Adventist World - January 2021

Page 18


Global View

Looking Forward Christ will show us the way.


January 2021

he year 2020 will certainly never be forgotten—with a global pandemic, social unrest, natural disasters, political and economic instability, and more. Many of us were glad to finally put this year behind us. But can we expect any better in 2021? Little did we know, just one year ago, what the past 12 months would bring. No one could have anticipated how swiftly life would change for us all. And what about the church? How have we weathered the storm of 2020, and what can we expect for the future? I’m happy to report that in spite of the many challenges of this past year, through His Spirit God’s mission has continued to move forward. As the coronavirus pandemic spread across the world in early 2020, churches, schools, workplaces, communities, entire countries, were locked down in an effort to stop its spread. With restrictions in place, we could no longer gather in churches for Sabbath School, worship services, and fellowship meals; youth could no longer meet for Adventist Youth meetings; Pathfinders and Adventurers could no longer enjoy their campouts and other activities. Large evangelistic meetings could no longer be held in public venues, and many health outreach and other public programs had to be reconsidered. GOD’S WORK CONTINUES

Nevertheless, God’s work continued. With energy and creativity, church leaders and members alike thought of new and creative ways to continue spreading God’s Word and bringing together His people in a variety of ways. A series of video messages, titled Dear Coronavirus, was conceived by communication leaders in Europe

Photo: Ricardo Gomez Angel

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