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Welcoming the University of Melbourne New Medical Students LETTERS Letters to the Editor

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To the Editor, We write to express our strong objection to the proposal to install additional transmission aerials on the Goulburn Water Tank, Echuca Road, Mooroopna. An environmental EME report says the current maximum EME level for the site in question is 0.36 percent out of 100 percent of public exposure limit, 215m from the location. This will increase to 2.39 percent with the proposed changes 100m from the site.

1. Any increase in EME levels in a prime residential area is totally unacceptable

2. An increase of radiation six times the current level is an act of abuse of the residents who may be exposed for the next 20 or more years

3. While there is limited research on the impact of expected EME level on human health, this in itself indicates that there is no proof that this level will not cause harm in the long term

4. We are aware that this proposal is not based on good science and is not based on critical need. It is based on convenience and financial benefit for the businesses involved.

5. We are aware that this is the "Thin edge of the wedge," so to speak, and that if this proposal is approved, then more transmission aerials will follow without question.

We ask that Council do not approve the proposal.

We ask that Council to live up to the values it proclaims, that is, to listen to voices of the people it serves. The rate payers do not want this proposal to go ahead. There is insufficient research and science to guarantee our long-term health and wellbeing over the coming decades.

We ask that Council advise that those involved in the proposal invest some of their massive profits in building a tower outside of and well away from any residential area, thereby achieving their desired outcome with no risk to residents.

This is the perfect opportunity for Council to hear and respond to the voices of residents and ratepayers of Greater Shepparton over and above the voices of those who would simply like to increase their profits by hiding behind inconclusive research.

Please hear the voices of your residents. Say no to this proposal.


Graeme Parish Lakeview Place, Mooroopna

Want to have your say?

Email your letters to the editor to editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au Please keep letters to under 200 words.

It was a pleasure to welcome the new arrival Medical Students. 32 new Interns that have commenced with GV Health.

The purpose of the event was to showcase the region and help them settle into their new community

I have been meeting with many community members over a number of topics. My door is open and I am here to support my constituents and to represent our region.

Stay up to date with me on Facebook and Instagram

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