Oct 19, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American

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October 19, 2012


Volume 36, number 42

Senior leader pins Landstuhl Soldiers with space badges Story and photos by Rick Scavetta U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

changes to the community.” Briefings o ened ith t Col ric ringer 569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron commander, speaking about this year’s Halloween procedures. “The established time for trick-or-treating on military instillations for the KMC is the 31st from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.,” he said. “Parents are reminded that even though there will be a significant securit forces resence at this event, all children must be under parental supervision.” Updates to construction were also topics at this joint town hall. “The Ramstein Commisary project is fully underway,” said Franklin Sholedice, Defense Commissary Agency Europe Ramstein zone manager. “Come Nov. 4, we will begin the process to move from the current location to the

During his recent visit to Company C, 53rd Signal Battalion, Lt. Gen. Richard Formica awarded Soldiers with something unique to the Army — “space wings.” Formica, commander of U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command & Army Forces Strategic Command, pinned Army’s Basic Space Badges on two Soldiers and three Senior Space Badges on NCOs. “When I come out to see them, it’s always good to be able to recogni e a fe fol s ormica said he s ace ualification badge is one of those ways to recognize these heroes.” Earning their senior badges were Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Marsac, Sgt. Vincent Samson and Sgt. Herman Ada. Earning their basic badges were Spc. Cynthia Dean and Pfc. Ryan Lesley. The Oct. 2 ceremony was held at Company C’s small post on Landstuhl’s Kirchberg, near an array of large white antennas they use to manage military satellites hovering miles above Earth’s surface. Company C unit maintains satellite communications capabilities for a worldwide military network, said Capt. Jeffrey Keenan, Company C commander. The Army calls the Soldiers from Company C, 53rd Signal Soldiers “space enablers.” Battalion earn “space wings.” To earn the badge, the Soldiers undergo training, plus demonstrate professionalism, either managing satellites or supporting customers’ uplinks, Keenan said. “It’s a unique thing, something Soldiers aspire for,” Keenan said. “It’s a badge of acceptance in this community. It means you’ve been a controller, you’ve done the right thing and reached a high le el of roficienc Most military members can easily recognize the Army’s basic parachutist badge, combat infantryman badge or avia-

See TOWN HALL, Page 3


Photo by Airman 1st Class Kendra Alba

A look into the future Tech. Sgt. Brandon Johnson, 86th Airlift Wing Knowledge Operations section chief, waits for a reporting statement from a member of the Delayed Entry Program Oct. 11 on Ramstein. Former military training instructors were invited to give DEP members a feel of what to expect at basic military training. For more on this story, see Page 5.


embers of the KMC participated in the second joint community town hall Wednesday on Vogelweh Military Complex. The joint community town hall is an opportunity to disseminate information to Airmen, Soldiers and their families who make up the KMC. Topics included Halloween child safety, the Vogelweh Child Development Center renovations and an update to the Ramstein Commissary construction, among other topics. “What a great mix of people we have for our second joint town hall,” said Johnny Edwards, 86th Mission Support Group deputy director. “Airmen, Soldiers, along with representatives from the schools, Commissary and other personnel are here to speak about

Haunted Tent City opens in EIGHT days! Go check it out when it opens its doors Oct. 26. For more information, check out the story on Page 17.


by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


KMC gathers for second town hall

‘Jeopardy!’ host visits Ramstein, Page 22

KMC supports Fire Prevention Week, Page 24 & 25


As of Oct. 16


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