South Africa Charity challenge, Trek for NOAH

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Trek South Africa Support NOAH – Nuturing Orphans of AIDS for Humanity By 2050, the AIDS pandemic will be recognised as the most significant factor to have shaped the previous 100 years. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says South Africa is one of the most severely affected countries in the world, counting over 7 million people infected with HIV / Aids. There are currently estimated to be 865 270 orphaned children in South Africa

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Do you have any idea what it will be like to have a country where a significant portion of its people have had to sacrifice their childhood innocence to fend for themselves, having no family or cultural value system, and failing to remember the safety and nurturing of their mothers' arms. NOAH is a response to the realisation that South Africa faces an "epidemic of Orphans". Noah works at franchising community-based models of orphan care through which motivated individuals from communities are guided to set up their own community 'Ark'; a network of accountable and synergistic support armed with the skills and confidence to care for their orphaned and vulnerable children Join us on this unique journey to South Africa and combine your generosity with spirit of adventure.

"Today they live in our world. Tomorrow we live in theirs”

Supported by:

13 Days: March 7 – 19, 2007

Fully Escorted

By an experienced trek director

Priyantha 1 800 262 6818 or 416 – 923 2003 – Ext 208 Bookings & Information Call:

Day By Day Tour Itinerary March 7, 2007 – Depart Canada

Depart Canada via Europe or USA (On board meals)

March 8, 2007 – Johannesburg - Durban

Upon arrival at Johannesburg Airport, you will be in transit to connect your onward flight to Durban. On arriving in Durban, you will be welcomed by our representatives and NOAH officials and transferred to your downtown Durban hotel. Welcome dinner D

March 9, 2007 – Durban - Hluhluwe Imfolozi Reserve After breakfast, a brief sightseeing of Durban and transfer to your lodge in the Zululand, home to the most famous tribe in Africa. Check-in at the Gazebo Safari lodge for 2 nights and lunch. The Zululand region abounds with wildlife in extensive reserves within reach of Durban; the largest of these is the Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve, where the white rhino was rescued from extinction. This afternoon enjoy an afternoon game drive in the reserve accompanied by an experienced ranger and have the opportunity of coming to within a few paces of rhinos, giraffes, buffalo, elephant and a range of other African animals. Following a game walk, board the awaiting open game viewing vehicles for another game drive. BLD

March 10, 2007 Hluhluwe

An early morning wake up call, depart on a full day safari in open game viewing vehicles. Spend some time walking in the reserve, experiencing the wonders of the African bush on foot. Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve, set in the heart of Zululand, the oldest game reserve in Africa where Zulu kings such as Dingiswayo and Shaka hunted and put in place the first conservation laws, where today the "big five" of African legend stalk the verdant savannah. The wide range of plant life in the park gives rise to a diversity of mammals, birdlife, reptiles and amphibians. The Big Five - lion, rhino (back & white) elephant, buffalo and leopard are all to be seen in the park, as well as a variety of other species, including cheetah, wild dog and giraffe. This evening we visit Vula Zulu where a cultural show and dinner will be enjoyed. Vula Zulu, a traditional homestead, is the setting this evening for guests to have the privilege of watching 50 to 100 Impi warriors trained by an associate of a Zulu prince, performing age-old dancing rites, as was done prior to and after battle. BLD

March 14, 2007 – Drakensberg Mountains (Continued)

One can only visit the “Battle Cave Rock Art site” in the company of a KZN Wildlife ranger, and it is well worth the trip. The Rock Art site has a whole Battle Story to tell by way of the incredible Rock Art story painted on the rocks. A little way from the main panels is an incredible drawing of Rhino. After our visit to the Rock Art site, we set off to Marble Baths for lunch next to a cool mountain stream. This is a lovely place to spend a hot day. On the way back one sees new scenery as you backtrack on the path you walked up. There are unusual rock formations and all are different and intriguing. It is then time to pick up a bit of pace from the leisurely day, cross the last river and head back to the awaiting vehicle for your transfer back to hotel. BLD

March 15, 2007 – Drakensberg

After breakfast we depart for Drakensville, the regional NOAH resource centre for the region near Bergville. We spend the entire day with the community here and accompany the NOAH volunteers on their visits to the local households where children are affected by HIV and Aids. (Packed lunches) BLD

March 16, 2007 – Drakensberg – Durban – Cape Town After breakfast, transfer to Durban Airport for your flight to Cape Town. Upon arrival in Cape Town our representative meets you, and transfers you to your lodge. Check in at Silvermist Mountain Lodge for 3 nights. Lunch and spend the remainder of the afternoon exploring Cape Town at your leisure - rugged mountains, two oceans, the Cape wine lands and the magical giant skyline of the Table Mountain. The choices are endless. Dinner at the lodge. BLD

March 17, 2007 – Table Mountain Trek – Approx 6 hours walk

A specialized walking guide meets us this morning and transfers us to Table Mountain for the start of our day’s trek. Begin with a stiff ascent up the front of Table Mountain - about 650 meters. Ascend up Platteklip Gorge which is simple and non-technical. The route involves the ascent up the mountain to Maclears Beacon (the highest point at 1087 meters) and then across the east side of The Back Table above Kirstenbosch Gardens. A stop will be made to enjoy a delicious picnic lunch. Continue past The Dams and down to Constantia Neck. This evening dine at a local restaurant in the Cape Town Waterfront. BLD

March 11, 2007 – Hluhluwe / New Hannover

March 18, 2007 – False Bay & Cape Point Nature Reserve Trek

March 12, 2007 – New Hannover / Drakensberg

After breakfast we depart the lodge for Cape Point Nature Reserve where we commence our hike for the day. Walk along the cliffs above False Bay, eventually descending to the rocky shores and beaches before the final pull up Rooikrans to Cape Point, the most beautiful days walk in the area. Stop for picnic lunch. The walk ends at Cape Point where you are then transferred by bus to your lodge. This evening, transfer to Lelapa Restaurant for dinner. BLD

An early breakfast, check out and transfer through the Kwa Zulu midlands to The Wartburgerhof. Following a light lunch, visit one of NOAH’s flagship resource centres – Trust Feeds and the afternoon will be spent with the children at this NOAH Resource Centre. We will overnight at The Wartburgerhof Hotel. BLD Breakfast, check out and transfer to the Cathkin Valley of the Central Drakensberg. Arrival at Champagne Castle Hotel, your hotel for the next 4 nights. Lunch and afternoon at leisure. BLD

March 13, 2007 Drakensberg Mountains

After breakfast we head out from the hotel on a spectacular hike up to the Contour path and Blind Man’s Corner. (Packed lunches) – BLD

March 14, 2007 – Drakensberg Mountains Today we travel to Injasuthi, a spectacular neighbouring valley within the Central Drakensberg range. Our hike today to the Battle Cave a trek up the valley which is spectacular with the flora and fauna contrasting with the old mountain rocks and high peaks presenting a wonderful changing view of the area.

Lelapa Restaurant is found in Langa, one of the oldest Townships in South Africa, Put on your Township shoes for a Homely feast of African flavors. Locals and foreigners tuck into a buffet laden with Soul Food. Individual hot breads, gingery butternut, samp and beans, stews and chili-dashed spinach make up some of the traditional South African items on the Menu.

March 19, 2007 – Cape Town – Canada via Europe or USA

After breakfast this morning, check out and transfer to Cape Town International Airport for your onward flight home. B

B- Breakfast: L – Lunch; D – Dinner

NOAH –Nurturing Orphans of AIDS for Humanity By joining this trek, you support NOAH’s primary mission to help the staggering number of children orphaned by AIDS to mature into emotionally and psychologically stable adults, capable of forming lasting and loving relationships, of being nurturing parents to their own children and responsible and participative citizens of South Africa. NOAH encourages a group effort from the community and effective planning and organization and has developed a 12step programme through which enthused, driven and accountable individuals from a given community are mentored to set up their own community network to care for their vulnerable children, known as an Ark. Our Arks consist of three main components: a committee; trained volunteers; and resource centres. A Committee of volunteered and elected community leaders is tasked with driving and developing each Ark project. The volunteers (termed barefoot social workers) are the eyes and ears of the committee, the government social worker and Noah, checking that the care children receive at home is adequate, identifying problems and offering basic counseling in trauma, bereavement and HIV/Aids. The resource centres, usually located at primary schools, are places where children can receive a balanced daily meal, have access to computers and libraries, have their homework supervised, receive counseling, play sport; learn to grow food and other life skills; like nutrition and hygiene, language and communication and elementary business skills. The model is specifically designed to be low-cost, sustainable and capable of being applied throughout South Africa. NOAH currently supervises more than 60 Arks in South Africa at various stages of development. Its objective is to mobilize 1000 communities by 2008, when the vertical curve illustrating the orphan epidemic graph rises skyward, with an estimate of approximately 2500 newly orphaned children per day. NOAH is associated with extensive partnerships with international entities like USAID, Habitat for Humanity, government, corporations and other NGO's,

How this trip makes a difference

As a promoter of responsible and sustainable tourism, our aim is simple. NOAH and AIDS Orphans in Kwa-zulu Natal province of South Africa are in dire need of monetary and material support for their rehabilitation programs. We think there is no better way to help than by going to their villages and see the needs in our own eyes. For this purpose, in our trek we have included extensive visits to NOAH Ark’s, their resource centres and the local households to meet with volunteers and affected children. How do we help? In a small way, you will automatically donate C$250 from your trip price to an essential NOAH development project. As with all our charity-based adventures, we offer the best of both worlds - ample time to enjoy the beauty of the destination you visit. South Africa is truly a treasure house and a land of contrasting cultures. This once in a lifetime adventure, encompasses a myriad of activities – walking, hiking the scenic Drakensberg and the Table Mountains and the beautiful Cape, game drives in one of the premier game reserves in search of the Big Five, cultural immersions with the Zulu tribes and more - All packed with delightful discoveries.

Habitat for Humanity Canada Habitat for Humanity International actively supports NOAH projects in South Africa and encourages you to join this unique adventure of a life time and help eliminate the suffering of AIDS victims in South Africa. Habitat for Humanity is made up of affiliate partners in 100 countries around the globe. Each affiliate has an ever expanding positive impact on their local communities. New homeowners assist with the construction of their neighbours’ houses and become members of a Habitat homeowners volunteer group which can work together to tackle other needs in the community. The new construction creates jobs for local tradesman and stimulates local business. Habitat is a non-profit; faith based housing organization that works with people of all backgrounds, races and religions.

Global Village logo

Trek Price: C$5790 per person sharing

C$ 745 for single supplement ~ Taxes/fees on air extra C$250-300 approx, subject to change

What is included in my trip price? -

Round trip economy class airfare from Canada to South Africa Domestic flight from Durban to Cape Town Accommodation at hotels and lodges listed in the itinerary or similar available All meals, starting with dinner on March 8, ending with breakfast on March 19 All transfers and transportation between the hikes and visits by 4 X 4 jeeps or mini vans. Game drives in Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve with experienced safari driver-guides as per itinerary Vula Zulu cultural experience with dinner Guided Hikes in the Drakensburg mountains and Table Mountain national park Supervised visits to NOAH’s ark projects in Trustfeeds, New Hannover and Drakensville Durban sightseeing with guide All local taxes and service charges at hotels. Service of an experienced trek director of SkyLink Holidays throughout the trip Donation of C$250 for NOAH, South Africa

Not Included: Tips for local guides and porters, travel insurance (Medical rescue and trip cancellation insurance highly recommended and must be booked at the time of deposits) and any other personal expenses. Cancellation Policy: Arrangements may be cancelled at any time but the cancellation should be communicated to us in writing. Since cancellation incurs administrative costs, we will retain the deposits paid and in addition will apply cancellation charges as follows. We strongly advise that you have insurance cover against cancellation More than 60 days 60-45 days 44-30 days Less than 29 days


Deposit only 50% 75% 100%

Deposit – C$300 at the time of booking / Balance due – 60 days prior to departure Booking forms, terms and Conditions on request Travel Insurance for this adventure is highly recommended. Ask for details of our attractive Travel Insurance packages

The itinerary is only a guideline. On adventure trips of this type, weather, local politics, transport or a multitude of other factors beyond our control can result in changes. It is, however, very unlikely that the itinerary would be substantially altered; if alterations are necessary the leader will decide what is the best alternative, taking into consideration the best interests of the whole group. Where a change does occur, we do everything we can to minimize its effect, but we cannot be responsible for the results of changes or delays.

South African Safari

Award-winning VHS video – Running time 82 min. By John P. Wilson and Denice L. Wilkins

Value: C$50


If booked & paid in full By Oct 31, 2006

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