October 12, 2012
Volume 36, number 41
Ramstein to host Retiree Appreciation Day by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
he annual Retiree Appreciation Day kicks off today at the Ramstein Officers’ Club with speeches from wing leadership. Retiree Appreciation Day is an informational fair for retirees in the KMC and informs them on what they are and are not entitled to. This year’s event starts at 8 a.m. today and will carry on until noon. “Agencies from all over the base will be available
throughout the day to talk about what they offer,” said Staff Sgt. Barbara Coddington, one of two planners for Retiree Appreciation Day. “Representatives from different agencies will present their information, then will be available to answer any follow-up questions later that morning.” Planning the event took coordination between the agencies speaking throughout the day, the Retiree Affairs Office and the Ramstein Officers’ Club, which is hosting the event. When coordinating between agencies, Coddington
and Staff Sgt. Laura Ashline, the other planner for the day’s events, look to see if that agency will have a booth or a speaker. Fundraisers helped with the funding for this year’s event, paying for the breakfast and raffle tickets. Fundraising was a huge thing. “This year’s event wouldn’t have happened without our sponsors,” Coddington said. “Without them, planning for this event wouldn’t have run as smoothly as it has.”
170th IBCT cases colors for last time by Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs
he 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team conducted a casing of the colors ceremony Tuesday in the Hall of Champions on Smith Barracks. The ceremony marked the end of an era, which saw the presence of combat Soldiers in Baumholder for more than 50 years. Casing the 170th IBCT colors for the last time were Col. Mark D. Raschke, 170th IBCT commander, and Command Sgt. Major James A. Ackermann. After the ceremony, Lt. Gen. Mark P. Hertling, U.S. Army in Europe commander, told Soldiers, family members and German guests, “It’s never easy to say goodbye to those with whom you’ve shared joy, sorrow, laughter and pain, peacetime training and wartime hardship. But we have asked you here on Baumholder to do all that and we’ve asked you to do it on a very accelerated timeline. And like all the other missions the Bayonet Brigade has received, you’ve performed that mission exceedingly well.” Brigade Soldiers have been preparing for the de-activation since their return from Afghanistan earlier this year. Only about 800 Soldiers of the 170th IBCT remain on Baumholder. By mid December to early January, the remainder of the Soldiers will have departed for other assignments or will have been absorbed by incoming units to Baumholder. Raschke highlighted the accomplishments of the brigade and thanked the Baumholder community, German and military, for the great support they provided to the Soldiers and families
Photo by Senior Airman Caitliin O’Neil-Mckeown
Brig. Gen. C. K. Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander, starts the demolition of the old Base Exchange Oct. 5 on Ramstein. The old BX was built in the 1950s, being the first shopping center on Ramstein.
Out with the old: BX demolition begins by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The demolition of the old base exchange on Ramstein started Oct. 5 near the
Northside Chapel with the 86th Airlift Wing commander in the driver’s seat. “About 95 percent of the ground and space we have for construction is already used,” said Brig. Gen. C.K.
Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander. “The only way we can get more construction space is by tearing down old facilities that are past their See DEMOLITION, Page 3
According to a German federal law passed in November 2010, motorists are required to have winter or all-season tires marked “M+S” when driving with snow or ice on the ground. See more on Page 2.
New garrison center supports troops, Page 9
Kaiserslautern holds October carnival, Page 19
As of Oct. 10