Oct 26, 2012 - Kaiserslautern American

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October 26, 2012


Volume 36, number 43

Voter Assistance Office helps overseas voters by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs


ith elections fast approaching, voters living abroad still have an opportunity to take part in both their state an national elections y fillin out an absentee ballot. There are a few things registered voters can do to get an absentee ballot and start the process. “First, registered voters need to re est an a sentee allot y con

tacting their state’s voter registration office sai a t ose aet a t irlift a ron er Hercules pilot and installation voter

assistance officer It s a si le atter of fin in t eir state or co nty office online or in t e 372-page book available at the Voters

ssistance ffice aet sai ey ill re est t e for fill it o t an fax, email or mail it to be counted in the election. “Some states do allow electronic allots t it all e en s on t e state he said. For those who have to mail the ballots, it may take a little longer, but free express mail is also available. e ost offices offer See VOTE, Page 2

Paralegal Soldiers compete for titles of USAREUR’s best by Staff Sgt. Joel Salgado U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs

Photo by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright

Tops In Blue entertains Ramstein

Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday! Also, please note that most locations in the U.S. do not set their clocks back until Nov. 4.





Members of Tops In Blue perform in the dual-bay hangar Oct. 20 during a tour stop in Ramstein. The Tops In Blue 2012 World Tour, entitled “Listen,” has traveled across the U.S. and to more than 20 different countries. To read the full story and see more photos, see Pages 24 and 25.

H E I DE L B E RG, Germany — Paralegal specialists from across U .S. Army Europe came together here Oct. 19 to prove their skills at U SAREU R’s 2012 Best Paralegal Competition. But if you think the event is all about researching case law or preparing legal documents, think again. This is a soldiering challenge. The event started at 6 a.m. when the competitors arrived at Patrick Henry Village Elementary School here for an Army ysical fitness test Following the APFT, this year’s 13 competitors moved on to an ile r c sac arc to t e U U firin ran es at t e U .S. Army Garrison Baden-Wür ttemberg Rod and Gun Club in fters ei er any ere t ey fire a ea ons alifica tion test on the Engagement Skills Trainer 2000 marksmanship simulator and completed a warrior task skills assessment that included several stations that tested the paralegals on their land navi ation first ai an ea ons a ilities The competition gives Soldiers a chance to showcase their skills and engage in a bit of camaraderie with fellow paralegal

Jawbone Flight Kitchen, Page 21

Model trains chug through Ramstein Sunday, Page 28


As of Oct. 22


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