HAIR CARE DIMENSION Original formulations and manufacturing process since 1978 100% Italian technology products
“Villa Borghini Products, the professional point of encounter between CARE and BEAUTY”
VILLA BORGHINI® EUROPE, also known byVB® Corporate Brand, is an Authentic Manufacturing Company, identified in the Italian Manufacturing Excellence Class, since its products, exclusively designed, engineered, formulated, processed, manufactured and packed in Italy, are legally using the 100% Made in Italy brand. The docents of our School, Accademia Europea Dermatica BioScientifica®, work in our Head Office too, as VB® Research Laboratories operate in parallel with the Production Department and our Technicians (chemists, biologists, etc.). This is where we hold Multilingual Courses in Scientific Professional Development, Technical and Commercial Education, aimed to teach Dermatologists, Doctors, Pharmacists, Medical Representatives and High-level Operators in the Cosmetic Industry (Professional Hairstylists, SPA, etc.), as well as national and international organizations intended for Specialized VB® Products Distribution in both Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Sectors. Furthermore, VB® Technicians take advantage of a High-technology Computerized Electronic Equipment for the Diagnosis, the Treatments/ Products Prescription and the Control of the Results obtained using them, by comparing the Instrumental Scientific Data, before and after. AllVB® Products have passed the University of Siena’s strictest ClinicalPharmacological Protocols of Maximum Security provided by the Repeated Insult Patch Test and therefore are certified as: incapable of causing irritation or allergic reactions. In addition, VB® Healing Lines’ Treatments/ Product spossess the University of Siena’s Clinical Effectiveness Certification, documented and demonstrated by exact Instrumental Scientific Data.
NO colors NO fragrances
NO thickeners PRODUCTS Since the very beginning (1978), Villa Borghinihas been the first manufacturer in the world to create colors, fragrances and thickeners free products.
DERMATICA BIO-SCIENTIFICA® The cosmetic products of VillaBorghini® belong to Dermatica Bio-Scientifica® (technical neologism created by VB® and patented at the Ministry of Industry, within the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Department).
INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR SCIENCE – THEME MEDICINE The unique scientific for esight of VB® has been recognized and finally confirmed, with the assignment to its Founder, the Chemist Bruno Angilella, of the prestigious and highly coveted “Premio Internazionale Scienza Tema Medicina”.
DOUBLE GUARANTEE Safety of use and Clinical Effectiveness confirmed and certificated by University researchers Safety
Clinical Results
Since the early 80’ and 90’, VB® Products have been deliberately subjected to the strictest University Clinical-Pharmacological Tests, provided by the Repeated Insult Patch Test. Due to the fact that the products passed all the tests, they were certified as “unable to cause allergic reactions or irritations”.
VB® Products, which are meant to heal various diseases of the scalp, face skin, etc., are tested by University researchers, using exact before and after Instrumental Scientific Data that confirm their trust worthy Certified Clinical Effectiveness.
VB® PRODUCTS represent the result of the fundamental approaches to which the products are submitted in order to enable professionals and consumers to successfully face and solve both curative and aesthetic issues, using perfectly compatible and well-matched individual treatments and products, with a variety of combinations that in each case provide a permanently guarantee of safety and excellent results. Technical-Scientific Approach of VB® Laboratories of Research
University Clinical-Pharmacological Approach Safety and Effectiveness Evaluation and Certification
This approach begins with an essential and rigorous selection of the ingredients existent in the EU INCI Codes, which are intended to respond to the precise utility function of the designed formula that in every case must be carried out according to the common manufacturing features of all the previous formulas of VB® range. According to VB® Technical-Scientific Approach, this means that every single new product, not only must fully meet the needs for which it was created, but it has also got to be fully compatible and well-matched with all the others products, in order to always be a valid and safe Integrative Product, be it either one from the Curative Treatments range, Beauty Treatments range or any other single product of VB® range.
The maximum Safety and Clinical Efficacy of VB® treatments and single products are always strictly Validated and Certified by University researchers, as a result of the accomplishment of the procedures to which VB® products are subjected before they are placed on the various market segments.
Villa Borghini速 has always provided accurate information, according to the University Certifications obtained on the Finished Product, as it is now required by ANTITRUST Laws, since, obviously, it is the Finished Product that is placed on the market and used by the consumer and not the individual ingredients that make it up.
It neutralizes the Hair Lossin both male and female Androgenetic Alopecia.
It counter balances the effects of an oily and itching scalp with Seborrhea.
It fights against the itchy, scaling, erythematous and dehydrated Scalp’s Dandruff. Its multi functionality consents the client to match the Anti-Dandruff Solution with one of VB® shampoos, the Bath Foam for body and hair or the Shower Shampoo for Baby, depending on the desired esthetic needs.
Scalp Defense is aimed to protect the scalp from chemical actions, even particularly adverse ones, such as hair dyeing and hair coloring, permanent treatments, hair straightening, etc.
THE ANAGEN-PLUS® TREATMENT was tested at the prestigious University of Siena’s Institute of Clinical Dermosifilopatica, following the evaluations of the trichograms performed before and after using the Anagen-Plus® Treatment on diagnosed subjects suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia. The Clinical Effectiveness was demonstrated by the stabilization of the Anagen/Telogen ratio on adult males aged between 22 and 39 years, diagnostically affected by 1st and 2nd grade Androgenetic Alopecia, according to Hamilton’s classification.
EXCERPT FROM THE FINAL CLINICAL VERDICT The signs and the symptoms diagnostically evaluated before and after using the ANAGEN-PLUS® TREATMENT have registered a significant reduction in hair loss (visible already after 60 days and even more evident after 120 days), as the trichograms have clearly highlighted a gradual stabilization of the Anagen/ Telogen ratio towards normal physiological values, with an amount of hairs in the Telogen phase less than 20%. In addition, the number of the dystrophic hairs has decreased significantly in most of the cases. The Clinical Value associated to scalp itching decreased from the initial phase of an overall score of 32 to a final one of 9, revealing a substantial reduction of this problem that is frequently linked to Androgenetic Alopecia condition. Finally, the clinical-instrumental data also revealed a noticeable decrease in the sebometric values, from the initial average value of 260,42 to a final one of 227,60. During the experimental period of the ANAGEN-PLUS® TREATMENT, all the patients were kept under clinical control observation, in behalf of safety, and in none of the cases episodes of irritant dermatitis, contact eczema or other have occurred.
THE SEBUM-BALANCING TREATMENT was tested at the prestigious University of Siena’s Institute of Clinical Dermosifilopatica. The valuation of the Clinical Effectiveness on behalf of seborrhea and itchy scalp diminution on subjects of both sexes, aged between 15 and 50 years, bearers of Seborrhea, was demonstrated by the most appropriate clinical and laboratory parameters. EXCERPT FROM THE FINAL CLINICAL VERDICT Symptoms and signs taken into consideration have indicated a noticeable improvement in scalp seborrhea, visible already after 15 days and even more evident after 30 days. The Sebometric Data, confirmed by the Instrumental Data, have registered a considerable attenuation of the seborrhea, passing from the initial average value of 275,26 to the final value of 237,8. As regards the scalp itchiness, it was verified a particularly evident reduction, because the initial overall score of 26 has passed to the final score of only 2 points. Furthermore, none of the patients has shown side effects. In conclusion, VBŽ Sebum-Balancing Treatment has demonstrated its real Clinical Efficacy in scalp Seborrhea.
ANTI-DANDRUFF SOLUTION It was tested at the prestigious University of Siena’s Institute of Clinical Dermosifilopatica, valuating its Clinical Efficiency on subjects diagnosed as suffering from Seborrheic Dermatitis of the scalp (itchiness, skin scaling, erythema and dehydration). The study was intended to evaluate and ascertain the Clinical Efficacy and Tolerability of VBŽ Anti-Dandruff Solution in Pityriasis Capitis (Seborrheic Dermatitis of the scalp). The inclusion criteria of the subjects to be submitted for Clinical Investigation involved patients aged between 15 and 50 years, carriers of Pityriasis Capitis that was ascertained through the most appropriate clinical and laboratory parameters.
EXCERPT FROM THE FINAL CLINICAL VERDICT The symptoms and the signs considered have revealed an obvious improvement of the pathological conditions of Seborrheic Dermatitis of the scalp, visible already after 15 days and even more evident at the end of the 30 days of the Clinical Investigation: - in particular, itchiness regressed from the initial overall value of 33 to the final value of 0,00, which means complete elimination of the itchy scalp condition; - desquamation has evolved from the initial overall score of 38 to a final score of 2. This means a note worthy 36 points decrease in scalp desquamation; - erythema, decreasing from an initial overall score of 16 to a final score of 1, has significantly and undoubtedly improved; - moreover, it was assessed a major and remarkable increase in scalp hydration, going from an initial total value of 51,33 to a final value of 68,40. That means a remarkable increase of 17,07 Corneometric Units.
SCALP DEFENSE Scalp Defense is intended to protect the scalp from chemical actions, even particularly adverse ones, such as hair dyeing, hair coloring, permanent treatments, hair straightening, etc. A product like VBŽ’s Scalp Defense, meant to protect your scalp, must above all demonstrate its maximum safety of use. For this reason, it had to undergo the Strict Clinical-Pharmacological Protocols provided by the Repeated Insult Patch Test and fully overcome them. In this case, surpassing the Repeated Insult Patch Test is more important than ever, since the scalp, which is frequently subjected to chemical treatments, might endure even serious intolerances, difficult to cure later, if not protected with suitable products. Scalp Defense represents a precise and sophisticated formula whom filmogen action minimizes the contact effects of chemical products with the scalp, automatically reducing their toxicity. Besides, by possessing antibacterial properties, it fights against the proliferation of unwanted microorganisms (transient skin flora), balancing at the same time the physiological hydro-lipid film of the scalp (resident skin flora), which is due to perform important and physiological skin self-defense powers. The characteristics of Scalp Defense formula are complemented by the NMF indication (Normal Moisturizing Factor), Normality Factor of the Skin Hydration.
Trichological Equipment Diagnosis Analyzer
High-Technology Content Computed Electronic Equipment for the Medical – Pharmaceutical – Cosmetics Sectors’ Professionals
TEDA (Trichological Equipment Diagnosis Analyzer), represents the current original computerized electronic “jewel”, imagined and designed byVB® Technicians, already authors of the Patented Worldwide SPD Electronic Equipment (Skin Phototype Diagnosis/ Diagnosis of Skin Phototype). Tested and Validated at the University of Siena for its innovative character and its maximum scientific precision, SPD Electronic Equipment was presented in the prestigious International Journal of Cosmetic Sciencemagazine. The creation of TEDA outcomes from VB® Technicians’ awareness of identifying the operational needs of the professionals working in the Medical, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Sectors, that is possessing, independently and immediately, exact instrumental analytical data, appropriate to inform customers about their health, in order to consequently suggest them the right treatments and demonstrate the results obtained with the prescribed treatments, by comparing the instrumental data before and after their use.
In summary, if the expert possesses University Certified Products for Clinical Effectiveness, proven by scientific rigor and supported by analytical data obtained with verifiable methodologies (Instrumental Data), as required by the current ANTITRUST Law, TEDA allows him to undergo, with maximum transparency, the following three operational phases: 1) INFORM the patient/ customer, revealing him the Instrumental Data (skin and scalp skin pH values, sebum values, etc.) with reference to his health condition, comparing the values detected by TEDA with the normal parameters. 2) SUGGEST the patient/ customer the most suitable treatments/ products, in order to lead him within normal parameters. 3) PROVE the patient/ customer, at the fixed date verification, the results obtained with the prescribed treatments/ products, by comparing the before/ after instrumental data revealed using TEDA. To complete, TAVOLA VB® will also be provided (a manual for the initial prescription of the treatments/ products, based on the instrumental data collected from TEDA and any subsequent treatments/ products recommendation, depending on the instrumental data variations, in order to make the patient/ customer reach the parametric conditions of normality and maintain them).
Display of Instrumental Scientific Data in order to automatically and directly INFORM, SUGGEST and DEMONSTRATE the Patients/ Customers the Clinical Effectiveness of the Prescribed Treatments.
Graphic Design 2016
VILLA BORGHINI EUROPA s.r.l. Via Molinara, 115 – Loc. Tegoleto, Civitella in Val di Chiana 52041 Arezzo (AR) Italy Tel/Fax +39 0575 410418 / 498633 E-mail: / Web: