was set to continue offering the course in-house. Tamondong credited his unit’s forward-thinking mindset for the success.

“At the 7-2-8, our vision statement is ‘Be Agile, Mobile and Skilled… to

Win the Next Fight’ and I believe it was through our mission and vision statement we were able to execute such a world-class training opportunity.”

The 728th AMS is a geographically separated unit assigned to the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing, located on Ramstein Air Base, which provides joint force, interagency, and international partners global access through enroute aircraft maintenance, aerial port operations, aeromedical evacuation, command and control, and aircrew support functions in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Kaiserslautern American Page 11 October 6, 2023 (15km range) Delivery & take away Spesbacher Str. 1b 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Phone: 06371 59 99 08 2 Open: Mon-Sat: 5 – 10 p.m. Sun: 3 – 9 p.m. reServe now! Mon-Fri 11:30 - 15:00, 17:30 - 23:00 Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 11:30 - 23:00 Extensive menu including large buffet choices LUNCH BUFFET noon to 14:30 MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET 17:30 to 22:00 HAPPY HOUR SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS 14:30 to 16:30 p.m. Mainzer Staße 105 67657 Kaiserslautern Tel. 0631/3615188 GOURMET WORLD Restaurant WWW.GOURMETWORLD-KAISERSLAUTERN.DE
production supervisor course at Incirlik
728th AMS helms first ever
Airmen from the 728th Air Mobility Squadron and 39th Maintenance Squadron pose for a group photo during the Maintenance Supervision and Production course, which taught proper aircraft maintenance management, planning maintenance supply support, scheduling personnel, and managing expeditionary movements in real-world scenarios using virtual simulations at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, Aug. 22. Photos by Airman 1st Class Renan Arredondo Airmen from the 728th Air Mobility Squadron and 39th Maintenance Squadron work jointly in executing aircraft maintenance management, planning maintenance supply support, scheduling personnel, and managing expeditionary movements in real-world scenarios during a simulated exercise at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, Aug. 22. The Maintenance Supervision and Production course used an Aircraft Maintenance Production Simulator to recreate austere conditions during flightline maintenance operations. U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jeffrey Arndt, 728th Air Mobility Squadron crash, damaged, disabled aircraft recovery section chief, ensures aircraft service records and exercise objectives are met at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, Aug. 22.

Ramstein hosts healthcare symposium to inform beneficiaries

The Ramstein Chapel is accepting bids for a Protestant Children’s Ministry Director from 2 October to 13 October 2023. The contractor shall provide all personnel, labor, materials, and transportation to provide non-personal service in support of the Ramstein Protestant Children’s Ministry Program as located in the KMC. The contractor will be responsible for leading discipleship training and administrative functions as related to the Statement of Work (SOW). Preferable possess a minimum of 2 years of leadership experience, management and/or Protestant religious education experience in a military chapel setting. In addition, the contractor should be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English and possess all required computer and Microsoft Office proficiencies in order to perform all responsibilities within the statement of work. Bidder is subject to criminal history background checks and must complete a Child Care National Agency Check and Inquiries and Installation Records Check. The Request for Proposal and bid package can be picked up from the North Chapel on weekdays between 0730 and 1630. Packages must be returned no later than 1200 on Friday, 13 October 2023. Interviews will take place between 1000 and 1400 on Monday, 16 October 2023, at the North Chapel. The contract will be awarded based on best value to the Government. For more information please contact the Contracting Officer at 4805753 or 06371-47-5753.

up of physical therapy, gynecology and dermatology appointments.

Kaiserslautern American Page 12 October 6, 2023
U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Zach Finney, 86th Medical Group Pharmacy Flight commander, speaks about the standard of care for prescription medicine during a healthcare symposium at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 28. The symposium was designed to provide beneficiaries with information about off-base medical care, including prescription medication. Prescriptions and referrals for off-base specialty care must come from an approved Military Treatment Facility. Photos by Airman Trevor Calvert Sarah Jaeger, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center host nation liaison, answers a question during a healthcare symposium at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 28. As the host nation advisor, Jaeger provides support to U.S. patients being treated in German hospitals and assists with transfers between host nation and U.S. facilities. A healthcare symposium audience member takes part in a survey at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 28. The symposium was designed to provide beneficiaries with information about off-base medical care, including outpatient referrals. There are 650 outpatient referrals to off-base facilities monthly, which are mostly made Angela Karnes-Padron, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center organizational psychologist, talks about the Near Patient Program during a healthcare symposium at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 28. The NPP was launched in 2021 and is available for beneficiaries enrolled in TRICARE Prime Overseas and TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas seeking care from civilian health care providers. The NPP helps these beneficiaries by answering medical questions, breaking down local medical practices, and helping bridge cultural gaps and nuances. (Left) A pamphlet sits on a table during a healthcare symposium at Ramstein Air Base, Sep. 28. More than 80 people attended the healthcare symposium to learn about topics such as the differences between on and off-base healthcare and the services one can expect off-base.

Driving in Germany

Welcome back to our series about driving in Germany. This week we’ll focus on safely driving during fall.

Country roads, take me home…

Germany has wonderful landscapes and picturesque roads that lead to the small villages and towns. We all want to arrive safely at home. But, the days are getting shorter, leaves are turning red and yellow, rain and fog is on its way.

Rain, fallen leaves and fog may lead to slippery road conditions and pedestrians or bikers can easily be overlooked.

To avoid tragic accidents, we have put together a few tips to make driving safer:

1. Have an overview – make sure your headlights and windows are clear at all times.

2. Drive carefully and slowly depending on the situation.

3. Winter tires are also useful in autumn, get a head start and mount them early.

4. Be aware of wild animals crossing. Typically, deer, fox and wild boar tend to cross roads in early evening around sunset or during early morning fog, especially in woody areas.

5. If it is stormy, avoid parking under trees, as falling branches may damage your car.

6. Last but not least, as a pedestrian or biker, wear colorful clothes with reflectors to ensure that you are seen by drivers.

Next week, we’ll discuss what to consider on Germany’s roads when encountering an intersection and the German “right before left” rule.




86 AW/HC, Unit 3210, APO AE 09094-3210

North Chapel (Bldg 1201)

(DSN) 480-6148, (Civ) 06371-47-6148

South Chapel (Bldg 2403)

(DSN) 480-5753, (Civ) 06371-47-5753

Vogelweh Chapel (Bldg 2063)

Please call Ramstein North Chapel

Kapaun Chapel/Annex (Bldg 2781/2782)

Please call Ramstein North Chapel

For more information about our services, please visit us on Facebook: Facebook.com/ RamsteinChapelOfficial

Or at the Ramstein Air Base website: https://www.ramstein.af.mil/About/Fact-Sheets/ Display/Article/2597677/kmc-chapels/ Buddhist (SGI)

Virtual Meetings, for more information thevoice@gmail.com


Divine Liturgy: Kapaun Chapel, 08:45 a.m., Sun

Children’s Church School: Kapaun Annex, 10:45 a.m., Sun

Adult Scripture Study: Kapaun Annex, 10.45 a.m., Sun

Great Vespers: Kapaun Chapel, 5 p.m., 4th Sat

Confessions: Available afterwards



Service: Kapaun Annex, 7 p.m., Sat Unitarian Universalist Facebook.com/ KaiserslauternUnitarianUniversalistFellowship

Service: Kapaun Chapel, 1:30 p.m., 2nd & 4th Sun

Catholic Holy Family Catholic Community Facebook.com/RamsteinCatholicCommunity

Daily Mass: North Chapel, 11:30 a.m., Tue-Fri

Confessions: North Chapel, by appointment only

Sunday Masses: North Chapel, 9 a.m. & 1 p.m., Sun

Knights of Columbus (K of C)

Meeting: North Chapel, 6 p.m., 2nd Tue

Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC)

(except July & Aug)

Bible Study: North Chapel, 9 a.m., Tue

Catholic Religious Education (RE)

(except June, July & Aug)


Ramstein Intermediate School: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun

Confirmation Class North Chapel: 6-7:30 p.m., Wed

Life Teen: North Chapel, 6:15 p.m., Sun

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

(except July & Aug)

Meeting: South Chapel, 6 p.m., Thu

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Early Morning Seminary/Scripture Study for High School aged students

Ramstein School: North Chapel, 6:30 a.m., Mon-Wed, Fri

Vogelweh School: Vogelweh Chapel, 6:30 a.m., Mon-Wed, Fri


Service: Kapaun Chapel, 10:45 a.m., Sun


Jumu’ah Khutbah: South Chapel, 1 p.m., Fri

Potluck: South Chapel, 7 p.m., 1st & 3rd, Fri



Shabbat: South Chapel, 6 p.m., Fri

Sabbath Kiddush & Lunch: 1 p.m.; RSVP and request location by COB Wed*

Saturday Torah Study: 7 p.m.

— request location & Zoom link

Sunday Hebrew School & B’nei Mitzvah Study

— request location and Zoom link


Service: South Chapel, 10 a.m., Sat


Contemporary North Chapel, 11 a.m., Sun


(Deaf & Hard of Hearing Ministry ASL interpreter available)

Children’s Church: North Chapel Annex, Ages 5 and up

(Children are dismissed during service to attend)

Gospel: Vogelweh Chapel, 11 a.m., Sun Facebook.com/VogelwehGospelService/

Children’s Church registration begins at 10:45 a.m.

Children’s Church: Vogelweh Chapel, Pre-K to 12th, Sun

Traditional: South Chapel, 9:30 a.m., Sun Facebook.com/ramsteinprotestanttraditionalservice

Seventh-day Adventist

Worship service: North Chapel, 11 a.m., Sat

Bible Study: North Chapel, 10 a.m., Sat


Bible Study: South Chapel, 11:45 a.m., Wed


Bible Study: Vogelweh Chapel, 6 p.m., Mon

Bible Study: South Chapel, 9 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 6 p.m.,


Bible Study: Vogelweh Chapel, 9:30 a.m., Thu

Protestant Youth of the Chapel (Middle & High School)

Grds 6-8: North Chapel, 3:30-5 p.m., Tue

Grds 9-12: North Chapel, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Tue

Grds 6-12: Vogelweh Chapel, TBA

Officer Christian Fellowship

North Chapel Conference room, 6:45-8:45 p.m., Thu Awana (Sep-May)

North Chapel, 2-3:30 p.m., Sun



Daenner Chapel (Bldg 3150)

(DSN) 541-2105, (Civ) 0611-143-541-2105

Rock Chapel (Bldg 8308)

Rheinland Chapel (Bldg 8249)

(DSN) 531-3170, (Civ) 0611-143-531-3170

Pulaski Chapel (Bldg 2869)

LRMC/Hilltop Chapel (Bldg 3773) (DSN) 590-5713, (Civ) 06371-9464-5713

Catholic Services

Kaiserslautern Military Community

Daenner Chapel 11:30 a.m., Sun

LRMC Chapel 12 p.m., Tue, Wed, Fri

Confessions: On request

Facebook: The Landstuhl and Daenner Catholic Community Baumholder

Rheinland Chapel 9 a.m., Sun

Rheinland Chapel 12 p.m., Tue-Thu

Confession: On request

Facebook: The Rheinland Chapel Baumholder St. Michael’s Catholic Parish Protestant Services

Kaiserslautern Military Community Chapel Next, Daenner Chapel 9:30 a.m., Sun

Facebook: Chapel Next at Daenner Kaserne

Traditional Protestant Service, LRMC Chapel 10:30 a.m., Sun Baumholder

Contemporary Service, Rock Chapel 10 a.m., Sun

Facebook: Baumholder Rock Chapel

Protestant Women of the Chapel

Kaiserslautern PWOC, Pulaski Chapel 10 a.m., Wed pwocatkaiserslautern@gmail.com

Facebook: PWOC at Kaiserslautern

Baumholder PWOC, Rock Chapel 9:30-11 a.m., Tue & 6:30-8 p.m., Wed pwoc.baumholder.ontherock@gmail.com

Facebook: PWOC Baumholder

Islamic Services

Daenner Chapel 1:15 p.m., Fri

LRMC Chapel 1:15 p.m., Fri Rock Chapel 12 p.m., Fri

Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 10:30 a.m., Sun., Im Gewerbegebiet 8, Baumholder

Call 0176-18300869 for more information.

Club Beyond

Weekly Clubs and Bible Studies for Middle School and High School students.

KMC: kaiserslautern@clubbeyond.org

Baumholder: baumholder@clubbeyond.org

Ramstein: ramstein@clubbeyond.org

Facebook: Club Beyond at KTown Club Beyond at Baumholder Club Beyond at Ramstein

Kaiserslautern American Page 13 October 6, 2023
Graphics by Twins Design Studio, Dmitriy NDM/Shutterstock.com Photo by Inc/Shutterstock.com
Graphic by 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Real life falls not a laughing matter; protect your body, ego

TV and cartoons typically portray slips or falls as comical accidents. But falls are no laughing matter. Falls often cause injuries that require emergency room visits. ER visits can be for lacerations requiring stitches, concussions or head injury, sprained ankles, wrists or hands, or broken bones.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports older adults are at highest risk of severe injury from falls, “slips, trips, and falls,” more simply referred to as “falls,” have also repeatedly been one of the most commonly reported reasons for injuries in the activeduty military population.

“Our most recent annual analysis of active-duty soldiers’ medical records — which was 2021 data — again found that falls were one of the most frequently reported reasons for Army injuries,” says Dr. Anna Renner, a safety engineer who works for the Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen Injury Prevention Branch.

Especially in older adults, the CDC notes that one out of five falls causes a serious injury such as a broken hip bone or a head injury. These injuries can lead to permanent disability or other serious even fatal health conditions among seniors.

Fall-related injuries experienced by military personnel tend to be less severe, but past studies have indicated as much as onequarter of Army injury hospitalizations were due to falls. Fall-related injuries have been a leading cause of Army medical evacuations from deployment settings. And all military services routinely report ER visits associated with falls even during off-duty activities.

“The 2021 data shows that about 11 percent of the hospitalized injuries were reported to be the result of falls,” says Renner. “Over twice as many fall injuries were treated as outpatient injuries.”

What is unique about military fallrelated injuries?

Military data has found fallrelated injuries are more common

among younger less experienced personnel. A 2022 Army study found that younger Soldiers who were less physically fit were at greatest risk of fall-related injuries.

Reported military fall-related injuries primarily include head injuries and lacerations and sprains, strains, and fractures to ankle, foot, hand and wrist.

Military fall-related injuries can occur during numerous activities some which may be linked to a Service’s specific mission. A 2011 Army study found activities most commonly associated with Soldiers’ falls included parachuting, an Army specific activity, as well as sports and walking on icy surfaces. The Army data found basketball to be a leading sport associated with fall-related injuries followed by snowboarding and football.

That same Army data also found that non-moving Humvees and mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles were fall hazards. Data suggested that Soldiers were falling and getting injured while climbing in or out of these taller vehicles. The reported incidents showed that these vehicle-related fall injuries occurred more when Soldiers were also trying to carry something, suggesting that they were not maintaining a three-point contact (two feet and a hand, or two hands and a foot) with the vehicle while climbing.

Safety messaging from the Air Force also indicates that the 3-point contact rule is critical to preventing fall-related injuries when climbing equipment or vehicles.

And all military Services note

that fall-related injuries also occur during off-duty activities. Examples include tripping over a dog on the stairs, falling off a stool to reach a cabinet, losing balance and falling down the stairs while carrying a heavy item, slipping on a wet spill on the floor, and tripping over a box on the floor.

It may be hard not to chuckle when reading about fall-related accidents or watching a person fall. But that person might have more than a bruised ego. While less than 1 percent of active-duty military fall-related injuries are fatal or permanently disabling, the majority of these injuries still result in some temporary disability and lost duty time, sometimes for many days or even months.

How can fall-related injuries be prevented?

Fall-related injuries can be mitigated by maintaining awareness of hazards and activities that pose the greatest risks.

Wear protective equipment during sports and recreational activities

• Use of ankle braces when participating in basketball is proven to reduce fall-related ankle injuries. This is especially true for players with a history of ankle sprains. Ankle braces can also help prevent injuries when parachuting.

• Wearing helmets during football, skiing and snowboarding can reduce risk of traumatic brain injuries.

Know your vehicle

• Especially when working with large vehicles that involve climbing, always use the ‘3-point contact rule’ with the vehicle.

• Hold onto the frame of vehicle when entering/exiting, rather than moving parts like the door.

Do strength and balance exercises

out of walkways, such as cords and throw rugs.

• Make sure your home has lots of light by adding more or brighter light bulbs.

• Put railings on both sides of stairs. Consider adding grab bars inside and outside your tub or shower.

And if you do fall — get checked out medically, especially if you hit your head. Injuries may become worse if not treated early.

Additional resources available to military service members and leaders:

• Army Safety

- Program materials for fall prevention

- Army Leaders Guide to Fall Protection (2021)

• Air Force Safety Center

• Navy Safety Reports – examples of off-duty fall related incidents

- Falls from height

- Stairs and pets


careful in snow and ice conditions

• Slipping on ice or snow is a leading hazard among both civilians and military personnel.

• Keep your steps and walkways free of ice by using rock salt or another chemical de-icing compound. Sand may also be used on walkways to reduce the risk of slipping.

• Report slippery areas and black ice and improve local alerts and signage indicating hazard prone areas.

• Do exercises that make your legs stronger and improve your balance. Tai Chi is a good example of this kind of exercise.

Have your eyes checked

• Have your eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year and be sure to renew your eyeglasses prescription if needed.

• If you have bifocal or progressive lenses, consider a distanceonly prescription for outdoor activities such as walking.

Make your home safer

• Move things you could trip over

- Stair-related mishaps

The Defense Health Agency supports our Nation by improving health and building readiness — making extraordinary experiences ordinary and exceptional outcomes routine.

NOTE: The mention of any nonfederal entity and/or its products is for informational purposes only, and not to be construed or interpreted, in any manner, as federal endorsement of that non-federal entity or its products.

Kaiserslautern American Page 14 October 6, 2023

Hailing from Selma, Texas, Donald serves as USAG Rheinland-Pfalz’s Strategic Planning Specialist for S-5 Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office.

Donald’s primary duties include serving as the principal strategic planning officer to plan, develop and monitor implementation of plans, policies, procedures and guidance for the garrison to assist with organizational improvements. He provides means of measuring process improvements and achieve measurable improvements in organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Donald also directs and manages top level, high visibility, efforts involving strategic business planning, continuous improvement issues, and multi-program integration.

Donald has been working for USAG Rheinland-Pfalz for 2 years and has had 17 years of civil service. He has also served 21 years in the U.S. Army as a Cavalry Scout (19D4H).

“I love brainstorming and leading working groups to solve complex problems for the future. I enjoy planning, developing, and monitoring the implementation of garrison plans, policies, procedures and guidance to assist organizational success that supports the commander’s mission and vision. I welcome the challenge in finding alternative methods to assist the Garrison’s management team.”

Kaiserslautern American Page 15 October 6, 2023
Story and photo by Mary Del Rosario U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz highlights Donald Abrams for Service Culture Spotlight!

TOXIC TRIP from Page 1

Members of NATO allied and partnered nations gather for a demonstration of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear procedures during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24. The annual exercise increases interoperability while continuing to strengthen the relationships between NATO allies and partners.

Kaiserslautern American Page 16 October 6, 2023
Photos by Senior Airman Madelyn Keech 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Jojo Pizzuto, 86th Civil Engineer Group emergency management journeyman, delivers a pre-brief prior to demonstrating chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear tactics and techniques for members of NATO allied and partnered nations during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24. U.S. Air Force aircrew flight equipment managers with the 86th Operations Support Squadron, 52nd OSS, 31st OSS and 100th OSS, participate in a force integration demonstration for NATO allied and partnered nations during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24. AFE managers participated by simulating decontamination of aircrews from the U.S. Air Force, and NATO allies and partners. U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Thornton Willis, 86th Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment manager, assists other AFE managers in donning their chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear equipment during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24. U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Steven Westermeyer, 31st Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment manager, reviews instructions for decontaminating aircrew members during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 23.

Members of NATO allied and partnered nations attend a demonstration on decontamination methods and procedures performed by Swedish air force personnel during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 23.

Civil Engineer Group emergency management training and logistics journeyman, ensures an MX908, a piece of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear equipment that detects various chemical agents, is functional prior to a demonstration during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24. The annual exercise increases interoperability while continuing to strengthen the relationships between NATO allies and partners.

Members of NATO allied and partnered nations attend a Royal Air Force-led demonstration on decontaminating aircrew members during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24.

U.S. Air Force aircrew flight equipment managers, with the 86th Operations Support Squadron, 52nd OSS, 31st OSS and 100th OSS, practice decontaminating aircrew assigned to different NATO allied and partnered nations during NATO Exercise Toxic Trip 23 at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24. Toxic Trip is the largest NATO chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear exercise, with 18 countries and approximately 500 players participating this year.

Kaiserslautern American Page 17 October 6, 2023
U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Kendrick De Villena, 52nd U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Jojo Pizzuto, 86th Civil Engineer Group emergency management journeyman, demonstrates a cordon, a formation that can be used during possible chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attacks, for members of NATO allied and partnered countries at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, Sep. 24.




If you are interested in getting to know the local area during your stay in Germany, take part in an English guided tour in the City of Kaiserslautern! The tourist information offers guided English tours of the ruins of Casimir Castle, the Count Palatinate Hall and the 70-meter long underground tunnels. Further tours will take place once a month until Nov. The meeting place is the Tourist Information next to the Fruchthalle and the tour takes about 1.5 hours. Registration is required at touristinformation@kaiserslautern.de or Tel. 0631 365 2316.



Enjoy a wide selection of regional products made of chestnuts! There will be sweet variations such as jelly, liqueur or hearty dishes such as soup, tarte flambee, bread, dumplings and even chestnut beer. In addition, the market offers dished made of game, new wine, steam dumplings, crepes, fruits and vergetable, French cheese and sheep cheese. On Saturday the Chestnut Princess will be crowned and live musical entertainment on both days. Don’t miss out on the fun below Castle Trifels where King Richard the Lionhearted was held captive. www.trifelsland.de



The two-day market is one of the largest flea markets in the region. Come out and find some unique pieces while enjoying one of Germany’s largest reservoirs. For details visit: www.bostalsee.de/aktuelles



Make sure to visit Germany’s second largest wine fest in Neustadt. The fest offers excellent wines, local specialties, rides, vendors and crowning of the German wine queen on Oct 6. The highlight of the event will take place on Sun, Oct 8 with a colorful parade. Visitors are encouraged to use trains from Kaiserslautern while enjoying a relaxing ride through the beautiful autumn colored valley. For details, see https://www.neustadt.eu/WeinTourismus/Deutsches-Weinlesefest



Enjoy Germany’s second largest beer fest with exciting rides, giant beer tents, vendors, food and drink. The fest is somewhat smaller than Oktoberfest in Munich and more relaxed. Trains will be available from Kaiserslautern and transfer to the fairgrounds in Cannstadt. For details see: https://www.cannstatter-volksfest.de



Federweiβer is newly pressed wine and has a milky, white color which gives it its name. Enjoy the largest Federweiβer festival in the region, with wine tasting, regional dishes, rides, vendors and live music to round off the event.



Don’t miss your last chance this year to experience mobile time travel, the first of its kind in Germany. Climb aboard the rustic horse-drawn covered wagon and experience a unique ride through Otterberg, which combines tradition and modern technology. Feel the wind in your face, the jerking of the wagon and hear the clip-clop of the horse’s hooves and feel like you are actually alive in that time period. Tickets at: https://tickets. vgo-o.de/touristinfo/3cnwe-3



Fans of French specialties such as cheese, sausages and wine can look forward to delicious specialities, as part of the Martini city fest in Alzey. Shops will also be open for a Sunday shopping spree.


OCT. 14, 10 A.M. – 5 P.M., AM FORUM, HOMBURG

Shop around the largest flea market in the region and take home a few unique items, decoration handcraft or second-hand goods. Further dates on Nov. 4 and a special Christmas flea market on Dec. 4.



A concert with the German Radio Philharmonics with solo artists Carolin Widmann violin, Valerie Eickhoff mezzo soprano and other excellent artists. Tickets: Tourist Information Kaiserslautern, Tel. 0631 – 365 2317.



This year’s pumpkin exhibition will feature an “underwater world” with from an over-dimensional shark head to Ariel the mermaid up to Sponge Bob. Tens of thousands of hand carved pumpkins will be on display and turn the park into one wonderful fall landscape. A special Halloween night for kids is scheduled on Oct. 31. For details see: https://www.gartenschau-kl.de/



Don’t miss out on eleven fun-filled days with exciting rides, vendors, tents with music, food and drink and special attractions for kids. The carnival is the largest in the region. Shops will be open for Sunday shopping on Oct. 22.



Experience a typical autumn market with regional products, food and drink as well as Sunday shopping and get into the swing of fall!



Visit downtown Kaiserslautern that will turn into one spooky Halloween landscape with pumpkins and lots of activities and fun for kids.



Enjoy an evening with famous tunes from legendary Simon & Garfunkel, such as Sound of Silence, the Boxer, Mrs. Robinson and many more. https://tickets.kunstgriff-event.de/produkt/cpb23/



Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour to regular Central European Time.

Kaiserslautern American Page 18 October 6, 2023
Photo by Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock.com Cannstadter Wasen, Stuttgart. Photo by tichr/Shutterstock.com

ABC IN KMC: Jewish traces in Kaiserslautern

The best-preserved memory of Jewish life in Kaiserslautern during the Middle Ages is a ritual mikveh which was found in 1995 during excavation work near the Sparkasse bank building at Altenhof. The bath is 2.40 x 2.50 meters in size and embedded into the sandstone, which still has ground water inflow. After the Jewish community was driven out of the city in 1398, the bath was filled up. The former mikveh is now well preserved and can be visited on guided tours.

After 1800 and under French rule, numerous families from surrounding villages moved back into the city. The Jewish community quickly grew and by 1883 it had 716 members, who mainly lived in or near Judengasse next to today’s Altenhof. Some of its members chose to reside in nearby Mehlingen or Otterberg. The community then decided that it was time

to construct a new synagogue for its growing population.

Professor Ludwig Levy of Karlsruhe was commissioned to design the sacral building with a large tambour style cupola in a MoorishByzantian style. The foundation stone was laid on Oct. 29, 1883, 140 years ago.

The building was constructed in the shape of a Greek cross, walls were ornamentally decorated and countless tiny windows let in sunlight to give the interior a majestic glow. The magnificent building was opened in a grand ceremony on Feb. 26, 1886, making it one of Kaiserslautern’s most majestic edifices with an unusual oriental touch. It was also noted as being the largest and most beautiful synagogue in Germany.

Due to the increasing influence of the National Socialistic regime, only 648 Jewish residents lived in the city by 1933, with merely 90 persons remaining by 1939.

The magnificent synagogue was located on

Fischerstrasse (at that time Dr.-Frick-Strasse) and the city intended to use the road for military parades. The lord mayor of the time used this as an excuse to remove the structure, in his eyes seen as non-fitting into Kaiserslautern’s architecture, and in an effort to widen the road.

The last Jewish worship took place in August 1938 and the beautiful building started being dismantled on Aug. 29, while the remaining parts were eventually blown up during the fall of the same year.

In 1980, forty-two years after the destruction, the City of Kaiserslautern declared the former location as Synagogenplatz with a memorial stone. In addition, in the year 2001 the original foundation of the northern portal was excavated.

A memorial site with two seven-meter-high pillar fragments made of red and yellow sandstone, resembling the building material of the original structure, was constructed. The wall facing the former synagogue is engraved with

192 names of Holocaust victims and the opposite side shows the original layout of the structure when the site was opened in 2003.

Since 2006 the memorial has been equipped with seven media viewers that reconstruct the interior with 3-D animations, created by the Technical University Darmstadt, and offer a virtual view of the ornamental synagogue.

The community “Jüdische Kultusgemeinde Rheinland-Pfalz” has centers in Kaiserslautern, Ludwigshafen and Speyer. For details, visit: https://www.jkgrp.de

The Museum Pfalzgalerie in Kaiserslautern is showcasing a special exhibit with works of expressionist painter Rudolf Levy (1875-1944) for the first time in Germany. Levy was born in Germany, lived in New York for a few years, and became known as the “artist of color.” He later became a victim of the Holocaust. In his honor the museum is hosting the exhibiton from Oct. 28 – Nov. 2. For details visit: https://mpk.de/ sonderausstellungen/

Kaiserslautern American Page 19 October 6, 2023
SOLUTION Background photo
ACROSS 1 Siestas 5 Good farm soil 9 Air 13 Came down 14 Non-literal expression 16 Advance amount 17 Pony Express terminus 19 Mirthful sound 20 Home of St Francis 21 Bullfighter 23 Head 25 Handles 26 Rather inclined 29 Ancient Roman coins 31 Ages and ages 32 Bleat 33 Rodeo equipment 36 Floor covering 37 Go back and forth 39 Nigerian native 40 Former Palestinian leader 42 Jazzman Kid 43 Designer Chanel 44 Medicinal root 46 Celebrated Surrealist 47 Fame 48 Son of Isaac 50 Tower above 52 Thin pancakes 56 Bakery fixture 57 Pseudonym 59 Mao’s successor 60 Jordan’s capital 61 Barbershop request 62 Food morsels 63 “Stand ___” 64 Himilayan humanoid DOWN 1 Shuttle scheduler 2 Theatrical lament 3 Snaps 4 Narrow bands 5 Boundary 6 Keats composition 7 “___ Misbehavin’” 8 Stevie Wonder’s record label 9 A singing Jackson 10 Too 11 Community spirit 12 Close 15 Holmes’ foe 18 Memo directive 22 Uncanny 24 Dutch cheese 26 “Buona ___” (Italian greeting) 27 Sightseeing trip 28 Betrothal 30 De Valera of Ireland 32 Its capital is Gaborone 34 Fundamentals 35 Combustion byproduct 37 Officially accepted works 38 Hankering 41 Substance used to clarify liquor 43 Inhumanity 45 Lay to rest 46 Dodge City marshal 47 Vagabond 49 Part of an act 50 Extinct bird 51 TV award 53 Immaculate 54 Give off 55 Highway rig 58 Beaver barrier
by stevehullphotography/Shutterstock.com
Graphic by Alex Oakenman/Shutterstock.com
Photo of Kaiserslautern by Pfalz-Drohne/Shutterstock.com

Property of the week

Free-standing house with private yard in best area of K-Town

room and another huge storage room. A single-car garage is also included and the backyard is fully fencedin with plenty of green hedges and bushes all around providing a lot of privacy.

Available: now

Rent: € 2,250 + utilities

Garage: included

Deposit: 2 months’ rent

Housing: approved

Pets: small ones upon approval

Note: furniture will be removed

room is an open layout with direct access to the kitchen from the dining room. The kitchen is modern and offers a lot of cabinet and countertop space with a large fridge/freezer combo, stovetop, oven and dishwasher.

In the basement you’ll find the spacious laundry


• 136 sqm

• free-standing house

• unfurnished

This is a sought-after neighborhood, it is safe and family-friendly, located on the outskirts of the city center so you are not in the middle of all of the action, but only a short drive or nice stroll away when you do want to go downtown.

All of the local bases can be easily reached in well under 30 minutes.

Please note, the furniture will be removed.

Kaiserslautern West Furnished appartment, washing machine, Internet Access, all Incl.utilities, 44 qm, 1 bd, 1 bth, 44 sq meters, 5 min from Kleberkaserne, 10 min from Vogelweh, 15 min from Ramsteinavailable immediately for short term leasing, Assenmacherstrasse 67659 Kaiserslautern Germany, 495 EU, phone: 6313704922, 015125621211 email: cnhs@ gmx.de

Fully equipped loft in Kreimbach-Kaulbach, 90sqm, 1 room, bath w/ shower+bathtub, seperate toilet, BIK, brand new a/c (perf. for someone w/ allergies), €650 + utilies. Deposit 1 month, avail now, call 0171-7471766.

KTown City: fully furnished 1 bedroom / 1 bathroom with tub, Apartment, 47sqm, BIK, no pets, available 29 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €1000 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 70sqm, liv/din, balcony/terrace, private garage, no pets, available 1 Sep. 2022, €90 +utl, call 0151537177, info@fewo-loewenzahn.de

Radiant right side 2nd floor apt, Bruchmuehlbach, 2bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 130sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 13 Feb. 2023, Housing will be Approved, €2100 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

Beautiful apartment in Oberstaufenbach, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 100sqm, BIK, living/dining room, terrace, laundry room, no pets, available 19 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €850 +utl, deposit €1,700, call: 0176-6275-8373 Wal ter.Klinck@GMX.de

3bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 114sqm, BIK, guest WC, balcony/terrace, laundry, no pets, available 29 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €890 +utl, call 06371 52868, j.breh merstork@kabelmail.de

2.0bd, 2.0bth, Apartment, 88sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, shared garage, pets allowed, available 1 Okt. 2023, Housing Approved, €1900 +utl, call +49 (0) 6124 - 609 1466, sullivan@som merimmo.de

Modern and fully furnished 2 bdr Apt in Otterberg, 1bth, 111sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/ terrace, finished basement, pets allowed, available 1 Okt. 2023, Housing Approved, €1950 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@premrealestate.com

3bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 123sqm, balcony/terrace, no pets, available 22 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €870 +utl, twilde go@gmail.com

Kaiserslautern American Page 20 October 6, 2023 Real Estate Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front!
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3 bedrooms • 2 1/2 bathrooms (master with tub and shower, guest with shower) • modern, built-in kitchen with large fridge/freezer combo • open layout dining/ living area • hardwood floors • covered balcony • covered patio • basement with laundry room and large storage room • fully-fenced in, private yard • single-car garage • K-Town‘s most desired living area! DISTANCES: • Kleber / Daenner: 8 mins • Panzer: 12 mins • Vogelweh: 15 mins • Sembach: 16 mins • RAB: 21 mins • LRMC: 23 mins For further information and to schedule your viewing appointment, please contact: Your Premium Real Estate Team Email: info@prem-realestate.com Call / Text / WhatsApp: +49 172 6 93 68 86 or +49 162 1 72 32 65 Welcome to your new home in Kaiserslautern’s most desired living area. This free-standing house is 136 sqm large and will be unfurnished. It has 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms; one bathroom with a tub and shower, one bathroom with a shower and one guest toilet. The living and dining


3bd, 1bth, Apartment, 100sqm, BIK, liv/ din, no pets, available 30 Juni 2023, Housing Approved, €900 +utl, call 0631470116, rummlernadja@gmx.de

3bd, 1bth, Apartment, 130sqm, no pets, available 15 Aug. 2023, Housing Approved, €1100 +utl, call +4917687018921, neu feld.waldemar@gmx.de

4bd, 2bth, House, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 15 Juli 2022, €525000 +utl, call +49 (0) 6371 - 94 24 444, info@immobilien-konradi.de

Etschberg, for Sale - Two Family House, 338 sqm Living Space, 4974 sqm Ground, 7bd, 4bth, terrace, Energy Passport: Brennwert fossil, Bj. 1999, EEK E, 141,60 kWh/ m²a, gem. Bedarfsausweis, €365000 - Kreissparkasse Kusel, ImmobilienCenter, Gartenstr. 4, 66869 Kusel, 06381/911-0, im mo@ksk-kusel.de

FOR SALE: Unique log-cabin house in Waldmohr, close toRAB, 4bd, 4bth, 217sqm, open concept liv/din, fireplace, in-law suite, balcony, patio, yard, garden house, garage, carport, very well maintained, €499,000. Contact Lilly +49 173 3647569, info@german-aid.com

8.0bd, 3.5bth, House, 325sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Juli 2023, Housing Approved, €2300 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@ prem-realestate.com

Beautiful single family house for rent Wallhalben, 168 square meters, 5 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, built-in kitchen, large living-dining room, terrace 20 square meters, pets allowed, 2 x parking space, big fenced in property around 1,100 square meters, built 2003, newly renovated, rent: € 1,400 + utilities, available June 1, call: 0178-3766531, e-mail: petersonn tagaz@gmail.com

5bd, 3bth, House, 367sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, no pets, available 15 Juli 2022, €849000 +utl, call +49 (0) 6371 - 94 24 444, info@im mobilien-konradi.de

Desirable KL-city apartment with alluring curb appeal, 3bd, 2bth, Apartment, 168sqm, BIK, liv, laundry, pets allowed, available 8 Aug. 2023, Housing Approved, €2200 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@premrealestate.com

Mehlbach, 5bd, 4bth, House, 360sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 19 Juli 2023, €450000 +utl, NataschaKuhn@gmx.de


6bd, 5bth, House, 275sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, no pets, available 15 Juli 2022, €596000 +utl, call +49 (0) 6371 - 94 24 444, info@immobilienkonradi.de

Huetschenhausen, 3.0bd, 2.5bth, Apartment, 177sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, unfinished basement, no pets, available 15 Sep. 2023, €1100 +utl, call 06372/5966, mschuhma cher@online.de

Kaiserslautern, 3bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 166sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Okt. 2023, Housing Approved, €2300 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

5 BR House with 2 garages for rent, in Rothselberg, 195sqm, 2 baths, 2 living rooms, dining room, 2 BIK, Housing approved, ready to move in, €1280 +utl, Phone: +49 152 31 83 90 55, schehr@baum hardt.de

8bd, 5bth, House, 470sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 8 Aug. 2023, Housing Approved, €3800 +utl, call +49171-9524680, inform@tps-kl.de

K'TOWN 10 MINS LOVELY FSH 5bd, 2.5bth, 225sqm, pets neg, available immediately, Housing Approved, €1980 +utl, WhatsApp +49172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@ic loud.com

Large renovated apt in Enkenbach, 3bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 200sqm, BIK, balcony/ terrace, pets allowed, available 18 Juli 2023, Housing Approved, €1850 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com


4bd, 1bth, Apartment, 140sqm, BIK, liv/ din, balcony/terrace, no pets, available 21 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €1.050 +utl, My e-mail is My phone number is 0172-6985515 zenzie63@googlemail.com

Building under construction: 9 Apartments in Glan-Muenchweiler, from 81 sqm until 122 sqm with lift, Price from 283400 € until 438500 €. Please contact us for more informations: Kreissparkasse Kusel, phone 06381 / 911 - 0, E-Mail: immo@ ksk-kusel.de

Mackenbach house for sale, 4bd, 2.5bth, 210sqm, Housing Approved, €464.000 call 0172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@icloud.com

5bd, 2.5bth, House, 220sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, dogs allowed, available 31 Aug. 2023, Housing Approved, €3100 +utl, call +49 (0) 6124 - 609 1466, sullivan@sommerimmo.de

Bad Schwalbach, 5bd, 2.25bth, House, 243sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, unfinished basement, dogs allowed, available 31 Juli 2023, Housing

Approved, €3200 +utl, call +49 (0) 6124609 1466, sullivan@sommerimmo.de

Konken, Townhouse, left/end unit, 5bd, 2bth, 165sqm, built-in kitchen, open liv/ din room, patio & fully fenced-in yard, available now, 2 private parking spots, housing approved, €1600 +util, Contact Lilly +49 173 3647569, info@germanaid.com

New building House for rent 200sqm, 5 bd, 2 bth, big living & dinner rm, new kitchen, Kindsbach Germany, 00491636034729, sandra-ilg@t-online.de

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Schopp, 6bd, 2bth, House, 260sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, unfinished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, €1600 +utl, call 0631-89292128, 0170-5754247, schopphaus67707@ gmail.com


dining room. 1 bathroom with shower, bathtub on the first floor. Guest toilet on the ground floor. With terrace and small garden. Bus stop, restaurants and shops within walking distance. For a viewing appointment What's app to 0049 174 910 5234 or email to wolfanja@onlinehome.de

Downtown Alt Stadt (Pedestrian Zone), Modern 4bd, 2bth, Townhouse, 193sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, basement, private garage, no pets, available 30 Sep. 2023, €2400 +utl, Epplergasse9@outlook.com

Mackenbach: 4 bedroom FSH with new kitchen and Sauna, 2bth, House, 210sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 2 Okt. 2023, Housing Approved, €2650 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

Mackenbach, nice duplex built 2012, 200sqm, 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, living-diningroom, BiK, storage, floor-heating, patio, yard, garage, avail start October 1st 2023, monthly rent 1850€ + util. Please contact on email: rmimmobilien@t-online.de or call Ado on +49 1726801258


BEAUTIFUL FULLY FURNISHED HOME IN KAISERSLAUTERN 3bd, 1.5bth, 100sqm, available 25 Aug. 2023, Housing Approved, €1660 +utl, WhatsApp 0172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@icloud.com

Duplex in Weselberg, close to LRMC, 3bd, 2bth, 179sqm, built-in kitchen w/pantry, open concept liv/din, patio & fencedin backyard, driveway, new heating system, available now, housing approved, €1790 +util, Contact Lilly: +49 173 3647569, info@german-aid.com

Kaiserslautern duplex, close to soccer stadium, modern, heated floors, 4bd, 3bth, 240sqm, built-in kitchen, open concept liv/din, patio & backyard, garage, available Sept 1, housing approved, €2800 +utl, Contact Lilly +49 173 3647569, info@ german-aid.com

Wooden Wonder in Schwedelbach, Ramstein School District, 3bd, 2bth, House, 170sqm, BIK, liv/din, no pets, available now, Housing Approved, €1950 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

Aixa M. Torres-Ramirez, D.M.D former USAF American Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

KTown-Wiesenthalerhof:Modernized FSH with granny suite - Indoor Pool optional, 3bd, 1.5bth, House, 290sqm, BIK, private garage, pets allowed, available 1 Nov. 2023, Housing Approved, €2500 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

1BR TLA Apt with AC, 5min from RAB [ref=M4B], only SHORT-TERM RENTALS, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED ; www.mytlaho me.com/tla/m4b ; inquiries@mytlaho me.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

3bd, 2bth, Apartment, 150sqm, BIK, no pets, available 24 Aug. 2022, Housing Approved, call 0174 243 0124, nbm4rent@ hotmail.com

Mehlingen: Spacious and modern Townhouse, 3 bedrooms/2 baths, 219sqm, BIK, pets allowed, available 1 Nov. 2023, Housing Approved, €2400 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com

2bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 125sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, 85" 4K Smart TV, Apple TV 4K, BOSE soundbar, PlayStation 5, home gym, sauna, grill, private garage, USD 1+, +utl, call +4967121540466, hello@stayeden.com

3BR 1.5BA TLA / TDY Apartment in Ramstein, NOT FOR LONG-TERM LODGING, all included, 5min from RAB, pets allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/l32 ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Modern FSH in Schoenenberg-Kuebelberg, 3 beds 2 + 2x 1/2 bath, 176sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, available 1 Okt. 2023, Housing Approved, €2600 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@premrealestate.com

Rare find: Spacious & Fully Furnished House for Long-term Renting, 3bd, 3.5bth, House, 300sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 31 Juli 2023, Housing Approved, €3300 +utl, call 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com


1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 65sqm, BIK, liv, laundry, private garage, pets allowed, available 18 Okt. 2021, Housing Approved, €125 +utl, call +4915144801586, luxu rylodgingkl@yahoo.com

2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, liv/ din, balcony/terrace, no pets ; www.mytla home.com/b81c ; +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp) ; inquiries@mytlahome.com

3BR 2BA TLA / TDY apartment, 5min from RAB [ref=W6D] ; brand new, spacious, fast internet, under floor heating, AC, balcony with BBQ grill, off street parking ; www.mytlahome.com/w6d ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

2BR 1.5BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning [ref=F2], Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING ; pet friendly ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/f2 ; +49 17624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com

3BR 2BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/f24 ; +49 17624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@myt lahome.com

5bd, 3.5bth, Townhouse, 250sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, pets allowed, available 15 Mai 2023, Housing Approved, call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inqui ries@mytlahome.com

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1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 85sqm, BIK, liv/ din, laundry, private garage, 65" 4K Smart TV, Apple TV 4K, BOSE soundbar, PlayStation 5, home gym, sauna, grill, €1 +utl, call/ whatsapp +4915170149510 hello@stayeden.com

3 BR APT Ramstein 5 min from RAB [ref=F1], 3 bd, 2 bth, 5min from RAB; www.mytlahome.com/tla/f1 ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

5BR 2.5BA TLA / TDY House in Ramstein, 5min from RAB [ref=L30], NOT FOR LONGTERM LODGING, all included + rental car, pets allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/ l30 ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp) ; inqui ries@mytlahome.com

1BR TLA / TDY Apartment in Ramstein [ref=S3], all included + rental car, 5min from RAB, pets allowed ; ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com

2bedroom apartment, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 113 sq meters, Obere Triftstrasse KIndsbach, 0173-3464394, michaelkappa@hotmail.de

3bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 120sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, shared garage, pets allowed, available 1 Sep. 2023, Housing Approved, klincks.tlahome@ gmail.com

3bd, 2bth, House, 163sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, private garage, no pets, available 18 Okt. 2021, Housing Approved, €222 +utl, call +4915144801586, luxurylodgingkl@ya hoo.com

Apartment Moonstone 100 sqm TLA/ TLF/TDY, Landstuhl, 2 bed, 1 bath BIK, liv/ din, laundry, private garage, +utl, call +4967121540466, hello@stay-eden.com

Kaiserslautern American Page 22 October 6, 2023

/ TD Y

Beautiful, modern TLA in Kaiserslautern, 3bd, 2bth, Apartment, 110sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, pets allowed, available 1 Aug. 2023, call

+491714308138, ktla@web.de

Brand new, ground floor, 3BR 1.5BA TLA Apartment, 10min from RAB [ref=M213] ; Brand new, fast internet, ground floor, patio with BBQ grill, off-street parking ; ; inqui ries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

TLa Weilerbach, 4bd, 4bth, House, 227sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/ terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, pets allowed, available October 2023, Housing Approved, €1.23 +utl, call, info@tla-rentals.com

TLA/TLF/TDY K-Town apt, boho meets contemporary-like style, fully furnished & equipped, 2bd, 1bth, kitchen, balcony, washer/dryer in unit, fireplace, per diem rate, credit card & VAT forms accepted, no fees. Contact Lilly +49 173 3647569, info@ german-aid.com

Brand new 3BR 2BA Free Standing TLA /

TDY House in Ramstein, 5min from RAB [ref=S51a] ; www.mytlahome.com/s51a ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp) ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com

Brand new, spacious 2BR 1.5BA TLA / TDY apartment, 5min from RAB [ref=W6C] ; Brand new, fast internet, spacious, under floor heating, AC, balcony with BBQ grill, off street parking ; www.mytlahome.com/ w6c ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Landstuhl, 1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 76sqm, BIK, balcony/terrace, no pets, available 5 Apr. 2023, call 0172 6936886, in fo@prem-realestate.com

Modernized 3BR 2BA TLA / TDY Apartment in K-town, www.mytlahome.com/ t54 ; +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inqui ries@mytlahome.com

Ramstein 1BR Cozy Loft, Mitchell Consulting, Kindsbacher Strasse 58, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0)6371737 630, info@mitchell-investment.com.

Find all of our properties on FindItGuide.com!

Brand new TLA Appartment in best location near to all Bases full furnished!, 2 bd, 1 bth, 80 sq meters, Kindsbach, Kaiserslautern, at 49 Euro, ask us for longterm rent! 01724989707, boze1@gmx.de

Cosy & modernized 2BR TLA / TDY apartment within 12 min of Ramtein Air Base ; www.mytlahome.com/h12 ; inquiries@myt lahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Landstuhl, 4bd, 2.5bth, Townhouse, 160sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv, laundry ; www.mytlahome.com/an30 ; call +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp), inquiries@mytlaho me.com

Modernized 3BR TLA, 5min from RAB, balcony/terrace, laundry, pets allowed, separate office, patio with BBQ grill, massive yard, off street parking ; www.mytlaho me.com/tla/w3 ; inquiries@mytlaho me.com ; +49 176 2468 7550 (WhatsApp)

Ramstein 2 Bedroom, Mitchell Consulting, Kindsbacher Strasse 58, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0)6371737 630, info@mitchell-investment.com.

Find all of our properties on FindItGuide.com!

Brand new, ground floor 3BR 2.5BA TLA / TDY apartment, 5min from RAB [ref=W6A] ; Brand new, ground floor, fast internet, under floor heating, AC, balcony with BBQ grill, off street parking ; www.mytlaho me.com/w6a ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Cosy 2BR TLA / TDY Apartment in downtown Ramstein, 5min from RAB [ref=M4A] ; wifi, balcony with BBQ grill, off-street parking ; www.mytlahome.com/tla/m4a ; in quiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Lovely TLA Countryhouse BremerhofKaiserslautern The Bremerhof, one of the most unique residential areas in Kaiserslautern, located in a beautiful clearing in the middle of the Palatinate Forest, but with less than a 5 minutes drive to the center of K-Town.The apartment has 2 bedrooms, a living room, 1 bathroom and a romatic garden with pool which is the perfect place for days of rest and relaxation while you settle in Germany. Call 00 49 171 313 6996, info@judithkern.com

RAB, 2BR 1.5BA TLA / TDY apartment, ground floor, patio with BBQ grill, www.mytlahome.com/s34 ; inquiries@myt lahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Ramstein 4 Bedroom, Mitchell Consulting, Kindsbacher Strasse 58, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0)6371737 630, info@mitchell-investment.com.

Find all of our properties on FindItGuide.com!

Brand new, ground floor, 1BR 1.5BA TLA Apartment, 10min from RAB [REF=m211] ; Brand new, fast internet, ground floor, patio with BBQ grill, off-street parking ; www.mytlahome.com/m211 ; inquiries@ mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Ramstein-Miesenbach, 5bd, 2bth, House, 150sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, private garage, dogs allowed, available 7 Sep. 2021, Housing Approved, klincks.tlahome@ gmail.com

TLF/ TDY Ramstein-Miesenbach, 3bd, 1bth, Apartment, 130sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, laundry, no pets, available 15 Aug. 2023, €140, call +49 173 497 51 71, info@ ken-immobilien.de

Cozy, ground floor 2BR TLA / TDY Apartment, 5min from RAB [ref=W2] ; ground floor, fast internet, patio with BBQ grill, offstreet parking (carport) ; www.mytlaho me.com/w2 ; inquiries@mytlahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

Mackenbach, 4bd, 2.5bth, TLA / TDY House, free standing, dogs allowed ; www.mytlahome.com/k10 ; inquiries@myt lahome.com ; +4917624687550 (whatsapp)

TLA /TDY/TLF Kaiserslautern, 3bd, 1.5bth, apartment/townhouse, 147sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/din, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, pets allowed, available August 08th 2023, Housing Approved, €1 +utl, call, info@tla-rentals.com

Fully furnished TLA in Ramstein-Miesenbach, !AVAILABLE NOW!140sqm, 3bd, 2bth Apartment, Car parking, Free Internet, Price varies, mail kenanz261@ gmail.com or call (+49) 017670718808 to get informations

Kaiserslautern American Page 23 October 6, 2023 All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. The publisher will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
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2015 Nissan Quest SV, Minivan, Front, CVT, $15,799 (6913). The Used Car GuysRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Genesis G80 V6 AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $25,999 (6967). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2013 Lexus GS350 Sedan, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $22,995 (020411). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2014 Peugeot 207CC Cabrio, EU, $9,999 (6978). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@used carguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 BMW 535i xDrive GT Luxury Line AWD, Sedan, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Dodge Charger SXT AWD, Sedan, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sa les@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Genesis G80, $19,999 (6986). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Ford F-150 XLT, Pickup, Rear, 6Speed Shiftable Automatic, $35,999 (6860). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Hyundai SONATA Sport, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $20,399 (6612). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Volkswagen Golf TDI- 6 Speed Manual, EU Spec, Diesel, Manual, $15,495 (S4516). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Lexus NX 200t AWD, Wagon, AWD/ 4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $30,999 (6305). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Subaru Forester 2.5i, Wagon, AWD/ 4WD, 6-Speed Manual, $19,999 (6918). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


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2015 Jeep Cherokee Latitude AWD, SUV, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee High Altitude 4x4, SUV, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $26,499 (6953). The Used Car GuysKaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Lexus IS 250, Sport Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Maserati Ghibli S Q4 AWD, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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2015 Mercedes-Benz C300 4 Matic AWD, Sedan, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Audi Q3 Quattro Premium AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $28,799 (6537). The Used Car GuysKaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 BMW X6 xDrive35i AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/ Sport Transmission, $37,999 (6556). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Chevrolet Colorado Z71 4x4, Pickup, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $29,999 (6974). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Chevrolet Traverse LT, SUV, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $17,999 (6946). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Toyota C-HR Hybrid, EU, Automatic, $18,999 (E6843). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Audi Q3 Quattro Premium AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $27,997 (6000). The Used Car GuysKaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Audi SQ5 Prestige Quattro AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $39,199 (6971). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 BMW 3 Series 340i xDrive AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Manual, $30,999 (7002). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 BMW X1 xDrive28i AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $30,999 (6689). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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2018 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $22,999 (6791). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford EcoSport SES, Wagon, AWD/ 4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $21,999 (6655). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Escape SE 4WD, AWD/4WD, Gas, Automatic, $22,995 (S-4514). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Ranger XL 4x4, Pickup, Rear, 10-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $31,999 (6193). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Audi A4 quattro Prestige 45 TFSI, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 7-Speed Double Clutch, $40,999 (6408). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Honda Odyssey EX-L, Minivan, Front, 9-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $28,499 (6977). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $21,999 (6894). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Volkswagen T-Roc Style, SUV, EU, Front, DSG, $27,499 (E6811). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Chevrolet Malibu FWD, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Honda Pilot Touring, SUV, Front, 9Speed Shiftable Automatic, $30,499 (6968). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Mazda CX-5 Sport AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $22,999 (6970). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Mercedes-Benz CLA250 4MATIC, AWD/4WD, Gas, Automatic, $27,995 (S4524). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Escape SEL, SUV, AWD/4WD, 6Speed Shiftable Automatic, $26,997 (5738). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Fiesta ST Line, Hatchback, Front, 5-Speed Manual, $20,999 (6729).

The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE, Sedan / Saloon, Front, CVT, $24,599 (6648). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Jeep Compass Latitude 4x4, SUV, Rear, Automatic, $24,599 (7003). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Jeep Compass Sport, SUV, Front, 6Speed Manual, $21,999 (6575). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Toyota 86 Coupe 2D 2.0L H4 PO, Manual, $26,975 (904738). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Toyota Highlander XLE AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Automatic w/Sequential Shift Mode, $35,999 (6810). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Opel Insignia Sports Tourer Station Wagon, Wagon, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Volkswagen Tiguan SEL, 7+ Passenger, Gas, Automatic, $23,995 (US-3885)

Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Volvo V40 Cross Country, Front, 6 Speed Automatic, $23,999 (E6832). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Audi Q7 Premium Quattro, 7+ Passenger, Gas, Automatic, $33,995 (US3964). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Fusion S, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 6-Speed Automatic, $22,999 (6857).

The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 RobertBosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@used carguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk Elite 4x4, SUV, Rear, 4WD 9-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $30,999 (6824). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Kia Forte LXS, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com.

2019 Toyota Highlander XLE, SUV, Front, 8-Speed Automatic w/Sequential Shift Mode, $34,499 (6948). The Used Car GuysRamstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, RamsteinMiesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Toyota Highlander XLE, SUV, Front, 8-Speed Automatic w/Sequential Shift Mode, $34,999 (6761). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Volkswagen Passat Wolfsburg Edition, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $22,495 (S-4529). Ramstein Used CarsKaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 063175003977, info@ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Volkswagen Polo GTI, $24,499 (E6944). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


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2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, Front, CVT, $24,199 (6764). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Ford Fusion S, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 6-Speed Automatic, $24,999 (6639). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Kia Forte LXS, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $19,495 (US-3889). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Mercedes-Benz CLA 250 4MATIC AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 7-Speed Double Clutch, $36,199 (6617). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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2020 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, Front, CVT, $24,999 (6627). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Volkswagen Golf 1.5 TSI, $20,999 (7032). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Dodge Ram 1500 Rebel 4WD T-Diesel, AWD/4WD, Diesel, Automatic, $59,995 (S-4525). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Ford Escape SE, SUV, Front, 8Speed Shiftable Automatic, $27,899 (6991). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Ford Mustang EcoBoost Premium Fastback, Rear, Manual, $45,560 (141737)

2020 Ford EcoSport Titanium AWD, Wagon, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $23,499 (6564). The Used Car GuysStuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Ford Edge ST, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8Speed Shiftable Automatic, $39,399 (6751). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Volkswagen Golf GTE Plug In Hybrid, EU, $29,997 (E6557). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Volkswagen Golf GTI S, Hatchback, Front, 7-Speed Double Clutch, $28,899 (6856). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Ford Escape SE, SUV, Front, 8Speed Shiftable Automatic, $23,497 (5562). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Ford Explorer XLT 4WD, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $35,890 (004318). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)1622145729, JH83006@militarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Volvo XC40 T5 R-Design AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic $36,999 (6697). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Audi A5 Sportback Premium Plus 45 Quattro/AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 7-Speed Double Clutch, $42,999 (6499). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 BMW X1 xDrive28i Sports Activity Vehicle, Rear, Automatic, $34,374 (104208). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)63156000921, pwilliam@militarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 BMW X1 xDrive28i, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $35,799 (7012). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kai serslautern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 BMW X128i X-Drive, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Ford Mustang Ecoboost2 Door Coupe, Coupe, Manual, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sa les@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Mercedes-Benz CLA 250 4MATIC, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 7-Speed Double Clutch, $39,999 (6565). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Toyota Corolla Hybrid, EU, $27,497 (E6543). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Toyota Corolla LE, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 BMW X4 xDrive30i AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/ Sport Transmission, $47,599 (6659). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport, SUV, Rear, Automatic, $41,499 (6718). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Mazda Mazda3 Hatchback Select, Hatchback, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $27,899 (6335). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Mercedes-Benz C300 4MATIC, AWD/4WD, Gas, Automatic, $38,995 (US3989). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 MINI Countryman Cooper S ALL4 AWD, Wagon, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $34,999 (6681). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Dodge Challenger GT, Coupe, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $35,997 (6548). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Opel Corsa Electric, EU, $24,999 (E6660). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Toyota Camry TRD V6 Auto (Natl), Front, Automatic, $36,670 (104179). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)162-2145729, JH83006@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American Page 26 October 6, 2023 All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com AU TO S TAXI SERVICE | AIRPORT-SHUTTLE | PATIENT TRANSPORT FIND US ON FACEBOOK OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.YELLOW-CAB-RAMSTEIN.DE E-MAIL: YELLOWCABRAMSTEIN@T-ONLINE.DE ALSO AVAILABLE VIA WHATSAPP! FIND YOUR PERFECT VEHICLE at American Auto Force GmbH! BUY  SELL  TRADE We make TAX FREE purchasing simple! - Only 5 minutes from Ramstein Air BaseKaiserstrasse 67 66849 Landstuhl Phone: 06371-595 52 26 Mobile/WhatsApp: 0151-56 019 539 Web: www.aaf-gmbh.com Email: sales@aaf-gmbh.com OUR SERVICES: Mon – Fri 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sat 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Opelstraße 14 67661 KL-Siegelbach Tel: 06301 - 14 42 www.mr-kfz.com MAINTENANCE ON ALL U.S. AND GERMAN SPEC CARS  Exhaust service  Brake service  Glass service  Inspections and maintenance 

2021 Toyota Camry XSE V6, Sedan / Saloon, Front, 8-Speed Automatic w/Sequential Shift Mode, $35,999 (7028). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Toyota C-HR Nightshade, Sedan, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 BMW X5 xDrive 40 I M-Sport, Midsize Sport Activity Vehicle, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Dodge Challenger GT, Coupe, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aafgmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Dodge Charger SXT, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $28,995 (US-3944). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Honda HR-V EX, Crossover, Gas, Automatic, $26,995 (US-3941). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Toyota Prius Hybrid 3rd Row, $27,699 (E7023). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volkswagen Atlas SE Technology

4MOTION, 7+ Passenger, Gas, Automatic, $35,495 (547657). Ramstein Used CarsKaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 063175003977, info@ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volkswagen Passat SE, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $25,995 (US-3981). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 Volvo XC90 T6 Inscription 7-Passenger AWD, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $49,999 (6746). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Ford Bronco Sport AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $32,999 (6504). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Jeep Compass Sport, SUV, Front, Aisin 6-Speed Automatic, $29,999 (6778). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Laredo AWD 6-Seater, SUV, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $. American Auto Force GmbH, 67 Kaiserstrasse, Landstuhl, 66849 Deutschland, 06371 595 5226, sales@aaf-gmbh.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Audi Q3 quattro S line Prem Plus 45

TFSI, SUV, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $39,499 (6961). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, +49 (0)1727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 BMW 2 Series M235i xDrive Gran Coupe, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $40,999 (6984). The Used Car

Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0)

6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net

Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 BMW M235i xDrive Gran Coupe AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission, $41,999 (7020). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 BMW X3 xDrive30i AWD, SUV, AWD/ 4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/ Sport Transmission, $45,999 (6670). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Genesis G70 Sedan, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $35,995 (US-3940). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Honda Civic Sedan Sport CVT, Front, Automatic, $30,999 (204136). MAS Military AutoSource - Kaiserslautern, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)631-56000921, pwilliam@mi litarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Honda HR-V EX AWD, AWD/4WD, Gas, Automatic, $27,495 (US-3942). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Honda HR-V EX, Crossover, Gas, Automatic, $26,995 (US-3918). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4x4, SUV, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $44,999 (6910). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 110, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 63168031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Kia Forte LXS, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $22,995 (US-3951). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 17 Im Haderwald, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Deutschland, 0631-75003977, info@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 Kia K5 GT-Line AWD, Sedan / Saloon, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic, $35,199 (6909). The Used Car GuysSpangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2022 MINI Hardtop 4 Door Cooper S, Hatchback, Front, $31,999 (6381). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, Am Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 00, matt@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2023 Dodge Challenger R/T RWD, Rear, Manual, $44,130 (390201). MAS Military AutoSource - LRMC On Base, LRMC, Landstuhl, 66849 Germany, +49 (0)1622145729, JH83006@militarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American Page 27 October 6, 2023 All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com AU TO S Blumen Gauweiler blumen.gauweiler@t-online.de www.blumen-gauweiler.de ... for house and garden! Great gifts & decoration! 67657 Kaiserslautern Phone: 0631 - 4 96 04 Fax: 0631 - 4 96 75 Hello Autumn! decorate house & garden with BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS We are a family-owned manufacturer of motorsports haulers leading in Europe and joining the U.S. market in 2023. Do YOU want to boost our team? We are looking for a native speaker with passion for technology and motorsport! Become part of our success team and contact us at: zukunft@a6jung.de / +49 172 6642412 ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT OR QUALIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT NEEDED Our office is an American office and seeks an outgoing, personable person Please email your resumé to miknor@t-online.de

One of the benefits of living in Germany is that nearly everyone is close to trees. Even if being outside isn’t necessarily your thing, few natural wonders are more wondrous than Germany’s forests in autumn.

Germany’s famous forests can be found nearly everywhere, and can be appreciated on foot, on bike, or from inside a car. When you drive beautiful two-lane roads through, say, the Black Forest, it’s like you’ve entered into a whole new world. It is literally incredible.

Best of all, you can almost always find (free, no-fee) hiking spots along the way. If you stop and go for a walk (or run, or mountain bike), you can lose yourself for hours and

come back refreshed.

Since autumn is upon us, here are four great places to begin your leaf appreciation tour.

Black Forest

Even though the Black Forest is famous for its evergreen trees, autumn colors can be found in abundance. Best of all, the ambiance of the Black Forest is perfect for the fall season. There are golden fields, long shadows, gothic villages and comfortable gasthauses in which to warm yourself. As day turns to night, things might even start to seem a little spooky.

Where to start: This region is ideal for driving, and there are a ton of jumping off points. Start in Pforzheim and wind your way south along Highway 294 to Freudenstadt. Or begin in Baden

Baden and dive into the heart of the forest along Highway 500. Whatever route you choose, you won’t be disappointed.

Palatinate Forest

For those who live in or near Kaiserslautern, you have natural gold right in your back yard. The Palatinate Forest is absolutely beautiful during the autumn. From a distance, the hills can almost seem like a painting: grand splotches of gold, green and orange intermingle. It’s outstanding. And there are an abundance of places to hike and bike in the forest. It’s a must-do.

Where to start: For adventurers, plug “Johanniskreuz” into your GPS and just start driving. Once you get there, pick a direction, go, and enjoy. For

those who need a little more precision, Highway 48 from Kaiserslautern to Burg Trifels is tough to beat.

Hessen Spessart Nature Park

The Spessart is a heavily forested range of small, old mountains that stretch from northern Bavaria into Southern Hessen. Going there is like visiting an ancient, almost archetypal version of Germany. Autobahns and large cities disappear, replaced by vast stretches of what feels like well-cultivated wilderness. Parts of the forest are populated by hundreds-year old oak trees, towering beech trees and deep silence. It’s especially gorgeous in autumn.

Where to start: Begin in Biebergemund, and wind your way southeast along Highway

276 to Lohr am Main. It will give you a great taste of the Spessart, and will provide ample opportunities to take small side roads north or south into the forests.


Autumn is harvest season for German vintners. This much is true. But for anyone who has witnessed hillsides of vines packed with golden leaves, autumn is also leaf-peeping season. Fortunately for most Americans living in Germany, you’re rarely far from great wine regions.

Where to start: The Mosel Region has loads of picturesque views, especially above towns like Piesport or Bernkastel-Kues. Of course, there are also amazing vineyards to see in the Pfalz region or the Nahe region.

Kaiserslautern American Page 28 October 6, 2023
AUTUMN COLORS from Page 1 Photo by ecstk22/Shutterstock.com Photo by nnattalli/Shutterstock.com



Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (2023)

The PAW Patrol pups magically gain superpowers after a meteor strikes Adventure City. However, things take a turn for the worse when Humdinger and a mad scientist steal their powers and turn themselves into supervillains. As the team springs into action to save the city, Skye soon learns that even the smallest pup can make the biggest difference.

Cast: Brice Gonzalez, Kim Kardashian, Will Brisbin

Director: Cal Brunker


Saw X (2023)

Hoping for a miraculous cure, John Kramer travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure, only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer uses deranged and ingenious traps to turn the tables on the con artists.

Cast: Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith, Synnøve Macody Lund

Director: Kevin Greutert


The Exorcist: Believer (2023)

When his daughter, Angela, and her friend Katherine, show signs of demonic possession, it unleashes a chain of events that forces single father Victor Fielding to confront the nadir of evil. Terrified and desperate, he seeks out Chris MacNeil, the only person alive who’s witnessed anything like it before.

Cast: Leslie Odom Jr., Ann Dowd, Jennifer Nettles Director: David Gordon Green


Expend4bles (2023)

Armed with every weapon they can get their hands on, the Expendables are the world’s last line of defense and the team that gets called when all other options are off the table.

Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren

Director: Scott Waugh


The Creator (2023)

As a future war between the human race and artificial intelligence rages on, ex-special forces agent Joshua is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI. The Creator has developed a mysterious weapon that has the power to end the war and all of mankind. As Joshua and his team of elite operatives venture into enemy-occupied territory, they soon discover the world-ending weapon is actually an AI in the form of a young child.

Cast: John David Washington, Gemma Chan, Ken Watanabe

Director: Gareth Edwards


The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1530, 2100

Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) 1515, 1745, 1830

The Creator (PG-13) 1530, 2100

Saw X (R) 2015

Expend4bles (R) 1600, 2045

The Nun II (R) 1815

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG-13) 1845


The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1215, 1515, 1800, 2045

Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) 1200, 1500, 1745

The Creator (PG-13) 1200, 1430, 1730

Saw X (R) 1200, 1730, 2015

Expend4bles (R) 2045

The Nun II (R) 2015

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG-13) 1445


The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1300, 1600, 1900

Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) 1315, 1600, 1845

The Creator (PG-13) 1300, 1530, 1830

Saw X (R) 1330, 1900

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG-13) 1630





The Exorcist: Believer (R) 1800

The Creator (PG-13) 1830

Saw X (R) 1815

Expend4bles (R) 1845

Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Dates are subject to change. Please check with your local theater for the most up-to-date schedule.

Kaiserslautern American Page 29 October 6, 2023
reservations & information call 06371-937037 Ramstein For all movies and showtimes visit ww w b r oa d w ayk i n o co m / k m c Photo by sirtravelalot/Shutterstock.com
Poster by Universal Pictures Screenshots and poster by Paramount Pictures Photo by repbone / Shutterstock.com Poster by 20th Century Studios Poster by Lionsgate Poster by Lionsgate Films


Jobs for Soldiers and their Families



Blackout at the Tavern on the Rock

DJ Blackout will be spinning a variety of music at the Tavern on the Rock bar every other Friday from 7 p.m. to midnight. For more information, call the Rheinlander Community Center at 531-2887 or 0611-143-531-2887, or visit baumholder.armymwr.com.

Bring Your Own Board Game at Strikers Bowling Center

The Pinsetters’ Pub has Bring Your Own Board Game every Friday at 5 p.m. until closing. This is a free event and preregistration is not required. All gamers, 18 and older, are welcome. Food is available at Shawingz until 9 p.m. There are large and small tables provided for game play, and fabulous music to provide the right atmosphere for playing. For more info, call 5312834 or 0611-143-531-2834, or visit baumholder.armymwr.com.

Friday Pool Tournament

The Landstuhl Community Club hosts a free pool tournament from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at the club, Bldg. 3780 on Landstuhl Post. Sign-up is at 6 p.m., with the tournament beginning at 6:30 p.m. Prizes are 1st place $50; 2nd place $25; and 3rd place $10. Contestants must be 18 years or older. For more info, call the Landstuhl Community Club at 06371- 86-7244 or visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

Chuck’s Pub Trivia at Armstrong’s Club

Armstrong’s Club announces Chuck’s Pub Trivia every Friday from 7 to 10 p.m., Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. This trivia is a professional, multi-media competition with different formats and puzzles for teams to solve. Bring a team or join one. Grand prize is $50For more information, visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

Big Stage Karaoke at Kazabra

Perform Karaoke on the Big Stage at the Kazabra Club Friday, Sep. 22 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Big stage Karaoke is every Friday night at the Kazabra except when it is a comedy night show. On these nights, there will be karaoke at the Armstrong’s Club. Food is available from Shawingz, voted the best American Food in Kaiserslautern. For more info, call the Kazabra Club at 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261, or visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

Family and MWR has open continuous announcements for a specific shift (weekends/ evenings) for Soldiers and their Family members who are interested in supplementing their income to enhance their financial resiliency. Soldiers interested in these opportunities will need to seek approval from their chain of command as per requirements. These job listings are available on USAjobs, kaiserslautern.armymwr.com and baumholder.armymwr.com.

Jokes at Kazabra — An Expert’s Guide

A night of laughs is set to happen on Friday, Oct. 13 at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. The Jokes at Kazabra Comedy Show starts at 8 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 at the bar. Headliner

Kendra Borgen, whose show “Gone Girls: Alaskans in Exile” was a sold-out success in February 2023 in Wiesbaden. Feature Joel Bryant is a recognizable actor from many TV, film and commercial spots such as “Monk,” “The Heartbreak Kid,” “LA Macabre,” and “Criminal Minds.” Local Comedian Erin Crouch will host the show. For more information visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com

Hip Hop Night at Kazabra Club

Kazabra Club presents Hip Hop Night, starting October 27, every 4th Friday of the month. Doors open at 7 p.m. with no cover charge. The party starts at 8 p.m. and lasts until 1 a.m. featuring specialty drinks, Hip Hop, R&B, pop-rap, latest hits. For more information, call Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057, Vogelweh, at 0173-324-7716 or visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com for more information.

Halloween 5K Costume Fun Run

Dress up in Halloween costume and take part in this free 5K Halloween Fun Run, October 28. Registration is 9 a.m., run start is 10 a.m. Zombies, mummies, dogs, strollers and families are welcome to walk or run the distance. The event takes place at the Special Events Center, Bldg. 237, Rhine Ordnance Barracks. Dogs must be on a leash and zombies are forbidden to attack anyone. The 3 best costumes in two categories, adult and child will win a prize! For more information, contact jana.goode. naf@army.mil or visit kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.

Free Dance Lessons at


lessons from Oct. 4 to Nov. 8 at the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. This is a six-week class that meets once a week on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Focus will be on Two-Step, Swing, and Line Dancing. For more information, call the Armstrong’s Club at 541-9115 or 0611143-541-9115, or visit kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.

Trivia Night at the Landstuhl Community Club

The Landstuhl Community Club is hosting a monthly Trivia Night the first Thursday of every month starting Oct. 5. This is a groups or single trivia style. Winners will receive a prize of $50. This is a free event. For more information, call the Landstuhl Community Club at 486-7244 or 06371-86-6107 or visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.


Class with Salsa

In honor of Domestic Violence Prevention Month, the Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program is hosting a free Salsa Class with Salsa Oct. 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the ballroom of the Rheinlander Community Center, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. This event is open to all ID card holders, who are married or in a relationship. Families are welcomed to attend. Registration is required. To register, call 541-9028 or 0611-143541-9028. For more information, visit baumholder.armymwr.com.

Columbus Day Golf Scramble

Celebrate Columbus Day Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rolling Hills Golf Course, Bldg. 8888 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. Make a team for this 18hole, two-person, scramble-format event. Shotgun start is at 10 a.m. Ties for the low score will be decided by a sudden death playoff starting on Hole 1 and continuing to Hole 2 until a winner is determined. For more information, call the Rolling Hills Golf Course at 0611-143-531-3408 or 5313408 or visit baumholder.armymwr.com.

Splash Days at the Baumholder Aquatic Center

Check out Baumholder Aquatic Center’s upcoming Splash Days Oct. 7. With an admission fee of just $3, participants can enjoy water activities or on the inflatable AquaTrack at the Aquatic Center, Bldg. 8895/8897 on Wetzel Kaserne. Please note that participants must be 6 years and older to partake in water activities, and registration is not required. Don’t miss out on the fun! For more information, contact the Aquatic Center at 531-2904 or 0611143-531-2904.

SKIES and KMC Onstage 2023 Fall Theater Classes

The SKIES Unlimited Program and the Award-Winning KMC Onstage announces the 2023 Fall Theater Classes for youth

ages 6 to 18 now to Oct. 11 at KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Registration is ongoing. Cost is $84. Open to all ID Cardholders from all Branches of Service. For more information and to register, visit Parent Central Services, Room 123 in Bldg. 162 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, or call 541-9065/66/67 or 061114-3541-9065/66/67, or visit https:// webtrac.mwr.army.mil or kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.

Baumholder Library’s “Potter Palooza”

The Baumholder “Iron Works” Library is hosting a free “Potter Palooza” for all ages Oct. 12 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. in Bldg. 8332 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. Costumes are encouraged. For more information, call 531-2841 or 0611-143-531-2841, or visit the Friends of the Baumholder Library on Facebook or baumholder.armymwr.com.

Rolling Hills Night Golf

Celebrate the season at the night golf scramble Oct. 13 on the Disc Golf Course at the Rolling Hills Golf Course, Bldg. 8888 on Wetzel Kaserne. Golfers are asked to show up an hour before dark to walk through the procedures. For more information, call the Rolling Hills Golf Course at 5313408/3409 or 0611-143-531-3408/3409 or visit baumholder.armymwr.com.

Functional Fitness Competition

Athletes will show their proficiency across a variety of movement patterns, activities, and energy systems at the Functional Fitness Competition Oct. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Functional Fitness Training Center, Bldg. 229 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. Entry fee is $20. This competition is capped at 20 participants. Participants must register on or before Oct. 6 at Sembach, Kleber, ROB, Landstuhl or Mountaineer Fitness Centers.

Start Smart Basketball Registration

Registration for Start Smart Basketball for ages 3 to 4 is Oct. 16 to Nov. 24 or when sessions are full. Cost is $30. Location is in Landstuhl. Start Smart is a parent/child interactive program lead by a Sports and Fitness Specialist. For more information or to register, call Parent Central Services, Bldg. 162 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, at 541-9065/9066/9067 or 0611-143-5419065/9066/9067 or visit kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.

I Still Do, Reunification of Vows

The Army Community Service’s Family Advocacy Program are hosting a free I Still do, Reunification of Vows event Oct. 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Rheinlander Community Center, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. Open to all ID card holders, who are married or in a relationship. Families are welcomed

to attend and celebrate. Registration is required and can be done by calling 531-2850/541-9000 or 0611-143-5312850/ 0611-143-541-9000. For more information, visit baumholder.armymwr. com or kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

Costume Karaoke

The only thing better than Karaoke is doing it in costume! Join in on the fun with Costume Karaoke, October 21, 6-10 p.m. at the Landstuhl Community Club, Bldg. 3780, Landstuhl Post. Come dressed as your favorite singer, actor, Carebear, or let you imagination run wild. This event is free and open to 18+. Call 486-7244 or 06371-86-7244 for more information.

Halloween Party and Costume Contest

Landstuhl Community Club is hosting a Halloween Party and Costume Contest with a live DJ Saturday, Oct. 28, from 6 p.m. to midnight at the club, Bldg. 3780 on Landstuhl Post. For adults, 18 and older. Shawingz will have a Halloween special. The Costume Contest is from 8 to 10 p.m. Costume Contest categories will be ‘Most Creative’ and ‘Scariest’ and prizes will be given for the First to Third Place winners ($50, $20, $10). For more information, call the Landstuhl Community Club at 486-7244 or 06371-86-7244, or visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

Halloween Weekend at Armstrong’s Club

Celebrate Halloween Weekend at the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg., 1036, on Vogelweh Housing. Halloween-themed Pub Trivia with host Chuck is Friday, Oct. 27 from 7 to 10 p.m. Dance the night away with the best mixes from DJ Smooth at the Halloween Freak Show Party on Saturday, Oct. 28 from 7 to 10 p.m. For more information, call the Armstrong’s Club at 541-9115 or 0631-3406-3993 or visit kaiserslautern. armymwr.com.

Halloween Costume Contest Party

Tavern on the Rock is hosting a Halloween Costume Contest Party Oct. 28 starting at 9 p.m. at the Rheinlander Community Center, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. Costume signups are from 9 to 11 p.m. at the door. Signup is required to participate in the contest. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. There will be karaoke, food, and drinks. For more information, call the Rheinlander Community Center at 531-2887 or 0611143-531-2887, or visit baumholder. armymwr.com.

Kaiserslautern American Page 30 October 6, 2023
Photo by Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com Armstrong’s Patrons can learn to Two-Step and other dance styles with free beginner dance
Kaiserslautern American Page 31 October 6, 2023

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