September 14, 2012
Volume 36, number 37
CFC-O begins Monday by Airman 1st Class Trevor Rhynes 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook
Communication under fire Airman 1st Class James Weaver, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron, and Staff Sgt. Aaron Scofield, 100th CES out of RAF Mildenhall, communicate with members of the rescue team during a constricted-space evaluation Sept. 6 at the 435th Construction and Training Squadron compound on Ramstein. The constricted-space evaluation was the final evaluation for students attending the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Fire Academy rescue technician course. For more on this story, see Page 7.
Garrison launches renewable energy project Story and photo by Rick Scavetta U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern
Traffic safety: Listening to portable headphones, earphones, cellular phones, iPods, or other listening and entertainment devices (other than hearing aids) while walking, jogging, running, bicycling, skating or skateboarding on roadways is prohibited.
the first panels into place. “It’s an important project that we’ve been working on for some time,” Crisp said. “Now, we’re working with the Army Corps of Engineers to add this to plans for all new buildings. It costs a little more up front, but costs us less in the long run.” Solar panels come in two types: photovoltaic for electricity or thermal panels for heat and hot water, said Paul Lindemer of the garrison’s public works directorate. Roofs at ROB and Miesau Army Depot will have the former installed. It’s the first time the U.S. Army put photovoltaic panels up in such a large scale overseas. On average, the pan-
Energy from new photovoltaic panels atop warehouses at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern will soon provide enough energy for 500 homes and save roughly $50,000 annually. The renewable energy project benefits both the U.S. military and German communities. On Sept. 10, Jeffrey Crisp, deputy to the garrison commander, joined German officials at Rhine Ordnance Barracks to mark the project’s start. Under a blinding sun, they hoisted
his year’s Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas kicks off Monday and concludes Nov. 16. The CFC-O is an annual event where service members and civilian personnel can contribute to thousands of charities that help those in need around the world. “Our goal this year is to raise $675,000 between the four groups and ensure that 100 percent contact is made to the members of Team Ramstein,” said Capt. David Milodragovich, lead CFC-O organizer. Squadrons will have their own CFC-O representatives, some with multiple delegates depending on the size of their squadron. “Those who wish to donate may do so after the campaign has officially begun through squadron representatives,” Milodragovich said. “Unit representatives will explain the donating process while making contact with personnel in their units.” The CFC-O donation process includes filling out a pledge form with the organization’s name and method of payment, along with other basic information. Methods of payment include making a monthly donation where money is automatically taken from an account, making a one-time cash donation, or paying online at http:// through eGiving, which uses a valid debit card, credit card or electronic check. For more information on the charities, or for more general information on the CFC-O program, visit http://cfcoverseas. org.
21st TSC staff ride analyzes D-Day, Page 3
Visit the world of minerals, Page 23
els will annually generate roughly 2.1 million megawatt hours of electrical energy — enough to power a village of 500 houses, Lindemer said. “We’re putting so much on the top of these roofs that we will generate about 2,200 kilowatt peak, electrical power,” Lindemer said. “When the sun is fully shining, the panels generate about 950 kilowatts in an hour.” Americans living in Germany are familiar with “sun farms” — swathes of solar panels alongside autobahns — and towering windmills upon hilltops. Faced with high energy prices, Germans embraced renewable enerSee ENERGY, Page 7
As of Sept. 11