Opportunities in Times of Crisis
oday, nobody can claim that he/she has never heard of the COVID-19. From December, 2019 till today, the world is still suffering the impact of this worldwide pandemic, which has affected everybody. Whether morally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually, all human beings have suffered through these trying times. What about evangelism? It is true that our churches and companies were compelled to close. But it was a wonderful opportunity to share the word of God with people. This pandemic has confirmed that the Gospel knows no barriers, no boundaries, no limits. On the contrary, the Gospel has reached some persons through new opportunities offered by technology. Who would have believed, just a few years ago, that thousands of persons worldwide could pray together on a prayer line opened 24/7? Or that Bible studies could be given online and live for thousands of persons through the social media? Still better, that members of the same families, estranged from each other for many years, would eventually come together again by realizing that love overcomes all. Yes indeed, the coronavirus pandemic has offered the Gospel rich opportunities to make it known and experienced.
Let me share with you now the experience of two missionaries in the 10/40 region, who had extraordinary experiences during the lockdown: “Times of crisis demand extreme solutions. This is why, when the lockdown began, we did not know what we should do. Our dream of gathering a small group of persons interested in the study of God’s Word vanished as soon as the lockdown began. Our local friends were bored, each in his/her own home, and had plenty of free time. One of our friends then suggested that we should try the CREATION health programme. We decided therefore to try and hold meetings twice a week on the Zoom, with one new topic every week. At the beginning, participation and regularity were real challenges; but, little by little, an average of three to six girls were on-line at each meeting. Praise be to God! With some of them, we also had in-person meetings and spiritual conversations! It was even possible to offer a Bible to one of them, and The Great Controversy to another. We have also prayed together. It is wonderful to see how God has made possible in times of hardship what we were unable to do in “times of peace” in our own strength, and has showed once more that nothing is impossible for
Him. He has even used this time of crisis as an opportunity to manifest His glory. We finished the CREATION programme a few months later and even met during Ramadan, the time for fasting in the Muslim faith. Later on, we decided to schedule a second and third season of this programme, now focused on emotional, personal, and relational topics. In this frame, we could tell parables, stories of Jesus, of the prophets, of creation, and psalms, among many other topics. We know that God is working through these meetings and that each topic meets the needs of these girls, or raises questions which only the Holy Spirit can answer. We praise the Lord because He is the Master of the harvest, and His ways are far better and more amazing than whatever we can think of for the future and hope for the whole world.” In His Word, God assures us that He will always be with us, in our moments of joy and in our moments of grief and crisis. He also offers us daily opportunities to serve Him, glorify Him, and be instruments between His hands to proclaim His Word. No can keep His Word from being preached!