South West Coast Path (UK)
Part 1
Welcome to Part 1 of the South West Coast Path Adventure Information Pack. First, a quick word before you dive in... Every attempt is made to ensure that the information provided on the Adventure Eyes publications is accurate, however locations and organisations change over time and therefore we cannot be held accountable should details change. Any reliance you place on the information contained on the Adventure Eyes publications is therefore strictly at your own risk. Many of the activities and adventures discussed on the Adventure Eyes publications are by their very nature, potentially dangerous. In choosing to undertake those activities you do so at your own risk. Whilst we actively promote adventures we urge you to ensure that you are appropriately knowledgable and skilled to undertake the activities safely. Alternatively, we recommend that you use an experienced, qualified instructor to help you to develop the initial skills and knowledge required. Now thatʼs said, enjoy reading through this Information Pack and enjoy your adventures in the South West!
The Adventure Eyes Team