Kaiserslautern American, October 24, 2014

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October 24, 2014

Volume 38, number 42

Ramstein teams with German partners during exercise by Tech. Sgt. Travis Edwards 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Ramstein Airmen, in concert with German disaster response authorities, participated in a combined major accident response exercise, or MARE, Oct. 18 on Ramstein. “This exercise has been a partnership effort between our host nation and the installation,” said Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente, 86th Airlift Wing commander. “My vision for this event was to come together with our local German responders and perform seamlessly and effectively during a simulated on-base accident, and I am very pleased with the outcome.” The exercise tested German and U.S. first responders’ ability to react to a massive on-base accident, from initial notification to the recovery phase. The MARE was an opportunity to train and rehearse roles and responsibilities in a crisis between See exercise, Page 3

Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan

An Airman receives medical attention from a German emergency medical technician as part of a major accident response exercise Oct. 18 on Ramstein. Members of Team Ramstein and German agencies partnered in conducting a response and recovery in preparation for possible real-world incidents.

Team Ramstein supports Ebola ops, mitigates risks at home Maj. Mayra Zapata, 633rd Medical Operations Squadron, gets her temperature taken by Tech. Sgt. Saquadrea Crosby, 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron public health NCOIC, as she deplanes a C-130J Super Hercules Oct. 19 on Ramstein. Any personnel traveling into Ramstein from Ebola infected areas will be medically screened upon their arrival and cleared by public health for onward travel to ensure the health and safety of all passengers, aircrew and members of the KMC.

See ebola, Page 3

Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday! Also, please note that most locations in the U.S. do not set their clocks back until Nov. 2.

CASF provides service members with care, Page 6




As service members travel to Africa in support of Operation United Assistance, Ramstein continues to establish itself as a power projection platform for Europe and Africa. Medical professionals from the 86th Medical Group, along with leadership throughout Team Ramstein, recently implemented plans to ensure safety precau-

tions are taken to protect the aircrews, passengers and the 54,000 members of the KMC. Prior to departing from Ebola-infected areas, all personnel are screened, and those categorized as “no known exposure” or “low risk of exposure” are allowed to board Air Force aircraft bound for Ramstein. “Transient aircrew members who are on the ground for only a few hours are actually below the lowest


Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Sara Keller 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Airmen feeding Airmen, Page 17

Students learn coding through video game, Page 24

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

Obama activates reserves for Operation United Assistance by Nick Simeone Department of Defense News, Defense Media Activity WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has authorized the Defense Department to call up a small number of National Guard or reserve troops that possess special skills needed

to aid efforts in stopping the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa. Obama issued an executive order authorizing the secretaries of defense and homeland security to order the Selected Reserve and certain members of the Individual Ready Reserve to deploy to West Africa, where as many as 4,000 U.S. troops are headed,

most of them to Liberia, to support U.S. and international efforts to stop the rapidly spreading virus that has killed nearly 4,500 people. U.S. officials said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel requested the order after determining that specialists with skill sets needed by Operation United Assistance, including engi-

neers, comptrollers and religious specialists, were in short supply, or to replace active-duty personnel. Already, elements of the Kentucky Air National Guard are in Dakar, Senegal, to establish a staging base for the Liberia-based mission, having volunteered and deployed before the presidential order was issued.

KMC to hold Joint Passport Outreach Day 409th CSB supports RT14 The U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt and the KMC passport offices are scheduled to host a fall Passport Outreach Day from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 5 in Bldg. 2402 on Ramstein. This event will serve as an outreach to provide the KMC with expedited service for passport applications prior to the holiday travel season. Consulate representatives will be on-site to accept tourist passport and consular report of birth-abroad applications. In addition, representatives from Social Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Immigrant Visa Services will be available to answer questions related to immigration, naturalization, visas, citizenship and Social Security. The local USO will also be there to support the event by serving refreshments. The Ramstein and Kleber Kaserne passport offices have detailed checklists for tourist passports and reports of births abroad on their websites to aid in filling out applications prior to the event. For access to these documents, visit www.ramstein.af.mil/library/factsheets/ factsheet.asp?id=17152 (Air Force personnel) or www.rp.army.mil/Directorates/ DHR/passports.html (Army personnel). The fee for a report of birth and tourist passport for a child is $205. A tourist passport renewal for an adult is $110, and a tourist passport renewal for a minor under 16 is $105. Anyone over the age of 16 applying for the first time must pay $135. Payment is due with the application and must be paid by money order or cashier check only (one for

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

each application). All services will be available on a walk-in basis, with the exception of birth registrations. Contact the servicing passport office to have documents reviewed and to schedule an appointment for birth registration of your newborn. To process applications quickly, passport officials ask that clients come prepared with all original documents in order, copies of the documents and money order(s) or cashier check(s). On-site passport photo support will be available at the cost of $8 for six photos. However, passport officials recommend obtaining photos prior to the event to minimize waiting time. Money orders to cover passport fees can be purchased by military ID cardholders at the Ramstein Northside Post Office (cash or debit card only) or at servicing banking facilities prior to or on outreach day (on-site service not available). Be advised that tourist passports will be taken for cancellation and returned with the newly issued passport. The Ramstein and Kleber Kaserne passport offices will be closed Nov. 5 and will reopen for regular service Nov. 6. For questions, further instructions or to schedule a birth registration appointment, send an email to 786fss.passports@us.af.mil (Air Force personnel) or usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.imcomeurope.mbx.usag-r-p-passport@mail. mil (Army personnel), or stop by your respective passport office. (Courtesy of 786th Force Support Squadron)

including insert or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material.

by Rachel Clark 409th Contracting Support Brigade Soldiers with the 409th Contracting Support Brigade, headquartered at Sembach Kaserne, visited Yavoriv, Ukraine, Sept. 15 to 26 to provide contracting support for Rapid Trident 14. RT14 is a Ukrainian-led, U.S. Army Europe-supported field-training exercise that focused on peacekeeping and stability operations. The 409th team was responsible for contracting services that included transportation, portable latrines, hand-washing stations and material handling equipment. “These contracting officers provide flexibility in planning, preparation and execution,” said Scott P. Connors, USAREUR training and exercise planner. Maj. Armando V. Corral, contracting officer with the 928th Contracting Battalion, 409th CSB, said part of the 409th mission was to work with partnering nations and local contractors to ensure continued services for the exercise. “The significance of our efforts this year for RT14 is even more important given the current situation in Eastern Ukraine,” Corral said. “We were on the ground working with foreign militaries, foreign contractors, and we were still able to provide first-rate contracting support.” Corral said RT14 supported interoperability among Ukraine, U.S., NATO and Partnership for Peace member nations. Fifteen countries took part in the exercise with the participation of approximately 1,300 personnel. “Contracting enables these exercises to happen by providing services that reduce the amount of (support) Soldiers on the ground,” said Col. William J. Bailey, 409th CSB commander. “We are here building relationships, and we are building infrastructure.”


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October 24, 2014 exercise, from Page 1

Ramstein Airmen and their German partners. “Our German counterparts from the Kaiserslautern area brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the scenario,” said Col. Lee Smith, 86th Airlift Wing vice commander. “Together we used our skills to test our interoperability and coordination during a crisis, and I am very pleased with the results.” This was the first time Team Ramstein members and

Kaiserslautern American German authorities conducted a response and recovery in about two years, with the last one held at Rhine Ordnance Barracks. The exercise went very well, including the communication and cooperation between American and German first responders, said Gudrun HeßSchmidt, Kaiserslautern deputy county commissioner. This exercise gave German disaster respondents a better understanding of Ramstein procedures to better carry out a rescue and recovery plan. The training and inspec-

tion portion of the exercise was used to ensure both agencies are able to respond safely together and improve existing procedures should a real incident occur. “This exercise was outstanding,” said Lt. Col. Paul Silas, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron commander and emergency operations center director for the exercise. “We responded and identified everything thrown at us — we were able to handle what came our way because of the proactive thinking of our Airmen and German partners here.”

ebola, from Page 1

Center for Disease Control exposure category,” said Dr. (Capt.) Michael D’Amore, 37th Airlift Squadron and 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron flight surgeon. “Additionally, Airmen from the 86th Airlift Wing that are located in the areas of the Ebola outbreak are kept within secure Department of Defense areas. These areas are protected and monitored to prevent active or contagious cases of Ebola from coming into contact with our Airmen. Furthermore, all people within these DOD areas are monitored several times daily for any signs of symptoms.” Lt. Col. Juan Ramirez, 86th AMDS public health flight commander, said Airmen assigned to Ramstein will be monitored upon their return. “Upon arrival, it is mandatory for all Airmen who are stationed here to have their temperature taken twice a day by a medical professional at the Ramstein clinic for 21 days,” he said. Because aircrew are constantly traveling in and out of these areas, they will be required to monitor their own temperature and report them twice a week to the flight medicine clinic at Ramstein. In addition to temperature checks, screening processes are completed before and after they go on missions into West Africa. “Airmen are tracked and screened prior to departing and upon return,” D’Amore said. “We track countries visited and potential contact with indigenous people, animals or exotic foods.” Although most of the

Nearly 30 Airmen walk down the flightline Oct. 15 after arriving on Ramstein from West Africa. Any personnel traveling into Ramstein from Ebola-infected areas will be medically screened upon their arrival and cleared by public health.

Airmen from the 86th AW traveling into infected areas are considered transient aircrew and have minimal time on the ground in places like Liberia, the aircrews are educated and prepared on necessary protocol and procedures in the unlikely event an infected patient manifests symptoms on a U.S. Air Force aircraft. “All aircrew members have been briefed in quarterly safety meetings, and since then, several Flight Crew Information Files have been distributed on the topic of Ebola,” D’Amore said. “FCIFs are mandatory documents that must be read prior to their next flight, and they include information as well as procedures to

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protect our Airmen from exposure to Ebola, prevention of the virus on U.S. Air Force aircraft, and what to do in the event of a passenger presenting symptoms while in flight.” For transient passengers returning from Ebola-infected areas landing at Ramstein, measures are in place to monitor those travelers passing through the base. Like aircrews, passengers will also be pre-screened before departing infected areas. “As personnel redeploy from West Africa to return to Ramstein, they’ll be screened and cleared by 86th Medical Group public health staff,” Ramirez said. Ramirez said personnel

BIO-CLEANING VAT-forms PET ODOR REMOVAL accepted Kaiserstr. 54 a (across from City Hall) • 66849 Landstuhl • Tel.: 06371-61 22 11 Spittelstr. 3 (near Stiftsplatz) • 67655 Kaiserslautern • Tel.: 0631-37 35 60 10

Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan

A simulated casualty lays in a field next to the flightline as part of a major accident response exercise Oct. 18 on Ramstein.

transiting through Ramstein will have their temperatures taken at plane side, with further monitoring continued at their final destinations. With President Barack Obama’s announcements to increase U.S. efforts to respond to the Ebola virus epidemic, U.S. Africa Command is working with the U.S. Agency for International Development to deliver much-needed support. Part of AFRICOM’s effort is the tactical theater airlift provided by the 86th AW, now in conjunction with the 86th MDG’s efforts to educate and keep Airmen and the KMC safe.

“Containing this Ebola outbreak is a necessity on a global and national scale,” D’Amore said. “Therefore, the Airmen of the 86th AW are vital for support of DOD and national efforts. It’s exciting to be a part of a large and evolving operation such as this. One of the main functions of medical personnel in the military is to prevent the spread of disease throughout the fighting force, and that is a big reason why we train and prepare service members to help in this outbreak that now has international attention.”

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014


OCT. 14

9:15 a.m.: An unlawful entry and possession of narcotics were reported on Vogelweh. 11:20 a.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported at the Opel Circle in Kaiserslautern. 11:50 a.m.: An unattended death was reported in Lohnsfeld.

OCT. 15

10:25 a.m.: An assault was reported on Ramstein. 4:39 p.m.: Child endangerment was reported on Vogelweh.

OCT. 16

Unknown time: Fleeing the scene of a major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern. 4:45 p.m.: Drunken driving was reported on Kapaun Air Station.

OCT. 17

2:10 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Landstuhl. 3:15 a.m.: Disrespect to a posted sentry resulting in an assault was reported on Vogelweh Family Housing. 1:15 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Weselberg. 3:25 p.m.: A minor traffic accident resulting in failure to obey a lawful order was reported on Ramstein. 10 p.m.: A major accident was reported on Ramstein.

OCT. 18

6:28 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Mehlingen. 9:45 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Heiligenmoschel.

Hiring Our Heroes job summit

Ramstein will host a free hiring fair and transition summit for service members, veterans and military spouses at 9 a.m. Nov. 3 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. The event will feature key federal and state agencies, influential military leaders, innovators in the business, and employer community and local community leaders. More than 25 companies are anticipated to attend. Register at the Hiring Our HeroesU.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation website (TinyURL link: http://tinyurl.com/lhtro5v), and check out the 86th Airlift Wing official Facebook page and next week’s KA for updated information on the job summit.

Take Note

Ebola town hall meeting

The 86th Airlift Wing hosts a town hall meeting from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today, and 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and 10 to 11 a.m. Monday at Ramstein’s Hercules Theater, Bldg. 2101, to present general information about the Ebola virus as well as discuss safety precautions being taken to mitigate risk at Ramstein. All personnel, along with their family members, including the local national workforce, are invited to attend the town hall. Mission permitting, supervisors should allow subordinate employees to attend. Seating in the Hercules Theater is limited, so seating will be on a first-come, firstserved basis.

Pumpkin patrol volunteers

The 86th Security Forces Squadron is looking for volunteers from the 86th Airlift Wing to assist with this year’s pumpkin patrol on Halloween. Volunteers will assist security forces with traffic enforcement, crowd control and pedestrian safety and act as a presence in preventing mischief and vandalism in housing. They will be paired up with a security forces defender and armed with a radio and a


At a general court-martial conducted Oct. 6 through 8 on Ramstein, an 86th Airlift Wing staff sergeant was found guilty of possessing child pornography in a trial held before a military judge.The sergeant’s sentence consisted of a reduction to the grade of E-1, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, confinement for 15 months, and a dishonorable discharge.

OCT. 19

12:20 a.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern. 1:15 a.m.: An aggravated assault and possession of a controlled substance were reported in Kaiserslautern. 2:40 a.m.: An aggravated assault was reported in Kaiserslautern. 4:15 a.m.: A domestic assault was reported in Vogelbach.

OCT. 20

7:18 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Rosenkopf.


Oct. 17 — Unknown number of volunteers, 11 lives potentially saved. Oct. 18 — 42 volunteers, 47 lives potentially saved.

vest. Volunteers need to be in uniform (ABUs) with a flashlight and reflective belt. Show times for volunteering are from 4 to 8 p.m. Trick-or-treating hours are from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 31. For details, email Tech. Sgt. Luis Salcido at luis.salcido@us.af.mil or Senior Airman Sean Schmermund at sean.schmermund@us.af.mil, or call 480-1215.

Vehicle Safety Day

The Pulaski Automotive Skills Center offers free vehicle safety inspections from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today in Bldg. 2859 on Pulaski Barracks. Show up for a chance to win a free car wash. Open to all ID card holders. For details, call 493-4167 or 0631-34064167.

Blood drive

The 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing will hold a Halloween blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center. For more information, call Tech. Sgt. William Vincent at 479-4539.

Fall clean up

Fall clean up for Ramstein will be Nov. 17 for working areas and Nov. 18 for housing.

Nursing skills fair

A KMC-wide nursing skills fair takes place from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in Heaton Auditorium on Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. The fair provides an opportunity for nurses, medics, medical technicians and corpsmen to refresh and update knowledge and skills skills. The fair will include nine information stations and 16 skill stations, including traumatic brain injury information, tracheostomy care, and instruction for donning and removing personal protective

equipment. Although the fair is primarily for nursing care providers, any medical providers from units within the KMC looking to refresh and improve their knowledge of nursing skills are also welcome.

Orientation tour

The USO will offer a free orientation tour, “Welcome to Kaiserslautern,” Nov. 11 and Dec. 6. Newcomers will depart at 8 a.m. from the Vogelweh Bowling Center and 8:30 a.m. in front of the Ramstein Passenger Terminal, Bldg. 3333. Tour participants will receive a historical overview of Kaiserslautern, hear some local legends and receive practical tips from experienced guides. It is recommended to bring euros for lunch and shopping. The tour is free, but interested participants must sign up at one of the USO offices. Estimated return time is 4:10 p.m. on Ramstein and 4:30 p.m. on Vogelweh.

Home for the Holidays Program

KMC Lodging will offer authorized guests the chance to make space-available reservations in advance for the upcoming holiday season. Guests can book reservations for up to 10 nights between Dec. 15 and Jan. 4 on a first-come, first-served basis, as space permits. For more information, contact the Central Reservations Office in Ramstein at 480-4920 or 06371-45-4920, or via email at lodging@ramstein.af.mil. Online reservations can be made at http://tinyurl.com/qz8mlsv.

BOSS holiday toy drive

Donate a new, unwrapped toy to help a military family in need this holiday season. Donation boxes will be available throughout the KMC from Nov. 5 to Dec. 14. Look out for boxes or find out their locations by visiting www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com.

» Kinsbach: Coppe laptops. » Landstuhl: Tw APRIL 28

industrial counter coo mander, one industrial industrial salad dispe trial drink mixer, one washer, one industria plate, one industrial fl trial fryer, one industri » Ramstein: Copp APRIL 22

Vehicle Readiness Squad sure the snow equipmen ABOVE: Snow equipmen

October 24, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

CASF provides service members with extra care Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


hen service members are injured downrange and need to receive specialized medical attention, they go to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to be treated. They are then transported, by the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility on Ramstein, from LRMC to the Ramstein flightline where they receive care before they are transported elsewhere for further attention. The CASF plays a major role in the transportation and care of wounded warriors returning from deployed locations. “At the CASF we transport patients who were downrange from Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to, usually, Joint-Base Andrews in Maryland,” said Staff Sgt. Andrezej Wozniak, 86th Aerospace Medicine CASF operations NCO in charge. “From there, the patients go somewhere else stateside, wherever they’re receiving additional care.” Regardless of the injury, if a patient comes back from a deployment, the CASF takes care of them. In an average month, the facility supports approximately 250 to 300 patients with a wide array of injuries. “We see all sorts of patients from sprained ankles to roadside bombings and shootings,” Wozniak said. “We see it all.” Senior Airman Kheona Ratliff, CASF health service manager, said the CASF makes the transition as

An Airman signals to service members indicating they are able to carry a patient from a Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility bus Oct. 10 on Ramstein. There isn’t a CASF at every base in the Air Force. Depending upon where a medical Airman is stationed will determine whether or not they will work at a CASF.

smooth as possible for the patients and ensures patients don’t incur any further injuries. Since the main objective at the CASF is patient movement, as well as hospitality, the team is very hands on and attentive to the patients. “At my other assignments I was checking medical records and wasn’t feeling as satisfied as I am now,” Ratliff said. “I work closely with the wounded warriors and like interacting with them. Being in the CASF makes

me feel like I’m making a positive impact in the Air Force.” The facility located on Ramstein is one of six CASFs in the Air Force. Depending upon where a medical Airman is stationed will determine whether or not they will work at a CASF. “When I worked downrange in an ICU (intensive care unit) in Bagram, we sent a lot of people over here, so

I was able to see another side of the patient movement process,” Wozniak said. The CASF first opened its doors to service members in 2003 during operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. As long as Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines need support, transportation and medical care from the battlefield, the CASF will remain available with open arms to help every way they can.

LEFT: Two buses from the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility prepare to leave the flightline after transporting patients to a C-17 Globemaster III Oct. 10 on Ramstein. On average, the CASF supports approximately 250 to 300 patients a month. RIGHT: Service members carry a wounded patient from a Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility bus on a litter into a C-17 Globemaster III. The facility located on Ramstein is one of six CASFs in the Air Force.

October 24, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Page 7

Airman takes LEAD in step to USAF Academy by Senior Airman Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs There are several ways an enlisted Airman can make the transition to be an Air Force officer. They can go through Air Force ROTC via various means, be selected for Officer Training School or go to the U.S. Air Force Academy through the Leaders Encouraging Airman Development program. LEAD is a program that allows commanders to seek out outstanding and deserving qualified Airmen for appointments to the academy and Air Force ROTC scholarship programs, and one Airman from the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron was nominated for the program. As part of the program, Airman 1st Class Brianna

Walberg, 86th VRS vehicle operator, spent four days at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado learning about the different aspects of being an official Air Force student. “We learned about the different sports, extra curricula and facilities they offer,” Walberg said. “You must take at least five classes each semester, and every cadet must play a sport.” Walberg and a select few other Airmen and high school seniors toured the academy accompanied by current cadets. “My favorite part was how much we got to interact with the cadets,” Walberg said. “Everyone was honest. No one tried to sugarcoat how the academy worked; it’s rough but always worth it in the end.” Walberg said she always wanted to be an

officer and make a difference, even if just in some small way. “I enlisted and got to do that,” Walberg said. “I know I can reach my full potential and make a bigger difference as an officer.” Walberg said the program is for people who are seriously considering the academy and have already begun the process. However, she did learn how difficult it is to keep up with everything once admitted. “I was so nervous at first,” Walberg said. “I’m happy my academy liaison officer put me up for this program. I don’t want to commission any other way now.” For more information about the LEAD program and other commissioning opportunities, contact the Ramstein Education Center at 480-2032 or 06371-47-2032.

Photo by Pfc. Kelsey M. Little

USAREUR commanding general visits 21st TSC Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr. (left), commanding general of U.S. Army Europe, presents a USAREUR challenge coin to Spc. Joshua Middleton, corrections specialist with the 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, during his visit to Sembach Kaserne Oct. 9. Middleton was recognized for serving over 200 community service hours.

Saving water starts with you Last year, Air Force facilities and military family housing within the KMC used more than 450 million gallons of water, which cost more than $5 million. Every member of the KMC has a part to play in water conservation. Water saving initiatives positively impact our ecological relationship with water sources and result in a significant reduction of utility bills. An active concern to save water will reduce consumption without sacrificing cleanliness or interfering with lifestyles.

Did you know?

• Over the course of a year, a water faucet left running while shaving, brushing your teeth and while washing your hands wastes about 32 gallons of water. • A continuous shower requires up to 12 gallons per minute, and a full bathtub uses 36 gallons. Wetting down, soaping up and rinsing off rapidly uses only four gallons. • Automatic dishwashers use up to 16 gallons of water; washing dishes by hand in a sink or dishpan requires only five gallons.

Make a change!

• Buy water-saving devices such as water efficient faucets and shower heads. Water efficient shower heads can save up to 750 gallons a month. • Take shorter showers. Run water only for wetting down and rinsing. Put a bucket in the shower

and collect water while it is warming for use on potted plants. • Turn off the water when shaving, brushing teeth or soaping hands. • Run only full loads in the washing machine; this can save up to 600 gallons a month. • Wash dishes by hand in a sink or a dishpan. Run only full loads in the dishwasher, and minimize rinsing beforehand. • Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator rather than a sink full of water. Wash your produce in the sink or a pan that is filled with water instead of running water from the tap. • Listen for dripping faucets and toilets. Stopping a leak can save 500 gallons a month. • Don’t use the toilet as a trashcan. Toss your facial tissues in the bin. • In summer months, water the lawn only in the morning and evening hours, limit duration based on expected temperatures, and if rain is forecasted, don’t water. By empowering change at work, home and everywhere in between, the results will be real and measurable. Know your facility manager, and contact them if you notice leaks.

For more tips, check out www.wateruseitwisely. com or contact your KMC energy management team at 480-6421. (Courtesy of 86th Civil Engineer Squadron)

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

Photos by Airman Larissa Greatwood

Members of Team Ramstein visit different information tables Oct. 17 on Ramstein. The Kaiserslautern Military Community Fair allowed units to set up stations in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center to allow military members and their families to see events and classes offered in the area.

Master Sgt. Mark Tilsher, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing NCO in charge of wing plans and programs, and Alexandra Pemberton, Kaiserslautern Gracie Defense Systems instructor, demonstrate how to get out of a chokehold Oct. 17 on Ramstein. The instructors taught a self-defense course during the Kaiserslautern Military Community Fair.

Staff Sgt. James Beck, 76th Airlift Squadron aviation resource management, tests his body mass at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Fair Oct. 17 on Ramstein. Sports and wellness personnel offered massages and precise weight measurements, including muscle density and fat percentage.

Massage therapist Amber Maez massages a member of Team Ramstein at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Fair Oct. 17 on Ramstein.

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Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

Ramstein holds Wendelinus market, Oktoberfest People didn’t want to work that day, and schools were closed. Relatives living outside of Ramstein came to visit, went to The last weekend of the month in confession and listened to the fest sermon Ramstein-Miesenbach is always dediconducted by several priests from three cated to “Wendelinusmarkt,” a market altars, for 12 hours, without interruption. featuring vendors, exhibitors, music and Afterward, people stopped at the chestfood specialties. The market will take nut carnival in front of the church, where place from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and rosaries, crucifixes, prayer books, candles Sunday in the center of town. and chestnuts were sold. Years ago, the Wendelinus market will begin with a 12-hour prayer was moved to Sunday, short memorial service at 11 a.m. Saturday and the local Catholic holiday lost its in the fest tent on Prometheusplatz. importance. Visitors can bring their pets to have them Also included into Wendelinus market blessed by the priest. After the traditional is the annual Oktoberfest, which will start animal blessing, Mayor Stefan Layes and with the party band Die Vagabunden at 8 market chief Joe Felka will tap the first p.m. today in the fest tent. keg of beer. Tickets are still available by call“More than 80 exhibitors will presing 06371-592-220 or online at www. Photo by Stefan Layes ent arts, crafts and other merchandise oktoberfest-ramstein.de. Tickets for the The center of Ramstein-Miesenbach hosts vendors, exhibitors and musicians from 11 a.m. Saturday show are sold out. in the car-free center of town,” Felka to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. said. “Additionally, all stores will open On Sunday, free live entertainment will Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m.” The history of Wendelinusmarkt dates back to the continue with the party band Die Hofgassler and a A French market with more than 20 hosts will beginning of the 18th century when most village Bavarian brass band from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. serve culinary specialties, such as pate, terrines, residents were farmers, and an epidemic threatened Ramstein poultry breeders will display hens, bancremant, Champagne, crepes and tarte flambee. Ramstein’s cattle. People started praying to Saint tams and pigeons in the Reichswald sports gym next Accordion players will play typical French music. Wendelinus, the saint of plague, who was asked for to Realschule from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. Other food specialties include bratwurst, grilled help in case of contagious diseases. They promised to 6 p.m. Sunday. ham, waffles, and Asian and Italian dishes. to celebrate the day of Saint Wendelinus each year The conference center, Haus des Bürgers, will “If the weather is good, we expect about 20,000 if the epidemic would end. turn into a mecca for model train enthusiasts from visitors on both days,” Felka said. The first celebration was on a Monday in 1710. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

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435th CTS restores Moldovan school didn’t exist prior to the start of the project. Afterward, all floor and wall tiles were replaced, and several coats of paint were added. Once the tiling was complete, each restCHISINAU, Moldova — In a small corroom was supplied with three new toilets and ner of the world, there is a school that resides sinks. In two of the lower level restrooms, in the poorest country in Europe — the toilets for the handicapped were installed to Republic of Moldova. This particular school better meet the needs of the students. Finally, is a special needs school that accommotoilet partitions were installed along with new dates students from the ages of kindergarten windows and doors. through high school. In Chisinau, Moldova, The locker and shower rooms were also more than 150 students, who are to some completely renovated in a similar fashion. degree deaf or blind, learn how to become With new tile, paint, lockers and shower active and functional members of society. fixtures, these rooms once again became Until recently, School 12 operated every a functional part of the gymnasium. The school year with aging and dilapidated restnew accommodations will allow students to Students from School 12 perform a traditional Moldovan dance during the ribrooms and shower rooms. Troubled by con- bon cutting for the newly renovated school in Chisinau, Moldova. The students shower and change after their daily physical stant leaks, broken toilets, crumbling tiles and performed the dance as a show of gratitude to the 435th Air Ground Operations training class, drastically improving sanitafaulty wiring, the school’s principal reached Wing’s Construction and Training Squadron, which sent Airmen to perform reno- tion conditions. vations on four restrooms, two locker rooms and two shower rooms in the school out for assistance. Before the team departed, the school was Understanding the importance of a safe to make them functional and safe to use again. provided with supplies to help upkeep their educational environment and the sensitive nature carpenters from the 786th Civil Engineer Squadron new sanitation facilities. These supplies included of Moldovan and U.S. ties, the Office of Defense assisted with the endeavor. over 500 rolls of toilet paper, 20 three-gallon jugs of Cooperation and the U.S. Embassy in Moldova took Led by Staff Sgt. Clifford Daniel, 435th CTS hand soap, mops, brooms, toilet and sink cleaners, on the challenge of repairing the school. project manager, four restrooms, two locker rooms and toilet brushes. Lt. Col. Brendan Bartlett, chief of the Moldovan and two shower rooms were renovated. Originally To show their thanks and appreciation, the ODC, looked toward the 435th Air Ground programmed by the ODC to complete the project students honored the Airmen with a traditional Operations Wing’s Construction and Training in three phases over the course of three summer Moldovan dance performance during the project’s Squadron for support. breaks, MCF completed the project in only 75 days. ribbon cutting ceremony. The 435th CTS’s Military Construction Flight Construction began with the complete gutting of As the project came to a successful close, each sent a mixed team of carpenters; plumbers; electri- the rooms so that all new construction materials and member of the 435th CTS expressed how much it cians; surveyors; heating, ventilation and air con- fixtures could be installed. Each room was then meant to make such a huge difference in a child’s ditioning technicians; and heavy equipment spe- outfitted with new plumbing pipes and electrical life, in a small corner of Europe and in a country cialists to tackle the project. In addition, two more circuits to feed water heaters and hand dryers that some people have never even heard of. Story and photo by Master Sgt. Jeffrey S. Mooney 435th Construction and Training Squadron

Education Notes AFA awards

Air Force Association Pitsenbarger applications are due to the Ramstein Education Center in Bldg. 2120, Room 421, by 3 p.m. today. AFA Pitsenbarger awards provide a one-time grant of $400 to selected top U.S. Air Force enlisted personnel graduating from the Community College of the Air Force who plan on pursuing a baccalaureate degree. The grants coincide with the CCAF graduation ceremonies. AFA Pitsenbarger applications can be found at www.afa.org/AFA/InformationFor/ Military/PitsenbargerAward.

Scrubby Bear

During October, volunteer presenters along with Scrubby Bear will be visiting elementary schools at Ramstein, Baumholder, Landstuhl, Sembach and Vogelweh promoting proper hand washing. This year’s program includes Scrubby Bear interacting with students. With the flu season starting, this is the perfect time for this training. To schedule the team, call the Red Cross at 480-2171.

Halloween preschool story time

Preschoolers and their parents are invited to a special Halloween preschool story time at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks. This event will feature stories, music and crafts with a fun Halloween theme. No sign-up required.

For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

Halloween movie marathon

Children of all ages are invited to a Halloween movie marathon from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 31 at the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. No sign-up required. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

RMS fall flea market

The Ramstein Middle School PTSA sponsors a fall flea market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 1 in the RMS cafeteria/multipurpose hall, Bldg. 994. For details, email ptsa.rms@gmail.com.

Teen Advisory Group meeting

The Teen Advisory Group meeting is your opportunity to make your voices heard about library programs and materials you want to see. The next meeting will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Nov. 6 at the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 in Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks, for teens, ages 13 to 17. Snacks will be provided, and no sign-up is required. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

CCAF graduation

The semiannual Community College of the Air Force graduation ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. Nov. 7 in the Ramstein Officers’ Club. Mandatory

graduation rehearsal will be held at 9 a.m. the same day and location. Graduates must dress in uniform of the day for the rehearsal and service dress uniform for the ceremony. Students who are PCSing, separating, deploying or retiring prior to Nov. 7 should provide the necessary information to the education center. For details, email 86FSS. ramsteineducationcenter@us.af.mil.

German-American friendship choir

The Otterberger Singing Squirrels Kinderchor, a German-American children’s friendship choir that began in April 2011, is inviting interested children from 6 to 11 years old to join the choir for the 20142015 school year. Rehearsals take place from 3 to 4:15 p.m. Tuesdays at the Grundschule Aula, third floor, Hauptstrasse 20, 67697 Otterberg. The choir performs at local Christmas markets and festivals, in exchange concerts with local American schools, and in children’s benefit concerts. For details, call Suann A. Strickland at 06301-38-98107 or email suannstrickland@gmail.com.

Tots and Tales Story Time

Tots and Tales Story Time promotes educational development and reading readiness in young children from 12 to 18 months old. Tots and Tales Story Time is held at 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday in Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks. No sign-up required. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

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Word Scramble Unscramble these Halloween terms

gosth mparvie mumym aerlggyo

thciw ligonb iemobz lfwworee

answers: ghost | vampire | mummy | gargoyle | witch | goblin | zombie | werewolf |

Capt. Spanky: Stay safe this Halloween Hello, Team Ramstein! Halloween is just around the corner, and I’m so excited my little nub won’t stop wagging! I can’t wait to dress up in matching costumes with my humans and visit the children at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Maybe we will get to pass out candy and other treats to the children, too! Speaking of handing out candy and treats, next week on Halloween there are several events going on around the KMC I hope you all get the chance to enjoy. The Trunk-or-Treat event is scheduled to take place from 5 to 7 p.m. at Donnelly Park. There will even be carnival games and food, so it should be fun for the whole pack. At the same time, the Ramstein and Vogelweh military family housing areas will be hosting trick-or-treat; I hope there aren’t any tricks and a lot of treats. Yum! Whatever you decide to do, be safe out there. Here are a few tips on staying safe next week.

Children 11 years old and under are not allowed to go trick-ortreating alone. Also, it is getting darker earlier so be sure to wear reflective material, use flashlights, and use sidewalks and crosswalks whenever possible. To help you all remain safe, my friends at the 86th Security Forces Squadron and 569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron and their humans have partnered up with base volunteers to deliver the Pumpkin Patrol. More details on the Pumpkin Patrol will be provided in next week’s Kaiserslautern American, so you can have it more readily available. In short, they will provide safety patrols, traffic control and man missing or lost child stations during the events. Aren’t we lucky to have such great K-9s, men and women dedicated to ensure we stay safe? Have fun, but remember that the safety of you and your family is always a key concern of base leadership and of Capt. Spanky as well! Happy haunting!

Recipe of the week

Apple Calvados Tiramisu Servings 15 IngredIents: bIscuIt dOugH 2 medium eggs 2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 package Vanillin Zucker (vanilla sugar) 50 grams flour, sifted PuddIng MIXture 300 milliliters apple sauce 100 milliliters apple juice 150 milliliters Calvados liquor 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 package Vanillin Zucker (vanilla sugar) 2 tablespoons sugar 250 grams mascarpone cheese 300 milliliters milk 1 package Vanille Pudding (without sugar), uncooked pudding 10 grams almond slivers dIrectIOns: bIscuIt dOugH • Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fahrenheit. • Beat eggs and then add in the sugar and Vanillin Zucker (vanilla sugar). Sift flour and fold into the egg mixture. • Grease a jelly roll pan and line the bottom with baking paper. • Spread the dough in the pan and bake for 10 minutes. remove cake from pan

and let cool on a wire rack. PuddIng MIXture • Mix together the apple sauce, 3 tablespoons of the Calvados, the lemon juice, cinnamon and the Vanillin Zucker (vanilla sugar). • Mix together the milk and pudding. Stir in mascarpone cheese. Mix together with the apple sauce mixture. • Pour the apple juice and 3 more tablespoons of the Calvados over the top over the cake. • Cut up the cake bottom into small pieces. divide cut up cake bottom and place in a bowl with the pointed ends up. Pour the pudding mixture on top of the cut cake in the bowl and let stand until firm. • Using a large frying pan, with no grease or oil, roast the almond slivers until just brown. Immediately remove them from the pan and let cool. Sprinkle over the top of the cream. • Let set in fridge for about 2 to 3 hours. VarIatIOns • Use ladyfinger cookies instead of the biscuit dough. • Line a springform pan instead of using a jelly roll pan. Make a layer cake by leaving half of the cake in the pan and layer with cream, the other half of the cake or ladyfinger cookies and then the rest of the cream.

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Renovated lab facility opens at LRMC Photo by Ed Drohan

Heinz Stahl (left), U.S. Public Health Command RegionEurope laboratory director, points out some of the new features in the unit’s renovated soil testing laboratory at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to Col. Randall Rietcheck (center), PHCR-E deputy commander, and Brig. Gen. Norvell Coots (right), Europe Regional Medical Command commander, after a ceremony dedicating the facility Oct. 15. The labs, which conduct soil and water testing for units throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East, are housed in a building that was originally built as a barracks for the German army in 1938. The ceremony also dedicated the new customer service wing to Dr. Charles Statham, who was the laboratory director for more than 20 years before retiring recently.

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Airmen feeding Airmen

Photos by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart

Airman Tiffani Ortiz, 786th Force Support Squadron food server apprentice, serves customers Oct. 8 in the Rhineland Inn Dining Facility on Ramstein. The Rhineland Inn Dining Facility provides Airmen with food to-go.

Senior Airman Jonathan DaSilva, 786th Force Support Squadron food service journeyman, and Airman 1st Class Jalyssa Holman, 786th FSS server apprentice, pour cake batter into a container at the Rhineland Inn Dining Facility. The Rhineland Inn Dining Facility has staff on shift 24 hours a day to ensure food is ready for the Airmen they are serving throughout the day.

Senior Airman Jonathan DaSilva, 786th Force Support Squadron food service journeyman, opens a steamer Oct. 8 in Ramstein’s Rhineland Inn Dining Facility to check the status of the food. The Rhineland Inn Dining Facility is open seven days a week, year-round to serve the needs of Ramstein’s Airmen.

Senior Airman Jonathan DaSilva, 786th Force Support Squadron food service journeyman, prepares chicken breasts for lunch Oct. 8 in the Rhineland Inn Dining Facility on Ramstein. The Rhineland Inn Dining Facility offers four meals a day, providing Airmen a full-service main line, snack line and sandwich bar.

Airman Tiffani Ortiz, 786th Force Support Squadron food server apprentice, serves customers Oct. 8 in the Rhineland Inn Dining Facility on Ramstein. The Rhineland Inn Dining Facility is open four times a day to provide Airmen who work obscure hours a chance to eat a home-cooked meal.

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For more info visit our website www.militaryblood.dod.mil/europe

Winter weather driving tips

Services cancelled, 26 Oct.

Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule

Protestant Services

POC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG R-P Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 0631-3406-4098 Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Worship: 11 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Contemporary Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Liturgical Services: 9 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Gospel Service: 11 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743.

Catholic Services

Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Religious Education (grades K-8): 11 a.m. Sundays Confession: 11:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass: noon Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Religious Education (following Mass) Confession: 8:15-8:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confession 4-4:45 p.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Confession: 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.

Jewish Religious Services

Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7 p.m. Fridays

Islamic Services

Ramstein South Chapel Mosque (480-5753) Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For religious education and daily prayers, check the prayer schedule

Orthodox Christian

Kapaun Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Divine Liturgy: 9 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment

Youth Group Kaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869) “Plugged In” Middle School Youth Group: 2-4 p.m. Sundays Café Dinner (for students and their families): 4:15-5:15 p.m. Sundays “The Rock” High School Youth Group: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sundays More information: www.kmcyouth.com Protestant Youth of the Chapel Ramstein North Chapel "Vision" Middle School Ministry Tuesdays 3:15-5:00pm "Salvage" High School Ministry Tuesdays 7:00-8:45pm Vogelweh Chapel Teen Bible Study Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm Info: www.ramsteinpyoc.blogspot.com

Episcopal (St. Albans) 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel

Korean Service 1 p.m. Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

Unitarian Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel

Wiccan 7 p.m. first and third Saturdays, Kapaun Annex

Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel

As winter approaches, days shorten and temperatures begin to drop. Service members commuting to work may experience hazardous road conditions brought on by reduced lighting and freezing temperatures. To help mitigate the increased safety risks, motorists should properly prepare their vehicle for winter driving conditions. The team at the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron would like to pass on the following tips: • Don’t warm up your car in a closed garage or enclosed space. • After it snows, remove snow from your vehicle before driving. Also, don’t forget to clear the snow from any lights and mirrors, as well as the windshields. • Ensure you have a working rear defroster. If you have an older vehicle with an inoperative rear defroster, have it repaired. • Ensure your tires are properly inflated. Tire pressure drops with temperature, so if the last time you checked your tire pressure was during the summer months, your tires may be dangerously low. This could affect your car’s handling. • Ensure you have a serviceable, properly inflated spare tire and that you have the proper tire changing equipment (lug wrench and jack) in your vehicle. Most cars come with a spare tire in the trunk, when was the last time you checked it? • Ensure your wipers are operational and in good condition. During winter months, you’ll likely use your wipers more frequently to clear the windshield. Worn out wipers don’t perform well while driving in snow, further compromising your already reduced visibility. • Ensure your windshield wiper reservoir is full. During snowy and icy conditions, you’ll use more washer fluid. It’s important to use a good de-icer washer fluid that is engineered to work at below-freezing conditions to melt the frost or light ice that builds up. • Dress for winter. When making a quick trip to the store, you may not feel the need to grab a heavy winter coat or a pair of gloves. You’re probably thinking, “I’ll be inside my car with the heated seats. I’ll only have to bear the cold walking from the parking lot to the store front.” However, if you were to get into an accident or become stuck on the side of the road for any reason, the coat and gloves will be instrumental in keeping you warm. • Have basic supplies in your car. Ice scrapers and snow brushes are a must, but also consider an extra jacket, pair of gloves, winter hat, blanket, flash light and the mandatory first aid kit. A bag of kitty litter or sand may also come in handy if you find yourself stuck; pour a little in the path to help your tires gain traction. • Have a cell phone handy. Never leave

home without it, but also take the time to program it with any numbers you anticipate needing in an emergency. • Check the weather before making long trips. If the weather report predicts poor conditions, consider delaying your trip or taking an alternate route. • Slow down. Even with anti-lock brakes, stability control, snow tires and all-wheel drive your car will still not handle and grip the road as well as in dry conditions. Accelerate slower, brake slower, turn slower and leave more distance between you and the other cars on the road. Remember it will take longer to stop in slippery conditions. • Don’t use cruise control. When driving in snow or wet conditions, this could delay the time it takes for you to brake in an emergency. • Be careful when crossing bridges. Bridges and overpasses freeze first, so be prepared to encounter icy patches when crossing exposed roadways. • After a snowfall, consider staying off the road until it’s cleared. If you live on base, the priority will be the airfield, so it may be a while before the housing areas and secondary streets are cleared of snow. Consider walking to work if feasible. • Ensure you have snow or all-season tires. German law requires vehicles have winter tires when driving under icy conditions. A winter tire is specifically one with a mud and snow (M+S) label or the three peaks/snow flake symbol. The law does not set a time limit, but does state “under icy conditions.” Since it’s difficult to predict the weather, it’s a good rule of thumb to put winter tires on your vehicle around October and leave them on until at least Easter. Winter tires should have a tread depth of at least three millimeters. • German law requires passenger cars to be equipped with snow tires or chains in certain mountainous areas. These areas are marked with traffic signs. At some mountain passes, chains may be rented. The maximum speed while driving a vehicle with chains is 50 kph (31 mph). • Snow tires with spikes or studs are not allowed in Germany. If only two snow tires are used, they must be mounted on the drive wheels. Four-wheel-drive vehicles must have the snow tires mounted on the rear wheels. Radial snow tires may only be used with regular radial tires. Bias-ply snow tires may only be used with regular bias-ply tires. Take the time now to prepare for the colder months ahead. Germany has a beautiful winter landscape. If you plan on traveling in the upcoming months, plan your route of travel, and make sure to take inclement weather and road conditions into consideration. (Courtesy of the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron)

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Defenders shoot, move, communicate through training Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs If an unfortunate event occurs on base, such as an active shooter, there needs to be some sort of protection for the public. The 86th Security Forces Squadron is that line of defense on Ramstein. The 86th SFS is responsible for protecting the people, resources and property on Ramstein 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “As a defender, you’re ultimately going to be base security whether you’re working as an entry controller at the gates, working flightline security or even patrolling,” said Tech. Sgt. Jacob See, 86th SFS instructor. “Security and law and order are our baseline.” In order to be an effective unit, security forces conducts training a few times a month to keep their skills sharp. “Shoot, Move, Communicate” training is one of the training sessions that equip defenders with the skills and know-how of what to do in a high-risk scenario. “This is training where defenders learn to shoot, move and communicate in combat situations,” said Staff Sgt. Jeffery Fitzgerald, 86th SFS instructor. “The skills learned are a great foundation for defenders all across the Air Force.” During the training, defenders learned different ways to handle a weapon, as well as the correct form RAMSTEIN


Sunday Bible Class 11 a.m. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7 p.m. /DQGVWXKOHU 6WUD H 5DPVWHLQ 9LOODJH

The 86th Security Forces Squadron conducted “Shoot, Move, Communicate” training Oct. 10 on Ramstein. The training is applicable to any highrisk situation, including but not limited to hostage scenarios and fire fights.

for facing movements when their weapon is drawn. Two-man teams moved while simulating engaging an armed enemy. The defenders yelled different strategic terms so they could be on track with their counterparts during the fast paced, but systematic training. “There’s going to be chaos in every situation, but we can minimize that chaos by not having communication failures with one another,” Fitzgerald said.


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The defenders practiced the proper way to hold their weapons in groups before they began shooting at targets from a stationary position. Completing training such as this one keeps security forces prepared when a threat presents itself. “Shoot, Move, Communicate” training is just one of the tools security forces used to enhance the overall safety of Ramstein.

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m.

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Event Name:

United Kingdom – United States Remembrance Day Service Hours of Operation: Sunday, 9 November 2014, 1100 hrs Event Location: Southside Chapel, Ramstein Air Base Dress: Military – Service Dress, Civilian – Business Dress (Dress/Dress Pants/Suit) For more information please contact: Chaplain Mark McKellen, DSN 480-3678

An 86th Security Forces Squadron member prepares trainer bullets for trainees during “Shoot, Move, Communicate” training.

Kaiserslautern Evangelical

Lutheran Church 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Children’s Church available

Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. Scott Morrison, Pastor www.KELC.eu A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

Teaching the village, reaching the world!

We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014


2014 Mark Your Calendar Events

» The Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association hosts a game show luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Monday at Das Brauhaus an der Gartenschau, Forellen Str. 6, 67659 Kaiserslautern. Wear a costume, and fill your bag with fun and unusual items for our games. For an invitation, email klsareservations@ hotmail.com. » The Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association hosts a luncheon event Monday to nominate positions for the 2014-2015 board. If you would like to nominate someone but cannot attend the function, send your nomination to the KLSA parliamentarian at klsa.parliamentarian@hotmail.com. Board elections will be held in November. For more information on KLSA, the board positions or the luncheon event, email KLSA President Berniece Jones at klsa.president@hotmail.com or visit www.klsagrapevine.org. » The Rheinland-Pfalz Area Seminar will take place from 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. A fee of $20 includes lunch with professional and informative classes. Dress in business attire. Registration is now open. To register, visit www.planetreg.com/rheinland%20pfalz. For more information, email Berniece Jones at rheinlandpfalz1@ awagonline.org. » The Sunny Coyotes Volksmarching Club is hosting a bus trip to Bastogne, France, Dec. 13 for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge. Bus fee is €25. To sign up, email nfo@sunny-coyote.de.

Halloween Events

» Learn how to do your own Halloween make-up and costumes at the DIY Halloween Make-up and Costumes event from 3 to 4:30 p.m. today at the Rheinland-Pfalz Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl’s Wilson Barracks. No sign-up required. Open to all ages. For more information, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322. » Prepare to be scared this Halloween at one of the biggest and scariest haunted houses in the area! The Underworld is Baumholder’s very own haunted house, located in the basement of the Rheinlander Community Club, Bldg. 8085 on Smith Barracks. Come out for the walk through and scare show from 7 to 9 p.m. today, Saturday and Oct. 31. Tickets will be sold at the door on a first come, first served basis. Cost is $5. This show is not recommended for children under 12. For more information, call 485-7244 or 06783-6-7244. » Armstrong’s Club hosts the Haunted Halloween Ball from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Oct. 31 in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Enjoy a ghoulish feast with an all-you-can-eat buffet and groove to the hottest dance and Halloween party hits. There will be a costume contest with a grand prize of $100. Reserve a ticket in advance before they sell out. Tickets cost $20 in advance or $25 at the door. To reserve a ticket or for more information, call 0631-350-7919. » The Kazabra Club hosts a Halloween party starting at 7 p.m. Oct. 31 in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. The night will feature a costume contest, a live DJ and plenty of dancing and socializing. Open to all ID cardholders and their guests, ages 18 and older. No cover charge. For more information, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261.


» A European Command job fair and transition summit for service members, veterans and military spouses will take place at 9 a.m. Nov. 3 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. A net-

Halloween in the KMC

Trick-or-treaters are invited to come out and enjoy Halloween throughout the Ramstein, Vogelweh and Landstuhl family housing areas Oct. 31. Trick-or-treating has been authorized from 5 to 7 p.m. All personnel should limit vehicle traffic throughout the housing areas. Speed limits and parking will be strictly enforced to promote safety for all participants. Below is a list of safety recommendations to ensure this year’s Halloween is a happy and a safe one! Missing children On Ramstein, there will be three lost children collection points: • Bldg. 800, the Child Development Center • Bldg. 1001, Ramstein Middle School • Donnelly Park soccer field On Vogelweh, there will be two lost children collection points: • Bldg. 1057, the youth center (Vogelweh Family Housing Area) • Kansas and 2nd Avenue, Kapaun Air Station On Landstuhl, there will be one lost children collection point: • Bldg. 93861, Fisher House I parking lot Candy X-ray Parents have the option to get their children’s candy X-rayed in the Ramstein PAX Terminal lobby from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31. Costumes • Parents should have their children wear appropriate reflective clothing and use a flashlight or glow stick. • Costumes should be made of flame retardant material. If the costumes are homemade, use either a fire retardant spray or a fabric that has been treated with fire retardant. • Costumes shouldn’t include high heel shoes or long dangling pieces that could trip your child. Trick-or-treating • Children should always be accompanied by a responsible adult. If a group of children will go together, two or three selected parents should go along with them to supervise. • Advise children to use sidewalks and pedestrian crossings where available and to look both ways before crossing the street. • Children must never go into a stranger’s house. They should also not ring anyone’s doorbell for treats unless their parents are with them. • Parents should always keep children within sight. For additional safety tips, visit www.halloween-safety. com. To support the event, volunteers can contact the 86th Security Forces Squadron Police Services for Ramstein via email at 86sfs.s5lpoliceservices@ramstein. af.mil or contact the 569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron Police Services for Vogelweh/Landstuhl via email at joel. reyesrodriguez@us.af.mil, kathryn.patchoski@us.af.mil or charles.e.terrell20.mil@mail.mil.

working reception will begin at 4:30 p.m. The event will feature key federal and state agencies, influential military leaders, innovators in the business, and employer community and local community leaders. The job summits will include seminars, roundtables and discussions focused on improving competitive employment. For more information, contact hiringourheroes@ uschamber.com or 202-463-5807. » Are you looking for a job? Come to the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Job Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 18 at the Kazabra Club on Vogelweh, Bldg. 2057. This job fair will allow job seekers to make contact with employers who have positions to fill. Employers will be local employers and Department of Defense contractors. For more information, contact Pascalina Bonnin at 493-4029 or 0631-3406-4029.


» The Multicultural Spouses Club meets from noon to 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Yellow Ribbon Room, Bldg. 2926 on Pulaski Barracks. Join fellow spouses for a fun and interactive club that promotes diversity and networking. Feel free to bring a dish to share with the group. Register in advance by calling 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Classes & Training

» Following are first aid, CPR and AED courses in the KMC: Babysitter’s training, 2 to 7 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday in Ramstein; Adult and Pediatric First Aid/ CPR/AED (blended learning), 9:30 a.m. to noon today in Baumholder; Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED (full day course), 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 1 in Ramstein. To schedule a class or for more information, call Ramstein at 06371-47-2171 or Baumholder at 0678-36-1760. » The Kusel Kreisvolkshochschule will offer an intensive German language and culture class for Americans from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 10 to 14. The class also teaches about intercultural differences between Germans and Americans, clubs and the role of sports, government agencies, schools, infrastructure, leisure activities, shopping and eating habits. Cost is €150. For details, contact KVHS in Kusel at 06381-424479. The school is located on Trierer Strasse 39, 66869 Kusel. » Dads 101 takes place from 8 to 10 a.m. the first Monday of every month in Bldg. 2117 (HAWC and NPSP). To register or for more information, call 479-2098 or 06371-46-2098.

Baumholder Events

» Come out to Hilltop Theater for the all youth production of “High School Musical.” This is the classic musical that every teenager loves. Show dates: 7 p.m. Nov. 7, 8, 21 and 22, and 3 p.m. and Nov. 9 and 23 in Bldg. 8218 on Smith Barracks. Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance through Hilltop Theater. For details, call 485-7244 or 06783-67244. » Share one of your best photos for a chance to win a prize in the 2014 Army Digital Photography Contest. The contest will be open for submissions until Nov. 30. Categories include: animals, design elements, digital darkroom, military life, nature and landscapes, people, and still life. There will be cash prizes awarded to first, second and third place winners. Open to active-duty military, family members, retirees and DA civilians. Complete an online profile and submit your entry at https:// apps.imcom.army.mil/apptracmain. For more information, visit www.armymwr.com.

October 24, 2014

Airman & Family Readiness Center

For details or to sign up for a class, call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 480-5100. MONDAY » Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC » First Duty Station Officer Financial Brief: 10 a.m. to noon, A&FRC TUESDAY » Reintegration brief: 9 to 11 a.m., IDRC » Intro to German: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRC » Pre-deployment brief: 1 to 3 p.m., IDRC » EFMP ADHD support group: 6 to 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY » Base INTRO: 7:30 to 11:45 a.m., E-Club THURSDAY » No classes OCT. 31 » No classes


For details and to register for KMC youth instructional classes, visit www.86fss.com, select “Family” and click “Instructional Classes,” or call Ramstein Youth Programs at 06371-47-6444 or Vogelweh Youth Programs at 0631-536-6504. Most of these classes run through May 2015.

Ramstein Youth Center

» REGISTER FOR CLUBS R US AT YOUR RAMSTEIN AND VOGELWEH YOUTH PROGRAMS — JUST FOR KIDS AGES 9 TO 12: This afterschool program gives you fun, friends and excitement with clubs from outdoor survival to international cooking, painting to warrior fitness challenge or club tech to mission impossible. The favorites are all back with amazing opportunities in Torch Club, homework help in Power Hour and the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award. Flexible contract options, full-day programs on no-school days, and camps for all school holidays make sure you always have something amazing to try. And, as always, Fridays are free. Check us out at www.86fss.com in the “Youth Programs” section and register today to start the fun! » JUST FOR TEENS: Stop by the Ramstein Teen Center, and get started. Help us plan our new calendar and make sure we give you all the programs you want! Registration

Kaiserslautern American

is free for all teens. Visit www.86fss.com to set up your account. To make things even easier, the daily shuttle takes you right to the teen center from Ramstein High School. For more information, call 06371-47-6444 or 4806444.

Health and Wellness Center

For more information, call the Health and Wellness Center at 06371-47-4292 or 480-4292 (HAWC). NOV. 6 » Tobacco Cessation: noon to 1 p.m. NOV. 7 » BOD POD: 8 to 10 a.m. NOV. 10 » Healthy Eating: 10 to 11:30 a.m. NOV. 14 » BOD POD: 8 to 9 a.m.

Family Advocacy

To register for classes, call 479-2370 or 06371-46-2370. » EXPECTANT PARENT ORIENTATION (MONTHLY): Orientation is from 8 to 11 a.m. the first Tuesday of every month at the Learning Resource Center, Bldg. 3718 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Learn about birth registration, passports and more. For details, call the New Parent Support Program at 479-2098 or 06371-462098. » RELAX ALREADY — STRESS MANAGEMENT: From 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 4 at the Ramstein Health and Wellness Center. Stress is an everyday fact of life, and not all stress is considered destructive. How an individual responds to the stressor will determine the impact in their life. This training will identify types of stress, effects of stress, and signs and symptoms of being stressed out. » 5 LOVE LANGUAGES: From 11:30 am. to 1 p.m. Nov. 7 at the HAWC. Ever wonder what really makes your partner feel loved or your children feel loved? This fun and interactive training will help you identify and understand the love languages and connect more closely with those you love. » WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?: From 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 21 at the HAWC. Change is a constant in life, especially in the military. This training, based on a best-selling book, will address how to cope with change in healthy ways. We

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will also discuss how to help children cope with change.

Medical Group

» SELF INITIATED CARE KIT, twice a month. Call 479-2273 (CARE) to sign up for a class. » ATTENTION: TRICARE ONLINE IS AVAILABLE for your convenience. Schedule your own appointments, home care website, check labs, nurse advice line, medication refills and more. Register online today at www.tricareonline.com.


» Adolescent Support and Counseling Service is a comprehensive program that provides prevention education and counseling services to 11- to 19 year-old ID cardholders in the military community. Their mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families stationed OCONUS while enhancing military readiness and quality of life. In addition, ASACS offers life skills classes that promote health and personal development in the Department of Defense schools. ASACS participates in supportive activities related to military life transitions and provides individual, group and family counseling services. ASACS counselors’ offices are located in Department of Defense schools for the convenience of military families. ASACS counseling services are completely confidential. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday; however, flexible appointment times are available to meet the needs of military families. Contact your school ASACS counselor for more information.

Military family life consultants

» Military family life consultants are licensed clinical providers who assist service members and their families with issues they may face throughout the cycle of deployment to reintegrating with their family and community. The MFLC program provides short-term, non-medical counseling support for a range of issues, including relationships, crisis intervention, stress management, grief, occupational and other individual and family issues. Psycho-educational presentations focus on issues common to the military family, including reunion/reintegration, stress/coping, grief/loss and deployment/reintegration. For details, call 0152-24211233, 015202663352, 0176-69333243 or 0151-5674 8179.


» To reach the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator office, call 480-7272 or 06371-47-7272.

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October 24, 2014

Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing arts

Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: • “West Side Story,” a musical by Leonard Bernstein, in German, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. today, Oct. 31 and Nov. 12, and 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and Nov. 9. • “Der Chinese,” a farce by Benjamin Lauterbach, in German, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Nov. 2, 4, 5, 7 and 16. • “Don Carlos,” a drama by Friedrich Schiller, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Nov. 4, 7, 13, 21. • “Friedenstag,” an opera by Richard Strauss, 6 p.m. Nov. 2. • “Der Vorname,”a comedy, in German, 8 p.m. Nov. 8 and 22. • “Pariser Leben,” an operetta by Jacques Offenbach, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8, 15, 22 and 26. For more information, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de. Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • The trio Favari presents international songs, chansons and jazz, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost 18. • German rock with Jon, Karma and Winterland, 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €17. • Irish folk festival, 8 p.m. Wednesday. Tickets cost €24. • The band Kellerkommando presents rap, rock, pop and folk, 8 p.m. Oct. 31. Tickets cost €14. • The band Emil Bulls presents alternative metal, 8 p.m. Nov. 1. Tickets cost €21. • Mother’s Finest present funk rock, 8 p.m. Nov. 4. Tickets cost €30. • Cara presents Irish folk, 8 p.m. Nov. 6. Tickets cost €16. • New German Wave with Welle: Erdball presenting alternative electronic, 8 p.m. Nov. 7. Tickets cost €21. For more information, visit www.kammgarn.de. Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern: • Symphony Orchestra of the

Kaiserslautern County performs fairy tale music by Engelbert Humperdinck, Peter Tschaikowsky, Antonin Dvorák, John Williams and Harold Arlen, 5 p.m. Nov. 2. Tickets cost €12 to €25. • Jazz Stage meets Africa, soloists highlight Afro sounds and voodoo beats, 8 p.m. Nov. 7. Tickets cost €14. For tickets, call Kaiserslautern Tourist-Info at 0631-365-2317. Mackenbach, Bürgerhaus: • Friendship singing with various choirs, 8 p.m. Saturday. Ramstein-Miesenbach, Haus des Bürgers: • Halloween party with the rock bands LineOut and Fused, 8 p.m. Oct. 31. Tickets cost €10. • “La Cage aux Folles,” a musical by Jerry Herman, in German, 8 p.m. Nov. 3. Tickets cost €28.50 to €39.50. • Country Night with Lisa & Lunchbox, 8 p.m. Nov. 7. Tickets cost €12. For more information, visit www.hausdesbuergers.de or call 06371-592-220. Landstuhl Stadthalle: • Singer Andreas Fulterer and his band present a German-Italian song night, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 31. Tickets cost €28 and €32. For more information, visit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de or call 06371-92340. Queidersbach, Mehrzweckhalle, Jahnstrasse 23: • Choir concert with several regional choirs, 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free.

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Carnival ends Kaiserslautern’s October carnival ends Monday with a fireworks display around 9:30 p.m. Today is Dollar Day. American customers can pay in dollars, and most ride owners are willing to trade one-to-one.

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‘Little Horror Shop’ The “Active for Hochspeyer” association offers the “Little Horror Shop,” a Halloween haunted house for the entire family, from 6 to 11 p.m. Saturday, and 7 p.m. Oct. 31. Vampires, ghosts and monsters can be found in spooky, dark rooms. Admission fee is €2.50 for adults and €1 for children. The horror shop is located on Kirchstrasse 5, 67691 Hochspeyer.

Nationaltheater Mannheim, am Goetheplatz: • “La Traviata,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, in Italian, 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. Nov. 8. • “Carmen,” an opera by Georges Bizet, in French, 7 p.m. Tuesday. For more information, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt: • “Strangers on a train,” a bizarre psychological thriller by Craig Warner, based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith, through Nov. 1. For more information, visit www.english-theatre.org.


• Kaiserslautern Gartenschau, through Oct. 31 with pumpkin festival under the motto, “Swiss Mountain World,” and flower show, “Earth,” in flower hall. Tickets cost €7 for adults; €3 for children. Hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.gartenschau-kl.de. • Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden open through Oct. 31. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit www.japanischergarten.de. • Kaiserslautern, Mehrgenerationenhaus, Kennelstrasse 7, swing dance tea party, 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday. For more information, visit www.lautern-swingt.de. • Kaiserslautern, Stiftsplatz, cloth market with more than 80 vendors, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. • Otterberg, chestnut carnival and open stores, Sunday. • Niederkirchen, Münchwaldhütte, October fest starts 9:30 a.m. Sunday. • Ramstein-Miesenbach, Wendelinus market, Saturday and Sunday

(read article on Page 10). • Kollweiler, Bürgerhaus, musical wine fest, 4 p.m. Saturday. • Albersbach, village carnival, Saturday to Monday. • Winnweiler, Festhaus, Donnersberg Ski Club sponsors October fest, 7 p.m. Saturday. • Imsbach (north of Winnweiler), mining world offers guided tours with candlelight, 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost €4 for adults and €2 for children. For more information, visit www. bergbauerlebniswelt-imsbach.de. • Rockenhausen, Donnersberghalle, arts and crafts market, Saturday and Sunday. • Finkenbach-Gersweiler (northwest of Rockenhausen), cattle drive downhill with entertainment, children’s activities, eating and drinking, 2:30 p.m. Saturday. • Neunkirchen, Stummplatz, October fest, today to Sunday; stores open 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday. For details, visit www.oktoberfest-neunkirchen.de.

Flea markets

• Kaiserslautern, Pfalz-Center (across from Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays. • Kaiserslautern, Merkurstrasse, festgrounds near BMW dealer, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. • Kaiserslautern, Toom Baumarkt, Hohenecker Strasse 10, Fridays. • Mehlingen, former Penny market (Tannenstrasse), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (saltworks in Kurpark), 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Oct. 31. • Grünstadt, Kaufland, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. • Zweibrücken-Niederauerbach, Edeka, Gewerbestrasse, Sunday.

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

Students learn coding through educational video game by Senior Airman Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


tudents from Kaiserslautern Middle School, Vogelweh Elementary School and Landstuhl Elementary/ Middle School had the opportunity to learn computer coding through MinecraftEdu Oct. 16 and 17. The opportunity was made available as part of the MinecraftEdu creator’s European tour to raise awareness of social challenges schools are facing globally. “The focus of the tour is to give back to the MinecraftEdu community, help teachers, and raise awareness and excitement for computer programming in students,” said Santeri Koivisto, MinecraftEdu chief executive officer and co-founder, in a pre-released statement. MinecraftEdu is a school-ready remix of the Minecraft game, which allows players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a threedimensional world. It was created by teachers for the classroom using a set of powerful, yet simple tools to fine tune the experience for learning. Xavier Flores, VES fourth grade teacher, has been using the educational version of the game in his class for the past six months, integrating the software into his lesson plans. “When they tweeted for volunteers to host the tours, I immediately replied volunteering our school,” Flores said. “I never imagined they would actually come to visit.” In order to help the students better understand the directions laid out in their programming scripts, the mem-

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Santeri Koivisto, MinecraftEdu chief executive officer and co-founder, answers questions from the Kaiserslautern Middle School Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Club at Vogelweh Elementary School. Koivisto is traveling to different schools in Europe to help teachers raise awareness and excitement for computer programming.

bers of TeacherGaming also walked students through a physical grid placed on the ground. Afterward, students moved to the second part of the workshop, which was centered on game design. Students learned what a game is, the different pieces to make a game and began creating their own video games. In the six months Flores has been using the software, his students have

Fitness center open 24/7

used MinecraftEdu to create scenes from books they have read during class, surveys they have conducted and graphs representing data they have collected. According to the MinecraftEdu website, teachers in more than 40 countries use the software in every subject from science, technology, engineering and mathematics to language, history and art.

The Ramstein Northside Fitness Center is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for registered members. For more information and to get registered, visit the Northside Fitness Center front desk. Visit http://tinyurl.com/kn76ylk for more information.

ketball must sign up no later than Nov. 5. A coaches meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 5 at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Fitness Center, Bldg. 172. The season will begin Nov. 18. For more information or to sign up, call Quinton Floyd at 493-2087 or 06313406-2087.

Disc golf tournament

Warrior Care Month

U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz hosts a disc golf tournament at 10 a.m. Saturday at Pulaski Park. This tournament is free to all military ID card holders, ages 18 and older. You must register as a team of five people. For more information or to sign up, call Quinton Floyd at 493-2087 or 0631-3406-2087.

Unit level basketball sign-ups

All units wishing to participate in unit level bas-

The Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe is looking for players who would like to take part in a one-day seated volleyball or wheelchair basketball tournament taking place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 18 in the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. Wheelchairs will be provided. To register or for more information, email Linda.A.Steil.ctr@mail. mil or call 483-6854.

“It excites students because of the ease and simplicity of the game,” Flores said. “The students are way better at the game than I am. They often have to tell me how to build or create certain features, but if I can tie their lessons into the Minecraft world and think of a way for students to demonstrate them, they will take care of the rest.” (Information for this story was provided by Xavier Flores.)

Recreational soccer

Meet new people, get in shape and play soccer from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday at the Miesau Fitness Center, Bldg. 1220. Open to U.S. ID cardholders, Department of Defense civilians and retirees, ages 16 and up. To play or for more information, contact Robert Michels at 486-8939 or 06371-86-8939.

Disc golf at Pulaski Park

Outdoor Recreation now offers disc golf at Pulaski Park. The brand new disc golf course at Pulaski Park is open for public use. Frisbees may be rented from Outdoor Recreation, or you may bring your own. For more information, contact Outdoor Recreation, Bldg. 2905 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4117 or 0631-3406-4117.

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Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

NOW SHOWING For a schedule that may be more up to date, visit the KA online at www. kaiserslauternamerican.com. Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:45 p.m., 9:30 p.m. The Boxtrolls 3D (PG) 2 p.m. Hotel Transylvania (PG) 4:45 p.m. Dracula Untold (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 3 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 10:15 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7:45 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:15 p.m. SATURDAY Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:45 p.m., 9:45 p.m. The Boxtrolls 3D (PG) 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Hotel Transylvania (PG) 4:45 p.m. Dracula Untold (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 10:15 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7:45 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 11:30 a.m., 8:15 p.m. SUNDAY Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7 p.m. The Boxtrolls (PG) 2 p.m. Hotel Transylvania (PG) 4:30 p.m. Dracula Untold (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:45 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7:30 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 11:30 a.m., 5:15 p.m. MONDAY Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. The Maze Runner (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m. The Boxtrolls 3D (PG) 4:45 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. TUESDAY Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Dracula Untold (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m. Hotel Transylvania (PG) 4:45 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 1:45 p.m., 8:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. The Maze Runner (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m. The Boxtrolls 3D (PG) 4:45 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. THURSDAY Fury (R) 11 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Dracula Untold (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m. Hotel Transylvania (PG) 4:45 p.m. St. Vincent (PG-13) 2:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. The Equalizer (R) 11 a.m., 5 p.m. FRIDAY

Fury April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European theater, a battle-hardened Army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and her five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.

into a new home in Brooklyn with her 12-year old son, Oliver. Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent, a retired curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling. An odd friendship soon blossoms between the improbable pair. Together with a pregnant stripper named Daka, Vincent brings Oliver along on all the stops that make up his daily routine — the race track, a strip club and the local dive bar. Vincent helps Oliver grow to become a man, while Oliver begins to see in Vincent something that no one else is able to: a misunderstood man with a good heart. Starring Melissa McCarthy and Bill Murray

Starring Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf The Equalizer St. Vincent Maggie, a single mother, moves

In “The Equalizer,” Denzel Washington plays McCall, a for-

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mer black ops commando who has faked his death to live a quiet life in Boston. When he comes out of his self-imposed retirement to rescue a young girl, Teri, he finds himself face to face with ultraviolent Russian gangsters. As he serves vengeance against those who brutalize the helpless, McCall’s desire for justice is reawakened. If someone has a problem, the odds are stacked against them, and they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer. Starring Denzel Washington and Chloe Moretz

ACROSS 1 Floral specialist 9 Hogan’s domain 15 Court presentation 16 Pinball palace 17 Do Zen 18 Cow catcher 19 Former 20 Aegean area 21 Seafood order 25 Dodges 29 Grating 30 White water 31 Cursory glance 35 Woeful exclamation 36 Gershwin brother 37 Cotton bundle 38 Drill instructor, usually 41 Dried fruit 43 Fuse 44 On a high 45 Autopsy 48 Box 49 “Heart of Dixie” 54 Eye part 56 Charmed 57 FBI employees 58 Begin 59 Argentinian author 60 Irish county DOWN 1 San ___, Italy 2 Pizzeria fixture 3 Flank 4 Mine passage 5 Done with working 6 At sixes and sevens 7 Functioned 8 Family tree word 9 Gal of song 10 Schlep 11 Fear of heights 12 “Rawhide” singer 13 Firefighter Red 14 “___ grip!” 22 More succinct 23 “Peter Pan” dog 24 Bow

25 Historic periods 26 Caesar’s farewell 27 On ___ (commensurate) 28 Offensive 32 Immense 33 Nobelist Wiesel 34 Sever 36 Digging, so to speak 39 Rapprochement 40 Draw a bead 41 Lands 42 Kazakh capital (old spelling) 45 Please, in Pisa 46 Mix movie 47 Arawakan language of the West Indies 48 Callaloo ingredient 50 Naval hoosegow 51 Asian nurse 52 Introduction to physics? 53 Gulf port 55 Balaam’s beast 56 Lower the lights


October 24, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

Page 27

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APT FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com

Excl. 4BDR-2Floor app. Big garden, very quiet, near RAB, BIK, open-fire, garage, free now, no pets, rent €1820. Tel: 01789187640

!!!Kusel cozy furn Apartment w/ Exclusive big new apt in Kreimbedroom loft 15 min to Ramstein. bach-Kaulbach, 160sqm, 20min Tel 0176-23404388 or 06371to RAB, ground flr, 4BR, 1.5baths, 60351 BIK, pets welcome. 1 BR apt, furn and warm, for sin- 015154607136 / 015143457009 gle person in Landstuhl, €380. Kindsbach Apt 113sqm 3BR, liv06371-2457 rm, BIK, bath, guest WC, 2balc, Apart with landscape view, €590, garage, basement €650 + util edgarkorb@web.de, 0151-17824120 Apt 135sqm 5rms BIK 2baths KL - Hohencken Ahornweg 1, flr 2balc garage 1park spot gas hea- apt, liv/dinrm, 3BR, BIK, closet, ting near A62 in Schellweiler bath, attic, lrg terrace & garden €960+util 06381-6909 or 0160- use, guest bath, 6672516 €800+€280util+elec.0631-940964 0631-6269450 or 0631Apt in Otterberg near Sembach, or 3BR, kit, liv&dinrm, bath, stora- 31778157 germ, balcony, park space, Mackenbach nice Apt 5min to 110sqm €800+util. Call: 06301- RAB kitchen liv rm 3BR 2baths 4594 WC garage storage garden Apt Kottweiler 12 min RAB 130sqm €895 06849-1329 or 97sqm 2BR liv/din BIK 1.5bath 0171-3729833 terr stor carp laundry AFN-TV no Mackenbach, 5km to RAB, 3BR, pets Daytime 061059835351 liv/dinrm, BIK, bath, guest toilet, wknd/eve 0179-5400114 balc, garage 116sqm, €730+utl Apt new 120m² Obermohr 5km 06357-5912 RAB 3BR L/Drm bik bath wc balc Mackenbach: Modern, Apt, gar no pets €760+ut T.06371- 97sqm, 4Rms, BIK, bath, Guest 50747 (0171-8365132) bathrm, walk-in-closet, laundry, Avbl.15.Oct.! Downtown KL-Ci- garage, terr, €640+ util. Avail now ty, 136sqm; 3BR; fitted kitchen; Call: 06374-992160 or 991660 New Bathroom (shower+bathtu- Mackenbach: nice renovated, 2 be);terrace;basement+partybedr., living-dingrm., brand new room;monthly rent €680+util; pos. built-in-kit., 1 ½ bath, balcony, ga100MBits Internet; garage; rage, 700,-- € + util no finders fee a0017361@web.de, phone 0176- domo Immobilienverwaltung 63053459 06371-465435 Beautiful apt in Ramstein-City 2 Maisonette-style apt for rent, min to RAB 120sqm 2 BR BIK avail Nov, 1, 4 bedrooms, 2 babathrm 2 balconies attic €750+util throoms, 2 parking spaces, builtCall: 0171-5000600 in kitchen. No pets.+49 (0)151Duplex apartment downtown 65680867 / combox@t-online.de Baumholder, €550, edgarkorb@ web.de cell: 0174-8279244,


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Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6, studio, 1 bdrm, liv-dinrm, bik, bath, balc., storage, 60sqm, beautifull view, floor heat, 10min from RAB east gate. No realtor fee €500 incl. heating. incl util. extra: electric Call 06371-50549.

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Nicely renovated apartment, 5 km to Sembach, 10 km to Kaiserslautern, 140 m²,1-2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 1 Liv/Din-Room, BIK, Storage, Balcony, Parking space, No pets Avail: Now, Rent: 805 Euro + util.ReducedFee! For more information pleasecontact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-595 2163 or 0160-1065196 or ram stein@gibillpay.com.Forfurther listings please view ourwebsite http:/ /www.gibillpay.com/realestate No fee! Loft - type 2 bedrm apartment, renovated 150sqm, Masterbedrm with walk-in closet, large livingrm and diningrm, kitchen + luxus master bath. Parking, in Landstuhl, must see!Rent 971€ + utilities. Phone: 0173-6555736 english spoken


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*Ramstein school dist. House, 220sqm, 1200sqm property, terrace, family rm, dinrm, BIK, laundry, 2full baths, 4BR, private patio area in the back. Very quiet area, 6miles to RAB westgate, kids and pets welcomed. €1600 +util. w/option to buy. Avail now. Call Owner 06364-175436

Special for singles. 80sqm loc Bann, close to RAB, full.furn. if wanted, BIK, new full bath, yard & park.space behind the house, roofed terrace, laundry & store. rm, cable & DSL, 750€+ elect. Avail 15 Nov. call Verena 0178+++Special Offer+++ 250sqm 3292251 Jettenbach, 5BR, 3BA, Satelite, Schoolbus, 20 Min to RAB, pets, Steinwenden, 5min to RAB, 1575€ Cell: 015234028467 115sqm, nice ren apt, liv/dinrmBIK, bath, 3BR, guest toilet, stora- 1freest. FH, built in 2002,6rms, germ, balc 15sqm, basement, ga- BIK, 3baths, studio, firepl, bay rage, avail now €750+util 06371- window, balc, terrace. 500sqm property, garage in Schöneberg50425 Kübelberg. Avail Dec 3. 0160Weilerbach: 4 bedr. apartment, li- 5912616 ving-dingrm., open-fire-place, 30 Min. to RAB Duplex in Riebuilt-in-kit., 1 ½ bath, sauna, schweiler-M. higher standard, ter1.500,-- € + util www.agra-immobi race, 2Balc, studio, bik, Sauna, lien.de 06371-57656 basem finished into Partyroom w/ kitchen, electr. blinds, 2fireplace, wooden floors & tiles, Garden, HOUSES Double garage. No finders fee. FOR RENT €1200 + util +garage (€70) Tel.: All ads and pics on class-world.com 0177-7832625 Bann, 4BR duplex, garage. €1100. Immo T. 016096096498 Hohenecken, 4BR duplex, patio, €990. Immo T. 016096096498

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Single family house (building in process)

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Ramstein Village, apartment 120sqm, best location, 10min to Airbase, 3BDR, livrm, BIK, 1/2 bathrm, storagerm, 1lrg basement rm, separate laundryrm. €700+util. Available now. Tel: 01733270293

Ramstein - Miesenbach Apt 65sqm 5km RAB fully furn avail now ideal for single TLA possible 06371-50456 !!!! Modern row house in QueiRamstein, 2bedr, 1liv, 1bath, dersbach, 182 sqm, BIK, 3 BR, 2 BIK, basement, 74sqm, 450€ + bath, parking place and garage, util 150€ + carport €20, Tel. Housing approved, 1300 € + util, 0178-1665412 06371-57871

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Nice Appartment for Rent ca. 90sqm, 2bedroom, big living room, nice bathroom, kitchen with inbuild furniture and electric equipment incl. dishwasher, nice patio, 650 € incl water, heat, garbage cost, available now, please call Lothar at 01707270724 or send me an e-mail for further questions. L.Geiss@GMX.de,

Near Air-Base, 2 full floors with garage, very nice quiet area, 425sqm property, modern construction (kfW 70) with heat pumps, 2 big bathrms and guest toilet with shower, studio in the attic, 262sqm living space, turnkey price: 372.000€

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Page 28

Kaiserslautern American


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All ads and pics on class-world.com

Aibase 15 min, Glanmuenchweiler area, brand new 4 br dpx, floorh, yard E 1710,-. - Hoeheinoed, brand new, freest. house 1 floor - 3 br, 2 bath, open floor plan, yard, gar, E 1240,-; pics avail.- JR Realty - fee negotiable ph: 06371-71756 or jfr46@out look.com Altenkirchen, Waldstraße 12, nice detached house, 300m², 8rms, kitchen, bath, guest cloakroom, garage, terrace, garden, parking places, 1900€+util, 66903 Altenkirchen, Waldstraße 12, Tel.015127169169

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Beautiful 2800sq ft home, 5 Bed, 4 bath, A/C, satellite, sauna, wood/tile floors, fireplace, 2 car garage, loft storage, pool, creek and open view. Just 5 minutes to Landstuhl, 10 minutes to Ramstein. Pets welcome. A steal at $2,200 per month. Serious renters only please. More details and photos online. Email Obernheim Ho me@gmail.com, text or call 0176 3030 5058. Available 1 December Beautiful FSH. SchoenenbergKubelberg, Ramstein School District. Approx 170sqm. 3 or 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Fenced Yard, Finished Basement, Ceiling Fans, Garden House, Garage, BIK, AFN/ Satellite Ready, Must See. Rent 1450euro/month (negotiable) plus utilities. Pet negotiable. Email contact only: pbjprops@aol.com Beautiful, exclusive house in Bruchmuehlbach, 266 sqm, 5 br, floorheat, firepl, gar, yard, great location E 2145,-; JR Realty - reduced fee - 06371-71756 or jfr46@ outlook.com Beautiful, Spacious & Unique FSH, in Neunkirchen, 30 km to RAB, 440 m²,6-7 BR, 3 Baths, 3 Guest WC, BIK, Liv.room, Din.room, Storage, Basement, Double Garage, Yard, Patio, Balcony, Fireplace, Pets negotiable, Avail.now, REDUCED FEE !!!Rent 3080 EUR, Call G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, 063715952163 or 0160-1065196, E-mail ramstein@gibillpay.com, more listings at www.gibillpay.com/reale state Big house for rent 208 sqm, 1520Euro plus utilities, 5 bedroom, dressing room, Living room, Dining room, Built in kitchen, Big yard with a pond, Garage for two cars, 2 patios, Hight speed internet available. Kaiserslautern (Moelschbach) sandy@zis ko.de, 0176/80292980 Deluxe house 5min to Ramstein gate 170m² liv sp, lg livrm, diningrm, comp B-I kitchen, pantry, guest wc, 2 baths gas floor heat, 4 bdrms, 2patios, nice sm yard, gge+carport Tel 0175-5213781 Duplex in 66919 Weselberg 10min to LRMC and A62, 130sqm 3BR 1.5baths, attic, garage, terrace w/small yard €980+util, 01717859082 or 06363-5481 Duplex in Obermohr, 5Br, 225sqm, bik, hobby room, garage, terrace, fast internet.€1400 + util.06371-1809527,015254266917 / nina-viktor.lindt@ web.de

October 24, 2014 Eulenbis, Brunnenweg 6 House, 3bdrm, livrm, dinrm, large pantry/ storage, 2 baths, kitchen, 185 sqm, 2 parkingspaces, 10min from RAB east gate, no realtor fee, €1250 incl heating, incl util extra electric, Call06371-50549 Excl. Townendhouse 5min.Vogelweh 10min.RAB 199 sqm, 5bed, 2,5 bath (1with Whirlpool) big liv.din.-bik.open area, storeger.laundryr., gasfloorheat. gardenhouse, 2 carports., for rent Nov. 20th 1.550,--€ + util. 06301-719567, 0172-6785550 Exclusive house in Ramstein, 7 bedr., walk in closet, studio, 4 bathr., built-in-kit., 2 car garage, €2340, 06371-57656, info@agraimmobilien.de Fairly new home in Steinwenden !!, 3 bedr., 2 bath, balcony, builtin-kit., fireplace, 2 car garage, granny flat sep. rented, €1450, in fo@agra-immobilien.de Family house in Ramstein for rent, 168sqm, 5min to RAB, schoolbus stop infront of house. New kitchen, liv/dinrm w/ open fireplace, lrg hallway, storagerm, bath w/shower, 3BR, balc, no pets. lrg garage and garden house €1295 + €60 garage. Tel. 06371-58426 Freestanding house/big yard/near Sembach & K'town/214 sqm/ new renovated/6 bedr./2,5 bath/ carport/ rent €1500/ vicky.roos@ gmx.de or call 0172-1376608 Freestnd 1-2fam house Rodenbach, large yard, 215sqm, 2 kitchens, 2 liv-dinrm, 6br, 2.5 baths, storage, 2balcony, terrace, large basement, 2 garages.€1550+util 0631-50550 Pictures: https:// www.flickr.com/photos/roden bach/ Fst House 134sqm 20min RAB 2.5BR BIK 1.5bath fire-pl lg lot w/ creek lg terr for BBQ garage 12dogs ok €850 +util Avail 1 Oct LL 06841-71077 germ only aft 7pm or engl spkn 06826-81409 after 6pm Glan Münchweiler beautif.freest.house 200 sqm. 5 bedr., 1liv.with galerie, 1din., 1bik., 2bath, attic, basem., garage, fanced yard 1.380,-- € + util. 06301719565, 0172-6785550 House for rent in Miesenbach, €1300, jagoda_nadolni@yahoo.de/ 01774491499,3 Bathrooms, 8 Rooms, Terrace, built-in-kitchen, 186m2; Deposit: 2 Month, House for rent, in Mackenbach, 10 Min from RAB, 228sq-meters living space and 1,000sq-meters fenced in yard, big living room, kitchen with inbuild furniture and electric equipment, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bathrooms, 2 garages, balcony and wintergarden, available now under telefon 06371-5331 by Mr. Weimer House in Schwedelbach, 3miles to airbase, 150sqm, 3BR, livrm, dinrm, kitchen w/electric appliances, 2baths, office, terrace, balc, fireplace, garage, large yard, €1090+util. Phone: 06304-919272 House in Schwedelbach, 3miles to airbase, 140sqm, 4BR, livrm, 2baths, kitchen w/electric appliances, basement, €950+util. Phone: 06304-919272 Jettenbach, new modern house, 213sqm, garage, 4BDR, 3.5baths, 2balc, lrg yard. €1630+util. 01717776544

House near RAB & Vogelweh, in Hohenecken, 147sqm., 5BR, bik, 2baths, guest WC, liv/din rm, terrace. Available now, €1000+util. 0179-8123086 House: Quirnbach, freest. 5BDR, 2 full baths, big BIK, big utility rm, big livrm, pantry, 4garages, fenced yard, Am. TV, DSL 4-6 mega bits. 205sqm + 115sqm attic, 80sqm basem. €1.350. Avail. now. Small pet welcome. For rent by owner. Call Hanns 063741576, will send pics by email: Hanns-Josef@t-online.de Kindsbach, 3BDR, Yar/gar, €1000, feeneg, Dzepezauer@ aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 KL-Siegelbach, 5min.Vogelweh, 10min.RAB excl Townh.150 sqm.3 bed, 2 bath, liv.-din.bik.open area, gasfloorheating, gardenh.parkpl. 1.170,-- € + util 06301-719567, 0172-6785550 K-Town east 5 km: large house 260 m² 3-4 bedr, 2 bathr, sauna, 2garages in house, big property, kitchen dining livingr patio balconies, compl. Renovated € 2.300,-RE/MAX real estate center Kaiserslautern Denisstr. 22, tel 0631/ 41408880, 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolf gang.wiedmann@remax.de Landstuhl- Melkerei: Brandnew remodeled Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 2,5 baths, very nice modern kitchen, terrace, garage, € 1.200,- + util. No pets and only for civilians. 1- 2 persons, no housing contract, €1200, 0171-387222 die ter.geimer@autogeimer.de,

Landstuhl, 124sqm new renov livsp, bik, 2.5bath, 4BR, liv/dinrm, balc, parkingsp, storagerm, avail now. €850+util, deposit €800. 06371-731974 Landstuhlcity, 4BDR, 2baths, €850, feeneg. Dzepezauer@ aol.com, Dieter 017268232323 Mackenbach: Freestanding 6 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., yard, patio, 2 garages, 2.100,--€ + util www.agra-im mobilien.de 06371-57656 Nanzdietschweiler, Hügelstr. 4a: 290sqm liv space 8BR 3baths BIK liv/dinrm carport €1450+utl 063726964 or 0175-2480414 Near Landstuhl: Freestanding house, 5 bedr., 2 1/2 bath, livingdiningrm., built-in-kit., patio, yard, doublegarage 1.700,--€ + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656 Nice Big Exclusiv House for rent, 9 rooms, Big Bath with WirlpoolandSteamshower, 2 Baths with Shower, G-Toilette, Pantries, Fire Place, BigBuiltin Kitchen, Floorheating, BigGaragefor 4 Cars, Basement, 2 Balcony, AFN, DSL-Internet, Geothermalheating, Garden, 400qm Livingspace, Avial now, 063847067 or 01638150865 or michaelx-xbraun@web.de, Nice FSH in Elschbach, 10min to RAB:148sqm, 3BR, 2Bath, liv/ dinrm, kitchen, basement, yard, €1000+util. 06371-58431 or 017695529614 after 4 p.m. Nice house in a quiet area for a safe and sane life. Short drive distance to Landstuhl and RAB. 3BR, 1 1/2 bath, BIK, big southside deck and yard. €850+€300 utilies. No pets. Available now. Please call 06375-5485 landlord speaks English

October 24, 2014

HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com

Nice FSH in Ramstein-Miesenbach, 245 m², 5 BR, 2.5 Baths, Liv/Din Area, BIK, Basement, Double-Garage, Yard, No pets, Avail:Now, Rent: 1850 Euro + util.Reduced Fee! For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 063715952163 or 0160-1065196 or ram stein@gibillpay.com . For further listings please view our website www.gibillpay.com/realestate Nice House in Weselberg, 10min RAB 5min LRMC 180sqm 4BR new 2baths guest WC BIK lrg open liv/dinrm, lrg terr & lrg garden carport. €1100+util. Call: 06307-1272 / 0151-19469063 / 0160-95132448 Obermohr: 6 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm., open-fire-place, patio, garage, 1.900,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656 Otterberg, FSH, 4BDR, 2baths, 4BDR, 2baths, €1200, feeneg. Dze pezauer@aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 Private spacy house, €790, edgar korb@web.de, Queidersbach 5BR house, 3.5bath, garage, open firepl. €1200. Immo T. 016096096498 Queidersbach, 6BR, duplex, garage, 3baths, patio, €1680+util. Immo T. 016096096498 Queidersbach, brand new, 300sqm house w/garage, 6BR, yard.€2250. Immo T. 016096096498 Queidersbach, duplex, 130sqm 3BR, 1.5bath, balc, terrace, nice w/ flower yard, garage, comfortable home ideal for single/couple, 720€+util 0175-6418052 Ramst, 5min, FSH, 5BDR, yar/ carp. pets OK, €1160, feeneg. Dze pezauer@aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 Ramst, 5min, FSH, 6BDR, 3ba, pets OK, 2gar, €1500, nofee, Dze pezauer@aol.com, Dieter 01726823232 Ramstein: 5 bedr, 2 bathr, livingdining, built in kitchen, util. Large Garage, full basement Available now € 1870,-- RE/MAX real estate center Kaiserslautern, Denisstr. 22, tel 0631/ 41408880,01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolf gang.wiedmann@remax.de Ramstein: Brandnew freestanding 7 bedr., 4 bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit., doublegarage, patio, 2.340,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 0637157656 Ramstein: Duplex 4 bedr., 3 bath, built-in-kit., living-diningrm, balcony, garage, yard, 1.170,-- + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656 Schwedelbach new built 2007 for sale also for rent duplex 224sqm BIK garden balcony terrace €1650+utl 0175-1559648 only ger spk, 0152-21615388 egl spk Schwedelbach, big Duplex, 4Bdr., 2bathr.BiK, laundry, garage, yard, avail.now, EC preparation, mthl.rent €1930+util, rmimmo bilien@t-online.de or 06374915430 or 01726801258

Kaiserslautern American Spacious FSH in Steinbach am Glan, 14 km to RAB, 280 m², 8 BR, 2.5 Baths, Liv/Din-Room, BIK, Basement, Attic, Yard, Carport, Pets allowed, Avail: November 1, 2014. Rent: 2040 Euro + util.Reduced Fee !!! Call G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate, 06371595 2163 or 0160-1065196, Email ramstein@gibillpay.com. For more listings please view our website at www.gibillpay.com/reale state

HOUSES/APTS FOR SALE All ads and pics on class-world.com

Next to Schönenberg: LOG home, large living/dining/kitchen area, 2-3 Bedr., 1 ½ Bathr., in excel. Conditon on very private large lot € 269.000,-- RE/MAX real estate center Kaiserslautern, Denisstr. 22, tel 0631/41408880, 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re max.de

Ramstein.Apt, new house, first occupancy, 101sqm, 2baths, 2BR, livrm, BIK, storagerm, terrace. €700+util. Avail now. 017647718398

DAILY SPECIALS 200 g Cheeseburger w/homemade bun


Open House: Kaiserslautern, Bännjerrück 91, Sunday 26.10.14 at 14:00-16:00 Luxery Condo 178qm Livingspace 4660qm Property Come and see RE/MAX Real Estate Center Sonja Gray 0631/ 41408880, 0160 3807277

20 Min to RAB on A62 to Kusel, Freestanding house for sale by €390.000, 0176large house with effic. Apptm. owner, 10522811, About 300 m² living sp4-5 bedr, 3 bathr, living, kitchen patio bal- Steinwenden-Weltersbach: beaucony, 3 Garages extra rooms, tiful freestanding house with garaabout 3000 m² property € ge and carport, about 215sqm li279.000,-- RE/MAX real estate vingspace, built-in kit., laundrycenter Kaiserslautern, Denisstr. room, 2 ½ bath, 5 bedrm. (granny 22, tel 0631/ flat possible), yard, approx. 548 41408880,01706850060 or sqm property, 310.000 € 01704116990, email wolf www.AGRA-Immobilien.de 06371gang.wiedmann@remax.de 57656 Exclusive Alpine House for sale by Owner, €249,000, 4 bedrooms, huge 3-4 car garage, 2 bathrooms, custom built house and fireplace, walk in closet master bedroom, landscaped 880 sq meter yard with rock garden. A must see! No relator fee. schifferskim@ gmail.com, or call 01709321604.

Page 29

Argentinian Hickory Smoked Steaks

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TLA/TDY All ads and pics on class-world.com

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Page 30

Kaiserslautern American 2003 BMW 325i Sport Sedan, $10,495-, US Spec, Automatic, Leather, Sunroof, Cruise Control, TLA/TDY All ads and pics on class-world.com Power Seats, Alloy, Excellent, New Service, Call: 0176 2273 !!!!!1-5 Bed luxury apts & houses 0967, Email: sales@europeanmo for TLA/TDY personnel in Ram- tors.org, Web: www.europeanmo stein, Mackenbach & Bruckmuehl- tors.org bach. 2 minutes to RAB and short walk to shops & restaurants. 1994 BMW 325i; Miles: 150,000; 100% equipped, TV, AFN, English Automatic Drive; Sunroof; Passed satalite, cable high speed inter- Military Vehicle Inspection; net. Free phone to USA and Euro- rosario_vo@yahoo.com, Please pe, good library and movie selecti- call 0152-265-21777 on. Pets welcome. Off street secured parking. CallJennie, 01711997 Alfa Romeo 146 twin spark, 2679282. Email: luxuryapts09@ya red, 138000km, manual, euro hoo.com spec, passed base insp, $3000. 1-4BR Temp. Apt in Ramstein. dave.wallufer@yahoo.com or 100% equipped, including TV, In015129496077 ternet, BIK. Reservation/questions call: 0171-3358163 2000-Mercedes SLK200 conv. Available Now!TLA Apts Ram~92000km heated leather seats, stein-Miesenbach, nbm4rent.com AC, elec windows, DE Specs, incl 01742430124 nbm4rent@hot winter tires, 5-speed manual, gamail.com rage kept, inspection til March'16, Landstuhl: 5***** Apartment, Apt normal wear&tear, As-Is $13900 No. 2, perfectly located and furnisOBO Contact Rodney@ rwbolhed Whirlpool, Steamshower, Doltonjr@gmail.com 01602559496 by Surround, Boxspring beds www.ferienwohnungen-pech 2001 Nissan Pathfinder LE For tel.de €100 info@ferienwohnun Sale, $6000, Please see link for gen-pechtel.de details.Pictures and more. All maintenance records available upon request. 016099244078 AUTOS https://www.flickr.com/photos/ All ads and pics on class-world.com 125579969@N04/






October 24, 2014


Special Tax Free PCS Rates (with VAT form) 1 week from €130 or €140* 1 month from €330 or €390*

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

* selected models only

2009 BMW 5 Series *Warranty* *Low Miles*, $17,900, kaszyns kid@gmail.com, *** Only 41,500 Miles ***Automatic Transmission! Current inspection (10 Oct 2014) 2004 Corvette Coupe, CommemorativeEd, 25,500 miles, Exc. Cond., LeMansBlue, New Michelin Tires, 4 sp. Auto, Comfort Access, Leather, Cruise, Power Everything, DualAirbags, Moon Roof/ Targa , HUD, Bose CD, ABS, Traction Contrl, ActiveHandling, Dual Climate, Sport Exhaust.New front and rear brakes and rotors.$25,500 obo. slutz2004@ gmail.comor 0711 722 48 680 2006 Honda CRV - $7000 obo. automatic, 130K miles, US spec, no rust, perfect condition. Detailed maintenance history available. In Stuttgart. Call/text 01624261026. 2006 Jeep Commander 3rd row seats, $11999, power windows power locks and a ton of space. in fo@usedcarguys.net, 2007 Chrysler 300, $10799, beautiful large sedan with boston acoustic stereo system. info@usedcar guys.net,

2008 Dodge Nitro SXT, $13800, This mid size SUV comes with, power windows, power locks, cruise control and so much more. 2006 Audi A6 Avant, Quattro. info@usedcarguys.net, 136000 miles, $10700, keahiokaha ku@mail.com, 2008 Ford F-1150 XLT Super Crew, this truck is lifted with lar2008 Nissaan Rogue SL AWD, ger tires, towing package and $14999, this is a beautiful loaded loads more $20499, info@usedcar guys.net, vehicle. info@usedcarguys.net,


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October 24, 2014


Kaiserslautern American



Page 31


There are so many things to love about Halloween—the costumes, the decorations, and most of all, the food! These Halloween food crafts are perfect for getting you into the Halloween spirit. Best of all, they’re easy for kids and adults to make (and eat, too)!

according to the instructions, and allow to cool slightly. Dip the bananas into the white chocolate and then set them on the wax paper to harden. While the chocolate sets, use the mini chocolate chips to make ghost “eyes.” Freeze your pops until ready to eat.

and allow mixture to cool a bit. Form the treats into medium-sized pumpkins. Press a tootsie roll into the top to act as the stem. Add candy for decorations, and enjoy!

12-14 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with marinara dipping sauce.

3. Breadstick Bones

A fun way to brighten up your child’s lunchbox!

Here are 4 easy and creative Halloween food crafts you can put together tonight:

2. Jack O’Lantern Krispies Treats

A fun, savory treat that’s perfect for hors d’oeuvres trays, lunchboxes, and after school snacks!

A festive twist on a classic treat. 1. White Chocolate Banana Ghost Pops A fun and relatively healthy snack that both adults and kids will adore! What You Need: All you need for this craft are some bananas, popsicle sticks, white chocolate, wax paper, and mini chocolate chips. What To Do: Cut each of your bananas in half and insert a popsicle stick in the base. Place them in the freezer for 30 seconds to harden. Melt the white chocolate

What You Need: 6 cups of puffed rice cereal, 3 tablespoons of butter, ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract, 5 ½ cups of mini marshmallows, orange food coloring, mini tootsie rolls, and your favorite candy for decorations. What To Do: Melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the vanilla extract and the marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Add the food coloring until it reaches the desired orange color. Add cereal and stir until completely combined. Take pot off the heat

What You Need: 1 tube of refrigerated breadstick dough, salt, 1 tablespoon parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon butter (melted), and marinara sauce. What To Do: Unroll the tube of dough and separate the breadstick pieces. Roll each breadstick and use scissors to cut a ½ inch slit in the center of each end of the breadstick. Place on an ungreased baking sheet, spread out the ends a bit, and brush with butter. Sprinkle each breadstick with parmesan cheese and a little salt. Bake at the recommended temperature for about

4. Peanut Butter and Jelly Halloween Sandwiches

What You Need: Bread, peanut butter, and jelly of your choice, mini chocolate chips, and your favorite Halloweenthemed cookie cutter. What To Do: Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as you normally would, when you finish, use the cookie cutter to turn your sandwich into a fun Halloween-themed lunch! Do you know any good Halloweenthemed treats? Leave your suggestions in the comments! http://militaryingermany.com/ halloween-food-crafts

Explore your new home Great city trips, fun playgrounds for kids, delicious recipes and much more. For more recipies or Halloween parties check out


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Page 32

Kaiserslautern American

October 24, 2014

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October 24, 2014

Kaiserslautern American

All ads and pics on class-world.com

2012 Ford Escape Limited, $21500, sun roof, power door and power locks and lots more. info@ usedcarguys.net,

2009 Honda Accord EX-L Sedan, 4 door, gray with leather interior. $10,000, great condition, miles 127,000, US spec, new tires. Call 01515-821-1470 for additional information.

2012 Ford Taurus SEL, $20499, Take z moment to view this great vehicle, it is a low mileage vehicle with a 3.5 V6 With an automtaic transmission. info@usedcar guys.net,

2010 BMW 320i Convertible, German Spec's, Automatic, Power/ heated seats, NAV System, Towing package, Blue Tooth, 57000 KM's, Great condition, asking $29,500.00. Contact me at - kam paj@yahoo.com, or 017629318416

2012 Jeep Patriot Sport 4x4, $18,999, very nice, clean and low mileage vehicle. This is a must see!! info@usedcarguys.net,

2010 Honda Insight EX, US Spec, $12000, Automatic, First Owners, 40K miles, no pets, Hybrid 45-50 MPG, Alloy wheels, idle stop feature, USB audio interface, non-smokers, Excellent condition, super clean, pvt seller Eric 0160-808-7198

2012 Nissan Micra, €6500, 27000miles, pearl white Transmission: 5 speed manual, 43 miles to a gallon average or better for us. USB plug, GPS, handsfree, blue tooth, seat heaters front, add. remotes on steering wheel, etc Call 015776468688

2010 Lexus GS 350 All Wheel Drive, $26999, wonderful sporty and loaded vehicle. Its a must see. info@usedcarguys.net,

2012 Toyota Rav 4, 3rd row seats 4WD, $21499 very nice clean and spaciouse SUV, info@ usedcarguys.net,

2010 Toyota Highlander, $18999, with third row seat, power seats, luggage rack and loads more. info@usedcar guys.net,

2013 Dodge Charger Daytona, $31499, Beautiful sporty car with lots of power and loads of extras. info@usedcarguys.net,


2011 Audi A4 Avant Quattro Premium Wagon. This is a beautiful loaded vehicle $28499, info@used carguys.net, 2011 BMW528i Aut, $32000, Contact: jansen.frode@ gmail.com, or mob015123594789. Automatic, US Spec, Fully loaded, excellent condition. 5Seat, 4Dsedan 35Kmi/ 55Kkm Inspected 8 October14. Nextserv:05/15

2012 Nissan Altima SR, $20299, power windows, power locks, power moonroof and so much more. info@usedcarguys.net,

2013 Jeep Patriot 4X4, $19799, this is a must see vehicle! With very loew mileage. info@usedcar guys.net, 2013 Nissan Altima SL, Automatic with Navi, $26499, loaded vheicle is a must see. info@used carguys.net, 2014 Chevy Malibu LT, $19799, power windows, power locks, keyless, entry and so much more.in fo@usedcarguys.net, 2014 Ford Focus, $17,499, This vehicle is practically brand new, it only has 4500 miles, power windows, power locks. info@usedcar guys.net, 2015 Audi Q5, $42,698, The Audi Q5 was voted best luxury vehicle in its class 2014. Nothing comes close to the comfort and drive you get in this luxury compact SUV. Rhys Bull Email: rbull@milita rycars.com, Cell: 015750747507 2015 Toyota Corolla, $21,542, A re-designed body style gives the 2015 Toyota Corolla a brand new look to a vehicle with a reputation for reliability and longevity.Contact me. Rhys Bull Email: rbull@mi litarycars.com Cell: 015750747507 Audi A-4, ddundkk@hotmail.de, 4 Door , 5 Speed , Green , $ 1700 obo, ali rims, Phone 01753213199


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2011 Jeep Patriot Sport 4x4, $17999, Vehicle will be perfect for you to travel Europe with, power windows, power locks, cruise control and so much more. info@used carguys.net, 2011 Mercedes E 350, $33999, This vehicle was voted #1 luxury car in 2011, it is loaded, luxurious but sporty. info@usedcarguys.net, 2012 Chrysler Town&Country Touring L, $22999 wonderful family Van with loads of room for everyone! info@usedcarguys.net,

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Page 33

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Page 34

Kaiserslautern American

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October 24, 2014

All ads and pics on class-world.com

2015 Volkswagen Golf, $24,740. The car that was voted 'World car of the year 2013' is here and is packing a new punch! Bluetooth; turbo engine; leatherette seats; touch screen. An amazing price.Contact me. Rhys rbull@military cars.com,

TODA K20A Valve Spring Set. Original price $400.TODA racing parts. Never used Asking $275 Ph.017622987498 /isabell_1_98@ yahoo.com Volvo S-40, Turbo 1999, $1900, KMS 151, 400, Air Cond, Air Bag, 5 Speed, 4 Door, Silver Met, Elec Windows and Locks, ABS, Power Stering, Sunroof, My Ph Mr Drake 0175-3213199 -- ddundkk@hot mail.de

BMW 316 I, Black, Coupe, Power Stering, ABS, ELEC Windows, $ 1700, Elec Locks, Elec Mirrows, Elec Sunroof, Winter Tires, Great Running Car, My Ph Is 0175-3213199 Email --ddundkk@ hotmail.de

Volvo V50 T5 AWD, 2007,140,000km(86k miles), excel. cond., fully equip., 220HP, 6 spd. man., Just drop me a mail for more photos etc. homp898@ya hoo.de

BMW 325, US Spec, $8000,5Spd, 96K miles, winter &sport pkg, xenon lights, sunroof, summer and winter rims/ tires, cold air intake, no pets, non-smokers, all maintenance done, great condition, pvt seller zinger65@hot mail.com 01608087198

We buy cars / all makes! Accident, broken down, Honda, Toyota - great prices! Open Mon-Sun call until 10pm 0174-3958294 or 0631-3579286 or E-Mail: mario_ib@yahoo.de

Chevy Venture LS 2004 Loaded, Asking $7,800, millsfamily@t-onli ne.de, 0171/1757394 Only 54400 miles, 8 passenger, Power everything, cruise control, DVD & CD package, parking sensor, on board compressor, 1 owner, just passed inspection

MOTORCYCLES All ads and pics on class-world.com

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.

Fait Brava, 4 Door , 5 Speed , KMS 113,000, $ 1200. my email -ddundkk@hotmail.de-Phone 2000 BMW R1100RS, €3000, 0175-3213199 mcdonalds.dutch@yandex.com, Fait Punto 1998 , 4 Door , 5 Condition: Used Year: 2000 ExteriSpeed , Gold Met , $ 1550, My Ph or Color: Purple Make: BMW EngiIs 0175-3213199 And We Deliver ne Size (cc): 1,085 Model: R-SeAny Where, and US Inspection Is ries Vehicle Title: Clear Sub Model Garnteed Email Is --ddundkk@hot (Optional): R1100 RS For Sale By: mail.de Private Sell Ford Alloy wheels 165/60-14 Lookin for Sportster parts or a bisummer tires.And 155/70-13 winke which needs some work, basters all tired mounted for sale., Asket case or sittin longer time too. king $300.00, For Photos, BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just tdallas09139#yahoo.com or call, make me your offer what you ha017638451093 ve and we will see. Jeep for sale, $2,800, 1998 Jeep 2wheelmechanic@web.de Grand Cherokee, runs great and just passed inspection 17 Oct, will Used 2009 Yamaha YZF-R6 for $, jostonharry3830@ be in Ramstein lemon lot this wee- Sale, gmail.com, kend, call 01520-994-1170 Lotus 7 Caterham Westfield replica kitcar. only 3,700 miles from build in 2003. Motor 1300cc ANNOUNCEMENTS Crossflow from Mk1 Ford Escort. All ads and pics on class-world.com Sports seats & steering wheel. UK registration number and papers. A huge flea market will take place €6,499 ONO. Text Stuart on from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fest01575-2810-504 platz (fairground) at the BMW EuMercedes C200 CDI, model ler store in the industrial park 2005, second owner, well maintai- West in Kaiserslautern on October ned with papers. Power, steering, 25, 2014. For more info visit breaks, windows, doors, seats. www.flohmarkt1.info AC, CD, ABS, Cruise control, six gears, new tires on alloy wheels, A second hand market for clonew battery. 50miles to a gallon. thes will take place at the BrunLight blue metallic. Nonsmoking. nenhalle in Bad Dürkheim on SaGarage kept. Top condition car. turday October 25, from 9 a.m. to Very reliable. Asking €7250 obo. 3 p.m. For more info call 063140477. 0172-6762717 Nissan Murano 2004, AWD, Flea market in Grünstadt! On Oc89000miles 10cd Radio Black, tober 26, a large flea market will take place in front of the Kaufland $7900, Evelinschl@aol.com, Opel Amega, Automatiac, $ store from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Loca1750. 4 Door, Burgery, KMS tion is completely roved! For more 170,000, Air Cond, Ali Rims, Air info visit www.flohmarkt1.info. Bags, ABS, Elec Windows And FBS is having a Bowling FundraiLocks, My Ph Is 0175-3213199 der at Ramstein Bowling Alley on and Email ddundkk@hotmail.de October 20,2014. Between 5Opel Astra, 4 Door, 5 Speed, Bur- 7pm. $6.00 for 2 games and gery, 0175-3213199, KMS shoes. So come out and bowl a score. G0ODF0ODS@ya 130,000 $ 1400, My Email Is -- 300 hoo.com ddundkk@hotmail.de

October 24, 2014

Kaiserslautern American



All ads and pics on class-world.com

All ads and pics on class-world.com

Local NCOA chapter needs active members. NCOA mission is to enhance the Quality of Life of the entire enlisted force. If interested, email us at contacts@ncoaktown.org. Visit www.ncoausa.org for more information. Temporrily looking for a home to share. If anyone has a furnished room for rent in the Ramstein, Miesenbach, KMC area, close to base. please email me at mnyako11@gmail.com,

2 each 120V Cisco Wireless-G Internet Home Monitoring Cameras Model WV54GCA, with manual and CD. $40.00, spvendor@ gmail.com

Don't miss the large flea market in Bad Dürkheim "An der Saline" on October 25 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more info visit www.flohmarkt1.info

50 inch HD 1080i Plasma Television, €490, Panasonic TH50PV80MS Viera 50 inch Large Sreen Plasma 1080i HDTV 5 years old with stand and in perfect condition. Multi System NTSC & PAL 4 AV inputs4 HDMI2 USB Tel.0637160179

ADOPTION All ads and pics on class-world.com

Adopt while stationed overseas! www.adopt-abroad.com Adoption Intl & foster care, home studies. Hague accredited. Caseworkers in Germany. US 1-888-6873644

CHILD CARE All ads and pics on class-world.com

2007 Gibson Les Paul Classic in sunburst finish. Excellent condition, no scratches or damage. Original documentation and Gibson Les Paul hard case included. ConInternet TV Box for US/UK Chan- tact jeffgw@gmail.com nels. New. Over 400 channels fro US & UK and over 1000 Movies 220v Iron, $8, Brand: Braun It for free., €399, 0151-639-84025, has steam option. E-mail Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game, kyadoretto345@aol.com


OASE MASSAGE 0160-91 91 38 23

Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! €15, Canon Legria HFR26 PAL HD copongracz@gmail.com **See Camcorder 28X zoom, It's in mint pics on class-world.com condition never dropped or scratch. I am selling because I ba- The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game, rely use it. It has 2 SD card slots. perfect condition, like new! €8, Battery life is alright but you can coemser@gmail.com **See pics pick up a 2nd cheap $200, on class-world.com ss2day@gmail.com Cell Phone HTC S1 works workd wide no contract required. €150.00, spvendor@gmail.com, Electric guitar amp for sale; Rocktron Rampage, ideal for practice in your home and beyond.Fantastic gain characteristics, AGX noise reduction, 8`` speaker with lots of volume asking $120.- call 0172 35 64442 Stearing wheel "Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback" for your PC! Love to play auto games? Wanna feel like yr r driving for real? Then dont miss this!, pics on class-world.com, €20, copon gracz@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com German DVD player, $10ea, Nordmende 220v. Play German/ some American DVDs. Remote included. 01737433016

AMT Books, Dale Crane, $25 each, c_jessica16@yahoo.com, I have two soft back books. Airframe Structures 1 and Systems 2. They are still good condition and Embry Riddle requires these. So if your looking, I have them. Art Nouveau furniture over 100 years old. A variety of items, grandfather clock (Harmonium), crystal glasses, Murano glasses, Meisner porcelain figurines, 200 years old, coffee and Tea set. Call: 0177-5211480 Beautiful Decoration in African Style-King Size Comforter, €50, Crnlangelfire@freenet.de, Beautiful Decoration in African Style, €3, Crnlangelfire@free net.de,

played once, perfect condition - like new!, €15, copongracz@ Aeropostale Hoodie. Turquoisegmail.com **See pics on class- blue. Lettering "aero" and zipper world.com at the front. Size M. Barley worn. For pics see www.classPanasonic Cordless Phone world.com. €13. janina.wuttke@ 220V, Good Condition. With 220V gmx.de plug Model KX-TG 73016 $25, ss2day@gmail.com, Aeropostale long sleeve. Blue Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii ga- with colored letters in pink, yelme, perfect condition, like new! low, green showing the label na€10, copongracz@gmail.com, me. Size M. Barley worn. Good condition. For pics see Relax • Shiatsu • Ayurveda **See pics on class-world.com www.class-world.com. €9. jani Please call for appointment Philipp-Reis-Str. 9 SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii na.wuttke@gmx.de 66849 Landstuhl game, like new!, €12, ccopon gracz@gmail.com **See pics on class-world.com


Play Academy ChildCare. I am a licensed & certified child care provider.I live in Rodenbach, 10 min Vogelweh & 10 min RAB.I have years of experience & references.My home is warm & cozy.Warm home cooked Lunch is provided for the children every day. Your child will have its very own indoor playground & fenced in backyard for the summer as well as weekly field trip outings.If you are in need, I am here for you Monday-Friday. Age 2-5, Mon-Fri 7-5.06374-944828

Belkin Surge Protector 220V, It has 6 plugs. In good working condition.$10, ss2day@gmail.com

Hama 5port switch 10/100, I have 2. They work and in good condition. Selling because I don't use them. $5, ss2day@gmail.com,


The 86th Force Support Squadron at Ramstein has licensed providers on and off the installation. Providers who provide more than 10 hours a week of care must be licensed. Please use good judgment when choosing child care services. For more information please contact DSN 478-7420 or civ 06371405-7420 or email 86FSS.FCC@ramstein.af.mil

220V Power Adapters, $2, I have 3 plug and 6 Plug 220v power adapters. Selling 3 plug for $2 and 6 plug for $4. Half the price of retail. ss2day@gmail.com,

Page 35


All ads and pics on class-world.com

Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. *Laney GH50L all valve top guitar amplifier and 4x12 Laney speaker cabinet. Brand new, never left the living room. Amazing sound possibilities. Serious offers and details at 01723564442 220 volt transformer. 1 X 75 watt for $20. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. Baby Buggy , Baby Buggy in good condition, with additional baby carrier. $50.00, spvendor@ gmail.com


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Page 36

Kaiserslautern American

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The Ramstein Chapel is accepting bids for the following contract position:

Protestant Services Parish Facilitator: Serves for the Contemporary, Gospel, Liturgical and Traditional services at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Works in coordination with the ranking Protestant chaplain or his/her designee. Will assist the Protestant services chaplains to manage programs, calendar development, announcements, and communication. Bidder is subject to criminal history background checks and must complete a Child Care National Agency Check and Inquiries (CNACI) and Installation Records Check. The Chapel will be accepting bids from today, 24 October thru 7 November, 4 p.m. The Statement of Work and bid documents can be picked up from the Ramstein North Chapel, Monday through Friday. The position will be awarded on the best value to the government (see AFI52-105v4 Attch 4.) Bidders may have to participate in a qualifying interview. Date and time for public bid opening will be announced on the bid package. For more information call the Ramstein North Chapel at 480-6148 (06371-47-6148).


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All ads and pics on class-world.com

An adjustable full-size bassinet allows you to keep baby closer longer. Diaper changing table with wipe clean fabrics that resist mess during changes. Easily converts to a portable playard. Signature Graco® push-button fold makes closing your playard quick and hassle-free. Airy mesh on all sides for maximum ventilation. Convenient carrying bag for nofuss travel and storage. New price: 129.99, selling for $95, 06374944368 or 0176-55247077 or email Doris.Koenig@gmx.de Beautiful Decoration in African Style, €10, Crnlangelfire@free net.de, Beautiful Decoration in African Style, €50, Crnlangelfire@free net.de, Beautiful hand-made felt shoulder bag in purple with flower design, medium size, jenniferwil king@hotmail.com Beautiful hand-made purple/pink felt flower brooch, perfect gift, can be pinned on jackets, scarves, bags and more! €12, for pics see class-world.com jenniferwil king@hotmail.com Bicycle Trailer, for 2 kids, rarely used, excellent condition, suitable for all bikes, €50, for pics go to class-world.com, jenniferwilking@ hotmail.com, Boys Bike, 16 inch, $50, BMX Style with hand and coaster brakes. Training wheels included. Very good cond. 2 spare inner tubes incl. tommarcum@live.com,


D E D EE E N OR T GUID T BU IND-I AdvantiPro is looking I R T F for a distributor (part-time). DIS R THE Must be friendly, reliable, work flexible hours, FO

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October 24, 2014

Bracelet, gold plated and silver with small stones between. Worn once for a Xmas party. €10, for pics please see class-world.com, s.vogl75@web.de

Bracelet - Brown, handmade! Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, copon gracz@gmail.com, pics on classworld.com Bracelet - Gray/Black, handmade. Beautiful accessory for any occation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, copon gracz@gmail.com, pics on classworld.com Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or 0151-270-19822 Diono Radian R100 Convertible Carseat/Booster, $200, Diono Radian R100 convertible car seat. RF up to 40 lbs, FF up to 100 lbs. Used in 2nd car, comes with 2 carrying straps for easy travel and diono piddle pad. No accidents. 01737433016 Engleby from Sebastian Faulks! Great book., €2, pic on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made felt bag with blue design, medium size, €30, for pics see classworld.de jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Fender type Telecaster electric guitar. Masterbuilt, professional instrument. Excellent sound spectrum and tonal qualities. Must see and try! Tom at 0172 35 64442 For Sale, $65, ysamek@google mail.com, German white upright freezer, 4 drawers, good condition, great for a small kitchen or for an appartment. For more info, email me. Kids Bike , $20.00, spvendor@ gmail.com,

ECCO GmbH is a US based DoD Contractor seeking a

Technical Editor

to support report development for a large fuels construction project in our local Kaiserslautern, Germany office. Strong word editing skills, Excellent MS Office Suite skills, and communication skills is a must. University degree in Communications or advanced degree a plus. Experience in technical editing preferred. Experience working i n a fast-paced work environment preferred. German language skills preferred but not required. The position will be available November 2014 and is a part-time/full-time temporary term consultancy position for the duration of the project (2 years). Duties and responsibilities include the following: • Collaborate with technical writers and subject-matter experts to develop written material for reports • Edit, standardize, or make changes to material prepared by other writers and per sonnel • Review information for and correct grammatical mistakes, misspellings, and incorrect punctuation • Remove unnecessary and/or repetitive text • Ensure document consistency using headings and subheadings, table and figure numbers, and other numbering conventions throughout report(s) • Correct citations and/or reference errors • Rewrite and/ or enhance poorly structured material. • Prepare tables, charts, and review the text of technical writers • Organize written material and complete task according to report formatting standards, clarity, and conciseness • Collaborate with subject-matter experts and Project Manager(s) to select photo graphs, drawings, sketches, diagrams, and charts to illustrate material when necessary. • Establishes accurate and effective document version control method • Excellent command of formal English • In addition to the accountabilities above, other responsibilities, tasks, and deliv erables may be assigned to the incumbent of this position. Interested candidates should send their CV/Resume to: Ms. Shannon Haire at shaire@ecc.net

ECCO GmbH Richard-Wagner-Str. 1 67655 Kaiserslautern 0631-4140-6173

October 24, 2014



All ads and pics on class-world.com

For Sale, €50, ysamek@google mail.com, Ladies black leather pants, woren twice, German sz. 42. Only reason for selling is that I lost weight. New were 189 euro on sale. Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bag with fox design. Discover your wild side! All bags are completely environmentally friendly made with wool, soap and water only! €25, for pics see class-world.com jenniferwilking@hotmail.com Furniture in good condition for cheap sale due to moving: Livingrm cabinet (massive, cherry tree wood, 3.10mx2.30m); Livrm table (cherry tree wood w/marble top); Corner bench (beech wood w/ blue upholstery) + extending table and 2 chairs; Wardrobe w/ shoe cabinet, mirror and clothes cabinet locker (oiled pine wood, 1.84m wide). Prices are negotiable. 06374-2833 or doris.stemm ler@service.volksfuersorge.de GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect condition, like new. Size small., €5, coem ser@gmail.com Giant Antique Warehouse Sale, Sat 25 October, Sun 26 October 10am-3pm Schneeweiderhof 11, 67754 Essweiler Map: www.schoolhouse-antiques.com. In costume get an additional percentage of. Green suade handbag. With three compartments. Zipper top. $20 017622987498 please leave a message if I do not answer. isabell_1_98@yahoo.com Guild D4-12 acoustic guitar. Perfect condition! Excellent rich, room-filled tone. Guild hard case included. Contact jeffgw@ gmail.com Handbag "Alexander": Brown, leather bag, hardly used, perfect condition! €8, pics on classworld.com, copongracz@ gmail.com Handbag "clutch style": Love to go out and dont want to use a big handbag? Dont miss out on this small, black bag. Perfect for going out at night!, €3, pics on classworld.com, copongracz@ gmail.com Handbag "Esprit brand": Small bad, black leather, ideal if you only need to carry few things around with you like purse, cell phone etc., €5, pics on class-world.com, copongracz@gmail.com Handbag: Classy black leather bag. Hardly used, perfect condition!, pics on class-world.com, €15, copongracz@gmail.com Hollister strapless top. White color, size M. With ribbons to tie a bow on the back. €15. For pics see www.class-world.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de Interested in becoming a certified sports official? Sports officials are wanted in football, flag football, volleyball, basketball, softball, baseball and soccer.Contact Doswell Makle at dfmj42@ gmail.com or 01515258745 Kids Kick Bike , $15.00, spven dor@gmail.com, Pumpkin decor for tea lights, €5, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com

Kaiserslautern American I am selling a Sunbed from Dr. Kern Modell NGR 241. The light tubes were exchanged and ran for approx. 300 hours. Also have avail 300 hours light tubes. (The new tubes run up tp 600 hours.) I am selling the sunbed for someone. The light tubes can be bought at ebay or directly from Dr. Kern. One or two tubes are possibly defect and need to be replaced. Bought for 3500 to 4000 DM. If you are interested please contact us, the sunbed is located in Kaiserslautern, Tel: 0176-55 24 70 77 06374-944368 (Doris) Jeans for boys, One pair of levi's size 10. 25w, 25L. One M&S pair also size 10. Good condition. Worn a few times, $10, isabell_1_98@yahoo.com Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/ prom/summer night out. $50; 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya hoo.com Pic on www.classworld.eu Large 220V refrigerator, $250,4 years old, ann-rick-lechner@t-onli ne.de, Long necklace with a heart & butterfly pendant, different stones. For pics please see www.classworld.com, €5, s.vogl75@web.de Martin D-16GT acoustic guitar. Excellent condition with no scratches or damage. Solid mahogany back and sides with Sitka spruce top finished in a polished gloss. Martin hard case included. Amazing sound! Contact jeffgw@ gmail.com Mega Crane, with remote control. Large size all functions works over 50 in. tall. $15., spvendor@ gmail.com, Necklace with a cross pendant, color is bronze/brown, for pics please see www.class-world.com, €5, s.vogl75@web.de Necklace, fashion jewelry, black, different pearls & stones, $5, s.vogl75@web.de Nice necklace with a leather strap, €10, for pictures please go to www.class-world.com s.vogl75@web.de Nice necklace with heart-pendant in silver. New, nether worn. For picture please see classworld.com. €5, s.vogl75@web.de Org.Thomas Sabo Charm, price new was 49€, never used, was a bday present, selling price €20, for pics please see classworld.com, s.vogl75@web.de

Pack and Play Like New, $35, Jungle-print/brown. Gender-neutral, with carrying case. 01737433016 Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Power Wheels, Fisher-Price, Jeep Hurricane, $80 OBO, includes charger and two batteries. Owner’s manual, FM Radio., tom marcum@live.com, Pumps, black, hardly worn, great condition, size 9M!, €5, pics on class-world.com, copongracz@ gmail.com, pics on classworld.com RAB Community Center on 1819 October. 1st Edition Comics. Collector Comics from 60s to today. $1 Comics. Graphic Novels. Cap America & other T-Shirts. Marvel, DC, Walt Disney, Casper, & much more. corbincoolsco mics@gmail.com for more. Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy s..., Sandals "Anne Klein": Classy shoes, brown leather, great to wear at work or for going out at night. Only slight signs of usage. Size 9M, €5, pics on classworld.com, coemser@gmail.com Satin dress, €15, never worn. 017622987498 Selling two Fender Stratocaster electric guitars. Never left the house, top condition. One is a collector's item. Serious offers and details at 01723564442 Sentry Safe Fire Protection, $10, 2 keys, Its in condition its small. Its good for holding personal stuff or watches, jewelry. Selling in AAFES for $15. I am selling because I no longer need it. ss2day@ gmail.com Set of three pink vases, different shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Shamballa Bracelet - Black/Gray, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €12, copongracz@ gmail.com Small grey felt shoulder bag with mushroom design, perfect gift, €20 jenniferwilking@hotmail.com The Notebook from Nicholas Sparks - wonderful book!, €2, pic on class-world.com, copongracz@ gmail.com

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Page 37


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DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE AN INTEREST IN MUSIC? We offer an hour of LEARNING AND FUN every Thursday at 16.00 hrs for children ages 4 or older Where: Schoolhouse in Miesenbach Contact Info: Stadtkapelle RamsteinMiesenbach POC: Volker Kaufmann, Tel. 0 63 83-579 01 44 or Cell: 0170 469 31 73 Astrid Delarber Tel. 0 63 71-5 88 63

Page 38

Kaiserslautern American


Sports officials are needed in Ramstein and K-town for, Soccer, FOR SALE Flag football, Volleyball, Baseball/ All ads and pics on class-world.com Softball.For more info contact Doswell Makle at dfmj42@ Shamballa Bracelet - Brown/Cre- gmail.com or 015152587457 me, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful Striped hand-made felt shoulder accessory for any ocation, any bag, large, trend colors, perfect outfit. Treat yourself to something gift, €30, for pics see classjenniferwilking@hot nice or bring a smile to your best world.com girl friends. €15, copongracz@ mail.com gmail.com Swarovski Crystal - Attention colShamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white, lectors! All retired pieces reduced handmade, adjustable in size, fits to half their value, All pieces over almost every wrist. Beautiful ac- 40years old! Prices greatly reducessory for any ocation, any out- ced! Great gift for any special ocfit. Treat yourself to something ni- casion! Private collection!The last ce or bring a smile to your best two Retired pieces., whale, turtle. girl friends. €10, coemser@ Call for info: 06332-41560 betgmail.com ween 2pm to 8pm. Can deliver to Shamballa Bracelet - Purple/whi- RAB! E

te, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, copongracz@ gmail.com

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Transportation/Shipping Box "Skudo IATA", Size 4 (L 68cm, B 48cm, H 51cm) Brand NEW, still in box not even opened as I ordered 2, $50, for more details go to http://www.petobel.de/nobbytransportbox-skudo-iata-grauno000210032401 s.vogl75@ web.de

October 24, 2014 Various music CDs for sale, all from the 2000er years. Single CDs from Nelly Furtado, Christina Aguilera etc. for €3, music samplers like Bravo Hits and The Dome €4. For a picture of the selection see www.class-world.com. Contact janina.wuttke@gmx.de Wetsuit - Shorty, Women, black/ orange, size small, fast drying, €15, for pics please see classworld.com s.vogl75@web.de Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits perfectly in a small, narrow space. $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad vantipro.de Zooper To Go High Chair, $80 obo, Zooper To Go high chair. Perfect for tiny German kitchens! 5-pt harness, adjustable footrest. Fixed-tray comes off for cleaning, food-catcher net and seat pads machine-washable. Folds Flat. 01737433016

FURNITURE All ads and pics on class-world.com

!!! A beautiful German white shrank with glass vitrine and lighted bar (best offer gets it) and a complete set of Black Leather Bound 1987 Encyclopedia BrittaT-Shirt "America", perfect condi- nica (make an offer) 01704019648 tion, like new, size small! €5, co pongracz@gmail.com ***pics on Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table class-world.com with 4 chairs. See photo on KA Various size New Gym bags classifieds web page. Contact $10.00 each, spvendor@ Eric and Mia at 063759949674., gmail.com €950, eyates9761@aol.com Travel baby gate, $25, Rolls up for travel, can be pressure mounted in openings between 35" and 55.5" 01737433016

Antique Bench, Antique bench with cushion seat, storage space and wheels. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €600, eyates9761@aol.com Antique corner desk. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €150, eyates9761@aol.com Antique reproduction secretary desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €120, eyates9761@aol.com Attractive cottage style bed set, bed frame: massive pine wood, oiled, with 2 storage trays at head to serve as night stands, 2 slatted frames in high quality, 1 chest of drawers, 1 mirror; fuersts@ gmx.de;phone 015209820781;incl.del, $350 Café house table with marble top. 50cm diameter with iron table-leg. €60. 06374-1717 or 015772670561 Clock, $170.00, spvendor@ gmail.com, Coffee table, round w/glass top, chrome table-legs. €60. 063741717 or 0157-72670561 Collector cups with saucer 06374-1717 or 0157-72670561 Entertainment Center, $120, light wood, like new condition. 116" wide X 84.5" tall. The area for the TV is 35" wide X 25.5" tall Pick up in Krickenbach - 0174-3075784 Mantel Clock, Mantel clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour., $70.00 spvendor@gmail.com

During the next two years, the Pentagon will look to hire 6,000 additional cyberprofessionals.* Reinvent yourself to meet this growing demand, whether in the military or out. In our undergraduate and graduate degree programs, you can learn from experts using curriculum that’s continually assessed by advisory councils so you can be confident you’re learning the latest developments in the field.


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October 24, 2014


Kaiserslautern American



All ads and pics on class-world.com

All ads and pics on class-world.com

All ads and pics on class-world.com

German Sideboard and Highboard for Sale. Oak-rustic color, solid wood. Great condition! New €1200 each, now selling for €200 each! Call: 0176-907-96039

Wanted: Full time Dental Assistant for busy American dental practice in Wiesbaden. If interested please email resume to: ram steindentalofficemanager@ gmail.com, Attn: Danyel

Lost - Reward for Return! Lost key-shaped necklace at LRMC Hospital on 17 Oct. Cash reward for return, sentimental value! Please email me if you found it! ho meonthepharm@hotmail.com,

Grandfather Corner clock, $2,000, spvendor@gmail.com, This clock is made for a corner! Black Forest clockwork with 3 melodies Window with facet cut

Wanted: Full time Hygienist for busy American practice in Wiesbaden. If interested please email resume to: ramsteindentalofficema Moving Sale, €, Furniture for sale nager@gmail.com, Attn: Danyel in Rodenbach; only 2 years old; 3br sets (beds & schranks); sofas; fridge; dr table & chairs; tv; washPERSONAL dryer; and much more. 06371All ads and pics on class-world.com 462922 payezmc@hotmail.com, Real Antique Furniture, $5000, From 18th century: Chest, cabinet and long case clock with orig. clockwork, all carved oak. Also to be sold seperately. Please ask for details: 0043 5517 5815 or na ni.schuster@aon.at Sleeper Sofa, Queen size sleeper sofa, must pick up at Luxembourg American Cemetery. $50.00, cahilldd@yahoo.com or (00352)26361883

Harley friends, Lookin for friends, female/male who likes harleys, works on them, who are into Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just email me and we will see when we can meet. 2wheelmechanic@web.de

Temporarily looking for a home to share. If anyone has a furnished room for rent in the Ramstein, Miesenbach, KMC area, close to base. please email me at Sofa bed for sale! It is in a good mnyako11@gmail.com, condition. The sofa has a slatted frame. Size as normal sofa: Height 0.8m, depth 0.8m, Wide: 1.62m. Folded out/Sleeping area: PETS 2.15m long and 1.20m wide. €40 All ads and pics on class-world.com obo. Ready to be picked up in Winnweiler. Call 06302-7556 after There have been reports of 6 p.m. or send mail to klaus.wutt pets being sold from breeke@gmx.de ding facilities that are not maWooden bookshelf. See photo naged at the highest profeson KA classifieds web page. Consional standards. Please tact Eric and Mia at choose your pet carefully. 063759949674., $150, Make sure you check the creeyates9761@aol.com dentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy conYARD SALES dition. For further advice, All ads and pics on class-world.com consult your Veterinarian.



All ads and pics on class-world.com

Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house. Cheap cleaning service/garden maintenance and Trash removal PCS 0152-14982033 063136785432 Translator / Interpreter Certified KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable rates. Call: 0631-54440

***Garage Sale*** 14 BrucknerMetal Dog Kennel, $100.00, ca gasse, 67686 Mackenbach Sunhilldd@yahoo.com, 2 meters X 2 day 26 Oct 0900-1400, meters X 1.3 meters, galvanized johnandjenny2000@yahoo.com metal, gate and roof, expandable, Huge Garage sale. Shop early for comes apart for shipping, must Christmas. All items priced to sell. pick up at Luxembourg American 13 Wachtelstrasse, Mehlingen, Cemetery 67678. Phone: 06303-80-6167. Transportation/Shipping Box Oct 18-19; 25-26; start at 0900“Skudo IATA”, Size 4 (L 68cm, B 1700 each day. 48cm, H 51cm) Brand NEW, still Yard Sale, four family sale, 25 in box not even opened as I ordeOct, 8am-2pm, Baby stuff, Christ- red 2, $50, for more details go to mas, 220 items, Computer items, http://www.petobel.de/nobbyand much more! Im Trisch 16, transportbox-skudo-iata-grau66909 Steinbach am Glan. 06383- no000210032401 s.vogl75@ 5790199 web.de


Page 39 Weekly - BI-weekly & PCS Cleaning Cell: 0160-91948691 InspGuaranteed E-Mail cthompson@tonline.de www.cthompson-clea ning.com

WANTED All ads and pics on class-world.com

Dedicated, studied & multi-skilled Rock/Hard Rock Bassist available. I can practice Sunday afternoons and one (or two for gig prep) afternoons per week. I have my own gear. Contact me at sheppardre@gmail.com to discuss.

Temporarily looking for a home to share. If anyone has a furnished room for rent in the Ramstein, Miesenbach, KMC area, close to base. please email me at mnyako11@gmail.com,

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