The Adviser 1290

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No 1:1290


COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 Letters to the Editor | page 8 Ultimate Home Living | pages 19-21 Classifieds | pages 27-29 7 Day TV Guide | page 30 ADVERTISING HOTLINE: 5832 8900

Shepparton Festival Program STUDENTS FAREWELL PRINCIPAL, page 4 JUDY PARK

Adviser Travel with Geoff Vallance


Pages 16 & 17

page 24

Business gets tails wagging


A day for tradies

By David Lee FROM dachshunds to pugs, most people can’t help but smile when they see a dog in its element, and this is what former locals, Evan Lowden and Tom Weston have utilised to begin building their business into an empire. Moving to Melbourne in 2011, the boys kick-started their business in 2014, Sausage Dog Central, with a clever method of building their presence on social media, which now has over 640,000 plus likes on Facebook and more than 196,000 followers on Instagram. Seeing a gap in the market for their products, which include items for humans such as clothes, homewares, jewellery and gifts, as well as items for the hounds themselves such a toys, treats, beads, clothing, one of the more successful and innovative items the boys created and began selling was a dog ramp called the ‘DachRamp.’ Continued on page 26

Simon Ryan will have boats, jet skis, ALL FOR THE TRADIES… Boats & More director, Tradies Day, which will boast nearly 40 arton Shepp year’s this at ories access fishing rods and , February 19. Photo: Emma Hillier. Friday this s site-holders at the Shepparton Showground

“TRADIES constitute a massive portion of the Shepparton workforce, yet we rarely see anything which caters to them as a group,” Shepparton Tradies Day committee member, Tony Pastucci said. Now in its second year, the Shepparton Tradies Day expo aims to do just that.

The expo boasts nearly 40 site-holders and has quadrupled in size since last year. “Shepparton Tradies Day is free to the community and is open to everyone. For instance, we have a ‘Boys Toys and Tools’ section, which would appeal to the home renovator; Shepparton 4 W heel Drive

Centre will be there, for anyone interested in cars, camping or bush bashing; and for those who prefer water action, Boats and More will be in attendance as well. Continued on page 25

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Green bin contamination rises

RECOGNITION FOR EMPLOYERS… … From left, GradAustralia director, Jeff Duncan, representing the Prime Minister, Leader of the House and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Hon Christopher Pyne MP, GradAustralia director, Steven Butler and former Shepparton student and GradAustralia account director, Geoffrey Adams. Photo: Supplied.

Australia’s top 100 announced IN the lead up to the release of the second annual GradAustralia Top 100 Graduate Employer Guide, the top 100 graduate employers for 2016 received recognition during a special presentation in Sydney recently. Leader of the House and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Hon Christopher Pyne presented an award to the top 12 sector winners listed in the annual survey carried out by GradAustralia, with the overall award going to Google Australia, who were voted the most desirable graduate employer in Australia for the second consecutive year. Minister Pyne said, “The Government is building a national agenda around science and innovation, so it’s important to commend these employers for their focus on nurturing young talent and fostering new

GREEN lid bin contamination levels have risen by 6.47 percent when comparing the January 2016 rate with the January 2015 rate me a n i ng t here a re some residents placing the wrong thing in their bins. Contamination in January 2016 was 9.57 percent and in January 2015 was 3.10 percent. G re ater Sheppa r ton C it y C ou nci l manager environment, Greg McKenzie said, “The result was really disappointing. Some residents are doing well and putting all the right things in the green lid bin, however some are just not thinking about what they are disposing of in the green lid bin. “The main contaminates were plastic bags, nappies and plastic bottles. We even found someone’s clothing jacket in the green bin, which clearly doesn’t belong there. “W hen the green lid bin is contaminated, this contaminates the

entire truck load of waste that is then taken to landfill. U ltimately costing council $125 per tonne, which is passed onto the rate payer. “I am sure most residents want to do the right thing, they just need to check what can go into the green lid bin, if it grows then it goes in the green lid bin. “In January 2016 we had 63.7 tonnes of waste contamination in the green lid (organics) bin going to landfill out of 665 total tonnes of organics collected from kerbsides. Last January we picked up 515 tonnes of kerbside green waste and 16.22 tonne was sent to landfill. We have had an increase of 150 tonne of kerbside green waste, which is great, but we need to ensure the right things are going into the green lid bin.” If you receive a sticker on your green lid bin about contamination, please take the time to check what you are putting in the bin. More information can be found at

ideas and innovation. The graduate programs being recognised tonight are further investment in our future leaders. GradAustralia director, Jeffrey Duncan said, “In the 2016 survey 83 percent of students agreed that innovation was an important factor when choosing an employer, so it’s not surprising to see students seeking out employers like Google who are associated with a culture of innovation.” GradAustralia distributes 60,000 copies of the top 100 guide to students on campus as they begin applying for graduate positions opening in 2017. For further information, visit The 2016 edition will be released to the public on February 22. Former Goulburn Valley Grammar School student, Geoffrey Adams is a founding partner in the new start-up.

Sector Winners – Australia Accountancy and financial management: Deloitte Australia Banking, financial services and investment: Commonwealth Bank Civil engineering, building services and construction: Arup Consulting: Accenture

Consumer goods: manufacturing and marketing: Unilever Engineering, R&D and manufacturing: Cochlear Limited IT, telecoms and media: Google Law: Herbert Smith Freehills Logistics, transport and supply chain: Qantas

Mining, energy, oil and gas: BHP Billiton Public services and utilities: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Retail, management and human resources: Woolworths OVERALL WINNER: Google

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 3


Next adventure begins for passionate principal GOODBYE MRS PARK… From left, (back), Hannah, 5, Thomas, 6, Hayley, 6, resigning principal, Judy Park, new principal, Denise Howley, Aiden, 6, Dylan, 6, Ben, 6, Taylah, 6. (Front), Georgia, 5, Tayla, 5, Chance, 5, Jarrod, 5, Oliver, 5, Kalondra, 5, Eliza, 5, during the assembly last week to farewell Judy. Photo: Emma Hillier.

By David Lee AFTER spending 20 years in the role of principal across Shepparton and Echuca, 12 of those at Bourchier Street Primary School, Judy Park hung up her principal hat on Friday last

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week and is eager to start her next adventure. W hile she will be moving on from Shepparton, Judy’s teaching journey is not coming to an end just yet, with her plans seeing her take an extended stay in Vietnam, where she may work to teach English as a second language to orphanages and schools. Judy spoke with The Adviser about her time at Bourchier Street Primary School, explaining she had always had a passion for schooling. “When I went to teacher’s college I loved learning and teaching others to learn was a natural progression. “What inspires me are the teachers I work with. They are passionate about the work they do and enthusiastic about helping the children.

The whole educational journey is very exciting. “A school yard is an interesting place to be. Every day there is a hilarious thing that goes on. I think my favourite though has been the kids’ innocence. Being able to see the world through their eyes is inspiring and the most humorous thing. “Bourchier Street Primary School is a fantastic school and the work that happens there will continue on through the work of the dedicated team. “Denise Howley will be taking on the role of principal. We both have the same passion and drive for state education so it is nice to know I am leaving the school in good hands.”

Italian exporters found guilty ALL Italian canned tomato exporters have been found guilty of dumping product in Australia according to findings from the Australian Anti-Dumping Commission (ADC) and the Australian government. In its final report, the ADC acknowledged that European Union subsidies were being used by the Italian tomato processors to dump cheap products in Australia. SPC managing director, Reg Weine said, “This is a win for SPC and our growers, and for Australian industry, which faces daily pressure to compete with cheap imports and those cutting corners and putting slavery in a can. “Recent reports of slave labour used to produce canned Italian tomatoes and mafia involvement are shocking. Australians need to know where their food is from and if it’s been ethically produced.

“Australian retailers need to come to the party by supporting Australian manufacturers and making Australian made and grown products readily available and easier to identify and find on shelves. “Since 2010 the illegal dumping of products has resulted in material damage to SPC, including a loss of 40 percent of its volume and reduced profitability, as it struggled to compete on price with these dumped Italian tomato products. “You can’t provide €183M in subsidies to the Italian tomato industry and expect it not to have downward pressure on production costs. “I urge all Australian consumers to support our farmers and at the same time consider the quality, value, ethics and food miles of Australian grown products when they choose to buy tomato products in retailers. If in doubt, #Buyhomegrown.”


Shepparton gets its own currency By David Lee WHEN the name Ducat is mentioned, most think of the famous Mr D, but soon the first thing to come to mind will be Shepparton’s own currency, thanks to Lost Shepparton founder, Geoff Allemand’s idea to help boost spending locally. The Ducat, as it will be called, will come in $1, $2, $5 and $10 notes adorned with iconic historic images of Shepparton’s past and will only be able to be spent at participating local businesses. Geoff spoke with The Adviser about where the idea came from and his plan to launch the Ducat currency at the Summer City Market on February 26 and 27. Geoff said, “We currently have 15 local businesses participating but were hoping to have around 50 by the time we launch at the market. “The concept is all about finding a way to support local business with a community currency that recognises only local businesses. “Cities around the world have been doing this for 12 to 15 years including Salt Spring Island off the coast of Canada and Berkshire in Massachusettes and Bristol. “Cr Fern Summer actually announced on social media that she would have $50 of her council allowance paid to her in Ducats. “We have recently had SPC Ardmona Factory Sales come on board. SPC Ardmona Factory Sales is another iconic name and to

DUCATS A BUSINESS BOOST… From left, Lost Shepparton founder, Geoff Allemand and SPC Ardmona Factory Sales proprietor, Samuel Prentice with the new Ducats currency, which Geoff developed to help Shepparton have its own currency that can only be spent in participating local businesses. Photo: Emma Hillier.

have them and the Prentices linked to this is a great endorsement to the programme.” SPC Ardmona Factory Sales proprietor, Samuel Prentice said, “This certainly is an intriguing concept. “We think that the Ducat will be a great introduction as far as keeping money local.” For more information or to see a full list of businesses participating, visit BEST BAKERS TO GO HEAD-TO-HEAD… From left, GOTAFE baking trainer, Kim Banfield with Certificate III of Retail Baking Combined students, Victoria Nielson and Jay Major, who are looking forward to the 10th Baking Association of Australia’s (BAA) annual Baking Show happening this weekend, where talented local bakers and apprentices will go head-to-head in a number of ‘bake-offs,’ all from the event’s new location at the McIntosh Centre, Shepparton Showgrounds. To attend the Victorian Baking Show as a member of the public, or enter the competition, visit and click on the Victorian site or call Tony Smith on 0410 511 414. Photo: Emma Hillier.

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 5



For more information on how to register for your Community Connect listing contact The Adviser via email at Please note listings are to be 45 words or less. UPCOMING CHURCH OF CHRIST GAR AGE SALE will be held on Sat u rday, Februar y 27 from 8:30am to 12 noon at the Church of Christ, corner of Nixon and Corio Streets, Shepparton. Great bargains and a sausage sizzle available. For further information, phone 5821 7699. SHEPPARTON POLIO SUPPORT GROUP MEETING will be held on Tuesday, March 1 from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Milne Bay Room, Shepparton RSL, 88 Wyndham

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Street, Shepparton. Guest speakers will be Liz and Ron Telford from Post Polio Victoria. For further information or to RSVP, phone Rhonda White on 1800 222 582. WOR L D DAY OF PR AY E R S E RV IC E in Shepparton will be held at the Salvation Army Church at 10am on Friday, March 4. On this day, more that 3 million people in over 170 countries will be praying together during a global annual day of prayer. For more information, contact Lois on 5821 9605. S H E P PA R T O N T E X T I L E A R T I S T S present ‘Be Consumed,’ an exhibition of contemporary textile art located upstairs at Eastbank. Open daily from 10am to 4pm from March 5 to 13. A fabulous range of i nt roduc tor y work shops a re ava i lable , covering a range of techniques. For further information, contact Debbie on 0400 868 606 or Val on 0417 231 957. ONGOING IS SOM EON E’S DR I N K I NG CAUSI NG YOU CONCER N? A re you troubled by someone else’s drinking? Al-Anon Groups for adults and Alateen groups for children offer anonymous help and emotional support to those affected. For information, contact Al-Anon Family Groups 5825 1160. ESHCOL DAYLIGHT LODGE meets from 10:30am on the fourth Monday of every month. New and unaffiliated members are welcome to join and partners are welcome for lunch. For further information or enquiries, phone 5824 1274 or 5825 2142.

SHEPPARTON SOROPTIMIST CLUB meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Pines, Numurkah Road in Shepparton from 6pm for a 6:30pm dinner meeting with guest speakers. If you are interested in joining a service club, helping the community and making new friends, contact Jeanette 5823 1985. THE LEUKAEMIA FOUNDATION Hume office provides information, assistance and support for people living with leukaemia, ly mphoma, myeloma, M DS a nd M PN. C ont ac t L a n i Sh iels , Suppor t S er v ices Coordinator on 5821 0033. For volunteering or fundraising opportunities with the foundation, please ask for Kristin Paton on 0481 009 754. C O N N E C T M E D I TAT I O N G R O U P are inviting the community to enjoy the benefits of meditation. One hour sessions are held every Thursday night from 7:30pm at Harmony Place, 9a Edward Street in Shepparton and admission is $8. For further information, contact Lisa 0419 562 790 or Roger 0427 541 611. A S S O C I AT I O N O F I N D E P E N D E N T RETIREES meets on the third Monday of each month at 9:45am at the Overlander Hotel, Benalla Road, Shepparton. Share group meeting will be at 9am. For further information, phone Bill on 5821 1854. Tell us about your ‘not for profit’ community events, email classifieds@sheppartonadviser. or fax 5832 8920 (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event)

MOTOR SHOW IS COMING… Shepparton Motor Museum curator, Graeme Balfour at the Shepparton Motor Museum, which will be hosting its fourth annual motor show this Sunday, February 21. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Get your motors revving THE Shepparton Motor Museum is setting the stage for a show that will get your motor revving, with their fourth annual motor show. Running this Sunday, February 21 from 10am to 2pm at the Shepparton Motor Museum, Emerald Bank, the event promises to offer a fun-filled day for the whole family, with 500 cars and bikes expected to be shown off and live music, a barbeque, food stalls and plenty of activities for the kids. Shepparton Motor Museum curator, Graeme Balfour said, “We invite the community to come down and show off your wheels or just come and spend the day enjoying all Emerald Bank and the adjoining Adventure Park have to offer. “See the ever-changing display at the

Shepparton Motor Museum, visit Riverside Gardens, Pot-Werx, AOK Angels of Kindness and Barclay’s Antiques and Collectables. Or simply relax at either The Provender or Windmill Chocolate Shop & Café, while music by ‘Who Was That Cat’ and performances by ‘Cool Cat Rockers’ entertain you. “The kids will also be kept amused with a jumping castle, face painting, mini golf, rock climbing wall and a trackless train around the park.” Admission is $5 per person and includes entry into the Shepparton Motor Museum. For further information, find ‘Shepparton Motor Museum’ on Facebook, or contact Helen or Graeme on 5823 5833.

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Letters to the Editor

We welcome letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.

WHAT THE CITY WANTS TO DO WITH MAUDE STREET Dear Editor, There has been quite a lot of debate surrounding the Maude Street Mall since it was first opened in 1989 and yet we still seem to be no closer to a solution that will suit everyone. Of course I understand that not everybody will be happy with one solution, but from what I have been hearing, the people of Shepparton want it re-opened to traffic, or at least partly. The story that appeared on the front page in The Adviser (“CBD through the eyes of a student” on Wednesday, February 3) was an interesting insight into what an outsider thinks should be done. There was no mention of re-opening it, simply ideas that could be introduced that might help to liven up the area. Personally, I think we need more ideas like these thrown into the mix instead of staring blankly at the only two options being floated, re-open it to traffic or leave it as is. What the council need to do is actually carry out a proper community consultation over a few months and give everyone the opportunity to speak their mind. At the end of the day, they need to listen to what the local community and business owners want and as with everything else they vote on, majority rules…and if this were to take place, I have a feeling the mall would be re-opened. Perhaps council should have considered the offer that was put on the table in the 90s where business owners were offering to contribute to the cost of re-opening the mall to traffic, especially if their view is that it would not be cost effective for them to spend $4M to do it.

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It really is quite simple…this debate will never end until the majority get what they want. Yours sincerely, David James Shepparton

PROACTIVE APPROACH TO ALZHEIMERS Dear Editor, It would be remiss of me not to make comment on figures released this week (Wednesday, February 10) by Alzheimers Australia Victoria highlighting the projected increases in the number of people living with dementia. Shepparton was reported as having 1,700 people living with dementia with that figure tipped to increase to more than 5,000 by 2050. Shepparton Retirement Villages is well aware of the figures and has been proactive in preparing for the future. Our current dementia services provided across our three sites keep pace with research and best practice developments. Dementia is everyone’s business and our Goulburn Valley community can be assured that we are delivering quality care with our current services, and plans for a new state of the art aged care facility (revealed December 2015) are being designed to meet the increasing demands for high level care and to support those people and their families living with dementia. We look forward to sharing more of these plans with the community very soon. Yours sincerely, Kerri Rivett Chief Executive Shepparton Retirement Villages


Dear Editor, I have often wondered which country has the most whingers per capita. The article in The Adviser on February 10 had grumblings of crumblings of the roads in the district. To me, a catastrophe waiting to happen is the mentality of the types who do the complaining and if it weren’t the roads, then stereotypically, there would be something else to complain about. How about employ i ng some latera l thinking and take the other road. I can only imagine that it would be a little too disharmonious for one’s lifest yle, and possibly ruin one’s make-up. My suggestion for these types is to stop the whinging and appreciate what you do have including the roads that just lay there for your luxurious convenience. For those that choose to whinge in this country, there are plenty of DIY stores where one can purchase building materials. Buy the appropriate bits and pieces, build a bridge, get over it and stay there. This may improve the percentage of the satisfied types. Yours sincerely, Terence Ashdown Koonda Want to have your say? Email your letters to the Editor to Max 100 words

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The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 9


NEW LOCATION, SAME GREAT SERVICE… Telstra Store Target Arcade store manager, Johnny Grasso and assistant manager, Brenton Murchie outside their newly relocated store in the Target Arcade in the Maude Street Mall. Photo: Emma Hillier.

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Telstra Stores in handy locations

Wyndh am


THE latest relocation of a Telstra Store to the Target Arcade in the CBD just adds convenience to the long list of advantages Telstra offers. “Sometimes it’s really helpful to be able to have a face-to-face conversation with an expert in the field and to physically experience our products in the store,” Telstra Stores managing director, Scott Kelly said. It makes even more sense when it’s local staff, servicing local customers. “We are proud to say that between our stores, we now employ a team of over 60 local people. “We make a point of supporting our local communities. We know the area, we have strong family ties to the region and we show our support through various agreements with local community and business events and groups.” In the CBD store, Johnny Grasso and Brenton Murchie can assist you with all your home, business, mobile phone, internet and now NBN requirements. “We continue to see ou r region becoming one of the first areas in Australia to have such wide scale access to the NBN. “In the coming months the majority of Shepparton and Mooroopna residents will have access to the network, which is fantastic news for the Greater Shepparton region,” Scott said. For face-to-face service and knowledge, backed by a multi-national company, visit the Telstra Stores at these convenient locations: Shepparton Marketplace, the Target Arcade in the Maude Street Mall, or pop into the Telstra Business Centre at 114 – 116 Wyndham Street, phone 5820 7060. Fryers


Friars Cafe

Lemon Tree Cafe




Commonwealth Bank

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Village Cinemas

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Union St


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Coles Supermarket

Go Tafe


Target Arcade, Maude Street Mall,

SPC Ardmona Factory Sales

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 11

Stay vigilant during fire season T H ER E is a fundamental truth about bushfires. If you are caught in the middle of one, there is a risk you will be killed by it. This simple reality underpins the ‘Leave and Live’ message promoted by the Victorian Government this Summer. With t wo weeks until the end of Summer, the state is being warned to remain vigilant and know what to do in the event of a fire. Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett said, “Tragically, people too often leave it too late to get out. “It’s your responsibility to understand your fire risk, monitor the conditions around you, and know what you’re going to do if a fire starts. “Sometimes it isn’t possible to leave early but what we’re asking Victorians to do is to plan and prepare now to reduce the risk.”

LEAVE AND LIVE… With two weeks until the end of Summer, the state is being warned to remain vigilant and know what to do in the event of a fire. Photo: David Lee.

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NEWS FUNDING CONTINUES… Kildonan UnitingCare Child and Family Services team leader Shepparton, Vicki Huggard and Reconnect Newly Arrived Youth Services caseworker, Sonali Jayasundera, who are both pleased that the government will continue funding the Kildonan UnitingCare Reconnect program. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Help for new arrivals at risk HELPING young people from culturally diverse backgrounds who are at risk of homelessness will remain a priority, after news the Federal Government will continue to fund the Kildonan

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UnitingCare Reconnect program in Shepparton was released recently. T he Depar tment of Social S er vices announced the program, which has a specific focus on supporting young people who are newly arrived or where their parents have newly settled in Australia, would be refunded until June 30, 2017. The Reconnect Shepparton program targets young people aged 12 to 21 in Greater Shepparton and Moira and has strong links with other relevant services including education, training and employment, youth mental health, physical health services and housing services. Kildonan CEO, Stella Avramopoulos said the funding certainty will allow Kildonan to help young people from a range of cultural

backgrounds continue to receive the support they need. “Trying to make a home in a new country can be challenging, especially for young people. “Reconnect Shepparton helps young people, who have been in Australia for fewer than five years, to stabilise their living situation and improve their connections with family, work, education, training and the local community. “This funding means Kildonan can continue to support vulnerable young people, and to help break the cycle of homelessness through one on one support, participation in group activities and practical support for the whole family.” For more information on Reconnect, phone 5831 6157 or email

Stroll your way to good health THIS year, the very popular Twilight Stroll will be occurring only once, in February, instead of the traditional bi-annual event, so it makes sense to join in the fun this time around. Greater Shepparton City Council healthy communities officer, Carmen Nicholson said, “People can register at Chinaman’s Garden in Mooroopna or the bridge behind Aquamoves, take a leisurely stroll to SPC KidsTown with family, friends and lots of kids on scooters, then engage in a number of free activities and events. “We’ve had feedback over the years expressing surprise regarding how short the stroll actually seems once participants have done it. However, we do have shuttle buses back at the end of the night for those tired little champions, who have expended all their energy.” With councillors serving on the free

barbecue, Twilight Stroll also represents a great opportunity to generate integration between city council and the public it serves. Special features this year include River Connect’s presentation ‘Animals of Oz’, where the kids (and any brave adults) can pet lizards and snakes. Part of this presentation includes a bat talk and a turtle talk. Live entertainment will be provided by local musician, Antonio Formica. “This event is the perfect combination, as our activities are always aiming to promote physical activity, as well as family and social connectedness. The other great thing is Twilight Stroll doesn’t discriminate financially, as the event is completely free,” Carmen said. So, come down for a stroll on Friday, February 19 from 5.30pm to 8pm or, for more information, visit

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home living

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BENEFITS OF STUDYING WITH LA TROBE… Incoming Committee for Greater Shepparton CEO, Sam Birrell says that there are many benefits to studying a MBA at La Trobe University’s Shepparton campus. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Become a master of business with La Trobe I NCOM I NG Com mit tee for Greater Shepparton CEO, Sam Birrell began his M a s ter of B u si ne s s Ad m i n i s t rat ion (MBA) course with La Trobe University’s Shepparton Campus at the beginning of 2015, saying that completing the course regionally brings great advantages. The La Trobe’ MBA is one of the few programs in the world to hold Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) accreditation, awarded by the European Foundation for Management Development. The MBA is about more than just taking the next step in a career, and at La Trobe’ students are given the chance to consider issues like responsibilities to co-workers and the community, and graduate as a leader who can develop and sustain a competitive advantage for an organisation. La Trobe University pro vice chancellor, Professor Richard Speed said, “There’s no MBA program delivered face to face between the Melbourne ring road and C a nb er ra. S o t h roug h ou r reg iona l campuses we were able to deliver this MBA to managers working across the state in a convenient way where they come to our campus one night a week, two nights a week, whatever suits them.”

Sam said, “The La Trobe University Shepparton Campus is the only university in Victoria that has a regional delivery with the MBA. “This course is designed for people working full-time and is a high level, high quality program run by very impressive facilitators. “This course goes beyond just sitting in classrooms and listening to lectures. There is a real hands-on element to it. “You pick up and fine-tune a very wide range of skills from business analysis and ethical leadership to financial and management accounting. “Students who are completing the whole course in Melbourne have communicated to me that having interaction with regional students helps them to learn about regional issues, which is an advantage that future business leaders are being exposed to. “A n o t h e r g r e at t h i n g ab o u t t h e Shepparton campus is that it has recognised the Fairley Leadership program as an elective.” For further information on La Trobe University’s Shepparton Campus MBA, visit the campus at 210 Fryers Street, phone 5820 8600 or visit


home living

Does your home come with resort-style amenities? AT Lifest yle Sheppar ton, over 20 0 homeowners have chosen to downsize differently. Rather than moving to a unit or tow n hou s e , t h e y h ave c ho s e n a n independent community of over 50s where each home comes with access to a multi-million dollar clubhouse with resort amenities. Lifest yle Com mu n ities ma rketing manager, Katrina Steel said, “ Not only does Lifestyle Shepparton offer an amazing lifestyle, but financially a move allows most to free up money from the sale of their old home. “In addition to this, homeowners pay no council rates, no stamp duty and they are also able to take advantage of discounted electricity rates. “One of the favoured reasons for

DOWNSIZE DIFFERENTLY… More than 200 homeowners have chosen to downsize differently, with Lifestyle Shepparton. Photo: Supplied.

choosing to buy a brand new Lifestyle home is that people also feel more secure. They are surrounded by like-minded people, have a secure gated entry and live in community. Managers also keep an eye on things,” Katrina said. Lifestyle Shepparton is like living in a resort 52 weeks of the year. Homeowners have a clubhouse, tennis court, fishing boat, bowling green, gym, cinema, workshop and indoor pool. A new Aqua Club containing outdoor pool and cabana will open in late 2016. Come and see for yourself what life could be like at 65 Channel Road, Shepparton. The display village and clubhouse are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm or on Saturday by appointment. For more information call Mitch on 5831 1133 or visit

Hotondo Homes launches 3DExplore HOTONDO Homes Shepparton is excited to announce the launch of their new 3DExplore ‘virtual tour’ tool. Utilising the latest technology, 3DExplore allows users to walk through and take a virtual tour of Hotondo Homes’ display homes from the comfort of their own couch. Local Hotondo Homes builder, Colin Mintern says the tool will help provide vision and inspiration to new homebuyers. “It is not always easy to look at a floor plan and imagine what the home will actually look like. “That is why things like 3DExplore and having a display home are extremely valuable to our clients.” There are three different ways to use 3DExplore. First person allows the user to take a virtual tour of the home and explore every inch of it up close and personal. The dollhouse feature allows you to zoom out and enjoy a complete 3D view of the home. Finally, the floor plan option can be used to get a bird’s eye view of the home for an overall feel. “Hotondo Homes have so many display homes across the country, and our clients can now walk through all of them,” Colin said. “We are really excited to provide homebuyers with a new and improved way to choose a home they love.” Clients will also have the opportunity to walk through a home in person with the launch of Hotondo Homes Shepparton’s new Eureka 307 display home. Featuring four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a double garage, it is a fantastic home that offers plenty of space for a growing family. “We currently have a promotion running where you can

choose to upgrade your ceiling height, kitchen or receive a split-system air conditioner absolutely free,” Colin said. “It is a really exciting time.” Explore and be inspired today with Hotondo Homes’

virtual tours, which is accessible from both desktop computers and mobile devices by visiting au. Alternatively, visit Colin and the team at 82 Canterbury Avenue, Shepparton. Terms and conditions apply.

Shepparton Display Home Directory Kittles Rd


LATEST DISPLAY HOME TECHNOLOGY… Hotondo Homes has just released their latest in display home viewing technology, the 3DExplore ‘virtual tour’ tool, which allows the user to walk through display homes like Hotondo Homes Shepparton’s latest display home, the Eureka 307. Photo: Supplied.


N 2



Th e Bo ul ev ar d

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 19


home living

Your own backyard vegetable garden THERE are many benefits to building your own backyard vegetable garden. You produce the freshest food to use when cooking, it will save you money and most of all you are helping the environment. Ideally, a backyard vegetable garden should contribute to your family’s well-being without taking too much of your scarce free time. This can be achieved with a little planning to get started out right, and a commitment to lowmaintenance organic methods, which save time and ensure a healthy garden year after year.

Garden layout Size:

The size you choose for your vegetable garden will be determined by the amount of available space and the amount of energy you wish to commit to the project.

Orientation to sun and shade:

The plants in your garden will want to face south, and will require a minimum of five hours of direct sunlight per day. Observe the path of shadows during the day from any trees, fences, tall objects or adjacent buildings in your yard.

Proximity to trees and root systems:

Aside from the shading effect of trees, consider the spread of their roots. If you must grow close to any trees, you may need to dig a barrier around your garden to block root incursions.

Wind exposure:

In windy areas, a fence or artificial ridge or embankment can serve as a wind barrier.

Level land:

The beds should be level or you will encounter problems with uneven water distribution and erosion. To terrace a bed, build up the low side with boards, flat rocks or wood slabs.

Garden bed and soil preparation

How many beds to plant:

Unless you’re planning on planting one very long bed, you’ll need to establish several beds to fit the shape of your garden plot. It’s useful to grow in multiple beds because plants with similar requirements can be grown together, and then rotated to different beds in successive years.


The pathways between beds should be just wide enough to allow your wheelbarrow to get in and should be at minimum, 21 inches.


Vegetable beds can be any length, but keep the widths under 1m for ease of weeding, mulching and tending the plants in the middle of the bed.

Page 20 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016


The soil depth depends partly on the crops you want to grow. For raised beds, the height of the beds depends on your preference - taller beds require less bending over for the gardener.

Prepare the soil:

If the soil in your yard has never been gardened, chances are your vegetables will do well in the first year. This is because untapped nutrients and minerals are available.

Soil texture:

Garden soil should be well aerated to promote root growth and worm activity. The soil should be crumbly, not clumpy.

Add organic matter:

Once the soil is turned and any large clumps are broken up, you can enrich the soil with organic matter. This material should be dug, or hoed, into the top 6 inches of soil where it will be available to the root systems of young plants.

Level the soil:

Levelling the soil and raking it smooth only takes a few minutes but this enhances uniform water absorption from rain or the sprinkler, and encourages more uniform sprouting.

Mulch the paths between beds:

Wait until the bed preparation is complete before mulching the pathways. This is because any dirt clods that may fall onto the pathway will encourage weed growth.

Scrape away any grass or surface weeds and cover the pathways with two layers of landscape cloth. Then cover with a 2 inch layer of bark mulch. This will keep weeds from sprouting in the paths and migrating into the beds.

Avoid stepping on the finished beds:

Stepping on the beds will compress the soil and reduce aeration. If you need to stand on the bed, lay a plank across for walking on. This will spread the weight and minimise soil compaction.

While it may seem like a lot of work to get the beds established for planting, this can be done in stages. You can start with a small plot and enlarge the garden as time and inspiration allow. Once the beds are in place, nutrients can be added and then you can get planting.

What to sow now: • Asian • • • • • • • • • •

Vegetables Beetroot Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Chicory and Endive Collards Lettuce Fennel Kale

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Kohl Rabi Cress Parsnip Raddicchio Radish Rocket Silverbeet Spinach Spring Onion Swede Turnip Celery and Celeriac

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 21



Servicing water the local way

EXPERTISE AT NEVERFAIL… Neverfail’s new business development manager, Kim Lees brings with her the expertise of 18 years in a similar role at Coca-Cola Amatil. Photo: Emma Hillier.

LO C A L , K i m L e e s , has re c ent ly t a ken up a n appointment as business development manager with Neverfail, which sees a neat family history come full cycle. “I’ve had a long association with SPC , as my parents owned an orchard when I was growing up, which supplied fruit to the factory. In an interesting turn of events, I now find myself working alongside SPC in a sister company,” Kim Lees said. Kim brings with her the expertise of 18 years in a similar role at Coca-Cola Amatil. “I’m really stoked to be dealing with a different type of customer, in this more direct, more retail-oriented role.” “And it’s great to be stationed in Shepparton at the Mooroopna office, as I’ve spent the previous ten years on the road. It’s good to be home,” Kim said. Neverfail is particularly proud to be introducing

a ‘born and bred’ local into this position, as there has not been a dedicated sales person in regional Victoria before now. Neverfail, an Australian based spring water cooler company prides itself on providing quality products and g reat customer ser vice. Our independently owned local Neverfail distributors deliver directly to your door whether it be to your workplace or your home. “I love having the opportunity to offer service to both our commercial and residential customers,” Kim said. If you would like to meet Kim to discuss your hydration solutions, please call Kim on 0419 332 737 to arrange a suitable time. You can also visit for more information about Neverfail’s products.

New doctor a familiar face ALTHOUGH Dr. Sheldon Hall (BPharm MBBS) has recently joined the staff at the Wyndham House Clinic, he is not new to many of his Shepparton patients. In fact, Sheldon says he is the only local GP in the Goulburn Valley region. Hailing from a family of orchadists, in Mooroopna, Sheldon originally went to university in Bendigo, to study pharmacy. After a number of years in this industry, he chose to study medicine at Griffith University in Queensland. “I highly recommend this course,” Sheldon said. “It’s only been running for about a decade, which means that the facilities are almost brand new and state- of-the-art.” In total, Sheldon is backed by nine years of study and several years of experience, working across both industries. “My area of expertise includes emergency medicine and I have worked for over two years at the ED in Shepparton. But I’m currently enjoying the process of working with patients in a more holistic way and being able to provide that continuity of care. “Everyone likes their GP to be friendly, open and approachable and these things I

Page 22 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016

FRIENDLY TEAM OF GPS… From left, Wyndham House Clinic general practitioners, Dr Simon Sneyd, MBBS (Melb), Dip RACOG, Dr Sheldon Hall, MBBS, B Pharm and Dr John Guymer, MBBS (Melb), B.Med.Sc (Melb), Dip RACOG. Photo: Emma Hillier.

endeavor to bring to my practice. I am also very comprehensive and thorough in my approach,” Sheldon said. For Sheldon, it’s great to be home and he’s relishing the opportunity to work with such an experienced team of GPs at the Wyndham House Clinic.

To meet Dr Sheldon Hall or book an appointment at Wyndham House Clinic, visit 96 Maude Street, Shepparton or phone 5820 3400. You can also go to www., and make your bookings by downloading the app to use on your phone or tablet.


The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 23

wi t h Geoff Vallance

Be prepared

Clockwise from top left: ENJOYING THE VIEWS… From Left: Will, George and Angus take in the views of The Great Australian Bight has to offer. TAKING IT EASY… From Left: Will, George and Angus enjoy a few freshly shucked oysters and prawns at Streaky Bay. $1.4M BUCKET… Will checks out an old loader bucket at the Super Pit. STREAKY BAY SA… George looks for the perfect spot to set up camp. GEARING UP… From Left: Will, Angus and George get ready to take on the 90 Mile Straight just outside Caiguna WA.

TAKE three Aussie blokes, a ute, esky and barbeque and you have got the makings of a fun filled six day ride from Victoria to Perth. It all started when one of three old school mates decided to relocate to Perth. Angus Hawkes had a new job on the go and he had to take his ute, some clothes and other bare essentials. At the last minute, his two mates decided to make the journey with him. So Will Morphett from Hay and George Adams from Shepparton made up the Aussie three. They quickly put everything they needed for the trip in the ute. It was a bit of a rush but thought they had enough. Setting off from Wye River they could not use the Great Ocean Road as the bushfires were in full force, so they took another road to Colac and headed to Hamilton and then onto Adelaide. The wine at Coonawarra was good and sleeping out in their swags was ok as the weather was kind. They then travelled to Port Augusta, onto Kimba and made their nightfall at Streaky Bay. George says the prawns, oysters and seafood from Streaky Bay had to be the best in Australia. The beaches are wide open and at times you are the only ones using this huge landscape. After two nights dining on Streaky Bay’s seafood, they set off on the next leg of their journey, heading to Ceduna. The Nullarbor was flat and dry with not much wildlife to be seen. This is due to being national parks and Aboriginal land. But crossing the border into Western Australia there was a complete change. More wildlife was present because of more underground water being available from the privatised land. They stayed on the border at Eucla and if you wanted to meet the locals, the best place in town was the pub. George says they met some real characters with stories to tell about unprepared travellers who took on too much and came unstuck on the Nullarbor. Page 24 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016

George and his mates just looked at one another thinking they were prepared. They had the barbeque, the esky, swags and of course a spare tyre. Everything an Aussie bloke could need in the outback. Even though you are on the Nullarbor, George says the scenery is spectacular. The views along the coast are breathtaking. It’s an eighty metre drop down to the waters of The Great Australian Bight, another testament to how spectacular the views are. It was 950km to Kalgoorlie and another two night stop over with plenty of time to see the local sights and what sights there were to see. It’s called the Super Pit. An open cut gold mine that so far has yielded $88B worth of gold. Even the equipment used is big dollars with the huge trucks costing $4.4M each with 40 on-site and four loaders coming to a cost of $18.5M each. It’s a massive investment for a massive prize. The final leg to Perth was a mere 570km, but in all they had travelled 4,500km, with each of the three swapping the driving every 200km or so. They got Angus settled into his new digs and then went sight-seeing. Perth has lots to offer. From Freemantle you catch a boat to Rottnest Island. Every second person in Perth it seems has a boat and at weekends they all go to Rottnest Island, with anchorages catering for the masses. That night they stayed in jail. The old Freemantle Prison has been converted into a back packer’s accommodation. The ute stayed in Perth with Angus while Will and George flew home to Melbourne, and as George says, you can make a trip like that easily as long as you go prepared. Until next time, Safe Travel’n, Geoff Vallance


A day for tradies continued from front page “MANY site-holders are providing live displays. “A ll of our sponsors are local, but M a x we l l , B row n a n d M ou nt joy i s bringing in a presenter from Sydney to showcase the latest Tradies iPad, built by tradies for tradies, which is an exciting innovation.” T he committee is also proud to be trialling a reverse-type auction, whereby the tradies in the audience are able to bid two hours of their service towards upgrading one of Connect GV’s buildings. “It’s a chance for this sector of the community to give back and the concept

is supporting a very worthy cause,” Tony said. From 5pm to 7:30pm, attendees have the option to pay for the Tradies Sports S how, fe at u r i ng fo otba l ler s , Da n ny Frawley and Brian Taylor. As well as the entertainment, food and drinks are provided and $4,500 in giveaways will be up for grabs. Alternatively, there is a BBQ and the premises is licensed. The Tradies Day Expo runs on Friday, February 19 from 2:30pm to 7:30pm at the multi-purpose pavilion, Shepparton Showgrounds. To pre-purchase tickets, call Tony Pastucci on 0412 579 630.

New solicitor joins Nevin Lenne Gross REBECCA Carne joined Nevin Lenne Gross in January 2016, moving from Echuca to Myrtleford to accept the position of associate solicitor. “This position presents the opportunity for me to work with our enthusiastic team to expand the department of Wills, Succession Planning, Estates and Testator’s Family Maintenance Claims within Nevin Lenne Gross,” Rebecca said. “The culture of the firm is professional, positive and client focused. Nevin Lenne Gross is also embracing technological advances in law firms and keeping up-to-date with such efficiencies that ensure a quality service for our clients.” Rebecca was admitted as an Australian Legal Practitioner in February 2013 and has most recently completed a Masters of Applied Law (majoring in Wills and Estates) in July 2015. It was her passion for this area of law, which prompted her to further her knowledge and skills, in order to provide the service to her clients. Rebecca also practises commercial law (Victoria and NSW). “I’ve found Myrtleford to be a beautiful, scenic town and the community is very friendly and engaging.” “I’m also really enjoying servicing clients across North Eastern Victoria and the Goulburn Valley in different areas. I travel to Shepparton, Bright, Wangaratta and Wodonga to see clients,” Rebecca said.

JOINING THE TEAM… Nevin Lenne and Gross associate solicitor, Rebecca Carne is the newest face to join the team at Nevin Lenne and Gross. Photo: Emma Hillier.

“The main reason I love practising in this area of law is because it is very personable. I have the opportunity to attend clients regularly, develop good relationships with members of the community and, importantly, advocate for clients who are (a lot of the time) unable to advocate for themselves.” When not working, Rebecca enjoys playing a social game of netball and spending time exploring the region with family and friends. To make an appointment with Rebecca or a friendly team member from Nevin Lenne Gross, visit 575 Wyndham Street, Shepparton or phone 5751 9000.

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 25


Business gets tails wagging continued from front page

BARKING SUCCESS… From left, Sausage Dog Central co-owner, Evan Lowden with the business’ DachRamp maker, Mick Sinclair. Photo: Supplied.

By David Lee THE ramp helps little sausage dogs climb up and down furniture with ease, helping to prevent against damage to the spine, which the dachshund breed is prone to. Evan said, “The idea came to fruition around June 2014 where we decided to begin work on the social media pages. The biggest thing I had learnt from previous (failed) experiences was to build your audience first via social media. Once it was at a level we thought was significant enough we then started selling our products. When we launched the website we already had


about 40,000 likes on Facebook and 8,000 or so on Instagram. “My family is pretty crazy about dachshunds and my parents have 2 at the moment and my brother and I share 2 boys Herbert and Homer. “The idea behind the business is fun and happiness, the emotions people feel about their dachshunds and when they see one. One of the best parts of my job is responding to people who say they love our social media pages because it made them smile. We want people to smile and laugh when they visit our digital channels, making them more likely to hear our message when we are selling something. “Our best-selling item, the DachRamp, came after myself and my girlfriend’s dad, Mick Sinclair noticed that it was really difficult to ship big bulky ramps and as dachshunds are very susceptible to back injuries due to their unique shape it was important that there is a safe way for them to move up and down couches and cars, rather than jumping. After some design tweaking we created a ramp that has adjustable heights and is portable so people can use it for different sized furniture and take it with them on the move. Mick makes them wholesale for us and we on-sell them around

Mental illness carers invited to attend “K N OW L E D G E i s p ower, rele va nt knowledge is more power, relevant knowledge delivered by people who have been there and done that is inspirational.” This, essentially, is the premise on which the Well Ways Snapshot program is based. This peer-led program is specifically designed for families and carers of people with mental illness. MI Fellowship program facilitator, Marie Salakowski has been delivering the Well Ways suite for over seven years now and has seen many positive outcomes. “Our evaluations over the years have revealed that families and carers feel they can come along to a place where they feel safe; where they can share their experience with people who have undergone something similar; and where they don’t feel judged or different,” Marie said. Well Ways Snapshot, which was written and designed by MI Fellowship Victoria, takes carers through topics such as the symptoms

cornucopia. 27 February to 22 May 2016

70 Welsford Street, Shepparton w p (03) 5832 9861

the world! “For those who are wishing to start their business or slingshot it to success is to, if possible, build your audience before you start selling so you already have people interesting in what you are offering. You should definitely go for it, the worst thing that can happen is you stop doing it and you will have gained experience/knowledge that will make you a lot more employable to another business. “The feeling of our success so far tastes like a cold one at 5pm on a Friday afternoon (pretty good).” Tom said, “Dachshunds are among the most popular breed in the world and have very distinctive long body that sets them apart from any other ‘k9.’ The cult following of the dachshund was the main driving force behind choosing them specifically. “We have also already launched Pugs Central, which felt like the next logical step and we knew the business model.” To check out the products on offer, or to have a great laugh, find ‘Sausage Dog Central’ and ‘Pug Central’ on Facebook and Instagram or visit or www.


Free Entry Open 7 days, 10am to 4pm Public holidays 1 to 4pm

Image: Kawita Vatanajyankur, The Squeezers [still], 2015, single channel HD video, courtesy of the artist and Stills Gallery, Sydney © the artist

Page 26 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016

POSITIVE OUTCOMES… MI Fellowship program facilitator, Marie Salakowski has been delivering the Well Ways suite for over seven years now and has seen many positive outcomes. Photo: Emma Hillier.

and behaviours of mental illness, loss and grief, communication skills and self-care. They are also given the opportunity to hear what recovery from a mental illness has meant to someone who has experienced it. The one-day program is scheduled for Friday, February 26 at the Shepparton Library and is a prelude to the twelve-week Building a Future program. Snapshot aims to give families hope and a more informed sense of what may be useful in supporting recovery. To register, or for more information, visit MI Fellowship at 79B Wyndham Street, Shepparton or phone 0439 738 302/5822 8600.




p 0405 063 308

Experienced Qualified Hairdresser Full time/Part time

Must be reliable and have the ability to work unsupervised. Please drop resume into Blush Hair Boutique 634C Wyndham Street, Shepparton For more information contact Jacinta on 5822 4403

For your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989


Call Mike on 0474 657 063 Experienced bobcat and excavator operator required. Must have Heavy Rigid Licence, heavy combination is a bonus. Full-time position. Immediate start. Call Louis 0402 017 906

Concrete Subcontractor Crews x 4 people. Wanted for Shepparton to Albury areas. Experienced in pouring house slabs. Immediate start. Phone Louis on 0402 017 906 or email resume to

Make money from letterboxes We work with Australia’s biggest letterbox delivery company and right now we need reliable people to deliver catalogues in the Shepparton, Mooroopna, Kialla and Tatura areas. No experience necessary. Car & phone essential 7R ÀQG RXW PRUH SOHDVH FRQWDFW Bill 0400 314 503 Nicole -Tatura Area 0408 358873


A member of The Victorian Country Press Association



FULL TIME POSITION U Ă?ViÂ?Â?iÂ˜ĂŒ VÂœÂ“ÂŤĂ•ĂŒiĂ€ ĂƒÂŽÂˆÂ?Â?Ăƒ U Ă?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜Vi ˆ˜ Ă•ĂƒÂˆÂ˜} / ĂƒÂœvĂŒĂœ>Ă€i ĂœÂœĂ•Â?` Li >˜ >`Ă›>Â˜ĂŒ>}i U Ă?ÂŤiĂ€Âˆi˜Vi ˆ˜ iĂƒĂŒÂˆÂ“>ĂŒÂˆÂ˜} >˜` `iĂŒ>ˆÂ?ˆ˜} U >Ă›i > ĂŒÂ…ÂœĂ€ÂœĂ•}Â… ÂŽÂ˜ÂœĂœÂ?i`}i Âœv Ă€ÂœÂœv ĂŒĂ€Ă•ĂƒĂƒ >˜` Ăœ>Â?Â? vĂ€>“i VÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂŒĂ€Ă•VĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] ˆ˜ Ă€iÂ?>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ĂŒÂœ ĂŒÂ…i LĂ•ÂˆÂ?`ˆ˜} ÂŤĂ€ÂœViĂƒĂƒ v ĂŒÂ…ÂˆĂƒ ĂƒÂœĂ•Â˜`Ăƒ Â?ˆŽi ĂŒÂ…i ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ vÂœĂ€ ĂžÂœĂ• ÂŤÂ?i>Ăƒi VÂœÂ˜ĂŒ>VĂŒ Ă•Ăƒ >ĂŒ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ĂžÂœĂ•Ă€ Ă€iĂƒĂ•Â“i ÂœĂ€ V>Â?Â? Lorraine/Anjum œ˜ 03 9369 2244

“Shepparton Access believes in people and what they can achieve� SHEPPARTON


SUPPORT WORKER (Part-time up to 31hrs p/wk)

Shepparton Access is a specialised service dedicated to innovation, cultural diversity and supporting people to explore what is possible. Together with an increasing demand for our services and the expansion of EcoPark and EcoStore, we are seeking an innovative, committed and enthusiastic person to support people with disabilities in the areas of: s Health and wellbeing s Sport and leisure s Woodwork s Individualised support For further information and Position Description phone Wendy Shanks on 03 5831 6180. Applications close on March 4th 2016 and should address the key selection criteria and be forwarded to: Chief Executive OfďŹ cer Shepparton Access 227 Wyndham Street Shepparton 3630. Appointment is subject to a satisfactory police check prior to commencement.

Qualified Maintenance Plumber in Echuca

Are you reliable, honest and well organised? Do you enjoy variety in your work and are willing learn? We are seeking a qualified plumber to join our great team in domestic and commercial plumbing maintenance. You will need to: t Have experience in maintenance plumbing ideally including gas maintenance t Be able to communicate with customers in a friendly professional manner t Be able to work alone and be self-motivated

If this sounds like you please forward a copy of your resume to: GMS Plumbing, PO Box 492 Echuca or by 22nd February 2016


After School Care Coordinator and Assistant: Numurkah and Seymour

Extend is the leading quality provider in Before and After School Care and School Holiday Programs. We are seeking a Coordinator and Assistant for our service in Numurkah and an Assistant for Seymour. This role will suit applicants who love to engage with children, have behaviour management experience and also an abundance of ideas to successfully program plan for a group of children. Successful Coordinator applicants must be available Monday to Friday and 3 afternoons for an Assistant for After School Care. Additional paid administration time is available.

To apply, please click on the following link or contact Bianca on 1300 366 437 for more information.

Newspapers give you time to reect For your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989 THE

A member of The Victorian Country Press Association

ACCOUNTS / OFFICE ADMINISTRATION MATERNITY LEAVE POSITION Local Building company seeking persons with experience using Xero accounting software. Email resumes to For a position description email above

Accountant We are seeking an Accountant to join our team in Regional Victoria.

You will report to the Director and be provided with an opportunity to work full-time at our company. What you will get: • Precious career experience within a fast growing business • The opportunity to work full-time in the company for long term Requirement: • Be highly motivated, energetic and able to work autonomously • Have excellent communication skill • Able to work full time in regional area • Have Bachelor of Accounting or higher qualification • Willing to work in a term environment

5832 8989



exec cond $30. Essential Mathematical Methods 3&4 CAS TI-NSPIRE and Casio classpad version exec cond $30, Ph 5831 6979 MOOROOPNA Secondary sports uniform size 14 shirt shorts M $30 Mooroopna Secondary girls shorts size 12 $20, Ph 0435 019 261 MSC - male uniform. Shorts, 2x T shirts, navy/ green jumper. Size S & M all together $60, Ph 0437 240 255 OFFICE desk solid wood 5 ft x 2 ft ‘6 inch legs, 2 d d di i


Gundam Force 5x55mm, 11x 40mm fully poseable with weapons, $30, Ph 5852 3969

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Large white cane bassinett with stand. Suitable for newborn to 6 months. Has veil canopy. Very good condition sell for $75 Linen also available. Ph 0439 079 478



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$10.00 + GST


Just go to and follow the prompts

Key responsibilities include: • Taking calls from suppliers • Data entry of receipts and payments • Production of invoices • Receiving and verifying of invoices • Match, batch and coding of invoices • Update Vendor files • Administration duties Should you match the above criteria and wish to be considered for this rewarding position, please submit your resume now to email:

DELIVERERS NEEDED URGENTLY Get ďŹ t and become healthy, while earning extra money.

Deliverers needed in Shepparton, Mooroopna, Nagambie and Tatura. If you are looking for something to do on a Wednesday then this position is ideal for you and/or your family. If this sounds like you, phone 5832 8900 or drop into our ofďŹ ce at 219-225 Wyndham St, Shepparton. Genuine enquiries only.

PETS JACK Russell, 5 yr old, FREE to good home. Ruffy is gently, fun loving, great with kids & needs a loving family Ph 0434 214 036

PET FOOD - TOP QUALITY Chicken necks 12kg box $24, Chicken frames 10kg box $12, 20kg box Pet mince $24 Chook World, 35 Vaughan St, Shepparton Ph 5831 8686

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As of January 1, 2012, it is now a requirement under the Victorian Domestic Animals Act 1994, that all cats, kittens, dogs & puppies, to be sold, need to be microchipped. Only when each individual microchip number is provided can the animal be advertised through the paper. For further information phone 5832 8989

reserved for advertisements which carry a speciďŹ c and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment services should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher’s approval.

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 27

Trades & Services

Alterations • • •

Antenna • • •

Antenna • • •

Clothing Alterations & Repairs All Garments - Men, Women, Children








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1300 964 846

Building • • •

Building • • •

Home Maintenance Renovations, Carpentry, General Repairs, Plastering, Tiling, Doors/Locks

0458 974 142

131 546

64 Mitchell Street, Shepparton 5821 5479

Courier • • •


ROOFING T: 5831 2721

74 Williams Road, Shepparton E: REC NO. 3017

Steven Hewlett 0401 664 344 | 8 Maley Court Kialla 3631

s Commercial s Domestic s Underground Power s¬Maintenance s Phone & Data s Re-wires

Dale 0458 045 805

Keep your caravan in top condition AT All Type Caravan Services, owners Steve and Kim Hewlett believe that nothing is impossible. With a 12-year history operating a mechanical repair business, Steve brings a wealth of experience to the service of all major leading brands of campers and caravans. “We specialise in conversion, alterations, motorhome repairs, gas installations, and general maintenance and repairs.” “We also offer a 24 hour emergency service and are licensed and certified repairers,” Steve said. All Type Caravan Services can assist with a

Gardening • • •

Not GAME to tackle your yard? MOWING large or small lawns, whipper SNIPPERING, brush CUTTING, PLANTING and MULCHING, broadleaf SPRAYING, large scale WEED ERADICATION, site CLEAN UPS and WASTE REMOVAL


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Health & Wellbeing • • •

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BOBCAT & EXCAVATION HIRE TIPPER & POST HOLE HIRE 7210 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla West

Gardening • • • CARAVAN SERVICES OF ALL TYPES… All Type Caravans owners, Kim and Steven Hewlett can assist with a variety of vehicles, including camper-trailers, caravans, motorhomes and pop-tops. Photo: Supplied.

V&C Garden Services

variety of vehicles, including camper-trailers, caravans, motorhomes and pop-tops and the work comes with a guarantee. For more information drop in to All Type Caravan Services, 8 Maley Court, Kialla, phone 0401 664 344 or vist

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Sunday 28th February Trained by local Paramedics and Nurses. Learn from those who know!


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Water Cartage • • •




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Benj Geerling




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p) 5832 8989 e)

GARDEN SERVICES Hedge trimming Lawn mowing Weed spraying


Building • • • BUILDER Handyman Service for general carpentry, plastering, tiling & painting, Ph Ian 0417 386 729

Handyman • • • JACK of ALL TRADES Concreting, fencing, small work & repairs Call Noel at Nol-Mac 0412 850 290

Lot 1 & 2 Huggard Drive, Mooroopna

Page 28 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016

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our region’s best at your service


5832 8989

ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: Much hardship and difficulty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Position Vacant/Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry a specific and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment services should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher’s approval.





BADMINTON racquets w/shuttle cocks, set of 2, very good cond $20 or $10ea Ph 0426 405 192 BLACK vinyl dining chairs x 4, good cond $20 each Ph 0438 844 630 BOYS Bike BMX style, 20 inch, good cond $50 Ph 5829 2262

2012 MY12 SERIES II UTE Mostly Highway Kms, Manual, 120,000kms REGO: CDO27Q

$18,000 Ph: 0432 148 120

CHEST of Drawers, cream, 3 drawers, 24 inches x 18 inches, good cond $20 Ph 0418 343 140 CHROME vinyl bar stools x2 $10ea Ph 0438 844 630 CORNER Whatnot stand, shabby chic vintage piece with turned posts $50 Ph 0421 049 574

TOYOTA CAMRY 2001, white in good order SRN591 $3000 ono Ph 5853 1082

COT Porta childcare excellent condition $50 Ph 0431 696 739


DVDS new, all in good condition, 60 for $50 Ph 0417 163 244

AB circle pro exercise machine, excellent condition DVD & nutritional guide included $50 Ph 0459 232 373

ELKHORN backboards, solid timber, strong, can re mount elks if you desire $15 Ph 0408 389 247

BABY pram pusher green in colour good condition $50 Ph 0415 643 366

FREEZER westinghouse upright good condition suitable for shed $50 ono Ph 0417 513 589

FRIDGE small old good condition $50 Ph 0415 643 366


GIRLS Energetiks dance wear 3 dance tops, 1 skirt, 5 leotards size child, lge /ex-lge $50 the lot Ph 0459 232 373 HERBS pots of oregano, aloe vera, vietnamese mint & sweet potato shoots $2 each Ph 5823 1716 HOLLAND Blind full blockout, chain & fittings, as new, off white colour 1210 width x 2025 length $50 Ph 5829 2349 HORSE manure, no urine, great in vegie garden $20 per 6x4 trailer load pick up, $26 delivered Shepparton area Ph 0447 974 400 KING Single spotless $50 Ph 5821 7926


LADIES SANDAL Blue colour, adjustable buckle strap, as new, size 8 $10 Ph 0426 405 192 MENS bike Repco, Maxtracks 18, good cond $25 Ph 0418 343 140 MENS Nike soccer boots, hardly worn, black/green, size 11.5, shin pads $50/lot Ph 0409 548 222



PEDESTAL Fan in box $10 ono Ph 0417 513 589

STOCKPOT 12L, stainless steel, very good cond $10 Ph 0426 405 192

PLANT Yucca 4ft high in 10 inch pot, good looking specimen $24 Ph 5823 1716 PRINTER cartridges for Epson 600/700/800 series, 3 large black, brand new unopened $8 each Ph 5853 2035 PRUNING lopper, extendable handles, easy to use, very good cond $15 Ph 0408 389 247 SCHWARZKOPF Coloriste medium blonde 800 x3, dark blonde 700 x2, new unopened $25/lot Ph 0421 049 574 SCOOTER Razor kids powerwing caster 3 wheel good cond $45 Ph 0459 232 373 SHABBY Chic Cane Hutch Shelving height 5ft with 4 deep shelves, lattice cane bamboo pattern to side/back $50 Ph 0421 049 574 SNOOZA dog bed, medium, green mesh, flea free $50 Ph 0412 104 011 SQUASH racquet Prince w /case, very good cond $10 Ph 0403 718 523


STROLLER, good quality & design, very good cond $20 Ph 0408 389 247 TABLE round with chairs good condition Ph 0420 294 265


TAN work pants x1, tan work shorts x 2, size 77R $50 lot Ph 0435 019 261 after 5pm TENNIS racquet, Prince w /case & ball, very good cond $15 Ph 0403 718 523 TV dark wood cabinet $20 Ph 0412 499 842 TV PANASONIC 33 inch w/set top box, very good cond $30 Ph 0403 718 523 UNIFORM GV Grammer kilt size 16 ex cond $50 Ph 0437 758 599 UNIFORM SHS kilts size 12 & 14 $40, sports pants medium $40, sports shorts medium $10, all in excellent condition Ph 0437 758 599 WHITE timber venetian blinds w/fittings x2, 770cm x 750cm, ex cond $40 Ph 0438 844 630


3 SEATER leather couch pale avocado, exc cond, free delivery to Numurkah /Shepparton area $180 Ph 5862 2969

ALLTYPE GARAGE DOORS Supply, install & serviced. Garage Doors & Automatic door & gate openers Ph Phil 0418 577 280 or 5829 2221

SOFA BED spring base mattress, latte colour $120 Ph 0431 696 739

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ADD A PHOTO (digital copy only): $10.00 + GST

Our Position Vacant/Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry a speciďŹ c and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment services should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher’s approval.

ELECTRIC lift chair in good order Ph 5852 1439 ALWAYS buying gold & silver, broken jewellery. JB Jewellers, 265 Maude St, Shepparton Ph 5831 1611 HONDA 110 Postie Bike, good cond ph 0488 001 327

Book now at 2015 prices

LAWN Mower 4 stroke engine must be in good order Ph 5852 1439

Feb 25th to Feb 29th Limited Places


RAINWATER Tank (Poly) in good cond Echuca area Ph 0405 689 135

Ph: 1300 552 360

VINYL records and old wares Ph 0419 580 395


WHEAT (seconds), Echuca area Ph 0405 689 135

Guaranteed For Life!

Much hardship and difďŹ culty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns.

Phone (03) 5821 1788


A member of The Victorian Country Press Association


5832 8989

VALLEY FUNERALS Newspapers‌ the information medium



For your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989


A member of The Victorian Country Press Association



For Recycle Fair Mooroopna on March 12, 2016 All items must be of recycled nature. Phone Laurel G Houghton 0409 461 529

Congratulations to the



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QUINTREX 3.75 Vpunt, 20HP evenrude outboard, near new bimbi & travel cover, motor & trailer just serviced, 12 months reg DL569 $4500 Ph 0428 212 904


OUTDOOR Setting six seater w/glass top table, good cond $100 Ph 0431 696 739 QUEEN maple country wooden bed frame in excellent condition $100 Ph 0412 499 842




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Are seeking players for the Under 12s,14s,17s, Reserve & Senior teams. We are also seeking any interest for an Under 17s COACH, with any further coaching courses or training to be covered by the club throughout the season. If you would like to be a part of the Mighty Reds at our exciting new home on Vibert Reserve this season you are urged to contact the following: Under 12s – Michael on 0438 210 095 Under 14s & 17s – Donny on 0417 575 320

Reserves & Seniors – Uwe on 0427 318 648

2nd PRIZE WINNER Danielle Gow

Dining Package - Dinner for 2 9DOXHG DW Courtesy of

Book your classiďŹ eds online Just go to and follow the prompts

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 29

Page 30 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016



The power of sport

SPORT is a very powerful tool and through the upcoming Champions of Change conference running early next month, the community is being invited to see just how it can help change the lives of the community. Held on Thursday, March 3 and Friday, March 4 at Deakin Reserve, Shepparton, the conference will focus on how sport is tackling big social issues and will showcase programs where elite and community sport has become a platform for delivering community health outcomes and tackling social issues that have previously, and continue to be delivered by health, education

CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE… Greater Shepparton City Council manager active living, Tony Tranter at Deakin Reserve, where the Champions of Change conference will run at the start of next month. Photo: Emma Hillier.

and community services. Greater Shepparton City Council manager active living, Tony Tranter said, “The conference is unique in that it draws on a wide range of providers who run effective and successful programs across various sporting codes. This is a great opportunity to learn about practical solutions to common issues that can be adapted for anyone working with young people. “Through a carefully constructed program the conference will provide a mix of case studies and information sessions on delivery models such as foundation arms of sports clubs. It will

explore why government, philanthropy and the private sector see sport as an important vehicle to drive social change. Of course it will also provide opportunities to network and create future opportunities.” Keynote speakers include Liz Ellis and Kevin Sheedy. For further information, visit au/whats-happening/events/champions-for-change, email or phone the Greater Shepparton City Council Active Living Department on 5832 9431.

Firies to go head- Riders urged to enter the to-head in Tatura MORE than 700 ‘firies’ from across the state, Tasmania and WA are set to converge on Tatura at the end of the month, to compete in the 2016 Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) Urban Junior Championships, with the Tatura Fire Brigade hoping to take the win for the third consecutive year. Up to 1,500 spectators will watch as 79 teams from 49 brigades take on 18 events over two days designed to build fitness, dexterity, confidence and practical firefighting skills in the young CFA volunteers of the future. Tatura Fire Brigade volunteer fire fighter, 2nd Lieutenant Alan Tyson said, “Fire brigade competition has a strong tradition in the CFA, with the first local competitions starting over 140 years ago. “The competitors are junior CFA volunteers and the events involve fitness, skill and speed with hoses and equipment, and putting water onto a target. “The state championships are a prestige event in the lives of the competing young men and women and attracts various media attention. In addition, local interest will be high as the team from Tatura has enjoyed much success in recent times being crowned the 2014 and 2015 Overall State Champion Brigade. “The 2016 championships will be the third time Tatura has hosted the event, with the past two events in 2007 and 2011 being very successful.” The 2016 VFBV Urban Junior Championships will take place at the Tatura Racecourse, on the weekend of February 27 and 28.

‘super’ count

CHAMPS TO HOST COMPETITION… Tatura Fire Brigade junior volunteer fire fighter, Matthew Rennie at last year’s Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria Urban Junior Championships. Photo: Supplied.

LOCAL bike lovers are being called upon by Bicycle Network to volunteer for Australia’s biggest commuter bike count, Super Tuesday, which will help collect data to help identify areas for improvement and inform bike policy. Running on March 1, commuters will be counted at over 800 sites across Victoria, NSW, ACT, South Australia and Western Australia including 19 sites in Shepparton. Bicycle Network general manager, government and external relations, Tess Allaway said volunteering on Super Tuesday gives bike and health enthusiasts the opportunity to help influence change in their own backyard. “By counting riders on Super Tuesday you will play a vital role in helping highlight to the Greater Shepparton City Council just how and where money should be invested to improve bike infrastructure. “The data you collect on Super Tuesday could well be the catalyst for the council to build a new bike path or put in a separated lane on the road you take to work. “Bicycle Network’s events and initiatives couldn’t happen without the great help of volunteers and we welcome anyone who is willing to put up their hand.” To register to volunteer or for more information, visit www., contact Bicycle Network on 1800 639 634 or email

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1290 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – Page 31

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