Kaiserslautern American - October 8, 2021

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Ramstein Bazaar


UNTIL THE BAZAAR Deputy Secretary of Defense on COVID-19 Vaccinations, Page 2

New USAFE – AFAFRICA Command Chief, Page 8

Transition workshops prepare, educate evacuees, Page 10

October 8, 2021 | Volume 45, Number 40

Red Cross thanks OAW, COVID19 volunteers, Pages 12-13

21-24 Oct. Ramstein Air Base Hangar 5 www.RamsteinBazaar.org

Read the KA online at KaiserslauternAmerican.com

786 CES preserves, transports piece of history Story and photos by Airman Jared Lovett 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

A fragment of the Berlin Wall was placed at a roundabout near the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center as a memorial in conjunction with German Unity Day on Ramstein Air Base, Oct. 1. The Berlin Wall pieces were relocated in time for German Unity Day on Oct. 3. The German holiday celebrates the anniversary of when all of the German states became part of the same country again after the German Democratic Republic voted to abolish itself and join the democratic Federal Republic of Germany along with the other states on Oct. 3, 1990. “The plan was to do it for German Unity Day in combination with German flags that were put up to show our partnership with Germany, and to give more visibility to these wall pieces,” said U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Daniel Bailey, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron horizontal repairs section chief. See BERLIN WALL, Page 3

A fragment of the Berlin Wall was placed near the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center as a memorial at Ramstein Air Base, Oct. 1. The memorial was placed in time for German Unity Day, celebrated annually on Oct. 3 as it was the day all of the German states became part of the same country again after the German Democratic Republic voted to abolish itself and join the democratic Federal Republic of Germany along with the other states on Oct. 3, 1990.

Unbe-leaf-able: 4 places to see amazing autumn colors in Germany by MilitaryInGermany.com

Forests are an essential part of Germany. Naturally, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons around. Golds, oranges and reds are yours to be had all over the country. Get out there See AUTUMN COLORS, Page 24

“No Time to Die” is the featured movie of the week, Photo by Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock.com

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Kaiserslautern American

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October 8, 2021

Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 vaccination of DOD civilian employees by Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks U.S. Department of Defense To defend the Nation and protect the American people, we need a healthy and ready Total Force. To accomplish this, the Secretary of Defense directed the mandatory vaccination of Service members against the coronavirus disease 2019 by signing the memorandum, “Mandatory Corona virus Disease 2019 Vaccination of Department of Defense Service Members,” on Aug. 24. On Sept. 9, the President of the United States directed Executive Branch agencies to implement a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for Federal employees to ensure the health and safety of the Federal workforce and members of the public with whom they interact by signing Executive Order 14043, “Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees.” All DOD civilian employees must be fully vaccinated by Nov. 22, subject to exemptions as required by law. Employees are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after completing the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or 2 weeks after receiving a single dose of a one-dose COVID19 vaccine.

New DOD civilian employees must be fully vaccinated by their entry on duty (start) date or Nov. 22, whichever is later. To meet this requirement, individuals must be vaccinated with vaccines that are either fully licensed or authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (e.g., C o m i r n a t y / P f i z e r- B i o N Te c h , Moderna, Johnson & Johnson/ Janssen); listed for emergency use on the World Health Organization Emergency Use Listing (e.g., AstraZeneca/ Oxford); or approved for use in a clinical trial vaccine for which vaccine efficacy has been independently confirmed (e.g., Novavax). Those with previous COVID-19 infection(s) or previous serology are not considered fully vaccinated on that basis for the purposes of this mandate. Those who are not currently fully vaccinated must meet the following deadlines, if using vaccines that are fully licensed or authorized for emergency use by the FDA, in order to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 22: • Oct. 11: first dose deadline (if receiving the Moderna vaccine); • Oct. 18: first dose deadline (if receiving the Comirnaty/ Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine);

• Nov. 8: second dose deadline (if receiving the Moderna and Comirnaty/PfizerBioNTech vaccines); and • Nov. 8: first (only) dose deadline (if receiving the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine). In accordance with Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Guidance,” Dec. 7, 2020, DOD civilian employees are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at any DOD vaccination site, including military medical treatment facilities. They may also opt to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at locations other than DOD vaccination sites, including retail stores, private medical practices, and/or local and State public health department sites. Employees, including those who have already received COVID-19 vaccines, must be prepared to provide a copy of their COVID-19 vaccine record in order to meet forthcoming procedures for DOD COVID-19 vaccination verification. Additional guidance, including procedures for processing vaccination exemption requests, will be published by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.

The USD(P&R) is authorized to rescind this memorandum as necessary for purposes of providing updated guidance. Vaccinating DOD civilian employees against COVID-19 will save lives and allow for the defense of our Nation. Thank you for your focus on this

critical mission. You can read the guidance memo at https://media.defense. gov/2021/Oct/04/2002867430/1/-1/0/mandatory-coronavirusdisease-2019-vaccinationof-dod-civilian-employeesosd008990-21-resp-final.pdf.

How to merge lanes in Germany Story and graphic by the German American Community Office Merging lanes in Germany is different from merging in the United States. Germany uses the “zipper system” or Reissverschlussverfahren. The system is encoded in German Road Traffic Regulations (§7 (4) StVO) and dictates that when two lanes converge into one, drivers should proceed all the way to the front of their respective lane and wait to merge at the last possible point. Then they should alter-

nately fold together like teeth on a zipper. It can feel counterproductive or like cutting in line, but it is actually a more efficient way to merge lanes and make the most of the space available. Some studies have shown that the zipper line rule can increase merging capacity by as much as 15 to 20 percent. For more information, you can reach out to the German American Community Office by emailing to info@gaco-kl.de or calling 0631 3633010.

MASTHEAD The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including

inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army

agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material.

AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send questions, comments to: ka@advantipro.de.

Deadlines: • News, feature, school articles and photos: Noon Thursday for the following week’s edition • Sports articles and photos: Noon Thursday for the following week’s edition • Free (space available) classifieds: Noon Tuesday for that same week’s KA

For editorial questions and article/photo submissions, please contact the Public Affairs Office Ramstein: 86aw.pa.commandinformation@us.af.mil To place classified ads, visit FindItGuide.com. For display ads, email Ads@KaiserslauternAmerican.com or call 0631-30 33 55 36.

AdvantiPro GmbH General Manager: Bret Helenius Editor, Quality Control: Jennifer Holdsworth Display ads: Corinna Pongracz Layout: Manuel Flaetgen Sales Team: Armand Derderian, Karin Flick Ad Design & Layout: Manuel Flaetgen, Alexander Pütz, Marina Richter, Christine Kemfort Website: Aaron T. Grogg Printer: Oggersheimer Druckzentrum

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021 BERLIN WALL from Page 1 786th CES Airmen worked meticulously to transport the historical artifact without any damage to the wall. The pieces were previously on display since the early 2000s near the Ramstein Officers’ Club. On Sept. 14, Airmen went to the site and used a chainsaw meant for concrete to separate the wall pieces from their base. “It was a challenge because it’s a piece of history,” said Staff Sgt. Allen Brewer, 786th CES pavement and equipment craftsman. “We didn’t want to damage it and with heavy equipment, sometimes that happens.” After successfully removing the wall from its foundation without damaging it, the wall was laid on the back of a 50-ton flatbed semitractor-trailer to be stored away while Airmen prepared the next site for its arrival. Airmen dug a rectangle 17 feet long, 6 feet wide and 20 inches deep at the new location with the subgrade and a base course to place the Berlin Wall upon. Afterward, they poured 12 inches of concrete around the base of the wall to hold it in place. Airmen went to great lengths to ensure the preservation of the pieces during the installation. “The hardest part to standing

the wall back up was doing it gently enough to not damage the pieces because they didn’t have anything to hook onto to pick them up with,” Bailey said. “We had to do everything manually which made it a lot more difficult.” To stand it back up, Airmen used an excavator and a telescopic handler to pick up each piece and maneuver them into the ground. “We initially didn’t know how to take it apart, how to move it or how to make it happen, but we took action and worked as a team,” Bailey said. “In the face of every obstacle, we were able to figure out a solution to make it happen for our German Unity Day.” The 786th CES successfully preserved and moved the portion of the Berlin Wall to the traffic circle, making the memorial more visible to the local community.

(Right) Vehicles drive by German flags along Kisling Memorial Drive at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30. German flags were put up in celebration of German Unity Day, celebrated annually on Oct. 3.

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Michael Crowder, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron heavy equipment operator, spreads grass seeds at the site of the Berlin Wall memorial at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30. Fragments of the Berlin Wall were moved from the Officer’s Club and put somewhere for more people to see in time for German Unity Day.

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U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Benjamin Webster, left, and Senior Airman Michael Crowder, right, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron heavy equipment operators, place a sign for a Berlin Wall memorial into the ground at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30. A fragment of the Berlin Wall was placed at the roundabout near the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center for German Unity Day, celebrated annually on Oct. 3.

Michael Schmitt, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron structure shop mason, covers holes in the frame of the Berlin Wall memorial at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30.

Kaiserslautern American

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SEPTEMBER 27 9:03 a.m.: Major traffic collision near Cologne 12:25 p.m.: Major traffic collision in Kaiserslautern 12:41 p.m.: Theft in Kaiserslautern SEPTEMBER 28 4:24 p.m.: Driving under the influence/ fleeing the scene of a traffic collision in Kaiserslautern SEPTEMBER 29 10:11 a.m.: Theft in Ramstein-Miesenbach 12 p.m.: Theft in Ramstein-Miesenbach 6:03 p.m.: Damage to personal property unknown location 7:53 p.m.: Assault on Vogelweh Family Housing Area SEPTEMBER 30 1:48 p.m.: Major vehicle collision in Bruchmuehlbach-Miesau OCTOBER 1 12:30 p.m.: Possession of an illegal substance on Vogelweh

Photo by Schmidt_Alex / Shutterstock.com

Photo by Golubovy / Shutterstock.com

9:50 p.m.: Fleeing the scene of a traffic collision in Rodenbach 10:45 p.m.: Major traffic collision in Trippstadt

COVID-19 updates for KMC Looking for updated information regarding coronavirus and changes to base facilities? Visit www.ramstein.af.mil/COVID-19/

OCTOBER 2 2:40 a.m.: Driving under the influence in Kaiserslautern 5:02 a.m.: Driving under the influence in Kaiserslautern 5:50 a.m.: Driving under the influence in Kaiserslautern

TMO The Inbound Cargo Section will be unable to provide customer pick up services on Fridays beginning Sept. 17 - Oct. 22 due to backlog of inbound cargo and minimum manning during OAR. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please direct any questions or concerns to MSgt Edith Borges or TSgt Evenet Lordeus at 480-5222/480-3442.

OCTOBER 3 12:49 a.m.: Driving while impaired in Landstuhl 5:01 a.m.: Driving under the influence in Landstuhl 5:30 a.m.: Driving under the influence/ Fleeing the scene on Kapaun Air Station 12:33 p.m.: Theft in Schopp 5:09 p.m.: Major traffic collision in GlanMuenchweiler 10 p.m.: Theft/trespassing in Huetschenhausen

Editor’s note: The purpose of the weekly blotter is to deliver a chronological listing of criminal activity in the KMC. The information contained in the blotter is not indicative of crime trends or the targeting of service members or their dependents. The location and nature of the entries is dependent upon where the crime was reported and not necessarily where the crime took place.

THE HOUSING HYPE Military Family Housing Self-Help Stores Happy autumn from your KMC Housing Office. As the temperatures, and leaves, begin to fall, we want to help you to take care of your home. Below is a small selection of the 100+ items that can be found in the MFH Self-Help Stores at Ramstein and Vogelweh. OUTDOOR: »» Grass seed »» Lawn fertilizer »» Mousetraps »» Ant bait stations

October 8, 2021

INDOOR: »» 110V Child safety outlet protectors »» Stove top protection (child safety) »» Humidifiers device for radiators »» Baking trays »» Shower hose/shower head »» Light bulbs

86 AW Retiree Activities Office The RAO is open and has moved to building 2118, room 138 on the ground floor. In-person visits and appointments are limited at this time. Contact us via phone DSN 480-5486/ Comm 06371-47-5486 or email to 86aw.rao@ us.af.mil The RAO is holding a Retiree Appreciation Day for all retired military, dependents, surviving family members and retired DOD civilians at the Ramstein Officers Club, Oct. 14, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. USAREUR office closed The Ramstein USAREUR office will be temporarily closed in support of ongoing operations. Appointments are available at U.S. Army Garrison Kleber Kaserne. DSN: 314-5282434/2432/2433/2436 Comm: 0631-143-5282433/2432 Clinic services update & Referral Waiver guidance Due to the current operations on Ramstein Air Base, the 86th Medical Group has limited appointments and services available until further notice. As previously announced, the Defense Health Agency has issued a temporary MTF Referral Waiver for primary and specialty care, which means that our beneficiaries can receive TRICARE covered medical care off-base if the 86th Medical Group is unable to offer an appointment or provide the services needed. For additional information and guidance, please see information below and attached. When seeking care off-base, please ensure the

following to avoid out-of-pocket expenses: »» Provider off-base is a TRICARE authorized provider: Visit https://www.tricareoverseas.com/beneficiaries or contact the TOP Regional Center +(44) 20-8762-8384 »» Care received must be a TRICARE covered benefit: Visit https://tricare.mil/ CoveredServices or contact your local TRICARE Service Center at 06371-46-2273 (option 4 and 3) Visitor passes service update Due to current operations on Ramstein Air Base, non-essential visitor passes will not be issued until further notice. This includes AAFES and DECA facilities. Residents of Ramstein Air Base may receive visitors passes for their family, but must have proof of base residency (TLF receipt, base housing assignment memorandum). Only official passes will be issued to support base operations. We appreciate your patience during this time as we know this may upset plans. Air Force official photos: The 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office has a new process for scheduling official photos. Visit Ramsteinstudio.setmore.com/ services to schedule your official photo. Head and shoulders appointments are available Wednesdays, with appointments for fulllength photos on Fridays. Registry of Motor Vehicles closure Due to a temporary work force shortage and a lag in the hiring process, the USAREUR Registry of Motor Vehicles customer service desk located in building 216 on Sembach Kaserne is closed on Fridays. This temporary action will continue through September. Please plan accordingly. ATTN: Those packing up and leaving the KMC Many members wait too long to begin the household goods moving process, thereby causing additional stress and delays. The 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Personal Property Office advises movers to call them three weeks before moving to begin the booking process.

NOTE: Tools to maintain the yards, high-pressure cleaner, hedge clipper etc., can be borrowed on a 24-hour basis.

Hours of operation: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed on German/American holidays

Upcoming office closure: The KMC Housing Office and Furnishings Management Section will close at 11:30 a.m. every Wednesday for administrative time and will be closed on Oct. 11 in observance of the holiday as well as on Oct. 14 for an office function.

Frequently asked questions: »» Q: Who is authorized to use the Self-Help Store? A: Any military family housing resident living in Ramstein, Landstuhl or Vogelweh housing areas. »» Q: How do I verify my on-base address? A: Your DoD ID Card will validate your address with the in-store address listing. »» Q: Will I have to pay for the materials that I receive from the Self-Help Store? A: No. There are no charges to you or your family members for self-help/loaner items. Please contact the KMC Housing Office at KMCHousing@us.af.mil or call 489-7108, commercial 0631-536-7108 for more information.

Photo courtesy of the Housing Office

Self-Help Store locations: Ramstein - Bldg. 859, Vogelweh - Bldg. 1070

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

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Starlink increases Comm capabilities at RAB Ramstein Airmen received 15 terminals for satellite internet during Afghanistan evacuation operations, Sept. 20. Ramstein Air Base is currently using the Starlink terminals to support the current evacuation transient hub operations where standard fiber-optic or other standard, physical internet connections are not available. “We are using Starlink as a third party terminal to allow other units and partners outside the U.S. Air Force to access our network,” said U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class David S. Cho, 86th Communication Squadron client systems technician. “They can use it as a commercial Wi-Fi and can use a virtual private network to gain access to (the internet).” During Operations Allies Refuge and Operations Allies Welcome, many other units and organizations came to Ramstein to assist with the growing num-

ber of evacuees. The 86th CS helped where they could to get our partners access to U.S. Air Force systems. “The 86 Communications Squadron provided commercial internet capabilities by using Starlink to federal agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. Hector Valladares, the 86th CS Operations flight commander. “This enables them to connect to their systems to vet and process evacuees.” Innovation is a top priority of senior U.S. Air Force leaders. New technologies and process improvement is what the Air Force needs to stay ahead of adversaries and strengthen their allies. “Starlink is a new capability that is currently in beta testing,” Valladares said. “It provides high-speed internet access with download speeds of up to 150 megabytes per second. It takes about 15 to 30 minutes to setup without the need for any infrastructure.”

As many who live in rural areas know, getting a wired internet connection is difficult. Ethernet cables are fragile and need to be carefully handled which is the same for the U.S. military. Certain locations can’t receive a hard-wired connection which is why the 86th CS turned to an alternative solution. “For a few places around the base it was difficult to get internet cables to,” Cho said. “It can take days if not months sometimes to accomplish and a lot of the cables have to be run underground because they’re so delicate. So with the Starlink terminals it saved us a lot of time and work.” The recent evacuation operations have pushed much of the existing information technology infrastructure to its limits. The 86th CS adaptability in use of new technologies and the application of them into realworld missions. In the current Afghanistan evacuation, this technology linked key interagency partners together which expedited the transport of vulnerable people to safe haven.

U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Alexander Basic, 86th Communications Squadron network infrastructure technician, kneels behind a Starlink terminal at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 21. Ramstein received 15 terminals for use in the test phase as well as support of evacuation operations.


Story and photo by Senior Airman Thomas Karol 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Kaiserslautern American

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October 8, 2021

Germans, Americans reinforce partnership during return to annual forum in Kaiserslautern Story and photos by Jason Tudor U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Community and military leaders gathered for the first time in nearly two years for the Kaiserslautern Military Community Mayor’s Forum Sept. 28. U.S. Army Garrison RheinlandPfalz served as host for the event, which is conducted by the U.S. Air Force’s 86th Airlift Wing, at the garrison’s Armstrong’s Club in the Vogelweh Military Community. The event is attended by mayors from the local community, as well as U.S. Army and Air Force leadership. As the “mayor” of the garrison’s 29 sites in Germany, Col. Vance J. Klosinski, garrison commander, served as the Army’s event host this year, alongside Garrison Command Sgt. Major Stephen J. LaRocque. Maj. Gen. Randall Reed, commander of Kaiserslautern Military Community and 3rd Air Force commander, served as co-host and also provided welcome remarks. Maj. Gen. James M. Smith, 21st Theater Sustainment Commander

topics of interest. This session included a construction update on the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Medical Center, coronavirus, and other military and civil issues affecting the community. “I know that all of you are extremely busy and I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to be with us,” Klosinski told the group. Hosting of the annual event rotates between the community and military venues. The Coronavirus pandemic postponed the annual gathering in 2020, though military and civilian leaders kept in constant contact via telephone and email. The meeting lasted about two hours. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. James M. Smith, commander of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, briefs the Mayors Forum about Operation Allies Welcome Sept. 28.

and Army Senior Responsible Officer in the region, also attended the event and provided an update on the Army’s efforts for Operation Allies Refuge/Operation Allies Welcome at Rhine Ordnance Barracks. “This unique function working with German civil leaders is a

critical partnership that allows us to work your problems and tackle important issues,” Klosinski said. “Meetings like this enhance that partnership.” Simultaneously interpreted into German and English, the event allowed community and military leaders to discuss various

U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Randall Reed, 3rd Air Force commander and commander of the Kaiserslautern Military Community, addresses the annual Mayors Forum Sept. 28 at Armstrong’s Club in the Vogelweh Military Community, U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz.

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October 8, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

57th annual Ramstein Bazaar — Top 10 need to knows The Ramstein Bazaar is returning to Ramstein Air Base, Germany this October. This large, multi-day event brings vendors and visitors from around the Kaiserslautern Military Community. Here is a list of tips for those interested in visiting this later month. 1. The 57th Annual Ramstein Bazaar will take place Oct. 21-24, and it is located in Hangar 5 on the flight line of Ramstein Air Base. Parking is available in the longterm parking garage adjacent to the PAX Terminal as well as the KMCC backlot. Just follow the directional signs to the Hangar. 2. Hours of operation will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Thursday and Friday are designated stroller days. Saturday and Sunday, customers will be asked to park their strollers outside of the Hangar. 3. Guests are welcome to visit the Bazaar and eat, however, only DOD and NATO ID cardholders with SOFA status will be able to purchase Europe’s one-of-a-kind treasures from more than 100 vendors. 4. There will only be one ATM on Bazaar grounds. To avoid standing in long lines, organizers are asking visitors to pick up cash ahead of time at one of the many ATMs located on base. U.S. dollars, checks, and credit cards are accepted at the Bazaar. 5. 26 private organizations will be selling food items during the Bazaar. Food vendors accept cash only - so don’t forget to bring those U.S. dollars if you want to enjoy their delicious food offerings. 6. Shop and feel good by doing good. 100% of the net proceeds generated from the Ramstein Bazaar go directly back into the local Kaiserslautern Military Community, schools, base events, and scholarships. 7. You can avoid peak times on the weekend by coming to the Bazaar on Thursday or early Friday. 8. No photography is allowed on the flight line. Additionally, pets are not allowed at the event either. Unless you have a certified service animal, please leave the fourlegged loved ones at home. 9. Please bring your ID, an approved face covering, proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test, and patience. We ask that everyone continue to respect our host nation and one another during the event. Keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 mitigation procedures on the Ramstein Bazaar website at www.ramstainbazaar.org. 10. It takes more than 600 volunteer shifts to put on the Ramstein Bazaar. If you are interested in volunteering - please visit our website at www.ramsteinbazaar.org and click on the volunteer tab.

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Kaiserslautern American

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October 8, 2021

Meet USAFE –AFAFRICA’s newest command chief, CMSgt. Benjamin Hedden Story and photo by Tech. Sgt. Michael Battles U.S. Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa Public Affairs There’s a new face within the halls of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa headquarters building - a senior enlisted leader who advises on the readiness, training, development and utilization of more than 21,000 enlisted personnel assigned to the command. Chief Master Sgt. Benjamin Hedden assumed the role of command chief on Sept. 1, and immediately went to work for the enlisted Airmen assigned to the command. “As we continue to use the

‘Accelerate Change or Lose’ strategic mindset to shape our force, I want to make sure that our USAFE-AFAFRICA Airmen have the tools necessary to support not only our theater, but the requirements of any commander, anytime … anywhere. Readiness will always be a priority.” Hedden joined the Air Force 26 years ago as an aerospace ground equipment Airman, which is where his foundation for compliance and discipline was built. These two ideals shaped his career and guided him to becoming a military training instructor at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. “I’ve really used those concepts to drive my career and

grow into the leader I am today,” Hedden said. “Together, they will help guide our senior leaders, develop the force and improve the quality of life for our personnel.” As the air component senior enlisted leader to both the U.S. European and Africa commands, Hedden is also responsible for directing enlisted security engagements and partnership building for an area of responsibility comprised of 104 countries across 19 million square miles. “This MAJCOM is known for having the best multi-capable Airmen in the Air Force, and I look forward to developing our enlisted force into an even stronger warfighting capability,” Hedden said.

Chief Master Sgt. Benjamin W. Hedden

OSI ‘surge’ pivotal to historic Afghan evacuation mission by Wayne Amann Office of Special Investigations Public Affairs In the span of 24 hours, Ramstein Air Base and Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, transformed into the United States’ two primary evacuation hubs for Operation Allies Refuge, supporting the most expansive humanitarian airlift in the history of the U.S. With hundreds of flights and more than 35,000 Afghan travelers through Ramstein AB alone, the U.S. Government and its NATO allies and

partners focused on the sheltering, feeding, caring and safety of the travelers. The Office of Special Investigations played a critical role in this successful mission execution. OSI facilitated and conducted the screening and processing of more than 60,000 individuals in the Central Command Area of Responsibility, and more than 35,000 in U.S. Air Forces Europe-Air Forces Africa. One hundred-twelve OSI special agents, analysts and professional

staff personnel from 24 units and five wings across the globe surged to Germany and Qatar to team up with interagency partners, including the Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Criminal Investigation Command, National Counterterrorism Center, and Customs and Border Protection. Working around the clock, they collectively provided force protection for military service members, the multitude of volunteers, the installations, the travelers themselves, and the American homeland for this unprecedented undertaking. “Although the volume of activity took place in Germany and Qatar, OSI teamed elsewhere with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service to enable their force protection efforts at Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy, and Naval Station Rota, Spain,” said Col. Terrence M. Joyce, OSI Region 5 commander, USAFE-AFAFRICA, Ramstein AB. “The mission continues and the

extraordinary collaboration across the interagency team is a testament to our shared unity of purpose. I’m immensely honored and humbled to serve alongside such selfless professionals and be a part of Task Force Allies Refuge.” This sentiment was echoed by Col. Tara Lunardi, OSI Region 2 commander, Langley Air Force Base, Va., in her email lauding the efforts of her region’s detachment personnel in Qatar. “Truly a heroic effort by you who’ve been on the front lines since Day 1 to take this incredible and unexpected task across the finish line,” she said. “You are genuine examples of how OSI talent gets it done time and again, in spite of little sleep and heart-wrenching scenes hourly. The command couldn’t have hand-picked a better team to lead us through such a historic effort…so grateful for everyone’s professionalism, attitude and eye-watering work ethic.”

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OSI and its multiple federal law enforcement partners continue to remain focused on their screening and vetting missions in support of operations at the overseas hubs, consistent with the dual goals of protecting national security and providing protection for Afghan evacuees. “We are so proud of the important work the OSI team has been doing in support of Operations Allies Refuge/Allies Welcome,” said Brig. Gen. Terry L. Bullard, OSI commander. “OSI special agents, analysts and professional staff from across the globe surged to ensure the safe, secure and effective reception and transit of Afghan evacuees.” To date, approximately 124,000 people have been safely flown out of Afghanistan, including about 6,000 American citizens. This massive military, diplomatic and humanitarian effort, one of the most difficult in America’s history, has been an extraordinary feat of logistics and coordination under some of the most challenging circumstances imaginable. “While this mission has been relentless, complex and incredibly fluid, each member of OSI continues to go above and beyond the call of duty, demonstrating to our travelers, allies and partners across the world, the true Spirit of America,” Joyce added.

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October 8, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American

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October 8, 2021

Transition workshops prepare, educate evacuees during OAW

Transition workshop instructors stand in front of their classroom at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30. Volunteers are teaching workshops to evacuees from Afghanistan of all ages in order to prepare them for their new lives in the U.S.

The Ramstein Air Base Cultural

RAMSTEIN CHAPEL PROGRAMS 86 AW/HC, Unit 3210, APO AE 09094-3210 North Chapel (Bldg 1201) (DSN) 480-6148, (Civ) 06371-47-6148 South Chapel (Bldg 2403) (DSN) 480-5753, (Civ) 06371-47-5753 Vogelweh Chapel (Bldg 2063) Please call Ramstein North Chapel Kapaun Chapel/Annex (Bldg 2781/2782) Please call Ramstein North Chapel For more information about our services, please visit us on Facebook: Facebook.com/RamsteinChapelOfficial Or at the Ramstein Air Base website: https://www.ramstein.af.mil/About/Fact-Sheets/ Display/Article/2597677/kmc-chapels/

Buddhist (SGI) Service: North Chapel, 10:30 a.m., 4th Sat

Lutheran (WELS) Service: South Chapel, 4 p.m., 2nd & 4th Sun

Orthodox Divine Liturgy: Kapaun Chapel, 08:45 a.m., Sun Children’s Church School: Kapaun Annex, 10:45 a.m., Sun Adult Scripture Study: Kapaun Annex, 10.45 a.m., Sun Great Vespers: Kapaun Chapel, 5 p.m., 4th Sat *Confessions available afterwards

Wiccan Facebook.com/VogelwehOpenCircleSWC Service: Kapaun Annex, 7 p.m., Sat

Unitarian Universalist Facebook.com/ KaiserslauternUnitarianUniversalistFellowship Service: Kapaun Chapel, 1:30 p.m., 2nd & 4th Sun

Catholic Holy Family Catholic Community Facebook.com/RamsteinCatholicCommunity Daily Mass: North Chapel, 11:30 a.m., Tue-Fri Confessions: North Chapel, by appointment only Sunday Masses: North Chapel, 9 a.m. & 1 p.m., Sun

Knights of Columbus (K of C) Meeting: North Chapel, 6 p.m., 2nd Tue

Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC) (except Jul & Aug) Bible Study: North Chapel, 9 a.m., Tue Book Club: North Chapel, 6 p.m., 2nd & 4th Thu

Catholic Religious Education (RE) (except Jun, Jul & Aug) Kindergarten – 8th and Confirmation class Ramstein Intermediate School: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun Life Teen: North Chapel, 5:30 p.m., Sun

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) (except Jul & Aug) Meeting: South Chapel, 6 p.m., Thu

Engagement Team and volunteers are helping evacuees from Afghanistan by setting up workshops during Operation Allies Welcome at Ramstein Air Base. The goal of these workshops is to

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter –day Saints Early Morning Seminary/Scripture Study for High School aged students Ramstein School: North Chapel, 6:30 a.m., Mon-Wed, Fri Vogelweh School: Vogelweh Chapel, 6:30 a.m., Mon-Wed, Fri

Episcopal Service: Kapaun Chapel, 10:30 a.m., Sun

Islam Jumu’ah Khutbah: South Chapel, 1 p.m., Fri Potluck: South Chapel, 7 p.m., 1st & 3rd, Fri Daenner Chapel, 1 p.m., Fri LRMC Chapel, 1:15 p.m., Fri

Jewish Facebook.com/KMCMILJEWISHCOMMUNITY Shabbat: South Chapel, 6 p.m., Fri Sabbath Kiddush & Lunch: 1 p.m.; RSVP and request location by COB Wed* Saturday Torah Study: 7 p.m. - request location & Zoom link* Sunday Hebrew School & B’nei Mitzvah Study – request location and Zoom link*

Messianic Service: South Chapel, 10 a.m., Sat

Protestant Contemporary North Chapel, 11 a.m., Sun Facebook.com/ramsteincontemporaryservice (Deaf & Hard of Hearing Ministry ASL interpreter available) Children’s Church: North Chapel Annex, Ages 5 and up (Children are dismissed during service to attend) Men’s Bible Study: South Chapel, 11:45 a.m., Wed Gospel: Vogelweh Chapel, 11 a.m., Sun Facebook.com/VogelwehGospelService/ Children’s Church registration begins at 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church: Vogelweh Chapel, Pre-K to 12th, Sun Traditional: South Chapel, 9:30 a.m., Sun Facebook.com/ramsteinprotestanttraditionalservice

Seventh - day Adventist Worship service: North Chapel, 11 a.m., Sat Bible Study: North Chapel, 10 a.m., Sat

provide evacuees with some primary knowledge of what they can expect after transitioning to the United States. The CET hopes that these workshops will help evacuees assimilate more smoothly when they move to their next destination. “The transition workshops were put in place to help evacuees learn some of what they will need to know when they move to the U.S.,” said Maj. Keavy Rake, RAB CET lead. “We want to prepare them for what life will be like in the U.S. and what cultural changes they will need to know.” Rapidly moving to a new culture can be difficult, but volunteer educators are striving to make this transition as comfortable as possible for the evacuees. “We are teaching workshops on basic English, like letters, numbers, shapes, colors and basic phrases, and classroom etiquette to our students,” said Lindsay Vanbillard, Pod two education program coordinator. “We will be covering basic lessons on how to raise your hand, listen and not to interrupt when the teacher is talking.” Many evacuees have had varying levels of access to education in Afghanistan. Vanbillard explained that one particular goal of these workshops is to familiarize the evacuee population with how classrooms operate in the U.S. education system. “We are teaching the children and adults this because many have not been in a classroom environment KAISERSLAUTERN

PMOC Bible Study: South Chapel, 11:45 a.m., Wed

PWOC Bible Study: Vogelweh Chapel, 6 p.m., Mon Bible Study: South Chapel, 9 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 6 p.m., Tue Bible Study: Vogelweh Chapel, 9:30 a.m., Thu

Ramstein AWANA (RE) Facebook.com/groups/RamsteinAwana Protestant Youth of the Chapel (Middle & High School) Grds 6-8: North Chapel, 3:30-5 p.m., Tue Grds 9-12: North Chapel, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Tue Grds 6-12: Vogelweh Chapel, TBA

Officer Christian Fellowship North Chapel Annex, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Thu

CHURCH OF CHRIST www.ktowncoc.org

Story and photos by Senior Airman Thomas Karol 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm Mühlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

Lindsay Vanbillard, Pod two education program coordinator, writes a list of workshops being taught at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30. Lindsay and other instructors are teaching evacuees basic lessons in order to ensure they can adjust to culture changes when they move to the U.S.

before,” Vanbillard said. “We want to help them learn this material so when they get to the U.S., they will be able to communicate with others and adjust to the changes they will experience.” Fifty evacuees have already signed up for workshops, but Vanbillard said they are expecting up to 600 students in Pod two alone. Many of the evacuees are excited for the workshops and are willing to lend a helping hand. “We aren’t the only ones excited about this,” Lindsay said. “Some of the evacuees who are fluent in English have volunteered to teach some of the workshops. They said they are so happy we are doing this for them and can’t wait to get started and help out the other evacuees.” The U.S. military and its partners are committed to caring for and welcoming evacuees in as many ways as possible. The teams supporting the workshops are constantly working to ensure the evacuees know they are more than just a number, and the

military presence at Ramstein is doing everything they can to provide care while evacuees are housed there. “I think it’s so important that we are doing this,” Rake said. “We are the first face of the U.S. they have seen and we want to make sure it’s a lasting one. Hopefully they will remember their time at Ramstein AB for the rest of their lives and the positive impact we had on them.” The entire operation continues to impact Airmen and volunteers in powerful ways, and Rake is no exception. For her, it’s about the people who are here and the memories they are making. “This whole operation has just really shown me how human the military really is,” Rake said. “I’ve been to Afghanistan and I’ve seen a few of the people I worked with over there. I saw them and it made me so happy to learn they made it out and are on the way to the U.S. I am so proud to be part of this and I’ll remember it forever.”

Catherine Ilic, a transition workshop instructor, gives a thumbs up to an evacuee from Afghanistan at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 30. Ilic and others are teaching children classroom etiquette because many of them are unfamiliar with an American classroom environment.

October 8, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

Page 11

Page 12

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

Red Cross thanks OAW, COVID-19 volunteers

American Red Cross workers and volunteers pose for a photo during an Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19 volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28. During the ceremony, Red Cross and U.S. military leadership awarded and thanked volunteers for providing 24/7 support to help with supplies, comfort kits and additional requests from the military during OAW. Volunteers were also recognized and thanked for administering vaccines, cleaning and sanitizing stations in between patients, screening patients for symptoms and helping with in-processing of patients receiving vaccines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic within the Kaiserslautern Military Community. Photos by Senior Airman John R. Wright

American Red Cross volunteers greet each other during an Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19 volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28. During the ceremony, military and civilian volunteers received awards and certificates for their work supporting OAW and COVID-19 response efforts in the Kaiserslautern Military Community.

American Red Cross volunteers gather during an Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19 volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28. During OAW, Red Cross volunteers put in more than 8,775 hours in the Kaiserslautern Military Community alone over the course of 39 days.

October 8, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

Koby Langley, American Red Cross international services and service to the armed forces senior vice president, right, recognizes retired U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. James Johnson, Operation Gratitude president and CEO, during an Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19 volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Red Cross has partnered with Operation Gratitude to provide support to active duty military personnel and spouses in the Kaiserslautern Military Community.

Koby Langley, American Red Cross international services and service to the armed forces senior vice president, right, recognizes Yulithsa Chamu Torres, American Red Cross volunteer, during an Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19 volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28.

U.S. service members and American Red Cross workers and volunteers attend a volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28. During the ceremony, Red Cross and military leadership thanked volunteers for their time and efforts responding to Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19.

Right to left: Koby Langley, American Red Cross international services and service to the armed forces senior vice president, recognizes Zach Wrezinski, American Red Cross volunteer, along with Tommy Mize, U.S. Army Installation Management Command – Europe director, Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher D. Truchon, U.S. Army IMCOM – Europe, and Dee Swanier, American Red Cross – Europe division senior director, during a volunteer recognition ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 28. Red Cross and military leadership thanked volunteers for donating their time and efforts in response to Operation Allies Welcome and COVID-19.

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Kaiserslautern American

Page 14

October 8, 2021

Cultural integration classes bring American life into focus by Eleanor Prohaska 21st Theater Sustainment Command There is no “typical” Afghan traveler among the men, women and children currently living in the Logistical Support Areas at Rhine Ordnance Barracks in Kaiserslautern. They come from different tribes. They were farmers, soldiers, teachers and students. Some are married. Some are pregnant. Some speak English and have lived in the United States. For others, it is their first time outside their home country. Their varied backgrounds, experiences, hopes and dreams form a kaleidoscope as they wait for their journey to America to come in to focus. Afghan travelers who have already spent time in the U.S. know that understanding American norms will make the journey easier. With the support from U.S. Army Reserve Civil Affairs, the first traveler-led cultural integration class took place this week at ROB. About 60 male Afghan travelers attended.

Spc. Carl Youngblood, 457th Civil Affairs, 7th Mission Support Command, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, welcomes Afghan travelers to "Intro to the USA" at Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Kaiserslautern, Germany. The cultural integration class, conducted in both Pashto and Dari, provided an introduction to life in the west, examined major differences between life in Afghanistan and life in the U.S. and encouraged participants to ask questions. Photo by Rebecca Schwab

“Learning about American culture is very important,” said Abdul Waheed, a Washington D.C. police officer from Afghanistan currently volunteering as


a linguist. Waheed said familiarizing travelers with U.S. social services as well as what is considered socially appropriate in the U.S., can ease anxiety and stress, minimize misunder-

standings and help travelers succeed in America. That is the thinking behind the class, according to Spc. Carl Youngblood, 457th Civil Affairs


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Battalion, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, 7th Mission Support Command. The 7th Mission Support Command is the only U.S. Army Reserve command stationed in Germany with units across Europe. An Afghan traveler and Fulbright Scholar who has lived in the U.S. recognized the value of sharing basic information on what to expect from life in the U.S., according to Youngblood. He volunteered to lead the first “Intro to the USA” class, and based on the positive response, more are likely to follow. “Everyone is really excited,” Youngblood said. “The word has spread. We found people who have lived in America and they’ve already volunteered to give their own classes, separate from the ones we’ve organized.” The class, conducted in both Pashto and Dari, provided an introduction to life in the west, examined major differences between life in Afghanistan and life in the U.S. and encouraged participants to ask questions. “It’s important to everyone that we help you with the transition to the U.S. and take advantage of the time we have here to have these cultural classes,” said Youngblood as he welcomed class participants. At the maleonly LSA, class organizers ensured that each tent was represented, to enhance the distribution of information. “In a sense, each tent is a tribe,” explained Youngblood. “We respect that cultural norm to ensure that the communication is going to everyone.” Youngblood said supporting Operation Allies Welcome by facilitating cultural integration classes led by the travelers themselves is a perfect illustration of how U.S. Army Civil Affairs works. “This is a real world event,” he said. “Everything that we’ve learned in our training, this is what it’s been for—helping out the civilian populous that has been affected by some kind of event, whether that’s man made or a natural disaster.” The traveler-led classes are one way Afghan travelers are helping each other realize their shared vision of a safe and happy future in the United States.


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1 BEDROOM 1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 80sqm, BIK, liv/ dinrm, no pets, available 1 Jun 2020, Housing Approved, €410 +utl, call 06313407078 or wirte to: peterleister@ya hoo.de

Kaiserslautern West Furnished appartment, washing machine, Internet Access, all Incl.utilities, 44 qm, 1 bd, 1 bth, 44 sq meters, 5 min from Kleberkaserne, 10 min from Vogelweh, 15 min from Ramsteinavailable immediately for short term leasing, Assenmacherstrasse 67659 Kaiserslautern Germany, 495 EU, phone: 6313704922, 015125621211 email: cnhs@ gmx.de

KL-Moelschbach: 110sqm apt, 2bd, 1.5bth, fireplace, heated floors, built-in kitchen, guest toilet, balcony & sm yard, laundry rm, carport, available now, housing approved, €1350 + util, contact Dave 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com No fees for tenants!

Otterberg apt, BRAND-NEW, 2bd, 1.5bth, built-in kitchen, spacious liv/din rm, beautiful balcony with a view, private garage, no pets, available in July, housing approved, €1400 +util, contact Dave 0172 6936886, info@prem-realestate.com, no fees!



Kaiserslautern, 2bd apt, 93sqm, modern full bathroom, new built-in kitchen, guest toilet, liv & din rm with large balcony, private parking spot, avail. 1 Jul 2021, housing approved, €1300 + util, contact Dave: 0172 6936886, info@prem-reale 1bd, 1bth, Apartment, 80sqm, BIK, liv/ state.com; no fees! dinrm, no pets, available 1 Jun 2020, Housing Approved, €410 +utl, call 06313407078, peterleister@yahoo.de Kaiserslautern, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 97sqm, BIK, liv/din, laundry, unfinished baHütschenhausen 65sqm 1BR lg liv/ sement, pets allowed, available 1 Sep. dinrm BIK garage, non-smoking. Avail 1 2021, Housing Approved, €1300 +utl, call schneider_christine@ Oct., €500+util 0176-84642942 / d.mayen 0160/99327090, gmx.de fels@web.de

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3 BEDROOMS Wiesbaden, 2bd, 2bth, Apartment, 136sqm, BIK, liv, balcony/terrace, shared garage, pets allowed, available 30 Sep. 2021, Housing Approved, €2200 +utl, call +49 (0) 6124 - 609 1466, sullivan@somme rimmo.de

MOVING? HEART OF DOWNTOWN in Kaiserslautern, 3bd, 1bth, Apartment, 123sqm, no pets, available 6 Jul 2021, Housing Approved, €1380 +utl, call or WhatsApp Mindie +49172 68 55 976, mre.kmc@icloud.com

Rothselberg, 2bd, 1bth, Apartment, 129sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/dinrm, 2 balconies, ready to move in, Housing Approved, €800 +utl, call 06304-919-272, schehr@baumhardt.de


Fully equipped luxurious duplex with A/ C, home cinema, huge garden, hobbyrms, BBQ. First apt. 180 sqm, 4BR, 2.5 bath, liv/ dinroom, BIK, €1200. Second apt/loft 90sqm, 1BR, 1.5 bath, liv/dinroom, BIK, €555. Plus utilities. Deposit 1 month, call 0171-7471766

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Schwedelbach, Apartment, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 174 sqm, built-in kitchen, livingroom, laundry room, storage room, balcony, large yard with BBQ site, garage+additional parking, available right away, Housing Approved, €1.280 +util. call 06304-919-272, schehr@baum hardt.de


Large house in Huetschenhausen, 5bd, 3bth, 280sqm, built-in kitchen, liv / din rm, balcony, fenced-in yard, studio under roof, garage, heated floors, avail 15 Jul, housing approved, € 3,200 +util, contact Dave 0172 6936886, info@prem-reale state.com; no fees!

House in Erfenbach, 160sqm, 4 BR, 2 BIK, 2,5 baths, 2 liv/din rooms, fireplace, storage, garage, carport, garden, 1360€ plus utilities, deposit 2 month, call 017661054381, obenauer.dirk@gmail.com



Miesau, nice big duplex, 200sqm + 60sqm basement, 5bed+2rooms, 2 bath, living, dining, built-in-kitchen, sunroom, laundry, yard, garage, avail now, housing proved, monthl rent mtl. 1800€ +util. call Ado on 01726801258 or email: rmimmobili Duplex in Rittersheim: 145 sqm, 3bd, 1.5bth, built-in kitchen, guest toilet, launen@t-online.de dry room, heated floors, electric shutters, energy-efficient, brand-new build! Avail. 20 Jun, housing approved, €2,000 + util, contact Dave 0172 6936886, info@premrealestate.com






4bd, 1.5bth, House, 140sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/dinrm, garden, balcony/terrace, private garage, cats allowed, available 1 5bd, 2.75bth, House, 219sqm, BIK, Aug 2021, €1200 +utl, call 06371/465348, guest WC, liv, balcony/terrace, laundry, fi015172043804 affonso@gmx.de nished basement, pets allowed, available 29 Sep. 2021, Housing Approved, €1650 +utl, write me in WhatsApp +4917661376811 or email me to : secret2021@hotmail.com

Check the schedules:


BRAND-NEW BUILD in Schwedelbach Move in: 2021/06/30, 3bd, 1.5bth, House, 170sqm, BIK, guest WC, dinrm, garden, balcony/terrace, laundry, carport, 450.000 EUR, call +49 6371 9809003, info@grenz stein.de

FSH: Mackenbach, 4 bdrms, 2 bathrms, 190sqm, large sauna, heated floors, builtin kitchen, guest bathroom, large liv / din area, laundry rm, garage, avail. 1 Jun, housing approved, € 2,300 + util, contact DaCenter of Otterberg: 7bd, 3bth, House, ve 0172 6936886, info@prem-reale 345sqm, new kitchen with large pantry, state.com. No fees! terrace, laundry, finished basement, private garage, pets allowed, 1/3 acre private yard available 15 Jul 2021, €3100 +utl, email Alleestrasse8@outlook.com for pictures

Schwedelbach, 3.00bd, 2.00bth, House, 151sqm, BIK, liv/din, balcony/terrace, private garage, no pets, available 1 Nov. 2021, Housing Approved, €1280 +utl, call 06304-919-272, schehr@baumhardt.de



Charming farmhouse with modern style in Knopp-Labach, 180sqm, 2bd, 2.5bth, BIK, liv/din area laundry rm, patio, parking, sm pets upon approval, available now, housing approved, €1950 +util, contact: 0172 6936886, No fees for tenants info@ prem-realestate.com

TLA / TDY !!!!!1-5 bed luxury apts & houses for TLA/ TDY personnel in Ramstein/Mackenbach/ Bruchmuhlbach .2min to RAB.Short walk to shops/restaurants. 100% equipped, TV, AFN, English satellite, free phone, high speed internet, free calls to USA and Eur.good library and movie selection.Pets welcome.Off street secured parking.Call Hochspeyer, 3bd, 2bth, House, Jennie 0171-2679282. OR luxuryapts09@ 176sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/dinrm, balcony/ yahoo.com terrace, laundry, no pets, available 202109-21 Housing Approved, €1350 +utl, call 0159-03009054, eposjuni@gmail.com

Modern Living: Ideal for Children & Pets, 7 room, 2.5 bath, 181 sq meters, 2 x balcony, 2 x terrace, 4-story semi-detached house with garden, 65207 Wiesbaden Germany, €2,650, +49 (0) 176 - 785 89798, sullivan@sommerimmo.de

1bd, 1bth, TLA Apartment (only shortterm, not permanent), 55sqm, BIK, garden, pets allowed, available 10 Feb 2020, €1 +utl, call +49 176 2468 7550, info@expatn go.com 2bedroom apartment, 2 bd, 1.5 bth, 113 sq meters, Obere Triftstrasse KIndsbach, 0173-3464394, michaelkappa@hot mail.de


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Fully equipped luxurious duplex with A/ C, home cinema, huge garden, hobbyrms, BBQ. First apt. 180 sqm, 4BR, 2.5 bath, liv/ dinroom, BIK, €1200. Second apt/loft 90sqm, 1BR, 1.5 bath, liv/dinroom, BIK, €555. Plus utilities. Deposit 1 month, call 0171-7471766

Schmitshausen, 3bd, 2bth, House, 245sqm, BIK, liv/dinrm, garden, balcony/ terrace, cats allowed, available 6 Jul 2021, Housing Approved, €1800 +utl, call 016096871997, info@wilden-metallbau.de

2BR 1.5BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatn go.com/2-bed-downtown-apart-gardenviews, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@expatngo.com


Brand new 3BR 2BA TLA Apt, SHORTTERM RENTAL ONLY, fully-furnished, Entirely renovated 2 bed apartment in brand new, terrace, laundry, no pets, inRamstein, 2 bd, 1 bth, 75 sq meters, Weiquiries => info@expatngo.com lerbacher Str. 1, 67686 Mackenbach, Germany, call / email us for a price quote: +49 17624687550, info@expatngo.com. Check 2BR 1.5BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioout more 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed apartments on ning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, www.expatngo.com NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatn go.com/3-bed-apartment-downtown-ram stein, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@expatngo.com

Brand new modern & luxurious furnished TLA house 135 m² in Hauptstuhl with 2 King-size bd, large walk-in dressing room, 1,5 bth, open space living, dining and kitchen area. Also open space office area, call 01746685631, e-mail:christaeisen beiser@yahoo.com 3 BR APT Ramstein 5 min from RAB, 3 bd, 2 bth, Friedenstrasse 30 Ramstein-Miesenbach Germany, please call for a price quote: +49 17624687550, info@expatn go.com

Brand new TLA Appartment in best location near to all Bases full furnished!, 2 bd, 1 bth, 80 sq meters, Kindsbach, Kaiserslautern, at 49 Euro, ask us for longterm rent! 01724989707, boze1@gmx.de 3BR 2BA TLA Apt with Air-Conditioning, Ramstein, 5min from RAB, TDY / PCS, NOT FOR PERMANENT LODGING, pet friendly, Photos available at www.expatngo.com/3bed-tla-groundfloor-and-terrace-2, inquiries: whatsapp: +49 17624687550, info@ex patngo.com

Kaiserslautern, 2.0bd, 1.5bth, Apartment, 95sqm, BIK, guest WC, liv/dinrm, balcony/terrace, laundry, finished basement, cats allowed, available 31 Aug 2020, €0.5 +utl, call 01729664307, michael.uh Fully furnished TLA in Ramstein-Miesen- rig@ihrsteuerberater.com bach, !AVAILABLE NOW!140sqm, 3bd, 2bth Apartment, Car parking, Free Internet, .. Price varies, mail kenanz261@ gmail.com or call (+49) 017670718808 to get informations

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All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. The publisher will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

Page 15

Newcomer’s program welcomes employees to garrison team Story and photo by Shaylee Borcsani U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz

Col. Vance J. Klosinski, garrison commander, and Command Sgt. Major Stephen LaRocque, garrison senior enlisted leader, speak to a class of new garrison employees at Team Member Orientation at the Kazabra Club on Vogelweh Sept. 15.

support specialist. “I got to see the organization chart and learn our area of responsibility, which was beneficial since I had already been an employee for over a month. As someone that is new to Germany it was great to see the community support functions as well. What I enjoyed most was the interaction from the Commander and Command Sergeant Major and how they made me feel welcome. Being new to the Army and Germany is slightly overwhelming, so I appreciate the warm welcome!” TMO takes place the second Wednesday of each month.

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other important landmarks. On the bus tour, Col. Klosinski stressed the importance of being familiar with the area in Baumholder, took time to answer questions, and provided more information about the two communities along with information on dayto-day life in the Kaiserslautern Military Community. During the tour, participants were able to view three different housing units on Baumholder. “The team member orientation was of great benefit to me as a new employee to the Army,” said Heather Scanlan, garrison program

Introducing and teaching new employees the mission and organization of U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz is the goal of Team Member Orientation and the next one takes place on Oct. 13. The first in-person TMO in 18 months took place Sept. 15 at the Kazabra Club on Vogelweh hosted by the garrison’s Directorate of Human Resources. TMO is helpful for new employees to get an understanding of the garrison mission and how USAG Rheinland-Pfalz fits under the umbrella of Installation Management Command and Army Materiel Command, as well as providing support to U.S. Army Europe and Africa. The class offers an introduction to the organizational structure of the garrison and an overview of each directorate and staff agency. “Welcoming new members of team Rheinland-Pfalz is the focus of our leadership,” stated Shea Giagnorio, garrison training instructor. “We want to establish a standard of understanding about the garrison mission, the importance each person plays in our mission, and how happy the command is to have them join our team, the best garrison in Europe. Taking the time to meet each individual that has chosen to join our team makes for a positive first impression and shows that we care about our people.” The overview began with welcome remarks from garrison commander Col. Vance J. Klosinski and garrison senior enlisted leader Command Sgt. Major Stephen J. LaRocque. Although they each spoke about the garrison’s mission, they both emphasized the importance of all employees at all levels, the ability for each employee to create change within the organization and a people-first mentality. “Providing this training for our new employees not only gives us a chance to teach about the unique mission of the garrison, but it also allows for myself and Command Sgt. Major LaRocque to personally get to know all of our new team members,” said Klosinski. “I think it is important for people to know that they are a valuable asset to the garrison team and for them to get to know us.” The orientation format for this iteration was different from previous years. It now concludes with a bus tour of Baumholder and

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Kaiserslautern American

Page 16

October 8, 2021

Upgraded kennel brings MWDs home

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Seth Platt, 435th Construction and Training Squadron commander, speaks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the military working dog kennel at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 29. Airmen and contractors assigned to the 435th recently completed renovations on the kennel. U.S. Air Force Col. Calvin B. Powell, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing and 435th Air Expeditionary Wing vice commander (left), Lt. Col. Cassandra Bates, 86th Security Forces Squadron commander (center), and Lt. Col. Seth Platt, 435th Construction and Training Squadron commander (right), cut the ribbon at the ceremony for the recently renovated military working dog kennel at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 29. Airmen from the 86th SFS and 435th CTS held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the reopening of the MWD kennels

Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Madelyn Keech 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Gabriel Santiago, 86th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, stands outside the newly-renovated MWD kennel with his MWD, Arthur, at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 29.

The 86th Security Forces Squadron and the 435th Construction and Training Squadron hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the reopening of the military working dog kennel after undergoing renovations at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 29. The initial planning for the renovation began in 2015, according to U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jessica Martinez-Santana, 86th SFS kennel master. Over the past few months, there were multiple obstacles that Martinez-Santana and her team had to overcome in order to open the renovated facility. “Some of the hurdles that we had to face were COVID and Operation Allies [Welcome], but our whole team was able to push

through that and we are here to finally reopen our kennels and bring our military working dogs to Ramstein,” Martinez-Santana said. Throughout the renovation process, MWDs from Ramstein had been staying with the 100th Military Working Dog Detachment located at the Miseau Army Ammo Depot. MWD handlers were taking 20 minute trips to pick up their dogs and bring them back to complete the mission at Ramstein, Martinez-Santana said. “This renovation creates a better, healthier environment for military working dogs,” she said. “We have a liaison here whose sole job is to transition military working dogs from downrange into going back to [their] home station, or from home station to downrange. It is going to create a more stable environment while they stay here on Ramstein and be able to com-

plete the mission downrange, so that is why it is so important.” Some of Martinez-Santana’s responsibilities as the kennel master include ensuring all dogs are certified, dog teams are trained and overseeing the kennel through spot inspections. She said she puts a lot of trust in her team to ensure dogs are proficient and ready at all times, and that it feels good to have the MWDs next door to be able to easily check on them. Handlers must work with their MWDs extensively to ensure readiness and proficient training. Airmen from the 86th SFS military working dog section are excited for the completion of the renovations. “There are only four of us that have experienced the dogs actually being here,” said Staff Sgt. George Brooks, 86th SFS military working dog trainer. “It will be a new experience for a lot of [the Airmen].”

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U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Seth Platt, 435th Construction and Training Squadron commander (left), gives Tech. Sgt. Jessica MartinezSantana, 86th Security Forces Squadron kennel master (center), and Lt. Col. Cassandra Bates, 86th SFS commander (right), the key to the military working dog kennel on Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 29.

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

Page 17

US, Estonia host European partnership flight event

Service members from the U.S. military and six allied and partner nations came together for a European Partnership Flight event, the Baltic Radar and Sensor Visibility and Integration Workshop co-hosted by U.S. Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa and the Estonian Ministry of Defence in Tallinn, Estonia, Sept. 13-17. This weeklong event brought together representatives from U.S. European Command, U.S. Naval Forces Europe – Africa and USAFE, along with allies and partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland and Sweden to discuss the way ahead in support of the radar and sensor visibility and integration efforts across the Baltic Region. Courtesy Photo

by Tech Sgt. Michael Battles U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa Public Affairs Service members from the U.S. military and six allied and partner nations came together for a European Partnership Flight event, the Baltic Radar and Sensor Visibility and Integration Workshop co-hosted by U.S. Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa and the Estonian Ministry of Defence in Tallinn, Estonia, Sept. 13-17. This weeklong event brought together representatives from U.S. European Command, U.S. Naval Forces Europe – Africa, and USAFE, along with allies and partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland and Sweden to discuss the way ahead in support of the radar and sensor visibility and integration efforts across the Baltic Region. “The EPF is our chance to synchronize with our partners about our shared vision for theater operations,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Victoria Habas, 603rd Air Operations Center deputy commander. “This kind of in-person event has been sorely missed over the last couple of years while travel was constrained. We make great gains in trust and confidence

amongst each other when we have a chance to hear questions, address concerns, brainstorm and even socialize with one another.” According to Habas, we wouldn’t be able to obtain our goal of developing an enduring C2 mission partner environment in support of air domain awareness and integrated air and missile defense without our partners. “Our partners possess outstanding capability in both their equipment and their people,” Habas said. “In order to be successful in a future fight, we have to be able to bring those capabilities to bear seamlessly with our own.” The workshop focused on the tasks required to fuse data from organic radars to create an enduring and integrated air picture across the Baltic Region, and was in support of a Significant Security Cooperation Initiative to develop a robust C2 network that supports NATO and allied forces. “The [EPF] event for Baltic Radar and Sensor Visibility and Integration Workshop had very practical and well-aimed goals,” said Lt. Col. Kristo Lipasaar, Chief of A3/7 Estonian Air Force Headquarters. “This particular event in Estonia enabled for all involved parties to establish com-

mon understanding of the initiative, and to set milestones for the way ahead.” Lipasaar continued by stating, “The end state of the initiative would enable much improved tactical data link coverage over the region, joint information sharing, redundancy of the situational awareness, and permanently available AirC2 with USAFE.” According to U.S. Navy Cmdr. Micah Murphy, U.S. European Command J5 Strategy Division, the EPF is an opportunity to connect with regional partners about different topics of interest such as IAMD. “[IAMD] is a complex and complicated challenge,” said Murphy. “There is no monopoly on good ideas and often the best ideas can come from those closest to the problem. Our partners provided some great insights into some of their specific challenges as well as ideas on how we can better work together.” U.S. Forces in Europe will use the results of the workshop to prepare its personnel and Baltic partners for the next Astral Knight Exercise in 2022 and help attain a more increased Joint All Domain Command and Control awareness.

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Page 18

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

US Army, German Bundeswehr work together during Operation Allies Welcome

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Shaw (left), Kronos Troop, 2nd Calvary Regiment; German Armed Forces Oberstabsgefreiter Dominik Soldan (center), BC Panzergrenadierbattalion 122; and 1st Lt. Bryant Sullivan (right), Kronos Troop 2CR are part of the joint security force at Rhine Ordnance Barracks in Kaiserslautern, during Operation Allies Welcome. Security forces include the Military Police and Engineers from the 18th MP Brigade, 902nd Engineer Company from Grafenwöhr, 92nd MP Company from Kaiserslautern, the 529th and 571st MP companies out of Wiesbaden, 527th MP Company out of Hohenfels, Soldiers from Kronos Troop, 2CR, German Feldjägers and the German Bundeswehr. Photos by Spc. Katelyn Myers

German Bundeswehr Master Sgt. Sandra Born (right) with Liaison Detachment BwLOGCOM, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, discusses plans for Operation Allies Welcome at Rhine Ordnance Barracks in Kaiserslautern, Sept. 30. The German Armed Forces have worked side by side with the 18th Military Police Brigade, 902nd Engineer Company from Grafenwöhr, 92nd MP Company from Kaiserslautern, the 529th and 571st MP companies out of Wiesbaden, 527th MP Company out of Hohenfels and Soldiers from Kronos Troop, 2nd Cavalry Regiment.

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

Page 19

521 AMOW implements Nodal ACE to execute Afghan Evacuation

Evacuees from Afghanistan board a commercial aircraft at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 7. Civil Reserve Air Fleet aircraft are being used for the onward movement of evacuees from temporary safe havens and interim staging bases. Photo by Tech. Sgt. Aaron Luetzen

Courtesy story 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Airmen of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing were called to action to support a surge in evacuation efforts out of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA), Kabul, Afghanistan and the immediate need for increased manpower was apparent, Aug. 16. Realizing this, the 521 AMOW executed a warfighting concept called Nodal Agile Combat Employment, or “Nodal ACE” which is an AMOW commander’s ability to shift his or her personnel and resources, as needed, to support such surges. “In most instances ACE looks like shifting aircraft and equipment closer to the fight,” said Col. Adrienne Williams, 521 AMOW commander. “But in this case, the established en route enterprise of the 521 AMOW was already where it needed to be, we just had to increase our manpower at certain locations to support the operation tempo.” Overall, the commander shifted 78 critical personnel from within the wing to the four most-saturated locations, or nodes, in less than 24 hours. Throughout Operation Allies Refuge, the wing executed five core missions — command and control, aerial port, aircraft maintenance, aircrew support, and aeromedical evacuation — at a significantly larger scale than steady-state flow. The geographic location of the 521 AMOW’s 8th Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadron at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, made it a prime candidate for receiving nearly 85 percent of U.S. aircraft exiting HKIA and as a result the largest contingent of the shifted manpower. Besides time, a key advantage of Nodal ACE is that the commander can “lift and shift” Airmen based on their expertise, background and unique skills who are already famil-

iar with the mission and are ready to make an impact as soon as they touch down. Staff Sgt. Micheal Do, an Air Mobility Control Center controller, was one of the Airmen temporarily moved to Al Udeid AB from Ramstein Air Base. When Do arrived at the 8 EAMS, the “Mighty Ocho” was in the frenzy of the first week of the evacuation surge. But, with hand-selected Airmen pulled directly from 521 AMOW units, he and the other augmentees required minimal spin-up. “All of us sent there were operationally tested and proven controllers,” Do explained, elaborating on his experience within Air Mobility Command. “We were able to help other Airmen understand how to handle the complexities of mission management, giving them valuable training to relieve some of the burden.” At the peak, there were more than 46 C-17 Globemaster IIIs on-ramp at Al Udeid AB and up to 35 daily launches. As an AMCC controller, Do and the rest of the team were faced with the difficult challenge of stage management. This ensures efficient flow of aircraft into an airfield, while turning and sending off outgoing aircraft. “It required creative thinking from both the 8 EAMS and 379th airfield management teams to turn taxiways into parking lots,” said Do. “It was a humbling experience to see everyone give everything they had, every day.” Do was not alone — members of the 728th Air Mobility Squadron out of Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, were also pushed forward to Al Udeid AB to provide logistical support and ensure a safe, orderly evacuation. But, it wasn’t just operators that were needed to assist in the mission. The wing also pushed forward Tijuana Odom, 521 AMOW director of welfare, from Ramstein AB. “Our Airmen at the ‘Might Ocho’ were stressed and fatigued. They were

working 12-15 hour days, with no time off,” Odom explained. “They were seeing some things they weren’t mentally prepared for, and I was able to provide the psychological services they needed.” A 30-year veteran of both Active Duty and Air Force Reserves as well as Civil Service, Odom describes her time with the 8 EAMS as, “the biggest impact I’ve ever had. “For our leadership to recognize the need and move me there to provide support directly to the 8th was huge,” she continued. “Being there, I built a rapport with the unit and I was able to have one-on-one conversations so they could process and talk about what they were going through.” During the height of operations, en route Airmen moved tens of thousands of travelers a day via Al Udeid and additional nodes, facilities, and aircraft and it was the execution of Nodal ACE that rapidly put the right people in the right locations to accomplish this mission. In total, 53 Airmen were moved to Al Udeid AB, 12 to Ramstein AB, 11 to Naval Air Station Sigonella and two to Kuwait International Airport, Kuwait, to augment operations and support Airmen in the highest-saturated nodes. Another Nodal ACE vignette came from the Mediterranean Sea, where Airmen from both the 725th Air Mobility Squadron located at Naval Station Rota, Spain, and the 724th Air Mobility Squadron at Aviano Air Base, Italy, were sent to increase the AMOW capabilities at NAS Sigonella, Italy. Meanwhile, personnel from the 726th Air Mobility Squadron at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, drove down the road to support operations in Hangar Five, a C-5 Galaxy maintenance hangar on Ramstein AB transformed temporarily into an international airport terminal to process the high volume of evacuees onward to their final destination. However, it was not just personnel

A U.S. Air Force Airman performs security checks on luggage during the outbound passenger processing at Hangar 5. The Airman is assigned to the 726th Air Mobility Squadron at Spangdahlem Air Base, but is performing duty at the 721st Aerial Port Squadron to assist with the operational surge brought about by the ongoing Afghan evacuations.

Evacuees from Afghanistan drop their luggage at a baggage trolley prior to boarding a departure flight at Ramstein Air Base, Sept. 7. Ramstein has served as a primary airlift hub for current evacuation operations.

who were shifted during Nodal ACE execution. Many Patriot Express rotators, and other non-evacuation related airlift missions generally intended for Ramstein AB were absorbed by the 726th at Spangdahlem AB. Similarly, The 727th Air Mobility Squadron located at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, became a KC-10 Extender hub with maintainers working twelve hour shifts to sustain 24/7 maintenance of KC-10 aircraft flying 4 lines a day, 24 hours a day and moving 3,396 evacuees via 23 sorties. Nodal ACE contributed to the successful evacuation of approximately 124,000 personnel out of Afghanistan

while preserving additional capability to support steady-state requirements. “The AMOW was designed to flex and absorb shock, even during the largest DoD Non-Combat Evacuation Operation Airlift in U.S. history,” said Williams. “It’s what the Airmen of the 521 AMOW do — they put the Rapid in Rapid Global Mobility!” The 521 AMOW, comprised of over 2,000 Total Force Airmen and headquartered out of Ramstein AB, is part of the global air mobility support system for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, managing strategic air mobility operations at 19 unique locations and 15 countries.

Kaiserslautern American

Page 20

October 8, 2021

Photo by Dimitris Leonidas / Shutterstock.com

2014 BMW X6 xDrive35i AWD 3.0L I6 Turbo, SUV, $31,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@ patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution MR AWD 2.0L, US, Air Conditioning, All Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, CD Player, Cruise Control, Keyless Entry, Power Locks, Power Windows, Premium Sound, Tinted Windows, $22,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava 2014 Honda CR-V EX-L, SUV, US, Front, rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on 5-Speed Automatic (A), $19,999 (S4834). FindItGuide.com! The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 RobertBosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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1977 Porsche 911 S, EU, $39,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg, 14 Louis-Pasteur-Strasse, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, 49-0931-870981021, Marke ting@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Mercedes-Benz C300 4matic, Sedan / Saloon, $25,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@ patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 BMW 320i 2.0L I4 Turbo, Sedan / Saloon, $27,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Buick LaCrosse Leather, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $22,599 (S4698). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab LT 4WD, US, Air Conditioning, Leather Interior, Navigation, Power Seats, Remote Heating, $38,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on 2016 Honda Accord Sedan 4D LX 2.4L FindItGuide.com! I4 Aut, US, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Keyless Entry, Navigation, $19,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admingraf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2011Mini Cooper S Convertible, Sedan / Saloon, $11,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiser2008 Dodge Spinter/Wohnmobile strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, Wingmann It, EU, €49,000. Bavarian Motor 2014 Mazda CX-5 AWD, SUV, $18,999. +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patriotCars - BMW - Wuerzburg, 14 Louis-Pasteur- Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramautos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuiStrasse, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, 49- stein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miede.com! 0931-870981021, Marketing@bavarianmo senbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindIt- 5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find 2014 Peugeot 207CC Cabrio EU Specs all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! Guide.com! Diesel, US, Manual, $12,999 (E0106). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslau 2016 Jeep Cherokee Latitude 4x4, SUV, tern@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars US, Rear, 9-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $21,499 (S4617). The Used Car Guys on FindItGuide.com! Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan Extended stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our Passeng, US, 6 Cylinder, Air Conditioning, Alarm, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Cruise cars on FindItGuide.com! Control, Heated Seats, Power Locks, 2016 Jeep Unlimited Sahara, SUV, Power Seats, Power Windows, Tinted WinAccident? Not guilty? Then our $38,995. Patriot Military Automobiles dows, $15,995. Bavarian Motor Cars service is FREE! GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 GerRamstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, many, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava Call 06371-57000 +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-au rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on or email info@lehne-anwaelte.de tos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- FindItGuide.com! de.com! 2017 Dodge Journey Crossroad, SUV, Am Neuen Markt 7 | 66877 Ramstein 2014 Volkswagen Polo (EU Specs), US, $12,499 (E0091). The Used Car Guys - 2016 Kia Sportage LX, US, Air Conditio- US, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoe- ning, Anti Lock Brake System, Automatic, (A), $21,999 (S4870). The Used Car Guys naich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, Convenience Package, Cruise Control, Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahstuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our $17,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - lem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of cars on FindItGuide.com! 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bavarianmo our cars on FindItGuide.com! torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! • Accident Repairs


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2015 Hyundai Elantra SE 4DR SD, US, $12,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bavarianmo torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2016 Lexus NX 200 T FWD F Sport, US, 4 Doors, Air Bag, Air Conditioning, Automatic, Cup Holders (front & rear), Leather Interior, Leather Steering Wheel, Navigation, Park Assistant, Power Mirrors, Power Windows, Rearview Camera, Roof Rails, Sport Package, Tinted Windows, Two Wheel Drive, $25,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Utility 4D Limi, US, All Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Heated Seats, Keyless Entry, Park Distance Control, Power Driver Seat, Power Seats, Premium Sound, Rearview Camera, Towing Package, $25,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find 2016 Toyota Avalon XLE Premium, Seall of our cars on FindItGuide.com! dan / Saloon, US, Front, 6-Speed Automatic w/Sequential Shift Mode (A), $26,999 2015 MINI Cooper Coupe 2D Paceman (S4721). The Used Car Guys - Ramstein, 1.6L I, US, Air Bag, Air Conditioning - AutoAm Lanzenbusch 1, Ramstein-Miesenmatic, Cruise Control, Heated Mirrors & bach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 92 00 Washer Jets, Multifunction for Steering 00, ramstein@usedcarguys.net. Find all of Wheel, Navigation, Power Locks, Power our cars on FindItGuide.com! Mirrors, Power Windows, Run Flat Tires, Smoker's Package, Sport Seats, Sun Roof / 2017 BMW X4 xDrive28i, US, €0. BavariSliding, €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - an Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Ger09641-60503291, admin-graf@bavarianmo many, 49-0631-560009091, admintorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindIt- ktown@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all Guide.com! of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2017 Hyundai Tucson Utility 4D Limited 1.6L, US, $25,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2017 Mercedes-Benz C300 AWD 2.0L Turbo, Sedan / Saloon, $33,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2017 Nissan Murano Platinum, Sports Hatch, $31,995. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Audi A4 2.0T quattro Premium Plus AWD, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, $31,999 (S4504). The Used Car Guys Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

Page 21

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2018 Audi A4 Premium Ultra, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $30,995 (US-2705). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGui2018 Ford Ford Focus Hatchback 5D ST de.com! 2.0, US, €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW 2018 BMW 320i xDrive Sedan, US, Park Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, Distance Control, Servotronic, €0. Bavari- 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bavarianmo an Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItPariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Ger- Guide.com! many, 49-0631-560009091, adminktown@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all 2018 Honda Accord EX 1.5L I4 Turbo, Sedan / Saloon, $29,995. Patriot Military of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 BMW 320xi AWD 2.0L I4 Turbo, Se- Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 dan / Saloon, $25,995. Patriot Military Au- Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, tomobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kai- 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, serstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patriot- cars on FindItGuide.com! autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- 2018 Infiniti QX60 Utility 4D AWD 3.5L de.com! V6, US, 3rd Row Seat, All Wheel Drive, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Heated Seats, Heated Steering Wheel, Keyless Entry, Navigation, Park Distance Control, Power Driver Seat, Power Seats, Power Sun Roof, Premium Sound, Rearview Camera, Running Boards, Xenon Lights, $34,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admingraf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 BMW X1 xDrive28i, US, Park Distance Control, $29,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631560009091, admin-ktown@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Chevrolet Equinox, US, Air Conditioning - Automatic, All Season Tires, Automatic, Cruise Control, Keyless Entry, Park Distance Control, Power Locks, Power Windows, $21,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, 6-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $22,499 (S4833). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $24,495 (US-2692). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Utility 4D Trai, US, 4x4, Air Conditioning - Automatic, Alloy Wheels, Automatic, Cold Weather Package, Cruise Control, Heated Seats, Keyless Entry, Luggage Rack, Navigation, Park Distance Control, Power Locks, Power Seats, Power Sun Roof, Power Windows, Premium Sound, Tinted Windows, ..., $41,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 490631-560009091, admin-ktown@bavarian motorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Kia Optima EX, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $25,495 (US-2698). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Kia Optima LX, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $23,495 (US-2683). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 BMW X3 xDrive30i, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $42,999 (904200 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@mi litarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2018 Mitsubishi Outlander, US, €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2018 Toyota RAV4 Limited with advance Technology Package, SUV, $30,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 2019 Chevrolet Camaro 1LT, Rear, Auto5981520, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find matic, $29,925 (904244 PO). MAS Military all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstras2018 Toyota Rav4 Limited, SUV, se, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 $29,999. Patriot Military Automobiles (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItRamstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, Guide.com! +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patriot-au 2019 Chevrolet Malibu LT, Front, Autotos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- matic, $24,999 (904140). MAS Military Aude.com! toSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Dodge Challenger GT AWD, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $33,999 (S4607). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 RobertBosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar 2019 Audi A3 2.0 Prestige Cabriolet, Au- guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuitomatic, Convertible / Cabriolet, $45,925 de.com! (904265 PO). MAS Military AutoSource Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)1722780129, cpoquoterequest@military cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Dodge Challenger SXT, Rear, Automatic, $31,999 (904243 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Dodge Charger SXT 3.6L V6, Sedan / Saloon, $31,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, contact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Dodge Journey Crossroad, SUV, $25,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, con tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, SUV, US, AWD/4WD, 1.9 TDI (66 kW) diesel, $23,499 (S4024). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@used carguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


2019 Audi A5 Premium Plus Sportback, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $42,999 (904250 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpo quoterequest@militarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


2019 Audi S3 Premium Plus, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $45,300 (904225 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@mi litarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 BMW X3 xDrive 30i, US, Park Distance Control, $44,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@ bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our 2018 Kia Optima Sedan LX, US, Alloy cars on FindItGuide.com! Wheels, Automatic, Cruise Control, Key- 2019 BMW X3 xDrive30i M Sport, US, less Entry, Park Distance - Rear Only, Park Distance Control, $42,995. Bavarian Power Locks, Power Windows, $20,995. Ba- Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, riser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 GermaVilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, ny, 49-0631-560009091, admin-ktown@ba admin-graf@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find varianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! on FindItGuide.com!

Now available:

2018 Dodge Ram Pickup 1500 Express, Pickup, US, Rear, 8-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $29,999 (S4874). The Used Car Guys - Kaiserslautern, Weilerbacher Strasse 10, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631-68031210, kaiserslautern@usedcar 2017 Nissan Versa Note SV, Hatchback, guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuiUS, Front, CVT (CVT), $14,499 (S4859). The de.com! Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 2018 Ford Escape Titanium AWD, SUV, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar US, AWD/4WD, 6-Speed Shiftable Automaguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- tic (A), $27,499 (S4805). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoede.com! naich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, 2018 Audi A4 Premium Quattro, Sedan / stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $31,495 (US- cars on FindItGuide.com! 2704). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!



Kaiserslautern American

Page 22

October 8, 2021 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander SEL, SUV, $25,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@patriot-au tos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2019 Ford EcoSport SES AWD, Wagon, US, AWD/4WD, $19,599 (S4412). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Escape Utility, Front, Automatic, $33,630 (904217). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Explorer Utility 4D Sport 4WD, US, €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631560009091, admin-ktown@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford F 150 SuperCab STX 4x4, Pickup, $39,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Spangdahlem II, 1A Im Kreuzgarten, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, con tact@patriot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford F150 XLT 4WD CREW CAB 4WD DIESEL, Pick-up, $48,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Kaiserslautern, 22 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0) 631 892 932 90, contact@pa triot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Fiesta SE, Front, Automatic, $19,425 (904227 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Fiesta SE, Front, Automatic, $21,150 (904247 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Fusion SE AWD, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, $20,799 (S4255). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Ford Fusion SE, Sedan / Saloon, US, Front, $21,499 (S4366). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 US Spec Jaguar E-Pace SE P250 ex demo, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $45,900 (15508290). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Ford Ranger XL, Pickup, US, Rear, 10-Speed Shiftable Automatic (A), $21,999 (S4632). The Used Car Guys - Spangdahlem, 45 Hillstrasse, Spangdahlem, 54529 Germany, +49 (0) 6565 957 315, mitch@ usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 BMW X1 X28i, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $34,599 (004070 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@milita rycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 MINI Countryman Cooper S ALL4 (AWD), Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $28,999 (S4775). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 BMW X1 xDrive28i, US, 4x4, Air Bag, Anti Lock Brake System, Heads Up Display, Heated Front Seats, Heated Steering Wheel, Navigation, Panorama Glass Roof, Power Tailgate, Premium Package, Rearview Camera, €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 490631-560009091, admin-ktown@bavarian 2020 Volkswagen Passat SE, Sedan / motorcars.com. Find all of our cars on Fin- Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $28,495 (US2685). Ramstein Used Cars - KaiserslaudItGuide.com! tern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 2020 BMW X1 xDrive28i, US, Park Distan- Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ ce Control, $32,652. Bavarian Motor Cars - ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, on FindItGuide.com! Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631560009091, admin-ktown@bavarianmotor 2020 Volkswagen Passat SE, Sedan / cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $28,495 (US2699). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslaude.com! tern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2019 Nissan Altima Sedan 4D SL 2.5L I4, US, 4 Doors, Active Cruise Control, Air Bag, Air Conditioning - Automatic, All Season Tires, Alloy Wheels, AM/FM, Armrest, Automatic, Blue Tooth, Cruise Control, Cup Holders, Floormats, Heated Seats, Keyless Entry, Navigation, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Power Sun Roof..., €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631-560009091, admin-ktown@ba varianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 BMW X1 xDrive28i, US, Park Distance Control, $31,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava 2020 Volkswagen Passat SE, Sedan / rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $28,495 (USFindItGuide.com! 2702). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ 2019 Toyota RAV4 LE AWD, SUV, US, ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars AWD/4WD, 8-Speed Automatic w/Sequenon FindItGuide.com! tial Shift Mode (A), $28,899 (S4712). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-BoschStrasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcar guys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2019 Toyota Avalon Touring, Sedan / Saloon, $42,999. Patriot Military Automobiles GmbH - Ramstein II, 47 Kindsbacher Str., Ramstein-Miesenbach, 66877 Germany, +49 (0) 6371 5981520, contact@patri ot-autos.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


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2019 Volkswagen Jetta SE, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $25,995 (US-2682). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ramsteinused cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2020 Audi Q3 Premium Plus, AWD/4WD, Automatic, $37,405 (004078 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquoterequest@mi litarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Merkurstr. 48 67663 Kaiserslautern

2020 BMW 4 Series 430i xDrive Gran Coupe, Sedan / Saloon, US, AWD/4WD, 8Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport Transmission (A), $38,499 (S4852). The Used Car Guys - Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Kia Forte LXS, Front, Automatic, $22,999 (004025). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)1722780129, cpoquoterequest@military 2021 All ELECTRIC JAGUAR I -PACE US cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- SPEC, JAGUAR -EV, 2 August-HerrmannStrasse 67655 Kaiserslautern Germany, de.com! $66310, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.burton@ 2020 Kia Soul GT-Line, Front, Automatic, torpedo-gruppe.de $21,999 (004018). MAS Military AutoSour- 2021 BMW X1 xDrive28i, US, Park Distance - Einsiedlerhof, 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaisers- ce Control, $35,200. Bavarian Motor Cars lautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172- BMW - Ansbach, 2 Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse, 2780129, cpoquoterequest@military Ansbach, 91522 Germany, 49-981cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGui- 9700127, ansbach@bavarianmotor de.com! cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGui-

2020 BMW 430i xDrive Gran Coupe, US, Park Distance Control, $39,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631-560009091, admin-ktown@ba varianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2020 Mercedes-Benz GLB 250, SUV, US, Front, 8-Speed Double Clutch (A), $44,999 (S4867). The Used Car Guys Stuttgart, 6 Robert-Bosch-Strasse, Schoenaich, 71101 Germany, 01727 129 046, stuttgart@usedcarguys.net. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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2020 Honda Civic LX Sensing, Sedan / Saloon, Gas, Automatic, $26,495 (US2758). Ramstein Used Cars - Kaiserslautern, 1 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49(0)631 3679 3979, brett@ 2020 Volvo XC60 T5 R-Design, AWD/ ramsteinusedcars.com. Find all of our cars 4WD, Automatic, $45,750 (004069 PO). MAS Military AutoSource - Einsiedlerhof, on FindItGuide.com! 34 Kaiserstrasse, Kaiserslautern, 67661 Germany, +49 (0)172-2780129, cpoquotere quest@militarycars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

de.com! 2021 Jeep Cherokee Latitude Plus 4WD, US, $30,995. Bavarian Motor Cars BMW - Vilseck, Gut 3, Vilseck, 92249 Germany, 09641-60503291, admin-graf@bava rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021

US Spec Land Rover Defender 110 S P300 demo, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $61,900 (15505234). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

AUTOS All ads & pics on www.FindItGuide.com

2021 BMW 330i xDrive Sedan, US, Park Distance Control, $39,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Wuerzburg, 14 Louis-PasteurStrasse, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, 490931-870981021, Marketing@bavarianmo torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

Page 23

2021 MINI Cooper S Hardtop 4 Door, US, $28,250. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW Grafenwoehr Gate 3, 101 Neue Amberger Strasse, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 490964160503290, admin-graf@bavarianmo torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $67,310 ( STK38BP/16100891 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 6313426-1266, nick.burton@torpedo-grup pe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 US Spec Land Rover Defender 90 FIRST EDITION P400, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $62,913 (15828230 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 110 S P300 S, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $68,020 ( STK 41BP/ 16101012 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 6313426-1266, nick.burton@torpedo-grup 2021 BMW 330i xDrive Sedan, US, Park pe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuiDistance Control, $40,200. Bavarian Motor de.com! Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 49-0631-560009091, admin-ktown@bava 110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, rianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on $63,560 ( STK31/16100756 ). Land Rover FindItGuide.com! Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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All-in-one-solu US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $69,987 ( STK36/16100862 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

2021 BMW X5 xDrive40i, US, $68,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631-560009091, ad min-ktown@bavarianmotorcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! 2021 MINI Cooper S Countryman ALL4, US, $30,995. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW Grafenwoehr Gate 3, 101 Neue Amberger Strasse, Grafenwoehr, 92655 Germany, 490964160503290, admin-graf@bavarianmo torcars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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US Spec Land Rover Discovery Sport SE P250 demo, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $47,900 (15507792). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

ach Semb




2021 BMW X1 xDrive28i, US, Park Distance Control, €0. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW - Kaiserslautern, 398 Pariser Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67663 Germany, 49-0631560009091, admin-ktown@bavarianmotor cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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TEL: 06303-1414 FAX: 06303-5104 2021 BMW M235i xDrive Gran Coupe, US, $42,900. Bavarian Motor Cars - BMW Wuerzburg, 14 Louis-Pasteur-Strasse, Wuerzburg, 97076 Germany, 49-0931870981021, Marketing@bavarianmotor US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender cars.com. Find all of our cars on FindItGui110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, de.com! $63,560 ( STK32/16100775 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

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US Spec Land Rover Discovery Sport SE P250, Automatic, SUV, $46,900 (15537700). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 AugustHerrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.bur ton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $63,560 ( STK35/16100831 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US Spec Land Rover Discovery Sport SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $46,900 (15537674). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 AugustHerrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.bur ton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com! US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $63,560 ( STK37/16100868 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US Spec Range Rover Evoque SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $51,910 (15507727). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 AugustHerrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.bur ton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US SPEC 2022 Land Rover Defender 110 S P300, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $64,460 ( STK30/16092162 ). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 August-Herrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-34261266, nick.burton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!

US Spec Range Rover Evoque SE P250, AWD/4WD, Automatic, SUV, $51,910 (15537712). Land Rover Jaguar US Military New Sales - Torpedo Garage, 2 AugustHerrmann-Strasse, Kaiserslautern, 67655 Germany, +49 631-3426-1266, nick.bur ton@torpedo-gruppe.de. Find all of our cars on FindItGuide.com!


FOLLOW GPS to the address, coming from A63, exit the roundabout as shown in the graphic and use our front entry.



NEEDED Do you like exploring Germany and the KMC area? Do you like travelling, baking, crafting or trying new hobbies? AdvantiPro is looking for a contributing writer for the Kaiserslautern American who would like to share his/her stories with the military community. • Excellent written and spoken English • Joy of getting off-base/post & taking lots of photos • Submission of own story ideas • Voluntary position Please send your resume to: jobs@advantipro.de

Kaiserslautern American

Page 24

AUTUMN COLORS from Page 1 and immerse yourself in autumn’s grandeur! One of the chief benefits of living in Germany is that nearly everyone is close to trees. That may sound odd, but consider this: few natural wonders are more wondrous than Germany’s forests in autumn. Germany is famous for its forests, and with good reason. They can be found nearly everywhere, and can be appreciated from almost anywhere. When you drive beautiful twolane roads through, say, the Black Forest, it’s like you’ve entered into a whole new world. It is literally incredible. Best of all, you can almost always find (free, no-fee) hiking spots along the way. If you stop and go for a walk (or run, or mountain bike ride), you can lose yourself for hours and come back refreshed. Since autumn is upon us, here are four great places to begin your leaf appreciation tour.

Black Forest Even though the Black Forest is famous for its evergreen trees, autumn colors can be found in abundance. Best of all, the ambiance of the Black Forest is perfect for the fall season. There are golden fields, long shadows, gothic villages and comfortable gasthauses in which to warm yourself.

As night begins to fall, things might even start to seem a little spooky. Where to start: This region is ideal for driving, and there are a ton of jumping off points. Start in Pforzheim and wind your way south along Highway 294 to Freudenstadt. Or begin in Baden Baden and dive into the heart of the forest along Highway 500. Whatever route you choose, you won’t be disappointed.

Palatinate Forest For those who live in or near Kaiserslautern, you have natural gold right in your back yard. The Palatinate Forest is absolutely beautiful during the autumn. From a distance, the hills can almost seem like a painting: grand splotches of gold, green and orange intermingle. It’s outstanding. And there are an abundance of places to hike and bike in the forest. It’s a must-do. Where to start: For adventurers, plug “Johanniskreuz” into your GPS and just start driving. Once you get there, pick a direction, go, and enjoy. For those who need a little more precision, Highway 48 from Kaiserslautern to Burg Trifels is tough to beat.

Hessen Spessart Nature Park The Spessart is a heavily forested range of small,

old mountains that stretch from northern Bavaria into Southern Hessen. Going there is like visiting an ancient, almost archetypal version of Germany. Autobahns and large cities disappear, replaced by vast stretches of what feels like well-cultivated wilderness. Parts of the forest are populated by hundred-year-old oak trees, towering beech trees and deep silence. It’s especially gorgeous in autumn. Where to start: Begin in Biebergemund, and wind your way southeast along Highway 276 to Lohr am Main. It will give you a great taste of the Spessart, and will provide ample opportunities to take small side roads north or south into the forests.

October 8, 2021

Deutsche Weinstrasse

Photo by nnattalli/shutterstock.com

Black Forest

Vineyards Autumn is harvest season for German vintners. This much is true. But for anyone who has witnessed hillsides of vines packed with golden leaves, autumn is also leafpeeping season. Fortunately for most Americans living in Germany, you’re rarely far from great wine regions. Where to start: The Mosel Region has loads of picturesque views, especially above towns like Piesport or BernkastelKues. Of course, there are also amazing vineyards to see in the Pfalz region or the Nahe region.

Photo by Funny Solution Studio/Shutterstock.com

Spessart Nature Park

Photo by Huy Xiao/Shutterstock.com





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Photo by Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock.com

Due to regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, bookings and trips may be cancelled or postponed, and travel to neighboring countries may not be allowed. Please verify the status before making plans to attend. For U.S. government employees, including service members, remember to always follow command regulations, which may be different than host nation policies.

Kaiserslautern American

October 8, 2021


AT THE MOVIES Photo by repbone / Shutterstock.com

TODAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1300, 1315, 1545, 1615, 1845, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1745, 1800, 2000 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1245, 1300, 1515, 1530


SATURDAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1300, 1315, 1545, 1615, 1845, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1745, 1800, 2000 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1245, 1300, 1515, 1530 SUNDAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1300, 1315, 1545, 1615, 1845, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1745, 1800, 2000 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1245, 1300, 1515, 1530

Screenshots and poster by Universal Pictures

No Time To Die (2021) James Bond is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica after leaving active service. However, his peace is short-lived as his old CIA friend, Felix Leiter, shows up and asks for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond on the trail of a mysterious villain who’s armed with a dangerous new technology. Cast: Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Christoph Waltz Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga



The Addams Family 2 (2021)

Dear Evan Hansen (2021)

Hoping to get closer as a family, Gomez, Morticia and the rest of the Addams clan embark on an adventurous road trip in a hideous and humongous camper.

Evan Hansen is an anxious, isolated highschool student who’s aching for understanding and belonging amid the chaos and cruelty of the social media age. He soon embarks on a journey of self-discovery when a letter he wrote for a writing exercise falls into the hands of a grieving couple whose son took his own life.

TUESDAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1700, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1700, 1945 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1700 Dear Evan Hansen (PG-13) 1915 The Many Saints of Newark (R) 1700 Malignant (R) 1930

Cast: Ben Platt, Kaitlyn Dever, Amandla Stenberg Director: Stephen Chbosky

WEDNESDAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1700, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1700, 1945 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1700 Dear Evan Hansen (PG-13) 1915 The Many Saints of Newark (R) 1700 Malignant (R) 1930

Cast: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz Director: Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon

Poster by Universal Pictures

Poster by Paramount Pictures


Poster by Warner Bros. Pictures

MONDAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1700, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1700, 1945 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1700 Dear Evan Hansen (PG-13) 1915 The Many Saints of Newark (R) 1700 Malignant (R) 1930


The Many Saints of Newark (2021)

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

Young Anthony Soprano is growing up in one of the most tumultuous eras in Newark, N.J., history, becoming a man just as rival gangsters start to rise up and challenge the all-powerful DiMeo crime family. Caught up in the changing times is the uncle he idolizes, Dickie Moltisanti, whose influence over his nephew will help shape the impressionable teenager into the all-powerful mob boss, Tony Soprano.

After finding a host body in investigative reporter Eddie Brock, the alien symbiote must face a new enemy, Carnage, the alter ego of serial killer Cletus Kasady.

Cast: Michael Gandolfini, James Gandolfini, Alessandro Nivola Director: Alan Taylor

Cast: Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Woody Harrelson, Naomie Harris Director: Andy Serkis

Poster by Sony Pictures Releasing

THURSDAY No Time to Die (PG-13) 1700, 1915 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (PG-13) 1700, 1945 The Addams Family 2 (PG) 1700 Dear Evan Hansen (PG-13) 1915 The Many Saints of Newark (R) 1700 Malignant (R) 1930 Editor’s note: The movies listing was the most current at the time of publication. Dates are subject to change. Please check with your local theater for the most up-to-date schedule.


For reservations & information call 06371-937037 For all movies and showtimes visit

w w w. b r o a d w a y k i n o . c o m / k m c

Kaiserslautern American

Page 26

October 8, 2021

COMMUNITY EVENTS Photo by Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com

Due to host nation regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, some community events may be cancelled or postponed. Please verify the status before making plans to attend a community event. Armstrong’s Club new VAT hours The Value Added Tax Office in the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing, is now open five days a week, effective Oct. 1. New hours are: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and 2 to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. For more information, call 541-9118 or 0611143-541-9118, or visit Kaiserslautern. armymwr.com. October trip schedules available The Kaiserslautern and Baumholder Outdoor Recreation travel schedules for October are available! Take a leisurely beer hike or visit Burg Frankenstein. You can also go trout fishing or splash at an indoor swimming park, and so much more. For more information on what Outdoor Recreation has to offer, visit Baumholder.armymwr.com or Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

soon have a neighborhood hub of social and culinary life, to rival Parisian cafés, with the opening of the Corner Café inside the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Beverages will include popular types of coffee and the menu will boast culinary delights that will satisfy one’s savory and sweet cravings. There will be Panini and a daily menu, which will display the Croissant Sandwich and “Make my Day Wrap” to name a few. For more information, call the Armstrong’s Club at 541-9115/9114 or 0611-1435419115 / 9114, or visit Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. Army Community Service Job Fair The Army Community Service is hosting a job fair 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 14 at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. This is a job fair where ID card holders will be able to network with more than 15 Government agencies that have positions to fill. Find out what to bring or wear by visiting kaiserslauter. armymwr.com or calling 541-9002 or 0611-143-541-9002. KMC Onstage presents “9 to 5: The Musical”

Country Night are back at the Kazabra Club.

The long-awaited Country Night is back at Kazabra Club, starting Oct 9, every Saturday from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. It will feature DJ Cutty, line dancing and the mechanical bull all night. The Game room and billiards will have extended hours. There is a $5 cover charge. Patrons must show proof of vaccination at the door. For more information, call the Kazabra Club at 489-7261, 0631536-7261 or 15222524450, or visit Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. MAKERMANIA! at the Baumholder Library The Baumholder Library is hosting MAKERMANIA! 1 p.m., every second Saturday of the month, starting Oct. 9 at the Library, Bldg. 8332 on Smith Barracks. Each month will focus on a Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art or Math theme. For more information, call 5312841 or 0611-143-531-2841 or visit Baumholder.armymwr.com. Corner Café opens Oct. 12 The Kaiserslautern Community will

KMC Onstage presents “9 to 5: The Musical” 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 15 and 16, 22 and 23, and 29 and 30, and 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 17, 24 and 31 at KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. To make pre-paid reservations, call 483-6626 or 0631411-6626. For more information, visit Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. Salsa class with Salsa The Army Community Service’s Family Advocacy Program is hosting a free Salsa class with Salsa 6 to 7 p.m. Oct. 20 at the Rheinlander Convention Center, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks. Salsa lessons will be provided to all attendees. This event is coordinated to raise awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Wear purple to show your support. For more information, call 541-9021 or 0611-143-541-9021 or visit the USAG Rheinland-pfalz ACS Facebook Page. Hip Hop Night at Armstrong’s Club Hip Hop Night will be the fourth Saturday of the month, starting Oct. 23, at the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Dancers must be 18 and older. A mask must be worn while dancing when the 3G rule applies. For more information, visit


visit Baumholder.armymwr.com.

Halloween Costume Bowl The Strikers Bowling Center is hosting the Halloween Costume Bowl for the whole family from 4 to 11 p.m. Oct. 29. Bowling for ages 1 to 17 is from 4 to 7 p.m., with the contest at 6:30 p.m. Bowling for ages 18 and older is from 8 to 11 p.m., with the contest at 10:30 p.m. For more information, call the Strikers Bowling Center, Bldg. 8105 on Smith Barracks, at 531-2833 or 0611143-531-2833, or visit Baumholder. armymwr.com.

Tavern on the Rock Halloween costume party Join the Tavern on the Rock for its free Annual Halloween Costume Party (18+) from 8 p.m. Oct. 30 to 2 a.m. Oct. 31, and see who is the scariest in sight. Those wearing costumes will be entered into a best costume competition and be eligible to win prizes. Tavern on the Rock is located in the Rheinlander Convention Center, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks. For more information, call 531-2888 or 0611-143-531-2888, or visit Baumholder.armymwr.com.

Rocky Horror Shadow Show KMC Onstage Studio Shows presents the Rocky Horror Shadow Show Oct. 29 and 30 at the KMC Onstage Mainstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Performances are Oct. 29 and 30. Doors will open at 10:30 p.m. The preshow starts at 11 p.m., and the show starts at midnight. This event is for patrons 18 and older. Patrons are asked to make pre-paid reservations by calling call 4836626 or 0631-411-6626. For more information, visit Kaiserslautern. armymwr.com. Floating Pumpkin Patch The Baumholder Aquatic Center is hosting its first Floating Pumpkin Patch from 3 to 7 p.m., Oct. 29. Hunt for the perfect pumpkin in the pool and then deck it out at the decorating station. All decorating supplies provided. The pool will be open for pumpkin-splashing fun for those who wish not to pick a pumpkin. This is a family event suitable for participants of all ages. All COVID-19 mitigation practices are enforced at all times. For more information and reservations, call 531-2904/2920 or 0611-143-531-2904/2920. Baumholder Warrior Zone Halloween Gala This Halloween Themed Costume Ball is from 6 p.m. to midnight, Oct. 29. with a live DJ, party games, piñatas and best individual costume contest with a chance to win prizes. For more information, call 531-2912 or 0611143-531-2912, or visit Baumholder. armymwr.com. Baumholder Outdoor Recreation Haunted Hayride Baumholder Outdoor Recreation slithers through the genuinely haunted woods of Smith Barracks during the Haunted Hayride 6 to 10 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 30. Entrance Fee is $10. For more information, call Baumholder Outdoor Recreation at 531-3401 or 0611-143-531-3401, or

Rolling Hills Halloween Night Scramble Celebrate the end of the season with a Halloween Night Scramble Oct. 30. As soon as it is dark, golfers will tee off with lighted golf balls. Come up to Rolling Hills Golf Course and be challenged. Just five minutes from Smith Barracks on Wetzel Kaserne. For more information, call the Rolling Hills Golf Course, Bldg. 8888, at 5313408, 0611-143-531-3408 or visit Baumholder.armymwr.com. Halloween Costume Contest at Armstrong’s Club Creep, float or crawl over to this free Halloween Costume Contest and Party (18+) from 9 p.m. Oct. 30 to 2 a.m. Oct. 31. Best costume wins a prize - $100 in the single category and $150 for the couple category. Music provided by DJ Smooth. Food available for purchase. For more information, call Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing at 541-9115/9114 or 0611-1435419115 / 9114, or visit Kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

come join in the fun for in-house and virtual Halloween activities from Oct. 1 to 31. Details of each event will be posted on the Facebook Group “Friends of the Landstuhl Library.” For more information, call the Landstuhl Library at 06371-867322 or 486-5742 Latin Night at Armstrong’s Club It’s time to Rumba, Salsa and Cha-ChaCha 9 p.m. first and third Saturday of the month during Latin Night at the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Dancers must be ages 18 and older. For more information, visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com Friday Night Karaoke at Armstrong’s Club Sing your favorite songs during Karaoke Night every Friday at 9 p.m. at the Armstrong’s Club, Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Singers must be ages 18 and older. For more information, visit kaiserslautern.armymwr.com All About You Spa facials and massages Facials and massages are back at the All About You Spa. Relax and pamper yourself with several different facial and massage packages. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 0611-143-531-2915. Prices and more information can be found on Baumholder.armymwr.com. Baumholder SKIES Unlimited Gymnastics Classes Baumholder SKIES Unlimited now offers gymnastics classes with Petra Heinz for ages 4 to 18 at the Aquatics Center, Bldg. 8895 on Wetzel Kaserne. For more information and to sign-up, visit https://webtrac.mwr. army.mil/ or call Parent Central Services at 531-3440 or 0611-143-531-3440.

Baumholder Library Halloween Events Throughout the month of October, the “Boo”mholder Library is celebrating Halloween by in-person and virtual events throughout October. For more information, call the Baumholder Library at 531-2841 or 0611-143-531-2841, or visit Baumholder.armymwr.com.

Kaiserslautern SKIES Unlimited Gymnastics Kaiserslautern SKIES Unlimited Program announces youth gymnastics for the Fall 2021 Season. For more information or to register, call Parent Central Services at 541-9065/66/67 or 0611-143-541-9065/66/67 or visit https://webtrac.mwr.army.mil/.

Landstuhl Library Halloween Events

SKIES Unlimited Soccer Sessions and Day Camps The Baumholder SKIES Unlimited Program announces open enrollment for soccer monthly sessions and seasonal day camps for ages 2 to 16 years old. Taught by professional soccer coaches. The complete schedule and registration information can be found at https://webtrac.mwr. army.mil/. For more information, call Parent Central Services at 531-3440 or 0611-143-531-3440.

It is that time of year again when people don their favorite costumes and prepare to celebrate one of the spookiest nights of the year. You cannot spell book without BOO! The Landstuhl Library is inviting all to

October 8, 2021

Kaiserslautern American

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