In the Footsteps of Lord Buddha

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IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF LORD BUDDHA Buddhist Shrines Tour of India & Nepal Hosted by Ven. Bhante Saranapala

West End Buddhist Centre & Temple, Toronto

Eight Holy Places of

Buddhism India is home to a great number of religions, many having attained birth in this holy land. Twenty five centuries ago, a child was born in a royal kingdom who later gave the world a new way of life, which would release their inner conflicts, problems and suffering and help them lead a life full of peace and contentment. Prince Siddhartha Gautama renounced everything to search the essence of life and attain enlightenment. It’s in India that ‘Lord Gautama Buddha’, preached the sermons on Buddhism and discovered the noble middle path to salvation. Here is a rare opportunity for North American followers of Buddhism to revere the life and times of the blessed one, a learning experience for those who have embraced this great religion simply as a philosophy and a way of life. The idea of a pilgrimage came from the Great Master himself. Before he attained Mahaparinibbana (or enlightenment), the Buddha advised pious disciples to visit four places that may be for their inspiration after he was gone. Today, pilgrims from the world over come to retrace these footsteps. From Lumbini in Nepal, his birthplace; to Bodhgaya, where he attained enlightenment; From the deer park in Sarnath, where he preached his first sermon and the wheel of law that was set in moton to Kushinara (or Kushinagar), the place of his passing to are places every devout should visit. To add to this list are four other places - Sravasti, Nalanda, Rajagir and Vaishali all intimately associated with the master’s life. Together they make the eight holy places of Buddhist pilgrimage and a spiritual journey in veneration. Visiting these places, where Lord Buddha walked thousands of miles to preach that vibrant philosophy of ‘Ahimsa’ or non violence is truly a fulfilling and fascinating experience. Realize how fortunate it is to be able to gaze upon these ancient sacred shrines with feelings of reverence. WestEnd Buddhist Centre & Tourcan Vacations invites you to join and discover where the story of Buddhism began and blossomed as a noble philosophy for 2500 years.

March 15-30, 2008 See back cover for pricing and trip inclusions

In association with West Toronto’s leading Buddhist Institute For Information & Bookings

Contact: Priyantha Amarasinghe

Tourcan Vacations Inc

1027, Yonge St, Suite 310, Toronto, ON M4W 2K9

Direct: 416 – 820 0699 416 – 923 2003 Ext 203

The Pilgrimage Itinerary March 15, 2008

Depart Toronto/Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Overnight flight from Toronto to Abu Dhabi, your transit point before flying over to New Delhi, India

March 16, 2008

Abu Dhabi / New Delhi

Upon arrival in Abu Dhabi, remain in transit and connect with your onward flight to New Delhi. Arrive in Delhi in the late afternoon. The group will be welcomed upon arrival by our Buddhist tour Specialist and transferred to your hotel by coach. Overnight: The Connaught Hotel, New Delhi - 4*

March 17, 2008

New Delhi

Morning is free for relaxation. This afternoon we take on a combined guided tour of New and Old Delhi. New Delhi: Our tour includes visits to such sights as the Qutab Minar, one of the Iron Pillars which has survived the vagaries of weather for over 1500 years. Continue with a drive through Embassy area and the Government buildings of the capital. Old Delhi: An ancient walled city, here you will drive past the Red Fort, Raj Ghat, the memorial site of the Mahatma Gandhi; Jama Masjid, the largest mosque in India; and Chandni Chowk, the bustling and colorful market of the old city. Overnight: The Connaught Hotel B,L,D

March 18, 2008 Delhi/Varanasi Coach transfer to Delhi airport for your flight to Varanasi. Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your hotel in Varanasi. Afternoon excursion to Sarnath : 10 kms from the centre of the city, Saranath symbolizes the birth of Buddhism. It was here that Lord Buddha revealed his doctrine and founded his monastic community. The Museum at Sarnath is amongst the most important in India and contains carvings representing a whole range of styles - Archaic, the covering work of sculptors from 3rd century B.C. to the 12th century A.D. Return to Varanasi. Overnight: Clarks Varanasi Hotel – 4* B,L,D

March 19, 2008


Early morning, boat ride on holy river Ganges. The sight of ritual bathing and cremation, a direct contact with life on the banks of the Ganges is worth the effort of waking up before sunrise. Hindu pilgrims come to bath in the sacred Ganga, facing the rising sun, or at dusk, when leaf-boat lamps are floated down the river. Later visit Varanasi City : The sightseeing consist of visiting the city temples – the Durga, better known as the Monkey temple on account of the large number of monkeys residing there and the temple of Vishwanath (or Vesheshwar "Lord of the Universe") are the most sacred spots in the city. The visit will also include Bharat Mata or Mother India Temple and the Benares Hindu University. Afternoon free. Overnight: Clarks Varanasi Hotel. B,L,D

March 20, 2008

Varanasi / Bodhgaya

After breakfast, coach transfer to Bodhgaya, upon arrival check into your hotel. Afternoon free. Overnight: Lotus Nikko Hotel – (Tourist Class) B,L,D

March 21, 2008


Full day visit of Bodhgaya, one of the holiest Buddhist pilgrimage centres: Visit Mahabodhi Temple & Great Buddha Statue and the Sujata Temple located in a quiet village near the river Niranjana (Phalgu ), It was under the very Bo tree at the Mahabodhi temple that Siddhartha Gautama, the prince, attained enlightenment to become Lord Buddha. Partake in religious activities of the day. Witness the “pooja” ceremony and meet the chief monks of the temple. Overnight: Lotus Nikko Hotel. B,L,D

March 22, 2008

Bodhgaya / Patna

We drive to Patna, en-route visit Rajagir and Nalanda. Rajagir : The capital of the Magadhan Empire, Rajagir was occupied from around 800 BC. Encircled by forested hills, it is held sacred by both Buddhists and Jains for its association with the Buddha and Mahavir, who taught here for many years. Also visit Shanti Stupa by Cable Car and the Valure Peak (ruins of the Bimibisara Jail) Nalanda : Nalanda has the ruins of one of the world’s oldest universities, founded in the 5th century AD on an ancient site of pilgrimage and teaching which had been visited by Buddha, who is reputed to have spent 14 rainy seasons on the site. Afternoon we take on a tour of Patna, also known as Pataliputra during Buddha’s time, which is situated on the banks of the river Ganga. Lord Buddha came here when he had to cross the mighty river. Today, the capital of Bihar, Patna is a cherished destination for the Buddhist Pilgrims, for it's location amidst the surrounding places of Buddhist interest. Bihar, the name of the state has itself derived from the word Vihara meaning monasteries. Patna today offers a lot for the enthusiasts of ancient art, culture and the religious minded. Overnight: Patali Putra – Ashok Hotel – (Tourist class) B,L,D

March 23, 2008

Patna / Kushinagar (Kushinara)

Travel by coach to Kushinagar, en-route visiting Vaishali, a small village that is so ancient that even the epic Ramayana describes it and tells the tale of its heroic King Vishal. One of the world's first democratic republics was established here by the Vajjis and the Lichhavis in the 6th century BC. Lord Buddha visited this place often and preached his last sermon at nearby Kolhua. A hundred years after the departure of the Buddha, the second great Buddhist council was held at Vaishali and two stupas were built in the city to commemorate this event. In the third century BC, Emperor Ashoka erected one of his famous lion pillars here. Afternoon visit Kushinagar: This village is celebrated as the place where the Buddha was cremated upon passing into Mahaparinirvana. Originally known as Kushinara (the actual site is unknown), it is one of four major Buddhist pilgrimage sites. Monasteries established after the Buddha’s death flourished here until the 13th century. Visit the Mahaparinirvana Temple, where Buddha took his last breath and Rambhar Stupa, the cremation site. Overnight: Lotus Nikko Hotel – (Tourist Class) B,L,D

March 24, 2008

Kushinagar / Lumbini (Nepal)

We drive across the border to Nepal to visit Lumbini, the hallowed cradle of Buddhism and the celebrated birth-place of Prince Siddhartha Gautma. Its history dates back to the time of his birth around 560 BC. Even in that serene era, Lumbini had attained great height of civilization and prosperity. There is evidence of money and royal visits to this sacred place. One such royal visitor was Emperor Ashoka of India in 249 BC. To commemorate his visit, he erected a grand stone monolith which stands till today. Nearby is the shrine of Maya Devi, Buddha’s mother. It contains a stone relief depicting Buddha’s nativity scene. In the area are modern Buddhist shrines and an older Lamaist gompa. A short distance from here is the ruins of Tilaurakot where the Buddha as a Prince renounced the riches of his father’s kingdom in search for truth. Overnight: Nirvana Hotel, Lumbini – (Tourist class) B,LD

March 25, 2008 Lumbini / Sravasti (Jetavanaramaya) Drive to Sravasti to see the ruins of Jetavana's many monasteries which are set in this attractive and peaceful gardens. The Buddha delivered more discourses here than in any other place, so if you wish to read some while you are here you have plenty to choose from. Recommended ones are the Kakacupama Sutta, the Vimamsaka Sutta and the Angulimala Sutta, all of them from The Middle Length Discourses. There are plenty of Buddhist temples near the ruins. Perhaps the best is the Sri Lankan temple right next to the main gate. Overnight: Lotus Nikko Hotel – (Tourist Class) B,L,D

March 26, 2008

Sravasti / Lucknow / Agra

We drive to Lucknow. Visit Lucknow City : Lucknow has an unmatched cultural heritage that makes it a special tourist attraction. Despite the Indo-Persian legacy, Lucknow has a composite Indian culture and a distinct colonial-nawabi past. After the city tour, transfer to rail station for your overnight express train to Agra. B,L,D

March 27, 2008


Upon arrival, we visit the world famous Taj Mahal by sunrise. Agra is the medieval home of this famous 17th century masterpiece, which is considered to be one of the architectural wonders of the world. It was built by Shah Jehan of the Mughal Empire in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. Proceed to our hotel for breakfast and check in. Later this morning we tour the Agra City : Agra is not only famous for Taj Mahal but has an impressive Mughal Red Fort known as the Agra Fort. The story of the Mughal Empire is written in stone and is built by Emperor Akbar and successively enriched with palaces and marble pavilions. Overnight: Clarks Shiraz Hotel – 4* B,L,D

March 28, 2008

Agra / Jaipur

We drive by coach to the pink city of Jaipur. En-route visit Fatehpur Sikri: a UNESCO world heritage city, which is in a state of perfect preservation. The city is divided into religious and secular sections. The profusion of sculptures is breathtaking. For instance, the white marble mosque in the secular section is a very sacred mosque and pilgrims from far and near arrives here to pay their respects. Continue your drive to Jaipur. Upon arrival check into your hotel. Afternoon free to Visit Jaipur Bazaar: walk through the city’s shady animated streets best explored on foot and only the inquisitive visitor willing to go into the rastaas (streets) and galis (lanes) to feel the spirit of the city. The colorful bazaars tantalize the eye with enamelled blue pottery, exquisite gem-studded jewelry, engraved brass work, traditional block-printed fabrics and brightly patterned dhurrie rugs together with traditional crafts and miniature painting. Overnight: Clarks Amer Hotel – 4*. B,L,D

March 29, 2008


Today we visit Amber Fort. Amber Fort is the former capital and a few fail to be moved by the dramatic Rajput grandeur of this hilltop fortress-palace. We ride up to this hilltop palace on the back of a caparisoned, painted elephant, passing through the ancient main gate where Maharajas of Jaipur have entered for hundreds of years. Our guide will elaborate on the history of this architectural masterpiece. We then visit Hawa Mahal or Palace of the Winds, a five-storied structure of pink sandstone with semi-octagonal and delicately honeycombed windows overlooking the old city. Proceed for a guided tour of the City Palace & Observatory. The City Palace in the heart of the old city is a blend of Rajasthani and Mughal architecture. The center of the palace is a seven storied building called Chandra Palace, with fine views over the gardens and the city. Next stop, the City Palace is the Solar Observatory - an astronomical treasure house, with solar device that gives accurate predictions till date. Overnight: Clarks Amer Hotel. B,L,D

March 30, 2008

Jaipur / Delhi / Canada

Afternoon, return to New Delhi by coach. Lunch is taken en route. Upon arrival in Delhi, dinner and transfer straight to the international airport to connect our late evening flight back to Canada via Abu Dhabi. (Those taking the Sri Lanka extension will be transferred airport separately to travel to Colombo by Sri Lankan airlines flight.) B,L,D Included Meals: B – Breakfast ; L – Lunch; D - Dinner

Why Travel with us? Tourcan Vacations is a Canadian tour operator offering trips to India for more than 25 years. Your trip is planned and organized by Priyantha Amarasinghe CTM, a travel industry veteran of 27 years, who as a Buddhist, is intimately familiar with the religion, the holy sites, the details and nitty-gritty that goes into an efficiently run religious pilgrimage. The trip will be a small group of no more than 20, to allow for more personalised attention to every individual. It appeals not only to Buddhists but anyone with an interest in Buddhism. There are several other good reasons to go as a group. First is the convenience, as all the travel arrangements would have been made in advance. Secondly, group travel provides utmost care, safety and comfort, especially for female pilgrims, families and the senior travellers. The most important advantage is the spirit of Buddhist fellowship among pilgrims travelling together, especially in the company of a venerable monk (see below), who travels with you from start to finish as your Buddhist lecturer and spiritual advisor, making the journey more pleasant and meaningful. What’s more, your organizer, Mr Amarasinghe himself accompanies you all the way to ensure that your lodgings, meals, transportation, local Buddhist guides to visit the sites, are in place and to oversee the trip arrangements.

Your Buddhist Host & Lecturer Bhikkhu Saranapala received his early monastic training from renowned Buddhist scholars in Sri Lanka. It is there he showed his academic skills completing a degree in Oriental Languages with summa cum laude and earned the prestigious title of merit “ Rajakiya or Royal Pandith (Scholar) ” the highest accolades accorded to . Buddhist scholars in Sri Lanka. He joined the WestEnd Buddhist Centre/Temple, Toronto in 1994 and was ably guided by Ven. Dammawansa, the Abbot of the centre. He pursued a degree in Comparative Religious Studies and Western Philosophy at the University of Toronto, securing a BA (Hon.) and followed up with Masters in Arts and Philosophy at the UOT and McMaster University. UOT inducted him among the Arts Batch of 2000 for his academic pursuits. Today, Bhikkhu Saranapala who also uses the title ‘Bhante Saranapala’, (an appellation of personal preference), is pursuing his doctoral studies with a commitment for lifetime of learning and sacred monk hood. His message of Buddhism goes far beyond the ordinary sermons. He had presented talks to the highest people in office in Canada, including the Joint Assembly of the Houses of Parliament in Ottawa, Ontario’s Provincial legislators and Local City Councils and received plaudits for his work. Public and District School Boards in Ontario have regularly engaged Bhante Saranapala as a Buddhist lecturer at seminars at schools and Buddhist retreats. He is fluent in six languages: English, Sinhalese, Bengali, Pali, Sanskrit and Chittang and has an intimate knowledge of the holy sites of Buddhism.


Bonus features

Included Sightseeing in New & Old Delhi, Taj Mahal in Agra, City of Varanasi, Fatehpur Sikri and City of Jaipur in Rajasthan.

All Inclusive Tour Price (with Flights) – 16 Days C$4750 per person from Toronto Single Room Supplement - C$770

What is included in the all inclusive price?

International flights Toronto-Delhi-Toronto (Prices from other major Canadian/US cities available on request) Domestic flights within India- New Delhi to Varanasi Overnight Sleeper train tickets from Lucknow to Agra as stated in the program Quality 3/4 star accommodation at hotels listed or similar class on sharing double /twin basis International and/or Indian style buffet/set menu meals - 14 breakfasts, 14 lunches and 14 dinners during the tour Ground transportation by air-conditioned coach with the services of local drivers Local Buddhist guides for visits to shrines and temples in the itinerary All admission tickets to tourist sites, museums, archaeological sites, monasteries and parks Services of your Canadian based - Buddhist priest/spiritual guide lecturer from West End Buddhist Centre, Toronto throughout the trip The services of an accompanying Tourcan Vacations tour director throughout the trip All local taxes and service charges at hotels.

What is not included in the inclusive price? Visa fees for India and Nepal, (Approx C$130 approx for both visas, subject to change), beverages and drinks during meals, telephone/fax/internet, laundry and house keeping/room service meals at hotels, tips/gratuities for local guides and drivers, travel insurance (Medical and trip cancellation insurance highly recommended and must be booked at the time of deposits), filming/video permits at tourist sites, Sri Lankan airlines flight cost for the Colombo extension, optional Dubai Stopover package, taxes on air travel and any other personal expenses. (Taxes on air travel is Approx C$300, subject to confirmation upon final payment.)


Deposit – C$300 at the time of booking. Balance payment due – 60 days prior to departure

Call Priyantha at Tourcan Vacations for Booking forms and detailed terms and Conditions

Cancellation Policy: Arrangements may be cancelled at any time but the cancellation should be communicated to us in writing. Since cancellation incurs administrative costs, we will retain the deposits paid and in addition will apply cancellation charges as follows. We strongly advise that you have insurance cover against cancellation. More than 60 days 60-45 days 44-30 days Less than 29 days

Deposit only 50% of the total trip cost 75% of the total trip cost 100% of the total trip cost

Discounted Extension Options* Best Value for Money

Extension flight to Sri Lanka from Delhi-Colombo on Sri Lankan Airlines – C$595 extra plus tax 3 Days Dubai Stopover Package with hotel and sightseeing– From C$465 per person (UAE Visa required for s. Details on request)

Stopover in Brussels – Flight extension at FREE (Hotels and services in Brussels extra)

*Only one extension option per person is allowed and extensions cannot be combined. All passengers must travel the outbound journey from Canada together as a group and the extension options are valid on the return journey only. Dubai stopover package is based on sharing double room basis. Brochures are also available at the WestEnd Buddhist Centre, 1569 Cormack Crescent, Mississauga, ON Tel: 905 – 891 8412

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